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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY THIS MAGNETIC TJil.lSGHAVn LINING COURIER. DR1KW AND qToFOUFa-. 4110 lbs extra sugar cured Driel licet; 5 dozen Beel Tongues, STEAMBOATS. STOCK BROKERS AjtD BANKER! FORTflE REMOVAL AMD PERMANENT CUKE OF SHJti invaluable article, when taken' from the mine, -lias about the consistency of cold tallow, but an ex nosureto the air ten ortwelvedays turns it tostone; Lit muic uuu ioi ssie oy ap23 WHEELER MARTIN. HAV A NA boxes While Havana receiv ed per steamer Hunker Hill and lor sale bv -ai23 H.

D. NEWCOMB Wall St. REFUSED. SUGARS. 191 bbls received persteamer Mountaineer and for sale by H.

D. NEWCOMB ap23 Agent of St. Louis Refinery. RICE, 30 tierces prime Carolina Rice for sale by ap23 H. D.

NEWCOMB or Walfst. AIT A CKEREL. 20 bbls No. 3 Mackerel received per a.tjl steamer nuuiicinui uuu ior saie oy ati83 D. ADAMS CO.

CLARET WINE AND BOTTLES 40 boxes St. Julian Claret Wine; -10 do Larose do do; 6 hlf casks Pauillac do do; 10 hampers Claret Bottles; Received pel steamer Bunker Hill and for sale by ap23 D. L. ADAMS CO. "1QVPKE.

215 bags super green Rio Coffee just re- apffii D. L. ADAMS CO HOUSEHOLD AMD KITCHEN AT AUCTION. FdllVITURE jf-VK THURSDAY MORNING NEXT, April 26th, at i.iuiiii, win no soiu at tne resilience ol Mr. Tarl-ton, on Jeflerson street, opposite the Catholic Orphan a gieai vaiieuy 01 nuuaanuLll un 1 1 UKii ioiii aiiieu saiu dwelling, it is unnecessary to enumerate the different articles ofFumiture.

The assort ment comprises ageneral variety of useful articles ncc essary for housekecuing. and will be sold without reserve Terms of sale All sums of SlO and under, cash; over tpii, a uiuuu ui do uays, wan approved security. ap23 dl s. G. HENRY, Auctioneer.

TKOOMS. 75 dozen Brooms on hand and for sale by AJ apiil If. B1KUSALL Mam St. TAINTED TUBS. 360 nests Painted Tubs on ha, JL ana lor sale low by ap21 F.

B1HDSALL 405Mainst. T71KC WASHBOARDS. 50 dozen Patent Zinc Wash hoards on hand and for sale by ap21 F. BIKDSALL 405 Mam st. D.

TALBOTT SON, tt-HOI-ESAIE AND HETAII- DEAI.EUS IN CONFECTIONERY FRUIT AND TOYS, A'o. 6oS, nsrth side Market doors above Floyd RESPECT FULLYinform their friends and the public eeneTallv that they keen constantly on hand an ex tensive and superior assortment of Confectionery, Fruits ana Toys, umna, vvoou ana rencn iauuy juys, equai in quality to not superior to airy, in the West They have spared neither time nor money in fitting up their establishment to stand No. 1 with any establishment in the city, to filling all orders with the greatest dispatch, and those from a distance with the utmost precision. They would also inform the public that they have in their employment as goon uoniecuoners as mere lsrnxne West, and that weddings and parties can be lurnished tvith all me necessaries joriucii interesting occasions. Please call and try.

N. ii. They have also tiueu up a pieasanx anu Beauti ful fCE CRSAM SALOON for ladies and gentlemen, nnt inferior tn anv in the citv. under the charee of the oldest and most experienced Ice Cream maHer in tne city, Mr. LarKm Auams, wno woum uc very uiatmiui for the patronage of his old customers.

He can furnUli families and parties on the shortest notice. Dgoruersior uantues iiucu aL ututs per pounu. ap2t d3m Hats, Caps, Panama, Leghorn, Palm Lea STKAW AND SUMMKK UOODS. J. G.

PRAIGG, NO. 481 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. am I WOULD respectfully inform' ray frieno-Sggsgfe gand customers generally, that' with the add ipsa tion ofmy own manufacturing facilities and large purchases in the Eastern markets ol the new spiing style of elegant Hats and Caps, with a very large assortment of Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats, and Straw Goods generally, my springstock is now complete, embr a cmg every vaitety of qualities, styles, and to which 1 would invite allwhowish an elegant stock at low prices. ap22 J. G.

PRAIGG. GENTLEMEN'S FINE HATS. Ihave, finest assortment of Dress Hats, as well as the neatest and finest article in the market always manufacturing from the best material, which e.nables me atall times to present the most superior and desirable Hat. ap2! J. G.

PRAIGG, 481 Main st. GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER HATS. All the va neties of Panama, Leghorn, and Braid Hats can be obtained at reduced prices at ar-21 PRAIGG'S. Bt YS' AND MEN'S CALIFORNIA HATS, of all the various colors, selling cheap at ap2I PKAIGG'S. CHILDREN'S SUMMER HATS.

The greatest va-) riety of Infants' Braid and Leghorn Hats, new styles, can always be had at ap21 PKAIGG'S. FINE CAPS. I have just received a fine assortment of Gents' new style Caps, a variety frorthe mostelegant patterns. J. G.

PKAIGG. ap2I cm IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL, that the IS, celebrated spring stjlc of HAT introduced by BARBER tfc ol 'the "Maisondes Modes," 455 Main stieet, is unequalled for brilliancy, durability and beauty, and we wuuld advise all who want something superior in the way of a Hat, to call and fit themselves to one of Barber best. They can only be tbund at 455 Main street. ap2l CpHAT HAT FOR ELDERLY MEN, which BAR-X BER CO. have been talking about, is just thr Hat so much needed, and can be found only at the "Mm-sondes Modes." We, invite the fathers of the city to call and fit themselves.

P. S. BARBER 455 Main st. ANOTHER large assortment of fine CAPS, gfor gentlemen's and boys summer wear, are Sjust being opened at the "Maison des Modes," 455 Main street, and can be purchased very cheap for cashof fap21 P. S.

BARBER CO. CALIFORNIA, CONGRESS AND TAMPICO HATS, ol all shapes, colors and qualit cs, are now offered for sale at very low prices at thef'Maison des Modes," 455 Mam street, by ap21 P. S. BABBER CO. MAISON D'OR, 4.11 Maik street.

Received thif iSlaCK Lace visutjs; Broclie Jaconet Muslins; White and colored Crape Shawls; Embroidered Muslin Collars; Ladles colored bordered Handkrchiefs; White Tarlatan Muslins; Small plaid French Giiighams; for sale low by ap2l I. RAPHAEL CO. FONT'S GENUINE GUNPOWDER 200 kegsDu Pont's genuine; 60 half kegs do do; 50 or do do do: Received this day fresh from the Mills and for sale by UltUMlii, ap21 Agent for the Manufacturers. TTAGLEY MILLS RIFLE POWDER.100 kegs JLX 1 Hftelev Mills Rifle Powder receivLdthis day. ui- act from the Mills, and warranted the best article at the price ever offered in the West.

ap2i Agent for the Manufacturers. TLASTING POWDER. 200 kegs Blasting Powder XJ received this day and for sale low oy ISAAC CROMIE. Office of the Powder Magazine, 477 Main street, near Fourfh. ap21 TIG IRON JT 75 tons cold blast Metal; do hot blast do; for sale by H.

D. NEWCOMB or BKO-jWall St. apIS FRAJNKLIN part 1, to be completed in 8 numbers. Price 25 cents. "The young man who neglects to procure this work, and who stumbles upon It in old age, will lament the thoughtlessness which prevented such a valuable moni tor." wasnmgtoman.

It Is beautifully printed and ornamented with original wood engravings, exquisitely executed. It would make the eyes of Franklin himself, if he could be waked rrom his sleep, sparkle with delight at seeing the perfection to whicu nis tavorite art nas Deen orougut." Just received for sale hy apl7 BECKWITH MORTON, 532 Main st. LOOK OUT! BOOKS Cooper's new novel, the Sea Lions, or the Lost Sealers, by J. Fen imore Cooper, author of the Spy, complete in two parts, received this nioruiiiir. Also, Ellen Wareliam, or Love and Duty, a thrilling.

novel, by Miss Picketing, and her last. 1 fie democratic rteview ior April. The Ladies' Work Tablo Book. Atkinson's Budget of Fun. Mr.

Walker, of the Ex change, has kindly furnished us with the agency. All lovets 01 lun win 01 course get a copy, rrice cenis. apl7 C. tlALfAH or uo. "VTAILS.

300 kegs best Juniata Nails just received XT and for sale by aplO D. L. ADAMS CO. qpHOSE HIGH CROWN SOFT HATS, Cknown as JL Congress whitn tiAVJiS oz ukaiu are iur-nishlng to the business and traveling commnnityare ile1 cldedlv the thine for com'ort and commerce. 71 OPE COTTON YARNS 60 bags receivedper JUL TelegraphNo.2 anaior sale oy isuw.

j. mArtiiw, ap32 Agent for the Factory. nrniiB nir. nr.nTHS Received this morninc, by the KteamRi Rostona. three Sheets Oil Cloth, of new ana spieuuia patterns anu sujicuui 4111111, together with those recently renders our assortment the best ever offered in this market.

