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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 5

Detroit, Michigan
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fomlluse 11ITO 'TROLLEY' Jolinc Driven Street Car Planned for Dearborn Says Liebold Extension of System to City Limits is Considered as Possibility Liebold private secretary to Henry ord declared riday af ternoon that if Dearborn township facials grant Henry appli cation for a blanket franchise to operate traction lines in Dearborn township the internal combustion street car suggested as a solution to street car troubles will hare a practical working demon stration Mr Ieibota stated the franchise was sought both as a means to haul yord workers between Dearborn and oakwood serving as a direct and ipeedy method of transportation for the workers In ths tractor plant and In the huge blast furnaces and as a means of proving the worth of (ho internal combustion gasoline driven street car accepted by Henry ford as the traction unit of the fu ture Longer Line Possible We have not been granted tho franchise as yet" said Mr LleboldWe have every hope of getting one and It It Is granted the Internal combustion engine will furnish the motive power for the cars that is Asked whether it was possible Ahst the system might later be ex tended to carry ord workers from I the Detroit limits to the blast fur naces and tractor plants Mr Ilo bold said that matter had not been discussed but It was well withinthe list of possibilities that such iCtlon might be decided upon To klnrt in Six Months In the anoltcation for the frnn rhlse Mr ord declared he was ready to start work within six BrantInk of the withnnuthm t0 be completed 18 months for asks Pecincallyle right to operate on ort thoneo 10 lhn 'ownship line to Dli the town line Oakwood located? 1 bla31 furnaces are CRUISE ATTRACTING MANY Destination of of Boat Known Only to Two Business men usually know where they nro headed for when they start on a trip But on June 36 600 busi ness men of Detroit will start out on the city of Detroit III None of them know and none of them will know until they reach the destination which bus foiL the annual cruise of the Hoard of Commerce this year lliero are only two Individuals who share betwen them tho secret of where the ship will finally nose Into port These privileged men are UeotKe Slocum and Diehard Cohn nlertalnment features both pro fessional and amateur are being arranged under supervision of Verne tucker Sports both during the trip and after arrival are in charge of Italph Craig James De voe has charge of the musical en tcrtainnieiit features Sale of reservations which opened Wednesday has been so rapid that a over 20U have been tiled with the reservation committee detroitTackersTlaim VICTORY OVER STRIKERS Detroit packers seem to have scored a victory in the strike for union recognition that has been on for several days In tho Sullivan 1 acklug company Hammond Stand ish Co and Parker Webb Co plants Officials riJay declared that Monday normal conditions ptubably will prevail at the plants Some Oa the old mon they said had come back and remaining gaps in the ranks of tho workers are rapidly being filled by new men Ahour luOO men have been involv ed in the strike and the tie up was so complete that railroads last Tuesday placed an embargo on all incoming stock It was Saturday and the packers axe confident the han will not be necessary next week Let Easter Gladness Be Reflected in Your Easter Day Dinner QI Cor' Woodward Li Ci ifea Ssr snd orest Aves Spring Lamb (Supply Limited) Hindquarters $525 and $550 Spring Chickens and Yearling Hens ancy Plymouth Rocks for roasting and fricassee per Hams for Easter Breakfast amous Honey Brand per lb 42c Bacon English Sliced Sugar Cured per lb 50c Sausage Meat our own make pure pork no water no tiller lb 40c lamb Chops shoulder cuts lb 48o Breasts of Lamb to stew per If 25o Beef Choice Kettle Boasts lb 30c 35c Good Bolling Beef per lb 25c Our own make Cooked Corneil Beef per lb 50c resh innan Haddie per lb 22c Calves Livers Sweetbreads and Pork Tenderloins Easter lowers Hyacinths and Tnllps (beautiful blooms) per pot $150 $200 S35O and 8400 Roses per pot 8325 Spireas per pot 3250 ancy resh ruits Ripe Strawberries pints 25o Quarts ancy Navel Oranges dozSOc and 70c ancy lorida Oranges dozen 75c Jonathan Apples per lb 15c Callon Glass Jars Sweet Cider 85c Sparkling Apple Juice per bottle GOo Appella Grape Juice and other drinks Grapefruit extra largo 3 for 50c Grapefruit good size 10c or ruit Salads ancy resh arm Eggs ancy cheese of all kinds ancy Comb Honey per cake 40c Pure Jar Honey 20c 35c 50c uargu cans arencn style runes 60ci ancy resh Vegetables mimci wparagus per punch I5c Tjong Green Cucumbers 20c resh Green Peas per lb 25c Er? Plant per lb 20C per