Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 1
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mttwit THE MISSING JEWELS. Fine Detective Story In Next Sunday's Free Press. The Weather Today. COLD WAVE. VOL.
Clair County Prosecutor Declares Confession Hypocritical. CLERGYMAN SOUGHT FOR MULDER SLAYS HIMSELF REV. JOHN H. CARMICHAEL. MINISTER'S MADNESS THE Reaches Carthage, 111., Three Days After Crime in Church and Assumes Name of Elder Suicide Reveals Identity.
EXCERPTS FROM MINISTER'S CONFESSION I felt greatly ashamed that a man said to be short-minded conld com' pel- me to yield to his will. Hut he exorcised me. Once be com polled me to walk the rails near the depot. All the while I felt as small as a bantam chicken. "Now If I say Raise up your hand.up she goes," he said to me.
I felt m'y hand rise without effort on my part. "Down it goes," he said, and I felt It going down in a singular manner. I was so alarmed that I was In a cold sweat. He was sitting there where the glrnms of light shone on his face and his eyes were so brilliant that I was thrilled through and through with the queerest sort ot feeling. "You look down on a poor Ignorant fellow like me," he said to me.
"But I know I could handle you, aud that if I would, I could handle other men, too, and make a big thing out of It." I saw that had some tvennon up Ills sleeve and made a grab for it. He came at me with a knife, while I backed across the church. Then I threw the hatchet and struck hlni and he fell. He grabbed roe by the leg. I used the hatchet until he lay quiet and still.
I was In horrible terror. I was wild to dispose of the body. When my eyes fell on one of his knives. I flew Into a rage and began to eat bis. body, He woke up and grabbed me again.
Then I used the hatchet RESULT OF Murder, Confession and Suicide Maniacal Outburst From Long Years of Hopeless, Secret Rebellion Against His Lot. BY WILL LEVINGTON COMFORT. 'uiiiil I was sure he was dead. I saw that the stove pipe was red hot nearly to the elbow. I cot him to pieces, putting in each part as It was dismembered.
(FROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.) Port Huron, January 11. my mind. Rev. J. H.
Carmiehael died as he had lived, almost, you ight say, with a He on his lips." This was the statement of Prosecuting Attorney Frederick B. Brown, made tonight when he finished a careful perusal of the confes-Bop -left by the minister, murderer and suicide. recent life has been a lie. Of that I am convinced. His confession appears to me as merely the pitiful attempt of a guilt-stained man to right himself iu the eyes of the world before ending his miserable existence.
do not think that the confession shows mental weakness. Perhaps Carmichael's mind had become poisoned, but the statements he made appear to me to be as carefully thought out as tho crime. "Browning was a weak, simple-minded man. I doubt If lie even CONGRESS RECORD Demand for Secret Service Proceedings Calls for Two Million Additional Copies. Special' to The Free Prees.
Wanhlnsrton. 11 The de- tov copies of the congres L.ecdlngs of tlie houiie last FrWar when the secret service portion of the president's message was laid on the table has been so great that members cannot comply with it. To meet the further demand, Representative Langiey. oC Kentucky, lias introduced a resolution calling for an edition of 2.000,000 copies of the record. If the resolution is adopted as it probably will be, this will be the largest edition of a single record ever issued.
SOLVENT WHEN DOORS CLOSED Cashier of Chelsea Bank Asserts Debts Would Have Been Paid Had He Been in Charge. A. C. BIRD STILL OWES BANK $6,000 ON NOTE Glazier Declares Receivership of Stove Company Caused Loss of $150,000. Frm a Sla(f Correspondent.) Lansing, January 11.
