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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 11

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN and The Nashville American, SUNDAY MORNINS, APRIL 28, 1918. MONEY NEEDED BY UNIVERSITY Commercial Club Cabinet Urges Aid Be Given Fisk. NATURE PRODUCES AN ASSIMILABLE IRON What Chemists for Years Sought to Achieve Has Been Found in a Natural Mineral Deposit. HIRSHBERG BROS. Buy Bonds Save Stamps 3 1 6-3 1 8 UNION STREET An urgent appeal to (he eitiwn of Nash vllb' lias lict-n ir-stlM l.y the i 'o in a I Clu't Cabinet on hehalt of I'lsk I'nlvcrsity, which will in- i) mi Mr to complete the prep.

It bns lnii thftt hiimil nil.t USSTl tuuar rn, rlvjil.l.-. r.r limlst Monday Will Be a Day of Value-Giving Sale of Ladies' Outer Apparel In Progress New Snrnn ent year M.rk without immediate assist anr Citizens are asked to rally to Mi Mip port of this instil tit Ion i In. Ii distribute-in annually more than $200 ami which has done as much to a. the city oyer the entire world as any other Institution Ineau-d hcrr-. Tit appropriation of $10,000 for current expenses which l-isk has tte-n receiving until.

illy from outside sources conditioned on a like amount being raised here. Is liable to be lost unless quick comes from citizens nf There Is mill lacking $2,000 of the $10,000 to be ralH'-d be to re he a nu a I a ppropriat Ion of a like amount can be m.ide available. The Commercial Cluh Cabinet's appeal follows "To the Citizens of Nashville "We have had lor rears an institution located hen which distributes in Nashville, annually over $200,000, and apart from the money which it distributes has done as much to advertise the city over the entire world an any Institution we have. "The city of Nashville while receiving these benefits has not, cNcept In very minor wjiy, contributed to the support of this Institution. "We refer to risk 1'niTorslfv, an insti tut Ion standing In its chosen field head and shoulders above any similar institution In the country.

baa been receiving from sources outside of the city of Nashville an annual appropriation of $10,000 for current ex-pensep conditioned on a like amount belug raised from other sources. We are ad -vised by Dr. K. A. McKenzle.

president of the university, that this appropriation Is Habit- to be lost unless It receives Immediate assistance from the citizens of Nashville, and that will be Impossible to compiete the present year's work without such help, "There is still lacking $2,000 of the to be alsed before the annual appropriation of a like amount can be mmle available. The facultv of nnlversit V.V 1 'iiiil-ihlc. rllrsta- Dl form of In.n, bin approach was an iiioriuir. Mntlpatlng Indigestible product, which fn-quoiKly more hn rut I bat) good. At Inst jicl.f inm wna found in mitural dcslt.

which, while It is nnalyzablc by in'inists, entirely balks their ortorts to artificially. Ry Its UJic. un.Tvf.C))t. rundown i pin bron ri stored to normal lira It 1i within two op Uirti- tirix'. Wltllc is ih-tv trfln.

tlir. dis-trlhijLorH of Uiih marvolnus rrniffly. tlie r'orrodiii" Cfirpurution. so 'onflficDt jt.n Iliat llicy iinqciall flfri1y il to r. what Is for It, or your 'InigiHt will promptly re-iimii Its piir.

hiiHc pn A-I-M Is It! s'tisi a patent medicine or secret It a natural mineral wafer, foutainlnw aM li'tilt h-produclng, tiMiicaiHl 1.1 bnil.hiir pnipcrtii-a of purely first! M'-vsrs. Froeliling Itoix-rtson, tin- Known chemists of Uk'timonil, a I In trough unalvt-U of tills, ri'iUfv tliat the following ht.s c.mjiuw AIM: Ferric Sulpwile. Aliimink- Sulphate. Miinsaiiir- Kill plum-. Mak-iH-Hluin Sulphate.

