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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • 7

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I TIIE NASUVILLE -AMERICAN TIIIMSDAY APRIL 23 1908 MMIEMOM Parks will spend the next two weeks at French Liok and in their absence Mrs Thomas Parkes Jr) and daughter both wi11 be with Mrs Davit i Follow the Crowd to the Start That Is Busy All the Tirnelet JI' SOCIETY opbTR rdtbi r-zne-Z-- EXCEPTIONAL EDITOR'S TELEPHONES Clines (Main) 2411 Re lildenve (Main) 3214 1 k1 SUIT VALUE Mr liens ley and Mrs Ernest Pillow will go to Muntagle to spend the summer about the first of July Char lei Perkins returned to Murfreesboro Wednesday afternoon after a short visit to Mr and Mrs John Ransom Nit's Wilson will go to Murfrees boro today to be Ills guest until Triursday Mr SO Mrs Roth have Issued In vitations to the BarMitzwah celebration of their youngest son Berman at the I Synagogue 120 Path Avenue tornor- row at 8:30 oclock in the morning Hon and Mrs Joseph Washington will bo Mr and Mrs Leslie Warner's house guests at their entertainment of the Benedict whist party on Saturday evening All Items intended for this department for Sunday' C011111111 must reach the sdi tor not later then 4 o'clock Saturday lintels stabled article wig not be considered r71 IIE Monday Afternoon Club of i which Mrs Gardner la 141 President reorganized for the spring season at a charming meet Mg with Mrs Settle On Wednesday afternoon The meetings will take place hereafter on the regular day and the next hostess will he Mrs Thruston The membets include: Mrs Gardner Mrs Settle Mrs Gardner Mtg George Fall Mrs Ernest Ihhhow MIL Thruston Mrs Leslie War'net Mrs Ben ton MeNtillin Mrs N011itan Kirkman and Mrs William Itransford Mrs Pillow who le the new membeS of the club received the prize presented by Mrs Gardner a se hI baliket John Ransom Joined the party for afternoon tea which followed the game WASZIO-A FOR TODAY Suits that sold for $2500 will be on pie Trading Day for $1525 As a second floor Suit Room Special for Today we offer over 65 new Spring Suits all smart new styles such as the Modified Butterfly Prince Chap Cutaway Etc in the season's latest colors as Apricot Russet Copenhagen Fancy Mixtures Light Greys Etc Coats lined with Plain and Fancy Taffetas All offered at the greatAst saving- that you ever enjoyed judge Jamest Richardson of Mur freesboro is in thr eitY Mr and Mrs Eugene 1o11fns and family left Tnesday fur Ittrigetop where they will spend the purtimes I tiV IP 171 itig fmtbrolitery Sale DOWN TO Swiss and INTainsoolc Edging and Insertions of excellent quality were fa 20e now 9e Mr end Mrs James WI Mama or Claineshoro and Mrs Mattie Love Tony maker of Watertown are the guests of Mrs Flirnore Roddy on Linds ley avenue Mjss Williams of Watertown is visiting Miss Buth Tinsley she eame to attend the marriage of Miss Florence Birdwell and her brother Dr Benton A For Today only choice of these $25 1515 Suits Eltd DOWN TO in lct of Edgngs and Insertions were 20c and 30c DOWN TO lot of beautiful Cambric Floiincings and Iner tiona A SALE OF Lingerie Princess Dresses A 1 1 1 Mrs William Frazier Riddle formerly Miss Lillian 11811 who has bAon visiting her aunt Mrs I iirennecke it 104 Hayes street has been railed to her New Orleans home on arrount of the death of Mr Riddle's brother a trusted employ or the l'nited States Government in Panama The next meeting of the Ft Club will he with Mies Delia Brew 'Wednesday afternoon May 1 AT HALF PRICE TODAY' 4 