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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COMMERCIAL. Dr. Gkoss has Resigned. We learn from AUCTION SALES. AMUSEMENTS ICtie Mnmin ottrtef.

By Magnetic Telegraph. Keported for the Louisville Courier. STB AMBO ATS. For KegTdar Packets see Fourth Page. REGULAR PACKETS FOR NEW ORLEANS.

unquestionable authority that Dr. Gross has, at last, accepted a chair in the New York University, and yesterday sent in his resignation as one of the Faculty of the Louisville Medical School. The matter was arranged yesterday morning through the agency of Dr. Patterson, of New York, who arrived here the day previous and started for home immediately on the con. summation of the desired object.

Wonder if the Journal will deny this as it has been imperti nently denying some of our statements, all of which have been proved true by the test of time. Triangular Contest. At thelate election, in Kenton County, Mr. Kiette received the highest number of votes for Representative; Mr. Benton next and Mi.

Hoffman stood third, two other candidates receiving a still less number than the last named. Mr. Benton has notified Mr. Kiette that he will claim the seat on the ground that he (K.) being Post Master of the TJ. at the time of the election, the votes cast for him (K.) were illegal and that he, (B.) was lawfully elected.

Hoffmanhas notifiedBenton thatashe (B.) was a Commissioner of Bankruptcy, under appoint ment of the Federal government, he (H) contested the right of both Kiette and Bentou and claimed the seat forhimself. Shamrock Freestone. As there is a great deal of building now going on in this city, those nterested would do well to give attention to the advertisement in this morning's Courier, of Messrs. Cooper, Collins who have an extensive quarry and steam saw mill, a short distance above Maysville. They have just brought a boat-load of their freestone to this city, and the article, besides being very superior for the purposes it is designed, has one groat recom mendation and that is cheapness.

The stone has been fully tested in Cincinnati, and is largely used there for building purposes. EyMr. Sam. Marshall, whose advertisement may found in our columns, has commenced the manufacture of boots and Bhoes at the old stand of the late J. N.

Jackson, on Main street, between Second and Third streets. Mr. M. is well skilled in his business, and besides articles of his own make, he will keepta general stock of goods constantly on hand. He deserves a liberal patronage.

Convicts. Three convicts were consigned to the Indiana penitentiary at Jeffersonville yas- erday, from Adams county. They were brought to Jeffersonville on the steamer Courtland. Two of them were-brothers by thenameof Baxter, sentenced for horse stealing, one for six and the other for two years. The other was a.

man by the name of Williams, who was sen tenced for six years for prostituting his own daughter. Negro Man Shot. The Harrodsburgh (Ky.) Plaughltoy of the 29th instant, gives the particulars of an unfortunate affray that occurred in Marion county, about eight miles from Lebanon on the night of the 22d instant, in which a negro man belonging to Mr. Harvey M'cElroy was shot by a young man named Scales, who, with his father, Dr. Scales, was endeavoring to arrest him while running away with a negro girl.

The World's Exhibition of Mantuactdhes. (t will afford some conception of the extent of the building for the reception of specimens of the arts and manufactures of different nations, to state that it is to cover 18 acres of ground to be 110 feet high, and to cost 150,000. It will require 1,200,000 feet of glass, 24 miles of gut ter, 218 miles of sash bar, and 4,000 tons of iron. It will take 2000 men to construct it. Postmaster General has established the following new Postoffices in Kentucky At Racoon, Laurel M.

D. Hardin, Postmaster; Wooldridge's Store, Christian G. II. Do- byns, Postmaster; Jones' Nursery, Clark F. Jones, Postmaster; Highland, Bath L.

Yeates, Postmaster. Suicide. Mrs. Fleming, wife of Jas. Flem ing, hotel keeper of New Brighton, near Beaver, committed suicide on Friday night last, by cutting her throat in the cellar of her residence.

A razor, with which the act was com mitted, was found beside her. Temporary insanity is ascribed as the cause. 03" A writer in one of the religious papers of New York city, is striving to prove that falling in Jove is morally sinful. The Courier arid En quirer thinks that if he can make that position good, he will have no difficulty in establishing the fact of total depravity. The declaration that "mart is prone to evil as the sparks to fly upward," will then became self-evident.

Running a Saw 7e yesterday heard of a chap who has been in the habit for some time of borrowing saws, first from his neighbers, and then from whoever else he could, and selling them. Under one pretext or anothei be has managed to do a fair business in the borrowing line, and succeeded in running a good many saws out of the possession of the rightful owners. for Chaplin! The Abolition Cou vention, at Cazenovia, New York, before adjournment, passed a resolution to raise, in thirty days, the sum of S25.000 to pay the expenses of a'legnl defence of W. L. Chaplin, the Slave stealer, who is now in prison at Washington City, and to help bim to recover his liberty.

O'Gonzalve de Montesquiou, who is now in prison at Louis, for killing young Barnum, has reeently shown more unfavorable Bymptoms of insanity. He will not now allow his brother, or his friend Count de Cissac, to have any intercourse whatever with him. O'Mrs. Swisshelm says it is marvelously slrango how a woman can think herself contam- nated by the slightest intercourse with the vlc- of a seducer, but cover her face all over with smiles to receive the seducer himself. Mrs.

Swisshelm talks like a woman of good sense. DCs-Two drunken sailors created quite an ex- oitement at the wharf last evening. One of them fell into the river, and the other jumping. in after him, came very near drowning, and was saved only by the greatest exertions of some of the who were attracted to the pot. EfThe Lexington Statesman says that over $150,000 have been subscribed by the citizens of Harrison county, towards the construction of the Covington and Lexington Railroad.

03-P. J. Sullivan, a Cincinnati attorney, has been suspended from practice for six months, for improperly conversing with jurors during the pendency of a lawsuit. lEfDon't fail to read the sensible and philo sophical advertisement of Mr. Bliss, the well- known hatter.

He has in store a splendid stock of goods. Police Dock was crowded with cases yesterday morning, who were patiently awaiting for Justice, but the Judge had left town, and nothing was done. Foe St. Louis. Thesuperior low water steam er A.

W. Vanleet is advertised for St. Louis this afternoon. Passengers could not secure a better or a safer boat. DS-The "Naw Boston" is the name of a new boat from Pittsburgh that arrived here yesterday- She was built for the Apalachicola (Florida) trade.

For Henderson. The stenmer ronton starts to Henderson this afternoon, from Portland, as a regular packet. For Henderson The packet Hermann starts to Henderson this afternoon at 4 o'clock from Portland. OFPICB OP THE LOUISVILLE COURIER, 1 Thursday Evsnimo, August 29, I860. There has been but little doing iQ the market to-day in any one of the principal articles, owing altogether to the wet weather, it having raineuau day.

The river is sta tionary. BAGGING AND ROPE Transactions to-day have been mainly confined to smill orders, amounting to 130 pieces and 12C coils at 15Jc for the former and Ccfor the latter: also a sale of 335 eoils fair Rope at 6c. FLOUR AND GRAIN The Flour market is less firm to-day, with sales of 220 bbls at the wharf at S3 86 sales of variouslots from stores at $3 retail sales continue at 84 2-5. Wheat continues to command 76c, with increasing supplies. Sales at Cincinnati at 70c.

Corn is quite dull, wilh sales at the levee to day at 46a 60c per bushel, Sites from stores at 66a60c. Oats we quote at 27i30c. GRGCERIBS-Rlo Coffee firmer, and stocks arc quite light. We quote sales of 95 bigs at lOjalOBc. Su gar Is getting scarce, with sales last evening ot 100 bbls to the city trade at6ja6ic, chiefly at 6cj sales to-day of 37 hhds at 7c.

Plantation Molasses Is quite firm, with sales of 60 bbls at 33c. 4 Sales of 135 bales Timothy at the wharf this morning at 3t0 per ton: retau sales at SU per ton. HEMP We quote Mi-souil dew rotted at S91aS96 per ton, with retail sales at stiuo. VEGETABLES Sales of 100 Onions at SI 60 perbbl. Sales of Potatoes tor shipment at $1 25aSl 60 PROVISIONS No mitenal receipts of Bacon from the country.

