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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 2

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTORS. can citizen was the freet man on earth. IMICELLAINCOUS. Louisiana Sugar. 5.


OIHCY XT KM. EMr. Spencer sells this moraine-, by anmluistrator. tlic persooal eflects of L. H.

Flsg, deceased, at his late ieBWcncc, corner of Rowan and Twenty-first streets. LOCAL NOTICES. I'iauotor ole. A gentleman about to start to Europe is desirous of selling his flneT-octavc rosewood piano, nearly rew. Can he seen and tried nt the furni Thit Reconstruction Conventions The first of the conventions provided tor by the reconstruction acts has been in session at Montgomery since the 5th IhBtant.

Upon that convention, according to the Radical plan, devolves the grave doty of framing OUu t.a 'Tv rNC'iKAhD SALEP, we have yet on haodagood tock of Beal Valenciennes Laces, Cottpn.cfc:Tp"bacco 5-aotors Mr rflia of Jr TanQi tr-fl. J.OrI IN hlV YOKH. to us. and will uc on best exertions to make W. lAieit- ie, (icncral a.

O.i.oti, Aarenu uoisville, Ivy. Here tbe problem of the phUantbropio pbiloe-opbcrsof past days was solved: tbc ereatcst cood and greatest freedom for tbc great est number were indeed attained. It is un dcr ci ream stances like lbre that modern ceuirahzationisU have bp i nbont their work oi destruction. It waa not until the great experiment instituted by the1 men ortkc Revolution had proved 'brilliantly suceesflfnl' that tbeBtevcnscB and Snmners rorih be gan that radical revolution wliich haa already had too much progress, and which, if -unchecked, is to culminate iu the complete erasure of all Slate lines and the establishment of a great central despotism. The first insidious step" has indeed "been taken" toward tljat goal wmcii toe Kadicai leaders are so desirous oi reaching.

General Piatt Instances the sending forth by Congress of a committee to question tho couduct ot the people of Kentucky in sending certain men to represent them, as an illegitimate as sumption of authority by the Central Government, wholly nnwarran table, and plainly looking to the absorption of the powers ''re served to the States lor their individual ac tion." This is so. The people of Kentucky, and each of the States, are entitled to rcpre-smtationln Congress, and to select their Representatives to suit tbt-mselves. But thin ''the first" ol "the insidious steps" that, have been taken by the Rjdical leaders in the direction of centralization and despotism? Is ituot rather one in the series ol long atrides that have been taken in that direction within the last four years by tho party in powtr? Was not tho intetforenee by the General Government with the "peculiar institution" of the South a step toward centralization? Was not the act of cawing outot the sovereign Slate of Virginia, without her consent, the new State of West Virginia, and that too in violation of the ox-press words of the Federal Constitution, a ainjiiai step? The Freedmen's Own Kiuhis Bill, ana every 'important act of the Rtiiicui Congress what shall weaay of them? Iu, enacting them Cougress absolutely asuumed to strike from the Union ten sovereign Slates, and establish over them a military power subject only to Federal dictation. None of those "reserved rights" referred toby that Constilution, under and by virtue of which the General Gov ernment has its existence, are respected in the recoust ruction acts. State sovereignty ie completely abrogated, nod ten States are by Rudlcil legislation reducpd to the ot uegroizt-d dependencies.

What greaterad-vance coulu possibly be made toward centralization The truth is, that since its accession to power, the Radical party has advanced in the road to despotism as though it were possessed ot the fabled seven league boots Tuank God, there are indications that this fa tal progress is about to be arrested! Who bali Utcide Wnn Doctors Tis-agr et Tbe differences in the Radical party appear 'O be irreconcMable, and the gaps between the various motions are daily widening. They agree upon but a single poin: of policy, and 'hat iB.that the Southern States must be rail iealtzed, and that in order to accomplish this i. is necessary to confer upon the uegro the right of suffrage and disfranchise tbe white man. Upon every othflr point what tertnea Kadicai policy there are serious uifJtTinces ut opinion, and the advocate tnd opponents of each particular Uou ot policy are eqaaliy dete' rained aud -tiuat. The most important poiut of disa greement at the pre-eut time is the question of universal negio suffrage.

Wbile tbe party almost a unit upon the policy of bui rage in thf South, (he majority of the party do not look with any favor upon the propo anion to establish it iu ibe North The late dtate elections show that even in the Radical party there is an overwhelming seiuim-u gainst it, and in every Northern State ii vhich the iaue has made it has lefeated. Bur, notwithstnndiDg theao conceded and --inling tacts, tbere are some of tbe most rcmiuent and influential of the Radical who insist upon universal suffrage. X01 withstanding the tact that fifty thousand Kddicals voted against negro BuOYage in Ohio. rbey would force the policy upon that State tor the purpose, as they say, of vindicating their consistency in imposing tho policy upon tue estates ot tue South. To snow huw wide this difference is, we copy the following para raph from the New York Times.

The Times a leading" and influential organ of the Re publican party, and its editor voted for the reconstruction plan. Ben, Wade is one of be mo3t intolerant of the extremists as well 4 me 01 the most able: The Times says: Ben Wade bays "the Republican paityis ommitted to universal netrrosuffjufre. and no man is a Republloiin who will desert it. Pos sibly this may be true; hut we should like to Know wuo committed the party to that doctrine? It has never been donp. in nnv N.iiinnnt Convention, nor by any other process hitherto deemed conclusive in such a matter.

The Republicans in Cougress passed a bill giving nni- vcioui tfuurage 10 tue negroes aoutbern 3tatet but it was done for a specific obiect. at all as tue announcement or a party: tiinciple aud done, moreover. aiiiiat tin' I distinct vote in caucus of tvn-thinls of the I uepunncin members. Mr. seems to be cry much like tbe passenger at Bei, who, in I surm, tied himself to tUe anchor lor satcty.

Such a broad difference as this it would oeem could not he reconciled, aud we do not 'i-lieve that it can. The extremists have. lowover, always had their own way, and led ue party, but heretofore they have had the tovantage ot the cry of loyalty aud the neceB ities of the war, which were their strong points, and upon them they were able to brce the parry to sustain their policy, objec- innble as notuc portions of it undoubtedly ros to tmny ol the more moderate of the 00 aiiizaUorj But the strength they enjoyed in hiB respect has departed. Measures are now to be tested by their merits, and it is not impossible that the conservative element of the party may cure the ascendency. Puch organs as the Pirnes ure not disposed to accept 'he theorie B-'D.

Wade and the New Yoik Tribune political priucipies to which they are aud which they are bound by auy ob-liirauons whatever to eustiin. They have shrewduess enough to see that tho day ior the advocacy of such political heresies has passed and that no pary can adopt them without in curring the danger of annihilation. Our readers will note the startling lact mentioned in tho paragraph quoted from the Times, that the policy ot forcing negro sm-tragu upon the South was voted down bv a two third vo.e of the Republican hi embers of Congress, in caucus The editor states this faer upon his own kuowledge, lor Ut was a member of the caucus Way tben vas the policy after win adopted? Obviously because the Radicals discovered that, 'without it they would not bs able to carry th next Presidential election. At ttmt tim. it no; deemed, necessary by iwo-Uurda of tlie Repuolican m-bers of Con'gres- to negro in the South, eiitaer.

as indemnity tor tiie pasi or oecunij ior th-i in.ure. It was not ie-gaided as essential, as is now claimed, for the protection of the negro or the salvation of the Union. then this wondertul change in the policy aud tactics of ibe party? What has occurred to produce such a revolution in the. minds ot tbe R.tdi&il leaders? Tue South has shown itself the ne grocs haveuot been intimidated, there has been no indications of a design resist or tuaUo war upon the government or ot ability to do so. The whole secret ltcs in the tact we have stated, that it was discovered that by an ingenious and uupnncipled trick tbe Southern States could be brouirht back into the Union through the agency of negro votes chained to the car of Radicalism- and it was aleo discovered that this political strength would be in: dispensable to retain the Radical party in power.

Therefore the 01 suffrage was granted to the negroes and a sufficient number 01 the whites weie dliirancbised lo leave the negroes, aud their Radical allies iu the coutioi ol the Btate governments. It is sim- ply aud purely a tnck. Negro snffhitrc is the only question which stands in opposi tion to I he pacification ot the country, and it is only insisted on because it is a measure of pany inierehi. vvueu tue pcopie come to un- Ua Lv their condemnation upon'5 the parfy which dares to sacrifice the best interests of the country to the detestable purposes of politl-' cal schemes. God grant that they may not learn it toO late.

scory was told upon himself by amuu wuo is notorious as a lomr winded talker. Said he: Seeing my trieud Jones beiug bored by a man who bad him butttm-boli, aud talking bim blind', I called to Jones that I wuuted to sec inm at once on particular bui-iness. "He me to me, when: I explained to nim that I had no business, merely calling him away tOaye his; being talked to bDl 7iu0kw amriousjy about him) but who i Md thunder will fiudtfjsaye me from you i K( for sale by 14 dim VM. HAT. Copper Whisky.

