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The Black Hills Weekly Pioneer from Deadwood, South Dakota • Page 4

Deadwood, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

itvct: MiNeNa. bring one, three, or a dosea tons of ore Our hnntere and sportsmen are hav- 1 Oeekty Pioneer. RtVITISS. Washington, Oct is onder-stood that Uuiteau will be arrigned to SOUTHERN KILL Mate OatharasJ an tha roads are in splendid condition; New York DomoormU. Albany.Out;!!.

Tweedle hall Is with delegates and others in at the democratic state conven What la Kteing Dona. What fvromhv ing rare spurt just at present. The valleys are alive with game, from a buffalo to a teal duck, and the boys are Bathuut, Onoau IS, 1981. ftlttTISH OOUfMaiA Death ef a Parmer Well. Known tine Mitts.

All old timers will h-member Joel S. Mi-ade, who, in company with CWptain VYoudin, went to British Colombia a as) ane) wnst waaejsjd. The discovery of carbonates on Squaw to Deadwood and receive cash for it, they woukl return snoouraged to great and mure continuous work, realising that the greater the output of their mines, the greater would be the income to their pockets. Although the silver were never In bettor shape. tion.

Much cheering occurred when making the most of it Roberta, th pound msster, has been The Grand Junction will be ready to Senator Kernan arrived, and the band relieved from duty. The Black HilUwill have to furnish crush in about a month. creek had the good effect if none other, of inspiring renewed work in other king neglected silver districts with already good results and great promise year or so ag, on a mining venture. the east with potatoes this winter, as interests of the Hills have comparative The Stand by at Rochford is pounding Genera) Miles' hosstehoM effects began to piay. Gen.

Sickles and Hubert O. Thumpsou were loudly cheered. Tammany and Irviug ball delegation will probably leave for New York this afternoon. Gen. Falkner came up ths the crop there walmosta failure.

Large kcaid in the K.otenay district. ly rested dormant lime will prove that srer raffled at Mile City. away with every Indication of a good clean-up. quantities are being shipped, every day McUiutock, has purchased an Mica interests arj receiving much at morrow. Allentown, Oct.

11. The Tannery of Mosier A Keck, burned. Loss, insured. New Vork, Oct. delegates will he present at a review.

Union square, to-morrow night. Ottawa, Oct. 11. One hundred families nf tinhermen on the Atlantic coast and North shore are In a starving condition. Chicago, Oct.

1 1. The common council has given the Mutual telegraph company permission to lay its wire by underground cables through the streets of the city. for the future. flALKNA. Tit is district one ef the first establish txi in the Hills, has enjoyed unin-interrupted confidence of tocators and from Rapid City.

It will make those eastern folks open their eyes when they see the magnificent tubers that are raised in the Hills. interest in the aayville and Dead wood toll road. they are the most valuable of our great variety. A sixty-ton smelter would today have all that It oould do. Two years hence sixty smelters of that capacity wit) have all the ore they can treat The expense of building works of the body ol the hall at i and was en thusiostically received.

He at once called tue convenliou to order, merely thanking them for his reception, and congratulated them on the amicable tention, and art becoming more valuable as work progresses. The SiMtkatie Kalb Chronicle of September ft, state that on the night of September 17, Meade stopped at the cabin of one llrevais; and that during the night the cabin and contents were bunted, including the two occupants, "It seems the fire broke out aAer they were aalevp, caustr.g death by suffocation. ue ef the fire unknown. Mr. Meade was one of the pioneers of the The Gold Htar, or "Old Charley" mill such few others as could be interested, Tb Oocidental Hotel, at Cutter City, feeling which had characterized all pre The Saw-pit flume which being did not start up Friday, but will drop baa re-opened under the management kind would not be great.

Twenty thous its stamps and go into continuous oper constructed by P. M. Dorringbui, to convey 90 inches of water to Deadwood liminary proceedings (laughter). B. Hill was oluHeu temporary chair man without opposition and addressed the convention briefly, ex pre ing the ation to-morrow.

and dollars will put up sn A. No. 1 smelter and leave a nice surplus with of Heal; 4 Q. The clean-up at Os-sek A Mclugh gulch from a reservoir near the Sir The Penobscot, near Custer, had une which to purchase ore. This amount Kns snill, a frw days ago, resulted in Kootenay district snd inaugurator of hope that all dihVreocea would he harmoniously settled a i ill pea dm prevail.

hVferniiK to national affairs Hilt said Roderick Dhu mine, will soon be completed Fred aara that 60 iuchee of could, we believe, be easily secured in surprising clean-up, and the condition of the plates indicate that the second 146 oudom from Black tail ore. the Hills. At least a large portion of that neither civil war nor the hand of water just now is fully equal to any of flOSTETTEn the stock could be sold here and the remainder reality placed abroad. Fred Wheeler runniuf an opera houa at Miks City, with Professor and being free of taint by any wildcat or worthless scheme, stands promiuent among the many valuable localities in the Hills, and is constantly improving. The Florence fiasco, attributable solely to dimensions in the company, gave the district a temporary set-back, from which it is, however, rapidly recovering.

The advent of two well organized companies the Fort Meade and Dead-wood infused still greater life and confidence in the district The Fort Meade ha a large force of men at work en the Red Cloud, extracting and sacking will be equtMy as good. Preparations are completed for extensive work on the King Hokmiou. our bonantaa. He intends sending out a force of men to prospect for springs, an asftasftiii had been able tmlenlrtiy tbe people's fmth in the liability of ths government. Sectional uuimoities have ceased, and all efforts of our po Hone a leader of the orchestra.

