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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 1

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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nouncing the land leaguera. BUY. 9. 1880. BOXE 1 gUTSUTUBS.ETC.

words, though. ENGLAND. MABITOtE DISAST jt, Brit Galalia, Capt. Pendioombe, parted at Bristol ftom countered a terrific gale, Headway against which she) olj her coal. She 'was masts, boats, derricks, of oil cake for fuel in AA1UB, the Paris membe rs, intends tp Introduce chamber Of depujties forlheuppoihtanfentof'a committee inquiry feto toe Oe CSssey affair.

I An incident has bocirred to excite. Frettch suspicion about fees, always too wafce- talal It be toldjn a few French joMnols liiive ae made very mofly about it. Wcestyne, a ootrospondent ot papers more lively 'than exact, of late found a tempora 7 home with the Gaul- new patrons, came out with a brand-new story of the sale foreign, spy by, an officer high In Ctairaand, of plans lor a mobilization of 'tpie French army. -Mwas Col. Jung.

officer di colonel Jaw easily sni ter, though'in Yeveal the inf rian.rUmo.'de admitted haft been improperly dfealt with, but ted Siinon Pure of tnSas' on was Gen. dei Cissey, who i. said, been on i with Mme. dei direoted againstf an action, I and 'vjery his xsharae- "jrto doit he of his very intamate terms Kaulla. Public son- timent was dfflermined to a and'so $3.

its fury was at jonce Ocn. de CSssey. I Col. on bis part received due satisfaction by KettJngjDe sentenced to a long term ot imprisonment ana to a fine. Some letters of Gun.

de Cissey were read the "trial, which clearly proved his intimacy with' Mme. i de Kaulla, and whifch tended to show-that some of the lady's friends had profited by it in order make money atjithe public expense! Certainly no Such 1 treason as that i ttributed to the general proved, bit established to mike every one uneasy and to put the people a sort of frenzy of-sus-, picion. jrerteral's letters Were clear-. Iv compromisinj for he was immediately dismissed froto.his command by the; government, anfl the coll upon him tOj clear'hiniself so liemcntthat he; has been dnven, as at: were, to begin a press i on; his owii account. Mme.

de Kaulla is now in the forefront bf public notice as an object of hatfe. She is threatened by, the mob. fler portrait is exhibited in: the bureau otijonrnals, and she has '1, as a matter of Equally.iis a matter of course sue pas her innocence, ana see ongiit to know MATTjaSS OF LOJTDON, following is tjie subsSJince of the speech to be rpad by Ferry'to the jFrench chamber of acp-: titles at "the tomorrow: 1 1 The exnulsion been pncccssWlly carried but. The govcrn- SrniDt rcooramcndSto chambers ijriDiaJT With recard to'lawsi oa fcsounttons, they fcrc Vh?" if he r-cw'la'mf the ScBulntlori of therrcssWill also be urced upof reprraentatlve bodies, bntj lone the old fcrm ot the jt Trill be ripidly -afincr" of the Khonc canil is ko tbe consideration ol TIM the. -i Nomentlon what- made ot Greece.

In pondnslon the Cov- nt does Bl nd1 oJ f1? but. The Koverri mont nM the ntitcntiiecouiaenccninltofoUowIttoltt- THE TEOCTtoE AT MABSEIK.ES, Kov. the abbey of ihe Prcmontre continues, and troops still staround Itlie monasterv. TI ie snbprefecf states that the authdritdes do not wish to break open the doori but will a month longer, it is neTjessary. The lathers declare that.

they have Bttfflcient provinons and will not yield. At Chamberry fbie Trappists of ramie were despersed on the 6th I 6y a body seven (brigades of jgend'nrmes end 30 troops the line, The Capuchins have embarked for Cork. THE PAEKEM. IKDICTMENT. 1 No fiovemmont, dpnbtlcss cautihned by its £egal fdvis- cra that the caic against Parnell very hard one mdecd, will not endeavor to-iu-ovetoo Huch against him.

The whole btrcngth of tlie prosecution will he exerted to the last couit which cnirnts with ibtain a comaction jou of the i indictment Parnell and his 3 seditiously conBpir- itic. confederating and agreeing to A therto T.T Snto port. The Meyer, from At returned'! to CBOI jjftrt Lane Express says: jer twerp foi te formbj a weather ored rowing and thresMng. lOJhe threshing has brought prominently into view the deaciency not th eat crop and the iles, were tion of wheat was firm, inferior more important provincial finest samples advanced one quarter. The quantity of gmn'iflopt, caused a weaker London iat the end of the Fdr- wheat advancea in but farther advance was on Fiiday, the was slower, but holders were, firm! flour, scarce, and Barley, very quiet; there wtf ittm.

prioved demand early in (tor barley afloat, but the market at! the close. Oats improved 'ofie shilling and closed firm. Maize, mJxedjAmerican sold steadfly, ex-ship, at of three-pence on Mom 3 corn, quiet and cl Maize in passage ad'. pence early in the week and pras slightly dearer on Wedntsdaya slightly relapsed on Friday, but closeJ. cargoes were three-aence ahd siic-penca dearer for red eaxlyiin the week in consequence'of and the'detention of vessels on jajteage.

descriptions were firm unt" when they became gaieter with the American market. red winter was and sixes pence dearer. American further decUned 1-3 Soles 'Of English wheat week. 42.326 quarters nt four perico, iigjiinst 3C.553 qrkrters SOJRhillings five pence. Tttje pdnding period last into the United kingdom for the en'd- ihg Oct.

