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The Louisville Daily Courier du lieu suivant : Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
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42G) MARKET STREET, Between. Fourth and Fifth, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. Tenth Street, opposite the STEAM EXGIXES FOR COTTOX OIS, SAW AIVD GUI6T MILLS, oVC. CRANKS, GCDGE0X8, MILL GEARING, COT- TOX-GIN SEGMEXTS, SIIAFTIXG I'ULLIES, 'yjBSWMA SLIT CARTER BUCHANAN, SOLE AGEKTS FOR JORBTS REAPER MOWER, ADd Dealers In all kinds ot TA3.m MACHINES, SEEDS, CtC, apUdiwtf LOUISVILLE, liY. A WOfilU T4 FAKMERS IN want of the best Hand-raking Reaper and Mower, or the boat Self-raking Reaper and Mower; or those in vant of Fisher's Patent Steel nnd Wrought Iron Ohio Iio Machine, complete in cverv particular, and warranted every particular.

Price 110. To such and all Uhr.J. vrcsay call at the and Agricultural House or HOWARD MIDDLETON, Main street, between Sixth amL Seventh, near Louisville Hotel, Anl examine for yourselves. olSdAwtf SOLE Sifl THE WEST! 1Ltis elxrieji on, TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS. THIRD STREET, BETWEEN MAIX WnERE-VYE WILL AT ALLTIME3 KEEP A GOOD ARTICLE OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, FROM KENTUCKY.

MISSOURI and to which we respectfully call the attention of the WllOLH- Artrsian Well, Kiooisville, Ky, MILL GEAECSG, C. CIRCCLAR OR SASH SAW MILLS, HOTCn- KISS'S RE-ACTIOX WA- AXD THE RIVER, LODISVII.I.E, K.Y., 'III! UI'fiieiMIV A SUPERLATIVE TOMiC.DSURETIC, AjL'T) PMRAUHfi CORDIAL Pure HoUand Gin for Medical and Private Use. It is made from barley of the finest Duality selected with great care from the products of the most celebrated districts, is flavored trith the essence ortni aromatic Juniper of italy.and is reWed by a pe. from the Epirii every acrid As a means at prcventlne and correctlnir the disagreeable and ofleii daiiecroiu produced by a ehfimre of i.7t i i all umicriima. sr.

dyspepsia, oque and fever, nnd cenc'ral dehllity. itls recommei.ded nyst emphatically by the most ulst ed members of Ihe medical profession i 13 the clinapps Is not -old by the gallon or pipe It is only sold In or Piw bo-. ties. In cases or one doyen ouarts and two dozen niijis each hemic enveloped in yellow paper, with my nam, oi the bottle, cork, and a (ac simi of my sisnatiire the Libel for sale at all the resectable lw C-diti. nrt5S aud Uotels.

L'UOU'UO WOLFEl i. ffJll'p IS. 1 Heaver street. New York. Fnrc TVincs and Liqnors for Medicinal and Private Use.

IBF.G leave tn inform the Public that I am now Import. in and ling pure CoenacHrandv. JLidclr. ihcr. 'i-ii't0? Whisky.

Jamilci ami S'; IJum' 1111 "rilr.r'1led pure and oi the best quaUty I will stake my reputation as a man. mv standing a merchant of thirty years' residence in the city of New orlj, that what I pledge and testify to with iiy my label, and my certificate, is correct, and can be relied upon by every purchaser. renea i i i "lc5 "'I'mrs In their practice should give the preference to these articles For sale by all respectable Dm anil Apotiieearies ic on OIJFB, Bcaverstreet. New Vork. Agents in Louisville CAKY TALB0TT" 5:3 Market street, between Third and Fonrth.

mya d3m PRIFATE MEDICAL DISPEXSARF, ESTAnLlSHED 1S52, For the Cure ef all Private Diseases. DR. GATES lift, for many years devoted his whole time and aiieimoii 10 me Ireatnitrit of dls- niuie, is suthcient to commend him to the atllicted, as worthv of the extensive practice be has pledges to spare neither time nor exjtense to render himself proticient the profession of his adoption. Tho who believe they have contracted disease should mabu Immediate application, ay by my improved treatment I am enabled to cut. recent eases in a few days Dr.

(i. will Guarantee a perfect cure in all cases for the same that others cliarpa for medicine in like cases byindulcinclnsolitary habits, have contracted that miiid-harroMnc and body-de-droyinz dU-vtisv. ff.nisxt. WKAttsrss-, which leads to the mostalarmiiu and fatal consequences, should apply immediately, either In person or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new KlViscientillemodeof treatjn? this ivhich uevei fails of eirciinff (jtuefc and nniical cure.

MlDDI.E-ACEDalidOI.D Who, by exceiive In-dult-vnce of their pa-ssions. have produced a uctdlitv i-i advance of their years, can consult Dr. dates with the. uli-est ajsiinjiice of beinpajrain restored to that state of health which they would have enjoyed had they never committed any excess. Person contemplatlnc marriage, and having any doubts as t- their ability to enter into that Kdewn contract, should apply ut once to Dr.

(iates, who will remove all oK-taelefl to a long nnd happy life. In all cast's winch ho undertakes, he guarantees perfect and permanent cure, no matter who or what else has failed. "llK. CrATRa Pill ATE MEDICAL TllEi TIES 0S Vl smsKS. a new and revised edition.

hands'Jiiielyiliustruted with numerous plates and enpravins representinp iho Rcnilal organs id both sexes in a state cf health and disease; treat hi': on nil private diseases incident to both sexes. Mich as general, nervous and sexual debility, solitary habits, seminal weakne-s, lim-otcin e. with for their speedy and permanent cure, sent hv io any person on receipt of name and address. TO THE LADIES. Dr.

Oates is nsent for M. LA C11AUX FRENCH PREVENTIVE POWDERS'. Uy their use those who, from any cause. lsh to limit the number their do without dau-er to health or constitution. Price, hy mail, aud two postuce stamps.

Also, for MADAME CAPRAU'S FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS A safe aud effectual remedy for Irresularitics, -rif'- l'v Hid on vosiMtro CAUTION'! These Pills should not be taken urine ruKc.SANCV. asthe; are sure to produce miscarriage To persons at a distance who wish to be cured at home I will, on receipt of a brief statement of their ca-e. Rend' a lipt of such questions as I would a-k ou a personal interview, and, on receipt of the Ibt tilled out, I will forward particularly adapted to the case, free from dam. ape or observation, to any pai of the country, with fulj directions for use. N.

K. It has been with the createst reluctance that Dr ftATL'S lias so lima: permitted his Card to appear heforc thepuldie, deennntit unprofessional for a physician to advertise, but unless fie did ho the strangers, would be liable to fall into the hands id (he many unprincipled and unlearned Inmostum h(pi. every lame city. advertisiiiK themselves as physicians witn enormous, iyiiij.r aim nomoastic pretensions of treat and asluiiislilin: cures, who keen vou taklmr pes (f Hlthy and worthies- compounds prepared to impose upmr the unfortunate and trilling muntli after mouth, or as Jonfras the smallest leecanheotttaincd and finally leave you in despair, with ruined health to in. uiki piuiiT disappoint ment.

It is this motive which has Induced Dr. to continue his Those who have been under unsuccessful treatment, are particularly requested to give him a call, for he aluue Is aiie io cure juu. Consultation may beheld from 8 A. M. to P.

yt (or Sunday from to 11 A. at his otVice. northeast corner of Third and streets Private street Louisville. Ky. nan tiorcet the name and num ber.

All letters should be addressed to lt JI- GATES. W.'.f I.oulsvllle. Ky. THB ALX--SUrriCIEAVT THHB3.

VIENMA at PARIS TRIESEM1RN0S.1, 1JIIOTECTED by Royal Letters Patent of Enpland. nnd secured hy the of the Ecole dc Phannacie de and the Imperial Collepe of Medicine, Vienna. No. 1 is invaluable for exhaustion, ipcrmaterrhcea, and all physical debilities. No.

2 completely eradicates all traces of those diseases that have heen hitherto treated hy the nauseous and per nicious use of copavia and cubebs. No. has entirely supplanted the injurious use of mrr-cury. thereby insuring to the sufferer speedy relief, dispersing all Impurities, and rooting out the venom of dia-sasc. Tmr.SKMAR Nos.

1, 2 and 3, are prepared In the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried iu the wairtcnat pocket, fold in tin cases and divided Into ceparate closes as administered by Valpeau. Lelteman. Rous. Kicord, fcc. Palce 83 each, or four cafes in one for SI', which saves and in 7 cases, whereby there is a To be had wholesale and retail of Dr.

HARROW, If-i Beekman street. -1 doors below McDougaletrcet, New York. Immediately on receiving a remittance. Dr. IJarroT will forward the Triesemar to any part (he world, securely packed, and addressed according to the Instructions or toe irriter.

Sold also by dectldiwly DR. PARK. Cincinnati, Ohio. AFFLICTED, READ! WONDER OFJTI-IE WORLD! 15 SUCCESS IffCCRLVG PRIVATE X)R. HxVLL CONTINUES to cure (when all other ftlJtMjZWTEr fau) every form oftfecret Diseases In an lncreaime snort nine.

a longcourse 0 of study, and practical experience of unnmueu cAteni, ur, ii. uas now me gratiflcation of presenting the unfortunate irith remedies that have never since he tirst Introduced them, been known to fail in cuWdk the most alarming cases of Gonorrhtca and Syphilis. Deneaih his treatment, all the horrors of Venereal and impure blood. Jmpo-tency, Gonorrhtca. Ulcers.

Dizziness, Vertigo, Pains and Distrei-s, Abcessca, Humors, frlchtful ami tint long train of ills attending this class of disorders, are made to become tractable uud harmless as the simplest alllngs of an Infant, Dy his sfTstemit Is proved that the dreadful venereal complaint Is as entirely under the control of medicine as Is a common cold or simple fever aud. while lusutllcient persons are daily sending aay their patients in hopelessness, and giving them up only from, their own Incompetency, the clear road to health and comfort lies at band to be gained ut once, by application at Dr. Dispensary. YOL'Xt; MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr.

