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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit, Michigan
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DETROIT nmy REE PRESS JULY 27 1859 1859 ch'Eap excursion ERDINAND WALKER 1 1859 NORTH SHORE LDE OR CASH! 5 JUNE 21st 1859 PARA SOLS 118 SEWING MACHINES I CHARLES SCHWARTZ OR LAKE SUPERIOR GENUINE CARBON OIL ANT) GENTS' Porte Monnaies and Travelin? fe LACE MANTILLAS SWEET HERBS si RESHLY POWDERED I SOLID SOLE LEATHER AT REDUCED PRICES! WE HAVE MADE GREAT REDUCTIONS 18 5 9 On our Stock of SUMMER GOODS AND OER PKIVTD Bareges and Barege Robes Prices AT COST 9 GOING WEST and CHANTILLY LACE 3 NOW CLOSING OUT ATA Detroit July 9 1859 SCOTCH STORE CAMPBELL LINN HAVE MOVED TO I 9 I lorence Miss lorence Night ingale is so extremely ill that the worst resnlts are apprehended Iler strength is diminishing sadly She has been moved from Highgate to London but is now confined to her room resh and in very fine powder the leaves only free from stems Prepared for culinary use by PAPER WAREHOUSE JEERSON AVENUE DETROIT Sweet Marjoram Summer Sa vory Sage and Thyme Hotel in Depot at Grand Haven Boatwillleave Milwaukee on SATURDAYS at 8 PM for JSaturday Express passengers west but 3 A train will not lkavb on rundays Trains leave termini daily Bundays excepted Having become a permanent resident of the city he intends by keeping Good and Desirable Goods PRICES REDUCED I CORNER LARNED AND SECOND ai HSsro jy22 d2w 50 LACE SHAWLS Of various styles and prices $50! $75! $110! $125! or amilies and Tailors AND ALL MANUACTURING PURPOSES These machines are unequaled They are more dura ble capable of doing a greater variety of work and of earning more money than any Machines in the Market And for family use there are none that can excel our machines lor service or beauty of appearance Call and examine them at 133 Jkffkbson Avknub Detroit Michigan jy 17 tf WILLIAM PORTER Agent AT ARRELL SUMMER 139 Jefferson vfttnut A THAYER Agent Detroit May 20th 1859 my20 MILLINERY GOODS Crapend ancy Dress Bonnets WILL be on hand at the opening of navitmtion ing at Buffalo with the NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD And their own Caual Line cnusisth 150 Canal Boats With a carrying capacity of 30000 tons ami at with the Mlchican Central and and Milwaukee Kailroai Goods for either of the above Roads will he i their docks ree of Detroit Charges The DETROIT AND BUALO LINE will seven tirat class screw steamers none under ro tons THE n'ESTJlXEXrni Owned and operated by the WESTERN Iktv TATION COMPANY is now as it always ha I to transport at the Lowest Rctes mi in the Qutckrit rlr All merchandise entrusted to its rare Our friends whom we hare ftithhilly past nine years are assured that no line eilh i( water shall give LOWER RATES THAN Ol ltx Roods intended for shipment in the spring ceived and stored PRKS until the opening of navi HURD 1 Co I oot of Second street EVERETT CLAPP General Agent New I CHASE Agent Albany and Troy PATENT CHAMPION SAES I Vernor Agent for Michigan Office 45 A 47 Griswold Street 'DETROIT $1000 reward will be paid to any person that can show that Patent Champion Safe Ever failed to preserve its contents in an accidental fire Any person desirons of procuring a Safe will find it iian object to call and examine the DOCUMENTS AND SAES At my office before purchasing Terms liberal jyl2 dlm VERNOR Agent BAKNARll A TIANY 98 WOODWARD AVENUE lare made arrangements for a constant supply of the above article Person who have used this oil in Kero sene Lamp are aware that it is superior to the Kerosene Oil because it is tree from the disagreeable odor of the latter and because it gires a more brilliant light at the same time that it is softer and more pleasant to read or sew by It will allow of one third larger flame without smoking and of course gives proportionably more light It sells at the same price as Kerosene Oil TRY IT 1 BUSSELL HOUSE BLOCK 2d DOOR ROM CONGRESS STREET Jyl5 Murder In Warren Litchfield county CL on the 14th inst Mrs Nancy Wood aged 77 years was murdered by Curtis Dart He beat her ter ribly with a mop handle and then held her head under a pool of water until life was extinct The murderer was arrested Conspiracy against Actor James Lyle architect has been' arrested in New York with two other persons on a charge of conspiracy to libel preferred by Burton the actor The libel accnsed Burton of a design to barn down his theatre Mons Blondin has decided to cross the Genesee River at Rochester early in August and on a new rope procured expressly for the purpose He has consented to walk the rope at Niagara again for the last time on the 3d of Au gnat Watertown and Pottbdam The Rome and Watertown Railroad Company have taken formal possession of the Watertown and Pottsdam Road as endorsers of the latter's first mortgage bonds to the amount of some $80000 Novel and Useful Invent Important to the Public DIED tiit At Walled Lake Michigan on the 2ftth inst Marga rettewife of Dr James Hoyt Iligby Ac Stearns And sold at their stores 162 Jefferson ave and under the jy27 d2t Russell House BRANDIES WINES RUMS And Gins Of the finest quality for medicinal usee A good apply constantly on hand and for eale by jy2fi dlw Io SIMONE AIT NEW AM) AVORITE ROUTE BETWEEN THE EAST AND NORTHWEST SEWING Jfi dr i THE MORMONS According to the Valley Tan a pa per in Utah the population of Mormons in the United States and British American colonies in 1856 was not less than 68700 of whom 38000 were resident in Utah 5000 in New York State 4000 in California 5000 in Nova Scotia and the Canadas and 9000 in South America In Europe there were 39000 of whom 32000 were in Great Britain and Ireland 5000 in Scandinavia 1000 in Germany and Switzerland and in rance and the rest of Europe 1000 in Australia and Polynesia 2400 in Africa 100 and on travel 2800 To these if we add the different schismatic branch es including Strangites Rigdouites and White ites the whole sect was not less than In 185" there appears to have been a decrease in the population of the number being only 31022 of whom 9000 were children about 11 000 women and 11000 men capable of bearing arms There are 388 men with 8 or more wives these 13 have more than 19 730 men with 5 wives 1100 with 4 and 2400 with more than one wife 4618 men with about 16500 wives 1 TELEGRAPHIC PROJECTS The Boston Courier learns that Mr Gis B3BNB who projected the telegraphic cable be tween Nova Scotia and Massachusetts defeated in the Massachusetts Legislature last winter has just completed two important contracts of a sim ilar kind in rance One is for the laying of a cable 480 miles long between Toulon and Al giers