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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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CURES vliGH OVE Rl OO (KO JAMAICA GINGER I I NIC 'AN Williams St Co SfEYS BLOOD SEARCHED? gJjgEAr TDNin ANn LIE' PRESERVER JM without an operation or the injury trusses 'at by Dr A method Office Broadway hew York His book with pboto Wc likenesses of bad bases before and after ft mailed for 10 cents nr wm IIIIUIIW iPiltl WUtl'tUI'H ESELLERS CO PA? Meal Surgical CONSULTATION free disease no matter of what nature is capable cured if a deformity can possibly be fthed Drs confidently assert that roccotnplish it The results that hare at i Practice justify them in asserting fail it is useless to apply elsewhereftft3 of letters that are open to the inspec Publie testify to their success when all have faded' Beware of delay complaints that can easily be cured in the become more dangerous more com difficult to remedy it allowed to get Consult Drs AK they' will irrjenbe if not needed or if they do not feelJ Xvcau restore or greatly benefit a win effect an improvement in every onee undertake Send two three cent njform 009 New Illustrated Guide to Health comer Michigan avenue and Griswold Detroit 0" in detailing his experience with RsusDisa said that through Divine one of his parishioners as cured of a which was slowly draining away the Cuticura Resolvent internally andand CVTICVRA Soap externally The pol fed the disease was completely driven ft since an eruption broke out onboth feet which turned out to be Ecze i me great pain and annoyance I surious' remedies with no good results until i tticvra Resolvent internally and Cu l' Ccticcra Soap externally which en I Reared me so that my skin Is as smooth andRAlLEV 64 South st Baltimore Mtfcura treatment for cure of Skin Blood Diseases consists of the intorual frncwu Resolvent the new Blood Pun the external use of Cuticura and Cuticu the Great Skin Cures Price of Cuticura 50c large boxes $1 Cuticura Re Jipe? bottle Cuticura Soap 25c Cu raving Soap 15c WEEKS PUTTER Boston Mass 11 1 I I CATARRH Radical Cure Head Watery Discharges from the Nose rd Eres Ringing Noises in the Head Nervous ftadacbe and Chills and ever instantly relieved "choking putrid mucus is dislodged membrane ifvsed disinfected and healed breath swoet gtd amell taste and hearing restored and oonstl itiooal ravages checked Court Droppings Into the Throat in the Chest Dyspepsia Wasting of Strength od lesh Loss of Sleep etc cured Ote bottle Radical Cure one box Catarrhal Sol Lt and one Dr Inhaler in one pack of all druggists for $1 Ask for ct mt WEEKS POTTER Boston rate that 1 made a miraculous cure of I rill cases of skin disease known The the forty years old hacj suffered fif scalp aild neariy his whole a frightful appearance Had had wifnn of twelve different physicians who aWa best remedies known to the profes mcrit? I iodide potassium arsenic corrosiverSparilla etc Had paid $500 for Swtnent with but little relief I pre Tnhim to use the Cuticura Resolvent aiL £p0 the Cuticura and CunetTRa Soap arrMW UH dJd gOi and waa completely cured his head face and many other parts of 04 which presented a most loathsome ap is now as soft and smooth as an icfr or trace of the disease left bow been cured twelve months pcr! bv brqwN Esq Barnwell TjSltNr Is not quicker than COL VOLTAIC PLASw TERS In relieving pain and Weakness of the Kidneys vtSifl Liver and Lungs Rheuma tism Neuralgia Hysteria gSagfl emale Weakness Malaria rZdCTtRw and ever and Ague Price 25 cts Sold everywhere anure water' unhealthy climate unripe fruit frhdesouie food malaria and the thousand that beset tne traveler are nothing to those riD and sustained by the use of the and only combination of Gmser Choice Aromatics and rench Brau Soother remedy is at onee so sure palatable dsafe Beware of imitations snid to be as good ftfor Ginger and take no other SoldSywhere WEEKS POTTER Boston I I ITI I SWw ti i 'Ji i nrwi i Drs it HU mt I X1 LvWrvJ UKITOUMBI pm Vh 8MUuL ll SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 30 CUERENOY winter SPriDR Ungers in the lap of thisA house looks larger to a bird than to a an Therefore a eye view should be larger than any other A renchman has invented a system of arithmetic tn which 3 and 2 make A Evident ly designed for plumbers The Collector of Customs