Sales of 16 casus clear Stiles from store at 6Gi sales of bagged Hams at 8a8jc. TOBACCO Demind fair with light receipts, and no sales at the warehouse this mornihg. WHISKY Sales of 46 bbls raw at the wharf this morning at 24Jc; sales of rectified at 53Jc. FREIGHTS The n'es t) New Orleans contioru at 35c tor pluud freights, from Portland, though we hear of engagements at 30c, from the city wharf. MARBIED, In Cenlre.

on Wedresday the 19tii at the reside r-ce of BiMij. Taylor, Wm. J. Tapp. Esq.

to Miss Elizabeth Marks boih of Lcuderdale county, Ala. DIED, On Wednesday 'he 28th inst at ha'f past 1 o'clock, af tera iorjg and protracted illuess, Mrs Anu McConnucrc. The funeral wiit take place at 10 o'clock this moining, from her late residence, on lllb. street, between Walnut and Chestnut. The friends and acquaintances of the family are rtspectully invited to attend.

au3Mt In this city, on the 28th Alokzo, infant son of Joseph and Sarah Pendleton, aged 1 year and 8 months In Portland, August 27ch, MAnv.youngestdaughter of William and Ellen Bannon. She was 6 years and 21 days old. In this city, on Thursday the 9th, Francis Fergu son, youngest son of Jno. and Catharine Smith, SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR THE LADIES.

From lha Olive Branch of March 16, 1S46. BOGLE'S HYPERION FLUID. -A cerresfotiderU thus rcmaJts, iclerence tothis article, we 3 mm ended a week or wo "lubiorve you called the attention of your readers, most justly, to Bogls'sHypcrion Fluid. 1 hate fairly tested the article, and find il correspond with its advertised efficacy freeing the akin from scurf dendruff, and other curtaneous diieasee; it disposes the hair to curl, ami changes the Jjarhet ha into soft, glossy and state, bee det imparting to it a daik color. Ladits, particularly, should never te without it.

G. NICHOLAS, Bole Agent, Wig Manufacturer and Fancy Store, aiiiS d6 o. 85 Fourth street, between Main and Market. OFPICB Op TUB O'REILLY TELEGRAPH LINES, COHNEB OF THIRD AND MARKET STS. Near the Post Off.ce.

Thest'ino are in perfect working ordir from Portland, Maine, to Jackson, St. Louis, Galena and Milwauttie, including every intermediate place of note or buiiness importance, and are under the manage-ment of the lending merchants of the West. The completion the line to New Orleans is daily expectfd, and will, when opened, be put Underthe matt efficient arrangements for the prompt aud regular dispatch of busmen. It is now working regularly to Nashville, Tus-cumbiaand Memphis, and from New Orleans to Clinton and Baton Aotige. ml7diy Domestic Manufacture Tor Fubllc Inspcctloo, AT THE MAlSOfDES CHAPEAUX, 463, south side Market street, between Ttl'rd and Fourth LOUISVILLE, Itv.

rrm AVING completed a large assortment-ggEafc JJof Hats for my fall trade, madi of the besqga af9matcril, I am prepared to offer this morn- i-g the most desirable assortment to be found In the city. Introducing, as I did, the New York, Philadelphia and New Orlieans styles of Hats for the fall of 1850, on Saturday last, and receiving quite a number of calls to test the tru'h of my announcement through the medium of ihis paper, I will again say that no pain shall ba spared my part in carrying to perfeclion ihe manufacturing (hose tine and elegan' Frencii Moleskin Hats express, for my retail trade thoae wishing to purchase can at times find them atthe house of hats, made of the best aterial and must competent workmen to be had in the caty. The construction of the Mtmvorman is or ttiat oruer that it cannot stand still, being endowed by Its Creator with faculties capable or expansion, and bea ing upon it theimpresofitsgreatorigmal; it is necessary therefore that it be directed in the proper channel, in order to be productive of the greatest amount of good; and what is appliceuleto an individual is equally so the community large, all things beingdesired for practical uses. The greatandlrumortal Newton, when ho first discovered the centre of gravity by the falling of an apple, together with hisexteasiveresearchesin the science of Astronomy demonstrates to my mind the reciprocity of action that exists between theatts and the sciences, for in order to cirry out his extensive umlertaltirg in computing the Heavenly bodies and measuring tliefr distances he had to call to his aid the Mechanical arts; this being true, the Mechanics of our land occupy an important posit on in the scale of being; and proud do I feel that it has fallen tot') my tot cover the vastamount of human ittctllgence that traverses the streets cf the inner City of the Banner State. C.

W. BLISS. P. S. I u-ouid again call the attention of city dealers and country merchants to my well selected stock for whoiesalelng, and pledge myself to sell bargains to ihose may favor me with a call.

au30 CW. B. ETTLUO -UN G. 8000 feet dressed Floorng for salelotv 1 to pay freight and chartes. Apply lo au30 d3 C.

BASHAM, Jr. "ORINTS. 40cases new style fall Prints received this day ana ur Bale oy auS9 JAMES LOW CO. INTERESTING BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. The Scarlet Letter: Hawthorne.

1 volume. Price 75 cents. In Menjonum. iennyson. 1vol.

lo eents. The West Indies and North America. Baird. 1 vol ume. SI- Life and correspondence of Andrea uombe.

i vol. St 26. Anna's ol me nucens ot spam. Anita ijeorge. i vol.

SI 25. The Karl's Daughter. Sewell. 1 vol. 7o cts.

Dies Borealls. By Chistopber North (Prof. Wilson.) vol. SI 2-5. The Rebels.

6 cloth, 75 cts. paper 60 cts. Amy Harrington. 1 vol. 76 cents.

Nmevah audits Remains. Layard. 2 vols, gl 75. Sketches of Moral Philosophy. Sydney Sailih.

1 vol. time. Nineveh, Assyria and Syria. Fletcher, ifcl-Rural Hours. By Mis3 Cooper.

1vol. St 25. The Phantom World. 1vol. $125, Turkey audits Destiny.

Macfarlane. 2 vols. g-2. Humboldt's Asnccts of Nature. 1vol.

SI 26. Sleep, Sensation and Memory. Fosgale. 1 volume. 75 cents.

tynch's Dead sea Expedition. 1 vol. Leigh Hunt's Autobiography. 2 vols. St 50.

European Lite and Manners. 2 vols. St 60. Europe, Past and Present. Uiigewitter.

1 vol. Si 60. The Shoulder Knot. B. F.

Teft't. tvol. 76 cts. The Berber. L.ayD.

1 vol. St 25. The Hungarian Struggle. Pragay. 1vol.

St 25. Representative Emerson. 1 vol. The above, together with a large and well assorted lock of miscellaneous Books, are for sale by MAXWELL aa29 461, Main 3d door above Fiflh. N.

B. Wo are in the coustint r-eeint of new Books, a few days after their at the East. TV eelved a large assortment of Port Monaies com. nrlsing severa' new and desirable styles, for sale at re duced prices by aUU HAD11611 IX U. EXTRA FA Ml UY 1'LOUK.

We are receiving daily from, our milts, a prime article of superfine Flour, for sale wholesale and retail at our warehouse, Pearl st. au27 J. HOLME 6i CO. NEW GOODS. 60 gross fancy Dress Buttons; au no ao uu; 50 do do Drop do; 300 dozen Jenny Lind Braid, assorted; 200 pieces Cilitllmg Kibbon, do; 100 do black Mohair Lace, do; 100 do fancy Velvet Ribbon, do; 1611 do blue, pink and yellow Crape; 60 gross new style fancy Tuck Combs; 150 do pearl Coat Buttons; 100 do do Overcoat Buttons; 3d do Agate do do; 126 Pearl Vest do; 300 do do Shirt do; 2 cases printed Flannels, assorted colors; innrwinzim nmts' Spool Cotton.

Received this day and for sele by au29 JAfllBB Oi KjtJ, SjBRGoS. 6 pieces brown Silk Serges, assorted; 1 case worsted ao; in dn hi'ir silk warp do, dot Received this day and lor saie by au29 JAMES LOW 4 CO. CkOTHS, 30 pieces supervises Cloth; lb ao ao Blow" uo; 6 cases black Satinets; 3 do cadet mixed Satinets; 2 do Oxford do do; Received this day and for sale by tu20 JAMES LOW CO. ARGB SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. At the I Mammoth Clothing Depot that rule has been and is always adopted.

