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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 2

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25. 1805 THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. IMII.V ANI WKKKLV. Any I A1 Way Ion Stand 11 imm The Dost Cooks, the SiiiKle meal-, 23 eeut: Wtek.v tit Monthly board, lis. Thicken wcimdi Suiidiy.

runner at o'clock. in-, 20 Wn k.v U( kci oard, tis. fhlckci, Dinner at 3 o'clock, joy that prosperity for whlvH tho people are waiting nu prnytiiif Which shall It bu? That is the question. Will It be Kvans nnil progress, or Hoeson anil decay? Will the pco-pie. elect a mayor pledired to pniilic improvcinentfl and enterprise or one whoi? sitislied with the town as it is HAY." SUN Our Mowors have no I-Iassayamp Improvo-ments.

are Up to IDato-X)ittto, liuck "Rakes, aacl Hay uir 'occls cl' all kinds. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES, MKMI1KK UK TIIK t'KKwi. OFFICIAL. CITY PAPER.

or THE AKlZONA KiSI'lliLliJAN COMPANY. UOAItl'OF UIBK1.10IIS; Lewis Woldey, Clark t'hiircltill. J- wuHley, Kdwanl mm. Jr, A. Ulnrli, Kiitflfcd at tho twstolheo I'lxrtMi, Arltoua, as mull matter ul ihe second clam.

l'uhlloullon Ulllcc: Noilli first Avenue, Flouilnii Block, Telephone BY CARRIER! Tll Daily Ititi'UHMCAN Is delivered hy ear-dollar lu I'luuiilx nl ctn per week or liw order 10 receive tuuucdUW aUcutluii. telephone No, -17. BY MAILl Daily, one year Wj Ually, six months. Dully, three mouth Sunday Republican, one year Sun lay Republican, six Weekly Rcpiullcati one year I Weekly Republican, six months 16 Terms! strictly In advance. communications relating to news or editorial niattor should bo addressed to Kdltor A1I remittances and biiktneia letters shuuld bo addressed to Tiik Aiiuoxa RieruuM-OAK UOMVAKY, I'mulllx, TIIK ARIZONA RBl'UHUOAN CO.

BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Till: is fully prepared to do all kind of plain mid fancy Job pruttluK In Ml the latent stylos. Coinplelouook bindery and ruling maohlnury In connection with tlie Job department. Work uurfoolly promptly dote. AGENCIES.

Tux Hki-uiimcan ami bo found on sale At llio following places I Monlhnu Corner News Bund I'hienlx Pratt Ilros Irylno Co Postofllco News Hliiuil NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN. No bills against Tux AautWA KSTuiimcan 0o or Its employes will bo paid by llio company unless tliey wore eontraoted upon thu written authority of Die umiiaKomonl. O'IIiiikn, business manager, and titailAiivity J. I.kk. cashier, are tho authorised tnllallort ami colluotors llui pnpor.

KmvAlU) llurr, Jn In tho authorized traveling solicitor mid eollootor (or tho company, T.J. WOI.KLitY.Ouniiriil. Manager. I Jit MOTTO: 1(5 To STAND DP FOR ARIZONA; j-iiucnix, iHim. l-or Mnvor PIKHOIC KVANS.

for ABBessor nnil Tax Colloctor ,1. WOOll. Kcir Mnrshnl VM. I DM Kit. Kor Trenuuror M.

OltttlSTY. For Recorder T. A. JO US. For Councilman -Klrst Ward JOHN DKNNIS, For Counolltrmn -Thlnl Wnrcl PUANK J.

PKCK. COMPARE THE TICKKTS. A comparison ol llio tickets in nil Tim asks. There nhotild bo no polities hi llio upn roivoluDkr city election. It purely question ol llHUHinil It Is fur tllOVOtol'B to decide by comparing tho tickets which of the men tiro tlio best.

Tun Hkitiii.u-an hrta uonaldored tho nioriin of tho two candidates for mayor it ml on tho ground of qualifications alone hits determined to Btipport Tierce Kvnns. If we consid-erod Dr. Kossoii a buttor man for tho place wo would support him. This election ie too important for politics to be tho sliglitust factor in determining w'ho should boojroted. Upon the result depende tho whole future of -PhojQix.

Tho hands of the clock will bo turned forward if Kvnns ie elected, ami they will bo turned back t. and JIM YUEN, Prop. The lite House Salooo. .1. It.

PABST BEER ON DRAUGHT 5 Cents A Cit.Aati Fine Liquors ami Cnjars. AVcst Streps "Hi HUl'juj iiiiniiii'M, jMi--ni(H or t.1.1 oda watcrx (any flavor) the comln sciifon on the shorten iiotlre. Fite Tulilc Mintml Waters Constantly on Band' F. II. UTHMEIE11.

lilll Hunt M.niroo SI, For a Good Team Try the Grand Central Livery iJorKUK BonrdG'1 by ihe Wvvk or Mnutn it Lowest RuUie. Teluiiliotit; No ytj ALBRIGHT MURPHY Props One block south of Commercial hotel. ltanlia, THE Phoenix National Bank, Phcenix, Arizona, Paid Up Capital, U. S. Howls to Secure I), posits, 50,000 h'lUNK I'rofldent.