head 25c 50c Udishes Watercress Ripe Toma toes New Cabbage Green and Wax Beans New Potatoes Mushrooms etc California Ripe Olives 30o and 65o bottle large cans each 50c Thousand Island Mayonnaise Dress ing large bottle 25c ancy Canned ruits Royal Hawaiian Pineapple In heavy syrup large cans 35c 3 for $100 Bartlett Pears largo cans heavy syrup 40c can: per dozen $450 Sweet Pickled Pears and Peaches plnt Jars G5c RESH BAKED GOODS Rolls Buns ried Bakes Pound Takes and inest Homemade Bread In town 10 PHONES GLENDALE 3750 Lots of Room on orest Avenue to Park Your Autos the DETROIT REE PRESS SATURDAY APRIL 19 1919 MAROONED ON MISSISSIPPI AND NO WATER IN 23 MILES! Adventures that rivaled in a measure thoso of Robinson Crusuo were related by Charles Kotcher 78 Arden Park millionaire lumber man who began suit for 8500 against the St Jxiuls ft San I'ran cisco railroad In Judge Mandell's court riday for damages which he says were done to bls yaelit when It was being shipped from Memphis He charges that some of the equipment was gone when it arriv ed In Detroit In January 1517 Kotcher said he with three friends and his crew startea down the Mississippi on a cruise to the Bahamas Proved a short trip" he said Wo had only been gone one day when the yacht new and expensive struck a snag and to save our selves from sinking we grounded on a sandbar There we stayed five and a halt days 33 miles from food and water The food question wasn't so bad but our water sup ply grew low before relief came It was noon when the accident hap pened It was midnight before hailed a passing launch and It was five days before they could get us off" Mr Kotcher said It took a month to ship the yacht back from Mem phis and a year to repair it He alleges that the yacht waa loaded on two freight cars nad covered with canvas The railroad attorney hold tho goods should not have been ship ped back In the yacht but should have been sent separately GET NUMBERING BE DONE BY CITY Poitmaater Suggests to Council the Desirability of Uni formity of Work Ordinance Amended So as to Require to Han dle Proposition Upon suggestion of Postmaster William Nagel the common coun cil committee of the whole riday decided to amend the street renurn STB 'BOY IN IRST IN MUSEUM VOTING 150 Pictures Contained in ifth Annual Exhibit rank "Boy In Blue" introducing a diminutive toddler standing In a Held of gay colored blossoms holds first place In tho popular voting at the Detroit Mu seum of Art where tho fifth an nual exhibition of selected paint ings by American artists Is being held "MacPherson and MacDon ald" by Gari Melchers has second place "Woman and Child" by Marie Danforth Page third and "The Conspiracy" by Wayman Adams fourth Tho 150 pictures contained In this the fifth exhibition of its kind held In Detroit which is believed by many to be the best of any so far shown In this city were Invited from important 1919 exhibition In the east supplemented by loans from private collections and from the studios of artists There are 139 pictures tn the collection and four pieces of with 108 artists represented Among Detroit artists represent ed are Honore Percy Ives rancis Petrus Paulus Julius Kol shoven Arthur A Slarschner James Scripps Booth Gari Melchers Ro man Kryzanowskym and Ivan Swift The exhibition opened Wednes day and will close May 31 GOVERNMENTJSffllNG MACHINISTS OR NAVY Men with some machine shop ex perience are needed in the United States navy and the navy recruiting statkin 161 Griswold street has been requested to enlist men as third class firemen tor the ultimate grade of second class mates with pay at tho rate of 84950 per month clothing medical at tention board and quarters Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 36 and upon enlist ment are transferred to the ma school at Charleston for training at pay of 83620 per month Men with drug store experience or an ambition to take up phar macy or hospital work can be en listed as hospital apprentices ELECTION BOARD WORK IS PRAISED BY LODGE have I seen a recount anywhere approaching the present said John Lodge a member of the election commission riday force is finishing about 75000 ballots dally but there is no con fusion no loud talking and no dis sension of any kind The task Is proceeding like clockwork Ono member of the commission is here all day and in the afternoons there are usually at least three of us The candidates have seldom been present We expect to be finished ly Wednesday So far there has been little change in tho total re sult I am astonished at the re markably accurate work of the elec tion Here in Detroit William Mitchell allmi George Clark whom police ray was found hiding on the roof of the building next to the Grunow drug store 93 Gratiot avenue several weeks ago waa convicted riday In Judge Wil court of having burglar's