the other connecting Toulon with Corsica a distance ot 150 miles The depth of the Medi terranean being about two miles a most favorable opportunity will be now afforded of testing the value of the' light cable which the British Trans atlantic Telegraph Company of which Mr Gis borne is the engineer proposes to lay from the coast of Cornwall to the Straits of Belle Isle and through the Gulf of St Lawrence to Canada It is said that a rench war steamer is to be placed at the disposal of Mr Gisborne for the purpose of making soundings for bis cables and the work of laying them is to lie completed on or before the 31st of October next Should these experi ments be successful they will tend powerfully to inspire public confidence in the British Transat lantic cable which it is intended to carry across the ocean next year Steamer for Sandwich Islands A steamer of 314 tons burden is to be hunt iu Boston to be used in carrying passengers and freight between the Sandwich Islands She will be 130 feet long 26 feet 6 inches beam and 10 feet deep She will have a composition propeller 9 feet in diameter and will be rigged as a hermaph rodite brig She will be completed in four months The parties for whom she is being built have an exclusive grant from the King to run a steamer between the islands for a term of five years and this boat is the pioneer of their line PATENT BUSTLES THE BEST STYLE OUT Cornwell Barnes Co MANUACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In all kinds of Paper and Paper Stock Would respectfully invite the attention of buyers from the country or city to our large stock of Medium Demy Cap Letter Note Bath Billet fine and coarse Wrapping Book and Printing Paper Letter Envelope Tarred Roofing Paper and Cement all of which we otier to the trade at the lowest wholesale prices Cash paid for Rags at all times Any kind of Paper made to order on short notice jy22 dtf 1000 BBLS SOLAR SALT OR SALE LOW BY MOORE OOTE Ac CO nov28 dtf oot treet Parisian What the Empress is About to Do rom the Philadelphia Press Aa hoops once got out of fashion so they will again fall into disuse The latest fashions bul letin from Paris which exhibits and describes the modes for July announces two facts highly interesting to the female portion of society The double skirt is to be discontinued in consequence of the change of mode just beginning which only permits of a great width to the lower part of the dress thereby diminishing the proportion of the upper the reporter adds this modification may already be looked upon as a sort of invasion on the rights of the long triumphant The fact is the Empress Eugenie who rules the fashions in Paris has set her face very decidedly against the excesses of crinoline and if rumor is to be credited intends having them wholly abolished by the time the next sea son commences It is her manifestation against the double akirt which has already substituted flotinces'of which three or four are to be worn but none above the knee Indeed Eugenie seems inclined to bring back the female fashions of the early part of the first Empire sben Josephine was the autocrat of dress and restore the figure to its natural shape The impression in Paris where all things run into extremes is that even short waists will bo revived Think of that Master Brooke? Think of waists directly under their arms Yet this was the fashion worn in 1804 by Josephine the Graceful and by Mad ame Recamier then the acknowledged Queen of Beauty I Cadillac Thursday at 8 They will assemble They will aeaemble They will auembie They will assemble They will assemble They will assemble They will assemble fromtilt at 8 1 8 A regular convocotion of Industry Lodge No 10 Sons of Malta will be held this (Wednesday) evening at 8 By order of the Grand Commander GREAT REDUCTION REEDMAN 78 Woodward avenue jy9 The circular issued by the liberal government of Mexico tin regard to church property and other promised reforms cuts asunder church and State by prohibiting the clergy from holding any civil offices and throws them upon the voluntary contributions of the laity for support national izes all the church property of Mexico except the houses of worship the nunneries cemeteries Ac actually occupied for Yeligious and teaching orders the sale of all the secular prop erty of the church within a given time and gives a liberal time to pay for it curtails the national expenditures by discontinuing many unnecessary foreign missions 4c abolishes interior custom houses and interior taxes on imports and ex ports The promulgation of this circular crea ted great in Vera Cruz and all seem to approve of it The government of Mibamon was preparing to issue $18000000 of paper money and to raise a forced loan on all the native inhabitants of the country in sums varying from $9 to $500 each individual Tepic has fallen into the hands of the liberals after being the only port held by Miramon for some time past Among recent decrees of the Juarez govern ment Is one declaring the late Baron Von Hum boldt benemerito of the republic and providing' for a marble statue of him to be executed in Italy and erected In the College of Mines in the city of Mexico ourth of July was duly observed at Vera Cruz The fortress Concepcion fired salutes at sun rise noon and evening and the American flag was displayed on all the fortifications The Sar atoga as well as the English rench and Span ish men of war at Sacrificios also fired three sa lutes in honor of the day The sash door and blind manufactory of Stone Guenther Co at Olean was de stroyed by fire on Sunday Insured for $2500 The loss above the insurance is $1200 or $1500 A fire at Rochester riday night destroyed a block of three stores on the corner of Buffalo and Washington streets by Bennett Loss $5000 insured for $2500 Capt Private advices by the Africa announce that Capt Bonaparte of Balti more escaped without a wound at the battle of Solfcrino' although in his regiment (1st Chas seurs one in four among the officers and one in seven among the men were either killed or wounded Billiard A billiard match for $300 a side American four ball carom game 500 points between Daniel Jackson of St Louis and Au gustus Schwabe of Cincinnati took place in the former city on the 21st inst Jackson won by 122 points The highest run was 31 which was made by Jackson The Rev Bedell of New York has accepted the office of Assistant Bishop of Ohio Dr Bedell is at present Rector of the Chnrch of the Ascension in New York and enjoys a salary of $5000 per annum The salary paid the Assistant Bishop of Ohio is $2000 Sale of Kennebec The Kennebec Dam property in Augusta Me the original cost of which was about half a million was