Former Cashier Theodore Wood, of the Chelsea Savings bank, in the Glazier trial today, made the era-pathic statement that in his opinion that institution was solvent TVMen its doors were closed by the state banking commissioner. In answer to Attorney Sawyer's question the witness went a step further and declared that he believed all the debts of the bank would have been paid had he been allowed to remain in charge. Wood lite people's witness and Attorney prompted by the defendant, took full advantage of his opportunities. "Glasler Sot Speculator." The court allowed t.ic defense to show that the Chelsea bank had been a state depository before Glazier was connected with it and long before he became state treasurer. The defense was anxious to show that Glazier's career had been that of a business man and not a speculator, and for that reason a score of photographs giving views of t.te buildings erected by Glazier, including the stove plants, the power and welfare huildfngs, the office buildings at Ann Arbor and interior views of the stove plant, were introduced in evidence and shown to the jury.
Mr. Sawyer said his purpose was to prove the honest expenditure of all moneys borrowed by Glazier from the Chelsea Savings bank. 'Wrecked By Rccelvrrahlp." Mr. Wood was asked about several loans on which stock of the Glazier Stove company was given as collaterial, for the purpose of emphasizing the fact that at the time the loans were made the stove company was a going concern and that it was really wrecked when it was put into the hands of a receiver. I'rivately Glazier declared that if he not been at death's door the company would never nave gone into the hands of a receiver, as he would have fought it.
He expressed the opinion that the action taken resulted in a loss of at least $150,000. The defense also traced the course of the state deposits. Mr. Wood stating that the drafts were always forwarded to their correspondents in Detroit for credit. It was then brought out that the methods Glazier followed in bor rowing money was to discount his notes at the Chelsea bank.
The evident object of this was to lndl cate that if Glazier wanted to bor row the state funds he could have jrone to the correspondents of his own bank instead of spreading his financial transactions on the rec ords or his own bank. Bird Still Ontipi SHf.OOO. By declaring that he wanted to show the value of the assets of tho Chelsea bank when It was closed. Attorney isawyer succeeded in getting in evidence the fact that May 23. 1907.
A. C. Bird, food and dairy commissioner. Gov. Warner's closest friend, had borrowed $10,000, giving collateral stocKs ot various industrial companies.
The indorsement on the note shows that Bird still owes $6,000 to the Chelsea bank. March Bird also borrowed Later he decreased this amount $3,000 by giving a new note, and paid It all before the bank was closed. Tiie value of this evidence to show that state officials were borrowing money from the bank with the Knowledge of the banking commissioner, up to within a short time of the closing of the bank. PLAN MAGNIFICENT LINCOLN MEMORIAL Congressmen Propose $1,000,000 Statue in 30-Acre Park in Heart of Washington. Special to Tho Free Press.
Washington. January 11. A mem orial to Abraham Lincoln costing In neighborhood of $.000,000 and fashioned after general plans that tave been formulated for the beau- liticalion of Washington, will be bv Liquor, James T. nson, River Rouge baloon- Suddenly Ends Spree Which Has Continued Since New Year's. FIRST ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY ENTIRE FAMILY Purchases Revolver, Tells Friend He Will Not Live Long and That a Big Red Rose Be Fluted on His Last Resting Piec.
u-hisUy. after a since New T. Wilkinson, saloon-' sil? Jefferson avenue, threatened the lives of son irui his wife and niggle with the latter In of the saloon. revolver with fatal cl- himself. climax of this trageoy, inrrfJ a few minutes after int Mrs.
Wilkinson husband through Her lirst mate. Ernest Koch. ri retreat at Dearborn after brought on by aleo- or last night, which in suicide, had been several days, according told hy Mrs. Wilkinson i'ors. aim- From the South.
v. was S5 years old. six powerful and rougrhly i.u-ink made him a said that otherwise the of the couple had been was a southerner. He v. Non-port News to River or live years aso and nrk in the shipyards of a Lakes Kngineering "holder-on." It was tliere that he first who is now his She was then Mrs.
