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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE subscribers have entered into Copartnership, under the firm of ADAMS FORD, in the wholesale Dry Goods, Grocery, and Commission Business, in the house on Main-st. recently occupied by Geo. Adams, where they offer for sale, on accommodating terms, a-very extensive and well assorted stock of GEO. W. ADAMS.

N. W. FORD. May'll 144 Mrv9, flaw's Third mSht And last but one nf hi on i a Olm MWmle pre-. tented, Shakspeare's Tragedy of 1CI1 AItl in.

OrThe Battle of Soswortk Field. Kjchard DuKE of Glosmr Mr. C. Kuan; i.ari of Richmond. wi Miss Clarke; King Henry, Mr.

Clarke; Buckl ST'S -Norfolk, Mr. Duncan; Stanley, Mr. Henderson Mr. Foster Lady Ann, Miss Clarke; Queen, Mrs. Dyke Duke of York, Miss Dyke.

JXo cpnelude with the laughable Parce of Lovers' Quarrels; Or Like Master. TMra nL Don Carlos, Mr. Foster; Sancho, Mr! Rice -wUull, uye; jacintna, Mrs. Baldwin. 66" Tickets and places to be had from 10 till o'clock, when the Box Sheet will positively be closed.

Price of admission, tn rh fUv OlMt Dollar. Pit sri COP ART lVKlS era Yi SF.BJHE subscribers have entered into Copart- "wauijj uuutjr mu urm or J. Ingham Co. for the purpose of cpiiducting.a General Auction, Commim'onifoi 'Agency Business, in Louis-ville, and' liave taken store No. 9, Wall-Street, (lately occupied by W.

C. -Rogers,) where they are prepared to receive consignments-rand will make liberal advances on any description property deposited for Sales at Auction, i J. INGHAM, W. C. ROGERS.

Louisville, May 28, 1831. Messrs. J. C. Bucklk, J.D.ColmesxiiJ EsVurcs, Q.

W. Barclay Co. itos ABKAM SMITH, HEARSE DRIVER, is ready and willingat all times to attend funerals with an excellent hearse, and on very moderate terms. Orders John Carter's Hat Shop, on the alley below Alain-street, and between Wall and 2d cross streets, will be punctually attended to. may 28th 1831.

159- Stolen or Strayed, jjROM the; subscriber, living at Shippingport, a large dun colored horse, about 16 hands tigh, white mane and tail, glass-eyed and has a vj5mall mark over the left eye he is a heavy gait- ed beast and has been used to work in my dray. I will pay' five dollars to any one who will return hjm to Me at Shippingport, or in proportion for any information respecting him. I may 28 159-5t SIMON PETERS. IHE unders'igned have this day associated tll.mfalnn. ni wgctuer a joint copartnership, under the firm of CAREY, CO.

nrid- havfi tnlrpn Kn lin.i.. Hugh Guiev, on Mam-Street, a few doors East of the Union HUGH CAREY, WILLIAM WILLIAM READ. 1st CAKEY, HART CO. hare just received from New- York and Philadelphia A LARGE ASD SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OV Black and drabt Beaver and Fur HATS Palmetto, Roram and Wool jo Dunstable, Leghorn and Bolivar BOS NETS BOOTS and SHOES, of every description Tuck, Side, Dressing and Wood COMBS; Philadelphia Calf New-England Hog Skins Morocco and Koan Skins Spanish and Saxony Hat Bodies Russia and Coney Fur; Muskrat, Rabbit, and Hair Skins HATTERS' TRIMMINGS, of every description; SHOEMAKERS' FINDINGS; Gentlemen's Fancy CLOTH CAPS; Misses', Chidretfs and Boys' do do; Men's and Beys' Seal Skin Caps with a va riety of other articles, to numerous to be mcu tioned. yj-As the above articles have been ju dicioiisly selected, aiid bought for cash, we res pectfully invite country merchants, and persona aiming lu puiunasi; in uur une Dy wnoiesaie, to call and examine our stock and prices.

