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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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4 4 Detroit Ace Unofficial Vote Gives Wilson269 Hvghes235 President Re elected on ace of Unofficial Returns 27 Electoral Votes Remain in Doubt After 50 Hours IRST WOMAN Eiectorai Vote REPUBLICANS TO CONTEST IN CLOSE STATES of Miss Alabama Big 3 29 in 15 1 Minuri Nebraska 45 North t'arpllna 10 5 5 bonito 1OI DIAMOND 13 Virginia HOTEL CAD1LIAC ii WTaraaala Advertisement 13 13 5 Arkanaaa California Colorado Connertlcat Delaware lorida Georgia Idaho llllnpta Indiana Loulolana Maine Bethmann Hollweg 'Says Teutons Are Ready Af ter the War to Support an International League Great Legal Battle Seems Assured race for Jn 67627 With but 255 Precincts Out of 2260 Missing Prohibi tion Margin Is Expected to Be About 60000 TELLS REICHSTAG ENGLAND ORCED WAR ON EUROPE Ohio Oklahoma Oreana HUGHES MAJORITY AND SLEEPER VOTE CONTINUE TO GROW WIE GETS DIVORCE ON JEALOUSY PLEA In readiness for such a Republi can move and also to safeguard the ballots and count the Democrats al so became busy Chairman McCormick had already retained Delancey Nicoll and John Stancbfld ns counsel and if the Ckiottaoed lse Three Coloma One DRYS 58704 AHEAD SINGLE COUNTY OUT Returns Lead Give Her Over Dem ocrat to The ree Tress Mired Laughlin Exclusive oun tain Pen Store Majestic A4 vartisement LEADERS PREPARE AT ONCE TO DEMAND RE CANVASS DANCING AT tlAYNE Elegant vCraset a big orcbetUa AdvsrUaemejT 150 225 S23 OREGON IS NOW SURE ENOUGH DRY AST A LTTE TIME Detroit concrete reeaplAclen for garbage and ashes made in ali tUaa West Advertisement Neighbors of rank 213 MuHett street were awakened at 11:30 oclock Thursday night when bomb placed on his front porch exploded wrecking the porch and breaking windows in th vicinity Jango told police he had receivedblack hand letters two years ago but had received none recentlv Although Mrs Jango aM cnldren were la the hoee at the time of the ecploaion none was hurt The damage was 5Q VOL: 82 NO 44 Will Begin Legal Proceedings for Recounts in States Where Returns Are Close and Hope to ind Errors Only Wholly Unexpected Turnover in Incomplete States or Change on Recount May Change the Result Ha ilnrlinr1 tn i'Animont on 'the situation After communi cating with national headquarters members of Mr Hughes's laff said the question of a recount would be considered tomorrow will stop all Importations AIOlli: PEOPLE DANCING Arcadia more popular than ver The merry throng of pleasure seek ers will be on hand this evening ladies free men iOe Advertise ment PRICE TWO CENTS Discovery of Error in Count in Marquette Gives Hughes Only County Wilson Seemed to Win With returns on elec tion in from 2005 precincts out of 2260 in the state Wayne county complete except for seven pre cincts and 14 other counties com plete without exception and with but one county Mackinac not heard from state wide prohibition has a lead of 56704 and home rule Is buried under an adverse majority of 93336 The figures yellow: PROHIBITION Jeanette Rankin Montana Will Enter Lower House a 13 Advertisement ROLLER VHW KING AtTalaee Gardens Rink Jeff Advertisement I lOVtNSEND 1M345 Pltl 141179 With only Mackinac county un heard from and with 2005 of the 2260 precincts in Michigan in leav ing omy 25o scattered precincts still to report the precise magni tude of the dry victory of last Tuesday began to appear Thursday night At that time the drya were ahead 38704 on prohibition and home rule snowea WINSAPLACE IN CONGRESS Democrats Hire Lawyers and Get Ready for Vig orous Defense Special to Tho ree Press New York Nov Recognizing the possibility if not as yet the i certainty of Mr defeat if final figures show that Mr Wil son has carried California Repub I lican chiefs tonight began marshal Ing their forces for the great legal I battle they will wage for the presi lency 1 George Wickrsham attorney gnral of the Culled Slates tn the i Taft cabinet was placed in charge of the legal forces He has already begun the collection of evidence on which ii base contests in states that went to Wilson by small plu ralities British Support of Russia Emboldened the Czar to Continue Mobilizing His Army He Declares Berlin Nov 9 by wireless tn Sayville Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg announced in the reichstag today that after the ending of the war Germany would co operate In an endeavor to find a practical means for procuring a lasting peace by means of an inter national league Referring to the question of an International league for the pres ervation of peace the chancellor said: never concealed our doubts whether pence could be guar anteed permanently by international organizations such as arbitration courts I shall not discuss the the oretical aspects ofthe problem in this place But from the standpoint of matters of fact we now and in peace must detine our position with regard to this question Predicts