30, were 539,024 Ctt-t-lbf cwt. of flour. jEAsrrrs rofD A HgsfE. Madrid ctfrrespond- ns follows: The are 6 are offering thorn theif polacifes; town councils are giving old cdn' vomits and vacant builoUngs. £The i them interviews: and ministry is.

authorizing ajid other orders to establish theittselves jp'n Madrid and all over i the Cdnsen-ativc and liberals' 1 1 equally condcffi? urea of the French gtfvernmenl to the surprise of every jnst published several strictures thercop- dautofGambctta, whom he having dictated the conrsc the! gav- icrnmcnt from behind the scerjss. Gasjfe- lar in unsparing in his idenuiffiiation ijol radicalism. He told toe yestfjrday. tljat he inclines to the views of Simon blind obstinnay of Gata RUSSIA. I "THE PEOPLE OF VMlEfjT ST.

PETEKSBUBG, Nov. the; trial bnfore the military tribunal aft prisOnfers Acknowledged belonging to tfte revolutionary party. One ff that he the mines ihe ia and others- recounted proceedings with the mine the J8im perhol railway A BUilUp WOKE HlBEiS CBIHKS-flblllLH raKDin MADHtklTfl WOBK. ATTEMPT jTO MT7BDEB i BIBTEB OP 1 ITT. I I Ksw YoSK, of iy, io be IB ptos- Bession -of i phrn which rendet orgerJes ought by Icheijaical agents mpoesible.

Tab valuable jsecret, how- ver.hehasnot to sell in York, owing, he thfpks, to the fact that tie detectives, who, he insinuates; 'are in collusion with the forgers, the minds of the authorities against htm. CAT'S os. A HofeKEBLB OHIO TEA BED Nov. horrible tragedy beiame kno'wnyestsrday mom- ng. Frank M.

Biedenbaugh, a ybnng jerman; Wealthy, who three years ago married a copal sisterhood was shot, yesterday; under extraordinary circumstances. Tha St. John the Baptist House, a Protest tant Episcopal boarding pchool, and armer.icaiie home jlate -14st Saturday ight ana entering the home of on church, kaoei the northwest corner of, Stuyvesaht irk. i A member of the sis-' terhood fr Siistor! Gertrfade Terena, i the- order of is 42 yeArs -61 age andisdeyotel toherwork. This morn-- ing Sister Ver ana of sisterhoods of the when sanlted th aknll' was and then St.

JohnitljeBaptisti Shej active ln the garb of aj Sister of chari ty, left the boose and wentj to a mission school, conducted for benefit ot tae Germans ot the neighbor-; hood. At conjclnsioA of her dntiosj she started to return to the house alone.) She hod reached a point near the when she noticed two min standing the sidewalk. one of tKe men muttering soie words'sne did not began to: fire i it her. He iflred two shottj in rapid successioti, and; his aim was sntflciently accurate, i almost point-; blank range, As she yfo passing them i irevolver, andJ with an iaxel. His srushed Vitha fiut hia ttiroatbytho of thetoe.

Heithen ent into the oom Mrs. Stephens, visitor and er child aid a servant girl were sleap- Mled Mrs4 Stephens and her Thie servant girl awakened, prang towards the aooribnj; was senseleii and left Upon (covering sonscionshess si gavo the inn and the noifrhbprji ci me. It was wt till moEning thatrthei irdurer onnd hid4en in a jtobaoco honsis with lis throat dut, Uat not fatally. Jealousy, nsanity afed drunkenheas are the lories advanced to'accouhl forthehor- opth bullets take effect. felt: shehadj been wotnded, Sister verena did not cry out or fall She appeared to instinctiyely.that Wie haB been attacked; by a and that her safety could be secured only by reaching and ing a few 'eet distant.

Shej therefore', hurried ori tod- in her way painfally'up nf dozen stone steps. 1 Before she reached! the gate.ihotffeveri noticing that her as-J sailant was not satisfied, and that he; wispursiungher.isheeaid to two men; whomsh'e say, "Won't; yon please stopj him?" PRT: appeal wejit 'MYSTlIBIOTJS KEW Yo husband, arents ahd friends of Mrs. LiUie 'respite in South Brooklyn, are greatly agitated over her dl lappearnnce, IB not hatog been ince Oct. 11. Glide- i was a ipretty.

fair-haired Mid had ibeen Vnarried but followsd her to the vejry gate ot the: house, and with blbod.strfeaming from wounds she was striving to ring the jbell and i mbn reh'ef, hejflred T.jU of; which 'struck hip viotiin. One of "the bullets thi steps and the house. lEepotts been h4urd within ii qie honse, caused alarm: n4d although! at! first there; waja nd thought-tKat ai member I of this ii4terfcood had) been 'brutally attacked. Tho! -bell was imswired by one of the sisters, who opened the dbor just in time to receive intb arms thel bleeding form, of Sister IVerena. uid excitement The Mothers superiorTsenti into i chapel, whercl services were i and summon-' ed several of he sistert to her assistance, in alarm was thus created, and tbe services were Medical examvnataoh stowp thttti she had been, shot in 'the; ght wrist, in the horrible tnt occurred Ihek-c, today.

theKankakce iTaiu was going Aden. Ger- farmlr, his niece, t'J cross the erestruc th'igh, inithe'l All tho wbnndi except; tliut in the tiack! were flest wo mdjt, and did no serious, injury, fe'heii he i had dtnptied his re- 1 volver at the tttl assassin -yralke 1 slowly jiway in rection of Th smokingm-cap in his band. He wasj proved to-bo us mad as ft; Unrchhare. He isaid-i tiis woman had! He has been held forj official examin iticjn. Tlio affair the aid among all church pebplB who heard: of it.

VIOLATION OF THE ATHENS, Nov. conimlttce appointed by the chamber of deputies draw up a reply the b-peecfc from the throne has submitted a draft ot nn rtd- dress accusing, the former. violating the constitution bySincrettsijie the forces without obtaining consqnt ofthcdiamber. i "It seeins that tbo i makes aU; orer IM-; cr.APniC AJC Tte Tork Nation says to have been at last mode clea fact that the'EngliBh landlord improvements on a form ft npkle, andin the back.j defenseldss woman, the rd Avenue, i carrying the: Charity uuuM4 Boiled reputation. UK ml 'yoting colored rso CASE! A TEXAS Nov.