Thosein want of a sunerior Oil oth. and sometmne new iu tue way oi'patterns and stvle, are respectfully invited to call anlO No. 519 Main street; HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT WHOLESALE, AT BARBER Ntw WHOr.KSAl.F, wAREKOOMs. we nave on hand, per late arrivals, and of our own manulacture, which we continue to sell at our unusually low prices 100 dozen fashionable Moleskin Hats; 200 do do Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Silk Hats do do Beaver Hats; do do Russia do; do do Brush do; do broad brim and fashionable Coney Hats 160 300 150 100 100 25 00 50 150 100 loO 600 1,500 60 150 dp do do Russia do; do do do Mdl'skindo; do white and uraD iiats; do pearl and black Congress Hats; do brown, black and White CalirorniaHats.

do black and white soft Wool Hats 1I1. nearl and black Soortin" do do Cloth, Velvet and Glazed Caps; do Men's and Boy's Palm Leaf Hats; do double and single brim Leghorn Hats do assorted English Straw do; do Men's and Bovs' Panama do. 60 We respectfully invite merchants and dealers to call anu examine them, as they will be round not only very cueap, uui ui quauty superior to any in tne market. aplO P. S.

BARBAE 455 Main St. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 1 am always supplied wit Sup. Carb. Soda, Cream Tartar, Ground BlackPep- pCI, mumiu tu uu.ia, mm a lUUClJ UI OpU.eS nunieiuus iu inuiiuuii, ior sale dv A.

C. WEATHERPORD. UNDRIKS 50 dozen ttram anu urassbcythes; 1I0 Scythe Sneaths; 50 do Collin's and LippincotPs Axes; 40 do Steel and Iron Hoes; 100 do Shovels, Spades and Forks; 20 do Tea Kettles; 50 do Sletes; 4 40 do Coffee Mills; 60 do Cotton, "Wool and Horse Cards; 50 do Curry Combs; 200 do Pen and Pocket Knives; 600 do Knives and Forks; 200 do Butt Hinges; 5dO gross Screws; papers Blue Tasks; 200 do Shoe irarts; 200 do Finishing Nails; ,500 pair Trace Chains; Sheep Shears, ScissdrSj rpiinrlPrs' Wire. otc, ec, or saio uy aPl6 HENRY B. SHIELDS.

TUTTY. 500 lbs, atfp'top bladders, recei 1 ed and for sale by at er In to a Dealers in Foreisii and Donieslic Exchange, Cerlificatei, oj Deposit, riromusery jxotes, bold ana. sucer, 510 MAIN ADJOINING BANK OF KY. TAR AND CURRENT FUNDS received on Deposit A ana Collections maae on an tne cities oi tne unueu States. Interest allowed when Certificates of Deposit are en payable at time specified.

Soldiers' Bounty Land Warrants for 40 and 160 acre bought and sold. Sterling Exchange Remittances made to England-Ireland and Scotland, in amounts of and upwards. Sight Checks on New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, New Orleans and St. Louis for saie in sums to suit purchasers. Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Missouri, Tennessee, Nertb ana Koutn au current ana uncurreni mon-ey bought and sold upon reasonable terms.

Bank and other Stocks bought and sold on commission. SUGAR. 300 hhds prime NewOrleansSugarin store, received per late and for sale by ap39 A. BUCHANAN CO. CloFFEE.

500 bags prime Rio and Java Coflee in store and For sale by ap9 A. BUCHANAN CO. MOLASSES -600 bbls prime Plantation Molasses; 75 hall bbls do do; 30 bbls and half bbls Sugarhouse Molasses; In stare and for sale by aP9 A. BUCHANAN CO. COTTON.

75 bales Alabama and Mississippi Cotton store and for sale by aP9 A. BUCHANAN CO. PIG IRON.150 tons best soft Tennessee Pig Iron store for sale by A. BUCHANAN CO. ICE.

12 tierces fresh Rite in store and for sale by WHITE HAVANA SUGAR. 30 boxes white and yellow Havana Sugar in store and for sale oy fpzy A. BUCHANAN CO. QPECIAL NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Yourattenlion is particularly requested to the large and varied assortment of Ready-made Clothing, adapted lor country trade.

It has become quite common for country dry goods dealer to keep an assortment of Reauy-made Clothing, and, feeling disposed to still extend my business, I offer to sell to desirous of trying the experiment on i or 6 months time with city secu rity. I am daily filline such orders, nml solicit a call at the MAMMOTH HKADQUARXERSfor the sale ol Ready-made Clothing. w. bam UBI.S, sole Proprietor, Kortheast corner Market and Fourth sis. SKELETON SACKS.

I have on hand some 20 doz. en of those delightful Summer Coats, Bo justly appreciated last summer, at the low price or S3 reasona. ble deduction to wholesale purchasers. "Vv hen in want recollect the apl9; MAMMOTH CLOTHISG DEPOT. In nfinw0RTH op boys- and chil- iO.UVU DREK'S CLOTH1KG.

At the Mam. moth Depot, the parents and guardians can find an as. sortmentto suit the most fastidious of all at pricos suitable to these trying fimes. pia w. samuels, Proprietor.

ANOTHER DISCOVERY! NEW INVENTION! Deahon'a Patent Portable Bellows Pump SHOWER BATH. THE great advantages of this useful improvement will be the means of enabling thousands to mslm-ft nnii preserve their health. a ne merus oi tms am are presented in its prorlne to be the lightest, its construction the most simple, convenient and substantial ever invented. The watsr is simply placed in the bottom, and bv mere. lymovme or pressimrthe pedestal, the eentle motion will force the wateroverheadand shower the operator with heavyor light steams as desired.

The same water can be repeated without moving or inconvenience to the bather. The most eminet physicians recommend these Baths not only for comfort and preservation or health but a sure preventive of the Cholera cleanliness by ail means being the great proof against all diseases. KF-The ladies are particularly solicited to examine! these domestic affairs, for their neatness and cheapness places them within reach of all house -keepers. IdfYoungmen will find these luxurious machines an ornament and a comfort to their rooms. I request an examination or trial in orner to recommend its numerous advantages, Sold at A.

G.MUNN'S, corner Fifth and Main and at my office on Pearl street, opposite the Telegraph isuiiumgs. jn. ii. Any size orHmsh maaeon tneshortestnouce. 03 All orders punctually attended to.

WILLIAM S. RAND, d3m A gent for W. H. H. Stttart, Proprietor.

A UCTION SALE I will sell at auction on Wednes-J day, the 25th at 10 o'clock A.M., at my auc tion store on Market street, near Third, a variety of new and secondhand furniture, 1 plain Piano-Forte, Bnreaus, ueusieaos, lanies, jrresses, L-naiis, vviuuow minus, Mantle Clocks, Carpeting, 3 cooking Stoves, in good order, and otherstoves, grates, Also, one large Furniture Car and harness, in good or-der, will be sold on good terms at private sale. a23 d3 Auctioneer. "VlSSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore exist JL ing between the subscribers underthe firm of White tV: Welby is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The liabilities of the firm will be liquidated by Thomas J.Wel-by, at the old stand, Nos 80 and 82, Fourth street.

All debts due to the late firm are to be paid to Thos, J. Wel-by, who is authorized to use the name of the firm in the settlement of the business. NATHAN WHITE, ap23 THOMAS J. WELBY. SHIP CHANDLERY.

have in store the Dest assorted stock of cord- nail, of HU cons liasierii anu jjouisvuie iuaue xuanuia itupe of allsizes, 3and4stran; Gl coils tarred Rope, various sizes; 40 do white Kope, Packing Yarn, A large assortment of Sash cord, small tarred work, 300 lbs Day's Gumelastic Packing; 1400 feet Yawl Oars; 90 bales Boston Oakum 100 bbls Pitch; 30 Tar; 50 Rosin; 11 doz glass Lanterns, tin mouthed and guarded; 8 brass mounted and guarded; 2 large and beautiful colored signal Lanterns, guarded 14 doz oak and cedar Ship Buckets, witii a great many other articles too numerous to particu- larize. The steamboatcommunltv amLotherpurchasersare so licited to give us a call at No. 3, Commercial Row. a'ildSw KritSKLiiy, oc uu. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED.

All persons having claims against the estate of the late Richard E. Smith, deceased, will jiresent them to the uodersigneil, duly authenticated, tor adjustment, and all indebted to said estate ate requested to settle their accounts. Like wise all inueDtea to ine Assignees oi iv. omnHaie particularly called on to settle, asfarther time cannotbe given. Persons who left watches and other goods lor repair, can get the same by calling in a seasonable time at Wm.

Kendrick's Jewelry Store, No. 71 Fourth street, and identifying their goods. JUrm ax. ujllirn, AuiiiiiimL.aioi, aplldlO anti Agent for Assignees. GAKUENEKfi' TOOliS, Kinds ol tloer, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Wheelbarrows, Scythes, Sneaths, Knives, Grass Hooks, Handles, in store and for sale by 7T apiy A.

j. TTEMP SEED. IS bushels new Hemp received 18 and for sale by apIS A. G. MUNN.4G1 Market st.

