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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 15

Detroit, Michigan
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PART TWO THE DETROIT REE PRESS: 1898 1 Cyclopedia Club the Of of I Thli Out Ont Address 6 vol J4 Morocco Binding i St 5 S' eUswst Ze Jl PAR EXTA SCHOOLS REE TO WEAK MEN LAWS nUriIOATIO WHIST 's NIN (LION io a 8 any UNIVERSAL 1 universal I UmVERSAUc UNIVERSAL UNIVER5 I Knowledge knowledge (Knowledge knowledge nowleog Vol III Vol li Vol I 1 th alS to nn be paid inf 9200 each and vlc how to play the gante at no time a commencement ad re ad thc presence of a large number of alumni who have come back to Ann Section A renounce in error may be corrected by the player waking it except in the following cases in which a revoke la established and the penalty therefor Incurred: (a) When the trick In which It occurs baa been turned and quitted (b) When the renouncing player or hf partner whether In hli right turn or otherwise has led or played to the following trick (c) When the partner otJbe renouncing player han attention to the renounce One trial package of a marvelous remedy sent free by mail to all men who write for it Restores lost manhood and gives man the vitality of a lion he ban nona of that suit to trump or not to trump the trick llemliidliK Partner ng (o Penalty Section 2 A player has the right to remind his partner that it Is hla privilege to enforce a pen alty and also tp inform him of the penalty he can enforce Sian and Send to II 1 II Enclosed find S100 Club fee for which Tdeiute send to address below one set of the New People's Cyclopedia ow teaa ho a to with hla part take all the remaining trkk? 6 0 8 Arm Arbor Mich October The last two days of this week have been enliven ed by tLeonln is the only recognized positive and permanent cure for Ixst Manhood In all its forms and stages It Is scientifically prepared by The Leonin Co 495 Iroonln Building St Jxnils" Mo This institution's reputation ta such that ftll physicians know when1 they stand sponsor for a remedy that remedy must be exactly as represented And when upon their Professional 'Reputation they make tno statement that Bronin will cure all cases of Bost Manhood Spermatorrhoea Varicocele or weakness of anv nature of the nerve or sexual organs a cure must be positive and permanent The Leonin Co will send every person who is suffering from nervous diseases a week's treatment Absolutely free There is but one test of a genuine medicine and that is the results are obtained by its' use if it cures disease for which it Is prepared It is a true remedy This is the test ly which the laonln Co wish their one tree treat ment to be tried After using Leonin one Jveek the sufferer will find new vigor in Ids organs force in his muscles new LlOod in bls veins me wa mbition a now TIT A IN A ee irileli a 1 I la 1 i i' rw vitality nriiitit mu mir unu onln has a peculiarly grateful effect and their book wi tch is also free anti sent patient feeU the benefit after fiiMt with the free treatment will explain how use It goes direct to the seat of the to take the treatment In private and euro trouble no matter of how iong standingyourself at home (Concluded) PRAYING OUT TURN Nashua 1 1 of Bodi historian ritz Hyde Rapids Section I manner to the laved thereto the trick rrav rennin play bls htgbeet or lowest of tbe salt led or if 5 4 3 A 40 The famous work of realistic art by great artist Suchorowskv will be placed on exhibition for the second time in Detroit at the Empire theater com mencing Tuesday next is the work of the highest genius it is the highest form of the nude in art but so beautifully devel oped so purified that not a breath of crit icism has ever been directed towards it the subject is a young and remarkably beautiful woman reclining on a couch after a Turkish bath TShe has Just awakened from a doze and as she opens her big eyes her gaze falls upon her own Image re jected in a mirror opposite her In her doze ner robe has fallen from her and she is vested only in garments As she views herself in the mirror she falls into an honest admiration of her own beauty lhe picture will be on exhibition daily from 9 till 10 Section 1 If the third hand plays before ths second the fourth band also may play before the second Section 2 If the third hand has not played and the fourti hand plays before the second tbe latter may tai called upon by the third hand to play his highest or lowest card of the suit led or If he has none of It to trump or not to trump tbe trick the penally cernot be Inflicted after the third hand has played to the trick If th player Hable to this petalty plays before It has been inflicted waived or lost the card so played is Hable to be exiled XVII THD REVOKE Trick 1 The Modifiers rarely open a tenace suit or a long suit of indifferent cards The Pyramids lead a singleton six of diamonds as an opener Baltimore salse cards