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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY TELEGRAPH. SPECIAL NOTICES. COMMERCIAL Steamboat and LOUISVILLE COURIER. MI.IMT14 The Pork Trade. Sinca our last the has been too warm for slaughtering.

The JLater from. Europe ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMER St. Johns. N. B.

Nov. 28. TheU. S.milsteam- Fnlton, from Havre and Southampton, passed Cape Rqe and her news paekago has been brought to the Blation by ihe Associated Press yacht. xne advices by tue niton are to the lata aud are four days later than those furnished by tho Vanderbilt.

The news parcel prepared for the Associated Press conteins the following intelligence: The English money market continued to reoover from tho recent shock and was decidedly easier. Notwithatandinsr ihe recovery several additional heavy tailnres are reported io nave occurred. Consols had advaneed a. The Bank of Prance was discounting liharailv. A general panic prevailed In EDgiish breadsmfl mnmen, mm pncea nuu utuuiucr fcenuency.

No report of the Liverpool cotton market is fur nished. The steamer Fulton will be dne at Now York on nest Tuesday at noon. Tho royal mail steamship Enropa, from Boston, on the 4th inst. via Halifax, arrived at Liverpool the 14th. The Pulton left Havre on the 17th, Southampton on the 18th.

She brings 8200,000 in specie, and a large amount of valnable merchandise. The financial advices aie of absorbing interest. Tho good effects of the suspension of the Bank Charier act was apparent throughout Great Britain. Then oney markets ore firmer. Several prominent houses suspended, but none in the American trade.

The Fuiton brings 71 passengers. Consols on the 18th wore 89S89f for money and 90 for account. The Bank of France, as was anticipated at last advices, had annonnosd its determination to lextond its issue. The rate of interest at Hamburg had receded, tho last quotation being 9J. several failures are reported in Prance; the most.

prominent oi these are Teltschc Wix, merchants 1 trade; Banlgett Picked, liabilities Leoaard, Boxen ia the Swedish trade; and Edwards Mitthic, East Indian trade; and Oalo-, ueill, brokers, of London. The "Woolverhftmpton and Staffordshire banks had stopped payment, andgreat excitemeaV existed at Wolverhampton iu consequence. Their liabilities are estimated at nearly half a million pounds sterling. Several iron manufacturing firms had called their creditors together for Ibo purpose Gf trying to make tsome amicable arrangement in order to avoid, if possible, a full suspension. The failures of most note in Paris are those of Boerden, Duberl and Hensota, Phillipne Nabcr.

Foreign Commercial. BY THE FULTON. LONDON, Nov. 17. In the produce market tE re 1ms been quite an improvement in Sugar, tie advance fiiLy reaching to 45 percent, In riCB and eoffee there is but little doing.

The tallow market is flat Manchester goodswere peneratly untitored in price. A slight improvement ha taken place ia woolen trade at Leeds. Hudde field a good Imiimjtg was doing-. The ra later LKwsfrom India, and no general nevs of importance from any part of the world. Thure was a heavy decline iu grain in Markets Lane yostejdav, cansiiig panio ihe trade.

Wheat is 2ra3d cheap in the belter Qualities; inferior is totally unsaleable. Linseed Oil noted at 2h'j'lB, LlVEiirooL, Nov. 17. Whsat'aTid il.iurBjeet vith slowretail sales, a decline on he week mi" 4'a6d on wheat, and 3s 6dQ2d on flour, In Indian corn but little inquiry, and quotations nominal. Arri al of the Jianiel Webster.

New Oileanh, Nov. 27. The Daniel Webster, from Havana the 25th, has arrived. She experienced heavy gies on the passage to Havana. She brings half a million lu treasure.

The Northern Light left the sama day with nearly two millions. Tho news of the loss of the Central America ctiusod general gloom in San Frjvscisoo. The courts adjourned, moetings we; held, and the mail company denounced. It is supposed that the accounts of Indian deDiedations ia Carson Valley were exaggerated. Farther news from the Plains confirms the belief the complicity of the Mormons in tho late massi ere.

The papers says that an efficient, army could be raised in Caliporriia against the Mormons. Harasthy. late rehuer ot too Mint, has been licted lor embezzling one hundred and fifty thou-- and dollars. The news of Sather Church's drafls being pros tested in Nev Tork caused a run on them which compelltd them to close. Several attachments were put on the house, mere were also runs on Tanimt Wild, and several others, hut none of them had closed at the sailing or tbe steamer.

'rue gold accounts are good. The markets were inactive. Haxal flour T. Talisman, from New York, had arrived. Enthusiastic Sickling.

New YokK, JsTov. 28. The of Music was crowded to its utmost capaciLy last rigbt bv he fiicnds of Mayor Wood, and thousands wero na me 10 ain admittance, inve dillereut were orgtmzed Itvina placo and Fourteenth treet, which were severally addressed by enthusi-. astic ppe.alcera. 'i he priocipal speakers in the Acsd emy wero Hon.

S. D. CushiuK, Fernando Vvood, Hon. Jno. Kelly, Jtion.

jno. uoenran, and Hiram Kc-tchum, jr. EurojieaH Advices. TitF.sPAasY, near St. Johns, Nov.

28. The yacht of the Associated Press ia stationed at her post nwaiting tbe steamer now due off this point with later Europeau advices. The weather is very ihick and it ia impossible to discover any object. Tub Army fob Utah. An officer of tho army for (Jta'i, writing to ths N.

O. Picayune on October 14th, says that 1300 men constitute the entire force. The number seams small, but the writer thinks it equal to any emergeney. He aayi: The whole population of Utah territory is not rated higher than Hfiy thousand by tha best on-thorities, and the Mormons themselves do not claim for Bait Lke City, a population or over fifteen thousand. But whatever the edds in numbers may bo against us, I feel every confidence that it will he more tban counterbalanced by the cool conrase and steady discipline of the troops, and that they will be able to scatter tho mob of fools, fanatics, and Bedlamites, that have dared to brave the military power ot the United btates be fore them like chaff before the wind.

Taokett Hung. Milton Tcckott was hung in Owingaviile, on Friday last, for the mnrder of plana cis Fielder. Although was ouo of the coldest and roughest days hava had this winter, and tho roads almost impassible, yet the number of people present upon the occasion have hoard estimated at two thousand. Tha unfortunate man met his doom aalmly. The only and last words which he spoke before baing launched into eternity, wore: "Good bye I hopa to meet all my friends in Heaven." He confessed to the killing, but insisted upon having dore it in seIfQdefnce.

The difficulty originated by the murdered man, Fishier, suddenly detecting Tackett wiih his (Pielger's) wife, under circumstances so suspicious that it scarcely lefS a doubt of there having been crim. con. between them. Tackett was himself a married mau, and Iraves a family. Mt.

Sterling Whig, 27.h. The Post Jeffekson (N. Thaobdy. Our readers recollect, perhaps, in the enormous catalogue of murders, the tragedy at Port Jefferson, Long Island, of Saturday last, when a man named Walters, after killing his wife, her soniu-daw, and nearly hilling the daughter, hung himself. The Coroner's inquest has shown that the cause or the troublevts originally a grievance between the husband and wife of a family sort, and of nearly two years stauding.

