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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 1

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STATEMENT OF THE Norttiwsstein National Insurance Co. THE DAILY SATURDAY JANUARY 31 or OF 1ULWAUKEE, JAN. 1. 1880. Assets.

$000,000.00 854.249.02 'WASHINGTON, i i Congressional Committees Get lu Some 'mended for Public Carolina, It urges them to In- company had been emsnded so aato dlana, setting forth the attractions of conform with Secretary Schurz's opinion that State, stating its climate was health- published uly lost. ful, that tree schools ttiK both races were JBEiAA'D. H. BtetiUmd Bondt, Currency 61 ollgal, i otiBSl, fie i Oonaolr, 41 JUa 8954,249.02 ParVa'ne. Market Ta'ne.

HOO.ODO 110.003 70.IK.O The Senate Committee on Oeneas Bti Laboring Ova the Oonfirmation of Census Oomnilssionexst BO.WK> Total R.jyUtMortKU'eBonai: PnbleaaGbMa Division, Si Oixfosgo ninn JfilwuueeQitT 7s 160,0 0 Loans on Sand e. id Uorigtse, flrat 11 -tn on reel in ot MUwaun see, worth thaa twice tUe amount loaned, percent, and 8 per ojnj 131.50(1 I (Sotting Loaned to Dlreotoel or Stockholders.) Chicago Hailing Mill Oompatiy'aeontnuit lor relJ estate to them. estate in bank and on trad of ollectlon -s Interest soeraed, nol. loe Liabilities. OJ 73.

82.8001)0 63.0-JO 00 03 44,030 10 oo The Colored Exodus Investigation Comfort in It for the Hade. i ODDS AND ENDS. 134.5CO 00 10,000 V.I 05.B40 01 S7.M-1 ''7 8,470 75 17 (951,249 02 Be-ininranae rfsfe-vc, required by Uwi ot Mew York. Dnittil JSu other claim! Met Sorpltw over Liabilities, including Capital 1B1.SS2 62 II 1IC.100 It 02 18 ALEXANDER MITCHELL, AlfREO JAMES. Vice-president, JOHN P.

MCGREGOR-Becrebirr. ANTED-A pressman, enquire at Dally Onto, vork7a tlitJaUoni iometbmg at wbldh lie can UMfth of Moooni- Ad mil, K. G. -r AKTBD- IM diet and OenUcmen to ro- membcr tba they can bay rare and valn- lableboatuetw.J at O.K. OABPAB'B.

Heraral Get eata- Mlipella leou booki. a N. Caspar, Antlqaatlan Bonk (tore, Oneida rtreoU WBookl boniit, aold and eiohaDged. FOR BENT: 1 "DOB BENT-Two pleasant end well furnished I "rooms at 425 street. Enquire on i thepremian.

I i dtl oetjotUge -with lit good No.OUiratawnne. A good ban barnon the lot, plenty ol Cistern inter, and Ap )ly to street octSdfcl ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Mechanics Sem 1 F. UNDEETAKEE 431 BROADWTAY. Uetalic cloth and wooden cssfcets, coffins, ic, Cun.agri and flowers tamlshed, also the finest heane in tbe CeJls attended bv night or day. prices and attention Ruuanteed satisfactory.

Eirbalalcg a eole agent (or tho Cleveland. Eait-LokeiOasket. janMdljrrflp oao CERIES A IV COMPANX; or the Tear Ending Dec. 31, 1879. teub oniFTf pcmiHQ tai ieM KIOTO prnn- 6T Aid: Increue of rmlue onU.

B.tonf«.; iDcrea-c acorned Deanotlon for doubtful S.S92 70 2.S1C 00 OT .003 I1C8.B24 £0 Office furnllore anJ poriMil "property Total w.el» Jan ij ruTiiEirra. Slarkrt Y.luo. 1 tl. 8. ity Water County Brown OoUDIT HocHs Cream City llal'road Cash OD baud and In 66,000 00 flub trraluoit, nrt, In dae of Jnlerett 18.000 00 id U'TM eo 12011303 03 on Pollcl.1 In II til (bUUlM j.

397,014 61 VM 10 Amoanl of rolleio. KI.IM. during yor D. BOllOtTZ, Agral CHa.FBKtI«BK JACOB OBHtHAKN, Ire.raror. BIBBCTOBB.

Qm FwVHia, Ji XOTICES. BarrougbJ, French per Clb bor per lh tl 50 30 box 1 tl AT DIXON'S Cash Grocery House, 282 and 28t West Water No. 1 6'tc NewTarker urnnMi lu: Now fvc for 1 (O BoitBtMidttd karoune oil 2c With tbe lucoit itoek lowest pricei in All orders by telephone pmmpt'y attended too. All (tools for out of tbe city delivered at any depot in the city tree. Oa'l or BCD fa- complete price lilt, SARATOGA Srursas, Aug.

20, 1879. Uetere. MOBOAK ALLEN, 59 John New York City: noticed your ad- -ertisement In the Daily Saratoglan, I wish io add to your list ot testimonials my own. Thirteen years ago 1 was sick with Blight's Disease for eight without receiving the tllghtcet oonefit From the doctois. Fortunately my attention was called to your medicine, "Constitution Water," and after using two bottles I was entirely cured.