'20 copner wbiitr of lelect Uelsoa sxjy ounty brBnd. jn sore and ior by WRltinT rt-Rw fahivrhV n-14 deo''aai Ko. wrst Market Bet--eon First and Second. Cheese. Btae ft reeelved and I Main Vet.

Eighth A- Simh. Flour, Flour, Flour. 2,000 BBp A No. 1 Fancy F0JI1. 'MO bbU hiJi Fumur Flou? l0Ur; SOObbls titra Flour: 500 bbla UDCTflnr Flnnr- and for isle to the trails lowest martet prices.

11 Sundries. 50i Tilt' kiln dried Hominv. 150 bbl; Green Apples: 50 hixes Fox'j Sia-ch; 200 bags Buckwheat 800 otmtcr and eignvh-bbl bags extra white wheat Flour; store aud for sale by T. L. JEFFRSON" PQ d1? orntr Main and First strooU.

Seed Wheat. I lABUPH. Superior Ppr nc Feed WheAt in ftor tUU andforsalcby CKUMP. noi2 dC No. BO Main bet.

ccoBd and Third. Pickles. X7F. have for salebyf-e barrel, hair-barrel. or in qualities to large as orimcn o' the encumber pickles.

The pieklcs m-eot'oni own manufactuie. and nothing hut the bett vineEsit aud purest slices are iu putting them up. Ml orders will bo promptlv tilled bythe 1-ENTtiCKY ViN bfiAR COMl'ANT, No. ii9 Fourth street, Louisville, Ky. no5 dim Distilled Water.

i pure article of distilled water can always bti hnd VISKRaI; COMP vine, K.T, CAfi HOXES Western Reserve Cheese; ao Factory Cbeese; uo tiuniDiiri' 10 do Pine Apple Cheese; In store and Ior sale by GEO. C. HUNTER ocll dim Aoents for Manufacturers. Groceries. 1 CAn WAI5B CalTef IjOUU 3ULp bbls.

nnrd nai 1,000 bbl-. Sort Re nl Sujjan, iinus. rono i-iico su-ar, 5U hl'tls. Cuba Sugar, 800 i'kcs. Brunes' sirup.

In store and for sale bv D.b'.llENEniCT SONP, s-J dSoi Ul West Main Mreci SASH WEIGHTS. AT tow prto s. for sale hv SNLAD CO Market street. Between tighthandMuth auSldSm Louisville, by Copper Whisky. KOKSB-SHLOJEllN I fromrit atrntlon rmtn.

EtillAil ShOD on First street, berween Jeflerson aul oc22 urni). LAWYERS. T- b. cocniLv-. J.H.CC-ClittXS.

T. B. J. B. COCHBAK, -A ttorneyi at Law JOHN HARLAN, Attorney-at-LaAv, LOUISVILLE, KY.

OOlcC. ou Jrflersori Street- two doors ftum Wlllaril Hotel, iu CaldwUPa Buildn a. no't dim Removal. McetoNo.aa Couit laee.uudei- WB. S.

BODLI.Y. a. bijibali. BODLEY SI3VTRALL-, Attorneys at T.av N't. 23 COI'llT dim GEO.

KAY AN ACQ U. 3 I. THO fSO.V KAVAKAUGH THOMPSON, Attorneys at JLa- Lolivn on, If tXTH.Leive prompt attention to all traMed to 'num. Thev will prepare cases In bankruptcy, and obtain as so odlly as pos sible. Appucanis irom a by letter.


BKAMLETTE. BKAMLETTE i-OlV, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OFFICE, Xtl. lliO JEPKKRSON ST IE EtT, oct9 South Side, bet. Fourth nod Fittli. P.

B.Mtrm. MABT1S BUl'K. MUIR BIJUR, A-tloi-ixeys at Law CumtT PLACE. OC15 dim I.OIIIyVlH.r. UT, B3IV.

MASON, Agent, Ti No, VA9 Third bet. Jeflcriion Greeu, LOUISVILLE. KY. recetvlne, a and desirable, assortment ot clo lbs, cussiuierci, vesttu), oi the Latest HOTELS. BOARD $2 50 PER DAY TJ.


ill. K1RSUKELD, Graduated Sargcon Chiropodist, from UbHtmore, nas opeoeu an omen at No. 111! Fourth Serer. PMirBon Mnvk-PE jmd Jetferson. KRVKhENCKB.

Dr. A. BrHnde's. Dr. II.

Ilollowuv. nr. L. Cohn, and Col. R.

K. Boiling. 01 Louisville, Prof Taylor, ol Baltimore. Md. K.

bnil'ii, VT. H.J- 1. leuic, ir. Jiitioti sepl d3m GIj A PEASLEE, GAULBERT Direct importers ot FRENCH PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS and dealers tn BEST BRANDS AMERICAN "WINDOW GLASS, Pntntc ynrn Co'orn? Oils. VarnlKhea Brushes, flls- zlers' Diamonds, aud Painters' Materials geau-ally.

139 IKnin bet. 1'ourih and Butlitt. oca nu J. IS. KHIM, I33F5.TT C3r- GIST, N.

W. cor. Second and Itlnrkpt Sts.f LOUlSaVllLE, KY. HT Prescriptions carefully couinonuded. dav or nighr- anSdtf THS FOLLOWING PEEK1U1YTS WERE AWARDED 2.

S. LlTHGOW TY the "Kentucky State Agrlcnttural Eccitty at lhelrrairrectnllyl.cldi.carthisclty: Best uauce ior -wood or coal, noiei or tamiiy 'Pi-renlx lianae." Hot Ertciisiun-tOD Alr-tlsht Slove. for wood coal licti lixtension-top Air-ugnt ttove, ior wooa oniy Cupitola." Bt-st premium Cook Stove tor general use "Plan ter." usi rarior look trove t-nnny a ne. Best Wood Stove for Churches or School-house Forest Ii ee." Best uoal Miove ior uansinp or njuiwuR-uooses -'bolar Type." Premlnms were also given them lor best dlsnlav at Country Hollow ware, Spring, but torn rencii Chairs, Ttt.nea. Iron and hnamelted ware, Housc-iurnis jing aenernlly- -seffi dim FliiLDLXfi DEsENDoRF, 'rim ud wool hats.


76 Green, above Third oepS-On hand a larso supply 01 Klxturcs. Go. shades, water UIOMU, tay.ursvni and lltl BOILERS A'T SINKS. jyu ture worerooniB of John Simm ou Main I E'reet, between ElghthatidNintb. f-The purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world, manufaci ured from fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore; It is perfectly pure aud sweet.

Patients who have once taken it can lake no other. Ask for "Hazard and Caswell's Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by CASWELL, HAZARD CO New York. Sold by all drosglats. novl4 IMMEDIATELY, TWENTY-FIVE GOOD DEiS MAKERS. NOIVE BUT THE YERY BEST A EM) APPLY.

B0TI2 DORA SUtjLZ. S. THOHiS. SABS CHAMOE. Wishing to confine myself to mer chant lailorins- and dealing in gents' furiihhlDS gorfs escliisirely, now offer my cnlirc stock of ready-made clothing at greatly re duced prices.

The goods are of my own make, and equal to any custom work. S. TUOHiS, 230 west Main under Louis ville Hotel. nodtf GRAND OPESIXC OF CLOAKS. We are opening this week five hundred cloaks of the very laleBt Btylea, to which ive call the Bpecial attention of the ladies.

I. DrNGFKLDEE, 113 Fonrth streei, het. Market and Jefferson, novlldli WAIVTM). IHnEDIATELY, TWEJiTV-FlVB GOOIt IXtHSS'lAKEltS. NONE BtJT TUB VEY BEST SEBO ArPLY.

UOV 11 (34 STJry Goode of all kinds will be sold eremly reduced ptlcee at I. DINGFELDER'S, 113 Fourth street, bet. Market and Jefferson. novlldb "Prints lrom7 centB to 13f centa per yard 4-4 hi. cotton from l2Xcent8 QP; abawla lrom ud: SCO pairs blankets, 10, 1H and from 3 50 hd: BOOcloflka from $3 50 uo, and all other aoods in proportion, at I.

DINGFELDER'S 113 Fourth street, between Market and Jeffer- Bon. luo NOTICR. Weather Strips. Torrey's celebrated patent for closing the craclta around doors and windows. It keep out the cold, ram and dust.

Leave your orders aoon they cau bo nroperly attended to beforp cold weal er Botfl in. Avoid the rush. FITCH, LINB9EY RETJTER, 17 Fourth Btreef. oc23dtf Next door to tbe National Hotel, Wholesale Show i-ase Wareroom at E. Lewie', 104 Main, between Fifth and Sixth OGo to I.

Blnsfelder's for a handiome aD nlce-flttine; cloak. India. Rubber Heil Bottnni, on exhibition from 7 a. m. to 8J p.

at fWtf Third street. Bo eurc to sec it. Comfort, Econo my, no bod bugs. oclO deodtf Wholesale Weather Strip Depot Lewis Main, between Filth and Sixth Bta-eeta. oc24 dtf DEC.1LCGMA31IE At W.

