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The Long-Island Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T1I12 1 A A LLl 1-HJg The,,.Tii, cnmp.ig hlll li it wtU known that Mexico hi Wo In conlnnt Miiiiii ami with onlT ihort ililer- eomoMt-r its Be.jfraphical ittH.n,o remote from the contemplated ceuliv if and power; pnpu-Imed it it, by a paind ulna are an litfcrenl in loot by military usurpation in all other part the re-public, and although our country waa act lallr invaded It the uaurper for the nurixuje of i.hiec.tin7 tin drain fm.n I -k ve auica it fowii Sim in Mil. The Pocket, understand, is registered at our Custom House as an American vessel," but was laden with proviaions, Stc. fir Santa Anna or for the Mexicans, fur which reason the Invincible captured her. Wa do not know if this be piracy or not 5 but we habit, customs, lanjjuaire, anil hx-Hl want, time. It was not the proper moment for the government ofthe United Statea to interlere.

I he hour was on it wing, but had not yet come. Let it be what the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. ebster) had juaily culled a government de facto, and he could then stand prepared lo recognize the independence of Texas, in the hone of unitimr those who are on both Tin auw nl t'nnir naa oeen prouiiceu In all the rt of the uulioo, and eMicciully when r.i... .1 i .1 bvtba elforti of the erclroKKliril tU nliirraliOai iF.iinm in? aaooi.i ijwrir nave inauueiueu vioicm Tesi null inid tu the Mexican nation rexiore the fcdeml coiuti tuliou, anl Riiveni in conliirniity to the social compact which we are all bound hr uur oath t. iiistniii and will continue to be a member of the Mexican Coiileileriilinn." Thi noble an.l refiiniiia an.l other prejudice and jealousy aaaiimt "i'jicri ana officer ami defeat of Indian.

j. correctly) to Gen. Scotf. of of Not only buve th. returned most Mh 'j itwly on of I received fr.nn teme of the cf rvacualinn h.

Wir by Gcn I llintlha Indian liailrtivi thi'iti. DtK im national convention nan convened, mid the constitution hn been, and now violulcd cannot conceive any thins more natural tlinn iiiattiie Texian should prevent provision or succor from arriving to that execrable monster Santa Anna. Besides, the achrl'ockel, be ahe American or only sailing llllih'r Amri.m, nmllv f.onoic aide of ihe Sabine, and who being all of ihe Anglo-Saxon race, imbued wilh the sam spirit, acting Irom the same principles, and looking to the tame objects, oui'lil to be united in interests and affections. iiml disrerr led. he party to npt republicani'in, overturn ll.e h-ieral ayatcin and eonfilution, an.

I etahliih a monarchy, wr a enoaohdateJ aoverntneiit iifsnuH kind. In ISJ4, president of lire republic, lien. Santa Anna, who heretofore wa the leader and champion of die republican parly an.l avalem, became tiie bend nil leader of hi former anUooui.H the arnl.icr.ilic nJ church pirty. With hi- "ireojfth, i tin psriy triu'iiiilie I. The couhlutiul jreueral cmwtiiutioital authoritif ni such it cerium! was under the circumstances, is of I I cxa solemnly protected in-'elfsulficient tu repel and silence the r.i..

roes I cxa solemnly protected the Nate Coahuila an.l the cluniire ol'irovernuiciit. lor which ev mii i mil ii tiari 11 Mr. Walker made a few reninrki. in the course of '-IU which the priests and despots of Mexico have made uously airainst the Texiana. When captured the the ingratitude of the Trxinnn.

In what dues correspondence of certain merchants of this citv was KourinR the liol country, were driven by military tiirce from ullire, and iiupiis-mit'd. The people of Texas nroiexted air-unit it. an una ingiNiiime consist I eunniit see, unless it be found on board of hers which, ifpublised, would not iii.ljirnriw 1 which he expressed hi unabated confidence in the aoccess ofthe Texiana. He had never fell that confidence shaken, during all Ihe period of gloom which had intervened since lie last expressed his confidence. 5 nnle.

of St. AuSu.lii tney tiad a right lu do, lor winch Ihey have been tie Conc're of 1834. which was decidedly republican enterprise in-iac-vriiiiice hi (rivinnp vu Hi. ro a i reooioio murh 1.1 Hi. i betn seen King.

nd ledvrl, was dissolved in May y-r, by a 'dared rebels by the jrovernmenl In Mexico and couiiiiy mat the Alexicmw considered valuel-ss At all events, we hope tfie Invincible will be anon However then, the basis eKlahlinhrd Ill, tllOllL.l fatul ll.of itlA nPUa iC I hia Jvl.tri.WIB irtor I It ifl A It, mtmtlA nn 1 UUIOri V. I military nrderofthe Prei 'cut, odore coiimiiimii.ii-1 had expired. The council of jfovernmoni, arhich, iirrrahl to the jealousy and duplicity. be liheraled, and yet do good service to the cause of lo show more atmngly the absurdity of Ibis liberty and humnnity. diarize of inwaMude, Ike.

made by the cenerul) The crew, and as we nre informed, the officer of. had arrived. It completely settled the question "I had risen, ihttt SOfamiles h.d by the dcciee of the 3d of October, may he to pre-wnt civil wins and anarchy in other parts nl'Mexico, it is adcniptcd tu hi aliened by lorce and iniconxti-tutioiiHl means. However ticiieficiul it nm? be In lie independence of Texas. He had no doubt that 2u00 peAp Columb, fr roUc.L""i,,t, Santa Anna designed, out of suerabundant Si, nrtcinn.

