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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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DEMOCRATIC REE PRESS VOLUME NUMBER 183 DETROIT WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31 1845 THE STATE PAPER DRY GOODS AUCTION COMMISSION GROCERIES HARDWARE AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT DETROIT Nutmegs and BUSINESS CARDS 1815 fHASE Ac CARGILL will sell all kinds of good cheap for cushat (61 Woodward ave Larned's block) vglSdawtf for pcrtv consigned to them HOTELS BOARDIN HOUSES Main st je25 may25 HAMBURG CHEESE nod wardav opposite Detroit Cottage dcc23 PIQt JETTE rlecl Gmd jyl3 GEO Ludticn anil adjoining the Offie RETREAT! I A AJb dec 13 augo aplfttf 2 Ateo assorted ACOCSl LYMAN aplM S5 00 4 Oft 2 00 Lowell Hinckle Bronson fc Crocke 2 1 do do do do do do do do do do Blue Drills do Denines Nankin Gombroon Kremlin Stripes Canvass Satinetts Kentucky Jean Irish Linens bro Hollands Bleached Cotton Spool Thread MICHIGAN the selling of all at their store or rench Lawns German and rench Ginghams Swiss plaids Oriental silks EDMONDS Salesman HENRY DOT do do do African Cotton Balling Wickiog Wadding Stripes lussta Diaper )ro Drills Tickings qua) Red Paddings Wrapping Twine Bagging Burlaps Clocks Watches and JEWELRY HENRY WALKER JAMES CAMPBELL ROBBINS HUBBARD Manufacturers of Improved CHASE CARGILL Wholesale and retail Dealers in dLL KINDS DRY GOODS CH ARLES BRISTOL Detroit and Ohio Inspection for Je by jvl7 WILLIAMS A CO footlst stsssw iJSTA arc at 1 A A BRASS CLOCKS for sale at 145 Jeff avenue by lull declS CHASE CARGILL Staple 100 RECEIVED by express new and beautiful styles of uri Hats which will be opened on Saturday morning June JOHN HARMON Commissioner to lake Acknowledgments for Ohio Rear of Win Jewelrv Store Jeff ave WAREHOUSE OOT BATES STREET DETROIT WILL make Liberal Cash Advances on Produce destined for Eastern Markets or for sale in this city and are prepared to contract for the transportation of Produce and Merchandize to and from New York am oilier Rustem Cities ut as low rules as any other house in the city Agents for the following Lines Troy Ohio and Detroit Lines on the Erie Canal Oswego Line and Oswego Transportation Line by the way of Oswego aul8 lyr WHE1TOX Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon No Avenue Detroit ANAHEL 8 BAGG Bookseller Stationer Publisher and Bookbinder apl9' DETROIT TERMS Daily paper per annum Tri wcekly per annum Weekly BRIDGE LEWIS JJl ORWARDING AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS BALDWIN Wholesale and Retail dealer in Boots and Shoes 1'28 Jefferson Avenue IJsl IVV71 I MA I II BY ARNSWORTH TIjflS house is convenient to the Railroad and Steam Boat 1 landing The patronage of the citizens of Michigan amt of the travelling public generally is respectfully solicited TT Passengers and baggage carried to and from the house free of charge JACOB AllRAND DEALERIN Drugs Medicines Paints Oils Groceries ALBERT CRANE ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AND SOLICITOR Office 1st story over Banking House of the Michigan Insurance Company corner Griswold st ami Jefferson Ave Detroit XT ire Insurance effected at low ratfs aul A WALES ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office over the Michigan Insurance Bank Detroit lOcases Prints qualities 4 no 3 do 1 do 1 da 1 do 3 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 3 do 5 do Will attend to kindwof prouertv al any placein the city or county at all times 1 NTS! oruuchon or private sale solicited REERENCES Brown Cashier Mich In Co Deiroli Carter Ac Co 173 Pearl St New York Wm Williams Co Main st Buffalo New York II Khizie Chicago Ill Longuemarc Co St Louis Mo Warren Cincinnati Ohio Detroit January 1844 MARSHAL BAUONAttorney Counsellor at Law Solicitor in Chancery Sfc fyc officer law buildings woodward avenue i rr II 1 845 HE TRO IT TN GOODNOU A ON sm sors to Orviue IhBBt Ebeg lo resenithenselves as proprietors of this extensive and fa vorite establishment Its location upon the principal avcutie in the immediate neighborhood ot the Bunks Post Office and the most extensive business part ot the town overlooking the river for a verv considerable distance affording an extended view of the Canada shore and the suaroundtiig country offers inducements to the traveller fur business or pleasure unsurpassed in this city heir long experience the business of conducting a public house will