Sulphate, Sodium Snlpln'to, Sodium Iodide, Si. I'lionphatc, SUb ic Add. Free Sulpliah- Acid. Thin in what these fa in on aa.v of tin' i "Tito i-oinliination of the -on-RtftueuU shows a nmi valnahlf preparation. It -nn tains in addition to a large aiuouut of In.n a very desirable qiLiinilly of Aluminum Sulphate' and smaller amounts of Mnneiiui and Sodium Sulphate, which nnv tendenev to constipation.

We also ilnd small aniountH of Iodide nf Smla and rhnsphiitc of Kodu, which add to lis medicinal vnluo. "In our opinion the possibility for this preparation are unlimited, and while we do not lvelicve In a universal panacea we would expect a marked Hi-ccess hv the us" of thifl medicine. We would surest Itn use 1 all rasou of anaemia and jreneral debility; In many if not all stnmucb trou- blea." Acid Iron Mlnernl is on snle by all pro-Krt-asive drucKt.s In the Tnited Stntrs. fanartii anil Credit Britain. The Spurlork NoiH Drus the nerrv -IVmovillp Co.

and The latest styles are embodied in these suits, among those being; the titon jacket, the coatee style, the pony suit, vestee, flare and ripple jackets. The materials are Poplins, Gabardines, Delhi, Mannish Serges, Tricotines, Mixtures, Black and White Checks, Velours and Jerseys. The shades are Belgium, Copenhagen, Navy, Rookie, Sammy, Tan, Sand, Pekin and Black. Misses' and ladies' sizes. New Spring Dresses Now Go at $14.85 fl Taffeta, Foulard, Crepe de Chine, and many other materials, in black, taupe, navy, golden, brown, stripes, figured Foulards, light and dark shades; handsomely embroidered in Silk, Chenille, Beads.

Clever high-waisted models. Smart draped styles. has already contributed to this fund far ney.nid their ability. "We arc making this appeal to the citl zens or to rally to the support of this Institution, and to contribute the New Sorina Coats Now Go at $12.50 necessary to secure the $10,000 ap proprlation from outside sources. "As a huslnesu nrooosltton alone if snouni ne none, i ne money expended with in every new fabric, shade and shape; coats so numerous, so thoroughly different and so stunning, one more beautiful in tne city hv isk nlvers tv.

ts stu dents and faculty would Justify us in con- Drue wlKdPsnlo fllstrlbu tors for Niishyille and vicinity. (Adv.) than the other, that this alone makes choosing difficult. innnnug tne entire io.ww. "The influence that Fisk I'niversity has had ever the negro race since its establishment cannot he meusured In dollars and cents. GERMANS BOOSTING ontrlbutlons In any amount will thankfully received, and the cabinet of oui'nereial i tub being Interested In evei LONG-RANGE GUNS tninc pertaining to tne unhu ntr Nashville, appeals to you to rally to the sunnort or mis insttiuunn at tnis time.

"Mall your eontrlhutlonH to Pr, V. A McKerzic, President, risk University Nuslivllle, Tenn. Hespectfully, Declare Enemies Are Vainly .1. UllK, Raking Brains to Solve Secret of Cannon. Extraordinary Values Abound in All Departments O.


KORNMAN, It. MANIEU. "Cabinet of Commercial Club." Buy a "Bond STATISTICAL RECORD NEW YORK', April 27. The Gcrmnn pooplc are informed that the lonp rnngo (runs now hombardinir Pa Ms rli ii ffreuteHt prepress in the development of inr i. una miiit hip invrunnn or powder" in Good? I'll Say So.

It Came from Hirshberg's CHARTERS AT THE CAPITOIi MadlHon County Ralnev-Merrer Commission Company, with authorized capital stock of Incorporators, I. A. Tlalney, T. K. Mercer.

C. Rainey, C. I). Ralney, Thomas McCorrv. Davidson County--Blg Ben Mining Com Special Prices on Ladies' Shoes You'll find economy, as well as value, in our Ladies' Shoe Department.

pany. with authorised capital stock of Kn.nOO; incorporators. r. W. BInns.

10. B. All the boys feel that way about it. No wonder Hirshberg's Suits lor boys were made tor boys to wear antf to look like boys want them to SpringSuit New Trench Coats, full hip We are showing now the new Gray Pumps and Oxfords, in all sizes and widths. For the summer months.

