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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • 5

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 1 TUB DAILY -AMERICAN zuszrvular FRIDAY' 'MORNING SEPTEMBER 10 11388 1 i' TII1C DAILY' SEP'TEMBER 10i 1888 ot 4 fo I 1 i oI I 4 1 4 1 14 CITY COUNCIL Kirkpatrick's Rill Selected as the Gregory introdueed a resointioa authorizing the council to appoint a corn-Reservoir Site ratites from their number to select a first clans hydraulle engineer to whom all this mutter of delete between the Curry and Kirkpattick Hills and report In full upon the advantages The Streets Have Their Old Names The chair ruled it out of order whoa Mr Restored to Menu Gregory treed the resolution of its Aeolian able feature hystmending to read the Board' of Public Works shall employ the engineer 1 Mr Gregory then mete a strong speed' in support of the resolution Re did not Appropriation for a New Engine Howe understand what strange unexplained and unexplainable motive had induced the In South aihvil1e Board of Public Works to send their eniii-1 neer out to Kirkpatrick Hill after Currey's Hill had been selected Three competent expert engineers had decided upon Currey's' Hill and the Board had also reoommended Receipt $13ian6a ad Disbursements the selection of Currey's MI The City sines the Last steeds of eineer had reported in favor however of the the Treasury at Rirkpatrick's Hill The had looked Thie Date Slam8044 in the dty's records for data to guide him in his vote upon the question but had found none He thought the suggestion of Mayor Kercheval was an excellent one and should be adopted by the Council The CityCounall met in reguhu: session Mr Byrne took the floor and read the tut night there being present Councilmen following paper upon the subject: Bowers Bruce Byrne Gregory Jones Mr President: Wean not for the apparent fixed purpose of some parties to vainly en-1 Hanley Rhea Settle Slowey and Wrenne deavor to belittle and miscontitrue and in Ewing Nestor and Porter of the many instances to misrepresent almost Board of Public Works Mayor Kercheval every important matter peened upon by this City Attorney Bradford Chief of Police side of the house I would not feel it my Kerrigan Chief of Firemen Carel' City duty to leave the chair to say "'thing about this reservoir titration which has Co in 'droller Hunter City Treasurer been so thoughly discussed during the ten 1 Weakley City Marshal McCarver City As- years of in official life in the councils of I seem Southgate ex-Councilman Norwell our city City Engineer slowett Duncan There is one question however about which we all can and do agree and that is Gordon and others that we must have a reservoir of greater MAYOR'S MESSAGE capacity and at a higher altitude than the To the Honorable City oue now in use I trust the Connell Will men: This conimunication is for the pur- pardon me for consuming their time by go-pose of calling your winos attention to the lag lute details a little which appears mice- question of locating or selecting a site for a say to me inasmuch as the other side new reservoir As the bill is now upon its age pretending to lay great stress third reading it is all important that no upon the reporte and recommendations of mistake should te male So far as I am the three expert hydraulic engineers concerned or as I think it concerns the formerly in the employ of the city I am public it does not matter whether the res- constrained to believe that some members ervoir is located on Mr A's or Mr B's prop- of the council are not familiar with what erty and that question should cut no ttgore these gentlemen did recommend and for I but do desire to see it located at the the purpose of comparison I shall take them cheeped beet and most available and prace up in the order in which they were tical place As to the Currey Hill I must made The first was made by Maj confess that I have always thought most Foster under date of June 21 1867 favorable of and simply for the reason that That report shows that he surveyed Foster's It has been for a number of years owing to Hill Se Cloud Hill and Corey's Hill and its height and snpposed adaptability goner- made estimates on those only Bat the ally conceded by all as being the rightplace main point to which I wish to call your at-Again it has been recommended' by three tention in this report is that the estimate different engineers in the employ of the wu for a reservoir having a capacity of city and by two of the three members of only fourteen millions of gallons Had our Board of Public Work and in this manner present able and very efficient city engineer we have been educated the question been instructed to make an estimate It is no wonder therefore that some of us for ono of a similar size I are so forcibly Impressed with the belief In have no doubt he would have the Currey Hill As to the Kirkpatrick agrsed with Maj Foster in recommending Hill I would not propose to set up my Judg- Currey's Hill Any man of ordinary intell went of its advantoes or disadvantages as genes is bound to admit that-there is a vent against a conipetefft engineer Now the difference In selecting a suitable place to question that arises hi my mind is whether construct a reservoir that will contain four three equally eempetent engineers were Usen million gallons and one that will hold wrong in selectfigeurrey Hill or one engi- fifty million gallons hence I maintain that near right in selecting the kirk- it is unfair to both Mr Jewett and patrick Hill It Is not my listen- Maj Foster to use their reports as a tion or purpose to in the least basis to determining whether Currey's or reflect upou the motive' of any officer Kirkpatrick's Hill will best subserve the for I must believe that like myself they city's interest The gentleman from the are for the right place if they know what Fourth Ward asserted at our last meeting or where that is There has been a great that Maj Foster surveyed Kirkpatrick's deal of trouble and expense in the past few Hill and estimated the cod of building the years With reference to the Water-works reservoir on that hill but referring to the Department and until the patience of our official report alluded to I find the follow-people has worn thread-hare and they are Eng: "Finding that the extreme die-anxious to see the question settled as early Lance and unnecessary height of the as possible when they can have an aftPle McCamptell (Kirkpatrick's) Hill decided and pure supply I ite inferiority to the others without It is my honest and deliberate opinion further examination I have withdrawn it that in order to harmonize and properly from the comparison and only continued settle the whole matter the Council should surveys and estimates of the remaining at once authorize the employing of three shows very conclusively that some first-class consulting engineer who he made no estimate of the cost of building has had long experience in such matters a reservoir on Kirkpatrick's Hilt The next and of known integrity and after he shall report in order isdated Toledo March 8 have examined the situation and made his 183 and signed by Gook who own surveys should he recommend the one was employed by the city to take bill or the other I will be content and I be- into consideration our entire water lieve it will pacify and give general natio problem and report what was necesfaction to a large number of heavy tax ear to make the system complete and payers who now view the situation with reliable which would lead a close observer fear and misgiving This entire enterprise to conclude that the city authorities at that will cost several hundred thousands of time were not willing to be governed by the dollars and it appears to me that the greatest recommendations of the previous report I care and caution should be exercised Re- find two estimates in that report one to spectfully submitted build a reservoir on Todd's Knob and Thomas A Kummer Mayor another on Currey's Hill each to have a ca RECORDER'S REPORT pacify of storing 45000000 rations built To the Ron Mayor and City Council in three compartments and strange to Your Reaorder would respectfully remit Bay he figures out the cost to be Precisely the following statement of receipts and die- $197000 in each ease But Mr President bursemente since the last meeting of the this is not to be wondered at When WQ rot Council to-wit: member that his contract with the city ore REcElm Tided that be should be furnished by the aity property tax 1036 I with all the data ntessa7 to enable him- to Water tax 8525 58 make said report Xowlflil therefore see at Privilege tax 882 85 'glance that Caps Cook knew nothing what- Fines 812 83 ever a his own knowledge about the differ markedrtiiiii 13 75 ent bills Id the- vicinfil of Nashville It is farkhnni taw 1 91 therefore tomecedeary inlay any stress Owl To the Honorable City This communication is for the purpose of calling your serimis attention to the question of locating or selecting a site for a new reservoir Ae the bill is now upon its third reading it la all important that no mistake should Le male So far as I am concerned or as 1 think it concerns the public it does not matter whether the reservoir is located on Mr A's or Mr Us prop- erty and that question should cut no tignre I but do desire to see it located at the cheapeet beet and most available and practical place As to the Currey Hill I must confess that I have always thought most favorable of and simply for the reason that It has been for