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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 19

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN and The Nashville American, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1912 Football Starts Here Tomorrow News and Comment on Gridiron COMMODORES FACE SCHEDULE FOR WHO WILL BE THE "SAM WHITE" ON THE GRIDIRON THIS FALL? DUST OFF THE PIGSKINS, YE HUSKY HEROES OF THE GRIDIRON 1 BASEBALL IS DYING AND THE FOOTBALL SEASON IS AT HAND THE HARDEST MANY LONGYEARS After Vnndi.rhttr hnw nl-ived off the'lhst game, and It has had a Poo, who alone defeated Yale two years tn lUcceSBlon, but never before White's time haa Princeton or anv other eollejxe had a man who by individual achievement won two baseball games from Yale nnd a football game from both Yale and Harvard. White's fame lias not been forgotton with his graduation. His achievements seem all the more marvelous in retrospect. In Ml! he won Prlncoton'a tnlrt and deciding baseball game with Tale, with the score a blank White reached November Penn vs. Michigan atQ Philadelphia, November Princeton vs.

Yalo at Princeton, November 16, and Yale vs. Harvard at New Haven. November 23. Tho captains of the big elevens this yenr are: Pennsylvania. Eugene I.

Mercer, fullback; Harvard, Percy I. Wendell, the All-American right halfback; Princeton, Talbot T. Pendleton, nalfback; Yale, Jesse Spalding, halfback; Cornell. Edwin W. Butler, quarterback; Michigan, Georte Thompson, fullback Vanderbilt, Lewis Hardago, halfback; Minnesota, Clinton Morrell.

center. With baaeboll on lta last leBS. the heroes at the gTldlron are beginning to dunt oil their pigskins and gel themselves in readiness for the tray. The coaches and captains of the various college teams have issued calls to the candidates, and already In many quarters preliminary work Is being dono. Cornell and Yale will open the season September 25.

whlli Princeton, Pennsylvania and Harvard start their minor Bchedule three days later. In the west the conference season begins October 6. The big games this season will be Princeton vs. Harvard at Cambridge. By SPICK HALL.

"But yesterday the wort baseball would have stod ngalnst the world; now "on it there and none bo to do It reverence. It wni cvor thin Frn.H the aaya when Mure Antony Is allied to have pulled off the abovr remutltH recording his old pul, j. Cnesnr, until the present date "has-beens'' have been rclc-nted to the cellar, nil! Schwartz led bin oiunteern from Sulphur Pel yeatordav afternoon and loenl bnnchaU died until the season of 1513. Tomorrow Dnn et al. will begin to oertipv the spot-llpht, The forthcoming football senson promises to be one of Interest for wvewil reasons.

In the first place, the underbill football teum has Wn overhauled, remodeled and redrliled for the hp battles of the year; then. too. the hardest schedule in their history will be faced by the Commodores: third and lastly, the new rules which have been promulgated by the commltteo promise -i invat amount of interest. thoiiRh the ode may or may not prove to be c-rnml to the demands of players and spectators. In order to whip a team into shape by Sept.

28 nnd to keep snid team on edpo fnr a long line of KrliollinA; contests will Five Dan McOugin and his nhle assistant, Dr. Owslnv Miller, a rouplr of fine ynunj? Jobs. That Han' will he able to turn the trick Is believed by every one v.ho follows the prime here. The south's greatest football wiznrd has never failed to meet the exigencies of tlie occawlnn in a hecomlnff manner, and he won't fntt this time. I-'rom the present outlonV- It seems that the most urgent need of the Commodores this season Is a quarterbnelc.

Whether i. Hi' of the men now on the roster will be ahle to put up the nccesrary fUht nnd win the position Is a matter upon which McGURln is reticent. He neither Pfilth yea or nny to the proposition. There are rlsht now three men who will Kivo ft fourth a llvelv hustle fnr quarterback and who will put up a ureat fcrnp' among themselves. The trio Is fnck Curlin, Ttahbi Robins and Horde Boensch.