Lasting Peace at and the end of the the world will only become conscious of the horrifying property WILSON RE ELECTED SAYS ASSOCIATED PRESS REPUBLICANS CONCEDE LOSS OE CALIORNIA I Officially Announced In Home That a Consistory Will Be Held December 4 Rome Xov 9 via It Tei' 'M ehatea 2 Trench Playwright and Novelist and Swedish Poet Get Coveted Honot I ondcn Xov 9 The Swedish academy according to a Reuter dis patch from Stokholm ha awarded had been everlasting! under ty 93336 Carries by 80000 It began to be apparent that tlie I Quptea lrd Krey dry majority on prohibition which wlth (hl the chancellor con dXil2 1 I tint the following steps ftost ns the earlier returns had In i hv frv tIv mu dicaud would be nearer 60G00 than but there was no Question at 'ntivii war fiillv oa riirt Inn Af life and then through the whole of humanity there will ring out a cry for peace ful arrangements and understand ings which as far as within human power will avoid the return of such a monstrous catastrophe This pow er will be so powerful and so Justi fied that it must leaduo some re The chancellor's address to the main committee of the reichstag had been awaited eagerly owing to the semi official announcement that he would make important state ments The chancellor presented a new version of events In the last days before the outbreak of the war particularly In connection with Rus sia's mobilisation and efforts to avrt hostilities Th chancellor referred to the situation July 30 1914 two days be fore Germany declared war on Rus sia The German ambassador at Vi enna had been instructed to request Austria Hungary most urgently to reach an understanding with Russia making It clear that Germany did not desire to be drawn into a world war In consequence of disregard of! her advice Austria Hungary agreed i to Germany's suggestion he said i THE I'll! AIR Cumulation for 1Q1 QQC i Novembers Ivljw)) Special to The rea I'rraa Helena Mont Nov 9 latest available returns show that Miss Jeanette Rankin Republican has been elected to congress by lietween 35o0 and 4000 votes Ist reports die her S7S94 and Harry Mitchell 53696 with six counties still to be heard from Iler brother has returns from all but Sheridan whiCh shows he plurality to be 31209 While Demo cratic headquarters refused to con CMitlaeed en rsge Three Column Seven HOUSE DAMAGED BY BOMB EXPLOSION DETROIT MICHIGAN RIDAY NOVEMBER 10 TWENTY TWO PAGES ITH EXTRA went for it Even Bay City al the Couthuird on INige Three Calumn ive POPE WILL CREATE a GERMANY GIVES! PLEDGE TO AW WORLD PEACE TEN NEW CARDINALS Declines t0 Ma'te Comment When i tula vrtiiiuiiiia xxaa uuuu for Wilson I New York Nov that California had been carried by Wil lson on the face of nearly complete unofficial returns was carried to officially announced that Pope Mr Hughes shortly before he retlr wiil noia a consistory December 4 cd tonight wnen ne win create ten new car dinals These will include the Archbishop Rennes Rouen Lyons and Requena Monsignor In ontalnc Patriarch of Venice Mon signor Sbarotti the former apostolic delegate In Canada Monsignor Ra puzsl former major domo and Monsignors Boggiano former apos tolic delegate to Mexico and secre tary of the holy office Marini sec retary the apostolic segnatura and Giorgi saretary of the con gregation or the council PRISONER ATTACKS Plaintiff Testifies Husband Watched Every Move She Made If Mrs Marie Hapka cams borne from the grocery store flve minutes later that her errand might have taken she was accus ed of being too friendly with the grocr ryman If the danced more than one dance with any partner her husband refused to talk with her for a week bo Mrs llapka tired of her husband's obsession and sought a divorce in Judge Per kins's court Thursday It was granted NOBEL LITERATURE PRIZES ARE AWARDED 7u uut tint there was no Question at the Russian ambassador at Txindon all auuut lt victory wlync com I rma 'i AutrflHun JfiHS I INRI II vl'te rverpt for fn prrclnct i ftarian circle were under the im riwtjnLJ UlirtUi rLlX' gave only 7787 airaint and Kent Contlnacd on Tue SK Column Too I BY EVIDENT DEEAT A EAltl IT ARRIVAL CHICAGO Leave Detroit 1 arrie Chicago 7 IS a TermiDla centrally located Advertisement By Associated Press NewYork Nov President Wilson has carried California and has been re elected ifty hours after the polls closed in California Republican Chairman Powell conceded the state to the president Thus the 13 votes needed to assure the president a majority in the electoral college dropped into the Democratic column and ap parently ended the suspense and anxiety of an election which has been unparalleled in American political history Republican Chairman Willcox when informed that the 'president had carried California only replied: have nothing to 7 Secretary Tumulty at the summer white house at Shadow Lawn sent the news by wireless to President Wilson on board the yacht Mayflower enroute to Rhinecliff New York The California returns showed that with only 48 districts