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The Record-Argus from Greenville, Pennsylvania • Page 7

The Record-Argusi
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GREENVILLE, SATURDAY, OCT. 29, 1938 THE PAGE SEVEN A A A A A First tlaiiflftl Church Pcnn avenue nn.l Shenango Klrect. tlav. irenry w. Birch, minister.

Sun- jlny School, a. niornlns Rworshlp, II o'clock; Junior 1.1. Y. P. i 6 o'elook; Keillor V- t'.

p. evening service nt. ilrt-wstfk Borvlco at 7:30 o'clock. II a. paflfor will nn "An Apoatle of Christ," 7:30 Violin solon by Airs.

Hurnctt vocal duets by Utirnell find Clarence Krlekson nf Cfimbridno I Selections by orchestra tnul I'chntr, sermon subject "One Tiling liThoii Laekcsl." Wednesday 7: in I'rayer service. Pnibw service. Tho Women'H Society Ijwlll have iin all-day Cross "'Vwlng on Thursdjiy, Nov. 3. A iiiH'il dinner will be served at noon.

The Women's Mlsslonnr.v Union Ilio French Creelc Huptlfit Association will meet. In Mendvllle on Ifl'liesdny. Nov. i. The opening ses- beglns at 10 o'clock.

Mny, home of Mm. David It. JollCM, S21 Main Street June, homo of Mrs. J. B.

Ktinpii, Jirraftnrr SI.root; Kepletnber, home or Mrs. II. H. AVood It) Hoscdal'' Avcnii''; October, home ot Mrs. VV.

71. Kcott, 7 Chambers Avenue; November, home of Mr. 1 Walter Ifforl, Conncaiit Lake Hoad; Dcccmbor, lioine of Mrs. II. berl, 13 Hessemer Street, The Teachcr'n and Officer's Din- evening at (1 o'clock.

The Hev. L. II. Kleblilns of Jnnies- town, will bi! the speaker. i nml Mls.slonnry Alliance Tabernacle, Christian all'' Missionary Alllaneo, 1S5 Clinton II.

Uoon, M. A. pastor. n. m.

i iiclionl. ji. m. Peo- lil'j'H 7:80 Kvnnftell.tllc ser- Vll'O, I Mitrnlng Nervier at. inayi'r' inei'tlng In pursrinaiic, p.

in. Saturday evening 7:30 I ni'l-vlcc, Hnv. I' 1 L. Jodff of Africa! will upeak. The Inter-cliureli Men's nhoriiM will sing.

llev. I 1 Miller, evangelist will bring the plo ate to have "surpflso" men- nape. Tho W. M. S.

will entertain tho Albright Brotherhood nt their an- mini guest night program Monday 7:30 p. m. In the annex. Tho Alpha Delta Blblo Class will Mold their monthly meeting Tuesday 7:30 In the annex. Tho Kings Daughters Bible Class will meet Thursday 2 p.

in. In tho annex. Bring a tureen. tjnllftl I'reslij'lcrliin Cor. Main and North High 8ts.

Rev. J. Uussell Uugrin, pastor: residence 21 North High ulreet. ChurMi school, 0:30 n. morning worship nt, 10:30 o'clock; evening service at y.

I'. C. U. at 6:30. Tho Bible Hchool will convene In the departments at 8:30.

Tho attendance last Sunday was not as high as It. should have been, Consistent attendance will help to reach the goal. In the morning hour of worship the message will bo "Unshaken by the Ktorm." The evening message will be "Abide With Us." mid-week prayer service. First United Presbyterian, morning worship at 10:30 with sermon by Charles G. Sluice of tho Pittsburgh Seminary, Second United Presbyterian, public worship nt.

11, Dr. Leslie Mountford preaching. Kb'Ht Methodist Kplscopal, public worship at 11 with Hcv. If. H.

Bish preaching'. Reformed Presbyterian, preaching service at 11 by Dr. W. T. K.

Thompson. Church of the Nnzfirf'ite, preaching service at 3:30 by Hev. J. It Bell, minister. All Saint's Ilorrmn Catholic, Sunday morning mass nt.

Pardon at Mercer at 10:30. Kvnngt'llciil nnd lleforineil Church Main street, Dr. 1'. J. Dundore, loastor.

Uesklence, Cor. SheiiaiiKu find Pcnn Avo. Kundny school nt morning l.vorslilp at It; Christian Endeavor fit (1:30: ovf-nliiR service at t-'W "Divine KnllnmlaHm" is the of the morning seniKin. Tho congregation will observe the Innnunl Reformation service Sunday The Hev. Paul C.