CAREY, HART CO. March 11 MUGH CAREY, grateful to his friends and customers for their past patronage, respectfully requests a continuance; and also requests all those indebted to him to call and settle tlieir accounts up to the firstof January last. HUGH CAREY. March 11,1831 Sjands SPor Sale THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable tract of LAND, containing two hundred and niaety-seven acres lying in Hancock Co. Ivy.

near the Ohio rivei, about six miles below Hawsville. There is about one-third of the the land cleared eight acres of Meadow, well set with Timothy and Herds grass. There are several good Springs on the land. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to make early application to the subscriber, -living on the premises, who will give a good banrain in the lanu. WM.

L. LEWIS. N. B. There is a very good young Orchard of Apple anu reach trees, just Beginning to near.

April 15 122-dtf R. THOMAS E. WILSON begs leave to inform the oublic. that the Drue- Estab lishment, at the Old Stand, 3 doors East of the Union Hall, Main-street, and lately conducted by Da. Daniel deceased, will be continued.

'The same attention will be paid to the quality and priceof articles, as formerly, and every exertion made to satisfy those who may be disposed to favor us with their custom. The assortraeiilijlarge and general, and of the best quality. "THOMAS E. WILSON, JLxemtoT of the Lstate of Daniel Wilson, dee'd. S.

Those indebted to the estate are re quested to make prompt payment. may iu. uu cc NOTICE. NDIVIDUALS, who have borrowed books of the late Dr. Wilson, will confer a favor by returning them immediately.

It is intended shortly to make a sale of his Library, and several valuable works will be comparatively worth- Jess, until rcnuerea complete by the return ol books supposed to have been loaned out THOMAS JU. wjlsun; Executor of Vie Estate of Daniel Wilson, dee'd. May 10. dtfec SAMIi. ISAAC ISEIIi AVE received per Steamer Belfast, and oner lor sale on accommodatunr terms 300 bbls No 2 mackerel; 230 bags Havana coffee; 10 ceroons Tobacco; 35 tierces fresh rice 42 boxes white Havana sugar; 1 00 kegs Boston cut nails 15 bbls A him; 10 do Epsom salts; 5 do Glauber do 51 boxes tin plates.

Louisville, Alarch 23 1 02 G. W. BARCLAY CO. MAVE received per late arrivals, and for sale; 800 Sacks Liverpool salt, 256 Bags Havana and St. Jago Coffee 33 Barrels do do 20 Hhds.

N. O. Sugar, 55 Bbls. loaf do 50 Boxes Gunpowder tea, 20 Do. Virginia Cavendish tobacco, 5t Kegs Kentucky manufactured do.

IP Tons bacon, '40 Bbls. old Monongahela whiskey, 100 Do. superior porter, 30 Gross porter bottles, 50 Tons iron and castings 100 bbls Nos. 2 ane 3 mackerel 10 Pipes brandy and H. Gin 50 qur.

casks Jlalaga and Madeira wine 150 Kegs Boslort nails, as'd 850 Reams writinir and wrapping paper Scythes, Sickles, and a very large stock of all kinds of leather with many other articles not here enumerated. may 10 G. W. BARCLAY CO. EO.

tt AND. BUCHAfVAfV AVE in store and offer for sale, 175 hhds. nrimeSusrar; 500 hags Havana tind St Jago Coffee 200 kegs Boston Nails 100 bbls. Molasses; 50 bales prime Cotton 400 bbls. Mackerel; 200 pieces Bagging 300 coils 50 bbls.

very old Monongahela Vhiskey 75 tons Hemp 50 boxes Sperm Candles 30 qr. casks Madeira Wine; 75 boxes Brimstone 400 boxes Window Glass; 50 boxes Boston Crown Glass 50 bbls. Loaf Sugar; 150 reams Writing Paper; 100 reams Wrapping Paper; 200 kegs White Lea'd; 500 bbls. Ohio Flour. May 11 HHDS.

(superior Fair) Sugars; 100 bhbi Molasses 60 bags green Havana Coffee 120 bags imp Table Salt 20 bales (West Tennessee) Cotton 30 superior Cotton Yarns 50 kegs best Boston Nails Gpipes French Brandy H. Gin, and Wine 2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits 20 baskets (fresh Salad OiL ALSO ON HAND Glassware, Queensware, Iron, Lead, Sole and Upper Leather, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Loraage, o-c. nN nnNSTGNMENT A Handsome and Well-Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, siwes, Hals, For sale by W. G. BAKEYELL may 12, 1831 BY W.