8-4An exceedingly interestirkg I importanjt habeas case, fth'e clistody; "of two children7is now pending in the district: court. James B. 'Holton of FulmonthJ inarried a Marjy E. Began of iat place. She bore him four of whom.

Lavina and Cora, are still living. InlS'VHolton Sued for a di- hat Mrs, 1 HolfonVa thirjl was a Medicali, experts pronounced ic child; of' negr9 but, tbe jurtrefused-Co grant! the divorce. la etaliation ilri. Hpltoii (sued for, and btainedui from! her husband, lleging jcrimiballinthnicy with a ser- ant girlj Tinier the laij-s of Kentucky, Mr. Holtpn wai given care -jalid cus- of the chiidren.

Helshortlyfromov- to Hill comity, jTexi. where died. his dOath-bed lie vcrtolly willed the hildren to jC. S. and Elizabeth sister.

Mrs. ting it, and -keeps the fences Bnd binld-i ings Tepair, while the lanSlora does nothing but furnish aitutes a very marked tween the land systems b.e-: two countries. It- has also been by all but conclusive evidenoj customary, or at nil eventsj very torn-; mon, for Irish hindlords to ffaise' jtheir rents on account of improverSents Whijch the in a and create OiBContCnt I amounts to conflscation of ErCUJCr to uuucp fc ufad disaffcctio i among the leigo subjects ol the dpeen (excite and promote feelifcs of ill--will: nnd b.o3- Sitv between! the different i classes of her "said maferfy's said Bubjects-that is to say, landlords iind tenants inSeland; arid further, with exciting and promotina ifeolings of and libstihty the landlords to Ireland and among of her majesty sub- ifeetb in IrelanM to the great terror ajid the evil example to fen others In Tike offe'idW, aid against the peace oif the queen, fbor crown i and It is tho opin on of lawyers who havenotthe" Bightest: Bynrpat 5Sr ParneE arid his movement conviction cdnnot be obtained even: on carefufly ENim BEACOKSFTEKD iord BeacSnsfleld, who has not appeared conspifcuously in the discussion of tho Irish question sincehis celebrated and contempftibus letterl on Irish demands durinttthe dectoralcanvass I if arch last, it iipreparing a letter on Jpe 5ish fluestiol. It is not expected that Lord Beacon -views will i jbe iarticnlarly Iriendly to the land league or to the Irisx i people, bv Sivernment by bringinEflp some new jmf.distractiiig question, OJTE OF agent's housiat Kobodj. was hurt.

i uiuuu, soncitor for it entered a foi mal appearance to thfet of queen's bi inch for indicted agitators i TOE XJBAHOB WJDOE i lot Ireland aTesoltition to com Hut th? arltt tion toy all means in thel. roperty; also, that in aU the- nfl: on those estates in Svhich tjne eriant's property in his imgrovemetits recognized as a saleable iwerest, er the name of "tenant or jgopa will, the utmost content andggood ifeel-- ing ibetween landlord and acnant pre vailj and there is now no -fr i cose by the German ftoverniment which 'has some bearing on tme BoiseHer )rofhers, of St. Louis, who were! co.p- scripted by the German govijtnment. A man named Weil, a Alsace, came to this country and Tgis notuii(u- zeet'. EfiturninB home hejwas Bcrinted by the German government, pn the i ground that their treafy relievtasr American citizens from conBCaiption did not apply to Alsacej and 35orraine.

is A deal of negotiation followed, put released. I is Minister White tel state idepartment that, Weil Bronx is Nov. tftrifio storm prevaQed yesterdayt and A three-storylionse street, occupied by a retail grocer, was blown damage to the stock was clipper ship Bavenscrag her beam-end at the wards righted. An unkni blown into the jirer and fierce storm of wind ani throughout the prov' nicrht. Heavy BrnnswickBtreams and mott'of this logs hung up will be-gotto market.

Bats, catu, mice, anta, cleared br "Bough on Bats. at drwc 878E. Water Bt. FIT CUBE AKD BBSTOBEE. orce.

ttllegi other reasons icidentally siie learned the: death er former i husband anfl the wherea. outs of ther tiwo 1 childrjen. She came 3 Texas kbbutl a month! ana demanded la surrender: of the 'u'ch Mr. Mrs. Price A of.

sued out td ecure possession Of the children. Price nd his on retusink to surrender lie childreh wero forjcontempt nd lodged in Bail this city iuntil the hildren Iwhori they had) Hpirittid away rere brought forth. JTesterday they were released irom custody prodno- ng who ere being held by be court case sis disposed of upon its mcritii It has llenlisted nhnosl seption'und he ablest legattitalent to'j be secured ia Mgoged by side; j' i AN AKTI8T UT pElME. IK AMEE1CASJ TELWSO THE or ma TBABE. London Standard: ned Chajles 'Ing iu 0 criminal court, of the mannerfn: which! circular sotes stolen from tourists can be cashed; evidenr sex mi robbed book he was crossing--: i nd the; continen Itvappjared; from th Mr.

Mth! each cir ,71 indication, to attempting andj us it if telyirom iho notes, it wai money could be got foi L.MH.n. J87t ctuarnoie isj the object ot which cash carried a Middle- h( Folkestone was'in' August, 1877 i pocket- purloined when toth Kaon goti? evidento against Johi accused ol being th 3 latter openet jwiMl 10 6 ted as a iin i daughter! of! a his and ch aeigbboring Id slept as. 8 known, T. to this jiinedas he young hree monihs. miirred life was appy, and as no cause forithe absence 'onlplayiis: feared.

