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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 7

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ICOAL exempting other lines. The Senate is considering- a 2-cent rate. JOSEPH E. DAVIDSON DIES, AGED THIRTY-THREE YEARS. ili' Ammunition Used By Wives In Campaign.

Best Pittsburg Lump $3.75 Per Load. ECLIPSE COAL CO. IK GIVE SEUATO.B EEKZ SEAT THE SENATE. 339 W. MARKET ST Phnnac Cumb.

18211822 I JT II OUes Home 1821918. v- EC HE AGPJEES TO GIVE WOMEN EIGHT OF STJFFEAGE. WM. EVERING, Mar. Refuses To Tell Grand Jury Who Wrote Editorial.

DESHA BAD WITNESS. JUDGE THREATENS TO TTTM TO SEND TO BE GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE Lexington, Ky Feb. 14. Special. Desha Breckinridge, editor of tho Lex- ins-ton Herald, was called before the grand jury to-day and asked who was the author of an editorial published in the Evening rjimrarv 7 i mildlv nation of I grand jury in indicting a number of prominent Democrats, including Moses Kaufman, chairman of ih Democratic jCity Committee, for violation of the Davenport, la and Miss Mary ni.

,1 Davidson, of Louisville, are the sur-election laws. Mr. Brecltinridge de- cl' 'cli0n laws. Mr. Brecldnrldge de clincd to answer the Question and tho grand Jury then asked the advice Jujee Parker a to what action thev should take.

Tho court suggested that Mr. Breckinridge be summoned again Saturday and asked to give his reasons for declining to answer. The grand jury, however, were not willing to wait and immediately called Mr. Breckinridge before them again. Upon his refusing to answer the second time lie was taken before the court.

Judge Parker read to him the ques- uoii men iiau peen asKoxl mm uy tne grand jury, which was as follows:" "Do you know who is the author of tho article in the Kentucky Evening Gazette of February 7, under tile head 'Unfortunate and asked if he still refused to answer it, Mr. Breckinridge said ho did The court then asked on what grounds he based ills refusal and Mr. replied: "I know who wrote the article, but do not think I am the proper person to answer the question, as I have no official connection with that paper. I publish It at my plant, but have no uitorial or official position On it. and AMUSEMENTS.

MACAULEY'S To-night, To-morrow Matinee and Night. LOUIS JAMES in Shakespeare's Greatest Comedy, The Merry Wives of Windsor. Prices Nights 115c to Mat. 25c to $1. Next, Ezra Kendall in Swell Elegant Jones THE NEW MASONIC To-nI 75c.

Lottto Blair Pa-rkex's Eeautirul Story of the Southland Week- UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES. Buster Brown. ATI EES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATO'KDAY. Bi-st Sea Li 25c MATINEE AVENUE Prices 10. 15 and 25c.

To-night 15. 25 and Cue. -PTir its A OF Introducing 1HE WAY THE the Wonderful TRANSGRESSOR Londseer Dogs. Next Woek Custer's Last Fight. HOPKINS Z'" Hifih-CIass Vauaevllle.

BUHLER anl OP.SNDORF: Zazell and Vcr. non ItaJer Bros, and Sunbeams: Four Em. perors of Music: Elizabeth Murray: A. O. Duncan: Charley Harris; Klnodrome.

70 In good renting neighborhood, within fifteen minutes' walk of Fourth and Main, an apartment house renting to three tenants who have been in the house for years. This is not something that can be done, but what we are now doing, and we want to show you. Price $5,500. T. FARMER E.

Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 445 W. JEFFERSON. FOR RENT Desirable Office Rooms. Room No. 57.

Room No. 30, Fourth Floor. Immediate Possession. For terms and particulars apply to LOUISVILLE COURIER-JOURNAL COMPANY. PROPOSALS.

Proposal For Sewerage Equipment Kentucky State Capitol Building For Commonwealth of Kentucky Under Co'urss of Erection At Erank- fort, Ky. Frankfort, Feb. 11. 1307. Sealed proposal will be received at tho BILL LOST BY CLOSE VOTE.

Indianapolis, Feb. 14. rSpecial. The 1 its long-contln-ucJ t.v.wir'l woman suffrage Vy voiin iho bill inlro-riiiee! at the instance of Helen Goii-ar. an-1 whK so that vole in ail elections and would lie olhtiMe to hold office in cities 1

Mrs. ijouj-rar and uflr.irist were present, and the i i votes favoreu Iheir measure. Though to ir v.i Vtv narrowest nvinrin" that ever at- i I ih-- t.ikiu:,' of a to on a sini- measure, for th were but af.Mir.sf in ne ne i v.or..en r.atu:-:i;!y eneouraic-J, and were congratulated all sides by their sui'i'orters on the apparent growth of suffra ser.tinient. Senator r.z. of Dubois, Crawford an 1 P- rry.

a. in favor of tit'- bill, and greatly amused the Sen- ate by Its reasons wnicn ne ave for rt. "I am for this bill," said I le.ilivte tiiat it was wvim ln a ia brought about my election nuKican There wast tltajoritv of 5-S in the I 1 was el. cte by 103. I will ii came about.

I got the of every Republican who had a er.uic wife an. I I caile.i to see 1 toM them on the morning of to cook their husbands some: an 1 cir-is. iro with them to the i-ut th-ir arms about their hus-' ana then teil tlietn 'to go for John Tilev did this them an I Hepublicans Split. i in tho ncublican iio.ise tu-uay when the Elet-lion Bill was re-: i 1 i -e, wi til ih--; majority, all its The major; Down. rul-" f.r the orsr.iniza- and oLhr oft'i TV votO'I with the V.i-'lt econd i vj prao 1 P.drhanks lino, rhe i v.ihinir ra 1 mitt -r-: ik a ri i nior.s, ai? has been h'v'dv Vincenres University V.rins.

The wrsity iaim nf thr -nnes iow- 'cond v. h- cuv.i v.a- snt to tttjinpi to the A ratit. tii- 14:: enirriis- ed. The Pure F'd ir.odr.i--d after tho Federal wa.s by a unaii- lniUH veil the

ait--r it had appropria. ich the men Tli h.nvti tM.n rere nates 10 centl a line. Advertise ments under tills liend are renented same day In The Times Free. FOR SALE By BUCHANAN SON, 235 iuui KBNTUCKT-ST. DWELLING.