Scott Glore's. 5SDry Goods at New York auction priceB I. DINGFELDEK'S CARPETS AT SEW 0K WHOLE SALE PRICES. It being niy intention to make important changes in my business, I offer my jtock of carpets, Oil Cloiltcs, Shades, Curtains, at Sew ork wholesale prices. Housekeepers will do well to give mc a call as they can certainly pur chase goods iu my line very much under the ordinary rates.

C. FRANK, No. 77 1-2 Fourth street, bet. Main andiUarket. oc21dtf.

iilr.alilo improvement in Artificial Teftli J. V. Canitie. dentist. No.

170 Filth street. ttetueen O'rcen and Walnut streets, is mannrac- turlii5 a new style ol artificial teeth, whicL obviate? the necessity of rubber, or metallic platt in tbe mouth. It is seamless, jomtleuB, arid Is Iv mt tioiiri piece, carvod to suit, tbr expression bn wearer. It is ttontr, Mfjbt and cleanly, and no Umig in the art nas ever surpassed It ior beautj 1'ersona bo are not pleaded with rubber metal lic plain, are invited to call and eee this stylo worfc, and if lbey think they would like tt, tbo can trv It, at the roannircturfr'a risk. attracted without pain Dy the use o' Nitron? Cteide Han.

uovEO dr SPECIAL NOTICES. toughs onsumptiOD CCIiED DT Allen's Lung Balsam The Healing- Fool. A.n cssa? for young inn oa the crime of eolltode, and the disease i and abases which crente lmyed. nients to marriage, with bu'c means of relief. Sent in scaled letter envelope, ec of charae.

A Udrcsa Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGBTuX, Howard Association, Phila delphia, Pa. so55 aeodSm A Cough, a Cold, or a Sore Throat, Immedlat attention, nndfhonld be cbecte aLowea to contlnoe, Iiritatiou 1 the Iniss, a Permanent ThroHt. Uiseser or Cousumpuon, Is oflcn the result.

BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Havlnr a riirr.t tntt-nnnfn to the nnrt.a. crlve Imn diate H-i. Jjruucliittst Astlimo-. Cmarrb, USCd With a'wnirj rmntl snfCPSrl. "iuitcre Spcakersnso them to clear obtain uuly "Bkown's" Bronchial Tkocses," and at not into any of the "VTorthle that may dc Sold evekvwb hBE.

ocM d4m Locibvixle, November IS, 1S6T. Amectine ol the RtoCKholaers of Woodlawn Knee Course Asuoclatlon is herer.y oilied, to beheld nt Iter's hxchan-c, In Ihe city of Loniavilic, on JJcei. Dei nesi, ui A H. Busin. sa of n-ati iportnnCi.

invoivine a sottiement of the affairs or thu association, will bo preientcd for the cunrideratio- of the ieetlns. and tverv stoct- uoiucr is eernettly request a ro niteno. A. JUUS'S, President. VTm.

Mrarar, Secretary. ton dlawtd LOUkTILLB PfiMALE SEMIiVARY, NO. 6 CHESTNUT STREET. fpnE second Quarter conimencps Hlondny, Nor. a lew more youne laaieacnu be re- Dissolution.

TrtEr-artnership heretofore existing between the undersigned was dissolved by mutual consent on the ut day of November. The business ot the concern wilt he settled hy George P. M. JONE3. MIUllTT GEOHQE A1N3UE, nol2tLJ XontsvlHe.Nov.

nth, 1S37. Removal. Bewlevvillc tias bean to tbe Alexander Uonr. rner ot Seventh and Mai her. L.

STUCCLLTT. STANCLIFF ARCHITECTS, No. Hamiltou A- Bro. 9 Bnildlnr, mW6 0U COIiSEK SIXTH an" TJ, Silver Plae Wjoie A magnificent assort ment, comprising new styles of pitchers butters, castors, ladlest and all articles, Just at hand at Eofircrs' House Fnrnishing Emporium, 146 south side Market, betweW Fonrth and Fifth elrcets; aUotbo and drawers, a cer tain cure lor rhovnutlsm, lor lale at M. Arm strong's.

PA young Neapolitan Princess, about to bo married, ba sixteen lace dresse. Well, they are better than nothing. JSTfyon want a good picture so to WybraDt's; he cannot he excelled Gallery So. 144 Market street, between Fourth and Filth, south side. Gannel, Plrtsbnnr iiud' I'nmeroy Coal I' Forsaleat HYATT, SNYDER No 73 Third street, west side, Between Mainand Market.

To the Public Wo call especial attention to tbe sale of the effects of Samuel WbartOD, deceased, at hiB lato residence, by order of the executrix, on Main street, between Campbell and Wenzel streets, on Tnursday mornlne, November 14, 1S67, at 10 o'clock, with ttie horses, wagon, calves, After tho sals of etock, the fnrnitnre will bo jsold, whicu consists ol the best quality of goods. S. P. WHALEY Auctioneers. AUC'i ION SALES BY SHEKM4N P.

WIIALEY Fur this Wcott. rs-T Thursday corning. Nov. 14th, 1S67, at 10 o'clock, the executrix sale ol the effects of Samuel deceased, at his late residence, Main street, between Campbell and Wenzel. Tbe entire household fnruituro, boree and rockaway, cows, Bprlnc-wagon, lanning Implemente, will be sold.

See auction column. Thuisday afternoon, Nov. 14th, 18U7, at 3 o'clock, an elegant residence, on tho west side of First street, between College and Breckinridge, See auction column. Friday morning, Nov. 15th, 18117.

at 10 o'clock, special sale ol" woolen goods, hosiery. gloves, comlorte, hoods, satinets, at our Auc tion SI and SS Fifth street. afternoon, Nov. loth, 18B7. at 3 o'clock, two fine two-story brick dwellings, Broadway, between Hancock and Clay streets.

Z2T Saturday mnruiue, Nov. Kith, 1W7. at 10 o'clock, reeular sale of luruituro, at our Auction rooms. Caiiuel Coal! Camiel Ccnl! Bost quality Peytoua cimuel caol at 40 crnts per bush; 10 per load. Pittsbum coal at same JAilES No.

88 Sixth street, bet. Market, and Jefferson. t55T Oystora in any Saddle Rock, 50c; Baltimore, 40c, at Kagle Dufly's, corner Fifth and Court Place. GBEiT CLOTHtua Hocse. 0.

M. Armstrong now occupies his fine building, 132 Main street, below Fourth. Cancel 1 onl annel onl I Beat quality Peytona Cannel Coal nt 40 cent? per bushel; S10 per loid. Pittsburg Cojlut same price. Pomeroy at $9 per lod.

HYATT, SNYDER No. 72 Third street, west side, Beiwecn Main and Market. Gehman Student Lamps A new lot just re ceived at Tioscerti' House-furniehin-; Emporium, 146, Bouth side Market otrcot. between Fourth and Filth. ggr Taylor's Agnc Remedy contafns neither quiuine, arsenic, or othor poisonous ingredient.

The only safe, pleasant, and effectual cure tor chills or intermittent fever. Guaranteed to effect a cure in every case. Try it. For bnlo by all druggists. Edwin Morrld proprietors.

S39FIrcset coal vases, plate hodp all kinds, and a Cno variety of housekeepers1 winter goods, at liugere1 House furnishing Env oorium, 148, sontbsidc Market street, between Founhand Fifth. Foh Sale. A cottage on Prcpton ptreet, he- tweeu Breckinridge and Caldwell Price 800. A throe-story brick building and lot, 20 by 100, on the corner of Main and Preston Btrceta. Price $7,000.

Sixty by 200 feet of trrouud, with on north side Market, between Seventh and Eighth: Price $32,000. Al-o a great deal of property not advertised. Apply to S. P. WHALEY CO 81 and 63 Filth Street.

Coal Coal Coal I Genuine Paytoua Cannel Coal and Pittabnrff Coal at 40 cents per bushel, or glO a load; Pomeroy at 9 a load, or 30 cents per bushel. HYATT, SNYDER No. 72 Third street, west side. Between Main and Market. The Sheriff to Delinquent Tax-Paveus.

Sheriff Wash Davis urges tax-payer to come for ward and pay their dues if they would avoid ex pense aud trouble It would do well for such to notice bis advertisement in another column. Cnnxs and Fever. Every bos of Graves' agne pllla is warranted to cure any case of ague, chills or intermittent fever. Sold by all drusgista. 53 First of tho season, just received at the St.

Charles Branch, fresh shell oysters and clams, and will bo served iu any style to order. Phil, Loticb, corner of Seventh and Main. FROM DECENCY TO A Beautiluf School Mistress and Her Kounger sister Voluntarily Ruined LFrom the Cincinnati Commercial, 13h. A terrible story of shame was revealed yes- ttrdny in the office of the Chief of Pollce. The incidents of this sad revelation are al- mosL beyond comprehension, in tbeir, peculiarity.