tools In his possession New divorce ease arei Kdwnrd vb Cora Westveer Bills vs Hes ter Caln Halen vs Gladys Ilendor shot Otis vs Rose Currie Yvonne vs Benjamin Hoskin Marie vs Norman Gollop Joseph va Albina Hintz Stella vs Mlcfcacl StiwJio wicz Kidney Miller writing from Boston to Mayor Couzens mentions that the Hags down In eastern cities are a great contrast to those hung in Detroit There bo says one sel dom secs a lorn or dirty emblem while in Detroit such Bights are common The mayor replied that ho thought it a good idea of freshen up banners National Sculpture society re suming Rs activities which had been interrupted by the war Is sending on circuit a collection of small bronzes recent work by many of the best known contemporary sculptors The exhibition of S3 pieces is now on view at the So ciety of Arts and Crafts and will be there until the end of the month William lewis chairman of the extension committee of tho Chil Aid Christmas Carolers of Detroit has just received a service (lag with one gold star from Gen eral Allenby commander of the British forces In as a memento of the carol services hjld at the Church of tho Holy Nativity by 100 members of the Egyptian expeditionary forces last Christmas Detroit high school house of rep resentatives located at Central high school will hold Its twenty fifth annual banquet and reunion in tho Hotel Statler riday night May 3 Dr Dewis Hcrschman a former major in the Medical corps will be toastmaster Dr Herschman Is one of the charter members of the so ciety Joining when it was organ ized in 1894 Reverend IL II Stiller of the Cen tral Christian church who has been speaKine before the business men's club of the A1 A will deliver a series of lectures in tne biiiiti Ing commencing April 21 Mon evening at 730 Dr i ter will talk his subject being "In the Grip of Habit" which is the third of his series The fellowship suppers which have been held dur ing the winter will be continued Srml Onlenary Anniversary In gersoll encampment 29 1 will be held Monday April 21 in the Armory auditorium A pro gram including musical numbers speeches and readings has been ar ranged Grand Master Brakle Orr is chairman in charge of the arrangements Mayor Couzens Governor Albert Sleeper Judge Jeffries and officials of the order will speak Breaking a record for arrangements" the military term for the management nt a meals Battery 329th field artil lery which passed through Detroit riday on its way to Custer served more than 11000 men in 80 minutes coming across the ocean "home ward bound" on the leviathan which Is "some ship" in the lan guage of the boys The men re ceived a citation from the com manding officers for their efficient work berlng ordinance recently passed under authority of the proposition adopted by popular vote April 7 in such a way as to require the depart ent of public works to carry out tho work of placing the new num bers at tho expense of the city The committee also Instructed City Controller George ngel to submit a supplementary estimate of 860000 to bo Included in this budget to care for the expense of buying and affixing the numbers To Avoid Confusion It was pointed out by Mr Engel that the work could be done In a uniform manner by the city where as if It were left to each citizen to renumber his own house endless confusion would result He also as serted that the purchase of the metal numbers at wholesale would reduce the total cost considerably During the discussion In commit tee It was emphasized by Council man Littlefield that tho householder pays the bill no matter who docs the work either directly In the form of taxes or directly by purchasing the numbers and himself having them affixed Consequently asserted the coun cilman there could be no possible objection to the city undertaking the entire job especially as each householder would thereby save money and the resulting uniformity is more than desirable It is almost necessary Will lie Effective in Itr'U The ordinance requiring renum bering will take effect on June 20 1920 It provides a penalty of So upon those who fall to obey the re quirement for new numbers after 80 days fronv'that date It was pointed out Iff the committee meet ing that thework of collecting these fines and clogging the police court with renumbering cases would al most defeat the project ameriganTzation Meetings called Central Conference to Be Held Next Week In connection with tho campaign now carried on through the Americanization committee of the Board of Commerce for formation of a central community organiza tion of all group workers Interest ed In the welfare of forclgn born of the city conferences of social and civic organizations employers and prominent men and women of Detroit will be held next week it Is announced sin addition meetings of the vari ous racial groups