The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 10
- Publication:
- The Indianapolis Stari
- Location:
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 10
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
HURRICANE'S FURY CLAIMS 25 LIVES Reports Add More Viotims to Toll, While Many Are Still Missing. PROPERTY LOSS $1,000,000 Large Section, of Lone Star State Contains Many Signs of Devastation. GALVESTON, July 23. -Other. than to add several hundred thousands to the monetary loss, tonight's dispatchica from the storm -swept.
conat sections of Loplalaun and Texas and from 81 hundred miles of the Interior Illumine but little the tale of the hurricane of Wednosday, which rivaled in intensity the storm of 1900. The number killed is consorvatively estimated at twenty-Avo; those more or less serlously Injured are twice ns many, And the property loss is consorvativels, estimated at $1,000,000. Belated reports may add to the list of' casualties and the property damage, but, except to Isolated points, all tion has been restored. The identined dead are: INFANT OF M. CALLOWAY, Bay City.
CAPT. MATTHEWS: swept from the schoonSer Ellen In tho gulf. F. Englo Lake; formerly of Waterloo, BAYBIL DAIGLE. Cameron Parish, La.
TOM MURPIIY, Cameron Parish, La. DR. CLOYD, Richmond, Tex. Following a inbulated report from the stricken district: Dead. Injured.
Property Columbia $10,000 Tone 'City Bay 250.000 Ilitchcock 6,000 Galveston 100,000 Eaglo Lake 60,000 Wallis 20.000 Markham 10,000 Van Vleck 30,000 Angleton 100,000 LA Grange 16,000 Combon Luke 30,000 Wharton 50,000 Columbus Richmond 10,000 Beasley Palacios 3,000 College Port 0,000 Valanco 10,000 131 CAmpo 10,000 Creole 210,000 Rock Island 76,000 Wolmer 100,000 Storm Covers 100 Miles. AL Rock Island nine of the largest buildings were either razed or partially wrecked, the duinago belug ostimnted at $75,000, Fifty houses were blown down at Wolmer, and the property loss will opproximate $100,000. suffered more than from the storm of 1900. The streets ure blocked with debris, and shortage of labor la delaying the restoration of normal conditions. the Advices.
show damage wils done by. storm throughout al section in Texas extending 011 an average 100 miles Into the Interlor. In many counties anme reporta Indicate that very few householders escaped losses of at lenat minor sort, which in the aggregate total A large While the property destruction has been great, the lows of life and the of Injury la almost Inexpill small. This Is attributed largely 'to the fact that storm warnings gave the inhabitants an opportunity to prepare. Crops Suffer Heavily, Agalil, ay in 1900, the severest portion of the blow came during daylight.
In many places crops have been prostrated, but tho hot following the hurricane is doing much to restore 1101'- mol conditions in the fields and loss extimates from this source are easy of uggeration. from a on point near New Orleang 10 Along the count the storm extended Brownsville, with the conter of soverity in the neighborhood of Bay City and wind, but sinall damage, In the Interior Velasco. At Brownsville there way heavy the damage zone farthest north 18 along the Gulveston, Hurrlaburg San Antonio Rallway, with zig-zug diver at towns and Into rural districts to tho north of it. Former Spirit Repeated. With the born the morning of Sept.
9 nine years ago, when Galveston Awoke to Ind Its shores littered with 8,000 dend and elty in ruina, the twico-threatened elty begins the r'ebullding of the bulldings razed. There will be. no work of removing the debris, 118 the waters have scattered it along coast from one end of the island to the otlier. Gruphic tules of their battle with the waves are told by those swept from tha Aching pier Into the gulf, who were rescued clinging to bits of wreckage along 'the bench 11081' Morgan'a Point. Ray G.
of Houston tells an interesting WHA ahortly midnight of Wednesday, Mr. Teetshorn declared, that the Arst real alarm for the safety of Bottison'8 Pler felt. It WAS ten hours Inter that it gave way and the party of ten cast into the water. hefore the building Hunk we want to the roof." declared Mr. Teetshorn.
"The building went down envy--in fact, simply crumbled beneath us--and W' struck, the water easy. Everybody scrambled for himself. 1 think nll of us started off. on some wreckage und the wind and tide carried us through the water, while the high sen bent us and the rollers broke over and beneath us. The Orst piece of wreckage I got on to crumbled and broke and I.
Ashed around and finally got on to. A' which 80011 became water monked and sank. Then I scrambled about and finally crawled on to a plece of lumbor about twelve. feet long and I stuck to this until picked up. "Capt.
Bettison, who owned the plor, WAR'n cool fellow and wont nhout deliberately. giving Instructions when the storm came up. With our life preservers on, we went' to the roof of the pavilion to be prepared for the worst." GALVESTON, July Davies of Groveton, leglows man, 80 years old, furnished the most thrilling experienco of any 'of the storm victim recorded. Ito was at the Tarpon Ashing pier, soven miles from Galveston In the gulf, and with was thrown Into. the sen when the big bullding was demolished by the hurricane.