Their principal is a younir wo- mau of eiguteen years, born, raised and well educated in this city, admitted, some time siuce, a3 a substitute teacher in fhe Second Bisirict School, on Sycamore street, and, two weciis since, regularly unpointed as a per-marten teacher there, nt SI00 ner annum. In appearance she is extraordinarily at tractive, with a handsome form, neatly cloth ed, aud a beautiful and expressive face, with tmru eyes, lougmaues, small, su.ipeiy mouth and cheek roses, relieving a pure white fac: wuu tins chtuncter, miss Miry u. whose widowed mother lives iu the western part of city, appears her younger sister, oi Pixieen years wuo, up to last 1'nonv, was a pupil in the Agrade of the school in winch uer eiuer sister taiigtu up to t.iai ti me les- terday aiieruoou, at about 4 o'clock, both of ttitse young were tatteu out of a house of ill lame, on Sixth street, ejst ot Sycamore, by Detective Hazen and Officer Pet tit. Last Saturday uveninff thev left their nm til er's house, under the Viretext of coiug to the exhibition at Mozart Hall, aud never returned Information of the disappearance beinir uiven to the Chief of Police, diligent search was made throughout all tho more proiniuent bouses of Ill-fame in the city, but without suc- cess, until yesterday aitcrnoon. In the ehiei's office both girls passed, without a biush, through the rdeai ot interlocu- loo, evincing tb-ousbout a hardihood that seemed very remarkable when was remembered that they wire fresh from a decent home aud from the asso ciations of the school-room.

Tbe eldT oc casionally spoke ior both, and in everything tnai fuc r-ata, tier sisrer appeared to sustain her She stated that she bad had enough ot the school room that her mother had abuped uer ior years, and that he had taken this iast step deliberately, aud did uot iuteud to retrace it. Sue would not, under any circumstances, go back to her home Her sister could do so if sue desired to. Tbe sister ao- peared to be offended that a hini ot such a ou uer part sttouiu be mtered and finally stated that she would fol low her elder sifter. Fiom the hclefs ffice the girls were taken to the office ot the school board, wnere they were couirontod bv tneir gray uaireo motuer. Thev met br coldly, and responded to her tear.

and entreaties by icmiudiug her that siuce their lather's death, and up to the hour ol tbeir flight she uaa aousea tuem, and had frequently said she did not care how soon the elder one lea her. rue Mayor, tue uniei ot tvnee and several others, strongly advised and urged them to yield to their mofher's prayer and remain at home. But they had no melting mood to ex hibit no tears to shed no concessions to make Cold as icicles, fhev sat there, before their weepintr moiber 'and halt a dozen men. nnd adbered-to their terrible choice of a career rhev were threatened with the Tlmux nt Refuge, but. appeared to understand that their dre savea tuem iroin mat institution "You must go home or be locked up," said the cbiei.

"Well," snkl Mary, quietly rising "I'm ready to be locked np" and the oihi-rechoed her words And so they were taken down stairs, iuto the Ninth-street Elation and locked witbin tho private cell, to see' what effect that would have upon them; aud mere lbey passed the night, while their mother went home. Iu ah our experience we have never come upon asadder case of tbe kind than this. Their situation gives proof of the need ol an institution wherein such cases can be dealt with for tho gojd ol the imfortuuate one. Tuey are too old to bo sent to the House of Kefoge, where they might be reclaimed. The Home of the Friendless will not receive them as unwilling gue-ts.

To tend theai tothe Female City "Prison as vagrants would be to ruin them yet faster thau tbeir owu course. So there is nothing left but todischarge them' this morning, and let them go their owu If they could only look into the terrible future ot shame, misery, disease and death that is bclore tbein or kuow, as do those much more experienced, the hoirors ot the liic they eiioube iu leuu, iiivu eiuua luis uioiuintr WOUlu take them to i heir home, however unpleasant that may be to thPtu, and their thoughts would turn to reformation, even through most abject poverty. DIED. MORTIMORE At Memphis, on the 9th IrjBt Miss Ma-v daughter of Dr. D.

and Jane Monliuorj, aged 13 years, formerly of this city. O. for the great Stale of Alabama a constitution under which she is to take her place in the Uniou. CouBtitntlon-moking has ovor been re garded aa'an affnr icguirlng-'aAl and experience that could be maae avauamev When the Romans we preparing their Twelve Tables they not only engaged their wisest men iu the task, but obliged' them to go through all the cities of Greece to study tbe various systems of government there. When Magna Charta was wrested from King John, it was done by tbe ablest and best men of England.

When the Constitution ot the United Slates was to be framed, such statesmen as Jefferson, and Madison were assigned the task. In the formation' of the respective State governments heretofore, tbe same rule has Invariably been observed. Common sense and a proper regard for the public weal have, in all ages, taught men that none but the able and discreet should be intrusted with the grave aud responsible duty of making for the people an organic law. The Radicals, however, In their boasted progress, have discarded all such old-fogy notions The reconstruction measure is the embodiment of Radical polity, and it practi cally institutes a new and startling theory. That theory is that neither knowledge, wis dom or experience are desirable in constitu tional assemblies.

Oar meaning will be made clear if the reader will take a glance at the Alabama Convention. That is a type of what every one of these eonventions will be, for tbe reconstruction ac(s are ao framed, and the agencies ior carrying them out organ tzed, that they cannot be materially diflerent. There are in the Alabama convention eighty-four members. Of these sixteen are negroes, and the greater part of the rest 1 Northern adventurers, many of whom are, or have been, in one shape or another, attaches of the Frcedmen'a Bureau. In no sense of the word are the people of Alabama represented; aud, indeed, the dclegatesdonot claim to have been elected by a majority.

Every delegate, with perhaps a siugle exception, owes his election to the votes of negroes under the direction and coutrol of the ruling satrap and bis Radical agents. The white citizans did riot vote because they were not disposed to encourage the outrageous arid unconstitutional proceeding, aud, besides, they saw plainly enough that the Radicals had made their arrangements to carry tbe election either by tair mean or ioul. In counties where there are from fifty to eighty thousand inhabitants not a hundred wbito voters participated in the election; in other counties not a white vote was recordad. We have said that the delegates In this reconstruction convention iu no wise repreccul Alabama. That is not all.

Tne people of Alabama do not even know who most oi them are. Counties are protegsediy represented by persons who do not now, and never did, own a toot oi ground, or dollar's worth ot prop erty iu them, and who are strange re to the inhabitants. The few delegales concerning whom anything is known, the reports tell us, "are of iudiflVeuL cuaraeierv" In the whol booy not one mm is to be found of mark or merit not one trnoji the citizens of Alabama vouid nor acorn to claim as a representative. From all aecoums th physical appetrauce of this model Radical couvtn'ieu is equal to Hi mentul caliber and moral status. The door of the room when; its deliberadjns are held is guarded by a coal-black negro, not a veiy favorable specimen 01 his race, who, however, beat his white competitor for the place.

One of the secretaries is of the same ousky hue As a general thing the co'oreu delegateo, we are informed, are common plautation negroes, who, when required lo sign tneir names in ibe course of their august proceedings, liter nil? make their murk, being unable to wiite. Such i3 the convention, whicji by the authority of aRadicai Congress, and supported by its minions, and backed up by tbe military power of thr United States, usurps the Junc tions ot a constitution! convention ior the tale of Alabama. Its proceedings were ushered in by a prayer in which a negro chap- involced blessings upon "loyalists" and curses upon "the rebels." Our last advices were that it was engaged in the consideration of an ordinance disfranchising all who refuse lo vote. Tue Convention is of coarse the creature of Congress and of the Radical party. Well tnigh one of its members remark on the first day of the session "This is not a popular as- semb'y, but a Congressional conveution, or deicd by Congress to do what Congress desires them!" The Radical leaders have made a great mis take in supposing that "reconstruction" ac complished by such means will be perma nently successful.

If these mongrel conven tions are held in every State, and by virtue of their proceedings Congress declares the ten Southern States readmitted into tbe Union, the work will not last. The recons traction acts are unconstitutional from beginning end, and as foon as the Radicals are hurled from power they rtust and will be treated as a nullity. Tbe Southern States have already regular State governments, If the Radical despotism would hut allow them to exercise their legitimate functions; and as or reconstruction, they are already members of the Uaion. Wendell Phillips' juntest Philippic on trani. Wendell Phillips delivered a discouife in Philadelphia on Friday night on the "Perils of ibe Hour.

