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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
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S. MORRIS 461, Main Street, between Fourth and Fifth TMPORTERS ASD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRU Medicines, Patent Medicines, Oils, Brushes, Dye StuffsSurgeons' Instruments Perfumery, Glassware, Window Glass, and Virginia, Missouri and Kentucky Tohacco We are now receipt of our heaVy spring supplies, purchased for cash from first hands, and we are consequently en-ahled and determined to sell at very low prices for cash or on the usual time to punctual men. Dealers wilVfind our prices equally as low as they can ohtain them from the Drueriats in the Eastern cities, and the quality of every article warranted, and respectfully solicit an inspection. J-s- MORBIS CO. N.

B. Ginseng, Flaxseed, Rags, Beeswax; Lard, Tallow, Mustard Seed, and other country produce received In exchange or in payment of debts due us mhlo j. M. CO For RegnlarPaokets--S6e Fourth Page, WIS REGULAR iSSdemfsuir: wiri ilPcieivFAJSH-the 9th June. 10 A.

lea as above on Monday, For freight or passage apply onboard or to Je7 d3 C. HASH AM. Jr. FOR MEMPHIS. Thft fin.

JOHN SWASEY. Devol. mn.ter. will iJjJTZ. above on this day, the 7th at 10 A.

M. For treight or passage apply on hoard or to je? dl c. BASH AM, Jr. FOR NEW ORLEANS. The line stea mer CHAS.

HAMMOND. Davis, master, will eave as above on this day, the 7th at 10 M. For freightorpassagoapply on board orto Je7dl BOGGS RUSSELL. FOB. SAINT T.OI7TS.

Th steamer ISAAC NEWTON, Israel, master, will "leave as above on this day, the 7th at 10, A M. -i nwgmui passage apply on noara or to je7 dl I. S. MOORHEAD REKrnr.AR EVENING PACKET FOR CINCIN NATI. The snlendid fast running- steamer JOHN'SIMPSON.

tr Bell, master, will leave for the above port on at 3 o'clock, P. $if For freight or passage, apply on board or to je7 dtf I. 8. MOORHEAD. lFOR NEW ORIjEANS.

The tine steamer SCOTT, Sturgeon, master, wil leave as above on Sunday, the 8th at 10 A. M. For freightor passage apply onboard or io BENEDICT CARTER, or je6 d3 VOCdi ,1 L. FOR SAINT LOUIS UKfJTIT.ill iPACKET. The fine steamer SCHTIYT.TC1T.T..

Hudd. master, will leave as above on Saturday, the 7th 10A.M Forfreight or passage apply on board or to 6 da C. BASHAM. Jr. FOR AND tfejgEggENCE.

The regular packet steamer JAME1 JACKSON. Patterson, master, will leave as above on Tuesdav the 10th at 4 P. M. For freight orpassage apply on board or to je5d5 I. S.

MOORHEAD. GREAT SAL" OF DURHAM CATTLE. The subscriber wil offer at public sale at Clinton Farm, near Cincinnati, on Tuesdav. the 15th day of July next, his entire herd, about one hundred head, "of improvrd Short Horns of the latest im portations, as well as the importations of 1317. Also Many fine grades of native cattle of all ages and sexes.

Afi'-e opportunity is now offered to all those wishing to improve their slock or to commence the business. Catalogues will be prepared with the pedigrees of each animal and roady by the day of snip. Terms liberal. juS fl3fcwS) SAM. CLOON.

NEW STOKEONE PKICE SYSTEM. ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS just received and offered at very reduced prices at tue store oi KAo ULL'tlAiM, my 28 501, Market above Third BOOTS, SHOES. fcc. GENT'S Calf and" Morocco fine Boots; Do do Kip heavy do; Do do Morocco tine Shooe; Do do Kip heavy do; Ladies' Silk. Laming, Kid and Morocco Gaiter Boots; Do Kid and Morocco Buskins and Bootees; Misses' do do do do; Child'n do do do.

All of the above goods arc manufactured in the best and most apnroved style, and on the shortest notice, by HUGH CARF.Y, 10S, Fourth st, je2 dly between Market and Jeffer-on. of the latest etyles, just received at JOHN ZULAUF'S, Fourth street, near Main. MEXICAN MUSTANG VOLCANIC ERUPTION'! A MAN ENGULPHED IN THE THE unrivalled celebrity ami universal attained by the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, induced a man in Louisville, without forethoueht or regardless of consequences to himself or others, to jmt up and try to palm off upon the public A Base Imitation of this trcat Remedy. A man who will allow his cupidity and extreme craving for the "Almighty dollar," to over-rule his better judgment, his love of justice, and his philanthrophy; bo far as to risk tbo lone of his pecuniary means, his reputation, his moral responsibility, aud the sxniling approval of his own conscience and that of hia Creatormust have a defective organization of brain, and a consequent imperfect devclopcnient of mind, and is therefore to be pitied; while self-protection in our own rights, guaranteed to us by the Laws of the United Stntcs, a just regard to the public, ami to save the sunerms from imposition: in having nn ineilecLunl, iror'Jdess and Jiltht article placed in their hands, and their moitoy thus filched from them instead of getting, as they innocentlj- supposed the Original nnd only (Genuine iUexican Muslims -Liniment that has proved such an inestimable blessing to so many thousands of afflicted in all the complaints for which It is recommended, and has never, to our knowledge, given di -satisfaction by failing to do what we have stated it wouW and even much more. For these reasons, we eny, we htw been compelled to use effectual means to put a stop ti' unfortunate man's enrenr of imposition and crime, and pine him in a position that he cannot in future- impose upon tha credulity of the innocent and uns-TispFcting.

As no public good could be attained, and in hopes that llii? lesson may teach this misawided man sin no more," we forbear to publish his name. We have taken possession of ail the laliels, directions bottles and implement? of mnnufneture, and all the counterfeit Liniment that could be found, and we do mt think there is any of the spurious nrtiele in LouipvHIe, or if so. we presume no Druggist or Apothecary would havr the hardihood to offer it for eale after knowing that it is counterfeit Rut as some of it has found its way into the country, particularly in Indiana, we will give a short description oi the external appearance of the genuine and counterfeit, so that any one mny be able to tell them apart. The label on the genuine is printed on fine paper, of a delicate water blue colorwith bronze colored ink, the paper and ink being manufactured at grenf expense for us in New York, expressly fnr the purpose. The counterfeit is printed on paper of inus shades of blue and purple, nnd with common black ink.

In the lower left hnnd corner of the counterfeit label, if- the figure of a man standing with one arm resting on a box marked "jUexietin Mustang Imminent Price 25 cenrs." The genuine has no figure of a man tn the left of the box. In the extreme lower left hand corner of the cenuinc label ar the words, "Copyrighr Secnred," which omitted in the counterfeit. The imitation Liniment itself if perfectly worthless, though hnnmVsp, for the filth,) being nothing more than lard or tih-oil, colored with tar, and a little spirits of hartshorn added to make it. smell strong! New and Important Cures Are daily being effected by the use of this Liniment. Read the following: Still more iExtrn ordinary.

Preston Utley, long a resident of Lookinir Glass Prairie, Illinois, had a son, Thomns Utley. a lad of fourteen years of age, who was attacked with Paralysis, or Numb Palsy, 'of the wholo lower part of the body and both less and feet. He was so completely paralyzed that ho could neither walk nor stand, nor even turn himself in bed without aislmice. He lay in this helpless condition for many months, and the constant laying in bed, and the almost lifeless condition of his body and limbs, caused large to form on his back, hips and Tecs. Doctors could give him no relief, and bis parents concluded that they must thus see their foii linger in this slow process of dj'inff for months, or.

perhaps, years, without Doing able to obtain any relief for him. In this and hopeless condition they beard of the wonderful cureg the Mustang Liniment was performing in all parts of the country, and they determined to try it. The result was, that in one month the sores were all healed, the blood coursed freely through the long sluuglieh arteries and veins the nerves poured out lifr-giving fluid the muscles were restored to their proper and healthy action, and the boy was perfectly well. Another Cancer A lady in Alabama had a caked breast that ga-'hered and broke and became a running sore. After partially healmrr, it commenced spreading again with frightful rapidity.

The doctors now pronounced it a cancer, and stated that nothing could save her life but to have the Entire Brennt Cut OfT! Fortunately for her, she had heard of the Mexican Mustang Lviimcnt, and procured a fifty-cent bottle. In four weeks tho aore was healeo nnu pencctly cured! G. W. Morgan', of Utiea, jSew York, went with hia wife to Illinois last fall, on a visit. Soon after their arrival, she was attacked with Salt Hheusi so severely that she was confined to her bed six months.

No remedies prescribed by doctors appeared to do her any good, or mitigate the seventy of the disease until, as a last hofk, they tried the Mustang Liniment. The result wm? as usual. In Ten Pars She was Cured! On his leaving home, he called at our store and bought six dozen bottles For Family TJne! and related the above case, enying he would deprive himself of even many necessaries of life rather than be without so vniimoie a iienieme: We have scores of cases reported to us that we dare not publish, as they rppear such extraordinary cases, we fear that persons not knowing anything about the remarkably healing and soothinc: properties of this Liniment, would look upon them as the fictitious creations of a vivid imagination. Wo hope, if there are any who think so. that they may never be afflicted with any Adieu, Sores, r.uns, lirmaes or Jiurns, but if fiieyshonld be so unfortunate, all' we ask of them is a trial of one bottle, being patisficd that before that is used up, thev will willingly acknowledge that all we have said or can say is but feebly portraying what it? real sif-rits are.

