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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • 16

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I uf 10 THE NASIIVILL73 AMERICAN SATURDAY OCTOBER -0 1901 Religious News and Thoughts Among Local Churches Dr John Mathews of MeKendree Church is attending the annual conference at Pulaski His pulpit will be filled to-morrow morning by Dr Ilamlll Superintendent of Teacher Training Department of the Sunday-schools of the Church South Dr Hamlll is one of the foremost platform speakers of the country and a strong preacher Rey Wm -Courts who la on his way to Kobe Japan sent out by the missionary board ef the Church South trt teach In Its university at that place will preach at night "When an invitation or announce- ment is sent out with our imprint it is a guarantee that it is the hand-' somest that can be gottem up-T FOSTER WEBB Engravers and Stationers NASHVILLE Elder Fowler ot Kentucky will Sgltt a aeries of Bormous at the Wood-nd-ntreet Christian Church to-morroiy morning Elder Fowler Is ono of the host known mlnliiers in Kentucky and has keen very suooesaful In the evangelistic field lie filled the pulpit of Rev 7 Sweeney at Columbus Ind while the latter was Minister and Consul General to Turkey Dr Fowler's acceptable la that pulpit for four years and his great Bucceas as an evangelist assures the people of Nashville a rare treat In his visit to the city Services every evening at 17:30 At Tulip-street Church to-morrow Dr Iloas will occupy the pulpit at the morning hour At the evening service Dr Collins Denny will preach the sermon The music at the evening service as usual will be fine Dr Chappell being absent In attendance at conference the pulpit at West End will be filled by Dr Stevenson of Vanderbilt University nt the II clock hour -At Frasier Mission Chapel Rev Crutchfield of Texas will preach at 30 Dr Cross Alexander has kindly consented to servo the Immense Bible class at West End to-morrow Dr Chappell being absent At the CentT1 Bmtist CUurth in Ilf morning Dr Loftoa will preah on the subject "No Discretion Between the Secular and the Basra i In Christianity (At night he will lettuce with chalk lllus-jtratlons on "Pilgrims' Frou the (AVlcKet Gate to the House of the Interpreter" The meeting that has tu-cn In piegress for three wjjks at the Teuth-slre-t Church of Cheat con by Kt- (B Lartraore sen' nus grow In Inier-t-at About twenty have been add' to the church At (he First Baptist Church Dr Untieing Burrows the pastor will prench in Hhe morning on Vision of and in the evening od "The CU of David The following musical programme will be given la the morning: of the Bright by chorus cnrlr 'and response by choir' violin solo Alfred Howell offertory Jilss Vesey male quar- tatte Messrs Petway Llllard Spain and Potway At the evening service: "Come (lore to the Savior' by chorue lists offertory Miss Vesey d' Prayer cf the Messrs Petwuy and l-illanl Mistakes and the Failures cl the will he Rev Ingrao's subject to-morrow morning nt First Cumberland Presbyt-rian Chur At night Col Holt of the Salvation Army will conduct the service Roy And'rson of the First Presbyterian Church has returned from the meeting of Svnod of Tenneasre nt Bristol and will 1111 his pulpit to-morrow Elder Gales Adams also represented the First Presbyterian Church The protracted meeting at the Jo John-B ton-avenue Churih of Christ will begin to-morrow at 11 o'clock with the following discussions for the week: "The Battle of Ideas' to-morrow at 11 "Is There a Cod?" will be the question for the nights of the week to which the following answers will be given: "The Answers of Astronomy and on Sunday and Monday nights "The Soul on Tuesday night Bible on Wednesday night on Thursday and Friday nlehtjs the answer of the Jew and the Christian There will be no meetings on Saturday nights Rev John Lyle will preach at the West Nashville Presbyterian Church at 3 30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon The MeKendree Auxiliary of the Foreign Missionary Society will meet next Friday afternoon st 3 o'clock The third annual convention of the Pentecostal Alllanre will convene In this city next Wednesday at the Alliance Mission ball on the corner of North Summer s'reet Bnd Joe Johnston avenue The convention will continue until Nov 4 It Is expected that the atlcndance this year will he about double that of any previous convention Delegates are expected from fight Southern States and possibly a number from the Ncrth A large number of the lending Holiness preachers will he In nttenonneo and will speak during the convention Rev John Lyle will lecture at the Young Women's ChrlBtlan Association building on Friday afternoon at 3 tto o'clock subject 'The Greatness of the The subject for the Bermon at the Church of tlie Advent at 11 o'clock will be "Faith In Jesus At the evensong