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The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
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A NK1rand Splendid Mnpof Mexico, show 1,1 FJE IIVSUIAIVCE! MADISON MAD I BO IT, I A REMOVED. HAMPTON havimr removed, can now be found W. N. HALDEMAN, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR, BEIYJ AITIIN A. EL001M, Venilinn Klind Ss Sbow-cntue ITlanu factory, 430 Jefferson, between 3d and 4th sis.

octl6 dly OjEAMSTBESSJES AVauted. 50 good Coat hands wanted, such as are able and accustomed to make Blanket and Tweed Coats. Constant work and good wages given. Apply immediately at the Mammoth lothlng Depot. octi" AV.A RGB Wall Map of the World-Publish ed hy Augustus Mitchell, one wishing aspiendidMap of the World, are invited to call and see it.


A. M. MERCHANT, VieePresiij.ent. Lewis Ukntok, Secretary. Pliny Frkicman, Actuary.

ThisCpmpany, organized upon the improved and decidedly poular principles of Mutual Lusurance, will confine its business solely and exclusively to insurance on Lives. It has accordingly been determined where the annu al premium shall amount to $50, and 150 per cent shal have been paid in cash, an approved note may be given for the remaining 40 percent, payable twelve months after date, bearing six per cent, interest. The interest to be paid annually, but the principal not to he called in unless the exigencies of the company require it, giving sixty days notice, and then only by assessments pro ratato theextent that may be required to meet the engagements of the company. Itisconfidcntlv anticipated that a system, the opera lion of which is so fair and equitable, so wellcalculated to place the benefits and blessings of Life Insurance within the reach of all, and at thesamctimeenableeach contributor to share equally and fully not only in its ben-eficient security, but also in its profits of accumulation will meet, as il is believed to deserve, the favor and con fidence of the public. The particularadvantagesofferedby thiscompany are; 1.

A guarantcecapital. 2. An annual participation in.the-profks-. 3. No individual responsibility beyond the amount premium.

4. Those who insure for a less period than life, participate equally in the ajinual profits ot the company. Having received the appointment of the Agency of the above Company, I am prepared to make Insurance on theLivesoflndividualsin thiscity orthe country, on the most iiuerm terms. Slavesalso insured for one or any number of years. Pamphleis and terms of Life lusurance may be seen al my office.

The last year's business of this company has been al most unexampled, not having met with a single loss. WM. S. VERNON, Agent. Office over tne Store of James Cromey Dr.

A. P.Elston, Medical Examiner. Louisville, K.y., July 7 jan23dly EIREAIV1 UtAKliYE I IV A i COiUJPAIVy, of AHn.t'lioru, joiiiicciiciil. CAPITAL MJS undersigned, agent for tfie above Compa ny; will take Marine risks, to and from any o- the Atlantic ports, on Canals, Rivers, Lakes, as well as Fire risks, on Houses, Furniture, Mercnanaisc, Factories, Mills, either in the city or any part of the Western country, on the most, liberal and fayorabletcrmaj The long and well knownstauding of this company, theii ample ability, and promptness, in adjust tees to Insurers, their confidence and patronage. Losses willbcpromptly adjusted bv the agent in hie city.

JTjCountryrisks will betaken very low. WM. S. VERNON, Agent. Officeovcr Jas.Croiney Main street, jan 6dly JL1FJB: ilVSJJUAlVCE.

Lexington fire, JLlfc, uiul iUnriuc Insurance Conapniiy. Permanent Capital 300,000. THE rates for Life Insurance have heen reduced al thisOtiiceto coufonn to rates charged by the Eas tern companies. These rates oifer greater advantages I the assured than tiiose hitherto used by this company; and.iu making the change the Directors have been actuated by a desire to render this branch of their business more extensive and useful than it has hitherto been. They feel that theim portance of Life Insurance, as ottering to families, on easy terms certain provision for future support, in case of misfortune, has not been sufficiently understood or apprehended by the public.

Persuaded that the genera i habit of Life Insurance would contribute to the economy, virtue, and happiness of the community, attention is requested to the following table of rates: For S100 on a single Life for one year. Age Rate. Age Rate. Age Rate. Age Rate.

20 3 91 30 Sl 40 SI 09 50 1 00 22 94 32 1 42 1 65 52 2 02 34 1 35 44 1 00 54 2 18 12!) 10? 3G 1 3D 4G 1 92 56 2 47 I 28 1 20 38 1 48 48 1 9-1 58 3 14 For sale, wholesale and re ail, by foctTj UJBO. TV. KOBIjB. TTOIl Sale. A very desirablorasiieiieeontheBnst side of Sixth street, betweon Chcul and Broadway, has seven rooms, kitchen and servant room, brick meat house, cistern and cellar, all In fine erdar.

Let fronts 30 feet by 201 back to Centre street, with a lare frame school house on Centre street. The wholewill be unusually low. Apply lo j. Vf RIGHT, goellg Roal Bstate 3d sL lI -JV Soldiers. The hihet pme will be tj paid for Land warrants, if immediate anplicatioa be made at wy office.

J. N. WRIGHT, octlij Real Estate Agont.No. 70 3d'i. CITY Foundry.

Cast Iron Railing, fbr Cemeteries and Door Yards; a variety of patterns. JABEK N. B. Every description of light and heavy Casting made to order. sepso rifiiw C1JXY -Lard Kettles ana eoelers.t or Pork House, Furnace Doors, Grate Bars, JABEZ BALDWIN.

N. B. All kinds of Gosling done at my Foundry, scp HEiVDISKSONS' 'S'rii ifioo. A full assortment, all sizes, just received. These hoops roquhe no recommendation, as their superiority of material and ivorkmanshin will recommend lo anv nerson wishing a desirable and sei viewable article, for sale at the nmnttfaa- Hirers prices.

u. u. HODOBE, John Rust's old stand. N. B.

Coopers tools of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and warranted. aug20 MARKET STKE.ET North side Market, between Eighth and Nintlt streets. rtTIIEsuIwcribcrs would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that thev have farmed a co-partnership under the name and style of Davis Mkkiwkther. They have purchased tile above named establishment lately carried on by Mr. Caleb S.

Tubbe, and havingmade extensive additions and improvements on the same, they are now prepared to execute orders far any and every description of tastings, tight or heavy, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. They are, and will continue manufacturing a superior pattern of the premium Cooking Stove. Seven and ten plate fancy air-light, parlor, and Coal Stoves, of every variety, FOiil in this market; also, lancy and common Grats of tbc latest and most approved patterns, all of which they will sell at wholesale as low as any other establishment in' tlie West. Stove dealers will find it to their advantage to anil and examine our stock before making their purchase. Orders left at the Stove Warehouse of Win, Meriwether, Main, one door East of Third and adjoining tlie Bank of Kuntucky, will meet with prompt attention.

ALFRED DAVIS, scp97 WM. H. ME 111 WETUfiR, PROSPECTUS VOR EL'BSCRIl'TIONS TO JE CONVENTION." ROBERT C. M'KEE, Editor. THE undersigned will resume the publication of "Thk Convention'1 on the first of January next, and ooa- tinue it until the August elections following.

