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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • 2

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TITE KASIIYILXiE AMERICAN WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2 1901 NEW ITU Ilt'ATfOAS At the Theaters CHRISTMAS tree liiNlend u( IV- tooim of DoIIHuiim I lirr He lenlel From HrnnchpN UNIVERSITY CLUB HOUSE IS 3 READ THE A BIjILLIANT OPENING NEW RECEPTION AT THE WHITE HOUSE By WALDON FAWCETT NOTABLE Assemblages of Society People Enjoy the Elaborate Hospitality and Admire the Handsome New Home-Afternoon Reception Card Party and Dance Witi Illustrations of tta Flora! Decorations In tlie Famess Fast Room IN Tim JANUARY 1 LEDGER This number of the Ledger Monthly has matter than any other magazine of its 10 CENTS A COPY $100 A YEAR For sale by ail newsdealers who will also take your subscription including III Ledger Monthly Calendar lor Ths L4ger Moitcfciv Calendar for fyoi Hiarmlnfr In hnmah fnunt and natinir uecuratm tmh'y that it nrnkt" a (iHiiirluful turnrm-nt fur ha l-awnitr-riom ur boudoir It 4'ohttlriY 1 lire pumU tu iwiMw t'olofi nn M5it oh PiliitMisM bv atirh ifiist a- i Itrowuand trl aisl a lu from Jif bv 'JoniiMn bittern 'A hi nlcMar would oM! ivailny forTVin tho but is not for tale and tfiwn to LtDiLR MONTHLY yearly mbrribr only petings of tho reception halls and parlors and tho other rooms of the house Two orchestras were lit attendance one stationed In the parlor adjoining tho main dining loom on the second floor and ths other in tho ball-room They were surrounded hjr banks of palms and other potted plan's and alternated In Ulaeouvs ing a musical programme during tho af tercm Tho guests begrn arriving ubout o'thxl and continue (o come until nearly 6 They came singly In couples and In groups In the reception halls of lrfit'a Hoots they wore met and greeted by tho members of the Enlci talument Commit tee from tho club sod by cho Reception Committee which was composed of tho wives of all the married club members The guests strolled about on tours of inspection feasting their eyes uixrn the many beauties of the building both In Its cncsu-uctinn and nrrangt merit a well as fu Its many architectural and decorative features Throughout the reception hours the main dining-room and the grill room were open for refreshments An elubcrale luncheon of sevornl courses was served The eiitlro club membership was pretent to net as hosts und they were coiigralu Inled on alt sides by their quints none wheptt xuuio to tho new club hout-o but IS CM) IGNATIFS DONNELLY' DIRS AT HIS HOME AT AJIWFArOIIS MINN HEART FAILURE IS THE CAUSE Known uk In nf Ninnlgrc-' and Hn' IloIurefcijur In llt-r(ure mul Politic 1 n'S-ry- if v- £5 I i 'KT HON IGNATIES DONNEItT Main Jan 1 rVnnry i'S this lajialnj The ffn'tor p1 4 (K im-i hear! failure and rtv ivva dumre of hts recovery at my time Flout the fl Hoy Tifi'l Haul that cmild true 1 1 vo ph bo a vi i aEtiaiaLiil In being Really TO jcrrs o'd He died IU-out regaining eonsetouisnccr Ignatius Donnelly known as "Tho Sage of Nlunlgre" has been conspicuous In the polltlml and literary field for many years Mr Donnelly cniriB to Minnesota Jlihty-flve years sen ond since that tine ba1 been a member of both houses of the State Legislature and presented bis (lists It In Congress During Ills many years in the Plate Legislature he was a poser lie was on ahle orator always had an auswer ready and rarely failed to turn the laugh upon his opponent Ho had pronounced Idpgs and during his political career had been a lover of nearly every political party known In the State Mr Ttonnelly was an able and deep thtnker an! a thorough Shakespearean scholar His mftny efforts in the literary lino have been well received and he I famous for his writings all over tho country For the last few years he had been bitterly opposed to the polti of the Iietno-cratic party and at the last Federal election he was a candidate for Vice President on the Middle-of-the-Road ticket He was active during the campaign and spoke In Minneapolis end other cities of the State a number of times Mr lionnelly mart led about three year ago Miss Hanson a daughter of Durtcm Hanson of this city Bine hts affiliation with tho Middle-of -the-ltond party he had sat neatly espoused Its principles He was hitler towards trusts and combinations of oil kinds anil was an ardent supporter of the political code in economics and serious pucstlona as set forth in what is known ns the Omaha platform Mr Donnelly was famous for hia promulgation of an alleegd cryptogram on the works of Shakespeare