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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 2

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Nashville North-Weslein Railroad. NEW PUBLICATIONS. SaJtj of Slaves. 8DbealtDuteaflccjrieotU.aCfaaticcr7 Conn at Uc MtonvUle. Tcnnnaa.

rendered at the Marh i.m a OS TBE PRCniSES. Sale of Valuable Property, NEAR L. SEPOTii'" iined so much time. HA proceeded rpidly to re Kn. L.Vr: mnnr orescoted'abont a dozen THE We learn thit gentlemAti residing at Kiolin, shot bis own child, a little glil lix'yeajra of age, at the supper tablo last week.

We dii not learn his name, but learn that he bad 'bis pUtol a4 had been in a difficulty with yrome one ehw, jjben It accidentally discharged, the contents entering the breast-of tbe child. Tbe woands were cnoBidercd fatal. tne law ot tne na to comment, poo too pcjnu of the testimony. Hi coudoBKm faHj Bktd''wpttUUco'lie -hl; one ci umch prcnecauni oi niasgesn TW inr Mtfrwl arri in ahant flr mfatltea PC-. TerdiM which wu .1 O.

rr fwalnrad hi reviewed the ease, and announced that, as a he would hare found slroiar verdict. Ilia comments, tad remarks were leogtbr appropriate, and endorsed, I believe bj everj ft wn Was Ch I TJYK WHlfi. JJIK nfljmnjMMi ww DAIXTWOO; TBI-WKKKLT i CO; WEEKLY ta GO- jUsfe, WAtttt ft COh Pmhliihcix. WALKER, JBtUar. FOE HON JOHN BELL.

20,1860, 1 one. nrnnn Tu.mir WT WITT PIT A tlf TOWilua. I I iii. i i mentt cf popular the free SUtes than I hk MtB-ttitM wQl be a "nf rh. VWe.

fr Lr i lie Somib, on the other baad, ate putdged agtoat I Douglas. ABor them wPl make aihow of opposition, but rather than sacrifice availability, and the ttrooeeat pnweot faoee, it will bo no difficult matter for enough of them to come to bii support to give bits the nomination. Tbe Philadelphia Prtu, which, from the political and Iriendlj relation) of Mr. John W. Forney, its publisher, wilh Judge Douglas, it generally accept ed as speaking authoritatively for tbe latter, baa a long and Important article on the action of the Con vention.

The PrM starts oat with the assumption that it will not change tbe poiition the Democratic party occupied In 1856, "in regard to tbe slavery question In tbe Territortei; bat leave it to the bona fide retidenU of tbe Territories to settle it their own The Democratic party, it de clare! "in every non-ilaviholdinp Stale, through itt Contention, hat auerttd thit doctrine, and "any other can neetr be adopted by a National Contention. It any other doctrine ts adopted, the party will be Utterly and deservedly defeated. Having disposed of "intervention by Congress for sgaiost as an "obsolete idea'' which "no party with common seoso will ever revive," the J'rew proceeds to establish-the fact that Judge Douglas the only candidate which the Conven- can nominate with probable prospect of sue- I MSB. He if, the Press contends, the "ooly prom- iaent candidate of the party," no other "candidate having more than a single State instructed for hia BUpport" Though opposed to tba fire-eating dis- ontontitsot the South, he would carry every South- ern State bnt South Carolina. The of Mr.

Donglasat Charletton is pictured aafatal, pro- ducing a climas when "nothing but the greater folly or madness of their opponents will fare tbe Democratic party irom deleat in every i SUte, and in tbeUnioD." Bnt it sonly upon his own terms, and with a platform fluslainjng tne TiewB to which he bu bo fully, snd nndtr auch cir- 1 cumatances oi nroacriptioa and trial, pledged bim- 1 self during tbe last two years, that Judge Douglss would accept the nomination. Upon this pomt tne PreMspeaks plainly aod forcibly: "We have predicated the foregoing remsras nnnn thn Vwlmt that the Convention will I Bohold the platlonn of 1856 in reUtion to the rfghtlif thopenpleot the Territorie. ta decide the view won tctrned, l.V Honor joror, 'aid I the hia be "2. be box Levi lin ceive H. box tion We lyn iM Ma Z'ABOX ASD ATTRACTIVE SALS Of CITY PE0PERTT, 'sa SsLSarsisr tae21eg.f April, I860.

WE wlT! proceed to tell, on the pretnUc, that valoahlt and rrrr desirable BiTi.srtT brlontnr Io thn Ma.h. a North Western Railroad Company, and known as THEBUHOP 3ULKH PKflPEaTYt Market street, and ar jolting Uu gTeatUniaa Depot of aR'tbe roads center i ng to this polnt. Ths lot frooti )4SX teet on Market street, mwilog "throsgb to Front street, wilb ths earn onto her or fet (ront onsaUI 'Ireet, sukiat a frootoa. both streets oi 3co feet. It has been rab-dlrldtd into lots of cduble siaea baslneas honses on each stmtrnmaltrg baek ttm each front 163 fcet, thereby girtnc good depth a well A front.

HashvUe Railroad Dvpot and Aaa a front of SI feet bj ut ao.j ie orwiiiros wsa lanetnatorwtsiieirdwaltlaK. wltb -tttten lirgf rooms, which aiak it AsviriAl ot A rtlaaa boanUog how, and wltb a few tbowsaad iteCars npendrt addition the present balidlag, wael make ose et the oott deilraMe HoUls any where to tm foao la thentli-rn or Western eonatry, as wantd be tajsoastlataly at ILe tcrmlatts of all th roads' centering af. this' pelat, or ta etkerwerds, -s -r -1 TbB Great TTaltm Mepmt. ri tfcs tranltalista it BrsMDt ailph 8M For Inrnbnrnt sepenortoanythAthaa been offerad te th public, sod seads only an examination to s.tlstr the most ertdalOB, that what wa ay is strictly trne. as regards its value and Importance a tmtlaeas plaee.

bava each' good froata, aa will he seen by plot. 'would earnestly ask: the a ta-tlon of IhepaLlic to UUSAftl. Xerswa oi sie. One. Iweapd'ihrM yearit, for nottswaB esdorsed, paya- GLA3COCE A HEWSOM.

Agents, hb-w uutnae owto. G. ELD f- BLOOLVS ADDITION: A es, to nflerat Public Salw" 'aU'lbe nnaold Lot la Blood' Addition. Tbl weU known to one of tbe bandiomest tn Edgefield, and the lots to toe sold are amona- tbe most desirable In EdgeCcld, or in the Immediate vldnily of Nashville Tbe continued rapid growth ef Edgefield enhance tbe value of property within lis 1 Iib Its. Now la the time to bar, eiiLsr for occupation vr peculation.

Tha lots to sold ara -On OaUatin TunpUU: -Lot No. 9, 10, 11, On Woodtaad Stnrt: Those Lots, cumber 56 On JtoUtlt' ftrtft; 8, 49, 61, (2, 63, 64, 66. 69. 7 71. T2; 7i.

Tt, andlS. On FatUHand 84, 65, Bfl. ST, 89 aod VQ. The Lot are SO feet front and ran back 170 feet, to al leys 16 feet wide. ALSO Eight Lots in Jiang Roberts' Addition.

The above sale Is posiitlve, tbe owner 1 determined to dose them oat. Bayers of Real Estate would do to attend this sale. Torln; Ooo, two and three years crrdit.for notes payable In Bank, satisfactorily secared, bearing intsresL and a lien retained. I will late great pleasure In I howler th: lot to those wiahlng to examine them at any time. For farther information pleas call on A.

V. 8. L1ND3LEY. pr8-td HOOTS, BABXS AND LEAVES, T3. Nauseous Drilirs Potaonomn Tllncrstla We the sfflictrd or eitb'r sex, which do yoo prtferT a pleasant and delicious tyrur, compounded from Natura own Reoedies-OBewhichwIHspsedily and permanently core you: or the YnJI cmpou bereU'Ioie used-, with all their Maseou and JcbUitatlDg eCcct, tOBetlier with the loathsome dbease, ntany time followicgtbe ue of Mineral Poisons.