ploying ace Trick Baltimore Irada Ills lung suit East Playing the deuce shows probably more This tact could only be shown by the Street nttacn uifiil The deuce vu uld mean four of the suit three with an honor or no more as West bolds four clubs hlmelt the latter couxd only be po5 8 Trick His tenace suit being opened up to hiui West plays fo a era ruff Trick queen vaa too much for South but gives him a chance tu discard ills queen of diamonds Trick Being forced to open spades A eat leads top of the sequence' Trick Thu jack ot diamonds comes rolling over from East for 1 ha i fourth trump which be can count in hand Unfortunately tor Bal timore ha doss not expect West to hold another heart and sends a boy and the hand results In a gain ot lhre for the Modiners 'Donald who has been pulling away at his clgnr and Inwardly chuckling no leans over to McCoy and says In a hoarse whisper Harvey thanks for the exhibition while McCoy sits dazed and says "Jhat tins a The A I Ulialienge Tropliy The New Jersey whist team composed of Messrs Otis (captain) J) Cameron Ea gles and Aymer gave the Americans plenty ot trouble last week In eetcndlng the Challenge trophy rhe hiew Jersey team have won twelve coneeeutivu matches In the New Jersey state chal lenge trophy series and might readily expect to win The Boston players were Messrs Ward Messer I Ips and I Beck er Hie score was: Americans 3uo New Jersey XO I ast night the battle was between Americans hildrrs and Mt Bcwdcln (Maas) whist club challengers nr? ry Vi111 1elleafter carried to the chfm nej Heretofore thev have acattorAd JUIJl'ng making a nul her classes The chemical rhnJS tOrj been closed while the change was being made Section At any time before the trick la turned and quitted a player may ask an adver sary If he has any ot a suit to which such versary baa renounced in that trick and can quire the error to be corrected in case such ve teary is found to have any of such suit Correcting Itenounces Section 3 a player who has renounced in ror lawfully corrects mistake the card im properly played by him is liable to be called any player who has played after him may with draw his card and substitute another a card so withdrawn is not Hable to be called THE PEOPLE cyclopedia UNIVER5AV knowledge CATARRH UAX BB CVRED Catarrh is a klndrtJ ailment of consump tion Jong ccnpliiered incurable and yet there one ren edy that will positively cure catarrh in any of its stages oV many years this rbmedy was used by tha nr btAcms a widely noted authority dlb''aRvs of the throat and lunge Having tested its wonderful curative pow ers In thousands of cases and desiring to relieve human si fieri ng I will eend free of charge to all sufferers from Catarrh Asth ma Consumption and nervous diseases this recipe In German rench or English with full directions for preparing and using fsent by mall by addressing with stamp naming this paper A Noyes bf Powers Block Rochester tT Ill i Ms Vigor) giving strength and development" just where it is needed This marvelous remedy banishes all feelings of bashfulness toward the opposite sex cures all the ills and troubles that come from early abuse ex" cess or overwork and business' cares all of which result in premature loss of strength and memory emissions Impotency and var icocele Deonin will effect a cure at any age there is no case that it will not cure permanently except where epillpsy or In sanity has already been reached The Beonin makes no restrictions every person who writes will be sent a treatment absolutely tree and postpaid carefully wrapped in a plain package with no advertising on it to indicate what it contains They have received thousands of letters from people all over the country telling of tho most astonishing cures made by Beonin but under no conditions will they publish these letters all correspondence with thtm is kept strictly confidential Their one week free offer Is genuine no swindling or deposit scheme con nected with it and no embarrassing ques tions asked Write to day to the Beonin Cn 45 Leonln Building St Mo anl receive uio i nocxa ireauncnn wmen is also free anti The Entire Set delivered on Receipt ot 91OO The balance 14 monthly paymenta A 8 2 A 'Ll Ypsilanti Mich October The Normal Lecture and Music Course is unusually good this year and the appreciation of this fact was shown oy the fully packed house at the concert given by the Redpa th Concert Company The other attractions are: Maio the Magician Gen John Gordon President Jas Angell Boston bjmphony Orchestra rench Normal CholrT assisted by Plunkett Greene Col Copeland Temple Quartet and George Kennan 1 he training school and some ot the classes in the normal proper were dis missed Wednesday on account of the death of the son of Prof Simmons the di rector of lhe training school he normal literary societies held Hal loween parties riday evening instead ot having their regular programmes Tne loot ball enthusiasts were much