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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 2

Detroit, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

c-i 95, Harlem at 55, Patterson Soyaiid DETROIT DAILY FREE PRESS. Stemboats on Lake Erie. The following list of Steamboats on the Lake, and their Masters, though not probably complete, is as nearly LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Passed at the Mfond of lllc Twiaily-finmli Concrw. Sec S. And he it further enacted, That tins act, shall be in Cin lo the first day of eighteen hundred and llliny-eigllt next and nojonger.

Approved, 3d. 1837. MONDAY MOIl.NLNG, JU-NE 5. so as Wfl can make it at tins time. MOATS.

BOATS, fll- JIASTKRS. MASTERS. Itmilley Norton lien. I'nner, -it. itniiiDt, n.

It,, Wilkiui Tims Hristol Tyler S'luirtsi Sandusky, Colaa.tnis, Dnak.l UVIkilt, tie Witt Cliauia I'ninvl Sl.ilt. Kihvants Cnllnillier Siei'lieiis iSl. Sroville Jackson, iVirti.rv. Nianarn, SIH.eKS I Perry. T'twiiseml, I Win.

Sii' Ilnmell It'lOt I-. I', invior. M' UiH'en I'uuuc OS ACT lo amend An ac: fur laying off lhc towns of Tor. ISurtooi. in he couiiiyoflfra Moinw.

and the towns ol IStllttuv4.4.. Point, in. the county of Iowa, i err, lory for other approved Job ocond, eighteen hundred and llltrlv x. Be it aJl by the Semte llwue of hinu lafoeeofihe Vmted Stales of America as-Znbkd, Tlmt nil ucto and dutws required to he done JnTperforraed by the Surveyor for the 1 err.tory of Wmiomm, under the act to Inch an amendment be done by a hoard ol oi in number, any two of shall be a ip.or urn to do hu-dnew, said commoner to be appointed 1 the 1 oi dent if the Coiled Stttei. and shall prev.o, to he, enterine upon 'he discharge ol their dun.

taUe an 0 SaiEm to perform the same laid, folly and i.npar-Lly rovided', That ,1,0 acnoo of I.e.. CrawlWd Wells Ent'lailtl, 'thinker Hill, 'oiislcllaiii'ti, Kuif.rr Fulton, Vrk. Xerth -Vmericn, O. Newberry, Rrii Tlrf TIIK I.A.-T PIECE OK SILVElt. Th.j of ri.lti.luer.' 'Ti die last ce 'if jiiivrr L.

l'i iil.tne Ail il- Have vanislieil are gunc. N-i r.f'ils kia.ln-fl, Iri-'j IliL'll. T. Lark lis liriirllt Or lo give thjc lor TIk-v have led me a Line Tiiela-t rael, pi''! is Hi. me u-id, Iheiu.

And kifdlv. O. "ic Wi'ifeliial have 1M Where lay hoiinle'l aa.l O. M.m, may I fulle'V lay sliiuia' circle. t.nus itri.ji away WW-a have viinishnl, Aail have llown, Oh! I'm This jMick'-; Canton at W.

Specie. gold, Cm7 premium; half dollars, 6a" Spanish dollars, ijalO Mem-can do. Sovereigns, 85 'J7 Napoleons. 1 Oil Doubloons, 10'; do. Patriot, Sliiiiua 5 Hi 73.

Our neighbours in his Majesty dominions, are experiencing some of the iiiconveinencics of the suspension. The collectors of the ctisu touts refuse fo take hank checks as formerly, in payment of duties, and reitiire the amount in silver. The want of small change is also ses verely felt. the money market is in a much better state this last week. Some of the banks have this week discounted all the prime paper which has been oll'ered.

Money is still crilled for in the street, but it is obtained at lower rates. City post, notes have been. cashed at I per ceui per month. Specie is selling at 7al0' premium. Y.

Com. Adv. May 25. Fiio.M the I'ppek Lakes. Arrived, steam-heat Gov.

Marcv. Gorliam. lit, hours from Sagi-naw cilv. light, south by west, 20 miles, passetl schr America, I'acirir, Juliet, brig Illinois, hound up; opposite Black river, ship Julia I'ahner, ashore, steamer Goderich alongside assisting her in Lake St. Clair: schr Marshal Xev, bound lip-, and three other vessels, names unknown.

Micei'iai, IVrreif. Major Downinc, I'liele Snin, A ll.iwe l-MllliniiL- Aiwnial f'liase Mitlikea, Nickeif n. linl.) We are gratified in being able to inform our readers that we have resumed the publication of the Daily Free Press, the first number of the new series of which we lay before them to-day-At much trouble and heavy expense, we now have one of the most extensive and valuable printing establishments west of Albany, and we flatter ourselves that we shall be able henceforth to issue our respective publications in a style worthy of the liberal patronage which the Free Press enjoys as one of the newspapers of Michigan. In addition to our newspaper establishment, we have a large new and excellent job ollice, by which we are enabled lo execute all orders for book, job and fancy printing in a superior style. We would here take the liberty of calling the attention of merchants and business men generally, to the importance of advertising through the medium of our columns.

We trust we shall he excused for stating that the Free Press has a much larger circulation in the interior, than any paper issued from this city. There is scarcely a post office in or Wisconsin, at which from there are not one lo thirty numbers of the Free Press taken. We shall send the Daily Free Press to all our patrons in the city who have heretofore taken the semi-weekly. Those who wish to have the latter continued to them suggest the same to our carrier. Tliose Uins are new lliis srasim.