114. near Seennrt 9-rnnm tt-Rtnrv hrirk: lot 42Hx200; $6,500. VKKI UAHUBUME HOUSE. Finished in hnrrlwnn with tmrflwonfl floors: laree reopntinn hnll Mvf9 nflrlnr. dining-room and kitchen; concrete cellar ana iurnace; electricity, tiled bath, beautifully papered; colonial porch; 57,500.

we also have many others in the southern part of citv, from a modern 7-room frame, furnace and electricity, at $3,650, to others at $5,250, $6,500. $.000, $7,200, $7,500, $8,000 and up. Call and see us. These houses can only be shown on application at our office. bun, 23o r'Htn st.

FOR SALE 1-room cottage, East. End; street made; $1,200, cash $50 and $10 per month plus Interest at 0 per cent. Address 193, this office. FOB, SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Kutes 1U cents a line.

Advertisements under this head arc repeated same day in The Times Free. FOR SALE Contents of magnificently -Fy lliillnS table, cost $15, now St; SuO sideboard, very tine leather couch, cost $10, now $15; lady's desk with French mirror, cost I S15, now fine Bridgeford range, cost $40, now $12; one magnificent modern bjcl- room set, used one month, has dav feet, ivt su r.a.i- i ing cost now $18; one tine go- cart, cost $18, now one "Vernls Mar WniaKaS let', $15; one $15 kitchen cabinet, now one $12 child's crib, now $5. Also numerous othor articles from the magnificently fur- --ii. r.o:;f ITU RE AND COMMISSION v. Market and 21G W.



Anderson will sell 20 head of horses and lu mules. M. Morim has 7 large mares and 4 driving horses. also have consignment of horses, mules, wa-oris, single and double harness at 123 E. Market st.

FOR SALEIIorses and mules at auction. 'Mr. Wm. Meyers, of Daviess county, will sell to the highest bidder 4) head of borse.s and mules regardless of cost at the STOCKYARDS STAULISS, 50 Johnston Monday morning, February 18. at 10 o'clock.



GRAUMAN 725 WEST JEFFERSON. FOR SALE Cotton seed hulls, sacked and loose; also cotton seed meal. Wiite or wire for delivered iiritfs. Car lota only. W.

P. BATTLE fc 57-5S For- ter Memphis. Tenn. FOR SAL1-3 On account of health, four-chair barber shop. For particulars, ad- dress P.

i 5i: tiii oil i e. FOR SALE -haarbators, "Wooden Hen" nnd "l'rairie State." Home plione 2C56 1. FOR SALE Al wines "and liquors. AU- GUST HOLLFNBACII. 24S Third st.

FOE SALE TYPEWRITERS, It a ten lO cents n. line. AdvcrtUc-mcuts on dor this hend are repeated nunc day In Tho Tiiurj Free. FOR 3A1E truest visible writing anj tabulating I'mlerwooJ typewriter; 10 ilavs" trial free. Call or write UNDERWOOD n.

cor. fourth and Main. LOST. ltatc.i 1 eeiim a line. Advertise- iuenm untler thl hend are repeated 1 itme tiny iti The Tim cm LOST Black and tan do.

medium height partly blind in left eye. Answers to name of "Manlo." Return to F. R. HUOIIE. First st.

LOST White collie, with sable" oars" and side, spots; responds to the name Togo. Return to 1j14 Tlilrd sL and get reward. w- BUSINESS CHANGES. iftrtes 1 cent" line. Advertise- V--oilw udtr (hi.

lientl nrc rt-itvutfl npio clay In The Timr.i Kief. WANTED I teliabh men for representatives for the different county districts of Kentucky; must furnish satisfactory references and be In position to Invest at least permanent position, with fpm moiuii mm coiuMnMioii 10 the right men. Address 1'. O. Hox lh'7, Nashville, Tenn.

ST( tCK companies Incorp. irated if you havt stocks or bonds for sa.le. let roe trv to reli them for you. C.E(K";e M. Broker, EllicoU jiuf-falo.

BOARDING. RntCM lO cent line. Advertisements under tlilf liend are renented umc tiny In Tin TIiiicb Free. BOARD INC attractive rooms; rhie table. Apply 2 1 Third st.

Cumb. phone 1607 a. References reuuireu. BOARTUNG-Furn. Best of references.

rooms, with board. 1114 Second st. men expect a rise ln the harbor by Sunday. Conditions nro favorable for biff water if a warm spell should conic, and this, It is predicted, will be the weather condition soon. There are many empties In the harbor and few loaded craft, so that a big- coal shipment would not result should a cual-boatinfr stage arrive.

Tho demands of the local river coal trade have been so heavy this month, and the weather and labor conditions have been so adverse to shipping- Interests, there is little stock in lhe harbor for the Southern market. The packet men are still nearly tied up. The Uessle Smith will start out to-morrow, the second packet to operate. lhe Kanawha, the only packet operating in the upper Ohio river, has made an unusually good record 'in the past flfty-two weeks, having made forty-six weekly trips and during two of the six weeks was laid up for repairs. The A.

R. Hudd arrived to-day with empties. The Oakland Is due to-morrow, and the Sam Clark is Hearing the harbor. The Charley Jutte was Inspected to-day. and then left to assist the Oakland in.

Itiver-men were elated to-day to hear that the Senate Committee on Commerce voted unanimously to put in the Rivers and (arbors lull the appropriation for 1 No. 7. I here was u.t leet at Ilavis Is- land dam. a Jul t.Ci feet at I am No, Ohio river, and the water was stationary to-day. Wheeling, Feb.

14. River 7 feet 2 incite and falling. No departures. Cinoinnatl. Feb.

14. Special. At p. m. to-day tho Ohio river at Cincinnati was 20 feet 0 inches, and falling.

The purtures were: Henry M. Stanley, for Charleston; Greenwood, for Mnysville; Levi J. Workum. fur Madison; City of Louisville, for L-oulsville: Georgia for Memphis.

River conditions at the present time- aro very favorable. Clear and cold. Madison, Feb. 14. River IS.

3 feet; stationary. cold. Special. Cloudy and Evansvllle. Feb.

14. River 19 feet ami falling. Clear and colder. Cairo, Feb. 14.

River 27.4 and falling. Fair and cool. Departed; Beaver, lower Mississippi, m. St. Louis, Feb.

14. River 10 feot, a rise of 1 foot in twenty-four hours. Clear and colder. Memphis, Feb. 14.

Special. River 20.9 feet; a fall of 2.G feet In twenty-four hours. The Peters Lee arrived from Cincinnati with n.R3S packages of merchandise and departed at p. m. The Kate Adams departed for Arkansas City.