The "Ctwrcke Retaedj" Natwe's own FpeeJnc for Gonorrhcca, Oleet, Gravel, Strictnre, Floor Albo (Whites In Females) and all dlseasei or ihe Urinary Or cats; curing these disease by natural laws after all other preparation Heaven best mrreie to of-fendingioan! Instances could be produced ot It effect, which wunM digger credulity. The nanseou preparations hereto fore rued have failed; bnt Ibis has never In ooe Inilaoce bren kenwn to faU. BaPi'ilylormsBilad, we uoveraoro. ut woim uai-ther who slliicts, not to kill, bnt to cure In mercy he has appointed VIedlcinas forth eae dreadful dlieates, which when taken, ijn.ekly file to all part of the ly ttn, attack the disease at every post and withafldeii-tr aod courace troly admirable, never lve It rest until It has completely expelled it from the body, and retcre the unfortunate pat'ent to former health and viiror. TW "aemeoyswisea vkwthj i-uv.

m. ucu.n. Its tendency Is not simply to impend the poison, but to remove the cause ea which ft depend. iv. a iniscuiTSVLGr.

thecntlreabsencsi of ail naaanmi tatU or ttnell. It can lay in the enroll ok; room, cr on Uie toilet iaom, wtinoui orer oeiog minw" as a "Remedy" for secret dtseaara. "for their permanent cure accompanying each bottle icine. POTTER SIERWln, Sole Proprietors. Anld la Nashville -hrJtj.

Wr Btrtv A Demovlu and Ewlog A Pendleton; at retail by O. W. Hcndcrthott. Zs.r I site ECONOMY! 'U" Save ihe Pieces! SPALlXSti'S PRE PARED GLCEI BPALD LEG'S PBEPAHED GITJE! SPALDIfiG'S PSEPABED GLUE! THE PIECES I I OISPATCII Snrcn ts Tihf. Sates At accident Kill happen, 'ten tnvtli reflated fan- tlltt, It Is very desirable lo have some cheap aod conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toy, Crockery, Ac PPALDRtCS PREPARED OLCE meet all such emergeeele.

and no htmschol can affnrd to be wllhoat It. It always ready and up th Uck-Ing point. There Is no longer a necelty for Imping chairs, splintered veneers, headl doll, and broken cradle It Is Juit tbe arllclc for cone, shell and other ornamental work, sojcpular with ladie of refinement and Thl admirable prrparaUon I used cold, being chcn-eillyheldln and rorsslng all th valuable qualities or the be cabinet-maker' Ohio. II nfay tie nttd In tbe ptace of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. "USEyCL II EVERY HOUSE." N.F..

A Erusb accompaalea eaeh botfl- i-IeaS5cta. Wbnlesalo Depot, Ho. 48 Cedar-tt, How York- Address Put op for deal'r In ease containing "four, e'eht and twelve a beautiful LIUigraph haow-Crd accom. pan Ing each iiar-kage. of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE williave tea Mmesiticottannnally to every household.

Sold by all prominent S'ationeri, Druggists, Hardware and Foniture Dealers, Grocers and fancy Store. Country Merchants should mak a note orSPALDINQ'S PREPARED OLCE, when making Up Iheir list. It wil Stand any climate. Ian fttwAwl Dr. Kinsr's Oisieiisary FOR PRIVATE DISEASES.

SJUaSfaw PR. KINO, formerly of New York, for the lail K6r fouryears of Louisville, Kcntacky.and wbohas devoted tila attention to tb treatment of private dumet for ever SO years. Baiters hlrni sir, having attended to a eractiteforio many years, and eared somsny lb-mind, els enabled cuts all diieaae o( prtate matter how bad they may be from Injedlcinn medical treatment, or from neglect of their own. Dr. King's Dnpeoary lNo.iaDeaderickstTeet,be.weea Cherryaadtliei-iinre, second story, whoro he certs all 'U cases of a pr.vate mOojii3aaaBA cured wlthoal nauseous medicine nri aierfer gnee with tmslnet- STWCTtjasaof old orrecent date, effectually cured In a few days, by an operation which cause no pain.

Where a Stricture exist health eanaot he enjoyed. Perbap aodls-ease causes more mtrchiefaad undermine thoconaUto tlon so much. with all the diseases of the skin, growing oo of nrslecloT bad trt.tml,eu be eCectuaUy cuirlln a 'toiisit. Wisa Parilettlar attention bavin; keen Wen to thl dlseK all the wmietratnee growing out of It. brought on In many case by the destructive habit of Inconsiderate yoctii and excessive Indulgence of the pas-si ona, neglect of which will under mine the eonaUtutien.

rendering the subject unlit for business or society, and eniinip rem lure old Frnialc who may laDoring with any difficulty ol womb may rest assured ot immedJaW rellf. Ferton residing abroad, ty writing and stating their ease, with, fee enclosed, directed Dr. A. KINO, No. S3 DeasierlckStreet.NahvilU,Tenn.,wIII bavethe necessary to their addraaa, with tectssarr dirrcUcas Strict secrecy oblerved.

ODIce boor from o'clock in law mi-nlne nntlt Sin th nlnw ihej ire legiUy organized a Territory, sabjcot I to that eold fcr homo consoroption difi-oolj to tbo ConiUwtioo of tbe Dnited atjte. md tj cost of eat it.iiiblUhedlnteroretiioo,odlb.twilbootoy ENGLISH BOOKS. XV. T. BERRY A JO.


3 half call OXFOaO vobt-, htir moroeeo. OXtOROTglCTfl TOR TBE TtSIBS, 8 volscau. JE AND SONNETS OP roL DaXlQUtS OIPATnEEPEOBT.lvol. BOSWOBTn'S ANGLO 8 AXON DICTIONARY, 1 vol, Bvo- STAUNTON'S CDKSa PRAXIS, Bopplement to the' Chest Play tr Hand Book, 1 vol. D'AUBIONM HISTOaT OP THE REFORM ATlOS, ueir Eiltlon, with nam ere as fine Portraits, ealL- VQtCrS BTUDttS PASCAL, I vol.

HFC OF JEAN PAUL RIOHTER, together witr hit Ante Wogtspby.lraMUted irom tba Cltnnaa. voL POETRf OF. THE ANTI-JACOBIN, con talcing the eela-- tuated PollUcal and Eatlrtcal Poem, ParoUes and Canning aod'others. 1 voi-icalt BONGB OF BERANGEtt, with a Sketch ot bis Lite. 1 voL, '-calL MsUIOIRa OP TCE DCKS OF UBBINO, lUtuttraUnr the anui.


DECADE OF ITALIAN WOMEN, by T. Adolphns Trot lope. 5 vol. LEADERS OF Tilt: EEFOBUATtON, Lctftu, Calvis, Lnnitt and Eaox; by JohnTsllcth, D.D. DEVOTIONAL or, Ecrfptoral AdmonlUona of the for Erery Day In Cie Year.

1 vol. The Parker Society Publications. V. T. B.

4t CO. have on Salo tbo lUlcwiss Vol umes of "Tho Parker Socio ty Pnblications," viv 1, T(Decaies of Henry Bollinger, member of the Church of Zurich. I vol. 3. Tyndale'i Expoiltions and Sandrj Portions the Holy togitht with the Practice of the PrUt.

I vol. 3. Remains of JlIta Corerdale, BIshcp et Exeter. I TOL 4. The Writings ot John Brad for M.

Pillow of Pembrcko Hal, CombritJge and Frebendary ol SL Paul's. vol. B. Tie Works of John TFUitglfi, D. KasUr of Trinl- CnUege, Deo of Lincoln, Ac, aiterwards Bishop of Worcc-tter and Archbishop of Canterbury.

"8 voL 6. The Works oC Qtshop JeweL 2 vols. ailtceilaneon tVritlngs and Letters of Thomas Cran mer, Arrihbishop of Canicrbnry. 1 vol. 6.

'Ihe Catechism of Thomas Btccn, B. P. Cbaplalo Archbishop era a mer, Prebendary ol Cactcroury, Ac voL XV. T- llEKTtT Jk CO. PUBLIC SQUJLSS.