disposed of on the 19th at auction for $9500 subject to in cumbrances amounting to $28000 Allan Lam bard Esq of Augusta was the purchaser STR EVER AND AGUE DESTROYER ROWLAND'S TONIC MIXTURE INDIA CHOLAGOGUE AGUE BALSAM or sale by r'jy26 dlw II SIMONEAU AND BELLING THEM AT lATORM LOU' PRICES By strict attentiouto business and honorable dealing to merit and obtain the patronage of the public i ERDINAND WALKI'B A BLOODLESS VICTORY 1000000 BOXES SOLD MAG NETIC PLASTER This enormous quantity of this in valuable Remedy baa been purchased by citizens of the United State" during the short time it has been before the public The reason for this extraordinary success is simply in the actual truth and value of the article No one buys the MAGNETIC PLASTER without becoming its friend It performs ail that ia promised and carries withit its own lecommendation Truly this is a Victory peaceful and bloodless but we believe not less glori ous than the triumphs of war with its train of carnage and desolation The PLASTER is undoubtedly the Great est Strengthener and Pain Destroyer that Science has yet discovered If you put this Plaster anywhere if Pain is there the Plaster will stick there until the Pain has vanished The Plaecer magnetises the Pain away and PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHERE THIS PLASTER APPLIED Rheumatism Lameness Stiffness Weakness Debility Nervousness Neuralgia Dyspepsia Coughs and Colds Pains and Aches of every kind are IMMEDI ATELY RELIEVED and with a little patience PERMANENTLY CURED by the magical influence of ths MAGNETIC PLASTER It is the simplest surest safest pleasantest and cheapest remedy in existence Its ap plication is equally to the strong man the del icate woman and the feeble infant Its use is agreeable and without annoyance or trouble Its price is within reach of rich or poor all may have it and all should have it who are sick and suffering in any way ARMERS and PLANTERS should always be supplied with the MAGNETIC PLASTER It will be the Good Physician in any household ready at all times and at in stant notice Put up in air tight tin boxes Each box will make six to eight plasters and any child can spread them Price 25 cents a box with full and plain directions MOREHEAD Imentor and Proprietor 19 Walker St Neu York MAGNETIC PLASTER IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN GENUINE MED ICINES EVERYWHERE jan9 d3tawaweowly INE CLARET WINE JUST RECEIVED And for sale by the case or bottle by SPENCE CO jy27 164 Woodward ave and 269 Jefferson ave Anothbr Railroad A correspondent of the Times writes that he has advices from Lo gansport to the purport that the Toledo Logans port and Burlington Railroad Company commenc ed laying track at the New Albany and Salem Railroad crossing on the 16th inst About 3000 tons of their iron has already arrived from Eng land and is being rapidly forwarded westward and they have bills of lading for the balance con tracted for They contemplate making a connec tion with the Peoria and Oquawka Road at the State line by the 15th of October An Awful Hail A correspondent of the London Morning Post writing from Lyming ton Hants says that during the storm on Satur day the 2d inst which commenced there at 7 in the evening the heavens were dis charging a perfect deluge of ice bolts wedges of ice in every shape and size they exceeded three inches round and some picked up were as big as oranges In falling they broke all the windows to the northwest 170 panes were broken in one dwelling atal Carelessness A few days since a Mrs Jackson a resident of Cincinnati wishing to get rid of a troublesome dog strewed around the yard of her dwelling several bits of meat sprinkled with strychnine Her little daughter unfortunately picked up ft piece and ate it when she was instantly attacked with vomiting follow ed by terrible spasms which after four or five days terminated in death Heavy Vebdict against a CiTY In the Su perior Court of Baltimore a few days ago the jury in the case of and Reynolds vs the Mayor and City an action to recover $56000 alleged as damages consequent upou a breach of contract to build the city returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs and assessing the damages at $35000 1 Michigan In NewYork on Saturday 350 share Michigan Central sold at 41J to 42 664 Michigan Southern guaranteed at 20 to 20i In Boston on Saturday 30 shares Mesnard sold at 4j 50 Isle Royale at 61 100 Central at 300 Rockland at 26 to 26j DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY (Open to Lake Michigan) SHAWLS RIBBONS DRESS TRIMMINGS Are offered rom this date at a THE WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY i North Shore Line of SCREW STEAMED MANUACTURED BY GEORGE ANDREWS Equal to any Made in this Conntry Always on hand at 63 Woodward avenne and for sale by ERDINAND WALKER 1 a I ECONOMY COMORT HEALTH EAGLE ELLIOTT 76 W'oodward alrenue Reiroit IMrORTRItS OS i CLOTHS AND CLOTH GOODS MANVACTVRKR3 09 JReady Atade Clothing MEN URNISHING GOODS AMP Goods for Wear Exclusively Invite the attention of the public to the unrivaled etock of articles now offered in their retail department and selected with much care for Two Second Hand STEoAAI EVdlA'ES ORTY IVE HORSE POWER EACH (12 by 34 inch cylinders) or sale at Jackson by dlm A HAYDEN CO 1OO Hhds NEW ORLEANS SUGAR (NEW CROP) lOO IJAURELS fii rom the Brooklyn (N Y) Eagle A moat extraordinary cage i about to occupy the attention of iJudge Cufrer involving circum atanceslearer akin to romanci than plain naked truth as developed by the laffi davits which as we are informed are now in prbgresH of being sub mitted for legal adjudication' Thefollowing are the principal facts as set forth In the document alluded to: About five years agothere came to reside in Brooklyn a lady of remarkably genteel and prepossessing appearance who represented herself to be widow from theyicinitv of MobileAla and who evidently hi4 means sufficiently ample to enable her to occupy a respectable so cial position She was accompanied by a little boy of seemingly mulatto or negro parentage then about three years old which she invariably spoke of as being the only surviving child of a favorite servant of her deceased husband I'a the course of time she (being yet young and tract ive) was wooed and by a gentlem an who formerly was engaged iu mercantile pu rsuits in New York but who (becoming unfortunate in business) is at present in the employ as a book keeper of an eminent firm across the river Tbe fruits of this marriage are two fair hairefl chil dren and up to within a recent period the pa rents have lived harmoniously and affectionately together A sad blight has however overtaken their