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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
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SATURDAY? JANUARY 1904 'rkoe THREE' fJ 'j IRST AID TO THE INJURED YOU CAN LOSE OUR GUARANTEE HH Paracarnph Heals Without Leaving Ugly Scars short tinio MR WM A ELBRECT I 1 ROUGH SKIN BLOTCHES PIMPLES COLD IN THE HEAD CATARRH NEURALGIA SORE THROAT We Make No Idle Boast Nor alse Promise THE DRUGGIST PROTECTS YOU WE PROTECT THE DRUGGIST PARACAMPH PROTECTS US SOLD ONLY IN 250 50o AND $100 BOTTLES TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Of all the most endorsing best advertisement for any preparation and Paracarnph unquestionably has the best wishes of my neighborhood (Signed) THE MOST POPULAR REMEDY THE DAY PRAISED AND ENDORSED BY WELL KNOWN CITIZENS AND DRUGGISTS In for use after shaving Hum Paracarnph Many of my customers ask for Para i camph while in the chair as In cases of sore and tender faces and neck the results obtained can only bo gotten by using Paracarnph as a massage Pafacamph gives a soft velvety finish to the face and also cools soothes and cleanses all local Inflammations My brother barbers join mo in the highest praise for Paracarnph DAILEY THE PARACAMPH COMPANY LOUISVILLE KY WHAT MR KESSENS LEADING DRUGGIST ANDERSON IND SAYS: We have been selling Paracarnph for the past twro years and can state to the public that we have never sold a remedy that has given greater satis faction We have sold every bottle of it on our personal guarantee and have satisfied every customer We know positively that it will cure every trouble It Is claimed to cure WALTER KESSENS A Remedy that Cures Completely and Acts Quickly Home People Testify as to its Merits WE GUARANTEE IT ATKINS (Sb CO INDIANAPOLIS IND THE WELL KNOWN SAW MANUAC TURERS SAY: We have found Paracarnph to lie tlio bent remedy for wounds that wo have ever been aldo to obtain It relieves the pain and heals the wound in a very WM A ELBRECT DRUGGIST CORNER VIRGINIA AVENUE AND PROSPECT STREET SAYS: the many preparations I have used and sold Paracarnph is by far satisfactory My customers are of one mind when it comes to your remedy The personal recommendation of the public Is the i' rd 13' DAILEY THE BARBER SHOP INDIANAPOLIS SAYS: all my experience as a barber I have as yet lo find a better antiseptic Now If You Are Suffering rom SORE CHEST SWELLINGS INLAMMATIONS BURNS CUTS BRUISES or Croup Sore Throat and Chest GROVER BONNER DRUGGISTS GREENS BURG IND We have used Paracarnph in our family for two years and found it so successful and needing a remedy for Croup tried Paracarnph and found it the finest remedy we have used Yours MR AND MRS RILEY RHEUMATISM SORE MUSCLES SORE EET SORE JOINTS ITCHING PILES SKIN DISEASES TETTER or from Sore ace and Neck After Shaving go to your druggist to day and get a bottle of Paracarnph IRST AID TO THE INJURED Take it home and use it as we direct in the circular around each bottle If you are not MR satisfied with the result and if it fails to do what we claim go back to your druggist and get your money We authorize every druggist in this city to guarantee each and every bottle of Paracarnph sold by them and to refund the money if the customer is not satisfied 1 Dl or i MR HENRY HUDER THE WELL KNOWN INDIANAPOLIS DRUGGIST SAYS Have carried Paracarnph in stock for tlio past Ihroo years The sale has been phenomenal After a trial in my family I personally recommended Parse camph to my customers and have as yet tlio first complaint to hear in regard' to your goods As a household remedy Paracarnph has no equal in my estima tion At this season of tlio year I recommend It for croup cold In tho head and chest frost bites chilblains chapped hands lips otc and all the year round for muscular rheumatism nasal catarrh corns piles local inflammation and In emergency cases such ns cuts burns and bruises Trusting your remedy will receive a general recognition nnd sale In all sections such as it has received in Indianapolis I bog to remain Yours very truly HENRY HUDER We guarantee Paracarnph to do everything we claim for it and authorize every druggist to refund the full purchase price to any of his customers who are dissatisfied after giving it a fair trial a 'HU Mffl MMHH JUIlj WMi HH H9 jW I lSM oKk Ml I i1 iiW' 1 QB Wit WimkJ Mft A 'hi I mmmbm I 4 Xr 4 I nr WILL PREPARE NEW ORDINANCE Council Committee Will Suggest Pouring Water on Asbestos Curtain THE INSPECTION THEATERS COMPLETED Red Lights to Mark Exits at Eng Conditions at the Grand Are Improved The special Council committee to which was referred the Gasper theater ordi nance visited