These are Hradiey. n. E. McCarthey, J. G.

Stephenson and T. T. McCarler. Shelby County Interstate Oil Tress, with authorized capital stock of incorporators. W.

P. Battle, V. W. Urode. A.

Perkins, Louis N. GeJdert and H. J. Parrish. BIRTHS.

DouglasK George and Bertha. 110 South Fourteenth street; April 18; boy. Tynn John and Florence, 1500 Florence stre April lfi boy. Leech--Dnvlfi and telle, Tullahoino, April fi; hov. Proctor Robert and Mordia, 1302 Ackleu avenue; April 27; girl.

DEATHS. Robert Bond 1120 Men vnb a ideal at $7, $8 and $9.00 ped trousers; ages to t8 years $5.95 it New shipment of Russia and Calf Pumps and Oxfords, in low and "rtieie went out ny the semiofficial Wolff Burenii and published In the German newspaper unrler i Berlin date of March liS. The Wolff diipatcu follows "In vain our enemies ure rakhiff their brains to solve the swret. of our giant cannon with which we ure bomhiirdlni; Hart" They believe they have found the solution in an Austrian loiiff barrel can- UOIl. "In view nf these reports It inuwt be wtat-ed that for this war weapon which with Its lontr rnnjie and accuracy of aim represents the preatest proRroRs In the development of fire arms since the Invention of powder we have to thank solely German Bclonee.

(iennaii technic tiud German industry." The Cologne Gazette of March III, a copy of which been received here. In an article heudod "The 120-Kilometre Cannon, says "The 42-centimetre mortars In August, nmnshed fortresses up which up until then had been considered as modern and impregnable. At that moment there bewail a new period of the construction of fortresses. "The Slat of March, 1018. brought the technical wonder of the H'O-metre eannon, and with it the beginning of new erii in the history of the construction of eannon, which, however, mny he nf far greater fmportauce In the course of the war, nd perhaps, for peace, than the -12-centimetre mortars.

"Now thai the possibility of such technical achievement has been demonstrated, here III not be much to prevent the great belligerents from manufacturing such cannon. Of courNe such giant cannon will be the exception in artillery equipment, for they arc expensive, heavy and probably may be used only for a limited number of shots." T3uy a Bond Negro Killed by Pipe. TREZKVANT, April 27. (Special.) Will Iunlap. a negro, was instantly killed helping put down pipe well at the home of Ramie Grooms near Hollow The pipe slipped and was falling into the well with such force that a union on the pipe struck Duulap on the head with such force that he was killed Instantly.

OS: April iW. Other line. $7.50 to $15 Extra Stout Suits for fat boys; all perfectly tailored, full cut, correcfly lifted. Bring the boy here. We will lit and please him.

Louis heels, from $5.00 to $7.00 kii James, city Hospital; aged 18; April Otto Iteuraekoff, 18ir, Third avenue, north: aged April 20. Sarah Ann Scott, City Hospital; aged 8tl; Nellfe'c. ShrWer, 34 Twenty-third uve-nue. north; aged 18; April 2fl. William Henrv Klcrer Cltv Ifnsint-tul Special All-Wool Serge Pants, for satis-, Ladies' 9-inch Boots all shades and white; aged 52; April $1.50 faction; every size; regular price special at low and Louis heels; wonderful $9.00 values at $4.00 to Boys Blouses, every size, fast colors; the "Boy Blue;" regular 85c values; CC special at OOC Full line Wash in plain and Middy.

All naw-esf styles. Fastolors. New Spring "Hanan" Shoes Are Here RKAL ESTATE TRAN8FEKN. N. C.

Griffin et u. to W. N. Griffin, part lot 44, fronting 30 feet on east side of Klghth avenue, south 0,000 MJtcli HloomstMn to Mr. Bertha Pauline Mankycl, lot 131, fronts .10 feet on west side of Polk street.