Just who and why these men are may he summed up this way: Curlin was a substitute on the Vander-bllt eleven last year, when he won a big chunk of fame hv being slipped Into the Michigan game and hootln.T a drop kick, between the bars before the Wolverines realized what McGugln was up vtn. In 1he succeeding games Curlin repeated the drop dose on several extremely nuspl- Hons occasions. Tie Is a fast man. having been also on the track team last spring, runs well hehlnd interference and In a broken field. His defensive work is ppr at lenst.

Robins wns nlso substitute on the varsity e'even last fall and the full preceding. He Is heavier-made than Curlin, about as fust In football togs. Is a fair punter nnd has had considerable experl-rnce on the gridiron. He ha plaved halfback more than any other position', runs hard and was considered a consistent seeond string ground-gainer Inst season. Rnensch Is a-secourt year mnn, with experience derived only from one year's subbing.

As last vear was Ray Morrison's last he played as much as possible, which gave Boon sob little chance tn show in the games. Reensch, Is very fast In his footbRll uniform, runs like streak In the broken field nnd tackles well. He needs' experience more than anything; else. Xow, If one of these men proves to be comer of the proper caliber McGugln win have no trouble In bolstering tin his team. Two of these three men will he able reserve rind thin wIM heln wonderfully with the hard schedule ahead.

nv Phillip P.RVCE. Who will be llK' White nf tho football jH'nson? S.tnforcl II. While won footlmll championship for Princeton last yenr, find for himself ho Rained recognition ns tho most athlete In the annals of Amorlcun eotleslalo spirt. Ills Individual work won both the Vale nnd Harvard football immps of lull. Many experts sav that Ibis vear's new rules will obllvl'ate this Individual starring: that the team whose players are of tho Kreaiest average sirenctn will do tne winning.

It Is only the truth. thai llieso experts know very little about what foot, bull Is itoliiR to ho like this year, mder tho new rules ways mil be discovered to revolutionize the Rrldlron Kame. These experts no doubt reason thoiiKlitfully In iloplne; out the end of Individual prominence, but still It Is tile writer's humble opinion that more than one of the Important (tallies of 1112 will he one-innn victories, and that next ThaiiksuhinK will see a new colleKlnn 'crowned the hero of footballdnm. It was Sam White last vear nnd Ted Coy the year before, nnd It will be someone else this year. There's new one every vear.

I-'ven when the hero of ono season lias another vear In the itiiine, he doesn't repeal. The most Important ohanito that will be brought about by the new rules Is the allowance of four downs Instead of three In which to advance the ball ten vnrds. This, It is widely claimed, puts a decided advantage on the old-time frame the klll-the-tnckle mass plays-plvlnK a decided ndvantaco to the heavy teams that are best at straight football, rills arKues that the star will be another catapultlns llne-pliinBcr of the Ted Coy type. A little thousht, however will make It clear to tho student or the came that the husky fullback Is tint the lOKlenl candidate. A comparatively Unlit man Is more likely to be the owner of the face favored for display on the- November sport pautw.

He will probably he a lithe, shitty splinter, with Brent ability In dodclm; and shakinB oft tnck-lers and a particular knack of catchlnB the forward pnss and getting away Willi It fast The reason for this lies In the fact that the forward pass will reach lta Bieatest development this year. TIiIh Is the play that Is Koins to make the hlBli scores, and that is boIiik win Bamea. And it la the star performer in thla play who will be the star of the 1011 season. The four-down rule, coupled with the new rule which allows the attacking side to malio forward passes of unlimited leiiKth even ncross the Bonl, opens up unlimited possibilities tor the forward pass. An the rule protecting the receiver of the forward pass Is still In force, the ofrense Is given vnst liberty In the use of this play.