Besides these, there are the Cleveland, the Buffalo and the Koch ester, not finished, and two building at the foot of the Rapids, one at Sandusky. 'one at Detroit, and several others at different places ou the In PS'-lo. theSupe-rior was the only steamboat on Lake Erie. Clc'dond lleraht. SfflS2fe Surveyor General, prior lhe thne of the parage thereof, pursuance ol mrucliom under the act to which tins is runi-udator Sec 2.

And be it further enacted. Thai the wutl com-mitioners shall have power to hear ev.dence and de ermine all claims to loo, ansing under the act to which i ns is an amendment commoner- are nitihomed adimmste now on llie ill lama-lied in a "tine of Ifj.v, rlie flranil Island it is ein lieir may be necessary, ami raiui "upporlof claims of lor Kivi; consideration, ana wnen teen heard and considered, the rs United we Stand." The Republican members of the New York Legislature, at the close of their session, adopted a set of resolutions and an address to the people of that state, in which they strenuously urge the necessity of union and harmony in the Democratic party. We quote the following resolutions as equally applicable here as there Resolved. That to the firm and united energies of the democratic party, we must look for every tnitiiation of the present pecuniary embarrassments which can flow from the legitimate exercise of political power, and that we will sustain the President of the United States and the General Government, in tiny reasonable measures tiiev mav deem it expedient to adopt to alleviate "those commercial difficulties, winch are the result ofcauses that hum in wisdom could not foresee, and over which the lent had no control. Resolved, That no period in the history of the democratic party has required the exercise ol "renter viailance and unanimity than the present.

The aristocracy, ever profiting by the misfortunes of their own country, have gathered hope from She disasters of the times, and are rallvimr to regain their long lost power, and to re-establish tiie dominion of federal sway by ruin of popular rights. We theref.ire cali upon our republican brethren tlirontlioul the stale, so forego all minor of opinion, and to adhere to tin: principles anil usages of the party which has them sale through so many trials, and cannot fail of securing their continued ascendancy. OX A HALF LOAF IS BF.TTEB THAN NO uread." It was recently announced in the Toledo papers that at the coming lands ales, to take place in that city on the l-'itli ill" notes of non-specie paying banks would be received for purchases the bill-holders of the Monroe banks now have a chance for speculation. Mohtcr iv. The new mortgage law of New York, allows the om, of any lands, whether held in fee or under lease, winch may be hereafter sold under any mortgage heretofore executed, to redeem the same by paying lo the purchaser llie amount bid, and ten per cent per annum.

The law does not apply to niort-iraires hereafter lo be e.vocu'od. norsuspe-nd (he collection of interest, nor the prosecution ol sinus to foreclose mortgages, but idlows Ihe debtor the privilen-e of redeeming lands sola1 under a decree of he court. The Arkansas State Gazel le makes the following statements with regard to pre-emption rights Puk-kiu'tioxs. Those persons settled on the public lands, who ha an equitable claim lo pre-emptions, need have no fears, on llial subject. Wtt have been daily looking In the Secre-tarvofthe Treasury for a circular on his subject and wo know that orders will be issn-d that no pre-emption lands shall h- allowed to go mtu riii-kWiU).

M.H!(!;v t'vci'iim, will rdtrmttl MasMi.m'i' plv m' M-W WW TO VAY Of. I) DKHTS. Sir IJll.K,- OvKKKKACII, M-iMiKitwomt. Tupuvli, Mr.;ard Allwoitli I 1 l.tivrl t.irsli Mrs.

Ih-nn titan LiuCy A ttrt" liu1 MKs IIoiu'v. Mr. TariW. T' uith 'lit' Fnrce of TIIK TWO UiKlJOKlKS. Mr Mr.

liilih Mrs.Ttmvlnidge Cn-un Mis. 1-Vatt In nl" II' I'iiif I In (yll.wiii Millie, Tr.XAS. The Texan Congress in Houston on of' May- Tin4 Hon. Jesse rvmos was elected President of lite Senate tho Hon. Bn iicli 'I'.

Archer Speaker of the Uonse and the Dr. Mali. Chaplain. President 1 Ion. Ion's to tin4 Texan Cono'i'i'ss has been received.

The prospect, ol line crops is alluded to with becoming gratitude to Divine It seems that the agents to whom land scrip was issued by law tor the purpose of raisiinr fund-, have not been faithful in their trust, and Liiar in the Treasure has been straitened for wan! of means. Tiie supply has been cut. and Ihe attention of Congress to the subject. The failure of negotiating tin; Government bonds for live millions, is properly ascribed to the (htixulties Hi our bt, te mnx- oil on the congress to re-mo. lei the land I Dopes, he savs.

are eiiiertained, that the boundary between the Cniled Slates and Texas wall be settled bv liie treaty of Some dis- Business Record. We insert in our Record to-day the cards of all the business houses we hcivn hoi, blo lo in. SllOlllf! Otliei'S, (wild have, unintentionally, been left out) (lesito their cards published in rinr paper, they will please Uii IiaiiHVi'H. llfi-ns iiii-ti hail' i.iisi 7. IVrfu.

na.irr lo i "liminii''' ill In i) iloSi; ills, itn i hi' li.ul linx OU'icl'. is expressed Inwards the conduct the Coiled Slates agent in furnishing the Caddo Indians with rilies anil aunjnition. The conduct of the Mexicans In engaging with the northern Indians to furnish them oOOO wariors, is re.rard'.'d with ins! abhorrence. The Presi- dent eoii'Tatiilalos Congress on the condition shit 1 file wh 'he proper regiwer district within which the towns aresituu.c.1 rcapci 3 the testimony in each case, together w.rt, a favor of each person having the right rlcrllhe provisions of Ihc act of winch lus is nntf upon making payment to the proper recei ver -he moneys for flic lot or lots to which tel. pe so i entitled, the receiver shall grant a the the rreisu-r issue certificate of purchase, to i to the Coltunisiaoiicr otitic Laud, as in other cases of the sale of pubhc lands.