a number of years owing to ita height and snpposed adaptability generally conceded by all as being the right place Again it bas been recommended' by three different engineers in the employ of the city aud by two of the three members of board of Public Work and in this manner we have been educated the question It is no wonder therefore that some of us are so forcibly impressed with the belief in the Currey MIL As to the Kirkpatrick 11111 I would not propose to set up my judgment of its advantages or disadvantages as against a couipetellt engineer Now the questton that arises in my mind Is whether three equally cpmpetout engineers were wrong in selecting Currey Hill or one engineer right in selecting the Kirk- patrick Hill It is not my intention or purpose to in the least reflect upou the inotivee of any officer for I must believe that like myself they are for the right place If they know what or where that la There has been a great deal of trouble and expense in the past few years With reference to the Water-works Department and until the patience of our people hal worn thread-hare and they are anxious to eee the question settled as early as possible when they can have an apple and pure supply It is my honest and deliberate opinion '944 that in order to harmonize and properly settle the whole matter the Council should at once authorize the employing of some first-class consulting engtneer who has had long experience in such matters and of known integrity and after he shtdi have examined the situation and made his own surveys shotiM he recommend the one hill or the other I will be oontent and I believe it will pacify and give general natiofaotion to a large number of heavy tax- payers who now view the situation with tear and misgiving This entire enterpries will cost several hundred thousands of dollars and it appears to me that the greatest care and caution should be exercised Respectfully eubmitted THOMAS A KitacnEvar Mayor RECORDER'S REPORT To the Hon Mayor and City Council Your Recorder would respectfully remit 1the following statement of receipts and die- bursemente since the last meeting of the Connell to-wig nEcn1P18 Property tat $10 110S6 11 Water tax 8528 58 Privilege tax 882 85 4 4 164 312 ketrOnts 13 75 School tax 3251 22 The old names of Market College Cherobi etc again prevail It Mt 1111StIVOIS MATTEL '1 The question come up es the INW01110011 I condemn KirkpaUtent'a 11111 for calf sebool us i ai2ti et thererore onneceasary mug any stress upon wherrege tax 00 his report ao any 11 in the city high school Sidewalk tax mo 60 could bar famish the same lolormation dt Bridge eotet ii4 4413t11 21 that Capt (00k did if he bad been furpished -111 Misceihmeout 44 240 ale slim data to go 141 'When the reform fosvernmetit Came Into -Pottor la 1883 the Teta' reoeipts al10 im 63 ard or Publio Worlot at owe took this 1 1- t' 1- watat011eatioll''Jtito tonelderation and DISBUMSENIr izL' Z-p'6 efter Anontlor careful investigation Law department 11t07c showed their confidence 10 Street 4 4LsVS01 IP 0 the repirte made greytetudg by mtilieg 7tor Sewer department -4N4nal the service of auother expert to report Bridge departmeatq" t-f 104 opm the same subject This Pmpositioa Wateeworks department Mt 2 you rementber Mr President wail bitter Pu prop ep nent lY bliert 5427 28 05 opposed by me at the time but after much Salary department Al" 's deiny wag finally adopted by the majority Fire department i ati 87 and Mr Mr Laadreth wag employW and Police 1'3078 DO re his taindusionf Dec 25 PublieLight department---i 1150 -60 -I i 'rennet Is Ito fal1011ar School depautment 4 -7 :556 15 1 "1 to the' board that f1: worn' IL HosOltat aod alm'est tmdecessari 'to allude to it but In 4 l' Careful reading of Mr Landtoth's report 4 xi" Sidewalk improveinenutiv 89501 will tall to how thitt he made any comma Mi8CellanwuN Attu estimtes a of constructing reservoir Advertising printing stationery 0 16 on Currey's and litrkpatrick'a hills Had Market-hm1se 1 -'9'1'" all three of these expert engineers gone Work-house i a oils! 1 -431 -50 over the ground as Mr- Jewett did I have a Ina tag ng doubt thq wonld haye found the result 44L et or to be the-saute as It ti only a question of s' COM)110N or Theasust7 4 correct measurement andulathematical cal' Ordinary Fund- 7 tulations Itecelpts from Aug 21 to date :11 MOO Ite I wOuld -not luivelahen the trouble to go Disbursemerats from Aug through these tiresome details had it not date i ast 'tsr 54 46 el been for the labored effort of some parties ch Over eck report: 642421 to deludi pu ethe blic into believing that Maj Oyez check this date t-i' '89483 46 Foster and Prof Landreth had Special Fund-- all made actual survey' and 'eathnates of all Balance on hand last refoort' 1254004 Di the mailable altos In the vicinity of the Receipts tron Aug 27 to date p829 21 city and all unanimously concluded that Currey's 'Rill offered the best results I I 1 11057pst 21 think" have shown from the reports that Disbursements troy( Aug 27 to they did nothing of the kind i date 12K3 ZI )Assuming that the eetimates made by Mr Jewett are 'Olivet the only question In Treasury this date Of left es Is to determine which hill offers the Respectfully submitted o' best financial results By reference to the AIMS Bert4'llecorder repOrt we find It will cost to build a masonry The Finance Committee recommended resservoir or 50000000 gallons on Currey's the payment ef certain Maims Hill g414500 one of 6e000000 gallons on A number of petitions were read 10 dts girkputricre Hill $362375 difference in poised of s'''' favor of "Kfrkpatriers Bill' it A resolution to allow the Boatd or Peblic by increased cost of or line says Mr 4' Works to contract with manufacture -u Jewett about $10000" But if the Wharf ing more than 5000 gallons of water per avenue route for pipe line Iseelected I am de vras referred to theFinance Committee eatiefied that the'extra cost tor pipe ill The bill amending the ordinance granting not exceed $61251eoving the net saving in right of way to the Summeretreet 'Wed favor of ICOkpatrick's hill 1250000 It is Nashville Street Railroad Company pitssed 'bst the Opposition that tho Ito third and last reading extra test 'Of pemping the water to Mr Jones amee and said that hereafter the higher altitude will more than coon- be would not vote a right of stray to any terbalan the saving In cost of con- te oompany that did not use most improved structiou This deny and can prove to any rails and be was further in favor of selling unbiased mind leotenthstanding my "Jim-such franchises If owners- could sire lied knowledp of hydraulics" The Holly them and sell them for 130000 the city Company have gnaranteed to "raise 82000 should do the same -I' OW potimie of water one foot high for every A substitute for the Fire bbil 'amending I 100 pounds of Coal consumed" Counting the latter so as to exclude from tire limits an 1 teal at 8 cents per bushel 1 find the cost of territory lying north of Jefferson street was I 100 pounds to be 10 cents Having ewer- Introdumd by Mr Rhea Mr Byrne wanted tained the coFt the water the Sulphur Spring bottom excluded also one font high" all you have to do from firelimits This wse vigorously oppoeed to get the total cost is to multiply by the by Councilmen Gregory and Wienne who Monter et feet you want to pump It and 00- wanted substantiel brick houses only yin 'will have At in dollars and cents I erected in that locality else it would be find from the report of sir Jewett that the come infested with a class of buildings and bottom of the reservoir oil Kirkpatrick's ropulation that would rival Hell's Half Hill will be 281 feet above low water mark Acre and filattrBottom 4 and the Cntrey Hill one would be 267 feet Mr Rhea's bill passed liziisesss 17 feet' To Sum up the finan- Bill to appropriate 8000 'to buy a lot 'end c141 bond As tbat will rosult to the City by erect a new house for the South Nashville micloting the KirkpatriFk Bill proposition lire engine passed its third and last read I find it to be Wee 0 ing Interest et 8 per tent' en 450000' a The bill to repeat the' late' Ordinance for additional cost of Construct' changing names of streets came op again tog reeervoir on Currey's Hill: 43000 00 upon a motion to reconsider and paned Lem extraisostot puinning824000 ri' BOYS TAKE NOTICE! 