As heretofore, "The Couveittion" will be devoted to the discussion of the Convention Question; contain suoh Miscellaneous matter and news as may be deemed interesting-, and will maintain a neutral position in National Politics. Asltnsisttic only napcr which has been exclusively Jevoted to a thorough discussion of this question, he conceives it lo be unnecessary to attempt lo impress upon Hie fiiends of a Convention the importance of sustaining to give it a general circulation, he puis the paper at a price barely sufficient to pay tlie cost of Us j'ufci teat ion. lie therefore indulges the hope Hie friends of a Con- veituon gGucrnny, win i merest tneinsalvcs in procuring and forwarding the names of subscribers. R. McKEE.

TERMS, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. I copy oo copies 5 on 13 copies 10 40 copies, to clubs, 20 00 ICF All communications must be addressed to the editor at Frankfort, post paid. Frankfort, October, 18th 1817. FOIl Sale, At the Hydraulic Foundrv and Taoiory C. Warner's nalcnt nremiuin terns and wells of various depths.

These pumps posses the property of forcing water, so that by attaching hose lu mum muy may reauuy tic converted into an etfeottve fire engine, or used for washing windows, watering shrubbery, and conveying water to WARNER ANDERSON, CO No 61 Markelbetweeu 1st and Brook st ITlcriiciuc, are daily re-ceiving our fat! and winter supply of articles in our line, to which we respectfully invite the attention of Physicians-, Country Merchants, Manufacturers ami dealers generally, as we arc sure that we can offer goods at as low rates as any house in the West. Orders executed wilh despatch, and at uniform low prices. Country Produce generally taken in exchange lor goods, LAPPING CO, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 4ih between Main and Market JLAPPKNU Ot (LATK OEOUOK, A 1 I It Fourth street, between Main and Market, LouisviHetKy, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND A POTHECAHIBP, jDoulersin ils. Paints, GIas3, Varnishes, Dye Stufft, Spices, Cigars, Shuns, Virginia aud Kentucky To-S bacco, tScc, all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices; aud, as one of our partners resides In Now York, our slock will be constantly replflnishhijj with fresh supplies at the very lowest package prices, sepia jVTOStTBl Asnericnii nutl Sea Otter Caps, We have just received some of the finest Otto Caps ever exhibited in the city. oci30 p.S, BARBER CO: BEAVICK nil (I ITKoleMlciu IfntN for 3Blf.

BARBER are at all times pre pared lo furnish purchasers with the finest Dress Hats that eaa be oflhe latest American and Parlsaiau style. oct 30 OBES Caps, Mens' Silk, Plush, Cloth and Oh. Silk Caps, new fail aud winter styles, just received oct 30' P. S. BARBER (3 UO'S.

BO VV mi (I BiifamN Clolh, Plush arid Silk Velvet Caps, just received at P. S. BARBER CO'S. oct 30 rAEtlTIKKS uual (transTHf Alteuu Call Js1 ye at the Telegraph Clothing Emporium, this morning, and Jet tne fit you out in o. good, comfortable- and cheap Over Coat.

c. PI1ILLIPB, oct 30 N. W. corner of Market Third sts. fl 'i A full supply just received by C.

Telegraph Clotiiing Emporum, If. W. corner of Market u-id Third st. octSO VIK5IIVIA Tobacco. SO boxes superior Virginia chewing Tokaeco just received fioui mano-faclurer and for sale very low by oct27 LAPPIN GO.

8INSJEIED OIL- store, forsale by -12 pure, received and In SAM'L JACKBON Sc 418 Main at. rpVPPHR'tt HfeW Work, ProbabllUia. Aid to faith "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." Proverbial Philosophy Handsomely gotten up iu ultra gilt style. suitable for gifts and prosen ts. For sale by oct3IJ GEO.

W. NOBLE. COOPEKt'S New rVovcIVuIcnii's A tale of the Pact (1c. Just received and forsale by oct30 GEO. VV.

NOBLE, No sh PIIVI5 Chcwiiia Tobaceo. 45 hoxes Brown's. Hollands and Hare sn cured Tob ceo, for sale by OCtlB BETH MAkUaflK fbr Jtisi published by fifiO. W. f'l NOBLE and F.

BADBR, of Louisville, Ky. MAP OF MEXICO, compiled from the best and latest authorities, and from a residence of -18 mouths in that By. George stcaiey, uvu wi The publishers present this Map to the patronaga of the public, with confidence that its merits are of a high order. Every possiuie means wiunn reacu, tor securing for it tlie most perfect accuracy, have beeu used by author and publishers, and we feel well grounded In our success. The main and i moo rtant features tho country are, given wilh fidelity; the principal ci ties, towns, aim viuages oi ine repuDiic are locateti cr-rectly, i and their population given in most instanced.

That part of the country, made memorable by the military visitation of the forces of the United. States, has been sketched with care, and the fields made immortal the martial deeds of Taylor, Scott, Kearney, and Doniphan, have been carefully located in desiguing of he man. The unparalleled march of Doniphan from Santa Fe to Matamorns, which has attracted iha attention of the civilized worla, has its route accurately Marked in this map; and Gen. Wool's march from a Antonio to Saltillo, by way Of Monclova, Farros, also delineated on it. A verv complete eliart of the topography of Buona Vista, and the positioa of tfte troops that eventful field, is sketen WL.V Knty rkll llllll fiiianii blf goanbll do; 11BTH "ALBERT, i Min st corner ofTUrft For sale by loctl! daw IL "'g i iic ot'tti oi war.

GEORGE D. sepS5 dGm FITZHDGH. IIEI'II HAIKEKT, GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND 1calers in Foreign and Voinctic Ijiqnors, JIMW CORJVER OF THIRD, sep23 Atcyf Louisville, Ky R. Baldwin, Jr. Nat.

II. Tlcmmer. BALDWIN Jfc iniKIt, 3 0 VT STOP. 3-, Louisville, Ky. sep29 dtf AUCTION SALIfiS BY S.

G. HENRY, Corner or Main nntl Wall streets, LOUISVILLE, KY. SG. HENRY has regular Auction Sales of Dry Goods, Boots ami Shoes, Uats, Caps, Hardware. Cutlery, Groceries and Liquors, every Tuesday ami Fri day throughout the year.

(Consignments of all kinds of Goods suitable for the Southern and Western trade solicited. JTJpIiberal cash advances made on consignment. sepo TAL. V. AF Jb'N ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE NO.

550 MAIN STIIKKT, LOUISVILLE. ALSO, JVotary Public and Commissioner in Kentucky, TO take acknowledgement of Deeds, Afiidavits, Depo-sitioiis, and other instrunicnia in writing, to be used or recorded in any Court, for the States of Maine, Massachusetts, Kuorie Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana. Virginia. N. Carolina.

S. Carolina. Georgia. Alabama, New Hampshire, Mississippi, Tennes see, Ohio, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Vermont, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, New York, ace. T.

1. S. will prepare Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases and all kinds of agreements in lejjal form, lie will also promptly atteiid to collect'iiur Revolutionary and other claims in any part of the United States. align an Cigar, Sun IT, and Tobacco Mauufaetorj 375.000 20,000 Resaca de la Paima; 15,000 Palo Alto. 35,000 Kio av 10,000 Principe.

20,000 Imperial; Half Spanish and Malay; 100 doz Smoking Tea cannister; 100 doz do Varinasdo; 20 bxs Mo. and Ky. chewing Tobacco 15,000 Colorado and Escu- lapia; 30,000 La Norm 25,000 Canones; 2,500 doz. Smoking bacco; 6,000 lbs Snuff, 6ditfercn sorts; 300 lbs St. Omcr (C- rotte; 6 boxes Allen Sc Jackson's' nutmeg, Oranoka iiin cured, and peach leaf chewing Tobacco.