Koch, the deatii of Koch, who a Hiver Rouse saloon-; v. ilkiuson married the tin: marriage they wont ami returned, to. River last spring. Early 'in nilklr.soti bought sa- i lie became the best own ruin. seemed to Hate Baby.
reason, apparently uu-' neighbors and friends Wilkinson formed a t--. in his drunken state. blue-eyed. liv'I Vy. Yesterday 't to kill the All day he was not iook after his bar lit "tlici-in-law, Arthur w.i.
in charge. Hu 'cw Revolver. to Mrs. Wilkinson, her terribly abusive went to a eup-. for ii small re-.
been broken, and in its useless condi-f a plaything- of the saw that this would be is said that he then bought a new re- words witli his wife liefore he in at another wliile leaning over in the bartender. to live long. When i you to put a big' my rave." i liri-ntrus His Wife. tie returned to his own ain entered the liv-t-sits. making for his wife Minn maimer.
Terrified violence, she seized seemed to i i i and unaccountable wra ii. and carried him in the saloon. then grabbed ms mid pulled her into the i. tuoiu off the dark. He tried to hack on pretense iiing' secret to her, tri.tlteticd and tried to ile simved one hand in-poi'ltet and as she way and lied, she heard iihUn in Hallway.
as ali over, Mrs. Wil- tiiat he shot at Iter. took refuse in tin locking tiie door, and remained until ii'i'Wd with the oln-- ad rtishlns into the ft: stumbled into the t'eii over the body n. rrs. Uelanser.
Smith were called, but the before they came, ui-sed tlirough the stom- artery. There wtis My cartritifre in the re- i at he man's side. Tito ended his lite probably sou. with her back turit-- oeiicved was intended PEOPLE INFECTED Tells Congressmen of uht on Cattle Plague. 11.
Behind 's todnv Secretary of Wilson told the house on agriculture some t.i.-ts about the liKht feet and month disease for several weeks herds of cattle in i'etinsyivania and Mary- ived human beings have i'ie disease, if not from vaccination in which the is believed to have been from abroad, then by meat of diseased cat- ASBURG DANCING SCHOOL t' l-n. Phuue for circular. mniTOO MJWV riunioHiru, KILLS SELF is as to is the by the knew what hypnotism was. He certainly could not have exercised an The confession of Elder Carmich-ael indicates the madness of the man. It is an ebullition of the same madness which caused the murder of Gid.
Browning, and seems to display some of the same inventive craft which led to the atrocious disposition of the remains last Tuesday -night in dark, lonely church at Rattle Run. The flight, the distorted stories through which CarmichaeL explained his presence in, the Carthage boarding when little or no explanation was necessary: and finally the suicide, and the hideous method thereof, establish the fact that black chaos had fallen upon the Treacher's reason and morality. Dreadful Murder Clasnle. The life, the murder episode, the flight, confession and death of Pastor Carmiehael furnish the material lor a murder classic, one of the most intense and dreadful of mod em times. The lite of the man up to io dav-s aavi.
when he moved among nts peojJie in tity. huge, weatnereti, acei-uiceu, slow-speaking. bending to the physical and moral needs of a community of simple toilers, comprises a succession of years of agonizing' monotony and unoionen only a Gorky could conceive 01 a despairing public read unto the end Ileet With Barriers. A dull, bruised boy, a plotldins.
'misunderstood youth, apart from his kind, aroused with vague alms ne i i EDITORIAL VIEWS ARE VIOLENTLY EXPRESSED Amicable Acts of United States Termed Only Sham to Cover Real Enmity. Tokio, January 12. Following tho roceipt of special cable dis patches from San Francisco, rela ting to bills now pending before the California legislature, Japanese newspapers today elaborate on the strained relations that may arise through the passage of bills and the enactment of laws forbidding the ownership of land and the attend ance on public schools by Japanese residents of California. A majority of tae papers assume the passage of the bills as a probability and protest against them as an injustice to the Japanese now-living in California. The Asahi.