by which besought to prove that Fruuus Baton wrote these woi ka BAD FREIGHT WRECK terloa follilou Reported Near dtalios Vilas MKMriUS Tcnn Jan (Sperlsl A had freight wreck occurred near Hays Station Miss on the Yazoo Mislusslppl Valley Road early to-night and It la reported that seven tralfirac lost their lives Reports from the aiene of the collision arc very meagre and only partial details can be obtained to-ntght The southbound train consisting of thirty loaded grain ears and drawn by two large engines bad the riRht of way In a deep cut a few miles low linys It met a noitlibouud douldo-headtr and a frightful smashup occutred It Is reported that every car on both trains suffered damage and the four locomotive a were badly wrecked trutnmen are unaccounted foi and It Is fenced lost their lives A special train tanylng physicians was dispatched from Vicksburg at midnight for the Bune of the wreck SUFFERING WILL RESULT Detroit Icituml bus knpjly Threaten eel be told DETROIT Mirh Jun 1 Manager Wal -bridge of 'he Detroit Ftv fins Muted to-night that it is believed diet the supply of natural gaa will teniuirnril fail If the present cold snap tonilnucn for twenty-four hours The eompun uerves over tOou families with gin from the t'uiisdlnn ffc Ids and much discomfxrr and puss Me offering is expected Tire huge ei reamer of pis were order-l sum- ti ee ago tn au'iMitnte roal tor gnu lei'-! of 11 cm leave eiiiiipliid but tho couit Ini end hospipvl has still dv-pende el Hi on gax I nil It bciiire ALTOON Jan 1 On I he eon-frwsed ill lap ettl'in of Sidpi'O and flith wv the cuunly lOmmlasloni ra Lave ngii'i 1 tv acccl flint Tux coiver lamis At Culltmgh' )Hndmiiv i-nd aall ie ia Bi'eouiilB equal Hu owe a $42 1110 on Uls lhPtf duplica'i and lu0 on hut l'i''-l duplMutes 'i here amounts imliuls the ellu Votq! to In icculations ITilekusteiv Lea Islei 1 nre AHDMOHE I Jan 1 Cm Julinsa of tho Chiik isi ntlon lasued a mil fur a Bpenul aes-i'in of the tTilikueaw legt3-laturu to oe Tnbimil)o foi the iur pose ot appoiml ig coinmisfclon to with tlie iUwvu mmiuifston and formulate a treaty to ilne UtUoni-hip tolls oti-l other matters nou'hHnry to he itrritngoJ (lee of Stilt'lile CHIDACf) Jon 1 I lion the milling npuuor who wuh two ollurw hml been held bending invcKtigullim into the death of Mrs Hummers who was fi mil dead tn her room Sunday ftom ii bullet wound was rilumiit to-day Tlie Coroners Jury ietmio1 verdict that Mrs Hummers aulrlded Struck li'ti I a CfnrAOO Jan Mrs John Powell Chicago Heights was killed instantly and her huidianl fatwlW Injured bv being strvnk tv a fhiomco Kastirn Illmols passenger train while driving to roes tne tracks to-d iy near Crete 'S Kot only should jr dt'? hae lla day evtrv cit Ra Christnuiy tren 8urh bHftF of Mr Chritfiitm the (inr of the bnjpltrsR cot In New a Ctrt that hftj a tree Uia all Rule girfo and boy to' fully ciriR'in siotkines ond inuring nun Chr tiee on Chrtni8 morunif thr cn cf Airs Iiavcnnan aropo and dd likcvl The entartlr 8(rtam of thr niot out hi HfUo ChriHliiias bry ot gul outdone by the jnfnt raow tf Tisftfiatiii Tti Harmidir fURrtnnt at No ut West Fortv-iiurd street res undod It )iyou pa of tit pralae The trr! was bemitfir) It was gren i rah blight and pt feit And Rtiniht ftom tha flmiat In a hatidaoMe jur for the putay ta the pride of the hour tuul nothing is too good for ber It Is a bon-i-tlfn) pt my allkeu Imlrecl graceful of limb and kind eved Never had those kind eyis optnrd so co Cnruittpas morning when thry bhrid the tieo TLe tree had apnrkh's or a Hirin' mss tier should have but ft hud a No lal rat dainties jfnd in p(ae of piifuoitt Sfrlnes thre vptp of liver all the liver that any at ought to fat even on CtulMmns day when getting 111 an fl Inf Ins 1 a nasm laaihl i tx nrf land III on daintien fa perniiathlo In cot lund thf trp wbfth wm for tbt wore HfKklige for ear ti of tin fur lttle Kitty Hag mentis of tbe kiuit'ft sut up neat nid stiff and did not grab although the atnrkmga contained Burh ns catnip and chicken wing There were also blU and bears for I'usBjr Hgcmarn nnd all tho kittens and paper with whnh to hnve tear game After thy had with all the ChrMmu thlmrs and nil the dainties pussy ud kit- t'nr sang ChriPtren carol until fnr into the night CHOOSING A CAREER Dr Tnlmnae on Way to fuccrcil In life If you arc as we suv nervous ilo not becomo a surgeon writi Dr DeWItt Tuljuage In Success If you are cowatilly do out become aa cnglacer If you are hoping for a largo and permanent Inooma do not seek a governmental position if you are noturntty qulclc-tempcred do not become