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The Daily Independent from Murphysboro, Illinois • Page 5

Murphysboro, Illinois
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1942 THE DAILY INDEPENDENT, MURPHYSBOBO, ILLINOIS PAGE FIVE Jtouiid in little HASTINGS 5.By Mrs. Addie Crowell Those who took supper Thursday -with Mr. and Mrs. Addie Crowell and family were: Mr. and Lest'er McGee and sons, rence, Kenneth, Richard and Freddie, and Juanita, of Wyandotte, (Michigan, and Mr.

and Mrs. Radie Holland and daughters, Naomi, Betty and Doris. Hawkins is feelins; better after being sichj from taking some shots. Vea-ch of East. St.

Louis is visitingn his farm over the week end. i i "David JrT" Marion, felted tiis aunt and uncle, Mr. and ed-their new" a large number of relatives and neighbors. They received a lot of. useful gifts.

Sandwiches and lemonade served. Relatives of Frank Underwood have received word' from him saying he had 'been moved back to Chicago, 111. Frank, is in. the ai my. Mrs.

Addie Crowell last weekend. and family, SUGAR HILL F. C. Davis 123412 By Mrs. F.

C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Grover Varnum and daughter, Blanche, motored to St. Louis Friday to meet their son, Walter, whoj ibeen 5n samp near the east coast.

They said he looked fine and was happy to see them. His train was on its way to a. camp in Andrew Reiman. of Byers, Kansas, is this week on Su. gar Hill with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Russell celebrated their sixteenth wedding anniversary jwilh a house warming Thursday night, having just finish- CRAB ORCHARD By Mrs. G. M.

Lmglc Haioltl CicrweH was a St. Louis, Sunday Harrison Hagler is in bed suffering tiom a stroke He has been pretty sick, but is improving some. Mr. and Grammar and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Lingle. Mi and, Kenneth Single spent Sunday with.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baggett and family. Mrs. Sam Crowell' is on the sick list this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rowden spent Sunday fwlth and Mrs, Mitchell Brewer and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Jake "Williamson and of West Frankfort spent with' relatives. Mr. and Charley Farley. Miv and Mrs. Lamonte and daughter, Darlene, of Enfleld, 111., returned homei Monday after spending vacation in Oraville with relatives.

and Mrs. R. H. MeDaniel ind son, Jerry, of Carbondale, npeiit Thursday withj her mother, JUrs. Maggie Cox.

Many attended the wedding re- 'ec-iition of Mr. and Mrs. -Harold King at, the home of his brother, Mr. 'and Mrs. Leon.

King. -Mr. and Mrs. Freeh "Wool and children of Mur.phys'boro spent Friday evening in Oraville. DREAMLAND ORAVILLE By rs.

Rosco'e Vancil Evertt Price land father of Benton spent Saturdaytjnorning in Oraville on business. Mrs. Robert Ebersohl and children of East St. spent the week end -with relatives Mr. and Mrs.

John Ebersohl. The Best Meats In Service" 12th and Locust Ph. 204 Economy Market Small Meaty Spare RIBS Lb. 19c Lamb Best Grade ROAST Be Sliced BACON 29c Pork or Veal CHOPS By Anna Hennesy Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Eisenhauer and baby sipent Sunday with his parent's, Mr. and Mr-s. Carl Quoin. Mrs. and Charles Gati- ner of and Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Ward of Alton spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie and Miss Kate IFohiie. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lipe, Miss Kate; Fohue, Miss Anna Heunesy and; John Hennesy attended the sale at the Will's, term near DeSoto Friday.

Jack Lurf of Kansas City is visiting Mr. and Lloyd M- lai-d. i James Prick and son, spent several days ia Carbondale witli Mrs. Tully Frick, returning home Friday. Mrs.

Bost o-f Vergennes visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Leonard Eisenlrauer Monday. SCREEN ACTRESS 3H HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured screen actress. 11 Postscript 13 For. 14Bay windows, 15 Kettle.

16 Nobleman. 17 religion. 18 Insect. 19 Upon. 20 Trout -leaving, the sea.

22 Negative. 23 Written form 46 She works in of mister. 24 By of. 51 Small paste- 25 Steer meat. 27 Charge.

one. Queer. 33 Rave. 35 Liberate. 36 Year (abbr.) 37 Him.

39 Depart. 40 Near. 41 Belongs to him. .42 Excludes. Answer to Previous Puzzle 4 Pertaining to Scandinavia.

SSeethe. 6Eormerly. 44 Prevent. board. 52 South Ameri- 7 Egyptian can tree.

river. 53 Singing voice. 8 Close to. 54 Neckpiece. 9 Tree 55 Titmouse.