service at 7 3d It will be "Christian Zeal aa Illustrated by Saints Simon and Jude" Rev lergner has returned from attending the Oliva Branch Synod ot the Lutheran Church which met at Indianapolis To-morrow night Rev Clarke will pi each the last of the series of sermons on "The King's the subject being "The End of the Way" Beginning with the first Sunday night in November Mr Clarke la to give a series of Bible lectures on the life and epistles of Paul Printed syllabi of the lectures have been prepared for the benefit of those who wish to preserve outlines of the studies Conversion of and "The Constructionist" will he Rev subjoets to-morrpw at Immanuel Baptist Church Dr Rust will preach at both services to-morrow at the Edgefield Baptist Church Rev Manning rector of Christ Church returns to-day and will hold services to-morrow POLORED CHURCHES At the Fl-st Colored Baptist Church Rev Isaac will preach In the morning and Rev 8 Ellington will preach at night The great fall rally will progress all day with excellent music by the choir Rev James Bond pastor of Howard Congregational Church will preach at 11 o'clock At o'clock Dr Ira Landrlth will address a union meeting of the Men's League and Music will be a feature of the meeting At the close of the morning service an Important meeting of all the officers of the church Is called At the Fnlon Congregational Church St Fisk University Rev Ft option Barnes the pastor will preach at 11 o'clock The Young Meh's Christian Association and Christian Endeavor will meet at 9 o'clock and Punday-school at 2 Church Services To-Morrow EPISCOPAL Christ Church Roy Manning rector okhratlou of holy communion at 7:30 a Sunday-st honl at if ttO morning praver and sermon at 11 Sunday-school at Mission of Redeemer at 3 and evening prayer and sermon at 7 30 o'clock St Ann's Church Rev Laird rector at 9 30 service and sermon at 11 o'clock evening service and sermon Ot 7 20 Ft Stephen's Mission Rev Laird Sunday-school at 3 oi evening service at 4 Church of the Advent Rcr A rector Holy eucharist at 7 30 a Sunday-si hool at 9 30 service and sermon at 11 evensong at 7 30 dally eucbariit at 7 3h a except on Thursday when it will be nt 9 a Monday will be the Feast of Ht Simon and Juaer Friday will be the Feast of oil Saints early eucharist at 7 30 a choral eurharlst at 10 a vespers for tho dead at 7 Saturday will be All Souls Day requiem at 7 30 a St Andrew's Mission West Nashville Kev A Herett-Jones priest in charge--Holy eurharlst at 7 3d a service and sermon at 10 SO a Sunday-m hool at 330 evensong at 4 30 Church of the Holy Trinity Rev Walden Regular morning and evening services Funday-si hool at 9 30 CHRISTIAN Foster-street Sunday-school at 9 3d preaching at 11 and 7 30 o'clffk by JElder Grant Tenth-Street Cburch-Sunday-iu hool at 10 a preaching at 11 a and 330 and 7 3l) hy El ler FI East End Churih Elder Mlcah Combs undny-whool st 9 30 preaching by the pastor at 11 o'clocjt Woodland street Chun h-Sunday-scbool at 9 preaching at 11 and 7 3 o'clock by Rev Fowler of Kentucky Vine-street Church Rev Ellis pastor Services nt 11 and 7 3i by the pastor: Sundav-Fchool at 9 3u Joe Jobnston-avenuc Church Preaching morning and evening bv Cline morning subject Hattie of Ideas iMibiect There a God the Answer of Astronomy nt 3 clock an object lesson to children praise service at 7 IS question box at 7 47 aermori at 9 South CollfRe-stret Chun Preaching at 11 by Piuldrnt William Anderson of the Nashville Rible Si hool and at 73d by Elder A Moore Gref -it reel Ohurrh-Vrrarhtng at It and 7 7u dock and rich night through the by Elder MiQuuldy LUTHERAN First Churih Rev Dergncr Morning service at 10 30 in German even Inc service in English Sunday-school at 9 17 o'cIch CUMBERLAND I'KKHB ri KKIAN Russell-strret Churrh Rev Goo Shelton FREE Debility and Its Family of Ills is the tula of a valuable hook edited and published by Newton Hathaway tho acknowledged medical authority of America It is (nil of plain facts that every man should know One of theme hooks will aent free to anyone sending their nra and address to DK HATHAWAY 418 Chamber of Com Rid Nashville Tenn Preaching at 11 a and 730 xu Sunday-school at 9 do Chnstlau Endeavor at 3U morning sermon on Conversion of Children services at night Adison-avenutt Church Key Clarke Sunday-school at 9 30 prea hing by the pastor at 11 and 7 3o o'clock First Church Rev Ingram Preaching ut 11 by the pastor and service at 73l) o'clock by tho Salvation Army Kuu-day-s hool at 930 Grace Rev Holmes pastor day -gc hool at 9 30 o'clock preaching at 11 and 7 30 clock by the pastor West Nashville Rev Howard pastor Sunday- hool at 9 3 Christian Endeavor at 3 30 Junior Endeavor at 4 prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7 preaching at 11 and 7 30 by the pastor METHODIST West End Rev Chappell pastor preaching Sunday morning at 11 by Dr Stevenson of Vanderbilt