Before the bullding," collapsed, Davies discorded his two. cork legs, and catching some of tho USES CORK LEGS AS PRESERVERS. Legless Man's Experience In Storm and Water Is Thrilling. DEAFNESS catarrhal atleots the ears and hearing it is the beginning of what will end in deafness and unfortunately for those afflicted ordinary. remedies fall to relieve the trouble.
But if sufferers will send a' two cent stamp to pay postage zinger Ohemists, Dayton, Ohio, send a free sample of Pretzinger's Catarrh, Balm, which will prove that avery form of catarrh and catarrhal defnoss can be positively cured, The fret application gives rollef. Read what grateful people who have used this remedy 'say about it. "I tried 90 many doctors and 80 many 'remedies with 'no boneflt. But 'I am pleased to. tell.
you I have never used anything that could pare with your Your Balm cured me of head noises and deafness, and I can not praise It highly Miss' Mayno Eisenhauor, Waterloo, Ill. had hay fevor so bad that 1 could not lie, down for weeks at a time, but alace. using the Balm, I have not lost a singlo night's James Fouts, New Madison, Ohio, Widow of "Tom" Lewis Passes Away MRS. MOLLIE E. LEWIS, Mira.
Mollio E. Lewis, widow of the late W. T. Lewis, formerly station master for the Traction Terminal Compuny, illed yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mra. C.
G. Tyner, 2609 Enat Tenth street. She WAR 62 years old, She WAR married to Mr. Lewis at GalInten. In 1866.
She is survived by seven children, Mra. Tyner, Mr8. Mueller, Mrs. Fred Johnson. Mrs.
Ail Ervin, John H. and Thomas E. Lewis of Indianapolis and Charles E. Lewis of Chiengo. The funeral will take place Monday nfternoon with burial nt Crown J-111.
debris, WAR carried senward nhout fifteen miles. Searching about for debrie to catch on to he nstounded to see his cork legs Blunting with the current, and grabbed then. With these OR supports under bis arma be swam back Into tho hay nnd WAS carried by the tides into Galveston Upper Bay. thirty miles from where 'the pler collapsed, and was pleked by a bout. Fic WAR In the water thirty hours.
The bodles of Capt. R. Ta. Bettison and his wife, scantily eind and girded with life preservers, were found by fisher boyR 211 Morgan's Point. The corpse wore lunbed and clasped togethor in the tangled seu weed.
Capt. BettiRon and his wife were among the party of 1en who were swept off a pier nonr Galveston by. the hurricane Wednesday. Simultaneous with the report. of the recovery of the bodles of the Bottlaona comes the news that Ernost A.
Booth, diningroom boy who was one of the party on the pier, was rescued alive near Morgan'e Point today. Booth had been Ing on driftwood for neurly forty The Abornathy fainlly, living near High Island. been accounted for, and no tho country about tho Mntagorda deaths have been reported from Insuln. C. H.
Dally, who lost his life in the hurricane which swept the Gulf of Mexico at Calveaton, Wednesday night, while a plor. formerly lived in Ila parents resided nt Anfather is retired physician. Mr. Dally four yeara ago was employed In the circulation department of The Indianapolls Star. At the time of his death he was employed by the Galveston Tribune, The day before his death Mr.
Dally nddreased letter to 1R. J. Corrigan, circulation mannger of The Star, In which 'he spoke of hia work in and enid no wny manking a anceess there, The letter received by Mr. CorrigIN few hours after the newspapers gave an necount of Mr. Daily's denth.
HOOSIER KILLED IN C. H. Daily, Formerly of Indianapolis, Galveston Victims. STORM KILLS RARE BIRDS. Louisiana Game Commissioner Hears That Breeding Grounds Are Overflown.
NEW. ORLEANS. July Goulsinnn game received news tonight that about 200.000 birds on the grounds maintained by the commisalon on Battledoor, Audubon and Breton off the southwestern const of had been killed lu the storin. Many of the birds were of rare varletles. 'The were awept and overtlown by the gulf waters.
LARGE SUGAR MILL WRECKED. State Prison Institution Damaged $275,000 During Texas Hurricane. BRAZORIA, July. large sugar mill at the Clomanis penal farm, cited few miles from this town. WAS demolished in the storm.
The loss la $276,000. One of prisons was but 116 0110 was InJured. The sloop Columbla. with four men abonrd, blown out to son, has not been heard from. NEWCASTLE BANKER DIES.
Was Auditor of Henry County for Two Termu. NEWCASTLE, July I. Morria, 62 years old. vice presidont of the Firat National Bunk of this city since 1900, died today at noon at him home on South Fourteenth. street.
Mr. Morris had been in poor health. for the last twenty years, but a rugged constitution and IL strong will power enabled him to stavo off death. Mr. Morris WILH a native of Honry County and had spent.
all of his life here. Judge Douglass Morris Rushvillo and A. of O. Morris and Mra, Elizabeth Iloritage Knightatown aro brotherg and sister. In November, 1882, Mr.
Morris WaS elected auditor of Henry County and tinued In this capacity for two terms of four yenra each. A daughter, Miss Blancho Morris, and her mother aurvive. Mr. Morris WAR active in tho affaire of the Republican party. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and Scottish Rite Mason.
