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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 4

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16," 1908- ttt LOUISVILLE. WEDNESDAY 4 matter of T. I Vila linclnoaft flB fMtitini't rWWrmrmrrT r7J. is at the commerce: and race "and. an altogether JH Borne oi tne i oil nf trade.

utxaio OTHING TO" SAY IS THERE A SCH00LB00K TRUST? causes for the selling out oi a uu. are the death or ill-health of one or more sponsible fto- much of the flingtiat manifests itself In the contumely heaped upon the negro at times and theactuaJ cruelty exhibited toward Mm. On the other hand. I believe sincerely that all A 4. -I-H-I partners, the unprofitableness opine ture, or the desire of the owner to embark in other lines of undertaking.

A common incentive for. the purchase of ad rfrWK-H I 1. 1 I I I -I-H through the souui a very mu fAHn- ia imowlne among many classes lln Mv To Mr.v Bryans prcTtizena 4owardthe- ditional-business is1 a-hoped-for economy saying Introduction. negro ne JCZ fili-he should be of good, cheer tee lu- 6f administration derived from increase output without -corresponding expense. marketl-, or, Is there any.

power to prevent teachers from recommending, or school boards from adopting a book so published' and- using it 'in the schools. Every Latest 8tatenien MAT TAKE TO STIBXECTj 5t HI SPEECHES. 19 nngnier -or an -his hands than ever. negro "the ward of the NatlorCin-the sense athait the Nation brought htm here 'against Ms will, and must.nqrw- deal with 4he.problems that his presence presents. will answer.this question.

Those unacquainted with the; factor may have a general-inlerest in the -subject, as This process, TVould- be repeated all over the land, -jh 1 other words, books are the product of the brain, the, children of the Kir hn li nnt from In any other--business or ttonT Periods who; have been the burden of responsibility, tfcat. he must mind, and no oh'e can control this source of supply. Unless the "'source of supply-can be controlled no can be maintained. argue the contrary Is to assume to win ms way uumuui- ty by industry ana tnnit-ao a piace u-Trfilnh -Jin rwwvrmes too valuable a part and misled; by.i unscrupuioub pecuniary, reasons will welcome an authoritaUve, and a truthful and have their tssxSKKG-B TS THE of. sooiety for his depreolalorsv to Ignore argue the absurd.

No monopoly of school-books can be maintained: ms. ngnxs ana wen-earnea pweiuyu. Mr. Taft's'''steech was warmly re It.Is.TO, this. third class especialiy that Schoolbook ceived and mahy.

of his' periods froundly. Then Why Some rlecent instances of this, free commerce of schoolbook-properties may be MaynaW-Merrill Co. purchased the schoolbook business of Myers, Fishel. Co. Schwartz, Kerwln Fauss purchased the business of the'' Catholic Schoolbook The: -Macmlllan Company bought the educational publications of Eichardson, Smith Co.

Charles Scrlbner's Sons recently purchased King's Geographies from Lothrop, Lee Shepard. Glnn Co. purchased, among others, Blsilsdeirs Physiologies from Lee Shepard, and Graves' Spellers from M. to the Cry of "TruitP the, present stement is applauded. v.

ADDRESS TO; A Trust Ieflned. ANOTHEB CONFEBENCE dm rno "ScnooiDooK Trust" is an ogre cuu- ured ud. invented-ahd invoked by unr JU.t uu. 1 CiTK-jn-nati To Arranee Taft's In t. TT.m4m development, me nnti overzealous publishers uvciujoiuua a- sept.

xassgtf: 1BO uo. i auupuiuua, word trust as now applied is new. it i agBntS) to aeceve the public, to turn the used as an epithet and to 'stigmatize frQm aupertor b0oks Western Itinerary, rhir-jiirn snt 15. Ttebubllcan lead newspaper jvrohgful. or concerns which, would win their way bi their mert ers from fourteen Central and Western xner lsEues of the cam.

controversy over the issues rlvalB wisn to umwui its and thus get sympatneuciregaiu iu. States, who -were assembled here loaay in conference with Chairman Hitch-nvir nf tho TfAnnhlican National Com- in Mr. Bryan's by prejudicing me tneir own b00ks that are beiievea to neea fl Co. and Hinds --rnere udl seems the renomination of Gov. Hughes for v.Tr rUfferent ji isooie were comoraeu unuei vno It is differently denned exWU only in their minds.