onslitutio, oujiht to have heen imlaiied the day af-j irr closin the aeiiii CotK'ress uh al dinlyed, ivmn uhnn l.i mi 11 run If will, ill A a I lnllSMi Ik, and unconstitutional Con-j me parts of Mexico, it would be ruinous to Texa. nd new 3 day of New Orleans. not iOO fferliv. men btiwirn Hi, Cierk 'and 'exico, an I 01 i lie pretended claims the lexian schr Invincible were laken from the vessel to liberality, which they set up, for having L'iven hand rufle.l, and marched two hy two to the number loriune in iiml lu the settler of Texas, it must be of sixteen, from the Levee to the prison, with United remembered thai, with ihe exception of the first Slates Marshal at their head, a file of United Slate three hundred families stilled by myself, the general Marines and some dozen of seamen, with drawn cut- I 1 This view presents the whole subject tu the people nola hnet. Gen.

cntt ia in rres was convened wi'i itie resolutions were then ordered to be printed Pr.rl..iit. This CoiurreiM met on tiie it oi janun governmeiit have never grained or given, one foot of lases guarding tlt.m. jwaiiert." I Inlet. or wme olh.r wilh Indian tactic, it appi.incd In Ihe Florid. the prcdiclion of Poatll ill veiiDed If ihey submit to a forcible and tiiiRoiistitutioiuil destruction of Ihe social compact, which Ihey have sworn to support, Ihey violaie their oaths.

If they submit to be tamely destroyed, ihey disregard Iheir ry, 1835. Il was derided ly arilocrMlic, ccclesiustiral u'd central in its jHilitica. A Dumber of pelitiunsi were tu it from several town and villa'jm, THE LONG-ISLAND STAR. isnn in i exas. I tie vacant and he loi, to the oi vyoanuiia iki exns so long as they remain Inly to themselves, and violate the first law which united, and to Texas as soon a she was a Stale it wouiii me icncrai im ui jo, rrnnient ami establish a central form.

These peti Thursday Evening, May 19, 1S36. God alftmied upon ihe heart of man, civilized or sav Irom Coahuila. Since the adoption of the From packet whjth briiuslll Indemnily money, via: 1,500,000 fram, i iiL'e; which is the law, or the right ofstlf-preserva iion were atl of a revolutionary cluracier, and were From Nrw Orleam p-ipr. PARTICULARS 0I-' THE MASSACRE OF COL. FANNIN' MEN.

The prisoners were all marched back to Goliad, and were joined by other parties of prisoners, amounting in all to 407 men. They were ptSdavin confinement, being allowed oniy a small piece of1 beef lederal system in 1SJ4, the general government have thin. called "prononciamieiitos" or prunminceinents fiir centralism. They were formed bv partial and revo "The decree of the 3 I October, therefore if carried into eflict, evidently leaves no remedy for Texas but and on. million in five franc lo GeJ never had any power or authority whatever to grant sell, or give, any luud in Texas, nor in any other Stale, jf'ii power mat vested in the respective States.

The lands of Texas have therefore lieen HjTO ADVKItTISEKS. Person adrertiainir in this pnper, must benr in miud that all adverlisemeul must be sent in before 11 o'clock on the oi publication, other wise we cannot insert them. April 25-4 1 lutionary meeting Rol up hy the military and priests Petitions in tavor of the federal avslem and constitu resistance, secession Irom Jilexico, and a direct re to each man once a dav, ami no bread. Un the ninth sort tu natural rishts." day at sunrise, they were marched out under pretence tion, and nrotests auch acrainst revolutionary meas taking them to Lima no to embark lor Nw Ur. These revolutionary measures ofthe party who ures, were nlso sent in by the people and by aome of distributed by the Stale of Coahuila and Texas (with the exception ofthe three bund ed families above mentioned) and not by ihe general government, and.

leans. The prisioners rejoiced at the prospect of had usurped the oovernnirnt in Mexico, were resisi the Mate LegiHntures, who still retained firmness GLORIOUS NEWS FROM TEXAS. -The follow inf p.aaed Se.teol, -day To amend Hi. tel for appilmtll of to certain dutie. in the city of BroUlva To alter the map or (dan of (lie city 0f Kew Yolk lo rstabhth a nublie inuara.

in k. ..1,., ed bv Ihe people in the Males ol medio, uaxnro, speedy release, but when they round themselves di Jalisco, and other parts of Ihe nation. The Defeat and capture of Santa Anna Re-capture of xpress their opinions. 1 he latter were and their authors ersreuted nod The fnnner were considered auffieient tu invent ConjrresN consequently, is truly absurd lor that government lo assume any credit for an act, in which it had no participation, and more especially when it has for vided inti lour parties, each Willi a guard ol overwhelming strength, and that these parties were State nl'Z tea let took up arms, but its efforts were marched by dillerent routs, they began to have crushed bv an army headed bv the Prescient, Gen arilh nlenarv nowers.

It areordinirljr, by a ilecrce years past thrown every obstaale in the way impede the progress of Texas, as is evident from the 1 1th Cos. By rrfcrcne to another rolumn, it will be aecn that Gen. Ilonilon baa had bailie ailli that pirlof th Meiican army cut off from the main body by the sudden ri of the Santa Anna, in person, and the people of that State deposited the constitutional Vice President, Gome. were disarmed and Kubjecleil In a military govern nrlicleoflhe law of the 6th April IS30, wiiich ahso- Farias, who was a hading feiieraiisi, wiinoui nitj Counsel hat been beard in the ca.e of ind I hi. the malt of thi.

ivc.iii.,ion m' few dnr. 1 1 gloomy foreboding. When tbev hod marched about a quarter or half a mile, young I Imlden' companions heard a firing in the direction of Colonel Fannin's party. ineiit. In October last a military force whs sent to iinrjeachment or trial, or even the lorm ot a trial, an 'ulely prohibited the emigration to Texas of cilizens Texas under Gen.

C.w, for the purpose of cnforeiiiL' vlected another of their own party, Gen. Barracan, in river Bmzns. This it is said commanded hy Soma Anna in person that Gen. Illusion with COu ol the Umled Males; and many other acts ol a snn-ilsr nature such as vexatious custom house regula- A murmcr arose that they were killing the prison these unconstitutional and revolutionary measures, as ha I been done in Zacalecaa and other pari ofthe ers. At that moment Ihe iroanl, which were in two ons, passports, and garrisoning ie settled parts of llie country wheie troops were not needc I to protect ines, one upon each side of the prisoners, passed all nation.

