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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 26

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
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10 NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN and The Nashville American, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1917. FALL OF A NATION IS NOT ANTI-GERMAN ui will wihw ih 'i ii niwmii iiim ii wimn i mwnf ihwiiiiiwmi prmr 0flBOUBlJ.bUlJUUlJLW SU a a n-tmQ ii.n a a mm IIIKNK FEXW1CK WITH (MVKN MOOKIO. "A (ilrl Like That" is the title uf tin; I Kifl It Avenue Moitdnv Tuesday. Irene Fenwick, who scored such great success lu tier recent I'uru mount picture, "A Coney Island Princess," Is starred bv ilmt in Girl Like Tlitit." Xell Gordon is unfortunate in lir ancestryher father Ih a crook hut she possesses rare qualities of resourcefulness ami loynlty. Though slip loves her father, she detests lila associates, particularly one Bill Whipple, who is her constant suitor.

Joe Dunham, who does the scouting for the' trio, finds a very likely hank In the prosperous town of Wheaton, the fact that a bookkeeper is needed there opening wnv for tlie gang to get Into the hank, as Net) Is nn expert. Working on her love for her father, who is a very sick man, Whipple and Dunham persuade Xell to fro to Wheaton and take the position. i Boarding with the Iter. lr. Singleton, Xell wins the confidence of Jim Brooks, the cashier of the hank, and of Tom Hoad-Jey, his best friend and sheriff of the county.

What the girl is working for. of course, is the. combination of the safe, but before she has a chance to get 11, she begins to realize that she is in love with rlie cashier. On the very flay she learns the combination and copies it, Jim proposes to her and. after a tremendous ternnl struggle, she decides that her love for him is greater than her loyalty to the gang, and she surrenders, concealing, her Identity-rshe had come to the town under nn nssunied name.

Becoming suspicious of Xell's delay In forwarding word to them, Whipple and Dunham nt tempt to force her father to write a 'note ordering her' to act quickly, hut the old man refuses and is shot. The two crooks go tu Wheaton nt once and try to force Xell to rob the bunk the night they arrive. She has undergone complete reformation and has even confessed her identity to Jim's friend anil Ih planning to leave Wheaton rather than bring disgrace upon the man she loves. Sow she discovers that, her father has been murdered by the pair that is trying to force her to commit, this crime and she decides to be revenged. Apparently consenting to their demands, she didn't you let me know that you were here in tlie city?" Dick said hut.

little hut his hunghy eyes fairly devoured Vesta, who had not been" wholly In love wftli her husband at first, soon fell as deeply in love with him as he was with her. And so they planned a belated honeymoon trip to Randolph's home In the mountains. And shortly hefore they were ready to start, just as Randolph had left for his last trip to his office before starting on his journey, Dlek came to see Vesta. "Vesta," cried Dick, his wild eyes blazing with ills passion. "Vesta, I want to ask you Just one question.

Do you love this man?" Vesta would not answer. Dick roughly caught hold of her and sought to kiss hvr. Anil then Randolph entered I In the face of the situation which greeted him upon his entrance, a recollection of something he had seen during his courting davfl hashed into Randolph's mem-orv. The recollection was of seeing Dick kiss Vista fin the cheek! And he also remembered that Vesta had not been particularly angered by the caress! Rut Randolph's recollection was banished by the light of Vesta's love. Together they went to Randolph's mountain home.

One day Randolph was called back. "I hate to lenve you alone," said Randolph. "I'll he perfectly safe," declared Vesta. "Mandy Leo, my old colored servant, will soon be here." So Randolph went.1 And Skinny, a vicious product of the slums, marked his departure. Soon after Randolph's departure Skinny entered the house.

Vesta discovered him nud fought with him. Then Dick, who had followed her to the monntnius, entered the home; Dfck fought Skinny and chased Skinny through tlie house nnd Into A'ostu's room. There Skinny shot and killed Dick! Vesta grnbbed a revolver and covered Skinny with it while bIic took down the receiver of the 'phone to cnll up the police. "You can't turn me over to the police," BHiMiiHlHaiHBH km N1J1NSKY AXI) KEVALLES, OF THE BALLET KL'NSE Waslav Xijlusky. premier dancer mid direftur of tin- Serge de Dlaghlleir ballot Rirsse, which comes to Xnsh-vllle 1-ehruary It, is about feet slim and angular, lie has the small Slavic nose, small black almond-shaped eves, a large mouth ami narrow chin.