dream of happiness the morning of the 14th inst a man of stalwart proportions and some what handsome but of snarked ebony hue called at the house of the party alluded to accompanied by two New York lawyers and de manded possession' of the apparently negro boy alleging himself to be the father of the pretended slave child and declaring that its female custo dian was its mother and his divorced wife So startling a disclosure has of course created the utmost consternation and alarm among the friends of those who are most deeply interested in unraveling the truth of this strange eventful the lady stating in the most emphatic manner that the statements of her accuser are in famously false and originate in a plot to destroy her peace On the other hand the alleged hus band and father of the boy has sworn to the truth of his averment and says that witnesses will be produced from St Louis Mo where he is well known as a trader and property owner to sustain him in the proceedings which he has (only thus far partially) instituted The lady is of German ex traction and the person who claims to have been once her lord is either of Creole or semi Indian breed He states that the separation be tween them was caused by detected infidelity on her part and that until within a short period past he was led to believe that she was in Europe axd LACES EVERY DSECRIPTION HOSIERY TRIMMINGS AND EMBROIDERIES HOOPED SKIRTS I PIILISOLS HAD HA'S AT GUSTAVUS DOUI TZ 70 Woodward elvenue my22 A ruitful Vink Mrs Brockham of Hun tington Maine the woman who about seventeen months since bad four children at one birth has recently been delivered of three more all report ed to be living New Among the patents issued from the Patent Office for the week ending the 19 th inst was one to A Tupper of Clarkston Mich for improved elbow for stove pipes A Daring We have gathered some of the particulars of a most outrageous affair now undergoing legal investigation in Saginaw coun ty It seems that a week or two since a couple of young men of this city named Harrison Cole and Burk concocted a scheme to entrap and entice away a young girl the daughter of a re spectable farmer named Darby of Birch Run Saginaw county The girl at the time it seemswas away from home and Cole went with a team to the place where she was stopping and as she says told her that her sister (who lives at ay ville) was going to a dance at Pine Run and wanted her to meet her at her house and together to go from there to the dance She got Into the carriage with Cole and when he arrived at the proper place to turn towards her home he put whip to the horse and came on with her to this city arriving at about 2 What transpired subsequently we have not learned fur ther than that unsuccessful attempts at violation of her person were made and that she was found by her father at a house of questionable charac ter just out of the city He proceeded home with her stopping on the way at Pine Run at which place she succeeded in purchasing unnoticed some red precipitate which she administered to herself and is now in a very dangerous condition in consequence being neither able to see or hear Her name in iintu and she is but fifteen years of age Cole was arrested here on bwrdj ingbyan officer from Saginaw county and a war rant was issued at the same time for Burk Cole is about nineteen or twenty years old and is the son of a very worthy and hard working father who has done all that a parent could do to induce him to reform his habits lint Democrat July 25 The Crops We have conversed with farmers living in different parts of the country during the past week and they all assure us that their crops of every kind are looking finely and that there was never a fairer prospect for an abun dant harvest The frosts which so severely in jured crops in other sections of the country did very little damage in the Grand Traverse Bay counties Traverse City Herald July 15 The wheat crop of this county is nearly secured and both in quantity and quality is exceedingly good AU other crops with the exception of grass promise a good yield Grass is very light Hay must be high the com ing winter It will stand farmers in hand to save all the straw and corn stalks they can Ann Arbor News July 26 We believe our farmers universally acknowl edge their wheat crop this year to be more than average and the quality of berry was never sur passed in the recollection of the inhabi The average yield per acre in the county we have heard estimated by grain dealers at fif teen bush elk Such may be the case yet we are in clined to the beliel that thirteen or fourteen bush els per acre would be about a sure thing to win on as the average' yield in this county The number of acres raised as compared with previ ous years or the last year is much a fourth perhaps There is a flattering promise of an abundant yield of corn potatoes which are coming on rapidly to Paw Paw ree Press July 25 i lint and Perb Marqubttb The lint and Pere Marquette Railway Company have completed their bridge over the Cass River at Bridgeport The bridge isone hundred feet span of the style known as It is a very substantial structure and most thoroughly built by Edward Weeks Esq of this city who had the contract for building The dock at Sagiuaw is also completed and the chains and spikes for the road have begun to ar rive lint Democrat July 25 Church Sitb The old Presbyte rian Church building being too small to accom modate the large and growing congregation it has been determined to build a new one The lots first occupied by this Society more than 30 years since have been purchased and a splendid church edifice is soon to be erected thereon Ann Arbor News July 26 1 The Largest Mr James Gun ton gave us last Saturday a whitefish caught in the Bay with a spear which weighed eleven pounds 1 If a larger one was ever caught should like to know when where and by whom? Traverse City Herald July Uy I Three more Peakers the Messrs inn and Gordon the latter of whom has brought home a span of A lie gem Journal July 25 BLEACHED SHIRTINGS 8UVKRI0R ABRIO PURE CIDER At whois Mie and retail by I A 'Saecessor to Walker A Co i A NO 126 WOODBRIDGE STREET WEST 'C MRRairOXS OR rvaiTT: Dr Stebbins Steams Chemist Jamea en on Chemist r1 WIRE ENCING for sale at the DE TBOIT WIRE WORKS by jy27 WMSNOW WHEREAS MY WIE MARYL HAS left her bed and board without any provoca tion (save spiritualism free love and woman's rights) and aa every effort to persuade coax flatter or even hire her to return to her family as a wife have proved unsuccessful as she atiil persists in the to go when where and stay as long as shs pleases" and that ahe has been gone a large share of the time