Sec. 3. And he il further enacted, That the proper register and receiver of public moneys, alter the hoard ol commissioners have heard and tlelerttttneu nil the es of pre-emption under the act to u-hicli this is an shall' expose the rcniduc of the lot to public sale to the hiuhest bidder, uftor advertising the same in Hucc public newspapers at least three months prior of sale, in the same manner as .3 provided lor the saleoi I utdicl and in other cases; and alter paying he coin-Eioners all other expenses incident to the said survey and s. he recdver of laud ollice shall pay over the residue of he money he may have received Iron, llie sale ol lots aforesaid, bv pre-emption as well as at public auction, huoThe the trustees of he respective towns be expended by then, in the eree ion ol publh buildings, the construction of harves End the improvement of the streets n. the said to Fort Madison, liurlington, Uellevtcw, Du liuqit'', I erll "i.c'AnMbeit farther, enacted, That the commja.

moncre appointed lo carry act into shall no paid hv the receiver public moneys ol proper la id district, six dollars eaca, per day, lor their services, lor every day they arc wnp.l,'y,e Speaker of the House or 1 W. li. KI.M.'. President of the Senate pro tempore. Approved, March 3d, my JACKSOs.

(i'lIllLIC Xo. -'(.) AN ACTtoeontinue in force lor Im.ued iinielbonel entitled An act to carry iiiKielTeci acoiiveiuioii between the United Slates and Spain." Be il. cnudat, by the Senate and 1 1 owe of hei'rexn-latin of Ike United-Stales of America, 'a (merest the provisions of the net, entitled An ae to carry into efleet" a convention between he uned Slates and Spain," approved on the seventh day el line one thousand eight hundred and he, and the same arc herchv extended until the hrsldayol I'eliriliiry one thousand eighl hundred and ihirly-eighl and the commissioner appointed under the said act, slioll, on or before the said day, terminate his dunes. Approved, 3d, 1837. I'linuc No.27.

AN ACT for tl.e more ojliitaljle adiiuinstralion of llie Navy Pension lAiud. Be it enacted b'l the Semite and House af r.e,rcsinta-tiees of the United Slates of America in Ctmgrcrs assembled Thai if any officer, seaman or marine have died, or may hereuller dio, in the naval service, leaving a wi-dow, and, widow, chi id or children, tcl of arinv. and states Ihat the annual expen---cs are S'i-'lUli'iO. He advises an inimediali mill effective organization of the navy. Great stress is put upon the prohibiting of the slave trade, and appeals are niaile to ann inc Cited Stales, to prevent the landing of Africans in the country.

It is hoped that the subject, of annexation lo the United States will re. ceive the earlv attention of our Congress. The General speaks in high terms of the wealth of t. mi i ,0 sense oi i on. oe nun ihe rent, he vet in embryo, and alludes lo its im mense fonsis of live oak with no little satasiVa tested on that subject." Fniin 111'- t.ii I niriT.

lion. A blinking is bad towards England, should Jl. llK.viiicii.YTie I-'iikk re-ijiecitully inlu.m tlit-irtri. niti iliai limy will he.eallcr putt h'li (In: sauit! Daily, aiuj Wkkklv. With i lii- iIomjti? ui milking Vrmi I'rvxA worthy ufthe lavui aiiil pitii wliicli it the proprietors heeii ai L-jrt'iit i-xp- use to ol)taiti iuav aiul oxut'llt-'nl nmlo rial and lor llieir tiahlUluiit-nt, mid they lluitor iliiil tlu-y will their ri'jipoc-iiv- in a manner ihat ill givo general ro ilu'ir iKitrons.

I hi' DAILY tv'UKli i'KKSS, will bepnhlishnl every Sniuhiys oxi-cpit'Li, on 11 large iinpi-rial slu'ct of i iii'st ipiaiiiy and will contain tln IntL'St loriign an.i inti'liigruco uf tlieility. 'i'tniis, right tlvi hir.t tin mi wi, j.tutihh: ait month. 'i KKKK IMtKSS, will lr pill)-lAicA I'Vitry nml l-'riilay, anil will rimtuin all lim rrn.imy niaiiitr coinprist'ti in thii daily ptipur. 7 I'ta: tJtlutisjit ttnmutt in ttdmnte. i'UEE I'KKSS, will be publttttvrl fivrry inorniti.oiiu lare I'U-phniit of Iuu ipiality, and will -onfain the same nmlter in llie Daily jiiiiI Sdiii-WVdJy Term thft-v dollars it annum, lit tulftiiu-n.