T7L0UR. 100 bbls extra just receivea perfieuiiei JT Atlantis and lor sale oy H. FERGUSON SON, apl9 corner Filth and Market streets. ADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS, finely trimmed and of the best quality, on hand and for sale by tl ft i YOUNG MAN from Ohio wants a situation A .7" i ii. hao mtisfactorv reference from the first business men in the place he came from as to his character ana business nauns.

ii.m,.. Call On n1 cf ap21dl2 w. rARPRT WAREHOUSE, MAIN STREET FOUR DOORS BfiLOW THIRD. BENT DUVALLarenowinreceiptorthelrSpruis supply of Carpeting, viz: Itoyal wiuoii. Velvet Tapestries Tapestry Brussels; Brussels; English and American Imperial 3-ply lj0 do super Ingrains; Fine and Common Tn-llled and plain i-i, 34 and 5-8 Vemtlans; 4, 6 and 0-4 white and colored Matting; 5, 6and 12-4 fancy Druggets; EnglSandkmerican Floor Oil Cloths, orsplen- did patterns and quality; Chenille, Tufted and Brussels Hearth Rugs, Embossed and Worsted Piano and Table Covers, Furniture Oil Cloths; Door Mats; siair jiuur, tlli, -itT Which makes their one of the best i thisi citv.

and as they have pn. want oi a cneap, gouu aim examine their assortment. 9'1 rssKS! OPERA GLASSES11 Au- nent of hichly finished Opera of strong power, lust received. A. D.

MANSFIELD. ap21 China Vases, which are not only made in ithe ioiiahle style', but painted after the roos MB.f 3 nahfe ap21 EENTLEMEN'S RAZOR extra hne assortment of Razor Cases, furnished the best n.nfteinen who are traveling should not be without so valuatde an article as a Razor Case. f.apij IGAR CASES! CIGAR CASESH-Kich olver mounted.Cigar Cases, of Parisian manufacture, ar. with snrinss to hold the Cigars; also.Leather oasis, bound with steel. MANSFIELD.

XAPERwSfIfiT I receivedaneicganiiot rT- richer than any ever peioie i A. D. MANSFIELD. ap21 TPLESH i -Qtacl, Cicltoo anrl JC Gloves, ot tne Gentlemen wanting Summer Underwear, in any of it varieties, are iwiicnuunj vo. mv assortment, viz: Silk, gauze Wool, gauzeMenno, Cotton, Lisle Thread, Linen and Drill Cotton small, medium, and extralargesizeTS.

HANsFiELDi ROBKS HE CHAMUKjK. a lot line odm ue Chambre justreceived by express, variety in size and quality, irom the elegantly mmineu iueiuiu mo oramary rnnis. uenis wiu pieuc a. ap2l MANSFIiag'S. (ANES! All kinds or the most lasmona-, ble small and large Whalebone, Rosewood, Hickory, Malacca, and Ebony Canes, ricnly mounted and tin-ished, can be seen at MANSFIELD'S.

-300 kegs best Juniata Nails for sale by CORNWALL BRO. TTMRKE1.T.AS! Silk. Gmg. ham, and Cotton Umbrellas, In size from 28 to 36 mr.tiRFt. and in oricefromoO cents to S12 faithful- lv made and warranted lor service can always he had at W' ANSCTTfl.IVS ttar TJF.NT.

A desirable GROCERY STAND EiSsiiiiated on Market street, five doors above Third, recently occupied by H. F. Vail also the fixtures complete, consisting of Stand, Casks Bins and Shelving, all of the latest and most improved style. For particu- ars enquire H. r.

vail, or R. H. -WOOLFOLK, apr21 dtf at the Telegiaph Office firillTK LEAD AND LINSEED OIL Superior articles of these for sale by p20 M. AIKIN FOR NEW ORLEANS. Ths new end splendid passenger packet ANDREW JACKSON, Eckhart.

master, will leave as above on this day. the 25th at 10 A.M. bdr freight or passage apply on board or to a25dl BOGGS RUSSELL. FOR NEW ORLEANS, The new and splendid steamer J. M.

NILES. Hawley. master, will leave as above on tins dav. the 25th at 10 A. AI.

jiorireight or passage apply on board or to apSodl, BOGGS RUSSELL, A gents. riwa, FOR NEW ORLEANS. The splendid St. Clair Thomasson, master, will leave as above tliis day, the 25th at a P. M.

or ireight or passage appry on uoaru or io a25 dl BOGGS RUSSELL, Agents LOUISVILLE AND PITTSBURGH OHIO LINE. The splendid fast running passenger uiea mer TELEGRAPH Nol. Hazlep, master, will leave for the above and interrndiate ports, on Wednesday, the 25th at 3 o'clock, P. M. Forfreight or passage, having unsurpassed accoii.wju-dations, apply on board or to FOR NEW ORLEANS.

The snlendid steamer BELLE KEY. P. A Key, master, willleave as above on Wednesday, the 26th inst. at 12, oi. Forfreight or passage apply on board or to a21 d4 E.

C. KING, Agent. and Railroad Pacfeet. The fast and commodious passenger packet ATLANTIS. E.

S. Avrks. I Master, will run re EUlarlv between Louisville and Madi son, leaving Louisville every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Madison every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday, at 2 o'clock, P.M. OSOn her downward trip the Atlantis will reach Han over Landing about half past 2 o'clock, Bethlehem and Garrett's Landing about 4, Westport about 5, and Charles town about 6 o'clock, P. M.

KSupward passengers, intending to take the cuts at Madison. Can remain on the boat over nieht free of charge. aSldlm REGULAR PACKET Kegular Henderson Pack The fine fast running steamer m.DfiKIJ E. Riole. Master.

will hereafter run as a regular- packet between Louisviii and Henderson, leaving Louisville every Tuesday and Friday at 10 o'clock, A. M. Returning she will leave Henderson every Wednesday and Saturday at the same hour. Passengers and shippers may rely on ihe strictest punctuality being observed in her hours of departure. ior lreignt or passage appiy on ooaia or io dtf or E.

C. KING, Agent. Regular Wednesday Packet for St. Louis. The fine steamer MOUNTAINEER, C.

F. Reynolds. Master, will leave Louisville for St. Louis every vVeuuciuaj at 10 A.M., from Portland, and returning win leave fat. Louis every Saturday at 10 A.

M. jyonreight or passage appiy on ooara or to feb28 dtf J. C. BUCKLES Agents. Reeular Friday Paeket fcPOR ST.

LOUIS. Tflio supe rior anu last steamer GEN. WASHINGTON. Shockley, leave Louisville for St Louis evt Miaay, ana st. Louis ior uouisviue every jwunuay.

i-orireight orpassage apply on ooaru or io feb24dtf BOGGS RUSSELL. For St. Louis. Regular Saturday Packet. The new, last, anu spienmu Iff passenger steamer i Mcpherson, master, will leave as above every Saturday at 10, A.

M. or i reignt or passage apply on board, or to BENEDICT CARTER, febSg dtf or E. C. KING, Agents. United State bJ trZ Mall Line for Cincinnati.

The Steamers Ben. Fkanklini Capt. J. B. Summons, and Capt.

James Montgomery. One ol these verysupciiur, fast, and commodious steamers will leave as above eveiy day at 11 A.M., punctually, from the foot of Peaifstreei. For freight or passage apply on board or to decll dtf BOGGS RUSSELL, Agents. Cincinnati and Pittsburg Daily Packet Line. 'ine proprietors oi tins ff9 k.

well known and favorite line of eiSit steamers inform the public their boats are equal in size, power, finish, una at-cum modation to the best steamers afloat, and they cholleiue comparison with any passenger line in the Union lor saiety, regularity, anu speeu. Monday Clipper No. 2, Capt. N. Crooks.

Tuesday Messenger, Capt. S. Hemphill. Wednesday Isaac Newton, Capt. A.

G. Mason. Thursday Monongahela, Capt. C. Stone.

Friday Hi bernia No 2, Capt. J. Klinefelter, Saturday New England No. 2, Capt. S.

Dci-n. For passage and further information, apply to dec7 dtf BOGGS RUSSELL. Regular Green River Packet Tor Bowling Green II Wni)UUv ine steamer pr- MAJOR BARBOUR Ife Capt, H. J. Spotts.

MwffSSi starts for Green River, via Henderson, Weanes-aa) mct 3 o'clock, positively, and will continue in the trade throughout the season, leaving Louisville every ciini's day, for Bowling Green and intermediate pons. For freight or passage apply onbuard.orto nov23 dtf E. C. KING, Agent. Ohio and Green River Packet.

The hne steamer GEN, WORTH, McEOwan, master, vill resume MwwiiMri aer regular trips for the season on Saturday next, the leaving Louisville every Saturday, at 12 and Bowling Green every Tuesday at 10, A. until urther notice. For freight or passage apply on board or to E. C. KING, Louisville.

octll dtf GRAHAM Bowling Green DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALK. rpo those wishing to purchase desiruble Luikiiitg Luis I will sell a good bargain in the following j.roperty, viz: 62ij feetfronton Washington street, souih skn-, lie tween Campbell and Braddock, running back 2uufce an alley; two Lots of 62 feet each, on north side of Franklin street, between Campbell and Braddock, run ning back 200 leet to an hlley; 52J leet on south side u. Franklin street, between Cam; bell and Braddock, run ning back 200 feet to an oiley. For terms, apply iu marai dti a. n.

SJVST RECEIVED from our factories, an aiidltiuu-al supply of Beaver, Moleskin, Russia, Silk, black and drab brush und Coney fiats; also, Cloth, Glazed, Suk and velvet Caps, as well as trom fate importations, Panama, Leghorn, Pedal, Rutland, inglish'btiaw, Jen- ny Lind and palm Leaf Hats, which renders our assort ment the most complete that can be found west ol the Mountains, ana we wm sen mem to tne traue or tteaiois at a very small advance. apl7 Jr. 13 Artoiin. UU. "VTEW ORLEANS SUGAR-137 hhds, prime quulity, just receiveu oy sunuryamvais, msiore anu lorsu aplGJ THOS.