1 hi mused trie people ol 1 exas and the war commenced. Irom the Indians, nor Irom anv other enemy. It in to one side and commenced firing by platoons at the prisoners. Young Hailden and three others started Without exhausting the patience bv a detail of ibis place. Uy another decree it invileil the Senate with the nine of Representatives in one chamber.

nd, thus constituted, it declared itself invested with full powers as a national convention. In accordance with these usurped powers, it proceeded to annul the federal constitution and system, and to establish a cemnii or cnnsnliilaled government. How far it has progressel in Hie detail of this new system is un- IknoTvn to us. The decree of the 3.1 of October lust, therefore clear that ifany credit for liberality is due, it and fled. I he cavalry armed with lances, pursued nnniernus other vexations circumstances ulour nohis, Orphan at 4 oVIotk ll hibuion of the children compotin, the Orphan A.ym I Im eily, took place at the Common Couneil RIKm Thf were about 40 child.ea neatly clad, and ofa appearance, who demoniiraled thai ther had been aril ururied.

They were riamined in tha anil in numrmut The very imercmn; and could not fail to aaaktn the oferery person etcnt. 1 men deftaiad Saiua Anna' army amounting to 13, 00. Fliat he killed 00 men and lo-'k i03 pilaoners wilh al the officer including Gen. Col and Santa Anna, limnelf sustained a lof of but ill men killed and twenty wounded.! Yoiir march ta virlory i rapidly on- trd, and if tliit tccfnint 11 correct ti blood nf jour brethren mauacu-d at Aininoand elaeohera will not be alitor bed or obliterated from the face af nature, ere your I trust that what I have said on this point is sufTici ril is to Ihe ale government, and how far it is entitled to this credit, men of 'judgment must decide, with the knowledge ofthe fact that it sold the lands of Texas them they plunged into Ihe river and swam.

One was killed in ihe water, one upon the hank, and the to show lint ihe lederal social compact of Mexico is liKxolved that we have just and sufficient cause to at from thirty to fifty dollars per square league, Mexi fale ofthe third is unknown. Young Hadden secreted himself until night. From his hiding place he which fie the outlines of the new is lake up arms against the revolutionary governmeni can measure, winch lour thousand lour hundred and twenty-eight acres English, nn I considered it heard the shrieks nnd groans of the wounded and which has been established that we have Ibrborne however, satficient to show that the federal system until the cup was full to overflowing and that fur (ring the cries of" Lord Lord have mercy, nd compact are dissolved and centralism eaiannsn was gelling a high price and lull value fiir it. ther forbearance or submission on our part would d. States are converted into departments.

Tin. A-yluin 1. tupported cli.iiiy un(Jcr I fotterii-jf ire of the Ldiet of lirookly n. Ji hai br, htrrlofnr kepi in a Imuieof ll.a lar. 1 '1 and the most all'ecting ejaculations of distress were mingled with noise of the guns were gradually snlwi- Toe true interpretation of this charge of ingratitude as follows: The Mexican government have at have been both ruinous and degrading; and that it ivas due to the i'ieat cause of liliertv, to ourselves to towards mid-dav, when the horrid work was Mu last discovered that the enterprising people who were 1 jnrvmii tory will complete.

From Hie extract il will be nbterved that ae have another ttalemenl of the bulla which present! ic lu a different and mm unfavorable light. Wt would advise our rradert to place but litll confidence in any turh imnn until ihey are more firmly corroborated. We hit This decree is as follows, as translated Decree of the 31 of October, 1835. Office of the first Secretary of) State, Interior Department. i 11 lshed.

1 he neighbors who have knoA-n Young Had induced to remove to Texas by certain promises and our posterity, and to the free blood which, I am proud to sav, fills our veins, to resist and proclaim war len from his ch IdhonJ, say that is statement guaranties, have uy their labours given value to 1 ex U'nomoia atrrei near ritiponl I. It be deprived i.f that I -alion, and wt bona 4 mtnenl one in our Ti.a AnnMal against such acts of usurpation nnd oppression. His Excellency the President pro tern, of the Mex as and its lands. An attempt is toereliire now made may be relied upon with confidence.

No man could hear him tell bis story and doubts his truth, and a I lie lustice ol our cause bring clearly shown, Ihe ican United States tu the inhabitants of the Ke to take them from us anil to annull all (hose guaran most important question that naturally presents itself b'acker piece of perfidy and blood, is not on record in ties, and we are ungrat fill because we are not suf nd er appoi'iicd. Th. m.nA 4t I 1 to the intelligent and inquiring is. trinf are the ob public. Know ye, that the General Coujjre hai decreed the following: mAt.

1. The present Governor of the States ficiently 'docile, to mibuiit to this usurpation and in the nnnalsol history. The following named persons who were taken pris jects and inteiitiiins of the people of Texas justice, as the docile" Mexicans have ia other parts oners of war i San Patricio on the 14th of March, I tins we reply that our ohiect is Ireedom civil shall continue, notwithstanding the time fixed hy the ol the nation. and religious freedom emancipation from that gov 'Constitution may have expire. I but snail te depen I'o close this mailer shout ingratitude, I wiliavk Ihe tame rraton to believe the find inti licence we received at authentic, at tn behrre Ihe following From llieN.

V. fiilv tdv nf this morning. IMPORTANT FROM TEXAS. If the folio -in be Correct, Hi Triun newt dwindhs down ma tmall point. The Mobile Chronicle of ihe 7th inil.

five the following from Ihe Louitiana Adrirllicr, without date probably the 5ili: Texas Bv t'ntl-mnn who arrived veiierjav. we a iu iiiuciiii in uriir ai tngni, F.r. -Hclween 1 1 and I o'lhxk Vrwrnlav. a fir rru, red in Ihe exemive carpenteia' Sil'a. E.