EVANSVILLE, July deniers of this elty wore warned today by Nashville (Tenn.) millers aguinat further shipments of "hlue eye" corn from this territory, it being alleged that to this pecullar blight in corn 18 duo disease of the hummin aldin which has been worrying Tennesseo physiciuna for some thine. The "blue eye" is duo to a combination of warmth and wetno8s in the last ripenIng atuge, It is said, producing IL lution which users of the -corn produets. Practically all of southern Indiann'8 corn la shipped to 'Tennessee, BAR OUT "BLUE EYE" CORN. Tennessea Millers Warn Indiana Dealers Against Disease Producing Germ. BOY STABS BOY IN FIGHT.
Noise Like Bull Frog Is Resented and Struggle Results, LOGANSPORT, July 15 years old, was probably futally stabbed tonight by Gourgo Palmer, 15, because ho whipped Palmer in fist fight. The boys woro playing on the South Side nor the old creamery, Sitz resented Palmer's "making fun" of him by makIng a nolse like bull. frog and gave Palmer IL thrashing. While Palmer on the ground he is alleged to have Sitz with a penknife, Inflicting wound in the right lung, The Injured boy is In the hospital in a oritical condition. Palmer 19 In Jail.
Deaths of a Day. IRA BREESE. of Jackaon, WItH killed In an automobile accident at Sioux Falls, 8, yesterduy. W. NEWTON SHARP, 44 yenta old, Anancini editor of the Evening Sun, died In Now York yesterduy, I I I THE INDIANAPOLIS SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1909.
SPANISH FORCES ROUTED RETREAT BEFORE TRIBESMEN MOORA KEEP. UP GALLING FIRE AND ENEMY UNABLE TO HOLD GROUND GAINED DURING DAY FLEES TO AVOID DISASTER. MELILLA, Morocco, July omcin1 statement this evening concorning tho fight between the Spanlurds and the Kabyle tribesmen, maya that beforo dawn this morning the Moore opened general nttnck on tho Spanish advance poultiona, concentrating their offorty against Sidl Musa and tho garrison. at Cape Moreno. The Aghting wax of the most furious' charneter, but sortie by alx' companies 'Spanish Infantry and a light told battery win successful and the enemy fell buck two kilometers.
Number Killed Not Known. In the fighting Spunish, colonel and three other offleere and thirteen wounded. The number of nmong the collated men 19 not. known. Newly debarked troops linve been hurried to the front.
At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon tho Moors resumed the offenac and the firing nt that time waR general. The Oghting during the afternoon suited in a defeat for the Spanish troops. Under galling Are by the Moors they were unable to hold the ground they had gained and at nightfall, in order to avoid dispater, retronted to their old positions. SPANISH TROOPS IN MUTINY. Make Demonstration When About to Sall for Seat of Trouble.
HENDAYE, France, July advices from Madrid lonight any that the demonstration agninat the war in Morocco continued Wednosduy and Thursday. When 'King Alfonso visited the barracks 10 farewell to the soldiers bound for Morovco, the troops and their wives made violent manifestations. Three compunten of chasseurs mutined and threatened the officers who tried to quell the trouble, but Onully were surrounded and deprived of their cartridges. During the rioting at the railway station crowda shouted "Down with the war!" and tried to wreck the care. Troops were ordered up to aid the police in restoring order.
During the manifestations women and children were trampled under foot and muny of them were InJured. The advlees ndded that all meetings called to protest. agalnat the war are heing suppressed, and that tho newspapers have been forbidden to publish false dispatches from the front under pennity of Public excitement, It auld, is 'CALLS FOR 40,000 SOLDIERS. Spanish Commander Says That Number Is Needed to Subdue Tribesmen. MADRID, July is reported that Gon.
Marina, commander of the Spaniah forces at Melilla, has Informed the goy? Grument that he will defeat require the frien to insure a decisive over MoorIsh tribesmen. PRESIDENT 'OF EARLHAM FAVORS STATE CONFERENCE Prof. Kelly Writes Governor Marshall That He Is Willing to Attend Educational The announcement of Maralrell few days ago that he desired to hold A with the heads of tho different edueational institutions of the atate thia fall has aroused Interest among the college presidents, In reply to Governor Robert lotter calling conference, President L. Kelly of Earlham Colloge yesterduy, sout a reply to the effect that he would be grently Interested In such a conference. In his lettor Prosident Kolly suld: should come.
to such a conforenco us you propose would not do so with any ent-and-dried plans of procedure. In my Judgment the Teoling between tho slate and nonstate tuatitutions of higher learnIng in very cordial and it seems to 1110 that nothing but good could come from such a conference n8 you propose. If you see At to extend al format Invitation for such a conference I shall be pleased to It is expected that the nbsence of Pres. ident William Lowe Bryan of Indiana Univeraity, who 1A on his will vacation postpone in the Adirondack Mountains, conference dealred by Governor Marshall. Dr.
Bryan will not return to the univerGovernor Marshall said ventorday that sity until September. he had no definite date In mind for the I conference. He said he would arrange different It to ault the convenience of the men who will want to nittend. MAY DODGE LICENSE NO. 13 FOR AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS Board of Safety Already Has' Many Pro: tests From Chauffeurs Against "Hoodoo" Tag.