The right of the offense to make forward passes over tho goal line will mnkc it necessary for tho defense to keep Its second line back instead of massing for the strength on the line In the mnnner that caused so many failures to score last year after the offense had carried tho ball down to tho ten-yard line. lt Princeton won't have Ram White tills year, but she may have ills successor. Walter Camp once said, "for brilllnncy of achievement no teams have produced so many stars hb those of Princeton. Princeton has had men like McN'nir, Moffat, Lamar. Ames, King nnd DeWitt, who alone have won a great ZIMMERMAN LEADS IN NATIONAL LEAGUE second base.

Slnrrett. who in now with the N'ew York Yankees, drove a short hit Into right Held which Corey gathered up on the run nnd swiftly whipped to Menitt nt third to catch White. White, according to rule, should have slid to the bnse. Instead, he kept his feet nnd taking a daring chanco iQUnded the bag and leaped for the plate. Tho bnll seemed to strike Merrltt's glove simultaneously with White's foot on the bag.

Something, perhaps White's audacity, roused Merrltt momentarily to Jugglo the ball, and in thai moment White slid across the plate with the winning run. Last autumn In the Prlneeton-Harvnrd knnio nnnlap, Princeton's loft end. knocked the hall from the hands or Holllster of Harvard, who was about to trv a drop-kick. Almost before the hall touched the ground the ever alert Whlto had seized It and was off for the goal. "I yards away.

In a race In1 which ho d'stanced his pursuers nnd scored a touchdown. Scarcely had the second half opened when Gardner of Harvard rashly decided to scoop up a bounding ''nil on his one-yard line liistend of falling on It nnd Instantly be was swept 'cm- the qonl line In tn' strong, arms of. White for safety and tho deciding score of the game. Two weeks later Yale. tho lrst ton minutes of nlny.

wns driving Princeton to the gnnl line with a bewildering shift play. Suddenly, on pass from center, Ihe' hall struck the ground at the s'do of Dunn, fullback for Yale. Snm White, dashing In from end. picked up the ball from the ground as lie would naseoan. Instantlv lie wns In full stride for Tales gonl, eighty vardB away, which hn crossed carrying with him Arthur Howe, the Yale captain, who had tackled him on the llve-vard line.

And thus came a football champlonshin to Princeton. Last nt Princeton. Yalo led tho Tigers hv one run on the diamond. Princeton was at hat with one. man out nnd tho liasea full.

It was Sam WhltOt who came to the plate In the crisis. Coolley he let three balls go by, ono of them a strike, and then mot tho fourth squarely with his bat and drove It. far oyer left fielder's head, scoring threo men and winning tho game. nut tho reliability of this man Is not confined to sports. At Princeton last autumn Prof.

J. Duncan Snnoth of tho English department, the day before tho football game with Yale, asalgned to his senior class In Engllh theme which each man was to and present tho following Tuesday morning. Tho next day Princeton dereateu 1 aie mrouKii efficient plnyiiiE of Sam Whit. Sunday Intervened and Monday wns devoted to. a holiday celebrating the TVhen.

In TCncllsh assembled on Tnesilnv morning man after 'man arose mil asked to In excused rrom' handing; in essav. on the ground of the. previous dny's "distractions. One man alono did not' flunk. Quietly he handed in hla esrny and It was a good ono.

I halt man was Sam White. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING AVERAGES (.280 hitters. IncludlnB games of Wednos- any. nei Clubs. Players.

Borton. Cobb. Detroit Spenker, Jackson, Cleveland Schalk, ber 11.1 AB. 8b. Pot 30 3 .13 0 499 103 200 63 .41.1 517 117 KM 48 395 607 100 187 17 .369 44 0 16 1 .841 Captain Mercer of the University of Pennsylvania football team, and a MAIN CHANGES IN OOTBALL RULES.

Below nre summarized tho lending changes in the football rules for the coming season: Ttedvietion. of distance between goals from 110 to 100 yards. Ten-ynrd forward push zone behind goal lino, making; field 120 yards total. Unlimited use of forward pass as to distance thrown. Klckoff from 40-yard line Instead of ofi-ynrd line Touchdown counts six points instead of flvo.