Besides, suuii i'lpes, AUof which 'the subscriber Is ready to to dispose of at wholesale or retail, at from five to fifteen nor cent lower than they can be obtained elsewhere. BAST, jan-dly No 505 Market st, between 2d and 3d. V. C. MOO KB, Steamboat Furnisher, Mattress illanafaclurer, Mag Maker, Awning Iff nicer, and Cpliol aterer in General, JVo.

58 Wall street, between Main and the River, LOUISVILLE, KEEPS constantly on hand and forsale, Cott Bedsteads, Cotton Mattresses, Curled Hair do, do, Moss do, Feather Beds, Fringes, Ornaments, and Moreens, Cushions, Curtains, and Carpets, made to order, al heshortest notice. Steamboat owners would do well I to give a call. Fcathersrenovated and purified from allun-plcasantsmell. Tarpaulins forsale orhtre. octl-dtf O.

I). Spear, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, wil promptly attend to all business entrusted to him, in the Courts of thiscity and the Courl of Appeals. Office casLside of Fifth street, between Market and Jef- terson, Liouisvme, Kyj re by ut riO Country Merchants. The subscriber if? I now in receipt and just opening, a large and verv general assortment of hardware, cutlery, and variety articles, from first hands, on the most reasonable terms, and he pledges himself to offer such inducements to merchants, as will not be met with elsewhere. He asks all to call, he will take'pteasure in showing his goods, and will enable many to purchase their goods at proper prices.

Merchants should look well before purchasing. H. II. HON ORE, octl2 3d st. between Main and Market.

DAIVCfrVO J., having opened his school, takes pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Louisville, that he has received, through the politeness of Mons. Ernst, Professor of Dancing in Cincinnati, two nkw Waltzes, now in fashion in Paris, viz: the Polka Mazurka, and the Jfapolitainc Tarenltlla des Salons. M. anxious lo maintain the reputation he has acquired, of being the best Professor of Dancing, (in all the places he has taught,) has, during the last summer, collected all the newest fashionable Dances and Waltzes.

He has also, himself, composed several Dances, among them a Gailopade Dance, which he hopes will not fail to please his pupils; a new Polka Quadrille (that he has received through Mons. Lorista, artist,) will also be taught in his school. J. P. L.

can say this much in his favor, that having been taught at the Academical school, and having been a Stage Danseur in Prance, he has a thorough knowledge of the gracefulness of position and correctness of steps. The young pupil that was brought on the stage List Saturday, (for which M. Lasserrc offered two hundred dollars reward to anyone who can present a child, of the same age, and same length of instruction, who can dance as well,) is a sufficient proof of his qualification. N. B.

J. satisfied that he has no competitor to teaclvall the new fashionable Dances and Waltzes, he offers his services to teach In Seminaries, Academies, or in private families, where a class can be formed. Application may be made at his Dancing Academy, north side Jefferson street near Fourth, until the commencement of the school, oct 13 A TEC UK Key to Odd Vcllownhip. Con- tiiininp all the Shrns. Tokens.

Grins, Passwords and obligations, and an explanation of the five degrees, as now practiced under the late revised work of th Order. This is really a curious book, wlietiier it ue entitled to any credit tor truth or not. I am entirety unable to say. but even as a curiosity and a matter ot lain sake, it certainly worth the p'ricc asked for it, which is oct281 GJSO. W.

NOBLE. TVT.EW IIooIin, The Buckskin: or the Camp oTtho Besiegers-a taleot tne Kcvoiuuon. ay tne auinor of "Master of Laugford," "Fatal Lega rv. Comnlete in one vol. Prke Svliil T.piinard.

a record of Woman's bv Mrs. Gre'v. author of "The Duke and the CoHsin," "The Gambler's Young Prima, Donna," ceived and for sale by oct28 C. II AG AN CO. mTEW IUuHic JUST PUBLISHED The "Aslo ria Waltz," arranged for the Piano and Harp, and Dedicated to Miss Fanny A.

Thruston. By J. Adams Smith. The "School Queen," a "Coronation Song" words by theRt. Rev.

B. Smith. Composed Jiy E. W. Gun-ler.

The above nieces arc sroltcn un in the usual elocant styleandwill com pole in neatness with any others of rv, A' nl.l..tir... In l.n st hn Mtiul- and Book store of PETERS WEBB. 451 Main street, below 5th st, sole Agent for lhi Bols and Meyer premltti Pianos. oetiw MVOK Benl. A large family residence, with a fine store room attached, on the south west corner of Jefferson and Fifth streets, all new and in order.

The store aud dwelling will he re mod sepe-rate. Apply to N. WRIGHT.l. oct29 Real Estate Agent, No. 76, 3d THK iUiKMllaneons Worlisi Henry ITIrKeuEic-3 oarts.

naner compfisinff, Mo- niolrpf the author. By Bir Walter Scott, "The man of Feeling," "Papers from tne oringer, i ne man oi ine World," Julia. De and "Papers from the Mirror" "5c. The Life of Henrv the Fourth. By G.

P. R. James. No. 30.

Pictorial History of England. No. 10B. The Wavside Cross, or the Raid of Go mez; a talc, of the. Carlist The Boys Autumn Book, description of the Season Scenery, Rural'Life, and Country Amusements.

By Thomas 'Miller, author of "Beauties of the Country," "Rural Sketches," 36 Illustrations. Received and forsaleby M. A. MAXWELL, oct2li No 532 Main, near Third st. ARPET Wiirchonse 51 Main si.

We are in receipt this morning, of another hew and choice lot of Carpeting; consisting of Extra super 3ply, Brussels pattern; do do do Tapestry' do; do do 2-ply Ingrain; do do do; Medium do do, all woof and very cheap; Fine do Cotton chain, Cotton do, Extra super Twilled Venitian Link, new style, 5-8, 3-4 and 4 Extrasuper do do chain, 5 8, 3-4 and 4-4; do plain do do 5-8. 3-4 and 4-4; Cotton and Cotton chain do 3 4, very cheap; Extra heavy English Tufted Rugs; do do Chenille do; Super wool and Tufted Parlor Mats; No. 1 and 2 Ali- cant Mats; No. ii and 3 plain and colored Manilla do; All of which are offered as a fresh and most desirable lot, as have been imported into this market the present season, and at the very lowest prices. uovit- BENT DUVALL.

FRJENCH and, JEngliIa Jancy and black Doe Skin Cassimere Pants, made in a superior style at nov3 SOL. HA CO b. A large and splendid assortment of superior onv blackress. Frock and Pello Coats extremely low pricei. SOLi HART CO; A bwiiitirnl, assortment of Satin, Worsted, Velvet Mariuo and' Valencia Vests, cut-in tha latett A of bv I is fl at the corner of 1st and Main, in Louisville, where he still continues to receive the afflicted, witli all Chron ic complaints lor treatment, either male or female, the black as well as the wnite, on the liberal principle of no cure no pay.

The Universal success ol his treatment, render it needless to say more, than where he can lie found facts speak for themselves. the inventor of that wall known remedy called Hampton's Tincture, which has not failed to perform cures, unequalled by any invention of medicine yet known to the world, in every State in the Union, from Maine to New Orleans, and is attested by medical gentlemen as well as clergymen of the different denominations, as also the most respectable framers of the laws 0 our land, which I would take pleasure in showing, bo by letter and certificate, to any person who may call am icetlie same. Amongst, all the reached diseases which afflict the human system, none appear to yield with more ease and convenience than Scrofula or the different afflictions ol the eves, to its mild yet powerful action on the system. A sufficient number of those cases can be seen at this time in this citv. to convince any one of the entire suc cess of the remedy, which is mild and agreeable, so much 0 that the ladies frenuentlv tell me they tret lomf ol it.