Forty applientions niready have been made to John B. Wood, clerk of the Bound of Public Sufely, for chauffour licenses, although the now ordinance has not yet algned by Anyor Bookwaltor and Is, therefore, not yet a law. The Adama been Express automobile Compnny, delivery wagons, notified Mr. which employs many Wood that it would take the 1lrat twenty licenses that are issued. The most strenuous destro of some chauffeurs la to obtain licenso No.
1 and dodge the thirteenth. 'I'wo ineti have naked for the first. license and now Mr. Wood is trying to find out how he will decide. Other automobile owners havo declared that thny will not accept No.
13 and it is possible that the unlucky number will not Ineluded among those Saued by tho hoard. Mr. Wood said yesterday that he pected to tale no further atopa In Bookwalter outfining his pion until Mayor signifled his intontion with regard to the license. Tho mayor has boou indisposed tho ordinance. Sunday In event yet ho signs it and not considored the Board of Safoty will begin Immediately to formulate its system reglatration.
The law becomes effective at tho ond of two weeks'after it has been algned by the mayor. EJECTED FROM ONE CAR, IMPRISONED IN ANOTHER Excitable Passenger Has Series of ventures That Finally Land Him In Jall. After being' forcibly ojected from one Interurban cur night at, point In the country east of Irvington, Blaine Reynolda of Lowlaville, was pleked up by another car, He behaved in a disorderly mannor in both cara, it is charged, but In the second, lustend of boing thrown off, ho was Imprisoned in the baggage room and held until the car rouched tho city terminal, whore he was turned over to the police. Reynold evidently drank to excess yesHe bonrded a T. I.
E. car about 5 o'clock and hardly had tho journoy started than, In the car found occasion to complain of his notions. He whon ho was' ordored from the car just beyond Irvington and Was ejected by the crow. He was loft lying at tho, side of the trucks. An inbound car approached and the motorman saw the prostrato figure.
He stopped and Roynolds Was picked up, the crew huving the Impression that lio had fallen from, or been atruk by, a car, Once' aguin inaldo a car Reynolds aguin grow. disorderly, He waR forced Into the baggugo room with dificulty and was held thore, CORDIAL KILLS LITTLE BOY. Mixture Contains Oplum and Baby Falls Into Denth Sleep. ANDERSON, July the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Modlin of Crystal in North Anderson, drank Homo cordial that contuined oplum at 5 o'clock this afternoon and died. late this ovening from the poison. The bottle luy on A table and tho child drank the contonta before its act was obsorved. A physlelun was not called until the family found it impossible to awaken the child, and nithough they worked until. neurly midnight the child died.
Fine try The Cremoline Cleans "akin! Dog Needs Soap noft and glossy: teaving kills: chair the lice; cures mahgo, scratchen, grease cracked sores. and Halle' and prevents. white hairs. all. foul odors and wards.
off. diseases, Our booklet on Doge. Pouttry, cattle, hormon and hogs mulled free. Ask your dealer. for 'It, 'or write: um.
Old. Phone, Prospoct' 94. E. M. RIFE, -Manager .1024 E.
Market Indpis. PALACE LIGHT OIL Pennsylvania's. Premium. Product. Best for incubators bocauvo cleanest.
Keeps evan temperature. Makes no. sulphurous gALA. Insuron large hatch and vigorous chicks. Give un trial ordor 'tar 'a subject to Refinery, trial Warren, and Pa.
approval. REFINING 'Indianapolis. BEST POULTRY FENCE Also make 'a 'fenco to stock and poultry. Catalogue malled: free of our many designs in poultry and stock fence. Got: Our SHIMER ANDERSON, IND.
Box 10, Both phones, TRY- A WANT IN -THE IT WILL. BRING RESULTS: BIT Cats Hand-raised. PARROTS The kind that TALK We Invite you to como in and them or write for prices and catalogue. Rogers Bird Store. 128 N.
Delaware Indianapolis, Ind. News of the Churches. The Joseph Artman of. tho Street Congregational Church, Chicago, will preach tomorrow morning at the First gregational. Church.
There will bo no Ing service. The Rev, Honry B. Gekelor, pastor of tho Central Avonue Reformed Church, is Ing cpurso of Sunday, ovening sermons on "Summor Rollgion." His subject tomorrow evening will. be "Water for the Thirsty." At the First Baptist Church tomorrow the Rov. Benjamin Dickhaut of the Collegiate Reform.
morning Church and of New evening. York city will The corner stone of tho now North Parle Christian Church, Kenwood avenue and Twenty-ninth street, will be lald with. propriato ceromonies Sunday, Orcutt Aug. will 1, make 1900, m. The Rev.
A. L. tho principal address. Dr. Hurlstone will preach in the Roberta Park Church tomorrow night on "The Power of Christian The theme of.
the morning sermon will bo "Life as a Stowardship." The Roberts Park mon's Biblo class will meet in the main auditorium' tomorrow morning at '10 o'clock. Herbert M. AdkinHOn will apenk on "Paul's Sermon on Mara HIlI." Men Invited. In the absonco of Judgo U. Solon La.