1 Run to your mother and let' her know that A LANNON The Cash Clother 18 Public Square has just received a full and complete line of Fall and Winter School Suits for the Boys They have all been made up especially for ser- vice of the most reliable goods in a variety of the most desirable combinations of colors in the very latest styles in short they are just to suit the Boys with remarkably low prices and that will suit the mothers Boys if you don't want to start to school in your old last winter suit just get your mother to take you to ALannom's and all you need They are pretty They are SO 0 SO CHEAP We have also received a large stock of Men's and Youths' Clothing in one and four button Cutaways Square and Cutaway Sacks In Worsteds Corkscrews Cassimeres and Cheviots Tip-Top Goods and sure to please Every gament is gotten up with the utmost care substantially made elegantly finished and Perfect in Fit PANTS POI LONG FELLOWS 38 INCHES Lannom secured a very large stock of Fall-Goods On the 10th of last June that have been stored away and will be in soon Watch This Space for the Advertisement '111 UT Ii A fin For Big Bargains Wait for Them A LANN 000 lbs of water (9855769 gallons standard) the additional 17 feet high at 10 cents per foot for 565 days 620 50 Difference in favor of Kirkpatrick's MU per annum $2379 50 Is it possible Mr President that any man tipol this -floor can be so blinded by prejudice and biased by individual luterest as to allow himself to ignore these plain facts and vote to throw away over $2000 per annum of the people's money There is one other benefit that will be gained by adopting the higher altitude proposition that has not been mentioned so far in the discussion which is of great importance to the taxpayers which I wish to mention just here Naehville like all the old cities in this country has laid down a large amount of small pipes which in many places are not serving the purposes for which they were layed This -Uvalde would be entirely overcome by the proposed higher altitude for the water basin A four-inch pipe would with this extra pressure perform as good service as a six-inch pipe does now thereby doing away with the necessity of replacing the smaller service mains with larger ones I want to say in conclusion that long before the reform Government came into power that I opposed the purchase of Currye's Hill for two moons First on account of the enormous price asked for the property at that time and secondly that In my humble judgment after careful investigation of the matter it would cost much lem to build a reservoir on Kirkpatrick's Hill than it would to build one on Currey's Hill Again in March 1881 when the Board of Public Works asked for an appropriation of $14000 to enable them to purchase a portion of Currey's Hill for a reservoir site I opposed it for the same reason and the City Council at that time unanimously agreed with me and refused to pass the bill on its first reading Does any sane man believe for a moment that I have been governed by prejudice all this time or that I am "blindly following some one who is?" I do not believe it Long before the gentleman from the Fourth Ward dreamed of being a member of this council at my special request Mr Nestor went with me and made a careful inspection of both hills and be at once came to the same conclusion that I did years before I wonder if he was governed by prejudice then I It is of course a matter of pride to me to have my "limited knowledge of hydraulics" confirmed by such unquestioned practiOat Slot iseistUde tbilitt as that of Mr Neater and Mr Jewett Some persons who are against this measure aretrying to persuade others that the proposed elevation will bunt all the water pipes in the city Do not be the least alarmed about this matter for it bu been demonstrated by actual test that a cast iron pipe fifteen inches in diameter and three quarter of an inch thick will stand a head oewater 800 feet hight No water pipe la the city will be subject to one-third this pressure I will close by Uing'theCounc1 for! the benefit of the gentleman on my left who criticized me so anidndly in Tim Ametucatt of recent date how much more it cost to pump the water over the top of the reservoir than It does to porno it in at the bottom: Cost of pumping 820000i0 lbs of water 834 foot for 865 days at Rs per Cost to pump in at QUO Net saving 60125 From the foregoing facts ond figures gentlemen of the Council I again urge upon you the necessity of voting for the passage of this bill on Its third reading and thus settling thequestiofi believing It to be to the beet interests of the people we represent The vote upon Mr Rhea's resolution was taken and the resointion failed to pass Mr Rhea then offered an amendment to the Reservoir bill changing the boundary Etreets and it was adopted Mr M'renne offered an amendment naming the following men as appraisers of the property: Keith Phillips McCarthy Ryman and Jim Lea and pused4 The bill condemning Iirkpattick's Hill for the new reservoir was then taken up and passed by the following vote: Bowers Bruce- Rhea Settle and Byrne Jones and Slowey Mr Gregory did not vote The bill to appropriate $1335 to build sewer on Summer street between Union and Deaderkk streets paned third reading WW1 BUSINESS By Mr resolution fixing the 'office hours of the City Revenue Department between 8 a and 4 IN By Mr bill to charge individuals and corporations outside of the city limits having connection with water-pipes and mains the same price as paid by vorvorations in the city By Mr resolution to continue the pay of policeman Samuel Flpainier who is sick with stinetroke Referred to the Board of Public Works and the City At-The Council then adjourned Wards Semlnary--Its Perfect Pire Es- Mayor liertheval Mr Byrne and 'Fire Chief Mt Carell have made a thorough examination of Ward's Seminary gs the following note shows: Nssuvnxx Sept 4 Sir: the building commissioners have made an inspection of your school buildings and are of the opinion you have taken all the precautions in regard to fire escapes We find that you have five stairways leading from top to bottom also four hallways and galleriee connected with these stairways We find that from north to south and east to west there is also communication by doom on each floor through the entire buildings Very rerfully Secretary of Building Commissionem Two Incendiary Fires At half-past 9 last night a small house and its contents belonging to Andrew Bombart on the Hyde's Ferry pike was destroyed by fire supposed ta have been the work of an incendun7 during the absence of the 't At 2 o'clock this 'morning a fire broke Out I In the alaughteehouse of Mr Steer near the St Cecilia- Academy The amount of damage could not be learned at this late hour The buildingwas valued at between three and four thousand dollars This fire was incendiary A Joint Debate There will be a joint debate titight at 8 o'clock on the Public Square between Hon Andrew Caldwell and Hon Joe Waebington candidates for Congress 0a THE GREAT PETITION Meek Halley Peytonsville Tenn John Buchanan George Dotter Lavergne Tenn Johnson Nolensville aces Where Petitions in Behalf of Tenn A Brown Belleview Tenn Mrs Cheatham May Be Signed PaYnet Lavergne Tenn NICHOLSON Newell and wife ittlanta Thornberg Vanderbilt Che great petition to President Cleveland Grove anti wife Maury County Pear-behalf of Mrs Anna Cheatham continues son Louisiana Mo Taylor Fayette-grow Every petition has been liberally ville Almon Robeson Decatur Tentt hod and the popular movement la even Caldwell Danville Ky Walton ater than was anticipated Imbanon Miss Attie Sevens Coludibus 3 Miss Crittenden Birmingham Car- Below an the places where petitions In ter Goodrich Warner Strality For of Mrs Cheatham's appointment are Raphael New York A Avery be fqund: Avery Meridian Miss A Parr Hunts LAnck's Hotel villt Ala A Bowen LaGrange Ind lease Johntion Cedar street 1 Benj Lea Brownsville Burke and Itanka A Abernathy Cherry and Deader- street wife John A Fuller Ralston Station fohn Hem Deaderick street Maxwittt Hamer St Louis Waggoner's Hotel Public Square Johnson Philadelphia A Taylor ounty Court Clerk's office Wmhington Lewis Hassell Fisher New York McMichael Bailee- Lannom's Saloon 17 Pubtic Square I tiarr's Bank vile A Shook Tracy City Hill- Davi man Birmingham A Coombs New es scott's Hotel York Marion Bryce Pittsburg Hancock St Louis Hefner Sayan- Trimble's Drug Store East Nashville itascoe's Drug Store East Nashville nah Tenn Taylor St Louis Chas Dr Crutcher's Drugstore East Nashville A Deane Chicago Bates and wife Briersfield Ala Wilson Stewart's Grocery East N2810'1116 Cincinnati Meyer New Orleans Wingrove's Grocery East Nashville Esq Brown Howlets White's Creek pike Majenh St Louis 'Sam John Ryan Line street Steinatt Sol Denier Strauss New York Isaac Keper Baltimore Albert Meek! A Rascoe Line street Chicago Oscar Meyer Philadelphia Union Stock Yards Bradbury Covington Ky Samuel Elms Thomas Hardeman Clay and Cedar Cincinnati: A Sprowl Chicago Mrs Coussens' drug store Cedar street James Fentmre Bolivar David Haas Piffle- Barney McCabe Walnut street delphia Wilhoite and lady Shelby- Notion corner Churchand Knowlee ville Trezevant Memphis CkOsod a MureY comer Church aird Stone- bar Lebanon Mrs Johnston Jack- siL son Mich Mastin Indianapolis John Ozanne 556 Broad street Quit Cardwell Paris Bowron South Wm Mayo Broad street 1 Pittsburg Charles Sown Cincinnati Frank Friel Gmny White pike Hargreaves Loutville DeHaren John Colo corner Spruce and Lee Pittsburg Thomas Tiller Thomasville finite Ga Frank Lindsey Cincinnati Flovnist a army trwilk qltrnmar Places Where Petitiona in Behalf of Mrs Cheatham May Be Signed The great petition to Free ident Cleveland In behalf of Mrs Anna Cheatham continues to grow Every petition has been liberally eigned and the popular movement is even greater than was anticipated Below an the places where petitions In favor of Mrs Cheatham's appointment are to be found: Linck'e Hotel Jesse Johneon Cedar street Banks Abernathy Cherry and Deaderick street John liess Deaderick street Waggoner's Hotel Public Square county Court Clerk's office Lannom's Saloon 17 Public Square Mares Bank Davies Scott's Hotel Trituble's Drug Store East Nashville Rascoe's Drug Store East Nashville Dr Crutcher's Drug Store East Nashville Stewart's Grocery East N2810'1118 Wingrove's Grocery East Nashville Esq Brown Howiets White's Creek pike John Ryan Line street A Rascoe Line street Union Stock Yards Thomas Hardeman Clay and Cedar Coussens' drug store Cedar street Barney McCabe Walnut street Notion corner Churchand Knowles Murey corner Church anti Stonewall John Ozanne 556 Broad street Wm Mayo Broad street Frank Friel Granny