1'. J. Cor.R. 1st Vlce-Prckldcnt. 11.

Vice President. 0. J. Cashier. The Only In Arizona.

Depository for the Territorial Funds, The only Stoel-Mnod Vault mid ateelSafety Ueiioslt Boies In Arizona. ji. UUUIUVWI Drafts (ssuttl on ,111 the frinfipal Cities of Hit World. niJIKCJL'OJiS: JAMKR A. KMIMINO.



IIKIl. 1). M. FKKHY. F.

M. MnU'llY. U.S. -TJH 10- Valley Bank, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Capital Surplus $100,000 2B.OOO WM.

CHRISTY, President. V. H.SHBKMAN, Vice-President. M. W.

MKtJSENOKR. Cashier. RKCRIVB DEPOSITS, MAKE COLLECTIONS, BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE, Discount Commercial Paper and do a. General Banking Business. Office HotirnO n.

to 3 p. in, 0ORHK8PONDXNTB. Am.BxnhnniroNRtl. Bunk New York Tho Anglo California Bank, San Frnnciwo, Cal: National Bank of Illinois Chicago, Hit Firat National Bank l.os Angele Preseott National Bank Preseott. Arltona.


Kalks. Sol. J. Y. T.

Smith, Cuas. Gko. W. Hoadlkv. CORRESPONDENTS: The Bank of Saa Kranolsci, Agency of Bank of California New York.

National Bank of commerce, Bt. Louis. Bank Chicago. Farmers Si Merchants Bank Los AllRelea Consolidated National Bank Bank of Ariiona Frescolt. Messrs.

N. M. Rothschild A Sons London. M. W.

Kales, Sol. Lkwis, President. Vice-msiaeni. Geo. W.

Hoaiiley. Cashier. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. KAG All Propn. Carrying U.

S. mall front Bowle8iailonTlabO-. munvillc to Ft. Thomas, connecting with stage forlMobe. A dally Hue of stages is tweon above points, connecting ftl0l0.7., vllle with stage lino for Clifton aud Upper on at Bowie Station with the Southern Paciflcraii road.

Our shoes are comfortable und restful. We are careful In fitting and guarantee you I erfect satisfaction, KEMP HARDWARE. winter. The newly elected mayor discharged fifteen hundred city employes in tho llrst eight hours of his odicial life, and presumably the most of them aro incapable of Belf support. Phkscott Joui'7iil Miner: Nearly every day witnesses a now mining sale now in thi'B In fact, they are coining along bo rapidly nowadays that it is difficult to keep up with tho procession.

O.titr.HON is elected mayor of San Diego every year regardless of party because he ie tho man the Deople want, Phtonix would do well to imitate California enterprise. Pikkni.v. has not enough start to rest on her laurels. There is opportunity (or a rival that would leave us clear in tho shade, The election on May 7 will determine that. Phok.

tiiii'oN, who is nn applicant for the principalehip of the normal school, ia highly ei dorsed as a in every way qualified for tho place. Tun vuaus ago Los Angeles waa not much larger than I'liionix is now. New blood and enterprise made Ihe town and not the mossbacks. Hon. Tiioh.

H. Piiown, member of legislature from Yavapai county, who waa so ill during the session, is im-uroving in health. Thk of Phtenix will build up a rival city at the expenso of the peoplo hero Kosso.n is not the man for mayor. It is men with unap and energy that are needed now. Tim man who.

stands in Ihe wav of the progress of Phoenix is a public enemy. It was the enterprise displayed by the people that made Lob Angeles and Denver. She Und tho Evidence. A novel piece of evidence whs introduced recently in a breach of promise ease in Unvnrin. The defendant obstinately denied the and stated that his licensor had nothing tu show-to prove her The hitter, buxom maiden, uskod one day to be permit ted to brine; in her evidence.