The epithet of Hinds. Noble Eldredge. people. If one definition -V ls chiof ammunition used by many Bfflnsham Maynard Co. changed Its broad enough the definition is.eniargea to h0UBes go.caned "book lights." It fl t0 jnuTmra, Merrill add- Governor of York.

Without ex- v. statement ui mU appear SlHSSd awiUingnes? 1t Mr. nanMnn' thaen WPSfPTIl leaded 0" moto It more comprenensayc f. embloyed to discredit and damage tne th nUbllcatlons formerly nim th notion of the New York The "World Almanac for raw American Book Company, the superiority .001,. Merrill and convention would aid me boiiuui.

jiinn which is evidently lntenaeu nf whose books 13 recoemzeo. xiiu later still Maynard. Merrill Co. sold in their campaigns In all 01 me u- of "oomblne" and "U-ust" began yeas WnMa Cf-qtac Of tnP WfiSL out to the Charles E. Merrill Company.

"Sen? ondearWsevelt's Taft of Mr. Talt on the uonosts that Gov. Hughes be sent mm in whinners, accomuanled by nods, to be aU-embracins. It is as follows: "Trust, as popularly understood, means a consolidation, combine, pool or agree-f two or more naturally competing Parker P. Simmons purchased the pub winks, and waggings of ihe head.

As the lications of A. Lovell Co. Into Avestern states 10 speeches have been made in great num Silver. Burdott Co. bos purchased country has become more and more suspicious of combinations and hostile to wVih Mtablihes a limited mo bers.

10 Will De iisn-eu iu manv States as he can in the ynae no nnr-o fmm his own campaign. books from time to time, among its latest purchases of this sort being tho list of tulatU-i nlnatio nopoly with power to nx prices or trusts, or alleged trusts, tnis term ui probrium has been bandlea anoui Morse Co. In an Industry or group ot. rhiis deflndtion. is there A con- It is said -that he may be scheduled to not only st'rensth.

freely, more openlj-, ana even uwn. D. C. Heath Co. purchased a part of psale in speak in Kansas, JNenrasBa, sblidation, pool or agreement of two or ens the naapiuuu other AVestern States where nis pup" scrupulously.

At llrat the noubes agemsrwho applied It to the American the list of Leach, Shewell Sanborn, and more recently a part of "the list of the Phairman Hitchcock and v. in. the -ITfTile to tha Governor, would be able to iSSme to the campaign Book Company did so wiui University Publishing Company. Dixon, director of the speakers bureau and shame. Familiarity -wiui more naturally competing- schoolbooks.

"which estobllshes monopoly with power to flx prices or rates?" -Is There Ioxik of Competition? B. If. Sanborn Co. purchased an im in the West anniversary portant purt of its list from Shewell Co. own offenses and constant -made them- callous and shameless.

SinrvS to be the cago tonight for where.they will confer with Judge Taft concerning the present year (1908) Thomp Even thefUEcmts of the American son. Brown list has been sold to i-hSesTdaV he'had the itinerary-, arrangea lor nis Compaiiy formerly trcateu mo Herbert Plimpton, a brother of George ern' trip. This trip, -which win exienu A monopoly eliminates competition. term by rival agents as Plimpton, of the firm, of Glnn Co. PIiMiibing al-tmit Ion- Ktfl tPK.