Any one afflicted In like manner should not hesitate to use your remedy. I should be happy to see any one on the subject who Ie in doubt as to tbe truthfulness of this statement. Yours truly, L. E. CUBBING.

Ask your druggist for It. HE WpULD NOT PAY. Joseph Budar, who Is the defendant In a divorce suit, lingers In the county Jail for contempt of court, navlng fulled to pay the temporary alimony, ordered to be paid. This case has been before the circuit courts for 'some time. The grounds on which the divorce Is asked, ape "cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to support." The defence is adultery.

Gottlieb Engel Is attorney for plaintiff and Thompson Clarke tor defendant. I Truth Md Honor. is the best family merit cine in the world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove costlveness and biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the whole system? -Truth and honor corn- COMMITTEES, FAVORABLE BEPOET. WABHIKOTOK, Jan. housi committee on war claims to-day agreec to report favorably "off! Thompson's bill lo declare tho true Intent and meaning of the act approved In June, 1872, which provides for reimbursing the BUto ot Kentucky for money ei- peuded equipping, paying transport- Ing, militia forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion.

The object of the bill Is to Include In the settlement, expenses' incurred under the head of "arming," such being the intention of Congress lu passing the original act. i i PUBLIC BC1LDIKOS. Xhe'house committee on public bnlld- Inga and grounds agreed today to report favorably on several bills ror appropriations for public buildings at the following places: $100,000 for public building at Pudducah, one halt oCtbe appropriation to be expended tbe flrst year, ttiid S150.UOO for public building at Quiucy.Ills., to be expended tue flret year. House committee on invalid pensions, on motion of unanimously agreed to the- following resolution- to govern the conslderatioii by the committee of pensions: PENSIONEES. Boeolved, Tliat all pension claims of an Invalid bi to date trom the discharge, where the disability was Incurred previous to the discharge, and whek-e the! disability was Incurred subsequent to the discharge from the date of disability, and all; gratuitous pensions shall dAte Irom the passage of the act.

All widows' pensions, where hucband had been a pensioner, shall date from the death of tho husband, and where the husband had not been a pensioner, from the date of disability. THE CENBUSAPPOIHTMEKTS. The 'Senate Committee on census met today and reports trom several aub committees on nominations of ctn- 6us supervisors. The appointments for llaine, Kew Hampshire. Massachusetts and Kuodo Island were reported back favorably from the sub committee, and so were all those for the western etates except three for Illinois, one-for Iowa and one for Tennessee, wbtoh are held by the sub committees for further inquiry.

Senator Kernan, who has charge of the nominations for New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, did not report on them today, nor will any of the southnrnX appointments be reported asked by GirQeld what course be wofili recommend the committee to adopt, he said he would recommend the committee to present tariff on sugar to remain as it la, Dutch standard, and to add to the power of the secretary of the treasury the authority tD employ polarization, which discovers Immedl- ately the cryatallizable strength, and consequently the market of sugar and also to employ, when he saw it, an analysis, in order to detect other ngredlentsinthe export of fine sugars, eat tbe secretary in paying drawbacks should ba paying a drawback on sand and other articles. In addition to that, ie suggested that all eupars ot all grades bould be ground and brought to' the oonslstency of the Dutch standard be- ore being appraised. French, assistant ecretary of the treasury, then came be- ore the committee and made a statement as to the reasons which impelled be secretary of the treasury to issue rders in regard to appraising ugar, which ill's been i'so mjeu com- Ihined of by Importersl He gave a bis- ury-of two sugar cases, one in Bah ran Cisco and one in Boston, in which ie question- Of artificial discoloration-of ugar was tried before the courts, and mm the decisions in which Oases be deuced the principle that tbe art meat wts not only juetined, butre- uired to go behind the apparent color-, ng of sugar, and to ascertain Its real value. Jiinoe tbe adoption if the Dutch tandard) methods of manufacturing cii- ar have changed so that the Dutch andard is not the true standard, even sugar is honestly made.

Further discussion of tbls matter bich threatened to become rather per- opal. was forbidden by the committee, urther Inquiry from French elicited the act that report of the commission )polnted by tbe colonial authorities of emerara, esUbllshed conclusively tbe ractlce of fraudulent coloration of ugars there, and was in dbect contra- Icllon of McKay's report. French also tated hi roepouso to questions by Gareld that the effect ot the recent treasury orderu, as It was agreed by the committee of census that all nominations reported from tbe eub committees today In regard to none of which there is any question of the personal tltness of the nominee, shall be Immediately reported back to the Senate wlih recommendation for confirmation, but at the eame time several democratic members of tbe committee took tue ground that one-half the census supervisors throughout the whole couutey ought to be selected Jroin tbe democratic party, and they therefore reserved the right to disregard today's action of the committee, when the nominations came np for consideration In the Senate. The indications iare that a strong movement wM be made in the Senate tobaVe up all the censusinorclna- tlons for the present with a to forcing aa equal division of these between the two great political parties. THE COLOUBD EXODCS.

