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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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1862 I the contrary but slwe' national nimllmfflrtneta 1 4 WH1 MM MtaoA to tM eelllag Gm birthplace of their ancestor Violent 'Guo GttBl i i New Style of Monitor Goita i He THE SIECE VICKSBURG DENTISTRY BUSINESS CARDS for the loosening sad prevention of the numerous wearer of 1 CO PARTNERSHIP NOTICE CLEVELAND LAKE SUPERIOR oo Toone A gentleaaaa having been track of homeward bound Qbtaa ships and Mi 10 is Conceded to be the moat natural and life like ot any artificial teeth made by which all that fiUae and 1 a a JwedtSoda Marmora nt Clair Hambleton Provisions for Holdiig the District aid Circuit Courts Therein Monarch Swiueriand Hornet The tndfa that persona from the country can have a complel set of teeth in 34 honra partial seta in less No 66 Woodward are corner lamed rt jeM ly nrtpert DeKalb Cincinnati Plttabnrg raonr exana flMi 5 OTHPICKS OR THE MILLION for $136 at KLW or the roetoratlen of the sunken cheek and for re nstitillshlng the natural expression and original con Clairvoyant Doctreaa ie atm at No M8 Woodward avonne near Grand Circna Detroit where thia Cel ebrated Doctrass may be consulted open all mattags pertaining to life health and dlaeaee of the human eyateaa and cures all forma of female complaint Consulting one doner All letters for advice and inquiry aanat contain the foe one dollar toie celve immediate attention Jab '8 MJ wm whjcaton THEODORE LEONARD HABVEX BUBB vi Geneal Partner Detroit ebruary 3d 1863 lit fcb8w particnlar of i he Capture of the Queen of the West PLANTATION BITTERS They purify strengthen and invigorate create a healthy appetite They are an antidote to change of water and diet They overcome' effect of dissipation and late hoar They trengthen the system and enliven the mind They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fever They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach They enre Dyspepsia and Constipation They enre Dfarrhcea Cholera and Cholera Mor bus They cure Liter Complaint and Nervous Bead ache They are the beet Bitter in the World fafilte te weak man strong and are exhausted na great restorer Tiuy are maue of pure St Croix Rum the celebrated Cali aya Bark room and herbs and are taken with the pleasure of a bever age without regard to age or time of day Particu larly recommended to delicate persons requiring gentle stimulant Bold by all Grocers Druggists Hotels and Saloons Drake Co 302 Broad way New Torii febadeod Tww Guat hknoh KXMEtrf Madam Boi ls Xamad Mwm Bandofp mte Bru Respectfully inform hie friends and the public tbat he continue in the Undertaking Business and Bound City Louisville i i Cleland Dentink WbodtMTd 4wnw fibs' Larned Efrert Aneerts teeth Gold Silver ana Rubber plates and would call attention to the Vulcanised Rubber for ease comfort and natural appearance combined Gold Silver and other nlatee nave in many esses bwn discarded for the Vulcanised Rubber Base by persons tbat have used metal plates for year AU patients will find this business conducted with cue and attention irst class productions and moderate charge Bvary effort and improvement being used mmjrtLBjrjrEsa cured The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempt ing cup Dr antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for It creates dlUkk for strong drink and can be administer ed without the knowledge of the patient Price $1 a box Sent by mail to any address by 8 Upham 408 Chestnut street Philadelphia Pa Circular sent fra 4 oct3eowdawiy The Late Disgraceful Afiair in Virginia Ac Resignation Accepted Washington March 1 Gen John resignation has been accepted by the Presid nt He designs in other fields to continue his support of thg war for the Union rftgm md OorriooRR WwUAtd on Mors to feb30 Jfc 5 EacoragiBgt Dispatches frem Cea Great Relative ta A i Vfcjaz: ROM BERMUDA Nbw York March 1 An arrival from Bermuda 19tb reports the arrival of the British steamer Columbia from Charleston with a cargo of cotton She would discharge and load arms for a Southern port The steamer Miriam mate to the prize steam er Princess Royal was loaded with arms and womd sail for Charleston In a week ROM CHARLESTON obtbbss Bl on bob eb 28 The British frigate Petrel arrived in im ton Roads last uight from Charleston Her officers report that the rebels hve a strong net work across the channel to the entrance of Charleston and that it is filled with torpedoes destined to blow up any ederal vessel that may attempt to enter ly curtain and safe Remedy for all Uterine Obstruc tions Monthly Difficulties Irregularities and all the other diseases to which the Woman Wife and Moth er i peculiarly IHMd' These Pills contain no dtfetartous ingredients but are safe aad eteiata in their action They wUlbe found to exert i happiert effeet in all cases of Pro lapsus Uteri )i laencorritsd Of ike White 'they will be fouud th easiest and most ceftitt Cure that can be found It is account of thia ceftsitty thay alumM not be taken bv Pregnant emales dur inp Ms Jlnt thru months as mtewrriap is ovrtain to Be brought cm but st" other periods their use is perfectly safe One Dollar enOoeed to any authorised Agent will ensure a package of nils by return of men CROSBY General Agoat Jfort Brie BuffaloMY Beware of Counterfeits the genuine have the signature a OMOfiBY on the wrapper or sale by all respectable Druggist febSdeow ROM WHEELING 2 WBMuie Va March 1 1 A correspondent of the Wheeling Intelligencer dated Winchester 26th ult give the particu lars of the late disgraceful affair between a por tion of our troops and the enemy On the 25th a rebel cavalry scout eighty strong came in side our pickets on the Strasburg road After a skirmish with the infantry pickets in which two were wounded on each side they retired capturing a cavalry picket of twelve men ive hundred of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania aud New Yoik cavalry were sent in pursuit and recaptured beyond Strasburg most of the prisoners and horses and took a number of prisoners The commandant of our detach ment transcended his orders and pursued bo yond Woodstock Arter driving in the rebel pickets he stood parleying in the road without guarding The enemy returned in force charg ed upon and threw them into confusion kill ing and capturing 200 in a fight of twenty miles Our men made no stand though outnumbering the enemy The Act of Congress Establish ing the New District i lIlOM CAiaO Special Dispatch to The Detroit ro raas' CAmo eb "The statement that Gen orrest Is deaid is incovrert He was wounded at Cross Roads and com pell ed to turn over hiatcom mand to a subordinate officer The naval boat Gen Lyon left with Um stores for the fleet this mortlhg The Adams designed for the naval brigade' is here from New Albany where it has been fitted out to operate against the guerrillas It is encased with eight inch oakW timbers impervious to musket and rifle shots A targe: stage is hung so as to swing down easily when the boat lands and al low horsemen to pass from the boat to the shore quickly and pursue any guerrillas that may at tract attention along the river It is useless for triends of soldiers in the ar my to mail them newspapers as they scarcely ever reach their destination i Mr Knox correspondent of the New York Herald was ordered out ot the Army lines not to return under penalty of imprisonment' by order of court martial CONGRESSIONAL Washington eb 28 SENATE Mr Grimes introduced a bill for the purchase of the Stevens battery Mr Davis of Kentucky spoke at length against the emancipation bill though he would be willing to vote for it as a war measure if he had confidence in the administration Mr Cullamer of Vermont made a report from the Conference Committee on the bill to reorganize the Postofhce Department Agreed io Mr Grimes introduced a bill to further regu late the proceedings in prize cases and to amend the act of Congress in relation thereto At a quarter to twelve the Senate commenc ed voting on motion to postpone the conscription bill 11 to 35 Mr Powell offered an amendment exempting persons of religious scruples Rejected The amendments of the House were concured In and the bill passed At half past twelve the Senate adjourned HOUSE iluenmg Session The House went into com mittee oi the whole on the miscellaneous ap propriation bill Several gentlemen obtained permission to print their