Pardon me, once more, ladies, for inviting you to give it a trial. I assert, positively, there is nothing afflicts your sex, either the young or om, nut wiiat uietsrigut. it is deemed unnecessary 10 nuniuians me uiuerwa complaints. Come all thatcan find relief from none efse. 1 warrant the cure or no pay.

Dr. ITamnton wishes the afflicted to bear in mind that he gives especial attention to the medical treatment of the diseases 01 tne itectum ami minus, sucu as riiesauu Fistula in Ano. havine successfully treated, in the last few years, over a thousand cases, unaided by any thing hut his unequalled Tincture and Ointment, prepared t-y himseit, the patient unrestncien 111 cuci, anu unuenaKen on the principle of no cure, no pay. JESSE HAMPTON. fcu5 dry LOUISVILLE HCNTEBIAN DISPENSARY.

CREME BE ROSE. POUR LES MALADIES SECRETES. r) AMELIORATION Recente par une ecolecelchrc A pour les anciensetnouveaux truer it sans nausees et sans rendre i'lialeine niauvaise lorsque touts les aiurcsremedes mauquent. Jefterson street, atiove rourin. UK.

T. JUHWBIUW, Rose Cream Infallible Cure. FOIt al 1 inuco peurulent discharges of heJUrethra morbid secretion of the Kidneys; the RoseCreamis the latestandgreatestimprovementofoneofthe tnostce-lehrated colleges of the United States, and of the age, hy far morenleasant to the taste and smell, than any Jormei discovery, and agrees with the stomach. We warrant! I toettecta certain and permanent cure in any case, in a few days. Twelve yearsexperience, and upwards ofllOfl casescured in this city alone, arc offered as reference, sold at the Hunterian Dispensary only, Jeffersonstreel above fourth.

Ague and Fever, Therearn. mnnvremedicsbeneficialin thistroublesome disease, hut the extraordinary remedy ofM. De La Roche, isthemostcertain andeiiectuai cure now of which isinsured to cure in six hours, or the price, (3 1,) returned. Diarhoia cured in an hour or two. jyldtf DR.

T. JOHN8TOA. NEW Store. I. F. in Coach and Saddlery Hardware and Coach Trimmings generally. No 609, Main st, one square above the Gait House Louisviile. Kv. The subscriber respectfully nvites the attention of Coach and Harness makers and the public generally to his new stock of goods in the above line, consisting in part of i case a rati ana mucuioms; 380 yards Silk Lace; 330 do worsted Lain; 25 pairs eliptic Springs, a superior article, eastern manufacture; 40 pairs extra fine Coach Lamps; 12 sets mail patent Axles; SO do plain do; 15 pairs Coach Steps; 30 sets Hub Rands; Patent Leather, enameled feather, Scrcwsf Files, Harness, Mountings. Saddlery, Persons purchasing the above articles, will find it to their advantage to cal and examine my stock before buying elsewhere.

A 11 11 hi fl 1 1 ft il 1 A I A MADE and put up in the city. ol this pattern, from SI 75 to 2 51) per running foot, with salf-ehut- tiug gales. Builders will find on hand at my shop, Hinges of all kinds, Door Staples, Hooks and Door Bolts, and in fact almost any they may want in Smithing. Hoisting Wheels and Book Safbsat prices muchdeduc ted from former rates. N.

B. Persons wishing any thing in my line, would do well to call and examine my work and prices before engaging elsewhere. Shop on Third street, three doors JNortnoi the Post unice. dly D. J.

MEAD. Red, white and yellow wool Flannels, bleached anti unbleached Canton Flannels. octl5 GEO. GILL1SS SON. iVSTEIl Saloons.

The subscriber has the honor of informing the public, and her friends more particularly, that she lias opened Oyster Saloons, in her Ice Cream Saloons, which have been fitted up expressly for the winter season. Hie upper one exclusively for ladies, and the lower for gentlemen, where the neatness, cleanliness and refined manner of preparing all the deli- acies ine country anu season produces will lie served at a few minutes notice. Amongst the articles on hand and intended to keep. are Oysters, Pheasants, Woodcock, Grouse, Quail, Snipe. Pigeon, Ducks, Venison Sleak, Rabbit, Snuirrel, Chicken, Beef bleak, Ham and Easrs, Mutton chops.

Veal Pigs feet, sauced and fried, fried Trine, Calf Brains, Broil ed ham, Fish of all descriptions. Sardines, ccc c. uonce win no prepared so as io piease inemosi acctitc palate of an epicure. With all that, pastery and confectionary, and fruits of all sorts, being always on hand at her store, will enable her to satisfy the most delicate appetite. fames who woutit wisti oysters, coniectionaries or any of the articles enumerated above, can be supplied in the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable price at her store on 4lh street, between Main and Market streets.

OCVSI "iAKCY ZAZIO. A JPPBjES The subscriber Is now In receipt of a very superior lot of Apples, of the following varieties: Belleflowers; Vandevere; Pippins; Prunock; Cal heads; Gates; Wine Sap; English Blares; Forest Green; R. J. Greening; Spring pleasure; Uonuuiites; Traders delight; Willow; Jennetings. These Apples are sound and in good order, fine for family use or shipping.

A. G. MUNN, "Qyg 46-f Market at. nnBEE IVcivIUiHccllaiiy for 4SlrIn. A month-8.

ly periodical for children. We need not say that it is a first rate I hing and that it is the verv book for the young (oiks. Subscription, SJ 50 per year, free of Pos tage. For sale by novS GEO. W.

NO BLR. A MUSK I VAN Gold for sale bv oct23 RAWLINGS RUTHERFORD. SgPgi SOIBIV I'll. ffrSff WHOLESALE AND RET A I LjKsb Fur, Cloth, Velvet and Fancy Cap Factory, AND FUR STORE, Canal Market, between Walnut and Vive streets, FOURTH DOOR KROM VINK, SOUTH SIDE, Cincinnati, Ohio. KJ The highest price will be paid for good Mnskrat Skins, at ul! times.

fyAlso, has (he above subscriber connected with his establishment a Tobacco and Cigar manufactory, and has always on nana a quantity oi goou cigars at uiuerent prices: ICr" orders, especially Military Orders, executed wiiii Jieatnese attauesvaicti. acizt djm HATS AIVJO CAPS HAYES, CRAIG CO'S. "BIY recent arrivals we are asain enabled to disnlav 33 the largest and best selected wholesale stock of uais anu uaps 10 De lounu in tne v1 esr, comprising 25 dozen fashionable beaver Hats; 30 do second quality do do; SO do fine fashionable moleskin Hats; 50 do second and third qn-ality moleskin Hats; 75 fashsionablc Russia do; 50 51) 100 0U. 130 80 10 10 5 8 80 300 200 CO 40 do cassiinerc do; do angola do; do coney do; broad brim Russia and fur do; do do Ashland do; wool sporting do; Rough and Ready do; extra tine otter Caps; do do fui seal do; do do beaver 4o; do do nutria do; do do musk de; men's and boys' hair seal Caps; do do selett do: cloth and fur band do; fine mohair plush do; fine cloth guard do; GO do fine Point Isabel do; do 'fine oil Bilk do; i 100 do common glazed do; 75 do plain velveteen do; 130 do boys' fancy velvet do, CO do do plain cloth 50 do do Point Isabel. do; 40 do do fancy Pickwick do; 10 do do La Polka do; 15 do do Octagon do; Country and city dealers supplied at Eastern price.