Four downs for making ten yards instead of three, as heretofore. Time between second and third and fourth periods reduced' from two minutes to one minute. Field judge eliminated, officials reduced to' three. Placement or drop kick over goal not good if the ball strikes the ground and bounds over. 'Onslde kick eliminated.

from 20-yard line instead of 25-ynrd line. three games with Rethol. MaryvIIIe and Rose Polv the real begins. Thu University of Georgia will be played In Atlanta, then Mississippi, which put up such a game scrap Inst year, will be on Dudley Field the following Saturday. On 2, a week after the Mississippi game, tho University of Virginia will rnake her first appearance here In over a decade.

This game will probably be the largest drawing cord of the reason, for VhvMa jr- -in. If n.msible, and so are the Commodores. Hence a reg-ulnr contest can he safely promised even nt this early date. Refnre the Commodores get well over the effects of the Virginia game they will leave for Cambridge, where they meet Harvard on Xov, 0. Returning, they piny Centra' of Kentucky here the following Saturday, then week Inter go to Birmingham to mix it with Auburn.

Sewnnee Is here, nH usunl, on Thanksgiving day. Considering the many trips which ihf team has to take this year and the fact thai the teams to he met are such strong ones, a long string of hlgh-grad-i substitute materiel will have to be developed nnd used. There nl wnvs 1 he danger that men will in stale when they encounter such a rough road as this, nnd, hir-rlng Inturles, It will be no easy matter to them in trim. Following is A'anderbllt's complete scheduler Sent. 2S Colletre nt Vnshville.

Oct. at Yn-mvJIIe. Oct. 12 Rose Polvtechni- at Vn.shvtHe. Oct.

10 University of Georgia nt Atlanta. Ort. Unlversltv of Mississippi at NnshviMe. Vov. 2 University of Virginia at Nashville.

Snv. Harvard University nt Cambridge, Mps. Vov. 1fiCcntrnl of Kentucky nt NnshviMe. Nov.

University nt Birmingham. -nv. 2f Sewanee at Xishvllle. I-ast year's bucks will be back en masse, flo to sneak. Cant.

Tarda re hnn been trnlnintr hard nil summer and now weighs He Is in good condition and win put up the best of his career ibis season. Last year Hordage hurt bis shoulder, hut the Injury Ip entirely well now nnd he will cn In as fit ns the nroverhlai ftddle. sprs has been at Reerpheha nil sum re-T and he. too. Is in splendid shrine.

"WHnn Collins has been working nt Mnrfreeshoro during the hent-ed term nnd Is already on hand for the call tomorrow. Yuck Brown, two wears' nil-southern end, will be hnck in harness and unless we are crently deceived he has been enslnir around our sanctum ouito recently, nnvlntr off a little meat obligation of some months standing. who will he. the running mnte of Xuck this venr is a bird matter to predict, hut It peems that Martin Chester 1. nbout the most nvnllnble man.

Chester plaved a irrent game for the Reserves season. He has been nlavlng football ever since lie could crawl, and an he now wel-hs about 170 he ought to be nrettv well un on the game, and is. Tn the Me Buddf Morgan will ngnin pet as nlvot m'Hi. " a coiinle of Jhe B-own hevp, Charley and Tom. doing duly In hi vl'-'nitv.

Joe Covington will also be hack for the line and will prohibit- make There nre a number of f-esbmen "-ho will make gnod try for te line, chief among whom is Shlpp of Steoney. AfpGngln hns Issued the enp for nil enn-didntes to meet nt the Vanderhllt tomorrow, where they will be met hv Mnnnger Bomnr. trophy, representing the miliary rifle championship of the world, the American team led by seven points. The Canadian team is the only other competitor. WEAR ins 31 XLZ.

Tailops Monday until 8 p. in. 8. H. GItOHS, Cutter nnd Denlsner PRICE) I ILLINOIS-WILL GET GOOD Harvey Sconce, Half Back, Likely to Try for the Football Team.