The etectives at work on the ijne, the whersabou iso ASK FOR IK HOXEST NEW TOBK. dlDDIXG FOB scnoot alBLS urn A BixqpT FOB OlBriELD- IGAINST KBW iBOTJESTS i BXTLKNT VOTIROt cular signed byWrn Chairman of the democratic i state co: issued, I Eeports of In the Ifcli BrodKlrq, on the 2nd ashed, the electoral vote of for and EngllJh, inveatljpitlon are now ttjered. Jleantlme wo hand here Urm of protest wdlch you will pie Tftried In according to and linndjln to the county, early, this weelt. Hiter- than tamrsday, the llli test. 9 form of firotest is as follpws: The nnderajgried hereby profit- against ihe allowance 1 ol the cast for presi- lectors at tbe elfcoon held feanvuaed.

Kor. 2, "SO, in! (name ot place) and that retunietfby the. ooard of county Irassers for the "reason that mtatetatrs in de- jail.) We would respectfully rennci ithat thin but been''bb- 3 or fate ot JOHN; SHEElIiS WANTS AX 6, will publish I i BAD FEIXOWS AT JJAMJIMOBE. Nov. 8.4-This morn- ng JudgeiMorrts sentoncetl Sidney IX Yir A nllXu rant, Milfiael Ward alias jThos.

Calla- an, and ma. Owous alL-ta convicted of perjury in swear- ng in the fcase of Owens who claimed, additional pension; I Gmnt who had eon prev: ously conyictetlj of perjury, as senten to pay a fine ft and imprisipried in the penbtentiary for hreeyearS; 'Oh-ensajid jVViii-d to gl.onii ne and oi year's imprisonment HOlffilBLE KE-Vft wagon ahead of le trnin, and ny engine running at le rate of 30 miles an lioui'. Tho two omen were killed ins(anily, and tho jan died after three hours. Tho blame estswittthe victims, were ex- emely reckless in driving, i TOKK Nov. time dur- jg Sunday, burglars corriplftcly gutted ic store ot Meyrowitz Bros opticians, otirth avenue and Twenty-third street, arrying aWay opera: spectacles, ptical ayes, to he value! of $12,000 or jrcsts, UBBASA, erm of the Circuit court esterday.

of September here fine of $10 and go-to; ail ten i daya. I loach; for shooting SL Mcrriot, was fined $30. A jfcliDEEOCS MEMPHI 5, Haey was convicted of murder Jin (he first degree, Saturday, at Osceola, for illing a named Brpadwty, last Four were in the mur- er. Oae'wBS hanged; losti upring. at Mason, Crittiendon conntyj Ark.

One ramed stjitelB One escaped. J- ln enginc of 3nir, Nov. AS JERSEY coal traih'cjn the Morris jttmped the track a'. Nineteenth) Grove' stlects. The cng-ineer, Petrrj CavanaugU, instantly ae flrenSin, Hdpping, was severely; njured.

I iiile'd, umljl contrar-t, wliSojtlie claims wrm EMBEZZ F.lrE^T. 'GEAKD jKAtTDH, v. icl F. Jfytart, traveling for a Milwaukee! nn, wasamisteil bore ycstsrday morn-, ng, chawed jbv tho linn th the em tent of Sl.lOfl of their 1 FIVE VEAIt-4. FOBT Ind.l, Nriv.

Burtj was yesterday sentenced to he psnitentiarv for i robbing rcsi- Gebhort Bulger in daylight by hloroforining the inmates. NOKWICJB, of.thf mills of too Reade I'opor in Jriswoldi known ns the pb nauur Sanday night. Loss, insuiince; $27.000. 1(10. CnidACJo, Nov.

li rse disc Iocs not achibit of nbatmpl i KOiao stables thtirrt'giilir opizoot'xf of seven years ago; atcojnpanied swelled leers, huKiappeared. Iu ire depaftrnent about animal ore hone of them ore trouble! AJFLowtui 'WASKIKGTON, Nov.iS.-flt cided i tio appoint IMark fiir; kind note irpci-lvcd, for please accept prefer do precisely yon rl inivio the Jndirnioilt ot tbe Kencral ot lOlilo, nnblasHcd" br any pmmcnd: exprehMoa or wish in) the "matter refcpdd to. I ido not know wjiat Is the desire of Gen. Oar- IfltliJ. bat lean wf that my electlob Anlshtre- lieve hirii from i embarrasHment ana free to do as ti; tlilnkn heft to tbe formation (if cabl- ineti.

you for yonrlUKd offer, I km very truly Iri JPOINTS. VISIT JAMES. Nov. 8. Leader reports that-4'30 you Lake' Erie Seminary, at S-Isited Lawnfle-jd today, passi iladies incsvllle, ion hour, Bt Gen.

Gatneld'H villi. Ng jspeech. iilinister John N. Kasson. of was among Gen.

GatiQeld's callers foday. ij THKT WAXTiiTO EAT WITH NEW YOES, 1 Nov. a nledting of the alumni of Williams collegf. lin and fnont New York City, tonight! Stephen H. Tyng, Jri, presiding tlio iresolution was passed and a Appointed to it into 8 llfinlffd, ijie alumni of col Jere ir.

Nc-w York vicinity, I tender to tin hie election, fenfl invite him to time as he may KETTJBK9. SAX FBASCISdO, urns of "the fctate lire this ivenins, but icannot bo obtamesd from hree or four remote counties before Thursday. out of 2 show net republican gttins over irevious figures of 35 votes. There is onsideruble djfference between the ote for differcTit electors, and so close, it is Tt-itlj the njte pos- i ible that a divided ticket mai prove to 10 elected. Terry runs stcodijly behind cd is beaten; ijuostioi.