MODERN BRITISH EiSiVIPTS, by DJ by Catlislc: by Slackintoih; 4 by Allioc; bj Tailor A Stephen; hy Wilson; bj Eyd.soiUh. THE HISTORY OP HEaOTCS, by Geo. Raw 11ns on, M. Maps and Illnstratlons. 3 vols.

MARIN'S HKCttSNIfB. bj Chas. fiennct'. H1BTORY OT PENDENNlH, bj Thackeray. TOVAQC BOWS THE AktOOU, hy CoUtns.

LIFE BEFORE BIM. AQAINST WIND AND TIDE, by Holme of Syl- van Healt's Danghttr, Branda. A BIBLICAL REASON WUY, a gnlde to Bcriptnro Read lap, liiiicraua. PASSINO THOUGHTS IN RELIGION, Eewell. NIGHT LESSONS IN SCRIPTURE, FewrlL IRlAHSWOHn POST 0PP1CE.VJ the author ot the Heir ol necsiyne.

aprH-tf College Bt. A W. JOHNSON, Jr. JNO. O.


Prederlek Fmlth. MILLYMOVNE, bv J. Frederick Smith- tlA; Oi, MsinoaisT's Ytcna, by ldy Clara Clavendlih. LISA; Oa, Mrsa-aisr'a Victim, bj LadaCUraClaTendlsh. ETHEL DrKa'aYicT- by 0.

W. N. Reynold. ETHEL TnEVOR.Oa.Dcxa'e Victim Heynold t7Jnst received and far by HNSON ATREANOK, aprlS-tf No. 6 Union Street; BILLS OF LADING, Baltroad Receipts, oa all the dicer, ent roads, and Check Book, all lite, ju.t reeeived rehSlMf No.

6 Union Street. Cod Penal Cold I'tnI! a LARGE and complete aswrtment Juit reeslved Py XI, marchlT tf Large iiry Rooms. ONE or two Families can he accommodated with a suite nf Rti lurtinFois. and excellent board. Ia a flrst clas booie, by a nute toBosn." at this of- hoa'rders.

P'l8tf Self Sealing Fruit Cans. Ehave on hatdSDOdosen or Arthur's patent Seir Realm fruit Cant; pint, quarts and halt gallon. Glass, flloaeware and Tin. SAO dotcn of Ludlow's patent Fruit Can, glass and tin; all slat, from one pint to one gallon. 3 JO doten Tempest Yellow ware Prnlt Jars; qnart and halt gallopa.

Anyoi the above win be sold at vsry low prices, to per son who buy by the quantity. apiiv-n MACKENZIE MINC'UN. lloasekeepins Illade Easy. The TTfiat Cheer Hop Ycrtsi Cokes 1 TT7 ILL always inmre tied wholeonw bread. Forltr-W teen cent yon can get one doxen Yeast Cake, which will make fifty lirgt loatet of the best kind of bread.

hUOeakcjc! Silver t-osp hourly expected. Sohoai. ktepsr who has ever used this article will ever be without it- It i just what is wanted for eleaalDK paint, gilded work, looting Rlate. marble work, silver or plated ware. Refrigerators: We have a large lot of these valuable articles on tbe way.

We look fur thtm hooriy and will sell then at the same low prices as inoie we narc ready sold, that hive given io rnui-h ttexon aprlt-tf MACEENZIB illNCDIN. If tbe lira Could Speak, WE would learn that one-haH the children that are borndlo before they arc five year or age! filve no strong medicine to chlldreu, but at once retort to the Ur Mien burg Cblldrep? fanaceal The most valoaW medicine for young children thai lias ENBCRB HEALTH BITTEnS, for 25 cent, will make hair a galloa otthe best Stomach BlUersknown; Invaluable for weak const! I a Ions, dyspeptic babiu, bn-lioa disorder, dwang me of the Stomach and Ksery family should have them, at ihe present of tnsEsason. aprl4-tl CLARK, GEEGOEY SOLE PBOPMErOftS OF CLAKK A FULLER'S AMBROSIAL OIL, To whom all orders mast bo addressed. Agency of all the Standard Patent ediones, Oil Tolltt Cream, Cocoannt and Walnut DEPOT, 21 College S. Opposite Sewanee Hoac, NASHVILLE, TESN.

marchM Cm Hoase for Kent, JAMta It. B- o.4,luu Stock, NulrfQle, lb D.1SS0. In tbe salt Itraaid Cwi, pcndtD wtwrcla WQliato OweJaor belnor JobnCToaof, ttttwiin. emrJaJnmttt'snrt CL K. H.

Martin nj i.n. To.jMflilnlftrajof-tfr-JoIiiS Toons, eeeeaart, and HEiv otitmiau, aowi (hucccu io cti ai iii uoan honae door. In Ih ell nf NaihTlllr. on Tlmnrfav thr inik daynf Jtajr, I860, four valaabla oegro AJam, about tbtnjr 7cai, a linocr by Irade; Cbriitopber, SXd about by ttult; SUdo, aptd twuiy.thrte painter by trade. Term of Sate; Twclre nontba' cn dit, excrpt the ira fis huofirM flti.t.

tlt niid In utdi. nn i)Kh XtwU. Bond wlih appri-vcd security arm required J. P. atOTtVOTtD, Clwt 1 orthaCliADcery CoartalUcMInnvIlle.Ttra.

April Jth, Jt60 aprlO-eoul Direct Trade with Europe. FALL CVNNING9Un.dfIramiardrriiU-ttr cnatmaert that their Sprlni FWi of BAKOWaBE, UUKS AHTt CtlVIJCcV Im now eatnoifle. cut! Stock or fordgniaadc Ooodi has beta tn ported by thrm- tnanj.iotfaat tbcyanibaa tunVltd jt their cojto- tali li so new enterprlae br, at tnelr oriliul Isrolcea, and tbt boota of tb efiee of Ctutoiaa at trJa port will sh'W thtt they hare been Ihelr own Iwpvrtera tor tne laat yean; tbey only take occaalnn to mentlea thli tact In' order that mcrchasts may nodentand tut thry need not beyond, SaahTUta Dad direct importers of all goods UiiiUnanf trmiie. Tbetr stock la Terylirsa and wenaAaortedand'. uarawar id ertry respect aa any auhis jhoo.

febl tiw2n CI1IL.DK HAROLD. THIS ttiorovch and popalac brel Staca Hcrt.aa. andEulUoa wUlratnain at my stable aaoth-fHVa bauds Uaioia ran ail dUtancea, from ne to four nOea and wasneTer beaten on the race esnraaoorm uio nur Hn. nf heat racers of their Tear i tne larreji ana nocft nreeoet i uu--, whfeb the record or the Isl'i show that hia co.U took more premlam than any blood horve In Tenoeaaee. lilt prlca wl't be SSO tor UtorosKhrred and ISO for cmo- non mare).

Id aU cawa the caah wm required bafara the renoTal of the raarea. Mareikeptimdotaof teaaon'at It per wk, weept when partlcaUr attention and feed Is reqoired. -Ho lla- h-Hlj tor acetdents. iu caaea oi launic ua mu return rratl tbe naxt acaaon, or the money or leaw i- turnril at my option. W.

G. flAEDINO, The mterprlilng proprietor or CHESKUT GHOVE WHISKEY, moPimiUnllal Arentcver known.l has farnUhed the coomnnirr a Stimulant, Pnre. Health fol and Invigora- (Ima nllil iirt IF mil bFTrTin' It II calculated to Jo away wilh the Ma dmired ttaf that la paimeaoD me commoniij, ana wnicn iujuhuu. bodj and mind. In addition to tbe eetlifleaW beneath, he tiaa received a Diploma from the 8TATK AOKICULTU-RAL Sf ClETTIand addit-onal tetti many from DB.

