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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 2

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


The Radical papers throughout tho coun- Cranborries. Zf BBLS CRANBERRIES on conslsnment. OU JOHN SNYDEU ft CO-, mblfi dS No. 7 Main street. The Fat Contbtbutob.

This gentleman, with hia unrivaled "Petrollapanto-morphlan," will lecture to-night and tomorrow night In JeflersonvUle, aud will exhibit in Now Albany on Friday and Saturday nights. We commend our humorous and glflcd friend Griswuld to the trans-Ohio people. D'MLY COURIER. BY W. N.

HAU3EMAN'. OFFICE: No. lOOJcflorson Street (KOBT0 SIDE) Between Third and Fourth. CANNON 191 Main Street, a stock ol Uio most jfrrillineiy Goods To which they call tho atttcntion of the irade generally. SOUTHERN MERCHANTS Are pat Ocularly invited to examlno onr line ladies' and yEisses' J.

L. SHOWER 63 Third Street, near Main, JJAYB received their Oral installment ol Spring and Summer dooDS mt nlabrated makes of Tfhlch.f.r qnallty and style, cannot MsnrpaMed OXONNELL, Merchant Tailors, 328 MABxtBT STREET, nadBm BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH. BEN. MASON, MERCIHANT TAILOK AJTD DJCALEK I Gents' Furiiishing Goods, too TTITH.D STREET. VND GBEEK, A RARE CHMCE FOR ALL NOW IS TOBB TIME TO BE SUITED AT A LOW PRICE.

GOTO J.H. MONTGOMERY'S Store No. 99 Jefferson As to sell oat his Slock or CTothlnr at Cost, until tbe Isst of January, wbea he Intends to retire. Those in want of good Clothes at a low nrioe, 11 they stnoy ineir wn inwran u. STIiiV, i VftntMirterv-i and be suited.

Don't let snch a favorable opportunity pa without taklar advanugeoflt. AlargestockofFurnlsblngGoods on hand. Also a iars awe ot iiuuw, and Testings, made up to order she latest styla th time you ean get ehesp Clothing. Many win berladtoknowwhcrstbeywB gtt Good Clothes at a low flcure. Bnalness CoaU at to Sis ta tMLAe CTnrvartlcla sold below tiia taarkM prices.

Co soen and oftsn, as tt HOTELS. U. S. HOTEL, LOtnSVTT iTiF, (MOST 09KT1UXLT UOCXTZD) HaTing changed Is undergoing I tborongh repair. STOCKTON CO.

Tnnif T. fVlT. PirirT Pr.xr. dSldSm ST. CHAKLES HOTEL, BURKS VILLE Jnst opened, and furnished Mttirely new.

CMts me acalL Horvtoi sod Bmrariea ftr Hlrt at all Mmeav ja dSm MRS. 'O. B. AUsXJLHTta CAKKOLL HOTJSE. OIT06ITE COUBT-HOCSK, Oscar mcOnire, Proprietor.

Carrollton, Kentiicliy. JF.WT.Y FUUNISIIEDi NBATLT HE- I PAIBED. Bar alwaya fnrnlahed wlthlhe host Imported Brandies and llourlxm TflnsiT. CAVE CITY HOTEL. Iionisrille and NaihTille Railroad.

of tbe above named establishment, which be ha handsomely refitted, refurnished and repainted. It Is now in complete order, and ready for the reception of ffuest. Every possible attention will be pud tn Hit. fnmfnrt nf siartfM itonnlnr at this nolnt. The rooms are airy and spacious, and prepared for the accommodation of any number ofpoxion.

Ths parlors arc ciccani, uc taatc anpiiueu uu Uic rlHieaclra and aubstantials of Kentaekr life. and every arrancement possible lor pleasure and La Kin one a eac in iuh inn. The CAVE CITY HOTEL Is the point where travelers ucoar. iur wc SIA51MOTH CAVE, dlEtftnt nnlr nlnt rullci. otct a snlendld road It Is also the tno't accessible point for acrsoci vou wis iu rcawi mc FAMOUS OIL REGIONS this portion of Eentncsrr.


1 bare Just received an Immense stock: ol FANCY "WHITE GOODS ISTotioiis, Which must sold to rodnce my itook preparatory to a temporary REMOVAL whllt rebulldlns my present store. After the lit of April, will oceupy the etcoad floor ovar II. BUBKHAHDT'S, next door. II. S.

BUCK1YEU, XO. 1S2 MAIM STREET, between Fifth and Sixth. SPRING TRADE, 1866. "WHOLESALE Dry Goods J. M.

ROBINSON NO. 183 .11.11 STREET JEEEP constantly on hand ft Urgs sod varied I took of STAPLE AID FANCY IMRY GOODS NOTIONS, And sra dally la receipt of foods from Importers and manufacturers. Ws epsdally sail the attention of buyers to oar large and complete stotk of DRESS GOODS. TRIMMINGS, etc. J.

M. ROBINSON CO. Copartnership. IP (M, Attar fnml Ma4. J- nership nnSer the firm of COOKE BARftET, for the purpoae ot eonduetinc a Henera Real Efftnte, Collection ansl tStock Drokence BaidneM.

LYTTLKTOX COOKE, af. B. DARiltl. March 1st, lSCft. cooee oabbet; GENERAL REAL ESTATE AGENTS, COLLECTORS STOCK BROKERS, 137 MAIN STREET, Between Fourth and Fifth tOUISVlXLE, "prjBCMASE, SELL, Igaag AND BENT ALL kinds of Beal Estate is tho dt7 of LoolrriU.

andsnrronndlngtonntry, and Mineral and Aarlcnl tnral Lands throngbont tbo Booth and TTestt also bar and sell all kinds of Stocks. CoUectloDB mado throncb oar eorscrpondenta In any part of the United Etatec, and proceeds prompt IT remitted. COOKE or. BAKBET. CHIMlVEr SWEEPING.

NOW It THE TIME TO HATS THIS. Important work done. Leave your order. No. 1ST Green street, below Fourth; at fvj-f-; I Fenians, Attention! fTTHF.

TNTANTBY COIFANIES OF THE F. B. I wUl assemble every evcnlnjr In tbe Hall oTer the Co-oneraUve Store on Market street, octwecn Fifth and Slxta streets. 4. All able-bodied men of engaslnf in me cause are requested to attend.

WM. MAN AN, mhWdtf Major and Aas'tlnap. F.B. Section Notice. rpHERE will be held on the 3Iaof larch, at the Office of tho LonlaviUe Snvingn In-Ktltntion, an elecUon of a President.

Treasurer, and six Managers ot tbe Shelbyvllle and Iulsrille Turnpike Road Company to serve for the pnaIa year. J. H. RHORER, Notice. XfE have this day admitted as a partner In our House, E.

P. FONTAINE. The Arm name will remala as before, Cambridge Co. A. G.


Louisville, March 1st, dS Copartnership. "IT7E have this day formed a partnership under the firm name of FONTAINE at CO- for the mrpose or transacting a i.enerat Ancnon anu Amnii.iinn RnjrinpfM. at o. 63 Sixth street, be tween Main and Market. A.


Louisville, Ky- March lst.lSK. mh Dental Notice. THE Kentucky State Dental Association will now their Sixth Aannal Meeting alLesinEtpn.eom-mendne on Tuesday, the 17th of April, at I o'clock r. k. The President earnestly requests that all the member will be present; alio all practicing oen-tiFta In the State wno feel an Interest In the progress ofthcproiesflon.

WM. M. ROGERS, Pres. Louisville and Nashville Railroad. GENERAL FREIGHT OFFICE.

LouiBTiLXr, March IS, 1863. TO SHITPERS. FREIGHT will bs received for AtlanU and all points South until further notice. mchlS dtf Freight Agent. Copartnership.

THE undersigned have tliU day formed a copartnership for the transaction or the VholeMue nnd Retnll Dry Good Business, at the old stand. Nop. 100 and 111 Fount, street. under the ntyle and ttrnt of S. BARKER ft to oaieirom jaarcn J.


Lonisvllle, Ky March 1S66. dtf Attention, Fenian Soldiers THE Military Companies of the F.B. will very Wednesday. Friday and Saturday Night, at BECK'S HALL, tt 7K o'clock precisely. the ranks of the Irish army, arc Invited in come np $10 Be ward.

LOST A ROSARY or CHAPLET Of cocoannt beads, with small cross and two medals attached, somewhere btween the Cathedral and St. Joseph's Infirmary. It lcf'. at Bishop LaveUc's residence. Fifth street, near the Cathedral, or at this office, the Under will receive the above reward, mhfdtf Oitice or Assistant Inspector Gex F.B.J Locjsvtlle, March 6.