Ills feet are plenty large to support considerably more hulk than the weighing machine' would register as belonging to him. Flore Rcvallns, one of the wonderful dancers with the ballet Kusse, stars In the role of Scheherazade. This lovely dohc Is typical of tlie grace with which Revallcs dances. At the Strand Wednesday an Thursday. "HenrvB.WalthA.ll Scene In thr American Trenches.

anti-German prejudices. On the contrary, I chose those men because they were out of work and hungry. Five hundred Germans, many of them reservists, applied to me for'woru in tlie natiie scenes oi ui picture, and I was glad to give It, to them. Thev represented fairly well the varying types of the Imperial confederation of northern Europe which I imagined to be attacking America. "My great-grnnurntner, j'russinn, Fredrick llamliright.

fought in the revolu tionary war at King's Mountain. The Ger man strain lu my moon, as well as my inherent Bense of fairness to nil the components of Americanism, would prevent me from singling out the Teutons for attack. My quarrel is with Imperialism whether pro-ally or pro-German. And my deslro Is to uplift tlie Ideal of true American democracy, which is In danger of being lost sight of by the, partisans of the overseas quarrels." me rail or a isauon win snow nc rue Knickerbocker theater for four days, be ginning January 'M. over tlie trendies filled with our deiid and wounded, and each day the imperial flag is planted over the corpses of American that had been thought impregnable.

Death hurtles out of the air above, from the. solid ground beneath, creeps (is suffocating gas or Hashes as sheets of flame over the land. War In its ultimate inagnillceiice, fiendish ingenuity and aw-fulness Is evidenced." "Now as to (he story I asked. "Dofes It parallel In any way 'The Birth of a Nation "No, It does, not. The problems of 1017 nre not the problems of lHttl.

Slaverv ns rtJi Issue was "'forever wiped out. by the earner The issue stands todav betwixt Freedom an Imperialism. My hero is a patriotic I'ollsh-American with a passion for the land of liberty. The heroine Is a beautiful, clever but misguided young woman who links the causes of Feaee-Uiiprepareduoss and Suffruglsm as the twin forces for the world's emanci pation, in the course ot the story she discovers her awful error and thfi monstrosity of the crime she has unwittingly committed against American freedom. When the viceroy of the United States Is ilrhily established on Ills throne at Washington and her lover is a fugitive leader of the American guerrillas In the Sierras, she enters a gigantic conspiracy for the restoration of the American republic.

Here arises another problem as momentous as the previous one. What is woman's role In war? If she cries 'Peace! Peace! No arms! in fair Weather, must she not be willing to sacrifice her all In the hour of national tragedy? My heroine, at any ratc.Ms of (lie stuff of of Arc." 'ITlie technique? How does It differ from 'The Birth of a I asked, "I am glad you made that, inquiry," responded Mr. Dixon. "The technique of the photoplay direction was similar, but as to the 'musical rendering a marked change has come about. 1 Interested Mr.

Victor Herbert last BUinmer in tlie project of collaborating in a truly national grand opera of the film a musical spectacle or a grand opera cinema, as I have sometimes called it. After I had sketched the story of 'The Fall of a Xatiou' as 1 planned entered with euthuslafcoi Into the project of composing therefor complete original score. This kind of work had never, before been done. Even iu 'The Birth of a Nation' the music, pleasing as It was, was selected, and arranged not originally composed with the special theme In view. I have worked in collaboration with Air.

Herbert the past year, furnishing ii continuity scenario carefully timed, aiuf later the composer and his associate', Mr. San-ford, have revised the score In accordance with the actual projection of the filmed story on the screen. It Is thus a combined labor of Mr. Herbert and myself that we offer, and I sincerely hope this will lend the way to a more Intelligent coalition of music and pictures a iiew art of which it. Is impossible at this time to conceive the complete flower." Popular This Season.

Voting Lady (with hopes) What do. you think is tlie fashionable color for a bride? Male Shopwalker Tastes differ, but I Bhould prefer a white one. At the Inquiries Bureau. Excited' Tourist information given out here? Tired Attendant It lins, Yale Record. Knickerbocker Monday and Tuesday Dorothy Gish In riangle-Fln.