Deeming the project one promising there is quantity enough already dis the Black Hill Mining which is now termed the KooUnay Mining and was a man universally respected by all with whom he was acquainted." Tne asms paper announces the arrival from the Kootenay mine of Frank Olendorf, formerly of Doadwod. Frank ia interested in mining property, and "is satisfied with the prospects." The company has completed a large covered to last for centuries. litical opponents for purposes mom par- The oooutr ooqiiu intone rt met and mibtaatial building. more good results to the city and to the Hills than aught else that can be conceived, we commend it to the tisan than otherwise will not avail to terday afternoon and received a large The Iron City Gold Mining of Pittsburg. which recently purchas number of petitions coooerniug rarioua thoughtful consideration of the Board of trade, our business men and to in Frank Booth, sou of 8.

M. Booth was discovered Friday lying insensible under a heavy freight wagon, the rear wheels resting on his chest. How he reads in the oounty. ed the Killrich, Nebraska, Harriet and kindle the dead wmlier of sectional bitterness. It is our duty to enter a solemn protest against wholewile corruption by which tiie presidency was virtually purchased ew.iy from us.

It was no fault of ihu iftilltiut soldier who led our ticket that he was net swarded the victory which so richly deserved. Sheriff Betting offers a reward of Dividing Dakota- vestors abroad, with the assurance to the latter that an Investment will re ore that will assay from 800 to SOU came there, and the extent of his in Prairie View on Spruce gulch, are making extensive preparations for a thorough development of their property, $150 lor the arrest of the man Thompson who, oo the 5th insL, stole Colonel turn five-fold during the first year's op juries have not been ascertained. Sev Sioux City Journal, Oct 6. Delegate Pettigrew, of Dakota. Submitted to a brief iuterview yesterday at the hamU eration.

Elliott's gray mare. eral teeth were knocked out and many bruises were found upon bis body. He under the direction of an efficient superintendent They are located among ounces to the ton, and will begin regular shipments to the Omaha reduction works next week. The Deadwood company having completed necessary buildings, on Monday through i erforta ul I'orsey and tira-dy'i ring, which ihev led, the will of of a Journal reporter, on the subject aw -wff PCRSONAL POINTS. had been engaged in hauling sand, a group of very promising mines, George Bertschey, at Central, has of the 4i vision of Dakota.

Mr. Petti tigrew said that Dakotaiaus were practi which are the Fooie and Gold Hill, and Superintendent Vanhusen, of the just completed a fire-proof, 3)i3U, in the rear of his saloon. The recant lot Mrs. A. W.

Hastie will pass the win important rrtults may be looked fur. cally unanimous in the that the peop'e was nu III lied by the unscrupulous use of lunds stolen from the general treifatury, and levied upon fed-eral officials aud great monopolies and inouied corporations as a price of special privileges and fmnchmes granted the in by republican legULuioo. Custer stage line ts a bouania to the reporter who has the knack of tackling ter at her former home in Illinois. It is gratifying to know that capital is put a force of men at work on the Motherspaugh, running au open cut, to extend entirely across the hill, after which a shaft will he sunk directly up adjoining he intent Is to build on. Dakota should be divided on the 4oth taking an increased luterest in the Not to be outdone by Doo Harding, him for news of tbe Lower Hills country.

The Piokexr hss the knack, and Dillon A of Central, have been paralltl. The republican convention that nominated him had so declared, Spruce and Two-bit mines. dam Soyster has secured appointment on the vein, which now shows a width refitting and renovating their drug as postmaster of the Centennial office, last evening corralled the gentleman at A call the roll wan then proceeded with. The ore-b'iit'rtls of all the con and at a meeting held at Deadwood Bismarck laments the loss of the tore, and now bare aa fine a place as fciffeirts IHmlnUhad Vigor Ii rHitiMinM-1 hi Kri'il niv-ure, tn Ihnss truntilM IUi wemk klilmya, by a ml Mom uw of Hflrtt-UV rt(uinrti HI li ra, wliirli luvlKdtBtM aitd mIihuUu wlihuui wiUut Ihr urinnty mkm. Ill lHlJIIUl-tl' lt Willi 11 lllQllt'llW upon tin id, It mrmu tcrilty, linpruvm and a hi nvi-ry May intvmrlvt' Ui hi-altti mill urrvv u-ihw, Another uitritMl tiunllty it control uvwr fcvr itiic iii1 iu nf preii'iiilnii II.

Fur lt by ill UruitKWi mil UmOuni xtm-mlly. R. H. Kello and three or four others this had been reaffirmed. The population of four feet, and yields ore mnnin three and four hundred ounces to the ton.

The company could begin at the Merchants. His first move was to produce a number af specimens from can be found in the Hi 11a. BJsck Hills freight business, aud says: "Now that there is a transfer running south of this parallel Mr, Pettigrew est testing were referred to the committee. iriounninintlttces were sppointed, snd the convention took a departed Thursday, by private conveyance, foi the Muscle Shell end Butte. mated at 130,000, aud north of the line regularly between Bismarck and the Superintendent Vanhuaen, of the Cuatet stage tine, baa twenty-four bead GO.OUO.

The coming session of con once shipping high grade ore continuously, but they prefer thoroughly open the mine, when a smelter will gress, he thought, would ruske this di rectus until p. in. Fruit of Dime Novels. Little Hock, Oct. Mrs.