lately classed sponges as perishable property and had a consignment premptorily sold Oscar ilde a fool after all The way he stopped payment of that check proves that he is sharper than a bunko gang A letter directed the most honest man in has been kicking around that town for six weeks In search of an owner Vennor now declares that his prediction of a cold Christmas was for the Arctic regions Ah! that puts a different face on the matter A good New resolution would be to resolve not to blow into the muzzle of a gun It is a waste of breath even if you eave your head The Hand claims to have "reached its seventh edition Buyers must take it for a treatise on the horse or a rare novel A Chicago man lost $1000 in oil a few days ago in one minute and a half This is faster than a thief could have stolen it but amounts to the same thing When a newspaper brags about condensing the news you want to understand that it is simply taking seven from nine The two left are what is condensed The average life of farmers has decreased four months in fifteen years Every farmerof any consequence has an organ in the house It always works that way A New York lace dealer says that the way to get rid of a particularly homely pattern is to ask five times its worth and tell ladies that it is one of the patterns People who worship on prayer rugs will not be satisfied unless they go to glory in a coupe The rag carpet was good enough for our fore Haven Register It is said that Portland Ma was the largest city in the United States which had sleighing on Christmas but New Year's will be apt to find every town in the country on wheels It is said that under the River and Harbor steal New Jersey got $40000 to improve a creek so mall that it furnish water enough for the stock on three farms Who pockets the money? People talk about the block system for avoiding railroad accidents and yet a con ductor leaves St Louis with his watch half an hour slow and is painfully astonished to plump into a freight train Dr Hall says that a goose is the meanest meat of any fowl in the land and he has known scores of cases where baked goose has resulted in serious illness Better take a beef bone if you want to be safe It is now maintained that there never was a time when the women of India threw their children to the crocodiles and the tales of the Juggernaut are all bosh The world is just getting down to solid facts Chicago girls never go to the theater with a young man without taking along enough money to buy tickets for both Then if the chap discovers that he has been they have to walk around until the play is over It will be well for meteorologistic croakers to remember that there is some truth in the old saying: the weather is mild at Christmas cold weather lasts into Keep on your skates boys York Ad vertiser A Philadelphia preacher caught redelivering bls sermon of the Sunday before explained that he only wanted to see if any of the con gregation were sufficiently awake to nqtice it The congregation droppad the aclelphia News Recorder decision declaring the un coiToborated evidence of a policeman who drank in a saloon on Sunday to be worthless as by so doing he made himself an accomplice the police have come to the conclusion that there is no use in making York Commercial Advertiser It takes a Chicago editor to get down under neath the wors record for meanness About the only original" paragraph ip the Inter Ocean a few days ago was devoted to abusing an Eastern paper from which it had bodily taken several of the paragraphs it published as original Post fiE WANTED TO POSE A resident of Park street had a photo gpapher come up the other day for the pur pose of taking a view of his residence and the man of the camera had just got in posi tion when along came an old coon with a buck saw on his arm and wanted to know what was up ft to photograph the was the I guess pose remarked the old man take a position at the left of the gate and represent the statue of Industry The members of the family came out and arranged themselves and the man called out: old man you want to get out of I represent Industry 1 I stand over there and represent sir! want you in the group at represent the Sleeping eauty go He drew off to one side the passing teams halted to give the artist a chance and direct ly the plate was made Everybody rushed forward when it was ready for