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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AOCTIONAlESj. THE PATRIOTIC CAirSE. U.n avenue, near Classon avenue, yester THE LATEST NEWS. SrooMp (Exiling Star. $18 Lard-HuU and heavy at 9 9 lor parrel sales itJ bbls.

Whiskey lUld at lTo with buyers at 16e. Cotton Tlie market eoutiuues dull afld in favor Of Uie buyer tales frun bales we quote Middling Uplands 18. Coffee. Rules quWt salsa 100 havl Bio at llei 1,0 lUncsnto 144 Bugar and Molasses Each article Is day afternoon. A Terdi.t of Death paralisia" waa rendered.

St. Jambs' Souooi The ninth aunual ex amlnation of this School was commenced on Monday evening aud continued, last night. The exercises consisted of recitations, luter-spersed with music, aud wore satisfactory to all present. On Monday evening next, the School will Tgive public exhibition at the Academy of Music, when besides recitations and music by the pupiU, tlioy will perform drama called Maurice, the Wood Cutter." The bus Swindle. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle i Dear Sib, Tbe "Brooklyn Uas Light Co.

see nrotier to charge 'Hi cunts per luu cu bic feet for gas, In some localities, and only YJt'4 cents per 1UU feet in others, within the citv limits uf Brooklyn. The intention of tbe swindle is apDiirent to all. 1 propose te be one of 100 persons who will give to rulse a fund of HsiiUO to tost the question whether, under their charter, they have a right to charge one person more than anulhar for gas aa they are now doimr. All who are willing to con- feud for their righ a without a great outlay of money now have an opportunity to uo so. Those willing to enter into the arrangement will please leave their address at your oliice.

And in the meantime let all consumers of gas tender to the Uas Co. at their oliice cents per 100 feet for the amount consumed during last month, and refuse to pay more, and this question will soon be settled. May 7, 'til. ltespectifully, Jvsticb. Dkior'i Hotel, conducted on the European plan, No.

Ib8 and 160 Fulton, entraooe In Cranberry street, Brooklyn. Elegant single and double rout rooms, from to per week. Din ner from It to I o'clock. lee Cream, Milliards, sV. Dining-rooms on the aeeond floor and basement.

EASTERN DISTRICT. Tub members of the Reformed Dutch Church, on the corner of South Second and Fourth streets, raised an American flag over their Cburcb yestorday afternoon, at o'clock. Addreasea were delivered, the Star Siiangled Banner" sang by the children, and threo cheers given for the nag. POLICE INTELLIGENCE. Breakimo up a DisoRiiat.T Hotisw.

Lest nlirht a drMwnt was made by the efflwre of the ti-t Pre-ottict upon a dtardffly noun in flood alley, krpt by a woman named Margaret Duffy. The people miitlne; In the viciolty. have made several com. ptaiob- to the Polloe. Th proprietor was arrei.t.-d and hrmta-lit up to anawer tins morning aud re-maluded for examination.

Btkbvt Walkkxa. Mary Moore, Catherine 8uow, Delia Moore aud Mary Moore, were all arnwted last night hy the olucrra oi the lit Preclnci, charged with uuorderly conduct iu the areata. They were rt-prliuauded and on promising bttWr behaviour 111 luture were diacliargt d. Polax AwBNlTlia. William M.

Harar, a Jolly lookiug youth, waa going over the Kultoo feiry, wbfn ha etpird a fitend Dauird Solomon Neh habited III the Uniform of the l.lth Kgl-niellt, and, tor old acquaintance' aake, ha pulled his Dflee gently. Nanh didn't like thin mod ol treatment, aud bad hun brought bef ore Jumioe Perry, this morning to answer. Hi- pk-sued, in extenuation of hi ottviiee, that, hsvln a- previously been on Rood tei ma ith tile eoniplsinaiit, he had merol pulled hie note "by way ot a Joke," aud dulu'tuiean any harm hy It. limrerKltaa tettifleil that the complainant was, to his knowledge, a very Dii ddiaeoniu not of chap, and wanted to have hia uoae luto evetythiog, whioh prohably aocouateu tor Us grtthig luto tlm lingers or Mr lisgar. A there was na mallctons Intention OR the part of the defendant proved, he waa diacnaagid.

Ecbpioiom or Arson A man named Patrick Fox waa arreaUd yeaterday, by owe of the oOU-ra of ihe Firet Prt-cluct, ou ilia couiplatut of Patrick Couoay, who charui-d hlui with having at Are to a table owned by hlui in Love lane, ou Suudey al. teruuou last. The accueu, It appears, waa employ ed by xni-y as a atAuleiuao. Lin (Saturday uiKht the aecuatd anked him lor $3 60 which ha owed him, but he, feariug that he would gi-t drunk on riundavt refused to let nun nave It. Uu Buuday, boitly before the lire occurred, the scouted waa aeeu to go up to the loft, aud waa aeen to leavw Junt aa the lire bioke out.

une ol we nr. men wuo went iuto the loll, stated that It was tired In three pa. rate places. The accused was held lor examination THK CUUHTS. Court mt HeMlona KPnu jtTVoi OAaaiaow in ivmen atilwell AUD BOTT.

Th following gentlemen were aworn Qrnnd Jurora lleurv t. rterreuont, orcmui wm, Wiff, U. E. A. Wluf htvtr, Jtu.

L. ilnu, John C. Whitney, 0. U. Olideou, K.

F. Wllll.iu, John L. Van IV It, M. M. Burrl, Chaa.

II. Vn I'-rveer, John N. Johnaoa. Futer Puryt-a, Joel Ulttiimore, It. M.

MnrehoLue. Arthur M. lttiuaon, John D. Liw rtmee, Atbliaou lve, Atxlrew MnonT John L. Kyder Birrtt Johiifou, Tlioa.

m. ijiaik, John r. Mitoy, Elifiha Tball. After the rbarga to the grand Jury a Dumber uf persona liidietfd lor eelliug liquor without lloenae wire arraiguid. The folluirhig pleaded guilty and were fined F.

WJ or 4' daia im prlaotuneot Henry Kuable, Mine John McFar-Inn, aame Peter Kchulta, name I Patrick Mdutyr tame Win. Holme P. 11. Murray. 2" or days; Isabella Clin $10 or dyi.


0. COTTRKLL. and aelllng at Leaa than Wholesale Prioee H91 tf PLUMBINGK ATER! WATER WATER 1 1 BKOOKLVN WATER DKPAKTMEMT. UKrioa. IDS ORANua-aTsarr, Notioi, The book arn now oiwn to recefve or ders for Introducing water Into dwellitigti, Htnree and public Duiitiiuga.

au wuning tho aervice pipe iu troduoed thia winter, ahould make early application, urnco open rrom i a. h. ro r. m. ITRATTuN A CHAPPKL are licentwd to Intro- (Juoe the pipe, and do all other work connected with Uie ariumbiur department.

uout lorirot the nuraher, 1W ax a-cTBin. let noor irom OILS. rPHE KEROSENE OIL BY RE-X sent improveruent. have rendered tiio UU en Urely tree from odor. (wllArPBL POOL, VTholesale AeeuU ol N.

