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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 5

Detroit, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tv' SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13 EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL THE WEATHER GOOD BOARD AIR AND COOL Qorner Eflswoltl and Brand River BONIRES BURNED ON EVERY HILL AMUSEMENTS Stations 3 Cion fani I doz (W're 0UBlANwa' 72 the IHaltaDifa lb CONGER Official in Charge SAYINGS AND DOINGS lb of men I ever saw lb lb of LTwo games LAI A 4 Music' Next Wk Shore Acres MARRIAGE LICENSES HOTELS gained CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Hotel Netherland EUROPEAN PLAN to HOTELS AND RESORTS wat in Large Poresl pQsltively Cured at Your Home I eather befive this Aautep DETROIT REE lb lb 26 lb lb lb Rain Kain Clear Pt cldy Clear Clear the the the THE SIGN Choice 16c each 04 NW N' NE NW NW sw NW 'N 1 ef of the association will select the place next convention some time later year Accident Indemnity of the most important matters grade separation Engineer ergu with the details' crossing is to be the fight hinges up Her The Every day during September and October Albanye7 stMenEyck 10 6 Light Clear Cloudy Pt cldy Rain Cloudy Rain Clouuy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Clear EX CHIEtf HALE KANSAS CITY RE ELECTED PRESIDENT THE "GREAT DYSPEPSIA DESTROYER John Blessed Son Cor Woodward Avs and High St Rockland The Samosa IREMEN WINO UP BUSINESS 52 46 54 46 50 SOIE WILL BE LOSERS BY THE JOHN STREET OPENING NW NW Ns WHITAKER IT WHITAKER Manager Neb A Meyers Berger Pitts Henderson Kansas Brown Grand Rap rey er White Bowman Roanoke Gillen cnica HAD BEEN ROBBING IRM OR A YEAR URL MAffiESlW TO COMMEMORATE DEATH GRAND RAPIDS GETS ONE THE VICE PRESIDENTS UNABLE TO RELINQUISH RIGHTS TO CERTAIN LANDS Bondholders Would Prevent Con solidation of Tracks HARCOURT PLACE SEMINARY GAMBIER OHIO or Girl A choice school of unsurpassed Intellectual advantages and delightful en vironment with conditions perfect tot the advancement of the mental social and phys ical training of our girl and all that per tains to the best general culture "or cata logue address HILLS Regent whenever City furnishes him Gratiot avenue one unon which as this is the key to the entire offi the Presi One Block rom the Sixth Avenue Elevated Railroad Station ifth Avenue Automobile Stages Sixth Avenue Madison Avenue (direct from the Grand Central Depot) and ifty ninth Street Electrio Car pass the door SUNDAY CRUISE Of 150 Miles Among the Islands of Like Eria PRESIDENT LEDYARD SAYS RAILROADS ADOPT IT WILL MAKE LITTLE I PROIT OUT IT SE SE NW NE 4 THE PERECT Six OOk Steeplechnntng and lat Racing ADMISSION rO Cent Ticket on sale at Cigar StandU Russell House 25c MAT TO DAY i PLAN IMPOSSIBLE DETROIT 5 TO Nl GHT AT 8 Wtinuil MAT iC OAYAf a AMELIA BINCHAM Presents Her Special Company in 7sA Modern JJext MINNIE DUPREE MALTA VITA PURE OOD QO Battlo Creek Mich "'L Toronto Cariada NIGHT SCHOOL SIX MONTHS $1890 New term begins Monday evening September 15th Office opefi evenings rrom yo Aff Shows 2 LHUL and Hits in RANK AND JEN LATONA 4 BARD BROS MR MRS EDWARD ESMONDS HAINES VIDOCQ LAVENDER TOMSON AMANN HARTLEY Margaret Webb Blanche Sloan AMERICAN VlTAGRAPH NO POISON Has Ever Been pund in the EnaYnel of 46 52 50 54 56 62 54 60 It ia claimed that Detectives Stenton and Buhr arrested the man when he was ill and that he did not receive the treatment subsequently which his physical condition demanded County Physician Polozker will hold a post mortem examination at St Clair where Solis was buried yesterday 'Newton of Akron put in a week fishing on Lake St Clair mak ing his headquarters at Capt Tim Pa hotel on the Snibora and has gone home as proud a Buckeye as ever was Jn six half fishing he landed fifty seven black bass that weighed between three and six pounds and a 12 pound rock sturgeon that kent Air Newton busy for over thirty min utes before he got him into the nunt This is said to be the first sturgeon caught in this vicinity with hook and line American League Champlenhij Games DETROIT vs to dav at 2 and 4 niv developed 