Comniooiplace experience teaches it. Hence the continued increase of patronage. Persons will go to that establishment here they are treated the best. Ihe proprietor respectfully assures all that they will oe ireaiea upou uu uuaLi.cas.iuvc yiiuu.un.oi and requests au examination of his stock before purchasing elsewhere. W.

SAMUELS, Mammoth Clothing Depot, au29 Northeast corner Market and Fourth sts. N. B. The trade supplied as usual at a very small ad vance. ROYS' AND ULO'i'tiiHG.

HfOi'ou worth of boys' auil children's Clothing on r.ii inin emhracint. hptt wear, with an assortment that the proprietor defies com- oetltiou, which can only be found at the au29 MAMMOTH CLOTHING DEPOT. MEDICAL STUDBN 1 ATTENTION! respect-fully request you before purchasing to examine my stock of ready-made fashionable Clothins, and assure ui that vm. save fully 20 per cent by so doing. Re- memh-r lha.

it is the largest west or est of the rnoun tains, with -lite and attentive clerks to show you my stock, even should you nut wish to purchase. Kerne, ber the MAMMOTH CLOTHING DEPOT N. J3. Garments made to order upon the same re duced terms. Just received a splendid as sortment of alls anq Gingham umbrellas, at GKO.

BbANUUAKD'H, au29 Golden Hand, 449, Main at. HEATR E. J. W. BATBS Fropribtok PLACIDES VARIETIES.

OS-The manager, in compliance wi'h the numerous requests which have been made for a repeti'ion of the SEKIOUS FAWILYoffersltagftinn conjunction with the petite comedy of BKETCHBS IN INDIA, as the i-t-nunuiue lunula evening. THIS EVENING, (Priaay,) August 30, the performances will commence with the favorite Comedv, 3 acts, of the SERIOUS FAMILY Charles Tor-rem, Mr. C. Howard; Capt. Maguire, Mr.

Dnwson; Sieeh, Mr. Holland: Mrs. Torreiis. Mrs. C.TTcw- ardi kady Creaniley, Mrs.

Bowen; Mrs. Belmaine, v. r. oe lonoweu Dy a uranu BlVERTISiiMENT. in allien all ihenrmcalDan.

cers wilUppear, assisted by the entire. strength ofi me unrpsue Hatiet i concmoe wnn tne peme comedy, in 1 act, called SKETCHES IN INDIA 10m lapc, air. Eiolland; Sir Mathew Ecragss, Mr. AJcKeon: Count filmin.iiT. Mr.

nawenn- T.nrtv Scraggs. Mrs. Mtyers; Sally Scraggs.Cwith a song.) Xlrti f7 Hnf arJ. Hi I ii Prices of A iss ion. Dress Boxes and Par quet, 75 cents; Upper 35 cents; Gallery, 26 tXF'Box Office open daily from 10 A.

M. till! P.M., and from 3 till 6 where seats maybe secured bv application to Mr. W. H. Bruudage, Treasurer.

EEDifferetit tickets tre 'used lor each evening. Those purchssed on one day wiii not be good for at-t'tber time. open at half past seven, furtain to raise at cgnio'cncK precisely. susuai PROTECTION IKSUHAUfCB COMPANY OF HARTFOBD, CONNECTICUT. FIRE AND MARINE.

CAPITAL 300,000, ALL PAID IN. Tpllg receipUof this old established p-nd substantial J. Oiitiipan? over one af dollaTe annually and its imsi-ess whenever more flouriihing aud prol-perous at the present period. Ki-iks taken on Merctian-tise in store, Yarchouses, Dwellings, Hotels, "iuufactorie, Mills, dec, against loss or liamcge by fire In thee uctry or city. Kislig on Cargo, Shipments of Produce, Merchandise geneiaily," etcetc, on InUntt.or Atlantic nnd Pacific transportation taken on the leweslrstes of premium.

QS'Loss'is promptly adjusted in this r.ity. CHARLES F. VKKNON, Accut. Office 479, Main street, South sije, near Fourth, up aui mm L5FE INSURAXCB! CONNECTICUT AL LIFE INSUR ANCE CO OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL THIS prosperous Lire Insurance company have is-f uen over eltcen tfiausand life policies, and offorto the public terms of insurance cs advantageous and liberal as any other Company in the country.

Only one half of the premium is required in cash, and the other half a note at twelve months without secuitly, the latter being absorbed by the annual dividends (profitsj which is credited to the assured, abiberai traveling permits granted free of charge. rj3 California risks taken at favorable rales. EfPamphlets, Plonks, and all information Tarnished by the Agent at his office with pleasure. CHARLES F. VENON, Agent, Office 579, Main street, over Stamper Kiffiu, (front room.) Dr.

A. W. Elston, Dr. D. W.

Yandell, Medical Examiners. rj-No extra charge made for epidemics, aul dim B. I. RAPHAEL, Af. De, PRACTITIONER IK MEDICINE AND SURGERY.

OFFICE UNDEB ODD FELJ.OtVS, SIDE. DR. APH ARL has opened a Private Dispensary for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Diseases. Gffir.R hours dailv.f Sundays excepted) from Hi till 1 o'clock, at which time the poor will be prescribed for gratis. au6 d2m "nil vr AWD MULTIPLY." 3 a command that shouh' be cheerfully obeyed hv the children of men.

For female and male DR. LAK ZBTTE'S JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as an effectual restorative in cases of Debility, Impotency, or Barrenness, and all irregularities nature, ii is ui uim is. Muievo iu -Great Restorative. It isaceriaih aureot Sennuat Emissions, General Debility, Gleet, Weakness of the Geni tal Organs, Nervous Affectiops, Leucorrhcea or whites. Ah amnTlsnrAtinemedtcineitis unequalled.

Also a cer tain remedy for Incipient Consumption, Indigestion, tofs of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude, Female Weakness, Debility, It is warranted to please the user in any of the above complaints, and is of pricoless value to male or female. irTATiTTOT. This celebrated medicine cannot be Pfiiniinpi nnlesR ihe fac-simile signature of JudsonA Co. aewYork, (N. only American agents) is on thi wrappcrof each bcttle.

Sold only at 60J, Fourth strett, Louisville, at the De pository of Popular Medicines; at 47. Third street, St kouis; andldi, unarircssireei, cw uncaus. apl7 dlyis 6m SAM MARSHALL. FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. 553, Main bet.

Second and Third streets, south tide. WOULD most respectfully inf -rm his Sfeg friends and the public generally, thatheggHgl has taken the etore formerly occupied by G.N. jachson, where he intends manufacturing all articles in his line of busiscs. Gentlemen having tender feet, may be sure of a handsome, easy fit, by giving him a call. Eveiy exeition win te maae to pieasc, anu an crac promptly attepded to.

ml Gaiters, which I will sell very low. S. MARSHALL, au26 d2m Main below Glt House. SASH DOORS AND SHUTTERS. I AM making and keep on hand a lar assortment of SASH DOORS and VBNl-riAN HUTTBRS which 1 am selling at low rates, to hich I invite the attention of builders, shippers and others.

WM. PRAIGG, Main St. square above th Gait House, dly between Brook and Floyd. p3 NOTICE BRIDGE BUILDERS. QEALBD proposals will be received by the undersigned ed up to the 2d dav of September next, for the ercc- tion of the abutments for a bridge across Beargrass Creek at BrooK street, accoraing io me pian now in possesion ofthe Council: Also, proposals for theerec-Won of an Iron with sufficient abutments for the support of the superstructure proposed for, and to sustain the pressure of the banks on either side of th creek at the same place.


Ifo, 467, Market street, between Third and fourth, iji oter North Small's Shoe Store. t. rt renieclfullv inform? the public, md those who have beenso liberal in patronising him forthc last few yoars, that his rooms have been closed for a few lor tne purpose Ol reuiuug ami 1,13 (iEllery In a style which, together with some new lm. provements, ill enable him to furnish superiorlikeness es at 2. 1 am aivare that some will think my ricturef are not as good as others, because cnarge wni others charge $3.

I canafrord this from ihe fact that expenses are not ene-fourth as much as the galleries on Main street. Should I then produce as fine pictures others, why not walk a few squares and save your dol I do not expect any one ioukc apicrure umes. i. ives entire satiilaction. auja uu- JEWKLBJt'.

a cnpRRinff ntnf 1RWKI.KY. consisting oi Kings, A Bracelets, Breastpins, Barings, die. for sale law by auiy au CHAS. C. GRAFF.