inspection and the old man was one of the first As the plate was held up he giggled and tickled and finally burst into a loild laugh He had dodged around the corner of the house and his full figure was revealed behind the family do you represent in that attitude! sternly inquired the photographer I reckon a pretty good pose for welL I will now represent Dissatis And the artist took the festive old chap by the ear and walked him out of the crowd and put in a couple of kicks which changed the pose of Contentment to that of Sorrow Vegetable Compound Purifier are nrepared at 233 and 835nd Blocd un price of either SI Western av by mall in the form ofnrnf lozenges on receipt of Si per for either Sirs Pinkham freely answers all inauiry Inclose 8c stamp bend tof THE LETTER BuX Boston Mass Send a specimen MapLk Rapids Mich A na tional bank bill is not a legal tender Aid second battle of Saratoga in generally estimated by historians to have been more important than the battle of Trenton Hull Great Thornton St To acknowledge or criticise through the articles sent for publication is contrary to our practice MobepClv The seceding States were North and South Carolina lori da Alabama" Georgia Mississippi Louisiana Texas Virginia Alabama and Tennessee Glasgow Scotland "Entmohr ach Your conclusions appear to be just but inasmuch as they invite a discussion for which we have uo room the letter is not pub lished Chicago sil contains no silver whatever being cop peri ZDC anI nickel "mixed It was first made in Europe at Hildburg bansen Germany but had been known by the Chinese for centuries Windsor Vt The phrase: like a Cheshire is as you say frequently heard in New England while it is not common West It came from the fact that cheese was once sold in Cheshire Eng land molded like a grinning cat Edmore Mich The son Dixon ran between the State of Pennsylvania and the States of Maryland and Virginia It was originally over 300 miles long and was called after two surveyors Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon As something 'often alluded to in politics after 1S20 it acquired its chief celebrity at that time by the speeches of John Randolph of Virginia Detroit Supposing North in your question to mean the Dominion of Canada (including Ontario Que bec New Brunswick Manitoba British Col umbia Prince Edwai Island and the Northwest Territory) the United States (in cluding Alaska) still has a territory exceeding in area all these combined being 3603884 square miles while the area of the Dominion is 3372290 square miles I Decatur Ild The origin of the phrase "catch is that after the execution in London of one Weare for murder a publisher named Catchpin printed a penny ballad entitled: Alive When cried on the streets it sold to the extent of 2500000 copies the persons buying supposing from the sound that the ballad had reference to Weave It came therefore to be spoken of os a penny Inn ields London writes: see in your issue of the 28th you inform that the nine of diamonds is called the curse of Scotland be cause that card in the game of Pope John is called the Pope etc The tradition is how ever that the Duke of Cumberland was play ing at cards very shortly after the battle of Culloden aud that he wrote on the back of a nine of diamonds the order for that general massacre which procured for him the nick name of Butcher? I have heard this tradition "disputed here in the south but it is commonly accepted as correct in the northern Ulverston There is no plete history of in existence that we are aware pf but almost any general his tory of the world would give what you wish Of the histories of this country either Ban of the United or Hil (with the same title) would acquaint vou with all leading events You would also find Von Constitutional and Political History of the United of value or an understanding of the civil war read Henry and all of the Slave Jefferson and all of the Confederate and tory of the Civil War in by the Comte de Paris Probably all of these works can be procured in London if not any book seller will gladly import them for you Baltimore An English work gives the origin of the and Ash as follows If the oak gets into leaf before the ash we may expect a fine and productive year if the ash precedes the oak wemay anticipate a cold summer and unpro ductive autumn In the years 1816 :28 aud the ash was in