The James Lee, Just off the wavs at Mound City. arrived this evening. The towboat Dolphin No. 4. with a tow of empty barges, departed this evening for the South.

Natchez, Feb. 14. The crest of the Hood is reported to be here. the gauge has been stationary at 49 feet since 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A gradual fait in the water Is expected to begin within a few hours.

The levees on the Louisiana' side are withstanding the water pressure. New Orleans. Feb. 14. The river was again stationary to-day; no rise having occurred in the past twenty-four hours, probably due to the course of the wind.

At Baton Rouge the water continues to rise steadily, but the crest is expected to reach there by Monday. All levees continue to hold well. i I i I I i llntcs 10 cents a line. Advertisements nnder tills head lire repented Mine day in The Times Free. WANTED STOCKS OP GOODS Highest spot cash prices paid for entire retail stocks of Clotblns.

Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps. Shoes, Merchant Tailors Woolens. Dry Goods, Carpets, Furniture. Groceries, Cigars.

Tooaccaj, ecc. Address with full particulars, THE EZEKIEL EER.NHEIM KM Main street. Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Come with the crowd to the Great Southwest. We own several large tracts of good black land which we will sell cheap.

Write us to-day. HALL P. STREET Arthur San An- tonio. Tex. 1 WANTED To rent a stood horse for light driving.

Apply T. L. Cumberland phono 23, Anchorage, looO Home, Keller Louisviiie. WANTED Refined couple want high-class board; liberal price paid; references exchanged. Address 191, tills office.

WANTED Cash for old goid. silver and diamonds. VIC LORCH, 256 E. Market, bet. Brookand Floxd.

WANTED Room and board with private family; by 2 young men. Address 19ii, tlds oflice. WAXT1CD 0 or 7-room apartment; mod- conveniences. Address 1M, this ZIT WA2TTED SALESMEN. itnirc lii a Hue.

Advertise ments under tills hend sire repealed WANTED I you l.avcUie ability- to sed and are hf 1 week, address to-du1 tor re- gardins position open bj one. of the Ii t- est manufacturers ln tiie countrv. l-o-V 16i5, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED 2 more salesmen. Good proposition, with advancement.

7U7 W. Jefferson. WANTED MALE HEXP. Hutes lO cent line. Advertisements tUIs lit-nd are rcieatcd a jiic dny In The Free WANTED For U.

S. Army, aDle-bodlvd unmarried men between ages of 21 and E5; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Enghah. For information apply to RECRUITING OFFI-CER, 511 W. Jefferson. Louisville, Ky.

WANTED 5.O00 PEOPLE to work. Persons truly wanting employment will enter their nanus, pay for neees.sarv reeord onlv. No eiiar for places at LOUISVILLE EMPLOYMENT ACENCV, l'i; Third the only true oflice. AVANTEDYoung man to carry morning route: on who is going to school ir who does otlice work or other inside wvrk that does not reipJire hini to report earlier than o'clock preferred. Apply Room 6 Courier-Journal 515 Fourth avenue.

WANTED Nigh: clerk, wagon drivers. per week; bar cook, porters, tarm hand, salesman, chauffeur, bookkeeper, draftsman, cooks, waiters, etc. SOUTHERN, lou W. Jeffersen. WANTED Men nnd buyx.

piumbhu; or Drick-' laying tra-Jt: y-ays lo per day: we teach you by practical Instructions In a months; rosltiua c.iarar.;--:.!; fi--e ca-taleue. Coyne Trail School. 4:175 St. Louis. Mo.

WANTE1 1 Man r.nd woman; man to farm, garden and tend to stock; woman for housework and to launder. Apply (Cumberland South or write A. C. CUNNINGHAM. I''iS Fourth avo.

WANTKtS CO TO SKA! If you are be- tween 17 and years of age, or a me- 35. at the Olllce in the Federal building, and investigate posiiiur.s In the navy. rANTKD-M-n. fer our catal pue explaining We barter trade in Tow wevk.s free. Writ" nearest branch.

MOLia. HAT'JtKR COLLEGE. St. Ljuia or Cincainati. Olito.

WA NT KI 3 b-vs, about 1.1 or 14 years of age to carry Tlrnes routes in central prt of city. Apply Room lice Fourth avo. WANTED II ys to serve mess-Tigt-rs; ui'h; wrk. Apulv at TEE. Third aid Main sis.

WANTED First-i and ni.ihb-rs on -t: NOFl.KK-KlCHAIil pattern mukorg n- iron IKON WOKKri, Indianapolis. Ind. WANTED V) boys ami irls to send us their nanus ana addresses; a practical fountain per- ire Ky. Write STATE Eoulpvdh WANTED Ki cotter. MILKS WANTED class trimmer and cloth i th avt.

worker to must give liver and lereiH'- s. A 50 ca rpen rs. CITY. Apply WHITE WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hutes H) cent line.

A vcrllxf nienlM under this lie ml are repeated nme day In 'I lie Tinici Free. WAXTIOl -1 cnsis-tc-nrl, NICK C.IUI.S Cannot put plus in parlors; our i-a- Irons want want hose spiruuaUy am i-hysi-ahy. 1 hrst ci "'V" "iilli obtain nt LOI Third st. Attend. 1 ol WANTF.l ifirls.

v.iU on tint' niFtnin coat pnv and sttadv work wi.VTKU. -i: ...1...,..,. i An.l paius- ripht Fourth st." i for shoe dept. none but experienced help need apply. Apply at omv to Mgr.

Shoe SLLWAKTi HKV G0Ol.S CO. IVAXTKU Stenographer and of experience. i- tice. typewritei mis uf- VAXTK.1 Two girls P. Apply iC.

st. learn millinery. WANTED SITUATIONS. lint- lO 11 11 it tnme day pvntN n. line.

AlveriljL-r tliiv lieml nro rejieaieil 1 "Hie 'I Uuee Free. WANTKb Situation as baker: aM around. Atldress OTTi.) LKV1N, Ceniral Room-ing-nouse, room 13, cor. Sixth and Jefferson. FOE RENT HOUSES.

lnlv.i t) c'fiitn ii liii. iiudi'i' thiM hfiid lire ri-nmucd lamr tty In Tho Thm-Ji l'rtr. FOlv KENT Small house on I'oiirtU snath of Oak, for months; fnniaeo, natural jras. bath; yoo 1 yei vaius; very cheap. AJuress U'S.

thij oll'ae. FOR KENT House on St. Catherine near l'laee; ronms. pantry, batli an.l furnaee; possession given April 1. A.hlress im llns For RKNT-.

wi louie dl-rourn house. Second 1 ilx up for diHirabIe tenant. 'ottagt: of un St. Catherine. Inquire at J20 H.