for over a year that she has now been gdne since ebruary last that she says she is under ho more obligations to me than to any other man (verifying her words by her ac tions:) Therefore I am under the very painful neces sity of forbidding all persons trusting or harborieg her on my account as I shall pay no debts of her contracting of' ter this date July the 28th 1859 1 jyTf dtwawlt a BMARKHAM Is now receiving at the late stand otTWW 0 ADAMS xvirn cntTEK5 Van The question just bow puzzljng every onejn this: who come out of the war best rance or Austria? accomplished what he attempted or has he not 7 Has Aus tria lost or does she come out of the war just about asshe entered! It will be impossible to answer these questions until the details of the treaty of peace are known The three princi pal points of it are given in the dispatch of the rench Emperor but it cannot be known what rights Austria is to retain or what she is to lose until the' whole basis upon which the Italian Confederacy has been' constructed is thoroughly understood Sardinia has gained the whole province of Lombardy and the menace which Austria lird constantly held over her has been withdrawn and Sardinia therefore should be satisfied with the peace But further than this little can be known of the real purport of the treaty until the limits powers and privileges of the Confederacy are understood Napoleon espoused the cause of Italian liberty against Austrian despotism and disavowing all inten tion of conquest embarked in the war to vindi cate this cause If he has relieved Italy from Austrian domination despotism and influence then he has accomplished his purpose if not then he has failed But Austria retains Venice and has he not therefore failed That will depend altogether upon the extent of her power Austria has lost Lombardy certainly and there can be no doubt that she is compelled to permanently withdraw all her troops from the Papal States In Venice alone does she retain power but even that power is limited Under her former reg ime the Lombardo Venitian State held no rela tions with the States to the south and west save those of a military protection which was al ways used for the repression of all constitution al government and the maintenance of a rigid despotism Under the new regime Austria has lost Lombardy altogether while she preserves the right of rule over Venice but Venice is to form an integral portion of the Italian Confed eracy and has a representative voice in propor tion to her importance She henceforth be comes a part of Italy and will therefore be en titled to the same rights and privileges as the other States We must await further develop meutq before we know what these are and to that time we must postpone the solution of the question whether rance has really accom plished her purpose or not We must under stand the rights powers and limits of the new Confederation and the exact relation of Venice thereto before we can determine whether Aus tria has been obliged to relinquish her unjust claims The principle of the invention couwtn in th construction of the Retort whereby i i ro easily and economically generated from Rusin Tallqwand Refuse Grease of any kinii and pr 'nj an expense of abont eighty cents as mm ii thousand feet of ordinary coal gnn A long course of experiments at the bauds renter who has had many experii'tim i' nfacturing as well as by onrselvos aud others the invention beyond all doubt of its practical public may be confidently assured that it i most simple and useful of any thing of thn kirr fore constructed The present object of the proprietors is tn fc City County and State Rights on tbo terms and to introduce the works into general Works from 100 feet capacity and upwards readiness by DUDIEY HOLMES niauufv troit aa well as everything connected with it Light Works which will be snpplo il lr the prinipal points in the Union to parties fsa territory Persons of small capital and particulary Gm by making an investment in the right to use itr Light Gaa will be certain of an nm i dis: aeration All communications in the premises directed dersigned will meet with prompt attention JOHN IrnL17 True for iner seplT dly No 11 Woodward ave Detn i GHMt western railway CAN ADA JOd Wednesday August 3d An Excursion Train will leave Detroit for Niagara alla at 6 A on the above day arriving in time to see the elebrated Mona Blondin perform his great feat of croas WttfeNiari Biver Excursion tickets $5 to be had only on the steamer Union and at the ticket office Windsor station Tickets good to return from the regular trains during the week BRIDGES 6 a Managing Director Gt Western Railway Gen Offices Hamilton July 26 1859 jy27 dlwi Comprising almost every article usually kept in hie line which he will sell at wholesale or retail very JUST RECEIVED a'Vhoice lot of Marseilles ancy Ducks and Drills! ALSO Light Makes Casslnieres S' SUMMER WEAR Which will be got np in first style and at unfqualkd PKICE8 JOHN STEVENSON REMEMBER 14 4 Jefferson avenue Three doors below Griswold street opposite Insurance Bank Detroit my24 Great Pleasure Excursion THE STEAMER NORTH STAR BG SWEET MASTER Cuyahoga alls Brass Band The North Star leaves the dock of Brady A Co THURSDAY JULY 28 at 2 for Superior City North Shore ana all intermediate ports via Mackinac Rooms seemed for the round trip and all other infor mation given by application to SCRANTON' jy27 Agent SWIT LOW PRESSURE IRST CLASS STEAMERS City of Cleveland AND Cleveland (Thoroughly refitted for this route) ON AND ATER MONDAY June 6th 1859 Passen ger Trains will run as follows THE TELEGRAPH LINE is now open for Public Business CONNECTIONS At GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY for all points MICHIGAN CENTRAL and MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROADS and CLEVELAND Line ofSteamers At GRAND With 7 Steamer for CHICAGO Ac Ac At With the LA CROSSE CHICAGO WATERTOWN ami HORICON RAILROADS for all important points West and North west and on Mississippi River and with Steamers Michigan a 'Passengers for Great Western Railway gj on the Rail way eny Steamer at A Dock leaving Dock at 800 A 12 noon and 7JKI i NIGHTTRAINS ave LE PJNQ CAPS attach The Time Tables can't at WK MUIR Snpft A Offices June 1859 jo4 63 Woodward Avenne TWO DOORS ROM LARNED STREET A general and Staple and ancy bi Steamer MONTGOMERY Capt Nicholson i will leave her dock foot of Bates street for above ports on THURS DAY JULY 28th at 10 A Her accommoda tions are equal to any boat on the route and fare lower th an by ether lines or fl eight or passage apply to jy27 d2t TROWBRIDGE CHIPMAN ROOD Tlie Trnnk Saratoga Style PACKkVG TRUNKS HAT CASES Solid LeatherSulky