Y. Keroeena Oil 64 Fulton-street, Brooklyn. On hand an assortment or lmnrnwi.ii iso uiouea, vvieaa aua ununnlea. Lamps altered aus fi'nal'iill. siiim tf IE0ALJgTIClS8.

anOUNTY COUKT. KIN as oinvrv Klchard 11. Tuoker aa-ainat Anna U. aud others. in pursuance of a judgment made in this action on The Oth day ot May, 18ol, direoting that the mortaged promisee hereinafter described sliould bo sold hy ths undei-signed, at publio auction, lu the Uounty 01 JLinirs, ay tne undersigued, as Keferee TliU is to give notice, that on the 2WA dav of May, Ituu, at the hour of 11 o'clock, noon, at the Ciuimercial Exchange, Mo.

tOU Fulton street, Brooklyn, In said Kings County, I sriu at publio auction, to the highest bidder, the said mort- gHgeu wnica are deaorilied as follows, vis. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with tlie frame dwelling house thnreon ereoleii, shunted, ui ueiug iu ine sin ward of the City of oounaea and described as follows, via. 1 Beginning at a point ou the northeaaterly line or slue of loili alreet, distant two hundred aud seventy a7l)) feet uorthwesterly from ths corner formed by tlie Intersection ot the northwesterly aide of Sixth avenue with Uie northeaaterly side of luth street! thence northwesterly along iHth street (211) twenty feet to land heretofore oonvi-yed by the par ties of tbe first part to Archibald McTaggarti thence northeasterly along the aaid lead heretofore conveyed to aaid McTaggart one hundred leet and two in-fluV th" oentre between IStb and 17th streets Uieuce southeasterly alone-said eentre liua of the block twenty feet 1 thence southwesterly Ht right angle, with ISth street one hundred leet aud twoiuchee (lOil It. lu I to loth street at the point or place of begluolnir getber with the one-half part of lsth atm In front 01 and adjoiniug the preuiiess hereby conveyed, to the middle of said lfhii street. Dated May Oth, 1MII.

CHARLES R. LYNDE, inyT 2aw3wTu4Tlt Keferee. ELECTION, I EitiUTEENTH WAKD. Notice fat hereby liven, in punuauoe of Uie direc tion of the Common Conucil, that bpeoiai Election wlii be held iu tbe Ki(fltteuin vvara, oa TUESDAY. MAY 7m, JSol, to fill Uie vacancy in the ofnee ot Alderman of that Ward, oceasiouea oy ine remifuauoa i jaartio EalWUUUi, Eiq.

TUB POLLS will be held at the house of Mr. Kuruau, limb wick avenue, opposite U-ratid atreeu Pull opou trout auuriae to sunset, apio td WM. tiRlHIiOP, City Clerk. D1 U. LANGLEYS ROOT HERB JAUNDICE BITTERS Should be wed by Everybody, lu Uie Spring and Summer, because thia Medioloe la the very beat and cheapest for Liver Complaint, Weaknaaa, Hum ours of every kind.

Lose of Appetite Purifies Uie Blood Piles, Costlveneae, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, aud hll your Aches and Pains. Large Bottles, ouly and 37 cent. Sold by AragginU. apl8 3m VAVK YUUIt AS TUK time la approacbiug for putting doaru Caipota, housckectasra alll do well to rt-Uit'inbor llAKBl.NGI'ON'S PATKM CAKPET L1N1NH. for laying CaruoU, Oil C'lotlis, c.

'or aalu by all tlie principal carpet dealsrs and upliolstorura. N. V. fJarpot Llniog -i sols mauufucturers, 440 Poarl atruot, uoar (Jhambora strunt extension. aplU liu JK.

IIAKUINUTON, Ag-opt. GEOKGEWrMUMBY, WUOLBSAt-a AMU ItSTAlL DaTALXB fit FLOUR, GRAIN asd FEED, u. txi.xuN oiui-iii', mhOS lv Huooxltk. 1 ASTHMA AND UUONCUITIS, are an excellent thing, and gire Immediate relief. TOTUElS, IF YOUU CU1LDKEN llX are troubled witb Croup, give taro of Oliver's ralmouar Wafera a daf.

You will be tliauklul for the advice. Mauulactured IW fultou avoouo. loc'il lv J7OU COUGHS, COLDS, SOKE Throat, Hoarseness, Ollvor'a Pulluoiiarf Wafora, fa ffiviug Ilia most porlea satlstautton. Price, -Jb eenta eor boa. 1 be had ol drugnista.

lucJ lv WEDDING aud VLSITING CARDS, of tlie Latest tttyle, aud of stigMrior quality, At CllAtiK'b, fold BmdAo ulton street WEDDINGS. GO TO CHASE'S, IF you wish a Handsome Card, either for Wedding or Visiting. Also, Uuvelofies, al-waya ou hand. JOHN D. CHASM, teltt UuidAw Uil l-'ulton atreet.

WATEE TAX. AAfATER TAX. NOTICE IS HERE- TT by given to alt owueri and occupants oi' property locut'U on atieets piptd with the water maius, that the wuU rats tor tSGl-i ui'e due aud payable this day, (May 1st, ISol.j One pur cent, delault will be addrd to all billn lor regular mCes un paid ou the tirnt day of Juue, aud oue percent. our muuth tliurenltor untu paid. Utlice, iialaey Uuildmg, ittxtm No.

4, 855 Fulton street. UAUALiti, iinu, Pren Board Water Coiuxuiariouta, D. L. NoBTHtP, Sec'y. niyl 3iu INSTRUCTION PUfl YOUNG LADIES' INSTiTU'lUi, JL NO.

'ill CUMUERIrVHO-STUtET, Oue door N. Lalayette-Avenne. This Institute has been fouudt'd to meet tlie felt want ol leading tamiliea in the eaxtern part ot the city. It otters libera facilititis for tlie culture ol young lu all tlie branches of an Kuglish aud Clatwical bducatiou. It rMa for succc on tlie exiierieiice, the tact, mud tlie patiunt aud thorough drilling of its teachers.

It hat it up a hiph stmid aid ot Intellectual aud Chi-istian attniiimiUt. Those wUhiug circulara, may get them of J. Daven port, cor. Oxford-street and Fulton-avenue; or at the School Building. T.


Factory, Nob. 6 and a v-b hhkt, BKOOkhvir. Orders left at Uie lollowiug places before o'cloot P. will be promptly attended to I The CITV FOSi' UFFICK. JL KAY, MyrUe-aveuuc FOSTKH tit LOFKK, So.

4 Hands-street. Sir J1UU, U. 1 isavaa-BistlsjL. J. DAVk.Si'OiiT, coruer Uxlord-atreet aud FiU- tou-a venue.

Land Agent. Wood iu bundiBs constantly on hand. orvH 1 IfKltAliN HropHftorr'. -FINANCIAL. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EX-? CHANGB Hills of KxehaiiKe on Kueland, Ireland, Scotland aud Wales, iu Minis ot' A'l aud up ward, lor sale, uticurreui nana rsotes ana npecie bought aud sold by J.

H. MACKAY, No. 0 Couai BntEk-r, near the City Hall, Brooklyn. Money remitted from any pari of thu Island, will receive attention, either to be sent to parlous in the old country, or the bills returned to parties remitting, to he mailed by themselves. Keterences to Hev.

B. M. Johnson, lion. F. B.

8 try her, William Beard, Kmi U. B. Spooner, Ifi dtf THE LA CPOONEU TABER, ATTORNEYS AND CO L' NS KliLOKS -AT-L A No. ii4ii FuL'ruM-SruicsT, Alden J. Brooklyn.

kan it W. Tabkk, fe'ii tf ConimLifloner of Ducda. A UGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, XX. ATTOKNKY and COLNlsELLOR, UaUMaVHlUal DiAk JWlLI(NO Moutatfue strtet, corner of Court, Brooklyn, S.

Y. -(KBOUTB-An AX.T UND i UrtiiS It 11 L. SANDEKSON, ATTORNKY COUNSEL.LOH AT LAW, Notakt Publio. and CouMisaiuNivsor Deeds Office 1 No. 9 COURT-STREET nlfl tf Brooklyn.