St. Catherine. FOB APABTjHENTS. llalen CL-iil li Adverllae tueiitN under iJiIm iictitl are repeiuuil hujih? day In The Timew I vev. FOR UliNT Front apartment in the exclusive "Bclvoir," In CheruKee Park; ti rooms; Tel.

22S7. FOB REN'T FURNISHED KOOMS. It il v.i 10 cviita a line. Ad vertl.v men in untler thi Iieml arc reiieatvd ante tiny lnTl1 1 ilU--L L'- FORRFNT Rooms tor young men, furnished or uni'urnished, at SIT Fourtii nvc, just south of Broadway, Lhe hand fome home of the iuie Capt. W.

F. Norton. The State Committee of the Young Christian Association have unices in this building, and have reserved a number of choice rooms, with all conveniences, especially suitable fur young men. For further information apply on the premises or telephone South 13 jS. First-class furnished room.

733 Third phone 4C2J. TOR RENT ROOMS. llutc-H lO ceiitss line. Ailvertlae-aieiiM untler henil are reit-aeil Maine ilaytiiTh Tlniew Frev. FOU KENT 1 small office room unfur-nislied.

2 oflice spaces on Main, between First and Second; electric lights, heat, telephone, janitor service. Write STATE Louisville Ky. FOR RENT ZHISCSjLLAJSrEOUS. FOR RENT DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT of the loading department In a Middle Tennessee town of ab. population.

Good trade already established. Experienced help at mo-Jerata prices. Address 1W, this oflice, with references, i i i 1 I 'if u. it.Arrt montiis, and t-)wt as Activity In Market Shown By Deeds Becorded In Courthouse. Louis Miller to Peter Mono-han, 30 feet, north side Hill, 90 feet east of Eleventh George J.

Nolan to L. P. Eivald, 40 feet, east side Third, 120 feet north of 416 Breckinridge Joseph L. Haag to A. L.

But ler, 50 feet, north slde Jef- ferson, 140 feet west of Ninth Hen H- BaumeiStCr fO 2,211, etc. Katie L. Van Cleave, 33 feet, southwest side New Broadway, 90 feet west of Highland J. W. Samuels to Henry Goss, 14 interest 25 feet east side Thirteenth, 95 feet north of Magazine G.

B. Roach to R. P. Mess-mcr, 30 feet, south side Van Buren, ISO feet east of Marlon 375 62! Berry Land Company to Howard Henry, lot block 2, Jacob addition Robert J. Loronz to Mary Mount, 25 feet, west side Campbell, 110 feet south of Jefferson Illinois Central Railroad Company to St.

Louis and Northern Railroad Company, acre. Valley Station Margaret Kistner to Jacob Millberger, 30 feet, east side Lee, 180 feet south of Ilelnsohn's Lane George Mohr to George Paul-stick, lot 2, Kaelin's subdivision 400 Devpoint 24 21 Relative humidity 61 Wind velocity 10 State of weather Cloudy. Clear. TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION. Constants and Normals.

Official. Louisville, Fob. 14, 1907. Maximum temperature 33 temierature 31 Mean temperature 3T Normal to pe rat re 3ii Departure for dav 1 DeiKirture for month i "ii'ng hie March 1 inds NW Mean barrmt-'ttT 30.13 Mean relative humidity 60 Character of dav Pt. cldy.

Tc.tal precipflatiuii Normal pit'L-ipltntion 1" Departure for dav Departure fur month Deparluro since March 1. 1.93 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. City of Cincinnati from and to Cincinnati M. Ouuld from and to arroil(ou Tarascon from and to Fvansvilie. HO ATS LEAVING THIS DAY.

City of Lmisviile. Capt. Brcnnan. for Cincinnati at f. p.

Helen M. Gould, Cap. Melntyre, for Carrollton at 4 p. in. RIVER.

HIVINUSS AND WEATHER. The river was falling last evening, with 7 feet inches in the canal. 5 feet Inches on the falls and is feet inches at tiie ui me incus. liiiMuess yuon. eatuer ck'iir- Cuo1 witl(i-v- lllll TU OOf.

The City of Louisville leaves for Cincinnati this evening at ii o'clock The Geoririu he- leaves for Memphis and all way landings at 10 dock a. m. to-mor row To-morrow the Falls City leaves for Kentucky river Tho Tarascon yues to Evansville to-morrow at 4 p. Outside of the regular pack- els there are few boats running. i-lelen M.

Gould will biin down a crowd from i.ladlsi'ii nnd Carrollton Saturday Capt. Jim Howard, Is building some nne. last launches at ms plant in Jet- The Sea Lion hroujcht down a raft of logs and went buck up the river. I lie ri is falling from l'lttsburg to icksbun: Long as the Ohio river contimas to fall its tributaries will run out. causing them to fall.

No more sudden heavy rises tire cxecteil In them, as it is loo late in the season for heavy ruins or snows. The worst of the winter season Is about over, and low water Instead of a big rise in the Ohio will be the next thing in order, instead of a big river or a freeze-up The Ohio Vnlluy Improvement Association at Cincinnati recently letters to United Senators and Representatives of Mates contiguous to the Ohio river, ask Ins their support in the light fur larger i appropriations for the attainment of tho nine-foot stage Awav bark In the ante helium tlays of steamboat Ing it was a common thing, when a big boat was leaving New Orleans or leaving hero for New Orleans, for the negro deckhands to as- Mimfe in a crowd gu the how. or for ward lower deck, and sing. It was a treat to see the boat leave and hear those ne-I groes sing: "I'm gwine away lo leabe you Don't let de partln' griebe "you, Oomi-hye, I.iza You don't hear them singing nowadays. aieu't ten negro deckhands on tho river to-day who can sing- tiie songs the negroes used to sing forty years ago.