speeches At 1230 me House adjourned tk eoBVttto far and wide that ktedMd a the other aide of the Atlantic neither eager to witaeaa owr downfall or thtratteg for or blood Thgyfeel toward ua a brother ahould feel They recognise the fiunUy ti The iaA3 woonan "Tn Rnro'BTkb TnrvAYmm fit Ctna 8as The story that was published on Tues day afternoon about rebel vessel in the Chin rt which wm to destroy all American ships fa ntrae' Ike ship Selim which eaid to 600i000 Men to be Called out Under the Conscfip '4 5 ztioh DARING RECONNOISSANCE TO WARDCHARLESTON Ac 1 Ac List of the Boats in lervioe and 1 2 those Building The Bombardment flovemenfa in Mumplne out the Beenlte of the At tempt: Correspondence of the Cincinnatti Gazetts In Sight of Vicksbukg eb 19 The siege of Vicksburg to speak literally commenced yesterday Night before last a mortar boat was towed down to the posi icn whence the bombardment of last summer was carried on Since that bombardment the rebels have cut off nearly all the timber on the peninsula so as to have a full view of our op rations This pieoe of strategy exposes the position of our mortars and gives the rebels a good opportunity for aiming their guns To add to their advantages the height of the river allows the mortar no protection below the banks of the stream such as was the case in July Whether the result will be to compel us to withdraw our mortars is a mat ter of debate The probability is that we will be able to hold our position so as to throw an occasional shell for the amusement and distur bance of the Vicksburgians The first shell was thrown about noon yester day and fell 'in the vicinity of the railway depot thoughit is not thought that any damage was done A train ot cars that had been stand ing on the track moved out hastily as if fearing that a second projectile might fall too near it A few persons that were previously promenad ing the streets of Vicksburg disappeared in the direction of their homes The signal Hags on the courthouse were at once In active oper ation conveying the intelligence to the camps in the rear of the town rom all indications the rebels thought tbat we were ready for a furious assault and made haste to put them selves in condition to receive the least damage The battery at the south part of the town opened upon the mortar boat in reply but as the distance was not fir from two and one half miles their aim could not be very accurate Most of their projectiles fell short exploding over the peninsula or burying themselves in the soft earth One shell burst in the river within a hundred yards of the mortar throwing up the water to the height of fifteen or twenty feet One shell fell quite near a party of engi neers who were endeavoring to get the angles of the posltion'of the rebel guns so as to assist the mortars in taking their aim Still another droppea neir the negroes who were at work on the upper end of the ditch causing considera ble excitement among them The result of the firing of the afternoon was nobody on our side and it is pretty certain tbat no one was injured among the reb els Not a half dozen person were killed in the bombardment of the combined mortar fleets in July A single boat in one day would not be likely to accomplish anything if we judge its performance ty the history of last operations During the night shells were thrown at intervals ot about forty min utes and were not replied to by the rebels To day the firing has been slowly kept up with the same result as yesterday One of the rebel shells struck in the upper end of the canal full three miles from where it was fired: Yesterday the pumps of the Champion No 3 were set a work to remove the water from the upper end of the canal so as to allow the laborers to work Most of the water has been taken out but the bottom of the canal is still so muddy that progress is very slow upon it The nature of the soil is suctr that it will be difficult to drain he ditch completely Those who were formerly most sanguine of its sue cess are beginning to shake their heads over its results On all sides it is pretty generally acknowledged that the canal project is a failure To make it operative it should have been dug of the proper width and depth at the time the river was at its lowest To complete it now is an impossibility It may be available to keep a considerable force of contrabands at work and out of mischief but as far as the passage of boats is concerned it is an arrant humbug We are happy to perceive that the river is falling so as to leave our camps dry as toonts the sun can remove the surface moisture The rain of the week hae ended and to day is as beautiful as could be desired A high wind from the northwest is fast drying up the mud and rendering locomotion possible aces that have for days been wofully elongated are now wreathed in smiles and we are bopingthat the ainy season is over for the present The earth of Louisiana to very fertile and in summer to easy to traverse but when once it to wet it forms itself into the worst mud in the world The sacred soil of the Pelican State has been most bitterly anathematized by the invaders during the past week ahcctsv sixiA WowumUof XsffW AMD Solicitor to Chancery OMee In Savings Bank Building opposite ostcfie jatjjn dtf OM A a 0 Grand cotllion party There win be a Cotillon Party given at Hall No 40 Monroe avenue on Tuesday evening Mr hS Good music and the best of refreshments provided Admittance 85 cent Tickets to be had at the door marl einktues TWIDDLE A STANTON TTORMBYB AT LAW Collection STfax and lnsaranc JKgency agent tor Home Ufa Insurance Company of Brooi hr Mutual Office over anners Mechan Bank Detroit Michl Wk xubdix mar wauvom The following to the act to divide the State ol Michigan into two judicial districts and to pro vide for holding the district and Circuit courts therein! it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepre eenlatiuesff the United StMes'of America in Con gress atsenMed That the State of Michigan be and the same to hereby divided into two judi cial districts in the following manner namely THB UASTUKN AND WKSTEKN DISTBICTS The western district shall embrace all the territory and waters within the following boun daries to wit Commencing at the southwest corner of Hillsdale county In the State of Mich igan and tunning from thence north on the west line of said county to the south line of Calhoun county thence east on the south line thereof to the southeast corner of said last named county thence north on the east boundary of said county to the south line of Eaton county tnence east on said south line to the southeast corner of Eaton county thence north on the east boundary of Eaton county to the south line of Clinton county thence west on the south boundary of said county to the south west corner thereof thence north on the West boundary of Clinton and Gratiot counties to the south boundary of Isabella county thence west on its south boundary to the southwest corner of said last named county thence north on the west line of Isabella and Clare counties to the south boundary of Missaukee county thence east on its south boundary to the southeast corner of Missaukee county thence north on the east line of Missaukee Kalcasca and Antrim counties to the south boundary of Emmet county thence east to the southeast corner of Emmet county thence north on the east boundary of Emmet county to the Straits of Maekinac thence north to midway across the straits thence westerly in a direct line to a point on the shore ot Lake Michigan where the north boundary of Delta county reaches Lake Michigan thence west on the north line of Delta county to the northwest corner of said Delta county thence south on the west boundary of said county to the dividing line between the States of Mich igan and Wisconsin in Green Bay thence northeasterly on the said dividing line into Lake Michigan and thence southeasterly through Lake Michigan to the southwest cor ner or the State of Michigan on a line that will include within said boundaries the waters ot Lake Michigan within the admiralty jurisdic tlon of the State of Michigan thence east on the south boundary of the State of Michigan to the intersection ot the west line of Hillsdale Bounty: The judicial centre of which district shall be Grand Rapids in the county oi where the courts of said district shall be held The eastern 1 district shall embrace all the other territory of the State of Michigan and all other waters of said State not