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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HUMAN, Manager Boto National Advertising WiteMi New York, Chicago. Detroit Memphis Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday Entered wcond class matter at the poat- at Blytheville, Arkansas, under act ol Coo- (reaa, October 9, 1817 Member ol The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Bj carrier In the city ot Blythevllle 01 any auburbao town where carrier service ti main- talced, 20c per week, 01 85c pel month By mall, within a radius ol 60 miles, $400 per Tear, $2.00 lor months, $1.00 far three months; by mall outside 50 mile zone tlO.OO per yeai payable In advance. Meditations Ye hare lived In pleasure on the earth, and wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in day of 5:5, It is the height of aosurdfty to sow little but vetds jn the first half ol one's lifetime aiiri expect to harvest a valuable crop In the second half. H. Johnston.

Barbs A professor finds that the average radio listener has aged three years. One broadcast can sometimes accomplish that. A manufacturer of a mouth wash bought a Dew yacht. It's an ill breath that blows one food. Lilac said to be the universally favorite Haven't they ever smcllcd ham and eggs cooking? Worms utter a low moan-like sound, It Is revealed.

Especially during the Income tax season. According to a London doctor, honey is soothing and healing. The man who has whispered It to the good wife can understand that. Hostile Congress Drives Truman to Compromise President Truman has come back to Washington to confront a couple of situations that are important to his future political strategy. One is that the 81st Congress so far has given him the same sort of trouble that its predecessor did, and in about the same amount.

The other that the Democrntic Party is still the Democratic Party of Nov. 1. 1948. By the party we don't mean the people who voted for Democrats on Nov. 2, but the office holders, comjnittecmen others occupied with year-round politics.

The mood of delighted amazement, confidence and unity in victory that prevailed oil Nov. 3 has passed. In its place are the same divisions and dif-, ferences that seemed at oue time to have iplit the Democrats hopelessly and thus assured Governor Dewey's victory. Perhaps it should be added that the Republican Party is no different, cither in Cungress. The GOP, Southern Democrat coalition is as strong before.

So far it has nullified the substantial Democratic majority which was counted on to enact Mr. Truman's domestic program. 2 Now there is a possibility that almost none of the program wijl survive in the form in which the President presented it. The 75-cent minimum wage bill has been approved by i. House committee, but with limited amendments.

Kent control, though extended, was pretty well hobbled by the House. And the Senate filibuster has sunk the civil rights bill, at least for the present. That isn't the whole program, of course. But price and wage controls, material allocations, and the power to put government in the steel business seem definitely finished betore they ar.e started. With a considerable portion of Congress in its present stubborn mood, it would be hard to predict the fate of any of the remaining items on the President's want list.

Perhaps air. Truman, in the flush of November victory indulged in some hasty words and actions. Certainly he put Southern congressmen backs up by saying that he won without Dixiecrats and was glad of it. Some Southern opposition to his program in Congress may be repayment for that remark. It may also be that the President counted too heavily on popular support to see his program through.

Popular support is indispensable, but so ia congressional support if Mr Truman hopes to deliver on his promises. So far it has seemed that the President is more inclined to command and the new Congress than he is to work in close co-operation. This is rather odd, for Mr. Truman showed a marked respect for the Independence and of Congress as a member of the Senate. Quite naturally the President thinks that liis program it, right and good, and wants to see it enacted as it.

The proa- pect of having to compromise on that program cannot be jilt'iising. But however galling it may be to send his congressional lieutenants lo make peace with the dissidents, that might have to be his eventual course. Mr. Truman cannot now take an all- or-nothing altitude. To get all now ia clearly impossible.

iSut Ihere is a likelihood that he might get nothing if the opposing coalition remains as strong, and adamant as it is now. Smoke Signal The Consolidated Cigar Corp. has reduced the price of its two best-selling brands from a dime to nine cents. Since the cigars used to sell for a nickel that may not seem like much of a cut. But it's the first break in tobacco prices and, as such, is welcome.

Perhaps the industry will catch fire at least get a this idea and start disinflalmg. puff by puff, back toward the I'MIIOUS goal of Vice President Marshall's good five-cent cigar. Expert Gives Us the Bird Bii-d-watcliing, says a noted ornithologist, is an excellent antidote for neuroses. In other words, a bird in the bush is worth two bats in the belfry. VIEWS OF OTHERS Traditional puty of States Moved by human mtery tliat leaves too many slate governments cold, the Truman Administration wants lo add a quartet -billion dollars a year of federal money to state funds ror direct or "home" relief.