C. ROGERS. Ta riety Sale. On MONDAY EYENING, at early candlelight, will be soft, at the Western Auction and Commission Store, Wall-street, A VARIETY OF Fine and-commor. CUTLERY HARDWARE, JflWELRY, COMBS, HATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WATCHESfond FA NCY ARTICLES.

C. ROGERS, Auctioneer. MANAGERS' OFFICE, Ijonisvilie. My. Tickets and Shares in the lollowing Lotteries are now for sale at the MANAGERS' OFFICE, Main-street 0 12,500 ISOIXARS.

the 27th inst. the drawing of the Delaware" and North Carolina Consolidated Lottery No. 9-will be received at ALLENS'. 12,500 HIGHEST PRIZE. Tickets $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25.

Forsaleat ALLENS'. .20,000 BOIXARS. A BIN the 28th inst. the drawing of the New-, J0 Consolidated Lottery Extra Class, No. 12 will be received at ALLENS' HIGHEST PRIZES 1 prize of $.20,000 1 prize of 3,376 1 4,000 4 prizes of 1,000 2,000 4 400 Ticket half 3, quarter SI, 50 For sale at ALLENS'.

1 Prize of 30,00, asatl 3 PrJvf.c r.r cm nun the first day of June, we shall receive the ilratvtnirrvf f-lin iuuii anai L.ot- Iprs- l(Hh i- uistnout- mg some of the following prizes. I prize of 5,30,000 1 prize of 1,4.10 1 10,000 30 1 000 1 1,000 50 'soj Ticket $12 half S6 quarter $3. For sale at ALLENS' cash-paying office. N. B.

Adventurers should call soon, as but a few tickets remain unsold. ".2 word in season." S. ALLEN, Managers' OJlce. 10,000 dollars! ON the 3d of June, the drawing of the Grand Consolidated Lottery, 10th Class, will be received at Ali.ens'. 1 Prize of $10,000 1 Prize of 1 do.

5,000 1 do. 1 do. 3,000 1 do. 3 rtWw: nf nnn $2,500 2,000 1,620 Tickets $5 Halves $2 50 Quarters $1 25 ON the 4th of June the drawing of the New-York Consolidated Lottery, "Extra Class, No. 13, will be received at Aliens'.

1 prize ok $25,000 1 prize of $1,505 1 5,000 5 1,000 1 2,500 5 500 Tickets $6 Halves $3 Quarters $1,50. For sale at ALLENS'. Tickets and Shares in the above Lotteries are received and for sale at the MANAGERS' OFFICE, Main-street. (V- Letters by mail, (post paid,) enclosing the Cash, or Prizes in Lotteries of Messrs. Yates Mclntyre, and ordering Tickets in these Lotteries, will meet with the most careful attention.

Address R. ALLEN, Agents for Yates ty Mclntyre, Louisville, Ky. May 24 Clarke's Lottery Office, Main-street, Louisville. BY ALL MEANS CALL and try 3rour luck in one or other of the following schemes, tickets and shares in which are now fbrsale at FORTUNE'S HOME. "IRGINIA State Lottery (Wellsburg) No.

Drawing will be received on Monday, May 30, al CLARKE'S. 1KGHEST PRIZES. 1 prize of $10,000 1 prize of $5,000 1 3,000 1 1,800 1,000 10 500 Tickets only $5, shares in proportion. UNION Canal Lottery, Class No. 10.

$30,000 for $12. On Tuesday, 31st May, the drawing will be received at CLARKE'S. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 prize of $30,000 1 $10,000 1 5,000 .1 4,440 30 1,000 50 500 Tickets $12: Halves $6: Quarters $3. MEW YORK Consolidated Lottery, Extra No.

13: On Saturday, 4th June, the drawing will be received at CLARKE'S iitniiKST rmzEs: 1 prize of $25,000 1 prize of $5,000 1 2,500 1 prize of 1,505 5 1,000 5 500 Whole Tickets $6, shares in proportion. Observe, thatCLARKE has been selling Capital Prises, lately, EVERY WEEK. fj Orders by mail (post paid) enclosing cash, or pri2C tickets are solicited. The same, correspondents are assured, will meet with the most prompt and particular attention. Information of the fate of numbers, as soon as known, will be transmitted- to distant adventurers, at their request.