White pike John Colo corner Spruce and Lee avenue Haynie's drug store Summer Hobson Parker Cherry and Lincoln alley Page Broad and Cherry Bloomstein's drug store Cherry and Union I Pettit's drug store South Nashville Frank Fats South Cherry Thos Siowey South Cherry Robert Jackson South Cherry MeMabon's grocery South Cherry Wm Dale Wharf avenue and Lebanon pike Gowen's drug store Lebanon Dike ltrOlosettlEffrat atertt-ffouth Wet Talbot's grocery South Market Wood's grocery South Market Houston corner Broad and College Whittimores' corner Broad and Market Frank Weiss corner Cherry and Cedar A Duns Co corner Cherry and Jefferson Demoville Co corner Cherry and Church 'Jno Woods Bridge avenue A VERY BAD DOLLAR Bill Woods is Arrested for Passing It But no Evidence of Criminal intent Appears Bill Woods negro working for Ed Holman Esq was emoted in town Monday evening by Policeman Reagan for passing a counterfeit silver dollar on Ella Fleming a Colored wothan who keeps a store in the Tin Tag locality on College street Woods was drunk when arrested He was taken to the station-house and searched but no counterfeit money was found on him He very strenuously denied any knowledge of passing bad money His trial took place yesterday afternoon before Commissioner Baxter Ella Fleming was put on the Mann and testified that on Monday Woods passed the counterfeit dollar on her buying ten cents worth of sausage and getting ninety cents In change She identified the dollar shown to her as the one passed Bradford said Ella Fleming gave him the counterfeit silver dollar and told him who gave it her He gave it to Policeman Reagan and told him to arrest Woods Anderson Fleming husband of Ella tee-tilled to having seen Woods at his house Reagan who made the arrest identified the dollar Capt Martin Kerrigan also identified the the coin He said he didn't know the defendant had seen him only a few times and didn't know what he did When he was taken to the station he seemed very drunk Ninety cents waa all the money that was found in his posession From the testimony it appeared that the negm Bill Woods was drunk and somehow got hold of the spurious money which he passed without taming it was bad The case was practically dismisded Woods toeing allowed to go home but told to return to-day at 11 o'clock The dollar is quite a good counterfeit and It would require a close inspection to detect It Where it came from is a question that Is exceedingly hgeresting There is evidently a nest of counterfeiters somewhere In the city which ought to be and will be broken up ROTEL ARRIVALS Arnold Wat trace Houston Paterson Eagleton Enoch Tenn Wood Winona Miss A McMahon Mrs McMaho Mrs Robinson Beech Grove Van MeGavock Franklin Tenn 1 A Sidebottom and wife Paris Tenn Crutchfield and wife Texas Jos Adler Chicago Ike Baltimore Md 1 Neese Tracy City Pinkerton Texas Green Nashville 'ARCS'S Driscoll ton don Eng Eugene Monday Russellville By A King Adairville Ky Shatzer Trenton Tenn Al Paseo New York Renfro Glasgow A Caldwell Hopkinsville Young Spring- field IL Cornell and wife Columbia IL Fort IL Stewart tk By 74 Whitt'' Hartsville Hendrix Biontnington Ind Atmore Evens Louisville John Byan Natchez Miss Wynne Lebanon I) Bicknelle Chattanooga Read Carthage Tenn BROADWAY Ranh Shelbyville A Coleman Rociat Fork Tenn Traywick Stonewall Tenn I rrson Allisona Tenn I Pickle Ain Cross Roads Tenn 'cam Stephen Rock Hill Tenn Joyce Masons Tenn O' Barnes College Grove Tenn Rushing 13 Covington Woodbury Tenn Thomu Brown Franklin Tenn Hardison Hardison Hoit's GEM Teem W1J Sneeti Davidson County Tenn illayden Pinewood Tenn It NI 18 MADE HAPPY Convicts Pardoned by Gov Bate Dur ing the Month of September The following prisoners in the State have been pardoned or commuted since the first of September by the Governor: Thos Crawford who was convicted of rape in Williamson County la 1811) and sent to the penitentiary for Ms He wart tensioned ellr Account otill healtOnt slum the lady whom it is charged be assaulted is well and happily married and at the request of the trial judge Jury and many other good citizens his life sentence was commuted to imprisonment for fifteen years Ed "annum convicted in August 1885 In Gibson County of forging a town warrant for $150 and sentenced to three years It appeared that his character up to the time of the crime had been good and the trial Judge attorney general mayor of the town county officials and others signing his petition Elisha Taylor convicted in James County In August 1885 of larceny and sentenced for two years His offense was stealing property mined only at $5 or $8 James Killer sentenced for petit larceny from the Crilninal Court of Shelby County In January 1888 for three years commuted to one year Jacob Wheeler sentenced August 1888 In Hamblen County to three months imprisonment in the county work-house for assault was granted a pardon no one was hurt in the difficulty Wm Kaufman sentenced in Hamilton County to two years in the county workhouse for larceny in February 1886 Henry Jackson (colored) convicted of larceny in Shelby County February 1884 and sentenced to five years was granted Mx months off of his time on account of having been the neatest and cleanest prisoner when the penitentiary was visited by the Governor In August Gov Bate is exceedingly cautious about exercising his power to grant pardons and with the greatest personal care investigates every case endeavoring only to use his clemency towards those who really deserve it WRY THEY FAILED Chattanooga Timm: We had no idea that Sam Jones and Sam Small could endure the monstrous flattery and toadying of press and people of which those rather diminutive persons have bean victims When they were in Cincinnati last winter the people quartered them in the most luxurious private suite of the Gibson House furnished them boundless supplies of costly cigars had their meals sent to their apartments and generally treated them as if they were princes of both the lower and upper realms of the universe No word of criticism was permitted to be spoken or written The press outdid itself in inventing phrases of flattery praise and adoration and the performance at Cincinnati was repeated wherever Jones and Small went throughout the land Such disgusting man worship would turn much stronger heads than are on the shoulders of these evangelists Both were sufficiently vain enough given to good opinions of the first person before this elaborate spoiling process at Cincinnati and everywhere else they went began If these men who mighthave been useful in their way and day and generation have been converted Into nuisances it has been done by the press and public Had they been treated from the mart like the rather common fellow-men they are ought always be treated criticised and reproved where those were indicated as proper and praised only where praise was due they would not now be regarded with a species of terror in many communities and as a rare show of the hippodrome style In others It's a pity too it is always a pity when good human intentions and capacities are wasted through perverse folly and adulation and idolatry are the worst forms of folly 110es Alton lin Russiall-Turkish Baths von LADIES CBREYER'Stliti)mdcrict St Fridays AL 111 to 12 111 aulS sumo 11 loPamo Public Square Agent for Worthington Maki it Dean Stems Pumps James Haven's Elevators Jadson's Governors me ibi (Hine Base Burning Boiler Compound atm Des it in Gupipe Gas and Steam Ffttings Shafting Pulleys Steam Gaut es i it of Injector Electors inspimtors and Lubricators Rubber Hose Cloth Gum bile Asbestos Packing Lost Leather and all kinds of Steam Pumps Force and Cistern Punt) I t-tan It glues Boilers KS Machinery and Fire Escapes Specifications and Estimate' furnished at all times AI Its les a k1S13 A We are Now Receiving a Large Supply of ittsburg Coal The Rest Youghiogheny Second Pool fresh from the Mines which we will sell at reasonable rates on the Wharf or Delivered at Residences Telephone Number 151 DUNCAN GAINES my16 sutr ly No 34 North College St Ha Apdrew Caldwell CANDIDATE FOR cONGRESS From the Sixth District will address his fellow-citizens of Davidson County at the following dates and places: Friday Evening Sept 10 at 7:30 PUBLIC SQUARE Saturday Night September 11 In the 13th District Monday Night September '13 Engine-hotoie South Nauhville se9 4t Teeth White SNOW A Few Important Questions Asked and Answered What will whiten my teeth? Do letalase Whatwill cleanse my mouth? Do leetalase SI What will harden and beautify no gums? 4th What will aid In preserving inj teeth? 