JACK-SOS, or Xloiton.w&o leiUHes under oath to ita absolate polity. I I A '1 IS a. PAUdddjiMa, fifpf.a(A,t653. Wb have carehllr terted the or Chetnot Grove Whiike Whlcb yno lent ut, and find that it contain! none or the poi'norf nibitance Vnown a Kmil Oil, which la the rhuracteriitlc and Icjurfoni injrrrditct of the htaktys in gtneraltue. BOOTH, GAKKET A OAMAC, Few Tort, SpL 8nf ISJ3.

ive analyzed a sample of Cheinot Grove WhUkey, 'ed fiom Mr. Charle Wharton, of Philadelphia, and baring tarettjily teiled it, am pleated to stale that It entirely free from poilononJ or deleteriona sobtUneea. It is an onmoaliy pure and fine Havered qaality of whisky. Analytic Cbetolit. JJittim.

March lt, 1559. hare made a ehemleal analysis of cemroerelal samples of Chtsaot Grove Whitkey. which proves tn be free from theheavy Posll Oils, and perfectly pure md The One flasor ot this tthlskey is derived from the Grain nied In manufacture 6 it- nerp-rtfolly. Ko. 10 Boylston Street.

FortaU 6jf C. BjI Principal Agent, feb23-d3mi so. 116 Walnut St Ppiladelpbia' "STAB AITOBAMANTINE CA NDLES. TUT. ATTEKTinS OF TllR PUBLIC IS INVITED TO tbe fact thit molt oi the filar and Adaoantloe Can- d.c offGiea lor tale.

Are Deficient In Weitrnt, teen or fllteen onncei; and packanea narktd "JO lbs," (all short two, three and even Use pounds to th box. tt any Candles that are really seven toth brandrd and sold assists, making a difference against AnMiiniKtii the boa. The variation mai toace in tne price oBiuoiuiit ice, as the following statement iJiowc A bns ot eontatnt S47 Candles, and It sold for 35 oonndi. which ia the actual wigbL A box of 18 Weiaht tains only 2A il aaxhaseveoatead Isaold for AO BopposingthepTieeoi utwrtr the latter IB cents, there will be a llBerrnce of SO cents in price, and seven Candles In eoontper box, in favor of the fall welcbt Candle to retailers and contnmer, and tblawill be increased five cents per boa for every cestadvanced In The subscribers have always tsade their Candles ralllB weight, which may be ascertained by teaiing them. At the natronaje ot purchasers who desire to stoddy their own tho same time, encourage correct PBOCTEB V.T'.HA'-.

SPRING TRADE. BERRY, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, ASD STnAW GOODS TRTOTKS, ALICES, DilBEELLAS, CxVRPET Wp fako zreat nlcasuro in caIIm'C the aitsnli our frientis and the trade generally, to the largest and moat complete STOCK OF GOODS, in our line, ever offered in this market. Wc (eel periecilv safe in eaying, that wa can offer better GOODS for LESS MONEY, than hi ever been seen in this market before. To prove this we, only ask an examinauon ol our stocK. To CASII, and PROMPT PAYING 5UUUT TIME Dealers, we offer EXTRA imlu cements, and respectfully solicit a cull from all dealer tailing (tits city.

Fb. Fresh Peaches. i. (nit reeelved and for 1 11.1 ft, No.

6 and 6 UarKet Street. Coal Oil Coal Oil 1 Coal Oil 11. FINliAV Sc. tO.S PREMIUM COAL OIL II A NOV CTOKED IN ST. LOUIS, MO- I does not ernst Ihe wick or smoke tbechioney-thebestOilraadeln the or West, and took the wan pausiw at the l.t 6.

Loai Fair. One trial I aU It needs to recommend it to general ore we have received a supply of this snpt-rior Oil. which we are offtrtrn: to we trane oy we nam. wj. M1ZCLL, H-TOPEE a ftp fl and Hartet Street.

Uaurarian Grass Seed, (a. low flrcn. riOOSUclI. KL3 nnH or Hungarian Grass Seed. ThU seed has been wilh great care, and was raised in we or.

ern portion of Missouri; I t. Drl2-lf poa.6and SSlarlwtBtreei. Roiice, AOEKEBAL EETISt OP THE BTOCKHOUJEBa tbe Tennessee and Alabama Railroad Oompany oautt tin. on Thorsday. th T61B day wprii, BJ dlrecuon of tte Board of 'ifiDOU anreotd Beefy, DtVlOBNP.

ADITTDESD of vnan ri cm. on the Capital fltoes: M.thm.nd (Diailanoon Eailroad Company tka profiu ihr. laitrix month, payaMe on and after tbe loth InsL, anrl-lm TOM W.A.0LEaTE3,Tieasnrer. DENTIST Hts retnrntd to IwasbrDe. Basmncs AssOmca, No.

j6 Betfb. tarry BueeU- mirchll Im po Uf PURSUANT to a decree or tba Chancery Coortii Naah le, 1KB, (oOlaoase of Jaaepb' isoa jamo oner as l' 10 APll.lL, 1SW. that valttajU neotwrt tha; auNMtfnf n. sw n. -mc nmtwi ironu divided lata Bn tat.

In.ia dwelling House, wnicnw PrTf SSJtf teat, and making four ether lots of SI feet each. ji.i.(nn -rtii. tirmwrtT belonra to non-rrsl- dentaof tha EtAte, and It to be sold for division of pro- knownastheonaforalonr lime occupied bj Mr. Ds- mTttnbreno TEKIIS-Ona, two ana tnrrayew ti Purchaser to give their noterwlih saUsfaclory aecort ty, arJ lien be retained. J.

E. LEAVES, C. A M. Nashvttle, March ttn; IStP. id' A tot Vraiises -pater Anderson als.

PURSUANT adeere or the Chancery Court at at Its November term. 1S3J In th canaeaf Peter Ucabtrts, KcEte andoln ers, I will sell on the Premises on Wtdnetday, tho 9a day of Hay, 1850, Uiat.valualile PABH known aa tbe Qiaiglitaa place, lying en the QaUatts, Tamplkt. ttveantt a hAir PX) from tils clty.and coatalnlos; WDatiea. I will otterthis tract ol lan divided into ttreh parcels a w.n aait piircltaser, and tor the plan refer to hasdlnllls, lsstis inf-wdjs IS and 18 months' credit wlthont Interest; notti with approved secutlty rcqolred and Urn retained J.E.QUtATE8,aU. TX T.

UcOsvock c. H. P. Eites and others. ak Thomas Tf oodrard vs.

same. ATtheOonrtHonse.lntbJdtyoaMtmfap,fAe iSA. datf jjtrU, 1EM, parsnnnt to. daercs ot lh' Obancery Courtat Nashville, in thvahove "caoae, I will oiler at public sal the RESIDENCE and grounds attach. ed thereto, of tha defendanVK P.Estea, thesamabeliE.

in Edgeflcld and on South side of Oldham street. Tbe lottronUIOOleetenOIdbam'slreet and runs back 150 feet to a IS loot all. Th Improvement ai comtbrta-blc and commodious This property 1 to be sold lo pay, theCitf Boildmg and Loan Asioelatlon, and next, the dcDt due CAapUlnaatshttcOavockand Wocd-ward. In cash.fiTQQO, wilh InUrett at .8 months, the residue in two eqnsl lnstallmetiia at IS and 80 months, wltn intreest from day if ssle. J.

E. QlXAWfl, C. AU. W.J.Taylor.r. David B.

Hicks et sK. ATtheConrt l.tmielnthl dlj.on fiolurjoy, tAf JStA" (fujr of April, 1M0, purinact to a decreeoi the Chancery Coon at Nashville In the abore named eaaie. I will Not 43, AI, 4t and 45, So UcOaV ocK plan of lot as laid do9a on pipe ptatlbook No 31 Re (iiter" olHce, D. O. These lot front ttO feet each on alky, J1, wf 'boot reilerootloo.

Note With approved seenrity ro- qulrtd, andlUn retained. J. E. CLEAVES. 0.

A U. B. Trnltt tt. Ttoiaas McEtren et al. A the Conrt ITosso In Nashville, on Saturday, the S91A dav tsTAnm.