This belief that a system ol federal matching grants is the only Incentive that will induce the states to provide decently their unemployed citizens and other persons who cannot earn enough to live. There Is evidence support this belier. In Missouri, for example, one state administration alter another, Democratic and Republican, has held relief allowances to starvation levels. The state's care ot needy old people has been a different story. Federal -unds became available for old-age assistance In 1936 and the state has become more generous ever since.

Congress Is being asked to do lor younger people in distress whnt it Is already doing old people. Nevertheless, tlie proposal raises serious misgivings. The care ot the helpless Is a traditional duty o( the slates. No part this duty can be transferred to Washington without yielding something more to Ihe growth of the central government. Congress allows the states wide discretion In the spending ol federal grants, but this is not a solution.

The grant remains money that legislators can spend but have not had to raise. It Is irce- dom without responsibility. The result Is clear in Missouri's old-age pension system. Money wasted on unlit beneficiaries simply because they have organized a political bloc. Our Legislature tries to milk the Federal Treasury a littie drier than other states are doing.

The federal grant has In a degree corrupted Missouri's state government, and some stales are in Ihls mess deeper than Missouri. Therefore, a decision to open the relief jf to similar evils a decision not to be taken without exhausting the alternative of state responsibility for these untortunnles LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. SO THEY SAY Freedom through Uie ages has been an inspiring word and freedom is a glorious Ihmg. it is worth your while and mine lo talk about trecitom. If you don't talk about freedom, you won't have it to pass on to tlie next generation.

Now is the time to John A. Krout, director. School of General Studies, Columbia University. This "cold war'' coutd end In 20 minutes, Soviet Russia being willing, In deeds well words. We ask nothing of her except the right ol independent nations to 'live and let live" Ing to their own Tree choice In their own domains.

Arthur H. Vaiidenberg (R) of Michigan. Hollywood is a great place. It is like a sausage factory that turns out fine sausages. I go back to Italy.

I came. I see the palm trees. What Robert Rosscllini, Italian movie director. 1 scared to death to go over 40 miles in hour in a car. When feel the urge lo speed, 1 take to the ulr where irallic not so Capt.

Eddie Rlckenbacker. president of Eastern Air Linen, and famous World War I air ace. We (re making the same mistakes today that were made before every depression In our history. We never learn from the mistakes o( others. Every generation has to get its economic thumping, it seems to Batuon, economist We (Republicans) ought to remember that it just possible that, with all our mistakes, we were right part of Ihe volers (last November) were John M.

Voi-yi ol Ohio. Senator Bridges' Speech on Government Waste In Printing Shows Lack of Any Investigation By Peter Ed son NEA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON. (NEA) Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire recently made a long speech In which he ridiculed the titles of some of the hundreds of publications the government gives away free. Like "How to Make a Cat Trap." mid "Recipes for Cobking Muskrat Meat," and "Pleas of North America." He got a lot of laughs and provided comic relief Southern filibuster.

There are of course a lot of silly things done by the bureaucrats. If the Bridges speech mnkes them stop some of their nonsense, it's all to the good. But If Senator Bridges had been worth his coffee and carfare as a ciib reporter, he would have first called up the various departments that Issued these publications and nskcrt them why they put them out. he had done Hint, he might have marie quite a different speech. This l.s whnt would have found out, Instance, If lie hnd iiives- tlgaled the Department of Agrl- cuUurc pamphlel.

"Flcns of North Clnssiilcalion. Idenlifica- tlon and Geographic Distribution." Early in the war the Army discovered about 1000 cases of endemic typhus in of 12 western states. Army medical authorities were scared. They sent several doctors over to Bureau of Entomology meets) In Department of Agri- ilture, to see what the scientists ere knew about hosts and trans- orters of typhus germs INDIN'GS TROVE!) VALUABLE They found a lot of miscellrme- UJ information. They found there were six species of fleas that carried typhus.

They found that 15 species fleas carried bubonic plague. They found two species that carried germs of the human tapeworm. They found that flea's carry- Ing these diseases had been caught on ground squirrels and other wild animals In the 12 states where the Army was having its Irouble with typhus. At the Army's rcquesl. Doctors for the dull Ewlng and Fox of the Bureau of Entomology were assigned to pull together all this scattered Information about fleas and pub It in printed form.

The result was the little publication Senator Bridges was laughing at, "Picas of North America." Thirty-live huiiGrcd copies were printed. They u-ere sent to Army hospitals nncl Public Health Service centers in the affected area. Whenever fleas were discovered In an Army camp. Army doctors would catch a few and classify using Che Department of Agriculture discover If they disease carriers'. If they were, preventive measures were Immediately laken and Ihc cnmps were thoroughly DDTcd.

