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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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9 Wt wtrott i3Ree jJrcss DETROIT REE PRESS VOLUME XXXVIJ NUMBER 128 147 W) ELEcrm or offices fob the ieab 00 A Bay 1 THE WEEKLY REE PRESS in SILVER ELEVTRO PLATIAG MICHIGAN SOUTH HATES at th Derris Novelty Worka corner of TKR The Custom House Investigation TO RENT STOKES ESUICTED BY THE GRAND JURY 7 2O last the A BUB Tin' COURTS THE WHARTON TREAT CAL MATTERS i a named YPSILANTI Mill Momr Jan 10 11:11 53 CINCINNATI sw in nuc vr Light 3U inba Rrtk JO dou ly BAY CITY ji ire Revival ml Correspondence of Che Detroit ree Press The Utah Lefclalative NTH ABBIVAMk ai Gulf cna to S4 10 32 will be de Court this Brink Light ntlc A resolution thanking the city press for courtesies extended in pact year wa unani mously adopted by a rSing vote of the mem bers prrwnt The Ajeociation thn adjourned old the the 389 77 8TO 375 Oft 39 10 Id 30 143 70 nen ed eminent lent tear il ltacn tie dread taking JO io th Hhirucun irieatu Cloudy Broke Her Arm A woman named ish er livinz Thirteenth meet near Michigan avenue fell while going up stain yesterday and brought up at the bottom of the steps with a broken arm Less than a month ago the woman fell down the sme pair of stairsnd dislocated her shoulder nan uv I me irst Nummary eC'ttate Church laUillixence rail been are have Lake Reports of the Genoxal fir crotiy Treas urer and Committee on Devctional SALT LAKE hilEK A Ot After Uxe Trial an housekeeper will ever doubt the superiority of DovLey's Yeast Powder over all mh er? for producing light elegant bread bUcuits rolls Thia ia attributed co tu free dom iroui any substances that arc injurious even to iuvahdt IL McMillan Dealers in ine Groceries 131 Woodward avenue corner ort street sell it ac retail and wholesale NEW YORK IN Place The heaviest stone which will have a place in the tnowumeut was hoisted up and settled yesterday the evrut collecting quite a crowd The stone wcigli5 thirteen tons and the old derrick hook and groaned like a ruao with the ague I ah rtv real estate ae noi if JUMHifc A RIin iientle llicbl iHrisk U) 'IU 10 sw TESTIMONY DEPUTY tOLLECTOK CLARKE Why he Was Suspended from His Position An Affidavit Implicating His Personal and Official Integrity An Ex Engineer in the Navy Ex amined 30 17 TV Detroit 4b Bay City Bsllrwd The Cay City Journal ot the 14th says: The subscriptions in this citv to the Detroitt Bay ity Railroad amounts! to about 000 last night Nearly fl3MX were sub scribed yesterday balance of the 850 000 required will be forthcoming immediately for those of our citizens interested are deter mined that there shall be no delay in the prosecution of the work by reason of tardi ness in completing the subscriptions at this end of the road Synopsis of the Evidence Given Yesterday rtrw rft rnv The tint pial exhibition of the Mlelilgnn 'tale dirv Exhibition vyill entnnvnce in Mer it dl on riiunduy the int It i un ttood that all entrfe tnut be mule by tdncsd ty of this week WIL BOGl ly nf Hie Hrm of Boque A Boyle i pre bexeinwall kinds and varieties of work Layof Hithijjin I he very best none Many eamps have completed their con tracts and will break others will prosecute the work as long as the snow lasts Bronin notTM Conerot Jefferson avenne and Jtaaoolpn lUreev rt'BLIMIKD BY Detroit ree Tress (Jentiial Station John Gauger dnmk sent up sixty days James Sullivan ftfiax razier drunk sent up sixty day Patrick Noon dUturbing the peace sent up three months John Monaghan drunk dentrnee suspended Alexander Camplll drunk sentence suspended James Crowh drunk sent uj three months George Ed rnrrnth disturbing the peace: discharged A Charge Against the Clerk of the State Senate Instructing the Mayor beim re e'erted Mayor of Winhcr Mr Cameron hw handed in hi? resignation principally le caune some other parties not elected Mayor conceived ui idea that he euukl not manage his buine without their advice and instruc tions At Monftrumery Alabama whn they tried the thing uu the Mayor he Isr rowed a shot gun and went out hiwtlnir and nev lotbvrl after that However a larg of Mr friends and neighbor) want him to stick and it was understood yesterday that be had decided To withdraw his resignation Liability kou Railroad It i expected that the deck ion of the question of the liability of municipalities for bonds is sued by them in aid of ci dr I in th United States Circuit morning artilcucl by the thought that th which have known him nhall know more Georze i i rctt blew his braius out iu bath tub yesterday IIOHIIIIILK Jo etral a nezro arreted in Ja maica Lotiz Gland for partially ruastinz hi" wile on a red not stove run cRNi jchv or kk A Kampagkous Woman A woman named Gieshepen living on Catharine street yesterday had an attack of delirium havingbeendrinktnghnnlftirseveralday she turned the children out doors and then arm ing herself with a club demolished every thing breakable in her own house and the houses of two neighbors leat a woman se verely whacked a boy over the head and ran off toward the outskirts of the pity in her stocking feet and having ou none too much clothing XvrRioaMXiRY Between the hours at half paat nine lat night and three o'clock thbi umraing eleven ATfrst? were made by the police all for minor offences And at the Cen tral rtatkm st the latter hoar there were eleven persons ten women and one muni Thi is somethin? for the number of women at to men unparalleled iu the lii'tcry of the Station House It may be said that of the ten women even were either black or particolored 1 lav 73c: 2iav 1 1 2ft Adars 11 5 tlAva wBir Ail IS 50 1 month 17 3 month Id fl year? tvxr sYWC iziwt irst day tw pr Ua mc1 salMquentday few hmt rutmis rutsr rsvi 10c per Uae each insertion A Alxmt threw thi morn ing Officers Somerville Eaton and Erwin made a Juewt wpoa disorderly house on Ohio street in the regton known as Kain tuck" and arrested and brought to the Sta tion the inmates four negro women and one white man The white man who given his name as Phillip Jernes was in bed with one of the women when the descent was made and Upon endeavoring to oley the sum mons of the policemaa to dress fbund that his hat and coat were? missing having lieen carried off sometime during the night He had 130 in money on his person when brought to the Station House DETROIT MICHIGAN' TUES DAY' JANUARY' 16 1872 Read Dr advertisement in' another column headed Private Marten 40000 1KU There who on hv mil There ere also cured drunk over orrtcr uiiir signal officer Do Co Jun IX 7:30 BsiWiZfrfa The ceiurii lo vt barometerraUabU uvo dnrinit muht to the tnt iMtbiv to Western PvtittHVlrnnia and Ever New Vrkw iinwlir ithrmtcriy wdi increoMt Uk nihi un the middle At I rmCo venue to u4Urlr uU nAV 'hu lv wi41Urr will prevail by TurvWrnoon fnitn Uamlin to Maine with or iion north and of vtrrinui Bnjk it wind with rlmulv ud rleannir her wid exurnd mpidly mnith from LaMu rwvr fcr hentiuik) urtudlv ctaudy ttid obl tir will prwvad over rcrioH Tuesday lv wiiher and podbly huhl uni on the ini' Tux aa and LctueiAivu whvU A £ir audience Mflfidjp nrnrly th whole rf the lower floor of the Vpcrx Hoiue at last KuxaW ys A man named Buruani living at iJavisLunr Oakland County wuain the city Sunday st arching for bis two boy whu ran away from home Siturtbiy The ap plication of an apple tree sprout to the back of the Oldest boy riday uitrht is supposed to have had something to do with the runaway but it seems that the aforesaid prout wa not laid on as well as it should have been Balance HveHlmwn on treasurer f8 Jan uary 1 172 Ul 52 The report wxs accepted and referred to a special committee consisting of Messn Cow dery Burke and GulUy Mr Silas armer from the Committee on Devotional Exercises reported that the series of Sunday evening religious exercises inau gurated in the year 1870 and held in the Mission Chapel in the suburbs of the city were continued until bite in the spring and commenced again this winter increasing the number from three to four The regular