1S6S. i HAVING been duly anthorlred by the Secretary ot War, Fenian Brotherhood, to organize com- narifna tmttllAti nnrl rceltTlfJl tit. in the State Ot Kentucky, for the army of the Irish Republic, and knowing that there is at present i great number of ablo-bodlcd men throughout the State, who are desirou of Joining thi' ranks, I take this mnthort nf tnrnrmliifrstl jihlivhodipd men thronzh- out the State that they have an opportunity of aoing SO ly commumcauniz 10 mt juimemuicij, stating when tiieywiu De reaay to rcpon anniuo kind of anus in their possession. r.nlli-nipn trhn hurt seen nrrtlv PCrvtff and who can recruit a company, will DOtify me by letter Im- ivr iiuuucuuiu. WM.

MANGAN. mhg-dt31tt Asst. Inap. GenF.B. IMoticc.

ed to Peter W. It. IKiKK. Law Office of Englkh Hoke, mrt dim Jcffereon street, bet. 4tb and Notice Important.

To Discharged Soldiers and their Heirs. CONGRESS on the ere ot aw dler or and1E63, and to th of BOUNTY and PAY. 5rPnt your claims In the bands of a RELIABLE Bull illVI UJJI111.C AECUi. JOHN MCCARTHY, dim No. Court Place, Louisville, Ky.

DISSOLUTION. THE Partnership heretofore existing between D. S. Benedict, E.W. Benedict ana John C.

Benedict, under the name of D. S. Benedict A Sons, was dissolved on the 13th Inst, by the death of E. vi. uencaici.

inc Burviring pariuers wilt wiirn up the business of the Arm. D. S. BENEDICT, Loul.villc, Jan. ist.

jo. c. BEN unci. COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE undersigned have this day formed a Copart- WUolf sale tiVocerv and CouimUslon under the firm of D.

S. Benedict ft Sons, at the old stand. Ii o.lll Main street. v. b.



Y. NAYLOR Is admitted a a partner In onr Grocery Business dating from tie 1st day MOORE, BREMAKER CO. Notice. InnnTiLLE. March 1.1808.

rpHE firm of Hutchlngs. Duncan ft lsdlMolved by mutual consent, dating from January 1, 1861, Jas. A. Duncan retiring. Either member of the firm isanuionzeu to use wt aun onmc luuiiuiiiauua.


WEAYEIt. Copartnership. Tt nnd Ttrn.C Weaver will cantlnnfl i.lthc Wholesale Groccrv nnd Commit slon business it tbe old stand. No. Zvt, tiurth eld Main street, between Seventh and Eighth, under the name of D.

BEN. C. WEAVER. Associates Amos Fox.of Georgia; W. E.

Wood, of Tennessee; J. H. McKay, of Nelson connty, H. M. Wlntersuilth, Hardin county, Ky.

TN retiring from the firm of Hutchlngs, Dunean ft jl i raw cortuany recuuimcau mv mccowun, D. B. llutchlugi" ft to the trade. JA. A.DBNCAN.


B. HUTOHINGS (SueecMors to Uutclilngs, Duncan ft Co.J GROCERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 277 North Side Mnin Street, Betwesw Pcventh and Eighth, LOTJISVILLE, KT. Authorised agents lor Blakcmore, Wooldridg ft Cs New Orleaas, La. Ws make liberal advances on consignments to them. sibC dim Saddlery, Harness Trunks.

THE undersigned would rcFpectfnllv call ths attention of his Mends and the public to bis large Saddles, Harness, Trunks, tc. Manufactured nndcr my own supervision, warranted to give satislactlon, as cheap as such roods can be bought in the Union. I would call attention to in superior Morgan or Texas Suddlo JOHN M. MYERS, Successor to C. Proal, Third Bt bet.

Main and Market. Slcn of the Golden Saddle. mm dim Louisville, Ky. NEW BOOKS. QOUNTBT LOVE ts.

CITY FLIRTATION. In cloth. Illustrated S3 and $3 OUR ARTIST IN CUBA, clotb. Illustrated Jl 50 A NOBLE LIFE, hrUlis Moloeb, 1 SO THE METRO POLITES, Et-Clar, clolh- 3 to AKTEMUS WARD'S NEW BOOK. O.

C. KERR PAPERS, Third Scrim, cloth 1 30 All the late Novels of the day, ALL OF MRS. SOUTIIWORTII'8 BOOKS. In cloth 1 00 Sent post-paid on receipt or prlee. Adore, mrt din W.

SCOTT GLORF. HOKSE-SECOEHVG I 4nn nonSES sent to ray shop will reeetT. iT9b prompt atention from skllirnl Ehop en ilrsl hetween JefTemoa and Market; lfo3 dtf jum kUDII. ICE. JOHN P.

OROMTJS, Wholesa: and Retail Dealer in PURE NORTHERS LAKE ICE. HAB in store and offers for sale, tflCO tons of the above PCKE ICE. I am nsw prepared to contract ans" gnsrantce a supply for the entire season at uniform rates. All orders from IbeSontn promptly attended to and carefully packed for shipment. 3T Office Filth street, opposite tbe Court House.

Principal Depot, Southeast corner Main and Thlrtecnih streels. Lonisvllle, Ky. mhUdSm. LOW WHITNEY, WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS No. 190 Main Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, south side, ARE receiving tbslr Spring stock, laid In slnco tho decline, and they are prepared to sell at Now York prices, freight added.

mhl2 d2mls ENGLISH AND GERMAN ACADEMY N. E. corner Second nnd Gray street. A LIMITED number of children will be received Into the Primary Class of this Institution, on Monday, March 19. Beginners cannot be received after March 23.


Refer to Merchants and Bankers of LonlivUle. mhO dSm Socd Corn. "1 AH wBB In store: very choice. XW try have, without stint, denounced tho Southern States for their refusal to grant negro suffrage and pass such laws as will place the negro upon the same fooling as the white man; in other words, they, must adopt the dogma of universal recognition of caste, and that until this 1b done through legislative enactments and incorporated into the different Constitutions of the several Southern States, capitalists trom tho North will refuse to loaor Invest Jn any their capital for the -advancement of -Southern products or Southern interests, while atf the same time they haye'loudly proclaimed that some Northern capitalists who were ready and willing to make such investments have been deterred therefrom by the rebellious spirit, and hate which yet rankles in the Southern heart against all Northern men. A leading cotton manufacturer of Massachusetts thus writes: Many Southern men luiva been here within the last few months to procure capital to work therr plantations.

They have got but a tithe of wbal could be had if cou- mience existed, mil tuero is no connacuce hero which will allow the investment of much capital iu raising cotton; and the reason is, that we will' not trust the laws of any State which deny equal rights to any ofits citizens. That State which shall first pass laws abolishing all distinctions of caste, aud granting equal rights baseJ on inUsUigeuce, and not on color, will double the value of its real estate a single year. The intelligent men of Texas well knuw Uiis, and are preparing to pass laws as soon as the civil govtrnmeut is re-established, in order to turn the tide of emigration and Northern capital to her vast area of unoccupied land, bueh, Messrs. Editors, are some of the views which exist here. It will ho useful to both sides to print them aud comment ou them.

Here is the true exhibition of the ultra-fanatical feeling and virus cf the Norjh towards the South. The capitalists of Massachusetts will not trust any State that refuses to acknowledge the negro equal to the white man, aud another evidence of the uuhappy tecliug of this elas3 of Northern men against reconstruction and the South. Will not the State of Connecticut be trusted? Will they not look with favor on Wisconsin, und take some interest in Colorado, which States have recently voted direct against universal recognition of caste? Are there not other Northern States whreh rcfueo to recognize Afrlcaus as cltizeus? As regards the State of Texas, the Boston gentleman and capitalist draws largely on his imagination. The State of Texas, with its immense area of land and undeveloped means, will be a "white man's From all the Information before us, we are satisfied there is very little dependence to be placed on facilities for tbe South through Northern capitalists. The action of the committee of tbe Chamber of Commerce of New York settles the question, so far as the capitalists of that city are concerned.

There may be some isolated instances, and some few in a thousand borrowers or those desirous of ob talcing loans may realize. The question presents itself In this shape: The cotton growers of the country can live and subsist on their own individual labor; raise ample crops for sustenance. Tho land they own will yield that with very little labor. Suspend the raising ol cotton for trade and export. Let the result of two or three years' withdrawal from cotton culture be tried as an experiment With the richness of the lands of the Southern States, cereals, provisions and all the necessaries of life can be raised without producing any cotton for exportation.

