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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 12

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RdlSOM Plf AlSfeS -POLICE lion oy reason ui Ing the. month of Mar. It'-reduced (1 SR0 tnVim anA rlttrlnff. ttlA moflth. Ot FORREST GIVES Juno 10.878 This repreientt ADout one-tniru oi iuii opera.

uuuo. -has boon estlmald that ft mine work Dry Director -'Appreciates Co-Opera-, MINING COSTS ing nt one-iniru nonimi vi uuces com at a cost of approximately tlon of Force In founding up tlquor sLaw Violators. Charles J. Orblson, Federal prohibi tion 'director for Indiana, In' state Gas Company Believes Gov of mining maintenance operating supplies and' maintenance aupplles, will very largely In proportion-' to the tonnage produced; although there will be a sllgfit reduction peri ton In the cost wltH tho increase in the tonnage. "My Arm from-practical personal expcrlnce and from an i n- tun nnrntlnn Of ment yesterday' highly praised the4 Indianapolis police for Its; cooperation In enforcing the prohibition law In Indianapolis.

Ho also called aitentlon to tho co-operation which the ernor Underestimates Coal Production Charges. TTIfnirna mnxburt twxUnna with a good many other mlhes, Is that it thono given by Governor Goodrich In wouiu do unwwu pecunrary' point of view, as well as government nas rcceivcu irum Judgo Walter Prltchard of the City court and Judge James A. Collins of Criminal court. "I can not express too highly my fttmrecldOon of thn of the a siaiomeni uisucu last woo it on mo cost of coal production In Indiana were presented yesterday by J. Dorsey For- ductlon, for.

tho atato oi Indiana to purchase a coal mine, and I sincerely Knnn thn T(Htvttirn will not authorize Indianapolis police force, of which Jer- Entire Occidental. Building Corner Washington and Illinois Now Offering at rest, general manager or mo citizens 4 sueh a step'; emian mnncy- is cnier. iccan do iruiy. said of moat members of the Inalan-apolls police, force' that there li no collusion between -them and liquor law vfnlafnrn. -T wmild mnrnv commend1 Gas Company.

In a lettor to a mpmber of the Marlon county delcgatlovrfn tho Ilouap of lnmo1 titii dlritn. the work of the two morals squadsndcr GoodNews for Thrifty Player-Piano Buyers! We Have Just Bought 50 More of Those Reliable Player-Pianos to Sell at "Aiy criticism pijuoi bearing, whatever on the" proposal to purchase coal, cars for the use of tho state, which Is' matter judged ort an entirely different basis." PLAN TO FENCk IN SIJlMS mcnt hi connection wltlt dlacuaslon by, tne leaaeranip'oE aergis. ueorge ler ana unaries oppononui 01 ma prupusui iwr a. nww owned coal mlno to get coal for stato IHBLIluiiuiiH tti icon mini t'luruiuitb I frnm 9ft WlirContjnue Work. I can say ''positively that the activi ties of the Federal agents and the police forcewlll continue until Indianapo 10 it.zo a ion.

tio uocmrcu mut could produce coal and deliver It on board cars for not more than 1 a'tpn, and gave figures to show that tho labor North Capitol Property Owner lis is freed entirely from the so-canea Threaten Reprisals Against Deputy Township Assessor. Plana are' bcl'iiK mado tor the build. COBt OI COai prouuciion rim uui.ttvw" $1.40 and 11.70 In most jcasca. Mr. Xorrest biwea his letter on his experience as manager of a mine in "wnisicy ring-'- imu nas exisiea ever slncethe state went dry I can also state that tho Federal government has I received splendid co-operation from Judge Walter Prltchard, judgo of City courts, -and Judge James A.

Col-linn of. the Marlon county Criminal Irirr ot high fences 'on" each' 'side o. the weal Virginia- wmvu the Citizens Oaa Company and from home of Allcn C. SjmmA colored, deputy wmcn it Keia iiiuuii no township assesaor, 2248 North Capitol coats per ton at tho West Virginia mine and shows, that for May they were avenue, according to Information ro 13.355 and for Juno' $3,257. Mr.

orreat eelved from, yie Capitol Avenue Protective Association. says that ho believes conuiuu mining are more favorable In West Virginia than In Indiana. Tho- 'which was formerly court. "These" have- gradually Increased the. severity of punishment for liquor law violators and havo refused 'to sUspond the sentences.