FOR SALE. WILL sell mv entire stock of SHOE6 now in my store, on market streot, opposite the Kowles House, 'the terms wiuoeveiy nuciai tui cash. wl9 dif CHAS. u. gka ff.

STABLB AND STOCK FOB SALE. ranHR si.hsr.Tihf!-. (Jfisinns to chance his business, oi- fers for sale or barter, on this most accommodating terms, Carriages, Horses, Harress, they may uow be Keen at his stables on Centre street, between Green and Wnlnut. The Stable and Greund will be sold or leased as may ti hv the- nnrr.hascr. To thoic wishing to engage in tnl3 business, this offers an opportunity rarely to oe mei wun.

aul7 dim i yy. tvuaniti. a card: I HAVE removed my Piano Forte hot) trom 65 Third street to Mam streei twn finnrs Above Hancock. Person; having business with me. or wishing to hav Pianos tuned or repaired, wul please leave thir iiAmpnd rRsidence at Messrs.

Harris John ston. Wo. 66, Third street, or at Mrs. Steel's Fancy Store, on Fourtn ftreei, oeiwecn aiain auu mimei Allordersleft at cither of the above places, will be promptly attenaeu to. jyy ary TO BUILDBBS.

mHR Board of Manccers of the American TnaianWis sion Association are Desirous to contract for the erection oi a urge coimui anu minimi uuituiuB in mr. Creek Kation, aiew mnea soum oi tort uhuii. Thnw who mnv OrI dlsnosed to contract foi" the worfc. will find the plan and all other information by calling at the Mission Room, No. 22 Centre street, between Green aud walnut.

ollluu "The Treeii knownby iti Fruit." HEWETT'S NATIONAL DAG LKKJi Ar GAiiLriKy 477, MAIK OVER I. CROMIE'S PAPER rpHlS GALLERY is open ai ail limes jur iub ip I -r vn.vhA RHcnafinecoUecnon e--rm nii s-rt0nr the commonwealth. Itisuse less tospeali oi the ui only to be seen to beadmired- Pictures taken in rainy or cloudy weather by the inclined Sky-Light. Miniatures taken after death, byleavmgname and rpsidence at Uie trnue. y.

and noo WELLINGTON it DUFF, auSO dtf Operators. B. WEBB, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, PEARL LOUISVILLE, KY. N. B.

Particular attention paid to filling orders for Cotton, Groceries, Fig Iron and Produce, Tor a Broker' Commission. lEF-Goods received and forwarded with despatch. au26 dtf COTTON. A SMALL lot Mississippi received per Naomi, for sale by Launo ooj p. wnpa, can 8TOBAGK.

AM prepared to storo Merchandise, and at low rates auiili UTI REMOVAL. E. WEBB has removed from Wall to east side, below Main. nwm.nERS tL. Rfrpet Foundry every Cast Iron Column ,.1 a.

una nnmice tjUUers, UllUUlo, oiua, a Stea Rath Wciehta, Hearth, Fence Bailing, fcc, either for public or private buildings. SNbAD( je29 street, BY 8. O. HENKY. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, AT AUCTION.

npHIS MORNING, Friday August 30th. at 10 o'clock JL precisely, -win do foiu ar. -auction nuuuu, Main and Wall streets, a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consislingof 1 fine MaUoginy Sofas do do Dressing Bureaus; 2 pair flue do Divans; 1 do do Centre Table; 2 do Walnut Wardrobes; 2 poplar do; 1 red Blust wlnut Hocker; 1 large Silfc Chair; 12 fine CaneEeat Chairs; 36 Scroll, Slat and French Chairs; 1 large Refrigerator; 1 BhoworBath; 2 Tin Safes; Bi.h end Lewpost Becs'eadf reakfast and Kitchen Tables; Lounges and Trundle Beadsteads; Stand Tables; FeatherBeds, double and single; Mattrasses, Quilts, Com'orts, 4c. Also, one Counter and Counter Scales, c. Terms cash.

S. G. HENRY, u3) dl Auctioneei BY B. A W. LEVI.

HORSES AND BUGGIES, AT AUCTION. ON SATURDAY, 31st at 9 o'clock A.M., their Auction istables, on Market, near Sevenl street 1 Barouche and 2 setts Harness; 1 Rockawayand Harness; 1 Buggy, with top; 1 Grey Mare; 1 Bay riorse; 1 Sarrel Horse; 1 Roan Horse. OS-Sale positive. au30 d2 W. LEVI, Auctioneer.

AUCTIOM A.NB COMMISSION HOUSE. rHE undersigned respectfully informs the a eeneral.that he has opined an AUCTION AND LUMftllSbiUft HOUSE, nis Ota on between First and Brook, where he will continue the above business its various branches. AH good en. Umtsil in his cire will rer.eive nromot attention, and liberal ad on consignments. Allou'doorbusiness attended to immedinte returns after sale: ire completed.

OS-Auction rales each evening. au21 d3m H. M. COCHRAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION AMD COMMISSIOS UOC8E, NO.

76, PEARL STREET, HEAR CORNER OF MARKET THHE undcrsigued having taken the above commo- z. uiuua pieuusea, luriiieiiy befrs to offer his services as an AUCTIONEER. Hav ing had ten years experience in the business, he hopes for a share of public patronige. All goo-la sent to his sales at store, either Tor pablic auction or private sale, will meet his personal attention. He will also attend to outdoor sales at any time.

N. B. Consignments respectfully solicited. Liberal advances made on consignments. H.

A. jeSQ Licensed Auctioneer. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. THIS is to notify all persons concerned, that the following Boxes, Trunks, Chests were lelt on storage at K. C.

Kings deceased: if said goods arc no: called for before the 4th day of next September, they wm be sold at the Auction Rooms ors. tr. Henry, to pay storage and Charge. THOMAS ti. UKA vvi'UttU, Administrator of B.

C.KING, dee'd. 1 Trunk llaior McGrier. U. S. 1 do Georee Pindall do N.

W. Madison. Bardstown: 3 do M. Grannie, Wes ton; uo ii. do clement farmer; i qo mo.

r. inu S. G. Reat, Fort Smith; 1 do J. H.

1 do H. Hardin, New Albany; 1 Trunk Carnet Bag, D. Hudson; 1 Trunk, Joseph Strang; 1 do George Breatbett; 1 do Cnpt. G. Henry; tdo J.

H. Horton; 1 do V. F. mil; 1 Carpet Bag, Harris, Evansvllle; 1 Box Yandler Goodman, 1 do V. Prescott.

M. 1 do W. S. 1 do B. G.

Conner or Coudy. Owensboro: 1 do T. N. Todd; I do Henry wuson; 1 do J. uoouy; iuo nurusau oj Wright; 1 do Van.

C. Cressup: 1 Box, Jno. Gross, La- Srange; IdoS. Llfton; 1 do Dr. Jno.

Brown; 1 dot. Combs: 1 do James Keames. Casevville: I do B. F. fody: 1 do J.

S. Hubbard, Mills Foint; 1 do Furdy, Tennessre; 1 do B. Laranee; 1 do Harsh dc TJufoos, Lebanon; 1 do N. H. White; 1 do 1 do Lippengwell, careof Heth fe Halbert; ldoj.Mintra; I do 1 do B.

Moyming; 1 do McKec; Tool Chest, H. C.Jenkins: auldtrt. REMOVAL. JK. BETTISONhas removed his Apothecary Store to the corner or Tenth and Market streets.

He tenders his grateful acknowledgements to his former patrons and the public, and respectfully solicits a renew at of their custom. He is supplied with an assistant known to ne competent and taitniui in tne uuues oi au apotne-cary, and one of us will be present all hours of the day and night. Rihg the Dr. Bettison's cilice at his residence, corner ofTenth and Market. au23 BECKWITH'S AXTI-BVSPEPTIC PILLS HAVE now been berore the public for many years, and have received the unqualified approbation of a very targe number of persons of both sexes, throughout this country, England, France and Italy, distinguished alike for their Intelligence and their elevated portion In society.