Sunday-school at 3 30 Fraser Mission Sunday-school at 9 30 Epwotth League at 4 30 prenrbing at Fraser Mission Chapel by Rev Crutchfield at 7:30 North High-street Rev James A Orman pastor preaching at 11 by Rev Hammond and at 730 o'clock by Rev Wm Hoard Tulip-afreet Rev Gilby Kelly IX pastor Sunday-school at 930 preaching at 11 bv Dr Hose and at 730 o'clock by Dr Collins Denny Elm-street Preai hing at It by Rev John A Kcm and 7 46 by Rev I Hnmmond MeKendree Rev John Mathews pss-tar preaching at 11 a by Dr Hamlll at 7 30 o' lock by Rev Wm Courts Sunday-school at 9 30 Epworth League at 630 BAPTIST First Churth corner Broad and Vine Rev Lsneing Hurrows pastor services st 11 and 7 30 o'clock with preathlng by the pastor Sunday-school at 930 Dr Burrows teacher of the Bible class Centennial Church South Spruce street Rev Stewart pastor preaching at 11 and 7 30 o'clock by the pastor Sundiy-erbool at 9 30 Baptist Young People's Union at 6 45 prayer-meeting at 7'30 Vd-needuy 1 rmnami'u Chord Ray pas Sunday-school at 9 30 Young People's meeting at 7 preaching at 11 and 7 ebek by the pastor TRESBYTERTAN First Preaching at 11 and 7 30 o'rlm It by the pastor Rev Anderson Sunday-school at 9 39 Moore Memorial Rev Angus Me-Donald pastor Sunday-school at 9 30 preaching at 11 and 7 30 o'clock praise meeting at 7 Second Sundav school at 9 30 regular preaching by the pastor Rsr Cowan at 11 and 730 o'clock Christian Endeavor 6 39 Wcodland-strcet Church Rev 9 Jacobs Preaching at 11 and 7 30 by the pastor Cottar Churrh Rev Moors Scott Preac hing morning and evening by ha pastor Sundav-school 945 prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7 30 PRIMITIVE BAPTIST Smith College-street Church Dr Bunyan Stephens Prayer-meeting at 19 led by Pink Hood preaching at 11 and 7:30 by the paator prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7 39 GERMAN METHODIST German Methodist Churrh Rev Sever-ingbaus Sunday-a bocl at league at 4 15 preaching by the paator in German at 10 30 and in English at 7 3C PENTECOSTAL ALLIANCE Pentecostal Alliance Preaching tomorrow afternoon at 3 and in the evening at 7 Sunday-school at 9 39 street meeting at 5 3u o'clock at the usual places raver-meeting Thursday night at 730 o'clock NORTH NASHVILLE MISSION WILLIAM GREEN SUPERINTENDENT at 10 a by George Pearson and others Services at 10 a by Rev Wm Ross and others Greenwood on the old Dummy Sunday- hool at 3 in Collins superintendent prayer meeting Wednenduy at 7 45 preaching at 7 30 by Rev Frank Carter Winn Chapel near New Shop! on Cedar Mret Sunday-school at 9 30 a rn Ltnehaugb superintendent prayer-meeting Wednesday preaching at 11 a and 7JJ by Rev Lee Crutchfield Cruwford-gtreet corner High Preach Ing at 11 a and nt 7 30 by Rev Thos Hockersraltb prayer-meeting Thursda) at 7 45 ro COLORED CHURCHES Gay-street Church of Christ Rev John Smith Services at 11 and 7 30 Sunday-school at 10 morning there is More Messed to Give Than to Receive'' at night Christ the St proabvterian Chtlrch Rev Jackson Morning service and sermon nt 11 and evening service and sermon at 7:30 Sunday -s hool at 10 Metered Water Tax If not paid to-day will be shut off II Cheney ASSEMBLY JOURNALS Senate Clerk Kirby Talks About the Volumes James A Kirby Chief Clerk of the last State Senate was in the city yesterday and made a statement about when the Journals of the last Legislature would be ready for distribution presume the Journals of the Senate at he Bald "will he ready for distribution about the middle of Novem-b I have noticed several articles lu The American commenting on the sop posed delay 111 the publication of the Journals Two articles especially do both the Brandon Printing Company and the clerks of the Legislature a very great Injustice One states that the Brandon Printing Company was under contract to have the Journals ready for distribution by Fept 1 Such Is absolutely not the fart The Brandon Printing Company was under no contract' whatever to have tha journals ready at any given time to the statement to the fffect that the delay Is due to failure of the clerks to turn over promptly to the printers the ropy for the Journals that absolutely without foundation It requires Bomc turned over to the printers on Aug 9 time to prepare a final calendar file all documents and reeopy the Journals The copy fer the Journals of both houses was turned over to the printers on Aug 9 whlrh Is quite as earlv as ropy was ever furnished before On the Id of tills month a dummy of the entire journal wna furnished me and I am now engaged in Indexing It whlrh usually takes a month to six weeks During the time that 1 have been an offleer of the Senate the Journals have bei furnished anywhere from Nov 15 to the last of Prices of Drugs NEW YOHK Get The trlpnrtlto airivemrnt signori Homo months figo by maimfaetui ing wholesale and retail druggists to maintain a s-'hodulo price Is