All communications considered as strictly conhdential. Acliircss oijAiuuvs Lottery Office, Main Street, Louisville. May 24. Mfanagers' Prize List. RAW Numbers ol the Union canal lot tery, 9th Class aa a in 90 fifi 1 in 21 20 Drawn Numbers of the Grand Consolidated Lottery, 9th Class r- nr ctv nt -f 41 -i'l 1 Tf.imbers nf the New-York Consoli dated Lottery, Extra Class No.

11 Drawn Numbers of the Virginia Wellsburg Lottery, 7 th Class Ticket Nos. 13 IS GO a comfortable prize of f. -t-w -t-v s- i FIFE tiUjyJJn-" jJJi-mo, was sold by us lady of this city, who received the cash yesterday. N. B.

More Prizes to be had at ALLENS' cash-paying office. Cash paid lor all prizes sold by us. S. R. ALLEN, Agents for Yates Mclntyre.

Afriv 25 cc PORTER BOTTLES, Sec. -g sC CRATES porter bottles quarts; 25 do do do pints; 10 do wine do, quarts luu acmijonns, i to gauons 400 gross bottle corks, Received by late arrivals and for sale by BRUCE NEWTON, March 4 86 Jlfoin. Street Conomaugh Salt. BARRELS Conomaugh SALT anoai, ior saie oy May 3 FORSYTH CO. npiIIS Establishment (situated at the corner M.

of Main and. Sixth Streets) has been 7 a termror years, by the subscriber, wnn hoc ii -UEt-oRMEn," ana new fur- msiitD it tnroughout and is now prepared to accommodate Travellers, Strangers, City Inhabitants, and Families, in a Genteel and Comfortable manner. He has appropriated a large V. VT T00m Ine establishment as a a.x.M.jJlJ.u- AND NEWS-ROOM, where may be found, at all rimes. and.Prices Current from nearly every section of mm a variety oi oreign Ournals- and which will be free to all boarders, lodgers, and steam-boat commanders.

J. INGHAM. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Pittsburgh Gazette Lexino-rnn nhsnrrer leans Argus and St. Louis Beacon will please Kive uie uDove insertions, and send their oilis to this office for payment. 158 tt To the Public.

THE subscriber respectfully informs the public eenerallv, that he has removed from Bloomfield, Nelson Co. to Mount Washington, Bullitt and has taken possession of that commodious house, formerlv kent hv the Widow E. Wood, and late by Dr. .) Alexander, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may think proper to give him a call, in the shortest ana best order. His house is situated on Main- street, the direct street from Bardstown to Lou isville, at the west end of said street, retired irom te bustle ol the town, at the sign of the lvemuciry ijotei.

lie hopes lrom his long experience in the business, arid most vigilant attention, to share at least an equal portion of the public patronage. He also returns his thanks for past favors in his line of business THOMAS R. CALVERT. May 27 158 tf BAGS Green Coffee: 10 bbls. Rum; 5 hhds.

-Sugar; 10 bbls. Molasses'; 50 doz. Claret Wine just received by the Powhatan. For sale by THURSTON 6V CO. May 27.

158-3t 'filrv ADAMS FORD have on hand, and offer for sale, 100 pieces superfine and common CJoths 100 do do do Cassimeres and Cassinetts 2,000 pieces Calicoes; 1,000 do Ginghams; 100 fin nnmrcr iilld firrnrml TVlnshnc. nnw cti'lp mill. i him i ui-uuuiui; mil uu j.uuiuit idi-usLriiig ciiiu unJ-uc- Nap Silks, plain and figured; 1,500, do plain and figured book, Jaconet, and Swiss Muslins 100 do plain aud figured Bohbinet: 200 doz. fancy silk, worsted, and cotton Shawls and lidlc'is. SU do do do do scans; 2o0 do sillt, cotton and worsted Rtockinsrs; 100 do super half hose, bleached and unbleached, 150 boxes wool, merino and Jur Huts; pieces Domestics, plaid and striped, bleached and unbleached with a very extensive assortment of other articles, including HARD WARE, GROCERIES, and CASTINGS, comprising probably a larger stock ot goods, generally, than has heretofore been offered in the city by one fC7" urehasers are resnectlully solicited to examine for themselves.