For Horses and other Animals, There is nothing can be compared to the Mustang Liniment, its specuy ana permanent cure ot t-'rains. Bruises, Uuts, Galde, Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny, Pole Evil, Fistula. Big Head, Spavin, Pang Bone, Splint, Wind Gall, Cracked Heels, or Wounds, Stiffness or unnatural enlargement of Bones or Muscles. A livery stable keeper of this city had match horse, that he prized very highly, that had a large Ring Bone onhothlcffa. The horse was perfectly cured, and hia limbs left perfectly smooth by tbeuse of this Liniment.

To Country Merchants. Every store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it paysa good profit nnd 6elle rapidly. Caution PMany will try to induce you. to buy Nerve and Bone Liniment, or some other equally worthless by saying it just as good as the Mustang Liniment. But do not be deceived! Ask for this Liniment, nnd buy none, otbei, and you will not be disappointed.

The name 16 blown on the bottle. PRICES OF THE LINIMENT. In consequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 25 cents, 50 cents, and SI bottles. The50 centbottles contain three times as much as the 25 cent size, and the dollar bottles four times as much aR the 50 cent size so that money will be saved in buying tho lanre bottles. piFor sale by J.

B. Wilder at proprietors prices, and by all wholesale Druggists in Louisville. Bell, Robinson Sc. Co retail agents. ST3 A.

G. BRAGG fc Druggists, corner Third and arket streets. St. Louis, Mo sole proprietors. my 15 BE YE FRUITFUL AND M0IjTIPIY.

IS a command that should be cheerfully obeyed by the children of men. For female and male DR. LARZETTE'S JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as an effectual restorative in cases of Debility, Impotency, or Barrenness, and all irregularities of nature. Itisall that it profefises to be, viz: Nature's Great Restorave. It is a certain cure of Seminal-Emissions, General Debility.

Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Grgans, Nervous Affections, Leucorrhcoa or whites. As an invigorating medicine it is uuoqunlled. Also a certain remedy for Incipient Consumption, indigestion, Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude, Female Weakness, Debility, It is warranted to please the user in any of the above comptamts, and is of priceless value to male or female. Caution. A counterfeit of this celebrated Juno Cordial of Dr.

Larzetti, has lately been offered, having thename of Levi Judson on the wrappers. This Levi Judscn, we arc informed, is in the employ of a druggist of New York. Remember the counterfeit article has the name of Lcri Judson on the wrapper, andthegemime hasnot. Note. All orders must be directed to JUDSON John street, New York, Remember, No.

9, John street. Sold in Louisville only at the Depository ol Popular cines, 74, Fourth street, H. Blaksley's, St. Louis, and at i.Io ing's Cincinnati, Ohio. apS3 FOR SALE.

MNEW BRICK COTTAGE and 25 feet LOT, on Gray street second door abovellancock, price low and terms accommodating. Enquire at the Vaccine Depot, corner of Tvnrti and Market streets. myI4 R. BETTISON. fiUttJi VACCIINE L- ABSOLUTELY Jr necessary, if you wish to be fully protected.

Fresh sup-vlies every month in packages from 50 cents to 3 Persons paccinated at my office for 50 cents. J. U. BETTISON, my27 Corner Market and Tenth sta. CJI7GAK aOhhda prime fiew Uricans just received ana 1 for iale low by je3 FORMAN -i Third st.

LYNCH BUK-tt TOBACCO. 14 boxes P. Lewis' superior Lynchburg Tobacco in Btore and for sale by je3 KILLLCK -fciikh- OBACCO. 52 boxes John Rame'3 "Sans peuret sans reprocne; 44 do small fancy bxs do do; superior article; in store aud for sale low to close consignment by jo3 KILLICh. CLARK, Louisville Hotel.

Meriwether, Shelby co; A Carey, Brown, NY; Moss, do; Reynolds, Phila; Capt Tucker, Pike No 9 A A William, do; Dr Bancroft, MiflB Miss Schuyler, Mrs Jones, do; Mr Larue. Ia; Mrs Week, do; Learell, Terre Haute; Rearden, Shawneetown; Watson and city; RH Gay, Cannelton; A Miliar, Pittsburgh; Field and do: Frances, etr Greek Slave; Davis, Woolfolk. Owensborp; Jones, Mercer co; A Richeson, Raleigh; Mrs Clarkson, Phila; Col Wright and BufFalo; A Johnson, do; Mies Johnson, do; Murray, country; Low, city; Stewart, Baton Rouge; Ledda and A Pino, do; Lt jLincom, in Eastin and son.HendersonH Heth, city; Mr Gronine, McPherson and Natchez; Capt Penny wit, VanEuren; Johnson, Mobile; Thompson, do; Jordon, FerguBon, Charlestown Capt Shaw and Memphis; Davis, Vickaburg: A Robinson and Miss; Ballaner and do; sroaes, is Hunter and Natchez Miss Gavindan, do: Ward and Wash City; i uoryaon; Damon, Jrieliy, Dowers, Pa; Gait Hoiihb. A Compton, Cin; Wilson, Mo, Marsh, Cin; FF Berry, Shelby co; Holmea, Cin; Fry, Ohio; Wlllard, Texas; Campbell, Covington: Moore. St Louis; RR Love, Cin; HFitzhueh.

Covington; Trabue, Frankfort; Trabue, do; Campbell, do; Miss Bain, Kinderhook; Bain, do: Moore, Covington; Widor. citv: A Warren and Brandenb Miss Pratt, county; Winer, Springfield; WH English, la; Edmonds, Hopkinsville; Miss McAfee, do; Hunter, Nashville; Field, Frankfort: A Phelps andL, California; Belcher and Worsley, do; A Polk andF, Tenn; Mosby andL, Bernard and Mobile; Peak, Ark, Peak.jr, do; Stedman, Ark; Ofiuti-, do; Peak, Georgetown; A Lakins.Ark; Burbridgo and RB Haviland, A Kennedy and sn, HMilward, Cin; Franer, Covington; TJ Nolan, Tenn; Shepard, do; A Ratcliffe, Pikeville, Ky; Brown, do; Uebard, Vincennes: Southeate. Covincton: Spencer, Bourbon co; Stonestreer, Clarke co; Coolbaugh, Iowa; Miss Maxwell, Mtss: Miss Mosby, do; auss il uarroii, no; Linlev. do; WO Lea; JReilyandL, Texas; Miss Andrews, do; WD WhUock, Va; ME Lett; NIC Ludlow Mobile; Hotel. Thompson, Henry co; Dodd.

do: Hall, Madison Belle; Alaop, I'ort dibson. Clendeninfr, Leavenworth; A Gow: citv; BBaldwell, Shelby co; Rev Mr Waller, do; Curd. Glasgow; A Harrow. Cio; Rutherford; Smith, Glasgow; Deavell, Tsrre Haute; Duncan. Warren co; Dulany, do; js Hunt, ao; Voicrs, New Castle; Leedum, Elizabeth town: Miss Cutshaw, Salem; Seachrist, Gosport; Bryant, ME feasant; Bowles House.

Morgan, Bloomfield; Thomas, do; Conn, county: Staples, Frankfort; Cox. Fairfield; Philips, Pa; Ingham, Madison; Meriwether, Shell) co; Alexander, county; Cornwells, Lexington; a ao: Montague, do; Montague, do; Brown, Pa; Smith, Garrard co; Flood, Shelby co; Burges, Taylorsville; Carson, do; Stradcr's Hotel. Floyd, Ky; Floyd, Westport; Taylor, Union co; Elumjjhrey, Carroll ton; Adams. do; Randolph, Ross, do: Cox, Mobile: Thomas, Texas; JW Wilkins, Mo; Harrison, do; Leonard, Ark; Dawson, Miss; Whitman, county; Hotel DcRaine. Allen, AShaff, Pittsburgh; Brown; Miller; Pickett, La; Pennehaker, city; CE Nourse, Bardstown; Arnold, USA; Ballard, Lagrange; Keynon, do; Burnett, Taylorsville; Johnson; GHays, Charlestown; Lyons, Cin; Mays; PORT OF LOUISVILLE.

BRPOttTED EXPRESSLY FOB THE DAILY COURIEh ARRIVALS Friday, June 6. Ben Franklin, Summons, Cincinnati; North River, Catterlin, do; Col Dickinson. Youcum, do; Blue Wins, Cline, Madison; Winfield Scott, Devinney, Now Orleans; Schuylkill. Rudd, St Louis; Madison Belle, Ayres, Hcuderst-n; Georgetown, McPherson, New Orleans DEPARTURES Friday Ben Franklin, Summons, Cincinnati; Winfield Scott, Divinney, do; Blue Wing, Cline, Madison; Col Dickinson, Youcum, Nashville; Pike No 9, Tucker, St Louis; North River, Catterlin, do; Julia Dean, Brisco, Florence; Madison Belle, Ayres, Henderson. Memoranda.

Thv Schuylkill left St. Louis June 3, at 62, p. m. 4th Met Fashion at Cape Girardeau; Fawn at Anderson's Bar. 5th Lady Franklin at Evi.nsville.