Cask Noll J. Dougherty to Irma Cohn, west half lot 152, fronts 50 feet on south side of Mcmtrote avenue. Cash D00 P. J. Squirt et al.

to D. B. Lavender ct north 30 feet, lot fronting .10 feet on east side of Hagan street 1175 Mrs, Pcllexnle Rgan et to R. W. Tumor, lota C7.

58, BO, 60. 65, 67, 68, 711. 71, 72 and 73 front BOO feci ou West side of Marshall avcuuc 7,500 Mary Elisabeth Hooper and Annie Kgan to B. W. Turner, lots 1221 and block 176, fronting together 60 feet on north aide of lUlnols avenue 1 non Good Looking Soft Shapes Shoes for the Boys We show a full line of Army Shoes for the boy.

Also a complete showing of the best boys' shoes in the- world at $3.00 to $5.00 For Summer TO RESIST THE ATTACK of the germs of many diseases such aa A splendid showing of this C. p. Deason et ux. to R. W.

Tur- nier. part of Scott 5-acre tract 6CI Jacob George Schutt, trustee, to J. (irip, Malaria, means for all of us fight or die. These germs an everywhere In the air we breath o. The odds an in favor of th season's styles, in all the wanted shades, Cy at $2.50, $3, 4J.OU The well-known Stotaan Hats, in ail the newest shapes and colorings, at j' uuren, iota am, iu, iron 18 eu feet south side of Victoria ave-, nue and lot 210 fronts on Victoria avenue, and la triangular tV.

A. Bryan et ux to Louis R. Mor-' rls, lot IS, fronts 50 feet on caat sldo of Hadlev'a road r2.1 Extraordinary Values in Men's Shoes 'A. L. Moore, trustee, to W.

F. Peck $6 $7.00 $4.50, and The new Straws are arriving daily. Get ready for the. hot dys this summer. Let us show you the line.

et lot no, rronta do reet on north side of Roth street Bransford Realty Co. to A. Barnes, lot 230, fronts feet on east aide of Claiborne street 1.000 Sama, to W. A. Huffman, lot 123, fronts 60 feet on cast aide of Blackburn avenue 800 Same, to W.

Noah McMaaters ct lot 56, frontK 50 feet on south side of Russell atreet 2,850 J. A. Althnuser, run tec, to Thomas H. Gardner et west feet, fronts 24Vj feet on south aide of Division street 1.200 We are showing a most complete line of Army Shoes for men. Well made of solid leather, by well-known bootmakers, makes our showing germs, if tho liver Is Inactive and the blood impure.

What 1b needed most Is an Increase In the germ-flghtlng strength. To do this successfully you need to put on healthy flah, rouso the liver to vigorous action, so It will throw off these germs, and purify the blood so that there will be no weak spots," or soil for germ-growth. We claim for Dr. Pierce's Go Men Medical Discovery that It does all this in a way peculiar to Itself. It cares troubles caused by torpid live or Impure blood.

This herbal tonic is made np in liquid or tablet form and can be obtained in ar.y drug store in the United States. It contains no alcohol or narcotic, and Its ingredients are printed on Ukt wrapper. Write Dr. Plorce. PreJHent Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.

and send 10 cents for trial package of tablets. Large pkg. sella ior 60c one worthy of consideration. True Economy Lies in Getting Good Values Figure the cost of your clothes by the month, or the year, not by the price; then you'll see how much cheaper -good clothes are than "cheap" ones. True economy is in paying the price of quality; get clothes that do the economizing for you.

All-wool, durable fabrics; distinctive styles; tailored to keep shape; you'll get them in clothes bearing the Hart Schaffner Marx label a small thing to look for, a big thing to find, Hart Schaffner Marx Fine Suits and Coats $25 $30 $35 $40 Other Lines at $15, $20 and $25 Geo, it. Gllllsple et ux. to Richland Realty lot rroirfs no reet on north side of Caldwell avenue. Cash. 250 T.

A. Brew and Huirn Reynolds to Warm Weather Underwear Large check, full cut Nainsook Union Suits, in all sizes. These are regular $1.00 values. CC Monday OOC We carry a complete line of Scrivens, B. V.