which have been called for the purpose of starting sub committees among the differ ent nationalities colonized In De troit will be continued A meeting of Czecho Slovaks probably will be called for Wednesday afternoon and a meeting of Italians also will be held Wednesday The Czecho slovaks will be represented by the Rev Andrew Daniel llev Joseph Janeck John rlsh James Elias president of the Bohemian National Alliance Bev Haick and Louis Koron William Vavra United States naturalization examiner from Chi cago who has bee nsent to Detroit by the department of labor to di rect establishment of the central community organization will out line plans at the meetings Head about AMOUS PAINTINGS THE CRUCIIX ION" by ancient and world renowned artists ree Ire eature Section GO VOTE 103169 IN COUNTY CANVASS Lead All Candidate on State and Wayne Ticket Women Make Poor Race Good Road Get 117685 To tal Against 32519 Wet 100811 Dr 68222 Circuit Judge John Goff was far In the lead of all other candi dates on the state and county tick et at the spring election as shown by the county canvass finished ri day HIb vote was 103169 having no opposition except on the Socialist and Socialist Labor tickets Maurice Sugar Socialist candidate now serving a year In tho Detroit house of correction for his activities in opposition to the draft received 7 733 votes and Herman Richter So cialist labor candidate 1317 With the exception of one candidate Sugar led his ticket John Cowan's official vote tor county auditor waa 87610 against William 50915 Women Heaiily Defeated or justices of tho supreme court Wayne county gave Russell Os trander 82867 and John Bird 84451 both on the Republican tick et Robert Bunker 35945 and Patrick 41191 on the DenTocratic ticket Republican votes for regents of the state university were: Ben jamin Ilanchit 82330 Lucius Hubbard 82082 Democratic Effie Gaylord Huston 36150 Etta Coin stock Boltwood 35345 or state superintendent of pub lic Instruction Wayne county gave Thomas Johnson Republican 82 082 votes and Mary Hinsdale Democrat 42857 Good Hoads Score Ulg Victory rank Cody Detroiter Republi can candidate tor member of the state board of education received the highest vote of any candidate with a contest 90053 against Jo sephine itggerald 37924 Dora II Stockman received 0 891 and Whitney Watkins 81 828 for members of the state board of agriculture on the Republican ticket against George Wlnegar 36 353 and Herbert IJvermoro 36 058 on the Democratic ticket Wayne county gave the highway bond amendment 117685 Yes and 32519 No votes: salaries of supremo court justices 83584 Yes 59350 Nd wine and beer 100811 Yes 68222 No GORGEOUSPARADE EASTER PROMISE Display of ashions Expected to Be Record Breaker traditional Easter Sun day fashion parade on Woodward avenue will this year be a gorgeous spectacle If the record breaking crowds of shoppers that have jam med the aisles of downtown stores may be regarded as preparation for pretentious showing Department store managers de clared tho Easter shopping army attacked their strongholds In great er force thia week than ever before at this season And the densely thronged streets apeeared to bear out thin ntatement even to one who has not attempted to light a way through crowded stores every day during the week has been Saturday afternoon so far as shoppers were concerned Inclement weather not withstanding Marking the peak of religious fervor during holy week Good ri day services in churches through out the city were Impressive Sev eral of clergy preached notable sermons and with ideal weather prevailing all services were well attended actories stores and other places of busi ness observed the day by closing for three hours from noon This is the Best Day Before Easter News We Know of: You Can Still Get In On the Suits Topcoats hk H'i JI J' At 25 And Have Alterations Made In Time for Easter And you can know as you leave the house on Sunday That no suits are in better style than That no suits on the streets fit any better than yours And that got you bested in QUALITY for the money or these are the Club Clothes we have been featuring for three weeks as our Easter special Almost all these are this LANNEL Suits and Topcoats Almost all of therp have the very fashionable WAIST SEAM Many of them have SILK BRAID EDGING And a good assortment of DOUBLE BREASTERS which are also very fashionable We have them for all sizes and shapes of men A GREAT NEW LOT THEM IN OR SELLING! Extra salesmen ready for the big Day Extra alteration WHICH INSURES YOU YOUR SUIT OR TOP COAT TO WEAR ON EASTER DAY! Come in the morning if you can but remember the store is open till 9 if you get here any sooner! Buy one of these $25 Suits and Bought Something! Crowley Milner Co GBATXOT rAEXERi MONROB AND LIBRARY AVENUBS STORE HOVRS! 