embraced within the foregoing boundaries of said western district: The judicial centre of said eastern district shall be Detroit in the county of Wayne where the courts of said district shall be held 1 Sec 2 And be it further enacted That there shall be two terms of the circuit and district courts begun and held in each of said districts to wit At the city of Detroit for the eastern district on the first Tuesday tn June Novem ber and March in each year and at the city of Grand Rapids for 'the western district on the third Monday of May and third Monday of October in each year And the said courts are hereby authorized to hold adjourned terms when the business before the courts shall in the opinion of the court require it Sec 8 And be it farther enacted That all suits and other proceedings ot whatever name or na ture now pending in the circuit or district courts of the United States for the district ot Michigan shall be tried and disposed of in the circuir and district courts respectively for the eastern district of Michigan in the same manner The SameTWonld bave beep in case said State had not been divided Into two dis tricts and for that purpose the jurisdiction is reserved to said courts in the eastern district And the" clerk of the circuit and district courts for the present district of Michigan shall remove the records and files of the said cir cuit and district courts to the city of De troit and do and perform all the duties apper taining to his office within the eastern dis trict and all process and other proceedings taken or issued or made returnable to the cir cuit or district court for the present district of Michigan shall be returnable at the next term of the said courts respectively in the eastern district of Michigan Sec 4 And be it further enacted That upon the application oi any party to any suit now pending which would have been commenced in the western district if this act had been in force before the commencement of said suit the proper court may and if all parties consent shall order that the same be removed for further proceedings to the proper court for the western district and thereupon the clerk shall transmit all the papers in the cause with a transcript of the order of the removal to the clerk ot the court to which the said suit shall be removed and all further proceedings shall be bad in said court as if the suit had been originally commenced therein 4 Sec 5 And be it farther enacted That the present Judge of the district of Michigan be and he to hereby assigned to hold saia courts in the eastern district of Michigan and shall exercise the same jurisdiction and perform the same duties within said' district as he now exercises and performs within his present dto trict 7 Sec And be it further enacted That final process upon any judgment or decree entered the circuit or district court of the United States for the district of Michigan and all oth er process for the enforcement of any order of said courts respectively in any cause now pending therein except causes removed as hereinbefore proulded shall be issued from and made returnable to the proper court for the eastern district of Michigan and may run and be executed by the Marshal of said eastern dis trict in any part of said State Sec 7 And be it further enacted That there be appointed a District Judge for the said west ern dtotrict of Michigan who shall possess the same powers and do and perform all such duties in his district as are now enjoined or in any wise appertaining to the present District Judge lor the district of Michigan and the District Juage of each district shall be entitled to the same compensation as by law to provided for the Judge of the district ot Michigan Sec 8 And be it further enacted That there be appointed one person aa District Attorney and one person as Marshal for said western dis trict whose terms of appointment and service as well aa duties and emoluments shall be the same with those respectively appertaining to the said officea in the district or Michigan And said Marshal shall give the same bond that other Marshals are required to give to be ap proved and recorded aa now directed try law Javided That the present District Atttorney of the district of Michigan shall be the Dis trict Attorney of the Eastern District and retain the charge of all suits already commenc ed until final termination unless the President of the United States shall otherwise direct and the present Marshal of the district of 'Michi gan shall be the Marshal of the eastern dis trict during their respective official terma Sec 9 And be it further enacted That all suits herealter to be brought in either of said courts not of a local nature shall be brought in the court of the district where the defendant re sides but if there be more than one defendant and they reside in diffiirsnh districts the plain tiff may sue in either and send a duplicate writ against the defendants directed to the Marshal the other district on which an Indorsement shall be made that the writ thus sent to a copy ot a writ sned out of the court of ths proper district: and the said writs when executed and returned into the office from whence they is sued shall constitute one uit and be proceed ed in accordingly Approved ebruary 1868' DETER8ON OR Just re Jj reived at TUNIS LOCAL INTELLIGENCE A Gknkbovb The following note from one of onr well known citizens tempora rily absent In a distant State will speak for itself Such generosity is deserving of especial mention: Dbar Although far from and from the bloody battle field I cannot forget onr noble soldiers or their sufferings I inclose herein a check to your order for one hundred dollars for the purposes of the Michigan Sol Relief Association Repectfully your etc BALDWIN Vkbno Esq Detroit San rancisco eb 4 1868 7 Lieut Hillier late of an Il linois battery has received the appointment of Captain of the Eleventh Battery of MichiganArtillery which to to be attached to the Eighth Cavalry Col Stockton 'The Captain haa seen several years of service in the British Artillery and In the service of the East India Company as an nd bas also been in several battles in Virginia during the presen war hav ing been under Gen Banks in the Shenandoah Valley campaign Belief for Arrival of tlie 1 George ronf the Manchester Examiner and Time eb 10 Three cheers for the George Griswold Yes terday afternoon after a prosperous voyage from Ne York this good ship was tOwed into the Mersey and to day she will begin unload ing the stores with which she la freighted for the Lancashire operatives Her reception at Liverpool was in keeping with her merciful er rand As she passed the fort the British flag was lowered and presently from the opposite bank of the river where a new battery has been bnilt to defend ns against visionary dangers the big gnus volleyed forth a thundering salute The little steam tng which had been on the lookout all day was attired in an interna tional livery ot gayest colors and as she polled the precious argosy up the stream many a square yard of bunting run up to the mastheads seemed to say We are glad to see yon But this was only such a welcome as could be extemporized at the moment and the people of Liverpool will take other means of showing their appreciation oi the motives which led to the ofiering of this splendid gift To day or to morrow there to to be a public re ception of the captain and officers of the crew of the George Griswold at Bt Hall on which occasion eloquent' addressee and speeches will do justice to the sentiments cher ished by this country towards the United States The Mayor of Liverpool will 'entertain the cap tain and his friends at a public dinner in the Town Hall and private hoe itaiity will no doubt fill up the measure of becoming welcome Estimated by its value in money the freight of the George Griswold to a most acceptable ad dition to the means available for the relief of these districts and thousands will read it over many times Those barrels of flour have a ring of plenty and the pork we donbt not will be found relishing food The George Gris wold to only the forerunner of other vessels we trust will nach our ports in 'safety One has already left Bos ton and another will presently be dispatched from New York It to too soon to estimate the total value of the gifts we are likely to receive bnt fifty thousand pounds sterling will proba bly be under the mark It is not in this light however tbat we discern the full value of these