Memoranda. The Georgetown left New Orleans, Saturday, May 31. Met, June 1st Boetona at College Point; Magnolia at Red River. 2d Peytona at Island 102. 5th Lady Franklin at Fords Ferry Lexington at West Franklin.

6th Belle Key at French Island Pike No. 9 at Roekhaven. The Mississippi river was rising all the way up. The Ohio rising from Cairo up. New Orleans very healthy.

Full of cabin and deck pas. aengers; no sicknes on board. RIVER IMPORTS. KANAWHA Per Flalboats bbls salt, Ru finer Brooks. CINCINNATI Steamer Ben Franklin 20 bbls water.

Buckles: 4 bxs mdse. co; 6 do do, PB co; 3 do. Tit. Slevm; 38 pes furniture, Stokes; 10 pes basgmg. Fur man 1 box, A Reeves; 3 carriages, I Stone; 39 bxs cheese, Uurlnut Mann; 12 do mdse, Warren; 1 bbl li- 41 pes furniture, Moore; 47 bxs cheese, 40 doz buckets, a cc 20 halt chests tea, 1 iuilick cc Olark; fcB boxes mdse.

Baker co; 10 bbls alcohal, Bull co; 10 pes furni ture, Dully; 32 bbls ale, 13 bxs tobacco, 12 bales hay, 13 bxs lemons, 12 pkirs, wharf; 16 exp do, Hughes; 30 do, I Moorhead; 10 pes furniture, White; 28 bales wick, Cromie; 40 empty bxs, Mussellman; 50 pkgs mdse, Low co; 1 bale Mathers; 14 bxs, Barber co; 2 do, 1 do, Wilkes; 1 do, Johnson Cole; 20 bags meal, Niven. CINCINNATI Steamer Telegraph (Saturday) 42 ps iron, 1 straw cutter, Moorehead; 1 bx, Beard; 1 pkg, Morton Griswold; 2 bxs, Bent Duvall; 2 do, PB co: 3 do, bbls iron, Beatty; 35 bxs mdse, Cochran son; 2 do, Brainard; 26 exp pkge, Adams; 4 bbls whisky, Terbloth; 100 kegs white lead, Robinson Carey; 1 bx, Rufl'nor Brooks; 1 do, Whaloy; 4 bbls, Graff; 100 kegs, white lead, bbls do, 10 bbls beer, owner; 2 qand boxes, Selliger; 12 chairs, Stokes; 5 bales tobacco, Holbrook; 2 pkgs, Flood; 2 bxs, Morris co; 6 do, Avery; 2 bbls liquor, wharf; 1 hf chest tea, 120 bbls whisky, Jones; 11 calves, 5 bbls eggs, Graham; 25 dozen buckets, 3 dozen tubs, Gardner co; 1 calf, Jacob; 40 bags meal, Niven. CINCINNATI Steamer Col Dickinson 28 bags yarn, 2 pkgs paper, D. MADISON Steamer Siciftsitre Saturday 111 sks wheat, Smith Smiser; 7 bbls fleshings, Conrad; 4 bbls eggs, 3 kegs butter, Hot marble, 368 sks ear corn, 214 do shelled corn, owners on board; 1 bbl, Schroeder. VEVAY Per Flatboat 425 bales hay, Sullivan.

NEW ORLEANS Steamer Wi-njield Scott 2 casks, 3 bxs, 1 case saws, 8 bdls shovels and Epades, Marriner; 100 bxs claret, 4 bbls figs, Fonda, Moore co; 4 bales moss, 4 crates do, HENDERSON Steamer Madison Belle 5 hhds tobacco, Bridges 6c do, farmer's warehouse; 8 bbls mackerel, 18 qr do, 3 bbls lard, 3 kegs do, 12 bbls supar, 2 casks bacon, Jno Howard; 7 empty bbls, II Yenger; 1 cask, 1 bbl and 5 bxs bacon, Newland Trabue; 1 fire front, Glover, Gault fc co; 1 do, owner; 2 casks rags, Morton Griswold: 1 bbl sundries, Geo Cook. NEW ORLEANS Steamer Georgetown 112 bags coffee, 25 do pepper. A Buchanan; 60 bxs tin, A Richardson; 10 csk claret, Monks Zanone; 26 cas huts, arren: 5cks chains, Clegett, Johnsou co; 9 cas hoots, Piatt, Bucklin co; 4 hf pipes brandy, Sam Hyman; 8 cks claret, lerget; 22 bxs champagne, II Walker; 4 qr pipes brandy, 30 bags Martiu it co; 1 csk mdse, co; 3 hf pipes liquors, 4 do bbls whisky, I do pecans, 13 bxs claret, 2 barrels iugar, 6 bxs champagne, 1 do brandy, 10 cas furniture, hf bbls molosses, 1 do hams, Atkinson co; 2 horses, Anderson; 1 cl cordage, Boggs Russell; mail. ST LOUIS Steamer Schuylkill 94 bales hemp, Coleman co; 39 do do, Thos Smith; 1 threshing machine, Dorsay; 1 box mdse, Henry co. "pACON 4000 lbs clear Sides; 2000 lbs Hams; in store and for sale by jc5 JEFFERSON SON.

MFOR SALE. A Farm, 18 les from Louisvilie, 2 miles from Mt. Washington; 2056 acres, 100 acres of wnich is cleared. A good two-story frame House, large and handsomely built, kitchen, stable and other out-buildings, tine spring and spring house, garden, orchard of fine young fruit trees, well selected. Said farm is uuder good fence and in a good state of cultivation.

A bargain is offered in this property. Also, an undivided half of eight acres of Land, lying in theedge of the town of Livonia, in tfce StRte of Indiana. Also an undivided half of 160 acres, lying near the said trfct of P0 acres. Ot the 80 acre tract about one half is cleared; all good land. Livonia is 11 miles from Salem, at which place the railroad from New Albany has its depot at present.

A plank oad is in progress from Salem to Livonia. Terms reasonable. Also, a two-story Brick House on Eighth street, between Market and Main, opposite Eighth street Church, six rooms; Lot 24 feet front by 85 feet deep. Price moderate, terms reasonable. Also, 200 acres of Land, lying partly in the county of Daviess and partly in the county of Hancock, on Blackford creek, on which isa Saw and Griet Mill; about 50 acres under fence, good cabins, and good spring water.

Price moderate ank terms reasonable. Also, 105 feet of Ground, fronting on the north side of High street, 25 feet from the corner of Twelfth street. Terms liberal. We have for sale a likely young Negro Woman, about 22 years old, a good cook, ironer and washer. We have also for sale a House and Lot on the south side of Green, between First and Second streets: Lot 51 feet front by 180 feet deep to an alley; house has eight rooms and garret, kitchen and servants' rooms, doub eparlor, back porch above and below; 70 feet from the corner of First.

A bargain can be had in this property, for part cash and balance in 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. Also, a House and Lot on Seventh street, between Green and Walnut, in Shannon's Row, 26 Jeet front by 205 deep to an alley. Valuable improvements; eight rooms including basement, back porch. Terms liberal. Also, a House and Lot on Marketetreet, between Ninth and Tenth, 28H feet front by 125 feet deep; improvements good and all in good order.

Terms reasonable. jc5 SPEED WALLKR, Court Place. 8p5 FOR RENT. A very desirable Residence, situated on Market street, between Sixth and Seventh, six rooms and kitchen. Apply immediately to je5 SPEED WALLER.

WM. G. STEWART FAMILY GROCERY, TEA, WINE and LIQUOR STORE, No. 417, Market street, south side, between Fourth and Fifth. je5 COUNTRY MOLASSES AND GOLDEN SYRUP, very fine, for sale by je5 WM.

G. STEWART 417, Market st "IVTEW YORK SYRUP In 10 gallon kegs and bbls tor sale Dy je5 WM. G. STEWART CO. niB WHITE HAVANA COFJFEE A few Backs very old for sale by je5 WM.

G. STEWART CO. CODA CRACKERS. Afresh supply of superior Soda Crackers for sale by WM G. STEWART CO.

CHAMPAGNE WINE. 20 baskets Champagne (pint and quart) equal to any imported, received per Fanny Smith nnd for sale low by jeG WM. G. STEWART CO. CLARET-je5 -25 dozen genuine for sale by WM.

G. STEWART fc CO. PALE BRANNY. 50 qr casks Otard Dupuy Co'a Brandy, direct from the custom-house, received pe anny smitnanaior sale oy je5 WM. G.

STEWART CO. WINES Pure Port, Madeira, Golden Sherry, Port Juice Muscat, Catawba and Malaea Wine for sale by je5 WM. G- STEWART CO. MASONIC REGALIA. Just received by express another beautiful lot of Regalia.

Brethren of the order are respectfully invited to call and examine them, at the Sign of the Golden Hand, 449, Main street. my2G GEO, BLANCHARD. Telegraphed expressly and exclusively for the Courier. BY THE MORSE LINE. FROM VICKSBURG.

Vioksburg, June 6, P. M. The steamers Pontiac, Sarah, and Harry passed uvwii, me oiumous, uostona, lnquois, and Uen'l ouuu up. a ne river rising last the weather hot there has been no rain. BY O'RIELLYS SOUTHERN LINE.

FROM NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, June 6, P. M. The ship Zinganee arrived from Rio to-day, in 45 a ays. The Railroad Convention has adjourned, after pas sing resolutions proposing a general convention in January next.