IbW. Dursoant wa cecree di ibclbk' street, la this eitr, belooglng to Hie es or Jo'eph H. JltEwen, deceased. Lot fronts 60 feci and two years'credlt with Interest; notes With txtuiaclory security reqoirnJ ano nen reiaineu- J.E. GLtAVEa.C.

A U. Joseph C. John on c. Jame M. Jacobs, et als.

AT the Conrt Hoosr In Nashville, on Saturday, tAeZith day of April, 1651. pursuant to a decTee of the Chan, cerj Cuurt. at NastivtUr, in Hie above named cause, I will sell atpoMlesale a c.rlaln lot or ground belonging to tni nut of Joenh Johaun. deceased. iTinB on South Collt si street.

In Naihvltle: front BJ feet, depth T35M feet, aod some propyl ty bought ot J. W. Cimptell, cssny years Tirol." One, two and three year with to lve notes wnn approreo secern ana lien reiam- ed. msrcl.53-td Ursula Rains-Lands. the Ursula Bains Land, on Brown's Creek, ncir SihTiHf- Ooe tract known as the Home Place, and containing i acres, polt; also, what ts known as tbe about 11 acres.

I will offer these trarta of land divided Into suc pare (Is as will salt purchasers. See hand -W and plot. These are fine lands, certainly In one of the best portion! of this vicinity. The sflle farced and tvUAoxt re- l.ffWMri,tnn Hi rrnv ind A. V.

S. Llnds- ley, Admlnlstratorsof Dr. John Shelsj. deceased, the oo-jectaf which is ta hare the eitste of their intestate ad rain -idered and fettled ibereio, aecordlrg io law. It i ordered by the Clerk and Master that publication be mide tn tht Republican Ranner ntweoiper lor thirty days, giving notice to all persons who may be elt.

creredllors of Dr. John Shelby, deceased, or olhtrwite Interested in his e. tale, to come lerward and exhibit thair demands and have themselves made partis to the suit. And tpeUil tt ottce i. Aertliy gtrra that I tclil attend at my tjjlc front tl it day lo the 1st day of ytay ntxt.rem.

ttclock A. IS. Hit 12 o'ciri-i JT-eaeA aay.Ui neelte. itettigatt andpau Upon agalnit tAtettate cf Dr. John.

Shelby, do tinted- 1- E- GLEAYES, A M. Kashrllle, April Blh, lS6J-d30ttw4i. Ctsnncery Sale. Jodge Jackson and other tt. Caleb Hooker and others BY vlrtne ot a decree of tte Chancery Court at Charlotte, rendered at the March term, 1GG0, la tbe above UON'HAY.

the Ills day of MAY next, expose (0 1-ubllc Bale, lo the hisbeii bidder, at the Coon Hotue door fa Charlotte, a very 1 1 kcl Negro Boy. agrd atwot year, liana: vsu. II. C. COLLIER, 0.

A mhU-ld A'UASLIC SALE OF Handsome City Besidence. ON SATDRDAY, the 28h Inat. 1 propose to ygti sell at public sale that new and elegaat Raai- ncsct. situated cn Summer street, between Church and Broad, No. 30.

The lot is 81 front and run eae. 114 feet, to a 13 foot alley. The how fa bollt In the best manner, ibroasSnjil, and turu'shtd. Willi aTery taedcro. coarenieore; cod si a i ten rorms, beside cellar, I tore -room, bathroom, and water closet; irarmcd by hot air fornaees, ha a fine cooking range la Ui kltban, hot and cold water In klichen, storvroom.

bartirocia and cbamt-er. Spaciou porches aod eran dans, fro and back, and i in all comforUble and pleasant residence, at all srasuiis of the year. There Is a brick carriage hocse and stable, with er. vaafs room in Ihe rr of the lot. tW Sale on the premise.

cash, balance one and two years' credit lornotes satisfsctoiily secured, payable ia Bank, bearing Interest and a lien retained, fg-f ale at I o'clock, P. U. IpTi-td A. V.S. LINP3LEY.

Tot Sale. THE splendid matuion recently erected by Wesley Whelet. with about thirty eight WiUJt acres of land upon which It Is located. Is offered -A-- for bale. Tne house is situated on a brau'lful hill, about onf mile above the city, oa the nirtb tide, and abont rout-hundred yard from the Cumberland river, in a beantlful prove nf forejt trees, from which point a larce portion ol the city Is In loll view The house contain about sixteen rooms, all handsomely and conveoiently arranged, with water and gas pipe ia every room; It ia bollt of the best materials, and la the most modern architeetnr) ityle.

Two-thirds of the aod Is covered with fine large forest t-mhtr, and tbe remainder is well calculated for garden-tngand grnwlognne irults, a poriloa of which 1 already set with varieties of fruit treer, straw berri', grape, Ac He. Whel-ss being nuw located la business In England, induces ihis oBer cf ssle of -hi property. Address the undrriigned at Nashville, who reiide oa and will show lae property, and give the terms ol sale. If not nreijonstj sold at private alc, the property will be offcrtti at auction, oa tbe premises, oa THURSDAY, the His of JCSESKCT. N- HQBeOS.

April td For Sale or Excbaoge, I WILL etlher (ell or exchange in part far good cHy or Kdgtfie property, my BESIDKNCE, two mile North or the city, with from to acre of land attached. Improvement new, extensive and complete, re.TKxs aad fucfhet particular apply to me on the tin raises, or to To a. Fosraaand Jao. L. SunK.Esnrs,, CedsrStreet.

W.B. WAIAOS. Union and flaxetle copy and charge thl oBcc marchK Cm tSnpt rior Farming Lands for Sale. A NUMBER ONE FARM containing and HilOacre, within three-rottrth ol an hour1 tHt, by Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and two and a half hoar ride by Turnpike, of the city ft Nashville. Tl is tract of land Is situated in an leeilrnt nelkhbor.

hooc.haa upnn It good mproveraeat, I well watered for stock and ether farming purpose, and I susceptible of division into two more plce. In plnt or location, soil, water, Ac. foraSloclr, Grain or Tobacco Farm, it launiarpused by anj tract In the Pot Offlee. Churches, Schools and Railroad Btalion wn- venlrttt to tie premiiea. TERUl'lasy and liberal time given.

7or further icular apply to JOHN h. tEHON, of firm ot 2ehc Merritl, ha. 11 Ceflsr Street, or at vhl otaee. orjt 1 8 Atw fim. rorty-fonr Tracts of Land FOR SALE, Adjoining tin tovn of Manrhetter, in Coffee coun- m.

Tennetue. immtdiattiv oh the ilanciieiter McMinnvitle Railroad, vitliuut reterte, to the higiett bidder, On Monday, the 7(b of May, SGO, i th.Kilr.F-i1. 5 Tracts of Land, cna- talniag from 6 to 12" acres, being subdivisions cf the Laasater Mill Tract, iocJoning tne nne new oa- hiu. andWatea Puwraof Mr. Laasater.

All of loo lot are 10, IT, 18, 19 and SO In Garrett' orletnat plan of the Btoue Fort Property. All or Uie above -iii nn emitter 1.2 and 3 Tear, without Inter est, lor note well endcrso And a Ilea retained, with a reduction to the potehaser oft" per cent, toe caah. Alsx Ta lot, being nb divisions of No. and S3 In Garrett' original plan. These lot front on the rail-road and extend npth river, anA will told on a credit of one and two without Interest, no ts endorsed and lien retained.

On the land there 1 a fair proportion of fine river bottom above over-flow, and tbe whole of the land are covered with flue timber. We deem It anneerMary lo tsy (hw UMi. mora thin i Irani lo remind the public that tbey are situated In a aecthin of country wnoe resource are jusi now dckiuuiuK veloped, the Immense water power of the old Stone Fort having lately psed into to ntnai jijiu chased at a very lor rate, tbst will but enable the holder to work them more extensively son proniMiy. ir. ni almost unanitcou Id favor or Manchester a tbe point at whleh lo locate Uie Slate Priin, and abould tbe CommlMioner i appointed for Ion and pUee It Bt Manchester, tbe day will not be far du-taatwbenUwJIIbekoowna the central mannfarfurlng town.