proofs of American generosity We are thankful for them aa the means of helping to feed our needy population bnt they pmaees in our eyes an immeasurably higher signifi cance as demonstr ations of national friendship a friendship which stood the stress of perilous events which has bad to weather many a storm of suspicion and imagined wrong and which now shows itself to be undimmed un diminished and unchanged The weakest point in the conduct of the British government since the war began was undoubtedly ita defer ring tffl it was too late to take measures for stopping the Alabama Why do we recall these facta which seem to have no relation to the George Griswold sad only jar the harmony which she inspires JWe do so because this vessel comes to as from New York because ths money which freighted her was raised in New York and becanse the first movement towards raising funds was made by the New York Chamber of Oosametce We do not wish to be sentimental bat it is merely just to recognize the nobleness of this conduct The delays of the British govern ment in reference to the Alabama aright have beenaxpected to raise such a of in dignation taa would have been fatal to any in tended demonstration of sympathy with Lan cashire diatresa Bnt it happens that the very body of merchants which felt itself specl aUy Charged with the duty of denouncing an outrage permitted if not perpetrated by our vnvMummit on American commerce was also £hs establish the InttenatiSal Relief und for the aid of onr suffering workpeople rom this noble fret we are justified in draw OR A GOOD BUGGY nearly new and one harness for 875' Inqune corner Brash and Macomb street marl 8t speech of Sir Robert ad the other day repro anted the convictions and sentiments of the English peeple1 The Americans have never yet lost an opportunity apart from politics and diplomacy of showing the respect and attach ment they cherish toward England To be an Englishman has always been password to their good offices and their reception of the Prince of Wales an eVent of Which the cheering au guries have been clouded by sad misfortunes was held forth to the world by themselves a a token of the respectful admiration in which they held onr Queen Despite ths unlucky ac cident of the Alabama we stand upon a better footing with the United States hoW than at any time since the commencement of the war At thia critical period in the progress of the war it ta the duty of everybody who is able to exert the smallest influence upon public opin ion in this country to employ it all in strength ening our friendly relations with the United States One thing only we can profess the sincerest sympathy with them: in their misfor tunes and the hope that Providence may ex tract from a mass of Crimea and heroic blunders some permanent blessings for them and for mankind 1 DIVISION MICHIGAN INTO TWO JUDICIAL DISTRICTS A mouth Th iwnnmltt W1H enatin omot two more witnemes then cloe up th evidence andanbmtt it to Dissolution The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Whea ton Peek ft Burr 1 thia day dissolved by mutual consent Wheaton Leonara A Barr are alone au thorized to Mttto the bninee of the late firm and collect all claims du ns WHEATON WM PBKK WBORR 1 Detroit January list 1868 UMITBD Notice to hereby given that James Burr of Gloversville in the mate of New YorK and wm Wheaton Theo doveO Leonard Harvey Burr ol Detroit Mich igan hav formed eoortuerhip together under Awrr thirty two of the Compiled Laws of this Stat The firm name of said copartnership to Whmtom Leonard A Burr James Burr special partner has contributed and paid into the commonSock the sum of eight thousand (S8000) dollar Said copartnership commenced on th eecond Say ebruary A 1868 and ta to continue for the po rlod of three year from that date The buainee ofaid firm 1 to be th wholesale grocery trad and th manufacture and sale of v'negar Total orce! orty flTe VomoIB Oanyisg 274 uiis rom the World eb 38 NAVAL OPkBATIONacni TO MISSISSIPPI In the outset ot the rebellion when it became evident that the Southerners were seizing trading vessels by three and feohstriicting bat tertae oh the eliores of ths Hver the jfovern ment dispatched Commodore Rogers to the West who had three of the stoutest of freight ing boats converted into Something as nearly like a man of war aa the hature of the service permitted With ihete three ifeteeto the Lexington Tyler and the Ohio and Mteatoaippi were petroled until the arrival of Commodore oote in the succeeding fall In the meantime the project Of constructing iron dd floating movable batteries had been favora bly considered and under the auspices of the War Department a number were built The veaaels were bnilt according to specifications famished by the engineers st Washington and although a first attempt proved to be ot great service in the reduction of ort lleniy ort Donelaon and Island No 10 The flotilla Was then formally tdriied OVet to the charge of the Navy Department to be manned worked and paid according to its regulations RAMS AND IKON CLADS It wss during the same spring that the nerves of the nation were shattered slightly by the ap pearance of the fahlous Merrlmae which by its formidable power of piercing wooden ships first gave insight into the advantage of the ram as a naval weapph In the same inomeht almost the BiiCeeM pt the Ericsson tfirfet afi fi shield for practical gunnery was also demonstrated The theory of naval construction had therefore to be so altered as to meet the new conditions Both North and South set to work to produce the best combination of offenaive and defensive vessel including turret beak and cannon The first attempt in the western Waters and one the value of which can hardly be too much appreciated was the extemporised rain fleet of Col Ellet who represented to the Secretary of War that unless some measures of the kind were speedily adopted the enemy might sink onr entire flotilla The experiences of our river boats at ort Boon after gave proof to his aesertions The timely arrival of the rudely altered tow boats had probably the effect of saving the entire Mississippi flotilla from de straction At Memphis the indomitable spirit of their commander led to the destraction of the rebel fleet even more completely than the intrepidity of arragut in defeating a simitar force at New Orleans ADDITIONS TO TffE LoTiLLA With every day our force is growing more and more effective After the successful de monstrations of the iron clad and the ram pow ers separately working it was determined to unite them both in the same vessel Two ves sels were therefore purchased and under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy by a legal fiction they were repaired or converted bnt in reality were new' boats These the Lafayfitte and Choctaw are now nearly ready for service being perhaps the largest and most powerful vessels afloat They were bnilt by government upon plans of Commodore Porter and others and have cost nearly half amilUon At the same time orders were given for the construction of an iron clad turret ooat at Pitts burg at Cincinnati and at Louisville These three boats are now ready for service the In dianola having recently passed the batteries at Vicksburg and the Cniticothe being above that point and the Tuscumbia en route to the fleet Three others of similar design are nqw being constructed at the same places Jt TUB MOSQUITO UIBT The opening of the smaller navigable streams in the West gave rise to the demand tor a smaller class of boats with light draft and light armament greater speed as a protection to transports a scourge to guerillas and a con tinual patrol and guard upon the property of the United States Eighteen of these boats 'were bnilt or converted and are familiarly known as on the river from their lighter coating of iron plates These with the original wooden gunboats and a few cap tured from the enemy constitute an efficient fleet capable of acting against anything short of heavy batteries NAVAL ABCHITKOTUBR AT THE WRST By far the most important fact in the history of naval warfare to the development of a re markable building capacity in the West of naval vessels of all modern descriptions It is we believe not generally known that within sight of the city of St Louis there are In process of construction not less than six of the most complete most powerful and largest iron Monitors ever built Besides having famished the greater portion of the present fleet St Louis