If the Northern capitalists and owners of mines decline to aid in recuperating the cotton-growing Bection of the United States, they may yet become convinced of ther folly and greatly regret their want of sagacity. The want of an abundance of cotton may lead to tho stoppage of New England facto ries, and their investment of capital at home in thii branch of business become lost or hopelessly ruined. The stock of all kinds of coffee in New York, on the 7th, was 57,556 hags, inclu ding, according to Messrs. Wm, Scott Sons, of Rio 24,878 bags; Laguayra 8,191 bags; Cuba 4,291 bags; Horacaibo bags; St Domingo 660 bags; and of other descriptions 5,873 bags. TOTAL STOCK OF BIO IX TUB COUKTBT.

Haps. New Orleans 15,000 Mobile I.S00 Savannah 2.000 Baltimore Fhnadlphla t.000 Hew York S4.000 Grand total JTBeautiful French Cassimere suits, at 'Sproule Maudevillc's, under Nationnl Hotel, corner of Fourth aud Main streets. mh6 dlf SPORTS IN iOUISVUXE. Handicap Rat Match, Dog Fighting, Cock Figitting, As our city advances in greatness and wt-jiltb, and takes position nmom; the great cities of our continent, she must necessarily all the characteristics incident to them. Until lately tho "sporting" men have had to sigh in vain for something to.

interest; them, and, although they liavo had their dogs aud chickens in tho best possible trim, they have not had a good opportunity to display their prowess until now. Last Satdrday night the "Handicap Rat Match," made up by Henry Jennings, came otTat "StickiodV on Market The pi at that place is about twenty feet in diameter and two and a half feet in depth. The dogs were let in in the following order, aud killed the rats in the time given: Thompson's "Gipsey," 16 4 rats, 50 seconds. B. Herman's "Jenny," 16 4 rats, seconds.

J.Ncedy'a "Plneher," 14 8 tats, minutes. J. Krunth's "Jenny," 10 4 rats, 23 seconds. P. Mean's "Bug," 20 4 rata, 22 seconds.

Gillespie's "Fanny," lbs, 4 rats, no time Strother's "Jack," 84 lbs, 6 ruts, 22 seconds. Myer's "Jack," 11 3 rats, 10 seconds. Woodruff's "Bod," C3Jf 6 rats, 58 seconds. C. Selvage's "Nick," 24 lbs, 5 rats, 17 seconds.

Geo. Abraham's "George," 31 6 rats, 26 seconds. Fetterly's "Blanche," 15 rata, 17 seconds: Myer's "Jack" was decided to be the winner, and the prize was consequently awarded to him. Next came a fight of five minutes between the dogs "Georgy" and Trish Bull." These dogs fought very fast and with great skill, showing thorough training. Then an enormous badger was brought in the ring, and five small dogs were let on him.

The badger was very fierce and kept the dogs moving around quite lively. Thoy bit him a good many timca, and afforded a good deal of sport by their maneuvering. They were taken out after about ten minutes fighting. Four small dogs were next let on the badger, and the same amount of fighting done as before. The badger was not much hurt in these combats, but punished somo of his antagonists slightly.

Another tcn-mtnuto dog-fight then took place, between Feathcrly's "Tinker" and Jennings' "Bully." Thoy were both fino animals, "Tinker" being a little the heavi est They Bhowcd good fighting qualities In the short titno they were together. They did so well that the clamors of the spectators brought them forth again for five minutes. This ended the canine sports of the even ing, and the feathery bipeds were then brought in. A fight was soon made up between two parties on a wager of $25, and tho cocks were let at each other. One was a red, the other a "Dominica." After fight ing about fifteen minutes the red won, his antagonist being killed.

This ended the evening's sport A $500 dog-fight is on hand, between a Louisville and a Boston dog. We cannot say when or where it will take place, but our reporter will endeavor to be on hand and give the part iculars. "Handsome silx mixed Maudovillc's. mh6 dtf Window Breaking. This seems to be becoming so popular a sport with the boys In the Ticlnity of Third and Chestnut that It bag become a crying nuisance.

Several complaints have been made to tbe Chief of Police In regard to this matter, and steps arc being taken to have the offenders arrested. On Friday and Saturday the gloss in the windows of Dr. Speed's office were nearly all knocked out, and we bear of several other instances of offenses of this kind nearly as glaring. We caution the youths of that locality to be careful, or they may get. into trouble before they are aware of it.

CSyHon. Cave Johnson, one of tho oldest and most distinguished citizens of Tennessee, for many years a Representative in Contrress and Postmaster General under James K. Polk, Is now a candidate for the State Senate from the Clarkivillc District We hope that he will be elected. EryEIegflnt Tricot suite, at HandOTihVs. mh6 dtf J.

K. SACKSrEDXR BUBO, J.E. SACKSTEDER HOUSE AND SIGN SlIOP-No. 101 East Broadway, Between rrestoa and Jackson, and 1 11 Third Street, bet. Market fc Jefferson.

LOUISVILLE, KY. mblS dim TO THE TRADE. NETV and Trcll-selccUd stock of Fine Perfumery, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Cmlis Brushes, Cosmetics, Powders, Ac, BY A. SALINGEU, 14 main at, mbl6 d3m np stairs, near Fifth. DOW BURKHARDT, Wholesale and retail Dealers la CHOICE STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES.

mhI6 d6 J. W. EATON 0., Retail Druggists and Apothecaries, Corner Fourth ami Jeffenum Scree tnj LOUISVILLE, DEAL EftS In rare Medicines, Chimlcals, Per-fiiniery, TolK Soaps, Colognc8.ToolfaBrtttl.ea, Brushes, Flarortng and If andkurchleA Ex tracts. Combs, In great rarlety. Medical Wines and Brandies, Family Medicine, Cliolee Clears and Tvbsceo, it EapeeUI attention paid to fllling rhyaleians' Prv senritloni, at all hours, with pure and reliable Med clue.

115 tUM J. F. MEEK, SENIOR PARTNER of tho lat Arm of J. F. F.

Meek, of Frankfort. has taken the store. ipg-Q. 582 1-2, West Main st bet. 3nd South Side, WhcrebeoffcrsUh; scrricea to tho pnblle, as a repairer ot line Watches, Chronometers Clocks.

"Walker's Exchange THIRD 9TREHT, BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET, ECEIYE dally and s.rre In the moat approred JX style every description of GAME IN ITS SEASON, And all other procurable Luxuries. IMPOSTATIOD" AND SELECTION Andean therefore offer onr friends and the public a Tcry superior article. ITFamllles tuipnllcd with ererytlilnf In our lino mlTdt J. CJA WXINot Proprietors. Cherokee Pills, or Female Regulator, Cure Suppressed, Eieesalre and y-- I'alniul urcen sick- ftSI nee.

Vprvnnn Hfirl Rnlnn! mlTcetlnti. Al3 J'nlns In the Back, Sick Headache, Glddin'isn, and alt diseases that eprinj; irom irregularity, ny reiaor-lnz the cause and all the effects that arise trom It. They are perfectly Eafe In all cases, except when for- uiuuen uirecuons, ana aro easy to administer, as they are nicely snear-coatcd. They should be in the hands of every Maiden, Wife and Mother la the land. Lndles'can address us In perfect i confidence, and state their com-plaints In full, as we treat all Fc-male complaints and prepare Medicines sultablo for all diseases to which tliuv are subject.

TMrtr-two Dace namnhlet irce. -Thp rtiirrilrf TIIIr arc snlrl bT nil rlrntrfHRta fl Rcr box, or six boxos for 5, or they are sent by mail, ee of postage. man ordinary letter, free from ob servation, or auarefsinc uic soic proprietor, I. w. it.

merwVn. 37 Walker Street, X. Y. N.B. Cherokee PlUti No.2 are prepared for special cases, when milder medicines fail; these arc sent bv mall, free of postage, on rccelpi of 5, the price of Dr.