en couraged by the lively way the home team went at Toledo yesterday Although they did not succeed in scoring they had the oall continually in territory and it was through carelessness in tum bling and off side playing that they lost the chance of winning Two weeks ago Toledo beat the Normal by a score of 16 to 0 and a score yesterday of 0 to 0 gives evidence of a brace which ought to enable the team to play a fast game with the XI A at Bansing next Saturday Alma Mich October 29 Tiast night was the time to entertain at hall arid a cake walk was given as tbe enter tainment Six couples contested for the cake the result being a tie between Wills and Miss SMarian Briggs and McCabe and Miss Gertrude Humphrey These couples walked again and the lat ter the prize These riday even ing entertainments are becoming exceeding ly popular Miss Nordrurh arrived during the past week and at once took up her duties as physical director and instructor in elocu tion Gymnasium work for the girls has been taken up Prizes of $3 each for best story and best poem have been offered by the pub lishers of the Almanian The contest is open to all students All the fumes from the chemical labor Spauldlng of Chicago has ac anjone calls attention In trick before bls partner has the adversary last to nlav cn nenaer partner to a I 7W14 i Vi uiicuav eiuu gd Liift mu iitxpvi exercises nnUy the oil students decided CI4L' ttrut Ull tllllilrill 9 purpose organized a team hard erf DAtrnir tfi iirooks i Monciav nirnt tha InTtla tloRnee tO clidlt'e: fSr The preparatory have decided that ny Htudont whose daily average' below seventy kill be allowed to play footbaH in any intercollegiate game lootoaii As now arranged George Kenvon will an peur on the lecture course on April 12 while Albion Mich 'October 29 or several days there have been rumors that the faculty were not entirely suited with the senior class election as carried' through last week by a combination of two of the fraternities with the md nt last meeting the facultyoverruied election of valedictorian and Ststndsn as determined by the seniors decided tn themselves select the reclnients rr id the two most important honors at mencement The action of the authnwEL does not preclude the two men who had se cured the othces from appearing An tnA class day programme ashe frs? ad last speakers but takes from them Ahe honors as salutatorian and valedictorian The choice of the faculty for twk offices has not yet been announced The ruling of the faculty this vear is without precedent here and previSS to We re crnt thy have apparently been satisfied with the choosing as made bv themembers of the class A pamphlet on college extension courses has recently been prepared by the college and more than fifty courses for work in absentia by teachers and others interested are offered Studies will be mirsAed the heads of the different depart ments and certificates will be given after examinations at prominent centers through out the state An announcement in regard to the rollment has been made by Prelident Ash ley The number In the collegiate depart ment is about thirty more thin last ytlr and the total number for this term will exceed 400 or the first time in its his tory the conservatory of music is a finan cial success Miss Dora Pitts has resigned her posi tion as teacher In stenography and type writing to take effect January 1 The juniors have elected 'e Tlirrv joke editor and XV Gm alumni editor on the junior annual Widrig suc ceeds Geo Avann as athletic editor The Peter Mulvaney German prize will be awarded this year for the best crlHr il Prizes of $15 and $10 will be given It is understood that a gift of several thousand dollars to the college win be an nounced in the near future Section 4 The penalty for a revoke transfer of two tricks from the revoking their adversaries It can be enforced for as many revokes as occur durlnr tbe play ot that deal but it la limited to the number of tricks won by the offending ride no pair however can score more than thirteen on the play of any one deal The revoking player and ht partner cannot score more than the average on the deal in which the revoke occurs Claiming Revoke action A revoke may be claimed At any time before the last trick of the dal In which It occurs has been turned and quitted and the score recorded but not thereafter Eiainlnliig Hand for Revoke Section At the end of the play of a devl the claimants of' a revoke can examine all the cards If either hand has ahuffled the claim may be urged and proved If possible but no proof is necessary and the revoke Is established ir after it has been claimed the accused player or his partner disturbs the order ot the cards before they have been examined to tbe aatlsfao Uou ot Uie adversaries MISCELLANEOUS Irrcgnliirlty Section A player has the right to preventlila rvokTngrn nX Irregularity except Pennltleia Section 4 If either of the adversaries whether with or without