leaf a full month before the oak and the autumns were unfavorable In 1881 and the two species of trees came into leaf about the same time and the years were not remarkable either for plenty or the reverse But in 1818 '25 '27 38 and 69 the oak Shows its foliage several weeks befoi the ash and the summers of those years were dry and warm aud the harvests abundant You can not obtain a thorough understanding of the Preside ntial electoral system which prevails in the United Stater without considerable study and some experience or some study and considerable experience Presidential electors are chosen by the States each State having as many electors as it has Senators and Represenatives in Congress and these electors are appointed in such a manner as the Legislature of each may direct except that Senator or Rep resentative or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be appointed an (See sec 1 art II Const of the S) Each State in the Union now chooses Presidential electors by popular vote the candidates being nominated by the existing political parties In each State there "is a canvassing bo ird constituted by State authority upon which is imposed the dutv of determining who are choseu electors If an equal number of each electors is chosen the Presidential candidate of each party will get an equal number of votes for that State as each individual Presidential elector is' at liberty to vote for whom he pleases for President and Vice President lu California in 1880 five Democratic and one Republican Presid ential electors were chosen and the electoral vote of the State was re corded in accord ance therewith The Consti tution of the United States in Article XIL of the amendments gives the method of the procedure at the meeting of the electors in each State 1 11 Get When hops are $1 25 per lb as now an acre will yield $l)0 profit and yet the best family medicine on earth Hop Bitters contain the same quantity of hopsand are sold at the same price fixed years iko although hops now are twenty times higher Ilian then Raise hops get rich la octet use Hop Bitters and get rich in health THE PUZZLER (All communications to this department should be addressed to "The Puzzler" azs Press office Detroit Mich Answers 2771 "Intoxicated with the exuberance of his own verbosity" 2772 Dover Rome Berlin Thebe Utica El mira 2773 Connecticut 2776 lover row ark lnk ox 2774 I 8775 A A MAGER MAMELON AS I A LaCERTIAN BELTING NILL I NAG DALE I 2778 1 John and Harry's teachers possessed a superi or intellect than 2 To profess regard and to act indifferently indi cates a base mind 8 cannot be reconciled with his practice 2779 Bessie 2780 Detroit 2781 Penitentiary Enigmas Charades Puzzles Etc NUMERICAL My whole composed of tortv four letters Is an oft quoted saying of Napoleon Bonaparte 40 10 20 35 17 is an evil genius of Mohamme dans ft My 10 28 11 41 81 is a certain quantity of dia monds My 22 25 8 84 is a demon My 26 16 2 14 is wisdom My 5 18 27 39 31 is the Egyptian Goa of Elo quence My 4 12 30 38 is a South American bird My 29 15 21 24 6 is a verse My 36 44 9 33 is a snag i My 42 3 18 43 is a book' Mv 37 19 7 is an insect My 25 is the letter of which no genuine English word ends with Detroit Mich 2802 CHARADE Mv first are vegetables long and green Which sure you all have lately seen My a human gift divine The ladies especially can define The whole is a ladder in fabled lore All children have heard of it less or more Morpeth England RUTHERORD 2803 PRIZE HIDDEN VEGETABLES 1 I wisn Mary to go for a dish to put the fruit lI12 Be had just filled his a short tinae before he left off reading 3 I shall be answered when I speak When 1 turn I presume I shall upset every thing 5 I shall go very soon I only stopped in to get my mail 6 lam obliged to be at school at 8 A sheet of vocal music for the first correct solu Niles Mich KIAR 2804 transposition My a fish find Oue of the shelly kind If transposed in bed The support of your head Darlington England GARBUTT 2305 WORD HAL SQUARE 1 A surgical instrument 2 To drive back 8 Declining 4 To show distinctly 5 ursuit 6 A suffix: 7 Two ihirdsof and 8 A letter Old tort JACK diamond puzzle A number primal proves A name in Scripture shows A plant that creeping loves A planner will disclose Now gloomy comes to sight A General of renown A letter final write And read me up and down Dublin Ireland