SIOTiRISOy's MAJOIUTt. retjiros from ISiliois the fote tor Wrn. B. llorrison, facmocrat. Jolin B.i Hay, iilorriaoa's ranj'ority.

a(H. years Morrison's plurality was E831. -j l-j Tho nMcnrieii of the Eight the loaril of public; works and' pottractor i'. Iseera! to be at reference to the paving ftvenne. Thbre docn not touch the pavometit boa not jplven but the ijes, is hard to flctcrmiue.

"he Aldermen iff the ward iisifct that ork has uot been done according to in any defect that exists pave. fitent, is the of the spl ind not of the work, mdoubtcdly- mistake he cations was foundation. This with the! farther that a trench was dug street ahead 4 no laying offlthp iiave- nent, may acflonnt for the'Sfiettling of Uc blocks tn' sjiots. ilr. the con- ractor, claiifaa: that he up to 1 strict Ictter-'of his contract all re- Th' cntrnct is a erV or the he work.

depar frninis risk to? 1 JUO utr- D. Flowers BAT yiVW.SEWS CI5BEES. a. settjenieut has ssurnng up wound the Clius'e glass works upstl the ibw enterprise rail mill has been idle for ten Jays last. Now see li the promises cjn Gar- lolds election are realized, the bet- work anil increased wiiges jiaater- liainent 'its forthcoming a grant of £10,000 to the) Princo of wales to pay of such ot his debts as are addition ol £10,000 a yehr to an his Roynl Highness' a year- irrespective ol the netj revenues of the Dnehyof Cornwall, which 'ainountj to newly £70.000 a Princess' £10,000.

It and of the further stqted that Mr. Gladstone declined, "respectfully, but firmly," to i comply with request, if any such grant or increased allowance, were required, it should be made by the Queen herself asked from the public The Archbishop of Canterbury, who is 70 years of age, lost his. wife two years ago, and his iwho are almost innumerable, are grieved by the report is to marry again. HOSTBUM LJMAMDi THE GREAT ACTBESS' DEBUT IN NSW TOBK. NEW YORK, Nov.

Bernlmrdt made a debut before a fashionable audience of at least 4,000 persons. Her which was. in second net, was the signal for prolonged and enthusiastic applause! which she gracefully recognized, anil, as her splendid voice the. entire audience siemod elfctrinerl. To iho end of the performance, the interest was intense; and bouquets jof massive and elegant were presented after the fourth act.

Clara Morris occupied Manager Abbey's box. Among the-distingiiished people present were Senator Blaine arid; Gov. Cornell. The theatrical profession Was Abbey's Park! theatre was closed in honor of the occasion. The street in front! of i the theatre was illiiminated I by 'elcc- trio lights.

A i niost successful season is assured, After the performance, a serenade to tho Uornhardt took place! ut the hotel Gilmore's band, 63 pieces, i back on the Chlnese.britl believe at he ia their Whan I attempt to vote in Michigan, they: Challenge 1 my Foo btics vote, but I got it in same then gave his experience! with pair and eairt that lie was in favor of sttotting a ne.w partv to be called the" politnn republican." His lecture msted for two houra and he was ap lauded. NOTES; BBinOE'3 XECTUBB, BTC The fat ewcll beneflt accorded to MaUieA Bridge, at the Acaden jj of Music, KDndny night, proved a very substantial affair for the beneficiary imd a moot enjoyable' qccaiiion to th(j i audience. JA number of Mrs. warm atltiiirers contributed magniaeent floral offerings with ivhich tho sfage iture, was decorated. Mrs.

Bridgo'a le on "Htinian FreeJom." was reported at length' on the occn'sioni of its pnvlous jn tliia City, soaia monthn It only remains to be said, that in of profnieness at illustration, beauty of diction and fine effect, tae address tho marlls of ranch improvement bears ovev thetform inj which it was first tiveii. The audience wiis generous in Its nanl- feRtatioiJB of approval, and the si cocker aildod in tho i laurels already on the rostrum. I She will start foi fornin irj a few Not a little tlnanciiiB of point won Cali- the was dueVto uccompanli'd by ijindly wordsi, jrom Mrs. idge's friontls fti Minnesota lowit. Hint Uily Itftntu'llsv the reade and the at the Academy next Sunday nltejrnooii.

Tho riuelbuker lllijesty. Co. the groat ainusuiuei4 attraction AcaHemJ- liext 11 joe the AS'U BAB, AT: ESTATE CAHl sn c-jnrit his- rendered ile.cision i IN EXQLtSH OPEBA JAT BOSTON. BOSTOX, Nov. Marie Roze appeared in tho English version pf Aida at the Globe theatre, tonight, being tho flrat time this opera has been given in English hero.

was received with much enthusiasm by a critical audienco. WONG CHIN FOO. TBE LECTTJBB AT THE SUNDAY fcaaoluf U. rotter, uxeiTutdr i Wnrtl; tho Tliird Nn Tho judgment circuit of lUincjis is alflrmed osts aniliutorost. BY' THE BETISE!) TAX LETT ADOPTED COfSTIHO TH The eommo der by Presid terday afterm their seats.

4W- $chwortz a committee three be nppoiifted cauvasa the vi te for aldermen, and the) chair appoln ed Aldermen Wood, and Kduss oa such committee. 4 recess of ten ialnutes was taken. i4nd thii votes vote W03" 1 fb Bres by D. C. Green MM Fourth, Williijm Meyer in tho and A.

Praeaser in 'the Filth fill vacancies tn the board, were ednnfeii. A the expiration of the receHs tlip committee retnrii! id arid reported ihjit the lows: Second Wardj Meyj- auerj 1057: Meyer's jnajorL raino i the E. B. ional thn with I LOCAI. (iouBTa.

I la the (lirciiit iiour( yesterday tlie Jurors wert! excused until tho inat; Wm. Speijice y.i. John Mead; ehaiigo of county court granted. U. Wong Chineso American." delivered very picy and highly entertaining lecture at it Uo Academy Music Sunday afternoon to a fair sized andiouce.