HAYflS, CRAIG CO. novl Oppwite Exchange Hotel, -134 Mairat. I 6 3o oS 3 Ira It 4 FT IB fl LL THE LOUISVILLE MORNING CO (TRIER is published every morning, Sundays excepted, at the Office on Pearl street, between Main and Market, and will be delivered to subscriber? in the city, and mailed to those in the country at S6 00 per annum. PAPER, a year. Siugleeopiescan always be had at the Counting Room strongly enveloped at 5 cents each, THE WEEKLY COURIER.

Is published every Saiurday, at 32,00 per annum. It is printed on a mammoth sheet, is as large as the largest paper in the United States of the same pric-e, and is well tilled, besides its political articles, witii oriclnil and selected tales, essays, poems, agricultural articles, Interesting incidents, news, history, biography, and every thing of interest to the general reader, and which will make it an agreeable companion for the fire-side and acceptable to the locial circle, is also exceedingly valuable as a commercial paper, as it- contains full, complete and reliable reports oui own and all other impor-ant markets in the Union. TERMS OF ADVERTISING DAILY PAPER. One square, less, one insertion JO 75 0 2n 5 01) 7 00 ...10 00 each subsequent insertion one month without 44 14 three." Tonger advertisements in the same proportion. One square months, without alteration, -15 00 4.

20 00 Each additional square for months, 7 00 On months, renewable at pleasure. -20 00 30 00 -8 00 12 Each additional square, mouths, WEEKLY PAPER. One square, (121ines,) or less, one Each additional insertion, One square 3 months, without alteration, 51 00 0 25 -3 00 5 0 --8 00 JHjNo advertisements to he considered by the month affrccd upon between the parties. TPr'Announcing candidates (for offices of every description) to be charged at the rale ofone dollar per week, for each name; the same to be paid in advance in all cases. JpAIl advertisements from transient persons, or strangers, to be paid in advance.

Advertisements not marked on the copy for aspec-(fied nuinlwsr of insertions, will be continued until orrier-od out, and payment executed for accordingly. JOMerchants and Mechanics Cards, Sheriffs, Steamboat and similaradvertisementsiuserted on moderate erms. REGULAR PACKETS. R4mU1jAR. J2VENHVG TO CSIV-CXNNATJt.

CABIN PASSAGE TWO DOLLARS. rffcfeB- rv THE splendid new 1 I Jl steamboat riiU'iiNJA, ifflltiAiSffl II. M. Drvden, master. been' placed in the trade between Louisville and Cincinnati, and will continue to ply between these places, leaving Louisville on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock, and Cincinnati on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at the same hour.

Cabin passage between Cincinnati and Louisville S2 00. For frieght or passage applv on board, or to oct3 dtf O.BASHAM, Agent. Ohio ami Green I River Packet GEN. WORTH, 3Jos. Vankirk.

Master, will commence her trips for the season, on Saturday next: leavhur Louisville every Saturday at 12 o'clock, and Bowling Green, every Tuesday at 10 o'clock, during the season. For freight or passage, apply on board or 10 v. uouisvuie. oct5 dtf GRAHAM Howling Green. She will be ready to receive freight on Thursday next.

(Journal and Democrat copy till forbid. 'UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, tgmm. FOR giOBNIKC LIKE. Stbmmer Ben CranUllu No. 6, Baft.

J. SUMMONS; STEAMER North America, MONTGOMERY, One of the above boats will leave from the Mail Line Whar Boat, foot of Third street.every day at 10 A. reiEh tor passage, apply on board, or to HOGGS HUSSE1.L, Agems, march 47 dtf Stroller's Wliar f. JfttAfYttFOBT PACKET. nine steamer.

iRgfflB SKA GULL, 3jno. A. Holton, Leaves for Munday's Landing on every Thursday at 12 o'clock, and on Monday for Frankforl, at the Bauie hour. Forfreihtor passage apply to uuumji.s, octS No 1 Pearl st. FOR FRANKFORT.

ON WEJBNESMAY9 AND Captain TIa.rry I. Todd. Leaves Louisville for Frankfoi land Woodford Landing every Wednesday at ISo'clock, and for fc'raitkfort and Munday's Landing every Saturday at 12 o'clock, Returning, leaves FrankfortforLouisvilleevery Tuos day and Friday mornings. Forfrelghtorpassageapplyon hoard, or to J. C.

BUCKLES, Agent. mar 301846 Nos.llantl 8 Pear 1st. Oslo? Philadelphia, Unlthiiore "'arwnud iVc Iforfc, vin PiUs-pKjfqffi; burgh Jiml PeuiiMylvauiwCusial, iiiid Bail Houdti. glXEunaersignedjIiaviingbeen appointed A gen tfo the Union Transportation Line, is prepared to give Irius of ladin for Merchandize and Produce, through from thiscity toany ollhe above Easter nc it ies, at speci lied rates. Merchandizeor Produces tupped by thlsl ine wil ibe forwardedfroin ittsburgh wit hou tc barge for coiiinsis- ton advancing freights.

C.BA'SIMM, "iniucrcial Row i.iisrviira..VAiviA I HIS Canal is now open and ready for freights for Baltimore. Phil adelnhi and New York. Applv to J. BUClfLES, Agent. D.

LEEOH At CO. Old Lines DU Pont'ii Cicmiiue Ctniipowtler. 200 kegsDu I'ont's genuine Ride; 50 do do do do; 50 do do do do; In magazine for sale. Each package of this powder is marked with my name, and is warranted both by the Messrs. I)u Pont, the manufacturers, and hy myself.

Ail other Powder offered in this market, purporting to he Du Ponts. i a base counterfeit and fraud, ot which dealers will take notice and refuse to receive it whenever it is attempted to be imposed on them. JSAAC CItOMJE, al Agent of the Manufacturers. AGrniKl IHpIny Praigg COs. fine Boa-vers for the Procession Wednesday, 27th, is the Hay to show a fine Hat.

A large number of orders have been handed in for that occasion. All can lie supplied with one of our beautiful Hals. Son's of Temperance and ah arc invited to supply themselves at oct26 J. G. PRAICG MESSRS, M.

LEW have the pleasure of announcing to their numerous friends and the ituhlic in general, that thev Jiayc commenced the Cap Manufacturing in its various branches, and have now on hand a general assort ment of superfine Cloth Caps, A beautiful lot of Military, with covers; ami alotot Oil Cloth Military Caps, also with covers Children's Caps of all stylesaud qualities. To which we solicit a general examination bv the Oihccrs and Members oi the didcrent companies, and i lie citizens general. We would further state that these Cans are made under our own immediate inspection, in the city of Louisville, on tne tjoutn sine oi mantel, io. 4X', between ourtit and Filth slreets. sept 29 dly ifkLAICOUiU Scales.