hla consent detnnhds or waives a psnalty to which they are entitleduch decision Is Anal the wrong adversary do mandn a penalty or a wrong penalty is do ma nded none can bo enforced ailing to With Call Section It a player Is lawfully culled Uion to pluy the highest or the lowest of a suit 1 to trump or not to trump it trick to lead a auff or to win a trick and unnecessarily talk to comply he Is liable to the same penalty as It ha had revoked Houghton Mich October The first three weeks of new college year have been very quiet ones among the students and have been characterized by hard and steady work The work in all the depart ments is progressing rapidly and success ful and every man seems to ba keeping well up with It The most noticeable fea ture of the freshman class Is the way In which they are taking hold of their work and are going at it to a man with the determination to "get The annual meeting of the athletic as sociation was held last week and the fol lowing officers elected for the ensuing year: Wheeler president Alex Leggat vice president Ryan secre treasurer IL (LDatham football manager Holger Hanson hand ball manager The advisory board con sists of Prof A Koenig A Houle Nothing has been done with football owing to lack of time on the part of the men Tim first annual reception' to the students was tendered by the Grace church of Houghton Saturday even ing October 22 There was a large attend ance of students and townspeople A meeting of the student body of the college has been called to adopt a con stitution and perfect formation of a Of dthokMWC Organization Spaulding '9R of Chicago has ac cepted a position with the Arcadian Mine Co George Cable will ffive wih his own works in January ter Perry of Boston thA Bax has recently returned from daP concert trip in L'urope willnen on November 7 The ofhc CIn E16 course bor will be in num quartette from s5rin" brother of Prof John J'yLa Olivet Conservatory of thc The first lecture will be given bv nA ton of Detroit on DecembAA" Boyn' The seniors have apoearert'in gown this being the firs' ciil to don the classic garb TnAvS 55 promied by President Sperry 't bel' don his gown when he Baccalaureate Sunday to them on Hillsdale Mich October 29 The annual election of the Hillsdale College Oratorical Association was held Tuesday morning preparatory to the annual intercollegiate contest The officers elected were Presi dent Tan Aken secretary Rose Langworthy treasurer Leroy Watermnr' Mr an Aken as? president a 'pernber of the executive committee of tht State Oratorical Association The election of the officers of the iuninr class was held Tuesday evening Ind the following elected: President Will! Mood vice president May retary Elsie Mae Space treasuAeA? LuHe Xn uIyrr3'u lnarshal Grace Bailey le freshmen have organized by eiectin seerkta? Mabe! Walvath historian StelhS The State Association of ree have bqen in session the past atthe college church As a great mnnW members were graduates and'fnrm Vle dents of the cofiege a klndf hThZ reunion was held riday mornint the chapel exercises a very a enjoyable hour was spent be spersed with a number of short Vithv speeches from the visitors pithj EhleUcs arc on tho boom here The footbak team contains the best mitJiM seen here since tin: state team of 1893 The team win Ictic team ot Charlotte on Monday Ath Olivet committee has been suggested The sec retary nn treasurer ewill be a resident alumnus and upon him will ultimately de volve the work of running the affairs of the association There are to be life and annual memberships and those in each class will be supplied with a suitable but ton indicative of their membership The annual meeting will be held on the even ing after the alumni game The members win oc inrormcd through the enlumrw the Alumnus and from time to time by bulletins and circulars of the: state of athletics the work and prospects of tfie teams and tho particulars concerning annual alumni game There will also be an pGempt made to keep track of all old athletes and find out what they are doing Lach city of any consequence as to the number of alumni will have a representat i on the board of directors and lie will keep the members of the asso ciation in direct with each other solicit membership subscriptions and take cnaige of such excursions as arc run here fiom to time The plan has been lavorab ly commented on by many alumniand will undoubtedly go through Under the supervision of Prof Jacob Relghurd of the university the United states lish commission lias begun and will push to completion a biologiealexamina vOf lakes The preliminary work of this extensive investigation was earned on during July and August of this ear by a party stationed at Put in Bay In Lake Erie The party consisted oi fourteen persons in addition to the direc tor as follows: Dr Ward of the Uni versity of Nebraska Dr Jennings of rartrnouth College Ir Julia Snow of the University of Michigan