Arts, Play. "Tho i ittle "THE FALL OF A NATION" Thomas Dixon, author and producer of "The Fall tif a Nation," Is emphatic on one point that his preparedness spectacle Is not anti- anything, but pro-American. He says "In view of tlie criticisms of certain scenes I wish to reiterate the statement that 'The Fall of a Nation' is not directed against, any nationality, class or racial element, in this country. My friend, S. Stan-wood Menken, is quite mistaken In saying.

'Vour picture is manifestly Against Mr. Menken's expression I would pur tlie opinions of the local German press, which are uniformly as favorable to my play iih the great majority of-the English language papers. The entire point of the play Is that all tlie nationalities here, whether British, Irish, Teutonic, French, Italian or Eastern European, should be fused Into a united Americanism. "It is alleged that, the large number of German faces in the hosts of the invading army and in the cast In 'The Fall of a Nation' convicts the author of cherishing way Sam discovers Agnes is a very beautiful girl, and forthwith falls In love. The incident has been observed by Olga anil her accomplice, aud when the repaired automobile drlveH away, Olga attracts Sam's attention.

She tells him thnt if he will come to her home tlie next day, she will Introduce lihn to Agnes, because the girl Is supposed to call at Olga's residence. Olga and her accomplice manage to avoid the caretaker in the house they have selected for their 'work. At the appointed time Sam arrives upon the scene as set by OJga, and, through nn- old confidence gaiiie, Sam Ih robbed. TJie scene of the robbery happens, to he the town residence of the Darlings, as tlie trick Is being turned, Mr. Darling aud Agnes return home to secure some necessary articles.

Upon entering the house the Darlings are amazed to Hnd, from general appearances, that the house bus been entered. Suddenly coming upon Sam, tliey nre amazed to hear his story. Sam is so' frank and interesting In his explanation that lie Ingratiates himself with Agnes and her father by his breezy style and they Invite to the mountain to visit tlieni. The two sharpers escape and Join another member of the conll-dence ganga crook known us "Dippy" LowiB. When Olga observes ii striking resemblance between "Dippy" and Sam.

she decides to use the crook to an advantage. Olga has overheard tlie Invitation Sam had received from the Darlings and dresses "Dippy" in a 'counterpart of the clothes Sam affects. She sends him to the mountains and lie is received by tlie Darlings cordially. "Dippy's" criminal Instincts lead him to commit several robberies among the hotel guests, and when Sam arrives, he finds himself' decidedly under suspicion. The attitude of the guests surprise him and he Is particularly puzzled at Miss Darling's conduct toward lihn.

Olga meanwhile has directed members of her gang to chloroform Sam and dis-posi of him lu a cellar, that lie may not by any mischance reach tlie mountains before "Dippy" Lewis arrives there. Tlie striking resemblance between the two men mislead the toughs and they capture "Dippy" after lie las returned from his exploits, bind, chloroform and conlipe him in a cellar. Agnes Is perplexed at the strange transition In Sam's manner; for Sum really Is of a gentlemanly type. In strong contrast to "Dippy." wttom the girl had previously mistaken for Sain. Tlie Darling family d'eeide to return to the city aud invite Sam to call upon tlieni there.

Olga hears of this ami plans to have "Dippy" again impersonate Sam. When Olga attempts to locate "Dippy" she discovers that he Is- a prisoner. Before she can have him released, Sam makes his visit to the Darlings, a fact of which Olga is not aware. Thus it Is that she goes on with her plans, sends "Dippy" to cnll nt. tin Darling home and then' the two m'en meet and settle matters.

"A Stranger from Somewhere" will be exhibited at the Fifth Avenue theater on next Friday aud Saturday. Franklin Fariium and Agnes Vernon are playing the lends. "THE FALL OF A NATION." I have known Thomas Dixon for many years, and I see the fruition of his life-work In the epical plans lie has unfolded to me. He Is a man of Intense pHyelilc force. Fo wer radiates from bis person -alltv.