H. devotes much of his time to the treatment of those cases caused by a seeret and solitary habit, which ruins both body and 'mind, unfitting the unfortunate Individual for either business or society. The sad and melancholy effect of these early or the excess of riper years, are to weaten and debilitate the constitution, destroy the physical ami mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feelings, and exhaust the vital energies of manhood: the pleasures of life are marred, the object of marriase frustrated, and existence ikelf rendered a term of unceasinc misery and regret. Such persons, before contemplating marriage, should at once consult a physician of skill and experience, and be at once restored to health and happiness. DR.

HALVS AMERICAN PERIODICAL PILLS-No article of medicine intended for the exclusHc use of female has ever yet been Introduced, that has given such universal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. The? can be relied on In all cases of Obstructions, Irregularities. Ac, as asure and safe remedy. Price 1. ACTION.

They must not be used during pregnancy, or miscarriage will certainly be the result. Patients living at a distance can be cured at home by sending a description of their disease. Medicine sent to any address. Office No. 4Sd JeJTerson SL.uorth side.

four doorsabov Third street. hours from A. M. to 12 and front ,3 to 9 P.M. Suudays from 8 to 11 A.

M. All letters should be addressed to It. HALL, M. aplS dAwtf- Louisville, hf. WASTED FOR TUB WAITED STATESAiUIY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men.

between the age- of IS and 85, to whom will riren cool nay. clotbinB. bor4 and medical attend ance. r.TTXr Appiyo.Ftx.1 JKy-iVtvffi. pggjSaTER WIIEELSFOR SAW VSSOB CRIST S2S5SSfeSl JeI3d3tawiwtra JToCV ul I'naie nauire 111 ull varied and complicated JBln ii Ilisfuccessln those lon f2sS3s.

"tamiuig and dinicult cases, such tKr-sVewirN as were formerly considered iucu- LJ a. WVgl'W LAW CARD. JOHN JONES, (COUNTY ATTORNEY,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Court Place, Louisville. will give prompt attention to Legal business in the Courtis of Louisville, and the Court of Appeals decIS dtf LAW CARD. 0.

S. MOREnCAP 0. M. SEIfJQS, Late of Frankfort, Ky. Late of B.

Green, Ky MORE HEAD BRIG-OS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, LOUISVILLE, K.Y. -JVTESSRS, MOREHEAD i UKIGGSwIH practlceLawIn XtA partnership iri the Courts held in the city of Louisville uud In the Appellate and Fedtnd Courts held in Frankfort, In the absence of one a retainer of either will secure the attention of both. EifPrumplittrentlon given to the collection of claims. Ollire on Jefferson street, between Center and Fifth. jau: dtf iutoriug ami Juvnteiung.

A. W. SOATB, MERCHANT TAILOR (Late of the firm of J. L. Deppen and principal Cutter in that House).

WOULD respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally, that he has taken and refitted the Store Fourth street, between Market and where he would be nleased to see iis many of them as would be pleased to favor him with a call, nnd that he will do his utmost to please you. Z3f Garments cut to suit the customer, and a fit guaranteed In all cases. Thankful ibr past favors, would respectfully solicit a continance of the same. dtf A. W.

ItOATH. No. 101 Fonrth si. C. C.

CAMPBELL, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 54 THIRD STREET, IS receiving, direel of CLOTHS. CASSI nil new styles of goods. Ila rrchappell'sBe IS receiving, direct from New York, a fresh stock ana sxiAva an of Fashion for sale. MERCHANT TAILOR, FifUi Street, octiceen Market and Jejfersoi, ViO.

313, MAHDLE HALL BLOCK, LOCISVILLU, KY. JeTdlr J. H. IHONTGOBJEEi-Sr, MERCHANT TAILOR, Jefferson street, between. Third and Fourt IS now receiving his Spring and Summer Goods tha are really handsome, all styles and qualities.

No one who studies Ids own interest will stay away, but will go without delay and have the subscriber to beautify Ids person with ahandsume suit of clothes, lie hiis everything that a gent wants to beautify his person. He will guarantee a fit to the most deformed. Orders from the country promptly -r-JI-J-Ti' AMERICAN WATCHES, MADE BY THE MERMAN WITCH COMPANY AT WALTHA2M, MAEB. Attention Is invited to the followlns statement and ne-comiianylns letters of recommendation and testimonials. In fnvoV of these celebrated Watches.

A gold medal was awarded the Company by the American Institute, at New York, In 1557. The Company also received the first premium a gold medal from the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, in These Watches have now been in the market for nearly ten years, during which time they have been tested as to accuracy, durability, and reliability in every conceivable manner, and have proved themselves to be the most satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to the public. This result has been brought about by a strict application of mechanical science to the construction of the Watch from its very inception, rendering it when finished, mathematically correct in all its proportions, and necessarily as perfect a time-keeper as it is possible to make. The Company have tested their Watches in many instances by actual chilly nolimr, and the result of this test has been that they have exhibited a rate casual in regularity to the best marine chronometer.

N. li. We have just introduced a jiew style of Watch, elaborately finished, and thinner than any wehavehither-to produced, with several improvements calculated to insure the greatest taccuracy of performance, and to pre vent the usual accidents and derangements to which for-eiuu watches arc liable. Tin; following ia from Mr. PoiiTEit, the well-known Marine Chronomelor and Wtcb JIakcr: U0ST05, Aprils').

ISfin. Mr. R. E. Treasurer, dV.

Dear Sir Since my note to you of September. 1353, I have sold a number of your Company's watches, and hear good reports from them without exception. They give me no trouble aud my customers every satisfaction. Itecent-ly a ehlp-master to whom 1 sold one last year, called to say that his Chronometor having broken down at sea, he navigated his vessel safely home by bis Waltham Watch. Yours truly.

EO. E. PORTER. New York, January 23, 1S60. R.

E. Ro tin 1X5, Esq. Dear Sir: The American Watch made by your Company, which I have had in constant use for about a year, has kept excellent timet and sustains jour guaranty. It seems to be less disturbed by horseback and railroad-car jolting than the generality of foreign watches. Respectfully yours.

GEORGE P. MORRIS. S-wk Know, Xo. 20o Mulberry Street, lie tr York. February (I.

lrt'-P. R. E. Ronmsp. Treasurer American Watch Co.

Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in being able to ccttlfy that. ien months I have carried a watch from the mauulactory or w-, Company, nnd that it has given perfect satisfaction as a time keeper. Judging from the one I have, I do not hesitate to predict that the day is not far distant when watches made in the United States will supercede all others. JAMES FLOY, D. D.

Wilton Bluff, S. October 20, 10. R. E.Ronntss, Esq, Dear Sin The three watches of your manufacture which I purchased to be used on my plantation, have proved to be the most correct tirae-kcepers I have ever known. I gave my head servant, my head carpenter, and my head engineer, each one of them; and since they have been in their respective possessions, every tiling on the plantation has moved like clock-work, in consequence of the extreme accuracy and regularity with which these watches perform.

Yours truly, LEWIS MORRIS. Chicago, March, I860. Aitr.RiCAX Watch Compasv, Waltham. Mass. I have tested with extreme care the running of the watch I bought of you, now nearly a year since, and so accurate and equable has been its performances that I have thought it would Interest you, and all others familiar with horology to sec a record of its variations.

It was finally set to true time after it had been regulating In my jiossession for three months. June 3 lost 4 sec. 1 Octoberl lost sec. August 15 lost li sec. 1 December 15..

1'eec. Since which time Its average monthly variations has not exceeded six seconds. NORMAN AVIARD. vt'TioN. Asour watch is now extensively counterfeited by foreign manufacturers, we have to inform the public that no WHtch is of our production wliich is unaccompanied by a certificate of genuineness, bearing the number of the watch, and signed by our Treasurer, R.

E. Huomxs, or by our predecessors. Appi.eto. Tracy Co. As these watches are for sale by Jewelers generally throughout the Union, the American Watch Company do not solicit orders for sinslewntclies.

KORItlXis iA APPLETON, Wholesale Agents, iyl No. 162 Broadway. New York. 3BGAN ESCOTT, Manufacturers and Importers! LOOKING-GLASSES: l'Al'EIl HANfiTNOS: AMIiKOTVPE STOCK: FRESCHVTCXDOW GLASS: ARTISTS' MATERIALS: OIL PAINTINGS: ENU It AVISOS PLATE GLASS, ic, ic. OUR jtoclc tsnnwreplete In every department with nil that Is new nnd desirable.

Our GILT n'OUK will compare favorably with that o( any country as to cheapness, durability, elcsance or design and beauty of finish. Our busiuesa Is done on a broad and liberal scale, jei II ECAN ESCOTT. Slain 5t rcet. WHARTON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CABINET FURNITURE OP ALL KINDS! Xorthtidc 3Iariei street, between Second and Third, ieS 'TT1IE OAK FRONT. dlytas Cil, Xjixxiips, Oil, Oil, Xjxiais, Oil, Oil, Laraps.

Oil, COAL OIL. LUNAR OIL. LARD OIL. and FLUID LAMPS of every style, and embracing all the latest improvement, tocethcr with all the BURNING OILS and ItLRMNG FLUIDS of the best nuallty, for sale wholesale and retail very low. We are exclusive acents for this city for the sale of the Ilrectlnridse Coal Oil (the best made.) and for the Lunar Oil and Lamps: also for the sale of rights, for Hie Lunar Lleht.

IVbo tvould burn Candles iviien a light eaual to 5 orii candles can be bad at half the cost of one caudle? Lunar and Coal Oil Lamps are just as safe as myy dtf 75 Fourth street, near National HoteL ESTABLISHED 1780. BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. VKER J- 1Tomapaihic and Vanilla Premium Cord paste Cocoa bit ckf. Soluble JTonur-pathic and Dietetic Cocoa. Cocoa ShtlU, and Cracked Got'on, Celebrated as nutritttre xalutarg ana delicious beverage, for more than three fourth of a century, are manufactured from Cocoa of the finest quality, and warranted superior to any other Cocoa Preparations made In the United States.

As nourishment for children, invalids, and persons in health, and as substitutes for Tea andCofTee in Nervous and Dyspeptic cases, they ivre invaluable and are recommended hv the most eminent Physicians. For sale by their Agents I). C. Murray, New lork; Wm. S.

Grant. Philadelphia; T. V. Bruodigc. Baltimore; Ken-nett, Dudley Cincinnati; and by Grocers generally.