A Pieters of the agricultural department at Washing Drss Kendall and Marsh of the scien tific staff of the United States fish com mission three scientific assistants and five mechanics and other helpers The United States fish hatchery located on the island was converted into a laboratory tho equipment being loaned in part by the lnversity of Michigan The undertaking contemplates an exhaustive inquiry into the life of the great lakes it will doubt less extend over a Jong term of years and must eventually lie carried on the year around and in permanent quarters A con slderable amount of work was accomp lished this summer and the results will be published in brief papers during the year by the various members of the staff Though purely scientific in its character the work promises to be of a great prac in furnishing a basis upon which may be established a rational tish erles economics Though the wisdom and foresight of Superintendent of Grounds Reeve the campus has during the last two days been bared of every bit of lumber which had accumulated during the summer Of course there been lots of building going on lately and tho superintendent thought the several piles of new and old lumber which Btpod here and there on the campus would' Btandfng invitation to hilarious students on Hallowe'en Through many years of connection with university lifetur Reeve has had ample opportunity to observe the way in which wooden side and planking and in fact anj article of wood was likelv to disappear on the evening mentioned and get into the bg bon fire which usually lights up the vicinity of the gymnasium our years ago sorro' the street railway company which was at that time constructing lines itraUncJ tw? Of the campus ignorantly left several hundred ties strewn along the and glorious bon fire resulted As all the wooden walks on the campus have low been replaced by walks which are not innammaole ani all the spare lumber Is safely stowed away the boys will have pretty hard picking shqpld a bon fire be deemed necessary to the festivities of the rkj i TH peoples peoples I peoples NEWS MICHIGAN Cnncrcc i Have you a good Encyclopedia in your Library? If not why not call and join our the peoples peoples CYCLOPEDIA: CYCLOPLOIAvcvopedia cvclopfoia vclopeda or 1 1 or Agricultural College Mich October A meeting of the Natural History society was held in the zoological lecture room ednesduy evening Upon recommendation a committee to investigate the affairs of the society a reorganlza was authorized and a committee was to ray UP a constitution rt was also decided to hold the meetingsv society twice each month owing to the short time of one hour allowed for meeting A very interesting pro gramme was rendered' Longyear read as number of letters from Bronson Harlow for two years past a student bere regular army and stationed Rico A number of Spanish doc uments most: of which were military or ders that had been picked up at the bar racks i at Ponce formerly held by the Spanish forces were exhibited Prof 'lLi ettu gave talk on local Guitar Mandolin and Banjo club the Orchestra and the Glee club have united in organizing the A symphony club Harry Westcott was elected presi dent Cowling secretary and Russell treasurer The club will give an entertainment at the college some time during the present Last evening the Eclectic society gave a very pleasant dancing party In their par lors in XVillltrns hall This evening the Union Literary Society entertains ladies borne time since the state board of ag riculture offered $300 as prizes $150 first prize $100 second and $50 third to ten com petitive architects for plans for a wo building suitable for this college lhe plans are soon to be in and will per haps be submitted to the board at their next meeting to be held next month The college intends to ask the next legisla an appropriation for a building and if they succeed in getting the appropriation the architect Whose plans taka first prize will also be given the arch itectural work on the building Since the establishment of the course it has been so successful and the 'number of students in that course has increased to such an extent that present accommoda tions are not adequate During the present week the football team has been showing up especially well and the team is much stronger than the team of a year ago All the old players are back in the game again Besides these there is an abundance of material to draw from ln case of need Although tho team not so heavy as might be' desired yet It Is fast and every man gets into the game Arbor to see the alumni football players snow Probably week are so many of the old graduates bar and the occasion this year has boon taken advantage of by the alumni in discuss ing plans for the Alumni Athletic Associa tion The purpose of such an association would fee to keep up the interest of the alumni in athletics after their graduation In order to do this a regular