Walters, who was some sixty years bid, was everywhere known as an inoffensive, tern porate, "clever" man, much disposed to tell his neighbors of his most secret troubles. His grief unnerved him, and at last made him desperate. Something about a year ago he ordered home a shroud evidently hoping to frighten his wife into a change of treatment of him. She was fond of her children, and no less of her sonin-law, who took ap the quarrel against htdi, and had just ar ranged with a lawyer for a written settlement of theiraffaira. Walters is said to have possessed a good deal of proparty about Greenpoiut.

Repentance. Oar citizens will remember that some yearB ago Mr. C. L. Cosby was robbed of a considerable sum of money rear Bardstown, and no clue could be obtained of she robbers.

He was alone when waylaid by three men, who knocked him from his horse, choked him, and left him for dead. When he revived, his money was gone. Some weeks since a man in an adjacent county, on his death-bed, confessed to having been one of the robbers said his portion of the rohbery was 0800, which he had hidden and never spent. He told where it was to be found, and we under-taud, the money has been obtained and returned to Mr. Cosby.

Report says that he gave the name of one of his confederates, but refused to give anyoluoto the other, further than that he lived in-New Haven. Bardstown Gazette. Killed oa the B. O. Railroad.

Captain Walter Story, dispatcher of trains an the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between Wheeling and Fetter-man, was killed on Wednesday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, at Glovir Gap Tunnel. He was engaged in replacing an engine upon tbe track, and had a block and rope attached to another engine, which was drawing upon it, when some part of the ma. chinery gave way, aud the block struck him with suoh fores as to cause instant death. The same en gine ran off the track on Monday, and the engineer on it had both legs and both arms broken. First Sight of Snow.

To one who has never seen snow, or felt winter weather, the first sight of the earth wrapped in her winter mantle must he rather a strange sensation. A little daughter of tho G. Hay, who was born in Indiana, where frost, ice and cold weather are unknown, en-, ioyed, if that word oan be used in describing any sensation producedby cold, her first sight of sdow yesterday morning. Her exclamation at the dfs coveryrSbowshowpuzElIng the appearance was: said she 'who has painted tht ground?" Indianapolis Journal. Protests.

-We hear, on authority in whieh we place confidence, that both the English and French governments have, taken occasion to protest, through 'their ministers here, to this govercment, against Walker the second expedition to Central America. Those protests were probably scut to the" State Department some time since rjetore walker succeeded in eiuamsr tae vitruance of the federal authorities at New Orleans and Mos bile. Wash. Star. OFFICE OF THE LOUIi'! VJsh.

CoL'Kli-K, Satukday, Nov. 28 i Late foreign adricos were receivoil ycsloitlay, the general tone of which finaneially, waie comiderod though the commercial advices quote another slight decline in breadstufls. Our mantel la unchanged, with a contiiuad fair demand for flour and grain, and tobacco," with only light receipts. The hog aeasnn is iu mil pr -gre8, though the warm weather at preEen checks operations. WHISKY Sales of raw at 17ifrom the wharf, and 171-2 irom stores.

TOBACCO Sale i Saturday of 2 hhda new leaf at $8 30 and 9 75, the latter a very light hhd; also lot of mixed loose 30. GROCERIEV-Salea of 75 bags Bio CoITeo at Halite Sales of ii hhi3s iprinie new Sugar at SaBlc S'LOUR Ajfc GRAIN The Flour irarket is rather dioopinff for common brands, with lalei of somo 250 bbls in lota at 1524 choice brands continue to command $4 6. We hear of tho purchase, by a produce house of 1,000 bush red wheat, and bush prime white at 70a 73c per bushel. The wheat martet has undergone no change since our last; millers aiid shippers are still buying at 70a.T5e for red aud white; receipts fair. Rye, thefeeling better, but not quotahly higher; receipts modeiate.

and we quote at 43a45c. Iu Bailey, there is but littlo ofTerins.and may be quoted at 60a65c for prima spring and fall The rc- caipts of Corn by wagon are about equal ts tho demand for city consumption and filing at 30c; we hear of a purchase by a dealer of 500 bmsh for future delivery at 25c. Oats are not coming forward very froely; we hear of a purshass oraoObuahforrextweek'sdelivaiyat 25c; dealers generally ofiering 27c for small lots for immediate delivery. HAY Small sales on whayf 50 ior prime Timothy; no shipping demand. POTATOES No shipping demand; sales of small let1 from store at SI 40 to 1 5ojr bbl for prime white neshan-nocs.

FRtllT But little Btied Fruit, offering: are paying SI 75for Peaches. $1 to 31 10 ior Apples. ONIONS $8 to 2 50 par bbl from store. CHEESE Sales of "Western at 9a9 l-2c. TELEGRAPH Cincinnati Nov3jnber 18.

Flour unchanged and Arm. Hogj dull and offered freely visions are offered at a farther decline without leading to a t-1. art. homo- Tin ianrtn SurrnT Dative 3W1 finvbusinejs.therebeine no demand. Supar aative 31S0 hhds sdluat7ftfB3tie.

irtoiasssesso'ieaio. Baltimore, November 28, T71(vrir 8S 27 for Howard street and Ohio RcdwheatSl 081 15- white Si 25. New white uorn omitSG yeuow ayree zc. wmsjcy aaoaic.

Nbvt November 3S, N. Flesr heauy bbls sold at for State; 3 40 a. 73for Ohio: Southern unchained. Wheat h-avv flOO bush sold at 1 25 1 LB for white, aad 1 02 for Chicago SLrinjr. Corn has advanced 8,000 sod a SWe.

MessPork 1ms fleclinsd 40 quoting ns $18 505DS19; prime Pork 20 Gts lower at 311 TUfclfi 75. New York, November 28, p. m. Sales of Cotton to-dav H00 balaa. Flour he aw 10,000 bblsBOld.

Cornfirm 13,500 sold. firm Bacon doll short rib middles 6 l-Ic. Linseed Oil Ma54c. Cincinnati, Nov. 28, p.

Flourclosid dullunderthe news from NewYoik, but not loner sold at $4 40. Grain oetiv-and scarce 80O90 fur red aud white wheat -65ffl75c ior prime spring and fall banev 33c f-ir Oats 35'343c for nnv una ld Corn. Whisk Ann at IT l-2c. Hojtb dullan'l irreeu-lar cloiingatSt'orthose averngitr SOOlbs, and unsettled. ProvisiouslowornndduH.

ATcbb Eorfc 813 5018 7i. Oreenmeat 4j 6 l-2c for ah ulders; sides and hams veiydiill; lard declined to 9 l-2at0 l-3c for bbl and fce. Good demand for keat a decline. Sew York. Stock Market.

Naw YoaK.Novembor 28, M. Steaks market dull. Chiejjo and Rock Island 78iW; La Crasea analMilwaoMe 11 1-2; New York Cemr'l Rad-ins 53; Galena and Chicago 79 1-2; Brio 133; Cleavelani! and Toledo 40H, Sterling exchange 109; imhotland C-al CoillOli: Illinois Central 94S; Bonds87; Michigan South-orti l7M: NewYnrk Contra! pctua Coal 01: Virginia sixes ii9JiS; Missouri sjsei79k'. New York, Nov. i8, P.