H. HUNT, 45 Wall si. J. B. WALKER, MERCHANT TAILOR, MAIN' TREET, OrPOSlTE TIIE BAKE OV KENTUCKY, JUST received a very superior anu elegant as sortment Of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting ofevery variety of Cloths, Oasaimeres, Drills.

My stock being of Uie latent anu uest material, cat not fail in pleasing the most laUid lous. Please call and examine. Orders proujpily at- attended to. apaim Store for Rent and Fixtures ror Sale. THE stand formerly occupied Mrs.

as a Millinery and Fancy Store, situated on the east side of FouUh street, between Market and Main. Possession given immediately. Apply Jane Douoh- ty, ll un GOLD! THE subscriber, wholesale manufacturer of JEWELRY, invites wholesale dealers and pedlars trading South and West, alsocountry store-keepers to call ami examine his stock of Jewelry, which wili be sold ut the lowest prices lor cash or approved acceptances. uonstanuy on nana ana uittuuitu-iunus i6; "iui mentsuitable forcityand country trade.

"jr. Ji.i xjv corner Fourth and Branch streets, up stairs, apl2d3m Philadelphia. JESSE HOUIDAY, DEALKR IN LOOKING GLASSES AND PAPER HAINGINGS, No. 531 Main street, tliret doors east of Third, OPPOSlITE BANK OF KENTUCKY, dtf LOUISVILLE, KY. EXTRA FINE MOLESKIN AND BEAVER HATS.

BARBER 6c of the "Maisin des odes." 455 Main street, have store of their Louis ville, New York and Parisian styles, a large assortment of extra fine fashionable Hats, which tney win seuwnoie. sale or retail unusually low for cash. Their stock being all fresh makes it a still greater inducement for buyers to give them a call. aP AL AD OIL, a genuine article, in pintflasks, lor sale by apM J. F.

SMITH. Mala Street Store-Home ana i.ot or sale AT AUCTIOM. ON FRIDAY, the 27th day of April, at It) o'elocK, A. M. wn will sell at budIic sale, tne HOUSE and LOT situated on the comerof Main and Third at pres.

ent occupied by Messrs. D. L. Adams fc fronting 23 feet on Main street, and extending on Third, the same width. 146 feet deep to a 10 foot alley.

Terms une-iounn casn, one-iuurui in one yeai uuc-fourth in two years, and one-fourth in three years, all the payments with interest trom day oi sale, to oe secu. red by a mortgage (with mortgage notes) on the premises. apl9 dtd T. AMDEKSON Auctioneers. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS.

WE are receipting through to JVew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, per TJ. Lkech Lines, on bacon, Tobacco, and all kinds of goods, at reduced rates. J. BUCKLES Agents, an19dfi Pearl street. AILS.

323 kegs Nails, assorted sues, receiveu per steamerJ.J. Crittenden anu ior ue u) IOHW F. HOWARD. apli Main Third and Fourth.

GREETINGS. 30 bales Penn Mills.Sheetings received per steamer J. J. MtteTrteBjajBd.byrjlHD- ISostexquisite workn.ansh,p, justreceby been produced with increased richness this spring, and may MANSFIELD'S. TIO COFFEE.

800 bags Kew Orleans and New jT, York HIO tOiicu iui a.ic uy aPH CORNWALL BRO. WINES 75 dozen Champaigne Wine; 12 hhds Madeira do: 30 qr casks Sweet Malaga Wine for sale low by CORNWALL A- Bgl MCALLISTER'S OINTMENTrecelved and for sale by A. WjSATJjfiKFORI) TTIOLIN STRINGS A good assortroet in store and pl3r by A. C. WSATHERFORD.

-H7Tk- GIVE FOBMItMNBRS. All good Hand cneaV artWesSf White Glue, kinglass and dii cfiwhnr nlwavs on hand and ror sale by Roll Sulphur always on na- WEATHERFOKD. apIS ttxpresulY for tuc LouUvIlie Courier. No Cincinnati market or Pittsburg water report was received last night, Baltimoee, April 24. Col.

Polk, of the Navy, was seized to-day with an apopleptic attack, and is now lying very low. PHILADELPHIA, April Si. Sales of Flour S15D. Sales of orimn whif Wkntios mixed white do 103; prime red do 100; yellow Corn 57c' Oats 31a33e; Kye 57. Cotton is firmer with sales at ad', vanced rates in consequence of reported damage to growing crops.

New York, April 21. Flour is firm with good Eastern and home demand, GeneSeeSu 62Ja5 7S; Western S462ja4S7i for Southern, Wheat is dull, but corn is in active request! ales 900 bushels prime red Wheat 9Cal01al20; supplies ol com are light and holders are endeavoring to get the market upfyellow Corn S6a69c. The foreign news has produced a hcavv marketfor Provisions; mess Pork S10 2ial037(k urnne ot i Sales of Treasury Notes 10SJ Ohio 0's 52, Sj. St. Louts, April 21.

Receipts of Flour are light and there is a better feeling marlSet in consequence, with sales at S3 75a3S7j. uuint: uenip or leau. Wheat la firm at ojc wiui saies oi uuu sacks mixed. There is a steaily de. mand for Com at 3Ga37c.

mnhhw mo so. in. spected. The supply of provisions is small. Sales at leiyiua io urieans, fiourduc, i-uik tuc.

Hemp jga per ton. POBTOPLOBI8VIHB. fPHo'l EVANS coMjiEHCUL nEConn- ARRIVALS April 21 Ben Franklin, Summons, Cincinnati; GYeatman, do; De Witt Clinton, Devinney, St Louis; Crittenden, do; St Anthony, Anderson, do; Swiftsure, Cline, Madison; Hermann, Summers, Kanawha; Genesee, Willtins, Pittsburg; Oriental, Butcher, do; Moro Castle, Scott, Sew Orleans; Cumberland, Miller, Nashville; Maj Barbour, Spotts, Green River. DEPARTURES April 24. Hermann, Summers, Kanawha; Yeatman, Cunningham, St Louis; St Anthony, Arderson, do; Swiftsure, Cline, Madison; Gen Lafayette, Montgomery, Orleans; De Witt Clinton, Devnuiey, Pittsburg; Stephens, Weaver, Cincinnati Ben Franklin, Summons, do; Cumberland, Miller, do; Crittenden, do; Moro Castle, Scott, do.

Memohasua. The steamer St. Anthony left St. Louis April 21, at 7J o'clock, P.M. Passed De Witt Clinton at Selma; met North America at St.

Genevieve; Sultana it Cape Girardeau; Paris and Belle Isle at Price's Landing; Gen. Washington at Devil's Island; Tennessee at -Smithland; Gen. Lane below the Sisters; Chas. Ham mond at the Sisters; Alex. Scott at Ellzabethtown, heavy loaded; Com.

Perry at Diamond Island; Bunker Hill No i loading at Evansville; Childe Harold at Evansville; Whirlwind at Newburg; passed Maj. Barbour at Clover-port. In port for the Ohio steamers Jewess, John Han cock, Taglioni, Wyoming, Belle of the West, and Albat- ross. Lost hours by fog and discharged 200 packages way freight. HIVEK IMPOSTS.

PITTSBURGH Steamer Gonesee 3 ooxes mdse, Lithgow; 9do do, Brown, Moore it Boyd; 85 do do, Anderson co; 63 pieces steel, 115 keys nails. Belknap: 12 plows, 12 points, 8 boxes, 2 casks, 3 bundles forks, A Semple; 39 pieces castings, 3 packa ges mdse, 81 boxes glass, Wilder co; 1 box, Mc- urnm or jonnson; pacnage, Anderson; 'AS boxes, Wilson, Starblrdei Smith; 10 bbls, McKay; 2 do, Cody; 55 packages, Curd Crump; 12 boxes mdse, Hayes Uraig; 4 do do, Buciiles; 1 do uo, Linoenheim co; packages, Noble 2 do, Stokes; 2 do, Praigg; 8 uo, tiacn; uc, oc co; a uo, uucnanan ii: co; i do, Roggenbeiger 6 bro; 16 do, Slevin; 1 box. Morton oc cmswoiu; biio, unamDerunji Duxes, casli, Stobis; 8 bales, packages, do do. Morris co: 3 do. Beckwithifc Mor- ton; 3 crates, lcask, PR Gray; 110 hags yarns, Fellowes iSico; 00 dozen buckets, 20 boxes mdse, Low co.

NASHVILLE Steamer Cumberland 30 bbls. I tierce millet seed, Wilder co; 1 cask, 1 stove bottom, Wallace Lithgow; 1 box, Robinson, Cary. CINCINNATI SteamerBen Franklin 30 Dales hemp Forman; 1 box, Zimmerman; 2 half chests tea, Ku-pert 22 packages, Boggs Russell; 2 do, 1.0 bbls apples, Campion; 2 boxes, Bliss, 210 pieces, 1 sheet iron. Shreve; 4 trunks, 1 iron safe. A Buclian an co; 14 bags yarns, Garvin co; 28 boxes cheese, Kellar; 12 bbls vinegar, Bustard Orr; 2 boxes mdse, Low co; 25 do caudles, Lindsay; 25 do do, Hay lies; 3 bbls tallow, Morsell; 1 box boolis, Buckles; 7 bbls ale, Byrne; 6 chairs, 1 dish, lot tarred Warren; 12 empty half bbls, Dunnegan; 15 bales, Sim; 1 box hats, White co; 3 rolls oilcloth, Sherly, Escott Co; 1 pkg, Hagan co; G3 bbls whisky, Jones; 48 dbdo, JV Conn.