Dewey and Mrs. Sparks are very busy just at present preparing for the old folks' concert, which is to come tbe Bengal Tiger. They are beauties, nf much richer appearance than the collection recently on exhibition at the Weulworth and show large quantities of leaf and auggel gold iu pure crystal-lixvd rock, the bright yellow of the of borate, all good roadsters, and many fine carriage animals for sale. west side of the Missouri, it will be well fr freighters to turn their attention to Black Hills freight. The Bismarck route to the Hills by all odds the be erected on its own property.

vision. 1 lie senatorial committee on territories, a committee having a dem on at Central, Monday evening, Octo one of the Iron Mountain train rob ocratic- msjority, had recommended ginoe the accident at the Caledonia The lwconiluui company are prosecuting woik in their tunnel, and expect ber 17th. best Though not as short as other mine work on the open cut baa been this division last session, in ms opinion it would he best to set this matter bers, tells the following story of the train robbery: "Wo are nil poor boys, precious metal appearing resplendent Mike Got Utein, of Franklin A GoU- routes, the good mads suffice to make done. The ore not being pleuty a force in Its while setting. Very rich speci of division through first, sad nut com stein, returned from the east Saturday, the route a quicker one thau from auy to tap the ledge withiu the next hundred feet Colonel Davy's smelter will be in operation by the first of the year, when of men have been placed inside.

plicate it with that of admitting that and live, at riau Auguniiue, and have good relations there, and hope they will accompanied by his brother's family, pother point, and affords freighters an mens of the Penobscot were also exhibited. Work continues at the Tiger with no indication that the immensely rich south of the 4tUt.parallel as a state, hat measure woulil require more of a wife and six children. He says that opportunity to carry heavier loads. Omaha Bee: Persons who are well posted aay that the new Central Pacific we expect the Sitting Bull will make a the stage trip afforded an experience tight and us passage would uepenu mainly on which of the great political Pat McHugh, of Custer, visited Cen similar to that of Moses of old, who ore body will soon peter, i Poetmastar Harding. tral, rndar evening, where he waa led the Hebrew children out of the closely followed by Fred Hollidny and parties is in the msjority in congress.

The question of a capital will be settled by the legislature of the new state, and when a uew sta is made. wilderness. The bond of Doc. Harding as post The Lute a nnl Mrt Woud erftil Invent Ion EDISON'S Instantaneous GuidE TO TIIK Piano or Organ, Hy wlilrh any OilLI or IVrwifi oan Ay uny of tli IMji slcr ht now, at lulit, vUltumt HTCItV, fit VIOL'S PIUriK K. wmn M'i-tcl I.

Tin- l'nmnny wTI KwKFKIT 11." ir mii? )i'r ml UiMn pi) ANYONnol rtur l'uiu lnr Vii in-in Ihx l'UN), Oil-IAS or Mi KN wn'ihi tiNK Il it'll ter rwlviiur the inIuhii Baldy, whose arrest while attempting Captain Wm. Harmon, post-trader at master was completed Saturday, stir in (he mining world. OTHER LOCAUTIJM. We understand that the Spotted Horse Chief Mining company, a Boston corporation owning much valuable property on upper White wood, are get ting things into shape for a resumption of work on an extensive scale. A large amount uf machinery has been order Fort Lincoln, and an owner of one of to leave the country recently was caused by Pat Finally the parties met and a slight altercatioo ensued re the leading flour mills in Minnesota, A Chat With Mr Gallup.

Tuesday afternoon a Pioxkkb re the sureties, Messrs. K. C. Lake, John Hildehrand, C. B.

Stress, H. Munter, John Wringrose, James Allen and Gib Una from Ogden or Comnne to ana-toe, Dakota, will be pushed through without delay. GoUstein and Franklin's team made it lively for a few minutes at Terraville by tearing through the streets at a fearful rate. They vera stopped before any damage was done. An effort to raise sufficient fund to liquidate the indebtedness of S.

John Guild, is meeting with poor success, al sulting in Pat slapping Baldy's face, for porter met Mr. G. W. Gallup, one of Stone, appearing before Notary Da- our prominent business men, who has also interested extensively In stock in this country, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. A.

N. Carpenter. The captain came by the old Bismarck road, and made the trip in thirty-nine hours. gue and justifying In the aggregate of which Pat was arrested. Examination quickly followed before Justice A Men resulting in the acquittal of the defen the miues will be thoroughly never hear oi our uigruce.

All oi us were in love; and tbe girls loved us. We hsd no money and did not sen how we were to support them if we got married. We were determined to gel married and so bud our plans to get money. Wo read sUml the James boys in and Itook, and saw how eay it wiut to rob trains and get away, aud decided to rob a traiu. We left home ihreu weeks ago yesterday, pned through lleiroit to Arkansas.

After robbing the traiu we did not think wo would be pursued, and were going home with our money, rnsrry our girls and Mettle down. We had no accomplice; we planned the whole thing ourselves. We only got eight or nine thoiitud dollars iu cuh from tbe exprews coihuiny, the htUnue being in bank checks AH of it, excepting a few dnllsrH, was htelen by the men who captured us." C. C. More, one of tbe men wiio captured Monroe and I'eUuuy, nay the rv-port of the captors robbing them is untrue.

He says the money was divided for safety; that they have already dull vered to the express company 2o0. been out ou private business and bad a long chat with him iu rtgard to the feeling in the east regarding the Hill. 40,000. The bond was then forwarded to Washington for approval by the poet-master general, when the doctor will developed, after which a first class smelter will be brought in. dant Court scenes during and after Dr.