Tho prosecutor's has diligently prose cuted all cases' and tVfeel that tho 'citizens of Indianapolis -should understand and appreciate tho efforts that are being jnndo maintain tho. Integrity of tho law and to keep the reputation that It now, has as being "no mean city." owncd'hy Mrs. Anton cteifrer. was boio ills letter is part ao imiuwo. by her some time ago and resold by "i nnvo rcuu iui tercflt the proposal of the Governor to purchase' a coal mlno for operation uy tho" buyer to SlmmB.

who' Is said bo planning to move Into the house In n. nhnft Mmn. An effort was made by tno state to suppiy hww with fuel? and have noted particularly tho association to buy tno proporiyj DUL It Is said that Slmms telephoned Ira his general statements on tho subject of Stammer Diress, at $15.00 and upward BUILDING IS ON INCREASE i T. Hn mM. 2164 North.

Caoltol avenue. coat oi mining at um Tho promise Is given that coal can be of the association, and -said that thnv mlirht htilld a fence aa nign as his roof, but that Ho Intended obtain ca oy mo biuw a cost of $2 per ton at tho 'JFor some time I havo boon In chargo Total Valuation In 199 Cities During live In the house. or tno operation vi u. uum Virginia, under conditions which havo I Fences Held A temporary Injunction against build.

Month of June Was $131,117,320. Encouraging reatclon from the May made tne question oi cunt i of prime bccauHo wo do nnni nn thn irnncnil mar Ine. fences more than six foot high ket and are, therefore, not Influenced has boon granted by Judge Moll slump In building Is apparent In June In Superior court, Room 3. pending tne statistics for building from 199 by the present ununuai prw.n bolng obtained for free coal. which, as officially rooorted to tho hearing an Aug.

2 of the Injunction suit asking that Gabriel Blutzky, 225S American Contractor, represent a total Thinks Estimates To Low. diniKinKnt whirh ban bocn Elven Mrtrth Pnnltnl flVPHtln. find MarY valuation or 5131,117,320. considering, that the upward turn has taken place durimr unDrecedentedlv noor frehfht Grooms, 2253 North Capitol avenue, bo out regarding tho mining labor costs for Indiana Indicates that such coats in this state aro not greatly different from restrained from erecting anu miunuun- Inrr fhnffa mnrn thfin tan feet Kh On pltbr nlrin nf thn home Of Dr. Luclan service and In the fact of tight money, high material prices and high, labor costs, conditions which during June had shown llttlo hopo of speedy Improvement, the upward turn Is significant.

mOHC in uie nwiy B. Morlwethor, a colored dentist reduced to $24.75 reduced to $24. 75 and $39.50 -Sit Skirts for dress and sport wear reduced to $lp. 75Z It. Bailey, -attorney ior i.

onlrl thnt tl OllfTB TnOTO than "Well, believe me, you'd never have got 'em at that price if I had been running the factory," said the salesman when we told him that the manufacturer had accepted our offer for 50 more of these splendid player-pianos that we have been selling at $487.50. The price was low very low and the manufacturer had accepted it only because he had been tied up for several weeks by a freight embargo, and couldn't make shipments to many of his dealers. At any rate, we got the players and 50 more Indiana families will have the opportunities. of their lives to buy a splendid, up-to-date player-piano at only a little above-the regular wholesale price. This opportunity is yours, now read the details below.

ton feet had nlrcndy been erected on 11. Ulotvtrv'a nrnnnr.V. nml that AITS, Projects to Be Advanced. It spells', according to the publication, I havo no grounu ior cruKw-mh -ures which have been given; However, It la my opinion that tho other costfl of mining, which are not given as facta, but rather aH estimates, are very far from correct, and that In the actual operation 'of a coal mlno In-this state It would bo found that coal would coat Grooms Is threatening to build a Blmllar rence on ner slue oi mo Mr. Holmes said that-the association n.lll thn InlllnCtlon On tWO counts.

First, that' the fences are.not tho state institutions a srcui uui 'u than tho figure which has beon made fences, anu, seconu, uiufc-mw with no uncertainty the fact that men aro keeping their grip on -the situation and that projects for building arc going to be advanced, or at least held to tho point of. preparedness where tney can bo pulled at the first signs -of. a break In the markot, The folowlng statistics were received from Indiana cities: statement of tho costs of mining nt the "spud" is unconstuutioiiai. Municipal Code Restrictions. It ls provided Jm tho Indianapolis' mu nlclnal codo that no fence used as i mine wim lun.iv Jng tho months of May and Juno of this year; May.

June, 1920. June, 1919. Maintenance lahor June. $1,519 .290 .017 partition between property Bhall, be less than five feet nor moro than seven foet In height, except by consent of both p.irtles Interested' on both sides of the fenco and tho permission of operatinff BUppneii Maintenance supplies. Taxes Estimated Estimated Percent Coat.