Al llie oi Iciiiriliiiiire llie l-'diiorpflh'! I'ri'M won uppoiplod I'rimer, mid lli.V-'m; Vnvt- eonsi tpienily made i hit Stale Pap ol' Miehigiin. Til'- carliol mloi nialionol'it donii slie ullti-ial character will ilicrt'liirr; liiiiiiil in ii-t oiunm.s. During ol'the l.ii-lainif i-'iunpfteiii report 'TH will he employed til each, and a eorreel daily rejrt ofTbtT proeevilid and Dt-hales pllhlish: d. Uws ol llie Slates are lo he published in ii liwliuilh Mfioii I heir pits-aet and I hey "(e leyal irvid- uce in tin column lor siiiin'fiilis dh' ejoM- nl" llie session at hich ihey may hf pasniif. The are also puhlisheiM uf llu: laws it' ihe 1 niled Miihs, mid every siibuerih-nr ho is eareliil enoiiyli lo prrfiei vn his files will hue hv linn, not unly (he and disenssiotiti of the l.i'MaMire, htii)aiso ihe laws of the -Sl'ite mid of the Uniietl Siaies euiiiplete in either the Daily, Weekly or Weekly sheel.

Karh will In- mailed regularly to country id. iiei on ihe iimriiiii'! ol'pohliealiuii anil ioi warded Uy iht- i-ai li. st mails. ijaic.vs Co. Dt-troit, It'-t.

the Tinted Stales look on Ihen, coldly. I hand them in as soon as convenient. Il any house whose card we have inserted, does not wish it continued, they will please give us immediate notice. A wokkned Crrv AIkktino. An adjourned meeting of the Democrats of the city will be held attheCiiylliill Tuts Ersxtsi: at o'clock, lo appoint delegates lo the county convention, to be held for the nomination ol Sheriff and County Clerk.

ran Villains The Bank of Michigan was entered by some villain or villains on Friday night last, through one of the front windows by boring and splitting ihe shutter and taking mil the bar which fastened it. Fortunately no money was taken, il having been put into the vault the day previous. A bundle of noles and papers was we helieveall that was stolen, and they were found the next day in the Catholic Church which was also broke into the same night without plunder, the valuable articles having been previously secured. The Reoui.atoii or the Ccrkencv. The great object of Whig idolatry, the Ij.

Bank, is in rather a critical situation. The probability is that its charter will become forfeited precious to the next slate elections and that the people will then have an opportunity to throw oll'the incubus by electing a legislature I hat will not revive its existence. The charier of the Bank provides that if it should at any time refuse fo redeem its bills with specie, then, at, or after the of three months from the time of refusal of said bank to pay as aforesaid, il shall and may be lawful for the holder or proprietor of llie same to make oath of the fact before any judge, the officers of the bank having ten days notice of his intention. The fact being established, ihejudge is required to report lo the governor, who is thereupon lo issue a procl amation declaring the charter forfeited. THE CHEAT nASUEK AXI) THE REMEDY.

President recommends a I int 1 pnhev Inwards citizens of the Cuiteii Slides holding lands within lier limits. His message is not long, well written, and concludes with a strung hope thai the Almighty Being will watch over the Te.vaiis and preserve and govern litem as a chosen people. Alec. Ca-. WaRSH Kllll- Can-J'SW'o Iitti2ii of contracts for the W.

E. Canal closed at Maumee city ou Ihe llilh. The Toledo Gazette says 44 We have learned that proposals had been received for the construction of every section from llie I lead of the Rapids of llie Miami of Lake Erie, lo its termination. Wo were fearful the present high price of labor and provisions would induce llie contractors lo oiler pro-posals on such terms and prices as the commissioners woald feel liiein elves unauthorized lo accept, iiiii. we are happy to he disappointed." Last week Thursday, the steamboat l.hal was building at.

the ship-yard of .1. liol- widow, alio, ii no auvi. shall be emitled to receive hall the lium, dy pay lo THE BASK Ol-' KSCLASVS SVSl'ESSiOS Ol' SPECIE I' A WESTS IS 17J7. The present of affi.irs in the Unitcrl States will give great interest to the annexed brief history of llie of sspecio ptty-inenls by the Bank of Englami, wliicli is sources to be relied upon 'On the 20! It February, 707, being Sunday, an order of the privy council was to the Bank towards evening, prohibiting tin; further payment of specie the pleasure of Parliament should be made known. The Parliament tool; the subject into consideration on the next (lay, f'ohrunry and approved, of the order of the privy council.

The suspension of specie payment was oriirinally intended to be onlv a temporary measure, and the strongest assurances were'irivon to this effect on the part of the bank and the government. I was, however, continued from linm ii.r...., as a temporary measure, until, in 1 15 19, twenty-two years after the suspension of payment, steps began seriously to be taken for resuming specie payments, which were in fact, resumed, on 1st 1823. The bank thus presents the singular example of a virtual insolvency for twenty-six years, an eventual redemption of its paper aud its credit; anil this return lo specie payments was not attended by any or commercial shock preparations were made for it long beforehand. The amount of the notes of the batik in circulation was reduced from about to about In the ime a new coinage of gold had been issued, in 1S2I-22, to the amount 17, which supplied the chasm made in the circulation of the country by the reduction of llie amount of Bank of Eiigiantl notes, and also went to replenish the vaiills of the bank, in preparation for the run that might be made on the resumption of payment; but the danger was passed with the greatest facility. The bank notes had depreciated, or.