10 Tensile 56 Rodent. 57 Symbol for tin. 58 Seems. 59 Let fall. VERTICAL 2 Not shut.

3 Exist. 21 Talent 22 Snare. 24 Writing instrument. 25 Large. 26 Because.

27 Cook in fat. 28 Hearing 31 Debutante 1 32, Algerian ruler. 34, Follows second. 35 Onward. 38 Is (Latin).

39 Merry. 41 At this place. 42 Smudges. 43 Pertaining to the sun. 44 Actions.

45 Conceited. 46 Harness part. 47 Eight (prefix) 48 Den. 49 Man's name. early Saturday morning.

Edmund Cochran of Elkville route 1 is doin gsome plowing- for Frank Whipkey this week. Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Whipkey received a letter from their son lately. He is stationed Panama.

Their other, son, Fred, is'm California. Mr Beasley- of DeSoto called on J. A. Rush Sunday morning. Mrs.

Maggie Mrs. Rosa Fann and son were in DeSoto shopping '-Friday. Mrs. Kermit route 1, -and Mohr of Marissa the Irirth of a daughter, born Aug. 4th, weighing 10 This is their first child.

Mohr was before her marriage Miss Ruth Steele, daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Steele, former residents'of this vicinity, and Qie granddaughter of, J. A. Rush:" strength (abbr 11 Bit of verse.

12 She is a movie 50 Perform. 52 Policeman 15 Plural (abbr.) (slang). 16 Italian nver. 55 Title page 18 Enemy. Swift's, Premium Federal Grade A.

Loin or T-Bone, Lb. BEEFSTEAK 39c Veal Pocket ROAST Pork IIP AUTO 17c HEARTS Prermum BEEF CLUB Lean, Tender Boiling BEEFtb. 15c PREMIUM BEEF ROAST TL rst cuu Lb. 23c FRANKS Lb 21t Salt Side PORK u. 2k Swift's Brookfieid LOAF CHEESE ed 33c SUNSHINE VALLEY By Miss Irene Edgar Quite a large crowd 1 gathered at the new of Mr.

and Homer Russell, Tuesday night, A.ugaist 4th, and surprised them on) (theBr sixteenth, wedding anniversary. Many nice and useful gifts wUh her mother and Mia were received. Sandwiches ses Bemadine and Mori- lemonade were ssi-ved to the ris aud to otheri Leroy. crowd. Tlvose who visited at Gill Ed- The members ot Denmark' gar's, Sunday afternoon were church will liave their annual! Miss Esther Steele of Monmouth, chicken ttry, Tuesday night, Aug.

i Misses Joyce Le Pere and Kather- istli, on the'church lawn. Every- ins and Verna Lee Shannon and one invited to attend. John M. Edgar and sons, John Cecil andj Gilbert, and Jean- i Messrs. Fred, (Pere and Edward Reuscher.

Mrs. Oetkiug, who is in ill physboio loute 2 is on the sick list. NEWS FROM Mi. Revman Aldeiie Luthy and Irene is visiting her son, Mr. Edgar, visited Mrs.

Howard Luthy Wednesday afternoon. Miss Nor- mair Jean doing- housework for the latter, who has 'been Several men 'from, tiiis commun" iity were busy, two. days this week, cutting logs to be taken to -tlie mill, for the Denmark church, which, will soon, be started. A goodly number attended choir practice at Denmark, Tuesday night. Mrs.

Walter Russell and son, Paul are. several clays in with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.

Hanna, and daughter, Miss Marian. Miss Romalee Morris of Chicago is spending' several clays in Ava, Mrs. Karl. Oetking and son, Mort Combs bushels of pears to John Edgar, Saturday Ipjiysboio, Miss Irene Edgar spent batur-' Mr and Mrs Hal CoEuett of By Mrs. Hattie B.

Page Miss Betty Doeri, who is 1 employed in St Louis, spent Satui- dayi and Sunday night Tinth hei paients, MJ and Mis Andy Doeir Miss Juanita Dryden has been employed as the giade school again this year. Mis House attended the funeral of John Mm ray at Mui- JOIN THE u.s. TRUCK CONSERVATION CORPS See your Chevrolet dealer, who is acting as official service station forTruck Con- servation, and get the offi- cial emblem for your trucks Your essential to America's war pro- grant. Let yourT Chevrolet dealer help you to "Keep 'em fit to keep 'em rolling." See him for a thorough service checkup see him for skilled service at regular intervals; dealers are America's "Truck Conservation Specialists." Originator and OuMondiiig UaoW 'Trvclc Comtrvalmi Han' CHEVROLET day night and Sunday with ses Bemadine and Romalee' Mor- GRAND TOWER By Tessie Clemens Mrs. Ullie Crawford Gene, visited her mother in Ben- Dowell weifc vistois heie Tuesday evening.

Misses 'Settle and bell will leave Tuesday morning for. a vacation trip to Wyoming. Mrs. Clementine (Nee) Rosen- iberger of Centralia here the first of. week.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hanna were evening guests pf Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bradley.