Will UeUlll September 25 and conclude on October understood by uom c.uua Tn0 business referred to Is still carried mid onlv used in jest. But tne I tj limited monopoly uts.M""" 170 badinage, 'There are In the United States over Wj lnslncere mmvc cnuiA hefnrB the deeD water- separate, distinct and ory has gone forth so long, so loud, and an(J hixs' recentlv been Incorporated, so persistently, and the pubilo has become n-nvfTronv-ntion in this city. Mr. Taft oW -ShofflS Episco-ence of the At" Lch of his cam- pal Church. Je first wehL1 not palgn to The aoori Qf SjSitical, but gave Staaro struggles of netlng publishers oi -AT- so greedy to have trusts poimea uul Nearly All Prominent Publishers Axe hateful and obnoxious objects.

the region, contiguous w. i.Aw. arioirifr nnnn his Ion? trip. Corporations. -inr oV-a-board of education These speeches, If made, will be in ad has observed from Us ow SnpS-S-S.

the candidate, Excursion Fai' To Connect As has been said, the American Book fhl Si 1 that compeuuou nn e-en that the unscrupulous persons wno caii the American Book Company a trust have found profit In their falsehood, and have created a belief that there ls a school-book trust luthe minds of some people ignorant of tho facts. is active, iiucitaw schoolbooks dition to the address to uiu League of Republican Clubs at Cincinnati on September 22, and the speech in connection with George Ade's rally at his farm near Brook, Ind. Company is a corporation, but so are practically all of the thlrly-slx. most active publishing houses In the United bitter. establishes the universal States.

Of the remaining number 039) U'ha silence of tho American Book tym fact that mere i wm probably a majority are incorporated. whrPaSed trough, the cKy on a- Rut some KEPTJBLICANS NOMINATE competition. pany has been accepted d- mesa peoym A Heal Combine. confession: dignified attitude na give point th6 largest curston. fleleeation, it had -Recarding this aBiega" Canoidates For City At Lex 4.

beea -rtated that a tnou molPty ine This Grade Tub This Week $10.00 lsts -would present s-t The ex- Tho American Book Comnany is not ington. n.mpotlne of Lexington Be- generous supponar natron- therefore offers a been mhiconsu-ued as an attitude of guilt. Our belief that the false insinuations and assertions would bo taken at their real value, and that the authors and promulgators of them wuild be shamed and discredited, has hot always proved true. Joss than who came was pianatlon intended dele- trust, it is a corporation tho same as are nearly aJl other publishers. It hoe to monopouze.

x. publicans to-nlgnt tne for city offices fc monopoly. But to a- age tor purchased text-books from other houses, looK "oocn we snouiu and this is a practice which has obtained We are independent of the trust and sell to everybody. We can furnish you with everything in the plumbing line and save you 50 per cent. to be voted for at the November elec QlQaies iforTeplfethe oTa sTgleTexTin geography While the American people at largo be the e.

among all publishers. tion: single series of read- lieve in "fair play" and are just and J. An actual "combine' exists which Howard C. M. or arithmetic, or a -T.

-v. its 'i I ujjnisi miL't. Lxieic ia a. anuuu uiuiwi uw Currj K. G.

Pulliam ana Ho began his oy ferfl usea- Mrtv tnpougrn concerted action and a common Intent seeks to eliminate the American LAVATORIES, CLOSETS, TRIMMINGS, ETC. ls New York authonzeo i tne puDUc mat can always do looiea, win his familiarity Were" he thirty scries oi always bo vlcUmlzeO, and is always rais ciuncTlmen-lj. W. Hodges J.m Scott, John B. Payne, W.

E. Barron, V. the nvnresslng nis Lf.rcoloreo'raoe in its scores of i'ar Louis ZInszer ana J. Book Company from an open and fair competition, by originating and giving wide circulation to the general charge that It ia a trust. It attempu to persuade boards of education, State, county, city 1 1 a t-1.