and Hand Trunks Sole Leather and Bellows Top Valises Improved Leather Traveling Bags Low Priced Tray and Square Trunks The attention of purchaser however is more particu larly directed to our stock of SUMMER CLOTHING BKLKCtKD EXPRESSLY OR CITY TRADE Surpassing any thing ever offered in this city co uprising the cream of the finest goods made in this country among which are: OICE AND STREET COATS IN LIGHT WOOL SPRING AND SUMMER OVERCOATS BUSINESS COATS IN ENGLISH TWEEDS ELEGANT LINEN DUCK AND DRILL COATS DUSTERS AND OVER SACKS VESTS AND PANTS in miiteria's as above An examination of these goods will satisfy the public thatour ready made goods cannot be approached in style and elegance of fit We al offer to buyers at wholesale a large and en tirely new stock of Ready Made clothing adapted to this climate and locality among which are 500 Linen Sacks and Raglans 500 Lincu rocks 500 Check and Marseilles Sacks and rocks large lines Cloth Coats large hues Tweedsand Cassimeres do Summer Cloth and other me dium thickness Sack Coats and Over Coats with Pants and Vests in Doeskin Cassimere Linen Tweeds and Marseilles Overalls Overskirts Ac of our own manu facture To wholesale buyers great inducements and lib eral terms will tie offered An examination before pur chasing elsewhere will prove advantageous EAdE aV ELTsIOTT my22 76 Woodward avenue Reeps constantly on hand a large aSAorhu V1IHU1VU0 IVKlllVJ it WILLLOW BASKETS WIRE I AG REMOVAL! TYLER DEALERS AND MANUACTURERS BOOTS AM) SHOES Have removed to No 83 Store al TUK DRYGOODS STORES Our stock is large and all offered for sale at riT to order most all the va WOrk we Bel1 and floIicit a liberal share Store patronage Please remember at our New No 83 Woodward Avenne i mj6 T1LEH CO 1 9 Jefferson Avenue I nd OPPOSITE UAH DOWN GO TttE or the People! VERY GREAT REDUCTION rom former prices Call and see before purchasing elsewhere je21 AKUELL BllOTHERS 1 DESIRABLE GOODS Coarse ine and Dairy THE SUN LIGHT GAS WGH OR THE MANUACTURE ILLUMINATING GAS OR THE USE Private Houses Public BiiliitH Pillages Towns Nr PATENTED AUGUST As also for those whose occupations whether in the orest Mines or upon the Lakes Require warm and substantial Outfits Confident that ten experience in Detroit during which time we have sought to improve and perfect the standard of Ready made Clothing will enable us to offer all that is required In tlie Most ashionable Styles THE SOLID QUALITY' MATERIAL THE GREAT EXTENT SIZES I AND THE EC OAOU EV PRICE OUR SUMMER STOCK READY MADE CLOTHING CANNOT BE SURPASSED Incur Retail Department may be found ine Summer Merino Wrappers and Drawers of 24 different sizes and qualities including some very large sises Silk Under Clothing from $3 to $14 per pair ine Lisle Wrappers ine Wove PUiu aud inished Cotton Wrappers and Drawers in more than 50 different styles and grades Our assortment of the above goods is always adapted to this climate and never surpassed by any establish ment at home ot abroad HOSIERY OR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR ine Summer Merino and Cashmere Half Hose in mix ed fancy and white assorted sizes aud qualities ancy riped English and Scotch Cotton Half Hose Three thread brown very heavy English ine brown and white Lisle Thread do 200 dozen assorted brown Halt Hose from $1 to $2 per dozen KID GLOVES Silk nnl Lisle Gloves SILK CRAVATS AND TIES LINEN I Marseille aud Colored COLLARS IV MARSEILLES SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS The Trunk 30 Dozen KID GLOVES I ALSO PARASOLS SKIRTS AND MANY Other Seasonable Goods Juflt opened and daily arriving at the NEW ENGLAND STORE WEDNESDAY JULY 27 NEGKO CAPACITY OB CXVlblZATION It is a fact we believe that the greatest pro in all ite history whicRthe African race has made in civiliation4ias been in a condi tion of servitude We apprehend that it is a question yet to be determined whether the race jgB1ikceptible'of any considerable civilization in any other condition Nay? Yfe that it is yet to be determined whether when the race has been advanced in civilization by contact with the whites it will not inevitably fall back into barbarism if emancipated from the control of the superior race and left to hew out its own destiny There is much evidence in support of the affirmative of this latter prop osition and we are aware of very little against it We know that the abolitionists of this country will not admit that the consequences of British West India emancipation have been the relapse of the negroes towards barba rism and the desolation of the islands as agri cultural districts but nevertheless such have been the consequences But if they refuse to make this admission with regard to the British West Indies we think we have some facts with regard to an adjacent island which they will find difficulty in successfully gainsaying We allude to Hayti ifty five years ago Hayti passed from white to black dominion The ne groes under white tutelage had attained to a considerable degree of civilization and they set out in the xiork of governing themselves under os good auspices and with as fair pros pects as probably any community of blacks over will set out in the same work The facts with regard to the course of events in Hayti and the condition into which the island has at length fallen which we are about to present we obtain from a Haytien newspaper published at Cape Haytien called the L'Avenir It first refers to the island when it became an indepen dent State fifty five year ago the last years that preceded our indepen dence (the revolution against the whites) the country enjoyed a material prosperity unequaled in the Antilles or in any other country of the world The island of Hayti at that time produc ed annually 140000000 pounds of sugar 70000 000 pounds of uoffee and all the other products of the Antilles in great abundance Its com merce employed 710 vessels of heavy tonnage to export Its products which exceeded its imports tions by some 130000000 francs It had a nume rous population excellent and well kept public roads which connected its picturesque citiesand A very garden must have been Hayti ac cording to this description Let us see what it is now according to the same writer rom that era of proverbial prosperity to the present stale of decay what a dreadful what a shameful change! To day our fields neglected and abandoned not only cannot answer the de mands of commerce but do not even produce sufficient food lor the population and we fortu nate inhabitants of the wealthy St Domingo arc compelled to look to the American continent tot sugar rice and even corn anil a stoppage for two mouths of imports of American provisions would spread famine and