4 '41 l' 4 4 -4 L' :44 3 oNs Mrs a Bennett will entertain the Monday afternoon Whist Club Monday al ternoon April 27 I NV Sain Jr has gone to Estill Springs for short stay 11 This bit of news will be greatly welcomed by all women who want a beautiful Lingerie Dress for immediate wear Strictly $1050 value on sale Today h5 only --1 Offered in White Pink and Blue profusely trim' riled with Lace and Medallion three-quarter sleeve with fancy tucked cuffs lace trimmed tucked ynke with Lace and Medallions Skirts have deep tuck at bottom with three rows of lace an tucks set in at knee Skirts very full and per fectly littiug On sale Today at MiFkl Florence Morris has returned to the Herrnitse atter visiting Mrs Myrtle Judd On Fillmore street These are "Specials" that yi11 sliculd avail yourself of as they are seleCtions from our tine stock Finest grade of genuine FRENCH ORGANDIE in tnost exquisite floral designs and large assortments worth 40e rvw 29c per yard Extra quality extra weight and full size WRITE COUNTERPANES' quality in this sale for $100 each OUT Or TOW' WEDDING3 I 1 7'7N- 077-6- if The Stets of Vdoes 207109 Fifth Ave Czt1 -cr' 773 JI t- Yig II EIERAY Tenn April 21--(Special )-- Wchh Stamps of this place and Mira Lillie Johnson daughter of Reuben Johnstm were married Sunday TRENTON Tenn April Wadley a net Miss Emma Sanford were married at th courthouse here Tuesday afternoon by 'Squire Collins Mr and Mn Wadley were from near Milan That 'the inaugutation of the open days weekly at the Golf and Cmintry Club is a popular plan was announced by the attendance lot Veduesday when ju ty-two lunch tAt tile club and moat of them remained tor bildge end afternoon tea until Amite late The diniri groom grillroom and porches were fined with ta ides several being occupied by pardes in honor of visiting ladies One of theme parties was arranged In honor of Mrs John Bell heetile's guests Mrs Frayser of Alabama Mrs James Colson Brunswick tia and Data James 1 Hanka of Denver Cu! AntAther rotnpilmented 1rs Feilding 7 104 Of Lintroli and Nlies Marjorie La Doe of Detroit and another was fl honor of Mrs Beau Folk's vieitors Mrt Patton and Mrs Wilitiun Dodd 7 A beautiful wedding was that uniting 1i Florence Ethel Birdwell and Dr Benton A Viillants of Gallatin Wednesday evenhvg ot 730 o'clock at the street Church ot tloist Elder Niehtte of Imilas 'lex the bride's uncle Palma and ferns with Easter (ieeormted the church Miss Effie Anderson rendered the wedding Intlsie Playing Mendeissohnii march for the bridal party to enter and the march from lamengrM as a reeessional "Situ! bert's Serenade- and -To a Wild Rose were among tile oilier selections played before he ceremony The bride la the pretty and gifted daughterof the late A If ftirdwell: of Bough Belot having grailuated afall received liteditia from the 1-ong High the Plitle t'ollege and the Conservatory of Music For a 'lowlier of years since her father's death she has made her home with bar uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs in Haholumatie she was beautiful in her wedding kown of white inessaline elaborately trimmed with panels of Dish phint pearis and satin ribbons tolie ved WLIS lit Wit lutes Of the Valley and her bouquet was of bride roses hilHhien hair ferns and a shower of blies of th diley Miss Dora Alielartelhh i the Maid Of honor aas lovely In a toilette of pink raditim -mut trimmed with baby Irish lace Nil1 wore pmk glues NMI pera and eat lie! Easter lilies tI i with pink Liiiiisihe rimons The idmiestnithis I Ara I moitn