Shu-j Salvation Army Service Imuker of St. Paul's, Shnron will i Katurdny open air services Iprench the Tho i In.lohr service nt p. in. Kun- Ilions of the. denomination 1 1 clo ll I meeting; company meeting fit loins In Mercer County will join In roople'tt legion nt service.

if.vangelistlc wervlco nt 7:30. The Mothers' will meet at 10: -I. 1 a. in. mlsMlonary Heriiion Miss Hel)fL Law of 7:30 p.

in. Cloning mlHHlona ser- 1 vice, Kev. L. Joder, Africa, will. brliiff missionary me.ssage, Miss Itoiie; Kniina Phenirlu will King.

ICvangelisl C. Miller will bring I be final fiago of the convention. -CRAWFORD COUNTY CHURCHES Mercer Churches Union Sunday evening services for I lie Presbyterian, First United Presbyterian, Second United PreHby- Icrlan and Klrst Methodist Kplscopal churches will be held at 7:30 In the Presbyterian church. Dr. John Duncan will preach.

Presbyterian, morning worship nl 10:30, sermon by Dp, John S. Duncan. Musicians to Appear at Baptist Church Service Another musical program of exceptional appeal will be heard at the evening sni-vlce of thr: First Baptist church on Sunday. The Erlcksons of Cambridge Springs will pay their second visit to thn local church. A large attendance Is anticipated.

Mrs. Burnett Eilckson will play several violin numbers. Her accomplished renditions merit high accord from all music lovers. Burnett and Clarence Krlckson will add their voeal duets to the evenlnff'ii program. Evangelist Speaks of Great Judgment Kvangellst Ct.

T. Norman, v.ho Is conducting revival meeting In the Shcakleyville Freewill Baptist church held tho close attention of a good congregation In the service night In speaking on the subject of (he "Great White Throne Judgment." Jle said In pail, "It great because the kings, great men, rich irK'ii, thief captains, and mighty men will be HKTC. More than this, it In great, heeaiiKO the greatest. Judge, the Jjord Jesus, will judge In i ightcou.s- nns.s. Wrong-doers rriyy escape Jtw- tlce here but.

(hey will not escape In thnt. great day." Hev. W. A. Uobbic, pa.itor of Orer-mvood We.sleyan Methodist church, sang a Scotch hymn and led In prayer In the opening service.

Mrs. Maiy Huntsman and Benjamin Sieves sang, "I Will rio With Jesiw." The meeting cloned with a good altar service. Evangelist Norman will preach at the service tonight and morning and evening services tomorrow, thr closing day. STONEBORO Mary Entertains At Hallowe'en Party MlKs Elizabeth Holmes en! lerlalned n. group of friends at Hallowe'en party In her liorm nt.

8 o'clock. formed (he diveruion. Jin- nerved by the. of tho Art Society In Grove City, Thursday, Oct. 20.

Philip Clark, ond friend of Ann Arbor. visited tho former's are parents, a Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D.

B. Clark, Cann, Miss Jcannettft Turner, Kvelyn Joslln, MlldfM Klckard, Mrs. John young attended a meeting of tho Muftlcftl Ctub sandy Lake, Tuesday evening at tho homo ot Mrs. Pftrkrr with Mrs. Umcrson Wrltfht hostess.

Mr. and Airs, Uayrnond, 1'errlno tho parents of a found II os- Mrs. Harry Adamson Is Nokixgo Hostess Adamson was hostess to the Noklxgo Club mcmbero In her homo Wednesday evening. Kighfeen we rr: present. GuesHlni; entertained and a prize n.

warded to Mrs. F. N. Hou. er.

Dainty refreshments In keeping with tho Hallowe'en seanon served hy the hostera. When using apples In salads, leave the skin on to add a touch of color. T. S. Class Meeting With Mrs.

T. K. Greer THE GRANGES 1'omona (Jranjffi Tho Mercer County Pomona Orange will confer the fifth degree next Thursday night at 8 o'clock In the I.O.O.F. hall In Mercer. All Certain true lizards lack limbs and closely resemble snakes.

members who have not taken the degree are urged to be present. Next Saturday night tho quarterly meeting of Pomona Is to be held In London Grange hall, when officers arc to be elected and Installed. President Will Elder will be In charge. Mm. T.

K. Groer and Miss Kve- lyn Joslln entertained the 11. T. K. Class members In the home of the former Thursday evening at o'clock.

The business meeting was and followed by a social time. Refreshment were served by the hostesses to 15 guests. KIEFS Mr. and T. K.

Greer attended tho anniversary dinner Mrs. LouUo Fisher of Kllwood City, find Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kriske, of JJormont, were recent dlnnr-r guests of Mr. nrid Mis.