Foo is a of northern China, about 30 years of age, of medium height, dressed in Isami-heathen stylo, has a good command; of the English language and is well educated. His pronunciation is remarkably good for a Mongolian, and tho ionly noticeable words that ho could hot master were "wane" for "dot" firthat and "Acg- lesh" for English. Hp wore Chinese a gown that struck him at tho Andree: nefeu'- witlileive to vcuue jtf) county court Winganfuid Ai djuit's sustaineii plaintitl'jto amend complaint pay- imd costs; A. 13.0cilfpaa YC. C.iTBiinipif: trial by jury waived and 'dtredlto bo tried on of- fnct calender; Tobin vn.

John J. Xobau; ordered pro ratn. inserted iij judg- uient. li. Cr.

Kiilckhotlva. HichuriliKuos: iujuh'ctijm ciiutiuuod, plaintiff tb pay ail coats and E. of all property in C. jjCotter G. M.

Tracy appointed Cotter: hearing until 2 o'clocld, Nov. in case of Mar B. iic- ry vdi. Jas. P.

McHenry to pay to ninsel J'Jj, and into eoiirt $lu rjuvi'-ij (JlillUtHi (1 Ilf." i v-i'-'f rtm-4 AIJIW heels made of some dark stuff and a lor witness frob; Stiito vs. Robt. John- Sleeveless jaoket of pirerilo velvet. The sorii c. 'Brown J.

ij. extremities qt a pair of: bluish nankeen to undertaking jufatifliid breeches, arid the starchiest cufti of in pp cr court; Amelia Post vk.Auia what was probably au American shirt, clianxo "I vcnuo to liacirje were observed at the accustomed pltsces C0lm tv. (frauted; Eliziibeth otrcasionally. i color is a dull yel- yebastvuiir Leopold, trial postponed, low and hia eyes are. shaped, i JUIHIE SIASS in A tinn TrtlTjain t-'x.

1 1. with a stronj; to remain Hchulbnrth VH. Jumes lilake; closed nearly all of tbo time. Foe is confirmation ot nnlu; Mnrtha Thompson not a fool by Any meanB. althouglt his clinnge of vt-biie to rtftme only ncioda one.

tetter to make rcu if. court L-rantccl; Cutlieriuo Boelim htoone. On the contrary hoisathiuk- va oai relief granted; L. B. er, and his thoughts: thoroughly Eudersvs.

C. Sch'nltz, mental and show us ap to circuit court; of imaginary power. In belief ho is ar i wijher. Ordered that the Christian, but the superstition of his described in tlieaindavit be and if forefathers clihg to him and he says hr ca and aud set osidu. that when he dies his soul vs.

Fred I'abat about until it enters somo other bclnR. -j- uo arsttment of the attorneys no of jvenuo vs. deed here- Board et al. human animal, reptile or fowl. Ho i keenly appreciates thd ludicrous fen- turesof civilization rind Christianity, and his remarks at times were satirical and He began: Mrs.

Bridge's lecture iinA puid a high tribute to the Workinginen of the country, tho class mostly depended upou and least appreciated. He then taid that ho would tell WHAT AN AMERICAS COULD DO IS CUKJA. and what the Chinese could not do in America. Until 1854, when the ports of the empire were opened to outaide nations, the obnoxious i opium smoking was almost unknown; tho.advent of tho British with-, millions of dollars worth of. Itho: druff almost paralyzed tho nation with the deadly and loathsonie intoxication Twenty ni.llions of women aud children were living happy earning their frugal exis- tunco by the fruit ot the hand loom, spinning fliw linens fabrics The Americans cumd i with cargoes of jludcd; adjourned until today.

UNITED CUICC1T DYER. Mary -Crummoy vs. James B. ityi 18; Fourth )Vard, 101MJ; Hindakopf, 8'ia: Green's mojoiitj, Fifth Ward, Vraesser, 278 votfs: opposition, ilie returns were riccomj- panied by reHiilntions declaring WilliaJo Jliiyer nldernian elect to sueot-edi Auw. Htirn in the rjecond Ward: D.

C. Greeai, to succeed E. JrMMatthews iu.tlipE^urtli and A. Praefber to succeed Snveland i i the Fifth The rulls were mopcndctl and the reiolntions unanimously id.optl- edi Kauli was also deBlureil elected coustdble in the Eight ward Ui nucceed Rujl iiimniprmun None of thenidernjen elect prcsj. unt, the Bweirlng'in process wasjpostV poued.

TheJunlinished busincsi waji taken np. The resolutions for new sprinkling BJstem. 1 and the opening.of a portion of Twentieth street wore adopted. An ordinance re-establiahiutf tho grades Wells and streets in Fourth ward, and another changing thjp of Nortli street running throagh First, Xinthi, Tenth and thirteenth wards to; Xortji avenue were i passed. Percentage 2.

TAX LirVT. The committee qn Ununeo reported bi resolution tl a annual tax levy was Thii amuiuita aro IK.TBltEBT'FCNDS. UEXE.K.IL CITY Mills. Orni-ra! city Pnl)ltc Hchool (l ru blla libra ryniml Inwrcuptlug i (uuU 1 1. J517- it co (icwcrafc trlct WeMt weweratfcl trlrt South scwernii 1 Flrot wnrcl Second Third Focrtb Flftb ward SUCh HcTQath Ktituth Ninth Tenth Kleventh ward! Twelfth Thirteenth I General city tuuum 40O- KlOO 31111.1.

H.S1U I.SOO 313305 3-143 B. yooo 3.735 C.tJ 10 p.floo 3.1 37 3'i 14.S41 -I'. Oil tiil! i s. ITaryiCrummoy vs. James B.