The following is a report of hut portion of his pUilippic in which he made pecial reference to Gen Grant: Ii we nut into the Pxetidtnlial chair Tue dea represented bv Thud. Stevens (uiiuu his name merely as a couufer) we simll gjin uiucty five per cent of what, we have earned in this wai; put George B. iMcClellau mere, nd we suall g.uu two and a hat- out there the idea that Ulysses -G nut represents, and we shall get lonv uerceut. Mark me, I do not care auythiuii for the uamts; am merely using them as svmbois of tbe ideas they represent; and my anxiety is 10 secure an uiooti nntt treasure uaye earned. The speaker touchingly referred to the return 01 a Boston regiment from the war, and alter xproBfing his own emotions at the Mirhr he said that the country owea it to those who uad risked and those who had loat their lives in our struggle that nothing which tuuy had earned be lost or Jeopardized.

Tne men who sleep iu the swamps ot the Chiekahom-iny asked thit a man be pat-in the White HoaVe who represented the idea lor winch ibey were widing to die. Waat man at Luis time more prominently than auy otber ptood before tbe country? fA voice 'Grant General Uiyssus brant wa that mau to whom the speaker would most cheerfully accor.i all tne praise and ap ulause which mat General was euitled to receive Ho it was woo aid, will fight It out on this hue if ir: lasts aud therefore was it unwise or unnecessary that we should ask of sncu a oinn; who never quitted the line he had once adopt- "Sir, ou what" line do yon Intend to carry the nation out?" He ib the man 01 granite aud iron I was because he was granife and trou that ho car ned us safely 'ii rough Virgiuia, Beiorejou stamp the policy oi the imure iu gt unite anu iron, besurcou have right instruments with which to stamp. Men say ihat Graut's merit is bin reticence. Reticence what is the meauius: of redcence The Pope iu the Vatican is reticent, and the world bows at hiB teet. Aristociacy sits in the palaces ot fiance, and is reticent; and the enslaved millions put their hands on their lips and thir lips iu tue dust, and accept it Reticent! It is the symbol ol aristocracy; it is the c-rrnlary 01 eoiteation and wtalth.

But democracy, the minions with the thought, the millions with tbe conFcience, fhc millions with the ballot tell them that thev are to sit down at the Vet of a man, aud accept bim as a leader, because ho does not condescend to ten tupm wuere no was going ft if nt f.iinmf TAdd ausc 1 Is that democmrv? Ib that republicanism? Is that tho genius of our instiiuiions? Was not Calho-iriwho said that in this country there was nothing iht could be kept secret that could be worth keeping secret, tor the genius of our institutions is pub. icity? And now the American poopte boast mat ti.eir leader dcec 1101 condescend to ted them what be thinks! There may he two reasons why a man does not tsiTk One is that be has got nothinetosay. That is not the timber outof wbich to make a President. Anoiher is that he dare not tell wnat he thinks. But a mau does not speak by his tongue.

He speaks by every drop, of his blood, by every motiou of bis body, by every emotion of soul, and Graut'bas not made that record. Geu. Grant is ihe only prominent man of the day whose acts have oeen followed up by a long "chapter of apologies, lie never takes a step, but the whole American press sets out to tell you that it does not mean whut it seems to mean. Haw to Gain Unanimity in Jobies. Let tbejury, says Punch, consist exclusively of ladies I As it Is proverbial that women nrytr do disagree, there would nof be the slightest ditHcul.y iu securing always an unanimous ve-dict.

The whoie twelve would vote as one woman more especially, if one of their own ex was" being tried. Bisides. the mere prosp clive horror of a dozen women being un up iiiuu, miuuui. cup Oi tea, or a stocking to mend, orababyo piay with, or. a novel to thumb, would lorce them to acrce, long before they bad looked at tbe 15 D0Ire juey, nao.

iookco at the prisoner, even, to see wbether he was pond looking or not' WM-BWflCTnwi10 Sw 181 PliAEtL, l.t M7 iLL'miure liberal cush advances on produc: quick and satisfactory salcn. no3 dSin TAILORS. IKEBBCHAHT TAEE.OH, NO. 08) THIRD STItEET, Between Main and Market. 7(ULD rcepectfnll.

Intorm hie itleads and the Ihat he lias m-l received nr. a- tVlNtt-It In all desirable to wmenne woSld rospcotrallyinvae tlio attention of bUfre ds an ceBtom-i8 to give biin a evil. prd. rslur clo lilim be mil be e'ad to receive ana cxecnic uu THE N0MUWBSTERS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COJIFST OF WISCONSIN, 18,000 31 embers, and 3.10,00! A BSttS. Has over 1 Trillins of operation combine more nt cqnlty and Hhnniiny tbSn any sie company in tl.

country. ReSer-out 01 lortj tlu en Hie companies njuort- prihv the liifurancc commissioner oi waspatuuicus. fbereard purely mutual companies; ami iK seven are Hie most sucr-essiul. The Mirth-avestern is one ol DLER. Agent, ami flpndlm office.

IStf oaisym', CLABKSmiE, TENNESSEE Dtt, J. A. CLOPTOX, OF HUNTSYILLE, ALABAMA, RTpcctal rennest, will be in Clarksrtlle on theBtb anTi flehaa operated withperiec; suc-c -h" uuon the mObt prouilLeat citizens 01 the city ior i-llt-s to operate upon several ot UiirWi'ds. lir.C.opcn.tes with perfect Miccessfor I let. strictures PUstirc, Fistulas, 't uuiuis, Disc'i4s ot- kfv rtraovod a polypus irom tn tTTLBCa as larse an Infants head, oaatirlnt: iJS Inclit'-alter it ws removed, and hLs patient was pi-i-l.

cih well in 15 days. Patients xna not cosfishd tot a bed. uotl SIGHT" WUOSGSJfOBODY Ben. G. Rogers has jibt received a large assortment of Ladie.

iiss-cs', ard Children's Woolen aud Fleece-lined Cotion Hose, Ladies', Gents'. and Children's ioth "and Linfd (iloves and Gauntletts Breakfast Shawls in rarieiy, which will be sold rigiit. JVo. 119 Jt fier-son Street, opposite United states ISotc). no7 d6 Dissolution.

THE firm of O.W. Thomas this davdlssDlyed I bv mutual consent. Either party is authorized to use the name or the Arm 1-qnidfttion. i lil i'ii3. W.

H. MK''IWETIIER, R. ATKINSON. Louisville, Oct. 10, 1S67.

Copartnership. rpRE undetsipned have 'his day esrwlated then--1 etilvi-B together for the purpose of doii a pork and Ktiierl commission bu- uoss, under the name and etyle ot O.l ho was Co. W. l. MEIilWlVl'TIER.

Loulsvlllo, Nov. 3. 1S67. noli dim o. v.

THOMAS. w. n. heihwktheb. O.

W. TKOXViaS 6c Pork Packers, Ham Curers AND No, noil dilni 46 West iHain Street, 1.I'1XV1I.I.E. KV. STOVJES ECOSOiilV, BEiCTY DIIRABILITY. J.

S. LlTHGOW CO. Havsjnst gotten out the "Faroritc," "Jlodern" and "Solar Typ STOVES cpp-elally nrtf.otrd to bod chambers, halls, countln" and banking ofilces, 3IaiinIattiLi'cd for Oar Bituminous Coal, and so constructor ns tn take but little luel to throw out the greatest possible heat. oc2G dim PIAKTOS. Teu secoud-haud ninaos, pood Instruments.

7, 6X and octaves, at 'ow prices. a tut stocK ol new Stemwav's, Chick-erinn's, Gublcr's, and oihers, at lowest II. I. Ka Main BtrM New York prii ntiaviiti 40,000 WORTH OF AT VERV REDUCED PRICES: To Close the Pmtnership Existin: be- tween S. Wharton, Deceased, and S.

Oiifennett. at No OS MAIN STREET, between Second iindThWl, nnd get GUKaT BARGAINS. I', s. All p- rsons Indebted to the Arm will call Immediately aud settle. no! dim COXE COLTART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS.

HUNTSVILIS, ALA. 0 charge tor drayage, as cars run in the yard by a privaie bwiicii. niMiruiicu in wwtsi mies itei- Louisvillo Citv Railway for Lease. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received hy the Board or I'irectors, at ihc otuc of th? company, np to ihe bids. "For specilication aad particulars, apply to or address v.

ti. davison. President i onisviic City Hallway Co. The time for rec-ivlng buls as per, iibovc adver ise-meit i extended to Nov. 14, at 12 o'clock noon.

oc-dtN'ovli 40 Per Gent, of Fnel Saved By Using Henderson's COOKG HlATIlNG Stoves. These Stoycs Arc IWade Expressly for Soft or Bituminous Coal, AND arc entirely different in principle from any other in use. Fine or sl icli oal burns In them as readily ns lump. Servants cannot wane fuel or burn out the stove. Cast iron water backs Iu three sizes.

Has larger ov.r than any other stove In use. Wc ehalle-nirt! anv one to produce a stove that will do as much worK with as little fncl Thirty days trial given and money refunded if stove oo-b not prove entirely satisfactory call and sec ihem R. UUACU I Market stret, between l-oarth and Filth, north sine. noC deo3m V. GaRTMELL, 1 J.