N. Y. KEM0VALS. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED begs leave respectfully to inlorm hia cuntoruern tliat he lias i enioved from liis old location.

No. li5 ulton Street, where be has been so loutr aud fa vor nbly known, to the premises No. 29ai FULTON SfKLfcr. With his laige and varied assortment ot Cloths, CaeeiMaBiut, uiuuw Uooixs, Linen BUEKT1MUS SUlETllNWa, UOSIEET, iiLOVKS, fcM MEtjinitEiBs, also, a well-selected stock oi White Uooda, Irom the Auction hales ot the day, together with efficient aud attentive assisiauta, will, he hopes eiuures that liberal pa trout, ia heretofore be stowed, SAMUEL MulMT Yliifi, liUil FULTOM bTKKET, my4 8t Third door from Johnson. jrauifSsroNAL.

JOHN AUGUSTUS OSBOUNE, OONSULT1N. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. No. 23 WATsa-STKaisT, Brooklyn, (Nt-ar the Fulton Ferry.) Offlca Honrs From 8 A. M.

till P. M. Advice to ths Poor, Grails. fc9 tf DOCTOK J. VOOHIIEE-l, JSUSCTROPATUltJ PHYSICIAN.

lbt COLBTjTRiirr, Haoosxra. Offina Boors i From 8 A. M. to P. M.

Even. lna by auuoiutmeiit. All Chronlo aud Norroos Diseases cured by EIro iriniv. wnwn prniwriv huhmiwi aim ri MEDICAL. r8 ZANDT PILLS.

JUST RE- ceived and for sale at the Htak Othce, a uunn tlty of these celebrated Auti-Uilioua Pills, 1 run lily made up. Price, iift cents per box. tf JILES I JflLES 1 Try J. T. HOGG'S KLKCTUARY FOR THAT DISTRKSSINU COMPLAINT, PILE8.

It is acknowledifod to be Uie best medicine extant. One trial ouly is solicited. It has been used in their practice by several of Uie best Physicians ol this city. Bold, with directions, in Pots of 60 cent each, by Mrs. HAYLt, Ub Fulton-street; MiLNti, 15 Kul-tou-stret)t and at the Proprietor's Drug 8 tore, 60 Latayette-aveuue, Brooklyn.

nil DrJi L. GKAVES' CHOLERA AND DIARRHtKA SPKCIPIC, a Mdiclna thai will not cure everything, but will certainly cure the following complainU, wlteii taken at the early stage ol the disease Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Flatulent ChoHe. Diar- rhusa, both acute and ehronie, Pin in the 6tomach or Rowels, Vomiting. Also Cholera Infantum. rrice, cento per bottle.

FOR BALK AT THIS OFFICE, 103 AND 104 UK A IS Ufa. rJKUUKLYN, Also by B. A. Uravee, wholesale auiU 800 Pearl SPECIAL JAMES COLE, Anoiioiciiiui. BY JAMK8 COLB SI BON.

OrrVoa: No. liiW (CuasttwouL Kl uUAjiua.1 ore. Til a ClTV HAUL. BaooxLVN. J.

C. 0., will give their peraouaj attoutlon to galea of Kual Kstato, BUicka, 1 uruiture, ale. Heal Estate at private Bale lioans IStgoclatod oa lloud TUESDAY. May 7. ALIO o'clock, at tlie Foundry, No.

lo to ZQ Water sUueta llroualy u. To Fouudrytueu aud othei-s StiivM Ehuinxs, Ac Kcceivtjr'rf Sate, by order ot George Eiasaui, Kect-iver of the Forrest aud Agricultural Htoam Etigiue Co. All Uie Uachiuuiy, Toolis Lathcm lJlaucrs, lanks, Pullles, Patteru, Untlu- ieliod Work, Iron, huluugitig to aaid Compauy. bale Potiiiive. Terms Cunb, Catalogues at sale.

Br JOSEl'll I1KUEMAN. Reoulai Annual Bali of Second-Hand Carpet', Oil Clotlm, 4c, coraprirtlng to HOO Velvet, tiruiwels, Three-ply aud Iiitr'alu Carpeta, vrlth a number of Kug, Mata, Stair Carpets, OU Cloths, Matting, Ac, ttc. rniUA, ma i iirrti, At the Central Sallb Kooiia, corner of Wlllough-by and tearl treetfl. Catalogues on Thurraay evening. myv ow MILK, GOUNIKY Ult 1C FAMILIES wiaUiiig pure Country Milk, delivered juat as it.

is received irom some ul' the boitt 1'ariiiern ol' the Towijit of Oynterbay aud North ilempstead, L. will pleaae call at 44 llickit utiuet, and leave their order, aud they will get this luxury. The cows irom which thu milk is obtained are flue, healthy animals, farm fed, aud every care is takeu to scud thu luilk in good order and pmity. Keicruucea will be made to some Ol uie ml Urootclyu tamiliea who take the milk. VY.

U. SEAMAN, inyo iiiu 44 liicks street. BAKERIES. I OBEHT G. ANDKltSON'S CONFEO Xt riONEKY, ft RE AD AND TEA CAKE BAKERY, Old Stand SKjO Ub.

ojt Clinton. It. G. A. takes thin opportuuity in rtiturnlug tltauki to his frieudri.

aud tlie public generally, lor the lib eral tatrouage horotot'ore extndtHl, and can assure them he will endeavor to retain the same by giving them everything; iu his line inferior to no other es tablidhiueut. H. O. A. would also say to his friend, his eetab- Ibhinent is in no maimer connected with any other in the citv.

uvt CORPORATION (rnaE5. 'VTOTICE. Ia the matter ot tho tiouof the Mayor and Common Couucll of tho City of Brooklyn, iu relation to Jpeuing Uamp- oen btkket, tioiu Auhuiupiaoe to rark avenue, in the City of Brooklyn. TO ALL W1IUM IT If AT OONOIKN I We, the uudcrttiiucd, Couimhviouer of Estimate and AAMMsueut on the above matter, do hereby give uotice that we have completed our Report in tlie above matter, and tliat tne said report and nmp are hltd In the olliow of the Clerk ot Uie County of Kiuga, lor eaaiuiuation by all persons interested, and tliat we will meet at the ottica uf the Coiunwl to the Corporation of the City ot Brooklyn, at the City Hall, on SATURDAY, thu lft 1 1 day of May, at li o'clock in thu aiteruoou, to review our said report. Dated Brooklyn, May tlie tiih, lttui.

'i'UMMAH FEINHELLA, Thomas OinniNua, Commissioners. Eli a a II. Beeuen, myi id "VOTICE. la the mutter of the appliau i.1 tion in relation to OjMuiug Water aiajtrr, rum Giud street to North iid street, E. in the City of Brooklyn.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN We, the uudersined Comuiiasioutrs of Estimate and Aaesamvut ou the above matter, do hereby give notice that we have couipkUd our report in the above matter, and tliat the said report aud map ale hltd in the olhoe ol the Clerk of tlie County ol Kings lor tiaiuiuaUuu by ail purbous interestedi, and that we Hill ouvt at the oliice ot the Counsel to the Cor poratinn of tlie City of Brooklyn, at the City ilsll, uu 1-KID AY, the day ol May, at It o'clock in the altcrnoou, to review our aaid report. Dated Brooklyn, May tud, latli. 'iui'MASt xUitai'iiy, William U. Uutleb, Commisaionera. ULtvitu Cornea, myi td CORPORATION NOTICE ASSESSMENTS CONFIRMED.