has an arsenal al ready in opreation far larger and more effective than the building yards on the Atlantic coast where there are on the stocks war vessels which would do credit to any great naval architects of Greenpoint or Brooklyn One of onr at taches recently visited the naval depots at the West and famishes the following interesting account of the progress of naval affairs MR SHIPYARD AT ST LOUIS At Carondelet a suonrb of St Louis lying on the shore of the Mississippi are the worksof Janies JLads Esq occupying with hto private boatbuilding yard neatly twenty acres Here are seven acres covered with immense boat houses engine shops furnackbManr iqUIs gas works cisterns offices Within are all the machinery for punching rolling bending riveting launching and in a word the complete outfitting of an iron built iron clad sea or river war vessel Mr Eads was the builder of the first lot of Iron clads and the designer and builder of the celebrated Benton which still remains the larg est gunboat afloat The following boats have been built Mid converted at this yard: The Benton Essex Cincinnati LonisvUle Mound City Cairo Carondelet Pittsburg De Kalb New Era Signal' Marmora Brilliant Romeo Juliet and Bt'Clair 5 THl NIW MONITORS At the present time Mr Eads has six Moni tors unaer construction Two of them the Osage and Neosho have been launched recent ly and two others the Chickasaw and Kicka poo are being built for the contractors Messrs Allen Co and Gaylord of Saint Louis The remaining two Milwaukee and Winnebago are in an advanced state Not withstanding the nnforseen hindrances and de lays occasioned by the government seizure of boats for army purposes the whole of them will be ready within th specified time the time and energies of the proprietor and his men being devoted to their early completion The Osage and Neosho are stater vessels the former to be ready in twenty days and the lat terin thirty They are one hundred and sixty five feet in length sixty five feet beam draw with armament on board three and a half feet turret of plates nine inches in thickness deck plated and arched decks engines protected and built in twenty four water tight compart ments engines the same size as in" the DeKalb and Louisville wneel in recess capable of making seven miles an hour up stream carries two eleven inch Colnmbiads to fight fore and aft gnus sweeping the horizon within sixteen degrees very formidable and compact cost $290000 The Winnebago and Milwaukee are boats of a different class and fa fact larger and more complete than any Monitor yet launched' The former to to be ready fa sixty days and the lat ter fa seventy five They are fa length 229 feet breadth 56 draft six feet two enginesand four propellers covered by a hood astern Like the two above mentioned they are of iron throughout presenting but a very small target above water line Engines boilers and mag azine all below deck Each of them to to be fitted with two turrets One of these turrets to after the design of Mr Ericsson and the other ta upon a new principle and adaptation ot Mr Eads and will no doubt be a startling advance fa naval warfare The peculiarity ot this new turret is fa loading the gun below fa having a port hole the size of the gun muzzle only closed except during the discharges and admitting of an elevation of twenty five degrees and depression of five The tower of 9 inch plates to not only rotary bnt the interior platform or bed is elevated or depressed by steam power at each successive discharge of the guns so as to leave little or no margin for casualties Altogether these are the most formidable war vessels yet produced Their cost will be about $320000 The Chickasaw and Kiekapoo are to be com pleted the former in ninety and the latter fa a hundred days They are the same in general construction as those just described except that they will be furnished with two turrets of the Ericsson pattern ech Like them also they will cany four eleven tach columbtads will make six miles an hoar against current They are also protected against plunging shot ta nsMer quite remsrfcbla Tbe interior arrangements are uch as to allow ot compact and comfortable quarters duringaetion Tbere 'is an abundance of room and substituting iron for wood have adopted all the suggested by the demands of the first fleet 1 ne fro ot which they are built and covered is the tough Missouri bloom rolled at Ports mouth Onio The plating for the sides of the hulls above and below the water Ha to three and a half inches at a very near angle with the water surface Thera to no probability of the hulls being piereed by any projectiles Row ta use la spite of many predtations it toballev ROM INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolis March 1 1 In the United States District Court four per sons charged with resisting the military au thorities in the arrest of deserters were con victed of treason The minority of the Legislature to still absent unless the compromise is effected with the ma jority no further legislation will be had the present session OR SALE The staunch tug Eclipse as now laM up in this city Inquire of WHITING A COr oot of irst street Detroit eb 18 1863 febl8 2w Company jif Stuart's Caval ryRepulseda morning edition Startling Rumors from Vicksburg Dwelling houbss for Two dwelling houses and lots in this city for sale on reasonable terms ireof hqyt No 4 Buhl Block Griswold street Detroit eb 18 1883 Iebl93w INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE IT IB NOT A DYE Bet restore gtay hair to its original color by rap piyif th capillaiy tubes with natural sustenance Impairs by age or disease All instantaneous dyes are courpoeed of lunar caustic des roying the vitali ty and beauty of the hate soft afiord of themselves no dressing lotaritable Coloring not only restores hair to Its BStaral cotof by an aasy pro ceea but gives the hate a JT LUXURIANT BEAUTY promotes its growth prevent It falling off eradi cates (timdrnS and impart health and pleassntaeee to the head It has stood the test of time being the original Hair Coloring and i constantly ln ereastag in favor "Used by both gentlemen and 1 dies It ta sold by all respectable dealers or can be procured by them of the commercial agentsD 8 Barnes A Co 303 Broadway New York Twotoes SO cents and $1 febS6 deodte I 1 tten' McDowell Censured irlff I uu I Dim Uoneas i kaEwmii Vieksbuiw and ort Hudson nmlntainin the Stars and Stripes over the last link ta tile tn Ct The is a small Monitor Of light draft admirably fitted for the service for whichhe has probably been selected She has two screw ana two paddle engine is capable of making eight mites up stream and to armed with twoheavy coltlmMada It will be feasi ble for hef to pass Up Black River to the ven test of vlcksbuihit mjd With her formidable gna to sweep tbe railroad bridge into that stream beat down the extensive trestle work and even to lie there and maintain an absolute blockade It is only necessary to keep out an eye agktart boarder against Which she has Kracumbia is the largest of the fleet ei cept the Benton now with the fleet 183 feet in length TO feet beam 5M heavy gdfiS Ser armor to very thick and like the Chillicothe she fCsetnWee a stout reft sur mounted by a turret Ixk The engine of both are slde wheeJ and quite capable of maneuvering in tbe making five miles against the current It is expected that the Tuscumbia and Vbillicotbe will be sent figatast the Harris Bluff batteries on the Yazoo fuVet SPRRDT OffifriNO ok THB JfTSSISSIPrt Contemplating this arrajr of lore including all ht the resources of money and science tan yield it cannot be doubted that the rebel hold upon th great Western outlet to destined to be short lived The task of covering land batte ries granting even that to be advantageous to a task so great that all the mechanical resources of the enemy cannot meet their requirements We on our part are just launching and com pleting a squadron of vessels one of which should be able to take a position ta frofit of the strongest fort and leisurely batter it to pieces We have developed an extraordinary and cheer ing capacity for the construction of first class vessels ol war ta the West with all the mate rials at ottr hand Thanks to the enterprise of Mr Eads and the efficiency of Admiral oote we have demonstrated the superiority of scien tific and energetic enterprise to the collected might of the hosts of rebellion roth thte source have the enemy received their severeat blow