Scale beams. Tatent Ba- lances, Couuter'Scales, Spring and Steel yards, ait sizes, tor saie ai ine west marKet prices hy 11. H. IIONOKE, nov3 3d between Main and Market. IP ions', just received and for sale at the lowest mar ket prices.

nov3J H. IL HONOUR HTIiVJE Ivovy good assortment kept constantly on. nand.anuior saie at a very sma advaneo on manufacturers' prices. novo H. IT.

HONOR E. nnEA lieautifu! artie'e Tea Trays in setts, aouiic and Plain, for sale hy ov3 IL II. HONORE. KI'l'ArVlVIA Ware in Sells. A very hand Home article, very haavy, for sale low hv "ova II.

H. HONORE. LEWIS 4- WILKES, IMPORTERS or Cliinn, Glaus, Qucengwat-c, IVardwnvc mid fancy CcoodM, MAIN KY. jnovH WE are just in receipt of a fine stock Cutlery, from the celebrated Manufactory of Thomas Til-lotson, Sheffield, England, comprising in part as follows. 100 gross Table Cutlery, assorted; 310 dozen Pocket do do: 40 do Razors do; yO do Shears, do; 45 do Scissors do; SO do Handsaws, low.

priced; 18 do Drawing Knives; Our assortment of Hard ware and Cutlery, Is very general and complete all of which we arc prepared to-sell the verv lowent market nrice. We solicit an cxami nation from country Merchants and others, purchasing rnmra linn wo iuih maritei. uqh jh ol nov3 484 Main st, ESS ,1. a. I'BAIGO He MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Halt, Caps, 1'annma and J-iCUorn Ilaia, JVo.

453 JVffln street, Louisville, Ky. T. C. rU'ICHELL, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, Anil Commission merchant, 70 Poydras street, JVcm leans Refer to Messrs. Benedict k.

Carter. aug7 ri3m Lytle Martin. BLANCHARD'S Enshionablc Clothing and Furniahing store. 44 MAIN STREET. -449 At the Sign of the Golden 0 LOUISVILLE, KY.

Geo. W. Talbot Ws. Rusmll. TALBOT NO.

75 FOURTH STREET AND 454 MAIN STREET Importers and Wholesale Dealers in China, Glass anil (kncensYrnre. apr8 JOES Sc IIALHEUT. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ITIain st, Louisville, Ky. WALKER'S CXTV KXCIlAiYUE: RESTAURANT JWD FREE READJJVQ ROOM lie heat Newspaper in the IJ.

State, AND TIJE 11 EST COOK IN THE WEST je8 PEARL STRKKT. JJj3 WALKEft VAKTSK, ('jateof the firm of Bknkdict, Carter Louisville, Ky.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SI, Water street, St. Lotiin, iHo. Reference The Merchants of Louisville, J.

E. Walsh, St. Louis. je21 dly PLANE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE-AND CUTLERY, JVo. 53 Third st, Sign of the Bis Plane.

n. II. JOKSS MARSHALL HALBKH.T. JONJBS II ALB ERT, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 528, Main ouis ville, Ky janl9 ROBT.

iV AMES BUCHANAN, Commission Merchants, JVfiio Orleans. feb5 A. US. I 1 A JJl 8 Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchant, JVo. 513 Market Street, between Hd and 3d, LOUISVILLE, KEEPS constantly on hand a lirge supply of leather of all descriptions, which will be sold as cheap, or cheaper, for cash, or in exchange for hides.

as any simi lar establishment west of the mountains. N. B. A splendid lot Skirting and Harness constantl on hand. feb6dly THE Ked Hat Sign, Agnin theretofore told the citizens what I couldn't do, and sSwhat I could do; and it is pronert hat I should now tell them what I have done and here it is: I have sold the best Hats and the cheapest bargains west of the Mountains, even though my stock on hand has not been as extensive as that of some of my neighbors.

But have greatly increased my stock by the abor of my own hande.and I proclaim to all buyers orpurchasors, cither by wholesale or retail, that my moans to furnish are not surpassed in this city or elsewhere. I have the fine White Hat, fitted for summer use exactly; 1 have the splendid White Beaver. Come and see ine, friends! I have such as will please the eye and fit the head, at prices which will suit the purse. aprlS W. C.

CLEGS. My Black Beavers ar enot to be cannot lie surpassed. MW. C. IKOOItI2, Upholsterer, Furniture Dealer, Steam' boat Furnisher, and Mattress Jlfamifactuter, keens constantly on hand, at No 05, Third st, under the Apollo Rooms, general assortment of Furniture, such as Chairs, Bed' steads.

Bureaus, Wardrobes, Tables, Sofas, Lounges, Winds, Looking Glasses, wiUi a general assortment Mattresses. Also at No 58, Wall st, between Main and Market, may be found at my Mattress manufactory, a general assortment of Shuck, Cotton, Hair, and Moss Spring Mat-tresses, all of which I am determined to sell as low as can be bought in the Western country. XCpCushions, Curtains, Carpels, made to order, at the shortest notice. Feathers renovated, cleaned and purified from all unpleasant smell. Steamboat owners would ilowell to giveme a call.

myiiti CtlAS. II US AN Booksellers, Stationers, Cheap Publication, and Periodica! Agents, 47 Wall street, HAVE constantly on hand a complete assortment of Books and Stationary, of every variety; cheap Publications, Phrenological and Physiological Works, by the most popular authors, (including tlie works published by O. S. L. R.

Fowler,) School Books, Also Maps, Charts, and Currier's Lithographic En gravings; from 20,000 to 50,000 constantly on hand, which we arc prepared to furnish to the trade on the most lib-eral terms. Having the exclusive agency of the Western co ii nti y. Frames. From 5,000 to 10,000 Frames for the above engravings always on hand, which we respectfully in-vite dealers to call and examine for themselves. All orders for large or small quantities filled with promptness and despatch.

A CARD. DR. A A 11 I'EiyMician and Surgeon, AND SURGEON DENTIST HAVING concluded to make Louisville his residence, offers his pro fcssioual services to tlie citizens of the city anil vicinity. A thorough medical education- and fifteen years extensive practice, both as a rnysician and uentai surgeon, enauies ur. Li, iu practise in either branch of his profession, according to the latest and most approved scientific principles, and also with a skill and success which can onlybe acquired by knowledge ami long practice.

l'ariicular aitcuiion will be paid to the SURGICAL TREATMENT of diseases of the Teeth, Dr. Lathrop will at all times attend upon patients who niav desire his medical He will alio perform all operations upon the teeth and gums necessary for their nealtn, preservation and useimness, sucn as cleaning, plugging, extracting, and will also insert artificial teeth, from one to an entire set, in the most perfect and maiiur. and accord imito tlie latest improve ments iu the art. All operations on the teeth perlornied with trfcgrcatest care and least possible pain, and war ranted to give cut ire satisfaction. Office and residence on the south side of Jefferson st, near the corner of 4th, first door above the Jefferson House.

my25dly ttfluir ICoda. On hand every variety of this article in length, width and quality. For sale cheap by BENT DUVALL, nov2 519 Main st. 100 bbls prime White Neshanuocs; 30 do liig uiues; -1 do Scotch Greys; 20 do large Sweet Potatoes; 0 do Onions; Received and forsale hy G. MUNN nov2 4G4 Market st.

BCTXJEIE. 50 kegs Western Reserve in store and forsale by SAM'L JACKSON lbs fresh Nutmegs in store and for sale by SAM'L JACKSON nov 1 -3 IS st. LEXIJVCrroiV Mustard. Just received a supply of this celebrated article by novl JONES te ALBERT. 3d 1IBLS So 3 largo JFIaelterel caic'i of 1847, and for sale by HOVl jyic3 ec nnuDAivi 10 flaxseed for sal.