no lonirrr In effect says the Tribune In lew of this aggressive lu tho drug trade mho are salii to sell below ornt price to stimulate business and who lo not care to be bound to ono scale of rices are consequently pleased Outside o' this cjtv however the warfare against the aggressive is still being carried on in a viperous manenr Birth Pecord Oct 24 to John and Annie Harper No 1150 Broad street girl twins Oct 24 to and Salllo Russell No l1'2 North High street a boy OCt 25 to John and Josic Thompson No 1214 Kayne avenue a girl Oct 25 to Thqmas and Carrie Grant No 1220 kayne avenue a girl mighty to give tbls Jesus into my heart aa an indwelling bavinr what the Father does is to strengthen us with might by the Holy Spirit In the inner man Expect that ix your heart upon God That is the one way to the Father and a a we go along step by step let your heart be hi led with this God is love Love is the divine omnipotence Love is the life and the glory ot God Yea God ia love 'there is the love of the katner and the love of the Son and the love of the gpirit Let us tlx our hope oh the love of the Father giving the Bon into our hearts Let us rejoice in the Bon coming with God perfect love to dwell within Let us bow io stillness while the Holy Spirit works mightily within us to abed abroad the love ood will come unto ua and wilt bring us into bts banqueting house and his banner over us will be love May Gcd teach the waiting heart to expect this nothing less than the perfect love of God perfected In us Thoughts for the Thoughtful Attachment to Christ Is the only secret of detachment from the Dr A Gordon After a man gets into trouble It la easy for htm to see how he might have kept out of ft There is no disappointments to those whose villa are buried in the will of Faber it is almost as presumptuous to think you can do nothing as to think you can do everything Chimps Hrooka Every brave heart must treat society aa a child and never allow It to Emerson As the angels administered unto the Lord do they continue their loving ministry even unto His followers For a poison to think he has only to save his own soul is uut only to think wrong but also to lose the very sou! he thinks to save It ia one of the tine sayings of Dr bouto that idleness be a sin which the devil loves to tempt men to yet he la never guilty of it Ho who is rich for hlmeelf laying up treasure for himself is by so much robbing bis real inward life hia life in and toward God of Its resources Alford Set yourself earnestly to see what you were made to do and then set yourself eurnestly to do It and the loftier your pur-purpose It the more sure you will be to make the world richer with every enrichment of Phillip Brooks The man who regrets that he became a Christian before he had hia fill of pleasure Is laboring under a misapprehension He may have changed his signboard but he still doing business at the same old stand Obligations of a Secret (Sunday-school Times A keeper of a secret is a bearer of troubles When you promised one friend secrecy you did not foresee that your duty to another friend might require the utterance of that very secret Secrets are like a nest full of complications and conflicts of all ready to hati a man Is intrusted with mony find he finds that Bs administration clouds his honor or threatens other duties he can usually return it but he cannot return Intrusted information and be free of it There may be occasions wlun it la a sacred duty to receive a secret sod then to guard it but it is not a duty to be lightly assumed or even sought for sake Be as conscientious about intrusted information aa about trust money and at least as alow to relve It Without Ceasing (Fenelon That heart In which the true love of God and true desire exist never ceases to pray Loe hid iti the bottom of the sold prava without ceasing even when the mind in drawn another wav Ood continually beholds the desire which be has himself Implanted in the soul though It may at times be uncon-stlous of lt existence his heart In touched hv It It ceaselessly attracts his merfles it is that spirit which according to ft Paul help Tray efh our infirmities and makth Intercession for ua with groaning which tered Worthy Discontent (H Beecher Every single dav should be to you a day of rrval discontent You never thought as well a vou ought to think You never meant as high as you ought to mean You never planned as noblv as vou ought to plan You never executed aa well aa you ought to exe cute Over the pnductmn of acholar over the canvas of the artist over the tak of landscape gardener over the pruner knife there ourht to hover perpetually hi blessed ideal telling him work is poor should be so that every day ho should lift himsef higher and higher with an everlasting pursuit of hope which shall only end In perfection whea reaches the land beyond Nuggets of Truth John Newton I God never