Goode, one of the editors of the American Farmer, will conduct. the men' Bible clana at the Central Christian Church tomorrow morning at. 9:30 o'clock. The 'Rev. John E.
Frye of Arizona wIt1 occupy the pulpit of the First. Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning. will. ho special munic by the choir, preceded by An' organ recital. The Rev.
J. W. J. Collins, pastor of the East Tenth Street M. P.
Church. will prench tomorrow morning on "God's Imminence." His ovening: subject will be "The Good At the Meridian Street E. Church 'to. morrow morning Dr. Stansfeld 'will 'preach on "Fundamentals of Christian Faith." Improvements at 'the' Edwin Huy Church are in such a condition an to regular sorvice tomorrow.
Following Sunday. achool. nt 9 o'clock, the pastor, the Rev. H. C.
Clippinger, will speak at 10:46 on Blessings of 'Public Worship." The Enworth will moot nt 6:45 Tho pastor's subject at the evening servicing nt 7:45 o'clock will be "The Young People and the YOUNG AND PRETTY MUSIC ADMITS FORGERY Girl Arrested for Drawing $30 From Bank at Muncie on Fajse ture.MUNCIE, July' llo Blodgott, a pretty 19-yeur-old music tencher. of this olty, was arrested this. afternoon on aL charge of forgery, The crime is a alleged to have committed' July 15. A check benring the sigunture of. Charles Storbeok, with whom Miss Blodgelt made, her home until ono month ago, drawn for $30 and presented to the Delaware.
County National Bank of Muncio, la- responsible for the arreat. After rigid examination Miss Blodgett confessed. to the not and was pluced In the County Jail in default of to await. a. hearing in tho City Court tomorrow.
morning, Miss Blodgett'8' onta are dend and she has been making An effort maintain herself by giving musical Instruction to a few pupils until recently, when sho wont to Andorion. She returned to this city a short. time ago and was 'found by: the police this afternoon after diligent soarch. BOYS DIG UP' "MYSTERY." Unearth Man's Head. 'After Had Viewed and Burled It.
LA gang of boys at Beocher street' and Ringgold avenue persisted in unearthing grawsome 'mystery last night after the pollce, Officers Murphy it. and. Hull, went to place and The mystery In this case was the head of a. man, a negro; which the officers bellove went to- the dumpa at the locuilty from some modica! college. A crowd surrounded the growsome olJect whon Deak Crane frat received the report.
There's beon foul murder hereabouts," said the than who telephonod. Hull and Murphy top apeed to tho pince and utter, viewing the specimen pronounced It another "medical. college and buried It. In the dump, Twenty call. minutos The later they recolved AL socond boys had dug the hend out again, and thin thine the 80- cured basket and tonk the skull Contral.
Polico tEntion, where thoy placed it in the morgue, LABRADOR MINISTER TO, WED. Dr, W. Grenfoll'a Engagement to Lake Forest (111.) Woman Announced. LONDON, July ongagoment was announced hora today of Dr. Wilfred Thomason' Grenfell, misaionary, the to.
known MIss Labrador medical Anna C. MacClanuhan of Lake Forest, Ill, Must Take Tariff Out of Politics CONCLUDED FROM. PAGE ONE. The speaker realize that he facing rather n. desperate situation In the House the tariff conferees on coal; lumber, and: ho 18 taking cline chances.
While no agreement WAS ronohed hides, oil; Iron ore, 'the cotton schedule or wood pulp and print paper, it wits said, tonight by the conferees after adjournment for the day that the prospects of. settling their big questions tomorrow oxcellent. Should the conference complete Its work tomorrow It would Impossible to port It before Tuesday, ag tho House, which agraed to the conference on the tariff bill und, therefore, under the rules, must receive It before the Senate, ndJourned, today mensures until were Tuesday. put Into opora tion today' In in effort to composo ditferences oxiating between the Senate and House 011 the tariff bill and 'to carry out President Taft'a: program for a reduction of duties on raw matorials. All excopt the nctual conferees were greed that discussion leading up to excluded from the chamber and, 1t WAR 8 settlement.
of any of the subjecta termed "national SAguOR" should be regarded ns confidential. All of the conferoes said tonight that the feelings entertained for ench other were more than they had been for many days. When Arthur B. Sholton, the Finance Committee, and William K. Payne, clork of the House Ways and Means Committee, were excused from the conference, It understood that votes would be taken on all of the subjects in dispute before adjournment for tho day.
As the question of hides la giving the committoo, more trouble than any othor of the schedules that have claimod the attention of the President, It WAS discussed Arst. The discussion had not proceeded for before It was developed that the differences between the two Houses were almost irreconcilable unless boots and shoes and other lenther goods should be greatly, reduced if hides were to go on the free lat. West Enters Protests. Senator Aldrich has reports from mAny Western protesting agninet the removal of the duty on hides or reduc.ton below 10 per cent ad valorem. The only terms on which the Weatern Henwould consent to consider the abolition of the duty Involved the moval of the duty on leather goods, Discusalon then turned upon the amount of reductions the lenther trade could atand without serlous InJury.
On this subJeet varloty of opinions were expressed. many of which appeared to somo of. the conferees to be inconsistent. Soon It was developed that tho conferees would have to confer with associates not. on the conference committee and their adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock tomorTOW.