In fact, the present lot can't sing anything, and thry are not as happy to-day as they were when tiie Glemiv Unrke" was a packet in the Louisville nnd Xew Orleans trade. Hundreds used to gather upon the levee at New Orleans to see tno big Mississippi river palace's leave port and heux the negro. happily sing as the great bouts would leave port. Those good old nays are gone, so are the old-time negro deckhands The second olllclal now boat show to be held in Chicago will take place March '2 to it, and In keeping with the tradition of the "Windy City," it will be a big one. A number of entirely new models will be exhibited, including several devices and appliances construe ted along unique lines of innovation ami up-to-date ideas A Jl.OOO.OUO shipbuilding dry dock plant is about to be erected at I'ortlaud.

by Kelly Itros The Y. V. O'Nell will make some repairs hero and go on up the river with empties The Pittsburg Gazette-Times of the Rlth says: "A jet ter was received yesterdav by Capt. .1. Frank Tilley, secretary of the l'lttsburg Coal Exchange, from Senator I.

C. Knox, stating he would appear before tho Committee on Commerce in tne venule to-day or to-morrow and ad- vocate the apiirtipriation of money to build tlam Ao. i ln the Ohio river. Senator Fry. chairman of the committee, has announced that only Senators will be allowed to speak on the hill.

the of-iiees of the MonouKahela Hiver Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, formerly al 232 Fifth avenue, l'lltsbuiK. iiiciudin't; President Hoi, bins' olliee. have been moved lo the general ofllees. Market and Water streets, where they will he centralized in future. Lots of pneumonia and grip among the rlvermen The Fvansville.

Courier says: "The shooting affray on the steamer D. A. Nishot, the particulars of which will be found ln another column of tills paper. John Thomas, tile engineer, who was the victim of the shooting. Is a well-known engineer and is of a family of well-known steamboat men.

For several years, however, he has been regarded as flighty in his mind. While seemingly nil right while on duty In the engine-room, his conduct nnd expressions while on shore gave evidence of a simple mind. John rtmwn pilot of the Nisbet, who did the shooting! l.ln- rfttlnlnl limb Mn inolTensive and while attending strictly to his business has tho nerve to core for the interests of his employers. People who witnessed the affray say that Thomas should have been shot before he was as he bad quit the boat and had returned with a promise to 'do Mr. Brown." Jt was rather breezy on the river yesterday The crest of the big river will reach naton Rouge and New Orleans Monday next Capt.

John Brown, of the steamer P. A. who shot and killed John Thomas, engineer of the boat, was given nis ireeuom ai i.inhviih eanesuay by Police Judge J. Q. Winfrey.

It was proved that Brown acteu seir-iierense. Brown is a Kentuckian The Allee Gray sunk a barge of locust posts at Madison Wednesday Capt. Moody, of the Lizzie Bn" Is laid up with pneumonia Bob i.oneden and Kd Farrell were the pilots to New Orleans and back on the W. W. O'Nell The Fulton and tow are due up from Cairo to-morrow.

RIVER TELEGRAMS. Pittsburg. Feb. 14. Special.

River- Young Engineer and Architect Succumbs Unexpectedly Funeral Services This Afternoon. Joseph E. Davidson, aged thirty-three years, died "Wednesday noon at his residence, 2319 Bellwood avenue. He had been employed by the Joseph i HcWilliams Company for seven or eight years. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Verra Stewart Davis, of Carson, and one child.

Mr. Davidson was graduated from the T.niiUiHllo Mnl Hin Sr-hrl in 1 91 and from the State College, Lexington, in 1S99. He was an engineer and architect, and for three years represented the McWilllams Company in San Fran- Cisco. He was a prominent Mason- and JhJmber the Broaaway Christian "yUe he had not been perfect health for some months his condition was pot considered critical until the night before he died. He is survived by three brothers.

Dr. botlVof this" city, and John Davidson', of Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Richard H. Lewis, of Xew Orieans; Mrs.

C. B. Mil The funeral wiil be held at the residence, 2319 Heilewood avenue, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will bo private in Uie family lot in Eastern cemetery. KRAG-JOftGBNSBNS FOUR EUNDEED AND SIXTY-TWO FOB FTEST REGIMENT.

Will Replace Old. Winchesters Purchased At Time of Goebel Troubles Arrived Last Night. Four hundred and sixty-two rifles were received at the arniory of the Kentucky regiment yesterday from tho United States arsenal at Rock Island, 111., and will Immediate! he distributed to tlie inem- purchased by tho Commonwealth at the time of the GOvbel troubles. The rifles were issued to the First itniucny reffiii)---nL oy inn ar ve- part men shortly after a visit to Va5h- ton alHiut a nvuit'h ago by Col. Mer- Yin Parent, Assistant Adjutant Gen- and Capt.

James R. MeBryde. Adjutant of the First Kentucky regi- m-ciu. The rifles were ordered sent to Frankfort from Rock Island, and from I Frankfort were shipped on to Col. IltUdeman, of the First Kentucky regimen t.

with the rifle? are new bells antl bayonets and rounds of for target practice. A half doy.en Peters target rifles for indoor practice were also included In the new euuipimnt. A range for target prac- tice has lilted up in the armory, and rl men will begin target practice iinni''Ui'iteiv The L'ivi 'regiment is the last of the Tvi -muckv rt L-i men-; to be eotiinned i wiih Kr.ig-Jorgy-ii'-m rifles, all of the 1 oiiier having beon provided with th-s! rif ics fur several years. Winchester rifles ptirWiatJt'd by the during the loebel trouble were issued lo the First Ken-t ucky, and hose guns the men have since These ginis 11 now be siiipped b.ek to the Adjutant General's office at Frankfort, but what disposition will be made of them is not known hero. Tho new nt just received by the First Kentucky regiment makes the equipment of tiiat giment ejual to that of the ocher regiments, of tile Slate an.l practically as good as that of any rt-giment in ih-- country.

New IHusonic Temple. Madisonville. Fdf 14. Tin' of this city luus a lot on S.u:h Main street, next to tin? V. M.

A. bui'din. and in the near future will erect a isonic building, to be oc- cup; by the different bod its of that lodire. The buiiding- will bo tin stones hig-h and will be up-to-date in every pivticular. Two businesw holies on the lower floor will be for rem.

Southern Merchant Bankrupt. Oroensboro, N. Fob. 14. In tho 1'idtd Stutt Court here to-day E.

M.I Andrews, who owns and conducts a chain of stores In North Carolina, South Ca.robna and Cexrgia, was adjudged bankrupt on his own petition ami tiie case referred to M.ij. K. J. Alexander, of Winston Sal. 'in, ref-ree in bankrupt.

v. are estimated at $111 and I'sst-ts at $90, COO. Four Cottages Burned. Mndisonville, Feb. 14.