set of officers with a board of directors and an executive rr (''rmnp'nt1v (Iia hariM re VI wiemx as to place it within the reacifo extremely moderate LookslhC 1S a iiytself 'and' will supply the place and save the cost of a hundred more or less costly Irmf' Jr a Scioarly Cyclopedia among its splendid corps of editors and contributors thirty colleges and institu tons of learning are represented To parents whether in the solitary farm house the crowded city or the village home wherever the pattering eet of children echo and re echo the transcendent merits of The Peop Cyclopedh as an aid to education should be presented The result cannot be doubted ret nipiat'caIIy for the present age It is brought down to date and the discoveries the events and the achievements of yesterday so to speak are embalmed and chronicled in its pages 4 It iS an American Cyclopedia entirely new and novel in conception and happy in execution 5 It is the best mapped Cyclopedia in the English or any other language The publishers confidently anticipate a continued great sale for this noble work It is THE BOOK for the timev and for all sorts and conditions of but especially is it 'I'he Cyclopedia for the family and the home will send sample page? on application but would advise sending complete set on 10 approval Hunter Glenn Hunter The Hevokc XV conclude In this number of The ree Press the code formulated nni adopted last July for the ue ot the American Whist League Much that is given to day is on the subject of the revoke The word is derived from the rench revoquer Latin revocare meaning to call back to hold back In cards it means to hold back a card that should be played and play another In its place The revoke has always been one of the moat troublesome things In whist Sometimes the penalty exacted that of the transfer of two tricks is Insufficient sometimes it Is more than adequate Mr Howell says that right of the club authorities to deal with revokes as they see flt in order to accomplish justice ought to be distinctly stated and recognized and further a deliberate revoke or one that seems to be de liberate ought to be more severely punished than a revoke made through Ot course the revoke Is made oftenest under the latter circumstance and Is a cause of mortifica tion to the offender and disgust to hla partner but when the revoke is a deliberate action and made In order to gain trick that would exceed the exaction of the penalty as was done recently by a Boston player of high standing we are In perfect sympathy with the club committee thatforced him and his partner to accept the lowest score made on that deal by any pair giving to their adversaries the highest sqore The exac tion of the penalty of two tricks would have been Inadequate In this Instance On the other hand' it seems extremely unfair to other players jn a match to allow a gain of two tricks to be added to the score of wholly undeserving parties merely because their opponents have drawn the wrong card or through carelessness misplaced the proper one The Tables Were Tu rued or close and exciting finishes the Eighth Congress ranks unique Not until the last deal was recorded In the Hamilton trophy contest was It certain that the Americans had won upon the last deal of the evening hinged the tory of the Americans for tne American Whist League trophy so says the American Whist Player This deal and the circumstances of Its play were most amusing The Americans knew that the finish would be close and Rtroet and letcher were playing the modified game for all there was in it while and Becker were proving ricks against which many a pair spilt or the last deal of the evening Street and letcher came up against and Beverly Smith of the Baltlmoree MoCay seeing lhe old New York war horse in the doorway went out and Invited him tu come in and us do up the modified this last with one of limp hand waves Donald came Hearts were tramps with street to lead He held: 10 9 6 5 A 5 4 3 Clubs 5 3 Dlamonda 6 The hand went as follows: Kalamazoo Mich October 29 The ef fects of the war are still felt at Kalamazoo College Oscar Tienau 01 is still con fined at the dormltory with the fever Brien the baseball captain is still ill at Charles Maxfield an 8 rmy vorRer is at Boi'par'? hospital and Harry Irland has been tOi cnese The Sherwood Rhetorical society has adopted resolutions upon the death of Harry Porter uon3 Bible study classes have been formed by Vr r) M' C' uader the leadership of The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Oratorical iXim 6 Re Waters Vlce pridlnt: Miss Emelia Hochstein secretary Girdwood treasurer A The freshmen have elected their officers as follows President Brovm vice president Theodore Nelson secretary Miss Axtell treasurer Miss Ruth HayneTdirec tpr of sports A Stripp A telegram was received from Albion ri day cancelling the game to be played with Kalamazoo at Albion Saturday No ria son was given Since the