KANAWHA Steamer Hermann 752 bbls salt, Ruff-ner Brooks. MEMPHIS Steamer Stephens 7 bales skins, White co; 4 bbls pecans, I box drugs, Wilson, Starbird Smith; lbbl sand, Dotcher; 1 do do, Evans; do hemp seed, 1 bundle skins, Miller, KANAWHA per flatboat 450 bbls salt, order. PITTSBURGH Steamer Oriental-4 boxes mdse, Merrill Randal; 10 do do, Baker; 32 do, War ren do, A Richardson; 1 trunk, Stout; 1 box, Inderventer; 2 caslrs tinware, 1 bbl, Bell oY Terry; 14 boxes, 95 plow loring, Adams; 100 kegs nails, Belknap; boxes, 7 bales, Wilson, Starbird Smith; flasks, Silver, 0 boxes, Barbour co; 1 cask wine, McDonald it son. ROWLING GREEN Steamer Mai Barbour 2 hhds tobacco, 4bags feathers, 2boxes furs, Curd hhds tobacco, wmte nayiies; yuo uo, Bridges rur-nor; 30 bags cotton yam, 7 bales osnaburgs, Coleman; 14 bbls apples, ldu lard, Miller; 4 boxes fish, 2 casks do, Dolly; box, Inman, Gault Co; 4 bbls sundries, Rudd; 3 boxes mdse, 4 trunks, Morgan; 0000 pieces stave timber, Fisher. NEW ORLEANS Steamer Moro Castle 22 bundles shovels, 10 double boxes axes, 2 boxes hardware, Sem pie 21 boxes tin, Thornton 10 bbls varnish, Alford Lacy; 300 bars railroad iron, Louisville and Frankfort Railroad.

PORTER'S LANDING per two flat fire brick, 1500 steamboat tile, ISOtons clay, Capt Porter. HANGING ROCK ner flatboat 125 tons ni iron -1) Wright. MADISON Steamer Atlantis 3S hf bbls. lObblsflour Ferguson son; 24 bales cotton varn. Todd: 12 hbls flour, Huie; 125 do do, Jones; 50 do do, owners on board; 29 bbls whisky, Jones.

REVOLVING HORSE RAKES. 25 Revolving Hay Rakes, a No. 1 article, made to order, nf the hpst seasoned stuff, received and for sale at the Louisville seed and Agricultural store. apis A. b.

MUNN, 404 Market st. i TREES! AT REDUCED few AppSe and Peach Trees still left and will be closed out athallpiiceby apis a. tr. MUiNi, 4bi Market St. TR A Thi chmrptjt RvPfn and Ton fMS that are imported Into the United States can be purcnaseu on tne mosc reasonable terms ai SeN o.

450 Market street, next to the Mechanic's Bank. The subscriber begs to invite the attention ol his friends and the public generally to his present stock ol Teas, which are ol the latest importations from China, anu are very superior in flavor to Teas which have been long imported. apia JAS. T. LAN HAM.

-300 bbls Family Flour in store and for sale H. FERGUSON SON, corner Fifth and Market streets. JO by aplb TH7 ESTERN MANUFACTURED GOODS. Weare VV receiving on consignment Pittsburgh Cotton Check and Stripes, in great variety of patterns, suitable for women's wear, lunmure, smns, summer coats, oec. For sale low.

PARKS MAYS. iSThese goods are known in Pittsburgh by the nams of 'Stewart's Honest Onecks." apid garhouse Molasses lor sale low hy PARKS MAYS. OTATOES 100 bbls White Fotatocsj 30 do Keshanoc do; 100 do Blue do; 20 do Pink-eve do: All in Hour bbls and in good order for shipping received ana ror sale oy apis a. rnunfl, 4biviarKctst. IVTARDI, AND A VOYAGE THITHER, by Herman 1TJL Melville, aumor "Typee," oic.

"It is exactly two yearssince Mr. Melville's last book. The interval has undoubtedly been devoted conscien tiously and laboriously to "Alarm," wlucli is not only a very happy, genial production, in the best mood of luxurious invention, but a book of thought, curious thought and reflection. There is "something in it everywhere." We read oa and on for simple amusement, but we find these pictures leave traces on the memory, and are re- pi ouuceu Willi uui U1UU3H13, puiiiuus many a 3151mn.m11 Literary worm. Received and for sale by ap20 F.

W. PRESCOTT, 451 Main st. IITKRATTJRE alias NOVELS. The Sea Lions, jCooners last, received a weclr aeo. and only to be hadatHAGAN'S.

Mordaunt Hall, a pretty and enchanting novel, Mrs. Marsh's last; not a weeK oiu. Man made of Money from the pictures, judge 'tis some thing tunny; Douglas Jerrolds last. Ellen Wareliam Jane Evre can't touch it a new no vel by Miss Ellen Pickering she's been dead ten years, The Diamond "and Pearl; who'll go to California for gold when they can get Diamonds and Pearls at Hagan's n. caunJ Mrs.

trore's last. 1 he Midnight Sun, by Miss Bremer; price 15 cents-ls'hard to beat. -The Old Judge, a oure hn.ippt nr n.n Voluptuousness, 4th part of the Seven Capital Sins Cecelia, or Woman's Love; -a killing tale or the heart-old, but rich: by Dumas. The Work Table Book, the Dead Sea Expedition, and everyLuinsciie iiiaLiaiicw. Macaulay, IN 0.

it expecteu a uay or two. Ned Buntline's Own. containingafulldescriptionof the flare up in New York. For sale by O. HAGAN St Fourth street, near Market, Andalso byF.

HAGAN Nashville, Tenn. api'2I SEW BOOT AiV'D SllOli STORE. SOLOMAW L. SIMON WOK1H-3Ri? wnnlil recnftctfullv inform their nml trip nnhllc in seneral. that they opened a Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bootand Shoe Store, on Marketstreet, next doortolhecornerofSixth, where thry will constantly keep on handa choice assortment ol BOOTS AND SHOUS.

Having paid particular attention in the purchase ol their spiing and summer stock, havine bought only such goodsas they can warrant to be 01 good material, they would most respectfully suiicii me puonc togivetnem a can at me new uiuwv ui umm-ings on north side of Market and Sixth. N. B. Bootsand Shoes of any kind made to ordcrand mending taken in. mlOdOtn REMOVAL.

JOHN F. THOMPSON -would moSt( respectfully iniorm his old customers-and tile nublic eenerallv. that he has aremoved his CABINET ESTABLISH MENT to Jacub'sold building, opposite the Post Office, where he will be pleased to receive calls from his old friends. He pledges himself that every article purchased irom lnmsliall be of hisown manufacture and made entirely of the best seasoned materials, and all Cincinnati trash in the shape of Furniture shall be kept out ol his assortment, which is a general one. Call and see.

Fri-cesas low as any work manufactured in the city, and warranted to stand the test. ap21dtaugl3 JOHN. F. THOMPSON. OS-Old Furniture repaired neatly or taken in exchange for new.

Alii, ULSEAdEo ARISING OUT OF AW IMPURE STATE OF THE DLOOO, OK HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, viz: Scrofula.or.King's.EvU, Rheumatism, Ohstinate Cutahe ous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chrome Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Fain in the Bones ana Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sci- atica, Lumbago, and Diseases arising from injudicious use of Mercury, Acites or JJropsy, isxposure orimpiuueuce in Life. Also, CHRONIC CONSTITUTIONAL DISORDERS. "TltO-TH IS STRANGER THAN" FICTION." LET THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THESIS ELVES. The fOHOWlllg Stri- King, ana, as will oc seen, permanent cure of an mvete. rate Ganceu is only another link in the great chain of testimony to its merits.

Let the afllicted read and be convinced, vvnatit lias done once itvvm do again: Stamford, Oct.15, 1847, Messrs. A.B.&D Samds Gentlemen In the year mzi i-was aiiaujieti wiux a cancer in my necx, which soon extended its ravages over the side ofmy face eatin the flesh, and leaving the cords of my neck bare, dis- ujiargmg vex ireeiy, causing intense pam ana suHerm, priving me of rest at nieht and comfort bv dav. de stroyingmy appetite, and reducing me almost to the ffatesof dt-ath. I was attended bv the first nhvsicians i IOI Hi" tui uic, tiiiu uiu uw tutiiaivui a talent could effect, but during all the time I conthi- uco to grow -worse under their care. In the spring of lVLn i cnanceuco near oi tne ures penormeu oy your S.rsaparilla, and determined to tiy it.