as Ihc phrase was at time, the price of bullion had gradually risen, so as to he at one period, at tiie rale of i or 15 per cent; and if the bank had then stopped suddenly, and if we may imagine it possible, had redeemed the whole of its paper, or more, with specie, it would have been a gain to the then holders of Ihc notes, in ihe whole of and a loss lo the then debtors to the bank of the same amount assuming llie depreciat ion lo per cent, while I he bank itself would have lost only the amount of bad debts which would have been made by such a sudden and tremendous revulsion, for the moment of the bank's resuming lo pay specie itself by this very operalion, il. reduced the payments to the bank, by its debtors, to specie for the bank had a right to demand payment of notes and bills discounted in specie, or, what would have been equivalent, its own notes. Such a measure would evidently have shaken the kingdom to its foundations.aii'l probably have brought down its commercial, financial, and economical systems in ruins. Instead of such a catastrophe, cither in discontinuing or renewing payments of specie, eacl, of which was equally dillicull and hazardous, the transition in the depreciation of paper was gradual, and almost imperceptible, and after the overthrow of Napoleon, its rise in value was again, for the most pari, as gradual, unlil it arrived at a par with gold, he-fore the resumption of specie payments. In a political, financial, and commercial view, this institution, from the suspension to the resumption of specie presents a stupendous phenomenon, unparalleled in history.

The suspension of payment, in 1707, was mm of those bold measures, which are justified only by extreme cases, anil which, in such cases, are, in fact, the only prudent measures. The whole system of financial administration, and all the commercial combinations and connexion? of the kingdom, were involved in the affairs of the institution at the time of its stopping, in 1797. The holders of the notes, and tiie depositors, wore pressing to the haul; for specie, of which there remained in the vaults only 1,272,000, while the notes and claims outstanding, and which might be demanded, were and lite demands were pouring in with a still increasing title. It seemed probable that the bank must stop payment after paying out this specie; the shock, whatever it might be, must be encountered, and il was very supposed thai it would be, in a measure, broken, by anticipating the necessity, and stopping with more than a million in its vaults, instead of waiting until they should have been emptied. The reasons given in Parliament in favor of this suspension of payment, and of ils continuance from time fo time', were, 1st.

That the bank could not continue its discounts, and its payments in specie; anil, if its discounts were stopped or irreatly reduced, the commerce of the country would' be destroyed: 2nd. That the credit of the Government would be lost if the bank should cease to make advances upon ils taxes: 3rd. Thai specie" payments were of no benefit to England, as llie specie on being drawn rrom tlubank, went abroad '1th. That it was more important that the bank should exist, than that it should meet its payments at the expense of its existence: nth. that the commercial ar-raneements, combinations, and relations, the kingdom, would be broken up by the dissolution of "this institution, and, being once broken up, could never be renewed and, Oth.

That it was better to stop specie payments while specie and bullion could he kept in the country bv that means. were the reasons oiveii 'in favor of the measure, and though it has been censured by some, who have pretended to discover in it the cause of much financial and commercial derangement, yet they do not show by what other course Great Britain could have stnifrgletl through the terrible conllict of that period." oiiveiiieiit Dwelling I loii.v, 01 MAKTIN JSTORV. jtf. Inlaid Detroit, Ki7. which the deceased nave oeei, acts regulating the pay of the navy, in lorce on he hrsl day of Stuuiary, one thousand eight hundred and hirty-Hvo, to commence from the time ol the ileal1-) ol such officer, seaman or marine but in case ol death or intermarriage of such widow, the hall-pay shall go to Ihc child or children of such deceased officer, seaman or marine Provided, That Ihc ball-pay granted to the child or childrcnshall cease on llieir death, or on their atuilli- iiiK the age of twenty-one years.

Sec. 2 And be il further enacted, hat the pensions which may have been granted, or which may hereuller be granted lo officers, seamen marines the naval seavicc, disabled by wounds or injuries received while in the line oflhcir d.ilv, shall be considered lo commence from Ihc lime of their being so disabled, and that the n- in which said officers, seamen and ma- A toth- liOOiC-lllNDING A IS WAM KD hum ilialely Vntii: l.aii it I'i ars of. of The Rank of Knglauil specie payment, formerly, for on" year only they did not return to it for 20 or -Jx! years. The bank of Philadelphia pledged themselves to resume specie payments, iihcn the nor irnsorrr. Hut they did not return to them till about three years after, and lor tin- plainest reason in the world that being rid ofall restraint, and tempted to over-issues, (like other i-ailu-lions) they recklessly extended their disco, mis.

Hooded Ihe country with paper, and thus created the dilhYully of curtailing their loans, and calling in their loans. The same fjirealenois al this lime. We must, guard aeainsl over-issues, if the hanks ever intend to return to specie payments. They must be watched and restricted by ii," power of Ihe K'islsitur. I'm 'his princlpl Ihf assembly of New York jii'Ojio-e to ane'iid their suspension bill, so as to prevent any ilit al ml being made, until specie payment shall be resumed.

We trust that our general a-veiubly will make Ihe necessary res! rid ions at, their el.ra session, to lie up Ihe hands of our banks. Chocks ought to be imposed on their circulation. A monthly return of the amount of their di-counts and circulation should be made lo the executive, and rcrrn'arlv published. The rjreat labor should now he, to resume specie payments as soon as possible. Every preparation" should be made for this important event.

If the states will exercise their authorities wisely, we mav terminate at no distant, day the present derangement of the currency. All necessary restrictions on the existing banks no new hank to he chartered no small notes to be issued and as a future permanent system, the small notes lo be abolished as fast and as far as possible mivneo. in the rniifigement of our private concerns economy in expense, and industry "in production, will contribute to relieve the country from embarrassment enable debtors lo discharge 'heir debts, the dealers to curtail their notes in bank, and the banks to call in their paper and prepare the way lor the resumption of specie payments. We shall sret on. without any national bank which is incompatible with the constitution, and is armed with powers dangerous to a reptib- lie.