the Jiji and tho Nichi express surprise at what is termed an evidence of unfriendliness after the sincere effort on Japan's part to prove her friendship toward the people of the United States. OppoftltioBlata Itadicnl. The extreme opposition papers assail tne Japanese government "for falling into the arms of a nation which at the first opportunity not only shows its unfriendly spirit, but even denies equal opportunity to the Japanese." Newspapers published in English, representing British and German interests, are making much of the California legislature's action and are pointing out that America, while recently endeavoring to ere- ie an impression or friendliness toward Japan, in reality was unfriendly. Kmbarraasine to Americana. The situation is seriously embarrassing to Americans living in Ja pan, especially as tho incident follows so closely the creation of an excellent feeling through the visit of the Atlantic fleet, tne American commission to the Japanese exposition and the excursion of business men from the Pacific coast of the United States.
The foreign office is endeavoring to convince the protesting news papers that the action of the Cali fornia legislature does not represent general American sentimeut. out the publications, continue to be ex tremely pessimistic In their tones: and, some of the- editorials-of the opposition press, becoming violent, are likely temporarily to Inflame popular opinion and seriously hamper the exercise of American influence in Japan for many years. INJUNCTION OYER PACKERS' HEADS Order of 1903 Hay Be Invoked to Send Beef Trust Men to Prison. Special to The Free Press. Chicago.
January 11. Discovery made today that the anti-rebate Injunction issued by Judge Grosscup against the Chicago packers in the United. States circuit court in 1903 is still In force and available as a "big stick," and that the penalty for violating the Injunction would be for a long imprisonment and heavier fine than under an indictment, created a surprrse in tiie packers' investigation. ft was admitted by a government official today that the department of justice has had Its attention called to the force of the injunction, and that the Question of using it at the present time as a most direct method of dealing with the prosecutions for rebates Is being considered in Washington. The government attorneys admitted today that if the injunction is used as the big stick the proceedings will be brief and with sufficient evidence some of the packers could be sent to prison for violating the injunction.
EMBARGO MAY BE ENDED NEXT WEEK Shipments From Wayne and Oakland Counties Under Some Restrictions. Special to The Free Press. Washington, January 11. Following a meeting in Washington next Wednesday of inspectors of the department of agriculture who have been investigating the hoof and mouth disease in Michigan, it is probable that tne restrictions ot the federal quarantine which still remain in force in that state will be substantially decreased. This 'announcement was made today after a lengthy interview which Representative Charles K.
Towns-end, Charles K. Burless of Manchester and Joseph Stevens of Buffalo had with Dr. Melvin, chief of tne bureau of animal industry. If the Inspectors report that no fresh cases of the disease have been found, all the territory, exclusive of iViirinna flnrt Wayne counties, will either have the embargo lifted from it entirely or tenet wm oe iur-ntoui in Individual cases after ex amination by the United States offi cers. In the case 01 oie two counties mentioned, permission will be crrnntod to ship nroducts after in dividual examinations.
If you have been drinking Japan, China, or Oolong, you will, enjoy "Salada" Tea. It has a most delicious flavor, and is absolutely-pure. Your grocer sells it. Black, Mixed or Green. 'TMGOILTY' FINAL WORD Rev.
J. H. Carmiehael, in Strange Confession to Mysterious Murder, Tells How Crime Was Perpetrated in Little Methodist Church Near Adair. DECLARES HIS VICTIM HAD HYPNOTIZED HIM Relates How "Gid" Browning Attacked Him With Two Knives, How He Struck Browning With Hatchet, Then Dismembered Body and Burned It. Carthage, 111., January, 11.
The confession of Rev. John H. Car-jriichael, follows: Carthage, 111., January 9, 1909. To Mr. Wagenseil, Port Huron, Mich.
Honored Sir I write this letter to explain some things in connection with the Columbus church tragedy. I am guilty only because I am a coward. The man had such a hypnotic influence over me that I felt that something must be done. I felt greatly ashamed that a man said to be short-minded should be able to compel me to yield to his will, but I said nothing about it. At first he said: "It's ail right, Elder, don't be afraid." Then he began to talk about how we two co.ttld get rich.