1 had not used er two bottles before I felt its effects on my system most sensibly. My appetite was soon resto ed, my strength was increasing, the discharges from the cancer decreased, and 1 soon began, to perceive tii at the flesh was neanng. i continued its use accoramg io airec-lions, and also continued to grow better ana better from day to day, until I have been fully and wholly cured hy I us use. xi is now iv, yeao biiiuc i wax uuicu, aim have remained oerfectlv'well un to this day. 1 have de layed giving you this certificate, that 1 might ascertain whether the disease would reappear; but 1 am happy and most thankful to aeain repeat that tlie cure is aperieci one, and effected wholly by the use of your Sarsapariiki.

i ne scars still remain, ana an wno Know me, ana manj jf the citizens of Stamford, can testify to the severity of my case and mv sufferings, and the health-restorinepow of your Sarsaparilla. loan with unhesitating confi icuce rccominenci its use tu very aunerer aimcteu witn iiniilar comr.laints. After exneriencinE what I have from its effects, I can say to ono and all, "Hesitate anil Joubt no longer, but secure to yourselves the virtue this medicine can alone bestow, under the blessing of Divine jalusl graLeiuuy i am, ana suuiiaiways Yourfriewd, ISAAC STEVERS. Prepared and sold, wholesale ai'd retail, by A. B.

SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, 100 Fulton corner vvuiiam, i.ew Yont. soiu also oy j. K. wilder Louisville, W. Harrison.

Cincinnati: G.W. Morton. Lexmston.K J.T. Younglove, Bowling Green; J. Adams, St.

Louis; Sickles New Orleans, and by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Price 5pl uer bottle; 6 bottles for $5. ap3 deodfewlm Notice to Daauerrentvnc Arttt. JUST received, a small invoice of VOIGTAEND-ER'S QUICK WORKING I STRUM new construction. These instruments possess great advantages over all others ever made, covering a 2-3 size Plate, reducmethe time of sitting one-half, and nrodu- cingasharper, clearer, andbetterdefmed picture.

They therefore, deserve the attention of all Artists eneaeeil. or intending to engage in the business. Price for the iUDe A general assortment of Voigtlaenuer's iustlvcelebra. ted Instruments, of allsizes, as-well as Daguerreotype maieiwiSf ine lowest raies. Mr.

Peter Smith, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is our authorised Agent for the sale of the above Instruments. "A list of prices can he obtained by addressing, fposr-paid.) Exchange, Philadelphia. Importers of Daguerreotype Materials, and General Agents for the sale of Voigtlaender's Optical Instru ments. mar9deod2m NOTICE. rO STONE QUARRIERS, STONE CUTTERS, BRICK MAKERS, BRICK LAYERS.

LUMBER DEALERS, -Seated proposals for tim supply and delivery of materials, work, for the construction of Marine Hospitals at Louisville, iNapoieonanu Natchez, will be received by the undersigned, in the city of Louisville, till the 10th day of May next. Printed specifications, setting forth in detail the various items ior which proposals are solicited, maybe obtained by persons wishing to furnish such supplies, on application this office, or at the office of the Superintendent in Louisville. S. ti. LONtr.

Lieut, ap7 Ueod3' sup. Mamie nospiiat. TEA EMPORIUM. HO, 80, THIRD BET. AUKKET AND JEFFERSON.

HAVING added to my former stocli a complete assortment of the choices ana nnest graues oi ureeu anu uiacis TEAS, winch 1 would state to my cus- omers and the public in seneralthat thevcan relyon them being of fresh importation and freed from all adulteration, and it is my intention to keep one of the largest andfreshestassortmentsof Teas always on hand, I would respectfully invite Tea drinfcers to call and judge for themselves, and wherever they do not give entire satisfaction the money will 1-e refunded. We. the undersigned, having used Teas sold by Wheel Mai tin, and found them of good quality, would recom-mend them to the public. is wngiic, jno nau, jonn vv iyier Holbrook, Haldeman, Chambers, Jolin.Muir, Wm rather, Maury, Clute, Ferguson, pyles, KobtStorey, Taylor, Jr. SamlHlllman, liemnng, liusseu, Owen, Tal Shaffner, Buckles, Jackson, Jack, Tucker, McReynolds, Wolfe, Pope, Phil KThompson.R stamper, GP Robinson.

tFOK KENT A desirable two-story brick HOUSE on the east side of Sixth street, between Green and alnut: has seven rooms, kitchen and servants' room. cistern and meat house, all in good Price $225. Apply tO J.iN. WKUiU'i ap2u Real Estate Agent, No. 76, Third st.

RECTIFIED WHISKY. 150 bbls old Rectified Whis-ky store and for sale by rLD BOURBON WHISKY. 40 bbls old Bourbon Whisky store and for sale by ap20 JONES HAL BERT. PEACH BRANDY. 10 bu Is Peach Brandy store and for sale by WINES AND LIQUORS 3 half pipes pure Cognac Brandy; 10 uo new ium uu, 1 pipe Holland Gin: 10 bbls Baltimore Gin; 5 casks New Orleans Rum; 10 quartercasks Madeira Wine; 15 do Sicily do; 5 do; 10 do old Port do; 50 do Sweet Malaga Wine; 5 casks Claret Wine; 35 boxes do dO; store and for sale by tt.

THE best Miscellaneous Paper In the World is the FLAG OF OUR UNION, a Literary and Miscellaneous Family Journal, containing News, Wit, Humor, and Romance, independentof party or sect. Published every Saturday, byjonsr uartek, ro. j.i wau Louisville, Ky. It contains an average ot twenty nve columns oi ong-nal matter each week, of the choicest character, be-ides the cream of all the general intelligence of the imes. so carefullv condensed as to embrace, in one pa per, the matter that would fill half a dozen ordinary sheets.

With a circulation unequalled by any other pa per, the publisher is enabled to make large outlays upon the Flag of our Union, and to outstrip all competi tors in liberality TEnius to Subscribers lsubscnuer one year, do one year, do one year g5 invariably in ad- ance. tc3No subscription taken for a less period man six months. Those the country who wish to necome suDscnoers the Flag, by enclosing the amount of subscription in letter, (post paid,) may depend upon receiving their paper regularly every week, and in due time. L. nil ttio Doirnliz-fil as lac; may aisu ue uuwuicu on ui- Depots in the United States, and of Newsmen, at 5 cents.

per copy. FINE OLD VIOLIN. Any gentleman wishing a very superior old Violin, would do well to call and exam. ine one ieit wun us on saiu. jtik-k iw.

an21 next to Bank of Louisville. GUITARS' We have just received a most complete and beautiful assortment of Guitars, embracing every pattern, and ranging price from 555 to 3565, viz: ATaTtm'sfixtrafinished Spanish Guitars. Thesemstru- mentsare unsurpassed in all those qualities which go to mnir nn hfmoKt. nerfer.t instrument. Kich Kosewoou uuuars, patent uic ucai American and Erencn manuiaciurers.

Plain Screw Head Guitars, German mane, irom to 10. Aiso, a large stuLrii oi vieinmii uu ntuui 7fa(ian and Knelish Violin and Guitar with complete assortment of Musical merchandise. ap2t Piano and Mustc Deaiers, fllain st. BONNET RIBBONS. Another new style Jionnet Rihbons, sLx days from New York, ju3t received and for sale very low by ap2l vv.

w. tal put, jno. ioJ MarKeisi. TOW AND FLAX LINENS 1,500 yards Tow Linen; AUn. hf.nw nsnahures.

O. C. Shirtings, and heavy Cottonades, for negro wear, for sale low by ap'-ii w. vv. i axj oj i jjio.1 n.

CTIGAR. 300 hhds strictly prime N. O. Sugar in store and for sale bv and for sale by ap2t D. L.

ADAMS A CO. iOFFEE 600 bags prime green Rio Coffee; 30 do old Government Java Coffee; In store and for sale by an21 it, it- oc lu, 300 bbls Plantation Molasses, in fine 1V1 shipping order, for sale by ap21 D. L. ADAMS CO. rpEAS.

150 packages Gunpowder and Black Teas JL ior Sale oy japstj u. u. nwaiuo yjy REFINED SUGARS. 75 bbls New York and St. Louis Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars for sale 0y LaP'J SUNDRIES 5 40 tierces Rice; No.

1 Salmon, in tierces and bbls No. 1 and Roe Herring, bbls and qrbbls; Half bbls No. 1 Mackerel; Halfand qrbbls No. 2Mackerel; 30 bbls No. 3 do; 75 boxes White Havana Sugars; 4,000 lbs Bar Lead; 8,000 do Pig do; 50 kegs Shotassorted sizes; -20 baskets Ghampaigne Wine; 350 boxes Runch Raisins; GO bags soft shelled Almonds; 15 boxes Sperm Candles; 60 do Tallow do; PMnted Buckets and Tubs; fn store and for sale by FRESH TEAS 30 half chests superior Gunpowder; 25 do oo iiiatH; 200 Gandl21b boxes Giinnowder; In store and for sale by apl9 KUW.

J. JVlflKllls. day brand," received this morning, fresh Irom the Spring, and for sale by -apIS. BUCKLES CO. Jessup's first class Laid Letter Paper, just received ner Saladin, direct from the manufacturers.

AH those vvho prefer tse old fashioned hand-made papers for letter writing have now an opportunity of getting a supply, apll Agent, 17? Main St. ive therefore are obliged to grind it while green, then grind it again, whicn leaves it nne enougn to mix witn the oils for use after it is put on afew months it turns again to stone, forming a complete stone covering to whatever applied. It is harder than slate and a hotter peculiarly adapted for covering wood iron, or tin roofs, for steamboat and car decks, for rail' road bridges and denots. for all kinds of cast-iron, fo fences; in tine, anything you wish to protect from fire or weather. The analysis of Dr.