weakly meeting held on Wednesday has not been as largely attended by members of the Association as in previous years The average attendance has been about fifteen and a good degree of interest manisested The noon meetings have been sustained and have ranged in uttendane from three to ten persons Two religious services luive been held in the Theatre Comique largely at tended and full of interest services have been held regularly in the jail each Sunday morninr with increased results With the occasional elsewhere the total number of ervices held is estimated at two hundred and ten The irtrnihmrg at the chapel services was about thirty five The number at the jail vary in each ward from five to fifteen A Bible ekiss has been started cunday afternoons in the Association parlors and conducted by the General Secretary Rev Mr Yemans The report was acceptntt The Association then proceeded to the election of officer for 1872 with the follow ing result Bradford mlth rirv Brnoks A Burt Reeorflintf anner Tiw Terry Taylor Bwr't of BrnokM Ransom Gil lis Bradford Smith Walter Buhl Uaerv Trowbridge if Whitx A Biakie Hamilton A UMcciru Silaa armer David PrhstuiK Gaston Wni Rons Jeremiah Oakes Ed Kane onover Rich ardson Henderson I Janies Gul ley A Burt JHocpelT Hawley A The 2Tand jury of Uy er and Terminer rluiliue they are an illegal body applied to Judge Ingraham for a discharge They were coun vled to tinUh the buMnes on hand and not to commence new work The Tammanv General Committee has paid no rent tor years and that property belong ing to the Society has leen removed from the bulklingi for which legal retires is to le nought Lt reported that thr Oyer amt Terminer grand jury have decided nut to continue the investigation into the charges against Judge Barnard which tnnd over for the next gramt United States District Court Ad journed November term 171 Present Longyear Court adjourned till this morning at 9 iLtaht (lent Gentle Bnsic re Mkc The sale ofeats for the brief season of thi tragedienne at the Upera House begin this morning at Mestre Whittemore Swan mudc Mrs Macready is very highly" spoken of by the pres of other citie and there is no doubt but that she will re ceive a cordial welcome in Detroit 1 week fl 50: 2 weeks week $1 59 I month 50 2 months JO 00 months M3 CO 25 0U rwo VERT1HMRABIK Be for small pmunz establishment with Lmt iMjwer Apply at urK Pkes Or for aalc in parvrla of tbc ucre more a farm of fifty acres one mile from on Gratiot ront Inquire of' nuU tf AMBKKG Ifowrirt Hnnsc The grocery and provision store of Kellogg Ar Reynold caught fire about seven last evening and was totally destroyed The building was owned by James Watson and was insured for The tork was in sured to the amount of $2300 very little of which was aved ishing at the mouth of the river is being prosecuted vigorously Riker has a fonre of thirty ix men employed and ships about i twenty tons of dh weekly I A scries of revival matings have been going I on during the past two weeks at the iret Episcopal Church of Wenona has been made in modern times TOii rn cWfllnattaL nd the td Bis own sauamc Hi 200 lb Leng Primer for kle cheap Apply at LLEE Mutual riend' of which said Him i publisher an I they hereby warn all persons against giving credit to said firm oh account of the undersigned a said Aiortrung A Co baveuo au thority to ue their names in any manner They hereby withdraw their names as subscribers for and advertisers in said paper J'seltn Bros JE Co 27 8nw unum unnpentnre for twenty four hours minimum i deg I i (nW tentle Cloudy Gentle Clear United Stacks Circuit Gcrt Ad journed Navembor term 1871 Present Hon Lmngvear The United States rederick Carlisle ft oi Decne for 1385 52 New rule 44 adopted by the court Cac to go to the Su preme Court of the United States The court adjourned until this morning at nine Sunday evening a man named Galeroii a stranger called in at No 8 nu 4 meta fellow named letcher Gale ron went out letcher followed him knocked him down and xs is alleged robled the vic tim of considerable money Galeron called at the Central Station and Detective' and Roundsman Nolan hunted up letcher and arrested him He was arraigned at the Police Court yesterday and his examination wa act down for thia afternoon Bene vir evening a number of negroes got together in a houc on Macomb street to hold a dance for the ben efit of a widow woman who was in want of fuel and provisions Tickets to thu amount of ten dollars were sold anti all went harmo nious until some one picked the pocket and the dance broke up with every body kicking and striking at everybody The widow still wants full and provisions the daughter thinking of which was 6oon after ream the then 's Trant eituauon StuatloR kg Match on the Rnnue Geo ay bl Silver Electro PUung IVnx Bogue hrvirrl Deatheoa Second Bago arrant Bond CnfnGnM dvcr College Kb reaUm A Co The Gratiot vtcniaZ says The greatest activitv prevails in the liunbercampe of the Pine and Chippewa Rivers The fall of snow in the early days of December was suffi cient to make sleighing good without inter fering with chopping or skidding The rotas of December 22d and 23d inter rupted hauling but a few days and the severe cold weather which succeeded con verted the snow into ice No snow has fallen sioce but sleighing remains good in thewoods If the weather continues cold until the firet of ebruary lumbermen will have secured as large a crop of logs a they ed and larger perhaps than was ever before banked on these streams in one season Klbm Urctoot rending on Beaubien street near Gratiot fell yesterday morning at the burner of ort and Randolph streets and dMocated his right leg at the hip joint The there iff beine node or "whether thereny lecturer showed tian and very evidently to Hint of many of his hearers that ail progress outside of the Church and by this he means the athoiic Church has been backward and not for ward The learned feetarer viewed Illustra ted and established his points under the four heads of and progress The latter embracing nationalism was declared pre tentious and the deduction drawn from eopiotis and areftil quotations from the writings and utterances of the advanced thinkers and philosophers of the present day that the world Is far worse off and is fxt be coming more deeply degraded than was ever known in any age preceding TOUNG CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION He had been in hi' health during the forenoon but ibout noon with vore pain in the which inrretwd in violence until seven o'clock when he breathed hb of bis death ia belicwd tu are tubborm Things We claim for lavoring equality In purity and strength with an oilier brand in America Cheapness as they Xre offered at reasonable rates ino fancy prices? Popularity as a glance at the annexed list cf wholesale dealers alone who seiland recommend them in this city will convince any consumer vOur list of retail customers bein altogether too numerous to mentions Oar sales of the alxve preparations in Ulis State Will excel these the combined manu farrurers of America The following comprise the dret elass houses of this city Ta them we cheerfully refer: Moore oote A Co SI ield Cx Garrison Co Staples Uo Brntshttw Thoe A Parker Beatty itzsimons A Millar Gear Tovnton Jt oxr over in the nreet by a runaway hore and wagon injuring her quite severefv There are thirty emploved xt the Co runna coal mines and hi the spring the num tier will be increased to hundred and fifty Wilbur Neff a witchnian at the depot of the lint Pere Marquette Railway in East Sxgmaw in attempting to get upon the frontqfan engine while it was in motion on the night of the 13th fell upon the track and was run over causing instant death Charles Mix a prisoner in the saginaw County jail awaiting trial for larceny at tempted to hang himself by mean of a hand kerchief on the night of the 14th int but lacing in time wi rut down Disappointed affection is to have been the motive that prompted him to take his life Several liquor dealer at Mitnbtrp have been hauled up under the law and fined In the