Flagging First street, eaat side, between Grand street and roadway, Flaggmg Bond atreet, between Dean and Wyckoff treptsj. The Anseatimpnt in the above entitled matters wrrc dulv couhnned on the luth day of April, lBtll, and the original Ansewnient Rolls, or fair copies thereot, will be delivered to the Collector ot lu and Assessments, on the (ith day of Iwil. Notice is hereby given to all partiea luteienUd. that puyggs. Collector of Taxes and Assess mentd, at his Anne in the City Hall, within thirty days alter the onevery ol aaid Aaiwwmeut ltoita to mm, tuey can by the same without auy additional charge.

Alt DriessmeutH not ho paid will be collected by him or otlic of his Deputy Collectors, with additional charges thereon provided by law. Dated iirooklyn, HJ, 1H-II. CHARLES TINNEY, my4 Ynw4wfl Stvpt Coii.iinfonPT. PROPOSALS. aTVFFICE OF PLIES.

Proposals for rebuilding House of Unite Company, No. E. D. Sealed proponitls will bo received at this office un til Monday, the lUth May, at 1 o'clock, nouu, lot re-buiidiug tinuse ot iioce uompany, no. accordiuK to the plans aud spec Uie at ions now on hie in this ottice.

AU proposals must be addressed to tho Commissioners of Hi' pairs and Supplier, jud endorsed itPropoBals for re-buildiug Ilouse of llosu Company No. E. Proposals will not be considered unless accompanied with a consent, iu wiitiug, of two sureties, (who shall qualify aa to their rerpouibility), that it the coutmct beawaided to tlm party proposing, they will become bound as his siiri-ty lor its laitUlul p-r- formauce and in case he shall Ufglect or rt-luse to execute the contract, if so awarded, then thuy will pay to the City of Brooklyn the difference between the price so proposed, aud the price of tho next highest bidder to whom the contract may bo award ed, aiuouui oi aecurny rtquired $ow, Brooklyu, April 30, lbiil. BERNARD O'NEILL, myl td CommUsiouui- of Repairs aud Supplies. FFICK Ol? EKPAIIIS SUPPLIKS.

Uusi Co. No. 1, K. L. Sealed proiKMala will be received at this office un til MoNltAY, the oth day ol May next, at i'l clock, noon, for building a house lor Hose Co.

No. 1, L. i.a according to Uie plans aud speuiiiuatious now on file iu the ultico. All proposals must be addressed to the Commis sioner ol lt-tpitira ana supplies, ana euciornt-u rro-pOrals lor Ruildiug a House fur Uuse Co. No.

1, Proposals will not be considered unless accompanied with a consent in writing ot two sureties, (who shall qualify as to their responsibility that if the contract be awarded to tlie party proposing, Uiej will become bound as his surety for its laitlmil performance and iu case he shall neglect or reluse to execute the contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay tethe City of Brooklyn the diftureuce bt tweeu Uie price so proponed and tho price of the next higliest bidder lo whom tlie contract nmy be awardt d. Amount of security re-quired, $1,000. Brooklyu, April V0, RLRNARD O'NEILL, mj3 td CommU'r ol Repairs aud buppltea. OFFXCFOF REPAIRS SUPPLIES PKOPOBAI FOB DUlLDlNti A HOUSB FUB HuHR Coui'any No. 7, K.

Healed proposals will be received at tills office until Monday, thu Oth day of May next, at 1- o'clock, uoon, for building a house fur Uoae Compauy No. 7, K. according to the plans and speciticatiow now on tile in thia oliice. Alt prnposala muttt be addressed to the Commissioner of Rfpairs and Supplies, and endorsed Pro-pofuls for Building a Uouse for Ho-e Co. No.

7, E. Proposals will not be considered unleM accompanied with a eonwmt in writing of two miration, (who shall quality as to their responsibility,) that if the contract be awarded to the party proposing, they will become bound as his surety lor Its faithful performance aud in case he shall neglect or refuse to execute the contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay to the City of Brooklyn the diifer-ence between the price so proposed and the price ot' the next highest bidder to whom the contract may be awarded. Amount ci futurity required, Brooklyn, April 2ath, l'lil. BKKNARD O'NEILL, my-1 td Commim'r of Reuairs and Supplies rpo JUSTICES OF TUE PEACE OF Kings, Queens aud Suffolk Cot tins. We have had prepared by oue ot thu County Justices all the BiaAM km required tor their Uoe, such BLBPiKNAB, WARRANTS, (all descriptions KECOUNlZANCLd, COMMITMENTS, 8CMMONS, LANDLORT) AND TEN A NTH' AGREEMENTS WITH Bum MART pR(UXZlIMUa, which are for sale at tlie usual pricf of city blanks.

Justices in tho Counties, by remittluK auy sum from $1 upwards, may have them sent by stages, or in any way iney may oirecr. E. B. BPOOHKR. BUrOffiee, Brooklyn.

LANDLORD AND TENANT AGUEE-MENTrt, with summary proceedings, fomale at Stab OtUce, Brooklyn, iaki tf IUUVVAIU) I TO ALL SUCH AS J. DfcSTUU TO UtUVB TllHIB COIMTHV I Tile laieat proclauiatUMi of Uie Prealdeut oalla lor Forty-Two Thousano AuainoMAi VoLuaxasas no militia being reuulred. Tue UHUUKLfN PHALANX is the only of VoL0NTsas now balug formed lu Kings County. Its complete suocesa aud early eutrauoe upou the active duties ol the Campaign may be coulideutly railed upou. The eurolliug lists at the various reeriiltlug stationa are rapidly hlliug up.

sieu ol BrooKiyu, rally to tbe defence of your oouu-try I Regimental Headquarters, Musical Hall, corner uitou aud urauge atroeta. luya iw I COMMON COUNCIL. MONDAY, April 'li, IbUl. By Aid BTKONtl Whereon, Many ot our olUvtiiui iuAv uilUrii iu New Yui'k i'i)fjiuiuiitit autl otliura about k'K HkewtvM ui wlwrBau, UiU Board bu niui piovltioaK to providu tur Itw ltiuUiu4 of all lb citaJMcu who uiay uwa aawuiaucfii uiunuortj, JiiMoioetL Tliat Uiomi uertoui who mar eullflt. wliu oet-ti twUUuue lor Uwir fauillltMi aw hereby lo htaivt) tlujlr uftiuMi their Kuii the iiunilwrot'iutiulMjrftt lo tbalr lamilluti, witli iliu Alduriiuju ol ttitj imvurtU WiUs or ttut liayor ot thu city.

JUnolviUt Tint tuy pei-MU limrlug luf urination of tho iiku oiiarAuiur ru'ativtj to uy iwraou ammily (HiiiubMi, luruuu luv aauis to Mnyur of Uu city. AUouttd uimuuiiaiulvia aud by ooaiUuout eoo- 111 1 uruered to taao eUdct uuiutHiuit4iiy. Alttwt, tV U. UlBUUf, tf Oity Clerk. TO LJSTU qO LKT FUOM TUB 1t of MAY J.

next Two lour-tftury aud baeeuient fint-clum Itiowu 0toii0 Fiout iioiijftwt ial aud 103 Amity direct oae luvlug au eiteimiou ou Uie rear and all tlie luoduu iiuproruuieute, IwtUaH die; wltltiu leu uiiuutett walk oi Suutli Ferry BuiUble tor a uug-u jaunty. Ktiiit low, applied lor luiiueu lately. Apply to GKOHUE ti, CAKV, i tiiuitU atreet or to b. 1JUVVAKU, No. i 7 VI AuiityaUeet, ad joiiiltiK tli pruiuiM.

ap'M tf LET Til KO0MS NOW Oc cu cupied by FJUtuuaoN aa a UVMNActlL Coa. Ot tILTUM aiid flMKAffUC bTMailCTb, aild tlX turea For liale. Apply to M. KEVNOLD3, r. Fulton and Piua ftlple aUoeU, 'M ttooi.

tel4 TO LET A LAKGfi STORE, NOW being built, on Atlautioitreet, Brooklyn, one oi Uie Uet tu(l for buaiueiH lu city either tor the Cur pot or Uiy Uooda trade Uie at ore la 46 teet by Koodligbtt baMu4ut with uiotiei'U Apply to iitLO. CAliV, or li 10 Cbambui new Xork. apl It OFFICES TO LET. TUK OFFICES til the bulldiuin. No.