Accomptnying each box are the names of many gentlemen whose elevated character makes a reference easy, to any who doubt the safety and efficacy of the article, and for which the proprietor holds himself at all answerable. Ab thete are many countencits circulation, none are to be considered genuine without the written signature of the proprietor upon each box. Petersburg, va. Sotd wholesale aud retail by J. B.

WILDER Sc Aeents, Louisville, Ky. ISK GOODS. ANDEBSON, McLANE are now rtceiting their supplies of fait and winter Dry Goods. Tbeii stoekisnow larse and well assorted, embracing very-article In their line, and to which additions will be made throughout the season. They solicit the attention ot dealers to an examination of their slock.

au21 LOTS FUR SALE. TWO LOTSOfGROUNDonTweKthstreet, between Main and Market, commencing 100 feet from Main, and extending back 105 feet. Will be sold on liberal terms. Knquirc at the Bookstare of WEBB, McGItL LEVERING, on Third one duorfrom Main. jy23dtf LOUISVILLE CITY PROPERTY WATfcD A GENTLEMAN desirous of removing to Louisville, offers in exchange for good city property, of the value ol 55M0O to S56900.

a very valuable property at some distance above the city, on which, besides otter superiorimprovements, is alarge Manufacturing Estab lishment, uoms an mcreJSiuc ai ii nrontaoie Dusincss. Such an opportunity an ad exchange of property is seldom piesentea. iieueis aaaresseu io u. R. at the Louisville Courier offics, will Teceivc prompt et'ention.

au 8 d3 FOB SALE. MA DESIRABLR BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ind LOT, on the north side of Market, between Brook aud First streets. The house contains six com. fortable rooms, wilh all the ordinary conveniences, and is in good repair. The lot is Q01 feet deep.

Also, for rent, the large and commodious DWEL. T.TNri TTniTRTC. nn the northwest corner of Market and Seventh streets. It is nowthor.mghly furnishid, and to any one renting the same the lurmture will oo uisposoo of on accommodating terms. Apply, on the latter premises, io auSldG" DR.

DONNE. FOB SALB. njjfW KR1CK nWSLUSG HOUSK AED LOT Jefferson street. The Iiolsc lias 8 rooms, with cistern and cellar, stable and carnage house. Also, a Frame Cottage, with 3 rooms and kitchen.

A lso, a Brick Cottage, new, with 3 rooms and kitcbxn: cistern, All between Thirteenth and Fifteenth on Jefferson street. nn T.nt nn TTourtflenlh St. The above property wlllbe sold for oto-third easti.the balance in one and two ears. For particulars enquire of STOY, 469, Main street, 2 doors abvc corner ol Fourth, urto au2i deod5' JOHN L. OWEH FOB SALE.

A TlRRIRAKLK tract of bottom land, contain -Ha Ing 62 acres, foity of which is cleared aud snwnrt with Rlue Grass and Timothy Said tract is situated about of a mile from the tawn of nidham countv. and about i of a mile Irom the Railroad, lmmedlteiy on abranth of Floyd's Ford. It has on it a new frame CotHge with three rooms and good cellar, together with a kitchen and all the necessary out.nouses. jenus oi son; innlvln V. M.

G. M. BARBOUR, at fca Grange, or WM. F. COLSTON, Louisville.

au26 dtt sniuISIRTBATOB'S SALE rilRR Admmisiraior Ol james luunay i u.a.E, iviil cftllpt cuHic auction, on Ihe 4th Sentember. all his Personal Properly, his Househo'd Effects, Shipyard Tcols, Blacksmith Bhop aud Tools, and the Lumber, Blocksf Ways, belonging to he Ship. yard. Also, one unnmueu ijut A. FERGUSON.

au2 uiu Journal copy. iiniiuil Attn LOT FOB SALE. INTENDING to move upon, my farm, I now Lr.r fnr s.l m. HOUSE AND LOT, situated in thetownof Lagrange, Oldham county, Ky. The dwell In? house is largo and commodious, with all necessary outbuildings.

Also one valuable LOT in same town. well calculated for building purposes or fjaraen. Enquire ol me tuoscrmer on tne pieiuiaco. dim JOHN U. GIBSON.

BTniHnnAT fob SALE. THE Steamboat MAJ. bahbuuk, win all her Furniture Tackle, 4tc, is offered for fll nn ncrommonalinff lerms. ii noi ois- nr hpfnrp. she will be sold at auction, to the high' esc bidder, on Saturday, Sept.

14, I860. Terms made known on day oi sue. au20 dtd oaovi 100 kegs '4 penny Nails 100 do 6 do do; 100 do 8 do do; 50 do 10 do do; 20 do 20 do do; Tor sale by au26 JNO. F. HOWARD.

ANDPAPER 100 reams justreceived and for sale by OFF BE. 76 bags Rio Coffee In store and for sale by ausfi awwivd" TTYDKAULIC CEMBNT rresn supplies iiuamu daily from our manufactory, for sale wholesale and retail by au7 J. HULME Pearl st. TLASTBR OF PAKIt' Favorite brands always on hand ana ior sjic at B.r 5, direct from the manu'actory, for sale wholesale and Tery'Wprl" J7HULME Pearl st. munincin hat TRADE.

Country Mer- nMutra interested in purchasing a good anicleof Hats and Caps for the fall t.ade auow prices, nillnnd a large anuuiic uwuiuuei" S.ri.t. nf ihe most deslrab and fashlona- We stock of my own manufactured Hats and Capi suited oe nasmw iu aii9 J. G. PRAIGG, Manufacturer, MTtN'fl anil bovs' fine and common Silk Plush fall and winter Traveling and Business a Caps, wholesale ana retau. J.

G. PRAIGG. MEN'S and boys' fine Cloth and Mohair CapSj Onera, French anu apanisn styles. ,09 J. G.

PRAIGG. TUR CAPS, Hair, Seal and Scalet Caps, of every va- riety at low prices. au20 J. G. PRAIGG, HATS.

Furand Wool Sportiog California, Kossuth, Hungarian, assorted colors; white and black com mon Wool Hats. lau29J J. G. PRAIGG. S' VGA 60 hhds strictly prime in store and for sale by LOUISVILLE, FRsDAY AUG.


galea at Auctfon--Tbtai Day. Br R. G. H3NRY Corner Main and Wall streets-Furniture, otc. Steamboat Leaving te-day.

I Fcr tee adoertitements in another tolnv-n, Cin "innati NORTH RIVER, Sherlcy. endsrson BRMABN. Ayres. IROMTON, shinkie- N. Orlrans GOV.

BENT, Brandenburg. NAGHVit.T.E GAPP. MAY, Rnowdcn. Sr. Louis A.

W. VANLEER, Grotsinger. ARTHA Ko. 2, Lonegan. GENNESEE.Mooro.

The River and Weather. Last evening the river was swelling a little, with scant 4 1-2 feet water in the canal. The weather was disagreeable and quite rainy all day yesterday. It was also raining a little last night. The Firemen's Benefit Last Night.

Notwithstanding the rain, which commenced early yesterday morning, and oontinued to fall without intermission up to a late hojr last night, the theatre was crowded to excess on the occasion of the Firemen's benefit. With a right hearty good will did our citizens respond to the appeal made in behalf of our gallant firemen. Par quette and boxes were crowded, crammed and jammed to their utmost capacity, and we were utterly astonished to see such a brilliant array of beauty present on so inclement an evening. Indeed, it was by all odds the handsomest and most fashiondble house of the season. The audience was exceedingly enthusiastic, the plays were admirably performed, the singing was splendid, and the dancing inimitable, and every.

thing passed off in the most delightful manner possible. All of the actors and actresses seemed to be in unusually fine spirits, and all acquitted themselves handsomrly. The excellent address, written by Mr. Walsh, was spoken with much spirit and- great good taste by Mrs. Howard.

It was received with round on round of applause. At the conclusion of it, Mr. Wm. Lacey stepped on the stage, and in a neat address presented to Mrs. Howard, on behalf of the Fire Department, a beautiful silver cup, made by Messrs.

Kitts Stoy, the Main street silversmiths. This was altogether unexpected to Mrs. and the effect of her very beautiful and feeling reply was greatly heightened by the slight embarrassment under which she labored. She is a charming woman as well as a charming actress, and the cheers with which shewas greeted on concludingher address, shows the high estimation in which she is held here, and how her talents and virtues are appreciated. Mr.