Chilton, of New Tfcrk city, shows il lu uc one oi ine nest nre-nrooismat cm ne iisru. ne loumi it to contain the lollowmg substances: Magnesia ....25 percent Aiumum ttO Silex 20 do Black Oxide of Iron in rin Sulphuret of Iron io do ine do Carbon. .....,,..5 do CERTIFICATES. We, the undersigned. Inhabitants of Sharon Hbvp rnr the last three years watchea with much interest the trial oi uiaKe's juetauic faint, round mthis town, and have covered our several dwellings with it, and can now with confidence state to the public that it is an article of great value that the sun, rain, or frost, has no other effect than to tuin it to stone, so that we now have, to all intents a perfect slate roof, and so perfectly does it pro-tcct the roof from moisture that frequently several gal- lonsoi uew runs irom me eaves in tne morning: and where there is no moisture there is no decay, and the rain that falls from the roof is as tiure and clear as the purest spring-water, andfrom the nature of the article it mustoean exceuene nreprooi: we mereiore can unite in recommending it to the public, and believe that no good building where shingles are used oueht to be left un.

siated. wm. unATi-iiSljiJ, JOSEPH W. CRAKE, WM. INGHAM, ADAM KOODKR, Sharon, June 1,187.

THOMAS RHODES. Mb. Blake Dear Sin; I deem it a dutylowe the public that for many yearsl have been engaged in house and steamboat painting, and perhaps we use as much paint as any other establishment iu the State, and having for some time been using the Metallic Fire-proof Paint, I can truly say that it is far superior to any paint that have ever used, for rim fniinw. ingpurposes: for wood, iron or Un roofs, for all kinds of uast iron, ior sieamnoat aeens, lences, ana in fact for anything you wish to protect from fire or weather, aa I have not the least doubt, if properly applied, at the expiration of twenty years it will be more permanent and harderthan at the end of one, as the weather serves only to turn it to stne, and the longer exposed the harderit seems to become. Yours truly, r.

A. MiLLKK. The Government has granted a patent for the discov ery of its application in the manufacture of the Weather and Fire-picof Composition, or Artificial Slate, and the State Fairof Isew xork, held in September last, granted a diploma to the patentee, and the American Institute a ineuai. 1 wouiu CAUTION the public againstimposition, as, since the establishment oi mecreauoi my faint, there are individuals engagpd in grinding and selling all kinds of stuff, much of it no better than the dirt in the street or clay from any bank, calling it all good fire-and weather-proof paint. Now, I give notice to all that buy, mix with oil, and use this paintin the manner set forth (except from me or my agents,) that I shall hold them to a strict accountability, and shall commence suits at law against those that thus infringe my rights.

The publictherefore, barrelsare all marked "Blake's Patent Fire am) proof Artificial Slate." The genuine article can at all times be had of FRANCIS McKAY. Agent, Louiiville. WILLIAM BLAKE, feb22dtfbfe2wis Patentee, Akron, Ohio. MATTHEWS RECRENRIDGE, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, DEALKRS IN PERFUMER 6c, Corner of Jefferson and Sixth atreeta. Loulsvllln.

B. Physician's Prescriptions carefullyfo prepared at all hours, day or night. rf dly Jrgj "OEFINED SUGARS, tec JtV 100 bbls Nos. 5 and Gsmall Loaf; J0U uo urusiied, assorteuquaiities; 200 do Powdered, do do; 75 do Clarified, do do; 25 do Golden Syrup; 25 kegs do do; 25 bbls Sugarhouse Molasses: For sale by H. D.

NEWCOMB aplb Agents ot st. steam Hennery. LARGE AUCTION SALE BY THOS. ANDERSON CO. NOTICE: We are now in Tcceipt of a large supply of Foreign and Domestic Goods, to which we invite the attention of country and city dealers, confidently be lieving tne assortment win present as great a variety o.

desirable goods as has been offered this season. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. CAPS, J-c. On the 23d. 25th and 2Gth MONDAY.

TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY,) com. mencing each day at half-past9 o'clock, A. we will offer alarge assortmentof Domestic Dry Goods. 4-4 and 7-8 bleached and brown Muslins: 4-4 Anron and Furniture Checks; Domestic Ginghams; fancy light nd dark tints; nan and Hold and blue Prints; heavy Cottonades; blue Denims; 4-4 anu -b TiCKins: lujmuctty jeans; oauneLs: wniie i'ian. ncls: Cotton TableDiaper: Curiam col- oreu uauiDncsjtvOUon nuius; vveiuug Loros; ouecias Uarpets, Foreign Goods.

4-4 super French and English Lawns; Scotch and French Ginghams: Ifine. embroidered Tarlcton Lawns: Mull, Swiss and Jaconet Muslins; super black Gro de NaDSilks; black Alpacas; rich Furniture Prints: fancy Silk and Satin Vestings; Silk Serges; super Sewing Silks; brencn ana iingusn oiacn, nrown ami oiue uotns; lancy Casslmers; fancy Cotton and Linen. Pantaloonery a large assortment of white and colored Cotton Hosiery and Gloves; Laces; Bonnet Ribbons; Russia Sheet-hip? real Colerain Linens; Lone Lawns; Linen Damasks; Huckaback Towelling; brown Coat Linens; brown and hinr-k Hollands: black Patent Thread: Crolon Cloths; rancv Balzannes; rongee liUKts; lancy snawis; JNett Cases; a large assortment of Twist and Lasting Coat Buttons; vest isuuons; euiusaiiu i-eaiioutiuns. Boots and Shoe. 10 cases Goat and Calf Pump Brogans; 25 do Men's Kip do; 10 do Boys' and Youths' do; 30 do Men's Kip Boots; 10 do Calf and Seal Boots; 20 do super Calf sewed Boots; 5 do Misses' Seal Slips, Buskins and Bootees: 5 no Goat Lace Boots; 15 do Women's Lace Boots and Slips; 6 do do Strap Shoes; 12 do fine Kid Slips; 5 do Men's Seal Slips; 1 case do fox'd Cloth Gaiters; 1 do Misses' and foxed Gaiters; 1 do Children's colored.

Cacks. Hats, Caps, dec. 25 cases Russia, Brush, Moleskin and Angolallats; 20 do Palm Leaf Hats; do Cloth, Oil Silk and Fancy Caps; 2 do Shirts, consisting of yoke, Livingston, and other styles. Termscash. T.

AlSDEIISON aplO Auctioneers, List of remaining Spring and Summer Sates. Fifth sale May 14th, 15th, 10th and 17th. Sixth sale -June 4th, 6th, Gth and 71h. u3Regular weekly sale every Thursday throughout the yeai NOTICE TO PENSIONERS. THE undersigned nas, connexion with his present business, (that of Real Estate Agent,) possessed himself with all the forms that are necessary to collect Pensions that are or may be due to the widows or descendants of soldiers of the Revolution; also of the Late War, or the War with Mexico, and widin future with promptness give his immediate attention to those who may call on him.

Being associated in this business with an officer of the government at Washington, he flatters himself that, with that and other facilities, he can enter into this business with confident succi ss. Any comrau. mcations addressed, post paid, to No. 74, Fifth Louisville. Willmeet with prompt attention.

mar2G PORTABLE SAW-MILL. I HAVE invented a Portable Saw-Mill, which for (simplicity, durability, and the large amount of work done far suspasses ail other inventions ol tne kinu. 1 use a common mill-saw and can saw logs of any ordinary size and length desired, with four horses. The Mill lays on the ground and is perfectly firm. I will furnish these Mills, with four horse powers, complete, put up and in operation, and guarantee them to cut 1,000 feet or more dauy, ior yuu.

Appiy at jno. doi Jenerson street, above First. JAMES CARPENTER. CHOLERA TINCTURE. A certain cure for Cholera.

Diarhcea. Cholic. prepared by the Rev, Rich ard Tydings, of Kentucky, from the recipe of an experi. enceupnysician. A the urgent of many friends I offer this reme dy to the public.

In 1833 Drs. Hereford, of Prestonburg, ano. lit. siciui'gi uau. iu an cjv.lcuauc Cholera practice, without the loss of a patient.

I also used it then with like success and have known it to cure in the collapse stage, when a physician refused to prescribe. Ihave used it in my family and my edy tor Uhoiera in auitsiorms. itcuresspeeony, ana has no opium or calomel it. For sale bv Wilson. Starbird.

Smith. Main street. Montgomery Sutclifle, Main street, and John Carter, wau street. api uu REMOVAL. juurt r.

n.uHijroui., wouiu inusi respectfully inform his old custamersfcU znd the public generally, that he hasBi removed Ms CABINET ESTABLISH- Ml wiiNT to Jacob's oldbui ding, opposite the Post Oifir.e, where he will be pleased to receive calls from his old friends. He pledges mmseutnai every articiepurcndscu fmm him shall be of his own manufacture ad made en- tfrpivofthe best seasoned materials, and all Cincinnati trash in the sbape of Furniture shall be kept out of his assortment, which is a general one. Call and see. Prices as low as any work manufactured in the city, and warranted to stand tne lest. seo20dlv faol81 JOHN F.