Besides, constituted as the was, it cannot remove the difficulties attendant on the expansion and contraction of the currency. If it expands, so would tiie slate banks and when it contracts, so will they contract. lister Co. was I inched. Sin; is called the Representative.

She ni-'-asur-'s aboat '11)0 tons, ami will hail as tin second represenlolire of navigation llr.l Perrvsbarg has furnished for the fool ni' tin; rapids. We llaiierourselves the lie presentafiv" will ablv the interests and of herconslilaieiils. the towns of P.arrys-burg and Miami cilv. MUimi of the Lake. ...1 shall be roBiilaled according the nav of ihc navy as il existed on llie dnyof.laiiii 1 I .,,1.1 it Iliirlv-live.

arv, one inousioiu vigiji Sec 3 And be it further enacted, 1 luil all acts and narts ofacts, which may be inconsistent with the provi A National Bank oh no State Banks. The Whigs under all the various guises they have assumed have always been distinguished for their nil raism. To "Rule or Ruin'' would seem to be the sentiment which unfortunately guides tiiein. At llie present time their motto is up H'ili i Sationa. liiink or doien irilh ihc Hltitc Baiikf." Hear the Now Orleans a leading whig paper: 14 Ve mttsl hitce a Sit'iowil or ahoisl: Ihe liaiikimr fijslem in lulo." COMMERCIAL.

sions of this act, be, ami the same arc licreliy rcpenleu so far as they may relate thereto. Approved, March 3d, 1S37. Public So. 28. nl' I Vnnmissittners 10 ad e.m 1 n-i a oo.l rfiniaiioii hy applying to m.ohs:-; iiiit.i'iii;K, Detroii.

June HT. ji-5 a iii uf tlienhove woik, Jmi. pTij tViUUSi "HtH'IIEJt jTT'4T pieces Kenlueky ansorl ipialifi r. KAIiNSWOiiril, MATHER HALL Jn-n; jy, 7Tu Vi SO Ib. will be revived liy ihe nmli-rsiiied, Conniiilleo apfH'init by the 'oniiiiou I miieil to reeeive ilifhaine, Ibr a tow i of briek (or Ihe new Hy.

ijraiilie urks, aeeoniin to plans Lo he se nl. t)i 1 rlesk's olliee, in ihe City Hall. parali; pritptsals will be neessary: for comph tiit the wholo work by the lirtday of Stt nib ''iiMiin and tor onlv (lie nl' anil limber io ihf brirk wo; by 'he first day of I ensuing, and tiM'' tie- whul." work by Hrsl day of Jnly ni-xf. I'roponnh will bi-n-eeived until evju-in-', i In KJih the City II. HOW Mil), TIIO.S.

CllA-SE, Coinmiftce. joil.v Deimit, 3d 1,7. ji5 i'oui, Philudel- pliia, and London edit xr.w-Vi,!:.-: wtirii.i.s.M.e puin: i urn ins. jicoN-- I'ols. 1st -ni 01,: I-: Inn a f4J I', a SIM A.miaiiae, l-J a Par da US a I II, U'nile, Hi.

a II-J--n IIS AO. WUHB iust thee, aims tu reservations ol laud under lllelollr-. 1. nl' biuulrcd and leemu arueie wi ihp Choctaw ludmus. Yellow.

'iia -JU lit Be enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uiti'ed Stales of America in Vomzress as e. si.e MM a 1115-a III.4- 12 ai CAXIII.KH-MouWTnl.lli. Sjca lit. Kns Id --Sliift do Am 7 sembled, mil mere soa.iL.ui.l.wu........ by and with the advice and consent of the benalc, three commissioners, whose duiy it shall be lo meet in the State of Mississippi, at such lime and place as the I re-- and here nrneeed lo KilL'Iisli.

Call in a Amer. live. We hog leave to inform our testy neighbors of the Toledo Blade that we shall never become-4 aggrieved" by any 4-expositions" which they may see fit to make of what they please to term the "libels" of this paper. We know the writers for that paper too well as mercenary panders of a set of map-village speculators, to bo moved by their reproaches however characteristic and vnlirar. ascertain the name ol every I lioelaw Indian wla, was FlorlHI'lks Iiok -loll a IHHI It: In II a I nlive, eaill.

1 nil a tin Palm, III. 1' a II 'ill l.i,i."' d. am Led II a II nil 'ISII- l)n on. Ii'1. a llrlTi i iK a 4 37! jj'la li lilli the head oi an iiuiinn miuuy at iia-imn.

at Dancing Rabbit Creek, who has not already obtained a reservation under said treaty, and who can show by satisfactory evidence that he or she complied, or oll'ered to comply Willi all llie requisites oi'thc fourteenth article VmiM. 11 a I) 17 I Sneiktld-. II). U'lial. -i- a (1 Hrieyclnpediir Antfrieana nyroii ork 70, Sn.T.n s.iininer rS a 0 'a- Ilak'-.