gtve hts people much of a victory over the world till he lias left them to feel how great is Its power ever them Matthew Henry: Tf we go as far an we can In tho way of our duty God will dtrect and pnable us to do that which of ourselves we tannot do and be doing and the Lord will be with thee Frrar IJ Remember that If tbe opportunities for gTest deeds should never come the opportunity for good deeds is renew for you day bv dav Tbe thing rnr lus to long for is the goodness rot the glory John Wesley On every occasion of un-fiisiness we should retire to prayer that may give place to the grace and light of Gm nnd then form our resolutions without being in any pain about what success they muy have Robertson To me this Is pro-foundest of all truths-that the whno of the life of God Is the sacrifice of self God is love love Is sacrifice to give rather than the blessedness of self-giving If the life of God were not such It would be falsehood to aav that Ood is love Ah the life of God is a flow of this divine sell-giving charltv Lutheran- If you would Increase your happiness and prolong your life forget your nughbors' faults Forget all the slander you hae ever heard Forget the temptations I'orget the fault-finding and give a little thought to the cause which provoked It Forget the peculiarities of your friends and only rnnembf'r tho good points which make you fond of them Trinities and Sanctities: How beautiful become all the things of life when se more of divinity in the Rtralght-vnv we lenrn there are no things It Is the human ronsi imisness untransformr! by divinity whhh belittles or magnifies until all right proportion fq lost The world waits creation waits for the anointing of our blind ryes Rairy Days Welcome to long silent restful rainy days of (all when the silver drops dash flgalnst the pane and the winds blow and the soil la saturated with the dripping moisture Properly rind It In a plvanure for well people to sally forth Into the rain and thpre in mm to do within doors whlrh rainy dny given end opportunity for doing For the children rnmv-djy occupations with srraphook Hnora and paste or toolbox nnd ii door gnnus should provided and mother should rexnrd this Interval nt hr fide as peculiarly her happy opportunity with tho nursery group Guard Your Thoughts (Lubbock I Favs Ruakln fntry palaces wre may build of beautiful thoughts proof against all orixetsitv bright fancies satisfied memories tii'ble histories faithful sayings of pre fous and restful thoughts wh'rh rare mnnnt disturb nor pnln make gloomy nor poverty take away from ua -houses built without hands for our souls to IRc must he as careful to keep friends as to make th The afTertlnna should not mere of a nlrht Friendship gives nr privilege to make ourselves disagreeable Given Encouragement A beautiful thought I gracefully expressed In ihe following word How we wre tlmca repaid for a little Suppose you take up from the ground a lot of laniasnv row bu is put Hi' in Into your pokct and whn nu get home place them In water IP fere lorg vou will have full-blown flowers In i of the buds and they will show no Mgc of the rntsnlng Ihejr have rereived So wilh om ruhcd fouls -they have bren lusulUd wciled abandoned perhaps gituie on linn numirnge blp tlim- privf lucm some ground still to put fnth in hnn anttv God will smile on you even than If you had prtarhed a rtnm Admiral Schley Accepts (TUPACO Ort 2r Roar Admiral Vf bus irerptod tht invitation of tho Hamilton Flub to preaont at a nnd banquet tc bo givpn in his honor but 1j ei yet to Damn date If the Lord Should Come (Margaret gangster In 8undayScbool (Times If th Lord should come in the morning As I went about my work The little things and the quiet things That a servant cannot shirk Though nobody ever sees them And only the dear Lord cares That they aiaays are dune in the ot the sun Would He take me unawares? If my Lord should come at noonday The time of the dust and heat When the glare is white and tne air is atlll And the honf-bcats sound in the street If my duar Lord at noonday And smiled in my tired eyes Would it not be sweet Ilis look to meet? Would Ho take me by surprise? If my Lord came hither st evening In the fragrant dew and dusk When the world drops ort its mantis Of daylight like a husk And flowers in wonderful beauty And we fold our hands and rct Would His touch of my hand His low command Bring me unhoped-for test? Why do I ask and question? He Is ever coming to me Morning and noon and evening If I blit tyes to see And the dally load grows lighter 'Ihe daily cares grow sweet For the Master Is near tne Master is here 1 have only to lit at His feet True Courage in Preaching (Northwestern Christian Advocate) Nothing could be of more service to the chun and to the kingdom of God In these days than the spirit which characterized the old prophets of Lrut-1 and some of the preacneis of