enable them to make their guests during their sojourn in Detroit and they respectfully solicit a share of public patronage Detroit May 1 1845 The undersigned truly grateful for a large shafe of the most respectable patronage bestowed upon any public house in the ci ty begs leave lo ask of his numerous friends a continuance of that truly liberal support he has received from them for nearly eight years for Messrs Goodnow Son fully assured that they will find every thing agreeable them Mav 1 1 15 ORVILLE DIBBLE IV MARTINSTEIN manufacturers of hc undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm of Walker Campbell as Atiornevs ami Counsellors at law an 1 Solicitors in Chance ry They Will attend to business in the several courts of this state mid the Circuit Court of the United States office al the corner of Jefferson and Woodward Phoenix Block up stairs NEW COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE rpHE subscriber having recently established himself in the 23 3 PETER BESNOYRS Wholesale ahd Retail dealer in oreign and American Staple and ancy DRY GOODS A DRY GROCERIES) Jefferson Avenue irst door above the anil lfcink Oc24 ly DETROIT VAN DYKE EMMONS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY Detroit OICE in Building corner of Jefferson Avenuenil Rales street lute office of Van Dyke A Harrington A I's A TA 1 A EMMONS Plated A Irittania WARE CUTLERY VNCY GOtllS SOIAR RD OH AMPS Ac Ac AT Ksnicsn TRICKS RICHARD INGLIS CHEMIST DRUGGIST and dealer in drugs AMILY GROCERIES No 41 Woodward Avenue Two doors below Hallock and DERTOIT THOMAS WATSON Attorney and Counsellor at Law in Chancery and Notary Public Office 1st slory over Garrison auction sion Store cornea of Jeff Woodward avenues DETROU Attorneys and C'ounccllors BISHOP attorneys and counsellors at law and demies Slip New York Boston lle Colt Co Troy Livings Buffalo Troy and New York an hi? i Kimberly Tease CoProprietors Boats leave h'ie rims in connection with all DOG IKONS SLAY SHOES Ac Having made arrangements with the manufacturers for a large supply of Pot Ash Kettles kc wc call the aiiciition of dealers to our large assortment of improved ETTLES which we offer at Wholesale and Retail at Manufacturers Prices These Kettles are made from the best Iron and are warranted free from sand holes and flaw Aporovcd paper Poland Pearl Ashas ami all kinds of country produce also old Pol Ash Kettles and Iron taken in payment at I A L'lll I I COPPER AND TIN WARE MANUACTORY rpiie subscriber continues to manufacture Copper Sheet Iron 1 and Tin Ware of every description at his old stand 3S Law Buildings DIUKINSEN WALKER Attorney Counsellor at Law Office Woodward avenue one door below Jefferson wyenue lischers store lh I KOI 1 VMES LYELL XC II 1 KER HEcidlccnon of Notes Bills and Oralis promptly attended to Exchange on ork Boston Chicago Buffalo always lind Money remitted to Great Britain and Ireland Office Jefferson Avenue opposite the Bank of St Clair febl2 DETROIT Crogan st two doors east from Beaubien st DETROIT TTr Mcrehams and consumers are respectfully invited to call and examine their glue and ascertain their prices before purchas ing elsewhere HA OPENED in the splendid Cottage House where he now resides iwo miles down the river a genteel place of resort To all those visiting the ort and to all his friends and all others pacing on this road he would say that the Cultage is large and pleasant ami as a slopping place the Retreat will be a genteel place for a rideo of town He solicits a share of patronage A dock is irumcdiutely in front ot the Cottage where a fine nlace tor fishing may he resoried to se 5 'Trov Eric Line Boats Icav daily In connection with a line of Sleurm Putnam enemies blip Buffalo Me Coil Wabash and Oswego Lt ette and Cincinnati daily This 11 fll lt'ZK lirAd Smith Howard Co Toledo i Bronson Crocker OsWejdf Chas Howard de Co Proprietors Jas Wyckoff agent 23 Coenues blip New York A line of Steamboats run from their House at Detroit td the House smith Howard fc Co Toledo which connects with their ddly line of canal boats to Cincinnati and Lafayette DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE! BRADORD CO SUCCES53R8 OP CHANDLER DRaDORD X30 JeJTerson Avenue Detroit ARE now receiving and will continue to receive every weex during the season fresh supplies of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS lor me wholesale trade Just received and lor sale 20 bales bro Slieetings 2U 10 10 2 DICK INSON Dealer in