(By Associated PrestO CHAMPAGNE, 111., Sept. Sconce, considered by Coach Hurt tho greatest, half back that evor played at ino university or Illinois, Intends to enter tho arglcultural college thla fall' and It Is said that ho will try to make the footlmll team. Since leaving college more than twelve yours ago he has attended his farm near Smell, and came Into famo by producing cobk'53 corn. Sconce Is now 35 years old, weighs pounds and has a family. Students at the university are entnuslastlc over his decision to re-enter the university and they are hoping ho can "come back" us a football star.

ACORN BRAND BEAT THE DEMOCRATS Tho Acorn Brand a hard fought game from tho Democrats by the score 5 faturo of tho game was the outfleldlng of Budwelser. The Aco'-n Brands were crippled up by tho absence of Lynch, Hundley and Jarrell. Following Is the score: ACORX BRAND AB. B. II Burk, 3 i i Sawyers, ss.

.110 0 Welmer, If 3 Sherlock, 3 1 0 Ahoarn, lb 2 110 Ilnyoa. 2 1 1 cf. 2 0 2 0 Wiser, rf. 2 0 1 0 Totals DEMOCRATS looser, ss. Demoss, 2b Ray, cf Connolly, If Roberts, lb Senrcy, 3b Money, rf SkoKgs.

Compton, ,.22 5 10 2 AB. R. II. B. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Totals 3 2 2 Summary: Two-baBO hit.

Sutherland, Searcy. Home run, Hayes, Burk. stolen hoses. Sherlock. Sutherland.

Welmer. Hits off Hayes, off Compton, 10. Umpire, Boggattc. AITCHISON LEADS SOUTHERN PITCHERS 472 120 101, 48. .341 368 68 115 15 .310 513 104 172 35 835 130 27 43 7 .331 492 71 1G2 19 .321) 77 10 24 0 312 90 13 28 0 311 632 07 165 39 .310 217 19 07 4 .309 484 79 149 23 272 29 83 10 305 373 49 113 IS 43 7 13 1 .302 100 15 30 2 .300 331 37 90 7 4 S3 61 146 22 .299 426 48 .127 11 .293 285 33 85 14 298 84 6 26 2 .298 312 34 83 14 .298 2S9 50 86 10 .298 632 88 1 68 76 .297 4113 00 146 21 .296 453 SI' 131 26 .289 111 13 32 0 .288 364 69 105 16 .288 648 90 160 25 .285, 414 03 118 34 285 111 25 41 10 1.285 127 15 S6 2 .283 495 76 139 ID .283 412 67 116 18 .282 mibcr 11.) O.

All. It. H. Sb. Pet.

..121 3 85 188 22 .1181 ..130 602 CO 182 a 21 3U ti 1 ..112 350 124 10 28 .12 3 11 1 ..122 1SI 07 NH 3t 31 89 9 30 1 .337 125 C5 H2 13 .331 20 45 5 15 1 .333 69 100 28 52 8 .325 ..121 470 75 152 25 311' IS 257 37 82 13 313 43 129 19 41 8 318 7S 242 20 77 3 318 37 00 9 21 0 .318 ..13 2 504 HI) 167 16 .312 1.123 474 73 US 28 .312 410 71 12S 32 .312 ..112 405 78 121! 31 .311 ..125 403 69 144 20 310 124 4511 90 141 26 .309 ..109 424 59 131 33 07 215 24 60 8 .307 78 271 42 83 6 3tH ..101 372 67 114 15 307 ..116 415 79 124 6 290 1. 78 273 33 81 13 200 40 105 21 31 2 .295 335 31 98 6 293 52 110 7 32 2 .291 ...12) 451 511 134 24 .291 12 31 1 9 1 .291 65 189 32 65 3 291 ..130 513 90 148 37 855 07 111 20 288 n.108 368 64 100 7 283 ..100 375 04 108 14 57 129 19 67 7 287 ..113 465 SO 133 19 .286 ..122 479 73 137 22 2811 70 213 31 61 .280 ..108 3S3 52 110 8 284 ..125 469 105 1 33 67 284 ..109 400 52 113 15 283 35 78 15 22 1 .282 ..116 S97 69 111 16 .280 13 26 3 7 1 .280 85 261 35 73 6 280 Clubs. Players. Zimmerman, Chi. Mevers, N.