ItH and WO Fultou iU, utiablfl tor arolntocte, lawyer, artiatto, itc iion hontui ou tuitouaUeet, TeryoouvtHiieuteiiuauoe Iron niton itreet. aKeui. truiu ttou to yvuu pur uuuuuu aucoidiuir to iem and location. Apply to M-U A. 21 Uuuth or 1U0 Uhaiuuur airoeii new iur.

miiiaU LET TWO LAKGK llOOMS, Mitahle for working aewing wascliinoa, iu the utw building on Atlantic itreet, near the corner oi tin ton utrei't, Hrooklyn. Apply to OKO. S. CA- KY, Siuitn or ion "JiiaiuiHra n. x.itei FOR SALE.

1 SALE TIIUEE F1IIST-CLASS Brown Htoue IJouiwa, altuated iu Amity atreet. utar Court. Uoumm and Luta lull aiae lully bu saiind with all modern uuprovemeuta. Aupir to utio. a.

Ait bui tin oral 106 tuid 1U1 UtwwlMin ate, N. V. LjalH tf CKMETEKY OF THE KVEKGUEKNS HLiKIAL LOTS in this CzsisrricsT ma eai.a iit S. MAfJKAi- a Mo. Court-street, Brooklyn.

oc' It WLAJjriNG-lAl'H FOK SALE. 8eveial hundred old oeweuapors for sale at tlie 4a a llilu-e. Orauaw su-Hot. oeiu- Kiiitoti. IT'LNEST FAMILY GllOCElilES, AT Altt I'UlCLtl.

QKO. T. BUT ION, It Fultou 8-raiRT, Wjuld mpMtluliy inform his irienda and Uie pub-lie that he is netiviug ohoisas tituCkltlh.d winch he is aelliug at tue lowest pjsaibie pneea, aud would invite sour attention, to call and examiue. I am now n-oeiving daily, BL'i'TKH Irom tbe Chuiaeet Dairia in urMngeCouuly, aad la now prepared to supply teiuiliee dally at tue lowest maiket price. 1 would reffjvctiutly state to Uioae ehanging iheir residence aud otlura, tliat they can ba wait ed ou at thi-lr resideuoea tor their orders, In all parte of the city, and will be pruioptly deliverid tree at expense- The market at fluctuating aa to prices, aud shall at all times supply customers at the lowest prices.

lint Ml. Whwl mrA 0J aud xtey Flour, Sic. dll IlltST QUALITY FAMILY GKOCE-X K1KS. W. H.

COKNKLL, 'ISO Fulton-Street, eoruer of Clark-street, otters to families tlie moi complete assortment of OKUCtKlKS AND FRUITS to ba found In tho city, embracing evety article necessity or luxury kept by J-amily Grocers tn teuflve trade lucliiding CUOlCti WINttf, L10.UOR3 ash 8GOARS, And every variety of Foreign aud Dumestic Frulte' ate, sic. OARDKN, FIKI.U in KLOWKR SKED8. PuiLAiiei.i'Uia aud Sijotoh Alks, Malaga Oraibs by tlie ki-g, Fubsu Fkiiit iu cams cuam-paunk at iiuporteri' prices. W. H.

COlt.NKLL solicits the patronage hitherto extended to him Irom the avenues, aa the orders ale attended to daily aa usual, (roods delivered to auj port of Uie city. oci3 lv HRISTIANSON CO. DEALERS IN TEAS AND COFFEES T9 FULTON-STREET. BROOKLYN, (EBTABIalttUUJ IN 1840 Groat Inducement offered to larga PloaBO calls exauiinv aud coiiipflJe lor yoiu-eirBg, Our Coilt tw ait always titwli roaMtoU, aud oi' a hu- perior (juaiity. IW Uooda ttout to any part of Ike city free Ua24 tf MPOKTANT TO THE rUBLIC If you witiu GENUINE TEA AM) COFFEB.

aud at pricuat to tuit the tinitw. go to Junction of Fulton aud Maiu street, Brooklyn. The very Daunt quality ot old (ioveruiutiut Java Uonuo ouly is wuxts per or tt iu. I or one aoiiar. itiou Hot-no or urkey, oenu per nt.

or iw. for one dollar. Rich and aud frawrant new -Tea, jiut Imported, In live aud ten pound boxus, at wboleaalt) pricei. 11 A KIH Mi I Oflebratfd HUJUA, nUBlAKI) and HFlCEtl, of the most miperior quality, aud at prices per cent, cheaper Ibau any ouwr Mtai iiiiliinont. Reinentbcr the etand.

Junction i ulton and Main itrefre( Brooklyn. TiiK xjijuri iea amu uurrcsis. piunia IN THE CITY. mh8 Cm CONVEYCES. LONG-ISLAND RAILROAD.

Leave South 'Ferry Brooklyn, dally (duudaya ex oeptedj, At iu A. tor ureenporx i 10 A. M. aud i. tor North Isllp and Yap- hank 10 A.

8:30, and P. for Hemp stead 1 10 A. M. and 4:30 r. tor Byoaset 10 A.

6:30 aud H. for Ja- maica. eotM warn Trains leave for Brooklyn, Oroenport, lV.M A. M. Uiverhead, A.

Yaphauk, 6.21) A. M. and 12:09 P. M. Noitli lolip, A.

M. aud 1:01 P. M. Byoiwet, 7:0 A. M.

and itlu P. M. Uenipntead, A. aud 2:1 p. M.

Jamaica, 6:40, A. and P. M. A. II.

PALMER, Aiu't Supt. Marth 4th, mhH tf J)EKTISTRYL IW. BOWEKS, DENTIST, 196 FUL- TON-AVENUE, Brooklyn, litmrti aetti of otjth on silver or rubber, gold, platlna, partial setts ailver, $1 Ullluut from IVfceuta to $1 gold, pur tooth pivot teeth, $1 ex-mhia It trading, eeuta. IT IS GETTING TO BE PRETTY well nnderutood op late, that the BUSINESS UKNTIbT cannot be done by deputy, or ou a laru scale, without Loss of Public Ikmtidence and money. The etoady iucrear'e of bueineaB at the OFFICE OF TUK bLltoCKiKKH la due to a itrict pernonal attention to each patieut, and one UNIFORM LIST OF PRICES, to which may be added a ronntaiit desire to be among the first to adopt all real iniprovemeuta, witnouirtaKutuig loine aiuuiow buauietw tricks coiuuiou anions advertiser a ho pultliath one lutt ot price iu the papora, aud another at the otnee.

I am inserting Full or Partial KT3 OF TEETH and WITHOUT CLASPS, 00 1LLINU TKETH WITH GOLD, 1 00; AND PEARL FILLlNOd, 60 eta. Ctill and nee my iptt- Ciiueua. Da. T. FRY, 120 FULTON STREET, orroaiTi SaVADf mar, Baoojaw, whl9 It WEDNESDAY.

MAY 8th. Notice, BaooKLtx InRiaii orders for td- IR th. OtftC Of UBMIM WW No. Montsgus-etnMt, adjolulug tlx PoSt-tWlce, will meet with prompt attention, Nssbscrlber. in lh wV lubsarlbuni to tlio Inl will bo sml-red regular- It by Isaylug their nanus at tho news depot of M.