May 25 SEASONABLE GOODS. GWATHMEY are now coiving a general assortment of SPRING ind SUMMER GOODS, which they will dis pose of at private sale upon the most reasonable They also have in store a ireneral as sortment of GROCERIES. March 31 1831 STORAGE OF G. BAKE WELL has a magazine at Louisville anil Shippingport, and is prepared to store powder at either place, and will keep a constant supply for sale ordcliveiy at his store in Louisville, may 11 Notice. WILLIAM B.

CARRELL having discontinued business in this place, has appointed the subscriber his agent here, to close his Unsettled business. He may be found at all times at the store of JUessrs. Adams, Reynolds Co. where he desires those to call who may be indebted to him, or to whom he may be indebted, and present their accounts for adjust ment immediately. EDWARD CARRELL.

March lath 1831. 95 tf BALES Alabama Cotto Just received by steamer Snout, and 1 sale by MILLER CLjIRKE. April 11 Jamaica Coffee. TWENTY-SIX tierces and 31 bbls. prime Jamaica Coffee just landing from steam boat Atlantic, and for sale by 1111UCE Sr NEWTEK.

May 3 137 lm A SMALL lot of superfine water-rotted hemp. f. for sale by THOMAS ANDERSON CO. may 16, 1831 8jjflUHfIDS. superior New-Orleans Sugar; 9 50 bags green Havana Coffee just received per Uncle Sam.

and for sale by THOMAS ANDERSON CO. may 16 wYOiOFWcCNEEi Shoes and Hats. THE subscriber has just received and is now opening 100 case's Men's, Boys' and La-dics'SHOES of different qualities: Also, 80 cases Men's Hats. All of which will be sold on accommodating terms. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine for themselves, as bargains may be expected.

WM: McCONNELL. April 7 115 ACH1NE CARDS, of superior manufac ture, can be had by applying to G. W. BARCLAY CO. April 19.

JUST received per steamer Constitution, 75 hhds. prime Havana Coff'ke; 100 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 50 2 200 kegs for family use; 25 boxes Herring and for sale by KELLER BUCHANAN. Louisville, may 20, 1831 IRON CASTINGS, JUST received and for sale by G.


have just rcceiv-. ed and offer for sale, a splendid assort- njnnc nmmimuliirh are all the new- 1UCIH. vtv.xv.uw, est natterns. Likewise, a nch assortment ot K4jYCr AND STAPLE GOODS, of almost every description April 20 HIRES COTTO. superior Arkansas Raw Hides 15 do.

Cotton; Received cerSteamer Constitution. For sale by ROBr. G. ORMSBY CO. April 27.

An active, intelligent lad WOULD be taken as an apprentice to the Printing Business at this Office. Appli cation must be made immeuiaij. May 23, 1831, THisSfe C. doors below the U. Bank ivATHBONE, Auctioneer.

Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, No Prnther's Row. SALES at AUCTION oi WlY GOODS fittrw CERIES, regularlr, every THURSDAY MORNING: at 10 o'clock. Large Sale of Dry Goods, Groce iX. VU. Will be sold by Thomas Anderson Co.

juoauuy, uesaay, Wednesday and Tiuri- day, Wi, lUi, Sth and SUi June next, on a credit of Four Montts, A very largr- and general assortment of frerfi and seasonable DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of the following Super Blue Blank. Olive. Grpi-n f'lK. vjjiuw tutu vassi meres English, French and American Calicoes, of various qualities and patterns Cambric, Book, and Siyiss Muslins; Tambor'd and Figured Book, Leno and Jaconet, do. plain and figured Swiss Muslins; new style Ginghams plain and figured Silks; Rhodes' black and colored BombazcUs; bonnel, belt and cap Ribbands; fancy silk Handkerchiefs) black and colored Circassians; silk, cotton and worsted Hose and hall Hose; thread and bobinet Laces -blue anil brown Camlets; super blue, steel mixed, Oxford mixed ami fancv mixed Sattmetts-hoskin ami liiri flWnc.

1' I JIJ(jI1 3 ana beaver, do. a large assortment of bleached and apron Checks;" 1 iaids and Mnnes: Tilrin. 1 Lords; Wilnunston Strioes: Ronm r.c.- tneres; worsted and cotton Suspenders: Irish Linens; Russia Shectiuss; Frcnch Drilin. estmgs, assorted Nankeens, ALSO A. large lot of Groceries consisting of New Orleans Sugar, Loaf Coffee, uls, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, Rice, Wines, hpints Mackerel, ifcc.