5th What will purify my breath? De DELECIALAVE AND BA je2 ly gu NOTICE NASHVILLE TENN Sept 2 184--liating suggested the insolvency of the estaM of Castleman deceased to the County Court of Davidson COUntr all of said estate are hereby notified to filo their claims properly authenticated with the Clerk of the County Court within six months from this date or they will be forever barred FRANK PORTERFIELD Adel' se3D714t 1 WI He PERRY'S 7 Shop 90 92 94 South College Street Contractor tor dm Ho 'tun It otholl of Stem Hutu! 4 For Public or Private Buildinc 7 CUMBERLAND Almanac Circulgtiou 40000 Best advertising medium known Now in' preparation New features this year Apply to MARSHALL BRUCE Or THE AMERICAN se7 gqBWFORICCO4 Bil'inonttHEYtIPOISOtill UDOLPH FINZER'S Pat "Havana Cure IN process for treating 'tobacco removes slices tine dirt and grit enabling the leaf to absorb pure ripe fruit and making the most delicious the most lasting and the only wholesome chew le the that will not cause heartburn' nervousness nor indigestion its TURF Fine Cavendish Brand peach flavor an everisstint lyitAt4 Rt cuter SUNLIGHT NUGGET The perfection of awe Tobacco STARLIGHT A fruit-flavored pocket piece for tit peopit Gootootoed not to contain a trace of chemical noxious drug Chew it a week and you wV thew it always The pilot-whet) on every plug RUDOLPH FINZER TOBACCO CO Louisville Kw MeCOMBS HAWKS HOGG Sole Agents Nashville frimowefim Electrfe Belt Free TO ntroduce ft and obtain agents we will fog Ur ex sixtdays give away free of chants in 'Ascii county In the a limited number ot our German Eiectre Galyanie naspeniery Belt Price 15 a positive and unfailing cure of Nerrous Debility Varloocels Emissions impotency Ice pace Reward paid if everp pelt we manufacture does not generate a gents me electric current Address at ones MAC- VIM BELT AGENCY Box 178 Broom 73 1 no26sodaw1: i LTA FINE STAPLE (Fiz FANCY GROCERIES For a superior ar- Sin -0 Oat FlakesWhea Ll co tide of Fine Tea 2 1 Flakes Pearl Tap! Corner oz5 Coffee Sugar and to rc! oca Cerealine Pr ta CiCi Flour we are head- lli t) servesJees Pick quarters 0 emu) 5 -11 les Sauces Etc clt HOME-MADE CANDY FRESH EVERY DAY 7 a 0 olltplitgamn foxlMorrf Con op Chgfrob I r1 a 1 4 7 4 CITY COUNCIL Itho TAKE' NOTICE! Ls The question come up os the resolution es to condemn leirkpanica's KM fix thy I' Kirkpatrick's Rill Selected as the Vrretregore introdueed a resolution i authorizing the council to appoint a corn- le i Reservoir Site mines from their number to select a fimte Itun to your mother and let' her know that A LANNON The Cash Clother 18 Public Square has just received clans hydraulle engineer to whom all this matter a ehnlee between the "Il a full and complete line of Fall and Winter School Suits for the Boys They have all been made up especially for ser- Kirkpatrick Hills and report In full upon 1 Streets Have Th eir Old Name uai tirru-ed it out of order wbea her vice of the most reliable (roods ill a variety of the most desirable combinations of colors The Stre the very latest styles in tf Restored to TIMM Gregory rived the resolution of Re short able feature byamending to read the Board they are just sto suit the Boys with retnarkably low prices and that will suit the mothers Boys if you don't of Public Works shall employ the engineer prices Mr Gregory then maeo a stron sno I want to start to school in your old last winter suit just get your mother to take you to ALannt)m's and see---that in support of the resolution He did not 111 Appropriation for New Engine Bonn understand wbat strange unexplained ft ille Receipts aleissela and Diehursements 113 77900a since the Lest meetiag ot gineer had unexplainable motive bad Induced Want of Public Works to send their Kl- oster out to Kiriamtrick Hill after rre Hill had base selectet Three co pets pert engineers bad decided po Cures Cutaway Sacks In Worsteds e'lL and the Board had also rem nu the selection of Currey's Hill Ci reported in favor wev Th ohne: or all you need They are pretty They are (rood---AND SO 0 SO CHEAP In South aihv 1 IVe have al So receivett a larme stock of Men's mid Youths' Clotliin(r in one and four button Cutaways Square and t- Cheviots 1 Corkscrew's Casstmeres and T11)-Top Gootls alid sur to )1ease Elver (ra- 1 p- 1 ment is gotten up with the utmost care substantially made eloren antly finished and Perfect in Fit PANTS F01 1 the Council-1a the Treasury at Kirkpatriers Hill The speaker bad looked in the dty's records for data to guide him in LONG FELLOWS 38 INCHES 1 1 oi Thin Date Seakerso94 his vote upon the question but had found none He thought the suggestion of Mayor jilite11C1-t11SiTS Latillom secured a very large stock of 1'1111-Goods Oil the 10th of last Kercheval wu an excellent one and should ea be adopted by the Council June that have been stored away will lie in soon Watch This Space for the Advertisement The CityCoundi met In reguier session lar Byrne took the floor and read the an tut night there being preeent Councilmen following paper upon the subject: Mr Preeldent Wean not tor tbe apparent or Big Bargains Bowers Bruce Byrne Gregory Jones fixed purpose or some parties to vainly en- Bargains Wait for Them M7 Hanley Rhea Settle Sloweee and deavor to belittle and misconetrue mid in Mem Ewing Ntor and Porter of the to misrepresent almost mes many instances le Board of Public Works Mayor Kercheval every important matter peened upon by this ID 131 Chi City Attorney eB Chief of Police side of the house I would not feel it tny 0- Kerrigan of radford Firemen Carell City d-Utv-kk tu leave the chair te ea anethlent 1 8 Soluare' about this reservoir 'motion welch has Orituptr011er Hunttr City Tremurer been so thoughly discuseed during the ten Wonky City Marshal McCarver City As- years of my official lite in the councils of ---eeseetoestmeeeereeee-e-es I sewer Southgate ex-Councilman Noreen our city 000 lbs of water (9855769 gal- THE GREAT interest PETITION Meek Halley Peytonsv We PERRY'S IV City Engineer Jewett Duncan There is one question however about Ions standard) the addi- Tens John Buchanan George Beller lea- et 1 4 which we all can and do arp'ee and that Is lineal 17 feet at 10 cents Gordon and others ESSAGE igher a vergne Tenn Johnson Notensville Li that we must have a reservltitude oir of greater per foot for 865 days 620 50 Places Where Petitions in Behalf of Tenn A Brown Belleview Tenn MAYOR'S capacity and at a than the high To the Honorable City Councll-Gentle- oue now in Difference in favor of Klikptrick's se I trust the Council will Mrs Cheatham May Be Signed PaYne Lavergne e-eee ann 7lit Shop' aeeeee -i- 3 ast --11 men: This couimunication is for the pure pardon me for consuming their time by go- Fill per annu eliceoestosi Houee--L Newell and wife eeees i $2379 50 le 4 -eases pose of calling your urines attention to the lag luta details a little which appears wes- Is it possible Mr President that any man The great petition to Preeldent Cleveand Grove anti siwla wife Mtry po0 lea tlante Thoniberg Vanderbilt tyy 5 01 question of locating or selecting a site for say to me inumuch as the other side upt this floor can be so blinded by Preju- new reservoir Ae the bill is DOW upon its gre pretending to lay great straw dic oe and biased by individual luterest as to in behalf of Mrs Anna Cheatham continues au loge i "-tsr- 1- -1' -Zeser i -en-at 90 to grow Every petition bas been liberally ville Almon Robeson Decatur Tentia e- rT i 92 94 South College Street i third reading it le all important that no upon the report" and recornmendatIons of mistake should ee made So far as I am the three expert hydraulic engineers allow himself to ignore these plain facts eigned and the popular movement la even Caldwell Danville Ky Walton ee ee Contractor for tfie 1 -e te 5 --e- ee concerned or as I think it concern" the formerly in the employ of the city I am and vote to throw away over $2000 per an- num of the peopitet money There is one greater than was anticipated Imbanon Miss Attie Sevens Coludibus es riz public it does not 'natter whether the me- conetrained to believe that some members other benefit that will be gained by adopt- Below are th plees where petitions I Miss Crittenden Birmingham Car- atereee -e-a-- -eel- oriole is located on Mr high or Mr Bei prop- of the Council are not familiar with what ing the er altitude pro a position that as favor of Cheathams appointment are Raphael ter Goodrich Warner New York A Avery Cle Strallty 1 Ze Holtun llotholl of Stem licolinf I lo orty and that question should cut no tigere theee gentlemen did recommendt and for lett been mentioned so far in the discuseion to be fend: SI i i a i but do desire to see it located at the the purpose of comparison I shall take thee which is of great importance to the tax- Linck'e Hotel I Avery Meridian Mies A Parr Hunts- cheapeet beet and most available and pen- up in the- order in which they were pliers whih I wish to mention just here Jesse Johntion 1 ville Ala A Bowen Burke and LaGrange Ind et -t' 0--- l'tt41-e e' tical place As to the Currey Hill I must made The first wm made by Maj ashville like all the old cities in this Bank Cedar street Abernathy Cherry and DesAei- wife Benj Lea Brownsville John A Fuller Ralston Station 0-17-7-'ee eeesszta For Public or Private Buildi -e ne i I confess that I have always thought most le Foster under date of June 21 1867 country has laid down a large amount of ick street At ea te iN4 favorable of and simply for the reason that That report shows that he surveyed Foster's small pipes which In many aces are not John Rees Deaderick street MAxwateL Housle-IL Hamer St Louie eaze-e el eieee'--- eat it has been for a number of owing to Hill St Cloud Hill and Currey's Hill and serving the purposes for which they were Waggoner's Hotel Public Square Johnson Philadelphia A Taylor --s---- Agent for Worthington Blake a Dem Steam ita height and snpposed adaptability goner- made estimates on those only Bat the lard This -tronole would be entirely County Court Clerk's office IVmhing ton Lewis Hassell le Haven t' Eleators eta a 1 Pumps James ally conceded by all as being the rightplace main point to which I wish to call your at- 17 Fisher York McMichael Banes- overcome by the proposed higher altitude Launom's Sa Pebble quare I Fisher ow I- Again it been recommended' by three tention in this report Is that the estimate for the water boon A four-inch pipe Mare's Bank loon vile A Shook Tracy a a Hill- ase diff erent enginrs