The fjeuate special committed to-day resumed the luvettlgatlon of thle causes of the colored exodus: Charles H. Otny. who gave his direct testimony list lion- day, was the flret witness. He suo- to a rlR'Tous cross-examination by Senators Windom and Blair, In the course of which he acknowledged ho had not heard any member of the M'ajamog- ton Emigrant Aid Society advtsejtt diversion of the exodus from Kansasjto Indiana, for political purposes, except Men-' denhall, and could not name any other republican to Washington, outside of the Emigrant Aid Society, who hadadvlsed or promoted the.exodus Wr political pur- pobes. He also stated he had never heard of uny colored people other than Perry, Willla'ms and Evans, who were engaged in stirring up the colored people ta emigrate from North Carolina and he believed that.the Baltimore Ohio railroad company, through their agents, are furnishing money av traveling expenses of these men, ana thatthe company pays ttrem a premium of one dollar per head for each passenger Obtained.

He believed the Intelligent people of North Carolina, black and white, democrats and republicans, were opposed to this exodus, and he'understood the entire democratic 'and colored press ol North Carolina had been en- gxged in exploding the false statement broadcast In that side, by Perry, Williams nod Evans. Notwithstanding all these agencies engaged in disputing these delusions, still, Ignorant colored people are yet deluded by-them. Four.filths, however, of those that go, probably go for no other reason than oecause their rlecds have F. A. Bonltz, a resident of Goldebo'rov and, editor of the democratic papez pub-'; Itshed there, was next sworn.

He said It was difficult to assign a reason for the exodus colored people from North Carolina, It certainly was-not on, account of occasion to of O'Hara and here betook endorse the evidence and Otny, so fat as It related to tbe condition of the pure, perfect and harmless. Ed. See another column. ence to the treatment of colored people before 1 stances i courts, he cited several In ad stated that be could cite many more to show where white jurymen bad shown strict impartiality in where colored men were on tiial. Eire cases, he said, Instanced where severe bad been imposed upon both white and colored citizens for- petit larcenies, In his cross-examination he admitted there existed a belief among some blacks In North Carolina that the-penal laws were less severe to Indian a than InKorth and thought this had some effect in influencing the emigration of colored people to that state, M.

T. Lowman, sheriff ot '-Putnam Indiana, and a resident of Green- oastle, lud was sworn, and produced a printed circular which be, oKtalned from ot tbdr Carolina emigrants after he bad reached Oreencastle. clrooiar It was aiterwards proven by another wltoess, had been prlntea to the rejl table conpoO- cfhoe. ot tbe Oreencastle Banner Sdur- flaror. Jt hat rlMnto Jng tie part of July STOCK FAIR.

Tbe monthly stock fair will be held at Kale's Corner on Monday, Feb, 2. These lairs are becoming Important and attract a large number of buyers and sellers. Bight Left fclowi an bcln( detlt at bj tht groat Boucttir'i Btomich Bitten. and "Jtbiatj, thtoot- nenrOM illianiti, eonillpmtion ud in MBOBf ttuBUkdlwfarwblchci It ipMiBc. lu work thorongb, Itl IffiMli prompt.

if mra, tbaagh It kOard tfted) relief, wlil. tt rnwDtblo trill Meh ttterrtt, root oat the nmWln to which la nanxtaolo tfMog bnlllw tl li Uw tend 19 portly leflllmate an4 only that the editor ottbat paper, Mr. J. IpOlay, colored mjui. was author of It.

VMliij'iUBatieaiijr. J' This said, be was to formed by a colored man who gave It to ana atWiluiea, tu. him, had been-circulated quite slrely among the colored people a Nortt maintained, tnat there were numerous colored churches, and 'that blacks and wattes stand equal before the law. an also stating that thousands of good (arm hands and house servants could readil 2nd employment at remunerative wages, aod especially urging those who contem pUte coming, to do so during the presen summer and fall of 1879, to as to get lo ited In time to make'thelr contracts wit tbe farmers next year. 'Adjourned.

JTEAB1NG IN THE 8UOAB QUSBTION, was continued this morning by the com mittee of ways and means. Henry A Brown, ex-treasury agent, conclude! nls statement with experiments am demonstrations, showing how a higl grade of sugar can be artificially colored so as to make it. represent a low grad un'derthe Dutch standard. On ugar had' been I very iavnnble to the evenue. Adjojrned to the appraisement of COIYOBESSIO.IfAl,.

HOUSE, I WASHIKOTOX Jan. offered a esolutlon restricting the committee on allways and to Inquire. Into the xpeolency of providing for a survey to ascertain the practicability ot ig a ship i canal from Toledo, Ohio," to ie navigable -waters of tho Wabash ver at or nearLifayette, Ind. Beferred. Bballenberger introduced a bill diroct- tbe cominUsloner of agriculture to in person, or by deputy, tbe in- emationul sheep and wool show, to be eld In Philadelphia, September next, eferred.