Ste -which I 1 TiiB catv naa i u. books in even Jackson, C. D. Portwood, A. and Theobald L.

actuating principle with those pub-1 have had f.rom the me was See Our Exhibit at the State Fair. Secure Our Catalogue; wm aave iou money. LOUIS HYMAN CO. con cqs FpoI Market Street. LOUISVILLE, KY.

tracts with more competing Sve Ushers and agents who have given ut i Campbell. boy. for I jnaeriuxi lorod terance to the trust charge against the I Tatt. tnau textbooks iu. um and district, that the American Cook Company is a trust, thus stoking to create a prejudice which will prevent school boards from oonsidorlng the comiKin-y's better haw-.

American Book Company. Baptist Preacher a Candidate. houBea How lor is had li. race nv saio. Senrent.

Sept, ia. I ited monopou tcxt. duv I If vuv uuut I belMulaS tnugh What tho American Book Company Is books on their merits. Is this fair compe Ed Eobert Hiair, a raii. The Btaie the State Board of tition? Would good books require to be III IW I HI I II IIIW.IMII II 1M I bo foisted upon the market? Would tho We have shown that cities ana "combine" attack the American Book slavery, It 5 "and it There is no luck of competition in the ttpu tothe, they should they should PUSHING PROJECT TO schoolbook business weaiins juoiwukj "t-hr composing the counties of Letchen Perry and Owsley on the BPublIca i lonibiE- Republican of Company if that company's books were not recognized as superior? was in this une consider- number or over There is no monopoly of -business, "com Whether such "combine" Is successful.

uuini. coatiiKie. aitnougii rfVm the value Srv Srte time In his comment on vaiu plete or limited; Eastern re authorizea towaja a FORM LITERARY CLUB or whether full and free competition shall There is no monopoly of capital others in tne race. J-n uja'-i. jh-- cieany, nw continue witnout let or hindrance, mary Is called for ovemper 10.

There is no power to ftx prices; and that shall bo strangled by the trust methods of A schoolbook trust is Impossible. the "combine' hero referred to remains fA nTirtifln.te. ct ritv or district, the YOUNG MEW BVB NTJOIiETJS OF If there ls no trust and can be none. to be seen. This question will bo decided ir.1?nr (nn.r,lpnt find aCtlV COHl- OBQASTIZATXOJSl.

oi education, Ae'eduSSon to be Cvpast forty lears. neirro race, he Banil- SfSSV tLS for rioc ATnines. lowa. cseuu ju. a ww mimoer ati, "uv In any general not by tho courts, not by accusations or denials, but 'by the act and choice of the It Is clear, that the American Book Company Is not a trust; and this is the abso rnnFressmafl

uacey nfttltoiS' very m. Jri Jr less educators and school offlcors to whom i adoption and lute, unequivocal and unalterable truth. oppose Gov. Cummins as United States i.i.ti.. miniisners this paper is addressed.

Tho number, variety and excellence of MEET OCTOBER 5 TO COMPLETE WORK. Senator to oo voteu. uwn o.v more often a larger have active agents struggling for busi mary in November. The Texas Case A Culmination of the American Book Company's publications, and the enterprlso and energy by which they have been placed before the ness. Calumny, SOLDIER IN PHILIPPINES public, have given tho company a promi community Bom against Is There Monopoly of Capital? HAVE A ROOM AT LIBRARY.

DIES OF CHOLERA- Tho Texas case reprcsonts the culmina Our Fireproof Vaults Now Ready for Occupancy. Persons leaving the city will do well to call and inspect our facilities for taking care of nence and a leadership In educational circles wholly outside and beyond the tion of 'calumny. Emboldened by their im Prom the Mercantile Agencies the fol are pecuniary rea more proportionate Blze of Its business, art, tuken: munity from punishment for past slanders, our business rivals sought In Texas Arrangements havo been made to niTht October rj appeamm always lowing in But it has never aspired to achlove any "War There are thirty-six to give us the deepest stab in tho -back been in favor of mgner power of direction or control of the trade Department Is Advised of a Case of Yellow Fever In Havana. house, with a total capital or they liave ever dealt. This was done by SSSASS Naciuhe 'cJlMeUvllle ryVi as a whole or a part, such as would give it tho character of a monopoly.