Spr cial. Four dwelling, owned by Mrs. J. D. McPhfrsrvn, were destroyed by fire this niornin.

and for a time it looked as th uitfh the bier tobacco factory of Head 'on would Ih? destroyed, but liard work prevented the spread of tho (lames. Tho ioss will be about Sl.r.w wilii no insurance. LONQ1TUDE AND LATITUM OP LOUISVILLE. Latitude. 38 15'.

S5" 46' West From Greenwich. STAGE OF TEE EIVEBS. Louisville. Feb. H.

Flood Height Change K'fall Slat ions. TxiuisviJle Kvausvllle Padueah Nashville Cliattanoosa Cairo Sl. I.ouls Memphis Stac. in ft. 24 hrs. S.S Si.O 10.D 45.0 49.5 19.S 0.8 7. 4 0.2 0.1 1.3 2.1 0.1 0.3 1.0 1.0 2.0 1,4 0.1 0.2 02 0.0 0.2 .43 -ill Helena VicksDurtr Shreveport Or leans Kansas City l.tavenport. .15 3.2 uinclease. Decrease. Reports of maximum temperature and precipitation for the twenty-four hours ended February 14 at p.

Stations. Temp, PrclStatlons, Temp. Pre. ,,.,1 0) Marquette. ...20 Amarillo.

Atlanta. Bismarck Cairo. Clneinnal Charlotte 1 -0 -00 1 I PO .00 I 00 ..42 ...30 .04 Iemphis. .50 Modena 58 MontRomery Xrishvlllo r.0 .07 New Orleans. ..74 OOjXew York.

...11 Chattanooga crnEchrVti 70 Dodge 02 El Paso 70 i Fort Smith. .51 I Galveston. ...70 North Platte. .00 Oklahoma TA Omaha -ifi Palestine. ..40 .72 Shreveport.

St. Mollis 44 Paul 30 ,00 Indianapolis JackFonvnie .70 Kansas City Uttle Rock. .52 Washington. Trace rainfall. Generally fair Friday and Saturday; moderately cool Friday; warmer Satur- Ca" SRMI-DAILY OBSERVATIONS.

OfllcIal.J Louisville, Feb. Ii. 1307. 7 a. in.

7 p. m. Barometer 30.04 Temperature 37 21 i I 1 based in any degree on the ground that bvi ii-suii Tfan-IT Slight Send Him To Jail. Jud.qre Parker then saSd that the rei-son sivvn was iol a legal excuse. lie said a betrayal of confidence is not a legal justification for refusal to answer questions asked by tli grand jury.

He stated thai if Mr. Breckinridge continued to refuse to answer Uie cour: would have to commit him to jaii, but before taking such drastic action he would give him time to the advice of counsel. Mr. Breckinridge said he would like to consult with John T. Shelby, former Jaw partner ot tus tatner.

Col. P. nre'-kinridge. and would report as soon as Ii had taJked to htin. The curt IMssrd the matter until Saturday morning at 10 o'riock.

Mr. Preckin-rig agreed to appear in court The grand jury will be in i -n a gai at that 1 1 e. Til: article referred to called attention to the fact that the alleged violation the clvvilon laws had been m.Ii.'lTtiiTiis lin-n iAtiirniH until a few days before the primary election, and most of the puir.sons in- dieted were publicly known to he for Skam lor Mayor, g-rand jury was t-ism. actKtn to cnu; of luatron For Police Station. I Mi.cs Mnitio H.

Taylor was to-day by Mayor Comljs matron of the police station. Lexington has never had a polico niatron. the offh-o 'having been created by a recent action 'of the City Council. Miss Taylor is at present assistant superintendent of the Associated Charities of Lexington, and it will take her som time to close up her affairs in connection with position, she will not assume the duties of niatron until about March 1. Sufferers "Want Aid.

A I tho meeunir of the City Council To night a petition itrned by thirty of California, county asking" aid tor trie iiooj suher -rs in That town was received. The petition states that the entire town had been from live to seven feet under water from the overflow of the Ohio river, and that what property had not been destroyed was badly Injured, and that a number of the people were destitute The petition was referred to the Committee on Charities. California is a small town nearly opposite Cincinnati. Back Taxes In Breathitt. D.

I. Hnrdepty, Auditor's Acent, yo terday filed at Jackson suits for rcx'o of iwirk taxes r-n bre.ithJtt wuni property at about Tho Kuits are against seven --f the Ixryrest 1 One 1G0K. W. American Engine Co. 125-volt Genera tor.

Speed 450 r. p. m. Also the following shafting, hangers, boxes, 2 Medard Pulleys. 1 piece 3 15-16-inch shafting, 14 feet long, with three boxes 15 inches long for same.

1 cast iron drop hanger, 14 inches deep. 1 wall box. 1 Medard steel pulley in halves, 44 inches diameter, 21-inch faco and 3 15-16-inch bore. 1 Medard steel 64 inches in diameter, 17-inch face, 3 15-16-inch bore, 3 15-16-inch thrust collars. Condition good as new.

Delivery immediately. Apply to Courier-Journal Counting Room. STEAMBOAT TIME TABLE. STRS. CITY OF CINCINNATI AND CITY OF LOUISVILLE For Madison.

CarroJIton, Cincinnati and Upper Ohio River pointa at 5 p. m. daily, except Sunday at 9 a. from foot of Third. Phone 141.


Evansvllle and way points. "Steamer TARASCON. Wednesday and Saturday. Steamer TELL. CITY, Monday and Friday at 4 p.

ra. Freight received daily. Wftarfboat foot of Fourth. Both phones 495-827. C.

V. WILLIAMS. G. F. and P.

A- LEE LINE STEAMERS To MEMPHIS Georgia Lee Leaves Feb. 15 at 10 a. m. Peters Lee Leaves Feb. 21 at Noon.

$9.50 One Way; $16.00 Round Trip. 52.50 to Evansvllle; S2.50 to Cincinnati. Through frelsh: anil passengers for all Otilo, Cumberland. Tennessee and Mississippi rivers north to St. Iuls.

south to Vlcksburg- Arkansas river polncs to Pine Bluff. OtSc35a W. Main. Phones: Cumb. M.

2G: Home "610. BRA.VDENQL'RG, A. F. and P. A.