I Much of our New Orleans despatches is omitted in consequence of the imperfect and unintelligible manner in which they reached us. The wires worked badly on account of the unfavorable weather. Ed. Courier. New Orleans, June.

6, P. It. Couon Sales to-dav or only 900 bales all parties are wait ing the steamer's news. FlonrThme 1b no demand, and Ohio is offered at $3 75; sales of 800 bbls sour atSS 80aS3. Provisions We hear of only trifling sales of Pork and Lard.

Prime Bacon at 6a6 l-4c The market is extremely dull. REPORTED FOR THE DAILY COURIER. BY O'RIELLYS EASTERN LINE. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, May 5.

The President has appointed Alexander D. Moore. collector of customs of Wilmington, North Caroli na, vice Kan kin, resigned Ihe Commissioner or Xndtau Affairs left to-dav. to meet in connection with Gov. Ramsey, the Sioux Indians in Minnesota.

Charles E. Mix, acts as Commissioner of Indian Affairs during Mr. Lea's absence. The Kosciusko estate case was up in the Circuit Court to-day. The jury gave a verdict against the validity of the will of 1806.

The foreign heirs by this decision will be entitled to the entire estate, which is considerable. Suits will be instituted for its re covery from the trustees and securities. FROM CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, June 6. The river has risen 10 inches.

Considerable rain fell last night and Miss Fox the spiritual raoner, and C. the reputed humbug exposer, are both in the city; the former charging ana trie latter cents admittance; neither attract much attention, is very dull. FROM NEW BEDFORD. New Bedford.

June 5. Intelligence -has been received from New South Wales, to the effect that Obediah Luce and five of his men, of the whale ship "Boy," of Rhode Island, were murdered by natives of the Carolina Islands, on the 18th of January. The vessel had touched there for water. FROM BOSTON. Boston, June 5.

The jury in the case of Scott for aiding in the rescue of Shadreck have reported. They could not agree ten for and two against convicting. They were retained to report again to-morrow. FROM PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh, June 6.

There are 4 feet 4 inches in the channel and falling slowly. It is raining. FROM READING. Reading, June 5. The Democratic Convention nave nominated Big-ler for Governor and Clover for Canal Commissioner.

FROM NEW YORK. New York. June 5. Great excitement prevails, owing to the failure of Faber an extensive house. FROM CONCORD.

Concord, June 5. The Legislature have re-elected Governor Dtns- more. Cincinnati, June 6 Flour Sold to moderate extent at S3 35a3 40. Whiakv Sales at 17 l-2al7 3-4c. Provisions Sales 180 bbls la-dat 8 3-4e; nothing doing in bacon.

Groceries are inactive and unchanged. New Yok, June 6, M. Flour la buoyant with sales of 4000 bbls at S3 04a84 06 for Ohio, and 06 for common State and 4 25 for round hooped. Grain Wheat is dull and drooping. Rye nominal at 76c.

Oate quiet. Corn better: sales 12000 bushels at 56 l-2af7 l-2c for Western, and 59 for Northern. Whisky Is drooping; Ohio 221-4. Pork Inactive at S14 81 1-4 for new Mess, Beef heavy. Cut Meats drooping.

Lard very heavy. Bacon nominal. REVIEW OP THE KIAKKET. OFFICE OF THE XOU1SVILLE COURIER, Fkidav Evening, June 6, 1851. Business continues quiet, with, however, more firmness for Groceriep, with ample stocks on hand of all articles, with the exception of Provisions, which are scarce.

BAGGING AND ROPE A fair demand, with sales of 155 pieces and 150 coils at 11 3-2 and 6c, 80 pieces at 11 l-2c, and 315 pieces and 350 coils in lots at 11 l-2and 12 and 5 3-4 to 6c, and one or two light sales of very superior at 12c for Bagging and 6 l-4c for Rope; also sales of 190 pieces and 190 coils at at 12 and 6aG l-4c. FLAXSEED We quote at SI 40 per bushel. FEATHERS We quote at31a32c for choice. FLOUR AND GRAIN The market continues dull, with sales of 250 bbls at S3 50 per bbl, and 150 bbls choice fresh ground at S3 60; retail sales at S3 75a4 00. Wheat we quote at G0a55c.

Corn from the country 37 l-2c in ear; sales from store at 40a43c per bushel. HEMP A sale of good dewrotted at $85aS87perton, and a sale at S30 per ton. HAY Light sales of baled Timothy at for choice, and sales of a lew tons at the wharf at $11 25. GROCERIES We quote salea of 85 bags Rio Cofi'ce at 10c, with light sules at 10 l-4c, and retail sales at 10 l-2c. Sugar firm, with sales of (15 hhds in small lots at fi 1-2 to 6 3-4c for choice.

Sales of Western Cheese at 6 l-2c. PROVISIONS A LARD Small sales of mess Pork at $14. Sales of 9 casks clear Sides at 9c. Bacon from the country we quote at 6a6 l-4c for Shoulders, 7 3-4 to 8c for Hams, and 8 l-2c lor clear Sides; Shoulders are scarce, and Sides are dull. Sales from stores of 45 casks Bacon 6 l-2c for Shoulders, 8 l-4a8 l-2c for ribbed, and 8 3-4a9c far clear Sides; plain Hams 8a8 l-2c, and a sale of sugar.

cured at 9c. Sales of Lard at 10c for prime in kegs. Sales of 62 bbls No. 1 Lard at 7 l-2c. A sale of 100 kegs Lard at 3-4c, with 22 per cent oil.

MACKEREL Mackerel in lots, No. 1 bbls $13 50; half bbla S7 25; quarter bbls SI 25; kits $2 35; No. 2, bbls SIS 25; half bbls 66 60; No. bbls, $8 75; half bbls $5 25; by retail 25c advance, with salea of 190 bbls and 229 pkgs of the different numbers. A sale of 42 boxes small Herring at 75c per box.

WOOL Sales of Wool in grease at 20c; salrs of washed and pulled common fleece at 31a32c. TOBACCO Sales at Todd's warehouse of 40 hhds to-dny at $2 40aS7 40 extreme prices WHISKY Sales of good rectified at 18c. FREIGHTS To New Orleans dull at 20a22 l-2c for pound mights, nnd 50c per bbl for pork. Way freights the same. To Pittsburgh we quote pound freights at 12 1-2 to 18c.

EXCHANGE The banks are all checking on the East at 1-2 per cent premium, the out-door rates at 1-2 to 5-8, and scarce. Exchange on New Orleans from par to 1-2 discount. PIG IRON 50 tous soft gray cold blast Iron, from Cumberland Furnace, lauding from steamer Gossamer and for jc6 AND'W BUCHANAN CO. RIKD FRUIT. A small lot of Apples and Peaches for sale by ie61 AND'W BUCHANAN it CO.

GREAT BARGAINS IN BUILDINd LOTS We have for sale twenty Building Lots, a short distance south of Broadway, between FirBt and Fourth streets, within ten minutes walk of the postoffice. court house, or market, nigu ana Deautuuuy siiuatea, wmcn wi: will sell on the most liberal terms. WY can sell a good building lot200 foet deep, running to a 20 foet alle for S250; no payment will bo required down. The lota will be sold on credits of one, two, three and four years. Security will be required on the first payment, and lien retained on the property for the remain-der; or one-fourth in cash will be required, at the option of the purchaser.

We are certain that in advantages of location, centrality, beauty and health, there is no property in the city so desirable that can be sold bb cheap. SPEED WALLER, je6 Real Estate Agents, Court Place. MIRTH PROVOKING BOOKS AT NOBLE'S. The following are mirth provokers suitable to the season, such as drives away the blues and forces a laush whether you want to laugh or not. They are th-i embodiments of Western and Southern wit, humor and fun.

If you want something to get over these dull, hot days with something to utiord you decided amusement then get one or two of the following: The Big Bear of Arkansas. By Porter. Theatrical Apprenticeship of Sol. Smith. Esq.

Quarter Race in Kentucky and other etorifs. By Porter. Streaks of Squatter Life and far West Scenes. By Solitaire. Pickings from the Portfolio of the New Orleans Pic The Adventures of Capt.

Simon Suggs. Waggeries and Vagaries. Py W. E. Burton.

Slajor Jones Courtship and Travels. Leaves from the Note Book of a Louisina Swamp Doctor. All of the above are illustrated by humorous engravings. je5 G. W.

NOBLE, 56, Fourth et FROST fc HAVING RECKIV-5K9ed their sDrinc supplies of pure and unadulterated Med- cines and Chemicals, are at all times prepared to put up Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes with neatness, accuracy and despatch. je5 nitUGS AND Calcined and lump Maenesia: ftoaa ana uream jartar; coopers ismgiass; Saleratus, Borax, Camphor, Rhubarb, forsale by je5 J. C. FROST CO. TTTIOR INVALIDS, JL' Pure Madeira and Port Wines: suDerior Brandv: Tapioca, ooua, rean xmney, iorsaie Dy je5 J.

C. FROST CO. PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. Lu-bin'a Extracts, Liquid Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar, Carmine Powder, Cologne, Pomatum, Hair Restorative, fancy and common Soaps, Cosmetics, for sale by J. C.