It has nineteen publishers of gen inspiring tlie authorities to bring charges against the company, and thus defeat Its am OOJ1VU1UI.U Literary Club. A ro i who also publish list a of never been In a position nor has it at- Tho purpose oi nniavills. as superior text-books, which were being oonsldored for adoption, together, with ichoolbooks. Theso nineteen iiousua iwvu wmpwu to prices, mmi lerruory, in- mote tho literary literary 5 -rror." Mob Violence. nntiai nf Cll S35.000.

I creoso or decrease output, or to do any ell as to ouiuvuio ihem- those of thirty-five or more other publlah- Valuable Etc. slde of those wno to Silverware, pers There are 119 general puuiiauuo ouwr iuiiik hi hi open irauo by the State Toxt-JJook Board. Not members. Louisville nas i-b selves as Irsuos schoolbooks cnougn -o among ail scuooidook pupisners.

it has V. I V. 'all tlie Insinuations, accusations and cal Washington, Sept. 15. The Adjutant General's office was to-day advised of the death from Asiatic cholera, In the Philippine Islands, of Bert R.

Christian, Company Twenty-sixth Regiment of Infantry- This Is the first Information which has reached the department for some days regarding any rVTor-O In ths Islands. At UlQ On the subject of race Prejudice and needed a cosmPuan m-y "EducaUonal Publisher" by never had any agreement or understand umny that could be invented could prevent the State board from recognizing tie Publishers- wecaiy. ine 3 I dorkw risilnee bitterness te iytoy it was. ing with any other schoolbook publishing house to bring about any of theso or jn.a21.1w. the superiority of several of our text Boxes 6x6x18 Inches 25c Per Month.

things. Of this total, capital of ovor books, which were adopted. The only way 't lemrm "i there will be Surgeon General omce no to prevent their uso was to urge Uie cent, of -wnicn is KSretrrnob wlU be. formed, do of the disease spreading to any extent. bUcatl0Il schoolbooii.

A Corporation. ,.7 most aendisn mtm. cruelty. charge that their publisher is a trust un hlindest ana Booth -rariai -J-- Ouavlo der Texas law. fi jnaniies -trfi, per- errioS it nTngie publisher ha, ovor X.X.0 of tho officers say.

Is easily prevented 1 by ca.pltai. mononolT Could Insincerity, duplicity and false besause FIREPROOF Tho American Book Company is a cor lecuy ur to say say hood further go than to claim that there and manthersTdeem honor" to be associated. It will be the purpoi of the TulsTlUo Literary Club to do for Loi ils-vUlUe what tnendlanapolls Literary Club not poration. It was organized under the the adoption oi tne prupei it is ovinem unu it X. UvT hmtlsh exhibitions are was any restriction of competition in precautions.

Secretary wngnt Baau of capital. laws of the State of New Jcrsoy In 1590 Texas in the presence of a struggle for business among thlrty-slx competing by the members of four firms engaged In be felt over the array suffering from a Is There Power To Fix Prices? Vber'T a temporary organlfa- STORAGE CO, cholera epidemic. r-oived at the War De the schoolbook business nnd purchased from these firms the whole or a part of their schoolbook business. Afterward, the monopoly of houses and such a horde of agents and aids of high and low degree that the contest has become notorious? It seems, however, that the agents wiho conceived and partment from Havana says there is one real and one suspected case of commodity can tlx itfl prlCCS. Honk nnmnnnv ONOORPORATBD yellow fever there.