th ee in employ of the was for a reservoir having a capacity of would with this extra pressure perform ati Davies man Birmingham A Coom Burning Boiler bs New Jaelsos1s also 1 0 i Olin 1 Compound sue Dean I in tity ld two of the three members of only fourteen millions of gallons Had our good service as a six-inch pipe does now York Marion Bryce Pitteburg Gupipe Gaa and Steam Shafting Pulleys Steam tam ts tot it of injector Boad toof Public Work and In this manner present able and eery efficient city engineer Sootes Hotel thereby doing away with the necessity of Trimble's Drug Store Emt Nashville Hancock SL Louis Hefner Savan- piecters Inspimtors and Lubricators Rubber Bose Ce Pole sum IMO lebtetos Packing Lest we have been educated the questin been instructed to make an eat mate replacing the smaller service mains with Rascoe's Drug Store East Nashville nehtTenn Taylor St Louis Chas Leather and all kinds of Steam Pumps Force and Cistern unit I eteen It tones Boilers luil It is no wonder thereffire that some of us for one ot a similar size I batter ones I want to say in conclusion Dr Cruichees Drug Store East Nashvine A I eane Chica go Bat Machinery Bate and and Fire Escapes are so forcibly impressed with the belief in have no doubt he would have tha long before the reform Government Stewart's Grocery East Niteheille wife? Brierefield Ala Wilson Speciecauons and stimate' furnished a all a it i I a 11241 Et the Currey HilL As to the Kirkpatrick agreed with Maj Dieter in recommendig cb of Cu e's Hill for two moons lets came into power that I opposed the pure Wingrove's Grocery i East limbsil Cincinnati Meyer New Orleans Hill I would not propose to set up my tudg- Currey's Hill Any man of ordinary into fee Meters St Loubr Sam ase rrysq Brown ow Whtes Creek pike k-- i st meet of its advent-15es or disadvantages as Renee is bound to admit that-Run is a met First on account of the enormous price John Ryan Line street 'N betacte against a couipetefft engineer Now the difference in selecting a suitable place to at that Uwe and st question that arises in my mind Is whether construct a reservoir that will contain four secondly asked for thproperty A Line reet that In my humble judgment Union Stock Chicago Oscar Meyer Pbila delphia t0 FINE STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES teree equally rompetent engineers were losu million gallons and one that will hold after careful investigation of the matter' Thomas Hardeman Clay and Cedar Bradbury Covington Ky Samuel Eleas 171i wrong in seleciRgCurrey HUI or one en i- fifty million gallons bends I maintain that it would cost much km to build a reservoir Coussens' drug store Cedar street Cincinnati: A Sprowl Chicago Mrs ck mem to 11:1 neer ri ght in selecting the Kirk- it is unfair to both Mr Jewett and on one Kirkpatrick's HIM Hill than it would to build Barney McCabe Walnut street Janie Fentrem Bolivar David Haas Phila- For a superior ar- Oat FlakesWhea 0 patri Hil It is not my hams Maj Foster to eheir reports as a on Currey's Renee hand it delphia Wilholle and lady Shelby- 1 tion or purpose to in the least basis to determining whether Currey's or revant emp reflect upou the motive of any officer Kirkpatrick's Hill will best subserve the Again in March 1881 when the Board of Mello: corner Churc comer Church mei nowlee Stone- 'lin" 13' ze his 71 (1) ll -iima- bar Lebanon Mrs Johnston Tick- tide of Fine Tea el Flakes Pearl Tap! Corner 2 3 for I must believe that like myself tthey it 'll The gentleman from the Public Works eeked for an appropriation of wale c'eenellem ae le000 to enable them to purchase a portion John Ozanne 556 Broad street napolis i son Mich Meath India es are for the right place if they know wha Fourth Ward asserted at our last meeting of Currey's Hill for a reservoir site I Mayo Brood street nit Cardwell Paris Bowron South Coffee Sugar and to Ktsburge Charles Sown Cincinnati ge cet or where that There ism been a great that Maj Foster surveyed KIrkpatrick's oppoeed it for the same reason and the Fmnk mny White pike I ree oo seriesoca Ce je rele aulin8ePPierk -deal of trouble and expense in the past few UM and estimated the cod of building the City Council at that Friel te time unanimously John corner Spruce and Leo Hargreaves Louisville DeHaren 0 Flour we are head- years With reference to the Water-works reservoir on that bill but referring to the agreed with ine and refused to pass the bil ti Colo avenue Pittsburg Thomas Tiller Thomasville -) Department and until the patience of our official report alluded to I find the follow- 'Me 09 ce P5 1 on its first reading Does any sane man be- Haynie's drug store Summer Frank Lindsey Cincinnati quarters PeoPle hal worn thread-hare and the are ing: "Fludiug that the extretue die- hove for a moment that I have been Hobson A Parker Cherry and Lincoln es -5 les Sauces Etc Leveael anxious to et the question settled as early Lance and unnecessary height of the MADE HAPPY 0 oc25 eod ly In ea e- as possible when they can have an alai McCampbell (Kirkpatrick's) Hill decided overned by prejudice all this time or that alloy am "blindly following some one who is?" Page Broad and Cherry CM r-es 4 and pure supply I ite intenority to the othem without I do not believe it Long before the gentle- Bloometeites drug store Cherry and It is my honest and deliberate opinim further examination I have withdrawn it Union Convict Pardoned by Gov Hate Dur- C002 ADE CA HOME MNDY FRESH EVERY DAY c11 44 that in order to harmonize and properly from the comparison and only continued man trom the Fourth Ward dreamed of be- ing a mem ber of this council at my sPecial Je Pettles drug store South Nash- in the Month of September 9 settle the whole matter the Council should servers and estimates of the remaining request Mr Nestor went with ine and made vale 1 at once authorize the employing of three 1--which shows very conclusively that a careful inspection of both hills and be at Frank Fettle South Cherry We are Now Receiving a Large Supply of The following prisoners in the State first-clas consulting engineer who he made no estimate of the cost of building ilding once cam to the me conclusion sa that I did rank Siowey South Cherry has had long experience in such matters a reservoir on Kirkpatrick's Hilt The next yeate before have been pardoned or commuted since the some -le and of known integrity and after be shrill retwirt in order isdated Toledo March 6 I wonder if he wm governed by prejudice Robert Jackson South Cherry McMahon'grocery South Cherry first of September by the Governor: ittsburg coal) have examined the situation and made his ISM and signed by Cook who then It is of course a matter of pride to Wm Dale Wharf avenue and Lebanon Thos Crawford who was convicted of I own surveys shook he reoommend the one was employed by the city to take me to have my "limited knowledge of pike mpe in Williamson Count la 1876 and hill or the other I will be coontant and I be- into consideration our entire water hydraulics" tonfirmed be such unquote lime it will pacify and give general natio problem and report what was neces- mooed ontouomaeheeleadaa ability as dim 01tJ it tommorteowen' dreg store Lebanon pin sent to the penitentiary tor life Ite was IA04101140 A large number or heavy tax Bare to make the eyeteu complete and of Mr NNW! and Mr Jewett 1 'emir stem-South ltaeket- pardoned A Mame bealtheint siuMe The Rest 'Youghiogheny Second Pool fresh from Tamoes ry south Market the lady whom it is charged be Remelted Is 0 payers who now view the situation with reliable which would lead a close observer the Mines which we will sell at reasonable rates Some nersons who Negated this mean- fear and misgiving This entire enterpries to conclude that the city authorities ate that ems are erying to permed others that the Wood's grocery South MarkeL well and happily married end' at the re- on the Wharf or Delivered at Residences Tele- Houston eomer Broad and College quest of the trial judge jury and many will cost several hundred thousands of time were not willing to be governed by the proposed elevation will bunt all the water Whittimorde 'corner Broad and Market other good citizens his life sentence was phone Number 154 care and cau dollars and it appears to me that the greatest recommendations of the previous report I tion should be exercised Re- find two estimates in tbat report one to pipes in the city Do not be the least Fran alarmed about this matter for it bu been Cherry and Cedar conneuted to imprisonment for fifteen yearn A Blau Co comer Cherry and Ed Lannum convicted in August 1S85 to Fro Lou wo and with be Aug 7 to vote: Ayes- ale Brid be eub avenue made any corn DUNC GAIN ES i spectfully eubmitted build a reservoir on Todd's Knob and 5 I Tomtits A KitamtavAL Mayor another on Currey's Hill each to have a ca- dimetr an RECORDER'S REPORT pacity of storing 45000000 rations built ehteee "eieetart naftstrated by actual test that a cast iron etymon in Gibson County of forging a town war- inches In oe Demoville Co corner Cherry and rant for WO and sentenced to three years To the Bo and City Council in three compartments and stranos to re of an inch hi thick Pree will stand a head otawater 600 feete to Jim Wood ght lly remit any he fi gues out the cost to ueeeea No water pipe in the city will jd Church It appeared that hie character up to the time of the crime had been good and the trial judge attorney general mayor of the following statement of receipts and dire 0197000 each coma Buts Mr emeheehe oneabird this