M. Stocks dull and lower. Money Market. Baltimore, Nov. 28, m.

CINOISKATI. NOV. 28, P. M. Exohange 103 1-2.

Money market unchanged. 'OUT OF VILLH. ARR1VALS- November 28 and 29. uma Drsu, Cnrrollton; SuDerior, Cin; 'rleirrQih. Cin: FredjJ'rou, Cin; Seventy Six, Landis Wm Forest City.

Pi 'sb; Ar joDKut, Pittsh: Glendale. Mtmphis; Bridges.Green River jncKman, Queen oUie West, EavTs, Owentb; WClismau, Cin; He rv Filzpugh, Cin; Kay City St Louis; Kate French, Cin; Jas Montgomery, DKPAIITURSS. Minerva, Pitts; Superior, Cin: Braoolet, Oreon river; BnyCity.Put'-b; Landis, Cin; Freil Tron, -t. Lnuig; ivteinphis; WCheosman. Kate French, Cin; Fitzhugh, Memphis: Empress.

New Orleans; EmmaDean, Carrolton; Endeavor, Kt 1 ouie. TeleprnphNo 3. Cin; Queen of the West, Cin; A Kaves.Owensb; Peventv Six, Nasliv; Forust City. Sain" Louis; Jcndale, Cin. MEMORANDA.

The Jamas (Turnery lef NewOrl-3-ns on fluturdny evrtninp at 8 o'cIocV. in port for Met Baltic first night out, 23d met tin: Wo dfiird al Tlruiiisburff. 2Gth- met Antelope foot of Is-land 37. P.tsstnl Fannv BuUHt below 35, on one wbeoh 7lh met High FlyerVt. Hn dolph.

37th mT. New rnmh above Madrid. 23th met JteouLlic nt Curlew mines: Virginia in Shnw nee town llend; Moses McLellai in Hen derson BolU. I'Qtii met Emuresaat Hat fie d's Landing met ice above Tiire mails to Cairo. SMBRiCIKG ONLY THE LEADING AR I IfflLEi OF IMPORT.

CINCINNATI Per Superior 5 bxa lemons Gsotano IP hdlsir 2 bali-s Diana -25 bags bnnkwhBat Moody 25 pttgs f'liriture Simon 50 bis Cht-cso llurkhardt 13 baits wadding, 2 hhds bacon. 4 bd La butter, 35 pkgs, owners. KENTUCKY RIVER Per Kate French-500 hoss-95 bbls whisk, ow U6is. CINCINNATI Per TleEtBDh 27 nkss 3 Low-3 laUls-' Pitkiu 27 b. oysters.

Urso -2f raisins. Bra las 100 do do, 100 do C-attar. c50 bXs Nsnry exp pacltsgos, Adams 33 ompty casks, pfcs stert" 14 casks 34 pkg furniture, 10 coils rape, 30 bdlsircii.C bba cheat 34 pKgs, owners. EASTPORT-PerWmKnoxii0 fcera bales mdso. 4undr ea, owners.

CARVOLLTON-Por FmmaKo'ii 84 blila whisky. JnK Root 500 do do.W Wellar 100 dodo Jones 1 hd tobacco, Pickett Warehouse -330 bales Iuit, 287 lord kegs, 10 beer.lobbla agri, 91 bags corn, 45 do oats, 30 do whsat, 10 bblis app pkgs m(3so, ovtneri. SAINT LOUIS Per BavCitv 70 hnlan liomn. 11 hhls flour, owners. MEMPHIS Per Glondale 29ba.e cotton.

1 aoil rope 1 chesf ownorj. NEW ORLEANS Per Jm Montnomcry 50bblsmo-lRiSrtn. H7 br Hindse. his rais ins, Fonda Mor is 69hiids gar, A Buchanan ft co 37 bbls molasses, Gardner co fl hi" bnl syrup, Brent Co 82 htidssugrar, ftloord, Murrny Hayden 14 dn do; Kftwson uvous. luiid tio Hewcomb ro-4 do do Wm Gay 25 bxs mdso, Bradas Snuitz 27 bales moss, Bottorson haes 50 bbls 1 bale cotton, order 1 bbls potatoes, Juck Bro-6 bbls ale, F'k lunnas augar, is uujran uo.

DIED. At Eagle Pueb, Texas, on 1st Mr. John Cook, ale of this city. BEWAK1). OR STOLEN.

A VALUABLE Double Case Hnr.ters Gold AiLti. umnuiao'ureu IJtf shoo. nhninn. T.iv- fece. mvsteriouslv dis anppared fro.Ti my poelit helve on iho buuis ot -1 mi u-siuf r.

uay, wlulo walking down Muin street fromSecond to Twelfth sticet. Tbe above rflwunl "Mil be paid fortlig restoration of it. by being le it at tb Courirr Office. 20d3 HAHRY STUCKKY. Thid Street Confectionary.

FRUIT AND VA PIETY r.STABLISL. 1UENT NO, SO, ABOVE MAIN. THE aubtieriborhas now on hauda goodttock of articles mhioliiui ho offers to dealers at the loweut rates, consisim? in part of Raisins whole, half ami quarter boxee; andZmto Cur-ronti-'and G-noa Citron; Eljrs, Snrdinss, Oranges, Lemons, Preserves, Jel HermetiojUt Senled Emits in Bottles and Cans, fresh Co Oysters i whole and hall Cans, rofh Lobsters, lJak an Spiced Oysters in Bo' ties Pioklt3. Ponner f)uca. Catsui)3.

Fir Wo Vn. Vim Craokorp, fcc. Sic. Al-o, a. lane nmortmt-ut of all kinds ot Candies unU sugar loys.

in short every ece stn-ry tor the Cbristmas Holiidays. Also, Toys in cases and from tho shelves. nov23 ALFRED BORIE. QIO COFFEE-r-250bagspnmeRioCoiro store ana It Lforsale by nlO MARSHALL HALBERT CO. nnABLE SALT CObo rols Table Salt in email bags jl aim loraaic ny nl6 MAKSHALL HALBERT GO HES ifX 0 round ood boxes: 10 do do.

npaperboies, In store and for sale by MARSHALL HALUERT HARDWARE AND STOCK BELL DEPOT! 501 MAIN STREET Between Thirdand Fourth a few doors abovethe NATIONAL HSOXEL, BUILDERS-1 HARDWARE; HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE; ME CHANT OS' TOOLS; STOCK BELLS'. Sic, Sic: All of the best Quality and most approved si ilea, for sale wholesale and rot all by J. G.DODGE. Some say Cost, Cost, Cost! BUT I SAY CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP GEO.BLANCHABD, Golden Hand new arrival of rich and oiegant Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Also, Poya' Clotbinff, Gum Elastic Goods, Gum Belt ing, Gam Packins, GEO.