Olivet game Kal amazoo has improved materially Ths raw men are getting well into the game The first '98 issue of the College Index appeared riday A AV Chamberlin is the editor The periodical is in pamphlet form a departure from former years given under tho auspices of Good Gov ernment club Tlie course which the execu tive committee of the club has laid out this year is a good one and it will undoubtedly bo well supported The initial number is a lecture on civil service reform to be given by Hon William Dudley oulke of Indi ana at Newberry hail next Saturday night Mr long connection with the Civil Service Reform league in various capacities has given him a vast fund of information on the subject and the expression of his ideas on tho civil service will be awaited with interest Two innocent freshmen created a diver sion In the general library yesterday by calmly going over and taking seats on the girls1 side of the library They were so busy at their work that they did not for a time notice that they were th center of attraction for several hundred smilins faces but when they did they beat a hasty retreat and studied no more that day in the Horary Bart of the handsome furniture which has been purchased for the trophy room has ar rived and been placed in the pretty room to the right of tho gymnasium entrance As soon as the pictures have been hung and the trophies arranged in cases the room will be an attractive place The senior pharmics have elected the fol lowing officers Cushing of Dexter vice president Miss I Ilall of Olean secretary George Eckel ot Petoskey treasurer Charles A Duerr of Benton Harbor: historian Harry Hewitt of Jackson The chances are that the of Boat club which enjoyed such a successful vear last year will be re organized this spring A club house is also talked of The junior medics have elected their class officers as follows: President II Mul let of Cassopolis vice president Miss Eva XL lock oi George It Pray of Ionia treasurer II Hrevoort of Grand wiy superintendent of hfs master stroke null Angell delivered hfs an bcoro the btudents' Christian of wtatec that former members missions rS found in the Innii cf almost every foreign of the truth of this fom found in the fact that have ho graduated last June Broffv taken up this kind of work do IV is about to jpL JeaseR Harden who was presi Uoni hc Christian associa irnn lIj las becn ent by the Amer ican poard of foreign missions to Aintab of i ukor 1Jr Wili! Lehman Srnnl lias sone lo Lolodorf Kam 'es? under the direction of 1 1 board of misMonsSharon Thrfc Uvor Mich and Garbutt were mar tflIS lal1 and started October 8 for the on the Euphrates river in Arabia they are under the direction of tie board of foreign missions of the Re form Church of America for class football games begin next week and the absence of the which at Evanston at that fhe smaller teams the use of the athletic field Eight teams have al icady entered the race and are hard at work on the campus The team expects2 the Championship and will relv on tneir four years of experience together to noip them out Then they have a good heavy roam this fall and will give anv mass eleven a good race An attempt isbeingmade to get up an excursion to ac company the 'varsity team to Evanston next Saturday Special rates have been se cured and if a large enough number signi fy their intentions to go the team will have the encouragement of a lusty crowd of rooters Playing Twice In Saccraalon Section 6 If anyvnu leads or ply a er9 and then befor hi partner has played to tha trifle lead one or moro other cards or plays two or of which ar better than nny bis adversaries bold of the suit his partner J11? called upon by either adversary to win the first or any subsequent trick to which any ot Bald cards ao played are liable to be called It was decided that the code should be provl rionally adopted for a year that It may be teet actual use It will brought up tot definite adoption or rejection at the next con Tlie Queaflrtn Hot More than twenty ot the readers ot The ree rees have sent in the correct solution of Prob lem XVIIIJ showing that the placing ot the cards was comparatively fensy The analysis ot Jo Mt Clemi auens the clearest andwe give it as follows Trick North leads the 2 of diamond show 2f fur and a rather weak hand trick South evidently baa no better suit to open and returns hla partner's the queen hold ing the trick aeoorid hand places the king of diamonds with West The knave and 8 belong East completes his signal for trump Trick Went bads 9 of heart In response to baftner all East of course passes and South wins w4 the queen Trick 4 South now leads his own suit evi dently lhe fourth test The 2 clubs not falling marks It In South's hand which would give him five clubs East can place the ac in Wts f2' $Ubs and only three trumje South would have led his ace I rum five if in had held it South holds queen knave or queen U) 8 or knave 10 It