A''" '7 Seioti Collision on tfae East emboat Nebraska Sank by tbe erryboat Seneca 'l' rom the Commercial Advertiser riday morning the density of the fog was greater than at any time during the present winter and boats were obliged to check their snebd and proceed on their trips with great precaution In spite of this carefulness how ever an accident occurred at half past seven which was very fortunate in not termin ating ta a loss of life and other serious damage The ferryboat Nebraska of the Williamsburg ferry while proceeding to the city was struck when ta the middle of the stream and opposite Gouverneur street by the ferryboat Seneca of the Jackson street ferry The Beneca had just left the dock bn this aide of the river when the accident occurred She struck the Nebraska just forward of th wheel running under her guard and crushing her bottom so that the water immediately rushed ta ta an immense volume causing the injured boat to begin to fill at once As soon as tbe nature and extent of the ac cident became known to the passengers of the Nebraska (between three hundred and four hundredin number) they were seized with the greatest consternation The pilot of the ves sel Nimrod Bauisir headed the boat for the nearest slip and succeeded in running her into tbe dock at the foot of Pike street The hold of the vessel was by this time filled with water when the passengers amid intense excitement rushed to the side of the vessel nearest the dock It is a great wonder that a large num ber of them were not plunged overboard by this movement With the exception of two of them however they all remained on the boat many of them climbing upon the hoods' (or up per deck) of the vessel and all preparing to jump ashore as soon as an opportunity to do so offered itself a young woman in the midst of the excite ment sprang overboard but was buoyed up by her drees and was soon after rescued by a small boat which came to her assistance A boy stripped himself and jumping into the water swam to tbe dock where a rope was thrown to him and he was hoisted all safe and sound to terraftrma The ferryboat Warren Captain William Mansfield which was lying near by moved to the sinking vewel took the larger part of the passengers on board and landed them on the pier A large numoer of the frightened men and women were rescued by boats which vol unteered to assist them A bridge of small boats was also made from the sinking vessel to a schooner lying at the pier by which a por tion of the passengers reached the shore One lady was pulled overboard by: a man who was very gallantly endeavoring to save himself at all hazard She had hold of a rope when he in jumping into a small boat gave it a jerk which threw the lady Into the river from which she was picked up by the Warren David Osborn a caulker employed on the dock and James Scanlan after all the passen gers had been removed and the water was about three feet deep on the deck waded through the cabins for the purpose of ascertaining whether anyone had been left onboard or drowned They happily found that the passengers had all been taken safely ashore They then cut the traces of seventeen horses which were after ward placed on board of boats taken to the pier and hoisted upon the dock The wagons to which these horses were harnessed were all sunk with the vessel Massachusetts Colored With the sanction of Governor Sprague an office has been opened in Providence Rhode Island to enlist recruits for the Massachusetts colored regiment It to expected one or two Rhode Island companies will be Al Even ing Ibst 7 I We infer from this that Governor efforts during the past eight months to raise a negro regiment have proved a failure His under the circumstances is 'a good joke Out of pure compassion for the Govern or we retrain from republishing hto highfalu order issued last summer announcing hto purpose to recruit a legion of his colored fel low citizens Rochester union Congressional" The States which are to have elections for members of Congress this year are as follows New Hampshire (8) second Tuesday in March Rhode Island (2) first Wednesday in April Connecticut (4) flpt Wednesday in April Kentucky (9) first Monday fa August Vermont (3) first Tuesday ta September California (3) first Thursday ta September West Virginia will elect three members and there mav be applicants for seats from the old State of Virginia one member from Louisi ana two members from Tennessee two mem bers Passage of the Conscrip tion Bill by the' Senate ROM VICKSBURG Special Dispatches to the Detroit ree Press lx Sight ot Vicksbubg eb 33 1 VIA C'AIHO Keb S8 The ederal ram Queen oi the West was cap tured by the rebels at ort Taylor near Gor Landing eighty miles up the Red River at a little after dark on the 14th She had an armament of three 12 pound howitzers one 24 and one 33 pounder Parrott She was ac companied by the terry boat De Soto which carried a 80 pound Parrott The crew consist ed mostly of negroes The boat passed the Warrenton batteries without a shot and met no molestation above the month of the Red River Oa Thursday morning she ran down the Atch afalaya a few miles and capturdd aLd de stroyed a rebel train of seven teen wagons Returning she was fired at on Thursday night by guerrillas near Centreville On riday morning Colonel Ellet landed and burned all the buildings for miles ta retaliation destroying half a million worthof pro perty The Queen then proceeded up Bed River and met and captured the Eva No witti tourteen soldiers two officers and several citizens and a cargo of corn The ram and the De 8uto came within range of ort Taylor At live bui dred yards distance about dark and were immediately fired on Tne De Soto fell back while the ram engaged the fort The third shot struck the ram crushing through her decks Our men fired once at the tort and then deserted their guns In this emergency Colonel Ellet ordered the pilot to back out Attempting to do so he ran hard aground The next shot plunging through the deck broke the lever off the engine A succeeding one ent her steam pipe in two completely disabling her Twenty six of fifty one I white men aboard escaped in boats and on floats The remainder were captured The De Soto transported the sur Ivors to the Eva lying below earing pursuit she was pre pared for a speedy tripup the Mississippi The De Soto was burned The Eva met the gun boat erdinand near Natchez on Tuesday morning and while lying there the rebel gun boat Webb came in sight pursuing her but turned back on discovering the Indianola The Eva literally ran a gauntlet of batteries and sharpshooters all the way and escaped miracn lousy The Indianola to still below Among the prisoners are Captain Thompson fatally wounded irst Assistant Engineer Ed Tay lor badly scalded Surgeon engineer carpen ter fourteen soldiers and the entire crew CoL Ellet reports 6000 rebel troops and large supplies of cattle fifteen miles below here on the west side The rebels have the following gunboats up Red River Doubloon Grand Duke Webb Grand Era Quitman and tbe captured ram Everything is dull here The work to press ed vigorously on the canal Dispatches to the Associate 1 Press New York March 1 A special to the Mercury dated Cairo eb 28 says: The city is full of startling rumors It is said that on the 26th the famous cut off was completed tbe two dredging machines having been at work several days' is asserted that the gunboats are all through and the transports preparing to fol low A'tr the batteries at Warrenton are reduc ed the whole force will be sent against Port Hadron It is also stated that tfie small gunboatshave reached the Yazoo River via Union Lake and are playing the mischief in the rear of Vicks burg It is also reported that the boats have got to the Red River via Lake Providence There are also reports of serious disasters to the Union forces and ot 'troops and gunboats captured but these are not 1 ROM (Special Dispatch to Tne circle ree Pres Washington March 1 The Senate passed the' conscription bill at 1 o'clock thio (Sunday) morning just as it came from tbe House It to therefore a law excepting the signature of the President Democratic speeches were made against the biU during yesterday and 1 st night Tbe principal prop ositions of tbe new law may be summed up thus: All male persons between 18 and 45 excepting idiots and those convicted of crime are to be enrolled and subject to draft by order of the President the supporter of a widowed mother or the