desolation over the whole island as has very nearly happened at vari ous times commerce wavering nnd dragging along painfully is nearly ruined by the disastrous nulli ty ot our agriculture Tbo stranger sees with surprise the richest lands in the world without cultivation and without inhabitants With a ter ritory equal to one third that of England our population scarcely reaches half a million more public roads no bridges no protec tion against tue oveiflow of our rivers which left to take their own course inundate at the least rise tbo few plantations that yet remain scattered along their bunks Stock raising is ft nullity our horses have degenerated into puny animals our oxen are lean aud famished and furnish us with meat that contains uo'nutntious And much more of the same sort and then a chapter on the deplorable moral condition of tire Republic The writer ascribes this terrible relapse to the want of good faith in the vari ous governments thnt have succeeded each oth aud to the sordid ambition of those men who have sacrificed the welfare of the people and country to their own But these reasons are insufficientto the most shallow observer The fatal declension must lie ascri bed more to the character of the people than to the character of the rulers And the L' Avenir confesses ns much when it sustains a project of immigration designed to infuse a fresh element of population consisting of negroes from the United Slates those which it most desires be ing the creoles of New Orleans the most civil lized negroes in the world We do not hesitate to say that if negroes are capable of advancement in civilization when left to themselves the fact has yet to be practi cally shown We go a step further if they are capable when left to themselves of preserving that state of civilization to which they had pre viously attained in contact with the whites that fact has yet to lie practically shown NOT CABBY BOTH WAYS Thu Underground Railroad does not carry passengers both ways It has active runners on the borders of the slave States instructed to btimufato by all aorta of appliances negroes to run away and to ticket through to the dominions all such and all other runaway ne groes but nut one negro who has tired of Ca nadian liberty will it carry back to Lis old home in the South however importunate he may be to reach that destination A case in point has recently happened The other day a boat ar rived at Cleveland from Port Stanley Canada containing sixteen fugitive slaves who had been brought over the Underground Railroad during the past two years and who were on their way back to the South Haring wearied of their hard lot in Canada and having sought in vain to go Lack by the same aid which had brought them northward they had written to their for mer masters begging for assistance and entreat ing that they might return to the comforts and joys which they had been induced to desert Their masters favorably lesjsmded and sixteen happier negroes had never been seen han those who took the above ground railroad line from Cleveland to Cincinnati immediately upon the arrival of the above mentioned boat from Port Stanley What must be thought of the managers of the Underground Railroad who will neither nave from starving nor aid to return to their old homes negroes whom they have stolen in the South and transported to Canada? What description of philanthropy is it that ani mates these managers They do the master an injury in stealing his negroes and this is their intent but they do the negroes a greater in jury in giving them freedom which they can not support and which makes them worthless vagabonds But what care these managers for the negroes so that they inflict damage upon the masters And right here we have a solu tion of the philanthropy that animates these managers WHAT THEY NOW SAY At the late black republican State conven tion in Maine the following resolution was adopted we hold unequivocally to the doctrine cf genuine popular sovereignty aud the right of tliu people in every State aud Territory to estab lish their own institutions in their own way subject only to the constitutional powers of Congress and the restraints of a just This is precisely the doctrine the dem ocratic party lias always held holds now andwill continue to hold and the Cincinnati plat form will show something marvelously like it But the Philadelphia platform resolved a little differently It declared that not the should establish the institutions for the people of the Territories and that is the doctrine still held by the black republican par ty hereabouts Since the southern ultras stole the march upon theip however ami applied the doctrine to the establishment and protec tion of slavery in the Territories the black re publicans have grown ashamed of it and now we behold those in Maine acknowledging the soundness of the democratic position But it will not avail them The democracy are glad that the enemies of popular sovereignty are at last brought to sound its praises but it will not eave their bacon Their repentance is a death bed repentance nnd although it may be accept able it will not save them from dissolution stara Stxameb The steamer Ravenswood was burned on Lake Ponchartrain La on the 5th und a Mr Bloom of Mandeville lost bis life 1000 pairs Kid Gloves at 3 shillings marsed down from 7 shillings rench oulard Stilts at 4 shillings marked down from 6 shillings Real Canton Silk at 5 shit tings marked down from 7 shillings Elegant ancy Silks at 8 shillings marked down from 10 shulinga and J2 shillings Best Calicos ever made at 10 eents marked dpwq from 1 shilling and 15 cento Real rench Calicos at 18 cento marked down from 2 shillings and 31 cents Delaines and Challies at 8 cents marked down from 1 shilling 1 ine rench Challies at 18 cents marked down from 2 shillings and 31 cents All Silk and Wool Challies at 3 shillings marked down from 5 shillings Grenadine Robes and Robe a Lea at $10 marked down from $15 Barege Robes and Robe aLez at $4 marked down from $7 Double Jope Muslin Robes at $225 marked down from four dollars rench Muslins and Lawns at 1 shilling and 18 rents marked down from 18 cents and 31 cents White Brilliants at 10 and 15 cento marked down from 1 shilling and 2 shillings Chintz Colored Brilliants at 1 shilling and 18 rents marked down from IS ceuts and 2 shillings Bonnet Ribbons at 18 cents and 2 shillings marked down from 2 and 3 shillings ancy Silk ringes at 6 cents marked down from 1 shilling Silk Dress Buttons at 6 cents marked down from 1 shilling EVERY ARTICLE IN THE TRIMMING LINE MARKXD DOWN All kinds of Lace Goods and Embroideries Marked down WATCH STEEL SPRING EXTENSION SKIRTS Marked down