B.DKUBT, ate of W'l I Memphis, late ol Co.j MemptiU, Tenn. I unlontown, Ky. CARTMELL DRURY, COMMISSIOJf 3EJlCEAiNTS FOR TIIE SALE OF Pork, Bficoti, Lard, Flear, Sleal, Bran, Oals, tOitit ItUlSK), UUU 1ICMCIU Prodncc Generally 00 Front bet. Wushluatou nnd Adams, MI. HI PH IS, TENN.

"lOVSIGKMKXTS RES ECTFULLT FOI ICITED. Refer to Bran dels fc Crawford, Louisville. Ky Hamilton isro.tLouisvill", 11. Verhoeff, i Hffvnn I nnisvttlR JudVis touityille, Barton fool, Cin- emniiii, i.cumci t. linnt-PTsnn fin LvansvSlle.

Heniilnir. Hubbs tCvflnjville.Inrt. seSS dcodSm KLAUBER, The Old tcllaljl. PHOTOGRAPHER, MARBLE MANTEL. To Tartics BulldiDS Substantially.

IF von want a genuine marble mantel at ibe same, price as any of the imitations In cast iron or painted call UOn AlULDUU-. Cl, oc23 ileodlm No. 1 IIS Green street. Mi oysters. olmt in nnv In lite.

Cttv. A.MflRCHAND. I lis Third aireet. pet ween warKet ana jcnorson. ontsville, Kv.

ocS neod-'m A. ZIMMERMAN HAS ieopcncdhisstore, on Third street, between Mnin nnd Market, "vhere he will be bappv to see his otd customers and as many new ones a6 may favor him with their palroaage. He will keep on w. c. IBVINB.

bauuei. it. MSHwrs. Lumber Diealers, Cor, Main and Hancock HAVE on band a large stock of.roagh and dressed fine Lamber. oorlng, Shingle', Joists and Scantling.

Also, Doors, Blinds and Sash on hand and made to order, au3Udain-th46a-tf shipped and Real Tal. Lace Collars, Beal Point Lscc Collars, Point Appllqae Collars, Point Applique Sets, Point Applique Laces, Which we will eontinne to Et-U at REDUCED PRICES. t3 Stndy yonr interests, and call on Ben. G. Rogers, So.

11!) Jefferson Street, dG Opposite United States Hotel. CHEAP LAGE STORE. Ladies. Attention. i HandUercliiels at 7flc.

and Si OO; lllacttl rape uo inrs hi v-c ana jlci Bids' tlk ilunditerchiefs at50cj hlcli Silu rravats, nt e5c; l.lneu Hemmed Hnndkereliiefs atSoc; Tape Trimiiiiuar. 7.7c a piece; i.iueu Collars and Cufls, loot Kr neb Cnffa aud Collaia at 7oc aud vie, nt C1IAS. F. UAUCDFCSS5, P013 103 PtlUBXH ST. Dissolution.

rpBE firm of Mnrr-11, CasUemaTi -Co. day thorized to siga the llrui nann- in 'igtiioa 3 rllconli-Arl lv nrrrff. iictit. hither aitKL-r is an- ation. nolSdlO SAMUEL CAtiTLEM.VK TT C.

MURKEL, having purchased the interests of his late oariner, mu iucihvu, formt-da coimrtnership unaer the firm naiuc oi Wc ler. and will continue the wholesale ewery and cotninl'Sion business at tue oia 4t north tide Mainstrect, between 1 ih ami mxiii sis. J.F.WELIKK, Louisville. Nov. 12, 1C3T.

nol3 dlO J.F. WELLE MXJRRELL WELLER, Wholesale Grocers Coiiiiuis'n Merchants, NO. 17? 11 A IS STKliET, Bctwepa Flail and Sisth. north side. nolS dim BaNKRUPTCY MOTIVES ergons desirous of ihc benefit of the Bantrupt Law, and not abl to pay 5D per must flic their petitions prior to the 2d ol March next.

E3" All proofs of debts, to be used in this State, must be taken before a I cglster; iitobo tis--d out ot this i-tate they may bo taken before a Repisttr or a U.S. Commissioner. Notice. THIS Is to give notice that, cn the 9th day of November, .1667. a Warrant in bflukruptcy Mas issued ayuliiet the estate of ROBERT Airy IS.

Of In tbe countv of lark, aad State ot Kentuckv, who has. bc, adjudged a bankrupt his own peiilion; ihat ihe payment auy dnbts nnd de-liveiy of any pro eitv lii'lougTitr to bankrupt, to for his use, and ib irnnfer of auv property by him lire torbiidcn by law; meeting or the credi-t re of the i-ald bankrupt, to i heir debt and to choo-c one or more a-sigm es of bis-estate, will behebt finrt of -flnfcriiDtrv. to be uoldt'n Uczistur's ouce. Winchester. before Tlios.

-glntoi on the liih day ot U' cnucr 10G nol U2 V. s. Marshal a Messenger, The NewSch3ol Honao on Madison and aevonteeuTn streets lor me recention of pap'l ThnKdivrn'-irnlnir. thn 11th ln-t. Par.

nt earne ly rvqaeatcd to send th.iir ch ldren prompt ou me nrsi uuj. a T-esohnioii. adouted bv tue Board ou the 4'h Inst. reantreB an cumuun iivie tuu Aniuibou-nLi- school 1-tr ct 10 aitend tue Manuon-stroet school. All permits here'otorc granted are nun ana void, THE SCUUOL DISTUICT boanded on the north bv Congress street, on tli est anu soutu ny tue city iimiis.

ana on tue i fine commencinE ai tin- of Contrress Flifenth rnnulns thence south to the cen or ii nut; r.n nee souineasi ro rourtecniii Madis-n, thence south to ib city limits. liKo. ll nolS 5t Supi. Public Schools. money to Loan.

OEVERAL thousi'iid dollar can be loaned to a pood kJ House ior as assistant oooKKecper or di olnrk. Ha-t rilv All commncii-altoi: private. None but uord house need auswoi Addrcf i TZ, General Uellvery. oVJ d3' WliNT KVsKYISOhl TO MOW thecty. All the delicacies of the season kept co1 stanuy on uand, ana season.

Americans Visiting Fans, IJT hnvliif: their letters nddrcssod to care oi Nor'on luiiiHerri, jo iiU'inuor, ran, ecure tui-ir prompt eirvery, aua, wneti requ'-stt they will Itc mrwar led to any imrt ol i nropo. oclldi AniERICAW BIB 1,2 SOCIETY AM) DVPUSITOItY. fPHE depository of the Louisville and vicinity Tbbli 1 Socl ly.liabcn reniove-i to Jno. W.Clarke slluol anu caauouurv nuiisu, Hirgvt, i nnnr norlh of uotl. S-ST'City papers will ulease copy.

nof dl Dissolution. rpHE partnership heretofore esisilns between the uudcrsisned. under tue style oi urawiorti, sale f'o i dlsBOlved bvmntunl consent, dittiisr lrom 1 November, 1S67. Mr. W.

S. Morgan rc-irins lrom the linn. 'Itie business will be continued hy the rciimUi-ing members of Uic firm a', the oM s'nnd, Ny. liSO Alain street, uotwoen nnu mmn. ti.



Wholesalesalc dealers In COAL OIL LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS AND CHANDELIERS. T7KEP on hand the best brands of Ct 2. Carbon aud Lubricating Oils, und the celtbraretl 1'etro-oil and Wctbtrili's Patent Gas-condODsing aiirocr, State and county rights for sale. No. West ItIainStber.

ScTcmh Eichtli non 46 IjOII SVlHiE, ny. Boston Eagle Shoe Store 3No. OG MCai-lcct Street, OUTn SIDE, BET. THIRD FOURTH Tt7 have just received a new and lnrpc assortment ot mdios eenL i'iIfscs nnd cuildicn Uoois, Shoes and which wc nro prepared to s.e!l lo a ei: than ny other house in the city. Cull ami sec us bdfore wnere.

Also, a large assort ment oi men anu uoya nip ooois ami uruans. JUUil HUM16, oc24 dcorllm 100 Mark stier t. BOYS' AND CHLLDHEN'S MM EstalJlisliment NO. 209 THIRD STREET, Between Walnut and Chestnut, TXmrSVILT KENTUCKY A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Ooys' and-Children's Snits Ready Made, Constantly on band; also, a veil-selected stock of Moths, Cassimcrcs. for Boy Ladles farnishlne their own material mav rieDend no HaviDg "'uuu up in me baorteot noncv.

uuu iu in newept style. seS'J deod J. UATUKR9. 3.T. SMITH.