examination of the prisoners MeKey Lowd McCarty and Perkins for the murder of the Pole Comski on Christmas day Mr Key and Perkins vvere discharged amt Lowd and McCarty committed for trial Considerable building amt repairing is going ou at Grand Haven Ahorse changed hands three times in one day at Grand Haven each seller making money What the last buyer will do is yet unknown Captain Jewett was the choice of the ma jority of the Niles people for postmruter Oliver Wot of Bjingor has an oak that measures twenty one feet in circumfer ence at a htdght of six feet from the ground The Drain Commiaaioner of Gratiot Count? hxs been removed from office by the Boar! of raipervisors for alienee and inattention to his duties On the night of the 11th the granary of John 8 Campbell near Mt Clemens was entered and a wagon load of corn stolen When the theft wxs discovered next morning Mr Campbell traced by means of the com scattered for some distance the direction the robbers had taken but wx unsuccessful in the attempt to discover their whereabouts On the 8th William Stevens of Comer in Berrien was thrown from his wagon became entangled in the lines wxs dragged about thirty rods received fatal in juries and diet! in about twenty four hours Archie Carvin of Spring Arbor employed a switchman at rhe Wenona railroad sta tion was run over by an engine on the night of the Sth His leg wxs badly crushed and was amputated at the thigh joint but he sur vived the operation only a few hours AKMEID nt CoVLmiN hllEU 1 ft ft Woodward are jiUg Ot Grand Rapids Correspondence of the Detroit rve Pres Grand Rapids Jan 12 The political ring moving and many are the wiles and tricks which are used by those who are not in the ring to get there The postmaster haa however the inside track and although there never was a postetiiee more indifferent to the wants of the people thaw our vet the present incumbent like 4 rant believes in a second term and will not pare any cflbrtd to keep the place The Postrnx ter iencral our Congressman and Senators have all been made acquainted with the suffer ings we have to endure but no relief comes and will not come before election because the present postmaster is a Grant man and cun wtnLi 'nmp little inrtuencri bv his being the editor of the Daily Eagle and unlos the plan which is now talked about of appointing a committee of three to go to Washington and inaL jt upon a change succeeds we shall have to bear it Pension office appears to he boon which many in and outside the ring would like to possess but the gallant Colonel who holds it now is running and not easily dis posed of Our Judge of Probate who has alwaysrung himself ou the temperance hobby hx' lMM cast aside by the ring and i going to try it now ou woman suffrage In the meanwhile they say he studying arithme tic and grammar very assiduously to the examination before the Civil Lie form Board xs a candidate for United Mates Collector rom all appearances politics are just now Miincwbat mixed Republicans office hold ers excepted have become tired and curse the administration Democrats want reform and in fact there is no telling Avhat will be the rcbult tlie lecture of Mke Resr W7H Mitchell the far heralded and highly ewteeined EngibA di vine wftovM announced to iipcnlr upeo sub jects of much religitms interesU The question disclosed was whether Business nC the rail Raising The Growth of igs Lu Michigan Correspondence of the Detroit ree Press kcorologica! obsvrvHtfenstby Louia Black optkLMi 104 Jeffermn ivennct Petboit Monday Jan 15 I Barometer Thermometer Wind rather Stormy MCMK8 at' COl ls iAttD Woodward i Watni! Circuit Court January loth 1872 Present Hon Jared Patchcn Circuit Judge Elfeha CHrlr Harry Spencer New trial denied and stay of proceedings va cated Wm Alt rederick Marker et al Ap pellant directed to tile new bond in ten day Ac John Abraham vs Thomas Cox eta Mo tion for new trial Argued and submitted Barbara springer administrator Jtc Janies Mackey of garnishment dis mifed with cost Walter Crane Edwin Reeder el al Thirty days allowed to settle bill of excep tions 1 Barbara Graulick vm Louis Graulick Chan cerv Leave to amend granted without preju dice Kimball Stiles rs Philip Kirschner et al Jury withdrawn Mary Blow vs rancis Blow Chancery Decree of divorce un ground of desertion granted Eliza Carow vs Joseph Rickets et al Jurv trial Argument cfosed Court adjourned until this morning at 9 The AsaaaiaLiou of Scientific Cau lea7ently with die Herring" Womand Chnc A Returned A Money Order The An African The Memnoultes Third Page arm and Prussian ortrecs About A Most Sad itandy Made Houses sc nt io Pacific Coast Whaling Cuba ire Proof How it eels to be Drowned Diamonds alse and hnincuac Establishment Com fortable Rocking Chair Photographs on Cop scientific Notes Personal Items ockth Murder of isk Radical (mpartiality The Death of Gten Andrew tr a Loyal The Republican National Notes and The New Capitol Curious InqoeM Beaten all Political Bainfidl During the Year IB7! George Good Wor Is ifth Complete summary id News of the Dchbcratc Suft Europe as it Hornhle The Monument in Canulu Moaouic Relief for Michigan tXTii The Handful of Earth (a poem The Mysterious stranger Beal at hid Own Untight the WoMk huck Anolltvr New Anecdote ni Lord lora Macdonald The Puzzle bot Equal Right Let It How the Case was A Biwl Void a Plans of A ancy Ptitunj of sijafci speQrcG Miss 'Em dumeubat Particular New Psyduj logfrn! Theory we Ever Meet A gain tn io Tit for TaL The Longevity of Minl tcr What they Tim Deceived Mrs Partington Speaks Again 'rowil (rt Stick to the Which The Del icate Way of Putting It The Retort Worlsot Worth All Sorts of Paragrapiis seventh kih Goj quad's The Cumin Prophecy Jcorge Hudson ly Piince of of Railway Stations My rirncs cf a Hair Bnuh of an Boys and Pumpkin Pies Anecdote 4 Hackct Thrilling Indian 'tury of the Gid rcm War Prices of Celebrated Pictures Mrt Macready pre oreclosure I Uiusc Vari Mintreh indaay General Insurance Agent Hotel A IL Emery hie Mutiud ReLcf AoOCiaUun Notice Wayne Lodge Knights of Pythian Lc Hope Lodge fcg st Hamiramck kmall Terrier credit I have prepared a condensed report of the receipts and expenditure for the rear a follow twttrts Net receipt I Walker IertureJ 52 Straw berrv feuv! July membership dues 21100 Monarinna ami private contnontion ContribvtiMas firom ort trcrt Presbyte rian vnurrn Chora Umon Concert Win Carleton's reartiDits KXTBNDrrCfcE Rent John age (salary Yeomans Salary! Readinr room bills paid To the National Assa Mr Moody atchman Gad uel Postage Miscellaneous bills Total II the author of th note Lt Xobudv UUlhl to one the editor of the Trduue will zrnnt a boiul interview to nioot our reporter be eoufer a Tribune it the Intention to give the reporter a boa to prove bi paternal relationship to lbilauou)iuoi' infant Polick Joseph Rabideait aaault and battery recognizance forfeited and re arrest ordered Louis Giffert and Electa Thompson adultery discharged Daniel Horan compound tarcenv over to the Recorder's Court Itichard Dmtsrherty ami Joseph Barrett assault and battery complaint withdrawn and 3 cots paid trtE Aevkji The aiarm at evening was caused by the explosion of a lamp Inoue of the rooms over VY Smith Woodward av'enuel Died Cryctx'XATt Jan AV (lauo Esq for over hfty iive years intimarely con nected with the' banliEg bu iness In Ohio tty died suddenly last nizht at his suburban residence in Clifton lie was for over thirty four years cashier of the Lafayette Bank AxxtroLts Jan 15 In the Wharton ea to lay the examination of medical ex perts as rebutting evidence on the part of the State was continued Girard Jlor can testified that he could not tate whether death of Ketchum resulted from natural causes or not He hnl never seen ueli an assemblage of symptoms from natural causes Dr Abram Arnold te uitied that the symp toms were of a suspicious character Heputv Jlar ltal rey wxs rahed to the stand in order to coutradlet the statement made bv Susan Jacobs colored in regard to the conversation with him The Attorney en eral a keil that the