After the 'duty has been Axod on hides and leather goods little difficulty is npput oll on the a free lat and In comprominprehended in reaching an agreement to ing upon duty of about 46 cents ton on coal, rate of $1.26 a thousand feet on rough lumber with proportionate dif3 ferontinis and a rate of nbout $3 ton on. print paper. Iron ore in expected to 'Rive more trouble than any of those jecta except hidea. The newA that the conferees had eXcluded the clerks of the committee and were trying to reuch decisions on 'the important Items In dispute not long In renching the hordes of lobbyista In the corridor. From that inomant evorything WAR confusion.
The representatives of special interest without success, every sort of artful dodge in their anxlety to learn something of the nature of the procecdinga. Several times the volces of the conferecs sounded through the walls nt high pitch that Indicated nnything but harmony. If there was any friction, It. WAS smoothed over before tho conference wAs adjourned. All members came out of the chamber amiiing.
Insurgents Hold Meeting, The -free material "Insurgents" of the House mot today. There wore only twenty-sovon members present and although several specches were made, no resolutions of protest were The cotton schedule WAR 'considered nt tho forenoon gossion of the conference committee today, While this schedulo was not disposed of, tho conferees were practically in agreement to ndopt the Senate IncrengeR on' mercorized cottona, hut to reduco a number of the Sennte rates on lower grador. It. WAR announced that the Incensed rates of Internal revenue on tobacco, which were by the Sonnto nt. the -Instance of Senator Beverldge, will be necepted.
It wha reported yesterday thnt there amendments would be eliminnted from the and Senntor Beverldgo proteated with good reault to Prealdent Taft and Secretary of the' Treasury Mac aL Vengh. The conferee toduy accepted Senate amendment Imposing a duty of 45 per cent ndvalorem 011 structural steel punched for' use. In determining this rata tho House members had their Arat roll call of the conference. This method of disposing of the question WAR regarded fLES in view of the statemont by Representative Payne 'that he would unt be governed merely by the will of A majority of the Republican of the House. in As favor Mr.
of Payno the Sennte voted with the majority Increase, however, no, lasue WAS ralsed. GAY PAREE DANCER INJURED. Girl From Carnival Has Steel Splinter in Foot and Goes to Hospital. Ruth Jones of the Gay Puree Girls, showing In the Moose Carnival, frill not do her turn at. dancing during the next few days.
In fact, she may not be able to trip the light fantastic again during the engagement of her company In, Indiumpolls, for shit has dL long and sharp Alcel splinter in tho ball of her right foot. According to her statement to phyalciana Miss Jones WILH about! the now city hall bullding yeaterdny nfternoon when sho stepped on post. A aliver of steel penetrated hor aloo and the ball of her foot. Dr. Harry Pasley of -the City.
Dispenanry attompted to remove the atcol Inst ovening, but found it so show firmly imbedded that he ordered the girl taken to the City Hospital. FIND WOMAN PROSTRATE. Police Called. to. Kennington -Send Mrs.
Curtis to Hospital, When "from the City Disn call to the homo' of Mra. Clara Curtis, 1618 Konnington atreot, last evoning they found Mra. Curtis lying apparently unconscious and deserted, According to the atntements of nelghbors, Mra. Curtis fell In the buck yard and her husband and several others who were with them ran away, leaving her promtrate, Dr. Lawley, In charge of the ambulance, reported the matter to the DOlice, At tho City Hospital, whero Mrs.
Curtis WAR enrod for, physicians, bollave she suffer8 from an attack of acute hysteria. She regained consolousness, but her condition wan she could not tulk. CAPT. W. H.
H. SHEETS DEAD. Former Indiana Veteran Expires at Home In Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON, July Honry Harrison Sheets, an Indiana soldior -of considerablo renown, died at 1:15 o'clock this aftornoon.
With him when lie passed away were hiR wife, a son, Frazier. Randolph Sheets; him two slaters and tho family physlelun. Capt. Sheets was 60 yours of age. Ho WAR born in Indianupolls.
Ho had a wide acquaintance here, and was a prominont figure in patriotio circles. Ho made an excellent record In' the elvil WAr na a staff and ordnance offleer, hav. Ing participated in eighty pitched butties and 180 skirmishen, ADMITS PASSING BAD CHECK. "Sub" Motorman Taken From Car by, Detectives, Rube Hunt of South Bolmont avenute, 11 "sub" for the Indianapolla "F'ruction and Company, was busy yosterday afternoon learning to run il street. car, Ho was watching tho motorman and wan surprised to ho summoned from tho vertibulo by Detcotiven Dugan and Smith.
In the 'detectives' office at Central Police Station a cheol Bulla" for. $13,80 signed by the "John was ahown him. He lented ever daving seen the check before, but after undergoing clone questoning ha admitted that ho. had written It and it. He la charged with passIng a fraudulent obock.