WALTER BAKEH i my3 Dorchester, 3fasa. -wio- factory: AND Ornamental Hair Work OF ALL KINDS. THE undersigned is selling his best WIGS. BRAIDS, CURLS, and every style of FANCY HAIR WORK, (which are warranted equal if not superior to any made East. Wet-t, or elsewhere.) at the very lowest prices.

By calling on the same, purchasers may save from aOto 25 PER provided they will not cet into the wrong box. I have reason to warn the public that there is but one NICHOLAS in this business in Louisville, the Identical one who lnlS3-l established the Hair business on Fourth street, and who can ulway be found at his post. No. 5i3 FOURTH STREET, between Main and Market. Call and see that you ar "all right." at N.

NICHOLAS'S, my203l.fedtf 83 FOURTH STREET. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! TO BE HAD AT GEO. BLANCHARD SON'S, 6IG.V OF TIIE GOLDEN II AXI, ItfEN'S nOTS' AND TOOTHS" CLOTHING: also Gum Elastic andQnttaPercha Goods, going off at vexr educed prtoes ec3 WOOL. AM paying the highest market price for washed and an ooi. ina muAnvmm- POTATOES W0 bbls New York Potatoes, just assorted, (mm TSc in it i5 ner hht.

bv N. S. GLORE No. 33 Fourth street, jeH between Main and the River. PtARPET WARP 30 bag.

Carpet Warp Just received lelftUw VAiXESLOW USJIakitntt. A TORIUD JULY ThongU of the dogsercl sort, tliese verses are expressive oftUe teinperatnreof tlic present season, and will bo meteorologically appreciated by our readers: 'Twssa very hot day inthotnonth of July. The sun fairly hisseil in an miclouded ey; Bui a few ventured out 'neath the ratli of its beams, lu hope to cool off with ice water and creams, That very hot day in July- Every man that I met, I declare on ray sou't Seemed nothing to me but a walking clothea-pole; Their clothes soaking wet at the elbows and knees, They looked like wet rags that were li'ing to the breeze That very hot day in A maiden I met, with the rose on her cheek, 'Twas damaged, however, by maiiv a streak, Where the drops running down, left "'e gem of creation Exposed and betrayed by their own perspiration, That very not day in Ju'y- I saw a poor fellow, with shoes in his hand; Half roasted he met me, and came to a stand: "Is it hot!" and thnsanswercd poor Pat, Bo jahers, yees betthor belavc tlmt A very hot day in Savs "Put on yonr shoes, for tho pavement is hot." "A'rrah, by the powers, that same I will not: They're me Sunday brogaus. and the question is whether To blister me feet or burn np me leatneri This very hot da in Julr- I ate many ice-creams, on my stomach to thaw; A score of mint-juleps I sitcM a straw. Till at length, with the cieaeis, wjth the julcpa and straws.

4 shockins dizzv and knew not the cause, That vc'ry hot day in July. I was lost to myself for a very brief time, A. stranger to sentiment, reason, and rhyme; And when dinner time canie, I was found by the waiter. Sanely coiled up asleep in Ihe re-frig-er-a-tor, That vorv hot day in July. DIammoth Cure iu Missouri.

A great natural curiosity liaa lately been discovered in Missouri, which bids fair to rival the great Kentucky Cave. The following description of it is given in the Jefferson City Examiner The cave is in Phelps county, one and three-quarters of a mile from the Gasconade river, on a creek called Cave Spring creek, in township US, section 21 range west. We went into the cave, iruided bv Mr. It. II.

Prewett, a young man abnutlwcuty-live vears old, who was born and raised about a quarter of a mile from this place. In front of the entrance was a small stone house, which the old seniors thought -was built by the Indians, but now in ruins. The entrance goes straight in the rock onalevelwith the surrounding surface rock, is about oue hundred feet wide, ami in the center, about twenty-five feet high, arched. Messrs. Friede and Prcwctt entered the cave for nearly four hundred feet, where it narrows to about twentv-live feet wide by five feet high, and presents tlic appearance of an ante-chamber; from there they passed into a large chamber about one hundred in hight, where tlic three galleries branch off they then passed into the left gallery, which ascends nearly twenty feet on a lied orsaltpcier.

This-gallery is called the Dry Chamber, and is about five hundred feet in k'ngth the liiitht varies from oue hundred to about thirty feet. The ceiling and sides arc ortiposed of solid rock. Near the end is a large round chamber, which Mr. I'rewett calls the r.all-rooni, ami that gentleman states that his Either had given balls in the chamber frequently liic last was in the winter of 1S50, at whicli there were about eighteen or twenty persons present. They went in the morning and stayed all day, and arrived at home iu the evening cooking and eating their meals in the saloon, nnd lal a merry time of it.

Alter exploring this chamber, they retraced their steps, and passed in the right branch or ((i-; nf the cave, whore they ascended a rise bf about twelve feet, and entered another gallery, the end of which is not known. They, however, cvplorcd it about three-quarters of a mile. Mr. i'rewett sir.t.'S that he has been in this gallery over two miles, and did not then get to the end of il. Jn tJiis gallery the dropping of water has formed stalactites of the most beautiful conceptionsstatues of men and animate, and large columns, supporting the most beautiful arches, from the ceiling, which is from fifty to one hundred feet high, which forms several chambers of various sizes.

The ceiling is decorated with dif-fi rent groups of spar, forming a variety of figures, which represent the inside of a cathedral. The size of some of these chambers is about fortv feet wide by over one hundred feet high, anil look like rooms in some old feudal castle. They were afraid their lights would give out, ami therefore retraced their steps to the main chamber, from which they ascended to tiie middle gnllcrv, where a large stream of clear water issues front the interior of the cave, nnd has a fall of about six feet, and falls in several large round basins. The water has a pleasant taste. '1 lie water llow6 all the year round, without variation, in sufficient volume to drive a mill.

They ascended the galleries, and found themselves in several beautiful chambers leading from one to the other, in which, however, they oil not penetrate to more than six hundred feet. There is a strong draft of air setting in from tlic entrance; inside of the cave the atmosphere was mild. The chambers are all of unusual bight and extent. They went in at oue o'clock, and emerged Iroin the cave at tniit-past tnrec. The Humbug of (iyiimasinius.

Tile following extract on the subject of gymnasiums we take from llall's Journal of Health for May: It is reported that arrangements arc in progress for establishing gymnasiums lor students aid members of Yoimg Men's Associations. Are our euibrvo doctors and lawyers, and cler-nvman, going to make Tom Uycrsand Bill oolcs and Yankee Sullivans of lines the ability of a jurist depend on tlieatnount of beef he carries' Is a physician's skill to be determined by the hardness of his muscles? Is a clergyman's efficiency measured by the agility ol'Ius'inonkey his dexterity of hanging on to a beam by his hind leg, and swinging up to touch his nose against the big toe ot his "tother foot." A man's Intellectuality docs not depend on the amount of brute force which he possesses. li does not require a giaut's strength to write a sermon, or make a book, or clear a thief, or leel a pulse. Of au assembly of French on a certain occasion, Humboldt being present, was found bv an accurate mode of measurement, to have the least muscular strength of the whole impanv, of which he was the greatest and the oldest. "Small men, fragile men, men of little muscular vigor, may have good bodily health, a-Hiamoiigsucb are found a vast excess in number of the opposite class, and in all ages and countries, who arc the brightest of the world's brightest stars.

As a very general rule, It holds good the bigger the man the bigger fool he is. Whoever (reai'dof a giant who was remarkable for anything beyond the size of his body; while tliesmallness of his head and the little that is in is a notable thing. Both body midbrain need vital force; the mind is great in proportion as that vital force is expended in the brain; but if ii is used up in developing the muscles, the brain must sutler. If one expects to make his living by the exercise of muscular strength, let him, as a' boy and a youth, develop that strength by labor imd a regular and temperate life, if it is his wish to malic money by lcdgcrdeniain, by monkey capers, by ropc-wulking, by miraculous poses and astonishing feats of lofty and ground tumbling, then the gymnasium is a very "proper place forUim, and it is well that the energies of the system should be expended in the direction of the muscles, but if heaiuis at a professional life, one which is to be followed as a means of living, he must exercise the mental, not the muscular, powers; to the brain and not to the beef, must the energies of the system be sent, in order that, by their exercise, the brain may be developed and the mind worked with power. To sedentary persous, violent, sudden, and fitful exercise is always injurious, and such arc uvmnastie performances.

Soldiers die early. 'i o-dav they are are doing nothing. To-iuorrow the forced march, the terrible battle, summon up to the very dregs, the employment of dormant energies. The disabilities and deaths of a campaignare many times greater by disease than by the shock's, and great altera tions, always cause disease. The exercise ot the student snouid DC regular, rentlc.

deliberate alwavs stooping short of felt One hour's joyous walk wiihachecrful friend in the street, of field, or woodland, will never fail to do a greater and more unmixed ood than double the time in the most scientih-dlv conducted arvmnasiutn in the world. There ire individual cases where the gymnasium is of most undeniable benefit, but the masses would be the better for having nothing to do ith them. A million times better recipe than lne irvmnasinm tor scdantary persons is Eat moderately and rerrularlv ot plain, nour- Mting food, well prepared. Spend two or three hours every day in the o'cii air, regardless of theweather, in moderate, untiring activcuess. Discovery of Large Human Skeletons Buck, of Dricsbach City, six miles north of I.a (Jrosse, sends the following account of the discovery of large human skeletons to the Win ona Republican A.

L. Jenks, of this place, in prospecting in one of those mounds that are so common in this Western country, discovered at the dcoth of five or six feet the remains of seven or eight people ot very large sue. one thigh bone measured three feet in length. The under iawwasnn inch wider than that of any other man in this city. Ho also found clam shells, pieces of ivory or bone, rings, pieces of kettles made of earth and coarse sand.

There were at the neck of one of these skeletons, teeth two inches in length by one-hall to tiirce-iouruis 01 an men in aiamctcr, with holes drilled in the sides, and the end pol ished, with ft crease around it. Also au arrow. live inches lone, by one and a half wide, stuck through the back, near the backbone and one nhont eie-ht inches long, stuck into the left breast. Also the blade of a copper hatchet, one aud a half inches wide mine cugc ami two mencs long. This hatchet was found stuck in theskull Kkfiloton.