Porosknit and Vassar Underwear in single garment's and Union Suits. Union-Made Overalls, $1.50 These are the well-made "Dixie Flyer." Wo have them in all sizes. 60 feet on south side of Fairfax avenue. Ouit claim 1 Johnson Bransford ct J. T.

$5.95 to $9.95 Meca 1. lot 20. rronta so teat on north side of Westover Drive 1.250 BTBScTsnnr. I have used Dr. PlerWi sranaxora iteaity uo.

to j. i mclui. lots -ju and zi. rronts ou reet on Medicines In my family and find thero to be the greatest-medicines known for the diseases of the human race. The 'Gulden 'south aide of Ltndsl.v avenue 4.000 i.

vvrigiu et ux. to uaward iiam Medical Discoverv' is the sreatAS. bimIU front 100 feet on north sMe of Sbarondule boulevard 3.850 Morris et ux. to Edward a. HopenaoD; east one-naiz lot and wt 35 feet lot 55, front to- ether 85 feet on north side af Van-erbllt Plooa 4.000 Keep the Glow in "Old Glory" Buy a Liberty Bond Today cine I ever used for 'run-down' aevvet I the greatest livor medicine known In this country good for diarrhea.

I know this medicine is good for the above complaint for I have used It for them. "I will answer any Inquiry 'from any sick person and gladly tell what! tfeu wonderful mcdlelne has dona for me. Nathak Cabroix, Bente Stxaoausa, Aut. "This Is s. tra ststemont as to the value of Dr.

rea Rdhert Vaughn, C. to James tnrnry. acmm lanq in our tenth district. Cash 300 Henry Swing et ux. to Kabert Adams Medicines.

1 usea one 01 nis great ex iui iron 13 ou ieet ou esit side of Forty -third avenue, north. Cash 25 Buy a Bead Murray Teachers Elected. float the battle fleets of all nations and the commerce of the world. But, gentlemen, I want to my you now, that as a beverage, it Is failure." Cincinnati Enquirer. dies In my own family with good rwalss, namely, 'Golden Medical aad found it to be all it Is claimed bja.

There Is no medicine that win come at near doing what It Is claimed for ifi Jones, principal; Ed Philberk, nRsiataut principal: Carlyle Cutchln, assistant; Mis I-a urine Welle and Miss Edna Baker. The grade teachers are Wadle Miller, eighth; Erie Keys, seventh Mavis Miller, sULli Florence Pogue, fifth; Vera Robertson, fourth; Anna Hood, third; Lucile. Glas- second, and Deairee Beale, first. This a highly efficient faculty and the patrons are ajiUclnatlof good yeax of work. Tribute to Water.

Col. Bob Maxe, a typical Southern gentleman of the old school, was surprised when at a banquet In Arkansas he found that he wan own to res pond to the toas "Water." And this is what the Colonel said "Water la the purest and best of all the things that God cnatad. I hat scaa it gllsteri in tiny tear drops on the sleeping lids of infancy; I have seen it trickle down the blushing cheeks of and go in rushing torrents down the wrinkled cheeks of age. I have seen It In tiny dew-drops on the blades of grass and leaves of trees, flashing like polished diamonds when the sun burst in resplendent glory over the eastern hills. 1 hare seen It triekJe down the mountain aides in Clay rlTuJeta with the music of liquid striking on beds of diamonds.

I have seen it in the rushing river rippling over pebbly bottoms, purling about jutting stones, roaring over precipitous falls in Its mad rush to Join the mighty father of waters, and In the mighty fathers of waters I bare seen it go in alow and majestic sweep to join the ocean. And I have seen It In tksj mighty oeean what brand bosom thare'a no DntM too blffh for I MURRAY. April ST. (Special.) A meettn of the Mbool trustees of tb Murray Hli tenoot was held at tho school jwlldlng which tiase teachers for th next year were slwctsd Mlosri: J. W.

JOXX.T. JXIX 113. They say the Colonel's hat Is In the 1820 ring, out It seems pot to be a strange and powerful enough phenomenon to ittTsW any spectators to the ring side,.

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