Parlor Improved Hol Air Empire and Premium Cook Stoves Also Air Tight Parlor and 7 ami 10 Plate Stoves and Manu facturer of Copper Sheet Iron and Tin Ware of every description 33 Law Buildings (octi) Detroit T)RUNES I'1 glass jars and ancy Boxes for sale bv di HILL Lemon Syrrup Pepper sauce REEVE Co Have just received an cHegani and fashionable assortment of rrANCY DRY GOG DS OR THE CITY TRADE XU which vriM be sold ut prices extremely low among them may be found almost every new style of dres gootL mid prints that have yet made Uielrappcaranccon this side of the Atlantic their new styles oi Balzoniic PolaccAS De Syrian Organdies Are decidedly beautiful and cheap and their assortment of Gloves Mils Cotton and dilk Hosiery Paragols Sun shades Li nen Hdkfs Laces bonnet and cap Ribbons Silk Cravats Barege and silk Shawls Delain and embroidered do cannot be excelled Gents silk kid and bodkin Gloves Elastic braces hnen Collars Silk hdkfs rick sil and satin Scarfs and hdkfs Satins and an cy Cassirneres superfine Broad cloths fancy Cassimeres and Tweeds which together vvith a general assortment of staple goods offer indueciinmu to the purchaser rarely to be met with west of New York city my8 REEVE At Co ANN ARBOR EXCHANGE BY JOHN MURRAY Is Codfish and 20 boxes scaled Herring for eale CHAS PELTIER 67 Woodward Ave DOCKET IIAItt BRUSHES eoininz ejnffi glass ami brush or sale by A LOL Jeff Ave 171 GBATES A superior finish Bale 38 Woodward avenue PUBLIC NOTIC The Ublic nre notified that by 1 rewlidmn of the Board ot Imcrmd Improvement the Engi CHANCERY Reports just published and for sale by A BAGG March Office under the Michigan State Bank Detroit M'KEYNOLDS LEVI BISHOP Be Ganno Jones Oliver Newberry tuid Wil liam Brewster Detroit George Clinton Esq ami Messrs Hunter Palmer Co Buffalo) Henry Dwight sq Geneva Hamsay Crooks Esq American 1' ur Co) NY city I OLD plating by Hie galvanic process al Old plated wares and jewelry restored to its origi nal beauty ISE Pure Omni Brandy do Port Wine vdo Madeira Wine These Liquor are of thbest eunliiv and warranted pure they cun consequently be recom en led lo those needing them for Mb'M LU i i1 "i le is OBER 11 DLR OJi I 92 Woodward avenue' ti VI'EH barrels for sale low by VV HU IS ljlU BRIDGE LEWIS OEED)baga Java Coffee 20 do Rio do 10 do LaGuara do for eale low hy LAnOX I Wardell diock 1 1 Together with a good assortment of Cassimeres Vestings Tweeds Broad Cloths Muslins Laces Table Covers and a great varietv of Notions making in all as complete and desirable a stock of Dry Goods for the wolesale trade as can be found in the western country and will be sold low for cash or approved paper BRADORD Co HARVIE BAXTER ATTOKNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS TN CHANCER Detroit OICEin Building ANDREW HAR IE Jail Gill ILK DriroifJuly 15 145 POTASH KETTLN Ke 1OT ASH KETTLES gallons 100 gallons and 120 CAULDRON KETTLES from 30 iot0 gallons amiliescan be supplied with dry Groceries of a very superior quality hv THOMAS IL CLARKE 55 Woodward avenue DRODUCE Wc win pay market price fui Jl Looh Timothy seed lax seed Bees wax lot Aji Pearl Ash and Saleratcs We will also make very liberal advances in CAftHon any ol the above articles und store and ship the same on the most re ismi fcble terms ASPINALL Woodward avenue oppositeihe Detroit Coitage dec23 HO! OR THE removal CHASE CARGILL Have removed to No 61 dward Avenue LARNED BLOCK Where they will keep on hand a large ami Sulendid Assortmen cf oreign and Domestic DRY GOODS atwliclcsalc and retail cheaper than ever! 1845 iG WILLIAMS A Co ORWARDING OlI UISSION oot of 1st Street Detroit AGENTS OR BUALO LINE ON THE ERIE CANAL Hiram Joy No 18 South street Agent New York Joy Webster Buffalo Joy Co Albany Dennis Bingham No 6 South Market st Boston OSWEGO TRANSPORTATION LINE Wright 23 Water street Agent New York Ware IG Long Wharf Boston Wright Co Oswego Co 30 Quay street Albany CLARK PITTSBURG CLEVELAND LINE Agents and Proprietors IIARTON Pittsburg CLARK la CO Beaver RICHMOND CO Cleveland Advances made on properly to be sold here at Cleveland Buffalo Albany Boston or New York jylO DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS DOCTOR THOMAS CLARKE Respectfully inform? his friends and the public that he has open ed a Drug store at No 56 Woodward Avenue Pariicular nilemiou paid to the preparation of Physi Prcscnplioiis and amily Rccepes g22 PARIS PUBLISHED DAILY TKI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY BY A 8 BAGG 11 