examination of Marshal rev bk postponed uutll to nfortow thpn left the and the prosecution called Prof Aiken A' the venerable Prole'Or proceeded to the witnev tand there waa scnsntion throughout the audience and nn mfetakable commotion amongst the jury In replv to a quetiou by Atturnry Gencrd Lyeater Prof Aiken bad heard the evidence of Prof McCulloch in ruypect to his with getzmium and chloral in part and had read the lull report of Mc Culloch's testimony Attorney General Lyes ter statc whether vmi have made an analysis of these subi tances since and whether you have the result with vou The couiL el for the defense objected The court ruled the question admirable to rebut the evidence of McUuBoch in reject to his experiment? The court adjourned til! io morrow when Lrof Aiken will continue his te timony Mrs Thompson who were charged husband of the latter 'with an examination in the vesterday Justice Boyn the testimony decided stokes rNntCTEn The zrand jury brought in six this moraine' in the Oyer and Termin against stokes for the niunler of Eisk lie will bo arraigned to morrow rxvviKxr city mum A itv loan of ffrt0O0ia Hi was paid toalay SCIUKX ITH Mrs George Wood wife of the manager of the museum but better known as Eliza Lo gin once a famous a trt died suddenly thi morning of congestion of the heart SMitr rox There were eighty three cases of mali pox last week and twenty death Tim malady is decreasing in Brooklyn There wen but tiftv ninc caiee against eizhty niue the pre vious week iftv thousand vaccinat ion' have occurred in Brooklvn in two months AX Acting Mayor Cochrane this morning said that he fully Mayor Hall ill relieve him to morrow or next day KKAKS Ilf IX 12SAXE MAX' To lav an in'ane man climbed up the new PrirVH' ISrindnntAlntefft pieces the American Hag envelopes th statue previous to unveiling it Wednesday next The man arrested The Russian lleet wui wi until next week or later The retrial of the Juniel will eae has beenet for Thursday Major John A Pullen the former well known expressman died at Tarrytown sun 1 dav Madame Von Buskirk' the alleged abor tioni was discharged from cutody in Brooklyn the evidence being in utheient to hold her The aeent of Belmont ho caded to xeCr tain the progress in the completion of bonds for money advanced to the wity some time since was informed by the County Vuditor that an additional million will be ready this week UtRIVW The 'learner Colorado from Liverpool has arrived The steamer Donan from Bremen has ar rived The Steamer Anglia from Glasgow arrived Salt Lake Jun In th Council to day the House bill for the election of dele gates and the of Utah as a SUte was considered the agitating question being that of minority representation 1'he belief was expressed that moderate Gentile delega tion in the Legislature would benefit their cause or at any rate abate much of the pre judice aud dissection now existing all this however in view of a state organization everal cases of violent small pox have oc curred in the city and there are fears that the disease will spread Delegate Hooper and i number of other prominent citizens leave for Washington to morrow The Gentile papers are strenuously urging concert of actiou against the admission of Utah Deiw Sleighs were dashing about yesterday Train is needed here to discuaff the question A Windsor nnn got rid of bin family Bible by a mfilc at ten cenuaahake The organ grinders have made the circuit and got bacfc again A Mobile railroad cut an ex Detroiter's arm off week nMwo two lr It is thought that nine tenths of the citi zens of Detroit have been vaccinated or re vaccinated this winter The Amencan Protestant Association will give their fir annual ball at Lancing academy this evening Detective Bishop wil leave for Jackson this morning with Kufus Nash the thief who was recently sentenced by Recorderswift to two anil one half years in the btate Prison John Wilson engine builder of this city yesterday shipped a complete encine to ort Scott Kansas The examination of Emil Boehm for em bezzlement was adjourned yesterday until next Monday in the Police Court A Detroiter has scut to Omaha to have an agi nt secure him a live buffalo Three saloons on Gratiot street have ince swearing day The poli' did as well as they could yes terday but had made no arrests up to even ing DKITA COCXTY The Escanaba Tribune says EL Atchin son shipped twenty two deer from here this week which he had' captured during the month The railroad company propoise raising their ore dock during the winter the work to com mence soon It is to be raised two feet at the bottom and one nt the top a total eleva tion of three feet The Escanaba urnace Company are mak ing preparations to get out a large quantity of wood for their kilns during the winter Work on the furnace is at a stand still just at pres ent as far as operations here are concerned but we understand the company are making arrangements to get to work early in thespring The man Ward who was reported as frozen to death in our last issue was found by the party who went from here in search of liini about two miles this side of Masonville with his face frozen so olid in the ice that it was found necessary to cut him out with The coroner's jury rendered the verdict came to us ueatn tnrouzn exposure COOTT The Saginaw Courier of the fire lint on the 12th by which two stores and their edntenta were entirely consumed The tire started at about in the furniture store of Hill on Saginaw street and soon spread to the gro ery store of James Sullivan adjoining Mr Hill estimates his loss at iK'OdO on which he carried an in urancc of sufficient amount to cover the loss Mr loss will reach on which there is not a dollar of insurance The upper Wry of this building was used by Mr Sulli van' as a residence and all his household goiidi were destroyed Morrison's dry goods store next adjoining on the east was damaged by breakage and water and was injured to the extent of Dr Willet's drug store adjoining on the west suffered by the removal of goods in breakage and damage by water l(W while Mr Zimmerman grocery store oti the east ide of Will from removal of goods breakage and stealage lose K50 The excitement at one time during the tire was in tense and many feared the destruction of tile city There came near being a serious acei dent to some of the firemen three of whom were upon a ladder placed against the front of Morrison's building The ladder broke in the center causing the men to lose their hold on the ladder and one of them whose name we could not learn fell through the heavy plate glass of the Morrison front cutting his head in a terrible manner The accident though not of an alarming character is still a serious one HURox rotvn' The Vews says The value of the relief goods distributee! in Huron County is now lightly in excess ot S150iShi The State Central Relief Committee have ordered that no person selling liquor in the burned district shall be furnished any relief no matter how mneh they may have them selves lost by the fire A little daughter of George Boyle living at Rock alls last week sat down in a pail of hot water and wxs so severely scalded that she died after lingering 0u3 day she was about three years old At the Village of White Rock which waso completely destroyed by the tires much activity in rebuilding has prevailed There are now some twenty five buildings erected and occupied giving the place quite atownish appearance again and the work goes steadily on There is also a hotel built and open to the public It is understood that work on the salt blocks will commence as soon as spring opens As it (Sturtevant Was on hie homeward iwzy with his express from Bay City last week he took to the iee on bar as the of its HgbUK his horses suddenly sank in the wafer of the bay the ice hnvinjr separated aud left a channel ten or twelve feet in width Happily they did not the sleighs which were hcavilv loaded with goods in after them The depth ut the water wm such that though the horses could stand up the ebb and flow would wx up over their back Union: ing