'yesterday that George Savage a clerk in Noack nnnse $25 Thursday after One of business which the association con sidered at this convention was brought to a head yesterday by National Or ganizer Staymates who read a paper before the morning session on easible Plan for Accident Indemnity Among the Mr Staymates was the national delegate of the asso ciation to the international congress of fire engineers held in Paris rance in 1900 At that time he spent six months in Europe traveling and study ing methods in accident and pension funds It was the result of this study that he gave to the convention in the paper and intense interest was aroused The main body ofhis plan is that provision be made for acci dent funds throughout the country under the auspices of the various state associations So heartily was his plan Indorsed that it will receive immediate attention by the several state asso ciations fifteen of which were repre sented at the Detroit convention The delegation from Illinois thirty strong was emphatic in attesting the success of Mr plan in that state very nearly all the departments jn Illinois having adopted it 5 Influence State Legislation Two important resolutions were also introduced by the national organizer and unanimously 'adopted The1 first called upon all state associations to influence as far as possible state leg islatures to provide for 'civil service legislation protecting faithful fire offi cers of a corrupt politi cal interference The second was in the shape of an argument to the pres ident and commissioners of the St Louis exposition to provide for a' fire congress at the exposition in 1904 and pledging the assistance of the national association to this end The association has a membership of ever 300000 firemen throughout the United States and such a move on the part of the exposition managers it is believed would draw many thou sand firemen to the big fair The annual report of Treasurer Salisbury showed the association to be in excellent financial condition It Is out of debt and has' a balance of several hundred dollars in the treas ury The growth of the national body too has been remarkable during the last year having taken in new mem bers from Massachusetts to California Among the papers read at the clos ing session were "The Necessity of raternity Among the iremen and ire Associations of the Country by Chief Lockabill of Roanoke Va and Organization Among ire by oreman John Hogan of the Detroit fir department On motion of Rev Edward Collins of Detroit was made honorary chaplain of the association in recognition of his interest and help durirT this convention A resolution of thanks to the Detroit depart ment the people and The Detroit ree Press and other papers of the city were introduced by Smith Jr of Chicago proprietor of the Western ireman and passed The convention then adjourned But little satisfaction was by Chairman Edwin Jerome of the common council committee on grade separation as the result Of a lengthy conference yesterday with President Ledyard of the Michigan Central road relative to separation of grades on the west side of the city The plan suggested by Ellis the Providence expert was' held by President Ledyard tobe impossible although he admitted to Aid Jerome that it would bef the cheapest and best way out of the difficulty if it could be adopted The trouble Is ac conrdig to Mr Ledyard that the Lake Shore the Bay City branch of the Michigan Central and the Grand Trunk which are the ones interested between Woodward and Michigan ave nues are under the control or at least subject to the wishes of the bondholders many of whom are trus tees and that any attempt to relin quish the rights of the different roads to certain lands would be met with an opposition which would prevent the consolidation of the tracks as proposed Mr Ledyard declared that his road could not elevate Its tracks in accord ance with the plan although un der the plan proposed by Mr Ellis such' an elevation might be possible owing io uie gain mat wouia De fected for approaches: by reason having the tracks consolidated in center of the right of way 'Corporation Counsel Tarsnev has formed Mayor