Cnim- f. mey et 41. Order making naw parties Godrffii Seldon et lal vs. Total Johu Stouelll Knle to show cause OTHEII COMMITTEES. Godrffji Seldon et jal VH.

ouowclll Bnlc to show cause why defiiidant Hhbuld not be pnhished for cnnteinpt, f(fr (Violating iujutctiou, on pnymoutj of contempt procoe vi. Ed. nETOHTBiOl? OTHEIl The comiolttce on judiciury regorted in favor of piling llerniaa 500: in a suit for jiivunci now pending iq the county OUIt i'. AilisJ i Order reqniriiJgxomplrtint to adopted. The committee on lire tile rcpKcation to tlio nmondetl aiiswur.

partnieut reported: in favor of POLICE -VND citiMiSAX, couivts. The following cases were called) in'the police cvAirt yesterday inorning: I liciiibr to niinora: Edward S. Peck r.nd Erttat JaogiT. Both; cases postponed until hext Mary Schoehijnfelder, dismissed; Hnrt, lined f3 and costs; Cha.s. FrrmciB, S5 or to rann Hoolt arid Luddet Truck, No.

31 tho foreman to receive ui) annual ISI.UUO and thej Ufa men S800; adopted. Tho tee on bridges reported in favor olj- pro-, vidiug brukis for 5 days 1 Mary Davis, Anna Mllleh each ned" and or 15 days; I Albert Bierlcnjf, drunk and disorderly, S15 and cof-ts ot: 30 (itiys. Alteiithe police cascs.were disriosed of the' Not-ember term of tho milniclpal court was begun. Augustus L. Jiartcm, larceny, lined J30 and the railroad constructtti, h.

sends word the coiirt. John Meyer, vagrajicy, UU to the American that; tne rails mast be i dnJ3 ui the house of correction. Dolly up. The American espostnlutcs and says rightly that roue tha has already cost him several miilions of dollars. Then the empt-ror orders the abandoned ichiltl, sentenced to ial for girls tUl of Sohoeneufeider, the woman who i supervising oli steomboats for 1 the Oth district," at Sti i "lhas.

L. deceased. TEE IFABE WABEABE. still cuuinR on passorige: Louis and Kansas -City. T.iis morning further ireductions iwere made from Saturday.

The 1111 loin Central, (selling limited! tijkets to 8- mnriOay, at S5, is toiay offeri" them atjS2. The Chicago St. Louis is selling tickets Alton an the sac point reduction bf since 8a nrdny, umd tb Kansas) ciiy redacticin of $2. The jWaaash is leading all 1 other roads in the cut. Louis tosketi are selling! at 51, a reduction of S3 since Saturday, a ad tickets Kansas pity i at a reduction of S.

The agdut of the Illinois: Cuntral, updn hearinnt ha't tho AVabiish was selling tickets Stl Louis for SI. aid that road we uld also come down to the same rate. Che iBock Island hbs made no selling change In rate to Kansas selling it $10, the. same is Saturday The Burlington aid Quineyjis City at the tickets! to Kansas regular name by physicjani from BHght'B Diseasd, and 1 ddney, dert li-vfer, and urinary complaints need not HUNT'S! EfiMEDY, tiie greatTxidney and Liver 0 aTTTa ta. "HaOlUtO CUJTQ.

ed, rates to ovens are feeing built (t glass factory 1, in -Tho Northwestern railway company sre building track in the Clhise I Valley. i Superintendent SUnun, Valley works, au'd several the; gloBS- jlowers, have been conflnea to their respective hqmfs by ill-health lolf a few lays. All orb ripidly i The city fathers will buy deposit the village papers i S7, nlsoja City, tickets This is tie teohnl to Bright's how- saic, and the villdcu marshal, is paid $40 a month and thefeityj printing is given to liis party; "uncle DanilV Si. Pefengill. rule hnndy foliar" to have agound.

The macliiiijstu departnlent rof the rolling mills IB Crowded withl work. AB A of the diseases; which affeit the teeth and mouth, dothing is andl-speed- ier in its efTeetsfthan BOZQDONT. Its benefits are realized at It is aro- piatic, expulsive of the cankerous affections, and most used. It cleanses front the humori wh ch de- jgange the secretions, whiten the I i Years of use have establiaiedjthfl tenacity of SRiitocfo's Giar. Bs hold 6n the confluence of the jblic cannot be broken.

I I FOB DrsprJpaA, iKDioEaiaoN, Pepres- sion of Spirits tad GeneraH Debility, in various also as3o preventive iagatost Fever tod Ague, other In- termittent Feveis, tho faled Elixir pflCalieaya," fflade jy Caswell, NewlYtrk, rtnd sold by idl druggifetSj is the belt toriio; and for patients I recovering fbver or Other sickness; it has no eqtial i 4 i was made in Lea Idn. Sun day, wuon caused a deiddea et nsation, to political ajidlsocial cirpas. was, to the effect that Mr. Gladstone-hs been to Par- i i ica oiigbt to go to China mr frdm the county asyl teaching. The Chinese jinllory dismissed the CJLSO up slio had just beiu dis- Judge lenru- ili been a-eat- whiit the enternriso ia.

All tlio old maids of America ought to go to China and go to fcliool teaching. The Chinese Jiallory dismi ore anxious to lenni English anil I know the an-American ludy whoiis piiid SU'iO- per committed to that liiatitution io. mouth teaching a pj-iviito school. If 20 000 brave men, each; with $20(1 and a Springfield rifle will aftree to go with me to China. I will insure each with a fortune in Oil days aftier touching the shores of China.

Wilen you get your men ready I Will There are three great you what to do. provinces in tho interior of tho empire, as largo as the states of Illinois, Michigan nnd New York, that are howling wilderness, where the foot of a human being never trod, inhabited only by wild animals, and enterprising Americans invited to emigrate there. Pine -country it is. Will grow anything, aiid to the Yankee's there are JIIUJONS OP MISLIOSS IN IT. The Chinaman does not like the Yankee.