Hinted in IMlie, l.iren Smith and C'0101 city, wlrh iu e.N,.eq.nee of dot from any vaier am! carried lo Metamoras, were shot on the 14th April, at -In moras, by order of Ihe Mexican Commander S. S. Curtis, Samuel M'Caulev, Thus. T. dent for their continuance in the exercise of their ernmeni and that peop'e who, after fifteen years ex fit was not ingratitude in the people of the United periment since Ihey have been seperated Irom Spain, Mates to resist the theory ol oppression and sepe M.tehell, R.

R. Brown, G. Copeland, Win, Langin lave shown that, they were incapable ol self-govern rate from it be ingratitude in the peo hum. B. E.

Mahan, S. Francis, N.Jones, M. Hall. ment, and that all hopes ol any thing like stability or rational liberty in their political institution at least L. H.

Ben. Wm. Brunjon, M. Levric, Mr. Leveo, an officer ofthe schooner Invincible, was shot at Ihe for many years are vain and fall.icious.

are i reilihlv inf.rmed that Sanla Anna haa not been liken wat iitconiema lh(l ID'iOd'imi, ic. were de.irnytd mh ll budding. wuh a rjiimMy 0f loot, lor.f in; lo the earrfneit emp'oy, by Mr. E. etlimaled al bLoiii 12.0ml.

No inuranee Tuis object we expect to obtain by a tolal sepera- Brassos. The above information was brought by a gentleman arrived last evening in the schr Compeer, prisoner, nnicit irsi aenien' en ana anni, at ainted bv a ron-lempnrniv journal. Our informant titled lhat Idere had from Metamoras direct and can be relied on. lieen a or m-r properly apcBkinj a rinuli, be. ple ol 1 exas to resist oppression and usurpation bv seperaling from Mexico.

To return to the declaration ofthe 7th of November last, it will be observed that it is a lotal seperation from Mexico an absolute declaration of Independence in Ihe event of the destruction of the federal compact or system, ami the establishment of centralism. This event has taken place. The federal compact is dissolved, and a central or consolidated government is established. I therefore repeat that the present position of Texas is ahtolule indepen liun from Mexico as an independent community a new republic or by becoming a Slate ofthe United Stales. Texas would have been satisfied to have lieen a Stale ofthe Mexican Confederation, and she Iween a body nl the 'fxln army and another of Hie attributes, up ihe Supreme Government of the na-tion.

'Art. 2. The Legislatures shall immediately cease to exercise their legislative functions but dissolving (and those which may be in recess meeting fir the purpose) they shall appoint a department council, composed fir the present of five individuals, chosen either within or wit'iout their own 'body, to act as a council to the governor; and in case of a vacancy in that office, they shall propose in the supreme government three persons, possessing the qualifications hitherto required and until an appointment be made, the gubernatorial powers shall be exercised by the first on the list, who is not an ecclesiastic. Art. 3.

In those States where the Legislature cannot be assembled within eight days, the of capital shall act in its place, only for leaiana, lui-li terinmnitd in Ihe ro-nnli-te route of the From the Ni t)i leant. Bulletin nf May 3. An express has arrived het via Natchitoches, from fcxas, and is confirmed bv Gen. Gaines, that Gcn. former, wilh bite on both aidea, bui pnneiptlly on Itie jnoi made every constitutional eliort iu her power to be I IL fim, and lhat nta Anna, to far from beinv come one.

Uut that is no longer practical) lor that Houston, of Texas, has conquered Santa Anna and in Ihe engagement at the time, an I it, in the city ol inf'ederation no longer exists. One of the two alter MUitert We recommend ehoL.iie, Invert hke fum.t.;.nd: Utily, ll admirer, of nalurn and iee e.eam, mue and lemonade, the rnohni. and rer rffiaey, cwwq.irnt tH anlicndo.resili. beaunful fi.nlea, whleh I. open ever.

ev. nm. 1 ico. his army. Santa Anna himself, and his soldier, sre all prisoners.

The forces of Santa Anna were esti- The followin llrr from Gen. Gaines lo th Secretary natives above mentioned, therefore, is the only resource which the revolutionary government of Mexico has left her. Either will secure the liberties and dence A POSITION II WHICH HAVE BHt PLACED BT THE CONSTITCTIOff AL ANO REVOI.C-TIO.VART ACTS OP THE MEXICAN GOVCaNMEKT. The uated at 1 100, and those ol Houston at bOO. 1 he ex of War, is rereivrd in New Ymk reatcrday afiemoon.

press further hlaleJ that Houston' army destroyed half of the Mexicans, anj the loss nn his side wai.ix llhininatrd. No eif.rta leo .1 I people of Texai firmly adhered, to tie latt moment. anu we mum mere van no onuiit 01 ut bciog i-reel ihsn any previoue mielheenef. prosperity of Texas, lor either will secure to us the right of self-government over a country which we have redeemed from tiie wilderness, and conquered to the const Uut am which they and the whole nation Ihe propnel lo make Iheir C. oden a beautiful forl.l.le tummer rrln-al.

A'hmuanee free. (Se tt'v kille I and 20 wounded. The saddle of Santa Anna was taken and brought in, and is of a cotly order, being estimated as worth between six and eiirht hundred dollars, and the ex had sworn to snvport. But the givemment have not. The party now in wer have overturned the constitutional ivrrnment and violated without any nid or protection whatever from the Mexican ivernment, (fcr we never teceived anv) Corretjica leneeof Ibe Courier and Enquirer C.

May 16, HIS. TKXAS. Th followin; letter from lien. Oahies hai been firn ua for publication tht War Depailmenl and which is clearly ours: Ours hv every principle press who brought in the news, rode on the horse of Sag lit, bo, neccmi of the de.oh of named Ai.r.Ui.; urvler the cuve cirtu.ii.Unee. i The linn Tl.nrne 1.