Maybury that he is ready to proceed with the test case unaer tne present law son The the and situation on the east side plans for the entire system i must be prepared Just now the work is being delayed by Railroad Commissioner Osborn who insists on more headway between the tracks and bridges than Chairman Jerome thinks is necessary and it is probable the latter will take a trip to Lansing soon in an effort to reach an amicable understanding Another conference will also be held with President Lecyard NOTRE DAME MARYLAND Conducted by School Sister of Notre Dame College for "Women and Preparatory School for Girls Teachers specialists in every department Lecturers of national reputation System of education thcruugh and progressive Extensive grounds Loca tion unsurpassed Suburb of Baltimore Spacious buildings completely equipped Charles Street ave Baltimore Md Rev Marcus Scott Return rom Visiting His Old Home OR BRAIN and MUSCLE 31 105 Baltimore September Cardinal Gibbons issued 'to day the following circular to the clergy of the diocese: Sunday September 14 will be the first anniversary of the sudden and untimely death of President Mc Kinley We all remember how the na tion was bowed down with sorrow by this sad and unlocked for event It is eminently proper that we should in some appropriate manner renew our affection for the chief executive of the nation and emphasize our abhorrence of his assassination are therefore invited on next Sunday to commemorate the occasion in the way which in your judgment Is best calculated to testify our admira tion for the civil virtues which adorned the life of our late Chicago September A tribute to the memory of the late President Mc Kinley was paid to day by the school children of Chicago in most of the educational institutions throughout the city Music singing of patriotic' songs and addresses by well known men made up the general programme IN RUDOLPH and 100 pas of the the Hotel While some of the property owners whose land was taken in opening John street may be making a good thing out of the deal owing to the fact that their awards for damages havte been drawing interest for several months while in some instances they have been allowed to occupy the housss rent free sd their taxes have been can celed there are a number who when they get through figuring will find themselves minus the land taken with a bill for paving and sidewalks suffi cient to more tnan offset what they will receive as their award One: particular instance suffices to show how this plan works rom the thirty foot lot at the northwest cor ner of Harmon avenue and John street ten feet was taken for the opening for which the owner received $388 20 rom this was deducted ap proximately $100 for the benefits ac cruing leaving a net gain of $288 20 AH this appears fair enough until it is considered that when John street is paved the entire length which will undoubtedly be soon after the open ing the owner of this property will have to pay for a strip of paving thir teen feet wide and 125 feet long beside his twenty foot lot At the present price of cedar that would amount to $324 or a loss of $36 on the al be sides the loss of the ten feet of land With sheet asphalt the expense would amount to $468 besides which in either case there would be the expense of a sidewalk 125 feet long making the profits on deal look like a cipher with the rim knocked off and in the latter case setting the owner back close to $200 There are not many such cases perhaps but there are comparatively few where the profits amount to any cojtslderable sum Lake orest College Rev Richard Harlan A Preild ent Classical Bnsllal and ScieatiA Couraea Moat beautiful suburb ot Chica go on high wooded bluffs ot Lake Mtak Eeml rural surroundings healthy inexpen sive Good donultoriea Modern gynnast um excellent athletic facllitlea: coeduca tlonaL or Catalogue addreaa Box 74 LAKH OREST ILL 16 :10 8 6 8 8 12 14 12 Light Clear Light Light Light 5 13 16 Kenyon Military Academy Gambier beauty spot of the develop manly Christian character mental strength bodily vigor 60 acre grounds golf Units and complete gymnasium Preparation tor all colleges