He is to quick, and is never satisfied unless trading nothing for something. What can a Chinaman do in America? inent. nt. i la thn cases of tha saloon keepers, Peck njid Jaagi-r, who charged with selling liquor toj minors, were adjourned UBtf! npst Augustiia L. uxton, the man Who- was convicted of lurteuy yesterday, -fas taken to Suyder's ilhotogriiph gaikry, and photojiruphed.

I police him- us a vti-y diingfi'ousiihaa and professional Ihief. Mrs. Crocker was arraigned for trial yosterfliiy, and upon the district attorney reudiiiK the charge against 'her. she answered iii sharp mauner, her, "notguilty." and upon motion o( her attorney. Col.

Goodwin, her ease wan until Uetemlier. She was held under Uie same bonds. i LEGAL BB1EFS. I All of the courts wiiro: in session yes- bt Iu Jim circuit court, yestertlay, the caHQ nBoinst Fninkic was called. t'The court made an order releasing her Nothing, eicect open'a laundry.

John cannot hold real estate, cannot taliu law and in the Pacific slope, cannot buy mudo nn a mining claim, or take oat natui-alua- Sf rom A on fl nem ent upon her en tion capers. If he walks along the streets um he isinsulted-, and often assaulted. The moment he reaches California, ho is met by a christain crusade! headed by Dennis Kearney, and-if quartered or Bring in uuj. 1 granted judgn.ents of recognizance. yester- Ehlara; 0: Eaima J.

Quin; liana diverse in tins following ci day: ilda Ehlers vs. August It. P. Wilson vs. Carl E.

Wilson Schuqfcr vs. Johann Schaefer; SehnSr vs. Louis Schnur; Ett Moni'oti -Rindskopf; Jai 1 shift! WEATHEB L1PJC1TIOXS Clolidy or partly cioncly weat ler, with rain tit snow! stationery or fall ng bar- ometir; southeast tc( southwest winds, Emelia Ibertina Einds- et White hung is a lucky dog indeed. Att American can do anything in China. A Chinaman can do nothing in America.

The population of China is about 25i), I 1 000,000. The statement of being white- alilea Grisjwald vs. 400.000,000 human beingaiini China, is caroljca Griswald. false ahd grew out of fact that the alu estimation was based on the population of a mile square- of opr most populous cities, multiplied the number of miles bf the vest empire. The laws of China are pure and-seek to mppreas rather than to punishicrime.

Heavy interests are paid for money, from 15 to 23 per cent, the first being the legal percentage. Here is a flne opening for American capitalists and they are invited to go oven The Chinese do not like to emigrate and many millions hate starved rather than leave their home). All that a Chinaman has to cling to is his wife and children, and they are KUaran- -teei of honesty. Gen. GarQeld went ig to coler northwoste barom eolde ierer.

Tha Eamoua Bathesda. Duibor's Celebrated 'Bethesfla Water of Wiukesho, of the acknowledged thej asaspeciflo worli Igtree bet medical Bright's nd'ali klnSred diseases. For sale Drake 378 Sa it Water Milwaukee, Win. ly, with Sixth that Strifet, and It thbi brakes tlie BJUlald was atutiiil wero needed ami would not cent thoit. $100 per bJSdge.

Aid. Puuln thjught that it would best toexp.rimi.'iiO with a brake onlbut one bridge and how kiter a short discuhsiojt Uiu report was) re-reforred. Thu scuiu- mittee on auweEs reconunendj Uiu adoption of a resolution ingi. the of public to provide Bice with huftlcii-ut bWck to strengthen the walls of the AVashiugton avenue tunnel silver; adopted. 'Bho cdmn.ittee on police reported adversely on tho resolution re- latintf to tha fact'ory act.

On Aid. Smith (he resolution was for separatej acticnj THE The comiiiittee (ilso reported atinfj Office! LechnVr of ull slightly ceisnring: Officer Hinkforth of the tho liroopcr matter. Tile report was referred to chief of pollco and mayor. The ojucial committee appointed to charges nguiiuiit Bridge Mcllule, roriorted the man preferred tlio din- charged, but that McUalo was guilW' uf UHiug vilo abd unculled-for oaths. Iho report was flled.

Tho speoiiil conimit-t teo appointed to look into tho Nufoual avenue paviment matter Contractor IJrew hftd not carried out I hit letter of hiJ contract in constructing; thrt pavement, Sand a portion it woulil probably h4vo to be torn up I'JUJfCIPALllV CONqEllKISO HUNT. THE Thorepojt caused a de-bate. AUlt l.eidcrsdorl seoruil board of public works soundly for not: properly the work uf paving avenue. He sutdi thtj job a bbtch and an outrage on property owners. JAld.

Kchwnrtz the board publio: works 'was nuiM-i ance and.ofeht tolbe Smjth Boidathat the! whole businessI a snccessiop pf blunders. Tho wero placell on the ground with soaweljl any sund ider them and not a boajd al) allJ Mr. couldn't do any bettor! under the) circumstunoes. Aid. Wood said that Brow's son advised his fifthce tokickhiro (Wood) 'off the uiul that the Dlews.

were doing just Whatever they furnishing imy of an exduso for; a pavement. Sholughncssy didn't beliovo thorn i watt liny reason for hurling phials of wrath, at I the- Hoard publio worksr-its! iiinmhers I mav be efflcient may be efficient us offlcials. On inttionjtne. members conscientiL. committeejstands aver and the report; was to the board of public, works.

At inquiry was made re-: port of tha experts who were appointed! last year ito investigate the books -oq different fctty It was sUted) that abortt had been "experts" 4nd the books had alii been fourM correct. Tho factory reVolutionj "ci ntiniud act was taken up and! tr.

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