M1KE ROSCOE 2307 decapitations 1 Behead resort and leave a maiden relative 2 Elevation and leave twice four 8 Wager and leave anger 4 A pain aud leave a market 5 Shrewd aud leave a musical Instrument 6 Degrade and leave foundation Republic Mich LEX PRIZE CROSS WORD ENIGMA In custom not in style In rod not in mile In ruby not in agate In fire uot in faggbt In rain also in snow In schooner not in tow In plague also in tile Whole was written by Madame de Stael A prize for the first correct solution Toledo SIC DROP LETTER WORDS (Names of cities) 1 2 3 4 5 8 6 Baltimore Md GEO HARRISON charade My first a worthless animal see My second may mean either two or three Or more of anything or people short or tall But bear in mind the number must be email' My whole was instituted in the reign Or one who came from a land adjoining Spain Londonderry Ireland ADAMS Answers in thrqe weeks Prizes or the best list of answers to this puzzles we will send a book entitled Etymolog ical Price $150 or the second best list of answers we will send ashvetof vocal music or the third best list of answers we will send a sheet of instrumental music or the fourth best list of answers we will send a book entitled "illed in or the fifth best list of answers we will send a Lakeside Library See offers made by our contributors for the first solution td No aud 2809 Prize AVifiuers The prize for the best list of answers is awarded to Karl Bailey Mich Tne prize Cor the second best list is awarded to Mac b'arlan Glasgow bcoc land The prize for the third best list is awarded to Detroit Mich The prize for the fourtn best list is awarded to Edward Harland Belfast Ireland The prize for the fifth best list Is awarded to Kate Mann Galeshead on Tyne England The prize for the sixth best list is awarded to Boy Blue Hannibal Mo Solvers 5 in The Weekly ree Press Vol 57 No 50 was correctly answered bv George Logan Edinburgh Scotland: Wm Bailey Berry and Adams Manchester England Mike Rosoope and Dubl Ireland A Wood and The Chief Edinburgh Scotland William Howard Wm Harrison and red Jackson Leeds England: Charles Corbett Birmingnam England Canute Leicester England George Perrv Lane Tam Haymarket Jay Kay Edw Hart Arthur Kobinson I ord and rancis Jakes London England James Buchan an aud Pecks Glasgow Scotland Ware Kent England Liverpool England Os wald Simpson and Wm Aspinail Bolton England Dromio Barnes and A dol fus Liverpool Eng land: Con Amors South Wales England Cols man Southsea England Thomas Thomas Ches ter England: Christie Aidershot England Best Suffolk England Chas De Wer Perth JJ Kate Manti Gateshead on Tyne England George Rotbery Whitehouse England Adams Londonderry Ireland Hayes Hull England Edward Harlow Rehast Ireland Myself and MadCap Bavonne Bessie Clytie Jack and Jill Halifax Typo an light Va Karl Bailey Mich De troit Mich Twilight and Adele" New York City: Mazon Waco Tex Crates Muscatine la Dragoman Granville Tex Goodrich Mich Bill Sticker Southiugton Ct Will Wyckoff Pontiac Mich elix A Bevy Galveston Tex May and Shadow Jersey City Smiling ail River Mass Cetera Anderson 8 Bella Cameron Mo Donna Albany Birmingham Mich Ida Keokuk la Charlotte 8t Louts Mo Erie Belle Erie Pa Tiny Tim Sacramento Cal Toledo Argonaut Cincinnati Boy Blue Hannibal Mo an Tasy Athens Ga: Bonnie Bbss Terre Haute Ind I Becky Sharp Newark Accepted Contributions Hidden cities enigma and decapitations by Ca nute charade by A puzzles enigma charade and diamond by Typo diamonds and rebus by Sigmund decapitations by Collins: hidden countries by Geo Rothey puzzles by Dollie charades enigmas etc by Harr(son Remarks The problem shall be inserted at an early date Your contributions are always wel come Gates Only original contributions are pub lished in this department With but one or two exceptions the solutions sent in answer to VoL 57 No 50 were complete lists CHESS Communications for thia department should be addressed to Chess Editor rbk Puss Detroit Michigan 8 A Problem No 1258 Composed for the New Year number of The ree Press By DAVIS Detroit Mich 3 PIECES Ha 8 PIECES "White retracts his last move and mates ix three moves Problem No 1259 Composed for the New Year number of The ree Press? By and BETTMAN Cincinnati BLACK 4 PIECES 8 PIECES White to play aud selt tnate in four moves LB a wj Biiir Problem No 1260 Composed for the New Year number of The ree Press By