or business 79th year or catalogue address WYANT Wl UAHS Rages's Gatnhiar or apply fiO Canfield Ave Bast Detroit Mich Cheap Tickets TO The Northwest Brilliancy Besides Perfection in Diamonds for Engagement Rings hoenm a eon to the Pacific coast Is the Alton way' Your journey to California will be much the pleasanter If made with one of the justly celebrated irst Baptist Church Cass ave and Bagg st Tuller minister Morning worship with sermon by the minister at 10:30 Subject Progress of Biblical Criticism and Even ing service at 7:30 o'clock The choir will render' cantata Par don and The congregation will have pari in the choral service Central Presbyterian church The services to morrow at 10:30 a and 7:30 'p will be jointly conducted by Rev Scott who has just arrived from Scotland and Rev Andrew Robertron ot Newfound land Mr Robertson Is a graduate of Ed inburgh and one of the most accomplished preachers of the present day The services are free to ail i SCOTLAND REJOICED 'DUJIING CORONATION PERIOD To California for 33 Numerous 'profitable business open ings in California Buy a homeseekers ticket via Santa Route and inves tigate conditions there Only $33 from Chicago to California during Septem ber and October Address Hen dry General Agent 151 Griswold St' Detroit Mien ESTABLISHED 18S5 THUS HAGUE SON PATENTS WAYNE COUNTY BANK BUILDING' Weather Bureau Report September The the Mm? observations were taken at the time 8 at tne places named below: LowJ114 September orecast: air and cool Sat fair y5Lesh north winds Sunday iair warmer unr air warmer Sat lne vAolSih northwest winds becom ing variable Sunday fair' THE PERECT OOD AND Pacific Coast YOUNG PECULATIONS RUN INTO HUNDREDS KitchenUtensils TheBLUE LABEL Protected by Decision of United States Court Pasted on Every Piece PROVES IT If substitutes are offered write us This trade mark is on every piece of genuine Agate Ware On September 25 about senger department officials Vanderbilt lines will meet at Cadillac Three new cases of smallpox have been discovered on arnsworth street and the patients have been removed to the city hospital Clarence A Cotton Mayor May secretary returned yesterday from a vacation spent in Chicago Grand Rapids and other places The Torquato Tasso society will celebrate the anniversary of union with a reception and concert at Germania hall on September 20 Patrolman Alexander McRae made complaints in the Court yesterday against nearly every truck firm in the city charging with doing without a license Drs John Bennett and Smith have returned from a ten day trip to Chicago and Mackinaw The two physicians first paid a visit to the Chicago hospitals and ended with a trip up Lake Michigan and down Lake Huron Ann Caldwell who lived in Detroit for 30 years before being sent to the Wayne county house five years ago died in that institution yesterday aged about 82 years The authorities would like to learn of her whereabouts Christine Hamel has filed a claim against the city of Detroit for dam ages for injuries she alleges were sustained as a result of falling on a defective sidewalk at the corner of Campbell avenue and Henrietta street the evening of August 9 last The little 4 year 01d son of Joseph A Labadie of 47 Buchanan street was very ill for several hours yesterday morning from the effects of some pat ent medicine pills samples of which he found on the steps his house The boy chewed and swallowed them thinking they were candy Commissioner owle yesterday heard the eivdence in the case which John Gray preferred against Patrolman George Schmelzer whom he charged with conduct unbecoming an 'officer The decision was reserved The trial of Patrolman Daniel was con tinued until next Wednesday Miss Sarah Hurst 409 Third avenue who was injured last riday night by falling from a Woodward avenue car tn Highland Park died yestenday afternoon at Harper hospital She never recovered consciousness Coroner Hoffmann has decided to hold an in quest in this case As a result of its investigation Thursday the council committee on street openings will report in favor of closing 150 feet of Lauderdale avenue tor the purpose of allowing the United States