talinplcr of goapel for wlillo any oue Is disadvantaged by an ungovernable iltspos'tlun there la hardly anvone else who arts such an Incongruous part eg a mad minister Can you make a flue sketch of a ahip or rook or house or hue? Be an urtlbl Do you find yourself humming cadences and do the treble clef and the musical bars drop from your pen enslly and can vou make a tune that charms those who hear It? Be a musician Are vou born with a fondness for argument? Be an attorney Are you naturally a good nurse and specially Interested Ju the relief of pain? lie a physician Aro you iutereaied in all questions of truffle and In bargain-making are you apt to be bu restful on a largo or small scale? He a merdiatit Do you prefer country life and do you like the plow and do you hear music In the rustle of a harvest Held? Be a farmer Are you fond of machinery and are turning wheels to you a fasetnatkm and can you follow with absorbing interest a new kind of threshing mat lime hour after hour? Be a mcibcnlo If you uujoy analyzing the natural chments and a laboratory could entertain vou all day and all night he a chemist If you nre in-qnlsttive about o'hep worlds ami Interested In all Instruments that would bring them nearer (or Inspection he au astronomer If the grass under your feet and tho foliage over your head and the flowers wlikh shake their Incense on the summer air are to you the belles lettres of tba field he a HIS OWY GVltYDFATIH (nmplloatlon ffiizllng Hnongh Make Man' Head Whirl Throuch a peculiar holding of the courts James Hartwell of Albion III has been declared his own grandfather The discussion that brought out this peculiar relation arose over the dlsimsitlon of $175 la IwT there lived at Albion HI a widow named Swan and a young man named James IlartwMl Tbo widow was 40 nn 1 the man 21 but they fell in love and were married Last yenr ho died leaving claiiac In his will bequeathing $175 to grandfather James Hartwell and In tho event of hla death tt shall revert to my The wlfo succeeded after legal advtco In cutting out the living graud-father on the following interpretation James Hartwell her husband was dead and James Hartwell bis grandfather was living but James Hunwell was his own grandfather so the money reverted to her James Hartwell her husband was his lather's father-ln-luw because his father married her daughter llcr husband a father's father-in-law Is her maternal grandfather therefore her husband Is hts own father-in-law and Is the sume ad hts grandfather nnd being dead entitled to tho amount of the bequest MISS RUTH DEBUT CLEVELAND Jan The debut of Mu- Ruth Ham a the youngest daughter of geuntnr Iturna took pla(e to-night In the Chamber of Commerce which was engaged for the occasion because of the distance of the Hanna home from tho center of tlio city The guests Included all the leading EOiiety people of Cleveland about 150U invitations having been Issued The debutante received In a bower of palms She was atlended by her fa'her lor mother her sister Miss Mabel Hanna and hei grandmother Mrs It I' Rhodes ITe Smatcr ami his family will go to Washington thlR week They will make thur home in the old Don Cumeron residua a ltd ixpett to entertain much during the winter tlollronil Automobiles 'Railroad are employed by oIIhIrIh of the Illinois Central Railroad for short trips along the lino and for inspecting pu-poses They resend lo the old handenr tu general appearanen the hand levers giving place to additional acuta i Icomliitf IIH'I At the fliet stroke of 12 o'clock denoting the end of the century an Immense quantity of red fire will be set atlame on the City Hall tower in ITiiludelphm Is Is to bum ten minutes and will be visible in all directions for thlrtv miles t- Krsaei'i liy RRVSSELS Jan 1 to an address of tho Anierican-Doi rommit'ee Mr Kruger expresnd a desire to visit tlie I tilled Sintra but said he must postpone tho visit pu amount erf the affection of the eyes from whhh lie in suffering Senator lel I linn Lansing Mirh jm initcd states Senator Juirea McMillan of Detroit was lo-da lioiuinaUd by a joint llepiil ail uiuais Senator McMillan's re-election to Ills third term in the Senate ts aseured as his majority ts overwhelming neveiiue l'roiit Tolineed Mil 1VM the revenues dirtied by the Mexican Govainmeui Hum the tobacco Industry amounted lu Valuer to (l2hp(MK) ns aguiu-t (louoouo tn Isas $upnmi in lsita ami $Un0lMI la lVU TriislM lu Honolulu (Cm rexpnndt nee of the A- eirtd frres) IIONOLI'IC Dec Distiin Attoiir Hiiird lias received orders to proe Vgjtiust the alleged trusts In Honolulu Trntlte on lire