Wright's Rejuvenating Elixir, Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. pltatlou of the Heart, nnd alt NcTTOOS Disease. It restores ncwllfft and viror to thu npfd. In Mtina Ihn vpitic rrcmrlni the P7itnlx rixe the Organs of Generation, re-from the ajftwo IU movlns Impotencr and Dcblh-jlre, fsuimateti ulth ty, rcstorlnt: manlinenenndfull new does vleor, thus proving a perfect this Elixir r.Vw-"Kllxlr or lotc," rcmovlns note the system and sterility and Barrenness In both orercorM disease, sexes. To the younjr, middle nged, and azed.

there 1h no greater boon iban this "Elixir of Life." It plvcsa new lease of life, causing the weak and debilitated to have renewed strength nnd visor, and the entire oystcm to thrill with joy plenflurp. Frlce, one bottle, f2; three bottles, scut by express to any address. Oar medicines are sold and recommended by all respectable rtniseisU In every part of the civilised cintif- uirnn itnnrliicinled dealers. hoTTTer. trv to deceive their customers by selllnc cheap and worth- on.

if thiflrit7rtst does not kceo them, write to and wc will send them by express, cat cfully packed, free from oltservntlon. we will bo pleased to receive letters with full statements in rexard to any disease with which ladles or pentlcmen are afflicted. Address all letters for medicines, pamphlets, or ad- mblfi deowitwcow3m LOUIri VILLI, GLUE MANUFACTORY. DANIEL F. ROBERTS, Manufacturer of all kinds of Olne mxtl Ground r.urn vnan street, below main P.

O. WiiX -ltS, LOUISVILLE, KEEPS iilwaja on hand a superior article of Gluo MiTOKTAKT TO OIL MEN AND THOSE "WISHING Steam Eng-iixos. TTK have on hand several small Steam Engines on an rntlrelv new style, which wo arc olTcr-tn mcch below the usual prices. For further par- I'EABSON, AIKEN A VArfatv Fniniilirt nad Marti. ft Works.

dim Slain bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. NEW CIGAR STOEE. 'rTlE subscriber begs to Inform his oldrlcnds and x. inc puinic inui tie naa resumca rus oiu duiscm, having jnst cprncd a new CIGAE AND TOBACCO STOEE, At No, SO, r.

S. Market Street, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD, Wi.rri lin HI1 nliT an lint-It fnr cnlf vhnlHiilri nnr! ret nil, the choicest brands of Imported and on.i L-inris evrivv ami TOntr. CO. which lie offers at the lowest prices, and to uicu lie iuuf uiu iicnuuu ui iiurciinserF. inliM dG DILLER.

ilFARKET STREET heMlectural Foundery A SI BON WORKS. liJAD Ac JttAIlKET STREET, I.VT-.VKEN EIGHTH AND NINTH. iron Fronts, Verandas, Railings, Window Caps, Bank Vaults, Ac PIPE of all kinds kept constantly on hand. BLACKSMITH1NG Agents tor LINUS YALES' CE EDUATED LOCKS feH d3m Teachers of Vocal Music and of Gymnastics. THE Board of Trustees of the Public Schools of this city desire to employ two persons to plve Instructions la Vocal Mute and ono person to teach Gymnastics in the Public Schools.

Applications for these positions may be made to GEO. H. TTNGDEr, JiU Superintendent Public Schools. Offlee, writ side First etreet, one door north of Chestnut; omcc hour. 4K o'clock p.

m. mhllda To Contractors Builders. PROPOSALS for the erection of three-storr School Home In the First and Tltlrd Wards will be received by the nnderslencd at the offlee ot Bradsnaw Architects, -Main street, between Second and Third ctrcets, until March SI, 1S6S. Flansand specification! for the wort mavbesecn at theofflcc of the above named Architects. TIAKE.

J. BASCOM STOLL, H. H. ilUNKOK, mh IS dtd Building Committee. B.T.P-5.

REMOVAL. JOHN SNYDER WTIOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mcrcht's, nave removed to 7 Maiu Street, bet. First andSecond. mills dim HPI- JAMES M. HEATH has an Interest In my 111.

from and alter Jaonary 1st, 1S6. fsTdtmchl GEO VT. M0RUI5. OE. W.


W. MORRB WHOLESALE GROCER DEALERS 15 FOREIGN FRUITS, NO 113 MAI1T STREET, (North Side.) BETWEEN" TUIltD AND FOUltTII, LOUISVILLE, KY. Agent tor Riaeale of the Best Brands Of Copper DU tilled Whltky. TT7TTERE can found at all times a large and well assorted stock of Choice Goods, erabrae-In: a trcater Tariety than Is usually kept lnhonsec In this line mt business here or elsewhere. City and Country Merchants ard anted to call and exataUlO for themselTM before msklsc tkelr puxchiac.

ftTdljTL rrrvwjri its. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Second Washington LODISTILLE, QFFEB for aalc at lowest market rates 1,000 bags fair to choice Rio Coffee' 300 bhds prime Cuba Sugar; 2,000 bbls Crushed Powdered, (Iran. Hinted ana sou urusned sngars; 500 bbls Sirup. NEWCOMB, BDCnANAN ot loaidtlst Cor.

Second dTVaahmrtonsta. FURS I FURS 1 1 AT COST! HAVE STIliij xiaij a aaaaluu PURS! From the FINEST MINK to Ihe LOWEST PRICE CONli.x wiucit i wm offer from this date A.t COST MT STOCK OF Hats, Caps and Men's FurnlshiHy Goods Is large and complete, and will ho sold as low the market will allow. WM. F. 0SB0R5, 72 W.


1KWBBBKT iriiii MIL. LK WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Fancy eil Wile Goois Gloves, Ilosicrj- Sl FurnishingGoods -SKIRTS, ASKETS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY 4c, S4G MAIN STICE33T, JOSEPH GRIFFITH SON, Importers and Dealers In G- 3NT SS KlStOlS. uw wl Ammunition, Sporting Apparatus, AND Fisning Tackle, AT WHOLESALE, 166 Main street. No. bSSdSm To All Whom it May Concern.

Startling Intelligence irom Sew York. GOODS HAVE FALLEN FROM THEIR FOR MKBhlghprleee to prices as cheap. or nearly so, as before the war. Calico from JO to i3c for best brands. llks of colors and qualities from 11 per yard upward.

Summer eoods in grist variety, at startling low price. Call Immediately at SAMUEL EOTHCHILD'S, REMOVAL. BAZAMOFllIirOI MR 5. H.FUANKEL&CO. havo removed from tho comer ol Seventh and Market streeU to doors b.Iow Eevcnth, on the south side of Market street, where they have a complete assortment of I lililK EK GOODS, And every article of Ladles' Weirlne Apparel.

B03TNETS mauufaciured to order accordln to the latest fashions, and particular attention paid providing patrons with styles of dress In consonance fe24 dU A. L. SYMMES, (Snceessor to Wm. RateL) WHOLKSALX AMD ETA IX DEAUtB 1ST FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS MD WINES, OLD B0UHB0K WHISKY, ffo. 20 Fourth bet.

Main So Hirer, LOUISVILLE S.y. ROBT. D. TURltE. Tnos.U.Tm.

TRABUE HUNTER, JOBUEUS OF Eats, Cam to Ms NO. USD MAIK STREET, Between Sercnth and Eighth stress. LOLISV1LLE, KY. 3 data BURNETT BICREL, BURNETT, 5KXT0K6WKABIJiGEN, No. 15 South Fourth PHILADELPHIA, BEG leave toaanounee to their old patrons aid ths Wad.

cen.rallj that, hafing reorganized, they are pr.aarad olfer am entlrtlyasw and large stoek of Hoiicrr Clovei, Gents' Fnrnishinff Goods, TrimraiBgs, and Notions generally, Xeseived direst from Foreign and American the very lowest CASH RATES. Raviar alnost a Ilfs-Une experience la Ida VOTIOfc buslsws, art prtpard to oiler ta potior laduem.aU as rKardi, stflM aad suites. IsfM-ehauls visiting Eastern markets are rpet aslly-saiielttd to xamlM ear staek. rrotypt ami-loa ftlvsst ersltrs. Ml dzn U.

S. BONDED WAREHOUSE, For Storing and Bonding W. H. WALKER CO, WOOUSXLX DXALMI ZW Ftaro Boiu-tjon, Nelson, ASD OTHER KENTUCKY WHISKIES, ii Esit laia Street, Loniuille, Kj. Oaah paid for SBW COPPalB WHUIT, In txad.

WALLACE CO, So.M Crecn Street, bet. Third and Fonrth, nro ltut reaalTsd a fine MAEBELLZEB SLATE MAKTELS Xnch Cheaper than Marble Eqaml 1b lleaacr mnd 0t ORi. Of th. We sre prcBared ta nrta i. aipsstinmif, CaUandseens.

rSWdlnV Kentucky Military Institute. OL. R. p. T.

ALLEN, the Founder and for many tteTinsttiimofc- 508 suprJnteadensy of acuity remains otherwise oncnangea. Th earrent nx.nml fit lha 9frtf. Woh ry, and will continue tn jnty CM) weeks. Chrro mrho-rdlnr unA tnltlnn nm hnnri '173, "uri Per lon, payable Wwelftttt the Ic stltute shall maintain IU lormer reputation. Th KJf.i1!,! "HI olff flnaj discipline strict.