FROST 513, Market at, je5 south side, between Second arid Third. BLACK. CASSIMERE 2 cases received this day and for sale by je5 JAMES LOW 417, Main st. SIR WALTER SCOTT'S COMPLETE NOVELS, for S2 50. I have just received a supply of ScotfaJNo-vels in 5 volumes, which I am selling at the above low price.

jc5 G. W. NOBLE; GUM ELASTIC CLOTH. Just received by express 2 bolts superior Gum Elastic Cloth, expressly for patent shower-baths, at the Sign of the Golden Hand, 449, Main si jc5 GEO. BLANC HARD.

MACKEREL. 10 bbls, 10 hlf and 10 or bbls No. 2 Mackerel received per Gen. Lafayette and for sale by je5 GARDNER CO. BUTTER AND EGGS.

500 dozen Eggs; 200 lbs Butter; in store and for sale by Je5 JEFFERSRN SON. QUGAR 75 hhds prime New Orleans in store and forsale low to cioee oy f4j E. J. MARTIN CO. PRIVATE TUITION! French, Italian, Spanish, German, Latin, fcc.

E. I. SEARS, A. Begs to announce that, having formed classes in different parts of the city, and having taken suitable rooms at No. 6, Court will continue to give lessons both at residence? and at hia rooms, on the most moderate terms.

m26d3m ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. PKPSrN, THE TBTJE DIGESTIVE PL-TID, OR GASTBIC JUICE. A great Dyspepsia curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M.

D. No 11 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. This is a truly wonder ful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastrin Juice. See ad vertisement in another column. mhl5 d3m AUGUST ELECTION.

For Attorney General of the State. J. HO LLTNG SWO RTH is a candidate for the orace of Attorney General of the State. Register of Land Office. CAPT.

W. S. D. ME GO WAN, of rrsn eountv. is a candidate for the office of Register of the Land office.

max nacwie For Superintendent of Pnblic Instrnction. REV. THOS. N. RALSTON.

A.M.. is a candidate for superintendent oi ruouc instruction. REV. JOHN D. MATTHEWS, late of Paducah.

and now of Henderson, is a candidate for Superintendent of ruonc insrrucnon at tno August eiecuuu. myisu dwte For State Treasurer. RICHARD C. WINTERSMITH. is a candidate foi the office of State Treasurer.

mv31 O. H. P. SCANLAND isa candidate for State Treasu rer, mylg President of Board of Internal Improvement. DAVID R.

HAGGARD, of Cumberland county, is a candidate for President of the Board of Internal Improve ment my23 C. M. CLAY, CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY, WILL sneak at Paint Lick Meeting House, Garrard county, Monday, Juno 2. Waynesburg, Lincoln county, Wednesday, June 4th. Somerset, Pulaski eountv, Thursday, June 5th.

Montlcello, Wyne county, Friday, 6th. Russell county, Saturday. June 7th. Columbia, Adair county, Monday, Juno 9th. Glasgow, Barren county, Wednesday; Jiiie 11th.

Bowlina Green, Warren county, Thumdffy, -June 12th. Kussellville, Logan county, fcaturany, June J4tn. Elkton, Todd county. Monday. June 16th.

Hopkinsville. Christian county, Tuesday. June 17th. Gr-enville, Muhlenburg county. Thursday, June 19th.

Hartford, Ohio county, Friday, June 20rh. Morgantown, Butler county, Saturday, June 21st Litchfield, Grayson county, Monday, "June 23d. Steoh en sbu nr. Hardin eountv, Tuesday, June 24th Elizabeth town, Hardin county, Wednesday, June 25th. New Haven, Nelson county, Thursday, June 26th.

Bardstown, Nelson county, Friday, June 27th. Springfield, Washington county, Saturday, June 28th. Ealvisa, Mercf county, Monday, June 30th Mortonsvilie, Woodford county, Tuesday, July 1st. Nicholasville, Jessamine county. Wednesday, July 2d.

jflStatesman, ReporteJ. Yeoman at Frankfort, and Courier at Louisville, copy till the expiration of the time. my.U ddtwim 'l. ROWLAND, SUWIKEKS WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KEEP constantly on hand Baffging, Rorje, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Whisky am' Groceries eenerally, which they offer at the lowest market prices. They reepp.ctmlly solicit the attention of Southern purchasers and others to their stock je4 otiis INSURANCE.

THE LEXINGTON FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY continues to insure the Hulls of Steamboats, Shipments by Steamboats, and by Vessels at sea. She insures also against Loss or Damage by Fire, and issues Policies on Lives. Her capital is $300,000. Her means are ample. She st moreover in receipt of Premiums, amounting annually to halt a million of dollars.

During the eight ycnr that the undcr-sismed has been the Agent, he has paid losses in this city amounting to upwards of one hundred nnd seventy-five thousand dollars in every case without delay and to the entire sat-isfactionof the claimant; facts affording abundant guaranty both of disposition and ability to adjust liberally and pay promptly. He invites a continuation of the public patronage, under the assurance of the same ability and disposition thTat his Insu rance business has mtherto exnituted. JOHN MUHl, Agent. Office on Mainstreet, near Bank of Louisville. mh22 d3mie Grand Excursion to tlie World's Fair, THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP NORTH AMERICA, J.

BLETHEN, Commander, rpHE FASTEST STEAMSHIP IN THE WORLD Will jl leave rier wortn itiver, lor i-iiverpooi, jn-iiano Tuesdav. June 17th. at 3 o'clock. P. M.

Tiie steamship is quite new havmc made nut three trips to Chagres, testing her sea aualities satisfactorily and it is confidently expected that she will record the quickest passage vet made across the Atlantic. She has 80 larce and commodious state rooms, (some of entireiv new rmople is tliereiore iree irom sinen nas new furniture and bedding of the best quality, and ample pas senger accommodations for 2UU persons. Faro in State Room Saloon Fare in Lower Deck Saloon 100 Fare to Liverpool and back, with privilege to stay 4 or 5 weeks 230 No room secured till naid for. No freight An expe nenced surceon is attached to the ship. For nassaee.

where plan of the cabins and. state rooms can ie seen, apply nn tne oincc, r.0. warcr, coiner oi jiruuu bu THE FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LOUISVILLE, IS insurinc airninstlossbv fire in citv or comm and on HuHb of Steam or Sail Vessels, and on property hy land or water, to or from any port in the United states or DIRECTORS. A. S.

Shotwull, William Garvin, William Gay, William T. Hartley. James S. Lithgow. Claudius Duvall, James E.

Breed, Benjamin C. Hnrd. JAMES TRARTTK, D. S. Chambers, Secretary mh5 dly ATTENTION, WASHINGTON BLt'ES! MEMBERS of the above Company are reouestcd to call at tne wammorn uk cuing uepoc to nave tneir measures laneu forlhvrith, as it.

is the intention of the Company to parade on the ensuing 4th of July. Hence the necessity of coming up romptiy to onnoie me to tiave uiem all compieiea oy mar time. JR4J vv.MMULt-P, rroprietor. npHE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINJ5 for June is tnis aav to nana, it aoounas wemtn, ncn ana rare, from the minds of the Greatest authors in the world. Why don't everybody take it? It is undoubtedly the excelsior of all magazines, or sale or subscriptions received by tne only authorized agents for Louisville, C.

HAG AN CO. boxes prime Western reserve Cheese just received per uelecraph and forsale hy my 6 1 tLiL.ur.ti. x. jauiv, WALL PAPER. Wo arc selling oft' our stock of Wall Papers very' low.

Those wish ins to purchase will ease call and sec. JOHNSTON fc COLE. my20 Painters' Depot, n5, 1 hird st ECEIVED SATURDAY EVENING BY EX- XV i nress, very handsome French Laws, and dotted Swiss Nett Gloves, and Fans, very cheap at the one price system store of No. 501 Market st. above Third street; je2 KEAS OLDHAM.

CHEESE. (15 boxes Western Reserve Cheese just re ccived per Telegraph and for sale by FLOUR 200 bbls extra family Flour just received and je3 corner Market and Fifth sts. CtHEESE.lOS boxes Western Reserve Cheese received per J. J. Crittenden and for sale by my27 JOHN F.

HOWARD. WM. JARVIS fc CO. HAVE opened a house at 42, Third street, between Main and Water, next door abov Fonda, Moore Co's, where they will attend to their Porkh iuse business. e4 QiiW4 H.


BIONSARRAT 4S3, Main st. WANTED All kinds of Current and Uncurrent Money, at fair rates. WANTED Jeflereonville and Stock. for which we will pay the highest market was i fcu Louisville ana raiiKtort llauroaa bcock. WANTED Mexican Bounty Land Warrants, for which we are paying the highest prices.

uk SAivij c-ignt unecks on Kcw York, rmiaaeipnia ana Baltimore, in sums to suit. GILCHRIST'S CELEBRATED RAZORS. rriHE undersigned has been appointed sole agent for the sale oi tne above verv superior Razors, to wmcn ne in vites the attention of all in want of a good art'clc. Every Razr.r is warranted to be nf the very best quality, or it may be returned and exchanged or the money refunded. A sup ply just received and for sale by myaa ajm ti- uttmoBi YE FLOUR.