McCormlck, X. T. Wlltse. W. Miller.

Wagner, Lnhert, Pbiladel. Kelly, Pittsburg. Kllng. Boston Crandall, N. HugBliis.

St. L. Klrko. Boston. Clncin Gowdy.

Boston. Wlnfio, St. Louis. GAMES RAINED OUT MOBILE, Sept. 14.

New Orleans-Mobile; no game; rain. BIRMINGHAM, Sept. 14. Birmingham-Montgomery; no gnme; rain. AMERICANS OTTAWA, Sept.

14. After shooting a- tho 800 and 000-yard targets In competition for the Palma 1 ft football game In progreu. NEW YORK BDUTS AflE ALL RIGHT So Declares Harburger, the Sheriff, in a Short Interview on the Subject. NEW YOItK, Sept. 14.

The official seal of approval has been placed upon tho sport of boxing as conducted In New York city, by Sheriff Julius Harburger. who recently had some correspondence with Governor DIx regarding suppression of the proposed Wolgast-McFarland fight. Sheriff Harburger attended the Attcll-Thomas fight In Madison Square Garden last night and afterwards made this statement: "Before tho boxing began I made a formal statement to tho referee. I said that if -the affair developed into a brutal prize light 1 would stop it myself, arrest the principals and arrest the referee. I think from my observation of what happened that the affair was conducted in an orderly manner in strict accordance with the provisions of the law.

"The bout, to be explicit, wns, in my opinion, pure and simple boxing exhibition and Instead of being a brutal affair, it was a conrest that might bo conducted In any respectable household or In any reputable Institution devoted to this branch of sport. If boxing Is to be conducted under the law on this plane it will bo conducive to the development of athletics and at tho same lime uphold the manhood of the American people. I propose to visit every boxing exhibition under my Jurisdiction as sheriff of New York, county, and will exercise my authority in uch a manner that brutality cannot and will not occur." year, and among the most promising of the scrubs who returned are Hallmark, Harris, Culpepper, Elliot, "Little Rip" Majors, Christopher, Bedez, Faucutt, Noble and Burkes. There are several new prop school men with us this year who have made reputations as promising stars. Spark man from Tampa, Fla.

Davidson from Gordon Military Institute and Franklin from Spring Hill College have made tho best showing of any of tho new men. A.s to the positions the mon on the field will play has yet to bo decided, although practice is well under way, there has been no scrimmages. The men are being tried In different positions, but they will probably be played as follows: Majors, Newell, I.ouUell, Harris, Wlngo, Noble, DespreK, Cook, Christopher, Sparkman, Elliott Williams and Burkes are trying for backfleld positions. Louisell and Majors nre both renowned for their punting abilities: Newell and Wlngo are fast, both playing quarterback; Harris, Noble, Cook and Sparkman nre all fast runners, and they will probablv play half. Kub-ertson, Kearley.

Arnold, Makin and Rip" nre out for ends. Robertson played his first game last year, and proved to be a star player, fast and a sure tackier. Arnold, Kearley, Makin and Majors are all fast men and good players so that there will bo trouble in deciding who is the best man for the position. Auburn hns some good men for tho line In Kssllnger, Holllnsworth. Pickett.

Culpepper, Plus, Lindsey. Young, Thlgpiui. Smith and several others, all look promising. The schedule for this year Is much better than that of last, for this year's schedule is given over entirely to plaj lng Southern nre no long trips and the over-exertion from long traveling will noe he-had to deal with. There are several games that are going to be hard-fought battles.

On October -6 the Auburn boys clash with the boys from Mississippi, nnd no doubt this will be a very good game, as Mississippi usually has a good team. Another game om Importance Is with Ij. S. U. In Mobile, as Auburn remembers the Inst time that I.