..1 i.c, I i. i I by which original titles to countries are, and ever Imve been founded. We have explored and pioneer the purpose of electing the five individuals of the department council. "Art. 4.

All the judges and tribunals of the States, and the administration of justice, shall continue as hitherto, until the organic law relative to this branch be lormed. The responsibililie of Ihe functionaries which could only be investigated before Congress, shall be Referred to and concluded before (the aupreme court of the nation. "Art. 5. All Ihe subaltern officers of the Staff i ahall also continue fir the present, (the places which ed if, developed its resonces, made it known to the world, and given lo it a high and rapidly increasing value.

The federal republic of Mexico had a con Santa Anna. The following information came lo hand yesterday A iri-ntlcman of this city, who arrived this morning from Atskapas, in the steamboat Velocipede, Mates that on the evcniiiz previous tn his departure, two persons arrived at St. Martinsville, direct from Texas that these persons, who app ared lo be men of their oaths they have seperated from their obligation, from their duly, and from the people of Texas, and consequently, Ihey are the true rebels. So far from being grateful, as Ihey ought lo Im; lo the people of Texas for having given value to that country, and for having adhere I lo iheir duty and constitutional obligations, Ihe Mexicans charge us with these very acts, as evidence of ingratitude. Men of judgment and impartiality must decide this and determine who have been, and now are ungrateful.

wh.lio tud Hi. crew were tcruiin; (he -hen the (hove i.idi.idusl Ml from llie y.l,' a lii.i.iuee ui JO fe.1, on llie rail of Die anj thence lo Ih aalir. H- i stitutional right to participate generally in this value Head ft.ianera. Western -nl. 1 Sabmt 'i-tk I.

6 Sia I have the honor ai ale lli.n recoil, have i-iti now reai-hed Ihia plsee, ihroiih turmiM tlni.nrN. wliuh leave nodouhi of ihrir coTertnet or. ihe 2lvi a ha i tie fought near leniy miiu. ran ot I larnshureh, in Trias, heiween Ih Melu ant, under the I coTimnod of iheir rre.nlent, S.nia and Ihe un ler O-nertl their cominamleron rhief -and thai it resulted in die eoote overtlirow of the advao red of Ihe Mejiran army, lorh nppe.ira lo have hut it had not, and cannot have, anv other; and this one has evidently been forfeited nnd ilf-siroved bv are vacant, or which may be vacated, not to be lul filled,) but they, as well as the officers, revenues audi unc institutional acts and on, and by ihe lo- linen h.i in. ''ul l.i.

trull much Iraou.ed, and ho (u br- i.e.), that lie w.t Pi a aUl. of lilv, and cohlinnr-d to ah iut 21 hour, when evn.r.,1 II. branchei under their charge, remain subject loand at tal dissolution ol Ihe social compact. Consequently, respectability, related as a positive lact that an en-Ka'jemeiit had laken place between Ihe Texian forces under General Houston and the Mexican army, in which the latter were totally routed, having lost 700 the true ami legal owners ol I exas, the onlv legiti -the disposal of the supreme government of the nation, lii, irrv t.l' .1 i'. t.

GENERAL SANTA ANNA WITH HIS AR mate sovereigns of that country, are the people of by means of their respective governors." City ofj men in killed and wounded, an I 500 prisoners, anion exas whom was Gen. Cos. The loss of the Texian is It is also asked, what is the present situation of said to be inconsiderable. i-1" i.uro year llie only if a wi.ioi.ed mother pari of the i.rniy. mini of which i.

In have Uen nie.n I II. Bran, near St. rhiihppe, -ho rcidt., a. id myrl, belo.ed hy aiaie.l thai heiween iOO an.l too lieMnu.o imnpt I ll'' crew.

The of ihe wlner, were kiled, an.l the re due of ti advance, au- ut H.e aotirip iiir.r ihe hnppii.e.. of rer.nin- him in aith time laken p.ner., m. ih. be j.Vr.I.eJ hun.cir, th lua and uin.t of ia principal i -wrmeo. The circumstances related by Ihese MY CAPTURED, AND THE OFFICERS PROBABLY SHOT.

The Southern mail of yesterday, brought us the following highly important intelligence. From til" New Orlesm rW.nfth- GLORIOUS NEWS. I exas, and ic hat are our present resources to ejject our objects and defend our rights The present position of Texas is an absolute De were that the Mexican army had from some caue or other been separated into two bodies, divided by the river Brazos; that the sudden rise of that river claration of Independence a total seperation Irom Mexico. Tnis Declaration was made on the 7th of Ucl. 3 IS.iS.

MIGUEL BAMtAGAN, President pro. tern. MaNCEL Dli3 DE B.INILLA, Sjc etary of Stale. For the information of those who are not acquainted with the organization of the federal system and constitution of 1924, it may be necessary instate that this constitution was copied, as to iis general principles from that of the U. States.

The general ingress had Ihe same organization and was elected in i lie same manner. A Senate elected hy the State Legislature for four year, and a House of Rcprc-entatives elected bv the people fiir two years. A President and Vice President elecled fiir four years, i prevented the two bodies from effecting a junction anil no na ueriairU lunmrii reaily and willing, in. I ainnlly, lo acknowledge ihe of Tei I f''1 Struts Uur Sheet ln ee'or hn ii fnr. lhi point.

hoeer, 1 prrtume the conttiluted au- offi- take a beiler one al ihe Kontl. Feriv. Our thi.ntet of Meiu ninil be -ncihed. II i November last. It is as Pillows Whereas, Gen.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, an.l oilier military cliit fiains, have by force of arms, overthrown tin' federal social compact which ex By the Levant which arrived last evening, the accounts arc confirmed of Houston's victory over the Mexicen army. II iviug conquered the first divisi 111 (as elsewhere related) be alincke-l Ihe se- I have, moreover, i .1 Ihe Cherokee and other r. jri in rvr were our in uh Uhhv and i.fT.-n.ive eundihoe. Indiana in Teiaa, fro'n ir ai )e of national bound.rv that Houston marched aainxt the larger body, amounting to 13 or 1400 mrn-ihat ihe latter retreated, and in their retreat si fire lo the town of H.irris-burgh. Houston succeeded in overtaking them about seven miles from that town, and made a sudden and vigorous attack on them, and after some severe fijrhi- isted between Texas and the other menihersuf the line, are di.p'atcd to return to their villa pljnicorn, and be peaceahle.