Unworn, seuua, ltrtli and Mtli itreet. Eastern DUirKt Carrier. Wo hTt now ootoblUhod regular route in tho Eastern District, od tho Carrier la auxious to Increase It and bopee bU friends will fire him their asslstanoe. Orion tor subscriptions, oomniunlca- tloiu, reports, or auytblng of Interest, lutuuditd for thb psper will bo oalled lor every flay loll el uar. by Bon's, No.

South Pint, noor Fourth. Tuk llKUOkLTN Alir Association. It l(lvoa mucb pleasure to learn that tills society have nut abamlulied their intuition at first entertained, to have another reception this mm eon. Amid tho discouragements that exist, and tho fours of some, (ho artists have Koue forward with their arrangements which are now so far completed aa admit of tho announcement that the same will occur on the evening of the Hth at the Academy of Music, We are aure that tliia Intelligence will give much pleasure to all those who were privileged to stteud the firlt reception, which waa ao eminently aucceuful In every point of view. And we cannot doubt that the one now to be given will be attended by all who can possibly secure the necessary tickets, which fur the want of room of sufficient size must necessarily be made more limited than the Association would desire.

It Is fur this and other reasons that It baa been decided that tbe works of art on view at the reception will, by the runsoat of the artists and owners, be retained for a season of exhibition, commencing on the loth, and continuing tor a few days. This will afford to those persona who could not well attend tbe recaption, or thole who might wish to see them again, the opportuni ty of vlowing the pictures at their leisure. We are glad to learn that arraogementa will also be made to admit the schools of Brooklyn at a moderate charge. We trust that the present state of the times and the excitement which prevails will not be allowed to lesson the attendance upon this exhibition, indwd it should be aa a green spot in the desert, affording all the more pleasure, because surrounded by so much that is sad and forbidding. Such exhibitions certainly give much more than a mere innocent and niomeutary gratification and should on every account ba regarded with favor and encouragement.

Nor roust this be classed; as a speculation as the entire receipts, after the expenses are paid, will go to the funds of the society, to be expended hereafter in carrying out tbe objects for which it waa formed. Aud besides, it is exceedingly desirable for another season-that this, the first exbibitiun of the society, should receive tbe cordial and substantial endorsement of the citixeua of Brooklyn, aa upon tbe success of this ill depend whether other of a similar character shall be undertaken hereafter. We are Informed that the piclnrea engaged are almost entirely new the moat recent works of our Brooklyn and New Tork artiste, but few of which have been previously exhibited. At a niaatiug of the Committee, held since the foregoing was written, it waa decided that the gallery should be kept open only tor the remainder of the week commencing on the litb, each day frain if A. till P.

and two evenings during the week beside the opening night. Naval. The following officers have repor ted fur the steam frigate H'otasi, now at Brooklyn: Commander Sajkuki, Mkhcer, late of the Powhatan Capt. Philip W. King, ate Executive Naval Kngiueer of the New-York Station and Nary-Yard Dr.

Samuel Jackson, Midshipman John F. UuGletiar, Boatswain M. Hull liunner, Charley Moran Carpenter, II. Thomas. The United State steam frigate t'onititu- fion, with the midshipmen on board, left the Navy-Yard yesterday, in tow of the chartered steamer Thumat t'rttbom.

She proceeds to Newport, K. 1., the President of tbe United States having favorably reSionded to the request of affluent citizens of "little Rhode," asking tbe location there of the new naval scboul. The steam-frigate Roanoke got ker topmasts up yesterday. Crews for the steamers Uuntiville and Dawn were yesterday told off on board the North Carolina, and will go on board this morning. Battery decks are being put on the Mount Vernon.

The machinery of the Montgomery employs several hands. The R. R. Cuyler is in the Dry Dock, repairing rapidly. The yards of the Savannah have been crossed.

A detachment of U. S. Marines arrived at the Brooklyn barracks yesterday from Philadelphia, and another from Washington in the Keyitone Slate, They will both be reinforced today by a draft from New York station and then dipatched to Boston, where they are to constitute a full frigates guard fur the V. S. ateamer Miuiariiji, which is ordered to go in commission at ouce.

TUK ElKUTIO.I IX THK ElUHTHKNTM WlBO The special election in the Eighteenth Ward yesterday, for an Alderman in place of Martin Kalbfi.kisch, resulted in the election of Thomas Mahony, Democrat, by a majority 27. The whole number of votes polled waa 623, of which Samuel L. Mebebr, Republican received 298 aud Thomas Mauoxy 315. Assault on a Bor. A resjectable looking man named L.

Mapes residing in Hiujt street, was brought boforo Justice Adams; this morning, on a charge of having committed an assault upon a boy about nine yeara of age, named Damirl Coxnell. A little son of Mapes it appeared had been throwing stonea at the boy O'Uonnbll, when he got hold of him to take the stonea awaybfrom him. Just then Mr. Mai'ks came along and struck O'-Connkll and kicked him in the face, cutting it. Tbe defendant was lined in tbe sum of 5.

Board or Assessors. The Board of As-aesaors met at the Assessors office pursuant to notice, Monday evening last, and organized for the ensuing year, by electing Thomas Conway President, and Uxo. Thatcher, Secretary. Both candidates were unanimously elected. Morton held an Inquest this morning on the body of a man named John Pitcuard, sixty-seven years of age, who died suddenly at his residence in TO THE BROOKLYN EVENINB STAR.

FIRST EDITION. BROOKLYN STAR OFFICE, P. M. BT TR1 AHBKIOAM TCbBOSAPB OO'B. LIN IB, inert fil WalUtreet, Now-Yoik, aad 292 Wash- uixlountreet, llrooklyu.

From Frederick ifd. Fbedebiov, Md i Hay Tho Court I louse was nearly destroyed by Are, shortly after o'clock, last night. It li supposed to have been a piece of incendiarism. The probabilities now Era that the Leg In la tare will adjourn on Friday until the 10th of July next At a caucus of the Uouse members last night, It was almost unanimously determined to abandon tbe proposition of tlie Convention. Augusta, My8.

A meeting of leadiuir shipowners and oomraer- eial men ot the btatts summoued by Uov. Wash burne, has baen held hnre to take into consideration the Btatd of tlie country aud expediency of pro- vidlug a guard for the coast. Resolutions were adopted, tendering the services of tbe ship owners to tlie government, and pledging tneir niuiitv to turuifU tuirty steam vessels wiuin from ti(J to 90 days, il required. Ueorge F. Patteu, oi Bath, John B.

Brown, of Portland, and Gearge M. lAwrenca, of Warren, were appointed a committee to proceed to Washington and communicate with the governmeut the views of the uierchaute aud ship owners of this State, and to urge ths most vigorous action in the premises. I retiliet. Portland, Mny 8. By a freshet fn the Presiunpiraott River, which empties Into our harbor.

Pope's mills were carried away. Every bridge between Bubago Pond and Sacaratta Is gone, and Uie bridge at Cumberlaud Mill in great danger. Some damage was done to tlufOorham Powdur Milla. The people are vacating the banks of the river. Murine Iiumn.

Nkw Yoek, May 8. The pawenurers and orew of the ship Palestine from New York for Loudon are on board ot the chip Progress at this port from Livt-rpool. The Pro greru had betn in collirion with the Palestine, and the latter was abandoned full cf water, the pawen-gern aud crew saving nothing but hai they stood ui. The fi ipato Conttltutlon sailud to-day for New port via Long Inland Sound. MINIATURE ALMANAC Tliia DAY, MAY S.