Acklen rose to a personal explanaUon nd read extracts from tbe Detroit Post ad New York Herald, charging' him 1th during the absence from ie of members of the committee foreign affairs, of which committee he Tho DUireu the ibn Caiwd at NEW 1'OBK, Jan. O'Oor- man, secretary of the Irish relief committee of Hew York, received a cable dispatch from Edward Dwyer Qre'y, Lord Mayor of Dublin, and chairman the Mansion House relief committee Dublin, stating that the distress in th west of Irelandj Is rapidly increasing and is assuming calimltous proportions Mr. O'Qorman said this evening that was dally in receipt Of Information from Ireland, all to the effect that the destltu tlon in Connaugbt the uotthwes and southwest, and the islands lying off these parts, developing dlmlcstons far exceeding the worst fears of the people. In some districts the MADISON. Mr.

Single's Bill to Tax Mortgages and Exempt Heal Estate to the Amount of thflncnmbrance. Synopsis of the Baport of tla State Board dlatress had almost taken character of a famine and the gravest entertained tor the spring and summer. Be will to-morrow send £2uu the Manelon House committee which will make! £2,100 already sent by this committee. NBW TOOK. Jan.

Irish relief committee ot this city Issued an address otne people of the States, ur- ganlly requesting speedy contributions "or distressed AfWr reciting miserable condition of the people In many districts, tbe address says that the )ublln mission house committee seems nil all condition required for tbe Vise and humane disposal of any funds placed hands. In tbe list of lersons active in Its organization re find Catholic and Protestant arch- jlshops and bishops. The moderator of lie general' assembly of tbe Presby. erlan church, inembdrs of parliament of arious polidcal parties, and many entlemen promlneutiu professional and lercantile life of dlbtlngulabed reputa. tlon for thd liberality bf wise and wd: pplled benevolence, i Subscriptions to tbe Irish relief tund will be received by 'reasurer Henry L.

Hog us at tbe Imlgrant Industrial Savings bank, 51 "Ihambers street. i Jan. peaWng in this tonight, referring Lord Alfred Churchill's cable, eiid: This young nobleman says' that-my tatement that: the tellef fund of the ucht-BS ot MarlhorouKh la being admln- stered for political purposes, Ii fidse. ow, I have th.) best and most recent In- ormatlon from tbe distressed districts mtmy statement Is absolutely true, aud that all persons out of fnvor with thelr andlofds'are precluded from pirtlclpa- I More than one parish has already complained lat the fnnd Is being administered for ectarian purposes. The word of a descendant of oho of thebuulso! tne no- oriou3 Sarah Jennings, mistress of tho )ukeot York, and ou the other hand, ot Iburcblll, flrat Duke of Marlborough, of McOauley writes as follows: That be owed his rise to his sisters dls- onour, and he had been kept by tbe most profuse, Imperious and shameless harlots, will he scanned somewhat losely by the American people, who at east can boast that their ancestors were men and women.

Adveitlng to ie Mansion bouse committee, he said lat, apatt from the hierarchy, there was ot a sicgie member of it who possessed ie confluence or reepeot ol the Irish eools. te party In a sep 'he value of such ELEClUlO Sl'AHKS. John Locke. Liberal member of the rltish Parliament, for Southwark, Is ead; age, 75 years. Very IJBv.

Jreaerlck Oakley, Catholic writer on religious subjects, is dead; age, 78. Lord Beaconsueld Is suffering from an ttacfcofgout. i Abbe de Baize, 4 In attempting to cross eferred to the committee of tbe whole. I 2, health la causlne anxi'tv alslty of the charges. His request was 0 0 orRan o( papal I nuncio at Paris, referring to the mission i of Tarnell to tho United States, Says: "By th6 mouth ot a Protestant Catholic Ss-jaaasffliM: Buctner introduced a bill reducing the ex 0Bsl coal txchanee has ad- murder In Chicago thus Columbus, Ohio, and after a short dis- uBeion tbe report was agreed to.

The Speaker proceeded to call com. Itteosfor reports of a private nature. Enott, Chairman of the Committee on udlclary, reported a bill removing tho eaths rim Starvation are reported In Cqunty Ireland, this week. i His Holiness, thai Pope; sent 10,000 francs for the relief of distress In Ireland. Mrs.

J. JlcConnlck; of Benton Harbor, cgeropposed tho bill on the ground to dla A doctor infectious diseases In he Chair oners and In favor of the relief of coug'or-I do not rank pensioners and be lem JamesjB. Taczniar, a confidential clerk of a Chicago grain merchant was arrested yesterday In that wicked city for em- IOSB who ask amnesty In the same aSS. i The Speaker- The (Chair would erect them ail to full. and those bo have suffered he would i have pen- lonnd.

i The bill was finally: 172, 53, a number of republicans voting 11 a Ith the democrats in the affirmative. hospital. Conger objected to tbe passage of the 111, removing the political dlaabllltlesof ohn Owens of Virginia, and demanded the yeas annays pending which the Jj The Western Iron i Association has advanced the price of lion four cents. A gravs-dlgger at Ottawa, had thrown three or four shovelsful of sand on tbe coffin of a small-pox victim when he fancied be heard a noise. The coffin, was raised and tt was found tho person still lived.