C. W. Meyer, one of the pioneers trial are said to have been very amus lu reply to the question Mr. Gallup The mint's of Green and Bald moun though a number of gentlemen have of the Hills, who has done as much if ing. stated that there was a very decided HI liMVI Inl tll ClllTit 011 I' immediately take ptsismsion nf the of-flee probably a week hence.

Dr. Hard llic Dtfiin r.xv It. I t. fnwi 1 to l'J eonwtly. not more than auy other individual for the welfare of the country, arrived ing has manifested wise discretion in re A gentleman from Spear fish, mem' improvement in the feeling regarding our country over what there was a year ago, then eastern capitalists looked tains were long ago proven very rich, while the result of the season's work at the Portland has been surprising, both in the amount of ore disclosed and its quality.

The company has been 7 Pieces of U'ic with Iiistnitxs, subscribed liberally. The Central City Miners Union will give a grand ball Tuesday evening, Oct 18, at Central City halL Everything is taining as hi deputy the present emci- on Sunday from his present home, berof ths republican central commit Santa Fe, and will remain in the city tee, insists that the secretary erred in with suspicion upon this country, Miillfd to my R'ltrM on iwlirt oftl.wi En-t'lfw pntKi tump Mr rtuliKiie of ent and ever agreeable official, John Ickes, than whom it would be difficult to find a more popular gentleman. For for a week or two. He is looking ex allotting only two delegates to Spear- doubting its permanency, now they are troubled with a lack of water, but vsitb the completion of it wells have now being arranged to make this one of the pleasantest parties ever held in the fish, and says that at a meeting of the ceedingly well, and Insists that he is doing well at his new home. A.

Burn- mm. vrnaniK miiiai in wry nuiw aui County III Liu- Uuluu. Edison Music looking to this country with a great deal of interest, and are ready to invest. a while, at leant, the office will be re committee in August resolution was Hills. au abundant supply.

Much work is ham and Major Rumsey arc running a adopted, making the apportionment one being done on the several locations. Especially is this true in Boston where Mr. Gallup spent most of his time. tained in its present locality; and the boxes and furniture now in use, the property of Mr. Star, will doubtless be fine hotel at Santa Fe Ed.

Flaherty is A Terr pleasant surprise party was delegate for every precinct and an ad and by spring the entire district will be making money in the barber business ditional delegate to each preciuct for The matter of a railroad to Deadwood The AsaaBain, purchased by the new postmaster, Ed. Whitehead is clerking In a shoe given to Mr. Beed at her residence in Golden Gate last Friday. About twenty couples were present and the evening every twenty-five votes cast over fifty well developed. CARBONATE CAMP.

By special information from this district we are enabled to inform our read The office is rated as second class. store i Charley Utter is in the "bank for Belding at the election in 1880. As is being talked up among leadiug railroad men and the stock of the Niobrara road is being rapidly sold in the stock ing" business Judge Brearley, after The postmaster's salary, in addition to was pleasantly spent la conversation, music and cards. commissions on money orders and reg having nut down at the heel, moved to Balding received 126 votes, the precinct would, under such rule, be entitled to four delegates, and by the same rule, South Deadwood, which cast 291 market On the whole, knowing as re does, that we have the best mining istered tters i a year. He is Pueblo, and has thoroughly reformed.

Judge Morgan is in Denver looking and Frank Deminger, who has resided for IN CONSTANT DEMAND A KKI.I.I.SU FlIktVEK, IK THE REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. AUKvr W.tT:i to rvnH-mlxT that we ofli-r Ukui lite IaW1-T rHK'KH, imUsMnrttly, ant tt tiTliii; tut only liowlnif Kid II illfltTcttt WvW ii in lew, m-w 1'ftiailel lvmln wild Im.UiOI.Ij ANH.NKH VKH-KIDNKK I'KBYSIliK for 'HIS KKVlBloN I'tllLlhlihlo, ft. Unin, Mo. CUIDEioSUCCESS WITH FoH ers that development is being vigorously prosecuted. There is nw sufficient ore on the dumps of the various mines to pay three times over the cost of a smelter.

The find locution we come to country ou the face of the earth Mr. the past few years about four miles also allowed $2,000 for clerk; In re. lection of Officers. votes for Belding, would be entitled to from Spearfith, engaged ranching, Gallup feels very much encouraged at the outlook, aud red tots a boom for doing well. The Herald of Praise, ten delegstes.

has skipped out with several valuable on the road from Deadwood, is that of The South Deadwood Carbonate company had a meeting Saturday, at horses, and leaves quite a number of The Pioxeer received a call last Satur this country. All we want is a railroad and Uiat is bound to come. the "Little Wonder," which shows up A bonk for choirs, singing classes and musical conventions. By L. O.

Emerson. Price $1.00. Published by Oliver creditors in the lurch. Officers are af which two new directors were elected, an immense bwdy of gold bearing ore. day from Mr.

William Welch, driver for the Sidney stage company, who occupied the boot Tuesday, during the race The Carbonate Camp. Several lets have been made here in Luuton a uoiou. Probably most choir leaden will feel BUSINESS A Mi 80CIETY Henry Schurti was elected secretary in place of A. M. Carpenter, who was elected treasurer.

James Christie was ter him. Yankton Press: Superintendent Gamble, of the Wyoming stage company, Of late there has been little said about the new carbonate camp, but be from Rapid with the Pierre stage. He town, and in addition a test of the rock made in Denver gave an average states tnat no horse of his team was killed by "over exertion" aa reported of 147.85 in gold. Adjoining this claim curiosity enough to obtain and look over a copy of Mr. Emerson's last book.