The court grunted her request and adjourned until ton o'elnek the next day. At the appointed time she was on hand, and upon tho query of the judge where her evidence was, she opened the door und four lumbermen brought in tree trunk, upon lite bark of which her faithless adorer had iu-eised both their initials within it naming heart! She won her case. lion- to IVuuo Tho proper system of pruning (lowering shrubs, according to the best of authority, is one that will induce 'an abundance of young wood, and this can only be accomplished by the trimming out of nil two-year-obi growth that which has already flowered cutting out the old shoots close to the ground, so thnt the new growth will push out from the root of the plnnt, If the bush makes too strong and rank a growth, a moderate amount of pruning in winter will not lessen the bloom to any extent, especially as the extreme ends of the vuunsr wood do not (lower, The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others.

anil who was nominated bucanse he was known to be opposed to progress? Nature has blessed Pluenlx with every advantage climate, location, uatural resources. It is left with her citlU'iis to say what use Bhall be made of thoif advantages. The cities of Denver and 1,03 Angeles never had the natural resources that Phtunix has today, but these cities are largo and prosperous because the people made them ho. Hut neither Denver nor I.os Angeles were more than villages until the moBsbaeks we're relegated aini enterprising men selected to hold the reins of government. Shall history repeatitBelt in I'litiuiix Shall" tha mossback bo scratched, no tnuttoron which ticket, his name appears, and his enterprising oppouent bo elected? Tax-payers will lie benelitted by an incroiiBod value of theh property.

Morchants will be benelitted by nn increase of business. Laborers and mechanics will bo liunolltted by constant employment. whole people of tho valley and even of the territory will bo benefitted by tho building of a now commercial metropolis. Piorco Kvans is pledged if elected muyor to soctiro these results. His whole timo will ho devoted to enterprises and improvement thnt within live years will make Phoenix a city of people.

IHb iiuililU'alions, his past environments, his experience, his training and his Htability of purpose are guarantees that these pledges will bo redeemed. Prom oven a selfish standpoint the merchant, the mechanic and the laborer mtiHt support Kvans because ot tho immediate bcnoflts to be re-cuivod. Thu roal estate owner with nu eye to business must certainly support Mr. Kvans because tho election of Kvans means an advance in values as noon as tho Inst ballot is counted and bis election is a certainty. Tho ii rat crisis in the history of Pluenlx is at hand.

Wo muit forgo ahead hb the metropolis of tho southwest, and that at once, or Preseott will take advantage of our delay and by energy and enterprise become the Denver of Arizona with Phienix the Pueblo, Kvon the men who dislike to spend a cent for the necessities of life cannot fail to see that money must now bo ex-ponded or their whole fortune lost. The timo for so-called conservatism lute passed. If the opportunity is neg lected within tho next year or two it will bo gone forever. In this election tho issue is clearly defined. It ia Kvans nud an ad ministration of progress and enterprise on the one Bide, ami on the other Ron-son supported by those misguided individuals of the penny wise and pound foolish order, who, for fear of expense, aro willing that other towns should spring up and Phumix take a back seat, long as they are ablo to collect their rentals or their per cent a month interest Which shall it he, Rosaon and decay or Evans and prosperity? Let the voters say.

TO LABORING, MEN. A great many laboring men and I Standard Deering Wood i THE HENRY DEALERS IN mechanics have been attracted to 1'ha-nix' because of I he belief that it was a growing town and that employment could easily be obtained, in this they were mistaken. There has been very little work for either the mechanic or the laborer, and as a consequence many deserving men have been troubled to make ends meet, It is now proposed by a largo number of tho citizens to inaugurate a new era in the affairs of the city. Tho time has come when a great many public improvements must be undertaken by the city government. Hut whether or not tho wishoB of these citizens will be respected depends upon the result of tho city election on May 7.

If Mr. Kvans is elected mayor funds will be raised by bonds nr otherwise and long needed public improvements undertaken which will furnish employment for all. If liosEon is elected no move towards public improvements will bo undertaken during the next two and those dopending upon their labor for support of themselves and familiie will be compelled to leave for a more enterprising and growing town. That is tho situation in a nutshell. Tho election ol Kvans means woik for the laborer and the mechanic and btiBinofB for tho merchant while the election of Uosson will mean no work for either, loss business for tho merchant, and a period of stagnation for the town.

('iroiiic'e: Pierce Kvans, practitioner of law, has been nominated by the Republicans of Pluunix us their standnrd bearer for mayor. He defeated in the convention for the nomination the present incumbent, J. Monihon. The editor of the Chronicle has known Intimately, since boyhood days, Pierce Kvans, Wo were schoolmates together aud many times have we played hookey to ho boat sailing. Mr.

Kvans was educated at the college school ol Oakland, which was afterwards merged into tho State Uiii-veisity. He ia a graduate ot Harvard, and is fully competent to fill tho position of mayor, and though a Democrat previous to tho administration of Cleveland, we would like to cast a voto for Pierce Kvans. A saws paragraph recites that during a heavy storm in Alliance, Ohio, last night millions of angla worms fell, making pavements so slippery that it was almost impossible to walk on them. Now tho question arises, has some devout fishing party resolved to tell the truth and actually beon taken to heaven, dropping their bait in transit? That may have occurred in Ohio, but no such tlaiiiua party is ever met hereabouts. Tin: ot the unemployed in Chicago bids fair to be greater -during the coming summer than it was last ward if Rorboii is made mayor.

That is conceded by tho supporters of the men. If BosBonis eletitod tho city will stand still for two years. If Kvans is elected Phoenix will go ahead and en.

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