HARMON CHAS 'b OOD7 EOI1i5 Orricc Woodwru Avenue in new Buick Block Opposite the Episcopal Church Bradford Co have just received and offijr for sale al prices lower than ever (for cash) at the Carpet Ware Room (lately Chandler 4 every de sert pi ion of Carpeting such as BrnsselPs 2 3 ply Ingrain Hemp Cotton and Rag Carpetings Venitian Stair Carpetings Carpet Bindings Slc tec BRADORD Co lUOJenerson a venue SAMI EL DOUGLASSLite of the firm of Douglass Walker Attorney Counsellor at Law and Solicitor in CHANCERY OfiRfcorner of Jefferson ami Woodward avenues Detroit Will attend to busmess mtlie several Courts willlira this Slate He will regularly attend all the Terms of the Supreme Court and Ornamental Hair Manufactory An assurimcut of TZnpees Plain Bmich Ringlet Banls Bin lets nml huir work of every description always on linnil Orders in the aliove line executed with promptness and all articles warranted to five sutisfiiction PERUMERY ALL KINDS Tlie undersi ned tiavinir removed to Jefferson Avenue directly bnpo i'Wttic Bank of St Clair respectfully informs Ins friends and the pubic sencrally that he will be happy to furnish any ot the articles in the above line at as low prices as they can lie obtained) in this city or West of New York and of a quality that Canno fail to please WILLIAM TATE Detroit March 191645 John Smith Co Geokok Beach Esq Pies't Phtenix Bank Hlirtforii IL A Perkins Esq Cash ot Hart Lk Hon Eraskus Cornixo Albany Watis Sherman Esq Alb city Bk Bigelow A Gibson Boslon Mathew Bolles DeGrass Townsend Delroil Watkins Bissell Sight drafts on York for sale al usual rates LHr AL CU11 No 53 Woodward avenue 1)1 LLS COMPOCND EXTRACT SARSAPA Jj or sale by JACOB PARRAND Of! BOXES and kegs of Tobacco a superior article on con sigumeiH for sale low by March 18 1844 LAWSON HOWARD Co Jitt received ami for sale a good assort 'Printed Dru ttets fornmb emte Urpet 130 Jeff Ave inay26 DOTY Auctioneers and Commission Merchants' 41 Woodward Avenue BK ASS AND K11 OUNDERY DAVIS Bates street opposite the Irish Uatliolie furnish all of BKASS WORK Bells of various sizes Sliding door Trimmings and so forth Rcpairiug done on short notice Cash paid for old Copper and Brass Detroit July Id HAIL KO AD TEMPERANUE HOTEL Corner of Michigan Washington Avenues (Scar the Ruil road Depots) BY WILLIAM WIIEATOM JUNE 1815 DETROIT The Proprietor of the above HOTEL intends to mcril and would he thankful for it share of public patronage Temper ance people are respectfully solicited to aid this House WILLIAM Jr Dealer in oreign and Domestic Hardware Cutlery Stoves and Hollow ware Also Manufacturer of COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE novjo No Woodward Avenue DETIIOIT 1MILTON BARNEY Having purchased the WOODWORTH HOTEL IN THE CITY DETROIT Ml CHI CAN And after having repaired painted and remivaetl inc house throughout and added la reel to the fu rniti ire is now prepared lo accommodate the travelling public with all those eonveniencics calculated to make them com fortable al prices to suit the times Carriages may always be found at the Steamboats and Rail roads and persons with their baggage will be taken to and from the house free of rhargr general Stage Office firthe Vrlhernand Sintkern Eincs Xt MEDICINE Compound i luid Extract of S5LNNA LEAVES In this prepurntion the well known medical properties of Senna are entirely preserv Oil and contained in a highly cancentnfcd form at the same limo the nauseous of the Senna ia completely removed rom die smallness of the dose and pleasant taste of this pre partition it is particularly useful lo children every cate where any efficient and safe cathartic is required As on easily nd ftlvexu and remedy in cases of dis ordered smmueb 8ld bowels and worms and whenever a purns tlvc is required an invaluable amily Medicine The dose for a child istrom 20 drops to a spoonful! or two teaspoon fulls Prepared by INGLIS rrr r4 At hH Labrtory41 Woodward avenue Datroit rrn THE vcry description ofClocksWalc 1 es Jewelry itntl silverware (damtigetl) repaired neatly Vi dispatch by ex'periencetl workmen the old of Sign of the Golden ngle We lire ns usual prepared to supply esterndealers with Salt by the cargo or in Jgpt'Jo cst Buffalo prices zn tuPT Gt every description patent and com assatf ZJKEEN APPLES A lew barrels for augl lw fool of irgtSleL mi WAITE Two Journeymen Tinners td T'wh TOMcwMaK DKIT2S oumes Sulphate Quinine Ihs Turkey Opium 079 Morphine hhli Relined Camphor i 10 rsks Hpom Salts 5 