them from the and harness as well as he could Mr Sturtevant started on the run for Sebewaing and procuring help started back to release the team This took over an time and he hardly expected to find them still standing up and braving it out But they were and with the use of ropes were soon extricated By working with them through the night they were able to come on home the next day and do not ap pear to be the wor for their long cold bath i (J IGARS arc put up in a nover piore iitletL jail XABoll UIGMW have selected wrap i aul all warranted to smoke janU im ket Reports Advertisement OR SALE HK one Generator tneUum Also twn JKjralton fountains for 567 Jeffenon arc Detroit boy named Jrry launders wx driving a gro cer1 horse and waitou up Gratiot steri the animal on the the end board dropped down a barrel of keronc jumped nut hit the curb rnn and in a few minutes little Jerry founder bad nothing but an empty barrel arc for ADVERTIS MISCELLANEOUS I in your order for 5 AB Hi CKiAlte kuoit'aeinrvtl bv sutler Drue Detroit jnnl Wit hi iTodrkd thousand nabob IIGARt un hand a ml in the einokimr JaniUlot III AM) KV KRY VHOB IGAIi hiw ite mine pniihsl it in irold letter The annual meeting of the Young Christian Association was Held last evening the Vice President Taylor ih the chair Rev Yemans General Secretary sub mitted the following report Dkthoit Jan 15 1S7X To the officers anil members of the Detroit Young Men's Cbrustiaii Association BretUbex With gratitude to God for our prosperity as an A ociation and with for friendly aid from member' churchesfrienb and pators I present this report of our doing? inre September Lst I received the room iu good order from my predecessor Rev 3tr Jreage to whom I am Indeted for a thorough account of vour work I wuh to present to vou consecutive! ur doings as fol low 1 Beneolent work: 2 literary and social worki personal work: 4 religious work 1 Our benevolent work was much ui crexied by the Jire destructive loth in adjoiug Jrtates October IBUr 3 riroular wa sent to all the Associations in the lnited States anti Provinces a id to some in England Ireland and Germany Very the AsHociations begin to forward both sup plies and money with a liberal spirit By ChU promptness the AMoeiatious helped to vert much suffering and to flit desolate home with gladuesH All goods were de livered promptly to the Central Relief Com mittee and by them disbursed AH moneys wen? placed in our Treasurer's hands anti by him given co the Central Relief Com mitte save designated sums either now applied or in his hands far dis bursement This a matter iu which the en tire Association may well be interested Each letter and invoice is on tile in the rooms 2 We have often to feed the hun gry Men tfo tn misfortune or or neglect are compefled to apply here for food Of thiMe I have refused some for reasons which appeared to be sufficient ut the time have given 173 meals and lodgings tor 30 besides some have been kept at the expense of different members of the Association 3 We have had to relieve the immediate wants of some poor families in the city giving clothing beddin'? and in one case a stove When I have tound persons in real want who have at any time belonged to a church have informed the pastor aiot convenient and x) brought a tamiiy to the knowledge ot some comrregation and more within the range of Christian sympathy There are many poor but I think churches look well to their own poor and all neeewi tons castes but there are who must be unknown to any church who do not like to make their wants conspicuous choosing rather to suffer Toiwh the Association should most give needed help 4 inding work for needy persomi i am important part uf our duties as a Chris tian Association Very many hvc been put iu permanent sittuiiions by the om mitree and mynHC lute it has been quite difficult place men in the city and I have sent those applicants who could leave town mostly nvle men to different points in the fctate rom some 1 hear good reports and in correspondence with quite a num ber Some I have been unable to place and a few elderly persons with funilies in town are looking for work but without siiccesA so fur I wish cmeibimr could be done for them vne ottiiem being quite destitute and having ix hil tire nL gave him keep him this wixk We are indebted to the railroads for granted also tn the Cleveland boats There were many prisons ent forward oou after the tire Not a few persons have conic to tin room quite destitute and been sent to friend Some agil women three in numoer have sent forward to relatives in Ohio and Ontario One sick man was sent forward rsJ: homp coming frt ni Hie hospital 0 I have tried to tornr an estimate of the number of ptraoiis reading here but cannot in any way zivo an neeurate HtateiwnU unltt eomeunu will tand at the door ami omit Toe room often quite uncomfortable and unwholertHim by ot to many it 'V'e often Open the parlor to relieve lie pre ure and many read the Iweolcs of our nmall library I think the reading room a mod moral Some may bezin a life of 'tody ben wliuffi may make them eminent men 7 In the parlor and a an adjunct of the neulinz room we have had the fOllowingTit eray and iodentitiu courac Wednesday even i nz a rineirur eliool in by Prof 30 Kli Ing negro named robiek who had lonz loved a dusky maiden living on Ohio street induced her to say and to start for the office of a juti of the peace On the way to the office on Monroe avenue the girl concluded that she didn't want to marry yesterday and refused to go further After exhausting bis stock of per suasion the negro got mad and put his tist against her eye and though chased several blocks he got away HisTvnx A few days ago Mr George Washington of 32 Mullet street got broke tlie dishes and wbaeked the head with a spider until he couldn't speak Yesterday it was hi turn and he got drunk broke thir rest of the dishes and drew her around by the hair until the greater part of it came out by tin root She ran for the Central station and he for the Police Court and in a day or two the Washington family will relate their woes to a jury Xew Boats It seems now as if some of the old which have done duty on the river ever since the days of British oeeupa of Detroit were to give place to something swifter eleaner and better Arthur Gore has ordered a new steam yacht rvith a sixty foot keel intended for the night ferry line Capt Clinton is hurrying up the work on a new propeller to run on the day ferry and other parties arc building a steamer to ply beetveen Detroit and sandwich Correspondence of the Detroit ree Press Yrsttaxn Jan 15 The fire in the paper mill of Cornwell Co broke out in the fourth story of the main biiihling about eight o'clock Saturday even ing in a room used for the assortment of rags The eause assigned is spontaneous combustion situated at least a mile from the business portion of the eitv it wxs impossible for the engine of the ire Department to afford any aw'iatanee The loss as was mentioned in the special dispatch of Sunday was total The buildings rvere well equipped with ma chinery and stored with an immense amount of paper nothing of which eould be saved The ruins upon the following day presented a ad appearance and were viewed by many people It is understood that Messrs Corn well Co will immediately rebuild They estimate the entire loss at one fifth of which is covered by insurance Besides their heavv loss one hundred hands the ma jority of which are females are thrown out of immediate employment The ytmintj Journal pnAii acci dent happened to the daughter of Gregory of Marquette on the 30th ult An alarm of tire was given and Mr Gregory being at the time ilown town his wife became alarmed and went up stairs to awaken the children they having retired an hour before Going into their room in her excitement she set the ker osene lamp down upon the floor and calling the children rvent down stairs to quiet the baby which had begun to ery ts ak 't I I and not fid accident place called I sick to her that the fire was down toAvu and that she need not be alarmed