Reformation tho spirit which grew out of the sense of God's lmmo diote presence and the duty of naming men from impending danger Hufh a man was Bishop la timer who ones pkeochcd a sermon before Henry VIII which greatly offended Ills Majosry Latimer was ordered to appear the next Sunday before (he King and make a suitable apology for hts otlcnse After reading his text the Htufiop began hla sermon thus Latimer dost thou know before whom thou art this day to speak? To the high and mighty monarch the Kings most excellent majesty who can take away thy life if thou offendest therefore take heed that thou speakest not a word that may displease Rut then consider well Hugh dost thou not know from whence thou upon whose message thou art Even by the great and mlRhty God who is all present and who beholdoyj all thy ways and who Is able to cast thy soul into hell Therefore take care that thou delivereat thy message faithfully" It is xiated that ofur thta Introduction he proceeded to preach the snrne simoij which he had delivered the week before but with much more emphasis and earnestness The King afietted to be angry with the hold preacher but dismissed him thanking God that he bad so honest and fearless a minlett Abolition of Sectarianism The Church Standard quote the -following church has again led the way for the Slate in solving the problem of federation The Church of England the (nuren oi Ireland the Scottish Episcopal Church the Church of Canada of Australia of New Zea-land of South AfrRa of the United States have all federated by bonds so compelling that there is greater unity In that federation than in the highly organized and mechanical Church of Koine Changed Condition The Examiner has the following: church that is not awake to tbe changed con ditlon of things to-day that is relying upon old methods that is waiting for a more favorable outlook will soon find itself out of sei vice" Japanese Christians The Church Standard has a letter containing the following: Japanese f'hrlstlans ofteo excel the missionaries in their capacity for receiving arid living out in certain conaiatency the doctrine and principles contained iu the New How to Sweeten Trials (Rev Fradenburgh I Open all the doors to tho religion of Christ It will make this world a paiadise It will sweeten the every-day trials of life the little perplexities and annoyance hule sorrows and trials little disappointments and mistakes Life is largely filled with little mat-Urs We should not wait for great on asions Important missions gigantic labors bitter persecutions mighty oppositions These will come to but few Rut little difficulties petty troubles will come to us all and are the things whUh war away life Keliglon will sweeten these Nature ever helps the tiny objects A small flower blossoms at my feel The clouds gather swiftly in the sky to water It Infinite ehem-tstrv works at its roots to nourish the mighty power of gravitation awrt other unconquerable forces hold it and gtefrd it the sun rise and slimes to paint beiurty upon its cheek the winds are marshaled to fan it the stars are lighted up in the sky to cheer it by right evervthmg is made to contribute to the comfort of this Unv flower God a providence looks a'ter little things The religion of Christ is suited to tired woncn and pevlh children It Ik suited to the office the cradle the sewing maihine the headache the heartache the nursery the school-room tho ioncly attic the evtning ramble It should sweeten all the moments thoughts and feelings the vol-e the conversation the toils and afflictions of life the temper and the heart For Chines? Christiars The editors of the aeries entitled Messages of the published bv Charles Sons have received a Utter from the Rev Timothy Richard of Shanghai the Secretary of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge among the making proposals for a rendering of some of the volumes tf not nil into Chinese for circulation among the Intelligent Christian population of the empire The fact that volumes of this aerie put into an interesting and intelligible form the substance of Scripture ns Interpreted bv the reverent acholaridiip of to-dav make them rot only widely useful for all readers of the Rible but peculiarly suitable for rendition Into missionary vernaculars Presbyterian Missions The Presbyterian Foreign Minion Hoard completes this year Ha seventieth year of organised work and some figures whirh It publishes to show tho growth of the work since Its beginning are instructive The organized work of the Presbyterian Churih for foreign missions dates from 1H1 when the Bvnod of Pltisbur established the Foreign Missionary Satiety whlih was In 1R37 merged into the Hoard of Foreign Minion prrnnt7T of that ttrre hv the General Assembly In the seventy ycRrs the board has retetxcd more rhun fort of which 1 1 93i i9 came in year ending April loi More than two thousand