bbls lour Sulphur 3 bbls Castor Oil Oi fioz Chnhieogue or sale Ww by Ai HILL Driiszista 'TT'rivilOW 4L4SS 7 9 8 10 10 12 10 14 and 10 lb on hand and for sale unusually low for by ou uuiiu 3 Woodward ave cl 2' 4 boxes superior Cavendish Tobacco 10 do 1 rs utlrv hv irwiii" i uihivt i UHAri PELTIER b7 Woodward Ave HOTEL Corner of Bates and Atwater streets Detroit THE undersigned formerly proprietor of the Eagle Tavern has opened a new and commodious house on the corner of Bates and Atwater streets where he will be pleased lo accommo date his friends ami the travelling public generally His long ex perience in i lie business of eondticiing a public bouse will enable him tn make his guests at during their sojourn In Detroit His liou mid stables are entirely Nitw and I'liininodioiis and the house is furnished tlirrii''otit will entirely new furniture His bible will al till limes lie furnished with the best that the mar ket affords anti his bar with the choicest and best of liquors Willi such arrangements he trii ts lie will receive a share of the ntildic natrontige DAY IS Ulllllt MORTGAGE Default Inning been made in the pay nr nt of a certain sum of money secured to he iitnd by the condition ot a certain niongiige hearing date the twrnticill day of March in the ear nno thousand eight hundred and furly on executed by John La Huron of Battle Creek Miclngnn of th first part to and with Cephas Smith of the snne place of the second part and recorded in the office of Registef of Deeds for Wayne county Michigan on the tenth day of AuguSt A 143 at half past two in Liber 5 folios 501 and 502 up on which mortgage there is now claimed to be due lite sum of five hundred and twenty eight dollars and fifty eight cents and nd suit or proceeding having been instituted at law dr in chancery to recover the debt secured bv said mortgage er any part there of Notice Is Mrehv given tllnt uiJ mortgae will foreclosed atnTby virtue of Ute po ver of sale contained tn said there will be sold at public auction to til iiiehest bidder on riday Ute sixth day of ebruary next (146) nt 12 noon at the County Court House in tlie city of Detroit and county of Wayne being the place where the cir cuit court for said county is held) all urso much of the mort gaged premises set forth in said mortgage ns shalltbe sufficient Id tltc amount which will tc then due thereon and costs ivltieh said premises are described tn sniil mortgage as follows that certain piece or parcel of hind known and described follows to wit: The east half of the south east qiarter of secuoit eighteen in township number one south of range No ten east situate Icing nml I'etng in the town of Redford Suite of Michi gan and county of Wayne containing eighty acres be the sama mere or less" Detroit Nov 10 1 45 CEPHAS SMITH Mortgagee Beer Atty's for Morlgng 'C SHERI'S By virtue of a Plurnis writ nf ieri a ci issued out of the Circuit Court for the county ofWayne State of Michigan tinted Octolicr bth me directed and de livered I have levied upon all the right title and interest of Aaron Thomas in and to a certain lol nr tract of land lying ahd being in said coiintv conveyed to said Aaron Thomas by deed from Aarort Thomas mid Nancy his wile dated May bin l09 recorded InlhO office of the register of deeds for stud county in liber 2 page 226 mid 227 ami lor a more particular description reference is had thereto Ail of which Islial I sell at public auction lo the highest bidder at the county Court House tn the city of Detroit AVaynd coiintv on the 31st day of December A 1845 HIRAM ANDRWS" Sheriff of Wayne County 15th 1845 Ilv Moroan Gage Under Sheriff LARD OlLofllie Cincinnati manufacture for sale by S15 WILLIAMS Co JUST HlTIVTin and for sate new SALT direct from the Jvork WILLIAMS CO foot 1st st MICHIGAN GLANSof all sizes and quality for sale very cheap at the ware 1IOWA GBEEX APPIjI'SH GREEX APPIthS! VSUITVING DAILY the best of Apples all and Winter Apple" of all kinds Will be found at my store on tlecorncr by the Railroad Hotel W'K COYL COLOGNE W1TEB ter tor sole by best Pine Apple Raspberry ami Straw berry Syrrups for sale by HILL auil Br ass copper wire aori ed dzi sale at 3b Law Building Also Sheet Brass of all thickness DICKINSEN TO POT PEARL ASH I signed will advance tin! Highest market price CAM1 goods atihe lowest cash POT AND PEARL ASHES! Intended for Eastern markets Tho vin pose nf wilt woH cull on us before dt DCSlUg UI tlll ii) US lit will find our terms as liberal as any house Hi this city Detroit Collage Detroit AX CONSIGNMENT AT AUCTION ROOM 4 Cases Mens' fiiick nuoiB 4 Calf do 4 1 Kip do or sale by the case cheap for cash Also 100 jars resh Macaboy Snuff 100 hf chests Young Hyson Tea 50 cases 'Wood and Brass Clocks of which can be had at prices rpU COPPER ROCK ADVENTURERS 50 prs of MACK INAW BLANKETS sinbCJe for Miners in that coM Lake Superior country fur aalc at 61 Woodward Avenue jv29 CHASE RG1LL Bronson Crocks? 