more theaters yesterday The committee is not sure that it will be ready with the substitute ordinance that is to be prepared by next Monday night The committee found yesterday that all of the asbestos curtains worked well Chief Coots accompanied tlm commit tee yesterday lie said that the asbestos curtains would not be I rated by lire lie Bald iliat it bad been demonstrated that Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches eruptions inflammations sore ness of the eyelids and ears diseases of the bones rickets dyspepsia catarrh wasting are only some of the troubles It causes It Is a very active evil making havoc of the whole system Eradicates It cures all its manifestations and builds up the whole system Accept no substitute they were efficient in case of lire lie said: ordinance should and as 1 under stand it probably will provide for a water curtain in addition to the asbestoa curtains I mean a device for running water over tlio back of 1he asbestos in case of fire to keep the curtain cool There will also likely be a provision for a system of dry pipes above the opera house stages through which water might be turned on to a stage fire long after the opera house employes are driven from the theater '1'he members of the committee were very favorably Impressed with conditions at the Park and at English's The for mer can be emptied in three or four min utes they say At English's they said there seemed to bo a disposition to do and do at onoe whatever was suggested to jyake the house more safe in case of fire Tho management nt English's will Im mediately provide red lights for all stage and auditorium entrances red lights be ing visible for a great distance through smoke This will be done voluntarily Tho ordinance that will be substituted for the Gasper measure will likely provide that all theaters do this 'fhe committee was Impressed with the efficient service that the standpipes that have been provided at tho Grand would give The committee looked askance at the large number of highly inflammable board partitions in the basement at the Grand though Building Inspector George Stanley and Eire Chief Coots say' that there Is little danger since the Installa tion of the standpipes There are three tn the basement and the manager of the house has said that he would instruct stage hands how to use them The chief said that a cool headed man could easily put out a fire that might start in the basement of tho Grand single handed Mr Stanley said that 11ie house was per cent safer than it was two weeks The correction of the deficiencies in the wiring of the Grand will begin this morn ing ExTiert electrician Daniels of the Association will supervise the work Mr Daniels bnd recently Inspected the English's wiring and on tils statement that it whs Hn class he and tho fire i'htef ami the building inspector will not visit this house 'The trio will look at the Park wiring today Mr Stanley said yesterday that Mr Daniels had offered lo loud his aid In the inspection of any oilier electric wiring that was reported to be dangerous and several Inspect Ions besides those at the theaters will likely be made later DEATH MRS TAYLOR SPITE ON DUGDALE STREET RES UL TING INA VACANT CO TTA GE lV i rCl ira M) i Ml 4MRn 1 1 i CvUtI i MBPS'S i taihitebiiiMs After a flglit over a spilo fence Inatlng several months hostilities between tlio Russell and Kintz families have come Io a close by tho moving of the latter from the pretty little cottage on Dugdnlo street Tho twelve font fence which completely shut In the Kintz house so that tho chil dren could not make faces at Mrs Rus sell from tlinlr windows still remains and Is un object of curiosity to tlio enllro southern part of I ndlanapolls The rises from the ground to tho eaves of the Kintz house a nd looks like the backstop on a baseball field Mrs lUtssell is declared to hnv wished that Cite fence was forty font high This remark wits not pproeln ted by the Klutzes who objected also lo excursions made from till putts the city to view tlm fence The Supremo Coqit on Thursday re versed tho decision against James and Mnrv Itussell and ordered a new trial In tho 'lower court they had beon fined $10 and costs She Was Eighty Years Old and Well Known Mrs Elizabeth A Taylor olghly years old died jesterdny at her home North Capitol avenue from old ago She wats the widow of Israel Taylor at one time connected with the Indliinn Stale Hank nnd cashier of tho Central Bank during Its existence Both Mr nnd Mrs Tnvlor worn promi nently Idontlllod in ehttroli work for manyveins Undertaker A Blnnebard will conduct tho burial this afternoon at Crown Hill cenintcry