It Ul.0"FSh- Speclsf utcnUoB will be I to tha moral CBlture of the cadets. UUl. Is. T. P.

ALLET. February ism. ic3l dii MRS. DR. HEIS Is very pODular with her numerous visitors as a Clairvoyant and Fortuiie-Teller Mrs.

H. Is actuated bv the desire of doing good and trlTtn- rnmfart an 3 consolation to SOrrowtno- hamanlty. Ia all lor affair site gives the bees eoinssl to be had. Her scheme ot yftinlnr the flntst feellnrs orhumsnityn.variaiiB. street, North side, first cottage above Preston.

Office honrs from o'clock a. k. to 9 o'clock r.x. PTTh. Preston street ars pass near the hons Svsry i.a mtaatss.

dtf R. H. WACCENER, WUOLISAUC DKA1.ES IX I GROCERIES AM) PROVISIONS, JO W. Slio Serona rlml, BmVEEK MAIX AT) HAREBT, LOUISVILLE, KT. O-apoelal attenUon ilTan to auiaf ordars lor Fork.


"ronSBeacakalwars "fflfS1rfSaJ W-Jof the season. manlTI NOTICE. of HAVE liad In store since Jgj 'h JOdy. Ivtr WUl OS SOIB-vjfi Family Sewing MacMnes. Ue BEST lnrae, It uses a STRAIGHT XEEDLE, makes one stlUh, at eon both sides.

THE HEMMING. TUCKING, QUILTING, BRAIDING, CORDING and STICniNG, D0S.1 ON THESE MACHINES RENDER IT SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER MACHINES IN USE. all and examine for yooielTes, no trouble to Machines. Each Maehlno Warranted. Fnll Instntctloofl ftiren to all.

1 MANCFACTCKES OF ALL KINDS. It Is tho only machine used among flm-claw man utactures. OFFICII AND SALUS ROO.HS, No- 7 Masonic Temple. (Next door to main entrance.) W. II.


WILSON'S Prepared Prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conghs, Colds, and all Throat and Lang Affections, Has now been In use over ten years with the most mnrkctl sucecf e. The llemcdr, prepared under Mr. Wluoua personal supervision, also a pamphlet coutalnlnp the orlBtnalPreserlptioii.wllfi full aud explicit directum for preparation and nw, together with a short JOHN N. llKLMKE 4: CO DrncRlsts, Southwest corner Chestnut and Fifteenth Btreets, Louisville, Kentucky. or REV.

EDWARD A. WILSON, 165 South Second Williamsburg. N. Y. pp-Prlee of Remedy, t3 per pflchase.

Pamphlet furnished free of charge. mhl6dl2Aw3 Clipper Washing Machine THE BEST IN THE WORLD. THIS is the only Machine that will do au entire family washing without rubbing parts of clothes much rolled with the hands. It will wabh the dirtiest clothes clean In onr-thlrd the time required bv auv other mode, and without Injury to the most delicate fabric. It Is llchr, nortable, simple in construction, easily kept clean, and not liable to vet out of ordsr.

The position of ibc operator is natural and the move-mrnt easy. The clothes can be seen while wahlns, and parts of cnrmcnU soiltd can be washed without rubbing those parts that art clean. We challenge the world to produce a Maehlno which, worked by hand, will wash a given number of pieces clean In as shnrt a time, and with as little labor, as the Clipper Washer. No family should be wltbont one. Tho Wrln-er attached to this Machine has no superior it strong, dnrable and p- rfectly adjnstlble.

RETAIL CASH PRICES. Washer and Wringer, complete $30 00 Washer alone 20 00 Wringer nlone 10 tXJ rfi-A iiucrai oiscoum io iiraiers. PITKIN, WI ARD COj Louisville, Ky. mhll dim GOLD MINES of Colorado. ltmnir CnmniinT.

will nnen Iwiaka on Thursday, the lSlh the oilier of the Hope lui surancc Company, 77.S Fourth street. ThOr-e being Inclined to Invest in s-tock of any kind, would do welt to call at the above office early and see their charter and evidence, which may In dnce them to take stock In this Company. muU dtf OFFICERS. T. T.

SHREVE, Presihrst. R. C. HILL. Vice President ancTSup't.

D. G. BLY, Secretary and Treasurrr. 6MND OPENING BffTTiTiTNBRY GOOD rpill. lRtret Tarls fitylcs of handsome Drcs Bon-X Dfin and Ilattt; alto all the novelties In the MUI1 nerr consisting of Ribbons of all width, and Collar; a large and elegant ntock of French Flowers by the bunch or spray; Silk Lace, all widths; a large lino or and Fancy Ornaments suitable for Botinels or Hats; a full lino of Boys Hats and Cups; untrlmmed Bonnets nnd Hats In great Yurie tv; a large dock of GOODS, rnoliulimr KM filove.Fann of all kinds, line Lace Collar.

Mourning Collars, Belling and Bufklex, Vails and Vail Nei.Hnlr Colls and Roles, Hair Nets, old ladles Caps. Commencing on TOjVIA.Y, THE X11i, And rontlnulnc for nlnely dayp, to which I my customers and the public to call and examine. Mrs. A. E.

POUTER, 110 Market bet. Third Fourth. mbl'2 Lini GOODMAN MERRILL, General Commission Merchants, SB SEW YORK DTCES It ABE OK COXSIGNMIGTS ASD attention flron tas rale Cotton and Toliaceo. All ordtrs for pcrohatea filled irith earn and forwarded tritnoat delay. talS dSta KENTUCKY LEIDWtfiKS AVISO OUB LEAD WORKS nearly completed, ve have commenced mannfactnrinz.

and now olfer to the trade all the Tarlona qualities or WH ITE I.E.VDS, ZINC PAISTri, rCTT BAR LEAD, it. Pure Lead, To which wc would ask tbe attention of dealers and consumers. This article Is being made under the especial supervision of onrMr.HaeletUwhohasbad an experience of TWENTY years in the manufacture ot Lead; and we feel confident of bcini: able to supply the vrade with an article of Pure White Lead That shall not be excelled in quality by any brought to this market. We have started in this enterprise with the determination to build up reputation for Louisville manufactures, and we would rwpeefully solicit the patronage of all dealers and consumer? of Leads and niDu iu mis air una in uc irouin ana cm generally. Prices guaranteed as low as saxc qcautizs can be laid down here from the East or elsewhere.

HASLKTT. LEONARD tt CO. OSSce, No. 3S Ninth street, one door north of Main, LouIsTUlc, Ky. mhlS dl2 WM.

JESSUP SONS' CELEBRATED CAST STEEL. Warehouse No. 53 West Second Su, CINCINNATI. AUGUSTUS WESSEL AGENT. GENERAL assortment constantly on hand of Best Warranted Cast Steel, for Tools, Double Shear Steel, Machinery Cast Steel, Best and Second Quality Sheet Steel (all gauges) Genuine Hoop (L) Blister Steel, Prairie Plow Steel, i German Steel of brands "W.J.

Sons," "Eagle and "Goat," Best English Spring Steel for LoeomotiTrR. Car and Buggy Springs, Railroad Frog Steel, File Steel, Steel Wire, Sec SWEDE NORWAY INTaU Rods. tnhiidlm Fresh Canned Goods. TOSlATOES, Green Corn, Green Peas, Cherries, Blackberries, Quinces. Egg Plums, rtamsans, Currants, Also fresh salmon and Lobsters for sale by tbe case or reduced prices, at 3 DOW BGRKHATtDT'li, mhia dQ Market street.

Choice Table Sances. yJi Bier luuuj. A vateupi Mushroom Catsup, Olives, Capers and a full assortment ol English and American Pickles for sals wholesale and retail by mklfldii POW BURKHARDT. Sundries. XTEW YORK Cream and Stilton Cheese; 1 No 1.

Mess Mackerel, In kits; Noa.l andSMifckcrel, iu kits; Yarmouth Bloatces, Grand Bank Cod Flsb, Tongues and Sounds, and No. 1 Salmon In kits, at wholesale or retail by DOW BURKHARDT, 121 Market su, mhlS dC between Fourth and Fifth. Copper Whisky. BBLS. Copper Whisky, from two to eight (At jcars old, in store ana for sale by E.

BUSTARD, No. 71 Main mhS dtf between Second and Third. Flour. 1 On BBLS Trow's CXCVI Flonr; 1UU Magnolia Flour; St.LonlsfllI.; Llcwlllyn In store and for sale by I.C. MULnOLLAND, At D.