He was taken back to the lornlng hour expired. On motion of i Huntln tbe senate, mendment to the house bill making roprlaUons for filling up acd tralulnif rrounds south of the Capitol grounds rere concurred in. i The'house then went into; committee' tine whole, Mitchell in the chair, on ie private calendar. The first bill on 36 calendar was for the relief of of Uynchburg, and rofund- ng to them taxes improperly colleotad rom them on manufactured tobacco, 'he bill involved the amount of ant) was debated at length and laid aside a be favorably reported. The commlt- ee then rose and the house adjourned.

Fatlil Ubllor Bxplnien. Jan. boiler mill, six miles northeast Veroon county. ex-day, instantly killing Thomas man. a.laborer, and seriously lujur- ng and scalqlng Henry Moloy, the owner.

Pllnt Tenner," another laborer, was scalded, and two other men slight- yinjured. i EENO. WABHIKGTQN, Jan. no official confljmatlon can be obtained as ret of the; story that the court whlohhss investigating the charges against Benp, have recommended his dismissal, the accuracy ot Is generally conceded, ud it Is further stated, unofficially however, that Gen. 3hermftn ivora a'mllder course, and will recommend Major Keno to be suspended for year.

was signed and delivered today to the Kew l3ris mining company, for the Pan. oche Grande quicksilver mine, in Gall fornla. Application ot the New Idrii Denied, LONDON, Jan. Vienna dispatch deniei the statement telegraphed from 3t. that Auoiro-Hungary, England and France have agreed to make a joint representation to the Porte for execution ot the provisions ol Lhe treaty of respecting Montenegro and Greece, and the question of reforms in, Turkey.

Hungrd. SAS, FBAHOISOO, Jan. Tmng, Chinaman, was Changed at Coluaa to-day for tbe murder of a Chinaman In Colusa county, December, 1878. CUIm. NEW OHLEANB, Jan.

attorney for. tow-boats, the salvage claim against the steamship Lpulslanfc and cargo, at from two to throe hundred thousand dollars. of Oonnitiein of Some i of the of ThatStafc. be sent to the aounty pita! to be cared Persons 1 i AFFLICTED WITH SCCH DISEASES, having violated state laws, should be placed Inja hospital connected with the he Various Interest to wauiee Peopla. 'i A BBPOBT.

AHSI Efpeeial Dlfpateh to the OUTLINES OP JIB. BISOLE'S IMPORTANT 'IBON, Jan. careful study ot luced by Mr, Single, the the bu Democratic Assemblyman from; Marathon, shows that it Is a nieasure of unusual Importance. Several ag to a similar end, have been Introduced during the session, bnt Mr. Blngle'a tilll appears to be more complete', and to cover more points than any ot the others.

It provides that the assessor of any city, village, townJor ward, at tbe lime of making the annual assessment whenever It shall be made to appear that any real estate, situated Is his district, encumbered by mortgage, evidence of debt secured by such real estate In the name of the owner or holder 3 two or more separate columns to bo letermlned by the number of persons or holding such Incuvbrances: st That portion of such real estate In encumbered by mortgage ( uch real-estate, designating eame) aud giving the name of the holder or wner thereof, and assessing every sucb ncumbrance owned by a separ- larate 2nd. real estate over and above such Incumbrance as near as praocable: provided, however, that, In no iso shall the assessment of any nuch la umhrance exceed the face value' lereof. and in na case shall he total amount of kicumbrancea assessed, upon such real estate, exceed be value of sucb real estatn. In case, ny suol mortgage or other evidence of ndebtudness, shall cover two or more eparat3 tracts In any such assessment Istrlcts, the same! shall be assessed, gainst 1 each such tract separately, pro ata, according to their relative value; and if any such encumbrance shall em- trace real estate, located In two or more assessment districts the relative-share such encumbrance secured afore- aid, in any one assessment district, hall be ascertained land apportioned bv he several assessors ot the districts espectlvely, who shall meet for that turposa. any such city, village or town, shall iroceed to collect the taxes which may apportioned! and charged against such assessment; from the owner or holder of any such real, estate, a 'the same manner as- now irovlded by- law for the collection of axes, and.

upon the payment of all the tax la vied upon any such real estate, shall give the person paying the same a separate receipt for that portion of such ax paid upon that portion so Jncuraber- ed, designating the owner or holder and amount of such incnmbrance. i THE TAXES PAID iy the ownar of any sucb renliestate the Incumbrance so assessed separatd- shall be a valid claim against the per- on or corporation holding or owning uch mortgage or other encumbrance, the receipt the proper ofcer cknowledglng the payment of such tax, nd designating the owner or holder and be amount of such Incumbrance, shall a prima facia evidence of such Indebted- and shall bo so received, and ac- nowledged In all courts and places, and hall 1)6 received by the or holder any such mortgage or other Incum- rince AS- PAYMENT the amount therein mentioned of je Interest due or to 1 become on nch Ihcumbrances; provided however, lat such tax receipt shall he a valid claim gainst tbe owner or bolder ot any such ncumbrance to the amount of three pec ent. of the'face value any such ncumbrance, only In any one I year and more; and. provided further, that olhlng la, the act shall be construed as prohibit the owner or holdqr of any uch incumbrance from paying any such ax in his or their own name. CASB OF THE TBZASUBEB i the wtole or any portion of such ax so assessed repeatedly against anjj ractof land, the same! shall be returned npatd and tfther proceedings had there- as now provided by law for the return unpaid taxes and of lands -Bold for axes and the return of any portion of uch taxes so assessedirepcatedly shall a Hen upon the whole of uch tract tbe same as if no portion of uch had been assage of this act, paid; After the and other vidnnees of debt secured by real estate ubject to assessment 1 as nereln before rovided i SHALL JTOT BE ASSESSED i as personal propertv to the owner there- or subject to taxation; under the laws this state except'as provided by Ithls of and, after venereal dlaeasej Be subject to a penal enactment ad provided for'in the laws." DKPUTI ornr CLEBK nscHZB'a EBKAND.