By these means the epidemic was checked and no telling how many lives saved. All became of a little pamphlet the sar- cnstic senator thought was a waste of taxpayers' money. "SKISKRAT RECIPES" HAH PURPOSE "Receipts for cocking Muskrat Meat" sounds rather repulsive, of course, till you know the story. This pamphlet wns Issued by Fish nnd Wildlife Service during the war. There was a meat shortage on nnrt SATURDAY, MARCH 1949 Mackenzie's First AP Column Still Holds Historical Interest (EDITOR'S NOTE: Twenty-one years today DeWltt MacKenifc wrote his first column for the Associated It, or at least of hli ttry earliest irticles (his carbons licit dates), follows It Is historically ntcrestlng today because of its theme of the leveling processes then on In England and the part taken in them by a young man destined to be the king.

The AP.) LONDON England 1 class barriers are undergoing a. pretty vigorous and successful sauit. Not only are they being hammered from without, but there la The DOCTOR SAYS people wanted any kind of meat thai was ration point free. In the land states were plenty of musk rats, but only a few trappers knew how to cook them and considerci them a delicacy. Other people in the muskrat state started writing letters to the government, asking how to cook musk-! rat.

Requests became so numerous that, to rove correspondence costs, Fish and Wildlife Service put all its Information in pamphlet form. That's the way all these things are handled. Pamphlets and leaflets are Issued only after an apparent demand has built up for printed information. On an average day, 3000 requests for specific information will come into Department of Agriculture. Two days last week the Inquiries were 7000 a- day.

Interestingly enough, a lot of these requests came from congressmen, asking for free pamphlets for their constituents. In the fiscal year ending June 30, the Department of Agriculture sent out! over 13,000,000 pieces of mail behalf of congressmen. Counting 435 representatives and 96 senators, that's an average of over 24,000 leaflets, pamphlets and lists or publications available. Each congressman is limited by law to 10,000 Farmers' Bulletins Leaflets per year. But there's no limit on the number of lists sent out.

This suggests that one way for Senator Bridges to economize would be to repeal the law giving these tilings free to congressmen. But you can bet yonr bottom dollar the senator from New Hampshire will never Introduce a bill to do that. By Edwin P. Jordan, M. D.

Written for NEA Service During the war there was a ten- old increase in Ihe number of people who acquired head lice, or pe- diculosis capitls. The Increased crowding of the cities and war areas many sections of the United States, as well as the even worse conditions In certain foreign coun- rles, is probably responsible, In addition to discomfort and general disapproval of the louse's nvoluntary host, there is real danger Involved from several diseases. The principal methods of control are prevention and treatment of the unfortunate person who has acquired vermin. Personal cleanliness is the most important part of prevention. New Methods Developed In the past, treatment was often difficult because the substances which poison lice did not always work and their application took a great deal of time and work on the part of the patient.

Now, partly as a result of war experience, there are several highly satisfactory methodr of eliminating lice from Ihe human body. The newer methods include tlie use of DDT powder, a substance known as benzyl benzoate, and for body lice a kind of bomb made up of what is called freon pyretlmim, which can be sprayed over the entire body in a few seconds, providing a suitable place for use is available. In order to make any of these treatments successful, however, it Is important to follow directions closely, and In the case of head lice to guard against injuries to the eyes. Lico lay eggs, or nits, on the body. These hatch In about seven days.

Tiie nits are not destroyed by most treatments, so that they must be destroyed In some other usually a second treatment after hatching. Tlie female louse lays from 50 to ISO eggs a day and the average louse will live from 30 to 40 days. Note: Dr. Jordan is unable to answer individual questions from readers. However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions In his column.

QUESTION: Is It Injurious to let food or liquid stand in nn open can in the ice box? ANSWER: Opened cans of food are excellent substances for germs to grow in. Of course, refrigeration restrains the growth of the germs to some extent but they still may grow enough to cause difficulty, especially if kept open very long. mutiny in the ranks of the defenders. Class bulwarks, which were'con- sidered Impregnable not so long ago are displaying breaches which never can be repaired. The mutineers from within and the attackers from without are fraternising through the gaps.

The real though unavowed leaders of the reform crusade, whose slogan Is that all men are created equal, are the ft the British royal family, quietly but persistently they have been setting a striking example of democracy. King George has made it amply clear that he considers It is the 'man" nnd not the "blood" which counts. This is a terrible shock to some people. They don't quite what to think about the king-emperor making real friends of labor- it es. Queen Mary Queen Mary agrees with Ihe King.