1V JONES Sc. JiALBERT. 350 I.BS In Mei In store and for sale by novl JONES Sc. HAL BERT. Tiiwr nov! liNNJBSSJEE Money for sale by HAW LIIYUS fie KUiBftntwiuJ.

IIIXK JLead. 150 kegs No. 1 and pure, in store and for sale by novl SAM'L JACRSON Main st. JN-DICrO. 500 lbs superior in slore and forsale by SAM'L JACKSON non jo i.

BLACKING. 30 gross Butler and Bro. superior Blacking in store and for. sale -by novl SAM'L JACKSON 418 Main st. -60 boxes Western Reserve in store aud SAM'L JACKSON 418 Main et.

for sale by novl bans Rio Coffee; 10 boxes Boston Refine Sugar; .10 do Spices; Just received per et earner Ben. Franklia aud for sale by 00(28 JOHN FONDA 0. Yf BSOXICS Son pn lid Cstndlcs in store and 1 for sale by JONES HAL BET Ij KIT-IT Trees, Evergreens, 100,000 Fruit Trees, Evergreens and Ornamental Trees. The subscriber is Agent for the various Nurseriesrin this vicinity, and wilt till orders at Nurserymen's prices. nova a.

w. MUAN. OA BBIiS small While Bmhs In store and forsale by JONES ALBERT. 4 1 A l. IMiLiin iVIiiMic.

Just received, by Express, the following pieces ofnew classical music tor tne t'lano forte. Six songs without words, Mendolssohn Bartholdy; Reminiscences of Lucia de Lammennoor, Liszt; "Viola" Melodie, Thalherg; Fantasia La fiurene, Itoselten; La Campanella.Dreyschock; Andante, Thalherg; Grand Valse, Ohapin. iTJr A lame supply of the popular song 'GOOD-BYE, or, Farewell, farewell is a lonely received. PETERS WEBSTER, 03 3d under the Apollo Rooms, sole agents fo unn's 3c Clark's A IJ. Gale Cos.

Piano Fortes. SIM.EN lfl fi ii vcsliiicii AT AUCTION I will sell at Public Auction, on the premises at the eorner of Preston and Water streets, on Saturday, the 30th of October; the sale which 1 have advertised on Madison stioct, will commence at 3 o'clock, P. M. Im mediately after which, will sell this property. There are 7 Lots fronting on Preston street, each 25 feel; and one Lot fronting 20 leet.

all running hack 105 feet. Those wishing to invest their money, should not let the propertv pass them. Terms cash. J.N, WRIGHT, oct23 Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. rinULE Life ami Adventure of John A.

iTliiri-cII, the great Western Land Pirate; with 'Jii elegant engravings. A'ricc sga per uozen. Ami hub nioriiimi leceived and for siileby oct9B C. HAG AN 47 Wall st. HEKK1AG and ISaiHins.

320 boxes prime Dried Herring; 100 do MR Raisins; Received per sWamer Ben, Franklin and for sale hv oct28 JOHN FONDA CO. eOPS and Porter. 3 bales Eastern Hops; 5 casks London Porter; Received per steamer Ben. Franklin, and for sale bv octSS JOHN FOiVUA CO, IV OW is tlie time to Buy a Cheap lands are situated in the counticsof Hickman, McCrack en, Ballard, and Marshall, and a large portion of them He on and near lie Ohio, Mississippi and Tenuesseee rivers. They are good farming Lands, and will pro duce Tobacco, Corn and Wheat, and will be sold in tracts, of from 1G0 to 1)40 acres, at 2 per acre.

Several tracts of this land, lie near the town of Columbus, flick man county, Ky, he terminus of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, which has just been surveyed. JAS. H. BAG BY, oct29 Real Estate Broker and Gen'l Agt No 7, 3d st. rglSIi: ISIiitk Avenger of the Spanish Main.

By Ned Buntlitig; New. supplies of Beatrice the Goldsmith's Daughter, Life in Londonajspl Ellen Munroe. All received n3 for sale by GEO. W. NOBLE.

FOR MA THREE STORY HOUSE on Market sf adapted to the Grocery or Dry Goods business between 2d and 3d cross sts Also aline dwelling on Chestnut between the same cross and evenly five feet of unimproved Ground in the lower nart of the city. For terms apply to auga3 (ill JAS. S. PENN. OEJISVILLE Hotel, jLouisrille, i A The undersigned has purchased one half ot the ahove establishment, and has a lease of the balance, the ame being exclusively under his control and manage ment.

During the past spring the Hotel has been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished, and is now ii complete order for the reception of visitors. The undersigned, thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed on the Louisville Hotel solicits a continuation of the same, and assures all who may call at the LouisvilJe Hotel acordial reception. WM. BISHOP, aug20 Late of New Orleans. C'lerka of Court, iYotnry JPublicx', So- subscriber will furnish, at the shortest notice.

Seals and Presses, of any design, at a less rate than thev have ever been offered. The Presses are simpleand durable. One finger is sufficient to give any ordinary seal a peifcct impression. The price of Presses are from 5 to 10; Seals from 5 to Slf, varying according to design. N.

E. Models, small steam engines and other machinery. L. NUTZ, auH dtf No. 50.

Wall street. iagOltE New and IFine Uoolt. The Young TB Wife a Manual of Moral, ilelisious and Domes. tic Duties; beautifully bound in gill and plain. Pricfl50c.

i ue young unsbami a Manual ot the Duties. Mora Religious and Domestic, imposed hy the relations of marrien i.ite; ny trie am nor ot "The loung 50 cents. Received and for sale by C. HAGAN CO nov8 47 Wall street. IT A 3 i qualitv, iust received and for sale low bv novlO BLANCHARD.

OBB5 De Chambre. A fine assortment of Cashmere and Print Morning received fuovJOl IHjANCHARD'S. 1" ME. 100 barrels Ulica, received this day per steamer Isaac bneiny and tor sale ny J. C.

BUCKLES No. 3 and 4 Pearl st. BEN Cusseriay'ri New work, fourth supply. 50 copies of the Poetic Lacon, received this day and forsale by novlO M. A.

MAXWELL. INDIANA fitcrf of the issue of 1810 forfaleby novB HUTCHINGS 457 Main st. ASTERN Exchange. Sight checks on New fljj v.ork, i'hiiatteipnia ami rittsuurgn tor pale ny novS IIUTCII1NGS 457 Main st. NEW Orleans ITJoucy wanted by nov8 I1UTCIUNGS 457 Main st: TftCELMANSo'lTohaocofOO box jTX es A.

A. premium pound lump Tobacco a splen did article, year old, lorsaieat nov4 MUPSELMANS fc CO'S. IO BOXES Ii Sun Cured Iobaco for 4 sale at No. 400, Main st. by nov4 MUSSELM ANS CO, DA BOXESF.

JF. MisNonri pound lump lobocco, in store and tor sale iiy tlie fttaiui facturers, a eood article. nov4 MUSS ELM ANS CO. OAMS, Dried Bocfnad Bocf XongneM, at To. 80, Third St.