Shaknpf are'n Works heoILs ill, do I No I 1)1 a li Of, Winier II S7 a IHm Xo. a l.iver.snalt. 1)1. ill a II', Xo. CI, a a Shore blc of, a i'lll'l Jiscphus do Ilurke's ot said treatv.lo enuiie oi.i.

or uer, under said article and also llie number and names of all the unmarried children of such heads of li.milies. who formed a part of the family and were over ten years of ae. and likewise the number and names of the children a PI. ion. Jol.t.-inilli's do haini T's do Johasoii's do fannaliMoopi'sdo lioh.rtMiii's do Marshall'? WfLihinalon Sieroe's do II urns' do Eeverell's Oratioiw of such h-ads of families us were under ten years ol age.

ond report to the President, to be by him, laid before Congress, all the names of such Indians, and the different sections of land to which such heads of families were tooether with the opinions of the Shad. No. I. Hi, a 0... Mess.

II, ol, a II 7.V It'Triim-. -J 7.a a a I.4 a. sank'd l.o.v oil a I I'l. I lb. 111 a 1 1 Anii iii-iin.

'a a nr. 7 1). Ill a I'll, 1,1)'i: ami V.s,i,l,l,l. 7 a 7 'I'rov 111 I) 'Hi ,4 eanai a s. 0...

Hirlra." 1)110 Philadelphia, no 'M a mi mess, 1.1. 1 13 Ml a I I Oil 0 00 a 'J iraaio, a Pork. Me-s I I 00 a Ill, j.rim.-, 10 (fl a 12 110 ratio. tt 00 a 00 00

I', a P.ul:er.r;o-hen 17 a 10 UVsiwa, Hi a 17 PJ I', oi in a lo U. S. Bank. Could this institution by any means have averted even for a few days the m-censily of failure in specie-paying, would it not have strinnrlod to have done so, fortius reason beside all others that its continuance to pay specie alter others failed would command for it the bus, lies" al II, Uoyernmcnt: on grouint for which, it seems, a Georgetown Bank has now preferred claims under the laws. It appears commissioners, uiiu been sold by the Government, and the prools applicable Pickled Ovsteks, By the favor ol Mr.

J. L. Smith of the Saloon, we were presented on Saturday last will, a line dish of the choices! pickled oysters Ihat we have had the pleasure of eating this many a day. By the same hand we received a flowing cup of the most excellent refined cider, or as Thompson would, say, Hri.wn Orloln'r. ilrawa nail i.iTf.'ia, i'iuiji ni daik retrial Ol' inaav wars: Eva wiili tin; ant- Ik-si produce lo A striking i'akallel.

The votaries of ihe Bank of England Great Britain, arc playing the same game in regard to the local institutions of that country that the advocates of the United lliuue's, Smolk-li and ltisseii's England; Al ihc New Book Store of 1IAUNS Woodward Avenue, noar King's -Comer. M- cousin, and Mapol wiV-omiin, -lo. ti-liiiin, iji of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio. Su-rl's Western loiide with Map, I'iek's fiuid'Mo Emigrants, Historical Skelehi-s of The or I'oekei Majinal ibr Travellers. For Uy $SOY FitfK.

Ham smoked, 12 a 13 eacu ensu. And be it further enacted, I hat before enter-ing ution their du.ics, each of the commissioners shall, before some judge or justice of the peace, lake anoall. faithfully to discharge the duties imposed by this act. Sec. 3.

And be il further enacted, Ilia, said eonnuis- Hah. Ilve'd si. on a no from the Baltimore Patriot that the Cashier of til- I a Kieli'de'vanilW-n on le-rrliurn hi) a II Cinrsrli'U'u," HU a "nil Alexandria. a ieksli art li on a IKiJI! i sionera are hereby numoraoi ujpom. whose dutv it shall be lo record rorrectly all the pro fiiiilifnllv in nreserv-.

ihi a till s-enlirn 10') .70 a -too ceeiiingsoi sau, rv- same, as well us all dewsitious and other papers filed (.0 i a Inn- 7 011a CO Mi'ldlirnrsdiiie I) a 0 Tark' I Lu-h. five, Hour. 3 Ull a oi" Indian -I ml a no! Si. I'l). s.

hli.l. 00 a IN, I.i,,sn. the and Mechanics' Bank of Georgetown (which still continues to redeem its notes in specie) made a formal demand on the Government, for a portion of the public reminding the Secretary of the Treasury of the provisions of the law, which require, in ihe of a depositary of tiie government suspending specie payments, that the shall be transferred to some specie paying bank nearest to that which had previously been used as a government deposite. Rochester Democrat. before soul uoaro.

luu. charge the duties imposed on Inn, by this act. Sec 4 4nd be it further enacted, 1 hal Ihc re-ouestof the Commissioners it shall bo the duty of the nf lo atleud OI.I K- il). Kl-a II! Cadiz, I.e.. Iilown lisirici said Board, and g've his assistance procilrins the at lliissia.

la a nil 17 CHt.U.Y- iSOAP- tendance ot witnesses, auo ma ui.i nminaliou, the betier lo enable the Coiimussioiiers loas-eertaiu the fact correctly in each cose. nnoin Tim! orh ol said H'heal. Isdi I Ma 1 y. 0 a 0 a 0 0 IVtiK a Vircihia. a 1 TIMHTIIY a 1 7 hui) isia live UK OMij VAKNISII- Commissioners shall receive, while in the discharge ol C.rn yel.

norll, 0 00 a 0ol llriraln. -Je 3 rinr lot ot thewe art.ieh-.-i, of Theodolytca, Is, (for all kindw oi'hiirvi ying.) Tripd-, Chains. Drawing Instruments, Telescope, Theiniomt'ters, Tape Measur'-H, Arc. Arc. from the of Munley Oothont, UVstTroy New York the most approved mrmutaciory in tm 1 niied Style reerivni hy MORSE Ai ROTH EK, troit Uotjlvhlore, opposite th Mjehignn 1.