Heater Co to enlarge its plant The section to be vacated is little more than a blind alley The local council of the Knights of Columbus Is going to liint to mor row morning at 9:30 to install a council in that city or the benefit of the knights Van Dyke will celebrate mass at 8 in St church and will omit the usual sermon in order to allow them to catch the train Harry Sequin of 306 Seventeenth street died yesterday after an opera tion for appendicitis He was 41 years old yesterday ormerly Mr Sequin was one of the firm 'of Sequin Boerth but tor seven years been city agent of the Morton Co He was A dren survive Mrs hAr hntlse At vpsdArrtav afternoon an adjoining room and discovered flames curling up around a couch on which her two children the oldest of whom is but two years ot age were sleeping ne gatnerea rnem and rushed out of the house hair wag singed by the flames fire did $200 damage The following telegram from Mitchell president of the United $25000 to Be Given On another page 'of this isse will found full particulars of fifth" grand guessing contest $25000 will ba given away in 1000 cash prizes Tha first nrize: will be $10000: second $3000 third $1000 There win also special prizes of $1000 each Every one should take advantage wonderful off Lower rates to intermediate points Twlce a wcek Select passenger list wholesome luxurious beds No care of baggage Everyone who mak a trip wants his relatives and friends to do likewise Geo Lennarts Agent 349 Marquette Bldg Chicago will be glad to give you fuller infor mat Ion and advice which is the result of many Of his experiences in transcontinental trip Chicago and Alton Ry The only way from Chicago and St Louis is It TC wholesale jewelry who was tinea he had confessed to stealing $2 from the firm is charged with thefts of a much larger amount and the police say tlt he has confessed to it: Mr Noack pleaded with Justice Sellers to let Savage down easily because of his family or about a year the firm knew that systematic thefts were being carried on and though every effort was used to trace them the proprietors were un successful until a few days ago when a trap was set and Savage walked into it admitted having gotten at least $240 from the firm and I think that the sum will be found to be much said Lieut Sadler last night told me after some questioning that he had averaged $6 a week for forty weeks and some weeks he had taken more than that amount The statement should be made out of jus tice to the firm who would not think of prosecuting a man who had taken but $2 from was a trusted employe who had access to everything but the dia monds and the front door said Mr Noack last night could hardly believe "that he had been systematical ly robbing us even when he confessed it to me and I had suspected him for months I do not know the amount he secured and I do not want to know Bronzed like an Indian in perfect health and the 'best of spirits Rev Marcus Scott pastor of the Central Presbyterian church has returned from an eleven vacation the greater portion of which was spent among the hills and dales of Scotland his boyhood home Although in Scot land at the time of the coronation Mr Scott did not visit' London con tenting himself with the celebration which marked the occurrence through out Scotland burned on every hill top at night and there was "general re joicing everywhere during the corona tion said Rev Scott last evening in Edinburgh I saw a portion of the Indian troops brought over to the coronation There were Brahmins Bengals Goorkahs Sikhs and Infantryx their elastic step and soldierly bearing set ting the populace wild with delight asthey swung along the street Magnifi cent' fellows they were giving a glimpse of the size and resources of the British empire and as they passed down the street one could not wonder that 'Britain is proud of her Indian army which is certainly made up of me nnest ciass The enthusiasm everywhere through out Scotland during the coronation spoke strongly for the good feeling existing between the two It was the first time Rev Scott had visited his old home in Scotland for fifteen years and while he naturally found many