RELIC OF NAVY FOR CITY WENT THROUGH SPANISH WAR FIGUREHEAD MOLDED IN SHAPE OF BUST OF WASHINGTON FROM DAT. TLE SHIP COSTING TO INDIANATOLIS. WASHINGTON, July. The massive figurehead of the battle ship Indiana, which is one of the. Intereating rolica of the old navy, will be sont to Indianapolls for permanent keeping, either in the State Musoum, tho State Library, the Court House or some other publia place where it will ho always on exhibition.
Representative Korbly' made application several days ago for. this relic, and he liais Just received a favorablo reply from of the metal Navy The figurehond la and weighs about two tons. It 18 molded in the shape of a bust. of Goorge Washington and 18 an historic ornament. It will rank A8 one of the stute's most, valuablo relics.
This Ngurchead went through tho Spanish- Amorican war and was' on the battle ship Indiana during the battle of Santiago. At that time the color the ny was white and tho metal figurehead, a very bright object, could be seon nt long distances. When it was. decided to follow oxample of Great Britain and paint the warships a elate color, the had to go, an it furnished too conspicuous a target for the enemy's guns. WIll Bo.
Loaned to State. Theoretically the figurehead will bo loaned to the state' of Indiana, and the title to It will remain In the government, but It is believed that it will stay in the custody of the ratato forever. It will romain for the city and state authorities at Indianapolis to decide where it can bo located to the advantage. President Taft will not be able to attend the opening of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Aug, 10 to 21. Recently Sonator Beverldge called at tho White louse and personally urged the President to go to Indianapolis for that occasion.
Today the senator received a letter from Frank W. Carpenter, the President's secretary, Announcing that the President would not be able to adjust his dates so HA to attend. Mr. Carpentor wrote: "The Prealdent directa me to express his real regret at his inability to accopt. In the event of his making A Western trip he does not contemplate sturting it before the middle of September, WIll you bo good enough to convey to the officials who extended the invitation to the President his cordial thanks their courteay?" DANCER'S SCANTY FROCK OFFENDS NEW YORK COPS Gertrude Hoffman Gives Penal Code vere Crimp and Must Answer Public Indecency Charge.
NEW YORK, July Central oftico men, Walden and Rathgeber, wont to Hammerstein'g. Roof Garden tonight just nbout the time that Gertrude Hoffman quit frinking in the Spring Song dance. When Husband Hoffman, who leads Wife Hoffman's special orchestra, brought down his baton with final jerk the buss drum gnve a triumphant boom, Walden and Rathgeber went behind the scenes and "pinched" Gertrude. They said that Mias Hoffman skipped too lightly arrayed and thnt Section 1530, Subdivision 7 of the penal code had outfered a crimp, Miss Hoffman slid into regular dress and went to tho West ForlySeventh Street Pollco Station. Walden and Rathgober had it ontered on tho blotter that Miss Hoffman had given A dance that was contrary to public decency.
The duncor confided to Lleut. McQueenle that she was 24 years old and an George Considine hustled Into the Station House and went ball. He gave 1696 Brondway AA security for the $500. Walden, who was the captain on duty nt police -hendquarters tonight, anid nobody ordered him to arrest Miss Hoftman. He Look one look at.
the dance and bent it back of the stage. ASKS AID IN BUYING LAND. School Board. Appeals to city Counoll. In Purchasing Library Site.
Mayor Bookwalter has under advisement request from the Bonrd of School Commissioners for financial assistance from the City Counell in purchasing AL site for one of the branch Carnegle 11- brarles In the southern part of Indinnapolie. The alte in vlew 18 the Kate N. Donn property, Madison avenue and Prospect street. It is of sufficient alze to he suitable for 8 library with additional ground for sinall park besides. The property has been offered for $11,000.
The request was put before the mayor venterday morning by Charles W. Moores, president, and Henry C. Sickols. of the School Bourd. They "had nirondy naked assistance of the Board of Park Commisloners, but had heen told that tho board hind no money available for that purpose.
Mayor Bookwalter promised Mr. Moorea that he would consider the question and Hee it financial ald could be obtulned from the Council. BURGLARS IN STAFFORD HOME Ransack Meridian Street Dwelling In sance of Family, The residence of E. E. Stafford, at, 2405 North Meridian atreet, was ransacked by burglars yesterday.
family is absent from home and the burglary was discovered last evening by Norman Coulln, a relative who has been visiting the home occasionally during the absence the Staffords. The amount of plunder secured by the burglars may be extonalve. according to tho statement of Coulin. The house was ransacked thoroughly by the visitors, who evidently used plenty of time and turned drawers and. chests inalde out.
seniakin eloak and cape are known to be umong the missing articles. Coulln sud to. orNeera Trimpo and Rucker, however, that silverware and jewelry, such as the famIly did not had beon placed in a anfety deposit vault. DRIVER SERIOUSLY, INJURED. John Carr, 8 wagon driver, was seriously and fatally Injured yesterday morning In front of 117 Spruce street when he thrown from his wagon.
The toam he was driving became frightened and ran away. Carr WAR thrown to the ground with such force that it is feared his skull was fractured: He was taken to St. Vincont'A Hospital; where lie remained unconscious' several 'hours. Phyalcinna say his recovory. is doubtful.