Sun Sun Sete. .7:09 Moon Rises. .8:41 HIGH WATER THIS DAY. Sandy Oov.Td HellGaU. 8.45 SECOND ED1T1GN.

KVEN1NU BTAR OFFICE, 8 P. M. Frum Vutiiuirtuu Washiwotom, May S. A Louisiana Regiment artlred at Riclunoud on Moaday. Fourteen hundrrd Tennoesoe troops and a batal lion of Alaqama troops have reached Lynchburg.

At Norfolk there are about four tkousaud troops. iucludlug two compaulesof Georgians. The authorities were fortifying Norfolk In all dl- rectioDs, including Cramy Iiland, and erecting batteries ud impressing perfons to labor. A fortification has been commenced at Uatteras Inlet, North Carolina. A Board of Mt dical Officers will convene at the Haval Hospital, New York, on the firs, of Juue next, for the examination of candidates for admis sion into the Medical Corps of the Navy.

Sailing of tlie Button, May 8. The 41 Miuueeota sailed at ten o'clock this morning under sealed orders irom the Navy Department. lemlerett Service's). Nkw York, April S. Warren Leland, of the Mutropolitan llotd of this city, baa tiidfred his servicfe to the liover- uur ol his native (stale, to lead the hist rtiriment of the Green Mountain Boys." From SI.

roiilti. St. Louis, May 7. The Union Home Guard, of thu 1st and -d wards. numbering ltwo men, were worn into the volunteer service of the United Btatea to-day.

Companies from other Wards will be sworn in dunug the week. These men are allowed to remain with their i families and will follow their usual avocations, but ill berequind to do guard duty one day each week. Capt. Lyon has orders to receive lii.uoo volunteer. Helms already upwards of 0W0 mus tered Into the service, and the Homo Gun id ot this city will complete aud probably exoeed the comple- meui.

Ieuuvl vania. PBiLADfi.PuiA, May 8. The first artillery reel men of Puuuavlvauia, Col. Pateison, started BouUi this moruiug by rail road. Tallinn; or the Aula New York.

Mav 8. The steamfhtp Asia sailtd Uiu morning lor Liv erpool. Biie took loo paaaeiigers and in spe- Detention ot Wemt Point Cadets al 1'IlllUtlt Ipli.u. Piin.anKLPHiA, May 9. A ptirty of fifty West Point Cadets wem detained hero last night by the Police, on the supposition that they ere about to join the Boreas ion ista.

Information had been received that they bad pur chased arms In New York. The mistake was soon rectifie and thuy proceeded to Washington, where iney win oe commissioned as oecoud L.ieuteuauts. Phlladclpbla Stock Hon id. May S. fltocksMull.

PeuiiHylvauia State Fives T4) R-adiiiK Rail Ruad 74 Morris Canal 40 Long Island Rallrortd 8 Pennsylvania Kailroad sight dralt ou hew York unchanged. Irem Hloii tyoiiiery-. MoMTaoMrsr, May 7. Guns wore fired here this morning in token of rejoicing at the tenth star to the Constellation. Netv York Mock Tarkcl Niw ymic.MnjI.

8t A lair bntinau dalnz sad nriL- an aui.t. olnrly line tlm Bun it. Moult sn-1 sa.tiAs3S Wltboot hng-. Climigo tk R. fanamn uipVh.

a i nitiiio tin I en it Cliii-AKu Cul. sk Cm lit. Out. bvriL Pel. A lln.l....

Pt-nn. Cool Co Pauilb ilsil N. K. Lsuirai En Eria maortoil K-shIiHc 1 rati. A LVn 58 son 1 111.

Usjut, Inl US I trie li.i. 84 Hiir-miri 7jj 14 N. Cnroiio S. So IU MisMutil 40 ''H VifK.nini 4 Un 1 Tt-UUt'MM 41 Trfuury VI percent 1J I H. 1, 'J4, Coupst, IS A l4 U.B.

'SI, mm MjuL. Sl New Vork ITlarket. New Yoek, May S. Flour Receipt 098 aalea tt.iHH K.r. rels.

Btate and Wesbvn without Important change in price i supply limited, but holder very tiira. B'tpertiue Stat, $ft (M) Ul Kxtra SUte 20 (6aj Round llooo Ohio. ift0fkoJ.U)- rinp-Ttiua Wextani, iji5 OO yf 6 10 Common to good extra Western, 40 (s) 5 50, Southern steady; aalee l.fHH) barrels; Mixed to good, ib (AO So fancy and extra, at 6 40 (A 9 00. Canadian quiet sales 400 at $3 25 7 Wheat Dull common descriDtlons hwary and declining choice grades r-carce ami firm White Kentucky $1 ID; Amber Zimmermao ia' White Bonthern $160; Milwaufcie viuu vv Winter Ked Western 1 81. nlA Uorii tflick sales lw.wu misneja Western, BS.

Oats Actlvs. Bontliern ana ,1.17. Nortlmrn and Ws.Wru, MX JOO. Kw.fOnii.t aud LEGAL NOTICES. QUPKEME COUIiT, County Kiuga.

Abbv it. Wllliasoe against Belosnon U. Uaa-erd aud others. (No. I.

i in purauaure of a tudirment of fetveloeure and sale, made iu this action au the first day oi April itHii, by which was, among otner tbinga, ireew that the mortgaged pniinisea hereiuaiter de sarlhed sliould be sold at publio auction In the Oooa 7 avMiKs, uy uie uDdersigued, ae Heieroe i Dts to give uutiou, that ou Saturtiay, th ik day sVaty, l.l, Kt Uie bour of li o'clock, noon, at tha Cotumereial Exchaugu, No. Bow Fulton street, (op-postte Uie City in Uie City of Brooklyn, aud said County of K.ii.Ks, I will sell at public auction, to Uie highest bidder, Uie said mortgHged premlsee which are described as toilowa, via. i All Uiat oeitaiu lot, piece or parcel of laud, situate, lying and being iu the Fourth Ward of tho City oi Brooklyu, iu tlie County ol Kings, bounded and containing as follows, to wit BeHmnlug at point ou the southerly side of WUiuugbby street, distant oue humired and seventeen leet aud six inches westward 1 from Uie souUi westerly eoruer of said Willougliby street and Lawrence street aud runuiug Utuuce westward! along the said souths ly side of siiid Willougliby sUeet twenty leet theuoe southwardly and parallel with the westerly side ot Lawreuce atreet ninety feet theuoe east-wardly and parallel wiUt said southerly side of Wil-louuliby sUuet twt-nty teet i theuoe northwardly aud parallel with aaid westerly side of Law re nee street, ninety feet to the point or place oi begins, lug. Dated April lbol. UERARD M.

BTKVKNS, StJYDAM BAtMMMUL, Piaintili Alter Beys. apll tewtfwThAS SUPREME COUIIT, KINGS C0UNTT Abby Q. Williams airainat Buloraou II. Hau- tord aud others. tNo.

1. lu piuuauce of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made iu thia action ou tho first day of Auril. lNil, by hich it was, among other Uiiugs, directed that the mortgaged premise hereiualtei' described should be sold al public auctiou in the County of Kings, by the uudersigut-d, as Referee This is to give notice, that ou th 4th day May, lbOl, at the hour ot 11 o'clock, noou, at Uio Couiun-rcial Exchange, No. Fulton street, (op-pCNxito the City II all, In Uie City of Brooklyn, aud said County uf Kings, 1 ill sell at public auctiou, to Uie holiest bidder, tho aaid mortgaged premise, which aie descriUd as follows, via. All that ourtaiu lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and belug iu the FourUi Ward of the City ol Brooklyu, in Uie Couuty ol Knurs, bounded aud ooutaimug as fbllowa, to wit: Beginning at a point on Uie southerly side of Wil lough by sUeet, distaQt one hundred aud thlrty-seveu let and six inches westwaidiy from Uie southwesterly corner of said Willougliby street aud Lawrence street; and running thence westwardly along Uie said southerly side of Willougliby street twenty feet thence southwardly aud parallel with the wexhrly eld oi said Lawrence street ninety It1' thence east ward! and parallel with the said southerly side of illoughby street twenty feet thence notthwardlf and parallel with thu said westerly side of Lawrence street ninety feet to the point or place of beginning.