Duffield'8 song, written by Mr. Edwards, was most admirably sung and was loudly er-cored. We presume the benefit, with the contributions attending it, will fal 1 but little if any short of S1000. The whole affair is alike creditable to the liberality of Mr. Placide and of our citizens.

Dead. Yesterday at 1 o'clock, "Lizzy Sink home" died from the effects of the wound she received the day previous from the hand of John Figg, the suicide, and thus has the double murder been consummated. She was taken from the brothel on Lafayette street, where the deed of violence was perpetrated, and conveyed to the home of her parents, whom she had desert ed, where, after lingering for nearly twenty-four hours in the greatest agony 'she expired. On the day of the murder, Figg was heard to declare that he would not leave that Lafayette street alive- He had been making considerable noise and disturbance on thesquare, and an officer of the police told him to be quiet and orderly or he would arrest him. He then made the declaration which his own rash hand so soon con.

summated, and in a few hours after he was taken away a lifeless corpse. Placidb's Varieties. To-night, by request, theburlesqe comedy of The Seeiods Family is to be repeated. In addition to which a grand diveitisement will be introduced by the ballet troupe, headed by the incomparable Hilariot and the fascinating Baron, to conclude with another new 'Variety', as none but Placide gets up. The "Serious Family is no inapt illustration of the Oanting hypocrisy and pretended benevo lence of many sects who get up foreign chari ties to fill their own pockets.

Holland's person ation of Slick, the Quaker, is to the very life. He is in favor of the Timbuctoo Benevolent Connexion Society, 'to buy flannel shirts forun born babes in and opposed to giving a cent for the maintenance of the widow and or phan of his own bailiwick a strict member ol the Temperance Society, with a bottle in his pocket always collecting money for the con version of the heathen, and always fobbing it horrified at the idea of balls and dancing, yet not opposed to dinner parties." Fatal Rencontre in Mercer Cohntv A Singular Affair. We learn that a tragicaffsit occurred at the village of Luoktoe, Mercer coun ty, Wednesday night, resulting in the death of a Dr. Fox at tlio hand of Dr. Randal, at whose house he was on a visit.

It appears that Dr. Fox was sitting in a room of Dr. R. house in company with Dr. step-daughter, at a late hour, whan the lady remarked to Dr.

Fox that it was bed time and she would retire. Dr. Fox objected to it, and blowing out the can dle caught the young lady in his arms. This caused her to scream out, and ber step-father came to her rescue. Fox threatened him with a knife if he interfered or approached bim, where upon Dr.

Randall knocked him down with a stick he had in his hand, and afterwards, in a struggle, cut his throat, causing hia almost instant death. The above particulars we learned from a gentleman who arrived last night in the Harrods burg stage, and can be relied on. It is certainly a tragic affair. Mhs.Farhen andJulia Dean. TheSt.

Louis theatre was crowded to excess on Monday night last, on the occasion of the benefit of that uni versal favorite, Mrs. Farren, The St. Louis Intelligencer says that the fair beneficiare acquit ted herself to her own credit as well as to the unqualified satisfaction of her admirers. On the same night Miss Julia Dean, the for mer pet of Louisville, had a eplendie benefit at Nashville theatie. The Banner of that city says The close of Miss Julia Dean's engagement here, on Monday night, was a perfect bumper the house being crowded from parquette to gal lery with an audience uproarious in their admiration of the manner in which she acquitted herself.

At the close of the lost Bcene she was call ed out, and was greeted with a shower of bouquets. Est Wednesday evening a German, residing at the upper end of Market street, made a most brutal assault upon a German woman, knock ing her down, and kicking and stamping her in a terrible manner. She managed to get up and while fleeing from him, he fired a pistol at her, the ball barely missing her head. He then went into his house and got a shot gun, and was rushing out to shoot the woman with it, when constable Green and others arrested him and lodged him in jail. The woman gave the fellow no provocation whatever, but his dog had been poisoned, and he accused her of giving him the poison.

Scarcely any punishment would be too severe for the brute. couple of faro dealers at Lexington, who were informed on a day or two since by a chap whom they had fleeced, were arrested by the po lice and are now in prison there. The offence is a penitentiary one, Missouri Election. St. Louis, Aug.

29 Air doubts as to the result of the coneres sional election in this State are now removed. The delegation in the next Congress will stand First District F. Darby (whig.) Second District Gilchrist Porter (whig.) Third District John Miller (whig.) Fourth District Willard P. Hall (Anti-Ben- ton.) Fifth District John S. Phelps (Benton.) The Legislature will stand 12 whigs, 13 Ben-tonites, 8 anti-Bentonites.

The House 61 whigs, 41 Bentonites, 34 anti-Bentonites. The Eastern telegraph-line is out of order. 03 We following telegraphic despatches in the St. Louis papers: Milwaukee, August 26. The cholera has broken out here very severely.

One hundred and nine deaths occurred on Friday and Saturday last. Lasai.le, Aug. 26. On Sunday five deaths were reported from chol era. Deowkkd.

An Irish fireman, on the mail boat North River, jumped or fell overboard last night between this city and Madison and was drowned. regret to hear that there have been some three or four deaths by cholera at Lexington during the last few days. ItTIn consequence of the storm last night the telegraph wires were not in working order. We are thus loft without despatches. J.

L. of the North Biver, will accept our thanks for Cincinnati papers of yes-terday. 03 We copy the following from the Prankfort Yeoman of yesterday: Voters for 1850! We understand that there are ten or fifteen counties that have failed to return the number of voters forl850, to the Second Auditor. It is important that these returns should be immediately made, and a list of the voters puDlishert the newspapers, as the next Legislature will arrange the Representation of the State, and a published stateme of the voters by counties now, would greatly facilitate this object. The Second Auditor informs ns that he issued a circular, in Jamiarylast, on this subject has also written twice to every county that has failed to make this return that four counties have failed to return any book for this year.

Papers in different Darts of the State would do well to notice these tacts. The New Administration. Potomac, in a letter last week to the Baltimore Patriot, says: "The members of the new Cabinet are all at their posts, giving entire satisfaction to all who arecallingonthemon matters of business. Tbey will not immediately make any ceneral move in the matter of removals and appointments in the Executive departments, but when they do move you will see wisdom, discretion and justice to the wnig party mamtestrd. The movement, when it does tkae place, will be a general one, and 30on over- Nothing will be done bv halves.

There will be no putting off of applicants upon nope oeierea, wnereoy their hearlB might be made sick; but thev will be informed bv the act of the Secretaries, as it will be published when lone, who have been and who have failed to be appointed. All must know that all who apply for office cannot be accommodated. There are not offices under the Government for one-twen tieth of them. Thereforelet all believe that the Whig secretaries will endeavor to do their dutv disinterestedly in the matter. They will not act upon the principe of Nepotism.

This I am sure may be promised with safety. Cholkro at Galena. We have a Galena Advertiser of the 24th. There were no new casej of cholera on the 23d, or none that did not yield to the usual remedies. Between Sunday morning and Thursday night there were sixty burials in the city and Catholic burial grounds.

some of them from the country. Dodgeville, Wisconsin, has suffered terribly from the scourge. Since the iBt of Julv the hole number has been ninety-four of which eighty-five were of cholera. In the town alone there were sixty-one deaths from oholera. St.

Louis Rcpv.b. 27(h. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. UP TO TEN O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Gait House.

Hinckly and steamer Sarah Gor. Duncan, N-w York; Cabcrt, Bowling Green; Michel, Wilson, Yazoo City: A Slack andL, Slack; McCaw, Lexinston; long-worth, Nashville; Wattp, Cinci' nati: A January, Fritzglbbon.St Louis: Duer and New York; A Forbes, Tenn; Vance, Mercer co; Pid-geon, la; Hamilton, Augusta, Ky; Woldby, Cincinnati. Louisville Hotel. Tarver, Harris, JW A Jackson, New Orleans; CHatloweli, Philadelphia; Weatherby, Tenn; A Skillern, Florence. Tenn; Gross and Lex-neton; Damon, Springs; Dr Por'er, La; A Chew, Anderson, A Davis, City; Judge Conrad, La; Becker; Miss Becker, St Louis: McMurttvand Ala; Geares, Barnab, Williams, New Albany; Garrlt, Springs, Heslep, Duncan, steomer Emi'y; Farouer.