lnlves The ramson of nnvlgntloa which has Just closed has been the most profitable in the history of the Great Lukes In recent years there has beeif a decided falling off In the chat actor of attractions coming to Nashville and In casting about for a reason for this one is confronted with a dilemma Some showa of little merit play to largo audiences and sad to tell not a few of superior worth ring up on ctrp'ty benches It has been suggested that the patrons of the play-house In this city do not keep posited on theatrical doings and by letting some of the good ones go by they have caused the Idea to go forth that Nashville la a poor show town Some managers have duped the citizens ot this good town and anything bearing their brand la approached skeptically Other manaeers are known to carry out their promiscii nnd their atfructionik nre always well patronized Hetween the two there is a class ct managers who venture forth with new pieces and qcw stars and these are the oues who chlelty'jiulTor at the local combination houses In former days the areatest oliirs could piny half a week here now the foremost aetors they come at oil It Is only for one night There Is a tendmi! which is growing (e ert this city out of the route list of the heat New York attractions and when we get them they aro often two seasons old It would would be a rtlJlVcult thing to relate the frosts that have greeted our best aetors auch as Minnie Maildern Fisks and Otis Skinner The former came here a few years ngo wl'lr one of the most delighttul comedies of moftern times and did not play to gas bills Otis Skinner certainly the best romantic actor on tho America i atage fur beversl yeais tried Nashville with two and three performances a Sea son sad only last year received anything approaching proper recognition la the future he can count on full bouses but he will only Bbow one night These are two of a number of similar incidents that could stated as happening In the lard decade As reparrtt new attractions which have not a New I ora reputation the pc css agent Is the chief uoirrce of Information that we have concerning their merit In the future The American will not publish advance notteea commending an attraction unless It knows the play and company are meritorious In doing this It will be doing the public a service nnd will assist to restore Nashville to Its ohl-tlrne post tlon as the best show town of Its size In the South I-ocal patrons of the drams who really enjoy a good New York production will have an opportunity to ace if they go to tho Venlmhe to-night where Howard Kyle and Nanette Comstock will present Clvde fine play The management says that It has the scenery nwtumei and properties used In the original production by Nat Goodwin "Nathan bud a successful presentment In one of the largest Broadway theaters' anil the present company Jud tng from the press comments In the cities where It has shown hB given complete satisfaction One of the principals Mies Comstock la or should he favorably known to Nashville theater-goers for her splendid work with Oils Skinner in last season Mr Kyle has a New York and has not been seen here within this knowledge Seats were put on sale this morning for "Barbara which Elite Ellsler will present at the Vendome Friday night and twice on Saturday "The rtomany drew two very large audiences at the Grand yesterday It Is a winner anJ la receiving more outspoken loud-voiced commendation than any p'ay presented by the stock company In aev-eral week Its rapid action quick scene change tangled plot and happy denouement make it fopular with all classea of people Anna Eva Fay'a audiences at the Masonic continue to Increase In size nud those who desire to see the best show ot Its kind tn the country have but a short time In which to do so as Miss Fry closes her engagement Thursday Dlght Mrs Flake's few performances of "Tens of the DT'rbervHles" In her first nppeuratue in this play since her great production of "Becky Sharp" not only newly enforced the potency of her work rn the rrt of the Hardy heroine but threw Into stronger relief than ever her ineomprrahle personation of Becky On the revival of of the the Chicago Evening said: From Hecky to Tees from un exhibition of a witty woman's transparent cleverness to the study a soul no other player living could make the two expositions so convincing as does Mrs Fiskc and never nas she gained a more attentive appreciative? hearing than she had at the Grand last evening when she made the characteristic transfer To step from the Thnckeray scenes with their glamor uud pugeartry to the