1 "What, have you tg say in 'The Fall of work?" I asked. "Simply this: My completed idea of the origin aud destiny of our republic," wns his ready "We are polyglot nationality. There are no longer any Americans In the old-fashioned sense of the term. We huve been recruited from the four corners of the earth to become integral parts a federal organism tnat was born in tlie tlcry flames of 1801-05 and the subsequent reconstruction1. Now the menace of the monarchical' tyranny from which we or our ancestors severally lied Is upraised against.

us In the form of militant Imperialism. 'The fall of our nation will be the assured corollary or sequel of its founding unless we nerve ourselves to strike, and strike hard, against the foes without and tlie traitors and palterers within." "How will tlie battles In. the new play compare with the combats of your 'Birth of a Nation "As tlie remorseless, coldly scientific slaughter ot the war of 11)14-17 compares. witn uie struggles oi me American civn war. 'The Fall of a Nation' involves the hypothetical binding on Long Island of picked Imperial troops, backed by a modern fleet and equipped with all tic terrific armory of liquid polsomm gases and 42-centlmetre guns outranging our best American cannon.

Against suel odds the tiny detachments of our regubu army and the hastily Improvised cltizi soldiery break its tiny waves against It rock-bound After the llrst frenzic onset of our patriots, they are simply ovet whelmed, crumpled up, wiped out. Th-'thick Berthas' sing their fierce song destruction, along a battle panorama like that created by a Mackensen or a von Hlndenberg, the foreign legions' swam rlble," the Paramount company presents for the lirst time on the screen as co-stars the celebrated artists, Theodore Roberts and Anita King. Mr. Roberts, by reason of a series of remarkable characterizations in I.asky productions extending over ii period of two years, has endeared himself to photoplay fans throughout the world. The charm and beauty of Miss Anita King have placed her also in foremost position among film favorites.

"Anton, The Terrible" is a story laid In Russia at the present' time, being a mixture of political Intrigue, love and a people's light for freedom. In addition to Mr. Roberts and Miss King the east Includes Edythe Chapman, Harrison Ford, Hugh B. Koch and Horace B. Carpenter.

"Anton, The Terrible" may he seen at the Crescent theater Wednesday and Thursday. WALTHALL'S NEW PICTURE. Is the adult's love as pure as that of the child? Henry It. Walthall, the loremost emotional actor of the screen, was asked this question during a discussion of "Little SJioeH," his current Kssarifl3' feature. He replied: "Little Shoes," written by Eleanor M.

Ingram, the noted novelist, Is a story of a love horn in childhood which kept a man and a woman in the path of righteousness, finally uniting them In marriage. It presents Mr, Walthall in one of the most delightful roles of his world-famed career that of the great lover. "It has been said, the, noted nctor remarked, "that love develops, with wisdom. Other psychologists have claimed, to the contrary, that love 'deterlorliteH with "Unfortunately as It. tuny seem, It Is nevertheless true that some wisdom more or less tainted by the grosser Institutions of tlie world.

In the weaknesses of wise men lies the history of the world. To apply the specllie ease uuiler discussion, we must let wisdom lie personified In the adult. Is it. not true, then, that his love is very often ilaw-strickeli Surely the divorce court figures would prove It so. "But the child who ever heard of a little child divorcing its love for Us parents? I am speaking of tlie child which has not yet ventured from beneath the parental wing.

There the love Is of the purest ray serene; complete trust, abso- lute 'sincerity and the undivided heart are put Into tlie child's, affectum. There is no blemish which can' he traced to worl.fiy wisdom. It-Is an Instinctive love that asks'no reason; has no motive. That, In I my opinion. Is the purest love which- hu- inanity can produce." 1 Mary Charieson, who lias won spectacn- tar success In support of Mr.

Walthall in his former photoplays, appears in the leading feminine role in "Little lihoes." Tlie entire drama is a wonderful piece of the camera's art, "Little Shoes" will be'seen at the Strand on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. E. II. SOTHKKX. In the five-part Vltagrnph Blue Ribbon feature, "The Man 'of Mystery," which Is the attraction at.

the Strand theater on Monday and Tuesday, E. II. Sothern, the most' famous actor of the modern stage, who plays the title role, makes a remarkable transformation 'in his appearance. In the first part of the production, Mr. Sothern Is seen as an elderly and somewhat pompous gentleman with a great growth of beard, crooked neck anil baggy eyes.

His appearance Is anyUilng hut attractive and forms a goal i'or the small, petty remarks of Madame Brunchaut, his mother-in-law, and a foreign spy. When he Is burled by the lava of erupting Vesuvius he Is put through some newly discovered scientillc process by a renowned medical professor and when the bandages are, removed his entire face and form changed. ne is now a distinguished-looking mnn of middle njje with hair streaked with grey. This transformation is cleverly done Indeed. In fact the audience will llnd it dlf-, tlcult to believe that the famous" -star portrayed both roles until later in the play when he again makes up as his former clf in order to prove his identity to his wife.