Roth Tensley and Pattie NVirrow wino white radium satin gowns with Irish he a trimmings their bouquets were of Eiodi lilies tied anth "white Jovi A mielon of Sparta acted as hest man and lid ushers were: lir Thomes Balsa and 'Wolter firown of Atmliatm WA Prot' John Gwen Many handsome pleienta were received' among I hem a as a )IIIi') fOlk ing dish IVen a nil a Ed A ntlel son of Gailatin III the gift of Judge Corded Holt and Sifter 110110 peaqtt- Find roemented by Joel Anderson Niuch cut-giss skiver and hou! Panod cLia and furniture were ale re The gr-111 a prominent iNn of Sumner connty A ter the ceretniinv a recent Ion a as given at Irie )nine Ntr 7111ri Alra 11traastie funk eta tiockerm and ferns in iglitly tio house Mrs Mini as Iv hi a rid tie oi ek hitleht enk: ltI upo 111 I 0 And wit blue satin was Pc0 hy Mattie Lioe Tenyinaker Mrs fd rs 1 Timothy and mil mahle the groom a Ma PRINTED INDIA LTNONS full width and in all the best designs and like 2e will be sold at Sc per yard BEAUTIFUL BATISTE flowered dotted checked or striped 32 inches wide and only per yard Thirty-two'4i'lch Persian Lawn worth 15e to sell at per yard 10e Forty-inch Batist sheer pretty quality worth 180 to sell per yard 15c 1 1 imommoomoomanamootaliiimilo FLORENCE Ala April Miss Hazel Brabson of South Florence and Howard Jones of Sheffield were married this morning at 11:30 at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Airs CSPA kV Srabson Rev Fawt Presiding Eider of the Florence district AL hurch officiating The ceremony was witnessed by relatives and a few friends and immediately following Alt and Mrs 1011PS left for a bridal trip fro Chattanooga Upon their return they will oe at home at South Florence enk Trish pnint In re Frappe was served by MAry it tenire the bride's hist1 Abut 14 gucsis IN ere present including th near friends and relat ives 1 1IFS MPSODI "1r At 11-- tee Lv I yellow and white color tones were carried out Other guests besides the club "members were Ntesdames Orville Ewing Jr (-3 Ewing if Metz Marion McFerrin (teorge Ikloore Jr (diver Timothy John Hooper Lester Albert Akers and John A Jones Mrs Johnson Bransfords tea announced for Thursday afternoon April 30 will be given in compliment to her aunt Miss Fannie of Chapel TN who arrives rn Mfindit to be her guest and Mrs 1IIWS011 Fails of Memphis relebrating the eightyfirst birthday of her father Mal Armstrong Mrs A MeAlistor entertained at dinner ort Wednesday at her home on Sixth aventle South in ddit ion to Maj -and Mrs Armstrong the party incloded: Mr and Mrs Dennis Frances tind Ferning Miss itrina Schooltield Miss helly Miss Pauline Cave Miss Louise Aires of Springtiold tr MeOphoe Messrs Matt and Porter Fleming Went) traNAtOrd A rid Higgins of New York Thi- table was decorated in re1 with carnations and redshaded lights in silver candlesticks and the menu was elaborate Maj Armstrong re-eivrd alany cong-atulationa from relatives and old I riends earem hers rFerrin John erg and ea ann April to her pel MIL guest WINCHESTER Tenn April nuirriige Which has been looked forward to ith Innen interest throughout the lilate was solemnizel here I11 night Miss Vella Ifandly daugi-itr of Mr and Mrs fbidiart lintou beroming the bride of flarvei Tnipletin a prominent young yt wyer III erPM0115 WAN Nirformed tt the Mettaidit tot1il at 8 ololock and never hits that beautiful edifice been more exquisitely adorned The organ rail chanrel rail and windows Of the church weie ban aeil with holly studded with snownsil hi1n clusters or which wre