Three times he came to the rear of my barn and talked to me through the manure hole; twice he was at the river when I went to water my stock and each time I felt that he was doing something that he was proud of; Once when I was going out to timbus, he was on the pike near the-. Pinkie When I overtook him he asked me to ride. "Persuaded Me to Go." I. could not refuse. He asked me if ever I had driven up the pike to Port Huron, to which I answered, No." Then he said: "Come, let's drive up." I dissented but he kept on until he persuaded me to go.
He got out and stood at the ccr- ner while I went to the barn with the rig. Then after we had been at the restaurant, for which he paid, also for the horse, he gave me a half-dollar and said he wanted me to go across there and buy a small hatchet for his boy to play with. I began to tell him to go arid do his own buying when he set his eyes upon me in the queerest sort of a look, something like the look of a snake's eyes. Then I felt his influence tightening his grip on my mind, so I went, intending to go into the store and out the back way to get the horse and rush off for home. When I turned to close the door he stood looking upon me through the window and I just Continued on Page Two.
COMMISSION TO BE PERMANENT British Treaty Provides for Settlement of All Disputes of Canada and United States. Special to The Free Press. Washington, January 11. Secretary of State Root and James Bryce, British ambassador, tonight signed a treaty providing a permanent joint high commission for the settlement of practically all international disputes between the United States and Canada. While "this treaty was originally understood to take up questions re-latins to the joint use of the boundary, its scope is much broader than was at Urst supposed.
The proposed commission will take over a large share of the present work of the international waterways commission. Although the text of the convention was agreed upon a few days ago, several slight modifications in the treaty were made at the last moment which necessitated reprinting of one page of the document. The treaty will be submitted to the senate for ratification. Two other treaties witli Great Britain have been agreed upon and probably will be signed within the next few days. They are a pecuniary claims convention and a convention for tho submission of the Newfoundland fishery dispute to arbi-t rat Closing; Oat Sale Account tearing down Walker Block, Laughlin Fountain- Pen Store, 133 Griswold street, opposite City Hall.
North Fainting. Etchings. Engravings, Etc." WUUam O'Ueary, 256 Woodward Ave. dared not express if he could, ajcornmUnity of Adair the last of MUCH FAILURE Such seems to me a view of Pastor Carmichael's life up to tho time when his stiffened faculties snapped, and he rushed through the hor rors of a murderous obsession to emancipation! Inglorloua Man, I believe there was much more to the murderer of the bird-brained Browning than the world knew. It Is a conviction of mine that he had rather a large interior which he could not express the tithe of; that he was by no means the least en lightened "of his fellow preachers in the Michigan Methodist confer- list of charges would Vni; nT' clffi, I'f l.lir ralli.p tiiat hie deformed and devitalized the children of his brain.
Writing was a better form of expression for him; but even here lie lacked magic and a conception of what the world cares to read. Out of rhythm with his time and place: possessing the desire to do many things and the genius for none; having' the energy, the strength and passion to do big things for the front of his time, and eye to see his own pitiful lagging In the race; enllamed with in clination nut destitute ot aptness- there are the furniture of one of the reddest departments of living hell think Carmiehael lodged Lacking In Philosophy. Carmiehael lacked that sweet and mellow philosophy which enables a minister' to pass a beautiful life amid the iowly. The world had nun niraiu at leiiKiu to veil- lure forU, the fields of his real desire, but the Inner burning for achievement was unabated, it burn ed through the silver cord at last and Gideon Browning happened to be the object of the madman's frenzy. Imagine the days and nights of a man like Carmiehael.
as he appears to the writer, isolated in the dreary many Adairs! Lonely rides, a hand ful of listeners here. and there, men and whose spiritual needs demanded a quality which lie could not give, but must needs preach down to them and ineffectually. What hate he had for his own cowardice, possibly for the hypocrisy which his cowardice enforced; what hate for the winter fields, the chilled the faces which had no enlightenment for him: what hate for Ills own failures and the world which 'had none of its best, for him these can only be suggested. Lost Faith In Hlronelf. Perhaps he really lived only in his A man.