25 bbls Pennsylvania Rye Flour just received and for sale low by H. FERGUSON SON. CARRIAGES AT GREAT BARGAINS. We are now oflerinp the lamest and cheapest lot of Carriages ever offered in this city, and of the latest New ork styles, viz: I supernne, ngnt and neatly nmsiica Clarence oaen; 1 London Coach, a first rate article; Several hich door Rockawnvs, various patterns; 4 Wooateries, or Doctors' Vehicles; 28 top Bugcies, of various sizes, shapes and patterns; Together with Britskas and open Buggies: all of which will be sold very low for cash or good paper. Also several second-hand Carriages very cheap.

my29 A. W. MERWIN 39, Third st. EORGE AYOSTENHOLM'S POCKET AND Pen Knives for sale by my 22 O. BULL CO.

WINES AND BRANDIES. 25 eighth casks sweet Malaga Wine; 25 bbls Madeira Wiae; 15 bbls Port Wins; 5 casks St. Julian Claret Wine; 10 bbls White Wine; 20 boxes Muscatel Vino; 5 do old Port Wine, for families; 5 do Golden Shcrrv Wine, do; 50 do St Julian Claret Wine; 20 do La Rose do do; 5 half-pipes pah Hennessey Brandy; 5 qr casks St. Vincent do; 2 qr pipes Otard Dupuy Co. Brandy; 2 do J.J.

Dupuy do; in store and for sale by je5 D. L. ADAMS 34, Third st. HE CRYSTAL PALACE A VIEW TO BE had without the expense and fatigue of a trip across the ocean. We have just received a very large and fine engraving of the interior of the Crystal Palace, showing the ar-n-ngementand decorations, taken from a drawing submitted to her Majesty's commissioners; also a number of small engravings of the esterior and interior.

We have them in our window where the public can see them. MAXWELL jje5 451, Main 3d door above Fifth. BIBLES. The subscribers have just opened a large invoice of Butler's superior family hibles. This edition of the Holy Bible is printed on large type and the finest paper, is bound in a superior manner and beautifully illustrated with mezzotint and colored engravings, illuminated record and title pages.

Prices ranging from $6 to S25. je5 MAXWELL CO. ODD FELLOWS' REGALIA. Just received by express one dozen Fifth Degree Regalia, which for style and beauty surpasses anything ever brought to this city. Also one dozen Camp Regalia, beautifully embroidered, at the Sign of the Golden Hand, 449, Main street.

my26 GEO. BLANCHARD. PARASOJLS. White, black, grey and figured Parasols, of the neatest patterns and cheapest prices, for saleby je5 TAYLOR RAYMOND. COMMENCED SLIPPERS Ladies desiring to make handsome and serviceable presents to gentlemen, could not do better than purchase a pair of our commenced SHd-pers, and finish them, the material for which will be -urmsh-ed gratis.

je51 TAYLOR RAYMOND. TYBIES. A One assortment of heavy crotchet Ty dies, for the backs of chairs, can be had low at js5 TAYLOR fe RAYMOND. HECKLER'S PARI A A few boxes on hand and for saleby je5 McMULLEN MOORE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION.

ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON NEXT, at 3 o'clock, will be offered for sale on the a lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part of a pa tent refrigerator," an' air tight stove, bees, bedding, all of which are very desirable and nearly new. Sale positive. SAM'L OLER, M. V. WATTS, Auc'r.

je6 d2 corner of Shelby and Market sta. BY J. R. HOLST. New and second-band Fnrnitnre at auction.

ON SATURDAY MORNTNG, June 7th. at 10 o'clock pre cisely, will be sold at the Auction Mart. No. 76. Pearl street, a general asBortment of new and second-hand Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Presses, Washstands, Tables, Chairs, Safes, Settees, Lounges, Clocks, MattrasEcs, Looking Glasses, Carpets, Cooking Stoves, China and Crockery Ware, Glassware; and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.

grPersonB in want of Furniture are requested to attend this sale, as every article put up will be positively sold. Terms cash. Sale. positive. J.

R. HOLST, je5 d3 Auctioneer. 3Y S. G. HE NEY CO.

Special and large sale of Steamboat Furniture and Piano, by order of anderwriterB, AT AUCTION. ON MONDAY MORNING NEXT, June 9, at 10-o'clock, will be sold at auction rooms, a largo variety of first rate Steamboat Furniture. In the lot will be found-Blankets, Sheets aud Mattrasses; Table Cloths and Comforts; Looking Glasses and Tables; 3 splendid Chandeliers; -China Dining and Tea Ware; Knives and Forks and Chaffing Dishes; Tumblers, Pitchers and Bowls; Cooking Stove and Furniture, Also, one superior Piano and Stool. Also, an invoice of second-hand Furniture. of the above articles are nearly new and very oesiraDie, ana win oe sold witnout reEerve.

Terms cash. S. G. HENRY je7 d2 Auctioneers, BY S. G.

HENRY CO. Adjourned sale of two valuable Building XiOts, AT AUCTION. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, June 9th, at 3 o'clock, will be sold on the premises One Lot. 60 feet front by 16(J feet deen. on Chestnut street.

north side, between Eighth and Ninth. This is a most desirable Building Lot, fire feet above the street, and two feet above the lots on cither Bide. One Lot, 53 feet bv 90, on the east sido of Ninth, between Madison and Chestnut streets. Teiims One-third cash; balance in 8 and 12 months, with interest. je7 d2 S.

G. HENRY Auctioneers. NOTICE. PERSONS selling out their Household and Kitchen Fund-niture, can meet with a purchaser at J. R.

HOLST'S, on Pearl street, between Main and Market, opposite Walker's City Exchange. Give him a trial. J. it. idULSi.

P. S. Nefc Furniture esehanged for old. AMUSEMENTS. OAKLAND COURSE.

RACING AND TROTTING RACES. THE RACES over this Course, will commence on the 11th of June, with a match for $500 aside, between A. Conk- in's "PLed Bird" and W. Peabodv's "Babv." Mile heats in harness. Second Day Sweepstakes S250 Entrance half forfeit; now four subscribers.

Mile heats in harness. A. Conklm enters br Pete. W. Peabody enters blfc Infant.

C. W. Keneday enters Red Bill. Dr. Herr enters Joe Godwin.

Purses will be given bv the proprietor, should there be uflicient horses entered. A S300 purse will be given on Saturday, two mile heats in harness, should "Lady Suffolk" and "O'Bleuis" arrive from St Luuis in time to meet the celebrated "Lady Jane" who is now at the Course. je5 dfi KENNETH DYE, Proprietor. E. SUTCLIFFE II.

A. HUGHES T. H. M'ALLISTEB MCALLISTER'S Concentrated Extract of Ginger, FOR DYSPEPSIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, CHOLERA Morbus, was introduced to the public the last year, and has acquired a high reputation for its efficiency in these and other affections. From its valuable properties as a highly diffusible stimulant, it proveB itself useful in banish- me languor and lassitude winch anect tne residents ot a Southern climate during the oppressive heat of summer, while it is entirely free from the injurious effects of alcoholic timulants.

McAllister's Concentrated Extract of Gimrer will be found a valuable companion to travelers on the river, who are al most invariably troubled with complaints ot the bowels. caused by the character of the water they are compelled to drink, and many a fatal case of Diarrhoea and Cholera may be traced to this origin. It will also prove extremely beneficial in Gout, Rheumatism and Dyspepsia, and those troubled with Flatulency and a sense of oppression after eating, will find it greatly to aid ani sttenthen digestion. Prepared only by SUTCLIFFE, McALLISTER wholesale Druggists, 524, Main street, north side, between Third and Fourth, Louisville; and for sale by the Druggists in Louisville, Jtiersonville and New Albany, and throughout rne touin ana west. fSrTrice 25 cents per bottle.

A liberal discount made to wholesale dealers. mylb C. W. YAM HORN'S' IMPROVED ELASTIC SIIOU.LDER BRACE THE ONLY BRACE MANUFACTURED that does not bind or chale under the arms, and can be worn with both ease and comfort. Those who have worn other Braces, are requested to give these a trial, to test their superiority over an otaers.

Clerks, Students, Tailors," Seamstresses, Children of both sexes, and all others, who either from habit or occupation, or from a weakly or debilitated constitution have ac quired the hHbitol bending torwavd, (round- shouldered. and comnreesiner the chest and nines, win una trie above Jiracc to remedy tne acove aeicct. and inure an erect carriage, with improved symmetry and form of body 10 the wearer, and also allowing a full, free and healthy action and expansion of the lungs, by removing the compression, ana preventing tnereoy tno pulmonary organs irom ipcominc weaK ana aiseasea. C. W.

VAN HORN CO manufacturers of Surgical liandapes oi ail descriptions, -Ogr U. Aft ttUttiVS Improved Elastic Uterine Supporter, For Prolapsus Uteri, (Falling of the Womb) cc. THIS instrument ie lieht and elastic, and is made without the steel springs, which are objectionable, on account of their chafing the hips, making them extremely unpleas ant to be worn. Ladies suffering from Ihe above derangement, nnd Physicians particularly, are solicited to give tbem a trial in their to prove their superiority over the steel spring, and other bandaoes. Several Professors of Obstetrics, and also a number of physicians in this city, and throughout the united States, have adopted them in their practice with the most decided beneficial results, and highly recommend and approve of them.