BLANCHARD, noy23 Opposite Gait House. SELLING OFF AT CO ST (to tho purphasar). AUS AGE-MEAT CUTTERS; Do do StuffBrs; i.nd 3 bushel Grata Bags; Com ShellerB; Straw Culters; ForflaUby PITKIN BROTHERS. "South-western Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, nl8 fllSMamstieat, Louisrille.KT. CJHIPSTUFF 41 bait Shipituff, an eicellnt article Oior cow ffiflO.just receivea ana ior snie t.j J.F.JEFFERSON.

oornerBrookand Marketstroeta. Obexes, halves and quarters, Just recoived and for sale by A. Ot JKJ) corner Brook andMarket streets. YEBMIFUGS 0 gross Fahnestock's and MeLano's Vcrmlfiwe TOceived and for sale by CABY St TALBOT, Druggists, ni 7 Market stmt, between Thjrd and Fourth. STARCH-nlT -30 boxes for sale by CARY TALBOT.

INDIGO-nlT -300 lbs prims Indigo for sale by CARY TALBOT. SUGAR 5 hhds oholse new Louisiana Sugar landin ier steamer H. D. Newcomb and for sale ly ANDREW BUCHANAN CO. (TIOLDEN SYRUP 55i bbls Baltimore Fxtia Golden aT Sttup I a ruing por miiuu.i uuu iui tma oy fir ANDREW BUCHANAN fe CO tHBBSE SS0 boxesohoiooW.

R. Cheese JustTeceived DOr 91 earner supsnui nuu iuj xniauy aNOBEVaffo'liANAN Sr CO AJt-KS' COAL SHOVELS, Coal Hods, Sausage Cut Jars, Meat Saw. Butoher Knives, all of thebost aualitT, just received and for sale by n28 G. DODGE. number killfid Imp; Tint nnif.rt Tfinr.bpd 10.000 Uogs, as we reported on Saturday.

Tho market continues dull and unsettled. The only st le we hear of is a choice lot of 180 head to a dealer at $5 25 net, cash, railroad expensos paid. Packers refuse to pay those prices. The market at Cincinnati is depressed, and even duller than heretofore reported, as will bo seen by tho following fromthe Cincinnati Gazette of Saturday: As yet but few hogs have come forward from Ohio or Indiana, and tho receipts from Kentucky indicate an increase from that State for the season. Drovers may, by taking hold and pocking half or two-thirds of the receipts on thsir own account, and salting down tho products, bring about a reac.

tioj, bnt as matters now stand, the market is evidently not in a oondition to bear any considerable weight. Closing unsettled at about for shoulders; for mess pork, 10c for barrel lard and 10Jal0o for keg do; buyers offering 5Jc for green sides, and fijc for hams. We heard that tte latter were offered for next week's delivery at 6ic. The receipts from all quarters are heavy, and we learn that Indiana farmers are very anxious tosell at 4ja5cnet. At Danvillo saleehavobeen made at 83 60a4, gross.

At Bardstown engagements were made it S4 on four months time. Sales made at Owensboro at $4 50 on time. The Bowling Green Standard of the 28th says: Messrs. Qaigley and Mr. Perkins, from Boston are offering 4 net for hogs, weighing 200 ponads.

We letrn tha6 they have purchased Borne at that price. The rarmers generally are not dis posed to take 84, and packers are not disposed to above that figure. Bsttsb Late than Never. We are often apt to determine our movements by the success of our neighbors, forgetting that delay in some cases may be a I033 of opportunity, and often converts simple into complicated ones. We were led to these remarks by hearing that Dr.

Von Moschzisker's reems, at the Gait House, wsre crowded with people suffering from defective vision and hearing who had delayed calling on him waiting to see what success he would have with others; andnow that he is about to leave the city, and they have seen and heard what he is able fo do, they crowd in en him anxious to consult him on their defects, and likewise to pureiase his Pant.issopic Glasses. We have from the first, in a leading artiele, ad vised those who need his services at once to apply to him, and we did se in good faith, from his valuable loiters and from the great success we saw by our exchanges he had in other cities, and from tho wide-spread reputation ho enjoys as tho first ooulist and aurist in tho Union. We are, however, glad to see, from a card in our special notice column, that tho Doctor has consented to remain another week with us, and wo say to all who need him, or who want hi'i Pantascopic Glasses, which possess so many qualities to render them superior to any ether you can see him this week, therefore delay no lonoer. Ths Keokuk Daily Journal. Charles D.

Kirk, late of this city, has made his appearance in Keokuk as editor and proprietor of the Daily Journal. The first number of his paper appeared Monday morning, November 23.1, and very interesting number it is. The salutatory is beautifully written and sound in Democratic doctrines. If the succeeding numbers of the Journil come up io the standard fixed by the first, Mr. Kirk will have plenty of subscribers and friends.

We welcome him as a valuable acquisition to tho editorial corps of our country and wish that success may crown his every effort. We commend him to the people of his new home as a young genllenrm of rare attainments and genius, whose writings will both please and instruct those who Bhall read them. Counci lor Taylor Declines. We see by a noto published in the Ping Vgly organ of last Saturday that C. T.

Taylor, a remarkable member of the Louisvile bar, declines to permit his name to go before tho convention that assem blcs December 5th, according to the order of tho Knight of the secret nominatea cm didato for fhe office of Circuit Judge of this dis' We have no interests in common with the party to which Mr. Taylor bolongs, but we slight ly regret that his name will mot be before the convention, since its absenco will unquestionably caus them to nominate somebodv else. 'J lie mere mention ofCouncelor Taylr in connection with the Circuit Judgeship, sue Bests a blank that it will be difficult to fill, out of the materia1 now at the command of bis party. AluitDBR AND MysTSKIOUS DEATH or TUB MoR derkr Harrison Mauzy, of Daviess county, Kentuoky, a dissipated man, on the night of tho 19th, murdered' his wife, by striking her with apiece of a rail, in a fit of frenzy. He was arrested for the crime and nlaced in the jail at Owensboro.

On tho night of the 24tk persons in tho street heard cries of "murder," "help," issuing from the jail, but did not invasiigate tho matter. Next morning Mauzy was found speechless, and died in a few hours An examination of the body was made, and there seems no donbt, from tho marks of violence thereon, that tho unfortunate man came to his loath bv violent means. Such was the verdict of the coroner's jury. The affair will, no doubt be further investigated. Born to Good Luck.

Mr. John Martin, of London, is 'seing put in possession of the nen's property," which for so lonp; a period has been without a recognized heir. The cash he nhorits amounts to the gigantic sum of 880,000, 000, while his income will bo $1,250,000 per annum. That is something like a fortune. The lucky inheritorlus been wretchedly poor all his preceding lifs.

commond tho following to those who enjoy the ucnohts ot wateiiworxs: About twonty-two years ago, at Philadelphia, the water from tho Fairmount Water-Works assumed very unpleasant tasto. All analyzationproing a failure, they conoluded to elean out tho reservoir. And on doing S3, found the bodies eleven children, in a partial state of putrofac tion, and the skeletons of eight more, making aineteon dead bodies. E3F Allen Butler, the general agent of the Now York Central Railroad, is now in the city, at the Louisville Hotel. The road, wo ate happy to state, is as popular as ever, and always has the preference over other routes, as it en joys the reputation of boing both ably and care fully managed.

ES-BIoominston, and vicinity, seems rather a hard place, given much to murdeis Regulators and that sort of thing. Some of the citizens a few days since burned Judge Hanna in effigy, because ef his action in some legal caso. The Evkriastino Florida War. The Tampa (Florida) Peninsula says that the entire military force now in Florida has been ordered out on active service. It comprises about two thousand men, and it seem probable that they will be able to conquer the Indians.