sordid mean and miserable life Thomas Hardy described so daringly and truthfully In his novel requires more than mere versatility It genius tlie brilliant genius Alls Flske possesses Madeleine Lunette Rylry the playilgh arrived In New Y'ork on the Cunard liner Euurla the other day Her principal object in coming at this time is to he prestnt at th initial performance of hor new play "Richard which will he produced In Itcn hctitor with llctiiy Miller In the title role While In England Mis Rvley surceedel In placing several of her plays with English manager among them being The Mysterious Mr lluglo" and "An Aniereian both of which nra now on tour Her rrxt prodiicticn In Euglnnd will bo Man From America' which will ba resented at the Criterion rhea ter Dondon under the aunploes of Chns Wyntiham and Arthur Balfour Another play as yet un nind which Mrs Ryley describe as nn origlnul costume pv i also to appear In Iznndon soon the leading parts being taken by Forbes Robertson aud Gertrude Elliott LONDON Jsn 1 Mine Adeline Patti's beautiful estate Crag-Y-Ncs upon whtrh tho prima donn has expended upwards of HTU-fioO during the twenty years of her residence there Is about to change ownership that sir Georgs Newnes the London publisher ts tho purchaser of tbo estate CHICAGO Jan 1 Tho Metropolitan English Grand Opera Company which is filling two necks' engagement here will cut short its tour uud close the season at Washington Jan 26 In ninklnfi the announcement tha management Raid "Ve hnd Intended to run tho topr Into spting but conditions which I ennnot well explain have afenen which couvlnco us that It will ho vvIbc to close earlier Thla will not Interfere with our tour up to and Inc hiding onr Jchlngton dates hut it 'will cut out all cities had plunnud to vintt after that Thu season thus fur has been pplxndld success ri-AY-IIOl rc PAH AG it A PIT I Slav Hobson ha a eon who Is In an opera chorus C'harloH Frohnran has engcgfd Otis Harbin for Kdna May company Olgci tour this season foi the first 1 1 in" In her career extends fiom the Atlantic to tiro T'lufflc Ocean The RotreKB will visit ulrriost every State In the Union the traveling covering -In dcul- MONTHLY 48 pages and contains more reading shape and is profusely illustrated LEDGER BLOG HEW YORK 1 Wfqs RS SUACIUfcrORD OSTEOPATHS Office: 602 Wiilcox Builiin NASHVILLU TUNNUSSLC CHATTANOOGA AFFAIRS Barter Hrlsrn Ktll-rro lllnck Paul CHATTANOOGA Jau (Spocal State Senator Beak announced to-day that he had his till for a reform of the charter of Chattanooga ready It provid for a double an upper and loner all ordinances and acts to be rati-fiedby both city officers to bo elected by the people iustedd of by the Council ac at preaeut pi ov Ides for a Board of dafety to nave ebargo of the police and fire departments und In addition a Board of Public Works both boards to be appointed lr His Mayor no appointed officer to buhl office until hie appointment has or on ratified by the Joint action of tlie two boarps The held an "educational to-day In honor of Emancipation Day at the city Auditorium A very sensible programme was carried out A tulld sensation was cradted by Rev A Jot it paHtor of ona of the kreal churches who deprecated the treatment ot the negro ot the theaters and said that the colored people ought to have something better to represent them on the stage than the Blink Puttl aggregation IV Robinson pastor of Orar-t Church Nashville has been called to the pastorate of the new Episcopal Chinch to be known a Christ Chuich recently organised lu this city Mr Robinson will be here to-morrow when It Is understood he will give his answer IIQtOlt IN AFRICA Another (or Coagrru Take Action WASHINGTON Jan Senator President of the Senate has received from New telegraphic petitions from Secretaries Carroll Morgan Moorehouuo Ellinrvood Speer Cobh und Lloyd representing the national missionary socleiics of the Methodist Baptist Presbyterian Dutch Reform and Episcopal ehusehes asking that when the Senate convenes fur the rst time fn the new century on Thursday noon its first act shall be th ratification of the treaty to protect the natives of Afrlra against Intoxicants and favoring universal application of this new policy of civilization by additional treaties and laws DIKE OF YORK Heroine Rear Admiral In Ihe Hrlt-Inli Ynvy LONDON Jan 1 The promotion of the Duke of Y'ork from the rank of Captain to that of Rear Admiral as a preliminary to his visit to Austria and America ts an-uoumed Since the Duke of Edinburgh succeeded to the dukedom of Saxe Coburg the navy has lacked the distinction of a