II ELBE MARTIN DEALHU IN Conch a nl Katid cry HARDWARE, AND COACH TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, No. 585 Main street. Opposite the Gait House, jySSdtf LOWISVILI.K KY. 20 BAGS Fresh Buck Wheat Flour; 30 barrels Sweet Boiled Cider; 40 do Cider inegar; 50 dozen Shaker Brooms; 28 do Country Socks, Forsalcby IIETH FIALBERT, nov 5 Main street, corner of Third. ceived and on hand every variety of Carpetings of tne nest manuitcture, and new and latest designs, wiucn weofliratas low prices as can be found in the west.

Please call and examine at novfl BENT DUVALL'S. A PACT WOUTO KNOWI1VG. of In Hit yct IW4, hy C. V., i-icii uos oi uciuirit mjuak, wax til) ILLS I mi upon tOZ other, OlHce ot ihw riittrict Court for the SouiWii Dint, of Tork.

may not lie generally known that the unparalleled BL success of the Clickener Sugar Coated Vegetable Purgative Pill, is owing in a great degree to the method of compounding it. Other remedies operate upon the system generally, and without any reference to the par tlcutar complaint they arc intended io cure. Hence, if the difficulty happens to be seated in the stomach or bowels, so as to come mechanically in actual collision with the medicine, the patient may perchance experi ence a temporary relief. But the Chickener Pill has a searching power; and one or more of its ingredients must enter into the circulation of tlie blood, and directly to the seat of the disease. For this extraordinary property, it is indebted, as we before intimated, to that peculisr chemical process, which enables the inventor to extract the essential virtue of each particular article that enters into its composition, and rejects ihose which are valueless or injurious, for it is1 an undoubted fac, though known only to few, that every vegetable production is more or iess infected by extraneous substances which contravene Ms medicinal effects.

Hence arises the necessity of a nice discrimination, in tlie selection of our remedies. The slightest error in this particular might serve to prolong our misery, and shorten the duration of our existence. Then do not hesitate to -choose the Clickener Sugar Coated Vegetable Pill, because you arc certain of a remedy which will not injure you, If it does not cure. ITorsaleby BULL FREDERICK, Agents, 4th between Main and Market, oct 25 d3m Louisville, Ky. AK PE'rS! At ihe Carpet Warehouse 519 Main st.

Our receipts witnln the last few days, of this desirable article, have completed one of the largest, best and well selected stocks in theWestern country, embracing In aff its 'va rieties every graae ot uarpets, irom me JienUicKy Home made to he superior Ingrain, from the super 3 ply to the Rich Royale Wilton -and Velvet Tapestry. These Caepets were manufactuiod expressly for our trade, and we are enabled not only to place perfect confidence in the good quality of the material, the best pat-terns, in their boing as cheap as can be round in any house in the weat. Purchaser are particularly retiuea-tedtocall. oct23 B15NT DUVALL. TO Corn Shipper and Jf ii yers.

I have in store a lot of superior Com Fans, adapted to cleaning Corn, as well as all other kinds of grain, nov9 G. MUNN, 4ti4 Market st. The lives alaoofslaves emnlovcd on board of steam boats, or otherwise, will be insured on favorable Icrms. To accommodate alt classes, the premium, maybe paid cash, and in a note at 13 mouths, bear interest. This is an old fashioned stock office, with a large vailable capital, managed bv gentlemen of known re spectability, giving a sure guaranty to the assured of prompt payment in the event of loss.

Applications to be made at "Muir's Insurance Main st; opposite the Hank of Louisville. seplu-dtf declGl jOHN MU1R, Agent. jstiva insurance: company, hartford, conn. pTo Insurers. Although the recent conllagrationi New York City was very great, lie undersigned is advised that this Company will pay all losses promptly on presentation, anti continue to take Firo and marine itiskson tne mostiavorauieicrms as nereioiore The principle of this Company has been, for the lasl twenty-fiveyears, to scatter its risks all over the Union, so fiat in cases of conflagrations, its abilities would not be any one hie, as has taken place recently Risks on merchandize, mills, acttries, warehouses and all kinds of buildings, taken on the lowesttcrms also Marine Risks on the Western Rivers; on Tobacco Pork, Lard, Bagging and Insurances mndcin any part of thecountry aslow as anygooivoilicc.

WM. S. VERNON, Agent, jy30 Ofliceover Jas.Cromey's, Main street Protection, JFire ami ITS nr ine Insurance Company of Hart few laid, Connecticut. nnillS Company commenced their business in the 5 Western States, in 1825; before many of the resen offices had an existence. They have gradually, but steadily increased their operations during a period ol more than twenty years, and now rank among the foremost offices in thecountry.

Their abundant means, in connexion with the fact that they have paid losses in the Western Stales alone, to'the amount of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UOLLARSassumcientevideiiceol their ability and promptness. The undersigned having been appointed agent for this Company, will take Firk and Makink risks generally, on the most favorable terms. All losses will be adjusted and paid in Louisville. Applications made to SI Kennedy at the Exchange Office of'Rawlings Rutherford, or to the undersigned personally, will be promptly attended to. JAMES E.

TYLER, nov20-dly Agent. TTAIJ ii Hagley Mills Rifle in magazine forsale, wan an tod tlie best article at the price ever offered in the West, si Kt AAC CROM1E, 477 Mam st. LOUISVILLE AIR-TIGHT COOKING STOVE DAVIS ERR I WET 1 1 ER beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the public, to a newly invented Airtight Cooking Stove, patened by A. auack-enboss of Albany, N. Y.

Having procured the right of manufacturing the Stove for the State of Kentucky, thoy have given it the abovi? name, and now present it to the public, with the full assurance that it stands unrivalled by any other Stove or Cooking apparatus ever invented, its simplicity of construction (having but one damper) its convenience and despatch in all the culinary operations, its economy of fuel, its capacity of oven, which is heated with the mfhst nerfrp.i uniformity, the perfection of its summer anangement, which can be used without heating any other part of Stove, the neatness and compactness of its torm. and its beauty oi mns, on uuiuuiiieu, renuer it the most perfect article now in use. Any person wishing a superior Cooking Stove, have only to trv one ofthe Louisville Air-Tights. The above may be had, wholesale and retail, at the Stove Warehouse of Win. IL Merri wether, on Main, one door east of 3d street, adjoining the Bank of Kln-tucky, where may also be had every dcsciipt ion of Cooking, Wood and Coal Stoves, plain and fancy Grates, all of which will be sold at the lowest Market pri- oes.

octa.i FOR Kent A small farm at the termination of Shelby street, beyond Broadway, containing 18 acres, all in cultivation, 500 apple and 150 peach trees, with a variety of fruit of choice quality, fine garden of (lowers and shrubs ofirreat variety; would make asplen did pleasure garden house is a two story brick with (i rooms, Kitcnen, and servants rooms, cistern ann cellar, meet house, dairv and necessary Good stn. ble, carriage house, corn crib, a fine well of water, there is also a Irameand log buiimng on tne promises, that will rent for Si0 n. The whole is in a line state of cultivation, and will he rented to a good tenant for j'osscKsion given about tne nrst ot January, Je4P. Also, a fine store room, with a family residence at tached on the south side Market, between 5th and Glh streets, house has five rooms, kitchen and servants room cistern and cellar, all new anil in perfect order.

Price $350. Apply soon to J- N. WRIGHT, nova Real Lslate Agent, io. st. OK8TJGKKS.

200 cans fresh Cooked Baltimore Oysters; 4uu do do Cove oo do; .90 do do Spiced do do; 350 do do Pickled do do; Just received and for sale low by iiovO JOHN FONDA CO,.

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