The mound is some two feet nbovc the surface of the Mississip pi, and Is composed of clay immediately nbove the remains, two feet thick then comes a layer of black loam then another layer of clay six inches thick, all so closely packed that it was with riifftniiUv tlmt it could be oonetratcd. There arc some four or live different layers of earth above the remains. There is no sucn way found elsewhere this vicinity. A Beautiful Thought. Among some of the South Sea Islanders the compound word for Hone is beautifully expressive.

It is siawa-lona. or sieimminti'thought Jaith floating and keeping its neaci aloti above water, wnen all tnc waves and billows arc cotntr over a strikmclv beauti ful definition, ol Hope, -worthy to be set down along with the answer which a deaf and dumb person wrote with his pencil, in reply to the question "What is Tour, idea of forflriveneas "It is the odor whicli flowers yield when tram- ptea on," THE WEST END SERENADEB3, from Cincinnati respectfully inform their frienda aud the public generally, that they will give a tfrund UASKKf ui Nlf'nt tm tin 'l (iiirden. Prestun street, Louisville, Kr t'UUUMAW Jul' ltf, lfcit. COMMITTEE Or ARRANGEMENTS: 1) Dougherty, Thomas Camron, D. Hilton, M.

Dougherty, MANAGERS: Robert Moore, Samuel McCarty. Fred. Van SeKKern, Lemuel McCarty, M. J. WRIGHT, Cuiei.

E3T" Walker's Omnibuses will leavo the corner of Third and Market streets nnd Preston and JetTerson streets, evsry 3u minutes duriug the day, comuieuciug at 8 o'clock In the morning. .1 -Tickets, $1 00 to be had at the Gate, or of the above Managers. d2 ferial 1IOLLOWAVS PILLS. Appetite cone, tongue fevered, bowels Inactive, unmis-talceable symptoms of a weak stomach and disordered liver, can be cured by a course ot this unequaled tonic anil anti-bilious medicine. Manufactory, 81) Maiden Lane, N.

Y. jyl A TO THE UNWARY, AND OXE "mighty to save," is contained in the book "HUMAN nUILTY. or PHYSIOLOGICAL KKSEAKCUES." It explains folly and uncunivocaUy the secret causes of functional deranotmcnts aud prostrated powers, with unfailins Instructions to eradicate every trace and par ticle of the venom of disease, that knawing worm that in-siiluously, but too surely eats away aud umleruihies the constitution, leaving man but the wreck of his former-self. The victim of this fatal tendency should lose not a moment iu procuring this valuable work. Sold by Dr.

UH Bleecker street, Kew York. Price 25ceats. Sent free everywhere. Sold also by JOIIK D. PARK, iy" dlmiwl Cincinnati.

Ohio. SPIUXG AiVD SUMMER MEDICIXE. The fibres of the body arc often soft and relaxed after the bracing cold of Winter la withdrawn; and lr sickness attacks us, it is in the form of fainting, apoplexy, fevers. Inflammation, and acute rheumatisms. Because at this icason all the humors are apt to corrupt from any sudden check of the perspiration, from costiveuess or the stoppage of any usual evacuation, than at any other period of the year.

Urasdretii's Tuxs set all to rights, cleanse the bloodfrom those crudities which the cold and want of exercise of Winter have lucked up in the bowels aud solids of the body, and which, if not timely expelled, cancer, tumor, costiveuess, consumption, and an curly death. When, therefore, you feel chilliness, lassitude, dizziness, pains of the head, lose no time, but at once swallow four, six, or eight of BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL FILLS. Soon cheerfulness will displace anxiety, and health disease. And remember, these Villi are entirely vegetable, and hanules3 for the weakest or thestrongesl, but able to search out and remove all impurities, leaving the blood pure as it was in our first parents. These celebrated tills are sold Lt 25 cents per hex.

with full directions, at 2iU Canal street, New York. Dr. Bran-drcth's office, and by J. B. WILDER Main street, and RAYMOND TYLER, Fourth street, Louisville.

and by all reapectabledealerain medicines. jely dlmiw DALLE Y'S aLMHCAL PAIS KXTKACTOll Is without doubt a peerle33 remedy. It has tliin endorsement, the Uht of trial nnd experience, for it has been our household medicine for many years. Why so? Because, while healing the skin, Its penetrative poxcera are such the radix or cora of disease, below the surface, even as salt will reach the in arrow and bone the meat. Kor all Cutaneous Diseases, as well us the Sc a lAiixa from steam or water, It has no equal; it renders the coatini; of the skin free from diifisuretnent Its action thorough aud invariable.

Sold at the principal depots, 1-1 Broadway, N. and Chatrea street, New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT General Agents. Also by all druggists and merchants. A PRICELESS JEWEL.

Stop for a moment, and consider how many hundreds postiWy thousands, of dollars you have spent in dress for no other purpose than to add to your personal attractions. But would you not sacrifice all this finery f.r the sake of being freed of that eruption on your face. Those annoying pimples detract more from your pood looks than any external embellishments can add to it. But no such sacrifice is required. A fc applications PALMER'S COSMETIC LOTION will accoropliih this desirable object, at a trifling cost, and with no inconvenience whatever.

It Is really priceless to all that wish the rosy beauty of childhood. The most distressing ami unsightly cutaneous diseases are speedily removed by its use. (tivins; conscious beauty and blooming health in the place of ugliness and soul-ijc'EeiiinBdirfcase. AU this can be proved when necessary, by witnesses almost without number. Price 50 cents.

SOLON PALMER, Proprietor. No. 36 Wet Fourth street, Cincinnati. Ohio. Vnrsale hv RAYMOND Sc TYLER.

Louisville. If and by Druggists generally. unit) dJewly MRS. W1XSLOW. Anexperlcnced nurse and female physician, has aSocthlnt; Syrup for children teethins, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums and redueingall inflammation will allay all pain, and is suretoregulatethe boirela.

Depend upon It. mothers, it willpivc rettoyour- sel ves. and relief and health to your inrauts. Perfectly safe In all cases. See advertisement In another column.

ileca CLARKE'S UVEK PILLS! The best Liver Remedy before the people. For sale by all dtussleta. N. U. ALhvLR, Proprietor, Pittsburgh.

Pa. THE GREAT REMEDY, GEKESSHK IatfliHISiVTr Acknowledged the greatest Pain Destroyer known. For sale by all druggists. N. U.

WALKER. Proprietor. aplS Pittsburgh, Pa. Jlcyers' Miraculous Vermin Destroyer, The oldest and best remedy known for Exterminating RATS and MICE. COCKROACHES, ANTS, MUS-QtUTOES.


dtf LARGE SALE OP Thorough-bred Trotting and other uorscs, Wootliivii Farm. r. On WEDNESDAY, the 22il day -'r August next, 1 will sell at public sale, between fifty and sixty tiior- jji cttiisting of jibrnit fifteen, thorough-bred brood Mares tiie same minuter oi trolling inures, ami lue uaiaucc JiinirfrtoeK oi ooiii orw. nf Stuck readv for distribution one month previous to day of and may be had on application to ir. u.

cwigert or tue suuscriner. Farm near Surinn Station, on Lexington and Frankfort Railroad. je2t dtd LACE MANTLES, LACE POINTS, LACE BURNOUX, LACE MADARINES, AT Greatly Reduced Prices! JOHN A. MILLER, jeSK 30( FOURTH STnEI2T AS. BBIEFOR (Sttceessore to Wright IJridQeford, LOUISFJLLE STOVE AiVD GR1TE Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron AND DEALERS IN TVS PLATE, COPPER, BLOCK TlX, Z.IXC, WIRE, TINNSR3' TOOLS MACHINES, Vext fideof Sixth street, one door from Main, Jel dir I.OCISVIIXE, KY.



BRYANT MILLER, Millinery and Fancy Stores, nave Just returned from the Eiist with a full assortment of and Fancy Goods, consisting of the latest styles of llotmetB. Flowers. Gloves. Hosiery. Ac, witli Soaps.

Perfumery, and the finest quality of Toilet articles, together with Notions, Willow Wares. Ac. of every description, compriainn In nil the most complete assortment ever brought to this cltv. Sirs. Bryant will remain to receive and xent nntin her friends and the tiublic at her old stand, whllt; Sir.

Miller will be pleased to wnit on his menus anu customers mine anu luitouriBireet. Orders promptly filled. Packages delivered in the city and Portland. mo dtf DOOR, BLIND, AND SASH FACTORY, CLAY STREET Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, OX CLAY STREET, NK AR THE RIVER, Louisville, Ky. NCFACTURER3 AND DEALERS In all kinds of X1M- Doors, Ullnd-, sasti, tsasn primeu ana giuzeu-, KVam tnnflca ltnsf.

Pilasters. Moldings. Rrackcts. White and Yellow Pine Flooring. Steamboat Decking, Dressed and Undressed Weathcrboardine, Shelving.

Ac, Ac We keep constantly on hand a large stock of tiers anu t-iuc uumucr ui zupcrivi tjuuiiij, suitable for tlic finish of Frame or Brick Houses. Dressing, dipping, cpinuug, ')' Ac, done to order at reasonable rates, tend for mil uf prices. UuD-it tiijj u. luwiiAivnt SUNDIUES 300 bhls Hourbon Whisky; 15 bbls Apple Brandy, best ever ma 10 bbls Catawba Wine; 50 baskets Olive Oil; 50 boxes Italian accaronl; 60 do Saut erne Wine; 50 do Muscat do; 50 do Anisette Cordial; Absynthe. Vermouth, Cumco.

Maraschino; Leslie Bitters, Champagne, Cordials; Sardines. Tobacco. Cigars, Ac; in store anu ior saie oy WTIIItVV 1 ANTHONY ZANONE SON, Fifth street, below Main. JC37 T1REXCH BRANDIES 30 ii and casks Pellevofufn Bnindy, in Louisville Custom House, subject to du- ues. loroate Dy wiuunt je27 Fifth street, below Main.

ILARET W1NE- su casks superior Claret me; 300 oases Claret Wine: 100 do do do, very fine and warranted; In store and for sale bv ANTHONY ZANONE SON, Fifth street, second door below Main. j27 PORT. MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINE 35 caska Port Wine; 30 i and caik Madeira Wine; SO casks Sherry do; In store and tor sale low by ANTHONY ZANONE SON, Fifth twond door below Main, JeS7 THE PIANO! SOLE AGENT IN AND FOR TIIE WEST. WM. M'CARRELL, 310 (OLD NO.