Brady A 69 Main treet. tsbG dim Gsage Orange Seed. OA BUSHELS Just received and for sale by LJ fe2Sdtf BONDURAT TODD St. Louis Family Flour. 1 fifl BBLS choice Ft.

Louts. Family Flonr AVv for sale to close consignment by Shaker Preserves. BOXES Shaker Preserves In store and fc sale by D. S. BENEDICT SONS.

Coffee. onn BAGS prime Rio Coffee In store and for fla dtf D. S. BENEDICT A SON: Molasses. forsaloby D.

S. BENEDICT A SONS. Blacking. 1 BBLS Mason's Blacking fer sale by XO A. U.

W. O. GARDNER, fciT dtl No. 11S Main street. Cotton Varus.

BAGS Cotton Yarns, numbers SCO. COO and TOO. on consignment motor sale oy GUTHRIE 17 Main street. Sheetings, 1 AO nALF-s Macou 1-4 StieetluRS In store- and iorsaioDT flO dtf GuTHREE A 17 Main street. Feathers, Wanted.

rPHE highest cash price paid far Feathers, Ginseng, dim No. 69 Main street. Wooden Ware. i I DOZEN BUCKETS; OU 13 do 13 nests Tubs; 10 dozen Ilair-bnahel Measures-. 10 do Well Euckets; 13 boxes Clothes sale by A.

H. ft W. O. GARDNER. fclTdtf No.

ItSMalnstreet Bacon, Whisky, 1 f( Afin LBS Bacon Shoulders; XUU.UUU 50,0000 tss clear Bacon Slden 50.000 3s rib Bacon Sides; 25,003 tbf Bacon Hams; 10,000 as Bacon Hams, sugar-caredi SCObhlsMeis Pork: KK) kegs prime Leaf Lard; M3 tierces do do; bbls pure old Bourbon Wtdskyt 33 do do Rye dot 300 do Extra Flour. 25 bags Dried Pcaehes; 0 bbli cucumncr ncsies; TCHRT.T. a rn No. 11 West Main alrivit. belt First and Second.

Sundries, 23 hhdi Snzar: 75 bbls Coffee Sugars: Dk ci run; OCO 75 boxes Star and Tallow Cundlcet dozen Broome, assorted; 00 boxes Tumblers, assorted a ao kxiu ami itixis uiaas; do TobacK), different grades; With Spices, BucAOB, Tubs. Slften, Blacklnir, Matches, Wrapplssjf Paper. Twice, and all other articles nsuallv kfDS In the Grocery line, all of which I am offcast at the lowest market rate to CASH bnyors, end solicit a call whilst In the city making purchaw. JACOB F. WELLER, mhS dim SJ Main, bet.

Third and Fourth stt. Patent Reversible Enameled WATER-PROOF P-AJPEIi COLLAR. Patented February 7tb, 1S6S. THE best enameled Collar made, containing no poisonous material, and warranted presplratlon-proof. MARCH DUO'S.

PIERCE Wlnthrop Snnare, Boston, Mass- Selling Agents. Tlie trade supplied at Boston priee bv CAM IlltlDGK CO Commission McrcbantK, 237 Main street, f31 deod3in opposite Louisville Hotel. PATENT STAH COUAR. rHIS COLLAR showing a epaco for the cravat. EXCELLING ALL OTIIERS by Its superior shape and weight, and tlie exquisite flnlih and whiteness of the paper.

HILL BROS Central street. Boston, Mas. CAMBRIDGE A Commission Merchants, 257 Main street, fast dod3m oppoilte tho Lonisvllle Hotel. WHEELER WILSON'S IMPROVED Sewing Machine EXCELS In all the Qualities that Constitute A Good Machine. 'TWERE IS NO INVESTMENT Wliich Pays a Better Intorest or Brings Moro Comfort, Health, HnppinosH and Belief to tho Household.

ZTJXX. INSTIITJCTIONS GXVSXQ At the house of ttif customer, and neither pains not erpeate spared until the Machines are thcroughly understood and used successfully. With each 3Iachlne wc furnish complete printed directions, and persons at a distance can soon leam to operate them. WM. SUMHER No.

I Masonic Temple. mhU dtfgdp B.B MOVAL. J. V. ESIJOTT, Wall Paper and Looking-Glass WAREHOUSE, Manufacturer of GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, fcc Imporler ot French nnd American Window Glnsm Fho-totTJiphlc GoodAi Artlsta' 3Inte rial, EnirriivinirB, 5cc.

HAVE removed to the "psdons Ftsre, 6S Sain Street, het. Second and Third, Four doors above my old stand. In addition to my former business, I have opened an enrirclrneTv Block of "WAJLJJ PAPER, Embraclns: the moat select and latest styles in treat variety. With increased faculties for doing ousi-ncss, and Tbe Lnrvest Ertabllahmcnt of Uio Kind in the West, I hope to jrive satisfaction to all who may favor me with their custom. mhH dtf J.

V. ESCOTT. PICTURES PICTURES 1 ijrHK only correct Steel EnsraTings of n. e. lek, JOE JOHNSTON.

AND STONEWALL JACKSON. Liberal discount to dealers and arents. TV. SCOTT GLOItE, mhlQ dll Eolc Agent or the South and West. BOOKS! BOOKS! SOLD ONLY BT SCBSCRITTIOK I AGENTS wanted to canvass thorounhly avery town and connty In Eentucky and Tennessee lor the following valuable Southern Histories: 1.

Southern History of the War, by E. A. Pol. lard. In 4 volumes, now complete, with 20 splendid Steel Fortralte, per vol 3 50 2.

Southern 17 Steel Portraits, plain cloth 4 00 Southern Generals, half calf. (00 8. Women of the South, 8 SO Do do do, morocco 4 So i. Official Reports of Battles 3 00 5. Korean and His Men, bv Sallle Roehtfiter Ford 6.

Life of Stonewall Jackson 1 i All the above Works are having an Immense sale and Agents now In thu Held are dolnjr splendidly everywhere. Many are making from $20 to $30 per day- We want an agent lor every tows and count; In Kentucky and Tennessee. Returned soldiers, ladles and others will flad this a most profitable Eloyment. Exclusive territories given and liberal idueement offered to canvassers. Address A.

H. BEDFORD. Louisville. iQen'l Agent lor Kantucky sad Tinaesse. Drowned.

Officer Jones informs ns that the body of a man was found floating In the river at the foot ot tho falls on Saturday. He was a middle-aged man, and from his dress appeared to havo been a etcamboat hand. His neck is also believed to have been broken. Myriads of mico havo made their appearance this spring Iu Ohio. The tall grass that covers the fields has given protection to them, and they have come forth this spring Increased in numbers a thousand fold.

They have attacked the fruit trees in some sections, and destroyed over five thousand trees. They are so thick that in passing through the fields in some places they scatter before yon iu every direction. J5T The Eric canai has been opened iu each year from 1861 to 1865, Inclusive, on tho 1st day of May, and has been closed, by ice as well an "by the Commissioners, from tho 7th to the 10th of December in the same years. LOCAL NOTICES. Costiveness or habitual constipation, iroin theso atllietions arise many of the aiiings ot man.

Wc hear daily, people complain of headache, nervous debility, and generally the cause of the complaint can be traced to their constipated habits. A remedy for the cure of this trouble is what they want Wc recommend Dr. Roback's sugar-coated pills as the best remedy we know of. They contain no mercury or other mineral poison, and act like charm on- the liver and intestines. Give them a trial.

rahl'J Great Bargains Great Reduction in New Government Goons. In order to make room for nur new spring goods, which we get this week, we ofier our very large stock of new Government goods at greater bargains than ever eold before. A liberal discount allowed bv having a large lot. DINGFELDEIt 113 Fourth Etreet. between Market and Jctlersan.

mcklO dG We have removed all of our Government goods, consisting of uew goods only, such as linen sheet, towels, bed-cases, pillow-cases, cotton sheets, to our store on Fourth street, where wc sell this week ut immense bargains wholesale and retail. DINGFELDEIt fc GOLDMAN, 113 Fourth street, between Market and Jefferson. dG Lebanon, March 10, I860. Editors' Louisville Courier: A fire broke out at seven this morning In the large hotel corner Main and Market. The building Is nearly destroyed, and but for the almost superhuman efforts of the citizens would have been a total ruin.