father of small motherless children are exempt if drafted all other per sons dratted can be released from the draft by paying $300 or less if the War Department shall decide on a smaller sum' the Provost Marshals who are to be appointed to enforce the conscription may arrest without warrant all parties charged with treasonable practices but such persons must be turned over immedi ately to tbe civil authorities fortrial on those charges The other provisions of the bill re late to courts martial consolidation of reduced legiments etc of no general interest to the public at large There was no resort to parlia mentary tactics to defeat the bill as has been intimated but it was again opened ta the Sen ate to full and free discussion and the friends of ihe measure did not call a vote till ita oppo nents had made all their speeches and offered their amendments patches to the Associated Prr ss New York March 1 The Mercury's Washington special says It is universally admitted that the close of ihe setbion of Congress will witness a decided change in the policy of the governmt nt The I President has yielded to the advice of Secretary Seward and Thurlow Weed to propitiate the the conservatives and thus make the conscrip tiou palatable The measures in view are: irst a change in the Cabinet that will give Seward and his policy a majority ot its members Chase is to be retained and if he retires Walker takes his place second a restoration of McClellan to somepommandto shut the mouths ot his noisy disloyal friends third some concession to negro prejudices of Northern soldiers blacks in the army to be kept in subordinate positions fourth tbe radical re publicans to take a back seat and moderate republicans and war democrats to have the con tideuce and direction of the administration fifth there are to be no more arbitrary arrests except in very flagrant cases The irst Pennsylvania Reserves refused to do duty on picket in Virginia yesterday on the ground that they have been in the service since May and June 1861 and participated ta most I of the hard foaght battles in Virginia that they are so reduced in numbers that no one regiment will number two hundred and fifty I men and that their request to go home and I recruit has been disregarded while the Second I New Hampshire about the same number fa al I lowed to go home I upon the adjournment of Con I grese a complete enrollment of the whole fighting population of the North will be made I and some drafted men called into'the thinned I ranks of our service 5 I one hundred Union cavalry were I captured Thursday near Winchester The reb I cls first captured six of our pickets which were I retaken by the Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry I who advanced too far afterwards and were I themselves 5 I The Tunes' special says Gens Hooker and I McClellan were examined at great length before I the Committee on the Conduct of the War to I day McClellan has nearly completed his I statement It will be read in the committee on I Monday General evidence relates I tasinly to affairs at redericksburg and AST HORSE The well known and highly esteemed tro ting mare for merly owncdby John Ehto of fry JUSKrtl KueLIX Ieb31 lm Justice of the Peac Drt oit rpo store No 180 Woodward 1 avenue also an office over store No 122 ef fereon avenue Apply to ALKX LBW JS Co Detroit eb 81 febrt2w jaiv i Wednesday Jaiv 29 TuesdayAug 11 Monday Aug 24 riday Sept 4 Wednesday Sept Iti To The advertiser having oeen restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy after having suffered several years with a sevee lung affection and that dread disease Consumption to anxious to make known to his fel low aufferers the means of cure To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same which they Will find a sure cure for consumption asthma bron chitis Ac The only object of tbe Rdvertiser in send lug the prescription to to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invalu able and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy as it will cost them nothing and may prove a Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress Her HOWARD A WILSON Williamsbnrgh el8 3m ng County New'Yerk A COUGH COLD OR AN IRRITATBD THROAT if allowed to progress results In serious Puimunary and Bron chical affections oftentimes in curable BRONCHIAL TROCHES reach directly the affected parts and give almost in stant relief In Bronchitis Asthma and Catarrh they are beneficial The good effects resulting from the use of the Troches and their extended use has caused them to be counterfeited Be sure to guard against worthless imitations Obtain only the gen uine'Brown's Bronchial Troches which tMW proved their efficacy by a test of manjfyears Pubic Speak ers and Singers should use the Troches Military Officers and Soldiers who over lax the voice and are exposed to sudden' changes should have them Sold everywhere at 86 cents per box ja20dAw3m Gitas sttta Mossed i 3 Jaifet BriBfawt MiUsr 6GHd TENDERS fe waste Black Hawk Orest Western Torrence Sovereign ROM STAORD New York March 3 A special to the Herald Stafford Court House 1st says Col Wyndham whb with a force of cavalry left Centreville on riday on re onnoksance arrived at almouth last even ing He passed through Warrenton which was occupied by about twenty five rebel caval ry who escaped Small parties of rebels were discovered at Licking and Elk Rivers and some dozen prisoners taken Prisoners and deserters from the rebel army report no force at ROM WASHINGTON Washington March A dispatch received from Gen Grant has given much encouragement to the President and Secretary of War They express the ut most confidence in favorable results at Vicks burg Gen Grant asks only four or five good weather to complete hto arrangements which are such that military authorities here are convinced they will result not merely ta the capture of Vicksburg but also the rebel army concentrated there Nxw York March 3 A special to the Times Washington 1st says: rebels on the Rappahannock for two days past have refused to hold communication with onr troops under the usual flag of trace' 7 from the Army of the Potomac represent the roads as being much worse than at any previous tim Senate will be convened in executive session after the adjournment uf Congress for the purpose mainly of considering military nominations made by the President which can not be reached until after the 4th The report of the McDowell court of inquiry censures him for leaving hto command on the evening of the 27th of August to meet General Pope at Manassas Junction without orders and during which absence division was attacked by the rebels The finding of the conrt to approved by the President It is said the President will immediately call out 6000000 men under the conscription act is said that Representative Gurley of Ohio will be nominated for Governor ot Ari zona on Wednesday and Richard McCormick as Philadelphia March 2 The Washington correspondent of the In quirer says the charges against the West Penn sylvania Reserves are untrue The same correspondent says acompany of cavalry attacked our pickets last night near Union Mills but were repulsed Washington March 2 The President has issued a proclamation call ing an extraordinary session of the Senate on the 4th of March to receive and act on com munications he may make mainly on military and civil nominations Gen statement before the war committee on Saturday related principally to the battle of Williamsburg: which he stated was fought against hto judgment He asked permission to submit hto statement of tho whole subject in writing but the committee declined to re ceive it as they wished replies to direct ques tions on specific points His examination con tinues to day ROM PORT ROYAL New York March 2 The Times has a private letter from Port Roy al which makes the following curions state ment: Gen oster took a Captain nd thirty men from the Tenth Connecticut just before he went north and made a reconnoissance They entered Bay north of Charleston harbor and landtag there marched througn ene my's pickets to within lull sight of Charleston and even to withta'wiew of ort Sumpter about 1 miles distant so near that officers from the parapet could see them They re turned unharmed There to reason to believe that a successful attack can be made upon the Babylon of rebellion from a quarter deemed Sale of the Princess Royal Nrw York March 2 The prize steamer Princess Royal was pur chased by government