THOMPSON. DOIdFurniturerepaired neatly ortaken in exchange tor new. BACH HERZOG, No. 45G Market bet'n Third and Fourlfi, Louisville, WHOLESALE DEALEK3 IN FRENCH, GERMAN oi AMERICAN DRY GOODS, TTAVR now on hand, and are daily receiving by ex- JLj press, a large and splendid assortmentof Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which for style and quality cannot be surpassed by any wholesale establishment in the West, ttv their immediate relation with the manufactories here as well as in Europe, they are enabled to sell fine goods as low as they can be purchased at the importers in the city of New York. Among their stock will be found a good assortment of Silk and Kid Gloves, Laces, Swiss and Check Muslins, Needle work Collars, Ribbons, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Jaconets, Suspenders, Buttons, Thread, apl9 dim GOURAND'S ITALIAN SO APSThis most celcbra-" ted article, which lias for many years received the patronage of a large portion of persons in the Eastern cities, can neiounu at apl7 A.

D. MANSHBLii-a. mif ORD AUNT HALL, a novel, by Mrs. Marsh, aumor IVJL of Angela, Emilia Wyndham, Two Old Men's Tales, 25 cents. "This new novel, by the author of 'Emilia Wyndham, onlyfully sustains the high reputation of its popular author, but will even raise it in the tff wirl.l Ttarel has an excellent moral purpose been so strikingly SftSfJE alum oi a taieaooununis fheir unimis iai.i rr Vhir aitn with a succession of so vai i.

th ion Ol thai butes and so truthfully and energeu the trutniuuy aiiu wrtl) the of portraits worthy to rawt in tne they formaga ieryoi fni 'modera fiction creations ol the LSwMgetof Uite clever The other suiid nate and exciting story are sketcBMina er forcibly of MORTON, For sale by 632 Main street. j-g-jJTSisSo. 1 Salmon received per Glen-bcoeandforsaleoy EUW. J. MARTIN.

LOUlSVir-LK. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 25. Steamboats Leaving This Day. nee advertisements in another eolumt. 'T'iNCiNSi-FASHlON, Anders.

p.ttws-TELEGRAPH Ko.l, Hazlep. Oiu-kans-ANDKEW JACKSON, Eckhart. Ohi'fins-J- M.NILES, Han-ley. 3M.EAS8-BELLE KEY, Key. oui-KASS 3IAOSOHA, Thomasson.

itr" Locis MOUNT AIKEEK, Reynolds. Auction Sales To-ilay. By T- AN uo. Dry (joous, groceries, Valuable Building Lots. liv S.

IIkxrv Thk KlvEB Axu Weather. Last evening there fj feel 1 inches water in the canal by the Ouriiijr the previous 0-1 hours the river hod veil about at a stand. ui'jlher yesterday was dry, but cloudy, though iu tHe evening it became quite clear. learn that a telegraphic despatch was revived here yesterday staling wm me asround in the Mississippi at island ami that (he Magnolia came up and took her passengers for Louisville. ICTThe steamer Moro Castle arrived here from.

New Orleans yesterday, with fifty tons of railroad iron for the Louisville and Frankfort railroad. This is the first receipt here of the iron for our railroad brought from England on the ship Odd Fellow. MEi.viu.E'TxEwlvoXXwrKoble has jus! received Melville's new work, entitled Mahdi. His shelves will not groan with copies until sundown to-day. We shall notice the work to-morrow.

B3VV'c are requested to say that the fire of Saturday evening (noticed iu yesterday's Courier,) caught on thereof, from sparks carried by the wind, from a fire in Mr. Connely's back yard. John 11'. Nicholson, we understand, has suffered greater loss than any family we mentioned in our Shreveport Kaces. We observe that the Taces over the Lecomte Course, at Shreveport, are advertised to commence on the 1st of May, and continue five days.

bt. Louis papers record a death from cholera at the work-house of that city, but say thai there are no other cases in that neighborhood. Death of Mr. Bidlack Confirmed. Latei advices from Carlhagena, New Grenada, confirm the rumor of Mr.

Bidlaclt's death. He died on the 6th of February, at Bogota, after an illnes3 of nine days. 13Mr. Fitzgerald, clerk of the mail boat Fashion has our thanks for Cincinnati papers of yes- lerdav. Telegraph No.

1 starts for Pittsburgh this tjveuiiig at 3 o'clock. lJ-Tiie Telegraph No. 1, Capt. Hazlep, arrived little after 10 o'clock, last night, from Pittsburg. (GPTfte steamer Magnolia was telegraphed from Evansville yesterday.

She will be heie this moin- Fou Sew Orleans. The splendid fast running aleamer Belle Key starts for New Orleans this afternoon, from Portland. The Belle is a commodious and very comfortable boat to travel on, and passengers will meet with every care and attention. steamer Major Barbour starts for Bowl-n Green this afternoon at 3 o'clock. fudiana Penitentiary on Fire.

'lhe new penitentiary at Jeireraonvilie, Indiana, was on fire yesterday afternoon, and a considerable portion of one of the wings of that establishment was burnt to the ground. The fire originated in the dry room of the lumber house, and it and the coopers' and wagon makeis shops were consumes. Five of our engines were taken across the river in the ferry, and they arrived at the scene of conflagration iu time to assist in checking the fnnhei progress of the flames. The loss is estima-u-ii ai between $2000 and $3000. It is supposed that vhe fire was the work of one of the convicts.

Bifiuixo Inspection in Mobile. We were siiou'u yesterday a list of the marks of ninety different lots of bagging copied from the Inspector's books in Mobile, in which the marks and measures were accurately taken down from the brands. By the admeasurement of the Inspector it was found that forty-five out of the ninety fell short of the length specified on the brands. Some of them were seven yards less, and others from one to six yards less than the length called for on (he pieces. The average falling off was three yards.

In no case did we see it stated that the bagging exceeded the number of yards called for on the brand. We think it behooves manufacturers to be more particular in measuring their bagging. fForthe Louisville Courier.I Secoxd Ward. At a meeting of the voters of the 2d Ward, held at the City School House, on Jelferson street, on Tuesday evening, April 24th, Col. Johnston Mason was called to the Chair, and Sanders Shanks appointed Secretary.

The Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to nominate two suitable persons to represent tiie Ward in the City Council. It was on motion ordered that all voting be by ballot. Several persons were put in nomination, and on the 2d ballot, P. Maxcy and J. Mason, having a majority were declared uominated.

Sad Accident. Yesterday about 9 o'clock, A. Jeremiah Stinson, one of the owners of a saw mill in this citv. another white man and two ne- rrroes were nrnceedine uo the river in a skiff to meet a raft. Just above the "point," which is within siht nf nnr nffice.

a true from the Loiusi- ana shore fell across the skiff and sunk it. Mr. Stinson and the two negro men were drowned; the oiner man, who was the stem oi me Doat, caught hold of the tree and saved himself. Vicksburg Whig. Kcporiud expressly for the Loulsviile Courler.j POLICE COURT.

HON. JOHN JOYCE, Judge. Tdesdav, April 24, 1849. The court had not been in session for several days until to-day. Wm.

Nash was arraigned on a peace warrant by G. W. Pendleton. The parties had been trading mid trafficking together, and.finally quarrelled. The case was left open for future consideration.

Fielding, a slave of Hamsley, for stealing a wheelbarrow, was ordered to receive twenty lashes. Smith was arrested, and put on trial for shooting case continued. COMMERCIAL. OFFICE OF THE LOUISVILLE COURIER, I Tuesday Evening, April 24, 1840. The weather to Jay has been dry though cloudy.

Th river is at a stmd. Business continues quiet in pretty much all branches of trade. BAGGING and ROPE The ttock of Bagging ii quite light. We hear of a sale.on an order of 250 pieces and 200 coils at 17c and 8c, on time, adding interest; also a sale of 20 pieces and 50 coils at 16c and 8c, on time Several holders are offering Bagging at 16c cash. COTTON We quote a sale of 400 bales Tennessee and A Winn a Cotton on terms equal to 55c, 4 months, FLOUR GRAIN We quote light sales ol Flour from stores at S3 70a3 75: retail salesatS-1.

Sales of: wiieat in light parcels at 05a07c. Corn is rather scarce "id commands from wagons, 27a2Sc; sales Trom stores mlots.and 35c at retail. quote a sale of 100 bags RIo Coffee 20 hhds ofSugar at 4gc; and salesjof 10JaUa5c. A lijlit sale of plantation Mo- 1.3.51 CS i1EM.PrWc q'Jote 1 SaIc of 82 bales dew-rotted, from store, at Sl35 per ton. 'luote asale of 35 bbla at 55c.

PROVISIONS and LARnWe quote asale or bbls mess Pork at $9 50. A sale ofl75 bbls prime at Sales of Bacon from the country, in light lots, at 4j hog.round. A sale otSO casks clear sides from store ica country Lard tegs at Gc. and a sale in WHISKY-Salesthis mornin. at lojalfijc.

103 bbls at the- wharf -5rREfffrSWe qUOte llle rat" t0 New Orleans at frl, 22icfor pound freights. Way "ISl'ts, ffllc per bill for nnrlr DIED, on the 2.1th Mrs. Eliza consort of 11 lunciaiwm take place from the residence of Mrs. Twymju, at the coiner of aih and Main streets, at 10 clack morning. apr25dl BlSSOLUTlON OF COPARTNERSHIP.

Thefirm of Fetter, Lawrence Riddle was dissolved by mutual consent, oil the 20th and William Riddle alone is authorised close up the business of the concern, and sign the nam'e of the Hrm in liquidation. Gt'OKGE G. FETTER, BElWAMIN H. LAWRENCE, ap2u WILLJ AM KIDDLE. 3 2 it M.

AIK.IN CO. i.p2U.

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