pressure I will close by A VERY BAD DOLLAR the town county officials and others signing 1 bursemente since the last meeting of the this is not to be wondered at: Wben WO rot 1 a member that hie coetract with the city pro woczerne tided that be should betel telling eke Council for thw benefit 'of the Iniehekey the 2ity ginentintlemcuriaolerzylmlefeziocwiNho cotritireeecizedutmedatAao Bill wood's is Arreeted for It Me Imditien But no Evidence of Criminal Intent in hermit ism or mylit suar ly An rowNo 3-4 North College St Your Reeordec would respectfu a dw II Elisba Taylor convicted in Jainee County HUH Apd 0 I larceny and sentenced rty tax 103 6 17 with all Ihe data nVeatatleaaate him lot how much more it cost to pump the water Appears for two years His offense was stealing Water tax 8526 58 make maid rePort on erefore see 889 85 'glance that Capt CoOe knew nothing what- our the top of the reservoir than it does to Bill negro working for Ed property rained only at $5 or Ite CANDIDATE 1- 00 Privliep tax numo it in at the bottom: Holman Esq was Retested In town Mon- Jamm Miller sentenced for petit larceny 819 85 everot hie own kaowledge about the differ Qns of pu nine 820000e0 Mc of water if "e'' ee 3 75 id the vicinity of Nashville It Is Bete feeta for Ne5 ems st 10" per daY evening by Policeman Regan frm ket Pinta Reagan the Criminal Court of Shelby County in Janney 1886 for three years commuted 4251 eg therefore eimmeasary Utley any stress uPou Cost to pump in at bottome 62050 for passing a counterfeit silver dole to one year Bonet tax -0 FOIL cONGRESS oe hie report ae Any boy In Macey high scool kr on Ella Fleming a Colored Wharfage tea' ei'lpie sue- 'could bam furrhed the same lutormh ation Net saving 60125 Jacob Wheeler 'sentenced Anguste 1886 5 Sidew tax tee i- Le ee L000 did hed From the foregoing facts end figures woman who keeps a store in the Tin Tag in Hamblen County to three months im- ee that soy ele ad been urp 1 11' Bridge aecinunt- 10-4 t- 1 4011 1 4 A' to on college stree Oy1 when the reform gentlemen of the Council I again urge locality woods was prisonment in the county work-house for From the Sixth District will Miscelhuneu a a4 ete 117e ee----T- into tower he pas the upon you the neceesity of voting for the drunk when arrted He ee came es was taken to the assault was granted a pardon no one was '''-r 4- "I' 8 Board of Pliblio Werke at one too this Passage of this bill on its third reading rt in the difficulty 1 S4 7 To 1 reaelpts -e tele 6 l' station-house and searched but no counter itizens of win Kaufman eentenced in Hamilton address his fellow -C a 4 't ts atalatAllealint nilltni Consideration and and thus settling tbequest loe believing felt money was found on him Be very neseuanwa 13 1 sre ea a 6s efter pioneer -of careful Anyeeugation to be to the beet interests of the people We Co ntv to two years in the county work- LAW departmt steenuously dented any ketowledge of pass- Davidson County at the fol- Street depart en 4: trti' allowed their theta Auer- gonneence to represenL house for larceny in February I886 ment- 1 e0 the repeats Made proviousteby Ailing 'for The vote upon Mr Rhea's meolution was Ig bad money Hi tril took lyestepm Jackson (colored) convicted of day a ace r- artetileen before Commiseloner ut on the Baxter Sewer department a ete te ee 43 at the service of auother" expert to report taken and the resointion failed to pees Ella Fleming was stana and larceny in Shelby County February 88t lowing dates and places: 14 1 Bridge dePartilleut 5 et st eel 'hi 1) 85 2 subject This Pro men the same positioa Mr Rhea then offered an amendment to te e- nem at on Monday Woods passed the and sentenced to five years was granted Mx Public Watereworks departmentse 4032 yOlIremember Mr President wail bitterly the Reservoir bill changing the boundary 1'1' th off hi time account of having mon me on I 0 property departtnenteesa-- S47 opposed by me at the time but after much reeds and It was adopted counterfeit dollar on er uy ng bi ten cents been the neatest and cleanest prisoner when worth of sausage and getting ninety cents i t- i dePartments 2'21' delay was finany adopted by the Majoit Mr MTrenne offered an amendment pen ten utry was visited by the Governor in change She identified the dollar shown Friday Eveninfr Sept10at 7:30 UlrCilig 1011 40 000 Fire departmenL e1 2604 117 and Mee 0 'X Laadreth wag employr anY naming the following men aa appmisers of in August ees Police department- er DO 1'3078 bin taindusion pee 25 the property: Keith Phillips to her as the one passed Bate is exceedingly cautious about Bradford said Ella Fleming Gob' PUBLIC SUARE PublieLight department-e ar 1150 art I A ee eanauar McCarthy Rymer and Jim Lea exercising hie power to grant pardons and School depart ment eteeee 2556 75 to see Ine Doan that '1 dee a and Paaaed4 ee hirhterfeit surer dollar investigates and told with the greatest personal care investig Hill we coun him who gave it her He gave it to Police- every case endeavoring only to use his Hospital and DisPensarl et5''e eat eeet unneceseare 'to allude to it but a The bill condemning Kirkpatrick's 1 man Reagan and told him to anest Woods e- Watereworas imPreeeinent et '1e7a tt dutiful reading of Mr Lambeth's -report for the new reservoir was then taken up clemency towards those who really deserve it mprovement eeese' 9064-' 41 will fail kiehow Mit ar- and passed by the following And Fli hbad Ell tee- Saurday Night eW Sidewalk i eptember 11 Resin' Miedellaheaaa eee Mimi estimates of constructing resereole Bowers Brum Rhea Settle and tified to having seerson em en ng us a eVoode at his house TREY Best advertising Advertising printing stationer ae 1 8 76 Byrne Noes-Handley Jones and Slowey Reagan who made the arrest identa WRY FAILED C-hattanooga Timee: We had no Idea that In the 13th District le urrey's and Jetrkpateick'a Had A fied the dollar I Market-house --e' l- -e- Pe all tbree of these expert engineers gone mr teregory aid 110t VOle Sam Jones and Sam Small could endure the Capt Martin Kerrigan also identified the di known Now in' Work-house ei te154 etatel -50 ov 0 Ole ground as Mr Jewett bavit Thee bill to appropriate $1836 to build th i said he didn't kitiow the monstrous flattery and toadying of press no doubtlbey wonid bar found the result sewer on Summer street between Ulan ed 7 Totat A137799 lie to be the mine an it 11 a question of and Deaderkk streets pawed third reading defendant had seen him only a few times and people of which thnse rather diminu- 1 parat ion New fea- vomoN OF THR Assent -1 correct Monsuroment and mathematical cal- WHW BUSINESS and didn't'know what he did When he ave persons have been victims When they Monday Night September 13 Pre taken to the station he seemed very Ordinary Fund- it- e-te ett a By Mr Byrne-A resolution fixing the was were In Cincinnati last winter the people Itecelpts bum Aug 27 to date teneti Ite I weak nothave bleb the trouble to go nice hours of the Cit Revenue Depart- drunk Ninety cents wee au toe money Engine-house South Nashville tures this year that wag found in his pmession quartered them in the most luxurious pri- se9 4t 1 Disburemneeits from Aug 07 e1 eee tbrough these tiresome details had it not meet between 8 a and 4 pe From the testimony it appeared that the vale suite of the Gibson House furnished 34848 61 been for the labored effete of some parties Selle-- It Aebill to charge individ- Apply to I date taat eree ate and corporations outaide of the city i run meho Over check report 64 f2tzl 21" to deludelbe entitle Into believing that Maj a evie connection with watorpipee ous money got bold of the spurihich he tie 1 6 negro Bill oods was nit and so them boundless supplies of costly cigars bad their meals mot to their apartments eeth White MARSHALL BRUCE if Over check this date 4- 8ee 4 FoeterCeptecook anel Peet Landreth had eaamda uettyneNtife same price as paid by cot posserl without knowing it onus Special Fund- '11 all made actual surveys end eathnetes of all Balance on hand last retiort1 tient' in the city ine the saes In the vicinity of the -Poen owep reso on continue net Receipts trout Aug to date ps2a II city and all unanimously concluded that by Curree's 'Kea offered the best results I la pay Po si--A mu I Samuel Inpuuner and generally treated them as if they were ead The eaSe WaS nfaetteallY princes of both the lower and upper realms dismistied Woods ng Mlewed to go of the universe No word of criticism home but told to return to-day at 11 o'clock The dollar is oulte a good counterfeit and as permitted to be spoken or written The --Atell-- 1 a le 7 est tel el from the rte that who is sick with tinetroke Referred to i--- oress outdid itself in inventing phrame of 1 0 i a as I thin have itieen repo trord they did nothing of the kind the Board of Public orks and the City At- uld require a close inspecti on to detec and adoration and the per- flattery Dralee Itwo Where it came kom is a enestion that tod or THE AMERICAN se7 Disbursements 3A ri ortnance at Cincinnati Wail repea de 0 EWATII BACCO date '-''e 7 2 -7 3 Allitudni'thid 'the' estimatea Made' 63' ll then eldeedinif131 hetereetInt 'Ahem In ever Jones and Small went throughout the ----e--e- 'etre Jowet are ebrrect the only question The CotMe In Treasury this date "eA11252e80 a left its 15 to tetermble which bill offers the dently a ne of counterfe tem somewherSeminary--It Perfect lare Es- in ougbt to will the city which an Respectfully submitted s' Wardl Semlnary best linancial results HY reference to Ine