It is equally true that where there Is no Qr th8 of Ulo bus. be no "power to flx executed this satirical lest kept tholr monopuij uu-i iiwiia aim cor- THIRD AND GREEN STREETS. thte sort ViSiout bavins on-s blood -boU tritai tadienaUon that there can re- taehSnan breast such a i and beasuy taipnlse and Jnovo. Bg. i Ve moat remember two things.

First-jf to spite of our education and it flnemont and progress toward Christian il SeS reriuT rotain in our nature a Yi SSt'deS of tho original ajumal. and. second that the spirit or a mob seems JTbei different spirit from that of the todlviduale making it up. and to Ato-i cee a more Insensate and Inhuman -SrS of lmpulaea than It would be possl-'. to find in any one of its members.

The beit remedy, and -the necessary imnmi'Mnut- in tlie admln- St Petersburg Cholera Beport. faces straight long enough to convince the Texas officials of their sincerity, for prlces," for what wouiu ii poratlons. et Totorshurir. Sept. 15.

For the suit was subsequently brought flrst PenlemnSS location of the Because of the tonmu uterary est publlsner iu -incno dooks so purcnasea wcro at once bitrarily fix his prices when ne placed upon tho list of tho American twenty-four hours ending at noon to- hopn renorted in ot. Owing to the publicity that has beon given to this suit. It ls proper to make arrayed Bgaini. Book Company and formed a part of their have uu-y Petersburg 240 cases and six death from the Asiatic cholera. This is al otner umvo cataloiruo.

In somo cases tho flrmn special mention of It In this paper. On learning that, an investigation as -to houses, ano -posuiuu 7 7 tlnucd to conduct their respective business most -doume tne itoj whethor tho American Book Company be houses, with powor ana Qisposu.oii i Among the strlcKen is ijieuu juiauw. until tho consent of tho copyright holders i Ji "XVr: laws and the trust had beon ordered by tho Text officer of the Cossack regiment in acrbla h)m in tho market? September 9, placing the Trustees of tho tho supervision oi clubundw tnosi KRYPTOK! tk-o finnnla. He Is the first among la another InBiipcrablo obsta book Board of Texas, we offered by tele to the transfer of their respective books from the sellor to tho purchaser could be obtained and until such times as tho proposd for Library Committee, tnis the better class of the population to gram to open our books, records, vouch cle to prevent the control of Prices of i means to prevent and suppress such out- ors, lottors and documents of every kind by any nouno oi American Book Company, could add tho club is iu -tb llbrary, the succumb. DIPHTHERIA KILLS THREE 5 Toannot too strongly condemn the i at-i' tttnoeof those public men who in their J' SrSt Se negro quesUOr.

use i. to arouse In the lg- purchased books to their own list without loss of the good will and patronage which ot houses. Many States flx their own nrlces of schoolbooks by law. It is done Allows: The laws certain SI to Inspection, and stated that our officers would, under oath, answer any questions and cheerfully furnish every facility and assistance In such Investigation. Tho Is in tno ujy- nue and entraice Wnf Si oMo proper It Is wel The Why wear two pairs of glasses when one will do? formed a valuable asset of the firms MEMBERS OF ONE FAMILY.

doeD contemirt for the negro invisible The only ONE-PIECE bifocal. whoso lists had beon purchased. hft maximum pneeu Pam. adopted. The publishers torms of our telegram were made good.

STte of the flrst meeting has been ar ranged for October 6 In Decembor, 1907,. the American Book under State contraot iBadStomaett and thoro will be no delays of the company's seeking in tho trial of tho suit Thft I'nmmiuu un Two Others Are Critically HI With at tb0 prlC03 namcd. Company was chartered undor the laws of New York and sueceeded to tho assets In Texas. Tho company positively and un Southern Optical Co. uo Fourth and Chestnut the Disease and May Not Thus It follows that other States which Poor Health and business of the New Jersey corpora quollttedly denies the charge that It is a mng hyhose who sh to be- but Becover.