R. Stations, Tenth nnd Broadway and First and urroaa rf nitlr-c cortiflr Main and Fourth strecti. Both 'Phones 2ii. "UKilJ. TUanv, CKCfiL SU-IUJ-, 3, uuuuaj.

Stops at Fourth street on signal, i Stops st Baiter Avenue. fouantee schedules. Union Station, Tenth and Broadway. I ni nc nnatt glSsiSSatl Cincinnati Leave. Arrive.

aB lam a Soam a SOpm nlnnlnnnH n'llMOam moduo ana new -1 fSffl1 NaahviUo nnd Chattanooga 6 JUam 12S3pni TUOpra 1 10:00 am 3 uownnir nfii Knoxvfflo ami Atlanta Cincinnati, Frankfort and Lexington a xa120pni rninkfort and' xa Bards town and SpringUeld Banlstown and Springfield 4 SiSOam UQAOam XjCDanon anu pranlifort and Lexington now ting- Green Aecouirao 19:55 am Bnrdstonrn and 93ain Lebanon and Greuosbarg 60pm From First and Water-Streat Station. Cincinnati and East Frankfort Accommodation SCpm Shelbrville and 3:00 pin ShelhjTllIe and Bloomfleld 1 sr-m I Throuih Pullman Iepln car on the 2:45 I m. train to Nw Orleans "J.ftS on tno i p. m. iraju and on the p.

train to Memphis ani rsow Orleans. IIAILWAY 1.1 KESTOCttl (Inc.) seventh street station: r-irir Tvt nme 2a Fourtn avenua. -30 a m. daily EvanvIIlB Expceai E-nvllle. Huntlncburs.

Rocitport, Caandlton aoa way ration. 10 a. m. dally St. Louis Special Prlnc ton.

Mt. Vernon. Centralla and Louis- 5 p. m. dally Eva-utvtlla Limit! Hoite Ingbure.

Rocltporc Cannelton. Evannvlll aaJ way staLlons. 10-16 m. Ja.lly St. Lou! LlmJCed PTlr.ceton.

Ml Vernon. Centralis anil St. Lr-uls. Trains from St- Louis arrive a. ra.

and 6 10 p. Trains from Evansvllle and local arrive 12:33 p. m. 0:10 p. m.


Trains leave Fourth avenue croaalni twenty mlnutee later. a. m. dally Local for Lexington an4 way stations. 7 30 a m.

dallv Florida LlmltM Lextnr-ten. Danville. Kaoxvllle, Chatianoota, Atlanta and riorlJa. 4 pm. latly Lexington.

Danville. Georxf town and way stations. 7:13 p. m. Florida Special Law rencetmrf.

Dblivllle, CiiattanooRa, Knoxvltle and AtlarKa dally and through sleeper to Florida dalbr except Sunday. Ti-alns from Lexington and local stations ar rive a. p. m. and 0 p.

m. Trains from Danville arrive 9:40 a. 11:40 sn.l 0 t. m. Trains from the Boutaeoat aniTe o- lUIJl'IlllAX LIMC? TltUS TAULE3-U effect July 1.

ltfuo: pKnro iuy Line To Beard. Ky. From Fifth and Green First car leaves a. m. Every half hour thereafter until 7 ni.

then on the hour. Prospect Division Cars for Prospect the terminal siatlon at C-o a. nx. and six mln uiet artfr the hour thereafter. Jefferson town Division First ear Iara East End barn for Jeffersontown at 0:20 a.

Leaves terminal station at 0 and 7 a. in. and 15 minutes after each hour thereafter. Bait River Division First car leaves term, leal station at 4:55 a. m.

and mlnutaa after each hour thereafter. Olcolona Division First car leave terminal station for Ok dona at a m. and 10 mla mtes after ach hour thersftar. ILLINOIS CENT1LAL bvatn tft. DsptnK Sventh and river.

City ticket uflico. JTuurisji and ilarket. Effective Sunday. Dec, lUutt: Leave, Arrjva. Memphis and New Orleans.

V.Wvm Memphis and New Orleans. nnrl Pltltfin Tlam OSpm r. icrom Central City Elliabethtown ana'Hodffen- I ViUe 7tara Ellxabethtown and Hodfien- Tme lywpia 10 ra OJpra Oweii-sboro. "vm California points, through All trains run amu. lc to Elizabeth! own.

Hodtrnvlll or Osrsus- boro. LOLISVILLE AXD ATLANTIC KAIL- ItOVD COr- East. eat. Lv. Louisville (Sou.

Rr-)- Arr. O.OOpci Lv. Versailles L. Arr. Siiptn LV.

Nicholaivllle Arr. Lv. Richmond. Arr- Lv. Irvine Arr- Arr BeattyvlIIe Lr.

All trains dally except Sunday. SSBWH AND WEATHER, period of liability for Iu- 1-1 the of the Stat-: Chemis' Th-- v.l:'.eh r-n oh from to insurance Bill. tiiat Gov. ion-'r. of a ct-in or wilt the depart-froiu the Auditor of did not come up to-day At r.oon the Ke-l arivitlier but fully upon the bill, and publicans ii it wrr.l -v.

i v. g-it tiie pro' i pror-ss till r.ext. i iOv. -p a effort by the JIo-u tie' bill, but the lirm and no be in that After Theater Trust. II- preseniat ivo of Kvanville.

a bill which is de-rugned to break up the theater iru.t in Wl'inn. liv having playhouses open' to trust com-j act declares that all thcru playnouscs. bi'ii, bv itS-: IKlino viie-vi. if mont nnu it shall be' unlawful for any owner, lessor or manager to against reputable dramas, operas or other any refusal to rent, lease or let such for one f-r more performances upon such terms and conditions as shall not he unreasonable, ite or prohibitive to the a iron or person who makes tli- in gr.o 1 faith, shall be a A line of from 5100 to one-half to go to tho nt a Jit rl sentence may be ROUTINE MD TO HAVE KEPT IvIQTXOFv DZAXEE-S COTjOnTTZE BUST. Discuss Hecoramendaticns cf Kentucky Distillers Association nnd Sunday Closing, Dcing- Nothing.

Kciv the recoinitieiiLla lions of i.nt'jrky Association t.l in tlie tlio thai the retail liquor the rep'Jla- of KvcMiilvV Commit- ill-' tMaii I io.uor HeaJers' JIu- 'r. t.rl5'.'.' Ass at its an- vestinioy afternoon, w'. ie tiiscussed. but no aetioo taken in the mat- V-'s wi'i be postponed, in ail until it is warranted by air.oiai eleei in or oiiiceis result- lows; President, J. C.