erfe-tkely disposed oti either side of the iii-inter aisle In the tanter of tile rostrum stood an otilr8 ing a Jard Iniere f1h1 with Easter lihes flanked on citlwr slib by yen brat1d tiolden candelabra with white Wa)(111 tapers MHI-PS of paints an i tf11S to the artistic beauty or tite NVhelle I ti elratiOnS hPing under sunervision (If l'Ors Ilfiggs a ft 01111 of the MRS MARTHA EWING Interment occurred today in the presence of a large coneoutse HICKMAN Ky April Mrs Vir Donne) onne) and infant chili died at her hme at Clayton seNeral rtiliPf4 Li0t1 I Ilik in i Silo was only 19 years old and a t7hristlan woman BLIFidl had at Antioch Church BIliKESVILLE kr April )---1-Mn Push a prominent citizen and well-to-do farmer of near Peytonsburg In tn sonthra Fitt of the county and near the Tennessee line died very suddenly of paralysis of the 1ra1n in the 4Sth year of his age PROMINENT LADY OF THE OLD REGIME DIES AT AGE OF 86 LAST OF HER FAMILY 7 ii 1r illoon 4 I rt I 1 i 0 0 e- '1ZI Cr I 4 Fxr: 1 I i I liq Il i 4q ii: 1 --siiiiiidl! '7 4 1 The wedding' of Miss Frances Lucetta Ferning and Charles Bradford Marshall took place NVedneAday evening at I o'clock at tho bride's borne on Seventh' a 'C411" South Wore a company of rel- and C188le fr18818 Rev 11 hin rave performod the oeremony And artist io nodding most(' was furnished by 'MISS Han ell at the piano giiving the march by Mendelssebn for the entrance of the brala I party Frevlous to the 1 service Miss Et het i4IIMV01114 rh8rMIng voice was heard In two sotos -Because" end "Nlv Lovic is Like a River- The tudle is8 ore 8 white ll 4110 On slik made princ es and cemannchl elaborately with lie A bill Neil was leo F1) VI It ii lil ir'S Of l''P via 'ley and her bouquet vi ais oninesid of lilies of the valley iinelbitnie i rosies A pe ill and diamond chain terl initiating wit It ii pearl sea pendant And itt pearl and titre mood brined iihOrl by the f0111 1-1' I1r OTIM MOW -Tile brnle us es 'flee into ire parlor and pieen I in marriage lay her if mile Joseph For! msst Eloming She is a dinghtor of the I 1te la Frank la Airs KO ke Arinstrong Fleming mnd is 8 Alfred Arid charming iiiing womm Tim maid of 1-innor Miss Ethel 'NftV Flemitn Wore wilite lingerie princess kith ValchelPnnes lace with pink and slipped's ale carried 8 bouquet ei ptit ea tin a lons feinved la it la ern i The nhimniiriror wore leiasi i I farris and il ham Carr The gronm Wii Ullded hY 11 a hi-ether 'MA I Nfar I-! el 89 1-8-1llt man The bride's liti18 Mr Fleming A'FIS rl-S9led roooiving by her waits Mrt iiii A AleAlisrsr ant Mrs Arm! and I lis graetn'l her end 81- tr Mrs IO-ot t' Nliirshull and kit's Ed I 018:89 Aft 4'r the reeenvony frappe rkri Ilv NI' sA 10894 Alri'S Of Spring' 14:1 iend NI ii-is Maniac Cave Ntr HMI Nil S- II left ell the eveninir train I' or a fiber? A'eil(lIng trip 8111 Il cill he 0 home orner of SeVer19 1 pl8 ivon 1 Swift And I weirionhenn st it 'Alrs MirsMill tante Poi traveling i 1 I rOil 1 how with a while i tcl lininse 1 in k- itTlfi li Jfn straw Eat taood with obi rose And iiiia wd i tilant loses The presents tTril n-erv 'ito ndiiihe ctilleetion And in' lit led -1er ilit iiii And furniture and rir a hielda 1) iiteen i ''lltnIlY a I of linpniti-il CI1114 ter wts tapitiat Atiiiins Jenr in and Adli VAIddri Kii arinfi kiait thi 7i ThA the iarty anti 11 Tn'! 