nnmB liiu i tion, and the latter has been dissolved. trust and fuuy expects to sustain this denial In court. The company has done The Company is not interested in any Good Health Depends Upon Healthy and will do everything possible to bring third Mondaj or mi be ooen to reauire publishers to furnish books at no Seater prices than the same books are finished in any other State or territory novantage of the rates flxod by sf Tnia Serit. AS. Mourning the othcr company directly or Indirectly and has no alliances with any othor publishers nr txr- Tnnther.

brother and tho suit to an early trim with tho confi Tn8' when the momoers can bring ucuLi'a w. deter nnd torn with anxiety for two dent expectation of complote vindication. KENTUCKY STAR BRAND seouiu u. rt of any nature reluting to restriction other sisters who are critically 111 In Ponding such decision that part of the tho flrst-namea Biau. 1:110 nm nvallablo lessening of competition, division of ter Sn Sot ooed a year; that tho club publlo whioh hoHevos in a square deal" oy tho city hospital, two mue nM.

their home to-day after tho ritory, or control of prices, or for the and "fair play" will at least Buspend performance of any other act contrary to nlace had been closed by tho police. Stands for perfect Hardwood Flooring, kiln-dried and end-matched. Will last a lifetime. Shipped direot from factory to building. Now is the time to save money on flooring.

Both phones. Judgment. Such a law maK.cs it i-- sucn a TjoiorivKB of the children were later r.epantatiV men of tho city of all preachers, doc- tho loiter or spirit of ony anti-trust or AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. A i il.Vittrl in THJBU 11 iwv." Stomach and jsoweis. If the stomach falls to properly di-f gest the food eaten the body must be-r come sick and weak, for It is through the strength given by the food that the body is made strong and healthy.

If the stomach does Its work property and i- the bowels refuse to eliminate the J. -waste, matter from the body, the body -will become weak and 111 through the effect of the poisons that go into the blood from the clogged waste matter In the bowels. Something that aids digestion ls not sufficient to build up a weak stomach 5 -nnri simArhlni? that auicklv rjhvsics the Srff The and house having other laws of ani State. It ls absolutely independent. It has no trust or monopoly business men, etc.

wno iu- iiiuclj tors, litpmrv welfare of Kentucky Hardwood Flooring Co. .1 -krollnt Tanlronn I nnnnnlV -AT BC IUU1IAWM, HERMAN' PETZOLDT FOUND rT attend tne initial meeting from raising its prices. istcd. features of any kind whatsoever, applying tho broadest definition of the word known 14 and 12 years old respectively. RlcU- tr-on fh first of the family to be And become members of the club. offlcors of the proposed or- DEAD IN BED BY WIFE. BEECH STREET, NEAR WOODLAND. I has been tajten to any law. a Schoolhook Trust Is Impos- eanlzation, nnm. will whatever.

A "ji Bible. Schoolbook Properties Often Bought be CleCvM or recovered. That was seven weeKB ago. mi 3 venrs old: Sthel. 10: ROYAL SIAGNESIAN SPRING WA- Jackson-Street Grocer Victim of Apo and Sold.

fofVmcerrs, to be elected at tho following bowels will not give -them Tommy, 8, and Harriet, 6, became 111. Mt nniv is it demonstrable that there plexy Survived By Nine Children Funeral To-day. meeting. Inn? trlo-11 mnaa me moLliei ail p-nrw. I .1 1 V.

lrlinwv- mllAVM In DRINK ia schoolbook trust, out it equally of one schoolbook nron- easy victim wnen ner turn uumu. maw fliod a week ago, the mother yesterday suBceptlble of proof that no such trust by another j8 n0 now thing; nor are digestion, and for your table and office RL0WS OUT BRAINS I' strength to perform their task in a I natural manner. A medicine that -will -relieve the sour stomach, restore natural digestion, eliminate the waste i' from the bowels -without -pain or grips 5" and give perform their functions manner is and Tommy to-day. The father of the can be creaieu. guch purchases connnea to liib American Herman aged '51 years, who OVER WIFE'S CUKSt.