Tho funeral serv ices will he held In the Smiday school room at the Mcrldlnn stroet church AMBROSE BOHANNON DEAD Ambrose Bohannon well known In liullntuipollM di'Hl morning nt hl homo In BrowiiRburg Iln whs fr iimiiy years denier at tlio Htoek ynnla The funeral wllbprobably be Sunday 4 Yli4 'i '1 I ANTELOPE AT LARGE Has Good Timo but Comes Home at Night for Dinner A 'iriless grocer bov gave fioedom to till ninbltioiis N'nrlb Dakota anti lope nnd created excitement for the time bnliiM on North Alabama stic reslciduy Tim buy I huiiglil b'sslv loft the gate open tu tho unluiul a Incluuuro at the home II Dye 215 Eleventh si reel Ju an Instnnf the litlle circalura was out mid having Jm Hara Hs life rac ing up and down North Aliibiinui sheet thought II had escaped from a menagerie mid eagerly wathed for dr Tired mid hungry lie wandered home In the evening mid was Heoinlngly glad to again bo Tml up If yen don't know what you want try Mrs AuMIri's I'aacnkes for a roally good breakfast WILL CUE COLLEGE EDUCATION Bi MAIL Indiana Educators Organize Cor respondence School and Incorporate Prominent Indiana educators have or ganized the hidlnna Uorrnspondenro Col lege and Hied nrtli'lcs of incorporation with the Secretary of Statu yenturday The capital Block la placed at $10000 and the object is utated to bo to prepiiro for and give a collego education by mail Tho incorporators are Robert Aley of Bloomington Gonrgn Bass In dianapolis I) Gollins Rockport Wilson ranklin and Coffman Salem Other Incorporations yesterday were: Typewriter Exchange of i in I fa no polls capital slock uODO Incorporator ThomaH Walter and 1'rcd Judd South Sliorc Company of Michigan City capital Block $15000 Incorporators A Tawwe Albert Cook and John Dor1 of Michigan City Indiana Jubilee Iron Gompany of Michigan City capital slock $1000 Incorporators Nape Chi cago 1 Anderson and George Opper man of Michigan City Tekoppul Drier Band Company of Evansville capital lock $10000 Incnrpornbu's John TI 'I'ekoiipeJ 1 1 Drier and Henry Nun niug I id I cd No non Improved Order nf He men nf Kokomo Hadley Wall ami Hrlnzmann of Noblesville cap ital Block directors Honjainln Ilaclley Homer Wall a ml George llelnz manri Jndiami Ifenl Company of Colum bia City: capital Block I 0oo directors Bosworth Johnson and A Sabin Nollens worn given by tho Eagle Range Company nf Shelbyville of an increase In Its capital stork from $5 000 to $20000 and tho Issunnce of $20000 worth of stock by tho Portland Tile and Hollow Building Works nf Portland ONE STATISTICS BIRTHS Itnherl nnd Einitui Brlllw 213 Rast Hrtrvny girl tderkk mid Mary in lncr fiUO Buchanan boy Edgnr I end Sadie Leavenworth 2 1 1 sprl Will and Clnra 'hinn tliOT Nnrth Ala liHinn Kill Will ii nd Corn 1idnv 1230 East WNShlng lon boy Edw nnd Mlnnlrj Klei 048 Spring boy William and Lottie Laydun 1119 Maple buy ilV Ml'hitol and Blazer 464 West WftNli Ingl'Hi hoy Edward and Lydia Schoer 207 Keyatuno II nnd Stella (inlay 1109 Sheffield girl Dd nnd Mary Slat or 2132 Pleasant boy HEATHS Rut oaten 9 months 1513 Lindon entaro Ada Ahiy Hwlbnrt 32 1226 Bridge nephritis Allxu'l (Lown 2d 522 llioinen tonsllltlfl Wiohnuiti 68 612 Woodlawn par lilytilu Daniel Uiwklns 65 213 East South ruv hhrillH Infant Tandy 1711 North Delaware Inan 1i Ion John Jones 67 619 East Court braltl fever (i seal' ('lark II months Indianapolis Or phans Inoue nniriiHiiiuH Grium itiisb dioiiIIlu 1534 Roosevelt hooping cough Can lo A Browning 4 110 Routh liberty ptieinnmiht following nuiasles Walter Harold ten dtiyn city congestion of lungM LoiilMa Stark 76 305 Bright cartarrhal fever Bnnl Thayer 49 611 East Market opoploxy Muty Bd liner 25 1 336 North Illinois con wuinpi Ion lorence Holley 39 Raymond and Illinois cohHumpUfUi Ebner Sampson 34 Inaano Hospital epDnpsy Mary Anna Doinrir 7 910 Rhode Island yphoid ptieii nioiiln a MARRIAGE LICENSES i'lmrloH Brown nnd Ida Howell John Tiffany and K'ithcrhie Dunn John Hood and Rose Hurt Emory Moks mid Mamie Collins Raymond Goul and Gertrude Kelley Albert Holland and Stmlo Mud BUILDING Mnrtha 1827 Howard house $1376 Lkirpnnier Harris near Washlngtpu wreck burn $tno Those Quaint Old Jewel Boxes YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE There was such a run on those boxes during tlm Holidays wo could nut supply tlm demand The shipment Just received Is small and there are no duplicates in the lot Prices rnngo from $150 to $1500 Julius Walk on INDIANA'S LEADING JEWELERS I A rV Cl lr th0 Kidney Liver and Stomach STAR WANT ADS BRING TRADE WE i 1 t'Ovf W' I I wwwryfBffl tr St W' 1IC' 10 kJ? wWBfehk u' 4 I 4 xr 1 ft?" 7 I.

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