S. U. invaded their territory and beat them. The game thoj will attract the most attention In the south this season is Auburn and Vanderbilt In Birmingham on November 3. It has been three years Auburn and Vanderbilt met last, ami Auburn owes Vnndy a little return favor for tho reception ihey received In Nashville.

Although Auburn had a good team last year there was a great deal of sickness and injuries. It is to bo hoped that thev will not experience any of lack this year. 308 THIRD NORTH NORTH SOUTH WE WANT HOUSES SEE OUR LISTS EAST WEST FHOHE H. 2002 THE mm TRUST CO. I Look Who's Herell Monday and All of Fair Week ALJP RATE Will Meet Vanderbilt at Birmingham This Year on November 23.

I SQUAD OUT Coach Donahue on the Field Giving the Men Pointers on New Rules. SCHEDULE 1912. October 5-Merccr vs. Auburn, In Columbus, Oclubur 1U University of Florida vs Auburn, in Auburn, Ala. Octoher 10 Clomson University vs.

Auburn, in Auburn, Ala. October 20 Mississippi A. M. vs. Auburn, In Birmingham.

A in. November GeorKla Tech vs. Auburn, In Atlanta, Gh. November 9 L. S.

U. vs. Auburn, In' Mobile. Ala. November 23 Vanderbilt University vs.

Auburn, In BlrmlnKham, Ala. ThnnkaRlvliiff Day University of Georgia vs. Auburn, in Athens, Ga. AUBURN. Sept.

the opt'iihiff of the college doors everything has been football talk with tho Auburn boyH, and last Mondav when ihe news circulated among tho students that Coach Donahue was koIhc- to Bivn a little reception on the football field at 4 o'clock, everyone turned out to see what was dolnpr. thev were overjoyed at tho slh'ht of about fortv husky men In uniforms, some were very Rood in appearance and others did not stack up so wnll, bvit all had the Auhurn spirit and were ready to tackle anvbody. Tho squad haa Increased, and there are about for, iflv CapL Major, Auburn. sixty men out now, and there will bo few more to come out before the boys got to dropping off. Assistant Coach Pray was on the field, to help' Coach Donahue, and proved himself to bo a man of ability, Instructing tho new men In tho art of handling themselves and tho pigskin.

Tho first two evenings wore given over to light practicing and assorting the men. The old varsity mon on tho field ready for business aro: Newell, Majors, Thln- 6 en, Arnotd, Loulsull, Cogswell. Makin. lobortson, Pitts, Wlngo and Hart. Other old men -who are expected to return soon are Kearley, Ressljac, Lamb and Meadors.

Their return Is looked forward to with much interest, as that will be the slgnnl for the hard grinding practice to begin. The absence of John Davis. Cogdell, Bonner, Burns and Allen has left holes In the Auburn line and back field that will bo hard to nil. as they are men who knew, the game from long experience and did a lot Tn develop- Inc the team themselves through their spirit, Auburn' was fortunate In having an exceptionally good scrub team last Cady, Crawford, Detroit Easterly. Chicago.

Gardner, Griggs. Cleveland. Gondii, Wash Wolverton, N. Ford, N. Bodle, Stahl.

Jones, Detroit Milan, Wash Daniels, N. Paddock, Johnson, WALACE SCHOOL OPENS "Wallace's University School -will open Monday morning with tho prom-. ISO ox n. lOXBe UHruiiuiBiii. Aug uyau lng; exercises will bo held at 10 a.

an excellent program Having ooen prepared for tho occasion. S. "Waters McGill and Dr. James I. Vwico will make addresses arid a large QSflom-v blago of the patronB ana crienan or tno school iu expectod.

finest what could logically be the result other than Shoes of Superiority? That's why you sh 1 buy' them. Classy Clothes Made to Measure as You Want Them ROSTONI MADE) FIT RITE LOOK Famous Shoes for Men. STYLES THAT SPARK are strongly represented in every grade of BOSTONIANS that we carry. And there is good reason for it. Built of the best materials by workmen of superior skill and supervised at every step of the process by men who know how to create the Player, Club.