lias no equal. Order now. 'Both Phones 1489. Bupposo certain gii- Book Company, family, aianuei jacRtsou, his wife for. a since the- purohaBe by American I cindiicVed -a grocery store -at Jackson 1ie -Dlan OI COTHDintoK un viau omitributed to her support.

nfnfiHVititprl to ner sun DOIT. J. no l. 1. 'I tl v.lrtlav mornlno-.

nt 3 iicko i MkMiiuvuc nausee ul li. iiiw who i n.nt I 'nmnnnv ul uluci auiuviuuuik uu- I niiccLi r-- 1 OFFICE 524 THIRD STREET. I' what is neeaeav, ana we jmow oi 1B-. When ho bovsrsalfl to-day tnem mnrtRft. for the sake "of mnAn n.

niuae of offense hv its nV.lock: Tho Coroner, Dr. Charles nnnMrll last Saturday. corpse of his whb.dled was ROYAL 1A6NESIAN SPRING WATER CO. argument, that tney snouia rVajs a-brief reierence to transactions uroves, 'y1 evefy' textbook of whatever kind used-ln lof tOio- same sort, jby' other publishers, will death due apoplexsv Mr. Petzoldt had from-.

irlgnt ueuauad on- iio- had been shot by Ohicken rrr so good as Dr. (jaiaweirs.oyrup jrepsm. Rev. A. Tenn at the fc age of 80 years, writes that he suffered' for many years stomach trouble; and.

found no relief until he used Br. Syrup OPERATORS WARWED TO ail Itha schools from all the publishers and show the--preyaienqe oi mis -practices a rnot'Oeen in thieves, 'Jack Buttery, a prominent tlrlne last night seemed as well, as usual, tDracUce which has obtained and nTtmild thus form an aDsoiute monopoly. GIN -NOlMORE COTTON. merchant of CHngo, niiamson oounty, Mow' his brains out with a revolver. has never oeen oDjecioa io -as improper, Could auch monopoly be No amount of power, influence or capl- llleEal or questionable.

-His "wife had been In the'hahl't of 'getting up during the night and giving him a drink, but on getting up night Bho him dead. He is survived bv a The shot which Mrs. Buttery thought hnri killed her husband was fired at T.ttubonn- Sept- lo. jNignt uld Twevent any teacner, orr otner 2 VijI i-nt Believing thieves had attacked wife and nine children, three boys and six uiittorv she fainted, and never recov All business is subject to change of ownership, and this has been so in all time. The dry goods merchant, the grocer, tho haberdasher and the butcher, as well as the publisher of schoolbooks, Buy "a bottle to-day.

Most all erists seU it at 50c and L00 a bottle, Take It according to direction and you will find your stomach soon doing its work in a regular and heathful man-t ner It will give you Immediate relief I i without pain or riders visited the Morgan Supply Com- competeiit author, ifrom writing a. new pany-s cotton gin near here on Monday text-b6ok on any subject he' might and tacked up a sign warning operators md influence or capi- i rvii-vT-Q nnttnn TnlR iq nft aw girls, tnreo ul ure uouBiiwio uviiiH-uiax- funeral will take place this after ered consciousness, dying four hours later. Buttery was forty years of age. He, and his wife are survived by. one A K.q i.rM.nDlHni.

rhat Wlr)fipimlth'a Tfintf In ft. rflmftflT iXB io si" urevent a printer irom printing such mjBJ, SIX a. hinder from binding it, or -any any noon at 2 at his home. Tho bu has always closed out his. business, add Mrat armmnr-h nt tho malarial ml.rnhi.

WlntAmmtth's dOAS th hlH.TH.gfV rial win oo waiwHjij. gripe, and TO to your bowels strength. it on the bjuslness or con- ana.

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