princely fir MRS METHOD Not Approved hr the Mlrhltri Evan arlirul Mission WITHT-A Kus Jau 1 the regular meeting of the Evangelical Mission of Wichi'a held to-day a resolution Commending the act ion ot Mrs Carrie Nation smashing saloon furniture was defeated by an overwhelming majority Conrlcteil ot Murder ST CLAIRSVILLE Jan l-Thn Jury the case of Leonard Stevens charged ith the murder of Clarence Warrick today brougnt In a verdict of murder lu tlie first degree with recommendation for mercy Tlie recommendation naves him from electrocution 'Last April the Warrick residence at Eoincrton was burglarized and Warrick woo effered resistance was shot by tho Intruder Tho crime was fastened upon StoveDs and a pal Barney Devlnn loth of Zanesville De'lno will also bo tried for tho crime 1(1 1 1 UK A lOlU 0K DAY Tkfl Laxatlva Bromo Qulntu TabUN AU dntrv' refund the money t( it Tail to cm Grove sigontur ts rn catb box Dainty and doliriou Blue Beal Holla Fresh every hour only JJf Cents a Dozen This Is cheaper than you can bake at home and ts a great deal better Blue 3stLi read No hands no anna Kneaded by clean machinery baked 111 Vienna parent train ovens The only bread of this kmc) iu tho South No other bakery lu Acnuika Invites public ItiKiT'Clion We can and It because IT IS CLEAN Come and see It made Don't tempt Providence Eat clean nutritious fund The clieiribcf analyzed llluo Seal and found the best bread in America Ask your grocer for 11 It rohig Y'oU no more than the cheap hand made artlclo Address RBBT SOBS if -Mi ing her passage from London and hack-upward Qf 200W1 miles She has her own private car and an organization of ewency people The now play "Michael Lv Gerard lluuptnun produced In Berlin is a failure The play end with a funeral whhh prove! too much for the audlem? The Rtrnnrl Bi others will not go to London with "The Dclle of rmipiini on (recount of the Htuess of their mother and her wish that they should not leave hor Henrietta Prornran aud her play MIs-trers Nell" will shortly celebrate their one hundredth performanre In New York where both were unheralded pnd practically unknown and won on their merits In the plsv by Mrs Ryley of "Richard Savage" which Henry Miller will produce In Rochester to-nlqht the part of Sir Richard Steele will be taken by Arthur Elliott Colley Cibber by Owen Fawcett Jeremiah GriCen by Sloddarl Lord Tyrconnell by William Mrs Brett by Jennie Eustace Anno Oilfield by Mr Thorndyke Bourlrault and Elizabeth Wilbur by Florence Rockwell The play is 'oonded upon the life of fisv Bgc by Dr Johnson Wilson Barrett the English actor-au thor-nianagr will begin tle new century absolutely free from debt Mr Barrett has made several fortunes la his time but hts failures have been as emphatic as hlB successes and several of the former accumulated for him a debt of nearly I'PKjOoO Instead of applying to the bankrupt-y law for relief Mr Barrett went resolutely to work and for the past few years has been quietly paying off old sccounts The (ast month he wiped out the laet of his indebtedness ALLEGED THIEF ARRESTED George Andereon Colored linrged With Stealing Overcoats George Anderson colored Is behind tho bars ou three charges of larceuy About o'clock last night the police department received a telephone message that two overcoats belonglug to Dr Callen au4 George Pickard had been stolen from I5J North Bumair atreet Detectives Irwin aud Fogarty went to work tn the case and by 9 taey had recovered the overcoats and captured the alleged thief The -detectives also found a third overcoat and some hats in different pawnshops chit hud been disposed of by Andaraon The two overcoats stolen last night were taken while the (pen were at supper Anderson Is a nntorldrts character tn police ctnlca having at on 'ilme stolen fifty chairs from a building CBMIRT MEETINGS nf Services by flaptlat hnrrhes TolJsy Century rallies will be held to-night by the following Baptist Deacon Savage presiding Speakers Rust end 0 Peyton Deacon Baltey pres ding Speakers Golden and Robinson Dencon A Harris presiding Speakers Lanstng Burrows aud Berry Lan-nom Deacon Yf Moore presiding Fpcnkera A Lofton and A Stewart Deacon A 8 Jsikaon pteald ng Speukma A ltolt and Rnv Prsver-mectlnga will be conducted at Oen-tenr ml Church bv I Van Ness Seventh Frost: Howell Memorial Folk North Edgefield A Lamar 1IK4DS TIIK LIST Tom Russell Colored Is First Twentieth Ceatnry Prisoner Tom Russell colored receives the distinction and ignominy of hetngtba first twentieth century pres-ncr regteepted and locked up sc the Nasnvllle pulba station Tom Is jears ot age