John Carr, Transfer Man, Thrown 'From Wagon In Runaway. STOCK BROKER. IS HONORED. Former New Yorker Made Membor of Legion of Honor, PARIS, July those who were made members of the Legion of. Honor today were Solomon Dejonge, formerly a stock broker in New York: M.
Gatine, secrotary of the logation at Havana, and Daniel Levy, president of the Alllanco Francalse' of San Fran. Indiana College: News. INDIANA-Prof. Ulysses G. Weatherly, hend of the department.
of cconomica and social sclenco it Indiana University, will lecture to the atudent body at the -reguJar semi- weekly dato, Friday, on. "Booker T. Washington and the Negro One hundred alumni of Indiana University residing. in the olty of Chicago will hold their annual reunion at Jackson Park Saturday, STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS, Arrived. Port.
CYMRIC Boston OLAN LA TOURAINE Havre PRESIDENT LINCOLN. Plymouth PANANONIA Trieste THEMISTOCLES Athona Bristol Bulled. P'ort. KOUNIGEN Napion KAISERIN AUGUATE VICTORIA. Southampton MONTEZUMA VIRGINIAN Iverponi COLUMBIA Boston KEEPERS We aro distributing agents for Lewis Bee Ware Send for Free Catalogue.
Best Small Chick Feed in the State. Get'our prices Now Phone 4607. The Scott Co. 1002 East 5t. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.
TALKING PARROT and Cage' $5:00 We also -have pedigreed white Persian kittens. Ward's Bird Store 21 E. Market Indianapolis AT STUD FEE $10.00 TEDDY HOOKER THE UNDEFEATED Weight.13 lbs BOSTON TERRIER A-K-C 123450 Sired by Little Hooker, 13 he Sullivan's Punch, Dam, Bounte, '14 Write for stud card. DAN C. SCHEIBLE, So.
Ill. Deaths in Indiana. WILLIAM MARTIN BOWLES, 80 years old, a veteran of the civil, war, died in Friday. He was A member of Company. Sixty-sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, under Capt.
Felix C. Bivin and Col. Roger Martin. He was captured: at Richmond, 30, 1802. He.
marched with. Gen. Sherman' to the sep. MRS. FRANCES 13.
years old, died at Lafayetto Friday after a short lincHe. The following children survive: Mrs. D. B. Smith, Wost Lafayette; C.
'0. Barnard, Denver, Col. Walter Lane and Mra. 'A. J.
Sims. Lafayotte, and Mrs. Elizaboth Hamilton, Scattle, Wash. MRS. MELISSA DRAKE; 60 years old.
wife of Joseph Drake, jeweler and civil war veteran of Greensburg, Is dead as result of a complication of diseases. husband, two daughters and, a son survive. MRS. JACOB GIBSON; years of Prather, Jeffersonville, is. dend.
She way a member of a' lending family. DANIEL, McDANIEL, 19. years old. died Friduy at Jeffersonville of typhoid BUILDINGS BEING VACATED TO' MAKE WAY FOR THEATER Occupants of Boarding Houses at" Illinois and New York Streets Move for Wreckers. Vans were busy all of yesterday removhousehold from the flat bullding on the southwest corner of Illinols and New York streets, which la "to ho replaced by 'new vaudeville' thenter.
The structure, which has stood on the corner 'for, more than twenty-five yours and for least ten years has beon turned over. to the keepers, of. boarding' houses. will he, torn down and. substituted a pinyhouse casting more thun The property.
belongs to. Mrs. W. 8. Barkley, 503- North Moridian street, who recently mado: n.
lease for niety-nine yours on the property. fat building. which. for: 80 years been the home transients, formerly: was, occupled by persona who have been more or: less prominent In Indianapolis At the timo it' was bullt, twenty-five yours; ago, it wns in the heart: of residence district, but, gradually gave way, Workmen will. begin razing the 'atructuro noxt.
wool and; the erection of the now theater. will he pushed as rapidly possible. The for the atructure ulroady been comploted and the lessees oxto lose no time in erecting tho new TURKS CELEBRATE FIRST, ANNIVERSARY OF Constitution Was Granted Year Ago' and Was Declared: Holiday Throughout CONSTANTINOPLE, July Arst. anniversary of the grunting of' tho' Turkish constitution was celebrated throughout the country today as a national holiday." The capital itsolf was in a festive mood andthe decorated streets were thronged with visitors. Sultan Mohmed V.
reylewed 15,000 troops before the Hill of Liberty'and subsequently laid the foundation atone: of a monument to. be created at that spot In. momory 'of the soldiera who fell there during the recent. revolution. As a' measure of clemency the Sultan: has ordered the auspension of fresh pronecutions.
of persona who' were connoted with the Inte renotionary, but those ulrondy under arrest and fugitives wIll not benefit by the amnesty, NOMINATIONS, GIVEN SENATE. Taft Forwards List of Appointees for Solons': Consideration, WASHINGTON, July President today the following nominatiopa- to tha Senate; Envoy. Extraordinary and Minister Plant. potentiary 'to. R.
Crano, nols. Ausistant Director of the Thirteenth nial F. Willoughby, triat of Columbia. Postmaster at Spokane, 'Wash. -W, P.
Edris. These nominationa probably will be con. firmed In executive session Mondny, A.
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