Mrs. Albert Hack of Wilkesban'e, has visiting relatives the past few Reliance Chevrolet Sales Co. "OWNED AND OPERATED Bit THIS GROb FAMILY" 1604 Walnut Murphysboro, 111. Phone 289 BIRD SPECIALS Saturday 8 A. MJto 12 NOON 4 HOUR SALE QUILT SCRAPS 9x12 Felt Base RUGS Regular S9c Boys' Sport SHIRTS Reg.

15c Value Regular $3.98 value Children's Wash Dresses New Fall Styles Ladies' Spun Rayon DRESSES Boys' Striped COVERALLS Regular 79c value ton, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bnist and sons, Billy and Charles, have motored to Florence, Ala He "Was employed at the I. p. S.

plant "Grand Tower, 'Out! Miss Lucille Allard An- lias accepted a job as machinist' oeles, Calif, visited 1 her for the T. V. A. company. I Mr.

and Mrs. Charles 'Allard re- Mr, and Mrs. Floyd, also liaive moved to- Florence. Mr. The.

U. B. Ladies' Aid held their McRoberts ia, -working- foi the and social meeting at V. and Mis MeKob-it-he home of Mis Fern Williams. ert.s is teaching school theie Election.

officers for the ensu- Steivart Baysinger, Jr, lemains' ing yeai was held Names of Blue- unimproved. I ton fi lends Tveie Irevealed and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dillow-aud ew names' (were drawn. family attended Gunu "reunion last Sunday.

Mrs. GVIarte Grammer was called to Carbondale Friday evening because of the serious illness of her been moved. John Hagler. He suffered a stroke. His (condition about the same.

Mr. and Mrs. Raibbie have taken over the management ot the! Mr and B. Fulton have received a letter fiom their son, Raymond, who has been in an army camp in. Texas that he has Dixcelouian station! and 1 is truck stop on route 3 near Grand Tower.

They moved" Aldridge to Grand Tower. Edward Adams from Leon- a.rd Wjood, spent Sundayiera with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Stopper Nelson of St.

Louis, Mo 'spent the 'week end here with iis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dane Melson. I Mi-, and Mrs. Clarence Southland children of Anna, 111., -visited his parents here Sunday.

Mr. South is, a radio repairman and has leen employed for some time in Mich. But he liked southern Illinois so well lie lesigned his work there and returned, to The church held their last quarterly meeting of; the conference year Wednesday night. Dr. Whetten, Supt, was id charge.

iMis Ford. Canvpbell, who aS ill MT. GLENN By Wanda Grabbw Mrs. Fred Guilders of Sparta spent the week-end here his son, Henry, and wife. Mrs Mettle Landrith called' on Mrs.

Myrtle Rush recently. Mrs. Ida Grabow received word last week the of her aunt, Mrs Maitha Abernathy, of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Wm Bartsch has been all suffering from the effects of getting overheated. Several from this place attended the peach festival in CoBden lor, rda Parks Drug Store to Anna.

Billy and Buddie Clutts are their mother, Clutts, in St. Louis, this week. I Mi and Mis Cram and family ot Cartel ville were calling on friends-here. Monday. Rush TV as business caller Marion recently MURPHYSBORO ROUTE 4 By Mrs.

Ruth Reiman Henry Imhoff is in the hospital at Herrin. He was- hurt jn -the mine in -which he works. Mrs. Imhoff Sunday evening TVith her husband, He is fine. Carolyn Reiman spent Sunday with Miss Joann Reiman.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy spant Sunday morning" "with and Mrs. Earl Heiman of ilur- EAST DE SOTO ROUTE By Mamie Mr and Mrs Fred Fassel Jr and sons were guestfe Sunday Hurst of Mr. and Mrs Fred Fas- scl Sr.

A Rush, Mr and Mrs Leonard Inglis motored to Datv'son Springs, Ky one day last week on business. A Rush has been very ill since Friday evening Dr'. House of DeSoto was called him Rationing Rules were not Meant to Prevent Replacement of Carswhieh are Reoiiy Needed. ItSometimes Helps More to Replace that Old Car than to Try to Keep it Running. the reasons for present rules and regula- tions governing the purchase of new cars! They were not meant to handicap owners whose cars fill necessary purposes.

They were simply meant to see that cars now built arid ready for sale got into the hands of those who needed their needs demanded. If your car serves-a really necessary.purpose, Buick dealers are prepared to make immediate delivery on brand-new, gas-thrifty, dependable new models built for the purpose of seeing ypu through the duration. With such a car, you travel safely, make'best use of gasoline and oil, start fresh with brand-new tires on wheels designed to get maximum life from them. For dependable performance of necessary jobs, such a car is frequently far more of an asset to the country than one which has.passed its prime. Why not drop in on your Buick dealer and talk over-all details of the whole situation? I you're MURPHYSBORO MOTOR SALES 1604 Walnut St.

Murphysboro, I1L.

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