7f which tit tIwo- 111'11a01 i ft griuip at thfi 417117 It 11111 at lock 1 fain fiti1 N1 71 I 111 7' 11H1 iFiti the 1Iiit I tii their linnie At 1 thiN 11111 I 1 101' 7 111 1117'1- C111711a tr it 77 7111V a111n 11 ilit )71 71 Messrs Pruno and Ferdinand Steindel left Wednesdily night alier a Hi) days' stay whivh they received a numbPr nf sOcial 001111PSteM from old friends On Wednesday after fin auto ride with Dr And Mrs laggard they were enteitained lun hrii ND- and Mrs Arthur lienkol whuare oil friends and tn the afternoon lil tea at the of Mr and NIrs A Branded! In the eyeninii thev dined with Mr and Mrs Alfred Howell The Congrssional orator Now ta tide With ()pro molith And pit-ailing hantiL 4 -4 )44 1 ri The people nowadays want something more than mere "lot Air- It's netual results that we dire the house-wile that Tan to make good home-mode bread at all times the iause we wish to plead is that It pays to adopt any measure that will result In seeuring I bsolute Pa tisractio This is assurd by Insisting at ail times on your grover or dealer supplying you with the Lennie It is a hIgh quality flour reasonably priced Liberty Mills )44 1 1 Prior to the ceremony a most delightful musical programme was giVort E-) Coleman and NOss Daisy Sartaln rendering organ voluntaries and Mrs A Er Will giving WO SnrralliP Y41109 "Oh Fan' Oh Doty" Ptonniee Me" The bridal party marehed in to the strains of the Erthengtan ykoiding nUirert played by eilleMan The bride tame ITI tx tit her fat her She was graceful anti heautifill in a princess gown of white satin veiled in pond lace V141th of val She carried a bouquet of bride roses and valleY JUi The attendants Were AverY Handly and Miss Sadie tamg Ar flandly and Nth Maud Patrick James Norton And ThAA Annie 1uller 0 McLean Jr was the groom's best and 11Itot Nena Hammond was maid of honor iunlft4 ThOrii6 Snd 1 0 Phillips were ushers ltv Wenkley read the Episcopal wedding service In IMPrelIVe RIP! eloquen manner A II through he lenvaly Mr Coleman played the wedding march softly The church eris parked to the (Moro with the roAny friends of the couple After the ceremony the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride where a reception was held shout being present A ter congrat lila I ions refreshments were served Mts A Carter and Miss Pearl Thomas assisting in doing the honors Miss Mattie hou Shook kept the loridal register The wedding Pl'''senta were numerous and beautiful atittom Viere Mr and Mrs Watson Templeton Chit intoga Miss 114o1 L'3friek Wu xahatchle Miss Nunn I kilnMOnd Gadsden Aim 'scar Knoxville Avery liandiv Father Marks Itandly Chattanooga Niiss wHetracc aud MiS4 A hrth' Met 1w of Shothyvilith Ntr and Ntrs Templeton will he A hente to their friends kit the home I he groom on Stuth High street Mrs Martha Catherine Ewing widow of the late 'William Ewing on Wednesday afternoon at 21 o'clock at the residence of her son Dr Ewing 1601 hroad street in this city Mrs Ewing was the daughter of Hans Graves and 'was bnrn Jan 19 1S22 Fayette County Ky She came to Davidson CountyTenn ahout seventy-nve years ago and on Marh 21 was married tO Mr Ewing For the remain der of her life she was a resident of this county Only one of her children Dr Ewing survive her About eight years ago her other son Cant Charles Ewing died In this city Three of the grandchildren of Mts Ewing are also living Caruthers Etsing a lawyor in Momphls Mrs Rhea Carey also in mompnis and Mrs Burris Alien of Nturfreeshore who is a daughter of Mrs Annie Ewing 'Moorman of Shelbyville Another doughter Airs Ewing wati' Mrs James Black more of Mrs Ewina comes of a long-liVed it is the last survivor a brother Edmund t3raves of the Whites erek road having died six yeat a ago the