ALSO Durinir the sale, mi tt. -l v. uhuvi writers, a ttockof Dry Goods amountijig to upwards $4000 cost vh-ch were sunk on board th Many of the Goods are ve ry little injured persons disposed to purchase will find the above sale worthy of their attention. By S. J.

B. FOEJXE. SALES, regularly, every FRIDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Large Sale of Dry Goods. THREE HAYS SALE.

ON MONDA TUESDA AND WEDNESDA Y. JOTH, 21ST 22ND JUNE NEXT, BY S. 3. B. FORJDE, A Large and General Assortment of Freib and Seasonable DRY GOODS, ON FOUR MONTHS' rarnrT Consisting of super blue, black and mixed Cloth and Cassimeres Cassinetts Rouen Cassimena India, British and German Nankins; English, French and American Calicoes; Ginghams; mam aim ng'ci suits ambour'd and fig'd Book Muslins; Cambrick; book and Swiss Jaconet: bonnet, belt and cap Ribbons; fancy silk fland- Kercmeis new style, imitation, Go.

blacK aud colored Bombazetts Circassians brown and white Drillings silk, cotton and worsted Hose and half Hose Irish Linens Russia Sheetings bang up Cords Beaverteens bleached and unbleached Sheetings and Shirtings; Wilmington Stripes; Tickings; Vestings; thread and bob-biiicl Laces; Hoskin and'kid Gloves; men's buckskin, do. Plaids and Stripocj npron checkj; Persiannas, a new article worsted and cotton Suspenders, BOOTS AND SHOES. Durinir the sale a larsre assortment, of Phila delphia and Boston made Boots and Shoes, fine and common Brogans, Hardware and Cutlery. Will be sold during the sale a lnrire a'ssort- mcnt of fine and common Hardware and Cutlery, To saddlers. At 1 1 oclock of each day, will be sold a lariro lot of Saddlery just received from Philadelphia GROCERIES.

At 12 o'clock, each day, at the door, a larra- assortment of GROCERIES: consistinc of New-Orleans Sugars; Philadelphia loaf do.f Boston Mackerel "and Nails; Wines; Candles i Soap Indigo Rice Copperas Madder, 07- i he attention ol town and country deal ers is solicited, as the Dry Goods arc of this Spring's purchase; and their assortment of Groceries, handsome and Cutlery, very general dealers in Saddlery would do well to attend, as the articles to be offered are very saleable, and win ue soniw.tnout reserve. S. B. Fordc, Louisville, May 23, 1831. Auctioneer.

BY ST ARKEY GWATHMEY. Lar-ge Sale nf Spring and Summer Goods at luclmn. feN Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 30tli, 31st May and 1st June, on a credit of four months consisting of French drillings; rouen and cotton cassimeres: nankeens English French and American prints, of superior quality, and the newest style Swiss and French ginghams; cambric, Jaconet and Swisss Muslins, figured and plain colored Poplin silks, a very rich article black silk handkerchiefs bandana and fancy silk do cotton hose and halfhose shawls; fancy cotton handkerchiefs, Domestic plaid, shirtings and sheetings bedticks checks, etc. ALSO ill be sold, a variety of fancy articles, consisting of rich Bobbmet and Swiss Muslin Pelerines and capes thread and bobbinet Laces figured aud changeable silks; changeable silk handkerchiefs; rich Scarf Veils, Silk Hosef Ladies and Gentlemen's Woves figured Gauie Ribands, a splendid assortment belts, ditto; Bobbinets; Quillings, Leghorn and Navarino Bonnets a superior lot of Prunella and Mo rocco shoes; all of which are well adapted for country andcity traders. At la o'clocK each day, will be offered, Groceries of every description.

STARKEY iV GWATHMEY. May 17, 1831. FLAX SEED. CASH will be given for clean mcrchantabl FLAX SEED. April 15, 1831.

CASH given for FLAX SEED and WQpL. FELLOWES. April 9. die. Uft HHDS.

prime New-Or- eans Sugar 164 bags Havana Coffee; 30 barrels Rosin received per late arrivals and for sale by May25 MILLER CLARKE. Wool Baits, ASOraSRlOR article, just received and for sale-low by TH: ANDERSON CO. may IS. THE subscribers have entered into copartnership under the firm of Coleman Sr JLoiighery, for the transaction of a COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BUSINESS in this city; and are prepared to hiake liberal advances on produce and merchandize consigned to them for sale or shipment. They will also keep oh hand and for sale' on accommodating terms, a larcre assortment of GROCERIES al Wholesale.