1815 Ckaries Howard Oswego Detroit CHARLES IIUWAIiD CO orwarding and CoTmission Merchant1 Detroit Si LN THEIR NEW WAREHOUSE OOT IRST STREBY WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Salt Coal Pig Iron Wheat and lour A GENTS for a large fleet of sail vessels xl end riicam Propellers Proprietors of Which arc Bronson Crocker Oswego Charles Howard Co Detroit They ar also agents for the following new and cxceileul steamboats Troy Hclten Strong John Owen and Gen Wolcolti Troy und Oswego Passage and reight BSats leave 08 OLD STOVES AND CAS Old Stoves and Castings fiken in exchange lor new STOVE REP AHU Stoves and Pipe cleancdnd repaired and fine I up at ihnri notice 33 Building Deroil fjj Wanted old Copper mid Brass lv on hand a cond assortment of Stoves Jin wair AeAC which he will sell as reasonable as any other cstahlishmcnl in the city Himse'f being a practical Mechanic he fee confi dent that he can live satisfaction to all who may favor him wall trial und uolietw a share of the McNO All Detroit Mav 2A IS 15 ILITI OICEKS ATTEX TION 1 or cheap an Infantry Uniform Coat and 1 nuts made to ordet bCSl HALLOCK RAYMOND TONS DRY AND GROUND WRITE LIL 0 just received and for sae low by se2 QAM M0 barrels Salina Salt for bww k7 auio Dry Good and Grocery Dealers JAMES A TSOY Wholesale and retail dealer in Groceries" Provisions ll'ines Liquors No 156 Jefferson avenue Di TROl II ROGERS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND MASTER IN CHANCERY OICE No 5 Block corner of Jefferson Avenee nnd Bates street Detroit DAArENSVVORTII ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER TO TAKE AIDAVITS AND DEEDS To be need and recorded in the Slate of yew York Office No 152 Jefferson Avenue over Boot and fihoe Store Dei roil July 29lh 1515 Roves superior btarch lor sale at Manutucturers pri 6 ARRAXD Aticiii INDIAN received hv ihc subscribers arood iHsortuipnl of Indian Goods such alMavkiimc Blanketsivedand Grav List Clothe Indian Ribbons and hawics which Coffered to the at rcnjotrnble 141 jenerson Avenue II Iitt0WATIXG HOUSE SIGN ORNAMENTAL PAINTER HAS taken old stand on Jefferson avenue oppo site the American Hotel where Im purposes carry mg tin the eetieral business of painter All species ol Ornamental VTrk on Wood Glass or Walls done tastefully Transparent Window Blinds of every description executed at the shortest dossthle notice Steamboat Saloons and Cabins Doors Pannels and Windows decorated in landscape and scroll after the most approved and classic designs II assumes as his motto and believe zener allv whatever is to be done were well if it were done With regard to terms he feels obliged to say he is tiling lo be governed by Detroit ways: if is absent from town he vvillhchanpy lo see that grim cousin ot his Mr Dicker pro vided he iirescntshlmself in an edible hahilimcntary or al lcai a a gible shape? inv 1RDOIG AXD STE 1RINB N1H ES A Lj superior ariicle this day received and tor sale al 4u ood ward Avenue fwiina mnmvn' SWBRATUS manufacture a good ariicle for sale: low by WILLIAMS Jc CO tool 1st st hags old Java Laguira Rio Si Domingo i Brazil Coffee on hand and for sale by CHAS PELTIER £7 Woodward ave RR AND WOOD LOCKfi for Mire cheap 200 tcrwoHoien nt CHARLES TO MERCH ANT TAILORS Auction Room one case containing a L'ottov f'M4tfnrrh Mil V1 'v 3 rench Elastic do 1 weens Merino Vestings Black Velveteen 2 Pilot Cloths Also a superior article of Black Linnen Thread Coal Strap and Suspender Buttons jytO BUALO TYPE OUYDRY TO The sulwcriher having purchased the en tire interest in this establishment it will be herenfier con ducted solely in his own name instead of that of MAN A CO as heretofore He is reatlv to supply orders of any extent for any kind ot Jot or ani Tvpe Cases Galleys Brass Rule Column Rule Com posing Slicks Chases and every article necessary for a The Type are warranted to be unsurpassed by any and will be soldiat prices to sun me uuicr Also Printing Presses furnished to order sets EXCHANGE The undersigned having cs lablished tiieinselvcs in the ciy