Hoard- jo-, spli-iu. Me Hosier; secre- Iotlrath: financial secre- treasurer. Jl. J. Committee is i of twenty-l was present members tit tiie meeting' after o' nernoor.

which short- o'clock and did not adjourn 'cloeV Routine business, the of standinil committee relic affairs of the association rear and the reports of and adopted. The arls on rtrir.g- the "e-s were r. -ports show the organization to be in a fiourishinir condition with a cf hetvWen CeO and 700 dealers. The question of Sunday ciosina; was tahen tip at some lenclh. but there w-re no new ideas advanced.

The concensus of opinion seemed to be that to-' pi-esent of at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoons for tho sale of soft drir.ks may be safely continued. There wore a few speecbe.s which indi a growing tendency I i i I I i 1 otnee or tiie Secretary oi tne ioaru Cauitol in the city l-Vankfnrt. until noon February and tiicn opened by the board and the architect for the building of two pipe lor the Mate Capitol building, now in course of erection for tiie Commonwealth of Kentucky, in accordance with, the drawings and specitl-catlons prepared by Frank M. Andrews, architect. New York and Cincinnati, O.

Hids from responsible and reliable contractors competent to perform this class of wurk will alone be considered. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Each bidder is requested to hie with Ids bid a rtilU-d check to 10 per nf the auuunt of his bid ns a sruar nntoe that he will furnish a satisfactory uretv company bond for per cent, or lhe amount of his in the event that the contractria awarded to htm. The is to be made payable to Mn Ii. Ware.

Seeretarj' of the nrv Ii r( NPCritnn' Of tnt rttiito Riiani of i.iirutoi th same is to be forfeited to said board in the event the bidder to whom the con- tract may be awarded does not furnish formanee of the contract within ten days sntJsiaciory uouu 101 tnu iniiuiui ici tht. award is made. Kiich bidder Is required to state the date on which he proposes to complete rhe work. Necessary information, plans, speciii-catlons and proposal blanks will be fur-1 bv the upon written ap- Plication, which should be addressed to Frank M. Andrews.

Architect. 2a Fast Third street, Cincinnati. or Mr. Henry R. Ware.

Seeretarv Board Capitol Com- Frankfort. Ky. All proposals must be made upon the proposal linnks as above-mentioned. En- velones containing proposals should be I 1 nnd marked for Ken- Mr 'il. nrv B.

of State ilninl 'Capitol Commissioners, Frank- K'v Proposal Notice. The Greater Ijritisvllle Com- nnnv ivill nnen bids on euruary ror tn following eoncet-siuns in cue;i.Ler aj-ju-isvllle Exposition. March IS to 1307, at the First Regiment Armory. Peanuts. Popcorn.

lemonade and soda fount. Restaurant privilege. Souvenir post cards. Checkroom. Fruits.

To vs. Concessions will be sold to the highest and bent bidders, and no bid will be considered which is received after 12 o'clock, noon. February IS. 1107. ddress all communications to tho GRKATFR LOFISVILLK EXPOSITION COMPANY.

Fourth and Main streets. MONEY TO LOAN. "TnTtcflTTtPc-en lint-. Advcrtlae-DicatN under (hi hend nre rvpcatvd name ilay in The Tlnn'n Krw. We make loans on HOUSEHOLD GOODS.


Market Second Floor. Call Home 1516 for our agent. $5.00 TO SS'-Q. WE LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, Without Removal.


i.VsiEST PAYMENTS. FOURTH 3 OYER KERRY'S 10c STORE. KKM lfCKl L.K'jK. W. A swu iiau.a and a place lo Ixwron money on Fuml- ure.

Fiance, Hornes. matrons, at f11811' alue ratf. s-'Uclt your investigation n-, i itttnimrc xecond. KY. LOAN 1.

-I Fourth n. e. cor. Founh an.l Jrecn, over jJewelryS tore. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, wun-out security; cheapest rates: easiest payments: offices in to principal cities; save vourseif money by setting our terms first.

TO MAN. Room 319 Equitable bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate morL raes, in sums of $300 to 53.000. GEO.

W. CHECK, 15 Columbia bldg. Phone 2034. business crrpor: iy. and the taxation is tixe years.

The iuncs nf the companion and the proposed valua-' tion of tho property sought to be as-' se.ssed asralnst each one are as follows: Sv.a.nn Pry Lumber Company, rumberKtrd Line Company, Kentucky P.iver Poplar m- panv, 5p.Tt.0w; Mutncrn C-om-Ianv, Ohio Valley Tie Com-pany. Kentucky Saw Mill Company. $AOO0; Kentucky Lumber and Veneer Company, $50,000. Lexington Notes. The irr.iml jury to-day returned ttvelvo imlirtmonts.

most of them be-lug for stlllnir llqur.r on Sunday. Goorgria May Rotha. while rirl, about fifteen years indietetl on Uie charjro of having taK-in a puise containing S2Q which Miss Lona Carr ha left on a table in a dentist's nflic? In this city, negroes wno. ih a-uefereu, recently trietl to wreck the Chesapeake and Ohio fast! passenger train as it pissed over the lymisville and Nashville tracks In tho i suburbs of this city, trere also indicted. An oio-iar-ooMie-M ttjuml nee win Da; held at Kentucky University to-morrow evening- under the auspices of the Unl- versity Y.

V. C. who will devote the door receipts to local work and also to missionary labor in China. Five from the ninn societies have been chosen to contest. McGuffy's revised spelling: book will be used.

Prof. Harrison Gorman, who is at the head of the department of entomology nnd botany at the Kentucky Exnerf- mrai stTtion left Wednesday for Co- iumbus and Wooster. and Champaign. where hp will Inspect nursery plants and other horticultural establishments. Two-Cent Pare Bill Passed.

Raleiprh. X. C. Feb. 14.

By a vote of S3 lo SS. tbo branch of the Gon-cml to-day a Fcniier rate app'ici-bls to th? Southern railway and Atlantic Coast line. i I I in tiny, though ietormi'ie. but nir Peniiniont o-rproturion of ihs usso-; upon it i'twind rlosiu all d'ty be difTiCult to i w. c-rtM'nly -i Iihcra! in: lav," hy ihi' vchii Ijl-u by.

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