changes there were still many of his old time friends left with whom he passed many pleasant hours Mr parents still reside at Berwickshire fifty' miles south of Edinburgh and besides spending con siderable time there he visited the principal cities of Scotland as well as England renewing old acquaint ances MALTA VITA is good board for all mankind Relished by old and young sick or well MALTA VITA is the original and only perfectly cooked thoroughly malted flaked and toasted whole wheat food MALTA VITA is the perfect food perfect in taste perfectly cooked and malted perfect because MALTA VITA containall of the elements necessary to sustain life and invigorate mind and body Perfect health sound restful sleep clear complexion bright eyes clean white teeth sweet breath are the blessings that follow a regular diet of MALTA VHA A trial of MALTA VITA as a diet for breakfast and supper will convince the most skeptical of the superior merits of MALTA VITA Beware of imitations Insist on getting MALTA VITA Per feet Requires no cooking always ready to eat or sate by grocers i vureu cIl TOUT HOlTiOa COni pl Ctd enni td uni we race or cxdy rendering the skill cniAi'ii atiri Ki Consultation free Write for Book JOHN WOODBURY I Stntc Street Cblcngo DIED September 10 1902 'at residence 78 Baltimore avenue west Clayton beloved son of Mary Brown uneral from residence Sunday at 2 Mem ber Wayne Lodge of EADY September 11 1902 at residence of her daughter Mrs George McKee 303 Eighteenth street Eliza widow of late Eady uneral Saturday from above residence at 2:30 HURST September: 12 1902 Sarah A 'daughter of Thomas ahd the late Eliza betb Hurst' Notice of funeral laeer September 11 1902 at her late res idence in Wyandotte Mich Mana 'Marx relict of the late Geo Marx un eral Monday September 15 1902 from at 9' a and from St Jo soph's church at 9:30 a NOBLE September 10 Bostwick hus band of Lucy Noble and father ot Mrs Charles Lawson of Detroit and Charles Noble of Brown City Mich aged 54 years uneral Saturday from 28 pall Ister avenue Burial private September 10 1902 at his home 228 Eliot st beloved husband of Catherine Schneider aged 59 years fath bf Mrs Andrew Barth and brother of Jacob Guthard and Robert Schneider of Detroit and Mrs Mary Rost and Mrsnnle Koehler xf Indianapolis uneral i Sunday afternoon at 2 September 12 1902 on his 41st birthday Harry beloved husband of Mrs II Sequin and son of Mrs Charles "arid brother of Mrs Sutherland "Mrs Smith Mrs Robbins and Mrs esta Notice of funeral here after 1 September 10 1902 Hester Bate man aged 2 years 2 months youngest r' daughter of Dr ancUIIester Bate v'man Young uneral from residence 425 ave Saturday Sept 13 at 1 o'clock SUITCASES Everyone uses a SUIT CASE We make a great variety and selUthem at lowest actory Prices Heavy canvas Sult Cases 24 tnch $1 25 solid leather Sult Cases 24 Inch S3 50: Warranted Suit HfiacR 24 with shirt 'Trunks from 52 to $25 Telescopes Traveling Bags all kinds ftom 50c each DETROIT TRIXKCO vllgan ave 2 entrances 16 Lafayette New York City WESTMINSTER HOTEL Connected with Westminster Apartments (Absolutely fire proof) PLACE AND SIXTEENTH ST (One block from Union Square) Away from the noise of the thoroughfares and convenient to all routes of travel dVIET'HOMELIKE: ACCESSIBLE 10 minutes from Grand Central Station American Plan $300 per day upward European Plan $1700 per day upward Rooms singly and en suite with baths Send for booklet THOMPSON Manager Absolutely ireproof LOCATION UNSURPASSED? ifth Avenue Central Park ad ifty Ninth Street NEW YORK he had Baking an officer of Star lodge A widow and five chil him Klue smelled smoke In 133 Adams avenue eait She rushed into and Plana for Accident Indemnity Were Dlacnased Winding up their' meeting yesterday afternoon'' at the Hotel Cadillac the majority of the members attending the convention of the National association left Detroit last night for the convention of the International Congress of ire Engineers In New York city which opens September 16 After the closing session of the con vention a number' of the visiting chiefs took a trip up into Lake St Clair on the steamer Pleasure and witnessed