of Detroit ns EX CHANGE BR OKER are prepared to receivedeposits cash sight or time drafis on New York Bosion ami other Eastern Cities buy and sell ttncurreiil mouev make collections al points where practicable and perform such otherageneics in nioneved negocinlions as may be dcsised itlcdgiug themselves io transact all business intrusted to them with promptmess and fi Ichtv ami on lh most favorable terms They are permii'ed to refer lo the following gentlemen: Ketchum Rogers Bement! evnis Townsend Co New A ork DOOK Having in his employ workmen oD superior skill ami extensive facilities the siihscriler is pre pared lo do every description of BOOK BINDING in the neat i 1 a n1 will incredible dispatch A BAGG Wnnn 113 cheese in casks VW qiog boxes just received by (tec7 LAWSON HOWARD A CO QILVER SPOOV MANUACTORY A large as 0 sorlmenl kept constantly on haiitl ami or sale al eastern pr jnnlO CH ARLES PIQUTTE CALVIN ACKSON ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR MASTER IN CHANCERY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Griswold street opposite the new Post Office DLTRO1 1 JAMES IL WATSON ATTORNEY AT LAW MASTER IN CHANCERY AND NOTARY PUBLIC DETROIT WHOLESALE GROCERIES! Reeve Co HAVE Just received and offer fur sale at No 59 WooJwura Avenue 7ft chests Young Hyson Gunpowder and Imperial Tea SObags Rio und ricnibo Coffee 50 boxes and hf boxes Tobacco rine gui xomuxo Macatay Snuff Scotch do Mustard Pepper AlsuicE Sosp Cuspid Segura and a general assortment sailed to the trade Merchants are respectfully invited to cull and examine ou lock oed 5 REEVE SPICE Sc: boxes Ground Pepper 5 do do PimentOi 5 do do Cassia 10 mats Cassia 5 kegs Ground Ginger 10 do Cloves and Nutmegs 5 boxes Pepper Sauce On hand and for sale by CHAS PELTIER 7 Av OYSTERS In cans just received warranted Kiwi I'ur ale by 1UEW DRUlr STORE pre serintions and amily receipt carefully prepared by i IV11 41 Woodward avenue 2d door below Hallock Raymonds 1711ESII CONGRESS WATER this day JD received 24 tier Congress water direct from the Springs (rj A HILL Jr IIV 4 Ar NOX have removed their Sione and Mor hie Yard to ihc Central rail rnmla few rods cnI of the Tem perance House where they will be happy to wait on their old customers and all who will favor them with their patronage Iloninubv attention and imd work io merit a conlinu ance of public patronage Must kinds of country productLon tn trt Hicnl OVO Cassimeres vestings a rich and splendid nssoriincnl of ancy Cnsmineres and eslings smtalilc lor spring and summer wear jasi received per railroad which we are prepared to Manufacture in the lesl manner and latest Style at the Clothing nt the subscriber cor ner of Jefferson and 4 Woodward avenues Detroit JJrj3 HALLOCK HAYMOND The subscriber has on band (T gHd article New York Shirts winch he will jell low 2 150 Jefferson Avenue TtniOY WESLEYAN Th A iHrtcr iusiuuuoii Will commenceW editeM)Bee Ot viirjitiin of ll quarter rhertc hool ton mH the N' 24 1 45 Acting Principal PORTO Ac NW ORLEANS SUGARS! i Double Refined do do Stig irliouse Syrrup do Box and Keg Raisins igs and Prunes (M Government Java Coffee Rio ami Laguara do Ground Cuffed 1 Hyson Young Hvson and Black Teas Codfish Mackerel Salmon: Rice: Ginger: Cinnamon Brooilff MatM cigars Vinegar Alc fur sale at low prices hy ACOB ARRAND 40 oodward avenue I nnt QiT HOUSE ANi) LOT near the Capitol JxN A Ju 12a (formerly occupied hy the lute Mrs Ander son will be sold on reasonable tern's Possession on 1st May next title indisputable Applications will be received by the subsuribcrnl his office 1st sffiry nt Building corner jeffiTsou Avenue und Griswold street "muitf ALBERT CKaNE 2 1 8 1 5 I EAGLE HOTEL GENERAL STAGE HUUSE BY MARK STEBBINS JACKSON upon the line of the Central and Southern Rail Roads excepting those only whose length may make it absolutely necessary ana ill such cases no greater timottmof power than biitrlv sufficient to curry the true across All persons employed upon the public works arc required and all oilier persons arc requested to givg infornmuiin at tins office of any departure from tins rule which may come under their observation j' fcij: COMSTOCK Jr Cort: ft Int Imp Office Deirmi se 8 145 The partnership formed between the undersigned on the Olli day ot Dec 1843 under the style amt firm of twon A Woodward is this day dissolved by mutual consent Detroit Oct Sd 1845 RANCIS LAWSON JAS WOODWARD rrii A new Musical Instrument fot suitable for the Church or Parlor wilha tone