nn division tinner Anna tiimseii ihe result Mexican Confederacy, now the 2001I people of, waH a8 hastily communicated in the fiillowimr rirm Texas, avaihn themselves of their natural rights, ar frm the Texian secreiarT of war lo the noonle of inir, the Mexicans were totally delrated, wilh Ihe I I hit i.ite.ligcnre lo me the propri. ly dra r-in Ihe of tiie S'ntet ol wh im I rq.ielr.i vol-uiitevri, as s'tted in my Inter of the eih Ih n.onlh, lo auapen their To llu. I have added, thai and removeahle only by impeachment and trial. The I he wind tweepa ihe dual in clou I. alone ihe ad people retreat from ihe of dol.

There are no order, to Ukicj awiy (tie iffeutif imOrr, or at lea.t no ff cove il are we I. do Wa are laved eno.ijrh and eur money rnti frer ly liyr-i, Why thould irni more cf it jo i eaveri5cit 7 loss above mentioned. These peril'euicn Haled lhat diLLi.ii.Uii 1 iMaroij.locries. iirao quarters, army, April 23. 1st.

Tnal t.iey have laken up arms iu defence of; We met Santa Anna on tfie 21st int. we alticke.l their rights and liberties, which were threatened by him with 600 men; he hail about 1100 wilh two ihev were short distance from Hirrishiirgh, anil could distinctly hear the firing, and thai Ihe result was well known liefiire their departure tint Hous encroachments ol military despots, and in clelence ol howitzers. entirely routed his whole force killinrr the republican principle ofthe federal constitution of ton had inarched in pursuit of Ihe other body, which it was supposed could not possibly escape turn. node of amend'ng the constitution was cleariy fixed. The powers ofthe States were ihe same in substance as ofthe Stales of the United Slates, and in some instances greater.

During the recess of Congress, half the Senate formed the council of government. By keeping these facts in view, an.l then supposing the ease that ihe President and Conres of these United Stales were to do what the President and Congress of Mexico have done, and that one ofthe States was to resist and insist on sustaining the federal constitution and state rights, a case wool I be LATER NEWS AND CONFIRMATION OF We leirn thl the I-h-ooi on Ihe Jamair. rafrotd I. ive returned llu ir iripa, that callle liavt Iwea ronatrueh at ih- crn-t rot.l,. aiuinij me ahove repoiia 1 ta I have no Hoi, hi ihry will he ii, the rouneof a fnwdiia.

I II in that rvenl, ord-r an nfli-cr lo Ihe Sl.iea Cully, to rneel Ihe muiter ll.em mio ervi-e, and then duchar-e them. Vour aervaio, EDMUND P. GAINES, Major fiener coininan.lmr. To th Secretary of War, Waahniii'nn City. TEXAS.

Tht Cominl.tioner. of Text, ar now in our rule, a-k- about halt, and taking the remainder prisoners San-la Anna himsplf and all his principal nflicers are our prisoners. The story of war dors not furnish a parallel to this battle we had only 6 killed anj 23 wounded. I have not time or I would semi a full report. I will do this in Ihe course of lo-morroR-.

I airaiti call on ray -How-citizens. Let us come on and conquer THE ABOVE. Mexico of 1934. 21. That Texas is no lonrer morally or civilly bound by the compart of Union yet slimulafd by the (f.

nerosity and sympathy common to a free people, they offer their support and assisiance to such of the members of the Mexican Confederacy, as will lake up arms against military despotism. I Since the above was put in type, we have been fa vored with the perusal of a letter from New Orleans, dated May Sd, to a in ton city. make the illovving extracts The glorious news we have received is official, KlrtUm far Il II be tern hy lb Corpori-tinn proceedin that an elerlion for an Alderman in tl- fourth ward of ihi. euy, lake, place Friday, the t7 in.itnt, at Japer Puflon't Hotel, Fulton aireet. presented paral.el to the great contest between 31.

1 list they do not acknowledge that the pre- TVxas and the revolutionary government of Mexico. 1 sent authorities of the nominal Mexican republic have in for ihe liberal and charitable contrihulion. of our en tent lo atant the in in thi. our of the ffal (nd difli. In further elucidation of this subicct, 1 will present the right to govern within the limits of Texas.

the remaining troops, and our country ia tree. Turn out at once let us do the work at once. THOMAS J. RUSH, Secretary of War. Since writing the nhnve, we beard it staled as ifon I an I can he relied on.

Had Santa Anna concentrated his two divisions, Houston would have lost the day. cully. Gen. Aualin nnd Col. Wharion have in i an extract from a report made by me to the provis The latter General has lo encounter now, the division pubhe and lold lh tal of their manly tirujle and tuffer.

"4th. that they will not cease to carry on war a 2a i list the said authorities, whilst their troops are within the limits of Texas. "alh. That they bold it to lie their right, during under Sesma." This it will be seen above, he is re ioft under the frt.p of tyranny and bigotry. Their Ttmpmnct Rreelory.

A naw Temperance R'feetniy or elun houae ia e.lnhlol ed by Mr. Lew it, tl No. f0 Fid'on reet. Here ny perton miy obtain rnff-r, vt. larla, cold cult, and In ruta, at all te.tnoahlt in tre printed in pimphlrt form, an.l every cit zen ported lo have rut lo pieces.