474) JEFFERSON STREET WEST, Je27. LOUISVILLE, KY. dtf (StCCESSOfiS TO JOS. ROSBJ DEALERS In Pittsburgh and PeytonaCannel Coal, AND SOLE AGEIVTS FOR THE FOMEROY COAL. ORDERS for any of the above Coals respectfully solicited and promptly filled at theloweat market prjces Const intJy on hand, a large supply of the "PEYTON A ANN EL" and "PEACOCK" POMEROY COAL, which, for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use, has no superior.

Oj-ticks 304 Third street, bctaeen and Jefferson, at Robb'H old stand; and 302, southwest corner Brook and Market streets. je23dtf A CARD. TnE subscriber, grateful for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him by the citizens ot Louisville during his continuance In the Coal business, desires to return them his sincere thanks, and recommend to their favorable notice and patronage his successors, Messrs. Olios tend A O'Connor, who will alirays been on hand a good article of the different kinds of Coal, and to whom 1 have transferred the Sole Agency for the POMEROY COAL in this arket. fje23 dim JQ5-RQP-j Southern Saloon and Restaurant.

S. H. PANZER, Proprietor, Corner of Com Place and Sixth Street, Louisville. Ky. I BEG leave to Inform my friends and the public generally that will seta splendid Lunch at 10 o'clock, every morning.

Dinners ftrved up to suit lawyers, merchants, and others, Itegular dinner froml to 3 o'clock; and other meaU set at all hours. Thorc in want of all kinds of rare Birds. Game, Ac, will do well to call, as my Saloon will be conducted on the New Orleans style. Meals sent to offices aud rooms when rdered. n21 dttSl S.H.

PANZER. GREAT BJaOAIlVS FIXE SUMMER CLOTHING AND FUS3JISHI1VG GOOIIS, AT J. O- 35fIANDEVILLE CO'S. je2; dAS OLDNEK'S DELTA EYE OPENER! A PURE, HEALTHY, l.WIGORATLYG imiNK Strfmsly recommended by the medical faculty, and acknowledged as superior to every other gtf beverage ever introduced to the American It Is pxtMiah-tdv used In cirri In the United States and En-ope, and for purity and flavor, is unapproachable. It is Invaluable in cases of sickness, and is peculiarly adapted for a Southern climate.

As Summer approaches, it is indispensable in every family, as a safe, pleasant and efficacious Tonic. The Press are unanimous in awarding this Nntlonal Drink a preference over all others (See Sunday Tlued, Courier, Atla, Illustrated News, Aic.) and in no instance has it failed to give unbounded satisfaction. Tjib Pn om iktoi: tivMixSTEES its jtjuty, which Is endorsed bj the most etuinent aualyslsts of the day. Jt Is sold In quart, half-gallon, and ration bottlei, by all respectable Druggists, LUiuor Houses, Saloo us, ilo-el-i. Ac.

Principal Depot, 100 Pearl street, New York. JOHN G. OLDNER.Solc Pr. prietor. A.

ZANOXE SOX, ie20 dim Sole Agents for Louisville, Ky. NOW JS TIIE TIME TO BUY GREAT BARGAINS IN Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters, AND "MEKWIX GALE'S" IS TIIE PLACE! They have a large sto of seasonable and fashionable S1IOKS and AIT- VIK. u'fiw'h tliHV fl.iruin tn 1 off in a burrv. and in order to do so have de- lermmeil to oner greater muueements man ever. Purchasers will find It to their advantage to plve them a call, as they are determined tu sell all Styles of Ladies'.

Gentlemen's. Children's, Boys. Youths' and Servants shoes, much cheaper than any other house in the city Hnyinc their guods directly from the manufactu-retV, and doing strictly a cash business at a' very small expense, enables them to compete successfully with any one in To be convinced of the fact, call and fee for yourselves. MERW1N A GALE, No. 47 Market street, between Third and Fourth, je? Sign of the American Flag.

"WESTERN HOTEL, (LATE VACARO HOUSE.) South idc Market, bet. Fourth nutl Fifth JACOB FRIEND PROPRIETORS. YYTK would respectfully inform the public that since Ihe above house has passed from the hands of Mrs, Ya-caro it has been entirely refitted in eleirant style, and is now open for the reception of guests. Located in the ctn-iral and business part of the city, it has rare advantages fur the traveling public. The proprietors will spare no pains to make their guests feel comfortable and satisfied in every respect.

Theirlarderwillalwaysbcsupplied Willi the best the market and seasons afford, and the Bar will be stocked with only the best of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, he. c. We respectfully solicit the patrooace of the old patrons, and of the public Iu general. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, 3VEW YORK.

YnTlIEN completed, six years the ST. NICIIOLAS pronounced the most magnificent, eonvi'iiieiit. nd llmruuchly orraiiized of the kind on this continent. What it was then it remains o-dav without a in size, in sumpinonsness, anu ili'tiiint nf rnmforL nnd eiiiovmeut. The Ho tel has accommodations for LOCO Eiiesis, indudiuclPD complete apartments for families.

Six hundred persons can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern art has devized for the convenience and social gratification of the traveling pulic has been omitted in Its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of tht house at home abroad, derived from its magnitude. It? superb appointments, aud its home-like comforts and luxuries, has been enhanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors. myiii iubAU ti.ii i iiMiit a iu. THE NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN.

i CLAFPEY. PhotoirraohEstR. i-c. bavins bought the Gallery favorably known as the fiEK.IfI VK AL-iin Ktret't. between Third and Fourth.

beg leave to assure the public that they shall now oiler them a superior style of Aiubnitypes superior to any heretofore made In the city of Louisville, and cheaper even than the cheapest. Call and see for yoursel res. No trouble to wait on customers. NOTICE. TAKE Treat pleasure hi announcing to my numerous customers that In retiring from the Bee-Hive Gallery.

I leave it in the hands if Kentlemen in every reppceJ worthy of their couhdencc and patronage. ni) 1 1 i.i;Av xitsii. DAVID LANE, SHEET WORKER, XO. SSO MAIN STREET, NORTH SIDE, RET. rif" All t-Indof Sip.imboiit SJippI Iron Work m.ide to nr.

der. Sheathing done at shortest notice. All kind of repairing promptly attended to, C3T AS HOLDERS of all sties made to order on reasonable terms. fe9dly Cotton, Caulking and KattingFactory, Corner of Eoican and Thirteenth otreeU, LOUISVILLE, KY, nnilE undersigned respectfully informs his patrons ami ttr tmhlifi that he enlnrireil hi titiihlishmeiit for the manufacturing of the above articles, and have them always on hand. A It It.

HADF1ELD. li. uit.v orders uenvcreu irec oi charge, jei wai bushels choice white and mixed Corn now In store and landing from stemner J. W. Cheesemun, for sale to close conslsnment by r.

a. uLuut rso. -f rourinsireet, teI4 between Maluku! the River. FOR SALTS! Falls City Ceincirt, Utica White Lime, Ana itusKouri i-ure unite Mina. Xo.

I AMELS, AXD XOXE OTHER. We can supply any oders, hoictrer large, tor the above articles, at loicet market price nnd will keep them always in store and for sale on commission. Oriler.4 resnectfull soHViled from persona wautiug to purchase, by N. S. LONG Agents, mriSdtf allssreet.

A CARD. faTHISlstocertifythatwe have authorized Mr. UJCS. as sole aeentior mesaieoi our cmmreii uar- riage. Gies, Perambultors, Uaus, Kocniug hairs.

Propellers, ic, for the city of Louisville and State of Ken. tucky. A. CHRISTIAN i SON. istw orK.

T'larcn zzi. iv. ia ph V.D. GAKTANO PHILIP VACARO It. A.

VACAP.O V. D. GAETAXO TTTTTOLESALK FANCY GROCERS and DEALERS IN FOlttMGN FRUITS. Manufacturers of Candies. Jellies and Preserves, Miin street, between Seventh and btgiitn.

1 THRESH LEMONS 50 boxes fresh Lemons just received and for sale by JJ. UAfciAMJ street, between Seventh and Eighth. ilMtESH PEACHES 50 dozen fresh Peaches just re-? ceived ana for sale by v. ii. UAt-i AAU street, nli'- between Seventh and Eighth.

JEANS AXO Lf.VSEY. LARGE stock of both while and In store nnd for sale by anHdtf A. RICHARDSON, A rpEA half chests reeu and Black Tea in store and JL for talc low by my 17 E. BUSTARD. N.

5H Main street. lOFFEE 17-1 bags prime Ilio Coffee arrivinc and for saieuy ue-nj uuun 2i! bbls choice reboiled Mohisses received JJi by the steamer James? Mont comery and for sale ty jej 00It 5i00jyLi SUGAR 40 hhds prime Sugar received by the steamer Funny linllitt and for sale by JeI3 CPD MOO Dr. CtOFFEK W) bags choice Rio Coflee received perstenm- er J. 11. Ford and for sale by jel) GARDNER CO HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED 1(H) sacks Hungarian Grass Seed in More and for sale by GARDNER A CO.

UTTER 10 tubs superior Western Reserve Dutterre ceived per railroad and for sale bv myl4 GARDNER CO. ttX dozen Burrow's celebrated Musiard.fn ill. whole, half, and quarter boxes, for sale at prices by myl GEO, W. MORRIS. No.

4fl Thlnl street. BROOMS 125 dozen assorted sizes: 60 do Hearth and Whisks; In store une for sale by je20 GEO. W. MORRIS. No.

Third street. f00DEN WARE IT 100 dozen assorted Buckets; 20 nests 3'5 and 's Tubs: tQ dozen 1, 2 and 3 Tubs; In store and for sale by JeM GEO. W. MORRIS. No.

131 Third Etreet. li ABLE SALT 50 dozen, an extra article, in small bags, for sale by GEO. W. MORRIS. je20 No.

13-1 Third street. BATTING 100 bales No. 1 Cnnnelton Batting for sal by GEORGE W. MORRIS, Je20 No. 134 Third street.