Jgy Bishop Spalding has reeently made a visitation to the shurches in the vieinity of Leb1 anon, Marion county. He confirmed one nim dred and twentysfive persoas, and made arrange ments for the building of a new church at St Vincent, whieh will be commenced early next year. Nathan Clifford, of Maine, it is con fidently stated, will succeed Judge Curtis as an Associite Justice of the Supreme Court of th United States tThe New York Congressional delegation at their meeting at Delmonico'e it is said, aeieed on Orr for speaker, and Allen, of 111 for clerk. A Fiobtt- rFoley, Mayor, of Covington, and Patton, tho Prssident of the Council of that city had a fight the other night. They were fined 92 60 each, next day, by a magistrate.

DO" A boy, renteen years old, was married some months ago, to a youthful Miss. On Tues day the boy's father arrived from Muscatine, Iowa, and took his boy home to lea'n a trait'. "Thejj'ourse of true love," TE A il A 1, KAV I 11 1 A Y- FOE ABVBllTIsEMENTS SEE FIBsT PAGE. TELEGRAPH A EAVES. Dunoan.

Owensboro. WM HURTOIV, inkier, O. JAS. MONTGOMERY; Sam Montgomery, I1 PATTON No 3. Bernaril.Flbrence.

GEN. PIKE, Puller. O. TIMELJoanson. V.astport; COMMODORE PERRY, Memphis.

TEMPBST, Parr, Nosh. RIVER AND WEATHER. NEWS BY TE LBGRAPK, Novombor 28, River5 feot by pier mark, and falling Msroury 36. Weather mild, with appearance of. PlTTBURe.

Nov. 28, p. The river i feet by pier isark-aal fUlntr. Weather cloudy. Mereury 30.

ST. Louis, Nov. 28, r. M. The rivercontiimeitofall, and the ice is disappsariug apitliv.

The gorge at Water's Landing- has broten up( aad navlgat on South will doubtless soon be resumed. The weather ismild.withindicationsof rain. St. Louis, November 28, Tho river fell loversl inches iu the last 24 hours, aad the ice is now runningiinuch softer and In less quantities. Weather clear and very mild, with a south wind.

CwelKNATt Nov. 28, M. River fallen threeinces sinee last evening. Weather is clear aad mild. Thermometer d6deg.

Cincinnati, Nor. 28, r. The river unchanged. Weather e'earand irllo. DETKCIT; Nov.

28, P.M. Weather mild and thawing fast. Tl.o ice at the mouth of the river isteported tob? giving way. Indicationsthis eve ing wero a large fleet of vesselB detained in the rlver Willbeable to set into Lake Erie to-morrow or Monday. Seven propollers arrived trom Cbicag i report many vessels ashore on Lako Huron and Lake BUFFALO, Nov.

28, P. M. Weather warm and pleasant. Vessels are moving ireely and canal thawing out. AaBANT.

NOA.28.P M. The weather here to day is qmto mild. It is now conn- deutly ealcttlatedthat all boats in the this side of Montezuma, at least, will get to 'ide water. 'Ihe beat judges predict an opening to Hoaneser. The Bivbr was falling yesterday, with fourfeit nine inches water on the falls.

In the canal there were six feet nine inches by tho The weather has been unusually warm for ifhe past few days, with light drizzling rains yesteruay. The Forest uitv on ner way io loivEDurg. ar rived here Saturday night early, and went over the falls vesterday moraine-. The clerk is Mr. James Kerbv.

The Madison packet Eato Frenoh was at tho wharf yesterday with a cargo of live hogs from Jackson lauding. Naw Steamer W. Burton for N. Orleans. CaDt llinkl.v's nw earner, theAV.

Burton, starts for fiew urlcana tnis evening a oiook, irom Portland. She is a aood. staucch boat, with flue cap city l'or freight and passengers. The following are her dimensions: Lcnsfth 180 feet; beam 35 teet; depth of hole 6 feet. Sha lias 3 bsilers, each 20 foe, long aid 42 inohes diameter, with 5 fines in each.

She is furnished with a doctor, and has two engines and freight-hoi or "nigger" with cyl. inaers leet swoKe, ana i incned in ainrueiei, xne water-whel 27 feet in diameter, with 8 feet length of buckets. The cabin has staterooms on each side. ranking accommodations for 56 passengers. The Burton draws 32 ittohoo water Hunt.

The bull was bniltbv Charles Wible; engines by Lent, South Shioman; cabin by Thompson Baler: furniture and upholstery by Scott Brindly: oarpets, cur tains. luroisriou Dy nurinui a aianu; queens- ware and cutlery by Brown, Johnson Crane all of New Albany, lnd. lie vv. burton nas neen nunc ny uani. nuiKiy for the sugar and eottou trade botwoen New Urn lsans and Opslonsas.

via Atclnfaylaya. Captain Win. Uuderwo-d, of the now steurner John Eame, will nilot the boat to New Orleans. The agents are Smith Coyle, Wall street. aSff-The St.

papers of Saturday have a rwoitos tnesmKina ri me is-cokk pacKoi Bin netto, above Tuny, sue nad two purges wnen sue left St. Louis, one of which was sunk in a storm opposite Louisiana, but was afterwards raised. It Is proDfloietnat wnen sne suiik me uarges were not with her. The Brunette had a large amount of freight on bodrd. Anotuer gentleman, Mr.

kuuu, wno lcit yuuioy on Thursday, Informs us that the river had fallen suddenly two feet at tl-at place, and that very little Ice was floating past wnen be mi- It is believed that the Mississippi river bail gorged at the head of the lower rapids. The Aunt Letty run hard aground at the head ot box iiaud. more were only eighteen inohes of water where she grounded, and ihe river had fallen considerably since Captain Gray left the Henrietta at Fulton City, at which town teams were being drawn across the river on the ioe. The Henrietta is in a good harbor, and the Auoubon at the samo place. The Laclede is laid up for the winter at Dallas, the Chip pewa got to KoeK lslauti, and tne ciara nine win pass the winter at the foot of Dallas Island.

Ths David White. We learn by a special des pateh from Cipt. McGill that the David White, from New Orleans, was at Memphis, Friday niffhl, Lwith 600 tons of freight for this city. She left Now urleaus lass oionaay, ana ii uue mis evening, bringing the heaviest freight of the season The Davlu White returns to Hew Orleans on Wednesday evening, the 2d and we hope passengers and shippers will bear her in mind. ffiSfThe Mississippi liver, below St.

bonis, was eorged ice last week, and navigation susnerded catching several boats in an usrly fix. The warm weather has since opened the river, as will be seen by oar despatches of Saturday evening. xno ioe naa gsriett at wiuow waters', connmng the Greenwood aau Maitna Jewcit. The jNerr Uncle Sam was detained at the gorge, id while there, ctuirht fire in tliecaplain's room the re burning a hole through the deck. Its timely discovery prevented damage.