In. that erent tne vaiue oi Stt5 enure lc Is without reserve and withont re ward to price. T. QARRKTI," garuiopnce. G.

S. NBWBOM. Person who tn atlend this tat, should tear Nashtllle et) thefluoday3 o'etoekE. M-train, on tbe Nashville aod Cnauanooga AailroAd. aprje U- srlll i.

ess for to djUereflt towns in thefogitite slave 1, to lo4bDI- tnctoi uomuois ana mo jierniuiw, to.pruuivi -the sbia trade, wd-adinltiw. moro'' slave' State. Actlngnpon moved to -refer them to tbe Committee oa'Jodictiry. Maaoa moved to lay them on tbe Uble. Mr.Sumaer called for the yeas add nays.

Mr. Wtefall dekircd to give his reaums whv he should vote la the affirmative, but Wade ob jected. Toe motion to iay on iwiiuwMHincu uj yess 25, oayB 19 stridly party vote Mr. Collamer presented a petition similar to that offered by Mr. snd moved its -refereoce to thetJumeiary uommiuee.

Mr. Mason moved io lay wi uoia. The motion was canled. Th nrnvldioe for an adjournment for three days at a time, Irom Thursday next till tbe 1st of My was adopted by 26 to 22, and that for adjournment irom toe iia ra we win oi Apvu was rejected Zl against zz. Th KnmMtead hilt was ukenrn.and Mr.

win's amendment, to legalise the lands la California and Oregon by miners, was considered at length with- Hods e. Tbe Hocss went into Committee of tbe Whole on the Military Academy bill, as from tbe Senate with amendments, authorizing tbe calling out of regiment of Texan volunteers. me commiiKo run wunoui kudu. Mr. RnntaamV resolution lor an adjournment 00 the 19th to the 30th of April was read." jar.

Washburn, oi ana omers oDjecie. The House then adjourned. ARE YOU INSURED bur. NASH MARK, INSURANCE AGSNTS, Ho. 25 College Street NASHVILLE, TEN K.

taatd and renewed, aod Lowes promptly adjairedaod paid, for the eod reliable Insorin Coit aprli-U MORE NEGROES IN A CASE AtiOTBEB J.0T OF 7JIOSS rJ.VS PBICIPE 5ECABS, nnf whlcb may bt tnand tvery thod of the negro mark ALSO: A very largs aiiortoent of Fancy Frencb Pipes street. J. tT. LASOLET. ApraiS.

XT City Tire Insurance Company HARTFORD, CW.VJV. PAID OP. TN CASH 1330,273 POLICIES iMBtflE'lTMetd la thia old sad reliable Catcpany, nd loatd icttled lih prooptneia and 11b-erility by the nnderaijned ajenta. iai.nfnniinnBdi BnilJinEi. corner Cherry and Peaderick Btreeta, SaahTiUi.Teaa.

New and Fresh GoodB JUST r.ZCEl VED 0 Hit B. ETERET T'S So. IO IJnlwn Street. I RESPECTFULLY call the attention or all my new and beauiifcl Wck of G0OD, conilfUcs ot 0EGAHDIE MOSLtHS, FASAS0LS AJTD EtlH SHAD Ea, nonnced Silks and Beregts, OLOVSS AND HOSIER Tt PRINTED JACONETS. Alio a beautiful stock of Collar i.SleereWginn, Plonn.

lnp and While Gtmd ot ALL dnctlpUon. Berranl's soodj of all oaatiUii, for tnth men and women. 6 in ind Piildw.ilio Domettlc Al" a heavy (lock ot llleached Good, which I will sell cheap mV.80 tf So 10 Union I $1000 REWARD. ti-v win.mnmr nt ttn.nnFrdea C.rn lhl hre oeeorred 1 wUhlatheclly recently, wllh thdr marked evldenceaor Major or meei-yoi Kubri le, bt Tlrtne of tbe recommendation! of the City Council, will git See bandied dollar aa reward fir the apprehentoaandcnTktlDnor any peraon orperaomol hliM. arun wlihin the mrTMrUe llmlta.

Tbe cTiaa to be eommtted at any Ucot wlMn bm cpotfc roin Ue dateherrof. ttjfi OOLUKQflWOSrra, uayoc. NiiBTiiia, April IfltMpfiO. 1 rewaidof 11 tb hundred dollan for th a coancuoaaaaooTB- a. aprlt-tf Piano Tiuiing and Bepairing.

inca he will mnnUi in the CUV and vicinity. He will Tlilt regnlarly the towns In Sliddle, ff eat and ttaat Jecnenee, and North Alabama and Mrolnippl. ta0rderi left i Benson a Moile atoiw.or Seed Plfio Roomi, en Cbnreh trtt, OommunlcaiioDi by taau will te promptly attended to. apri-j A. C.

A. B. BEECH, Aare now prepared to ahow their enrtomeri, AT NO. 57 COLLEGE STREET; The Urgtrt and moit eltnt atwjk ot DRY GOODS, hn aMf to offer to ihe Retail 1 Trade. TitjUM a tuoat choice lot of PPKISO AND B0MMBK DBCSS GOODS, eleirani Kenocei SUki, rinnne-ti Btraiei Flonnced ad" Plain-MntllM, I'lala and Ploonced; Grey Ensliih BeiaKiaand Duult for Tread Ehlrta and Drawers.

Marfeiles and Silt Veittaiti, all colon French CloUn andCaaatmera, white and colored Linen DrWagt. We hare great ariet and me or the moil beaoti-fol CameU eTer exhibited la tbtv market. Pi" Roil. CorUinDeLomM, Laee and Mnitla Cortaln. Bleaehedpind Brown Table Da-Balk, every ityle Linen Towels and Toweling, Unea and CoTwn Sh.etJs.AH width.

Maries Qslwaad On Clolha from 6 Io IB fcet wide, Cac.oa J'ota 4 to CoiWn Oooda tor Nashville, April Zi.16eo.3a R.C.MNAIRY&CO HATS. SOW OS HAND- ONE HUNDRED ROLLS BEST COLORED ymiTE Canton Matting. ALSO iV UNUSUALLY LARGS STOCK OF PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED TO which" they will sell very low by the X3f Pereons not yet soppliea will consult their interest by examining these goods, as wo are C. McXAiaV Ac CO.

16, root GEOVEE tt BAEEB'S 6lSgXTS8All.T '-f SEWINGlf AOIIISE.S, tB ast oi-OTl ess aartrii I SSW3FS0M TWO BPOOIS. aASHVlLLE SEWING MACHI5E OOMPAKT, marT-awIy i' Pwue 8oca. A CHEAP. Hvrr. I CAN drew servants, In the boas or oii door, wlin jacket; Pant M0 M-r I can also fnrnWi Oentleatn and Children with cloThlngof an vuUtb-aAMWJattw.

i -aprU-lw: JA3IE3 SATIS. accd at ten (o in or Lola Monies, Cuontess of Landsfelt, made $800 by btr lectures in.Chicago, last weea. They'say'Uie great' "Diamond Marriage" fa failure, and that Mrs. Don Qveido has withdrawn from the partnership. exchange says, that "seven hnndred, indns-tribn's individuals gain a.

respectable livelihood In State ofOhio by msnufa'cturine; coonterfeh moneTl" tbe editor of the New York "OldSplrit" went to Adah Isaacs Menklo Heeoan act the ether night. wriws in his paper that, "in proleaabnal lan goage she strips well." TXRUDLK DiacovutT ajtd is Awrnt Tsxoidt. Ti ery respectable families In; Chicago have bff Chnfa Into the deepest grief and ahame on A. mv that a daughter io one badbeea rnio oj cordLher in the other, and an attempt to concetl tfiisrime bad resulted in the death of the young lady. Am Erx TO.WixDwii.

A Yankee editor says: "We don't of people without being' pud for'our trouble, though this is not fir; but' panegyrics on the dead must bo paid we positively cannot send people to heaven for DiscoTtnr or the Bzuaissor a Fossilixxo WaaLt. The remains of a large eized whale were discovered last week by Mr. A. Denoer, in Santa Cruz, imbedded in chalk rock, at least twelve feet below tbe surface. A genteel looking English youth of twenty was arrested in New York a short lime since for having absconded from London with 4,000 of bis employer's money, and will be returned by the next steamer.