The following is from Professor Woodward, Cincin nati, Ohio: "I have examined and used to a considerable extent, during a practice of nearly twenty-five yearE, a great variety of Spring and I. need for the relief and cure of the several affections to which your instruments are applicable, but for mechanical execution, as as tne accurate adapta tion ol the instrument to. their several designs, nave never seen any that has given me more satisfaction. CHA11LE- WOODWARD, M.D." Professor of Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Chil dren, Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bandages for Females, after Parturition.

Supporters for weakness, debility, Trusses of nil descriptions for Hernia, Instruments lor Knock-Kneee, ciuo-ioot, Dow-iegs, aisiocareu or weak ioints. Sninal Instruments for curvature of the spine. and also for all derangements requiring the use of Bandages for restoration. C. w.

van For sale only by G. R. MILLER, Wholesale Agentfor Kentucky, my33 87, Third Louisville, Ky. WHOLESALE STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. THE subscribers take great pleasure announcing to tne rmblic that thev have taken the lease of the extensive stores Nos.

13 and 15 PARK ROW, (under Messrs. Bangs Brother, whose Trade Sales will be conducted immediately overhead,) and will be prepared to oflVr for the summer and fall trade, the largest and most extensive stock of STAPLE and FANCY STATIONERY ever exhibited in this country, all selected from the principal marts in Germany, France and England, by one of the firm, and have also made such ar-rajiTRmnts with the leadinc manufacturers of this couutry, as to enable them to eell their goods at the lowest prices cur rent. In pursuing, therefore, the most liberal and correct course, the urosecution of their business, they are determined at nil Hmfs to he n-overned bv a Droner desire to promote the interest-1? of their customers, upon which alone they rely for their patronage. WM. A.

vvw.tiJrJK uu. New lorK, Apru au, iooi. i TlNftRAVlNR ESTABLISHMENT. New Engraving- and Copper Plate Printing NO 513, Market street, between Second and Third, over Dnifr StnrR of J. C.

Frost Co. Portraits, Land scapes, Diplomas, Certificates, Maps, Charts, Business and Visiting Cards, Views of Public BuildingB, engraved on steel or copper in the bestBtyle. Also, seal ana vvoon r-ugravuig. n7 deodtf O. H.


TTjc great spring and summer Mcdwine. Ft purifies ia the only Sarsaparilla that acts upon the liver, kidney a MnnH tho same rime, which renders it altogether more valuable to every one, particularly females, nfnssnv. Professor in the Ohio Medical Collcse, says the Shaker preparations are truly valuable, and recommends them to the public No Mercury no Mineral no Poisonous Drrgs the Sha-ker Sarsaparilla. Remember it is warranted purely and entirely vegetable, and as a fare ily medicine it has no equal. Read tne following statement oi a ruiuwHuit formed upon-a lady of Cincinnati: Cincinnati, Feb 351.

ThUi tn certifvthat mv sister, Mary C. Belman, was at -KSn mnrx than three vears aco which rendered her so utterly helpless that she was compelled to keep her bd- All hopes of her recovery were despaired of Some of the most eminent physicians in Covington and Cincinnati attended her, all of whom declared her case a hopeless one. Passing by Dr. Howe's depot, an idea suggested itself, that to try one bottle of his Shaker Sarsaparilla could do no harm. Accordingly I purchased one bottle, and before its contents were entirely used she received benefit.

was induced to try another, and another; before the last was used she had nearly recovered. Now she has no pam, can walk, and has the entire use of her limbs. To Howe Shaker Sarsaparilla we attribute this effective cure. It is but a-few months since sne commenced uuyug J- Cmcinnati Daily Commercial. wrmdoi-fiil nnrf flstnnifihinir cure was effect- ed by the use of three bottles only of DR.

HOWE'S SHA- Prepared by DR. S. D. HOWE, Cincinnati, and for eale Louisville by SUTCLIFFE, McALLISTER CO. G.

R. Millar, Third street, near postoffice. C. Cornell, Jefferson street near First Stein Upper Market Dr. Owens, do do.

F. W. Kniess, do do. J. C.

Frost Market st, between Second and Third. W. Nock, Second and Market J. Burns. Sixth and Market- Morsell Fifth and Market J.

R. Bettison, Tenth and Market Aikin Main street, near Seventh. J. W. Gamble Main Btreet, near Sixth.

M. Aikin, Eleventh and Green. A. C. Weatherford, Tenth and Green.

T. A Hurley, Seventh and Green. Bell, Robinson Market street near Fourth. Also by the Druggists generally in the city and State. Quart bottles SI; six bottles for $5.

mh21 deodifcweowly AUGERS AND AUGER BITTS A general assortment of Snell ft. Bro's (late SS owby je3- ALEX, S. WOQDR-UF. Auction Sales This Day. By J.

R. HOLST Pearl stJvWFurnirnrfi. By N. V. WATTS-Corner Sixth and Market streets Fur- miure.

Steamboats 2-e striker This Day. tfer particulars, see Advertisements in another Cnlv.m niNciNNATi TELEGA A PII. McClellan. Memphis JOHN SWASEY. McLean.

St. Louis ISAAC NEWTON, Hutchinson. N. Orleans CHAS. HAMMOND, Davis.

St. Lours SCHUYLKILL, Rudd. The Louisville Weekly Courier 18 issued this morning, and contains large amount of highly interesting and useful rnttter. Among its contents may be found the conclusion of the thrilling Novelette, "ID ORLANDO, or, The Banditti of the Andes," which for beauty of incident, or interest, is rarely, if fiver, surpassed; a table showing tho population ot the United States, and the Apportionment of Representatives, under the Inst census; the closing scenes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, winch lias just closed its labors at St. Louis; a re- view of the ppeeches of Hon.

A. Dixon, and Col. Marshall delivered in this city on Saturday night last; a large amount ol political matter; full and copious extracts from our exchange, of domestic news; Foreign news hy telegraph and otherwise. Commercial news from all the principal cities in the Union, together with a large amount of miscellaneous matter, The Weekly Courier is printed on new and beautiful type, aud is one of the largest, handsomest, and cheapest papers in the Union. Single copies in envelopes, ready for mailing, five cents.

Yearly subscribers ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS; five copies for SIX DOLLARS; and ten copies for TEN DOLLARS. The River and Weather. Last evening there were 7 feet 6 inches water in the canal, and 5 feet on the falls. During the previous 24 hours the river had been stationary. The weather, yesterday, was disagreeable, with considerable heavy rain, and in the afternoon, quite a hail storm.

At Madison, yesterday, the river wag at a stand. The Mississippi is rising at all points from the upper rivers and extending beyond Memphis, and in many places the river has already overflowed its banks. At Cincinnati, yesterday, the river had risen 10 inches, and we expect it will be rising here to-morrow. fclPThe favorite fast running packet Schuylkill, Capt. Rudd, starts to St.

Louis, this at 11 o'clock, from the Portland wharf. ESF'The Alex. Scott, Capt. Sturgeon, starts to New Orleans to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, from Portland. The Scott is famous for her punctuality, good fare, and careful officers.

fSTTo Mr. Tewksbury, of the Telegraph No. 2, we are indebted for Cincinnati papers of yesterday. ESPThe Chancellor, as we learn by a despatch to Mr. Juo.

Bacon, left New Orleans on the 4th, full of passengers. Messrs. Kerby and De Hart, clerks of the steamer Georgetown, we are indebted for full files of New Orleans dates of the 31st and the latest river news. The Georgetown made the trip in six days. SSiPThe mail packet Fashion, Capt.

Anders, from St. Louis, is expected to arrive this morning in time to transfer her passengers for the East on the mail boat. She left St. Louis Thursday evening, and will have to make the trip in 41 or 42 hours to accomplish the feat. Official Vote for Judges of Court of Appeals.

The following is the official vote the respective candidates for Judges of the Court of Appeals received at the May election, with the exception of Harlan county, which failed to make any return for Judges. The aggregate vote of Harlan for Clerk of the Court of Ap.ieais was but 428: FIRST DISTRICT. James Simpson, James Rice, Richard Apperson, Tunstall Quarlcs, Wm. H. Cord, Plurality over next highest, SECOND DISTRICT.

Thomas A. Marshall, Martin D. McHenry, 8,273 5,654 4,163 2,439 1,836 2,619 14,198 9,714 Majority, 4,454 THinD DISTRICT. B. Mills Crenshaw, Chas.

A. Wicklitfe, Majority, 10.804 9,951 FOURTH DI5TIUCT. Elijah Hise, John Oalhoon, P. Fowler, Majority over all, 14,195 11,810 459 1,929 At the last accounts the Wisconsin, Mississippi and Illinois rivers were very high and still rising. Many towns and villages were submerged and farms overspread, and immense damage been done to the crops.

At St. Louis ihe water had entered the cellars of Ihe stores at the upper end of the landing, compelling the merchants to remove the goods stored in them. The dike had not suffered further injury nf consequence. Coroner's IuquEST.C. C.

Green, Coroner, held inquest, on the 6th on the body of Patrick I). Nyan, who was found dead, and hanging by the neck in his own stable, on Floyd's Fork, four miles Middletown. The Jury rendered a verdict he hung himself while laboring under. a fit of ni- -iy. He had been melancholy for some time.

lit; left a wife and eight children. GsTThere were thirty-two deaths by cholera on the steamer Grand Turk, that arrived at St. Louis from New Orleans, on Tuesday last. Three of them were cabin passengers returned Californians. The others were immigrants on the deck.