ST Baldwin. Rroadhurst. Tenn: Cut ter, st Lou'P: Williams, Knoxville, Tenn; Mitchel, Fisher, TraonaU, Perkins, Danville; Dr Moorn and two sons, Yeatman, Nashville; Pier son, Ashwood, Exchange Hotl. Thorn son, Wilhoyt, Har. roda Creek; Williams, City; Wm Warren, Ala; Smith, Lagrsnge; Mr Roberts, Trimble Lamp ton, Frankfort; Hngm, Lexing'on; Robinstm, Shclbyvilla; Robinson, New Orleans; Stewart and Oldham co; Green, Buffalo, NY; I Castle; Jones, Frankfort; A Evans.

Winchester; Owen, Shelby co; DA Culley, Miss; McCord, Wollsburg; Mr Sanders, Dr Harrison, Clarksville. Hotel DeHnlne. Swinney. Swlniiov. Cor nishville, Ky; Taylor, Jefferson CO; A Bcrmondy, Jeffer on co: City; Price, 15 Allen, Lagrange; 1 Jiddis, Oldhtm.

Commercial Hotel. A Pltto. Weshinlnt. Kv: Irwin, creclsboro; Wil'mm, Green co: Has- sen.T Cross, la; A Pctcn.Mo. Bowles House.

West, Middleton: Hutch ens, Cairo; A Coo, Green River; Gathright, Shlby co; Milton; A McKay, Sheji- liei USVL'IG. HUM OST OP LOSiSVILLrj. KVAKS COMMfiHCIAL BICCI3. ARRIVALS Thursday, Aug. Sflth.

Telegraph, McClellsn, Cincinnati; Wyoming, Frain, do; MemphiB, Mann, do; New Hoston, Lcc, Pittsburgh; R. Leo, Coolidge, do; Banner, Miller, Troy; HoosierState, Kelly, Harrod's Creek; Sea Gull, Tripled, Prankrort: Courtland, Hamilton, Madison. DEPARTURES Thursday. Telegraph, McClellan. Cincinnati; Courtland, Hnmi ton, Madison; Sea Gull, Triplelt, Prankfort; Wyoming.

Frain, St. Louis; J. Q. Adams, Marshall, do; R. H.Lee, Coolidge, do; New Boston, Lee, N.

Orleans; Memphis, Mann, Memphis; Banner.Miller, Troy. UiVBB IJll'UBTa. CINCINNATI Steamer Telcerarh 1 box coal. 10 eois unseed on, 11 bxs. bales, Cadwallader: 14 bxs.

Sdn. Roeeen. nergeroz oro; do, fllorton dr Gnswold; 5 bales do, nuwaui; 1 dux, nagan: no, uinoanntem: 1 Low CO; 4 exp pkss, uofts 6e ktussetl: 1 bbl varnish Oweo; 1 do, Monohac: 2 do, Gamble; 1 cask liquor, Hyatt; 2bblsstone, lbox, Wallace fc Lithgow; -1 uoz snuveis, i ouuuie, i iasjt, oxs, marriner; dox, baens os oro; run paper, inoi spirits, 6 Dags, au- pen at co; a uoz cnairs,; i package, JB, Ju bexppltgs, inn; looispcgs, loDisoeer. oox. 129 bales hay, wharf; 60 bbls flour, 2i)0bxs fire crackers.

31 bxa cheese. Welbv: 1 bbl alcohol. Nock: 25 bbls mr, 12 do whisky, 5 do timothy seed, 1 da Bpirils opcstneel iron, Lane; laapcsiron, s.AiST: 45 do boiler iron, Inman, Gault A co; 32 bbls whisky, woeoeT; crate, uas-eday oi liopliins; dox, trommel; 1 do, HGieske; 21 bbls whisky, ce; 31 empty bxs. Holbrook: lbox mdse.J halfbushel measures, 2S baskets peaches, MunaoV Co; 16 bxs starch. LOliei a uui- wiusiiy, vv i uox muse, wuu samueis; iu Dales no, uavidson, Jiranmn rk Co; 'J oxs do, Jarvis Trabue; 8 do, 1 bale, A A Gordon; 1 do, Robinson bro: 1 bale, Hite Small: llbxs.D&son; 3 do.

White co; 2 do, Bliss: 45 bbls whisky, 70 dortour, vv jones; i Dot wine, LriesKe; 6 dxs ink, 70 bbls flour, Clifton iSi Atkinson; 231 bags bneaa co. FRANKFORT Steamer Sea Gull 32 pc bugging, 75 do do, Todd; 61 do do, 10 cts rope, 6 bxs, Stout; 53 pes baeglrg, uoleman co; 1 wason, 11 co 13 rope 1 box, Smitn Shtwell; 40 pes bagging, 23 coils rope, 1 smitu; ba pes Dagging, oucis rope, Buckles; pes bagging, 30 els rope, Cornwall bro; 6 bales, Snead co; 6 bxs, 1 chest, Boggi Rus sell; 41 oales nomp, MADISON Steamer Courtland 224 sacks wheat. 30 bbls flour. Smith Burkhardt: 250 sacks wheat. 6 bbls do, Snead Fitzhugb; 130sscksdo, Moore; 8 nags bran, Mikesweii; I'jo sacks corn, 72 Dbisttour, Hamilton 15 Co do.

Miles, 45 hogs, Nugent: 1 bundle steel. Moor head; 123 sacks corn, Trcsenriter; 2 bbls flour, Nock ik Rawson: 3 whe fans, Munn: 1 chest, Peel: 17 barrel. lime, Barboraux; 1 box nidse, lchest, Mitchell; 100 bales hay, Buckner; 15 hhds tobacco, Bridges is Yurn-i 140 bbls tlcur. Morrison: 2 bbls iux eed. 4 bhlsneor.

has feathers, iar butter, lime. Mor row; 10 bbls cider, Snowden; 8 bales hemp, Anderson 40 bbls nan. HAKROD'S CREEK Steamer Hoosier State 260 bbls flour, I lot oran, sat isurKiiarat. PITTSBURGH Steamer Wyoming 1 box Watson; 1 do do, Bliss Kopcmier; 1 do, Peters Webb: 1 do.SWebb; lease Uastano: lbox. Bach Herzog; do, Mill rtfe Gardner; 3 domdse, iardnerfc co; 317 ao cneese, jones oc naioert; If Howard 51 do, acK oe iy do muse, Leijht Hite rtn do.

1 bale. Chew: 2 bxs. A Bacon: 1 bal. cotton yarn, Montgomery Davidge; i box iajdwaro, Ajuloreon co. ui to on if ly all of at wr 1 1 Summer Arrangement.

The splendid, FANS SMITH Capt. Wm.Hichahds, LEXINGTON Capt Jas. Matheh, will leave Louisville alternately, every 16 days, during the season. These boats were built expressly to run during the low waterseason, (drawin? oniy 26 ing large and airy cabins, with all the modern improve-mentSjand offer inducements to psasengers superior to any boats in the trade. For freght or passage apply on hoard or to BENEDICT CARTER, Agents, au 23 Main street.

FOR NEW ORLBANS The new and fine steamer SARAH GORDON. Hcnckley, mister, wiil leave for tfis above, and all Intermediate points, on Saturday, the 31st at 3 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to au30d2 BOGGS RUSSELL. FOR NRW ORLEANS The splendid Viht draught steamer NEW WORI.D, Stein, master, will leave as above on Saturday tho 31st at 10, A.

M. tor ireiehtor passage apply on uoaru ui I.S- MOORHEAD. QU U4 FOR NEW ORLEANS. The new light draught steamer GOV. BEST, Brandenburg, master, win kave as cboe on Fnflny the 30th at 4 o'clock, P.

M. freight or passage apply on boa1 or tc nu59d2 BOGGS RUSSELL FOR NEW OKt EA3S PKOM CA1RU The sp'endid light draught steamer --v ill leave as abjve on Saturday the 31st 10 A.M. For apply on ooara or io a9d3 C. 11ASHAM, Jr. boats wlUta' freight and passer from Louisville to com-'ict as above- FOR N.