ORANGES-BO boxes Mosslna Oranccs, In prime order to arrive per Funny Bullitt and for sale by tnyl GEO. W. MORRIS. No. -H) Third stmt.

CORDAGE dozen Hemp Bed Cords; 60 do do Flow Lines; Broom and Sacking Twine; 23 coils Cotton Rope; 150 do Staging: 200 Ihs do Wrapping Twine; In store and for rale by je20 GEO. W. MORRIS, No. 131 Third street. LEDGERS AND JOURNALS AU those Intending to open new sets of books the first of July, can save money by calling at Fourth street and making their purchases.

We mean what we say. Je3Q F. A. CRUMP. KOTICR.

I bftTB In mv Stable on Se cond street, between Blaln andfi Market, a lot or good family i nynoLOigrtaici awg it i nUVinrmVR whlxh will 11 Inw for rkSh. wan dtf Wit I would take this opportunity to In- form mv old natrons and the nubile in Ijv general, that after several years re- jr i-5 Urement from actlvt business. I again catered into the above buslneis, at my old. and well-known stand, and am prepared to sett, from a well-Eelected und large stuck of good, at fair prices, to all who may favor me with a call, and I would respectfully solicit the patronage of my former customers and those of Mr. B.

Wehbeic (who still remains with me and conducts the mechanical department), und of the public at large. J5f Watches, Jewelry and Clocks, carefully repaired. for one year, and all other goods as represented. je2ld3m PA VIP aiESPEL. M.C.

EAMSEY MAIX STREET. (532. I invite attention to my stock TpJh ot tlOLD WATCHES Watch-' iXl as set with Diamonds. En-' ameled "Watches, English Watches.Swlss Watches. American Watches.


Pitchers, Wcttcra, Daskets, Goblets. Cups. Spoons. Forks, Salts, Knives. Ac, SPECTACLES WITH PEBHLES OR FINE GLASSES, of every description to be found In this or any other city, ami no extra charge for "jrojissional tei'pfct." Old Frames fitted to order.

CLOCKS at wholesale and retail. 53f Repairing in every department of thetrade by competent workmen. tje22diw M. KAMSEY. W1XLIAM KENDBICK, HAYING JUST RETURNED FROM THE ern cities, would call attention to the large stock A' of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and PL, ATED WA that we have ever offered for eale.

and which embraces a very rich variety in each department, many of which are manufactured to all procured at the lowest cash prices, which euablffi to offer them as low as an be found elsewhere. Art war ranted as represented. Stepinand examine foryonrsetf at 71 THIRD STREET, e4 diw bet. Main aud Market. JT'ST RECETVF.D A Yfrr heaulifnl snnnlv oF fine WATCHES cased to order at WM.

K1.NDH1CK S. 71 Third street, ap30 diw between Main and Market. PLATED ICE PITCHERS AND ICE COWLS Just received at WM. KENIWICK'S. 71 Third street, ap30 diw between Main and Market.

TIMING WATCHES A very superior ticiaar just received at wm. KtiiKujrt's. i intra street, between Slain and Market- JOILYKITTS J. WER.VE. MAIX STREET.

FINE INDEPENDENT SECOND WATCHES; beautiful Diamond and Enamelled Watches; Solid Silver Tea Set: Self-wlndins Watches; Gentlemen's Watches, from SIH) to 125. We are just in receiptor the above, and would call the attention of our friends to them as being very desirable goods, ami worthy of their inspection. my II dtf CHAS. FRODSHAM, JULES JURGENSEK, F. B.


BiSsia Those wbjbinitto purchase will please call on us and ex-miuestyles, quality and prices. It trill not incur the least obligations to purchase. Teb2IMltf JOnN KITTS.tCO.. lalp street. REMOVAL.


JAS. I. LEMON I'oiirlh street. tny2 under the National Hotel. WOLF DURRINGER7 MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY WHOLESALE AND nr.TAlL DEALERS IS Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated ware, Corner ofFiflhand Market Louisville, Ky.

TnE UNDERSIGNED RATE REMOVED TO TIIE commodious building, corner Fifth and Market where they have opened a larse and complete stock of Watches and Jewelry. This assortment comprises American, English, and Swif Watches, and Jewelry of their own manufacture, of the richest and most elegant style? and patterns; also. Clocks of the beat manufacture, and Silver and Platedware. We invite the attention of and pledge ourselves to teH a low ns can be bought iu the East. CffDiamouds are et to order.

Watches aud Jewelry repaired and warranted. price paid for California Gold. e2 dtf mm OF JEWELRV AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. WE respect fully call the attention of our friemh. customers and the public In general, to our selected stock of JEWELRY (home-made aud imported), includim: Pearl goods, Y'ffliit Turcois.

Plain and Vnaniflt'd tioodS. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES, ot the best manufacturers. of our own manufacture. SPOONS. FORKS.

AND FANCY ARTICLES. CLUCKS of all descriptions. DIAMONDS roset in the most fashionable styles. All sorts of JEWELRY mad to order. SPECTACLES for all aces and eyes.

tsrl'articular attention paid to repalrinp of Watches. IllltSCIlIlUllL.t DOLFINOER. rn2tl No. 5) Main street, oue door above Third. JEWELRY WATCHES, UNDER the National ll.itel.

The undersigned in-KSJSS rites hb friends aud the public to Us choice as-W Bsorltnent of every ilocr.b.ible article, iuclndmg Unwind, all i.f whi'di are otlered on accomo- datSsterita Fashionable jewlrr; Coral. Ciineo. Pearl. Dialiiund, Miniature. I- iiams, i.oe.yi. and American Oold and Mirer Yi at dies. fine Spectacles. Optic Glasses.

Surveyors Compasses. Watchmakers' Materials. -pairine iu every department. GRAYSON "SPRINGS, JRAYS()X COUNTY, KY. TIIE Interest of DAVID 1IERNDON In this properly V.c 1.....

tn It E. YATES, and havlnit made an arraneenient with J. V. Chirksvn to inanaae bis oue-tliird interest, we are puttins the entire establish-meiit in order for the reception, of visitors by the Is. or June, and are ready to entertain invalids at all tlnies.

11... son not' only beiit'ficial to invalids, but agreeable aud pleasant to mose in searcn oi lneaoui. To reach Oraraml Sprinss. passengers will leave Louisville bv the Louisville and Nashville Railroad for hhia-bclhtoVu. where they will lind Rood Hotel accoiiuiioda-tions.

and M. Arthur's Coaches, with pood and careful drivers, will He in readine-H to convey puesencers in any numbers, daily to Orasson, by way of Cushinan s. over a good century road. noABms(h PDay, JSS t'er v.eeK rj: i 35 00 Children aiid Servant, half price. Horses per day M.

P. CLARKSON, It. E. YATES. je3Dd)i Agricultural, "Wood, and Iron MACHIN WORKS.

1 Tr.T-T-pT5TTl?Xr WATJ.T. 4 ty i vn TUTtFTH STREETS. Are now manufacturinc a irreat variety of MACHINERY. Jt fiMi-iM -iM-i-i tTiu riK-ri such as Portable und Stationary fcteam En-gines. Steiun Eoilers and Lard Renderinu Appara tus, i'omi- bleSawand Corn MiUs; Pumps.

Pipes, and Salvia: Conner, lirass. ami Sheet Iron Work; Ninths and Del ows; Planinp. Tenon, Morticing DnllinB and Key-Seatinp wacninta; uhit jint, Shelter. Corn Crushers. Cornstalk iikri Hoxes of all kinds and varieties.

A pencral variety of Flam and Fancv Wood Work. Turning. Sawing. Planluc. Ac.

feW dtf BOYS' AND YOUTHS' 1 h. i AT "WHOLESALE. ra-CODNTRY MERCHANTS AtlE RESPECTFULLY solicited to call and examine my stock of theabovefioodfl. P. WHLXEY, NORTHEAST CORNER MASKET and TfflltD STS.

apS FRESH SOFT-SHELL CRABS FIRST OF THE SEASON! AT TUB ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT FIFTH STREET. BETWEEN MAIN" AND MARKET. TCST received, a lot of SOFT-SHELL CUAHS. the first of 'iKmmodj siine fine GREEN SEA TURTLE and My5Restaurant is also constantly supplied with WOOD-COOK.

Fltor. e-LEliS, SPRING CHICKENS, SQUAHS. YOUNG SQUIRRELS, and all other luxuries of the sea-son. all of which I aiu prepared to serve up in my Restaurant in superior style. rw-Ilotels.

Parties, and Families can he supplied with the above at short notice. C. C. liCFER, Proprietor. My bar is constantly supplied the choicest of Llouors and Ciirars.

tiuO C. C. K. TIIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY JNFOrtMSIIIS friends and the public generally, that he has just opened bis SALOONS, and thntnothlucsl all be spared or neslcrtcd to acquire the patronaee the public, and Hint he is fully conBdeut that a fair trial will insure hini their generous support. Persons nrdenlic Ice-Cream for parties, Ac, will be faithfully and promptly served.

He particularly invites the attention or the public to the fact that havlns secured services of one of the best cqots in the country, he is Wly prepared to 011 all orders for Dinners and Soirees, and will honorably satisfy.all tha will be entrusted to him, either lnj ayunt'ty or quality an3dtr Charles ttKioit ERATOIS CRAWFORD, GRAIN DEALERS, HATE removed to the new warehouse on the southwest corner of Maiu and First streets. tr Ve will pay the hishes price for all kinds of Grata delivered at our Store, or at uysood shipldns rMnt onthe Ohioriver. diidtrj Cli-tNUEIS X- CUAWtUIlD. FOURTH STREET BET. GREE.t WALSCT.

new invention: "I.E CHAPEAU VAIISE!" PATENTED. PATENT-RIGHT SAti. Apply to aime. a. HENHI, Milliner.

Fourth street, between Green and ALE TRADE. BTTeruis liberal. Wl LOUISVILLE GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, CK5TABLI3nEI 1S50), FOR THE CURE OF ALL PRIVATE DISEASES, AND FOH THE SUPPllEcSIOX OF QUACKERY. Office located corucrFifth street and Court-Place. THOSE AFFLICTED WITH ANY dicae of a private nature, before placing themselves under Vie treatment of any learn motne-tiling importance by procuring DU.