Two thousand insurance in the Kentucky Iu-Burance Company, of your city. will bescen. In ouradvertisements of to-day, that Col. Owen Starr, late of the 2d Kentucky "Veteran Cavalry, is commissioned Colonel of the 17th Infantry, Army of the Irish Republic The Colonel is well known as a brave and gallant officer, as his old comrades of the 2d Cavalry testify. For Jailor.

The name of Henry Web-ben, is announced in onr advertising columns as a candidate for Jailer. Mr. W. is one of our oldest German fellow-citizens. He is a reliable Democrat, a gentleman of substance and worth, aud will command a large poll iu August W.

L. Murphy Third street near Main, arc delivering well screened Pittsburg coal from the First 7W, for family and machine use, at the lowest, market price. mchlOdwl Send your orders at onco for grape-Vine and strawberry plants to H. S. Duncan Son, of Fern Creek Nursery, Fern Creek, Ky.

mchlOdawlt ESjT If you look for bargains in Government (roods, a3 well as other dry roods, this week, go to DINGFELDER GOLDMAN'S. 113 Fourth street, between Market and eucrson. mcuiu ao E3TW. L. Murphy fc Third street near Main, aro delivering well Bcreened Pittsburg coal from the First Poolt for family and machine use, at the lowest market price.

mchlSd2t "3,000 new linen sheets, from 31 50 to $1 75, the vcrv finest In arket, at DINGFELDEIt GOLDMAN'S. mchl9 dG Closing Sale of Government Dry Goods. In order to make room for my spring stock, I have determined to sell from this day, 2,000 very flue new linen sheets at 1 75 (better goods than I ever had before) and towelBj pillow-cases, Ac, in proportion to this price. I have all my goods which I kept formerly in a warehouse, removed to ray store. Call soon, -as I intend to irivc bargains.

MORRIS LEVI, Market street, between Third and Fourth. d6 fSfLadics, buy as usual, your gloves at S.Lang's. He his just received a fresh lot of Alexander colors. S. LANG, 113 Jefferson street bet Third and Fourth.

mchl7d3 The Best Investment in the City. The stock of the Louisville Gold Mining Company. See advertisement in another column. mllidtf Silver and wooden show-cases of every description, for sale at New York prices. All we ask is to examine our stock before purchasing.

LEWIS fc FITCH, lJ5Main, between Fourth aud Bullitt. m3-codtf who wish to invest capital in stock that will certainly pay large dividends, witl please call ut the office of the Lorlsville Gold Minintr Company immediately, No. Fourtir street The books are now opened in the office of the Hope Insurance Company. mlo dtf Pen est and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world; manufactured from fresh selected livers ou the sea coast This oil is characterized by a sweetness and purity peculiar to It alone. IU reputation is so great that it takes the lead of other oils, and ia universally prescribed by physicians.

Remember to ask for "Hazard Caswell's Cod Liver Oil." CASWELL, MACK N. York, Sole Manufacturer. For sole by all druggists. fc38 DIBS. WEBBER On Sunday morning, March IStb, 1S63, IsiAO Cbokik, yoanccKt child of Fred, and C.

A. Webber, 1 year aud 11 months. The funeral wlU take place from the rcsldccco of his parents, on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Friends aro lnrlted to attend. mhl9 02 SPECIAL NOTICES.

FOR ALL LUNG AND TEIItOAT AF-feetlons there nothing so highly recommended as the old aud well-known VEGETABLE POXilONABT BALSAM. Nathl F. Williams, Ex-Collector of the Port of Baltimore, says: "I have used the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam In my family and amongmy trlends for over roBTT years." Bo inre to get the genuine Bold la LotusTlllo by dw9m EDWARD WILDER. LoulsTillo, fcy.j February 1st, 1S66. KAHN WOLF, Wholesale Dtalers and Manufacturers of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Havo removed to their New Storehouse, NO.

170 MAIN STREET, SOUTH SIDE, A few doora beloir Sorenth, Where shay will bebappj to see their Mends and customers and the trad generally. Bnylnc xelaslTely for Cash, and manufactnrlnc their Goods In Philadelphia nndcr the superintend-nee of one of tha firm, gle them faciUUes la business unsurpassed by any hont In tk West. They aranovrseelTlnc from. their manufactory a large and Tarlcd stock, adapted to the Spring and Summer trade, and will sell their goods as low as they ean be had In anj of the Eastern markets. MANUFACTORY, 22 URTn STR'T, PHILADELPHIA, PEtTX.

KAHN WOLF. f30 NEW REMEDY. Window's Mystic Pills Are the only safe and truly HrrECTiVE medicine for Female extanL Do not trifle with your health, and use cheap and dangerous medicine, which Druggist may bare bought, and will recommend to you, being ignorant of their qualities. Mrs. Wlnslow'u Myotic Pills arc mild In their operations; correct all Irregularities and painful menstruation; remove all obstructions, whether from eold or otherwise.

No maiden, wife or mother ehonld be without them. Try theni use according to direction, and we know the result will be as desired. Ask lor Mrs. Window's MyMlc Pills. Take none other.

Price $2, or three boxes lor S3. Sold by all respectable druggists. nihStUlS d3m1 RAYMOND Ascntfl. Notice. HAVING been authorized by the Secretary of War, Fenian Brotherhood, to recruit tho ITIU Regiment of Infantry, "Army of the Irkh Kepnojlc," all officers raising companies, or dcalrous of doing so, will report to me by letter, or to the Assistant Inspector General F.

Louisville, Ky. OWEN STARR, mhlS d3 Colonel 17th Regiment Infantry 1. A. News Dealers! TAKE NOTICE. AM NOW prepared to furnish the Trade with AZfNES, BOOKS, published in the United State and Europe, at New York prices.

-Aaaross w. BCOTT GLOBE, fc dU Third and Jefferson its. TERMS BjinaU (paraole In advance), per annum-Mi' UO Do do do tor 6 months 6 00 Do ao do roramonma Do do do fori month. 1 US B7 the week (psjahle to Asenlor Carrier). 25 Ajrcnla and Carriers will lie supplied nl the rto of S0O per 1M coplw.

Hctall price to transdent customers, 5 cents par copy. semi-weekly' courier. PulLbed every Tuesday and Friday. Single subscribers, per year 3 00 Clubs ofTcn and upward, each 4 00 A tree copy will be (ent to tlic getter up or each Club of Ten. WEEKLY COURIER.

Ouc copy, one year, 51 numbers 2 30 Five copies, one year 11 25 Ten, copies, oacyeir -0 00 Ml COOT will IrC BCUL and nu additional extra copy for every additional Ten Subscribers. For a Club oi my an in. copy of the Dally will be sent, preferred, instead of the Citra "Weeklies. RATES OF ADVERTISING ADOPTED BT THE I'UESS OF liOUISVlLl-K. 3a iij t6 S115: 13 I 17 1R 1 re I 13 7 07 13 51 I Tl (S 11 51 3 C3 10 11 1 0 17 ii lftfia IH 12 45 13 13 23 27 Zl 06 5 K3 13 55 Sfi Si II 33 bO 90 i in 1 10 I 1 20 1 S3 no I 1 50 I SO X.

63 45 fctro putts or nolirri il humi-t house-. pnbllh-r rdil -rial column upon uy term or whatever. Ten lines of solid Ac.ite, or riirhty words, or their equivalent In space, to be confident a Uanr. Advertisements, to occupy flu'd places, will bo charged rtrir per cent, over rppnlar nitt'c. Advertisements to be kii on second or third piJIfS, 10 DC cnargCil nil mi ljui Advertisements toerlcd at intervals to m.

eraarcta an new eacii Notice la Minion twenty cents per line; In Agate, AdTcwuiSuinVWy. one dollar per square or lor each insertion. To advertisements taken for a longer period than except for established bust. S. hInTuh rton we bare running accounts, "SrffnTlSnffiS.

My cenU Cb.rU Cle and Rellslona notices ten cent per line. All bills "loe on nret Insertion of advertisement. AU bilhi wlta regular advertisers to be rendered acrce to obarge. from and after ftli "SaV according to the above uniform scale of TtALDEMAN, Conrier. Journai.


Aa our new printing machine It nearly ready for ae, wcofferfor sale on very low enna me lmjcduc-Ctuiim Pbebs on which the Courieh now printed. It la an old press, but with slight repalra can be taada to do good work and to bo serviceable for many ycara. Our circulation has compelled us to rnn It at a apeed of about 3,300 to lmprea-alona per hour, but at a ipecd of say 200 per hoar tt will do long and efficient service. It will be lonnd a desirable addition to many offices In the South and "West, and will ba sold at onctblrd the cost ora awBRH. niGdtf Kentncky Democratic State Conven-Tention, Loniaville, May, 1st, 16GG.