Storage and Forwarding will be attended to with promptness and care. House on Wall- btreet, next doortd Messrs. Muir Wiley's. CHAPMAN COLEMAN, NEWTON LOUGHERY. Louisville, April 23, 1831.

INSURANCE OFFICE, No. 7, PRATHER'S ROW. 5NSTJRANCE is offered on as liberal terms as any other Office in the State, viz. Un IWJiltiJHAJNfUZE, in Smrs on Boats on the Western or Atlantic waters Un BTlSAflx-UUAUW, per month, year or voyage. Also, on HOUSES, STORES, MERCHAN DIZE, FURNITURE, in either Town or Country.


cCRUM HARDY have iust received per steamer fiuoy ranKhn. another sup ply of HARDWARE, viz. BOO gross assorted bcrews; I casK patent metal bauce lans; too dodo Tea Kettles; II doz Ames' Spades and Shovels; 1 dc Screw Plates; 6 do Brades Co." C. S. Trowels; 20 do Cam's" taper Files 13 do "Butcher's" S.

Piano Irons; 494 qrs. jiolishcd Augers 34 pair Albert's best Steel yards -witn various oilier articles, wnicli Uiey offer for sale on accommodating terms. Louisville, May 25, 1831 S3 AMUEL ISAAC BELL have in store, and offer for sale on accommodating terms. 300 hhds. New-Orleans Sugars; 600 bags Ha- una and St.

.1 ago Collee lou bbls. Loal Su gar; suu Kegs Boston uut JNaiis; auu bbls. jno. Macicerei; id Doxes un nates; ju noxes White Havana Sugar. Louisville, 24th May, 1831 Law Notice.

HARLES M. THRUST ON and HENRY W. FONTAINE have associated them- lelvcs in the practice of the Law in Oldham and Jefferson Counties. Their Office is on Jefferson Street, near the Court House. May 20 42 tl UR1NG my absence from the city, MJl.

H. W. FONTAINE will be found con stantly at my office. He will attend to any proiessional calls lrom my clients, who may re ly on his ability and industry uiartcsiu. inrHsioji.

May 23, 1831 ELL BACKUS have just received and offer for sale 40 hhds prime New-Orleans Sugar 120 bags Rio Coffee 200 do Havana do 10 boxes White Havana.Sugar 50 bbls Mar seilles Madeira Wine; 50 do loaf and lump Sugar; 1000 sacks Turks Island Salt. May 25, 1831 ECEIVED per Uncle Sam and Hiber- ma 120 bags green Havanna Coffee 38 hhds. N. Susar for sale by Mnyi.7. FORSYTH CO.

fllWO handsome Philadelphia madeSOF.lS, M. (or sale low by THOMAS ANDERSON St CO. may 1 6 PARASOLS. JUST received and for sale, a large assortment of Parasols, among wliich are common bordered, figured and plain fringed, star bordered and blue bordered flowered and star fringed. Likewise, SILK UMBRELLAS.

For sale by J. B. DANFOKTH CO. April 20 BAGS prime Havana Green Coffee, and 75 barrels Loaf Sugar land ing from steamer Philadelphia, and for sale by SAM. UEL ISAA BELL May 7, 1 SSI COTTON, RECEIVED per S.

B. Hibemiaand if Charleston and for sale 50 bales Prime Cotton 199 bags Coffee 50 bbls. Sugar GEO. AND. BUCHANAN.

may 17, 1831. LA GUAYRA COFFEE. FIFTY-FOUR bags prime Green, just received per steamer Geo. Washington, and for sale low Apply to BELL BACKUS. May 11th.

144 Mackerel. HHDS. prime Sugar 300 kcjs Mackerel, for family use Landing, from Steamer Atlantic, and sale by KELLER BUCHANAN May 3, 1831. for BOSTON NAILS. I710UR hundred and fifty kegs Boston Noils, (first quality,) from 4d.

to 40d. just landing, and for sale by BRUCE NEWTON-. April 25 NEW SPRING WOODS. B. BOWLES is now receiv- ing an unusually large and splendid assortment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, to which he invites the particular attention ot his customers and purchasers generally.