3p ihe Kanawha packet, that reached Cincin nati Friday evening, reports that river rising, with 4i to 5 feet water in the channel, a great deal of snow the mountains, and snow aud ice mtluug rapidly. Ihe rlBQ in rtanawhs is a suroty ol a swell in tho Cumberland. The Argonaut reports the Big Sandy swelling, and the Portsmouth reports that the bcioto is running a large amount of ice. Fos New Oblbaks. Tho splendid passancer atearer James returns to jNew Ur leans ibis evomng at o'ciock, trom t'oruanu.

fabe has choice accommodations and good officers, Capl. Sam Montgomery beine one of the best boatmen afloat, aad Jamas A. Lowry the raoss'nttentivc cleric. iSF The Nashville packet John Gault, as we learn by a special despatch, left Satur day evening for this port. She is due Wednesday meivmjf, ana will return to iNasiivme again or Saturday punctually Thanks to tho oQicor3 of the James Moirt Koniery for the latest New Orleans dates and i manues.

hc unnga a larce cargo, inctudiuo; sil hogsheads ot angar, upwards of 100 hogsheads of wblch is lor umcmnati. are authorized to say that the deck pas; sengers to whom the fire on the Rainbow is at tributed, had uo difficulty with any of the crew of the Kainbow, aud there were no Lrermans on the boat. The intoxication and fighting was confined to tuase persons. Win. Dickson, haviugbeen overhauled and repaired in the canal dock, is now at the wharf in good order.

Capt. Bangh will probably take her to tlie Tennessee river. BgsF'Tho arrivals at New Orleans on the 27th ware the ueienuer. trom Uincmuaii, ana the Uhan- eellor aud Paircbild, from Louisville. TWe learn that Mr.

Chas. Topping, late of th mail lino, has been appointed clerk of the Ar- gyle. tg2F Tbo Empress started to New Orleans on her her lirat trip on baturday morning, inn ot pas rengers and a good treight. Tho Timo, Captain Johnson, arrived from Tennessee river Jat evening. es1 The renowned Teleerrapn Wo.

3 is tho man ana passenger pacKet ior uincinnsn as noon to-aay l1 The R. M. Pattou No. 2 having been de taiued, starts to Eastport this evrnlug. Ths Fannv Bullitt, from New Orleans, is dne to-day.

The new steamer Caddo Belle staits to New urisans to morrow. IrgT On Friday afternoon, a little girl named Sarah Clark, about ten years was run over by a dray in Pittsburg. and instantly killed Tho driver was arrested. ECTHon. A.

G. Talbott, who had located a farm in Missouri, has concluded to give it up, and the families he had or the premises have returned to Kentucky to live. This is emigrating EasN ward. Chanchllob Ext ao Rn in aire. r-The members of the bar elected Walker Morris, Fri day to sit asl Chancellor in caso in which Hon.

Calob Logan was interested. "War Agaixbt England. The Paris Pays, of November 8, says that the Government of tho Celestial Empire officially declared war against England on the 12th of September. fET A fellow was sent to jail the other day, in "suspeoted of being a fool," Our jail would not hold all who are known here to be such. ESAjudgein New York has decided that thSs notice on railroad checks, "good lor tnis trip only," has no legal force.

Hadsoll and French, the St, Louis dry goods swindlers, have been arrested in New York, and 819,000 in money recovered from them. Au old gentleman once said, in speaking of the bad consequences of disparity bf fortune especially ori the wife's aide in marriage that when he married he had 20 oents and bis wife 25, and that she was throwing np that estra 6 cents to him forever alter tneir marriage. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1887. EF-SSB FIRST PAOE. Job Printing by Steam.

Citizens ami strangers would do well to remember t'uat we have the largest and best ap pointed Job Office in tliocity, with steam power pre ses and skillful workmen, and are prepared 0 fin orders for every description of printing at tli shortest notice, and at the very lowest cash prices. Specimens of printingcan be seen by calling at the "Courier Job Office." TSie Casli System. The multiplicity of small bills that are accu-jnuUtiii on our books admonishes us of the necessity ofhereafter of adopting the Cash System, and adhering to it rigidly. Hereafter, the cash oull in all ca'ea be requirti for all transient advertising and job work. Only Fifty Cents a Mouth.

Persons in the country who wish to keep posted with all the political and miscellaneous news of the day, can have the Daily Courier forwarded them for any desired time at the very low price of FIFTY CENTS per month. Theatre. The admirable comedy of "Still Waters Run Deep' from'the pen of Tom Taylor, will be produced this evening. The Manager has this opportunity of airing his stock compae ny, in consequence of the non-arrival of Mr. Chanfrau, who has been detained, by railroad accident, near Buffalo; and we think the oocasion will prove that the regularly engaged artists of the Company can present as attractive an entr tainment as come of tho "stars" who have visited us this season.

In the comedy, that correct actor, Mr. Elmore, perfoims John Mildmay. Mr. Lorion appears as Old Potter; Mr. Mesfayer does Capt.

Hawkloy; Mig Annie Graham, Mrtr.Mild-may; and Mrs. Gilbert, tho streng-minded Mrs. Sternhold. Tho favorito drama of Robert Macaire will also be acted, with Messrs. Scallan and Mestayer as the cheveliers i'iniustrie Jaequee Strop and Bertrand.

trust our citizens will attend this evening to witness tho most successful of the recent comedies which has not been haeked out by frequent repetition. DdATii op Sthphbw Chbmoweth. We are informed that Mr. Chenoweth, who died last Thursday, at his residence in Jefferson county, had been ill for about one week. His death was not as sudden as we had been informed.

He is said to have died of a congestive ahill, and his family were around him when life became extinct. He was one of our oldest and best citizens, and his death will leave a void in the domestic and in the community, not to be filled. He was one of tha few survivors of the soldiers of tho battle of New Orleans. GaiBBiso Money. Charley Hall, who hails from the oity of Porkopolis, at a coffee-house on Third street, between Main and the river, yesterday grabbed some twenty dollars from a man, but attorvvards gave it up.

Seeing a policeman, and fearing an arrest, probably, he then made off, attempting to make his escape. He was puiv sued by a crowd, one ef which, John Duff, caught and held him until Officer Bligh relieved him of the charge. Hall will answor, this morning, at the bar of justice, for introducing this vile Cin-. cinnati practice in a respectable city. Fracas.

A row took place Saturday on the upper end of Jefferson strset, between Bob Gray and Charley Hybtck, which resultod in Gray shooting at the latter, but missing him. Officer Tom Weatherford proceeded to arrest Gray, who resisted, and attempted to cut or shoot him. Weatherford drew his pistol and pulled the trigger, but the weapon wouldn't go off. It had the desired ffoct, however, as Gray then submitted to the arrest. He was immediately taken to jail.

No Morb Complaint from Corns. We shall verv soon hear no more complaint of suffering from corns, as every one seems determinsd have them extracted by Dr. Ealing, who does it so easy and expeditiously that all who call upon him seem quite delighted to be so instantaneous ly relieved of the corn that has annoyed thorn for years. Be sure and reid the certificates from well-known and influential parties here. They will bo found in another column.

A Fowl Darkr y. Jeemej, a free darkey, who likewise enjoys the sobriquet of "Chicksn Jim," and not unfrcquently associates with white gentlemen in the cock-pit, was delivered at the lockup on Saturday. Tin particular charje entertained against this sable chicken-fighter is having appropria'ed to himself a number chickens to which he has no right. This is a fowl proceeding, which His Honor, the Judge of the Police Court, is expected to see rightod. Jbffkrson Strhet Baptist Sunday School.