G. H. R. SO. W.

A v. Altchlson, Mont.29 212 112 101 IS (1 Brown, Mont. 4 24 0 1 6 3 1 .720 Smith, Blrm 3(! 172 SI 120 17 7 Dcmnroe, 35 214 01 230 24 10 .705 Cavot, Mobile. .20 14S 04 14 0 700 Boyd, Blrm 33 218 84 110 23 10 Wngnor. N.

inn S2 117 IS Summers. 140 40 OS 13 Merrltt, Mem. ...12 79 24 30 8 4 .007 Dygert, N. 0....12 4S 20 37 0 3 .007 West, Nash 9 50 17 33 fl 3 .007 Miller, Mont 7 34 23 10 2 1 .007 Foxon, Blrm 29 150 73 117 17 Dessenu, 101 42 29 7 4 .036 Weaver, N. 0....21 128 73 SO 11 7 .017 Camphcll, Mob.

.30 178 79 70 10 10 015 Prough, Blrm. ...30 150 76 109 14 9 Mil Swann, N. 0 20 141 40 39 10 7 .51 Parsons. 19 125 45 45 10 7 5S8 Cose. Nash 31 20 SO 70 15 II .677 Hardgrove, Blr.31 173 75 S9 14 11 Covalesltl.

Chat.28 179 97 120 13 12 .510 More, Chntt 3 222 91 113 16 15 5:10 Borpcr, 38 213 S3 105 17 10 Kissinger, Mom.3.1 219 97 156 15 15 Flehnrty, 210, S3 105 14 14 Sltlon, 193. 93 99 10 10 Ware, Cliatt 23 120v 07 02 9 9 Prlco, 2 13 5 111 .500 Johns, Mont 35 219 106 109 14 15 .4.13 Newton. 31 221 S7 134 14 15 Swindell, N. 1S3 152 13 15 Chappelle, Chnt.32 222 91 110 1 2 1 5 .441 Paige. Mont 31 230 9S 94 12 15 ,4 Brady.

IS7 102 40 10 13 431; Becker, 109 03 24 8 .4211 Bonner. 20 120 SO 69 8 11 .421 Bagby, 12 90 40 40 5 7 417 Neely, 22 MS 70 60 6 0 .400 Chatt 28 253 106 SO 9 14 .391 Atkins, Atlanta.17 1.11- 67 71 5 8 .385 Ferguson, Mcm.35 237 109 14S 10 18 .337 Radabnugh. Mon.13 113 47 45 4 8 .333 Bolls, Mont 13 SO 47 23 3 0 333 Cullop. N. 4 25 7 24 1 2 .333 Adams, 5 17 '16 1 2 .333 Balr, Nosh 30 252 108 88 10 22 .313 Boohllng, Chatt.

43 23 38 2 5 Waldorf, S2 47 25 2 10 .107 Johnson, 8 75 16 1 6 .143 Grovor, 4 22 14 10 0 2 .000 On Opening Day, Monday, and all of Fair Week we will give free with every order a $6.00 Raincoat, made to your measure. Should you not be ready now for a Suit or Overcoat but "desire to take advantage of the fre.e,. Raincoat, offer, you may leave measure now for delivery any time in the next three "months. To the Public In order to get acquainted with i ji- Clie gOOtl- Ul esaui a ui iitiaiiYiiic i have added to our regular line over 200 imported English Novel- ty Suitings, positively worth $5.00 to ipb.UU per yard; Just Rit Open SntunJny until' 11 P. IANGFOHD, nrnndffer BUREAU OF INFORMATION Board of- Trade Aranges Plan for Benefit of Fair visitors.

A permanent bureairof Information for fair visitors this week has been arranged by the board of trade, to be located in their rooms In the Stahlman building. Miss Dorsle and Walker Hop-'klns will be In charge, and the tuit-phone- number of the bureau of information will he Mai nl777. All Information possible will be given visitors who either visit or call the bureau. 38 ARCADE NEAR FIFTH AVENUE.

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