He hss a very happy tact at providing music, sacred and secular, exactly fitted to the times, and to popular demand. cause there ha been a dearth of news from that rich section of the Hills, it back from a Pierre trip. He report things quiet in the upper country. He eleoted vioe-presideitt. steal state Transfers.

is the "Myra" and the "Tiger," both of vestenlay. He also assures us that the does not follow that the camp has has just established a tri-weekly line of which are being as rapidly developed Washington, Oct. 10. Beoville, tiui-teau's counsel, is much deprived by his viaitto New York, as he fun id no lawyer willing to undertake (tie dt'leiisc without au exceptionally large retainer. Witnesses to hia character refused logo to Washington to testify, although many admitted they would have, to nay on oath that they believed tbe aasi'in insane years ago.

It now relies on the witnesses procured hen-, Ollicers of the state, war and treasury detriments, to whom Uuiteau ajiplieu for onVs, will obliged to testify that before the stunning they forbid his admittance because of the betii-f that he was a "crank." It is known that ail the attendants of Blaine's hoiifteand the white homte had orders to exelude him ou the same account. Uuiteau reject bV-o-ville's proposition to employ Koberl J. Ingursoll aa ooiinssl, beeauu the whole Christian world would be prejudiced. The Funeral Expenses. No estimate has yet been made of the expenses incurred by tbe president's sickness.

It is thought that tbe grand total will foot up to a large amount. The various items will be collected and presented to congress, and au appropib ation will be made covering the entire amount. The bill of the l'enusylvania railroad company a ill be a iare item. It is iitated that the end of laying the track to Klberou wan fi0U), while on two ooc.wioia trains were furnished and entire line cleared. Tbe next big item will be I lie doctor's fees.

Toe amount in variously estimated. Dr. UleV fee is only reason he came into Deadwood The following are the real estate aud This is done without any sacrifice of i i a i Concord coaches between Pierre and proved a failure, or that the interest in as the means of the locators will allow, lit BY KAK Hit) tKPt Biiilm nd HocIm) Uul1 Hint Hsh'l-Honh ever (, Mnoh tlm Utxt. Ii tIU t-Ti-rylNMly uMilvtc lluM IU tMi ti tii u-n wy. hw to YuttroMii Ijiwyi-t, How to HiwIim- com-flly hl Hour hi Art wtly mxI In every imrl of ifr, eixl i'ohwhu riiiu-uf Hwt lufimiat on hH)iM'itMl- to nil i-Ufr vniioiAiit rtlt rvm-e.

lIM fi ill tr imp-Univ. To know Hliy Dili hook of It KM, vrIih- and ftltracliuriH im-IUt tlmii my utln-r. Api'ly for tn.n loll II. WAM.M KM. 4 ti.

Ht rit, 1'tiili, Mo. il-H6in second, was one of sympathy for the mining transfers for the week ending Chamberlain. that section hss In any degree abated Pierre driver who would render himself Oct All three of these claims are ou one and the same lec'ge. Passing along we Ever since carbonates were discovered work has been going steadily on and with every day's development the Mr. Lewis, from Elisabeth town, brought is some rich specimens from hub iuuiiuu uwic BHU rmuiviiicui, nuu his sacred music books, especially, have probably sold far in excess of any others, except, it may be, the earlier works of Dr.

Lowell Mason. The Herald of Praise includes a compact chart or description of musical notation, a multitude ef new and fresh liable to discharge if he should run his team, consequently Billy did no; closely crowd him. Now that the Pierre folks come to several locations upon which the owners are hird at work, and then A. E. Von Valkeuberg to Frank Eaton; placer hill claims 1, 2, 8, and 4, Four-bit gulch, 91,000.

Samuel Khoads to Anna Parks; lot his Uncle Sam mine, on Elk Creek, a mines have grown better and better. fl 37th: have boasted so loudly of their "vie lory," the probabilities are that when few days ago. Our friend, J. K. P.

Miller, happening to come along, fanci 149, block ifeadwoort, gi. John H. Martin to Stephen S. Lewis: we reacii tne iron mil, on whtcn are located alout twenty claii the most prominent uf which at present is the easy vocal pieces, sacred and secular, Messrs. Bullock, Cushmau and Mund visited the Iron Hill mines.

On their return last evening they were met by a Piohker reporter, who obtained some ed one of them, and at once secured it, Popular Monthly Drawing ofth ever the two coaches again come together the Pierre will be compelled to "L'tica," owmd by the lion Hill Car unimided 75 feet Golden Kra lode, bite wood district, $500. Joseph Miller and A. W. Hastie to for practice of the notes; this part, in fact, constituting an acceptable, easy paying quite a nice little price for the move faster than a trot or take a back Riee ana chorus book, a grand collection of new hymn tunes and anthems. very interesting information from them same, A large force of men are at work put seat bonate Mining company.