The royal children are chips off the old block. Because all the members of this family arc working for democracy it seems almost unfair to speak of the exploits of the individual. Still, perhaps you be interested in a historic campaign which is being waged by the Duke of York, the king's second son. to break down class barriers. The duke is working so quietly that few people even in England realize what he is trying to achieve.

But just a word before I tell you of his scheme. Tlie real problem facing the workers for democracy is snoboc- racy. Snobocracy is fairly strong In England: It is fairly strong in most countries, for that matter. America isn't like Caesar's wife in this respect. Tlie snobocacy mainly comprises those people who, because of birth or riches, feel that they cannot accord equality to the people who are less fortunately placed.

It also includes social climbers, who lack birth but who have the superiority complex. This peculiar class of society-is an outgrowth of class distinction. But snobocracy should not be confused with aristocracy. An aristocrat may be a snob, Just as may a membtr of any other class of society, but may be quite the reverse. England's aristocracy Includes some of See MacKENZIE on Page 1 First Luna Park, Los Angeles, has the first automobile built In the United States.

It was constructed by M. Plwlefne and still can travel eight miles an hour. HOLLYWOOD HOUSTON, Filb- lous Is the only word for tills ouble premiere in Houston ol inul- -millionairc oilman Glenn McCnr- hy's S20.000.000 Shamrock Hotel iiri his motion picture "The Green Promise." I've finally met my host niirl i got a flash for you. Despite his at $160,000.000 just like us. He worries about noney.

but it is bank vou't take any more. They tell a story In Houston omconc nskcd McCarthy how his ortunc compared to that of an- 'thcr Texan. Jesse Jones. "Why," McCarthy said, "Jesse lever had more than SIC000000 In his life." Everything about the shamrock Is bigger and better. It is 18 stories of luxury and Honduras mahogany and the biggest supper club I've seen.

It has tht largest bath towels in he world. Jack Pnnr Is telling everyone that he's seen bath towels narked "his" and "hers." but the Shamrock's nrc marked "theirs." The top three floors arc devoted exclusively to penthouse apartments. The 18th door has only three. Six rooms each, three-and-a-half baths, two landscaped terraces and $200 a day. Glamor for Garbage Even the garbage disposal prob- Itm has a glamorous toucs.

It's frozen IK.IO blocks In a refrigerated room to "retard Ihc development of odors" and then loaded Into Irucks inside the building. How fancy can you get? There's a swimming pool, too, bout the size of the slate of Delaware. It's so big. in fart that when wind camp up Inst niRht there were waves half (not high and Ihc Texas Coast Guard ran up storm warning flag. Plans for formal dedication ceremonies In the Emerald Room convinced me o( McCarthy's business acumen.

The steaks were cut from prize blue-ribbon steers he bought )ust for the occasion. He savs he's Riving me a pair of cowboy boots uadt from tha Mma By Ersklne Johnson XEA Staff Correspondent The guy just doesn't train any- to get back to the festivl- ties. into tram Hollywood nnd New York, all at McCarthy's expense. A crowd of -evcral arm al ot McKENNEY ON BRIDGE By William E. McKcnnej America's Card Authority Written, far NE.A Service Pi1m Deceives Defenders Film slars imci press poured Houston by Irani and plane KlJ dlSC-Larding of diamonds East played the ten- spot.

Mr. Nielsen saw an opportunity to place a card in the East hand, so he won the trick with the queen diamonds, concealing the jack. The jack of spades was led and eld the trick. West won the sec- nd spade trick, cashed the ace of and led the deuce of which South won with he king. Then he led the king il earls.

West won this trick, and eellng sure that his partner held le Jack of diamonds, he led the lamond nine. But Mr. Nielsen won he trick with the Jack, and now he us able to cash the balance of the ricks. Thus he made two overtricks thousand greeted the the 16-car Santa Fe Shamrock Special and Us 22 slars from Hollywood. Andy Divine, in his grcrn cowboy suit, got the biggest cheers.

Houston's main street was lined with more thousands as fleet of limousines rushed the party of 113 to Ihe Shamrock. On the way I saw a business lot in downtown Houston our driver said had just sold for $3000 a front Inch. I thought I spotted the Shamrock In tbe distance. The native Texan smiled nnd said: "That's Just the garage." The Shamrock garage was a mere five-story building. Toujh life Texas Is a light wine and beer stale, with only liquor sold in bottles.

This was" confusing at first to the out-of-staters accustomed to cocktail lounges. Obviously. It Is confusing no longer. As Ed Gardner put it: "I'm roughing it on cham- paiprt." The lobby was Jammed with local citizens from the time we arrived. All want to sec celebrities.