smtilor to the organ and of stiffiment power to sus tain 1 tree choir of singers It is much better adapted to aacreJ music than the bass viol and at about the ante price or sale at the Music Store 65 Jefferson Atenuc COUSE iiu pKUIT je9 No4t5 Woodware ave A PATENT INDOAV BLINDS Just ZX received ami for sale lease iissortcdsizes Patent Green Window Blinds at the Carpet Ware Room nf RC BRADORD Co may26 130 Jeff Ave ODA GItAflAMI CKAUKILS 6 bbls for said ly JACOB f'AHItANl i'j No 16 Woodward avenue WOLVERINE BRASS BELL OUNDRY Bv JACKrtON opposite the Central Kail Road Depot Detroit where may be found a general assortment in the above line Ohl Brass ami Copper wanted in exchange for work MORGAN GAGE Manufacturer of SADDLES HARNESS TRUNKS Sfc No 36 Woodward avenue ETA general assortment of Saddles Harness and Trunk constantly on hand for sale cheap 10 bbls for sale by ARRAMD 46 Wood'd rv Just received at HUGH JUSTICE THE PEACE Office over Clothing Store lately occupied as a office by Ezra Williams Esq VV YOUNG ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW MASTER IN CHANCERY AND JUSTICE THE A OICE over John store Republican Hull Jefferson Avenue DETROIT 8 REEVE CO AVhulcsalc and Retail dealers tn STAPLE AND ANCY DRY GOODS AMILY GROCERIES No 4 Idirnctl Buildings Woodward avenue DETROIT i iGi HILL Wholesale and Retail dealers tn Groceries DETROIT fc aspinCll nWlioleraIe and retail dealers in ROCBRIES DR GOODS CROCKER DRUGS fc DYE WOODS HOLLOW WARE CASTINGS PRODUCE tft Woodward avenue opposite Detroit Cottage Miscellaneous 6 WOODRU Dealer in oreign and Domestic HARD WARE AND LE Also Iron Nails Glass1 and Steel Vices Bellows and Anvils Cable Chain and Cordage lBl Woodwnrd Avenue Arc INTO Alinnnds AU 1EH ftr Ibg Ma(cira Nulg 501)0 Jbs Brazil 500 lbs Peacan 100 hu i'ea nnun ihs ilberts IPO boxes Raisins 15 drums tilffinu SOpir uth! boxes Prunes 50 drains igs 6 doz Pkklrs viri'tv mnsiaiitlv manufuc I nnuirs i Hiring from the best materials and for ule low H1 OATS OR few hundred hushclsdn lots of 21 bushels and upward WILLIAMS CO jv2l oot of irst Street C' OLD A few Preminin GOLD IjT with case containing pencil for sale by THOS II CLARKE may26 MRS BROWNING Milliner A Dress Maker late of 200 Jefferson Avenue near the American has remo ved lo St Antoine st opposite the new Catholic Church one door from the avenue where she will be happy to see her cus tomers us usual lipin 'i i Ijs consignment 2UUU LAWSON HOWARD A CO crfA Nf VfV lbs Cheese for sale by t)UUUU myl TO PRINTERS Type foundry and prin furnishing The subscribers haveopened a new Type mmdr'v in tlie citv nf New York where they are ready to sup ply orders of trnv extent for any kind of Job and Type Ink Paper Cases Galleys Brass Utile Steel Column Rute Com posing Slicks Chases ami every article necessary for a Minting The Tvpe which are cast in new moulds from tin entirely new set of matrixes with deep counters are warranted to be unsur passed by any and will be sold at prices lo suit the times All the Type furnished by us is Imnd Priming Presses furnished anti also fetemn Engines of the most approved patterns A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair I resses and do light work Composition Rollers cast tor Printers Tj Editorsof newspapers who wrill buy three limes as much Tvpe aslhcir bills amount lo may give the above six months in sertion in their papers ami semi tlieir tle subscribers COUKUROT OV LREND sel5 6m 63 Ann street INSEED OIL WHITE LEVD and Ground I i Turpentine Spanish Whiting Parts White Red Leul Letharge Ette Ven Red rench Yelllow Chrome Yellow Chrome Green Emerald Green Verd'grw Dry and Giound Rose Pink Gum Copal Copal Varmsh Japa" Black Tin Glass of all sr Pipe Clay Gold Leaf Gold ami Silver Bronze cllow Bronze Brushes icfor sale at low tricep AnRAm No 46 Woodward avenue I IVtl OR received a fine Mahogony Cno Pnmo Gmf A lton Harp Pedal ull and bnlhnnt Tone wiili a d'asronal iron bar to strengthen the Instrument Rom the factorv of Grovestcen Ilsley Albany These Pianos arc now brought in direct competition vv nil the first makers in Boston where they have a qtnred a higo reputa tion for their admirable qualities and the very mo lerme price for winch they are sold Persons about to purcli se arc requested to cull at the" Music Store 65 Jeff avenue und judge lor themselves as to qmdily and price A COUSE novll (oct!) ft I HAS JI'S Eaiii KBtiil (Ik i Ll Detroit LIiVEED BPcTriS.

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