SFThe cars are again running regularly twice a Hay to Frankfort. They are already doing a very fine business much greater than the most sanguine friends of the road dared to hope for. EThose of our readers who wish to purchase some of the most desirable and splendid articles ever offered for Bale at auction in the West, must not forget Mr. J. G.

Mathers' sale. The goods will be ready for exhibition at Washington Hall in a few days. Quite a rencontre took place at Carrolton, Wednesday evening, between an Englishman known as Charley, and another white man, and a negro by the name of Geo. Hawkins. The Englishman in the melee got shot in the wrist.

EA large package, valuable perhaps, very mysteriously disappeared from the mad boat last night, soon after she landed at the wharf. It was addressed to ''Frost" and may have melted or fell overboard. Evening Line. The fine steamer John Simpson, starts to Cincinnati on Monday evening as a regular packet, in connection with the Mary Stephens. Her days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

SThe lightning duringthe storm Thursday evening, struck a brick house at the corner of Shelby and Jefferson streets. It demolished a portion of a chhn ney. and damaged the wall slightly. EWin. C.

"Marshall, candidate for Congress in the 10th district, opens the campaign in a speech at Maysville, on Monday next. If the vVhigsbutdo their duty, they can easily redeem that district. sSMr. Warren, the Treasurer of the Theatre, takes a benefit to-night. He is a most worthy gentle-niau.

and deserves and should Irave a full house. The Theatrical season closes to-night. Growing Hemp Crop. From the following extracts from letters addressed to a commercial house iri this city, it appears that the growing crop of hemp in this State has been injured by the heavy and continued rains, and is likely to he a short crop. St.

Louis Intel. A letter dated Weston, May 23d, says: The recent very heavy rains we regret to state, have so much washed out and injured the hemp crop, that the general opinion now is that there will be a very fhort return this year. This information is derived from persons fully capable of judging, and upon whose opinion every reliance can be placed. Another letter from Platte city, under date of the 22d ult, says: It has been raining up in this country very much recently, and farming is much retarded by it. The hemp crop now in is not promising; the dryness up to about 12th inst-, causing it to come up very thin; the best I have seen is not more than two-thirds of good stand.

EYVe learn that Mrs. Terrilt and daughter, residing three miles above Charlestown, died of cholera. The former on Sunday and the latter on Hay last. t3rMrs- Howard, of Placide's Varieties, was passe ger on the Georgetown to Smithland. She goes to Nashville and thence to Louisville.

Oa the last trip of the Schuylkill to St. Lonis, a man named Grogan accidentally fell overboard a short distance below Paducah, and was drowned. s'Tlie Barley crop in Mason county, promises to be a very good one. MARRIED On the 5th by the Rev. W.

Holroan, Mr. Charles Kale to Mies Caroline Williams, both of this city. DIED, On Friday, the 6th Susan Bullitt, daughter of John J' i jzjveiyo Jacoo. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral at Lynnford, the residence of John 1. Jacob, on Sunday lhe inst; at 10 o'clock, ItL je7 dl 8 HITE SMALL, CARPET, HOUSEHOLD AND STEAMBOAT FURNISHEWGr WAREHOUSE.

Wo. 499, JUaln street. CARPETIKGS, Of every grade, and best foreign and domestic manufacture. Curtain Damasks, In every variety, of the latest styles, from the superb Silk Brocatelle to tfce Worsted Damask. EMBROID'D LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, Richly worked in floss, braid and tambour, of the latest Parisian styles.

Embroidered Muslins, In the piece, in great variety of quality andpattern. Drapery, Tassels, Loops and Corda, various colors. RICH CLOTH TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. HOUSEHOLD LINENS, Of every description, and warranted genuine. India A UTo.

1, White and colored, in widths of 3-4, 5-4 and 6-4. Mospito Netting, A splendid article of 3 threaded ana 12-4 in width, in -white, pink and blue. MOSQUITO BARS, plaid and Iiffe. Floor Oil Cloths, From three to twenty -four feet wide. The above Goods are of the latest and best styles, and as LOW IN PRICE as can be purchased in any house of our trade in the country je2 d6 BUTE SIKilX.


my30d lm GREAT SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. WITHOUT RESERVE, BY I G. MATHERS, AT WASHINGTON HALL. The Ladies of Louisville aad vicinity, and tne puDixc, botn lar and near are invited to attend. ON THE MORNING OF THE 17TH JUNE, and for five successive davs.

cnmmpnmir at and during the forenoon of each day, 1 will offer at public aukiuii mo ui uuuus ever onereo in tins city, Carpets of every description, Rich Saxony Velvet rich Velvet Tapestry; Rich Royal Wilton Velvet; Rich Royal English Tapessry; Rich Royal English Brussels; Rich Royal English 3-ply and 2-pIy Ingrain; Venitian Carpets, 3-4, J5-8 and 4-4; Linen Worsted Dnigsets, 4-4, G-4, 8-4 12-4, and 16-4; No. 1 India check and plain Mats, 4-4. 5-4 and 6-4- Rich Chenille Rugs; Floor Oil Cloths, from 3 to feet; Rick Curtain Goods, every description. Rich Brocatelles, of colors red and gold, green and gold, blue and gold, with Gimp and Silk Cords and Tassels to match; Rich Satin de Laines of aU colors; Worsted Damask do; Cotton do do: Rich tamboured Muslin, richly worked; Rich embro'd Lace Muslin, do: Curtain Bands and Arms, all patterns: (jilt Cornices, all patterns; Rich Cloth Table Covers; Fancy Window Shades, all colors and sizes. Household Linens, Of every description and all warranted genuine.

Linen and Cotton Sheetings, 4-4, 8-4, 9-4, 12-4; Do do Pillow Casing; Linen Damask Table Cloths, 84, 8-8 and 8-10; Do do do Napkins and Doilies; Do do do Toweling; Huckaback and Cotton do; Liren and Cotton Diaper; White and colored Counterpanes. Rich Fancy Goods, Of every description. Pianos, Of 6 6 3-4, and 7 octave, superior to any ever shown in Louis vine, DOtu intone and style. Ladies' Work Boxes, of all sizes; Do rosewood Writing Desks; Ladies' Chinese Dressing Tables; Do Quartette Tables; Inlaid Mother of Pearl Tables; Iron Spring Chairs: Silver and Gold Chandeliers; Do do Girandoles; Papier Mauhc Waiters, in sets of 3, 4, 6, 7, and Single Waiters; Castors of all kinds, from the finest to the commonest; Cases of Cutlery of 51 pieces; Table Knives and Forks; Desert do do; Carvers, Forks and Steels; Silver-plated Forks; Do Spoons; Looking Glasses, of all sizes and descriptions; Fancy eight and sixteen-day Clocks; Superior Oil Painting; Sculptures; together with the Table and Stool used by Mile. Jenny Lind, on her visit to Louisville; and sundry other articles, too numerous to enumerate.

The abovo magnificent stock ot Goods will be open for ispection during the days of the 11th, IStb, 14th and 16th of June; and will, in addition, be illuminated on the night of the lfith, with the attendance ot a hue band ot music, irom the hours of to 10 o'clock; and on the morning of the 17th, at o'clock, will be sold without reserve, consequence ot the subscriber not being able to get a suitable situation, in Louisville, to show his stock. Terms All Bums under ilUu, casu: over iuu and under $500, four months' credit; over $1000, eight months with approved security, payable in bank. No children admitted, unless in company with their parents. Most respectfully, my30 dtd J. G.

MATHERS. N. B. My Store No. 80, Fourth street, will still keep open for the sale of Goods, without retrard to cost or price in any way whatsoever, as I intend to close out my stock, which is entirelyncw and of the latest patterns.



WE will sell the rest of our STRAW GOODS ot one-half their original "cost in New York city. The stock is quite large, ond is composed of ladies' and misfits' Hnnneta. Fiats and Gipsies, and boys Hats, every kindand quality, varying in price from twenty-Jive cents to one dollar. Call soon, as we are determined to close them out regardless of cost. H.

C. BERRY St. CO je3 d6 Fourth under Mogart Hall. FALLS CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office no. 416, main stueet, opposite Louisville hotel.

Louisville, Ky. Capital 8300,000. THIS COMPANY, established by a late act of the General Assembly of the State of Kentucky, is now nreDared to take Marine and Fire Jlisks on as favorable terms as anv office in the city. N. C.

Suansnsns, Sec'y. R. BURGE, Pres'L directors. J. E.Haynes, John Cochran, J.

C.Davis, John A. Dunlop, Thos. G.Rowland, J. S.Forman. mhlg dlyis RENCH LAWNS FOR DRESSES, warranted fast colors, for sale at very low prices at je2 ZULADF'S.

FOR SALE. MA LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, situated on LOT 40 feet by 105 deep, fronting on Madison street, near Jackson. The house has six rooms and cellar. For terms apply to ALLEN KENDALL, my30 dia corner Jackson and Madison sta. SUPBHFINE FLOUR 400 bbls in store and for sale low by je3 H.

FERGUSON SON. Tl ATCHES. 600 gross Matches, with and without sul- jltx phur, on nana anajor saic low McMULLEN MOORE- eo A CTS OF THE GENERAL ASSKMBLY OF Jr. th the Commonwealth of Kentucky, passed ot November session, 1850, PnbUshed Oy authority, rorsmeuv je3 BECKWJTB MORTON. is 9, A.

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