With his new. appearance lie returns to his old hoTuc and makes himself most useful to the wife, who Is being swindled by an unscrupulous lawyer. ETHEL HAKKYMORE COMES TO STRAND. In "The Awakening of Helena which will be seen at the' Strand theater on Friday and Ethel Harry more has the greatest, play of her careor as a motion picture star. The role of Helena Richie In this powerful screen version of Margaret Deland's novel.

Is admirably 'adapted to the talents of Miss: Barrymoro. The acting calls for Interpreting the disposition of a beautiful woman of wealth whovhas experienced deep tragedy as wife, vet does not comprehend the real responsibilities of life until hitter has driven the lesson home to her. Then she Is called on to decide between the man she loves and the child she tins ndopted. Hero is where she. experiences her "nwakeulug." She llnd a that the man Is unworthy of her loveand that realization comes only after- she has- decided toy cling to the child.

The situation Js an unusually powerful one, and only an actress of Miss Barry more' ability could successfully portray It on -tlie screen. Supporting the star are such actors -ot-note as Robert Itobert hit-tier, Hattte Dclaro aud little Maury Steu-nrt. Mr. Cuniuilugs-appeured In the speaking production of "The Awakening of Helena Richie," whlcb scored a great triumph on Broadway. He is seen as-Lloyd l'ryor, Helena's selflsh suitor.

Robert Whtttler plays the part of Frederick Richie, and Maury Stourirt is the quaint little David wlio wins Helena's heart and leads to her "spiritual awakening." The role of Sam Wright, the young Tioet, is played by Hassan. Maussalll, who wus one of the fnmous.Beu Greet plnyers. AT THE STRAND'. Turough'nll the agesj there has been no mora plaintive melody than 'Cue sad song of Ireland which sounds the 'misfortunes Knickerbocker Friday and Saturday Frank Keenan In Triangle-Kay Be" Play, "The Bride of Hate." of the recent rebellion, for it is the last woeful tragedy in a land of ninny sorrows a liiiid whose people are eternally The ominous call of war gives the Irish rebels nn opportunity to prepare, to strike fur their freedom. This Is tlie basis of the llhn story.

"Whom the Destroy," featuring Alice Joyce, which will be shown at. the Strand theater Monday and Tuesday. One of tlie most diligent Is Sir Denis Esmond, who Is prepared to lead the Insurgents against England. Leslie St. (ieorge Leigh, a close friend of l-jsniond's ami a true patriot of England, loses his eyesight while doing his duty In the North sea.

Mary O'Xell, a lovable little Irish lass, Is loved by both Leigh aud Esmond, anil not realizing tlie cost, she Is heart nnd soul In the insurgents' cause and refuses CYRIL The noted English actor, as he will be aecn nud Suturduy. i I 'S to give either her answer until Ireland shall he free. Thinking to allay suspicion, she allows Lelglj to come to Castle O'Xell while convalescing. When an Kngllsh officer comes to the castle. Ltdgh gives his word of honor that Esmond has not been there, for he does not know, that he lias returned from (icrmany.

Later the insurgents come in a body to llie castle for Esmond. Leigh tspeaks to lOsmond until he Is made to realize the cost, then addresses the rebels, after getting Mary to give him, as lie thinks, the ICiigllsh (lag. but in reality she gives him lilt; oid Irish flag, fearing for ills safety. He learns his mistake and signals to an English warship In the harbor, for help. One of the.

insurgents learns of his trick and is about to assault him when Esmond Intervenes and orders tlieni to disperse. The soldiers arrive and the mob Is broken up after a fearful struggle in which many are killed. Mary, coming from the castle, learns the high cost which must, he paid for rebellion when she sees the road scattered with wives and mothers crying over their soldier husbands who have fallen In tlie cause. Esmond is raptured by the soldiers-and tried as a traitor. After a time lie is sentenced to be hanged.