ORLEANS FROM CAIRO The splendid packet lr in, master, will leave JCairo, for N. Oriels on Sun day ine wopi-, ftl iu A- tortreigntorpassage apply to au28 d4 C. BASHAM, Jr. Usit drauehthfja.ts will take freiatt and nassec- sersfrom Louisville lo connect above. FOR NEW ORLEANS The splendU teamer FANNY SMITH, iraMng26 inches water, Richards, master, is expect, edto Tuesday, Sept.

3d, and will have quick despatch as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to BENEDICT iSe CARTER, or au27 did BOGGS RUSSELL. mk, FOR ST. LOUiS. The superior steamer Usj GENNESEE, isSeswg Mocr, muster, wiil leave for the above port, on this daj, the 30th at9, A.

M. For freight or passage apply on board or to au30 dl 1. MOORHEAD. -w FOK SAINT LOUIS. The splendid I eifeaEraFpsenger steamer ffuHFrm MARTHA NO.

2. LoDcgaH, master, will leave for the above on this day, the 3fih inst, at 10 o'clock A- M. Forfroight or passage apply on board or pu3it dl C. BASHAM. Jr.

FOK ST. LOUIS. The spicudid steamer A. W. VANL8ER, HrS?" Gretlngrer.

master, will leave for the above on Fridav.jthe 3uth at 4 o'clock, P. For rrelehtor pas5aee, having splendid occommoua- tions, apply on ooara or to au2S d3 C. BASHAM.Jk. FOR NASHVIL1.E. The splendid passenger steamer CAPE MAY.

nowden, master, will leave for the abova and all intermediate landings on Fiiday, the 30th ot 10 o' clock A.M. Fur freight or pa-sssgs apply on hoird or to au30dl I.S. MOORHEAD. FOR splendid light draught steamer GRN. BF.M.

Irown, master, will leave as above on Satmday, the 31st at 4. P.M. For freight or passage apply on board or to au30d2 I. MOORHKAD, Agent FOR MEMPHIS. The magnirkeui light draught packet VISITOR, One owith, master, will leave as above on Sotaraay.uie at 10, A.

M. For ircightor passage apply on iu au30dS C. BASHAM, Jit. FORTUSCUMB1A ABD PLORBNCE The superior packet steamer KM1I.Y-. Dmcan.

mas'or will leave for the above and Intermediate points on t-'utuulay, the 31st Aug at 3, P. M. For Freight or Passage, apply on bond, or tol au27do I. S. MOORHEAD.


BROOKLYN Capt. H. G. McComas. The above steamers will resume their regular trips on the first ofwaier; leaving Louisville every Thurs- (av, at 10 o'clock, A M.

For freight, or passage apply on board or to i 30d6m C. BASHAM, Jr. RBGULAR LOUISVILLE AND SISUS' TBOY PACKET. BANNER Capt-J. W. This new, light draught and fast running steamer, will hereafter run as a regular packei between Louisville and Troy; leaving Lou'svillc every Monday and Thursday, it4 P. M. and Troy every Tuesday anh Saturday at6 M. For freight or passage, apply au19dtl ONBOARD SELLING OtJT! SELLISG OCTl WOULD respectfully inform my friccds and customers, and the nublic generally, that 1 have concluded to sell outmy entire stock of CLOTHING, consisting oi full assortment of ready-made uounng, sucn is ranis, Waistcoats, Shirts, Drawers, Hats, Caps, Boots, hoes, and many oilier articles too numerous to men- ion. lam desirous of nuittinff ihn business entirely, and will positively sell off at cost price, from this day until Inally disposed of.

Call and examiner or yourr elves. an16 dim Between Fourth and Bullitt. GBSAT COUUH UBItlKBV. AVER CHERRY PECTORALr OR THE CURB Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping uough, Uroup, Asttima, and Consumption. JH offeritir; to Ihe community Ihisjustly celebrated rem-5 erlv for diseases oflhe throat end lungs, it is not our ivtsh to trifle wilh the lives or health of Ihe afflicted, )ut frankly lo lay colore them the opinions ofdistingulsh- men ami some oi the evidences oi 113 ruccess, nun phich they cau judge for themselves.

We sincerely iledce ouisclvcs to make no wild assertions or iMso ititcmci.ts of its cflicacv. noi wil1 hi Id out any nope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an Irqniry from the public into all we publish, reeling assured they will nnd tuein peneeuy reuame.anu uieraeujuiuc nuiu Ihcir best confidence anil patronage. PROF. CLEVi.LAKD,ol Bmcioxn ucfltge,

"lhave witnessed the tffectsoryour'CHBRRV PKC- TOKAl'inmy own family and thet of my tnemis, anu gives me satisfaction lo slue in 11s favor itiM no Emui- cino have ever known lias proved so cmincuu su. ccfisful in culing tlinrases orthe threat REV. DR. OSGOOD Writes "Tha' he considers 'CHBKRY FECTORAL-ihe best medicine Tor Pulmoniry Affections ever given to the nublic," and states thafhis daughter after being keepihe room four months with a sfvere settled couch, accompsuicd hy raising of b'ocd, night, sweats, aud tho attendant symptoms of Consumption, commenced the use of the 'CRKKKV PBCTOKAL' and had completely recovered," tf A-utiAmjcijijur. ivifu, otNew York says: "I have been great sufferer with Bronchitis, and butlor the use 01 might have cent nued tobeEofor many years to come, but that lias cured me ana 1 am nappy to uoai tes timony So us efficacy." From such testimony we ass tne puouu to themselves.

iilSAK this raitaiu. Dr. Ayer Dear sir: For two years I was afflicted With very severe cough, accompanied hy spttlng of blood and profuse night sneats. By the adtce 01 my aenamg physician I was induced to use your CHERRl PB' -TOR A L. and continued to do so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to yourpreparalion mnjia i-huu, Hampden ss.

SrRlKGFiKLD, Kov 27. 818. This dav aopeared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the above statement true In every re- na nQicui J111. 10, lbi7-ri have hfien lone afflicted wilh Asthma which grew yearly worse until last autumn, it brought on a cough which confined me in my chamber, and began to assume the alarming kymptoms at consumption. I had tiied the best advice and trio nest poso, until I used your has cured me, and you may well believe me.

Gratefully y0UrS' J. D. PHBLFS. Tr.i in thp Imlrrement of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a me.iclne worthy ofthe punuc cocnaence. Preparedby J.

C. AYBR, H.M'ALLISTER.Drupglst, 471, Market slreet, South sidr, bet. Third and Fourth. au7 dwjm BLAKE'S METALIC FIRE-PROOF PAINT THIS invaluable article, when taken from the mice, has abouttbe eunslstency of cold tallow, but on exposure to the air a few months it turnstostone.fonmng acomplete stone covering to whatever applied. It harder tnanslate and a better fireproof, and is peculiarly adapted ror covering wood, iron or tin roofs, for steam, boatand cardecks.for railroad bridges and depots, for all kinds of castlron, In fine anythlngyouwish to protect from fire or weather.

ii of Br, Chilton, of New York citv. shows it to be one of the best fire-proofs that can be used. He found it to contain laetoliowrng Magnesia So percent. Alumnia '20 do. Silex Black Oxide of Iron 10 do.

Sulphuretof Iron JO Lime 10 Carbon no. The Government VaVgrinted a patent for the dlscov ery ofits application in the manufacture of tie eath and Fire-proof Composition, or Artificial ate, end the AteFiur ofttew York, held In September last, granted diplSiato the patentee.and the American Institute medal. I would CATJTIOH of "credit of myiFircoroof are indh iduals on" Bed in "rinding andscllinKall kinds oT stuff, much of it ao better than the dirt in thp street or clay from any bank calling it all good fire and weather-proof paint. Now! I give notice to all that buy, mix with oil, and ure this paint in the mannerset forth, (except from me or my agents,) that I shall hold them to a strict accountability, and shall csmmence suits at law against those that thus inlr'tuge my rights. The public therefore, to be safe from fraud, will be particular and see that the barrels are all marked "Blake's Patent Fire and Weather-proof Artificial Slate." TSo genuine article can at alltimesbe hadof WILLIAM BLAKE, febll dly Patentee.

Akron. Ohio. GBOCKBV BUSINESS. mHR ttnderslffued begs leave to inform his friends and cuslomeSfhar he has re-umed the Grocery, Liquor C.S!1 Produce business seneraly, at lus old sUnd.cornerofMelnandSecond streets. u2dtt r.

k. usAt,.

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