an exhibition of the fire boats of the Detroit department in ac tion on the' river front Tn this the firemen were much Interested and many expressed themselves as greatly impressed with the excellence of system 1 a At yesterday session cers were elected for the year election resulting as follows: dent George Hale former chief of the Kansas City fire department board of vi3e presidents Chief Vaughn of Worcester Mass Peter Sanger Butte Mont Edward Hughes Louisville Ky Charles Hafer Little Rock Ark red Korauth Alameda Cal Peter Kipley River dale Ill Roberts Denver Col Ez Eggleston Cortlandt viement luincoirt Spotcane Wash burg Ks Alex City Mo A ids Mich John water Wis Va secretary Gillen Chica go treasurer Salisbury White water Wis President Hale who was re elected did not appoint any of the committees under his jurisdiction yesterday' but announced that Staymates" of Clinton Ill will be reappointed chair man of the national promoting or or ganizing committee for 1903 having ac complished a great work during his tenure of office this year The officers or of in John Mine Workers of America dated at Wilkes barre PaT received by Mayor Maybury yesterday: much re gret the impossibility of attendlngcit meeting on September 21 I thank you and the citizens of Detroit for efforts being made to bring about an honorable adjustment of the an thracite coal Charles Gray a lumber scaler for the Detroit Lumber company was working at the foot of a lumber pile vesterday when It toppled over upon him He was thrown down and one arm was badly bruised two finger's being broken and the elbow sprained The Still Alarm Co took him to Dr office' where his wounds were dressed and he was then removed to his home 77 McDougall avenue Chas A Sink for a number 6f years the popular quartermaster sergeant of Company irst Michigan Infantry has removed to Marquette to engage in business and just before leavi was presented with a handsome man gold ring by Cajpt TV Busch on behalf of Company with whom he had so long been associated Sergt" Sink had been 'with the Michigan Military service for ten years and made a great many friends by his earnest and constant work Despite the fact that the time of grace expires October 1 after which they will be required to pay $1 'ad ditional for each description of prop erty on which there are general taxes' due for 1900 delinquents do not ap pear to be in any haste to settle County Treasurer Buhrer states that in spite of the ajnple warning they have had but few settled up to date the prospects are that the state will be enriched materially aS a re sult of their indifference Monday afternoon Coroner Hoffmann will hold an inquest into the death of George Solis Solis was taken from the county jail to St hospital where he died of pneumonia JIS? Chicago Sherman House s' Corner Randolph and Clark Street Roon $1 upwards Refurnished and re decorated ireproof Large airy and com tortanie rooms centrally located near all depots street cars roads and theatres Popular "Price Restaurants MERMAN HOUSS N0Ta mMIANY CWmskU' red Dalltnann 35 Waltz Bertha Suemnick 20 same Harry Goodrich 23 Battle Creek Pearl Ludington 24 Detroit rederick Bunch 23: Olive A Johnson 20 Bernard Gorman 27 Detroit Lizzie Cremain 23 Applegate William Bryant 35 Saginaw Bertha Schwentlck 29 Detroit MISSir Every Evening and Sun Mat 15c 25c 35c 60c Matinees Mon Wed and Sat 25c and ROD Creamery Butter to Inst day 5 lb crocks $125 Teas and Coffees Onr Best goods at reasonable TEMPLE THEATER WONDERLAND Superb Performances 2 Aftemqons 2:15 Evenings 8:15 ROSSOW MIDGETS Kathryn Osterman Co Edith Helena Trained Horses and Dogs rank Bush the Three Joscarys the Original Rio Brothers Charlie Rossow O'Brien and Buck ley and Oliver and May Lavine PRICES of admission: Afternoons lOo td 25c Evenings 10c to 50c Spring Chickens ry scarce but as usual we are with a good supply Cli d'' Slicing Chickens 16c ixrr i Selected Corn fed Spring I'hickns 18c Yearling Hens 14c Perfection Ducks 18c choice Shropshire Lamb quarrers 14c lpiarters 16c Cuts Spring Lamb Chops 14c lb le asts Spring Lamb 12c lb ar Beef 14c rvra cii' i' Kettle Roast Beef and 12c lb Estra 1 'ni 