8130 TO Saturday Nights the Departments remain open until 9 the rest of the store closing at 6 Most Men Dislike Umbrellas and for those men we have a better line of double breasted belted Raincoats at 15 5 1950 and 25 Have the high waistlines and belts all around Grays brown greens and tans you know this is season for Second loor Open Till 9 BOY 17 WAR VETERAN SEEKS HIS ATHER HERE Wearing a Canadian army uni form a boy 17 years old giving hlo name as Carl Jester called at po lice headquarters riday afternoon In an effort to locate his father who moved to Detroit from Bay City two years ago Carl ran away from his home In Bay City when he was 12 traveling the country over in search of ad venture Whej the United States declared war on Germany he tried to get Into tho American army but was refused because of his youth He finally Joined tho elghth Highlanders In Windsor and was with them until It was engaged lathe second battle of the Marne Jester says that In a charge on the Germans he got two bayonet wounds and suffered a fracture of the skull by shrapnel This he de clared put him In a hospital In Paris Koiatlvea In Detroit told the young man that his mother died while he was In ranca His fa ther he has not seen In five years He la staying at ths Liberty hotel amltare Mockers Strike Sturgis Mich A0rll A gen eral walkout riday cloned three furniture factories and a strike la expected Saturday at three plants Tha factories closed today are tho Aulnbrook ft Jones tha Wilhelm and the Grobhis'r pianfa The men are asking tan hours pay tor eight hours ork dally Ybur Easter arc proud 2 Others Up to And remember we would rather fit you than sell you Two Stores 253 Woodward and Corner Jefferson and Bataa Top Coat is Ready In the fabric you have in mind and tailored as you thought only a custom made garment could be You will admire the values we of at 1 7 1 wlJ 1 i 0 rvW AW la s25 s35 45 ORD TRUCK RIDES EASY EQUIPT WITH Olson Automatic Spring Adjusters (Do Not Reduce Carrying Capacity) (Patent Pending) $1500 Backed by a Money Back Guarantee Any ord dealer or accessory house can get this for you in a few hours If your dealer does not handle it we will supply you direct from our factory service station at Rock wood and Grand Trunk Ry Hamtramck Swedish Crucible Steel Company Butler Ave and Cd Trunk Ry Hamtramck Telephone Melrose 753 ree Press Information Service The ree Pres Information Service Bureau will be glad to give you reliable information concerning schools and colleges without any bother or expense Simply cut out and mail this coupon: INORMATION SERVICE BUREAU DETROIT REE PRESS Detroit Mich Gentlemen: I am interested in the subject indicated by mark checked below Accountancy RchoolAdvertising School Agricultural CoHegoArchitectural and Mechanic! Druwu Schuol Art School Automobile School Aeroplane Construction SchoolBoyr Preparatory Buahieaa Uolleve Catholic School for Boya Catholic School for Gtrla Chiropody School Chiropractic School Civil Service School Craftsmen'll School College or University Calculator School Dancing School Dental CollegeDictaphone School Domestic Science School Dressmaking School Electrical School Elocution Oratory and Dramatic ArtEngineering Schoolashion Drawing School or entry School Garment Designing SchoolGirls' Boarding School Interior Decorating School Kindergarten Training School Law School Vfdlral College ehanlral DentUtryMerchant Marine OperationMilitary SchoolMining School Motion i'lcture Operator Muale ConservatoryNautical School Normal School Training School School of Beauty Culturo School of Commerce School of Journalism School of language School of Oataopatby School of PharmacySchool of Photography School of Physical Education School of Poultry Husbandry School of SalesmanshipSchool for Stammerers School tor Traffic Managers Rub Norinal School Summer Schools and Camps Technical School Telegraph School Telephone Operators SchoolTheological CollegeTrade School Undertaking Sanitary Scenes Vocal TrainingVeterinary CollegeWindow Decorating School Wlrulkjaa School Name Address City State Steel Windows and Casements for Artistic Real dances and Substantial Buildings DETROIT flffi wl HaS CX IVDtSALwB LARK AND 1UVIK bTKlMhRM LAKE AND KI VER bTEAMEBS lats and Port Huron EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 20th Stsamr leaves Intron 9 turnlnK arrives Including War Tax lats 90c Port Huron $150 return WirrrB STAR Whzrf Tout of Griswold st SDDIMONDSa WATCHES atcwt ountain Pens (all make) Repaired also told Uiuatly while you watt ountain pen in tablet aleo fluid fem fii'ety pocket clips Uughlin ountain Pen Store nmopiHG Mr ROLL 10 No Rsiie in Printing Ur mv you 12 cti a doin Blacks 156 zvr WHAgX Eteamers leave for Cieelsa4 10:45 Ok (CeaUal Ttcaej Ds4ly evsnlgtit servic 1 i.

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