and was plated under arrest by Officers Bran'ley and Junihon on rhargo of disorderly conduit tic was reg-tslced at 06 a yesterday There was not a committal at tho couuty Jail on New Ye3r Day In MugiafriHe's Court Tho City Savings Bunk has comnigpceff suit against Dr A Young before Justice II A Hassloclt on three promissory notes executed by Hunter Hurt and indorsed by Dr Young The notes nud Interest aggregate about liOfi The suit Is set for hearing at 2 thm afternoon Nebraska Legislature LINCOLN Ntb Jan The Nebraska Legislature convened at noon to-day for tho twenty-seventh term Geere tho Republican caucus man was made Speaker of the House by a unanimous vote Senator 0 Steel was made President pro Win of the Senate Ur Rolfs C'onwli Syrup will serve tlie life of your child when atta'ked by croup Vothtrs this remedy never fills to cure OBITUARY NOTES Charles Hoiu (lied yesterday morning at hla home 37 Fillmore street Mr Horn was 64 yeara of age and a wife and severed children survive him He was for-mcTly a steamboat engineer but fulling health compelled him to abandon his wock Bovernl years ago i Finley Pieman of Milan Tentt died In tils citjy yesterday morning Mr Pittman was 4V years of age and leaves a wife and two small children Hla brother rtttmnn came to Nashville and ac-compauied the remains bark to Milan HIED her residence At her residence 108 Hardee Stic el Moicdiy Dee 31 1'fUic at 1 10 rn jtbicgaret widow of tlie tale John Fogarty t-c'uerul from residence tills morning with reniilein idgh mass at St Joseph Church kt 9 3 a in The following friends will act ns pall-tieurers Moreui John Murray John Mornn PAt flearv Joseph Erb Henry Curran Owen Govern and Kd Fahey Interment at Mt Calvary Carriages fioin Mahoney A Metis in In 1 Til'ULKY Frealdcnt Vuivorslty Club HE formal opening Us mw bouw yostciday was dlvidul into two enlorialnments an afternoon reception and a dancing party at nlvht The handsome new club-house was thrown open to the Inspection of the men-berB their families and friends In the afternoon between the hours of 4 amt 6 o'clock and during that time a crowd of or 500 people representing the wealth and social leadership of the city asseai-lled to enjoy and admire the club's splendid Spacious home The occasion was a success fn every way It was a brilliant function which brought together a gathering of persons that has not been duplicated In Xan-ville In many years The presence of so many of the elders In society who havj ralhor becomo accustomed the last tow years to relegate social doings to tho younger members of their families lent distinguishing feature to the reception a dignity and elegance that was unmistakable In addition there were all the younger club men anil their womon frtcuds to say nothing of UiQ dancing tot who contributed sprlgtllncJS aid gayety to the occasion Although It had been announced that there would ho a certain Informality about the affair there were few present of eliber sex nut attired In full afternoon costume and many of the gowns by the ladies were surpassingly elegant and costly The guests entered the club both from the main und entianees To thd arrivals who alighting from their carriages at the main door looked far up through the canopied entrain to the third floor of the building the first Impresulon of tho club-house was one moat pleating and impressive The entire building ftou the basement to the ball-room Boor was ablaze with electric lights and the outward scene was no less lmpostnig than the interior was brilliant The landings of the broad Btalrways wore banked wltn rubber plants tell palms and other foliage planta and stately palms filled every corner cn all the floors The doeoratloin wore wisely confined to fotlngo effects Flower were used only twice tn the parlors and in tha ladles' reception-room on tho aecond floor In both rases aupern mounds of fragrant Ivomao hyacinths wore chosen The bamboo vine was used with lavish profusion and great beauty of rI-feet ft was arranged to wrea'h the stairway fall in grateful festoons from tho door lintel and the windows and lit trailing artistic effects to bank the mna-tels and hang before the windows tn portiere semblance No more benuttfully Illumed si heme of decoration could have ben carried out than the decorators achieved by tho employment of this wealth of tropical foliage To perfection It Bulled the mural decoration by which yns pdnrcd In vivid contrast I It was susceptible of a vnitetv of striking arrangements not possible to nny other decorative material nnd eminently It was suitable for nn occasion nf isnrrangmg