Tux Militia or toe Uxitco Stat. Col. Rob-. ertp, of the U. S.

Army, baa proposed a plan of reorganization of the militia of tbe several Sates. He proposes a short term of service for volunteer', who are to be firmed and equipped, and disciplined by Congress, snd to be paid for a few days of scr victtcach vaar, when under iiiBtiiicuoit, discipline and drill. He fixes this volunteer force at and proposes to divide them in all tbe States in proportion to their population, believing this di vision will give to each Stitc sufficient force to pre serve domestic tranquility, to prevent Insurrection end to enforce the laws. When war is declared, the militia to be subject ta tbe call ot the Pre si dent, to repel invasion, and even to carry tn offensive and foreign war. The plan is before Congress for its consideration.

Twenty thousand Swedes and Norwegians are re ported to be getting in readiness to embark lor the United States early in the coming summer. The-Douse of Assembly of New Brunswick has decided, 20 to 1C, not to invite H. R. H. tbe Prince of Wales to viit that province.

The expense is sjid to be the reason assigned. The great revival in Ireland has resulted in the conversion of 100,000 persons. Ssrpr. Shootjkq Extbaordikart. List week, nesr Lifajettc, two genUemtn, one from Cv cinnsti, the other from New York, bagged 238 Eng lish snipe, in two days.

uhooting. The Cincinnati portsmsn, member of the Prairie Shooting Club, shot 63 the firtt day and 54 the 122 titds. Tbo Kew Yorker brought down 5S birds each dsy, making 116. The yield would hare been larger had the ammunition held out so says the Cincinnati Commercial. MoniLE vkd Gbkat KoErnEBa Railroad Coir- TA5T.

At a meeting oi the Board of Directors of this Company recently, Wm. D. Dunn wsa re-elected President, and S. W. Allen Secretary and Treasurer, for year.

The ExeetttWe Committee was also elected as follows: Lewis Troost. Chairman; B- A. Biker and L. M. Wilson.

Vonnn Mitt TAB BID BT AK OVERSIER. Os Sat- nnlay last Mr. Natbsn Spencer, overseer for Mr. John D. Horton.

near Tank, in thia county, had oc casion to reprimand a negro man for disobedience or orders. The negro resisted and Mr, Spencer siabbe I him, the knife entering the left breast below tbe heart, producing a wound which Dr. Williams, the attending phyrician, thinks will prove laiaL uazaieoj tfctieraay. ftgThe trestle work from the Cumberland River across ine ooiiom in me uiuu, is uumucu. is a magnificent structure and presents a very striking appearacne.

it is ice ju ici-gu', and one of ie test executed and most snbsun. rial nieces of tr 8ellinE we have ever e'en. Mtfl r', eed tt Hairisoa, the contractor, hare performed At with n-rpst fiilpHir. and this woik will long stand to attest thsir efficiency and skill. Vlarlctitlie ejeroman.

VilLRonnxR Concur. CoL Ho. Faaxcis. United States Hail Agent, arrUed in the city ytsterday evening having in charge William Carder, charged with robbing tlie mail in Lincoln county. Carder is about seveuteen tears old, and lias been carrying tlm mail hp i ween Cornensville and Firctievillc and Fsyctteilte and Salem, on both of which routes robberies have b-cn committed.

He confessed to having committed the robberief, bat declareshe got onlv $5, but the latter part o( ihe boy's story is not believed. The mail-bag bad a patch upon it which be would remoce, take out such packages as he desired and then eewiton again. broogbt the witnesses the Federal Court otitic in ses1 von, Carder will prohibty be tried in a few days. Union and American. j- John Dnrsnd, has resigned the offica of Superintendent ol the little Miami ana Columbus end Xenia Riilroad.

Ho has not decided whether to reranin in the railroad or give hia attention to some other- pursuit. Your Attention, Gentlemen! I TVILL offer at Pottle Ant-lion, en the 25lh luatu, and from day to day unlit th entire Stock inold, a large aaiortaient'of SUMUR WINTER CLOTHING, Piece Goods Furnishing At SCLTZB iCStIL'3 flor'e. Market Street. Call before or on the day of If yoo want bar-lni, ai tt'Kraf i -JiVlw Truitee. S100 REWARD I WILL OSE HCNDEID DOLfcAtt reward tor th apprehrnsloo of Jamei Jenvjlfiajav delivered In Lel auon Jsm.

Eald Jennings is bout six fret high, lair skin, light hair, blno eres, a lew scattering whiskers on hit chin, a small sear fln tbe side of his nose, raid Jennings JlrjarafHBoao', AprUISth, aprHO-In Insurance Notice. THEAnnnsI Meetsngof thefltocibolders or Oommoreisl Insurance will be held at oOice on Hon da the 7tb day of May neat, to elect eleven Directors, to serve tor the 'welvc months, eleven uk JAMB3 WALKER, Becrelary. Ssu mix, Aprnlfth, Stock Reduced. PDRT80oontom.aclataor trulnast arrangements, we desire to reduce onr present slock as toxoid BrothW we will oiler onr entire alock of 8U-nland Fancy Dryflceda, at redaeed prices. Wo have TRATELINU GOODS, acd In lacl rrerjtnlog ocs coola WlJalio-White Hoselry.

Tsbte mask. Sheeting. Blesxhed and Brown Domestics, PlanU-tlon'ioodi for men ad wometr. Qoth. Caaslaeres, Yet- lngi and oad wear toe genUeown, We wish io call farticnlar attention to onr bargain counter, on which will bw found, at ail timet, many desira ble goods at one FtlCHOLSOW A HUUTHKT.

apt-ip v- Kotice A- LT. those. who wish to rpnrchaaa NEW arid CHEAP UPBlSa OOOD9 eaD a as caah ot 1. T. HOl.

BABDACOrlo.aaBreadway.Hashville.Tenn. Theyeep a (all and well selected assortment of Staple and riocy Dry Goods. Also Hats, Caps, Bedj-oade Clothing, Ac Ac BbJlt Im A-'Bor a TtOT nftetn years ld will for. hire tta balancei-f yiar. Apply at 49 Market tTtrett, lstwsChnrch Md Broad ntreets.

sa hare no acquaintance wiia m. u. urowmow, lather of the accused, but km conduct and bear ingtbrodgBout the trial- were wortbj of aU cwn-nendation. Bil Honor took occasion to express approbation and endorsement alike ot the ecu pprowuuu deceaaeo, aQ nr. orowBiow, me iuici u.

mo ana tntu enaea tae cue. Mntifedattoarferartlw mot, bot dm incident exoee ieoW bj Mr. HeClure, i -d lb. latter to Wrt 11 la the same, wrjClen D. mm, and not bj a woman, might iiiQOOMd from He Tbe address on the' wtf a.

follow: "Hannah M. Jobnaon, care Coffin, Eq.f CincinnaH, Uluo. jiy ue Aaan jDreas matt waa addreaaed, rJ.l Coffin. Em. corner of Brodday midFrtck- Btreew, Cincioneti.

In baste." Tbe following, istheletlen NasHTtiXK, Tenth, April 11, looy. r-rw TJear Sir: I wish vou to re a box per.Adims Express, marked JghDSOo," care oi joure. Tbe box will arrive on evening from Naibfille. Younuuly, Mr. Coffin publiihea a card in the Cincinnati Com mercial, in which he ja be da not Know u-nah M.