The anniversary of this Sunday school will be celebrated on the night of November 30th, at 71 o'clock. We hope all friends of tho Sunday school cause will bo present, as It promises to be a very interesting occasion. Tho charge is only 25 cents tickets to bo had at the door. Camnkl Coal. It will bo by our advertising columns that our neighbors, Chas.

Miller have a new supply of the best eannoi coal. They scorn determined to kaop the market supplied with tile best of every kind of coal for keeping us warm during tho winter. ESP" There was an unusual number of drunken mon about the streets yesterday. Last night Third and Market streets wree made hideous by the maudlin ravings of seversl of these ehaps, who ought to be ashamed of thomselves, although we daro say they are not. The Craddock Affair.

Stcphon Baiid, one of the accused in the abovo affair, voluntarily surrendered himself yesterday into the custody of tha law. Tho investigation demanded by the parties implicated wvl take place on Wednesday. IO" Park Benjamin, a gontlcmati distinguished in the American literary world, and a brilliant lecturer, will be in this city during the present week, and favor our c'tizans with a lecture at Mozart ICTOur friends Col. Stapp and J. L.

Gibbons, of the Frankfort Yeoman, dropped in on us yesterday. Gibbons was spirited and vivacious as of old, and the Colonel looked positively blooming. B3Wc are requested to give notice that tonight the Panorama of Europe will be exhibited for the colored people of this city at Mozart Hall. Admission 25 cents children one dime. atrfhe alarm of fire, about noon, yesterday, was caused by a shod, ok Second street near tho river, catohing fire, which was extinguished without tho valuable aid of tho firemen.

IT? The Hon. J. H. Jewstt and Sam. O.

Pey ton, members elect to Congress, and Gov. Pow ell are in the city at present. Mr. Jewett leaves for the Federal City this morning. ICT Among the arrivalsin the city, we notice E.

Dudley Walker, Senator from Ohio and Muhlonburgh, Col. R. R. Bowling and Clint McClarty, Esqs. ICTOnly half prieo for all stylos of pieturos at McGiH's gallery, near iifth, on Main, until fur.

ther notice. dtf 0t jSyThe State Legislature convenes one week from this day. 83 John J. Dennis, a lawyer, was fined 8500 by Judge Cincinnati on Tues day. CTThe Cincinnati Gaxttto was shown a few days since, a specimen of beautiful granulated sugar cane.

The proeesg is yet a secret. a I havB yielded ititho urgent request of several Patients who camerom some distance to consult me; also to tho peisuasions of some respectable Citizens of Louisville, who me that there aie many of their friends who are anxious loconsilimo outl efective Vision and Hearing, and to provide themse ybs with my Pantascopic Glasses, I have consented to remain one week longer the Citv. Iiherefore beg of all who wish to see me, to do so" once, as I shall, most positively, leave after thin week. DB. MOSCHZISKEB, Oculist ami Auriat n30 'Oalt House.

THE BJEE HIVE GALLERY. Main Street, between Third and Fourth. A NEW establishment just opened, fcivmg to iUpatron unrB for their money than any other Gallery willdo. Got upon tho plan of drawing not a lottery, becauaa everyone 6ttB all he pays for. Ihree times out of four he gats more than lie pays for.

OneDallar entitles a lady or gentleman tr. t'oket, wldohmay draw a handsome Goid Pen, or LicHet.oi large gilt frame with a Picture iu it, and must, aleast drawaplcLiira iu a good case worth a dol ai anywhere. Do you perceive th advantHgo the Bee Hive ers yon over every other Gallery? You run no risk eflosicg. while youhayc tbe probabilities on your of making. Itii believed the large amount of tliis genercua proposition to the public will brine, will, in the long mn compensate the Beesfor whatlosse tliey msysustain in iu urawinaswnenever apnae ib ol4dtf AGUE il It TYPE Findinr that many of our citizens prefsrther.ld Daim- iuuvjptj.uuny oi inomouernpiciures.aiHVdeslTingnot on- lyiomajto myuaJlery a goucml to rend ci as far as possible, worthy of tbe good opinion of oui frionds.Ihaverecomtuo-noedtakinff Dauorreotype? and andedanotherroouiand anoperatorexpresslTfor the tak ingot lho sue Photographs.

These are in addition to Arnblotjpes.aielainotyFes- Let it be distinctly understood that I mike allpicltirea madeanywhereintheUmtedStates.andl make nothing titm i nave mate. Nsreropen outhe Sabbath. ni25dtf THEODORE HARRIS. DALLKY'S AIAGXCA30 PA1W EXTRACTOEe In all diseases inflammation more orlesa predominates now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of dif eases hence an imn.ediate cure. 1-alley'i agical Paia Extract orandttOthingelao, will allay inflammation at once and makeaccrtaiccure.

Extractor wil cure tho following: among a great catalogue of Corns, Bunions Chilblains, Bilts, Scrofula Ulcfir3FeTerSores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piks, Sore Eyes Goot, Swellings, ltiieuinatLem, Scald Head Salt rheum Baldness, Erysipelas, Rinirworm, Barbers Itch, Smallpox; Tosome it may appear incredulous that so many diseases should be roaehedby one article; suchawidoa will vanish whan reflation pointt to the faci, that tho ralveis aocml i nation of ingredients, each and evr- oca applying aperis antidot to its apposittlisorder. effects is niagical.betjause (he tiniPis so short between dictsasj and a perm: luut cure; audit isanx ractor salt draws all diseases out of the effectual part loaying nature as perfect as before the injury. It isscarce-ly necessary to say that no house, workshop, or manufactory should beono momei.t without it. No Pain Extractor isgfiDOiae unleastho box has upon it a plate ecgrs-vins, with Iho name of Henry Dalley, Manufacturer. sale by all ths druggists and patent mod cino dealers IhroughouriheUnited States and Canada.

Principal Depot, 183 Chambers street. New York. c. P. CFIACE.

IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. Do. Chbbcbmak's Pillb. The combinations of inredi entsin these Pills are the result of a long an4 extensive practice. Thoyaremildin their operation, and cortaii.

in corrocting allirrosularities, painful menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otln rwise, in the side, palpitation of Ute heart, disturbed slop, which always nriso from interruption of nature. They can be saeeessfully used as a preventive. These Pilla should nevei bo taken in as they wouiilCo sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Testable, and free irom anythinginjurious to life or health. Exp-icit directions, which shouldbe read, accompany sachbox.

Pnco $1. Sent by mail by enclosing $1 toDr. CoinelinsL.Chcore man. Box 4,531. Post office, New York city.

R. B. Hatch ings, Geneial Agent, fjr the United States, 163 Chamber Y. Raymond Patton, 74 Forrth street. Agents forLouisville.

aut37 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 10,000 men to engage inthesbie of the most popular selling Bocks iu America. Invalids mechanirs and teachers, wishing to travel fludthisto be a very profitable and pleasant busiccrs eoablingthtimtoBOBtliecojntry andmake money at the same time. Agents now in the business are clearup from $500 to por year. For full pai ticulnrs aud Books, address II. M.