pushes Ihrousrh the work of two big novels. secretly and even with, his family Continued on Paire Two. COMING DECADES PROPERTY TEST Taft Also Says Federal Bench Would Be Better for Some Discipline. Augusta, January 11. In a speech liere-tonlght before the Augusta Bar association, Presidentelect Taft gave it as his opinion that within the next two or three decades this, country "must decide whether our institutions and methods of civilization shall stand." The Institution of private property, he said, would have to meet a severe and the lawyers of the country must work out the best plan to preserve it as far as possible.
Speaking of the judges of the United States bench, he said ne thought it would have been better if there had been "several impeachments in' the -history. of the country, as the bench has had little of such discipline. Oat. Feed. Haj-, Straw.
Phone West 417. Prints, EtcMaga, Bneravtags. Detroit Photographic 235 Wood. influence over Carmiehael. ''I shall always believe there this crime.
What it was neither tell. These facts died with Carml Lie Is Given to the Minister's Confession. (From a Stan" Correspondent.) Port Huron, January 11. The confession of J. K.
Carmiehael, ael, in 'which he practically pleads loss of self-control through Browning's alleged power of hypnotism and self-defense, is received by the officers in this city as a poor excuse. "That was never written for a death-bed confession." said Under-Sherlff Petit. "Carmiehael wrote that with the fdea that he would mail it to the sheriff and then come back, or be- brought back, and stand trial. Then he found it getting too hot for him and he killed And tris is the belief of nearly every person who has had anything to do with the case. A little analysts of the movements of both Browntm and Carmiehael on that day gives the lie to Carmichael's confession.
In the first place, no one ever heard of Browning's alleged Intention to marry. There- had been some talk about him being engaged to a woman in Cleveland, but Browning was a married man and was only separated from his wife. The minister and every other man and woman in the village knew this. The minister had been a close friend of Browning. He above all must have known It.
Then how about his story that Browning was going to marry and that he went to the church to perform the ceremony? Goes Ahead Secretly. Next, we find Browning proceeding to the church in a roundabout manner, and the minister. after loading his carriage with something, going ahead with the greatest sec recy, ne waited unu. a late nour to go to the church, and it is pretty! certain mat ne even urove uown the road to see that Browning came alone. This doesn't hear out tiie minister's statement that he expected to perform a marriage ceremony.
The whole confession, in fact, is a very fishy document, it hasn't the ring of truth when put under the official microscope of the It is weatt and lame and seems to have been the effort t)f a man who would seek to refute the statements as set forth in the newspapers in the few days rather than the statement of a man who would see the world straight on a mysterious crime. Carmiehael was man of strong mind and will and a giant in physique. Browning, on the other hand, was a weak-minded fellow and there is no record of him evor ltavlng had any influence over anybody. Would it have been more probable that the minister had been endeavoring to hypnotize Browning and thought he found In Browning a willing subject? Went Step too Far. Isn't it possible that the minister, whose, ambition it had always been to sway men and control them, had discovered in this weak-minded man an.
object of interest? Isn't it just possible that he went a step too far with Browning and the fight, was the result? There is nothing to. show tiiat Browning yas anything but empty-handed, while there Is every reason to believe that tho minister was ready to intimidate Browning in every conceivable maimer. This- at least, represents what some of the officers and those who as another and deeper motive for ou nor I. nor any other man can chael. They may never be revealed." have followed the case closely think or Carmiehael' confession.