Hie ore from this mine is being sacked, and a targe will be made to Omaha in a few days. Paiwing this hi H. and a mile further, brings you into West Vir respecting the Iron Hill and other properties, The Utica mine is down ting up machinery at the new grist If the powers that be, who, by the Victor lhrne; lot 0, block Uniena, $100, John McGinness to Henry Walker; lot 1, Deadwood, 3. C. Mctlugh to Frank Eaton placer claims 1, 2, 8, 4, Rawlins mining district, $1,000.

and a number of well chosen pieces for concerts. We all kuow that new books for choirs, every year or two, used to be a necessity. Although the chorus twelve feet, and about a ton of horn ail ver ore has been taken out that is ginia city, containing stout 100 houses, way, doubtless enjoy four or five mails a day, could understand what a deprivation it is for thia or any other intelligent busy community to be restricted marvellously rich. The miners now choir seemed, fur a number nf years, mill, and the probabilities are that everything will be ready to begin operations in about a mouth. The mill will be as complete as money can make it, and a credit not only to the Hills, Wm.

McHugh to Frank Eaton; 160 cabins, etc. Passing through the town we find locations in all directions, and likely to be numbered with the things think they are on the vein. The Adct- In the City of LfltiUville, on Mondtty, October 31 si. Thrw drs-wlnm occur monthly (Snniltr stated to be almut while Drx oi tne past it now reviving in an ex Hamilton and Agnew will charge $15 after a slight glance we summarize as to six mails per week, we are sure cellent form, ana will, doubtless, appre acres ury placer diggings, rotate Lrcek, $o000. A.

C. Marshman to James I Black; ii rsh man's mill site, Lead City $400. Mary Jane Lynch to Chailes F. John '(1is1) under mvl1ina of au Act or the Ut iiuml but to the entire territory. ciate the excellent material ef the phi has about a ton of ore sacked which will be shipped to Ornaha at an early date.

Aiiother rich strike has been made on a fraction between the Iron followi: The "Little Wonder" mine OU0 each. Or. He burn will alno receive a large fee. 'i'lie other two doc-! toni(l)rs. Barns and Woodward), were! Herald of Praise.

they would institute a reform. Daily mail service is demanded and can be easily afforded if the department Tin- I'uttrtl Hmu Circuit Court on March rpiuiofrt tlit Mkrn ii UtT.t Ow UMNNtawtftllh MrtrilMtlos open cut about 35 feet in length, and during their attendance upon the pre! dent, in the employ the government, Hill and Uie Adetphi. 12 feel in width, all in first grade ore. chooses. If the Pierre company can County Com missions ra.

The county commissioners melTu son et certain piece of ground, Lead City, $600. John Johnston to W. T. Poweis; one-eighth Gardner, one-eighth Crow A stock company recently organised at Cheyenne has purchased the Leader and will hereafter conduct that paper as an independent journal. The price paid was $6,000.

Mr. Glsfcke, former Whether they wi I receive auy exlia Thii "Myra," adjoining, has a shaft not supply the demand, other and Central Hills- compensation will depend upon sunk, showing the same character of Crow Peak, one eighth Geo. Evans. Work on the ockerville flume will WimiUB) If-fu. Ii lrslffr fair The ComfKitv Iim now on twirl a larve nwurve fund.

Ruarl carefully Uie lift of print for Uw OCTOBER DRAWINC. 1 Pnwi fflrvnoft 1 Prle lurno I IYIm day. They visited the Gayvitle road where the tailings from the DeSmet mill cross, and met an officer of that rock. more energetic companies stand ready to fill the bill. Prejudice may possibly lead a number of business men and one-eighth Daknto Register mines, tjrow i'eak district The "Tiger" dweovery is on the west of the "Myra," and still shows the same proprietor, will move to Denver, where he will become associated with "Brick" Pomeroy in the publication of the Great company, and made an arrangement Cabinet Gosalp.

Washington, Oct. U. Cabinet rumors others to prefer that their mails should Martin Hardcsty to Alford Tilion; lot whereby the company are to put in a grade nf ore as the "Little Wonder, be carried vis Pierre, but very msny West. 10 PrUiMfl.oiioFacli, 2o Prt Im ITIm. lion ai'h.

flume some 900 feet long, which will are flying thick to-night, and it is positively declared that the names will be others favor the Sidney route, and that Cl.OiO The "Wilkinson Me has a shaft down about 26 feet, 15 feet of which is a) 'rim, ho In be suspended for the season November 1. A stesm threshing machine is actively at work in the vicinity of Roverville. There is much demand for it. Bufus Cable was united iu marriage last Sunday to Miss Nannie Uumbaugh, daughter of Jacob Humbaugh of Pat-tola, Justice Koch man, of Sheridan all may be gratified the department At a meeting of directors of the sent in on Tuesday. It is certain there should direct that all mail be fowarded in what is called "soft carbonates," run 0uo l'rl, 'J loon Ytimm, lo (l In A iipioi dual's I'riiw Prlw''oorh.

I. effectually protect the road in the future. This will be a saving to the people of many hundreds of dollars, as it would have been necessary to repair has been much conference to-day upon niocx uoiuen uate, fjo. Robert Hood to Henry J. Powers; undivided one-third Central No.

if, lode, William Harmon to M. 8. Harmon; lot 22, block 13, Sturgis, $500. Daniel Finn to Joseph Hayes; John Jay Whitewood district, $1,000. Thomas B.

Faught et al. to Frank Eaton; placer hill claims No. 1, 2, 8 Crook City flour and milling company, yesterday, 8. E. Foraba tendered his ning from 1U0 to 800 ounces of silver by the route designated with the ad triu lou eat u.

dress. the subject between Blaine, Windom, and the president. The tmt opinion is that Lincoln is the oidy inemlier to be resignation as superintendent It i per ton. The Adelphi" and "Utica" are being tbe road at an early day. accepted and L.