As stated in dispatches last night, Deputy City Cleric Fischer came out here yesterday, with an amendment to the registry law. The bringing of, 'the; bill, however, was not big only He came out in the interests of the grand military reunion, to be held, at Milwaukee, next i He learns that the state can and will furnish SOO.muzzle-loadlng muskets, twelve cannon and six Gattilng These are to be used in the grand sham battle that will constitute a part of the programme of the reunion. In addition lo this, itr. Fischer Is looking after the interests, ot the militia bill. TbU bill provided, among other things, for-the annual muster of the companies poslrrg the State Mllltla.

The Governor has promised that, if the bill passes, he will order muster at Milwaukee, at tbe time of the reunion. Mr. has a liatof of militia la the state, allot which will probably participate In the reunion exercises. 1 i NINTH ASD TZSTH WABDS. Simpson, chairman the Milwaukee delegation in the Assembly, reported back to-day the bills providing for'special taxes in tbe Ninth and i'entn wards of the city of Milwaukee.

"asapsD WAKD. reported formally on the plan of condemning land for a park in the Second; I HABBOB OP BEF00I. In the to-day, Mr. Barnes from tne committee on State affairs, reported back, formally, the memorial to Congrfess, Introducjed by Mr. Bentley of Milwaukee, to mak a harbor of refuge at Milwaukee.

i i' THAT TOLD'GATE. That everlasting propobitlon to move to Spain, requesting certain, documents and publications from the two countries named, for the uso of the library of ttia State Historical Society. SEWtjfO HACHISE3 ASD A bill was Introduced by Senator Bennett to exempt all pedlars sowing machines and musical Instruments from the payment of licenses. The bill grows out of che alleged fact that the law, as It now stands, la oppressive to such pedlars when they do not act-as agents for the special sale ot anyone maker's lastru-- ments, whereon those engaged in selling any one maker's Instruments are exempt from-the payment of license. Referred, i--'- JPBISOS MiXAGEJIElT.

Senator Quaries iatroduced a bill, "to promote good order and repress crime." IHprovldtH a regular, autnorlz- ed system of reward for good on the part of convicts in the state prison. Tne system is very elaborate and complete, KeferreU to committee on charitable and penal IbstiCutious. ESTOBTIONATE fIJEICUT IUTE3. Mr. SfQutor from county, luproduceu a joint resolution, embotlyini; a.

uieiuorL'l to Congress, "such, legislation as will protect tha people from extortionate rates of freight, aad to establish' a uniform maximum to appoint a board of commissioners to regu-" into and control ( commerce. DISPOSAL OF PBOPEETY IS CONTESTED i Senator Qaarles introduced a hill "to provide for the. disposal of property of corporations whose charter saa.l huva expired 6r been cancelled." It is unaer- stood that the bill is presented at tlia re- Lynda ililier, of 'provides th'it officers of faay the toll gate onj tiit Maillsun, Walertown and Milwaukee iplaiik road is expected to make Its uppearancjt) next week. TIIE Sli EE JUSTICE. The Senate jadiulkry committee today reported back pe mil to pay salaries to Milwaukee justices; with recommunda- that it be referred to a special com mlUue, consisting of Senators Paul, Hyde and Van bcfiaick.

Adopted. OUK JAII.9.' Special Dlipitch to the Daily News'. ISTKBEST1NO AND ISIPOBTANC FACTS. MADISON. Jan.

forthcoming report of the State Board of Charities and Inform presents soma Interesting and startling facts in relation to the management of Jails throughout the State. SMALL JtTfMBEB OF PBISOXEBS. Bayfiel'l county jill had only one prisoner.during He was supposed to be insane, but 'idenco was lacklne, and he waa dlscharlired. Adams county 4 TT ln Senator Fifields only three himates, were all drunk. The quest of! Finches, Milwaukee.

It' the surviving corporation" whose cnarti-r be-n ri "XpirHii. hiva to bargain and convey the propt r- ty 01 tho s.uuia inannbr us if tha uijitrcur. were in f-jrja. la case df the death, removal ot luua- ofiali ttte oifljuri sacn ration, the Circuit court, may, ou pati- tion of any stucktiolJer, appoiuc oooie suitable person trubteer wiia poivei: to -Uspose of the property in thn same way and with satua tltte, wouid ba tha ease if the chiirtar were-lti lores, and auuh disposal were'-maile by tha' has Up county; the jail had last year, aud they eame number Is reported from Barren county, but tbe offend 3 are not stated. Burnetcbunty jiitor had only one prisoner lo keep him company during the whole year.

iBuffaib county jail reported as navlng ho sheets or pillow cases and the ticks aud pillows dirty. Calumet county only two cells, ana each of these Is Decupled by ah Incurably Insane a man and the other a woman. If anybody else In the county should be ao unfortunate as to be sent to jail, EEOJI THE GOVEESOK: A comuiuuitfdtiou wad I'eucivdd from the Governor, KidJroad Coinmiaslouer' ruruer. jjomluatiiiij lard fl. Chandler, of county; Aoram D.