ASd, when it is all sifted and carefully gone over, it certainly seems much more reasonable than the confession left behind him by the suicide. In his confession, Carmiehael made some reference to the Pinkie school house. He evidently meant to say the "Pike" school house which Is located on the turnpike, not far from Rattle Run. Just when the trip to Port Huron was made, tiiat he refers to periodically throughout his- manuscript, is not known as no one can recall a recent visit of Carmiehael and Browning to Port Huron together. This leads to the supposition that they had been meeting each other secretly.
Remember No Visit. The visit to the restaurant, hardware store, where the hatchet was purchased, and other details will never be determined, as there is no hardware dealer, restauranteur, or any one else in Port Huron so far as can be learned, who remembers or a visit from the two men. Although Carmiehael hinted in his confession that the knives with which. he carved Browning to bits belong ed to the latter, nothing can be found to establish this belief. On the other hand everything points to Ihe fact the knives were brought to the church by Carmiehael.
But then death has sealed the lips of both actors In the greatest of all Michigan tragedies and theorizing must cease. Parson Admits Murder, Then Commits Suicide. Special to The Free Pres. Carthage, 111., ajnuary 11. A minister of the gospel bearing tho brand of Cain, sought by the police of many states in connection with one of tho greatest murder mys teries of recent years that of Aaron Gideon Browning fn the little Methodist church near Adair, where the oody of tiie victim had been dismembered and cremated in a stove Rev.
John Haviland Carmiehael about 9 o'clock this morning slashed his throat and four hours iater was dead of his self-inflicted wounds. "I am tired of trying to hide," he had written in a confession, which he had addressed to the sheriff of St. Clair county, Mich. "I am guilty only because 1 am a coward," he had penned in opening his statement. It was this written confession, signed with the name John H.
Carmiehael, which lirst told tiie authorities that the dying man was the clergyman sought as the slayer of Gideon Browning. The confession In rambling in some places, clear and concise in others. Krom who arrived here tonight it was learned that some of the details set forth in the statement do not agree with the facta am they gave it as their belief that the minister, insane when he wrote the confession, had drawn imagination as he penned it- They believe that Rev. Mr. Carmiehael was suffering from a ijaHuoinatlon when the murder wgs committed and that from the time he slew "Gid" Browning he had been a maniac.
After Carmiehael cut tit throat, he uttered no word. His death occurred In the county hospital. Throe physicians worked over nim In creature haunted and beset continually with barriers, without the graces of humor or appearance, ue- void of the faculty of making friends of men or women; a man full-grown, enduring a dreary succession of direct and tangible disappointments and holding in his heart a seething rebellion against his time and piaco in the world, rebellion which would not' let him rest nor adjust himself with dull content to the conditions- men placed upon him; a man of years who feels the cunning gone from his hand, tho facility from his brain, lost to all his dreams but secretly, hopelessly striving on: HARVESTER TRUST TAXED $7,000,000 Circuit Court Orders That That Amount of Back Assessments Be Liquidated. Chicago, January 11. Judge Winds in the circuit court today ordered a writ of mandamus that the board review' assess taxes and penalties of 000,000 against majority stockholders of the International Harvester company.
The. suit grow out of the alleged failure of the taxing body to fully assess the stock during the last five years SUPPORTED BY DOCTORS Many Prescribe Mineral Baths as the Curs, for Bheumatism. Doctors are beginning to realize that there Is more hope in store for persons afflicted with rhemuatism at lnrlf Mineral Snl'ingS Bath House than in medicine. Many leading practitioners, are sending patients to the pioneer bath house at the corner of West Fort street and Clark avenue, where thousands of people have been relieved and cured of the bothersome complaint. Nothing gets 'at the root of the evil quickly, nor deals it a more telling blow.
Also, it is as economical as it i effective. authorized at this session of congress, according to statements made Speaker Cannon and others interested in the project. The Lincoln memorial will take form of a park, comprising about acres of land lying between the eapitol grounds and the plaza fronting the six million dollar Union Station, which is now practically completed. It is proposed to erect in this park a million i dollar statue ot Lincoln. 1 0 Am, tor.
ISO: Foti Bldg..
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