missionaries have been sent out bv the board and Rt th present time fully TO (Vo -ooq natives of heathen lands are taught hv rreehvterlan mieonarlcs from the United States Twenty-five thousand being educated in mission hools of Pren-bvterinn Church 99 71 Pages of religious literature were printed last venr by Presbyterian mlsion presses and JRO S7R patients were treat'd In the some time bv Presbyterian medical mlKstonarle Strong native churches in all the heathen countries have grown out of the work of the board Through Conflict (I () Rankin I Trial and nt bong wvting bitter loss' II is In these very things that we are more then conqueror tliVouep nun Hint loved tit The struggle I within and three hnrd experiences rre needful to pur victory as exercise Is needlul for body vigor or battle for tho wnrrlTS fane it thmugh ennfbct that wo pass to triumph nnd cotjflnt Is the cscntuil condition of our growth In strength When Jesus Dwells in Us 1 (Rev Andrew Murray) i When Jesus dwells in then we arc fllhd with love unto all the fullness of God-the Triune God not only In heaven but in ou1-hearts Fix your hearts upon this- tie (bather must do It nnd whnt the Father will do I must tho Father God Al- had long suffered from lndig shod' writes A LeDds Ccdai City Mo others I tried many preparation but never found anything that did me good until I took Kndol Dyspepsia Dure One cured A fTtend who hud euflerrd mmlhuly I put on use of Kodol Dyspepsia He Is gaining last nnd will soon be to work Before he ud Kodol Dvsjwpsia iudlge tloQ Lad him a total wreck Every Vetnan Is InteresUtU ni ahcold knew abort ibe wonderful MARVTL Whirling Spray Thk new Syrings yc-f unani iomrfurn af-eet- Moil It (ItUMI iMUatt tit jtmr 4rwft4 Sr If ctuinol supply MAKI KI- accept no oilier I ui send stamp for H-luitTstad It full particulars nd direction VitUiaM to IwUles W4MII CO UUetr78iTlnacs iWgAew 1 wrk ie00 fro National Prt a- ri TtlUtWlWSiii'i'dlillirWIfiiln HlflfffiltliHS A Ferruginous Tonlo VpfessMtto taste assimilate quickly and' thoroughly in ail cases of Stomach trouble 1 Anemia and Poorness of th Blood 99 Dross ot PARIS It Foagera a Co AffvaU KY jgm CNQLICK PEMIYROYAL PILLS -n Original and Only aLvetyH S4fK truM I aHM ut Prncrirt ENGLISH In HI1 Ik ln4 Sold Sk1Ml ketn nnl4 -with ii ribbon 1 ak ther UrfnMi Paitrm labli niltiti and liait-fiwa Suj t4c a i main fbr Particular Trnttrmanlal a4 "Kelltf ftr laUto! Utir by tars Uali I 0MO T-Umonlnl gold by Drugit (lil('ktrr hemlfaH thtagapar Madlaaa Sqaarn PUILA PA POLICY Article Favoring Reform in New York an Indicator NEW YORK Oct The Tribune's luidun correspou-ient explains the nature of President article In The Fortnightly Review favoring reform in the City or New York In the following cable "The views of the President's civil poller which the English monthly presents are scanned for some Indication of the leading Ideas which may guide the conduct of affairs at Washington durlrg the next three years The President save little of Tammany but he points out that productive fields are left untitled by the apathy of the Republicans Mr Roosevelt urges on his fellow eittzens the duty of giving practical effect to the principles of brotherhood by frequent communication with the poorer members of the party The Chronicle which comments on the article compares the social problems of New York and London in the political element The Chronicle approves of the President's remark that reformers are til continue 1 danger of slippdrg Into a mass of well-meaning people In their sdvocary ef the Impracticable and more harm than EXPLOSION OF DUST Four Men Badly Kurt in a Pennsylvania Mine Accident PITTSBURG Pa Oct By tho explosion of gas In the dust catcher of furnace No 1 of the Carrie furnacea of yie Carnegie Sleet Company at Rankin Pa early this morning four men were badly Injured Their names John McAllister Harry Evy Dantel McCarthy John Mecadish The Injured will all recover It was first rejiortcd that several persons had been killed but later this was proven to be untrue Over fifty workmen were within 20 yards of the explosion when It occurred and their escape from death la regarded as miraculous The property damage Is about J50000 The furnace was wrecked the dust catcher ruined a big gas tank destroyed and part of the holler house demolished The duet catcher Is tho apparatus that extracts the duat from the gas after it baa passed through the furnace and tho explosion Is said to have resulted from an Insufficient blast The furnace was known as the record-breaker of the world having been In use up to ten weeks ago for seven years without having to be shut down fob repairs It was blown In at 11 o'clock laat night and had a capacity of 400 tons every twenty-four houis CQMMERCIArRELATIQ'NS Treaties Drawn Between Nicaragua Honduras and Others WASHINGTON Oct The Stale Department has received through Consul