missing the president's plurality in the state was 2965 WILSON'S ELECTORAL VOTE STANDS AT 269 Barring some wholly unexpected turnover in the incomplete states leaning toward Wilson or a change on a recount Cali acquisition to the Democratic column gave the presi dent 1269 electoral votes without New three In New Mexico at midnight the president was leading by 2634 votes with 158 districts missing and it was not believed this ad vantage could be overcome by Mr Hughes Conceding West Virginia New Hampshire and Minnesota jto Mr and he was in the lead in al! three only giveshim 259 votes seven less than the required majority With 272 votes in sight President Wilson had six to spare for a possible split of electors in California or a sudden reversal in New Mexico At Republican national committee headquarters it was ad mitted that after conferences betewen George Wickersham former attorney general of the United States Everett Colby of New Jersey Mr Hughes Chairman Willcox and George Perkins of New York preparations were being made to begin legal proceedings for recounts in states where the results were close DEMOCRATS DECLARE RECOUNT AN INSULT In an official statement th Democratic national committee claimed 272 votes for President Wilson and a popular plurality of from 200000 to 300000 say there will be any declared the statement "is an insult to the intelligence of the American It probably will still be another day before the full results are known from any of the four states left in the doubtful column and certainly not until there has been an official count in New Hampshire and possibly in Minnesota As Mr Hughes is leading in Minnesota and West Virginia and a change in these states could in no wise affect the result there may be no demand for extraordinary haste to bring about the recount demanded Virtually all the states where the result is close are carried in the Hughes column and for that reason the Democrats profess to be not apprehensive that any overturning could come from a recount NEW YORK HAS REAL ELECTION NIGHT When the Associated Press informed Democratic headquar ters that President Wilson had carried California there was a wild cheer and the crowd of workers who had been on duty almost constantly for two days and two nights seemed to for get that they were weary The street in front of headquarters had been blocked all the evening with cro vds cheering for Wilson After theater crowds was thronging Broadway and adjacent streets in the district when beams of light from searchlights in the towers of lofty buildings flashed the an nouncement that Mr Wilson had been re elected There was tumultuous cheering and several impromptu parades were organized Only a few minutes earlier Mr Hughes had strolled a few blocks from the theater he had attended to his hotel but the result in California had not been definitely determined then The Republican nominee was recognized and cheered ly many or 312909 Against 254205 4 HOME RULE or 212723 Against 305092 On president 193d precTncte In cluding 313 out of 3111 in Woyne county have now invreaacd the lead of Charles Evans Hughes over President Wilson in me illcblgan's electoral voteInc lutuls follow: ins Mtisox Un governor 1754 precincts out of 2260 give Albert Sleeper of Bad Axe a decisive majority of 73 932 over Edwin Sweet of Grand Jtnpids Tite totals are: ih43 187711 Un L'ni ted States senator 1233 precincts give t'nlted States Sena tor Charles Townsend of Jack son a lead of 36075 over Lawrence tice Democrat of lainsing The totals ate: the Associated Press New Nov 9 With Mexico where President Wilson is leading left in the doubtful list the electorlal college shows Wil son 269 Hughes 235 doubtful 27 It is constituted as follows: Doubt Counsel Is Retained and ntai ilNon HnghM im Amendment Stops the Shipment of all Liquors Into the State Portland Ore Nov Indfca lions tonight were that the DEPUTY WITH KNIE prohibition amendmenL which i waa aimed ah importation I of hquur into Oregon for bewrage Resting arrest for attempting! had carr)rrt bj sboul lo strike fellow laborer with a 1 1 uu hammer George Chesa 35 years the prwnt Oregon pronl old a laborer who had been em Litton law 21 quarts of malt liquor the Nobel prize for literature for "th" m'r hS" Or which had been held In re 'Central railroad Springwellfl Thurs can be imported from other rtatea aerv te Romain Rolland the I afternoon attempts to stab for private use by one pewm a Irene cvwright and noveli Tho(montli The new law it la claimed Trent vnnem anu v' Vnifa rnt Viiarskia rainpont Tk Th for I9l has been awarded dispute between the workmen arose to the twdbh poet crnrr Heidn out a strike of laborers BLS1AKSS enta inest tn city Hotel Nur Advertisement bv a Underwood New York PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON 1 I I I I I Iff I Uk II r2 1 rff) I kyf Hi Im fl io KWm I 111 ryln MllIahM I nW 111 I li fly il SBP ''r i jP A Wai'Af Jfl 4 I.

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