RTJLISON, Queen City PuMuhing House, 1 A I Main street, Ci jieimiatt Ohio; or if living East.D. ItULISO Philadelphia. null A RETIRED PHYSICIAN. 75 YEARS OF AGE. WHOSE sands of life have nearly run out, discovered whilo 'n the Enst Indies, a certain cure for ioiisump tioii.Asthra Cuiislis, otds, and Geneml Dobiliiy The remedy wns discovert bv I im when Vis child, a tuiutrhtor.

was Riven uo 1o die. He htd heard much if the woi'derful roiloiativo and healing qunl-itie of proparaliorisniade from the India Hemp. 2nd the thought occuired to him that ho mif ht make a rtmedy forhisrhild. He studied hard and t-ucceedtd nahziui? Ins wishes. His child was cured and mnv and well jn nas smoe auminisiereu ii i-nocrnu 1 eni tiv to aiou- sandB ol i-uffeiers all caitt oi ih world, and 1 has nev er failed in making them complet elj healthr and happv.

Wi-hiue to do as much good as possible, be will send to such'of his uiSicted fellow homes as reouesi it. this mrinr. with full and eiolicit fcr nittkirg it up, mid successfully using it. He requires each indicant 10 inclte him one sliillmg thrre cents to be returned pes! ae oj the rtcine reniaii'der to be amiheri the men of this advertisement. Address Dli.

JABIKS. No. IU Grand street, nio Jerfoy City, N. J. PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY.

Office in Newcomb's Building, conrer of Main and liullitt streets, (entrance on Bullitt st.) Chartered Capita; -Paid iu aud Secured $400,000 $100,000 RISKS taken gii Shipmei.tR by Stehui-boats, by Vessels at Sea. and by the usual mode of inland transnnrtti( A1n mi A- the Hulltt and Annnrtenances of StRitni- boats. It. BUKGE, President. A.

HUM ESNIL, Vice President. JOS L. DANFORTH, Secret arv. DIRECTORS: Q. Armstrong, D.

R. 'V ounr, W. E. Snoddv, John S. Braniiir, John T.

Moore, mMlyis John A. Dunlap, James Bridgefoid, V. G. Eroot. Geo.

A. Ltwis, Robt. Murrill, BOEEHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, ZH9 OTLHB RATED HOLT.AND BIHBDY 70S DISEASE OF THE KTDNET8. LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY BIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Anil all the various aTec tior.s eonsaque -it upon a disease STOMACH OR LIVER, Such. iiS Indigestion, Acidity of tho Stomach, Colicky of DBjondencr Cos-tivones Blind and Bleeding Pilos.

in all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neiraleic has in numious instano pioTedlMghly benefioial, and in others orTeoted adecKleoouie. This it ft purely vegotab oompourd, proparad on stricti? scientilio priroiyles aftitheTaBrinTof the c.ele-brard Holland ProfcsRor, tfrerbave. EectniBB of its inmost of Iho European Siettse, it intro-ductlen into the United States as intend eJ nore esce-e allr for thOFe of our fatherlauil saattered here and thoru overtho fice of of this mighty country. Meeting with gr. at sucocsb among them, 1 now offer it to tho American public, knowing that its truly ivondeiful medicinal virtues mus ba ucltnowldgod.

I is particularly recommonded to tho; perKons whoso conttitutionemay liare been impaired tne continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of difstipution. Generally instantaneous in tfFiCt, It finds its way directly to toe seat of life, thrilling and quiekening everj nerTB, raiBing up the droopinc fnct, infusiiic new health andwigorin thesys'em. NOTICE Whoever eipoot 'o find this a heverage will bedisappoi-oted; but to ihoaHk, weak and lowspiritedtit will orove a eratefal aromatic ial. Dosaessed of sin gular remedial properties. CAUTION: Th erant nonularitv of this delightful Arnmn hK ir- ducsd monyim tntions, which the public sbouh' guard againBtpmchttBtng.

Be not persm.ced to rliy fnything else until you have givoj Boorhave -s Holland Bitters a fair trial. Onebottl wiilcenviLce how infinitely superior i. is to all these imitat ons. ErScld at 51 per bottle, or bottles for $5, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. CO.

I MANUyACTUHINa Pharniaccn lists and CJiemisis, PITTSBURGH, PA. GTSoldTri Louisville by Wilson Sttiibird.W. Springer St Market rtreet. Between Third and Fourth; Cary Talhofi, 433 BJarktt street, near Foarth, and Wrists generally. B.

i'. Soribner Agent for New Al bony. mSdeodlyis GREAT SACRIFICE. THE undersigned offer to sell their entire stock of CLOTHING AMD FURNISHING GOODS, to tte amount of 8100,000, at greatly reduced jprices, against the bills of any Solvent Free Buk. LICHTEN, LOWENTHAL nlO corner of Filth and Main streets.

DOCTOR. CARPENTER BIAYbeonndat his office on Fifth Ttfw daeSOdtf, C. JS WILSON GO'S Celebrated Family Flour FOR SALE BY AIXBN OWN Agents. Embroideries at Cost. THE subscriber, having on hand an unusually large stock of Embroideries, will sell them for tha balance, ofthoyearnt cost lor Cash only.

His assortment Is vary lurge, consisting of every variety of Collars and Coilfirs and Sleavos for Ladies and Blisses, Bands, Flouncings, Edgings, and J. T. THORNTON. nN d6 103 Fourth street. GREAT SALE AT IMPORTERS' EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH COMMENCING THIS MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK! SALES ROOMS OPEN FROM 9 TILL 4, illli 1C CLOAKS AND HAWLS AND CERTAIN MATERIALS! "Goods sold on credit will be charged our usual low pricks DUEKEE, HEATH MO.

107 FOURTH ST Between Market and Jefferson streets. n23 HAGAN BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS! Bibles, Prayer Boohs, HYMN BOOKS, In all the various Sizes Styles of Binding FROM 50c UP TO 50 EACH! SCHOOL BOORS! Readers. Grammars, Dictionaries, Arithmetics, Classical School Books, Miscellaneous School Books PLAYING CARDS! Fure Linen, Silk and Cotton Cards, FROM $1 TO 512 PER. DOZEN! Sam. Uart Co's Manufacture, Fine, Soft and Thin, the beat article brought to the market, and the only Cards Sporting Men use! MEDICAL BOOKS! ALL THE STANDARD TEXT-BOOKS IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SCIENCE, Always on Ma PAPERS! Letter, Cap, Commercial and Note! FROM $1- 25 TO 86 Oil PER REAM! A BIG STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND.

BLANK BOOKS! Ten Thousand Quires ALWAYS ON HAND, In all tlie various sizes "styles of Binding! FROM 12c $1 50 PER QUIRE. C. HAGAN So CO. rilaiii Street, soutliside, Between Third and Fourth, next door above Bank of. Lqfiisviue.

PICTURES. 477 ipiftir HARRIS'S GALLERY! Superb Blankets, Cheap. VS7E havoa.lors stock of Bed Blankets, also Negro Uianxeis. wmcu we win seiiatunpreesaemoaDar rains. nas u.

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