John and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinker of lladlfy spent Sunday with farmer's father, John Parker and family. Mrs.

A. 13. Woodall and daughters, Barbara and Carole Louise, of Shlppensville ore spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. A.

S. Jackson. Mr. nrid Mrs. W.

B. Slater were I recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pittsburgh. Dr.

and Mrs. J. K. Ftrrlnger returned home Thursday after spending several days In New York City. Mis.

Anna Nowkirk returned to Friday afler spending the past two weeks with T. W. L'Jrennan and family. Miss Kvelyn spending. i he week-end with her parents, Mr.

Mrs. baby son, born In tho Mercer pltul, Sunday, Oct. 23. Mrs. Oeorgo I3ye of Sandy Lake, Mrs.

George Helaer, Mtescs Mabel Parker, I.oulso JaxthelmCf, Mary and Gladys Xalinlser attend a slated met tins of Cirovo City Chapter, Order of I.ho Eastern Stnt, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pringlo or Polk spent Thursday with their daughter, Mrs.

Kenneth Livingston, and family. Kev. and Mrs. E. D.

Thompson and sons, Vincent, and Joseph, of Jamestown were callers In town Wednesday. I Airs. Jenkins spent TUCM i day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Stewart.

Inrovo City. I ADDITIONAL COUNTV SKA'I niVOKCK SUITS i A suit In dlvorco was filed this morninsc in Common Pleas Court by Gertrude Clarke, Sandy Lake, against Jack Clarke. She alleges desertion. Edward J. Brown, Greenville R.

Elmer Joslln, Albion. i -as awarded a final decree In divorce Mrs. Emma Ilamm of Slippery today from Huth S. Brown. Hock Is spending several days with Mr.

and Mrs. John Grocr. Mrs. R. P.

Cann, Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mrs. Geo.

Mclntire, Miss Louise Jaxthelmer, Mrs. L. J. TJE KOOT.HA.LL GAME Mercer and Slippery Rock High school football teams played to a 0-0 tie yesterday afternoon on the Slippery Rock field. homo of Mrs.

Kred evenlnfr nt Tho Orphans' Homo C'lub will have 'W nil day session on 'Wednesday. The Men's League will have i I'f'ntocoslal IlolInt'Ns Cliiirch Shoalilcy avenue, block cast of K. Mercer Extension. Hev. G.

W. i i Allen, pastor. Sunday school, 3M.1 a. preaching service 11 a. in.

and i 7:30 p. Young People's service ithelr guests at their meeting Wed- 0:30 prayer service Thursday ovcnlng the members of the i 7:80 in. i consistories of St. Paul's Clansiw. Tho Rev.

E. Hair of I-'iiHt Italliin ClirlKtlan Clnirch (Church, Greensburg, tho newly South Rtico street. Rev. Peter elected professor to tho chnlr of I nnonaflKlla, of Favroll, pastor. Scr- Theology at the MS Monday and Thursday eve- 1 i nlngs, at 7:30.

it Lancaster, will be present, to de- i tho address. Dinner will bo nerved at o'clock. Mclliodlst Corner Clarksvllle anil Church litroetH. Cecil and Mary Huntsman, SI- Clement's Kplscopal Clnirch Corner of Clinton street and Franklin avenue. W.

It. Rovve. pas- lor. 8 p. m.

Holy Communion; a. in. church school: 11 a. tnorn- Ing prayer and sermqn: p. m.

Young People's Fellowship, St. Michael's Konian Catholic North High street, Rev. Father James J. Kcarns, pastor, Sunday services: Mass at 7:30 a. 9 a.

and 11 a. benediction 7:30 a. m. First Methodist Clnirch Rev, W. B.

Davis, Ph. pastor, Clinton street, near South Meicer St. Regular services: Sunday schoo! at 9:45 a. morning worship at i 11 o'clock: evening service at 7:30: mld-weelc service at 7:30 p. m.

on I Wednesday. I Morning sermon "Public Enemy Crowned on tin; Throne." Lutheran churelu will be tho Evening sermon "When God Sunday nervlccu: Sunday school n. morning' worship 10:30 a. Jin. Young People's service, p.

evening: service, 7:30 p. m. mld- Iveek prayer service Thursday cve- 7:30. iroly Trinity Lutheran Penn Ave. and Clinton the William Eiscnberg, pastor; 7 Columbia Sunday chool a.

the service 11 liy Intermediate and Senior Lull)Cr Tjeaerues 6:30 p. rn. The Rev. Carolus P. Harry.