Mnry clings to his broken-hearted mother flirough the trouble and with aid they try to obtain a pardon for htm. In vain they make their appeals and at last the des'iiahiiig mother forces her way into the king's presence, Mary following fearfully. Here again her plea Is Ignored aud It Is not until General Itamscv, close friend, intervenes that the pardon Is granted and Esmond nlmwed to go free." Leigh realizing that Esmond Is now free and that his own affliction would make it impossible for him to ask -Mary's hand to marriage, does Ills utmost to arrange the engageinet, but lie falls. Later he is given the Victoria Cross for his bravery and dutiful service to his country, but his Una! reward conies when Mary's love refuses to recognize his blindness and they are pledged to marry. unselllsh friendship of the men and their common love for the sweet.

Irish girl has made ail things possible and once more they stapd together, stronger allied titan hefore through their trials and trlbuliftlons. "THE STRANGER FROM SOMEWHERE" Howard Dana aud purl ner lu adventure, OJgii Veloski. discover that Sam Brockton, millionaire from this west, has arrived in town, and they arrange to fleece him. They plan an old confidei'tee game and locate the scene in one of lie residences of wealth, knowing that the occupants of "Millionaires' Row" are spending the summer at various resorts. Brockton lias a few adventures oft his own contrivance, among hem a chance meeting with Agnes Darling, who, with her father.

Is lu town for a day or two from licit- summer home In tlie mountains. Mr. Darling's antomoile breaks down and as Sam passes he offers his 'services to help make, repairs. In tills MAUDE iu 'Grumpy," at the Veiidome, Friday 5 Mary Cliarlejon gets them Into tlie bank, hut nQt until she has warned the sheriff. Nell is wounded In Hie fight which follows and when she awakens, finds herself in the arms of the man whom she hnil attempted to escnpe because she loved him.

As was the case In Miss Fen wick's Inst appearance, Owen Moore, a popular Paramount star, plays opposite ETHETj CLAYTON IN CL.EVER -NEW PLAY. "The Bondage of Fear," with Ethel Clayton Btnrrlng, ih the photoplay nt the Crescent next Friday and Saturday. The story is new and Interesting, going something like (his: "I love you, Dick snld Vesta Wheat-ley, to her childhood friend, Dick Morti-, mcr. "I love you like brother! No, riPnot niurry you." Then Vestn smiled nnd laughed' nnd rnn nway. Soon John Randolph came to.

the little town to buy some property from old Dr. AVhentley, Vesta's father. Randolph was instantly-' attracted by 'Vesta. Soon this attraction ripened Into love. "VcBtn, dear, I'm head over heels In love with you," Randolph told her.

"Mnrry mo nnd I'll devote my life to ranking you happy." Vesta yielded. They were married nnd John took her with him to his big home In the city. But neither Vesta nor her liuBbnnd knew of the consuming tire that burned in Dick's henrt. Nor did they know that he had followed them Vesta one afternoon went to seating rink. Dlek saw her enter and followed ner.

Eventunlly Vestn snw hiin. "Why, hello, salt! Vesta, "why At the. Strand Mo H. SOTHERN and in "THE MAN OF hW essanav gasped Skinny. "I'll tell everyone that I killed your lover In your room!" Vestn, remembering the.

rnther compromising' situation in which Randolph had found her when Dick wbb trying to kiss her, nnd she felt that she could not permit Skinny to say this about her. So Skinny cnrrled Dick's body to the lake and threw It in. Vestn burned Dick's hat, which had frillen froin his head In the fight. And when Mandy arrived she found Vestn Inu swoon on the floor. But Vesta had not heard the last of Skinny.

Time and again he called on her for money. "Give me some money or I'll tell your hushnnd nbout killing your lover In your room," lie would tell her." And VeBta wus forced to do as he com-mnnded. Finally Vestn's funds were exhnusted. She could stnnd the persecution no longer, "Give me more mpneV nt once!" de-manded Skinny one night when he hnd forced his way into'orn. But Instead of gl.vlpg him money, Vesta shot and.

him. Whcn'the police arrived the evidence that Vesta had arranged was conclusive. "She shot this innn who, hnd forced his way Into room in self -defense, declared the police. Anil Vestal' free from persecution nt last, smiled happily In her husband's arms. 1 i "ANTON, THE TERRIBLE." CAST.

Mnjor Anton Knzoll Theodore Roberts Vera Stanovltch Anita King Adjutant David Ford Grand Duke Fedor Rub-. stan Hugh B. Koch B. Cnrpenter Bnbushkn, of the Russian secret serv- the Chnpmnn With the production of "Anton, the Ter- nay and CHARLOTTE IVES MYSTERY".

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