Ev. Star. PosTsra irr 1 2 o'elnrk, 3d Mail Closing. good authority, that Gen. Houston held a council of war on Ihe fate of his prisoners; and thai Santa Anna and all his officers had been sh the privates ional government ol 1 exa on the 30th ol last communicating the said decree of 3 I October.

That every people have the rijrht tochamre their government, is unquestionable; but it is equally certain and true, that thi change to be morally or politically obligatory, must be elfecled by the' free expression of the community, and bv legal and con inform huntelf on the ibj-ct, and will I learn ith the dmorvarizalion ol the lederal system and Ihe reignof despotism, to withdraw from the Union, lo e-tablisri an in leeniltnt government, or to adopt such measuies as they may deem best calculated to union interest how nearly Ihe approaches of opp'Cttion in I trt'f tlyle.on marble tahl.v. I'eraon. fr'm ihe cJ- were sent to Matamoras. It was lsi stated, that General Gaines had written a nrivate letter confirmatory of this account, but we did not see it. There Uear sir i he steamboat Komeo has just arrived from Ouichita, Red River, nnd confirms the report brought bv ihe Lvant, and we have jii'l seen a letter from General Houston, dated 20th April, a few hours previous lo ihe battle.

He slates lhat Ssnia Anna was in the field and thai he (Houston) had one stitutional means; fir otherwise, the stability of prolecl their rights an.l liberties but that tbev will can however, be no doubt that Houston haseonqoer I.rt ftf con i.nue i-mniui 10 lucxican government, so tonrj () th. Mexican army is pnwtraled. The ihe Meiiean lal revein'ile lh-n which drove our lalli- i attendin; enurt. a ill find Ihi. a ranvenienr.

ait into the war which reaulled in our independence. I Il ppert that Tela, wja freely known loth frfar CieeH'TV. Mr lil Forty ha. daWinV Spaouh fovernment in Mtnco al ll. tune Motet Auttin I d' ih "lore o'drleearie.

obtained hie rrant. Il wa in lhat hit n. Gen. JMe- lht P'rtoot fivinj evemnf paitiei, tnd al en F. Austin, commenced lot triilement.

Trilje In. rom for Ihoa-w ho wj.h to ptittke code fl ecolit as mar 11 a 1 1011 is rr.iverneu oy me conoiiulion Iim .1.. 1... ,1 Unil, 1 laws lhat were framed for the government ofthe po half his in ambush in order lo coax Santa Anna on to give him battle. There is no donht lhat Santa Anna is taken as reported.

No one doubt, it here." litical asju-e alion. 6th. That Texas is reponsibie for the expenses of Important from Texas. Fortune has revolved the snokes in her wheels, an I now side with Texa. Yesterday a gentleman arrived from Attakipas, in this Stale, an he ascris that two persons had been at St.

Martinsville immediately b-fire his depirture, who stated as a positive fact within their own cognizance, that an enuairement had laken p'ace between part of the Texian and Mexican army. The latter had hee-i sereraied into two bodies, divided hy the diant tiavrived tnnte eltenove wild fw fame, and in llictr H) w.nlike and predatory excur.ion.. The gorer in.erit gran. ted Aualin and oilier r.on large tract, of land, on e- unHe.ino ike condition. Menco afier.ardt be.

fB -( 'h Van iren lo Ihe viel Wcnrt Spam, and all theac tram, were by tut lU P''." the plH.r preaerud hf th p-w new Then, were tever.l fnned Male, of I P'tetor. lo Ihe rorporaii for the C17 CONOR F.SS. In Senate, Monday, May 1(5. Mr. Shcpley pre-anted the credential of J.

M. Nile, elected by Ihe LeiFi.lalure of Connecticut to supply the vacancy in Ihe United Slates Senaie, caused by the death nf Ihe II m. Nathan Smith, liiml fie 10th" Murcb, ner armies, now 111 itie neid. 7ih. Tnal the public f.iilh of Texas is pledged for the piyment of any debis cootracled bv her assents.

8th. That she will reward by donations in land all who volunteer their services in her present struggle, and receive them as citizens. These dec'arations we solemnly avow to the world an I call God to witness their truth an.l sincerity, and invoke defeat and d.srsce upon our heads governments and the right of the poe pie would he the mercy ofthe fortunate revolutionist! of violence or faction. Admitting, therefore, that a central an despotic, stronif governmeni, ia best adapted to the education and habits of a portion of Mexican people, and that they wish it; this does not, and cannot frive to them the risj'it to dictate, by unconstitutional means and force, to the other portion who have equal right, and differ in opinion. Had the change been arTeeted by constitutional meant, or haj a national convention been convened, nd every member of the confederacy br en fairly represented, and majority aiyree to the change, it would have placed the matter on different ground bat even then, it wonl.l be m.instreu to admit tiie principle, that a majority have the right to destroy ahe minority, fir the reason, that is superior to .1 priiiat obligation.

That aueb a governmeni a is e-MilemiJated by Ihe brforemention-cd oVerc nf id Uetober, would destroy the people of Texas, must be evtdeut to all, when' ihey ico pw-ea. ng eerlain uiranleed by a Ci- in. 7 hey ro Itien he aide to appreeiaie for li meivr, whether tin p-iorr, li.h ha. crown nh 1 1 prow lit of These rredeniial were read, and Mr. J.

M. Nile river urass-n, wnose siui.ten rise prevented their should we prove guilty of duplicity lull- murh after Ihe manner iheae United Stale. .1 ihe parent eoaernm-n wt. Oealined 10 a a leeeaan.n hy wiiKh Ihe rep nnd repealed: in.a.l.d an.l oveni.rown. tn -1 jon'-tion.