The child continuing her screams the mother ran up stairs only to tind her enveloped in Hanies rantically she strove to tear the burning garments from the child burning her own hands and arms in a shocking man ner but the little girl in her excitement managed to elude her znt and ran down stairs? ollowing her to the front door the mother succeeded in throwing her into the snow extinguishing the flames but too late The poor girl lingered until 3 the next morning when she died SAGINAW COUNTY The Saffinauian in reply to an article published in the Joui nal ot Bay City which asserted that the supply of logs this winter would run extremely short says Too thinshort supply of was a legitimate prop osition last rear almost for the first time in the history of lumbering in the Saginaw Val ley but will not do now though there may be something of a scarcity ot help and a tew sick horses Detailed returns from camps in all quarters save at a few points on the Cas and Pine show that there is ample now to make good hauling while there is not as was the case last year enough to interfere with skidding that the proportion of logs banked to the force employed is greater at this date than at a corresponding date in any former year and the probabilities are that the aggregate of logs gnt in Saginaw Valley in 1372 will exceed that ot any former year or anv vear to come in fine that the maximum in the business of log cutting will be attained rh nresent vear This calculation is based upon the estimates of intelligent and experi enced lumbermen who say to us that though it may lie the truth should not bespoken atall it is a poor business rule at least to supply its place with thin fiction A man named Lind acting for some time since in the capacity of lamp lighter for the saginaw Gas Light Company whfi hail his head badiv crushed by the kick of horw a few dav since wa trepanned by Dr Bliss White and Barber Three pieces of the skull were remo veil one of the pieces measuring over two inehes long GENERAL ITEMS A little girl ten years of ago daughter of Peter Trust of Muskegon got badly burned on the Ilth by reason of her clothing taking tire from contact with the stove Although seriously burned about the lower ftortion of the body the girl will recover The trade in whisky is good at Escanaba anil several sleigh loads have been sent off to Lake Superior ouinoro oc aswosso on tne was preparing some sort of composition of inflam able substances over the stove when it sud denly burst out in a sheet of flame covering his face with the blaze and so injuring his eyelids that be did not open them for several days and it was thought that his eye sight was entirely lost but after a day or two he re covered the normal use of hm eyes The Imen'cmr says the citizens or Corunna and Owosso by sending a delegation to Lansinz have received the apjmrtionzneiit of money due the schools ot thce places and which was suppof to have been forfeited owing to neglect in the matter of making timely returns to the Superintendent of Public Instruction Htiron Ccnxntv is ra need of tencnew for the nrimra echoois and offers of forty dollars a month to suitable persons are made It is reported of a Saginaw young man that after haring his hair fashionably dressed by a barber he went home bare headed Wolves are said to be plentiful in Bay County also in Tuscola County and are making great depredations among the sheep The marshes near Bay City are on fire Carrie Johnson a girl of ten years daugh ter ot Johnaonof Bay City was run tended and making good progress in read itv' music Thursday evening ua lecture during part of i tolwr and November amt part of I'eee mber mce Deccmlier 15th it bus been open to the Liter arc 'sx ietv at liieli original composition arc read lie critic proceedings so Cricntilh: and literary lectures There has been tor ome week circulating an affidavit exhibited by Edward Graeir a book keeper refilling at Albany which gravely implicates the official and per otiul integrity of James Terwilliger formerly and nownin Clerk' of our 'tate senate intermedi ately Pt pnty Collector and Private Sanitary of Collector Murphy of our custom house which office he ha probably resigned though we have no report that bail don The affidavit thus referred to charges Terwil liger with having received a largo commis sion oue tifth of the contract price from the State printer on the amounts eollwred bv them on the aceonntof the printing Airnishcj by Terwilliger as Clerk of the senate Also that these State printers occasionally madepav meiiLs for Terwilliger' jewelry until he had hl commission account settled and that th amount ehargi by the printing firm wen increased and thus certified to by Tens liliger as correct ClC GtrT IX HI iw TRAP Postmaster Smith of st James ijng I land set a trap Wednesday nizht for bur glars but forgetting the gun he went to the office for a package aud was shot dying tke next morning sKRMOXS OX ItU I'K several of the preachers yesterday morning eermonized the life and death of isk RevMills Methodist in trying to moralize on th dead man laid bare all the evils that ever did His sermon throughout was character ized by disrespectable and unchri'lian bit terness and' a surprise to his congrega tion MtXtarKHa IT LieGKRlIEALK Rev Hepworth yesterday preaclwd a er nion at rcminary Hall During the sermon an address wa circulated among the congre gation announcing the establishment of a new ehurch that of the Church of the Disciple Rev larke Unitarian denounced liepworth saving that two thirds of the Unitarian min isters were glad of Hepwortir departure ISK'S E'TATE It is iil that estates would not amount to more than jdbOJitO after the pay ment his debts It is stated that tlie Grand Central Hotel presents a bill of for the Use of the room in which isk died IElTtls SXsl lELD The Tuneu ay the letter in Herald purporting to be isk' had been doctored by Jay Gould and those letter are not the ones hich have formed the subject of so mticli litigation and am nuu li pleased with its ar satuntay evening yet is devoted to I Ins course iix ii given by our own citizen and hxs Ihs ii eminently ih tnictive I shall lie glad to we it a prrnnmeiit adjunct to our Christian work All our classes and lectures are free We hav also our religious meeting a bil lows Monday evening the general prayer meeting is helf at 8 o'clock This meeting is led bv wnne nieinber of the Association and isittciidi il by member and friends for one hour of prav All to In the devotion This eting is always plea ant There are not so many coining to join this means of trace as we would like to ce but the gathering is profitable Some have come herein trouble and found peace Some have lieen led to a new life: some have made so far as we can see sound reformation having turued from intemperance to be sober and good men praver meeting is held at 12 noon each day 1 ix Thk ti i ziz i mv npvor uniivv XCTpwu uvo apvr but svay fervente and the number of person attending each montn is iy no means small The room are open at 1 of 'unday and kept open until ti A Bible ela Is tar ffit from to 5 tn from which I look for ood results Wc have also chapel services with lav preaching and four suburban chap el The jail is visited each Sunday at a by three brethren ho conduct religious services in three ward with the prisoner Gool paters are distributed These brethren are always welt treated aud their coming is looked for a one of the regular features ot prison life I know much good i done here and as adviser of some coming from confine ment there I also knpw the work of the Asso ciation is not lost There is a Sundav school among the colored oroide corner of Watson aud Prospect ni for hooks anti here i a good work for some nu inliers of the Asso ciation Thoceliool meets at3 and will i onv khi r0ndtrctL DC LHUUKlUk ii id if one or two or more ball undertake this work tot the present among a people so eager to learn Two Sunday tuning ser vices with lay peaking were held in the Theatre Comique The attendance was hirre orderly and attentive Hie 'Ta'1 