W. Valentine was PoetofRes) Changse- The Boulder Park road difficulty was retained, and that neither Orant, (nk-lin or any senator is to le anionic thoe elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Valentine Postoffice changes in Dakota during amicably arranged and quiet and peace Superintendent George Chad wick, of Is an energetic, shrewd business man, reigns in the perturbed district and 4, Saratoga guicb, stawlins district, $1,000. C.

H. Enos to Frank Eaton: 160 acres the week ending October, 1, 1831, furnished for the Pioheeb by Wm. Van developed by shafts and cross-cuts, the ore being very similar in both claims. There are alxxit forty men at work in the several locations, and as work progresses the Pioifkkr will inform its patrons in regard to its development. The balance of the session was spent l.UrU) Prim.


Il. Hfiult money or ItNttk hrafl In ltti-r, or -n't l.t r-fcra hON'T KNI HY KKHISI KKKli J.KTTKK OK RfTUFFK'K OK0KH. Or.l.rwl ami ujmanl, by Kxrta, oan bo sent our fitM'tiw. ArlilMH all ordt-n to K. M.

HOAltl1 MAX Courier Journal BuHlhig. NHiuiTilLw, or T. 4 OUWUtKFOKU, SUS ftraadway, N--w Ynrtl S-wtf SOTII 'ft TO lOTRAITOHS. NOTh IH HKKKHY (MVKN THAT SKAl.FI iwiiMwahi or bull for Ilia mnMru Uoi. sml dry placer ground, Potato creek, under whose management the affairs of the company cannot suffer.

The mill is nearly complete and will start up in about two weeks. Mr. Valentine is Vleck, of the postoffice department in examining bills. 4.0UU. the Estrella del Norte Mining Co.

i purchased a five-eighths Interest in the salt works at Jenny's stockade, and purposes the immediate erection of buildings for the continuance of work during the winter. Erttablwhed. Emory. Hansom ooun John Bum bam to Albert Pollock; lot ty; Patrick H. McDonald, postmaster, The tunnel on the "West Virginia" The Boom Coming, The news from the carbonate camp buying large quantities of grain.

35, block 1, Cleveland, $o50. W. H. Bull to David A. Short; undiv Discontinued.

Altamine, Penuing continues to lie of the most encourag ton county; Herman, Lake county; ided one-half interest Ruby lode, also one-half Summit Fist, also the Division mine (the first location in the camp), is now in 75 feet The same little seams snd veins of very rich carbonates oon-tinue throughout the entire distance. rrf li-in ui tdr liiiliiton county 'tirt at IUi't tty, hakou li-rrito aitm-aM to the Langdon, Miner couuty. ing character. As the mines are developed rich bodies of ore open up. Indignant Oanlal.

It sometimes happen that a man in Name Changed. Carlton, Barnes Sioux City Journal: The Black Hilla line of the Sioux City and Pacific was ironed forty-two miles beyond O'Neill when last beard from. There remained but eighteen miles of track to put lunim, ninwiiif" jt'i riiH'in(Hi iojp hi mm in llmiw wliiuli limy he xnniltiitl In thi1 ofllif of Hit- lvlnit roriNi-tliiof "wnl ivniilnfttttai-oiinty, 1 1. will nrplml at tl- ofllci of I he miIT named. It is considered cetraiu that Windom will not act alter Tuesday, He has noli tied his friends in Minnesota that he is a candidate for elertion to the senate.

Folger, of New York, is most generally accepted as the probable Niiccessnr. Tbe name of the new rahi-net includo Folger, Howe, Freliughsen, Sargent and Lincoln. road Accident. Clinton, Oct. 8.

A territdet accident occurred at 10 a. at Fulton Junction, three miles east of here, at the crossing of the Chicago A Northwestern and Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Haul railroad. A parens; or train bound from Kock Inland to Racine, ran into a freight while the latter wit pass ing over the crowning on the Northwest- ern. A freight car heavily loaded, was thrown ou the platform of the depot, I lode, Whitewood district, $1,000.

Benjamin Bnrgi as to Frank Eaton; Filacer claims 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18. 11 and 12, Rawlins mining district, W. H. Fawcett to John A. Hardina; county, to Oriska.

the moment of excitement will nay things that he really dosen't mean, as The officers of the Fir West Gold A Silver Mining company were out at- Post masters App3inted. Ashton, Hcrk of Pcnnlnirton mnniy. O. fmin atKlftT t'lf ilat" ul Uie li.M I -cat ion of lltU noU-. tn- The news from Galena and the other camps is good.

The boom is not far off, and when it does strike it will hit the Black Hi Hi hard. Spring county, Ira Bowmsu; Orange. the Mowing incident will serve to tending the survey of their claims res- inv Kin nay oi w-neniiMr, iwi I.H'k M.oiho:M Jaiitwy, 1fN2. Ami show: A gentleman who was fixing his 'terdsy. The locations and discoveries Grand Forks, Geo.

Hughes; Quincy, ul il.i luriir nfi o'cloek rt. nt. of In- ulit 1nv of January. tht anw: Im- hk ady of a r. unlar Irs ill county, lieo.

w. rratt; Park. Uwrxnre muni v. Ham Knr- water pipe, which was leaking, became on all are very encouraging, very much annoyed by his colored a keedko. M'win'.

if if-ar-i or u.un:y i iiminiwi'iirr i Hi tuihiirtoM roiinlv. 11. tn-wli: Hit- Jaminry ster; Sportewood, Stutsman county, W. down to reach Long Pine, and this is beint covered at the rate of a mile and a half per day. It is expected that Long Pine will be reached by the 15th Inst Whether the track will go beyond that point this year will depend upon the bridge builders and the weather.

ua Ion, tiie alrl iimji'iMlK or bll rt piv-d Onr- Juatloa Court JUSTICE hall ritniimifo. Wm. Ammerson, who is charged A. TUden. certain parcel of land, West Lead, $400.