CAPtis broken up trAiliSS BeLtellecoedere repoit we find It will cost to build a mawyery I Byrne All The Finance Committee recommended veered ot 50000000egations on Currey a chief Mr urea have made land Such disgusting man worship would turn much stronger heads than are on the shoulders of these evangelists Both were Maler tercheval Mr 4 Fire ffi 1 tly I given good opine l'' Je OW m1m) thorough ex- ROTEL ARRIVALS ell en ea re enoug ven ions of the first person before this elaborate the payment et certain elelma Hal ell et on GILCHRIST'S OTHL-4 Arnold ar- spoiling process at Cincinnati and every- A number of petitions were reed ema dm- Xirkpatricre lit $362376 di erence in animation of Ward's Seminary as the M- of favor of 'Kftkpatricies Hill 1156125 lowing note shows: lueed Pe eased 11 Mr Lt Sept -4 IV leklp A resolution to allow the Boar or bits "by Ince cos pep run' NASH a Works to contract with manufacture 'ties Jewett about $10000" But if the -Wharf Ward-Dear ing more than 6000 gallons of water per' avenue route for pipe is selected am stoners have made an Inspection of your A -t dm was referred to theelnance Committee 'Satisfied that the 'extra cost tor pi trace IL Houston Paterson Jee where else they went began If these men Eagleton Enoch Tenn Wood who might-have been useful in their way Sir: ee the beadier reomm ii Winne Mises' A McMahon Mat and day and generation have been converted pipe ivill school and are of the opinion you granting not 'exceed S(11251eaving the net saving In have taken all the precautions in regard to right of way to the Summersstreet Wed favor of Eiektiatricee's hUl 1150000 '11 Is fire escapes- We find that you have five Nashville Street Railroad Company tweed citdmed' bee the Opposition that the stairways leading from top to bottom also a building McMahon Mrs il Robinson Beech into nuisances it has been done by the press Trove van nottavoc ran ena an pu ce XII bli Had they I rtant Questions Asked and Answered 0 Bil OlfftnEnorsola UDOLPH FIN ZER'S Pai "Havana Cert IX process for treating Tobacco removes Mara tine dart and grit enabling the leaf to absorb pure ripe fruit and making the most delicious 4 What will whiten my teeth? Do the mut lasting and the ly wholesome chew is tetalave been treated from 21 Whatwill cleanse my mouth? Be A Sidebottom and wife Paris Tenn the start like the rather common fellow-men leetalave the that will not amnia heartburn I nervous nor indigestion -lia 1 TURF The bill amending the ordinance Fine Cavendish Brand --1411116- each flavor an evades fi it Crutchfield and wife Texas Jos Adler they are ought always be treated criticised ed what will harden and beautify no Oi tut Chicago Ike Benson Baltimore Md and reproved where those were Indicated as nelemeleee Ntll Tracy Cit Pinkerton Texas' proper and raised only where pmise wee se-1 --e'e Its third and last reading --ea extra test "1 Of leemping water to th our hallways and galleries connected 3' Pr Green Nashvine due they would not now be regarded with Mn Jones arose and said that hereaffet The higher altiteda Neill more than men- these stairways' We find that from north le to terror in niti teeth? Delectalave would Id not vote a right of 'WRY to any terbal ance the 'tuning la Cost of cone to sou th est to west a there is also cow- LIN O(' company that did not um most improved structiou Tilts deny and can prove to any munication by doom on each floor through lit 1 riseoll n- a sPecies 0 rror many commu es do Eut Eu ene Monday Ruseelleme and as 4th eVhat will aid be preserving me a rare show of the hippodrome style 50 What will purify my breath? De 'e SUNLIGHT wtra-GET --rat The perfection of swell Tobacco 4 i STARLIGHT I rails and he was further in favor of selling unbiased mind eiotwithetanding my "lime the entire buildings Very respectfully Ky King Mane ilet Ky I I in It's a pity too it is always a lectalave I I such franchisee It owners- could secore lied knowlefigsof hydraulics" The Holly '0 CAeste Shatzer Trenton Teem! AL hi Pasco New pity when good human intentions ant en- A fruitfiavored pocket piece for the people them and sell theta for 30000 the 1 My i Company have gnaranteed to "raise 82000- ary of Buil Secretdhur Commlesionem York Renfro A ces ugh perverse folly Gueleareed not to contain a trace of chemica should do the same OW ootinde of Water one foot high tor every 1 h'y' A aiti are wasted through I ad I ti and Idolatry are the worst Caldwell Hopkinsvi le Young 'ging an a on a troam 1 noxious drug Chew it a week and you wV A substitute for the Fire belle amending 100 poem of Mal consinned" Countinoi Two Incendiary' I field IL Cornell and wife Columbia et forms of folly thew it always The pilotwheel on every plug RUDOLPH TINTER TOBACCO CO ''l the tatters) Si to exclude from fire limits an coal at 8 eents per bushel I find the cost At halt-pant 9 last night a small house and Fort IL Stewart Rya Louisville KO A territory tying north of Jefferson street was 1Ilk' polunis eo be cents Having aster- its contents bekinging tO Andrew Bombed White Hartsville Hendelx Blom- 5 introduintroduced by MrRbea Mr Byrne wanted kind' the eoet-0'-pumping the water en the Xyde's Fen' pike waa destroyed by Merton Ind Atmore Evens 8 11Q on a fin MeCOMBS HAWKS Nashville 1 Sulphur ri bottom excluded also one feat eetighe all You have to do fire cites suppmed to have been the work Louisville John Byan Natchez Miss 'the ng Sole Agents fro ii limits This waselgorously oppeeed to get the total Cost is to multiply by the of an incendiary during the absence of the Wynne Lebanon Bicknelle Chat- re U111 Ull eNl ie A CleaEANe 1 by Councilmen Gregory and- Winne who number al feet you want to pump It and family tanooga Read Carthage Tenn ee ly I en le-11 fremoeveem 1 'ot wanted substantiel brick houses only you" have Al in dollars and cents 1 At 2 o'clock this' morning a fire broke out BROADWAY Housa-W Nandi Shelby- to' all7Turk erected in that localitY else It would ee i fine train the report et reservoir etre Jewett that the In the leaughteohoure of Me Steer near Mlle Tenn A Coleman Rociee Fork come infested with a class of buildings and DottOrn Of lha Mt KirePateick 's the St Cecilia- Academy Th amount of Tenn A Traywicketitonewall Tonna ussits Bath' NorrIcE- Electri' Belt Free population that would rival Hell's Half Hal will be est feet above kee water mark damage could not be learned at this late rrson Allisolin Crow Rna Tenn I ZS ntroduce ft and obtain agents we will A and ot A Blactelaottone 4 tele Clerrey Hill nold be 2 67 feet hour The buildin was valued at betwen Pic g'ekle opoads Ten Jonas FOIL 14A-DIES of ch ASHITILLX TENN Sept 2 188-Having the ems sixty dem give away free a berge Mr Rhea's bill passed an Die essace 17 tem Vile op the finan- three and four thousand 4ollars Thi fire Stephen re Rock Hill Tenn Joyce 7 ted the inseivelicy Of the estate Of In 'nth county In the a limited num of Bill to a suttees ppropriate CS000to buy a lot 'the" ciel leseetle eat aid result eo the city by was incendiary Tenn 0 Barnes Co Allisona 'liege -AT- 5 4 Court of ur German Eletro Galvani Sua ce rmiorp Castleman deceased to the Coma? elt Primo a positive and mita nog eata gee 1 erect new house for the South temhville' Aliflpting tee itirkp-atriele elet preposition ee ee Te Tho A t-e ta Grovel Rushing 13 Datidson County all ereditors of sate estate A Joint Debate bre engine passed its third and last read hnd it to be thus 0- A 1 e' tne Woodbury nn mas Brown Cmving- BREYER'S14 Boodoric a St hereby notified to file their claims properly or Nervous Debility Varle exele ElnialtiOne authenticated with the Clete of the county impotency poem Reward pal it every ee' in' 7 A 0- Intorost et Si per tent en er50600 re Will De A j01114 debate to-pipit at 8 Franklin Tenn Hardison AeC I 'th lees' leonine ailditionid Cost of eonstructee 1 its 104ktho bill eo' repeat 0 6 ce -0 eAte On 41 between Hon Hatelison Roll's 011111014 Telin: W- 14I -i- A kuvu Court within sla mOnthfi from MIA date Of they mit we manufacture doee not genera gegen- le-eerie current Addreee al once NLIC- 7 changing names of streets came 'up again tug reservoir on Currey's HUI: f3000 00 Andrew Caldwell en Hon Joe Waab- Sneed Davidson County TanneTenn a i asdays and Fridays PORTERFIELD Adm wilt be forever barred FRANK le Bie BELT AGENCY Box 178 Erode 1 upon a motion to reconsider and paned unarmed puinping e2000e ington candidates for Congres 4 Slayden Pinewood Tenn Ire 9 AL IL I IL WS some ty se3 tri tt Pa no2600dawl: a 1 IN I i 4 I 1 st received ly tor ser- styles in you don quale and 1 111v'ery N11S FO 1 1 I1 of last are tRY'S achine She liege Street ttie 4 BM HEZli11141 Bultdine Dean Stem I EltvaterCnal MO ibi Oline 1114 in it of Manus btates Padang Lost I nines Boilers kla k21113 tIE nommiaminnininnIll sB rhea 111 Tap! Corner 1 Pr Pick 1B P11 I 4 DIY c1 ol oa i 111 from 5 rates TeleNTES Deo 1 1 I A j41iiTae' city Bow we It It I the IHill went agla quoin Ittree WTOD neer 1 painl i tion retie( for II are ti or wl -deal 1 years l)epa poop ant it as po WC! I It I 44 that settle at some has and have OW11 hill lieve faotit payel roar 1 will rare sped i Your 1 the fl burst Conn ') Prop Wate Priv' 1 kfik lioboviht Sidet 1 IC Bridi Mao To Law Stroe Solve Bridi Watt Pahl Salar Fire Pone Publ Soho Host 1i Wate li-lv Sido Mho Adve Marl Worl Or 1 DMI1 dal -Over ()ter Balm Bece 1 Diehl I dal In pooellei 1- th Ae I I 4 'WAoril right intiasgill 1 its ti rd 0 bets1 corn railsi I such then hou A 1 I 1 1.

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