WILLIAMS MEDICAL REPORT on a new method of Syphilis. Gonorrhea, (jleet, Strictures. Sexual Debility, Impotency. Female ic. Ac.

with a full treatise on etf-Abuee or Seminal Weaknes, its deplorable cvs. and the onlv rational modf nf successfully treating it; a truthful adviser of the married an I those eontemniatimr inarria'e: contalfiimr 2tJ nlates and entrravincs of the ornans of both sexes iu a state of health and disease, dent Gains on receipt of one stamp. YOUNG- MEN who have injured themselves by certain Skcskt habits which unfit them for Marriage and the dalle? of life, bringing on semisai. nocturnal and a train of evild easier understood than described, by coinp through a course of treatment may here-stored to the health and of manhood. Those con-templatmc ma am auk should tirst consult us with regard to their ability to perform its dutitu.

MIDDLE AGED and Old who. from the follies of youth, or other causes, feel a debility in adviuice of their yeara. may be reinvisorated to a natural degree by our APiiitoiMsuquF Remedies. TO FEMALES Special attention piven to all diseaf es or females Leucorrhea. or "Whites," Chloresls, Menstrual Womb Complaint.

Also, asent for DOCTOR DEW EES' FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR, asafe ami certain remedy for Obstructions, Irregularities. and is the only reliable "preventive of pregnancy." warranted not to injure the health. CAUTION: It should not be used during pregnancy, as siisCAKRiAGKwouldbe the result, though always harmless. Price per box, and may be Bent by mail. The author may he consulted, either personally or by letter, on all the diseases of which his work nnd medicines sent to ll parta of the country with complete Instructions for self-treatment, Eecured from dancer or curiosity.

Address DR. T. WILLI.UIS. Consulting Surgeon Galen's Head Dispensary. Sl Fifth strecl.

helireen Market and Jellersou, Louisville, Ky. myil d.twtf DR J. II. McCANN Is cn3ble.l to detect to a certainly the true condition and locality of DUeascs by a simple and scientific method, without HSk'm? the patient any questions. Some profess to do this, ytt are careful to ask some leading questions iu order to obtain a clue to the disease.

We do nothing of that kind, and have invariably given satisfaction. Consultations aud examinations FREE OI? CHARGE. DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS treated by a new method of Medicated Inhalation and Constitutional Treatment. We offer new remedies entirely vegetable, which has proved a speedy and effectual cure hi tiie foi-Iowiiis diseases, viz: Bronchitis, all diseases of the Throat and Limp. Diseases of the Heart, or the Stomach: of tht Liver, of the Kidneys.

Dropsy. St. Vitus Dance, Cancers, Chronic Ulcers. Kbeumatiam, Neuralgia, Paralysis. Fistula, Spasms.

Fits. Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Seminal Weakness. Skin Rupture, Diarr'nra," and in short, all curable diseases. We are not a "oure-aU" doc-lor. and wilhindertakeno case without a fair prospect of recovery.

EJfSo extra charge made to patients for th application of Masneto Electricity. FEMALE DISEASES. Females troubled with Suppressions. Irregularities. Lou-corrhea.

or Whites, Falling of the Womb, Polvpus of the Uterus, Tumors of any kind. Barrenness, all Ltinary Dit-eases. jiainful or diflicult Meustruation. Nervous Debility, ic. will -be speedily cured without the use of Polsonoua druip.

injurious and unpalatable medicines of any kind. Have no delicacy In calling, no difference what your troubles may he. 1 do not expect you to place yourself under mj 'eatment up'ess you prefer it. All eommunicaiious are confidential. The atllicted are cordially invited to call ami r-atl-fy themselves.

Office on First street, four doors almve wystide. Louisville Ky, Oflice hours fron o'clock A. M. till HP. M.

All letters addressed to our ca: incIoilriL-astamp, giving symptoms and nature of dlseas: will receive prompt attention. Medicine sunt to all par i cf the United States. Address J. II.M'CANA', M. D.

nl0d.trif Loalaville.Kr. An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents the attention of mothers, her VOIl CiriLDIlK.V TEETIILVG, which greatly facilitates the process of teetbimr, bysoften-ingthe gums, reducing all iutlanimHtion will allay ALL PAlNandspasmodlc action, and is auv to regulate the tttticel. Depend upon it mothers, it willcive rest to your selves, IJcntjit and IUaith to your Infants. We have just put up and sold this article for over tpn and CA IX COM-IUKACU AMI 'rUUTU of it, what we have never been able to say of any otlier HAS IT rM.i;D A SICLi: IXsTAACM TO KFFKCT A 111 when timely Used. Never did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by anyone who used it.

On the contrary, nil arti delighted with its operations, and ppeak in terms of the the hisliest.comiueiidallon of Its magical eirect and medicinal virtues. We speak in tlds matter "WM AT I KOWtler ten years' A fl I'LKIHJK Ol It HEl'LTATION FOIl 1 WK.V-"1,'11 VVt OK XYHAT WE HERE OECLAKE- 1 almost everV iu.wiifr the Infant is Fullering from pain and relici win trr i- iifi-n or twenty minutes after the Sirup is ndrnhnstered. This valuable preparation is the prescription or one of the moil EXPERIENCED and SKILL1- UL NURSEin New Ensland. and has beenused with NEVER-FAILING SUC CKSS In THOUSAXnS OF CASKS. tt nnt nnlv rplieves thit child from linln but Invlrroi the stomach autl bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.

It will almost Instantly fauiMXis ixthe now ELS AXB id nnd overcome cenviilsioiis. which, if not speedily reme died, end In death. We believe the HEST AXD SURE.ST REMEDY In the' FOR CHILDREN TSETHING. In ALL cases of OYS-I iCS TEIIV IX CI1IL. erltarisesfrom an other DHEX.

Wlieth- teythlng or from! would everv mother who has a child culU rin-' from any of the comptainls-IlO XOT LET VOl'K TIIE 1'HEdUnM'KSOFOTHEilH, between your Miirerhm ddld and the relief that will be HI' HE, ves A HSOLUTt LY SLUE to follow this medicine. If timely used. Full directions for m-ingwill ac-compaiiv each bottle. None genuine unless the fac simile of tic I'EHKIA't-, New York, is on the outside Sold by Druggists tfirouchout tiie irorld. Principal 13 Cottar N.

VHICK OXLY 25 CENTS I'EB BOTTLE. dscSiixwiy THEundersicned having been appointed by the man-fact urers SOLE AGENTS for Kentucky for the sale of HARTELL'S PA1-KNT FRUIT JARS, lirescut here to the "ublic a cut of the rime. As to thesu-eriurity of this Jar verall others ever lvented. we have otthe least doubt, ince it nrest'iits fa ilities over all other ars. which every ne will see at a fin-le glance, it belusr Iiadtf Of AIX iit.ASS, eOlurillCNOCEMKN'T.

nd can be pastuneo by a very light movement of lie nana, i ma sno new tiling, been tried for 2 rthree vears in the with greater uccess than any therJar.takingthe icdal wherever in conse-utience of which the manufacturers have never, until the Present time, had fa-cililb'S sufficient to furnish the demand, even In the hast. ortk'rs tdsMramrt cjj j. Oueensware. mr3 Mala street. Louisville, Kr.

TIIE CHIEF AMONG TEX THOUSAND DALLEY'S XkXAGICAZ. PAIN EXTRACTOR imivcrsally supplanted all other Ointments and healinz apiilieatiotis in both tiie anil IVeftern llemifiilieres.wiierever introduced: ami itatnfriiraie i(ni I'stlic true seeret of its access in aWciitnneous nffcctwns. wlietlier the cause be accident or disease. AND SCALDS. Are lDStantly relieved of aniMish, rain nnd in-Uammation, uy a timely: (application ol tliia mamt out healer, and the tlesh' 3 renewed asif by acliann.

nobleiniili or scar remain-It: irtp. THK i'KIENI) OK TUE KLHSLIfi Children arc freauent suf- from external injuries, especially from Fluid' andCmnphehemdMitmr. therefore every motheri" (should have thus liealin? Kly reneiorl7 toffigfiaffl SEA AND LAND. l. ,1.

I'm. volcr. nnd fvrv other indi vidual whose lot In Hfc throws him within the chance or accident from Jre or eollMon IhoWld bear In mind timt Magic Extractor js his best nnd only friend. It is L. jboth portable and cheap, utwf cfiort'd be hi; enmnnnilitl.

n4 11 friend need. Thereare thousands to Its marvelous virtue nr.A Mticrtt4 tn iti savin 1 of living witnesses to testify who owe their sound limbs efficacy. the leading disease for EXTRACTOR Is a PRE- The follmvingareafew off which UAi.i.t-i VESTIVB as well 'CURE Bores of all kinds, Shot Wounds. Burns, Rrulses, Boils. 4 Broken Breast, Bites of Reptiles, Cancer, Cracked Ups.

Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cramp. Contracted Cord" KrysipeV Fistula. Frost liltes. Fever Sores, Scrofula, Scurvy, ScahU, Clfiinlrilfir TliapaspsScurf. Mercureal Sores, Scald Ilea Pains generally, Piuii.lttS, Plies, Poison, Rheumatism, Rashes, Snrains.