was a uousin of the tato Mrs AV torrY Sr and Wag her bridestmod 11111 hip long close friend lier busitand was a leading citizen Of 'he old regime and tneir residence on tin- Whit es creg rond aa one of the noted antebellum Immes of this setion: Mrs Eving was a tyro of consecrated Christian -tnmaninvid her charities wore great and during her years of niVainnarn 11P er a eomplamt was heard front Fhe was always sympathetic and hoer sted in other people ip waa a (1VTht nteinber 4d the Alethodist Church Last wet-II her strength failed after being unaide to leave her bed for several yeara and alnCo IThiraday ane hi nopn I loath Caine Ike a quiet Ween The foncral (ur this atteihoon from the reaidOrill' ROV Ciii Ityrd otilviatintg WEST NASHVILLE Adthe Lee flagon of 'White's Bend who has been the guest of Mrs Herman Lovell on Michigan avenue is now guest of Mrs FL Pickard Mrd barned has returned frum rood Creek Ms Elizabeth Darnell of ht CeelHa Aontlemyt spent filo Easter holi- days with Mrs Walter Tay1or on Michigan avenue Mrs Nanoe has eturned to Franklin after visiting Mrs Pickard Hooper son Hohert have returned from Cueatham County Mr and Mrs Cullom and chtititen have returned from Cull Creek arid Cheatham County Miss Mary Grizzard of Goodiettsville who has been the goe9t of Mrs Alvin Bowling in fiy Ivan Park is now the 1uest of Mot 1 II Sykes Mrs Richard Enignt had rettatied to Cetttrel tile Llter viAtting her father Dr i Hooper Mies Martha Pleitani of St Cecilia Aenderny spent too Easter holidays with Miss Anna Walker tlilliarn am retorn 1 to Waver Place after visiting ids dnughter Vowel) Elder John Poe of 'navies Tes Epending this week Eider Joe MoPheison From hero he will go to Riverside and ifohonwald etndoet revivals Mr rind Mrs tlennette have returned front Scottsboro where they rustier' Ails lnnette father Nrk' 44wingtml Toni t'arr has returned vont ttothettnville uglu and itittorge Alien have Sottsboro atter vting relatives In Vest Nashville Mita I Elsner his returned to tloodiettsville after visit relatives In Wst miss Jr fin t'air has returned to tloodlettsville atter visiting her aunt Mrs Hodson on Ninth street Mr and Mrs Sullivan have rentrnod from CentPtittrY where thet visited their daughter Mrs Cam)) Hey and Mre lialdwin sod fatnily have gem In Trri('y City tO reterie Mogth Jc's4 ifing Tom Sadler I re'd ninth Brewer nowington Cbarlie Itright Batley Hayes end and Witson Stringfellow have red wand front a fishing trip at Newsom Station The ttlat t1 nrv 1 Aide it1 it fttttli'k tit the ttrtt 1 Cie tfft a I vs ttrf- 'P 1f fdal 14! 111 IgiIIV II" IA 111111t114rt(ttil Itt -tt faftp IVo with swert tifffl tft or 1 1 (01(1 tf All ft 1 rk I ti 11n IT11 ti '11-t 1 4 tHtI 4 A Writ I flI 1111 11I ik 11 I i 11 1 11 1 I1 1 ICt thtfl VItt lc 1 Wt a httft1t twat Ifff 0 I 0 Il TI gIttn if- a 1f- It- I mitt Ntt rim fv tff 1vetl 8111 10 it Iirn hi 1 11 Its '1t4111 iii It 1J'Ilt Int tIr rr Lt is In Ifta n)a I Ittill141 WI ill 111 ill for 04' P1 I( i I I 1111 SI In 111 et Miss Alma Smith and Jr 11 'Aferary Isere rn rt-bd ednesilay trn11114S HS the home of th hrid-'s parents Dr and Mrs Smith oil flAliirphy Fivnu ReAt Pryor of (traee Presbytnrion Church oftieloted lttedre a vontpany of the relativiis now The itrotte's groan A NS of Copenhsgeo hIi (oth soth oresto Doe blouse ard hat Th left sr (moo for Itantrtalle to visit Mr NeCttrys fat litr and when they return will make their home ot Milrphy Ft vunue rsrk GilmOrA Sind of ettelnrton Ky bre gnests of tic i Hotel aid VN 1111P here will la