'h-ine. June 137. KU TlUoTv'S. H.dwer's Work FIiiworlh's Works Wayland's Eeoaomy I'innnek's Oreee-e, England, and Rome i (niunou Sehool Library 1'irk's Emigrant)' (dide Sheridan Knowles' Works Zimxerdorf Poor Man and thp Kich Poor Man At ihe.N'nw ISook Stor! of UAOO, BARNS Woodward Avuiue, ncur King' Corner. PRINTER'S INK, conatantJy on liaml, and fijr sale for caah only.

SNOW Ai FISK. While f. I 0 00 On WIlAI.KIl'aM'.- States Bank arc pursuing here. A total destruction of all local banks, and the subjection of all the great interests of the community to one mammoth institution is simultaneously recommended both in England and the United following is an extract from an article in one of the London papers It is also for the interest of the Bank, and of all prudent commercial men, to take such steps as may, on consideration, seem besi calculated to hinder the recurrence of such overtra-dinir or commercial gambling, as we have recently witnessed, the suppression of all local noles is, no doubt, indispensable tolhis end: this, however, is the affair of the government and Parliament; and it is to be hoped, that they will be at length satisfied of the mischief and ruin that have been, and necessarily must continue to be, occasioned by upholding a system thai throws all individuals and associations of individuals, how destitute soever of character or fortune, to usurp the Royal prerogative, and to issue money without let or hindrance." hi-i-ii, 0 s3 a 0 S.7 N. It.

1 mi a 111 Oat sihst nnh a 0 On fieans le- 7h. IS ou a 0 no blft eve hu. 0 a 011 II A Y- Pessd IOli du a OK 1'iose, 0 00 l. 0 7a IIO.VF.Y Havana. ltiII.

-tit a 17 Slal). lb. a -WtiUL lb- 70 a a a Xo. 1. 12 a Smyrna, 1 1 a Poxtiac Bank.

This bank has not suspended specie payment. is the only bank of Michigan that redeems its paper a bright oxam-jjlc this, to those banks which have allowed their own notes to be dishonored at their own counters. is the confidence here in this institution, that we have known individuals who wished to hold current money, to go to the Pontine Bank ami exchange Detroit hills for Pontiac, paying from one-third to a half in specie for the privilege. This bank is perfectly solvent, the superior foresight of its officers, has enabled this bank to sustain itself, while nearly every other bank throughout the Union has sickened and shut up. lb.

HOPS The Governor of Virginia, is in sad trouble to know who shall and who shall not compose the members of the Legislature, to assemple on the 12th of June. It is the opinion of some, that the old members should be the members for the extra session, and it is the opinion of others, that the members recently chosen, should constitute the legislative body. The Governor by advice of the Attorney General has sent his proclamation to the members of the old Legislature. Others differ front the Governor; and the ex-tra session of the Legislature therefore promises to be composed of a double share of y. Express.

the duties hereby linposeo, a suiar me o. thousimd dollars per annum, the Secretary a salary at the rate of fifleen hundred dollars per annum, and the District Attorney salary at the rale of two thousand dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly out of any money in tK!) Treasury not olherwiseappropriaied. Sec Gi And be it further enacted, Thai said commissioners siWl have full power to summon and cause lo come before them, such witnesses as they may deem necessary, and to have them examined on oath, and il nnv witness shall testify falsely, with an intention to mislead said commissioners, such witness shall be guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and stall, uiwn conviction before unv jurisdiction having cognizance thereol, suffer the punishment uiflicled ou those guilty of thai offence. Sec 7.. And be it further enacted, 1 hat nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as lo sane, tion wliatis called contingent locations which have been made by George M.

Martin for the benefit ol such Indians as were supiosed to have been entitled to other lands', which have been sold by the Ihiiied, Stales, such contingent locations having been made, without any legal auSioriiy. It being the true intent or this act to. reserve 10 Coiwccss the power of doing that winch way appear justAVhen a correct knowledgeof all the facts is First son 15711) ra 50 a 0 00 lil Setrotld lly. ii- 'J 1 Sheets, MONEY -MARKET. 1BRAR1ES scpplivd with cheap aaihey sfl-J tui be purchased in yew iork, jrh, uy S.VOW FISK.

by WaT.l-stf.eet One o'clock. The stock market is still lower to-day. No sales were made of United States Bank stock. Delaware and Hudson. Mohawk, L'tica and New Jersey declined 2, Baltimore Trust 5, Ohio Trust and Long Island each 1 per cent.

Sales of American Insurance at of Eaxk of Oakland. The stock of the Bank of Oakland, was taken up by the citizens of this village, on Thursday last. Capital 00,000. Is not this cheering news, and does it not plainly indicate the healthy and firm condition of the interior Pontiac Balance. A f.A UG suimlv oi' Smart's Confectionary, fur utile A til JOHN je3 cor.

Jefferson stud Wootlwartl Avenue. JOHN S. MAGRUUEB, Atlorney aii4 (Huwdfer at Ijiw, OfFicc 128, Connor's Builtling, JctTernon Avcnin4. 8 Toledo. Last fall Toledo had 2,500 inhabitants.

By the last Toledo Blade, it appears that it now has but 2,000. Is Toledo going A stage proprietor in Northampton, is now keeping his horses on wheat, which he finds mure preferable and cheaper than corn. down Perrysburgh pup-r..

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