'h Brisket and Plate rn' il Beef Sc and lOc ii vn make Cooked Corned Beef '12c In Hams and Racon we have "Swift's and nin ir's i Dirk Tenderloins Roast Beef Veal and Lamb BOOTS SHOES RUBBER GOODS Embracing 10000 Cases Worn and Shoes 8503 Cases Hood and Old Colony' RUDDSrS 1000 Cases Boots Etc ui 1 eomplete lines 95 per cent in prac i condition and in original Stocks on exhibition two days before SAMUEL GAMS Manager Western Salvage Wrack ng Agency PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE AT CHICAGO cn Wcr sJay ahd Thursday September 24 ar: 2 at 10 a we will sell at public a ction (it account ire Underwrit er ur additional salesrooms 111 and ii ihkc st fiucago tne salvage STEWART BROS CO Wholesale Shoes Pittsburg Pa Consisting of $30000000 Worth of i BASErBTr A RINGETON HARVARD PREPARATORY SCHOOL OR BOYS i OPENS TUESDAY NEXT 50 Aloxandrino West One Half Block rom Woodward yMrs of age Thorough preparation for Col lege and University Certificates admit to leading colleges Registration rom 9 to 5 Saturday Monday and Tuesday CHARLES IVIARR BARBER Suftt 1AHITNY Kveiiinsj lO SO SOu WW nilllLI 10 15 250 HARRY OLAY BLANEY IN ACROSS THE PACIIC A Story of Love and Patriotism MAT TO DAY I week: Nows Glgimx 4 EMPIRE TRANS ATLANTIC BURLESQUERS Next CITY CLUB This List Appears Every Saturday OR INORMATION APPLY nrTnniT Moffat Block" UtlnUIl YTELEPHOME 2272 'j NEW YORK OICE 3 PARK PLACE Hotelsand Resorts A American Plan European Plan BO1S BLAHC PARK STR COLUMBIA daily 9 a and 8:30 city time Sunday morning 39 minutes later Zlck Orchestra ele gant cafe and buf fet Round trip adults 35c chil dren Zoc LYCEUM PCES 15 25 50 75 unmakers Mason Mason Pretty Girl ADOLPH Catehjr STEAMER RANK KIRBY The lyer of the Lakes TO PUT I5H BAY i Slopping at Isle St George Middle Bas and Catawba Inland See the peach or chards and packing houses at Catawba 5 Hours at the Bay Orchestra on boat and SO Oenf for tho Entire Trip Leave foot of irst street at 9 standard Home at 9 ASHLEY DUSTIN a a Evergreen Corn and Lima Beans" Tomatoes Sc qt 2 for 15c Cmilillower IOc 15c 25c head "White Blume 3 heads lOc 25c Jersey Sweet Potatoes 3 ibs Squash 5c Squash Spanish Onions etc urge Eggplant lOc each Was Beans spinach etc Burlington Route Blessed's Choicest of ruits Vegetables T'e Meats Etc Eating Apples 35c peck Cooking Apples 2Oc peck liel baskets Good Cooking 3Oc nockv ord and Osflge Watermelons 35c each py Eating ears 5c quart ''i ws l'ancy Delaware and Con 3Oc basket Choice reaches 4 qt baskets 35c'funua Plums 50c basket mickieberries 15c qt Onrl inaDgCS) Dduauan uuu iJumuuo WE MAKE! 1520 KINDS Sold by irst class Department and House furnishing Stores Send for new Booklet LALANCE GROSJEAN MG CO NKW YORK BOSTOK CHXCAOO Brooklyn up Htl St George Harden Cily01 Garden City Ht Joand SpgochPoland Spg House Baltimore ftApo conng Hfrtel Rennert i Boston (Con ven UmUtocat 11 6 6 0 IH 8 "a Boston NrcBaStidion Htl BrUnSWjCJC BostonTp wk BiSonWestminster These cheap tickets will be sold Points in California Oregon Washing ton British Columbia Montana Utah Idaho and other western states Inquire for detailed information about our comfortable Tourist Sleeping Cars for a berth holding two persons' Chicago tr Pacific Coast Reclining Chair no extra charge for seats pass more points of interest on the way than other line lor particulars about tickets or for sleeping car berths maps time tables etc kindly write or call EUSTIS Traffic Mgr Ry Co Adams st Chicago Boston 64 New 68 Washington 6S Lght 58 4g ii: cue Escanaba Milwaukee Chicago Cincinnati St Louis Omaha Dodge City St Paul Bismarck Havre Detroit 8 a 8 Maximum Minimum" Mean Dr Lyon's PERECT ToothPowder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century NEW WINDSOR JOCKEY CLUB WINDSOR ONT Running Races August 25 to September 27 Race each day beginning a I18O A I ISV IS Zf sbkmi Bi 5 the 1902 HMm MM A A I 1 fn iiAY a I 7 Ct i mH linir TllaltaTild (iiNtxn i 1 11 j' 4 I 1 (in! 1 Uli tu a WEK? 1 Wv 4 I A Ki a ibIBS amusua SI IS js Kk SB" S' Efc Ml MBh BRSEg I Burial private CSk JiX Jx' wfc er a Belington Route Burlington Route.

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