Dated April VI, ISO 1. UERARD M. BTEVEN8, Referee. Burn am Bauoook, Plalulllf a Attorneys. apU SUPREME COUUT, KINGS COUNTY Tlie Mutual Lite Insurance Company oi New York against Angus McDouald aud others.

lu pureitanoe of a Judgmt-ut made iu this action on the th day of April, lrtol, directing that tne mortgaged prumisea hereinafter deacribt'd should be sold at puhlio auctiou in Uie County of Kings by the undersiKUed aa Referee, this is to give notiee tliat on Uttturdav tte 4th ttay of Maw 1U at the hour of 1 noou, at the Commercial Rx- chaUKe, No. Holt Fuitou street, Brooklyu, in eaid Kings County, I will sell at publio auction to Uia hiulieet bidder the aaid mortgaged premises whioh are descrihfd as follows, via: AU that certain lot. piece or parcel of laud situate, lv nig and being iu the Town ol Bushwiek, County ot Kiuk, being part of lota known and distinguished on a certain map, eu titled "Miipot propnity iu tlie town ol Bushwiek, befouling to Hamuet Willets, tiled in the ottice ot the Clerk of the County of Kings by the numbers tweuty-niue aud thirty aud BO bounded and containing aa loltowa, via; Beg i no log at a point on the southerly side ot Baudlord streets, distant oue huitdred and lilteeu leet eight inches and lour- sevenih ol' au luch westerly fium the aeouweeMiriy corner of ttnudiord aud Bmitb streets, runuiug Uie nee southtrly at right angles to baodlord straet one hundred (Ukj IhmI tUenee westerly parallel with fituidiord stretit twenty C'ZU) teet sit (ll inches and six-seventh (d-Tj ot au iucht tlieuoo northerly at right augles to baud lord street one hundred leet to Uie southerly side ot Batidluid street Uienoe easterly along Uie eontherly side of Baudlord street twvnty CM) leet six Gj indies aud six-sevenths (o-7) of an iuch to the point or at begmuing. Iatod Apiil luth, icwil. UERARD M.

STEVENS, apll 2ew8wTht Reiereo. SUI'IiEME COUIiT, Count of Kiagi Calvin Burr agaiust John L. Freudentna and others. lu pursuance of a Judgment, made In this action i the ninth day ol April, Ibol, direcliuK that the moitgrigcd premise heireUialUr dencritxd should bu sold by Uie undt-raiguud, at public auction in the County ot Kuts This la to give notice, that ou tbe 4ih day of Jui, lo; at o'clock, uood at the Commercial Exchange, o6ii Fultou tWeet, Brooklyn, in said County of Kings, 1 wilt sell at publio auctiou, to the highest bidder, the said premises, which are described as lol- lows, via. All those four certain Iota, pieces or parcels of laud, situate iu Ute Kahili Ward of the City of Brooklyu, iu Uie Httte of New York, aud distinguished on a map entitled Map of lauds ot R.

Litchfield and others," hied in the office of tho Register of Deed in Kings Couuty, March 18th, 1S.i4, by The numbers two huudred torty-ulue C4U) two huudied tweuty-niue ty'M)-, two huudred titty VLM ana two nuuarea iweuTy-eignt saia 101s being together bouudi as tollows, via. Southeast erly by a line pat a inn wun me souiueasieriy aiue oi Niutti avenue ana aiaut iwo ni.uarea loriy-eeveu feet ten and one-hall inches southeasterly Uiere-from northwesterly by a line parallel with Uie' southeasterly side of Ninth aveuue and distant oue hundred ninety-seven ieei ten ana oue-uau incnea southeasterly therefrom northeasterly by Tenth street, and southwesterly by Klevuuth street. Uated April iMll. GKRARD tf. STEVENS, apll 2awBwThS Referee.

SUPREME COUIiT, KINGS COUNT Tlie Corporation for Uie Relief of Widows aud Children oi Clergy men of the Protttetant Rpis- oopal Church in the Btato of New York, against John M. Butler and others. Iu pursuance ot a judgiaent, made In this action on tlie eighth day of April, ltt il, by which it 1 di rected Uiat the mortgaged prumima hereinafter de scribed shall be sold at public auction in the County ol Kiugs This Is to give notice, Uiat on the BVa dap a Hay, lbtll, at i'i o'clock, noou, at Uie Com mercial ksichange, number oo'J ulton streeK, in the City ot Brouklvu aud said County of Kings, will be sold at publio auction, to Uie highest bidder Uie said mortgaged premises, which are described a follows, vis. 1 All those three certain lota, pieces or parcels of ground, with the buildings Uieroon erected, situate, lying and being in Uie Toiith Ward ol the City of brooklyu, in the Couuty ol hing and ntate ot New York, ou the uorUiorly side of Paeihe street, be tween Nevius aud Powers street, and, taken together, boiiudiHi and containing aa follows, to wit i Be ginning at a point ou thu said northerly side of Pacific street, distant nluety-hve (U6 leet westerly trim rowTs street runuiug tlience nonueriy in a Hue parallel with Powers street oue hundred feet thence westerly in a line parallel with Pacific street sixty feet I thence southerly in a line parallel with Powers street oue hundred feet to Pacific street aud theuoe eauterly aloug Uie northerly side of Pa eiiio street sixty feet to Uie place ot begiuniug. Bated April H.

mm. OKRARI) M. STEVENS, Reteiee. W. Brrra, Plaintilfs' Attorney.

LapsiJ SawSwMokW SUPREME COURT County of King, Tlia Amerloau BocWty for Mslloratlu. (Jonditiou of tha Jewsi against boLouiod U. Uais-foi'd and others. La pursuanca of a ludinneut of foreclosure and sals, ouide lu this actum wu th. ninth day of April.

IMil. dirmiua tuat the niorwaud pruuiuwa usre. lualtsu deMi ibod be aula at yublie aucUou 111 SU. Vj.nilJ I A.1IIKS 1 litM I. MJ Uiat uu Uu itkaaujf Mau, Hail, at o'clock, noou, at IB Couimerclal lx Fultou strrvt.

tu I na City of llrookly to the tjouiity of lauiKs i luis la to give notice. it tu. nour 01 is Exutuuig-e. ao Ilrooklvu. said Uounty of KIurs, will ba sold at uublio auction, to the highest bidder, the said morig.gim n.

which are described a. follows, via. AU Uiat carUfu lot, pleco or pareal "'U; ate, lying and boing iu tbs bouuded side of WdlougUby of said Wdloughby and tissue. Ttcrly aloit id of strStioutyrMti southwardly and uuial-? r.ii, iiu wasU'i'lr side of lAWreucestreet nluety- thuncs slwi'dly aud parallel with said southerly sulo of Willougliby street tweuty feet northwardly aud par.lUl with said westerly slut ot Lawrtuice street niuety feet to the pout or olsce of bt'gluulng. D.tid April ISul.

iL.u.m, I'L'irnuJ iii.ii.i im 1 i naivswm W. B. Wklhiwihiu, Attorney. Capll iw.lT.hi3 JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DE. scrtpttoo.

nwtly uacoM at.tuJa Offlss, street Brook! ya, aulS.

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