anned lighted by Manager elcli free from cost to the A oeiation Tar miuie was rood given bv a large boir under the direction of Prof 5: Dane These meetings were held in the ot me vnvia4u 1 productive ofimirli good Rciiziou rcnice i also held at theMarill Hospital ant 5 ayne Countv Poor House under the direction oi Mr Harwood who report his worktoUw oeiation Of the person! work of the members of this Association I cannot speak though it is im 14 Otten introibK ed re a trauger who are invited from here and tiui a home in some church a our pleasure is to have them do so Tlii p'ei 'onal work i mo productive of001 and I hope it may be greatly increased I a cepted this situation beh ving th work a good work With uiv experience 1 ami confirmed in that Ix liel Much time has bueiiHyeu to the corrpondence caused by the relief work I have tried to make the room attractive and to have each lecture reading or prayer tiig clo with a proper leading of the mind to the Good ather In thi I have linen helped by each gentleman who hu twliired for So tar a I nn see the outlook i good I hope the A wwiation nriv wogthv a place lu the confidence of oiir i a' mi active philanthropic and 'hristian institution 55 may reasonably hone to have more commodious rooms and better facilities for carrying forward all our effort the f001 of thc Tlfo nmort was accepted Mr Tsvlor Treasurer ot the A sc ia the following report: the close of the last fiscal ear the ciation were somewhat liehind wth heir current expense but through the kirdne of mv predeeesvor Mr Bradford smith ami one or two other friend ot the the amount wa made up with the I of one item of indebtedness for nine months rent di Mr Merrill fr the rooms we occu py mounting to 5233 I therefore opened i (lie Treasurer liooks st the commencement of mv term without having miv balance on I account tranferred to me either debit or polls JonfllOB Railroad Company i ixnmn Jan A suit mnwni menced to day in the Unite! ttate District Court against the Cincinnati Indianapolis Junction Railroad Company and others by James for Mose Taylor John Jacob Astor Hiring Brothers ami other based on the purchase of 1 U00W first mortgage bond mnOt'O eeoml mortgage ond of the ort 55av ue Muncie Cincinnati Railroad held bv the former company the enmplain int averring that the detendaura withheld of the existence of over3WbpoO iihilitii against said company inflicting imazre upon them thereby They ask that ill persons having claim against the ort wnme Road be directed tq pre ent th nis tn court (HUDDLEb and OuT fAICMEBS at COULSON bllEli t)AKD Wouthrnnl nv jataan Without VartieM were yepter dav Uuutin" around the city fer a rcident of DuX'w Mrcet uamed Jenetcr wife lay dying He the hoiu in the miming when told tliat he might not lire until night and when the marcher found him he wa so trunk that they had to take him home in a I wagon 55' ANP a Rr Ut CTI'v' person rent ing the notion I oth at the City Hall market are about to petition the Cvimeil to lower the rent of the booth or to amend the ordiianreo that no rent hall be paid during th "in ter as in th ra of those occupied by th eonfctionerv an I butter and chec Tut Ci I II rtJ B1 LI Workmen have been engaged for two or three days in raisin the City Hall bell a to give it a clearer and louder ton whew that work i com pleted the hell will 1 equipped to strike the tire alarm During repairs visitors will not I be permitted to go up in the towi DKArttvt' an VU RhetVKNT Mr ver a "ell known citizen died very suddenly at his residence upon George street giin'lay ci cuing last usual ized chest about last Th have been some affection of the heart Mr Macv was btrn tn Nantucket in lalff and was consequently in hi fifty third year at the time of hi death lie was descended from one of the ohle families In Nw Eng land hi ancestor Thoma Maryhavingcome to this country as early and distin gtrished himself for many years thereafter aa ehampion of free speech and a defender of tho who were proecrilied for religions opinion Tho who knew MrMacy best will readily recall the pardonable pride which he felt in hi England ancestry and the eager almo childlike interest lie took ill anything relating to the early history of hi Hand plwe Since 1S57 he i been a res ident nf Lwtroir holding the iiosition of Gener al Receiver of the Michigan Central Railroad where hi incorruptible integrity methodical i ines habit and sterling worth have won for him the confidence of all who had bui relation with hl department Though mist anl unostentatious iu social life he had a large number of very warm friends ho were attracted to him by hi many admirable qmdities of head and heart Uis loss to those Immediately connected with him is trrcnnrable and very many hearts will lx: places him no PETENT GIRL WANTED' In "mil fmn if three Apply at IIS sixteenth street raze JalH lt sALE cd cli'ioners 10 propellers and 0 1 he'l steamer I N'tlTf 'f WANTED CAKE GRtDbLES and OtlT kHM hits at COULiGN UaRER IA It WiHwhvanl no New York Jan The weather is very cold The thernnimeter wo six degrees avove zero at sunrise THE CV9TOAI nnt SE IXVETfri The custom house investigation of the office could give information a to the collection of money from inspector also giving informa tion as to dismissal of employes for voting for Democratic candidates Cas erlv made an uniucsful attempt to have a printed report of the committee ap pointed bv the Secretary of the Treasury to inquire into the cartage bureau received and tiled by the committee Senator Stewart and i Howe opposing Deputy Collector Clarke te tiiictl that Dy montt Lally importers is the name ot the firm where i fraud of SWOOOO was compro mised for 5OIHH1 It turned out that he said that the means the tirm ha ju enabled them to pay 'HlOOO He explained the means for mve tmating the frauds in the eartage business and the difficiil tic encountered in obtaining clues to the culprits Merriment was created by a letter signed Cbas Currie which gave the views ot the custom matters The following letter was read Dei irtmes or JrsTti'E5 Ori'iCE or mH sp irerr tub tres nrv Oct I ini It is deired tliat you in connection with the United States Attorney shall after an opportunity for itch explanations as Naylor Conwav'dcvni it important for them to make carefully consider the charges of under valuation and' in eae they seem to be well founded and the evidence is sufficiently ex plicit aud clear it is expected that uit ill be commenced but if tlie evidence hall be of a character in the judgment of yourself and United State Attorney not likely to warrant the government in ex pecting a recovery before a jury then it is de sired that no suit hall be instituted I will add that Deputv Collector Clarke is a quain with this matter and the alxive arrange ment made by me on Saturday last I deem it important to have this business settled at once so os to avoid further application for the intervention of the court upon preliminary proceedings (Signed) BANIELD Solicitor of the Treasure To Hon Thomas The witness continued: understand that Mr Leet carries on his general order business under two names one Leet Co and the other Leer Stocking Co 1 believe this business is the rno valuable perquisite in the gift of the United States Government There may have been cases which after ex amination by Col uowe ami lavoramv portcil to the Secretary of the Treasury by him Mr Jayne and I have again called up for further inve tigation Senator Casserly asked the witness if he had ever shared the proceeds of seizures as an informer in port He said he hail but that some he ap peared in other his name "a not on the record The reason for the omission in the of hi name wa that the tacts having been brought out by a number of reformer of Whom he was 'one bv common eon ent his wa omitted Again' private arrangement regulated the sum which each hall receive share Senator Casserly was not satisfied with this explanation and cross examined on th ques tion for half an hour longerwithno better result George IL 5'an Cleft sworn 55 a en gineer 'in the naw