Called under tlie aathority of the Dbmo-Cratic State Convention of 1S6-1, uy their Central Ejeecutive for Kentucky, on the broad basis of the Constitution and Its friends, irrespective of post divisions. Apbboved by Hon. D. Mbrriwetiieb, President of the Democratic Convention ol 1863, and tho members generally oi that convention. Appboved by Eon.

C. A Wickliffe, President of the Democratic Convention ot'1864, and the members generally of that convention. Approved by Hon. Wm. B.

Read, Democratic candidate fur Lieutenant Governor in 1561 Sustained by tho Kentucky Democracy in overwhelming numbers, it will express the mighty voice of the people although it may be Opposed bv Robert J. Breckinridge and ttrfKentucky Radicals, "by Biirbridgo and the Freedmeu's Bureau; by the LouisviHo Journal and He followtre; by Joshua F. Bell and a few other fossil remains of extinct parties that have heretofore opposed the Democracy. Heavt RoBncKT. Tue Robber Arrested.

The troll-known firm of Messrs. Wolf Durrlngcr, who carry on the jewelry' business at the corner of Fifth aud Market, have for time past been the victims of a series of robberies wliicb were eo well done that although carried on for several mouths, no clue could be' found, and the Iosscb of the firm were shroude-i iayitery. aovcral thousand dollars worth of goods were taken-in these various robberies, aud iu spite of all elTorta of the firm, a preventive could not be obtained. Onlast Friday morning Mr. Wolf left the store on business for a few minutes, and on returning fonnd that a 8100 which he had placed io the drawer hut moments before was cone a St' at once gave information to 'lice, and a movement waj at once set Bbt to discover the robber and recover yho tho money.

Officer Gallagher was the ner- boh entrusted with this task, and at onco set about his work, the store was searched, and after fully satiifying himself that the money was not in it, and must, therefore, have been stolen by somebody, he proceeded to search the different persons present. On commencing this, a man named David Taylor, who had been In the habit of lounging around tho store, went out Into the back yard, making an "excuse to do bo. On his return, Gallagher made a search of him and fonnd in his possession a pair of gold sleeve-buttons which belonged to the firm, and on being questioned ho acknowledged haying taken them. Gallagher then searched' the back yard to find whether he had secreted anything there, suspecting that he had. His suspicions were confirmed by his flndingvthe lost $100 bill secreted beneath one of the steps.

The supposition now is that Taylor is the perpetrator of the other robberies, he having been lounging around the store for several months past The case was up before the Police Court on Saturday morning, but Taylor waived an examination and was admitted to 8600 ball to answer. History of a Ttpo. Printers heat the world and all the rest of mankind, but their wives. We know of one who preached the gospel, ran aside-show to a circus, kept a Binging-school, drove a stage-coach, ran away with a man's wiTe and two children, practiced medicine, been agent for a concert troupe and clerk of a steamboat He has now reformed and settled down to a legitimate business, that of localizinc for a dally newspaper. He will make his mark in the course of time.

(Nashville Gazette, Bah! all that Isn't a circumstance. We have been farmer, wood-chopper, lumberman, hod-carrier, short-hand reporter and teacher, teamster, peripatetic lecturer and one-horse politician, clerk, Professor of languages (with a big and little 1), salesman, editor, cashier that didn't last long), proofreader, trooper (specially assigned to bring up the rear), local, pettifogger, errand-boy, publisher, rbymstcr, empiric, penny-a-liner, "land surveyor, correspondent, public beg-gist, and genteel loafer. We have taught mathematics (as far as long division), aud music (principally jewsbarp). Wc never committed bigamy (or any other kind of amy), not liking to be fashionable; but we weTe'fincc comm'iUed for contempt never rarTaway with a man's wife and two children, or any other woman; we never could get near enough to the dear creatures to atlcmpl it partly on account of our cx- Inordinary beauty, but principally ou ac- count of our extraordinary baslifulncss. We have been mistaken for an abolitionist and run out of Kentucky by hounds.

We have been tried in Indiana as a guerrilla, iu ncssee for obeying orders, in Mississippi for mutiny, in Arkansas for official insolence and in Hissom! for hog-stealing. So Having learned to write, we don't make our mark any more. EST" The" remains of James T. Kelly, former Clerk to tbe Mayorr-url Chief of Police, arrived in Ihe city ve-iciuay, in charge of Lis" relatives. They sire inking ihem to his home In Springfield, for interment He died at Wallachj, of neuralgia of the bowels, after a fonr days' sickness.

He leaves a number of warm personal friends in this city to moura-hhi early demise. TRIMMED HATS. trllEEN GREEN, CASn DEALERS IN Hats, Furs and Furnishing; Goods, AND MANUFACTURERS OF SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR, Main and Fourth, Louisville. 43 College Street, Nashville. mbl9 dtf LOUISVILLE, KY.

TR SHALL CONTINUE THE BALE OF OCR block, iu is wceit. uartajoi in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AT IIAT.F PRICE. Domestics under New York prices. Prints 12 1-2 to 20 cents per yard. All of onr Linen Stock, much under value.

WchaveJnBt received 1W pieces Plain, Buff, Pink, Blue, and Green Tercala and Jaconets, bt quality. 50 pieces small figured Printed Lawns, all of which will be sold under value. Hosiery, Gloves, and the bnlanco or White- Goods and Laces very cheap. S. BARKER CO.

WASHINGTON AS A FREEMASON. A BEAUTIFUL LITHOGRAPH, in colors, of Washington ns a Frct-iuivson. Size iix2S inches. It Is beautifully csi-cntcd, nnd surrounded by the emblems of the Order, cofntttullne bcautltul ornament for parlor or hall, and with lis historic asuo-cuttloiis should adorn that of every member of the great Brotherhood ol Macons only fl. BRILLIANT CARMINE.

Wc have Jutt received a fresh BUpply of the just-lr celebrated HARBISON'S CABMINE INK. Various size, SOUTH CAROLINA'S IIEIEO. Grayson Life of Jame LouW Jean InpoIov'uNcw Morv Itook Apnt'f, Mre. Olipbant's New Novel 50 1 73 DRUGGISTS Should have the new and enlarged edition of Beascley'ri DniTlsts' Kccclpt Hook SO BtiQEclcy'd Prescription Book i UO AT HAI'F PRICE. Wc arc felling the remnant uu band of thi year's DIARIES.

CIVTJLL CAXVERT, NO. iQ' MAIN STBEET Reoltscllnrf, Stii'Iinicrs, Printer Hinders, mid llfauk Itook lUunufhcIiircr. mbl9 dJcw2m FAIRFAX COMMISSION RCHANTS ASD Cotton, Produce aril Provision Brokers, North side Main street, IIETWEEN EIGHTH AXI) LOUISVILLE, KT. EXTRA fncllltlr.c for the pnrclmac or rinntnllon SQPplIc Liberal ailrnnco nmilr on I'ntton, Tobacco, Itncon, Pork', Flour, Lnl, Wheal, lvtrn-Icam, ic; sltlppeil t. ns or oar triendfl, lioodman Merrill.

30 New etreet. New York. lnlSdSm H. W. WILKES, 131 Mnin Street, near Fourth, LOUISTILLE, KY.

Woolen Mill Supplies, Cotton Mill Supplies, Rubber Leather Bolting Cloth, Machine Cards, Carding Machines, Cotton Gins, Cotton Warps, Wove wire Screen, Cordage and Rope, Gum Hose Sheet Metals Wires Lace Leather, Bivets, Buhr Mill Stones, Turbine Wat. Wheels, Fan Mill Materials, With nlnuMt nil other articles necessary! Hbr MIL.I.S FOUXDE1MES, FACTO- HIES, RAII.nOADS, OIL, WELLS, iSre. CF-SEXP FOR A CATALOGUE. mbis iliwtf RUBY, Manufacturer of LIGHT BUGGIES, CAHEIAGES, ItOCKAWAVS. i-c, Southivest corner Sbcth and Green Streets, LOUISVILLE, KT.

tjyncpalrlng promptly attended to. marl d3m COAL! AM In receipt of a large stoek of tbe beat PITTSBURG COAL, Whlub I will sell at all times at tbe loireat market priett now 21 cent, per buabel. V. C. KENNEDY, mMTdls 10-iX Third Street.

I 2 8 TEAS, A FULL auortmeiit of Block and Green Teas, of superior quality, selected trom recent a supply of cboioe Groceries, Wine, and Spirits for sale at low rates JAMES T. LASIllU, nM7dus Jmporterof Teas, lBTlMit. L-L..

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