etdoetaintd by John 14reener orn1 vite of ttidgLI1 Avinns North Mr 4 Hiroo Is a prominent hushtifss tom Cinnoinatt and a scoi of the 14 liWy -idifitrs tor matiy yoats was w11 hod fovorahly known to Alto drag trade of this city clot -edoesday after-mom vt Mnioit Axres Morlrik fibring ktiti IS Ed113 Td Wide 1111) oriz kiven Mrs Arthur Ittroorighant and 1liss Louise 'Nineotoohink i the noostnw" The grist list i-ii totiN- the momiodts and Airs II or httn-toirt i Id dis41 siihsittmoil tor mornlist- Itiamg the otttatioon ti-ttnihiments wnre Feb nd rn 11 the NVeducgitty Aft 1 4 'ill) tt fl L1-491 4 1 f1114411 4 0 10 VA 1111P NN 1111 lozitol) 1 hi 4 lo 11Vt j't tAtt ttt 1N NI AA Mut NI 4 rt tft 'W WU St 11 11 111 fi iiI 11 1tL a gNr AI: 1)110 it Iig I VN t4 I il tliA 222 Fifth A (iPAto eIFOCAL5 GUZMAN Optician 12 Fifth A North NvsBil 9LD NEW tok edfocAL5 GETZMAN Optician 222 Firth A North MACE LICENSES fm0m wilamkm44gis Marshall to Frances Eletning Penton A to Florence 1i-dwell COLORED IVEIrshell Abston to tleneva Branch Iy 71 A 121 1 0 '7 a e' I I 'i tr I I '''( 1 elieLLV t14) t1 4Lf 41 Robert Smith linheTt 17 Smith 9 nInTitlis'-old elni of r1I- Ill 'Mrs NV SIn'ttl t14ed Illorniltaz Mt tho res1(1nce of It 1irtnt4 The' f1111111 NW bP I t)'111101 t1118 nton Int11nent NIL ullycL AIR FL WILES JR hiss Pfthi hut interest in the firm or Wiles Wilkerson Co and is now se-Iodated with the new firm of ILES MA MIN Funeral Directors 140 Fifth avenue dm Jr Martin For Wile MnRwm 'f A i i A 1 i i 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 'i i 1 1 1 1' ra 1 4 1 i i 1 1 i 1 pcptor-- NV 14 DETECTIVE EXONO RATED ry Me Chief for Killing Mike Shank? rAl PH I A brli th 0 Thomas waft 0xon rut 01 fon lot' the killing of lk I 0 Slitirilny tor A 1041Ing by (1ief to'llaver lie nant AI Ik laneyK cHperate Wag not rionsand Detrtive Shpa 011d 414e' hilt glInnt And kill 1-crn OtpOrled until Thin 11y Shank) gg III bt hurl I ridgy DIED 0 1' 6 0 0 61 Men often wonder why their hair gets thin and scraggly and falls out It's because they treat their scalps badly Hair health depends upon scalp health Kmm Soap puts the scalp in good condition and keeps it so It is a scientifically medicated soap whose cleansing and curative powers the most stubbornly troublesome sc alp cannot resist 0 NIA4 One test demon-' strates this 25e tate all druggists ke4 i tile tnost stub- lesome alp I i6I I 11-- SCA demon- liggists Ak '-'44 During Your tioneymoon The Moodly raw' vLiKt club nlet witi Mrs t' Itadtmx hot hotly 1 strret wei to pi hi N11 1: 1'f-trifler Tie ere prhsont I 1 II4rI 117 1149111P1t 1 IV 'Iteghor NV Starr and A 'fro or 11ri drii- Awl 1t114 11111 Alter 11e 1 vieru in ed 1141 'medo' 141111g hy the clop hin (-000 01 the 1 stro-t Pink fin :1 in thins rt t)ie I mrittil the 111114 tteddingt 1 iic flied )1 hs wds out esedtig nowl wen Hi (h 1r heir hr (1 'Ito l'r07-hent 11 A uxtli iry or ho i i 1 ileonnu st the 19)i'v ell tilJY afti nn at 3 it td coniplele Ininuelneits for the Holt is to hr 1r the ylIttrg I 1110 elom etton 11111 also 'tor the 1 ally night of 9 wl eavt ell (11M will rweP1 Thurst iLt mma Ala 1114 AR Ph find A tO1r11411 A 11111810141 1111grill11111e 11K 1g I1111 3-10 1 1N 1'1111 TaC11- rniL tlf masie 'v -1)t! hil hy A111114 'Fru S1111111'111 1'11111 1111 A111ftty flr'014 1)144 4A 111i N1148 11111411't tIs4 ell too1 weel I I he it ihiro-cd ririu April ems dinner (lam-0 vv! g111 Piirk I eelph: tenon frem Ni-ty 11 sti1 v11 re it 1rill Phu arid Ntrs 1 for Montragle i t1141 4411nriloi Mrs Thomas l'Elses aml Pon Th 