I). McPhen to A. McPhee; east one-half tot 86, block 5, Lead, $o50. Thomas W. Cauhy, to W.

H. Davis; lot 34, block 35, Hlurgis City, $60. Arthur Bock all, to Thomas Caunhv; lorn 8 and 4 block 15, Sturgis City. $KN. Thomas E.

Tierney to James Birth; undivided 1 6 Carter mine, alo undivided 16 Participation lode, also 1-8 Anticipation lode and 1-8 Elephant body guard, a youth of about 10 years. In view of the aliove facta, and the of age, and drew the wrench back as if knowledge common to us all that from' 111K Hit unit' nun mr iicnin mnieo mm Iw i'ihll' oHnii1 and itant it u(im by mm iiity Coin in Iwfom-n of IVtuiuiKloii with shooting horses belonging to Dr. irorxwal or bid will he eon1IMnnal tint to strike him. The body guard stood the various districts within a radius of bis ground snd eontemptouMy remark- 'ten miles, thousands 'A torn of high The Crwen Mountain Co. Another organization was effected Thr bf'ldercaii and wll iu'wtrinl an I i-otnnl-li oiirt Ui-tiwa' i-orilliiK to in ed: "I ain't afraid of you.

I'se work last Saturday, with the corporate name nndstru Ave pn-Hotif), killing J. J. Flanagan, Hlatem, the egni, and Ar-, grade silver ore could be immediately Uxlph, hsd an examination before the justice Tuesday, aud was bouud over in the sum of $500 to await the action of the grand jury. He gave the required bail. ed for a beep sight meaner men den of "IbeGreen Mountain gold and Silver thur Cuddy.

The engineer and fireman jumped from the cab. The pas you av To Urn the gentleman indig Mining and Milling Go." Its officers nantly replied: "You lie, yon little are, president J. A. Harding; secre sengers were slightly shaken. The accident was caused by the failure of the airbrake.

rascal; yon never did!" And only when a shout of laughter from the by The most unkind and truthless paragraph created by the removal of postmaster Star, appears in the Cheyenne Bun, which almost positively asserts that Mr. Star has been guilty of criminal offense. If the Suo knows nothing of the circumstances, (and from the tone of Us article it does not) it would have been better to hare maintained silence. Indiscriminate equibbing, in tary, Hector Bruce; treasurer, G. Ankeny; directors, J.

A. Harding, Hector Bruce, C. G. Ankeny, W. F.

Mo-Henry, A. D. Steward. The property )( elticailouit on or Ixrfurt' ttiL-lat na fl ii't ui-Ut. I pii' iM'itu Uif time almwwi for tlio mi(lrUiiii ol said bullltiMt.

Vcb irovaal hil nint bt accoTTtrnleo nlih a rood hoo tifflrli-u bond tu thpturo ol tire liundtt-d (f itli at lt-at Inn tlm. con mount thai the bil-lr will nttlw Into a tract wiiit apitfovMimriiiliy for iho of tbf work In twror 'ance Willi ilie plans aitdprrlntwiion In raat! bla bi'l Is atctite'I by the BiarS of t'ltiuity OmimlfoiH'ta. ThpHoAM oi rviittity C-ontmlw-lonw ffwrre ths Ithi 10 reji-ct any or all pr.pomb or hl'U rti vlv by Tlrtiif tM lint Ice. Br order of the Board of Couoty Ounntafloners, Hf Member 1Mb, 1HS1. AtbiS: M.

IKK. Chalman. MII.UAM M. MAi.L lka; County Clirk Feo ttlnsion oouaty. By A Srsauss, Ospaty.

sMiUnrH standers was beard, did be reflect on gathered, it would seem to be wise for the business men of Deadwood to take some action looking to the immediate construction of reduction works in this city. Such an estsblihment wou'd he worth tkousanda of dollars to this city, ar.d an incalculable amount to tbe many mine owners who now have no market for ore upon the dump or in the mines, or means to continue further dsvelopment If they eoold Kf Bear Hutte aistnct, M. J. Smith, to E. P.

Chamberlain; undivided one-half Althealede, White-wood district, tSA). W. P. Snell, to W. R.

Carle; 1-5 property owned by CarleThompson A Snell, Lead City, $1,800. James D. Coffin, to W. R. Carle; on-divided interest in 76 feet Pea Warmer lode, $460.

Susan M. Green, to John afoClintock; andivided.oos-balf Gayvilie tell road, i $1,160. I In Hoc. Little Rook. Oct.

10. -The three men the oddity of the expression. Ohio Election. 11. Clark Irvine.chair-man of the democratic committee, says the indications now are that Foster's plurality will be about eight thousand.

Cleveland, Oct. 11. Tbe election is progressing quietly. A vary good vote of the company lies adjacent to the Tn who robbed the train on the Iron Mountain railway Hentemher 22. arriv Watertown.

N. Oct 1L Tbe an and Deoorah, on Green Mountain, ed in this city to-night, and were placed in tbe penitentiary to serve a sentence and gives promise of developing great ground was covered with snow at Mad-drid, 6t Lawrence owunty, this morning. i volving a gentleman's character, just to fill op, is a practice deprecated. value. i so far.

of seventy years each..

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