EVERY ARTICLE SUMMER GOODS MARKED DOWN AT ASTONISHING BARGAINS or the Benefit THE PURCHASING PEOPLE RTSB1E CO 167 Jefferson avenue Detroit June 20th 1859 jelfl SLAVERY TO BE ORCED UPON Ill the Kansas constitutional convention now in session the section prohibing slavery or in voluntary servitude was adopted by a vote of forty eight to one orty eight to one What more effectual com mentary could there be upon the misrepresen tations of black republicanism than this fact They raised the cry that slavery was to be for ced upon Kansas and upon that they rode into power in most of the northern States Here we behold the result Ol all the delegates elected to the constitutional convention but one can be found to vote for making Kansas a slave State Is not this better and we put the question to the black republicans themselves is not this better than it would have been for Congress to have prohibited it by special enactment as they were advocating in 185G THEIR NEW STORE Corner of Woodward avenue and Congress street And respectfully can the attention of their friends and the pubtie generally to their Large and Well Assorted STOCK Staple and ancy Dry Goods! Which comprise all the Novelties of the Season AND AT BIC1S THAT WILL SATISY ALL 1 1 i Selections received daily from the Eastern Market Detroit May 51859? 11 my? Warranted superior to anything of tholri i to this city A large variety of LADIES RENCH TRAVELING TUI DIUM AND EXTRA LARGl 'i We can show the largest ami 1 Trunks Traveling Bags and Valises over eti city and defy competition either in price at the TRUNK DEPOT 129 JEERSON (Opposite the Peninsular Bank) August 1 1858 EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA! Jnvigoratfi tht system and purifies the blond Directions for using accompany each bottle Price 88c Manufactured and sold by Jy26 diir IL AL SIMONE AU A Superior Article of amily lour ROM KENTUCKY NEW WHITE WHEAT OR SALE AT THE ar rand A fiiiclf) General Agent 80 vein lit HENRY EDSON Traveli aprtj frik CINCINNATI Ll 1859 SEASON ARRANGEyiENI DETROIT STEAMER BAY CITI A KDWAMD8 MASTkK Leaves Detroit EVERY MORNING AT 9 OR ANDU SKY MkNauAo1111 for NEWARK VVUUSUIVOl I DAYTON fr qM 1 VARS $100 LIBS TBAX BT RAI reights taken at the LOWEST RATES And eent through XN LESS TIME THAN BY ANOTI1J or reight or Passage on bo or aprl7 dflm 2lp oot oi WITH THE PATENT HE MME RS At 145 Jefferson avenue GRIGGS aprfl dtf PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE KROM lu VNOGE CO EPERNAY RANCE This is A perfectly Pure and Delicate Wrw 1 rom the Vinevard of Mrrcfh Vunnre i estate lire in the centre of the far famed Champagne District nf Prsurt It li a lest tables of England and the Continent and has only very recently been introduced into this country where Ito rare qualify combined with the moderate price at which it is offered is already achieving a success and popularity unprecedented In the annals of the Wine fey Sold in this citybyG McMillan' Henry Haig and bVU th facing dealeni throughout the country HAUGHWOUT Sole Importer corner Broadway and Broome street jy23 d2m2dp lour Merchants Millers and armers are cautioned against consigning any Sroduce to Bement Produce and Commission building opposite Pejgjt Detroit Mich The subscriber consigned forty six barrels double extra family flour to the above Arm on December 30 1857 and up to this dale April 26 1859 has not re ceived one cent returns for the above consignment JAMES GILMORE riiNileSjiMIch suci 1 apr2 d3m2dpV PARCHMENT at J21 ELWOOD'S YANKEE NOTIONS TOYS AND ANCY GOOP' Of every description which I offer on tliw jn sfr able terma either at wholesale nr rpfaii CHAS SCHWA 1 or the Benefit of ST ORPHAN ASYLUM Thursday 28 1859 THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS ST AM EA CAPT EUANS Will leave the dock of Brady Co foot of Wood ward avenue at half past one on Thursday the 28th inst and will pass down the Canadian Channel making au excursion into Lake Erie and return through the American Channel passing GIBRALTAR TREaVTON AND WYANDOTTE exhibiting a variety of scenery not afforded on any for inerexcursion Refreshments will be furnished by the ladies Music by the Light Guard Band Tickets 50 cents to be had at the Orphan Asylum or from any of the Committee of Arrangements i jy24 d4t INSURANCE 7 AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY 40 Woodward are opposite the Post Office BELIE IRE INSURANCE CO NEW YORK CITY Having a paid up cash capital5 and surplus securely in i vested of $275000 i BEEKMAN IRE INSURANCE CO NEW YORK CITY Having a paid up cash capital and surplus securely in vested of $235000 GOODHUE IRE INSURANCE CO NEW YORK CITY Having a paid up cash capital and surplus securely in vested of $240000 1 IRE INSURANCE CO NEW YORK CITY Having a paid up cash capital securely invested of $150000 LACEY Agents Also agents for the purchase and sale of Real Estate Renting of Houses negotiating Loans on Bond and Mortgage Ac jy24 d3m 18j: SEASON ARRANGEMENT BHTWKUI DETROIT CLEVELa Through in 7 Hours I are $1 Iess than by all tij The JxfrJYresure Upper abin Steamy OCMT AND MAY One of the above boats will leave th Railroad wharf every evening (Sundays connecting at Cleveland with earl JL traina for Erie DunkirlaBuffaJo City bi jWheeling Harrisburgh Philadelphia Baltimo ington Columbus ajrd Cincinnati Through tickets for sale on board the boat KIiTH oot belroit April 7th 1859 SYRACUSE Burt Wm Winton Cha 1 Barker Robert Gere Sti BARKER COMSTOi STIJlbOV Warehouse on Dock foot of Bates street mar23 d6m AIRBANKS ELLIOTT DEMING (LATE ROWE tf CO) Importers Deihis in Liqi" PLANTERS AND DEALERS lS JE Which are received daily in kegs and ORANGES AND LENO) A large stock on hand and for oa) cheap st Jefferson Amm DIEDERICH MELCHEW HAVING REMOVED TO 199 Jefferson 4 I (EZAKSLKVS BLOCK) Offer for sale at the 1 Lowest Cincinnati Price THBJH RECTIIED WHISK XX AND MAGNOLIA RYE AND frora Europe enable PURE WINES COGNACS GINS Ac at man any other house either at wholesale or mayl d3m 1859 SYRACUSE SALT ASSOCIATION 1 MANUPACrURBRS AKI7 UBALKH4 I la T1 jfiKt jf tjiphw rwi iKJ'e i ii o' L1a EA' oust i i it 1 Vf' I 1 1 If! I ft A A Suspension Bridge depart I 920 420 1020 A MDetroit depart 700 130 800 Owosso arrive 1050 740 1130 A St Johns arrive i 1210 935 1230 A Grand Rapids arrive 310 230 305 Grand Haven arrive 600 430 430 A NOON NOOX Milwaukee arrive 215 12 12 GOING EAST 2 3 a NOON tjflwaukee depart 800 12 A A 57 Grand Haven depart 300 830 Grand Rapids arrive' 420 530 1030 A St Johns arrive 640 955 115 Owosso arrive 765 1120 220 A Detroit arrive 1140 631 1 820 i' A MIP Suspension Bridge arrive 955 400 450 gg:.

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