Andrews, of Piorim couaiy. and Thompson D. Weeks, as regents of i Tne couiiauuiuation umeraiea appomtruenki by the Governor during the reeeas of tao legislature: J. A. board ot A.

O. Wright, Normal gent; C. L. Valentine- and- ua- ning, flsh commission; Nelson Dewey, stale prison director.

SPEEDY IKANSPOBTATIOS. The joint reeoiutiou, calling on Congress to pass the proposed bill in relation to tn.9 speedy traueportition of dutiable goods, was adopted. COUBT CojnilSSIOSEES. The bill Uuited Stales: Court Commissioners certain powers wtis passed. THE BBOOKFrELD MTEJfPIKE.

Senator oill in relatioa to the Milwaukee and Brooktleld macadaniized road passed, ADJOCItHEB. The Senate till ilondny evening seven o'clock. there Tfauld be the doubln punishment pf Incarceration and being locked ll with an Insane person, A3 A SAMPLE of one of tbe unique methods of keep. Ing records at Madison, the report btatea that, at the jill there, "one man had been committed the second time in the same 'both times roif drunkenness, and both times entered on the register as I At the Eau Claire jail the walls Iwere cohered with 'iXlBT ASD BAWDS: EICTUEES; and "the bed-ticks were flithy and blankets npt clean, with no sheets or pillowcases," The Fbad du Lao jill is put down aaj "a model." while that at Is "a disgrace to the city." Green Lake county has; no poor house, and so tne two pauper women of the county are aliowedno llva at the jail. The Sheriff receives 34.25 per week for bearding and doing (the) washing of each of these women.

I Jackson county has a new model structure." HOBBIBLE STATE OF AFFAIRS. Kenosha-cdunty has ii jail so thorough. Iy and poorly managed as to be "a llsgra'ce to any community. report ventilation, and the incils- crlmidate association of the sexes, sane and insane; tends to remind one olrthe prisons of the midieval ratheijthau of the nineteenth century." The La Crosso jail appears to be specially distinguished for the fact that, "the wall? pf the cells were the fortresses for the hordes of vermin that no man could numbjsn" Badasds the jail, however, the lock-up described as'surpasslng In Its horrors Dantels Inferno, 'i he report conclude that the bestmls- slonacy ground. In U'isconsln, at least, Is in city of La Orosae." And yet.

"Lei Croaae has fifteen churches and eight pcljool houses," The! Marathon cpnnty jail, at Wausau, Is described aa "worse than a hog.pen Further, "It ought tq be condemned, being full of bjidougs and Hoe." jS lTE lil Diipatch tothcnally WraiUlng. BOSTON, Jan. wrestling match to-night between Blbby. the English giant, and Andre Chrlsuil, waa -won by the former in two straight fojla. MILWAUKEE Special Dispatch to the pally Miwi.

i TATB BOABD OF OHAEITIES ASD BE: FOBMS. j. j. Jan. aniiaal report' Charities ahdjBe- orm Is all complete and will be made jiibllo ha a weel: or two: i In speaklni ot the 1 I MILWAUKEE CODKTY POOB HOCSS.

he report says. "Everything was found be In good order; -'Weioonversed with several of the-aged people of both sexes, and they expressed themselves well sat- sflod with the treatment thejr retelve," fne Board reports-that the cost per capita ot the inmates of the institution a only ninety-eight cents per week! and yet "abundance of good food, well cooked, was The report takes (round In favor of the enlargement ot the MILWAUKEE COUJfTT HOSPITAL, that Institution being crowed. with The report says: "Tha growth ot the city and county lu population left the hospital 'too small 'to accommodate the demands made unon It. According to a letter from Dr. Day.

to the be published with the report, and spoken of aa being of matters In connection with the hospital are In bad It Is charged that the water furnished to- the Inmntes Is rendered poisonous by the drawings from neighboring vaults, pig- geries, barn-yards, etc- Attention la called'to "the Inhuman and! criminal custom of placing deeansed persona in a room, between the hpspltafrlaundry aud vegetable cellar; and beneath rooms occupied by poor i rjNFOBTtTNATB SEBVANT OIBL3 with It Is stated that; "two young women Jos their lives from this contagious atmospheric pokon, the oast: Again Ft is stated that; "In direct violation county hospital rules, persons having: every form It venereal dlMas OPEKISO-THAT PHONOIiOGICAL BILL. The Senate "went THE LOIVKIC novas. Speclil Dlspaich tc, iha D-iiy News. MADISOS, Jan. After prayer by theliev.

Mr. Beusoq, ani! roll-call, tho following business was transacted: BOUNTIES ON WOJ.TE3. Mr. Pritchara, from tne Commlttea on Agriculture reported favorably- ou Mr. Waste's bill, to eatmtws to ofTer bounties for the killing of wolves, wild cats, Ivnxes and foxea.