matters llttla which West has one ot them North must have 8 and 5 This places all the clubs Tricks 5 and dispose of all the trumps Trick East lead hl king ot spades from A 10 The fall of the cards gives the quesn knave to North who needs two more cards only to All bls hand and who cannot have a spade under the South plays 8 for low so we give him the 7 and The 3' 4 tt go to West The bands are therefore: North Spades 9 Hearts 0 4 Clubs 6 5 4 Diamonds ft 8 2 hand was given with the problem (South Spader 8 7 i Hearts ft 2 Clubs 8 7 2 Diamonds A 5 Spades fi 4 3 2 Hearts 9 7 3: Clubs A 10 Diamonds 4 9 Hearts trump PROBLEM XIX Knowing all the cards the remainder or the above probl resolves Itaolf into double dummy liVW v44 ladfti ICU A4 IQ WlUO nl rig a UAlit 4 nes tu a 1 1 4 A wM I 4 wmwew I Olivet Mich October 29 An innovation in society invitations was made last Wed nesday by the Soronian and Adelphic soeie ties Each society had eight candidates to be initiated Wednesday night and dur ing the afternoon both societies marched ot er the principal streets nf tn At the head of the processio? were the candKlates for admission each one wear! some childish playthin hlthfirri initiations have been entirely secret thro in novation came as a created much amusement a11 Pnd Dr Pearson of Chicago vroiri nr a cvi taiK aur the alumni football? era mo inct rnav" rnAvn 1 I 1 affair and for that flliwirrl NJss'sw rtiKj yni a 0 JJetroiL captain MUblUdi CrUlid ptiva A 1( 1 tut ck for Unruly to Avoid flogging Methods A discussion of the question of corporal punishment now being conducted by the press of Londn 'ellcits the fact that many pupils in the English public schools are In favor of They regard it as a tlme honored institution one calculated to bring out their manhood One boy for instance writes to the newspapers that he prefers to meaning that he would rather learn a' page or so of a poet after school hours than be whipped but another youthful correspondent replies very indig nantly to this (He says know the kind of boy exactly? He thinks football a dan gerous game and cricket bruises his hands so he says his ideal game is croquet with the girls I would remind 'Twister' that' Englishmen of action were not built from boys of this It goes without saying that the London teachers believe in the application of the rod Chicago would fain devise some means by which the effects of the abolishment of corporal punishment may be overcome At a recent meeting of the educational com mission held at the University club a of three was appointed to secure the founding of a school" in Chi cago where pupils who cannot be man aged In the public schools can be detained and taught is a polite way of saying The necessity for it seems to be an ad mission that many youngsters cannot be uiauagM vy tne metnods now force Supt Andrews is radically opposed to corporal punishment on humanitarian grounds are instances where corporal pun ishment judiciously administered might be beneficial" he admitted I am op posed to corporal punishment on humani tarian grounds are instances where corporal pun ishment judiciously administered might be beneficial he admitted I am op posed to it because it is apt to result in brutality or injustice Why when was a remember seeing the teacher of a school that I was attending brutally pound with a large ferule a pupil 15 years of aKA nocked him down and actuallv clubbed him until he was black and blue I nave since then seen men blown to nieces i not in my wuuie Hie be nela anything that so horrified me or pro duced such a permanent impression of painis8ust as that I not believe those schoolmasters in London have thought of the parental school or they would not be in favor of flogging The cnief trouble with a bad pupil Is that he corrupts the others If he is incorrigible or susPend him as a last resort which is tad for the pupil and the com munity I now have in my possession a new law that has been carefully framed bv the counsel of the board which would allow the proper school authorities to commit an incorrigible pupil to the parental school UnleS this jaw i nut In fHmo will no moans of detaining such pupils in the school We shall have in that school the most experienced and skillful teachers LU dDUAVliiHS ailHHLUUr vicious children to a hfrher sense of their i J' The great advantage of the school win be that such pupils can be removed from the midst of the others over whom they tend to have a bad Chi cago Chronicle I gib MwmmMMMIMIIIIMM i of fi 1 ii 1 1 I rt fc 3 I I I I i no Nnl I i i' Am I 1 MISS MWHEg i Tho MIH 1 4 IHHl Jg 1 ne Peoples Cyclopedia tvery home needs and Hfflstele I 9 A I I 1 II A AJA cr TRICKS NORTIf EAST SOUTH WEST IL AO 2 0 3 0 6 0 2 A 7 2 A 9 A 3 6 8 0 4 A A 4 7 1O AT 5 70 80 4 OS74 6 iG QO 5 7 5 0 IGO 7 A 8 3 2 9 10 4 9 2 5 3 IO 07 9 3 10 i 8 02 6 11 7 9 A 9 12 8 9 4 5 13 Of 2 8 8 Vol Hl Vol li i.

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