crii and Its attendant heat The new furniture In rich and elegant colorings and superb polldi added henuty to the scene as did the rich rus and car DANCE IN the evening the guests asaemblcd with refreshing promptness for tin ball whh began at 9 A large number of married people again were present a nunibi participating In the card game and others remaining ta bail-room throughout the evening the preferring the pleasure of watching the dancers The scene thoie ns exceptionally gay and beautiful This room itself ia pronounced by many tiro haneloincsl in the building It extends over the Yllllh the building from east to west on Ihe south aide Brilliantly lit and decoralel with rui boo vines tn graceful arrangement Its polished floor reflected thefcoic of lights depending from the ceiltnk and arranged in continuous double groups ou the side walls Around tho four Bidm a wall scat is run for the comfort ot the loukurs-zia Theorcbeatra was placed In one corner back of a wall of palms and vines The ball guests were Mr and Mrs rV Oranbery Mr nnd Mra Williams Hr and Mis fnul Eve and Mra Duncnn Eve Mr nnd Mrs A Champion Mrs Graham Horton Mr nnd Mra Evans Mr and Mrs DtHinukes Mr and Mrs Watts Mr and Mrs Horton Fall Mr and Mra Jams Rhh-ardson Mr nnd Mra 0 Tillman MaJ and Mrs Thomas Mr nnd Thotnaa Jr Mr and Mrs George t-hwah Mr and Mrs Adams Mr nml Mrs A Marks Mr nnd Mra Ewing Mr and Mra Lelnnd Rankin Mr and Mrs Horace Keichevnl Judge a'i1 Mrs it II Ltirlon Br anil Mrs A Witherspoon Mr and Mra William Nof-uou Mr and Mrs Thomas NV Wronne nnd Airs Frnncen Kezee Hr nml Mrs It Haggard Jib Mra John ltrown Mrs A Hurtln Mr and Mra Martlu Mr nd Mis 1) Kenner Mr and Mr Eugene Hnri'In Mrs Mailer Fort Hr and Mrs II Morgan MItos Millie Fall Ethel Howell one Poilerfield Sara Johnson of Clnrl'v vllle Margaret ItlihardBon Baltlq vl i 'i petite Martin Icuise Mary luluell Scat Hunt Rhea Ella Ttrnwn Eicvel tstlkm Clrai-e Thomas Mary Neal Margaret frost Augusta Jonnard Stewart Bars Pumc Mi hlrter taenia VVlisrtun Lit Im Morrow I uiso Ilnxter Saia Cutut Amanda Clout Mary VWIIinms El tie! MeirUcm finny Lewis Mary Ready Weaver Evelyn Williams Ienovno Norma hllnn Iiic Litlon Mary Uaninge C'brvstlne Jenti Ramage 1-euifo- McCarthy 11 Carthy Mary Lou White Madge Hell Mary Smith Sue Porterfield Iceaale pakei Kimna gpeneer Ra bel Overton Emma Nelson Mat kie Hardison Louise Mnddln Mary Demnville Aloe Rode Louise Keefe itrow Rob rts Catherine Marr Cornells Marr Haft Robertson Etna Ford Charloffp Lewla Gray Wilkin Laura Ranks Madge Hail Eunice Hall Pusie Rh iiardson Margaret Pkbardson tVillio Fall THE EVENING nnd Fusle Rh hardsoti Louise Jack-njir Maigr-Da Lewis Ixtuibc Maddm Louise llraisford Medora und Anco Cheatham Sanmle Ruth Julia May Hanks Kara and Amanda Gnut 15jte Caldwell Louise Caldwell Snilie and Annie Howell Tommlo Wrenne Kstello Shook Auluuon Ouelien McCarthy Rachel Overton Annie Mary Dudley Vlary Thompson Eunhe Fite Elate Biiggs Bn-ale Briggs Emimr Nelson Emaia ispon-rer i'mmes Pilcher Martha Srruggc Mary Lennox Morris Annie Williamson Ellznbeth Buford Murjr Cooper Martha Belle Christian of I lrglnta Irene tnd Hobble Belle Hal tereon Gray Wilkin Mary Lou White Ellio Fordo The ball was In all respects one of the mt brilliant in whh local society has purlirR nled foi years Tle whole plan of entertainment was smooth and elogaut The dub members arpesred to make an iudirhluul effort Intel (ho enjoyment of each sepat rte guest and In their under taking there wub no evidence of alngle failure Tho unmarried elouitnt of the ilub was on reropilon duty to welcome the guests The dancing element naturally spent the greater part of the evening In the bill room except when at midnight tti-y came down to be seated in the main dining room nnd the grill room there lo be served with refreshments The menu wn of the rsme elaborate composition as ut the afternoon reception 1 fn the carl rooms on the Second floor there was whist game provld-d In which tho following guests participated: Mrs Graham llortoq Judge anil Mrs Lurton Mr uud Mis Granbory MaJ and Mrs Thin is Mr nnd Mrs Thomas Jr Mrs lluntin Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Wrlt Mr and Mra Williams Dr Duncnn Fve Mr Champion John Dra-i-liatii Klik Rankin Mr and Mrs 1hou nnd Miss Fmnm Nelson Dr Frank Glenn Dr and Mrs Witherspoon Miss Hue kept the score for th game Two prlzs were pLesunted a crystal loving cup silvorYf liumeijr won by firs Thomas nnd a ailvcr cigar case won on a tic between WlhoTiaa Jr and Dr Frank Glenn by the lattcf 1 'Ll.

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