BURNING HAYSTACKS. Mr. Pritchard introduced ii oill miking it unlawful to set lire to any straw or hay stack, for any purpose atcer six o'clock in the evening ana before sis o'clock in the morning- Ic is understood thatthe bill originated as follows: A gentleman In one ot the facming districts of the state recently lost nU house by flre, In the evenlan, Sone 01 the neighboring farmers went assistance, afterward stalling that they supposed that the light" winch they saw lu the evening ou hi--- farm was simply that caused b'ythe Buraiugof-a hay or htraw; stack to which he hail, set lire. To ore- vent the recurrence 6" such a-' mistake, ths geutlfwan. aska legislation making tho burning of hay or straw stacks the Light unlawful, and so Mr.

Pritchard introduced this hill. Scferred tu tha coruuiit- tee on the Judiciary. TIIE DOU BUSINESS. The committee on agriculture reported adversely on Mr. Petewon' biU to allow counties local oiition In relation to taxing dogs.

HIGHWAY TAXES. Mr. Pritchard, frotu the-Coomilttee on Agriculture, reported with amendment, Mr. LorO's- bill in reiaiton to higbwuy tases. Tho bill provi'les 1 hat unpaid highway taxes collected, In th-e same manner as other taxes are collected, and then expended tor rmds and bridges'.

Thejiiuendnieiit provides that such taxes, so collected ihali bo pultl out for Improvements ami- repairs in districts Where orisinnlly assumed. 1 LOCAL MATTE1UV The Committee ou ACfiirs parted favorably oj the foliawing bills; of local interests lo this' through' the motions" of Its Friday alt- ting, adjourning, aa usual, in time for the Senators to go'home on the opn lira ns, The Lieutenant Governor wis tn tha theKev.Mr. MiTtby cted as chaplain. The bill making on pproprlatlon for tbo Milwaukee Phono- pglcal Institute, Incorrectly reported as ntroducjed a day or two ago, by Senator an 4chWdk. came In presented iy Senator Hyde.

'Its provisions have eea'given already. One of tbe most mportant matters ot the sitting, to-day, and, in fact, of the session so far, he bill In relation to sending persons laid to be Insane to asylums, the details of which are given elsewhere, In to-day's -pcolSlS. I CHCBOH MATTEB. Senator Sutherlahd Introduced a bill to aniand the Revised Statutes In regard a reilgijua societies, providing for the noorporatlon ot churches ot the congregational denoihinoatlon. A bill was In- early in the session, year, by Senathr Loper, amending the Statutes and provfHlngi for the incorporation of alii religious societies.

This bill failed bo become It is now revised, with some alterations, and made to apply only the Beferreki. to authorizetherein: bill, the Commissioners of public laud to loan a portion of the trust tunils to the city of Stevens Point, to enable said city to cancel ft portion of 1U bonued indebtedness; Mr.f Withea's bill, to Authorize the Commlfsioners of public lands tcx loan a portion of the trust funds td the county of and Mr. llclntyrn'8 to authorize tho loan ot trust fuuthVto the town ot Lyndon, Sheboygan county. MB! COLBY'S MORTGAGE The Judiciary coujuiUtee reported unfavorably on the oill Introduced by Mr. Colby, ot Milwaukee, on tho 27th, in relation t0jattachm8nts.chij.ttle mortgages, bllla pi sale and asslgnuieuls.

TOTfS IS8UBANCE COMI-AXIES. The dommitteB ou Insumuee. Banks and Banking, reported a. substitute 'for Mr Lowth's b.111, IntroLkiceil ou the 19th, in relation to town companies, the congregatlonallst church. CHANGE OF VBSUE.

Senator Sutherland also Introduced a bill to atoand the Baylsed Statutes In relation to 'change of venus In criminal cases. The' bill makes provision for such change in casofl not punishable by 1m- prlsdnment In the State prison. As the law pun stands, such change can only be made prisoners may be sent to the State prison, TOKEIQIf pOOBHErra.PBMESTED. i Benator Barrows offered a Joint MSO- lutlon reqnestlna the I Hon. James Bus Lowell, and Minister to Great Britain, Luciua Falrchlld.

Minister with arecommendatlou that tha substitute-pass. MISCELLASCOt'S. The ref-olutlou that tlio State Board ol Health report needed me.dlcal legislation' was laid on the bible, and State Board of, Charities recommend suitable legislation for Incurable iusaue, was adopted. Bills were iatroduced: Providing for Impounding animals running at liu gtr In. cities and v)IlagB3; tirameud thu regla- try law In the city ot llitwaukee.

The memorial to fornnap. propriatlon lor tho burbot of refuge at Milwaukee, was passmi. Also thnt an. thorizlng the levy of special tax In the Second, Ninth and Tenth, wards of Milwaukee. tfll Monday evening.

Our Iron export trade with Europe fast becoming an Ittmof groat Importance. Competing moat litvorabiy the markots. Dr. Thomas Ec- lectrlc OU Is luatly becoming for when once usud it beoomes-a.

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