C. L.TA.TLOE J. G. MATflSRS CO GREAT SALE OF CARPETS Prices HAS COMNiESCED. AKD Will Coniinnc for Sixty Days WE have lust rcceivdtliclirgcst, and best selected Importation of carpets, od cloth.

shades, and lins ever bronjihtto till? city, ii, si-orr, our stock boat tnrnishirjii coods. all oi which -will be sold in th- aci nvei article and una ai nonse nnd fitenm- nexi GO days, jepardk-33 of ost, owing lo a chanse xi iu iiiaKe in sea ucooiiin Copartnership. U7F, the nnn-rs'cnca, have lins day formc'l a co-nnrint'rshin. under the fl ni name nini stlf Miller, itthm for tbe nnrnr ee of coodnciins a whoK'pale grocery and commission btieln ps. at the oia tiiiuii oi once liurion, ro.

kl west si oeiwtcn fccveutii ana iigni LOUIS liKUM, REN. C. WE VLB, Louis Hie, Nov. 1,1867. W.


WAI L.CB K. OOI, Of sbclbyvlilc, Tcnn MILLER, WHOLESALE GROCERS ND C03I- SHsSIOA MBRCIIAftTS, 2fll W. Main bet. -CTOutb and Eisbthi LOUISVILLE, KY. rff-pfirtlenlar attention paid to sale of nil kinds of country prounce.

cob aim PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE AND rERFUMEK-V AND TOILET DEPOT. BO BERT KN0EFEL, APOTHECiBYj 95 Kast fcido Third t-, ucai' Market St. COTTTSVI CjTjT5, KEEPS constantly on band a large assortment ot Drugs, Chcmica t'atent Merticlnes, Ptnumery, Hair ana iooin urushes. Wines Linnors for medicinal use. Paints.

rhvsii'lnns' iirescriDtrons caremlly Dreonrcd at all honrs. day and n'ghl. noBdeodtm ar. b.wood, nnfacturer and dealer In Bats, Caps and Fnra. SI icatsLiicrc has made to order.

LADIES' FURS. A lare-e and Iresh stock last received. I will sell verv low. (1 J. WOOD, sr.

1 jiBiimuiBBuuuia itooTe ourm. 1 Horses Wintered; PERSONS havlna- horses to winter "-will call at E. Rnnnw's Ftable. MarlTPt Btrnpt. Cnnri TftlN House, -igii, and sr.

-ft Fonrih one ''Or ttflpw Main. LL. T. ware. Call en rst and Mnln Bh.

'T Raft MiWftCt north potwgn First nd-lrook et. a It BO UK. liOul KBtatcAgU 75 9 Main, opp. Rnntr of hoy, m'U, rent collect ItVAST, ni.ll.J Fashionable Millinery ana rnncy uooas, loo L'arr una jiairow on Blocfc. fix doors south 'of Green, on rcmrth.

UL.r.BN. R. aalo ot an 1 Sh'-c Man ofioturer. Mm -Third r-tret Measured nnd antry orders proaiptry ulfopacdio. Mala street, Let.

Third and Fourth. Com. Mer ch- fKIFI'lTUi rili.MIbA cers and Com. Merchants So Q8U two doors eabt of UO'e-. If i.tItl5-iN Jt Ntjr, tteiieral Commission srCDsuui.

Mteumlh-iat nnd HiiHt-ntiil Airnrtlq. c-ouib Miu-ttei ue Ilrotul, Nashvillo, Tenn fOiiEiCHAIlTII. No. 811 JoffcraOD B. cures all fornix ot chronic disease and wcufcncsf- reaerttiYC organs.

bit. first uo-i Brook. imiucvl: ncaiers in ittMniri; Ana otu' l. I'tHce, fiG s. bet, -turret una Jell' roi VlSyn-ljE J-'tK-NlTUKli fllASlFAC RING south west, corner ot Ninth streets.

Sale nil'1 wureroonis and office, north orunr sam iire.rt..'. corn ii oi A Main and Till astings. Tin. Copper sheet-Iron 'nrc. f-oruer Main and Seventh street.

Architect, iso gists. No. 15J alu Fourth and fifth. Lfl iMler; 41' jhTuK, JU I. A- f.oois- seiiere, amiioarn.

hook aoo lor trinicrs, Main Bire-t. a.oaerofDaels.tfi st vr. Dcaiera In all kind-, u-robanco, I1cp. Ciaar. iUiC tilt.i'i aii'l Smofflii aaii 15 Fourth tilreet.

number. Laths Fulton, (rbveCa co lk it; IIKKICJKi I Of 'Iff' -a. TOIJBRDA NOV. 14. IXfc' Centralization aud Despotism.

We find in the Cincinnati Commercial, the lltb a letter from Gen Piatt, Mac a-cheek, on tho recently pubUshei conversation of tho great R.idical leader, atevens, the views of wnlcu urt so catholic and ably expressed that we canon: refrain from reproducing a part of it. The writer, after alluding to the centralization Ideas of Stevens and Sumuer aud i he fact that thfy are coverned rather by the "uiq-uer law than the Constitution, remarks: The founders of our ffovprnment nevpr tenaea centralization. It is a flxd laci tlm lut original tbirien colonies were diitiuci powers, independent of eacli otiiei; that tli thirteen btates born of ihe rtvolntion existed as separaicima sovep iutius remaiDOd, until, iinpreset-d tjy" danger from uaiiiiu suuiwu, 'uey mei ttit: pe-iptu iu convention, and there in spirit oi ior mutual protection, gavs certain rights, which, when compiled, tornjen th-j C'mnu' tion of the United States Taua ihc States, acting in the central form oi govern tueni gve uecurily to the whole. But It is a no tlcesible fijet, statod by the cunventioo ann pmbodied by the Constitution in so man wordt, "That all powers not therein guaranteed were reserved to tbe Slates fnr tbeir individual action," which powers constitute the protection of life, lib erty and prnpeUy, ami pnrBult ot hanpu ness of the people, and, also, the inteiual legislation for improvemenis of any form in tbe States. Any usurpation by the General Government ot any rijjUis reserved to the States it a violation of the compact, to ru corrected by i lie courts, as b'-iwi-eu imlividuals, and vici versa, am usurpation by th- States oi delt-gatei powers to the Getn-ral Government.

of like nature, asd to he currtcted in the sunn- manu-r. Tijua ciieeks were formed wbich gave perfect sateiy Mr. Stevens, on tbe otber hand, conveys tilt; idea that tin-General Government was formed for the ab sorption ol the governments, and upon this Idea he bases tue prop jsition ot" toe destruction of State lines, aud the perfecting of a great central torce to be supported by ike citizens indiscrlniiu.iU-ly votiug, wherever, and as often as hli fancy or bribery might buoeM. This is no fiction, foi with a'l 'he safe-guards placed around tbe elective irauemse in limited boundaries under local authorities, frunds have been piacticed by capital ugaiubt the people to carry its point. Hh Mr Tens' unlimited right of mffragi, how could bu prevented? It could not be done.

A glance vUep snowd us that the original State syrtem gave ua the greatest security, thc-largest liberty, aud the most poUVet happiness. Bat owing to the late rebellion. Mr. Stevens and othe.s are ularrntHf, aud they tor-get, their excitement, that Dad the rebei-Hon culminated in an Empire, aj it did in a Republ.c, the Empire woud have had to succumb, for it was only tbe virtue uf the people tbolr love ot liberty that actuated them to give their Jives and tlieir prop-rty to cure tbe Union and bless: ugs Lbey hud enjoy ed under it Tuey wanted it perpetuate: tt-they had received it, and not us Mr Sit-vn-wisties, to cuauge it iuio a ctespotism, a powor that should hold the citizens iu a viae and malie ihein the creatures ut iu trill. Tbe first insidioui step in ueeu Uku, incited already by the fourteenth d.ticle CouTres hu3 sent lorth its committee io question the action of the people, in sending certain men to represent them.

Tue first act questioning the people's nchr to vote tor wnoinsoever they pl.aie what the Cincinnati Commercial inTk-s, viz: Kn i-sainiuation 01 General Can's quahticaiuinr may, in short stasojit come to pusu. The Coure-sional iciellin: cummitiee may be in Oaio alter the next election. And why not? If Congress ha0 a right to doubi tlie action of the people ol' Kemucky, why not of Ohio? It may be said that Kentucky' eons, some of them, were in thf- re bullion The same may be said ot tome of Ohio's sons; and, therefore, it is nn reason loc thU txamluation, except nudir Stevens' view-Bat any re-isou is sufficient tor the leaders who wisb to destroy tue State organization, and the first step 13 to degrade tuo people Iq this we have an insidious move .0 power. If this I permuted, what, may not follow? Mr. Stereo' floodgates ouc cued, wb-u cbeck is there to the encroachments of Con-grefB? Notuitjg.

In another part of his letter. Genera! Piatt declares thut Stevens and Sumuer are to day tbe apostles 01 centralization, as Adams and Hamilton were in the first day ot the Republic. Tbjs Is doubtless true in ouo but tbe animus governing the centralization adve-vocattra ot this period frtn that of those of the times succeeding the Revoiu'-ion is ns different as posbible. John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were patriots iu the tallest fenfie of the term. Their grait heart hud no puliation irresponsive tothe couuiry'n wuatand the welfare of the peopfe.