but suspended October IS 1871 The first notification of suspension was by a letter written Ly the President I went to Washington and aw Commodore Daniel Ammon official head ot the depart ment who told me there wn nothing to fear th anti faction and no removal could be mode without hi knowledge Soon after a friend told me that Murphy had obtained Pro ident an order for mv suspen sion I telegraphed to Murphy at Long Branch and called on him next day at the custom house and lie said ho got the tele gram while with the President who was asked whether I wa te be retained and that he gave no positive answer Murphy afeo said that he had leen informed that I was opposed to the administration 'vtiicn I said wa false He said there would be no trouble if I was disposed to work with bim and desired me to call again I J''1 he spoke of sending delegates he Convention and as he lived in the am ths a ikt viniA Am Liduiratx an Xr an thted jointly named I anked who would be the thin! man and he told me Sdd WP eouid proudly jet almj without aTntst He named Mr Arthur A' niirhtnwver and both Rufus Andrews lie atbked me who would Mr Rightmeyer to favor a President and I said Mr Tbad no official connection with the cus tom house and Admiral 8and was my com mandant The whole affair wx? conducted bv Murphv not only with a baU of party politics but of party a party He told me he had been recently appointed and that he represented the administration As the election of 187U approached the number of men working in the navy yard wxs increased There was a note to me from Brooklvn jnu after my iuspen sion containinc a list of secnry tive name of person whom I waw civen to understand the Secretary of the Treasury wished to have put on to work I tlid noy put them Thu was a few day a before election Adjourned axotbeb radical swindle unearthed The Tritams to day editorially say: Recorderb Hush Murray keep ing a disorderly saloon: fined $12 50 Robert Rodtrtr violating wood ordinance: dis charted George Eailey viotatuijx ordi nance relative to porters and runners: David Wright leaving a horse unhitched lined James Maloney nuisance: sentence Miwpended Simon Can nan pumping gas fluid into a public street sentence sus pended The court adjourned until next Saturday at 9 a val John Stephens A Ck lEvaiiBii Vdkerarrington Campbell Co Wm Phelps Co'L Tinker Co V' Mebling GeuklJt MofTnin Higjnns I Lichtenberg A Son i 11 ltU'1 IIIMIIIJ UIJ1 AX UNirV lU if Swift Bro iT Hinchinau A Soa Eanpihar A Co Ao Ae Ac Seelv A Co Ctiemli xViini: IS A woman Catbarinc Baker wife of 55'illiim Bauer a AVayno Countv farmer wo in the city yrsrer day making inuirie after the whereabout of her ho band He I ft heme four days ince to eome to Detroit to ollrct ome mom yaiul lte wa "11 'enough aoquaiuUMi with ill habits to ju tify lir in saying that he wa qiinn luring the greenback ill riotous living Blue blaze nothing to what when he units him ntK IlKA fieri A woman namedl ine Co erove living on Clinton street was terday after a to arre her hus band for practicing rccentric tricks ono of which wri that ot pu hing her on a hot stove arid holding fo there until her lothing tire and she wxs badly burned on Lie shoulder His most eceentric trick before tills was throwing a pail of hot writer oier her Glover Boston' Cape Jr A My amt Traer Mwh wife Buffalo Kaycrweathcr Ema Berrien Inwa i Sprimcsv I 11 otil A 'jno Knos Berrien Siblev Wixom' i Co Thurber PonunejE Gibson and wife i A Marsh Santn kyJ Auburn Bosaler Buffalo ItoiUua Chicago Sew PereMar WJN crouton eDonaWr Chi Strickland SU Johns Tw Nelson Grand Cleveland Rapids i ARMBTaoxG Cx of thri city having as the undersigped are inforwed piven oat nd that they are eacwibers of cant Bnn and liable for it debts notice iaj hereby given that the undersigned are not members ot said ten and have never had any intereM therein beybud I Nnbcr1ptla Ratee by fhrmnl lo rlu bant ten Ik Mall tub s'nbr Invanablv in ifrancel nti1lr enter or draft wfoin prartes 'iVntn ptalnlv name and pustolfire al the whether tuly Tn AVeeklyor Weekly Oip rnr ErECTio: The annual election of officers of the ire Department was held yesterday in room at Hall with following result Preuident Croul l7re rcMden Pei field inortre Tru 1 obbT Hinchman Robert MrMiiian arther John Patron Stanley Wnghu Heavy Pork Harrison Walter of Clark ston Oakland County yesterday bmnght in ten of the heaviest porkers exhibited for many davs the ten wnghimc four thuwmu pounds or an average of four hundred pounds each several of the bog had loonie fat before butchering that they wer to see They were all of th Chester White breed and raided by Mr Walter Urcn ARtiEU Louis Geffert and Electa bv the adultery bad Police Court ton after hearin: that there was no caee against the accused and therefore ordered their dioeharge The year has been a very prosperous one for Grand Haven A great many new buildings have been enfeted and the United States Government has expended a large um of money in the construction of piers to the harbor Georue Hannah is greatly enlargimr Ids mill both in capaeityrand machinery The himljer manufactured and from here the part year amounts to ISJMMhOQO feet regards other productions of wood then have been shipped from here 120CQ 'cords of tan Dane ioow iorus or wood and road ties In leather there manufactured 120000 pounds here live rihing companies shipped to vuilous ports 3tihhran 250000 and roaa nounas and packed 1 WO barrels equal to 200JWO pounds making in ail 340M) pounds of white ri anl trout A regard shipments of fruit there were 3000 barrels of apples 20577 baskets of peaches thirty tons uf zrupes 800 bushels of lawfeii blackberries J(tO bushel of raspber ries 1200 bushels of strawberries and o00 bushels of pear All of the iuil varieties uf tYuits do ex tremely well here and the irrQwers take great pains to secure the best species The grape does mu letter than was at tirtt antici pated Nearly the entire crop was gathered from vines of three growth being the tirtt cmp I many rases the yield was a tonand a half an acre A Bidwell has in his vineyard srvruty two varieties of grapes nn wo acres has sixty four varieties for experiment He is also testing sixty varieties of peaches Asa novelty in fruit raising in Michigan Sir Bid well has undertaken the eultivat ion of tigs having 300 Trees of that tnut in ffae growing 'ondiuoiu He heete them up each winter for protection from the frosts and owing to UH rneui racir svnsuu rui run'pwv vrew Tbuii tar he has made bis ng crop a source of considerable protic Mr Bidwell has the reputation of being the best fruit grower in Mirhigan a 8tate noted for iU fruitgrowers In fart it may be said of all the horttrultural ihtsof South Haven that their constant strife is to produce the best fruits aud their only rivalrv ae to which sliall beat succeed ADVERTISEMENTS Ktim match on the rouge TILUlteDAT JAN Pill lirr I1a1Ii fri rk lwtnrn ird JiA I Mtbois Limerick Grl ownedgunp snlhvnn and thu King uf eh Miontor for fluo Good ndathns will ftinl nirhe orteniin's RANK BILLKL jabfcA GNEE'S THE STOVK GROCERIES rr tlarnirin Wixnn Meixh Ac will bv m' nt public anriton at tore south Irnrr Michigan avenue and Batea street tv th Lc72 at lu o'clock I NotlTHERN TACIHJ It GOLD BONDS fate by Bank am! Banker ponrrally 1 LUNT PRESTON AX Unit JLink rvChlrniro nfi Ar'u II KEN CIG lf nr Ihv A BOH BRAND ni ipn lb niarkri Jan a fcElt cmrmt fml know Um NAB'B bv the tiriqtie boxea in whtrh pnp janll un I DEALER purchasing the NBOR BGAItoWill le ftimirhed With hau homu EamI ihim'tanK JnnU XH Emi CIGAR rctMibid at rcnuetteKer Ehm for a quarter of a dollar Jan JituEsT bKNA HUN The NUloBGAR nuuufwtuni by uiUcr Bros Jnntr jB CIGARS the flnet a a im lohnr JatHtettn Le SARHtt (GARS ur aide eyrry iirre In Michigan JnnH boll CIG AR tor ante at all drug Mory in i roll 31 Boll CIGAR toraalet all holeU in Iv poir JanltoW juR CIO RS for at all anluona aud junlt itot md MeJO 'in 'jnt'i pl i i Bp hi TN rata HQCAav oftfx i ji A 4 Jjj I Of Brrvaticn 4 I 5.

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