I iie laru'e hi ly consisiel or about 1 .100 or or 1400 men, who being attarked hy General Houston, set fi-e to ihe town of an.l retreat the ciy, tinee ua infan ia nut I elter entil'ed to ih' -lor, lhan paper fondnrled by fewriner, whokatft't beea Ihn country, are correctly infonneif) but It is worthy particular attention thai ibis de ed; it II uiston succeeded in overtaking them alxiul claration affords anoilier an I an o-ianswersSle proof ofthe firhearance of the Texian, and ot" their firm adherence even to the last moment. In fie institution 7 miles from that c-, compelieil I hern to pitched buttle, in winch 700 of Mexicans were and which they bid sworn to support, and 1 1 loeie Dolili- was sworn arcordinolv. Mr. Minimum prccnted some resnlutioti adopted at a nieeliiro; of tiie citizens of Burke County, North Carolina, recomtnen linr a recojeiiition of ihe lodcn-deoce of Texas. He atated that llw? newt received llu morninij pave new inlerent to the subject of ihe resolution but lhat be hould refrain front makmo; any further remarks, rjcept lo ask that ihe resolution be read, an I ordered tv be printed.

Thcue res.tlutiotn coiplio-nted Mr. Clay and Mr. Preaton, by aklu I ieir a. I Mr. Proton roe and that bavins an reeentl' ral obligations Mex rvi nliz-ns.

For slthoogh at this very lime the ft leral vtem and constitution P. E.operor. and co.rupi.ia end violence f. a tuna had full away, Win- VVnr mnii Cawtwa CoW eft -e II India. tr.H.bleme, ihe LfV 'V" The IViiinrti Ai.len Spnmw gt Foot re.pre to e.r,i., and f(i).

Tm wr M- fu. nn lha frdlow.a, ennd.iama nf in thi. place during l.u PriKettHwi of pvrtont, property e.d r.f.hi. I iwen'y-five y. ar krat pai.

an.l l.a l.roe nttf pf" l. Eaeh c-4-h. in re-reive rxi It2i acre) of e.rtion of the tatea an.l aaacanwntt for buikhnj up eo pa)(1- ibirty dol mi th thi vonjf city. now n-k lo be app.nted Pnn- oflJ4 bad been overtuine.l an.l trampled tinder The mlmitx ar l' riumh ipal bodies or rorpn- Ti.

L-ciditnre ofih-Sia-e of and Trts 300 laken prisoner a-non whom was General Co, whose rmrole d'honneur" will serve hi on this occasion The enemy was complete'y route and the I. of the Texian was very inconsi leraKle. Gen. II. ins Ion immediately marched in pursuit of Ihe other body, and may have equally rjptureJ idem b-jt thi is not yet ascertained.

From 'He Ne fM-lrt Tnie Amerirs. Ctpt The Ti-Xias a-m'd schMiner Invincible. was ei7d nn Saturdav, and brought lit Una citv, on 1 ratMm nt, ia are sniw to avor and ar errriKo of lfi cilie lh l'rair-1 Stales. Tn ei expeticd lua ho-ve. au.

on Ibe object 31. Any he r.le.l. and dl porat.m ol Im r.lj. rlaa by a tfrrmt lh in miKun pnrrrsird IHa sacrM 0f lb it of tiobrr in tn.fii, carponiMn rftn lie Viaus. have ly lens, an the Iixiar, he waa unwiihnff to Inmnle linh mide ih proit, mdirtr(Hl by a mih rjrf ee s-tin un.lrr il.e ws and ih 'i '-IW, si Vl -es, i.

'i-errtaty nd frt. ihe member rrf im. -red. B-m. It.

I on. l.r. f. mlS, Aeioni i hoi rvneo n- I. arw heretofore- larver hill wncn the aith any furtin-r rennrk.

But tla? 10a per-peny. 0 a nielinat bad d'Har lom the horxar to lti'. -d -i rl rhnT hern tfven lo and recent naidemt nrrf ii. We are well provided wiib all the maieras bc-rexta'y ie do joatwre lo it anal. Very reiirctfuiiT, AirF spoovr.n.

B. srooNF.B, fiF.ORG W.5rO0E- j'r "wc ihe bv Pa-aed Midahipman I. Icidjr- ev.of lie- i rrjiift Ik- boohI in ftroan ibe ob- I war Warren. art of lla-e rr.

had no araf of fr- i.J 1 1 li -ir frvun xkrhnX inrTirmaTion we ran rfher, fijitnuttn te l.n ir, hv irpriing tital k-rl- tt w.ped to n't rr4oof. a -I He 1 addresa- w-eeeuvvchanjeed. kw wen. bv a m.l.-.'.. i ed a conioinrocatioii Daija, .1.11 rji He in il fcTlinje nfllir hrvneat anj bwm thai a oar terra 11 (tu one im rt was nvd by lh CoarrMSotf I be I'kenJ it Us, n4 (I lb LefWilnr K'H kf awt mni awsl ronrrntKS, n4 ih- erjv ar ui-oih i aatlwKv Franifict, "-f ia ihe and rep-rer(alirf of l4ie, aa flr prr.

SMMMi fa tlx deftsmtrni emineil of '-n" tbirti br ari a drrt iba na of nf (V: be rMRtrtrd tim 0 tnia a department r( taw ar trfidin (T'irntI I it tHe itepaira-r-i of rrsnr. i.a.a oe wat depoarH, in rf rrewdenlt and de-; have uaid Ih lyrae.Sar.ra Anea hat how hie), a rejaed lo n.lur.l r.Eh mankind. He ivre hh Ih ofthe eoun-ry. ,1 wf the pervwnl tr a da.U lots nfl Knre of ih prieil.Vnd of Auvtit. fio bra a in il I r' ibem ur.

in hint. h. lnvinr.b had been jrmity itfan act of piracy, pure I. a I aent tl rcwJmn but he could not coincide with them a to the propn-, aol obeyed wfe'vura; I' ol in. 10 capturing the forfccl, Amerr-caa cvwor.

John n.acnmh I. at arnred rvn. 11 t'niovl Couf order to et vpee w-ith Post -J. a HI taf Tetaa by i' "J-rertl in O'la'af. rj of arknoaVdpiicj Tea'aiti.

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