141114 pa and Jiirni di ono rj SHOOK THE DUST OFF HER FEET 1 i i- k- i i 1 71 1 i 1 1 i I 1 1 11 il- I 'r' 'Y 4 't ti i 1 7:1 pen-Z-1- 1 "A i' 1 i 1 1 1 1 i EWINt -Wm Martha Catherine Ewing whine of the If410 L4 EWItig at 230 tn April In the Sititt year of her age at the reMidPrIOIN tif her son Dir NV 6 fiwins toil Broad sitet Services conducted bv licvst Collins Denny iiit1 (Tat les NV jyriti Thursday afternoon at 20 at the resttience Interment ttt Mi 011vt -Honorary James I) Porter John A Altindors Dr Vernon Mah NieWhirter Itichards Active pallbearers -NV 'telly It 15 Irv ilium Jr fir Morgan Mutter Jr jr Cra hoo Larkin Eini'ith Wpod GI FAT SUM FOR PENSIONS Senate Committee Reports B1 CrityyM4 Ictal rI 8163054w WASHINItTON April 22 pension aPProprintima bilt was rrport' he Senate todaY It carries S1ilii4trie an of $12v4N) rvolr the amount rippropHriteet hy tho Of thitt amount uzjo3i3O10 Ito rrovided to carry out the prryelsiotie or the rerently enacted pontoon law while moet of the remainder Ift nul 1i essitey ror brnieh pen-Flom FlozOnelN hioh were irnxt approptimard for ty the IlottEe wing (110 Ill pl i DC olling re31- nmon 1) Ft IS kii(in 'PIN nsInn he an' i mint the evil- IYNNVTI1 2 Trnn A pril 22 --fiqpri vial Sara IIihireath entertained of her little igirt frlenits thls afternoon at the honie of her pArenis Mr and Ni ei 'William A )iiiiireath in celebration of her ninth hirthilo APEO Mrs Charles Culvert lintiirtnined a few nirla glris at her home In NIL Plestit reoently iii honor of little Misses Tenn CrIVfll and Irene 0011 MiAS JIrHiIl 111Thintl AN Night firidyie ChM Tuesday night Miss Kate lister entr InP1 al supper al Ilel" hifille PVelitifil The lht)rh Workers of the First Presbyterian Church were enicrtnineil Ttiesday after-noun by Mrs Minnie Toviler at her home nn West Scventh sirect About twenty five members several isitors were present OUT Or-TOWNI DEATH FI1-TriN Ky April 22 --(Special )-Mrs Monroe Hellow died this morning nt her home nenr tIsyce 7 She was 1)) ysias a nd leaven A huAhAnd And two hrotlwrA TAtin April 22 chi! Tielle Redd a higlilv rfl Ittioyin )011in nistron her hmtie near tOAll IuI es'011111g oittal t'ir AO years She viis (11' lhO (nee yserii for ga)tt 1 he Cetreert stetmew at the Skim See ettnet ttitir tot helptifily teteil tad thtoefriated tit not 110 hlih I toe balm kil lkkk mem Atk tro ttee Lop) rl iesrenet Ititir fatc1 to not 10 4e00 U0 AL us CO III ilriiit -T i 'ri odAKN -Z1 'N CO i I I I I 1 'ft () You took her many a box of candy Why- not make her happier tonIght than she was then with a dainty box of HONEYMOON MAPLE PRALINES The newest novelty in sweets Pure delicious maple sugar rieh buttery pecan tneate--1 hats all JOHN PALL SIUMB '202 FOURTH AVE Provt f46Ie AnufttettArer Clia timooga DR I KRONT IIONT Mies Flurry Raffles has ths reputation nf throwing dtittt into the oeyes of most erficnt detectitves tooth prornssylrldt and ornately- Thin thing of removing soil le a Perpetual byg-bear to the matrons of Natthdile who y4yult Recount the Visit of doxt trig cletoctives an Nifty one cOrypareti with the weekLe leashing Aofl ole labor will be converted into a rastlink all learn of these Washing Machines Hell cleanse your linen mechanically without eat ra eoet the washerwoman con quit whetievor mho pleases for tits Ltlictr for precedence in onorarulg machine phyllea toll! Tstrg Lawn Mnwtert Lawn told all ottter kituitt of 1tundry ATLAS FA GA LAN IA GA Mei ClEAAr feeling I 4 2 I i I I 4 A 4 4.

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