IX student secretary of kho Board of Education of tho TJnit- "Yes, Willie and Mary have left for Sunday School, and we are getting ready for church i juest preacher at the 1.1 o'clock service. The public thank offering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society bo held at a special service at m. Dr. Mary Markley, D. also a student Secretary of the Board of Education (will bo tho speaker.

Tho Intermediate and Senior Nilther leagues will meet nt 6:30 p. In. There will be no meeting of tho riastor's Blblo Study Class tomorrow pyonlng. Church Council will meet on evening at 7:30. An important meeting of tho La- Aid Society will bo hold on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 In the Jmrlfih house.

Election, of officers Ivill bo held. AH members are urged bo present. Tho Ladles Bible Class will meet Friday evening at 7:30 In tho ImVlsh house. First Presbyterian Church Main street near Columbia avenue, lov. David R.

Jones, pastor. 9:45 Sunday school; 11- a. nornlng service of worship; vesporn kf 5 o'clock; mid-week service, Wed- jipsday evening at 7:30. I "Tho Gospel of John" will. bo tho Ihbmo of tho sorrnon at tho 31 in, pervlce of, worship.

"Tho mossagq to tho Church will bo (ho Hubjcct of at tho 5 p. m. Vesper rvlce. Seems to Pay No Attention to Us." Ladies Aid Group 5 will meet with Mrs. Kecno on Wednesday at- tornoon.

The Sunday School Board will meet following the mid-week service. The Woman's Homo Missionary Society will meet on Thursday nt- tornoon. Tho Young Woman's Home Missionary Society will meet on Friday i evening at 5:45 o'clock In the; church. i Calvary Kvanpellcnl Church Corner South-Mercer and Harrison streets. Rev.

A. Hortwch, pastor. Sunday schoo! at morning worship at evening service at Christian Endeavor societies nt mid-week prayer; service at 7:45 on Wednesday. "Partnership with God" will be the theme of tho morning worship. A special program will be given at 7:30 by tho W.

Little Herald, and Mission Band members. A special message will be brought' to tho Sunday School by A. Donn- iston. Mrs. Francis Adams will load the C.

K. Tho Young Peo- SINUS! HEAD COLDS Try THIS lor RE LI EF Of NASAL CONGESTION Tomorrow Is the LAST Sunday of Go-To-Church-Month But that doesn't mean it is the last of a bigger and more enthusiastic church attendance. It means only the beginning of a year of renewed church activity, and that enrollment this year must be greater than ever before. The present month's campaign has brought immense satisfaction to pastors everywhere in the Greenville community. Great credit has been given this campaign of calling attention to the Church's Need of You, toward swelling the attendance.

Jf you haven't yet joined the increasing throngs goinp church-ward on Sundays, START TOMOR- ROW1 AH over America on Sunday mornings, this pictures the scene in the average American type of home from which spring the kind of people who have made America great. In homes like these, Sunday means one thing whole family going to church. It makes no difference to these people that a rapid-moving modern age has provided distractions which are many. These people, whether they live in Greenville or elsewhere, know that the important things of life are few and that the church in their lives takes first place. the none (a running, eelanoatufTed It's about toburaU Plonoor fioeletv will moot at iiiu iionocj nocioiy win iiieci.

und the poundmtrpreasure makes you Jt'SQ Sunday ovonlllg. I your throat Uckloafromdripptnor mucous Hrdiino nf (iin Mirninnn'u r'nllfi i 6 4-110 uroups Ot tho Women UUlla i congestion) wash nawilposnageCreeof College Avenue; Kebru- il moot as follows on Tuesday ovo- I November 1, at 7:30. Fo Junuarjvhome of MJ's. 'aughn, 7 i i J28 S. Morcer Street; of Mrs, Col-1 jmbliv Avenue, with Mra, William j'adon, co-hostoBs; April, homo of, llj-fl, K.

D. Whtoldon, 29 First texaEE --ou arufr etore. flioney hack if tlrat botlto Uocsn't convince you Is easy to uoo Ko Nasal Recliamo Change Oil VI SUPER FILTER REFINER Bl 3 5, these SAFETYw oui DI1UG STOKE THIS SERIES OF ADVERTISEMENTS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY LEADERS 1 Brown's Boot Shop Win. Baird Soni Corner Pharmacy Smith Steam Bakery, Pennsylvania Power Co. WWeldon Hardware Friedman's Ladies' Store Davis Foulk Drugs Anchor Cut-Rate Drugs Keller's Greenville National Bank Scott Shaffer Moss Co, Reagle Hardware" Syling A.

G. Birrell Inc. N. Moyer Motors Inc. Greenville Dairy Co.

George L. Foy Gibson Furniture Co, MiloR Williams J. Christman Co, The Record-Argus fp flp TI.

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