Small Pox, Tumors, Tetter, Vcneral 5os, ic. Diseases of Skin, and til and 151 Chartres street, by illGTrv General Agent. It also be obtained of all respectable Droits and Merchants throughout the United State. anu iuuaud. MAMMOTH CAVE SALOON.

milEunderelcfced respectfully informs Ids friends and JL the public eenerally that he has purchased the cstab-IbniSnt recently kept by Air. L. T. Third and Market streets. He has newly fi t.ed up the Jreral'MaSi novated throughout, and will open the not foreeltlns the best of Laeer Beer and Cisars of the best maUW.

si" at ail times be klPncon5Uon with the Saloon, a Hestaurant Denart-meSt" illbe established, irlicrethebesttie market altords wUlvedatreonable prices, IXKNRY ROLF. g. g. MARK G.F.DOWSS. ECE1VKD TII15 DAY.

a small lot or very desirable lv NEW URESS GOODS! Saclias lirenadlne Robes: Enellsh Barefte Uobes; Thread and French Lace Points: Point Lace Sets, Collars and Sleeves; Plain Kept lilts in colors; A few Organdie Kobes; Do do in pieces; Marabout and other Fans: Hlack Grenadine Barege; 5 to 9 Volant llarege Uobes; All ot which will be sold at prices satisfactory to the buyer my52 Sf AKK DOWNS, tn Slain street CHOT-50 kegs Patent Shot, landing fromsteamer Sunny iiiiuADn slue, uiu iu. a.ic uj lell Wet Mainatreet. I take pleasure in announcing to the public that 7inve hen appointed SOLE AGENT IN THE WEST FOIt T1IK LK OF THE VTOKLu f.F.NOWXED PIANOS Prom the Manufactory or 1. ERARltt, Paris, France. fMltS NUrACTOUYVvTs ESTABLISHED IN 1783, JL.

and havinc in successful operation from tout time to the present. ranks deservedly hlth In the estimation of the hest pianists fJr the character of the work it turi.s out. Such eminent pianists us Thalberg, Liszt, ltu beast fin. De give these instruments their uu qualified unl um.Jaui vocal approbatlou and recommenda tion as perfectly adapted to give to the compositions of the great masters their fullest interpretations, been llnlibed with express reference to this climate and this market, and ti attention of ami Amateurs L-called to them in ull confidence that better Pianos in tone, finish, action. Ac, have seen in ma part of me world.

They ure full strings to a note, rosewood cases, finished in the highest tyle of art. and accompanied, each one. by a cover or ilne l'rench cloth lined with chamois leather. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine W.W-ii.5.rawCTW 01 tI1L' CENTRAL or XEW MUSI (J No. aiO tt est Jefferson Htreet (old No.

17-1). north eido, between Third and Fourth streets. Musical Instruments Of all kinds constantly on hand, as well as the best New 'JjJ Old Music, the best quality of STRINGS, INSTRUCTION ROOKS, and MUSICAL GOODS of every description. WH. iJIcCAiniELL, 310 Jefferson street (old No.

47-0, doors west or Third street, eplidi3TViSa.twislnmtf LOUISVILLE. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SOUTHEAST CORNER OP uxiI Jcll'crsou LOUISVILLE, KY. rounded 18-19. Chartered 18GO. jf The attention of the business men of the Southern ami Western States in general, and yirfft or Louisville.

and of the adjoining iri. towns and rities in particular, is respectfully uietl i i iae fnct that this Oyllege (how just entering upon I t-i twelfth i more fullv than ever prepared to Impart to students a thorough Musi newt Educauon. Vacation Clashes for Jbadies and Gentlemen WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, JULY 2d, Theraluableserricesof the following gentlemen have been secured for the occasion, who will do their inmost to Their names are so well known to the public that comment is unnecessary: T. 11. PJIILLIP, Professor of Rook-Keeping and Account-.

Mr. OT 10 ERNST, Professor of Laniriuipes, including German and French. Mr. CHARLES JJc.MAXUS, Professor of Penmanship and Lard Drawing. Mr Professor of Algebra, Arithmetic.

English Grammar anil Composition. WILL WALLACE JIAKXEY. Lecturer on Commer clal Law and Political Economy. Horns ok iNsiKLxnox From i'to 12 o'clock A. and from 2 to :1 o'clock P.

M. For a thorough course of instruction In Double Entry R-ink-Kcening, Commercial Calculations and Penmanship, cost oritook. 7: Graduation Pee, Jj; for instruction iu any of the other Departinents, per month, P-tya'de in advance. XonCE. Deks only are used for nook-keepers.

A feparate room has been expressly fitted U3 for ladies, the entrance to which is on Jetl'erson street. Ilooks written up. opened and closed, upon application to jlr. Phillip, at ihe rooms, or to W. A.

MYERS PitF.sir.BST. lnoa. Althy and (. w. TnouNnRiniv.

Ass'ts. je2iil.ini CHEAP, VRKY CIIRAI-LASTIVG HEELED GAITERS AT A I'Alll, AT OWEN fo WOOD'S. in CT'MMfT? Kid Clippers at cents a J-aiUus at 1 a pair; Do Kid heeled Ilootees at 1 21 a pair; Do Latiiig heeled Gaiters at 1 a pair-Do do Gaiters, without hecig, Misses' fine Lastlns black and colored Gaiters, with heWs, tl 21 a pair; Ladies' Enclish Lasting foxed and tipped, to close out, at pair. Remember the place. OWKS WOOD.

je street, one door above Third. KENTUCKY THE INSTITUTE IS DIRECTED by a Coard of isitors appointed by the and is under tin-superintendence of SC. W. MORC entduate of West i'omi anil a praciteal hutuueer, aided by able Pacuily. The course has all that Is taught in Cuticles and inure in -Mathematics, Construction.

Aifricnltut-t? ar.d Minine; also in Enalish Literature, ilistorical ilead-n---. an-l Modem Laiipuajres. S'hoois of Arehiteeture. hnginrrmr. Commerce, Medicine and Law.

admit nf select MtuHes to suit time, means. object of preparation. Th- will open September loth, Chanrea Itti per half year, payable in advance. Address the Superintendent, at "Military Institute, Franklin Spring, the muleriinned t'. Ub Ulih i"tn President of the Hoard.

KESTAURANTANDSALOON, Aot it'ieatt comer Fourth and 2farkct street, (oaseiikst,) BiiUMIAEI) STIUIBE Proprietor. I WOULD inform my friends and the public in peneraj. that I am prepared to furnish parties with raeals at all hours of the day and nlsht, either at my fcalooU or at their residences. Cl'-Lunch at 10 o'clock every mormnir. All persons iu want of all kinds of Game and Hsh can be -supplied by leaving their orders at the Saloon, jell dtf CAVI3, ANP Tavern, or Glasgow Junction.

BFI.L'SU inui'li the nearest and best route on the Louisville and Nashville Dailroad to the Mammoth Cave, itnly 7 mi. to the Mammonth Gave, and milts to Diamond Cave, winch is immediately on the Mammoth Cave road from Bell's. Passengers for Mammoth Cave i- tn "top at Diamond Cave without paying any additional staie fare-only pa vine cave fees. Visit rs for Oiaimmd Cave can stop lorone train, t-Q to Diamond Cave, and return to Dell's so as to be ready for the next train goimi L'lOm ve yiiiicca at all times will be ready to convey passen-ners to both or either Cave. The DIAMOXIH! AVE exceeds nnythlnc yet discovered forb-autv.

The Diamond and Mammoth (lave are now the two attractive of America. "The old ante-Itoom." the "Dell Tavern." is bavins additional buUd-ine erc teit so as to accommodate persons at otie time Ml who are desirous of ttetthii Rood aecoiumoda-tions wilt stop at the Hell Tavern, and visit at-jru-tive t'ave of the world. Hell's isitllK miles trom Louisville and from Nashville. Stare fare from Tavern to Mammoth Cave ami C.liis-ow jetl'dilm HABT CLARK, AVHOliESALtE WINKS AND LIQUORS, FKESU 1-UUIT3; PICKLES; SAUCH5; FANCY GKOCEIUES; Of all descriptions; NO. BET.

3IAlAM)MAIUiET. BOOTS A1STD SHOES AT COST! Zfarlft HtrfcU tat. Third tin it Fourth LouhrWe, Kv Havlns determined to quit business, will sell his entire stock of well assorted iitJDT5. SH(Ed, at Eastern 'prices for from this date. Ashei desirous to chise tip speedily, persons purciiasm? wouhl save money bv Giving him a call.

This announcement is made in rood faith, as an examination of his coodsand prices will P. S. All ind-'hted to the undersigned will please call and settle their accounts. JUST RECEIVED, THE CHEAPEST GOODS EVER SOLD AT THE 'CHEAF LACE STOKE, Si FOL'HTII STREET. BKAL LACE COLLARS at i.

cents a piece; Embroidered Dimity Hands at 12Xc a double Band: French Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 50 cents; Do do Do do Infants' Itobca from 3 to $10; Embroidered at 41 ut); Dhick Lace Veils from tOc to Printed Handkerchiefs at cents. Dluck Pusher Laces imm 12 to 24 inches wide, at prices never sold before. Jui returned from New ork wit a a larce Ftock of Goods which I boueht less than importation prici-j. can 10 s'" 'hau founh street. 1XAGS" OX cilli Icscx-iitiows9 itt lc27 J.

SUES'. NOTICE. Strayed or stolen from the manrti of the LouUville Marine Hospital, on the uiKtat of the StU an IftON-GKEV 31 A RE, five rears om, neiwecn anu iu mnti. -mit nettu rarities recollected Any information by which 1 can recover said mare. will be uetMltij tt. CHEES-E-English Dairy and Western Reserve Cheese just received and Tor sale at the lowest market prices by N. S. GLOKE A No. 2-t Fourth street.

between aim me uiver. Ai'l'Ll "5 11 bbls choice Apples, aounu anu li-K'nS i In lar-e barrels, just received this day nnd for tjjglgyfy sale by N. ij. GLOKE my25 rn. rnuriu Mreci.

HBBONS- 2'H cartoons new style fancy Bonnet Ribbons; do Taffeta Ribbons, all widths colors; jju uu ami co, uv uu. Just received and for sale by d.v-w OW 41SMalnreet. LINEN GOODS 2 cases -J-4 t'panish Linen; do Linen Duck; do Rlay Linen; do do do Drill; I do Linen Check; 1 do fancy Plaid Unen; JilPt received and for fale by jei uit I'Uii a in nan Bvrcth. SUNDRIES 1.000 bblB Mason City Tabic Salt; 5 000 7 ami ma Kicks do; 1 001) bbls common i-alt; ISObuls Misaotirl Tobacco; lXkesNcv Castle Soda; 100 bags Pepper and Atspice; lun boxes Madison Starch; Fnrsalcby GEO. L.

VALLANDIXGI1AM, i0 No. 4S Third atrect. below Maui. WIXES-Just rccelvea ana arrive per railroads h-om New York- 20 casKfl 2(tH do Prt "0: 10 jj do sireeKlalasatforsalclowby j. is.

HAY'bDaferlmrTimothy 40 do Straw, In store and for sale bj pATTJEN. St Wall street, jejj between Main and the River. IOTTON YARN-H0 bow No. 400, 500. 600, and 700 Oot- rtWi i JJaMJES LOW 00.7 ft

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