If hey hcSiiaied as to the propriety leaving to the State governments all powers not absolutely require for the establishment of a gei.etal govrnment for the regulation of loreigu intcrconrc and mu-taal protection, and ifihey i-Ven went farther and hesitated to entrust tbe people with self-government, it was because they feared to venture upon an expeimcnt about tbe -nc-ceestul issue of which tbe history of mankind strongly tended to throw grave doubts These great -statesmen of the revolutionary age committed a vital error, but iiiat error was one of judgment only, and their motives were as high above those ot such men as Stevens and Suranor as the Heavens are above the low-tit depths of Hades. The Radical leader hjt no excuse whatever for their ceutiallza-tlon projects. Their dictated solciv by coEiderdUons the most unworthy, and hy designs the very r.verse ot of move than eighty fcuown that the fcurs o. Adam and i KrouudiB3, for never were itore tree, nrorjem ng happy thaD toe Americana con far au- cess far beyond the most sanguine auticW "4.u our latners tion. Tbe 1 iroveromentfi uaequaie to the iiro: nit, uoerty.

property, and the pureuit of bippuicu a3 well J8 for the development of the industrial nnd material interests of tbe country, while the General Government gave security t0 tho whole In every sense of tho Wprd ihe people were prosperous. The United Stau-s stood among the foreraosi of the of the earth, her commerce eifiy. sea and. her flag respected and honored: throughout the world. Protected abroad by the Federal power, and.

at bome by tbe Federal power, and at bome-by at i. State eonetitution and laws, tbe Ameri- bl3t Great Sale of Dry Goods TO CLOSE THE COXOBUN. 40,000 Toi-t5i Rich, Kancy nnd Miple 13 ST 37" Goods, To be sold ivitnrrat xegard to cost, ft cash, at 13. O. TABB'S fflfurltet nnd Tourth Streets.

iWIXG to th denth of the late G. B. Tabti. I am or- dered to spI thli eatire stock of staple and tancy To clcsc un Ms estate. It is gsnernlly known that the EOOil' int in tins s'orc are oi tht: be'ii clas 'iulira- cluf; a' slock, ard I ecu assure the puhhc that iiii-i wi Liv soni as annve stucu.

Any person wihlns to eniact1 the dry ecods bus nes, win and ttiU a good opportunity to i'o so. am mc 3i.iiiiu ia uuc oi uic ana dcs: in tue cuy W. TURNER, Agent. NOTICE Notice. L0TJ15VIIXE HASCERV COUKT.

Jfichael Woltf and t'aru ine olit, his wife. ON PS-TITION. rrO ALT. vynOM IT MAY CnSCPRX Take notice I t'lRt Caroline Wolff, wile of Michat-1 "Wolli.has by joint act as a femmc sole. Wm.J D.WI5, noJ dlO Attorney lor 1'lalntltfs.

vind ipg op-numar. wuc has lately been la Arkansas, re preseniinp iiim'-eii -if iuc aceut uui iiuuse, anu upon iue.i! represents tiou-; collecting borrowing money. No such ma" is or be-n In our any ca-pacitv Ihe un--c ia'jitl probabilirv an a-snmod Our agent-are well-knowu sentlemeu, who go ou fully accredited bv us. ceo dm WILSON, PETEII Ci. Notice.

allday. Marketing delivered. DKNTSSTRY J. T. LOVE, 33 3E3 SS No.

78 Wist Jeilersoii Street, Second dooor above hiid, no', dtt i.ut.'tsviM.t", w.V. 3" St REMLO VM 3d St 181 3d St iS 181 3d St Brpyt 181 3ti St 181 3d st Dr. McOlelland's isi 3d st 3d St 3d St 3d St 3d Si 18 Dental Remorcd to Thir' P'ret, bet, (Si-con ad Walnut, No. 1S1 rust lff, nol (IV2 181 181 181 181 DBNTAL 1SS0GIATI0N, Orlpluati ibe ust! oi the WITROUS GX12S G-AS, iOR EXTRACTING 1 KKTH WITHOUT AIN and have adminifti'red to ovci S.i.000 paiienli without a failure or ccident. Wc umki- rlie iras ture ni tresti every any.

nas no lasie nor bine-ii, it pleasant to hie'jtlic, and leaves uo uuplcasant elfoets OKK1CE 11 1 I ri'TIl cTtlEKT, Where all operations, operations, nnd cbauical, EcleiUiHcally pertormed, and charges mode rale. mhlBdtf BANKS. TIE BAIK OF C1LIF1RHU SAN FRANCISCO, Capital. Five Millions of Dollars, Gold, D. O.

MILLS, Presl. WM. C. RALSTON, Cishicr. LEES cSs WALLER, AC.ESTN NISW YORI, Will transact a and exebanfre bnsiucss atSnn Francisco and New York.

Receive depocits and make collections in California, Nevada, and on tbe Pacific Const. Mining Stocks and all California Secu rities purchased and sold on commission. Money translcrrcd by telegraph or by checks. California coupons cashed or collected. Will draw bills oi exchange on the Oriental Dank Corporation, Loudon, apiinst shipments of bullion.

oe7 deodly G. W. NOKTON. W. F.

NO.tTON. LatePres'tSoutberu Bk.of liy. Paducuh, Ky. I G. W.

NORTON BANKERS, C0RJ.ER MAIN AXD SIXTH I.OUISVILT.E, KY. (Successors to J. .1. Gllmore), No. Third slrect, mauuinctureri, and deu-ieis 11 G-UWS, SIFiSS, PISTOLS.

PORTING APPARATtTS.t.'uitsmitbs Material, A mniuuitioii, I'ocRct and lluutius liuivcs. and t-ino Fisniiiff 'I'aclilt-. would can uie lUft.tion o-merchants, dealers, and others to their large and weil-a-so t-d stock of itooas, which they oiler at nrices as low as Hie lowest, and icsp cunlly ask a share of the public patroiitt'ju. Kllies 10 order; ind warranted Itcpairinji don" in the best manner FelS CE LEU RATED AND UNRIVALED TOMATO CATSUP. rpHE above Catnp for the last fifteen years has been JL coi sidered ihe best Catsnp in the West.

Ibis vt-nr's mnnufactur'' nil former, and is esoe- cially recommended (o restanrants. hotels, boardtut: nouses, uar-rooms, steamboats and all t-tiuliar e9tab- It is sold by ihe bottl-, gallon or barrel at the mauulacturer VICTOR K. KNADLER. Fountain i-airy iioad. Also, mine oentrai uurtu Eircc', -j.

SMITH. Ilertd-Ceuter Waetabie nu'Jid eoi' PEASLEE, GAULBEET DEALERS IS COAL OIL LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LAMP TRIMMINGS, Carbon, i.ubricatius aud Lnrd Clfls, NO. 13 9 WEST MAIN ST. oc25dtf Notice, nnRE creditors orSnntN-Imcr Colin are notified to. 1.

littve ttieir claims prcpetly ptoicn and presented to ine unuo.siRn ns-ipni on or ueiore 111c jk hbv ofHecemtierueit.for tbe purpose 01 receiving their pro rata ofthe amount in our hands tor distribution am ng the several cred.tois. Atl cluims not received or presented by said day will be barrca, us wc arc do- temiincd to settle the business. HIRSH, KLEXXER Ap-iirnet'. of Sunthelmtri Colt LocisvrLLF, 5.1SC7. nol dim Jeflerson, bei.

Fonrth and Fifth LOUISVILLE, KV. CPECIAT. atttntion is called tothe FELT ROOFING introduced by me in this city, 'ibis root ts flre- proot, iimKi a itancome appearance, is rnjaper and inr more aurablc than anv oilier, and is adanted to ail kinds of All persons having tin, iron, or metal ro -ft, will find it to Ihcir ndvautagc to use my r.iamc iwoiiui rami, cieaninoai ana railroad ineu are solicited to examine ray canvas All kinds oi i online raaienat ior sai- oci; utm E. W. DUBOSE, Commiss'ii flrrchanl.

Collecting Agent, ic. EUPAUM.AT.A." PROMPT attention Etven to remit tnncos, nnrrhase an tale of cotion, rs BAEDSLEY KESACK, HAVE OI'hXEI) A EW Hat, Cap, aud Fancy Fur Store, 208 S. E. cor. Market and Sixth W7HERK they will he happy to meet tbeir fiienda and the public enerally who may be in waul ot tne aoove arncies.

inevwinieei pieasuro all orders with punctuality -md uispatch. ocso dJiu COOPERAGE. GEIGER ROBINSON, PIFTEENTU fTRf.ET,NOKTlJ Ob MAIN TiTANTJ FA CT URE lis o' whiBE, 011. pork and flour AL cooperacc. Ail worn um ai'aPe iinm me cuy Taxpayers, Attention! Wsn Datis.

Louisville, DEAU Br-The demand upon the treasury-are pretty Ueftyy. Can you accomodate us vrtth by Monday Very respectlully. D. HOWARD SMITH. Atidltor.

Taxpayers will please come forward pay their taxes, and save the extra per centage. I dtt w. DAVIS S. J. C.

in Qua.

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