for $1 12000 1863 1863 Cleveland Detroit and Lalxc perior 0'" THE new and splendid steamer win leave Cleveland on tho folio wing days at? and Detroit the day at 3 o'clock for Ontonagon and Intermediate TuesdayTfny 5riday2 Monday May 18 Wedneadi riday Wednesday June 10 Tuesday une S3 lAftri HIT 8 Thi steamer 800 tons burthen now buUdlmr ex pressly for tbe Lake Superior trade will be found to combine ths requisites for safety speed and com fort not equaled by any other boat on route WHITING A Co Manager De roft ebrnary 16 1868 fenlSdeodSm AYAJfe wOJUX THI MIlHslirrl The present strength ef our naval forces fa 3 Samson 8 De Soto 3 Red Hover 1 Mars RAM HE GRAND LOWER EXHIBITION At the Greenhouse from Gladewltz for the benefit of the Home of the rlenuless com mencing on Monday ebruary 16 and continuing to May 15 1863 from 9 A to 6 every day Sundays excepted where every ticket bolder will receive a premium to the full value of the price of his ticket Ticket for acmittanee can be had at Meeera Haymond A Adams' Book Store Messrs Morrison A on Jewelry Store Messrs Doltz A ancy Store Mr Edward foot of Woodward avennel Also in the Russell House Botel Biddle Bouse Ho el and Michigan Exchange and at the gate of the Cemetery by the porter My greenhouses being splendidly stocked and arranged so as to receive arable friends and the public generally with pjure Youis respectfully teD13 3m GlaBEwiTZ Proprietor TOR SALE AND TO RENT VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE for SALE in the city of Detroit to close an estate via Part of lot 1U0 in section 3 Governor and Judges Plan being 40 feet In width on east side of Griswold St between Larned and Congress St and nearly opposite the Poetoffice with the building thereon Ateoulot No on north side of Jefferson venae Antoine Beaubien farm next lot to carper ot ft Antoine street Also lot No 86 east side of Russell street and nonh of Catherine street' Goutn farm Also lot No 38 north side of Catherine street and east of Russell street Gouin farm Also lots 4 and 5 of subdivision of section 44 of ten thousand acre tract bounded on the west by the Pontiac turnpike and on the north by tbe Hol brook road aud ditch so ca'led coutaing 46 acres or further particulars Inquire of Mrs Wm Chittenden Executrix or to the undersigned corner of Jefferson avenue and Griswold street next the telerah office ADDISON MANDELL Detroit Jan 38 1868 ja34tf arm for sale A valuable farm of 186 acres to offered for sale tn Washtenaw couni Said Is situated some four Bailes front Anu Arbor and nearly the same dletsnce front Ypsilanti on the middle road leading fxom one city to the other In the former the rtate University is located and in the latter the St ate Normal School so that one having eons to educate might avail himself of either The first named city contains about 7060 Inhabitants and the last about 4000 A large rtioa of the farm la seeded It contains a small but comfortable frame house and one barn also a good orchard or particulars a tdressboxzfll Ann Arbor Wash tenaw county Mich feb2i eod3w SEWING MACHINES INGER LETTER A AMILY SEWING MACHINES THE neatest cheapest and best of all SEWING WLA CillNrHJS It embodies the principles of Singer A Manu facturing Machines makes the interlocked Mitch will sew on all kinds of cloth and with all kinds of thread will bind and braid gather and fell hem and tuck In fact it will do all kinds of sewing and surpasses every other machine for the great range and excellence of its work Singer A Mi mufreturing Machines for boot and shoe making tailoring cap dress and harness makingydothteg carriage trimminffetcetc at SUN Glut A 468 Broadway New York Michigan State Agency 58 Woodward avenue dcadAwtl Detroit Michigan rp McENTEE City Attorney tmd Counsellor OICE AT CITY HALL nov86 dtf PEIER GERMAN PHYSICIAN lately Assistant Surgeon of Thirty seventh 'Ohio Regiment voluii teen having located in Detroit offers his services in aff diseases requiring medical ervice Office hours 7 to 10 o'clock A and 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 Office at A wholesale and retail gro eery No 86 Monroe avenue octw dly JMDIMMICK AND Notice fa hereby civrn 1 sttaft on Monday the 3d day of Marte A at the hoar of ten docx A I will sell st pabllc sale to the highest bieder at tbe front door the Circuit Coart Hoose ta the atv of De troll all and siugurir tne following described prem ises for and fa behalf of tbe owner Thomas AU that tract or parcel of land lying nd being in the township of eprlngwells Wayn Michi gan described aa follow to wit: Btiicded on the northerly side by a smaiigore or strip ofl nd owned fry the River Rouge Toll bridge Company formerly lying between th tract hereby intuded to be cu vaytd and toe Monroe Turnpike bounded on tne south and edui heaster sides by tne River Rougeand bounded on the renaming tide by tee tract tendold and conveyed fierMofore by rancis Licotx to Thoma Clark of tho ity of Detroit the raid tract containing in all thirty five acres and being that part of the farm on which the house buuninge orchard and other Improvements are situate sav ing however a small lot fifty feet frost by one hun dred and twenty feet deep situate on tito northwest corner tbe above described tract which yas tofore sold and conveyed by rancis CioU to Charles Mack hENNIR Auctioneer! Detroit eb 80 1H5X 5 feb21deodtmae Tbe above eale is postponed to Beftirday too Vn day of Mrch instant al the same hoar and oia March RBNN1E marSoedtBat OR H0U8B 289 CON GRESS BTREET EAST with stable and other buildings in rear and the lot upon hich they taud This lot is 48 feet front and 13s feet deep to Uey There are also upon this lot Plum Cnrry Quince and Apple Trees and a large number of choice wrape Vines Also for sale House No 2b5 ort east with the lot upon which the same stands full lot is 50 et front and 148 feet deep This a fiords a fine opportunity to get ridofde bis toot and shoe store No 178 Jefferson avenue pAKNsWORNH Detroit Mar 1 1863 marl tf 7 fpOR SALE 1 ITY THREE CITY LOTS Situated between Prospect street Russell street and Gratiot street There are 420 feet on Gratiot 1 have also orty three acre on the Gratiot Road just beyond the city limits Sixteen acres ontbe east and Twenty seven acres on the west side of tbe Road all of which I will sell at a low price ogfr at No 18 HUhrtreet or UePort yTVB ACRES LAND On Third and ourth Streets North of the Gnmd River Road adjoining the Cos Perm and very near the recent improv me hts thereon have been fenced and a sma'l Water logs and plank walks are there the whole will be Bold very low in one Parcel CRiNB febfi 13m 111 Jefl' Ave STORES A OITOE8 TO KENT IN Masonic One very desirable store gas and water fixtures complete now occupied by WUlfam Bond One single and one double offices an first floor well lighted and vera convenient Im mediate possession given and wlU be rented very cheap to good teaanta Apply at No 100 Jegareon avenue to BOURKE iscal Agent Alan th store Ko 133 Jefferson avenue will be rented from the present time to the 1st of May next at an extremely moderate figure Apply as above febl7 dtf 1POR PALE Two houses and lots on Seventh street between Michigan avenue and Grand River streets price low and terms easy or will exchange both for a house and lot in the st ern part of the city Inquire at 113 Second street or at toe Michigan Iron oundry foot of Rivard street Detroit SAMUEL HODGE ebruary 4th 1863 febti lm 'PO RENT rom the fiibt day of May I next store No 1 comer of Cam pus Martins and Michigan Grand avenue stere No 6 Michigan Grand avenue north of City Hall and wooden building on Campus Martins ad joiningstore No 1 Inquire of CHA PKLTIEK feb20tf No 5 Larned street Detroit OR SALE PORTABLE 8TEAM Engines from 3 to 15 horse power particularly adataed to mechanical and fanning purposes or further information enquire of Mr A Copland 20 Monroe avenue to whom we would refer by per mission or the manufacturers at Eaton feb2S wuoo co SALE OR TO REMT Two Brick Stores on the southerly side of Jef ferson avenue comer of Shelbv street said lota ex tending to hundred feet to Woodbridge Bor further particulars inquire of CHARLES AChbON 103 Washington avenue fetra tr OR SALK The lot on Sheflby street and building thereon lately occupied as he Tribune PrintingOffice will be sold at a bargain Enquire of the subscriber at bis office over Pres Bank No 3 Waterman Block febl7 2w HISDA LK III.

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