Johnmn, nor did he know anything of the lurther than waa conveyed to him in the preceding letter. Coffin Ii a Quaker. We ought not to omit to slate that Mr. McClure exonerates tbe Adama KxpresaCompany and tbeir employees from all blame in mtwr. Tar IciTridi Few peim3bve any concep of the extent of tbe Ice trade in this couutry.

learn Irom tbo Tribune that the quantity oi ennaumed in the cities 'of he W.York atidBroois- alone amounts to tbe enormous aggregate oi 200.090 tncs yeaily. To Insure this supply re- I nuires the cross bulk of nearly 300,000 tuns, aa transportation and delivery one-third liquefies. To 0bwin this immense mass, nearly 300,000 men are omnloved.dorine the ereate? part of the Winter momQs to cut and store ice-. The principal lake nociiind, and ia owned by tbe Knickerbocker Ice Company. In tbe Summer, 400 or BOO wen are constantly engaged', by tbe different Compau- in bringing the ice from tbe various storehouse, letting it tt the teeideticcs or places of buai- nesa 0f respective customers.

TnUbrancn or girea daily employment to 32 barges, each holding 300 to 400 tuns ot ice, 300 to 400 wagons, 0( coarse, as many horses. qhc (torehouse, the largest ine id belonging to the Kcw York Ice Company, is situa- at Athens, and is capable oi ooiamg gu.uw tU1B A B0rehouse is built on the same principle a The vacant space between them, abo(lt twenty inches, is 'stuffed with sawdu. The C0lt 0f such house is nearly uenerwij, the sspply bi ice laid up' far exceeds tbe demand; thi( JWi Wfi happen to have warm ouuimer, mr.n ThpmlsnD dancer. oere t.i nn o( however.oi line irenspormiion. AsmU fimil; oo bo wppnea toeir o.u doora with euouch OI ice lor ii oraiarj d.T, COM th.o aeparately to.tbeir bottses.

The largest cuton)- er8 0r ce an botewieepers, ouicuci, fectioner. The SMcholu, dnrinS te height of Summer, uses about three tuns daily. The export Irade in ice iB-Increasing rapidly, and affords a 0f rcmnneraUon than that eold in the States. The principal pliccs to which ahip- menu are made are England, France, Austria, Eist Indies and Hong Kong. The average gross sales amount to about ooe million dollars yearly.

Am Iu fort a kt Dicisios-The long pending ii.htmi ti Albert Stein, ac- u.tlAi.ine- the citizens ol Mobile with poiwmoM wer," called In our court some time ago H.ld-io county, was closed on Thuwdav. and the defen- ont fonnd guilty and fined $2000-thehighiwtpcrj- altv cilowca ov me buu.b. who were in at the trial, that of the Mobile water works, o( which Mr. S. is the proprietor, k.

mr was exactly the flame Fl inl0Ijt proof WB9 also received of the poisonous qu.liiies of lead. poi StSTnl waur has introduced thrAu-h Dines, iron pipes arc nsed as jeaomg while the Mobile Water works nave. great number o( instances, mcd lead pipes fur leads. Ranfe vs. Same, for non-1ol5metit of contract to snpplj a sufficient qoantlty Ol water lor extinguishing ores, waa cat account of absence of Adver- titer.

if- thn tame eentleman wno superin' tended arid planned the conduction oi our Reservoir In this dty. He married a daughter of the late GibaboTkoost. ScBirrtRt roit good report maWth the bones fat Prov. Ittshallbe vexation only to understand the report: ha. siv thef.

and will report ic jer. These would answer very well for texts for sermon addressed to reporters, otty, a reading of the con text would show that tbey have no rciereo stenographers or esiei i.d.ij a dh at jeruaaiem, his. bold, the man clothed witn imen, woicn ini horn by his reyorfi' the matter. ms verse might be not irreverently quoiea oul. the.anUquity of the prolesaion.

A'c G.KBI."" Ju'Buuuf-rt B- A. Gould, In recent Itclu Vhe Smahiom.n Iusli- nn th. Science ot I'robabillliee, a. of broad scientific iotcsUgilion of tbe I yect 0 plating chance, or tambling, that lot tbe more be pUra, nnlcw be J'Z (ktt i coea-a. 6 I plajson chanca aa merchants pij ou jjruou.

I Mllinir. falls to the eroand, for, DroTea him a chest, and if ansncccssfol. he woaia not wtww pr. I rar The BiHiard match contemplated between and the French champion, Berger, sccma I- tri frnitrated by an irrepreaiible vaniiv ipmtot the Utter. He desires the public t0 Qt)dentand tht he Is not a vulgar Irtyuij.rd bat 'n ertlAte a of the ogh.

alterin a DaoiTa. the most distbgnisbed noty aad gentrjrof the glohe." QjQTer been Beaten has never been Deaun ai uio uarvu. 6 pUya. His terms aaBtry are 18,000 fine; for five 'rr'iTW'''-" I exbibltii 1 1 a pmramphTfe in cfrecdaiioD. to.

toe effect 1 WZ-T. i fi-- "fi, tbe, see He ed lor; of Conereu for or It. JWirr, i(iniiiii4 oni. Con. my manner, caangcu orSsiiw7 0i-oiiJ rawottflMt.

xmu. wo jorrg? VSSt ttMHitgf trUytmaua wntdMttCMhim: ThePrea in conclnsion, urgea the Convention I to make Its nomination and its platform Bgree; I It wants do more Southern snd Northern readings and ntlfauderstanding, but demands a candidate wbose known antecedents are in accordance with what the Convention shall declare to be tbe cardinal principles of the party. In brief, it challenges the Convention to take Judge DoogUs on bis non intervention pls'tform, or rejecting bim, to place upon an extreme platform an extreme nominee. We learn that the President has decided to re move George N. Sanders from the post or Amnt at thta nnrt Hta erima Li avowed 7 iib Douglsstam.

If all the secret 1 office here were thus shortenud, it woul basket to bold tbe i't r.V owne. ori- 7Vi- Thai's so: and if reoorls are true, some of the Federal officials hereabouts would clam in rtnt Thar are can- erally shrewd enough, however, to keep on i 7i Mnfrn1 8 ui' luc rr thair bread and butter, reserving their Doug- las sympaliiifca for very private ventilation on special occasions. BUCHANAN BUYING OUT- THE DOUGLAS DELEGATES. The Washington States and Union adopts a little singular style io the following an Douncement of. the fact that Buchanan has bribed the Massachusetts, delegation to desert Dooglas.

While seeming to denotirco the rumor as antrue, it is easy to see (hat the Slates believes it, and is only seeking to give it publicity StKOKACSTCL BTJM0B8. There axe many rumors afloat as to the anticipa ted action of to Charleston, ot the most disreputable character towards the objects of tnem. uoe Oi uess, wuicn ireeiy ctrcuiateu upon tbe Avenue yesterday, is' ofso flagitious a nature that we teei cnnsirainea to denounce it as a malicious libel upon a gentleman orthehighestrespecia-bilitY. Tbe rnmor to which we allude i that Gen, Whitney, of Jfassschosetu, bad not only agreed to violate bis own pledges and inatruoikms, but bad nndertaken to carry over a' msiarity of the dele gation from that State with bim. Such a foul charge can gain do credence where.

Gen. is knows, and is- only put in drculatioa to affect MHU. at Inmnt of TbetJell- tI bed aairorml; exprerBed'honMlf In ftror ol tbe nomination of Judge Dooglaaj be wa. elcleda delegate to tbe S'ttr pfedged to everr constat ration wnico conia mnuenco an non orabla maa, to vote for Jads Doaglas in teat coo- Tantion. It true that Gen.

Whitney accepted a hifhlj honorable and" lacraUvo appointment from the FresiiAinit alter hU. election aa dowItfollwtlMVfwoffl The TaiAi op cotrctv poodentoT the Etcamond; rri give an scowit of the trial ajtd sanitil' of Jom Bstow, aod of Dr. Wm. G. BuraL0wt oF itsssxvilla, who, UwiUbarccoUMted, tlad th kill a fellow student naasrfBesos, who attacked hia with greet Violence- We cop the ecfldutfing i iuommcsw.

irwji wljiM.eV ewnto aod patbede The Vadee eujt- fence It waa cow nearly 5' o'clock. The'Jadge flag- watsttl to the AltaroeT for the OmMmwMhb. Jobs XaxtbahM'ftatilJfaj laorantn mecnlo-r. tart -tbo AtttiiWeMssi4 I 'that be-fyooW pmlrota the i jdaafw laAVarmoot i btmea.j me meo-..

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