Sc rshy at San Juan Del Norte translations of treaties drawn between Nicaragua Honduras Salvador Guatemala and Costa Rica to rpgulate International and commercial relations between them The treaties are based upon the articles of confederation of the creator American republics which came to on end some years ago The date or these last conventions Is of February last and In effect they provide for free tiacte between the countries named for equal rights In either cV the clt Hens of any one of them and for the settlement hy arbitration of any differences that mav arise between them A congress is to he held at least onco In every five years Paying Water Tax The delinquent water tax consumers sre paying up at a lively rate to prevent the supply of water from helng shut off Yes-terdav was an exceedingly busy day for Comptroller Cheney and his assistant Will Murray NO OUME NO PAY UhN taklngmediflne It yoi hftVS biTmll waak lout or weakffitng drMi our Vacuum orjrn will ntorf yoa So drug Strtrmr and pe mnnlly eurrwl in I to W4R 76 ouo in ne not one (ullnrr not qm retumwl Immdiotr no I) fraud a ruo (r fre imrtiow flonl old In plain rnrluo UCAUPPUAflCI CO tsa Thorp Blk In4liupall Ini p-4' LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE Now Union Ftntion- City Ticket Office Isorth Uhorry Ft Tvt Dally 4i)aily hunrtav aBtops at North LolUu ntrfst station Leave Arriva Louisville Uinrlnnatl 4 4 mm 21 Sam Louisv ii It A a 7 4-un Louisville 7 2-'pm Aivomodution a12Vm a3iim Evauaviile A 8 4tam 2 Evansville hiratfo 7 Dpm am EvanKVillo it St LouIa 8 4Hin 2 9nrn St Lmus a I'tatn a lftyin Evansville Bt 7 3ipm afitnm Birm tharn Mont merv 1 Mobile New Orleans fe 900am Hnrtuoe Ala Hranoh Gallatin Acoonmuxlntton a rWflnam Acom datum a I'tjun Pulaski Ai Mt Pleasant 4 jktyra Columbia Florence bhef- itu field Tuscumbla 7 5-5jIra Train arriving pm runs from ML Pleasant only Train arriving 7 0ft pm brings connections from Tuacumbi and Florence JAS MrKEAN City Ticket Agt A MOON EY itr Passenger Agi N- ST RY TICKET OFFICE5 Houho (Phone 151) jjk Hunt Agent Union Station TrfJ Knox Agent Sept29 1901 Leaves West end Northwest Arrives St fi SO pm Paducah Hickman Jackson Memphisand all points Through coaches to ht Louis via Martin through coach to Memphis via Hollow Rook Junction Connections for Centreville Branch dally except Hunday 2:1 5pm Paducah 1 pm son and intermediate points Coaches to Hickman and Jackson Dafir except Hun day for 7i25 Wi05 am zu Martin airo ht Louis Chicago and ail points West Solid train to St Louis la Martin carrying sbvper to bt Louis and sleejer to Chicago Citv ft 55 em McKenzie Memphis Arkansas and Texas Through and day coach between Nashville and Memphis South aad Bast 2:25 'Cincinnati and Atlanta TilO am Limited Hlccucr Louisville to Atlanta via Nashville hWpyr Ft Louis to Atlanta via and Nahvilbv 9:30 i 68S pm nooga Atlanta Macon Jacksonville Augusta Savannah Chariest ou Signer Ht Louis to Jacksonville Fla via Martin Nashville and Atlanta Dailv except Kun-dav connection for all branch line 3 hatranooga 10 ft Oam Washington Baltimore Philadelphia Now York (VnnoctioDs for Khidhyvilfe hparta Hnntsuille Irary South Pittaburg and all intermediate jxnnta daily except Sunday Through coach to Hunts vllle 6 OO Tullahoma 15 am turn at Wartrae for hhelbwilla 9 JO pm- (Quickstep 6 40 am nonga Atlanta Macon Augusta Savannah Charleston Through to New York via Knoxville Asheville Washington Local slwper to Chattanooga LH-al sleeper to Atiaut Lebanon Branch 7 20 Lelannn Branch 3 10pm 9 20 am 'Lebanon 4 nokevHIa 05 pm Monterey Liuory Gap and intermediate points 4 5 and 740am ote points Dailv Dallv except Bunds? 4L DANLEY General Agent mmm tVAHSYlLLMtRRE HAUTE RR- imm 1TS0UGO SERVICE Vto and A 2VtfItnild ThrotfgS Twin Daily Nashville to Chicago Mb RoftM SlMplBi (tey Haw OrtewwM akW ktwmw tfL nx i hiwiiiii not piiBTiu NOTICE To Underlying Bondholders of Nsshyllle Railway On anil after Oitobcr 23 1001 past due coupons on bonds of tbo MeOftVoolc and Mt Vernon Horse Railroad Nashville Edgefield Street Railway Company and Nashville Street Railway will be jiaid ukiii presentation at tho First National Bank of Nashville Tenn FERCY WARNER and LEWIS Receivers Nashville Railway The Annual Subscription Offer of The Companion Gives Reasons for Subscribing Now Sec Offer Below Illustrated Prospectus for tne 1902 Volume sent Free to Any Address Sample Copies Every New Subscriber who will memloit this paper or cut out tin- Up and end it at once with $175 will receive All the Issues for the remaining of 1901 The Thanksgiving and ChristmaNumbera The Companion Calendar for 190a lithographed in is colora end gold And The Companion for 53 weeks of more than 950 tones 50 special articles anecdotes etc From now till January 1903 for $1 75 Rw Tha Yoath't Companion fioifon Alan rTZ -w.

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