The celebrities want to see those Houston millionaires. So the natives were staring at ihc rrlcbrllles and the celebrities were staring right back. So far the natives have seen the most of Rhonda Fleming, who is Biup Crosby's new leading lady In "A Connecticut Yankee." Rhonda's PliuiRlns! neckline dress won all distance records. The way McCarthy spends money Uiey'H probably light the torches with flaming S1000 bills. N.

M. Nielson of Norway was in this country recently, and I had the pleasure of meeting him. He Is ininnger of the joint shipping office of (he Norwegian paper Industry which exports paper to this country I was more interested In the fact that, Mr. Nielsen is president of the Norwegian Bridge League. Card riaytrs About 83 per cent of all American families play card gnmes snd 87 per cent of these keep playing cards in their homes, according to Encyclopedia BrlUnnlca, AKQ10652 107.1 None 4 A9 AS A 9 8 5 2 A9B6 f.

10752 Dealer Nielsen 4 ft 4 3 V984 10764 KQJ52 KQJ3 KQ South North Kist 1 Double I A 1 Double 2 2N Do Pass Pass 3 Double Redouble Pass Openinl Most players over there use som version of the point-count Mr. Nielsen gave me today's hand which he played in one of the tour naments In Norway. When he guv me the hand, he said that. In opfnton, the most Interesting hand are not necessarily those which ar played pcrfectely. but rather thos in which the opponents are caugh off-guard.

Mr. Nielson sat Soulh. While Ihe use a point-count system, and th hand counts to he felt thut was not the type of hand for no-trump opening. North realize that If Ihelr contract of three trump doubled was defeated, they would not get away. That was why he redoubled.

On opening lead ol 75 Years Ago In Blytheville March 3D, 1934 L. E. Tull who was the Government engineer for Blytheville Post Office has been designated by Mayor Cecil Shane to take full charge of the work program which will oe aunched April first under the new Federal Relief Program, The quota for Blytheville Is 700 men and the program Is expected to last for a year. It is evident that a great deal of work can be compllshed If the community can furnish the materials. This latter Is liable to prove a limiting factor.

From the files of the Courier of 25 years ago. The honor roll of Junior high was announced as follows with students listed in the order of their scholastic standing: Eva Ruth Stevens. Delia Purtle, Katherins Grear, Margaret Cross, Virginia Keck, James Terry. Eunice Collier, John O. Halstead, Edison Blomeyer, Willie Trotter, Marzee Stewart, Charles Ray Newcomb.

Marie Moon, Elizabeth Brlscoe, Elizabeth Haley, Mary Blanche Gay, James Thompson, Artie Eaton. Frank Santy, Hilda Holland, Garland Slaughter, Mnttie Craig. Gracie Porter, Murray Smart, J. W. Adams, Francis Da- oubled and redoubled on a hand I mon.

Albert Hamilton, Helen could have been defeated if Sternberg, Carolyn Haley and Vest had elected to open a club. rnye Blythe. Graceful Flyer HORIZONTAL 3 Type of tree 1 Depicted bird Lieutenant 8 Rods 13 Having left a will Idolize 15 College cheer 16 Sea skeleton 18 Light knock 19 Measure of area 20 Lamprey 21 Symbol for tamarium 22 Greek letter 24 Babylonian deity 29 Nova Scotia 27 Symbol for tantalum 28 Memorandum 30 Killip 33 Portent 34 Indlin shrub 35 Symbol for niton 39 Musical nott 37 Too 39 Knock 42 Universal language 43 Roof ftnlal 4 8 Symbol for sodium 47 Ar jer 49 Mourning Virgin 51 Atmosphwt 52 It Is a bird Sorrow 58 Not tardj 57 Trailed VERTICAL Leather Ihong 3 Hit on (ab.) 5 Varnish ingredient 6 Indian 7 Existed 8 Chum Alleged force 10 Land parcel 11 Expunge 12 Calyx leaf 17 Indian mulberry 23 Mean 31 Three-toed 45 Passage in sloln Ihe brain 32 Place fab.) 48 Organ ol 37 Get up hearing 38 Southern 49 Plait 21 ns constellation 50 Eucharistte 26 Dispatched 40 Aromatic herb wine vessel 27 Former 41 Peeled, as a 51 Noah'j boat Ruisian ruler potato (Bib.) 28 Negative reply 43 East Indies 53 Late Latin 29 Mystic (ab.) syllable 44 Clever 55 Ocean Si 4T.

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