CobU Gain. Lobs, Elkhart 122,700 $20,300 11 EvanB.vlllet.. 175,308 96,910 80 Fort Wayne, 487,285 215,143 99 Hammond 103,030. .218,860 52 836.331 1,044.260 '19 Richmond 123,450 45,260 175 South 460,310 961,878 62 Terro Haute. ,99,040 23 .210 .052 .303 Innuranco unre ana liability) Depreciation and deple reduced to $4.95 also buliaing inspector.

BRIDAL PARTY LUNCHEON tion General expense J3.355 'GIVEN BY. MISS BECK 150 INDIANA BOYS TRAINING Miss Helen Beck, 1831 North Merid UrCS -tO Cover Ciipiliil uiiHi bvo. i particular mlno represents an Invest oMrases AT GREAT LAKES STATION ian street, entertained yesterday wltn ment runnins wiuau iu a beautifully appointed for Tho summer training courso ther Aaalnet State-Owned Mine. navy at the Great Lakes training sta Smarit Sweaters tho bridal party of Miss Josephine Home, who Is to bo married to Horace "Of like all other mines, this tion Is proving exceedingly popular with has been greatly limited in its opera Nordyko of Indianapolis In tho near fu me inaiana ooys. Aioro man nave already reported at the naval station to take tho courso anu iuu moro.

aro, ture. The docordtlons were carried, out In rainbow colors, thoBo chosen by Miss Home for her wedding. In tho center of the table was a huge silver basket, on honriin nf Whinh nimv bow of Ir befnfpr- selected from indinnapous ana other cities of the-8 Late. Furs Remodeled and Repaired Bovs -will be accented all week If The Players Theso are players that you know, nnd know-to bo reliable and of good, workmanship and materials. They aro recognized tho country over as being up to date, thoroughly good instruments.

The only condition of our purchase was that, we would not advertise tho name, in order to protect other dealers. If we could ndvcrtlso the name of tlicso plnycrs tho wholo 50 would be gone tomorrow night. For it is oncc-in-u-llfetime bargain genuine player for These playors aro the, very latest model. They aro carefully made and beautifully finished. They have splendid 88-noto player actions, complete even to tho transposing devico (usually put only In very high-priced players) and tho ukulele In every detail those playerB aro tho kind of Instruments that you want In your home.

Head of, tho wonderfully liberal terniB on which thoy are to bo sold; then come in and see them for yourself. idescent tulle' was tied, and silver pnysicnuy sounu. tor ine umo ai ine naval a union ino uoya win, do puiu ui vanes stood at either end of the table. Aa a mimriRR. Miss Beck announced the rate or J33 per month ana au will GREAT FOR ECZEMA AND' OLD SORES I Gunrniitco My Ointment, Says Peterson Kvory Box of It.

her own engagement to Robert Hos be discharged Scot 1 In amnio- tlmo to onier scnooi in tno. iau; Tne navy, mer Morso in a most novei wy. Small platinum engagement rings with thn twn rarfin atached wero placed In furnishes tne uniiorm, ioou, DarracKS, nnulnment and hosDltal service free. Every boy must have the consent of his parents. Full particulars can be Y0UGANN0T CONCEAL theFAGT tho bottoms of tho individual almond baskets which were also In the colors of tho rainbow.

Miss Beck's basket contained her own 'engagement ring of rfnininofi rrom coi. iiurbo i u. Harrison. who in id In ir the navr In securlnc tho Deauuiui uugrcc best typo or ooys irom ii) 10 years rrs tub sucTioa old. His oinco is iuo ewion uiay LOCAL WAR NURSE HOME pool building.

COLLECTION COST LESSENED, CfCiiuino copper bass strings; full' metal plate; genuine Ivory keys; genuine mahogany, oak and walnut cases, double voncercd throughout. that you aro-carelesa and nes-lectful when you. don't eivo youc teeth the proper atten Uon. Every time you laugh or ftpeak, -tho truth Is shown and It Is a mark against you. You have lost Just that much It Is really very Inexpensive when you tlve It any thought Tho cost of collecting $73,608,766.91, Miss Mary Kappes, the of Mr.

-and Mrs. "William P. Kappes; 1436 North Pennsylvania Btroet, has returned to Indianapolis following more than two years service with the Ameri-enn, Red Cross aa nn aid to nurses in by tho internal revenue omco ior in diana during tho lost fiscal year amounted to. $313,139.55, according 'to "If you are responsible for the health of your family," says Peterson of Buffalo, "I want you to get a large 3.r-cent box of Peterson's Ointment today. "Kemember, I stand back of every box.

livery druggist guarantees to refund the purchase price If. Peterson's Ointment doesn't do all I claim. "I guarantee It for 'eczema, old sores, running aorcs, salt rheum, ulcers, sore nipples, broken brnusts, Itching skin, skin discuses, blind, bleeding and Itching piles as well as for chafing, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sunburn. 'V "I bad thirty running sorca on my leg for eleven" years, was in three different hospitals. Amputation was advised.