April 7, 1831 Tin Plate, Block Tin, and Spelter. KriSi BOXES Tin l'late; 15 pigs UlocE 999 Tin: 61 blocks SoelteMeceived per steamers Kcntuckian and Lafourche, and for sale by BRUCE ti NEWTON. April 22 SiOAF MJiTIP SUGAJR. eSJ" BBLS Loaf, and 52 do. Lump Sugar, 5 just received and for saleby CALDWELL ERNEST.

April 14 CLOVER SEED. BBLS. Clover Seed 63 bags do do-will be sold low by 3 FOKSXTH to CO. March 4 JUST received, 100 bbls. fresh VirginiaFJour.

For sale by O'BEIRNE BALDWIN, april 30 Wain-Street. Jin Ordinance to regulate boats that lay at the Wharf, for the purpose of retailing. Fussed SOlh of May, 1831. BE it ordained by the Mayor and board of Councilmen of the city of Louisville, That all boats that shall lay at the city wharf, for the purpose of retailing any article of produce, or for the purpose of buying and selling, shall pay the sum of one dollar per day after the first four days. This ordinance shall be in force from aud after its passage.

JOHN C. BUCKLIN, Mayor. Sam'i. Dickinson, Cl'k. may 27.

Coffee and Sugar. 6)4 BAGS Havana Coffee, a superior jLWJ' article; 10 hlids. prime New-Orleans Sugar received this day per steamer Powhatan, and for sale by may 27 FORSYTH CO. rfk BALES of prime Alabama Cotton, just 'mMW recived per steamer Water Witch, and for sale, on adcommodating terms, by May 27 FORSYTH CO. BRASS FIRE GRATES.

TTUST received by the subscribers, a few Brass Fire Grates, some of elegant Patterns, -with Iron and Brass front Pans. HENRY THOMAS CO. May 24. 155ow Main St. near Wall.

Fresh Mackerel 4fc4k BBLS. Fresh No. 3, Mackerel- -lust jTF landins from S. B. Peruvian, aud for sale on the Wharf, by GEO.

ANDW. BUCHANAN. May 23 fn A181N S. 1 00 boxes and half bo xes Bloo MM and Bunch just received per Lady for sale by CALDWELL ERNEST. May2fi TARCH.

20 boxes Cincinnati Starch, just received and for sale by CALDWELL. KKJSUSl. May 26 ON Sunday last, (May 22d,) two chesmit sorrel dray horses one a remarkably large square built horse, in (mo order, tail formerly cut short, but somewhat grown out, a good deal n.nilrod hv the collar on the ton of the neck, wheezes when worked fast the other, ball fa-cad and some of his feet white, switch tail ra ther thin and remarkable lrom Doing nigncr nc-hirid than before, narrow and sharp, between the hips. A liberal reward will be paid to whoever returns the horses, or gives information which may lead to their recovery. B.

R. McILVAINE. Louisville, May 26, 1831. 157 tf Strayed or Stolen. rwtWF.NTY'doIlars will be given by the sub- 1 scribers for the recovery of TWO HORSES, supposed to be stolen from their stables on fh'nmVht of Friday the 20th inst.

One, dark bay, between 16 and 17 hands high, a little lame, on the off hind leg the other, dark bay poncy, say 13 or 14 hands high, inclined to be. a pacer, with a sear on his back, occasioned by-frequent use of the saddle. The above reward will be given for such information as will lead to the recovery of the horses above described. PRICE DOYLE. Louisville, 23d May, 1831 154 FOR RENT, A two-story Brick.

witn 1 casement story, Irooms-with a back porch, meat ff. stable Situated on Jef- nnnsite Mr. Colmesml's SersoB-stteeii. iii Mr. A Bavless, jrto the sMT MILLER.

MaySG Jflf to unv ncrson who I1U i will bring SAM to mc, or secure nrison. so that I get him. Sam eloped from my house, Jefferson County, near Man's is common. He is capable of writing a pass for lumselt-can qmart fellow to converse, read, and is a -He carried -and clothing, viz. away with him a quantity oi coatand 'reV-dle and bridle are his SHeiad asiWwatchs-andrs atol- Josus STONE..

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