Skin grafting was tried. I was cured by using Peterson's Ointment." Mrs. F. I'j. Hoot.

287 Michigan street, Buffnlo, N. Y. Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Buffalo, N. Y. Advertisement.

fl euros made nubile yesterday by Wil Red UrOSS liosuiium. mie xuhpuo went overseas on April 3, 1U18, returning to America In July, 19lp. After-only Don put on naving your teeth taken care or.anotncr aay NjEW YORK PAINLESS, DENTISTS Becond Floor Comer In Saks 41 'Salt WaihlngUn liam Jj. wiuer, coiiecter. 'ine expenHo.

which covers all salaries and equipment, rfinrcsenta 42 cents on each $100 col Nogales, she was engaged lected. Tho collection of $59,500,000 during the preceding fiscal year was made at a cost or sz cents on eacn fivu, ored troops on the1 Mexican border. Miss Kappes was at Coblenz, Ger- READ STAR -WANT ADS FOR PROFITUSE STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS returned During the tlmo she was engageu in was especially assigned to chargo of cnuurciiB noajJimio. The Liberal Terms During this salo'cvory effort will be made to meet your wishes in the matter of terms of Just as long as thoy arc within business reasons, tile tenns you want aro tlio terms you get. Pay as little as $3.00 per week If you wish.

With each player wo send a handsome bench to match, and 12 rolls of Q-R-S music of your own selection. Every player Is doubly guaranteed, both by the makers and by the Pearson Piano Co. Oui reputation is back of every ono-of them. If you aro not entirely satisfied with your bargain you can at any time within months of your purchase exchange it for any other instrument of equal or greater value in tho storo and without losing a penny of the money you have paid. Or if you wish, you may at any time within 30 days of your purchase, notify us that you aro not satisfied, and wo will get tho player and return your money in full.

Could you Imagine a fairer proposition than this? Extra during Extra OUR CLOSING OUT SALE Men's High-Grade Oxfords Your Choice Any $12.50 Oxford in Oiir Store, A WEEK PAYS FOR ONE OF THESE PLAYERS It's Well to See It is impossible to say how long these playors will last; perhaps only a week, or oven loss. If you want to be on the safe side, our advice is to got here jUBt as soon as you possibly can. It Is better to be safe than Borry. At leaBt come In and soo theso players. Once you see and hear them we will leave It- entirely up to you as to whother you buy.

If you do not live near one of the. Pearson stores, send In the coupon below, and full particulars of theso players will bo sent you by return mall. That You See WeD PEARSON PIANO COJIFAXY, 128-130 North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Gentlemen: ricase send me full particular's about tho player-pianos which you aro soiling at 187.00. Nome i Address trifle with impaired ion.

At the first signs of eyestrain, aches nervousness or vertigo; have your fives examined. Even if vou have the slieht- Your Choice Any Tramp Last High or Low Shoe, Your Choice Any Oxford Up to $15 in Our Store, S9.45 Illuck Kid or auspicionthat yourMsionis-not lOOyo correct let examine your eyes at once. We'll charge you nothing, for the examination. We'll supply prdper corrective lens, if you require them. It is particularly: important that your Tf tliPvVfi backward in school, nervous or hold Open Evenings This Week Pearson Piano Go, Other Values High and Low Shoes, $5.95, $6.45, Feltman Curme Shoe Stores Co.

38 East Washington Street CO LW 7 their reading toq near or too far from the eyes, look into the. matter of 128-130 North Pennsylvania St. Branch stores at which 'these players will be on sale are at Kokomo, Anderson, Columbus, Newcastle and Shelbyville Established 1873 Indiana's Oldest and Largest Music House eye trouble immediately. Reasonable Prices a Pleasing Feature. Paints-Varnishes-Wall Paper Jf you nro In tho markot for painting, employ a rellablo contractor, it possible.

If you buy materials consult tho store that gives full value for your money and also practical advice, on your palntlne problems. Tho Long-Hunt Co. is by men who have worked at tbia trade for many years. Optical I Wlllll IIIMIIIIMM IIIMI IIIIW IIIIIBIMIIIIWIII Manufacturing N6RTH ILLINOIS STREET Long-Hunt Painting and Decorating Co. Indianapolis, 18 W.

Ohio Street..

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