A SHIN KM AN Grand Rapids Mich 5 PIECES 11 PIECES White to play and suimate in four moves 1 ilf Problem Nu 1201 Composed for the New Year Number of The ree Press By A SHINKMAN Grand Rapids Mich PIECE 8 PIECES 1K irst Arrange in eight moves so that White has a choice of one hundred moves Second Arrange in eight moves so that White has a choice of but ten moves Problem No 12G2 Composed for the New Year number of The ree Press By WHEELER Kewanee 111 7 PIECES 7 PIECES White to play and mate in two moves AH LIST Correct solutions have beea received from the under mentioned solvers up to and inclusive of problem No 126 Dr Hamersville Ont 152 CS Chicago Ill 149 NB Worcester Mass 138 Sandwich 14 129 8 Ann Arbor Mien 116 JK Salt Lake City Utah 104 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS PROBLEM NO 125 1 2 QKt4t 3 QB 4 White PROBLEM NO 126 Motto ar Black 1 3 3 Any move "1 PxR ft 2L KtK7 SQK5 8 Any more 4 Mates 2 coders 3 QKKL2 3 Any move A Mates ChristroM Plums The Central New Jersey Herald De troit ree Press comes to band frefgbtea with Christmas plums but the beauty of the two hun dred and sixty tnover is somewhat marred by a so lutionin oue move" The Herald should note that it is conditional problem and that mate is given at the two hun dred and sixtieth move by 5 1 Problem No 1263 Composed for the New Yea number of The ree Press By WHEELER Kewanee HL 3 PIECES 5 PIECES White to play and mate in three moves Of Game The following occurred in a game between Starbuck aud an amateur the former giv ing the odds of and move Defense) WHITE BLACK Amateur Starbuck 1 PK4 1 PK4 2 KtKB3 2 PQ3 8 4 3 KB4 4 Kt 4 Rx 5 4 5 Kt QB 3 6 BKt5 6 BK2 7 BxB 7 QxB 8 Castles 8 KP 9 5 9 Kt 10 Px Kt 10 RKB1 11 5 KKt 12 KKt 3 12 4 13 1 18 KBS PxKl? 14 BxP! 15 QxB 15 QR6 16 RKKtl 16 QxRPt 17 best 17 3 1 Swindlers Abroad If any one has represented that we are in any wav interested in any bogus bitters or stuff witn tne word in their name cheating honest folks or that we will pay of their ills or debts they are frauds and swindlers and the victims should punish them We deal in and pay only the bills for the genuine Hop Bitters the purest and best medicine on earth Hop Bitters Manufacturing Co SPECIA I NOTICE orty Experience of an Old Nurse MRS WINSLOW SOOTHING SYRUP is the pre scription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States aud has been used lor forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers lor their children It relieves the child from pain cures dysentery and diarrhea griping in the bowels and wind colie By giving health to the child it rests the mother Brice twenty five cents a bottle KEEP IT Your Wine Cellar One who drinks HUB PUNCH iced experiences temporary taste of A A AM 0 1 0 I I I I Msss' The made in Boston solely by GRAVES SONS meets with marked pop ular favor as a healthful and palatable drink It is prepared with great care from the best ma tartals and will be found an agreeable addition to the choice things of the table which undeniably enlarge the pleasures of life and encourage good fellowship and good nature if rightly enjoyed See that you get the genuine with the fac simile of IL GRAVES on the capsule over the cork of each bottle The is sold by all leading family grocers and wine merchants nr HUGH JOHNSON Manufacturer and Dealer in CARRIAGES s' Latest Styles Six Passenger Rockaway Victorias Conpe KockRways Cabrio lets Landaus Coupes Light" Rock a ways Phaetons Viliajre Carts Road Wagons of our own make and from the best Eastern factories GANDY CANDY Send SI S2S3 or 85 for a sample re tail box by Express of the best candies in America put up in elegant bqxeo and strictly pure Suita ble for presents Ex press charges light Refers to all Chica go Try it onee Address GUNTHEB IWI'W" Conftoetloner CJhlcaso Glass irTiAW REID wholesale and retail dealer in rench and American WINDOW GlxASH PLATE GLASS Ribbed and Rough Piate for Sky Lights Cut ana Enameled Glass Silver Plated Sash Bars rench and German Looking Glass Plates Lead and Oil Colors Putty Points etc 73 and 75 Larned street west ft AUCTION" SALES JNO RENNIE 213 Jefferson Avenue WILL SELL Saturday December 30 at 10 NEW AND SECOND HAND urniture Carpets Three Silk Rep Immbrequlns with Cornices large Hall tree Bookcase Parlor Sets Marble top Tables Rosewood Piano Stool and Cover Goods must be sold to close all consignments for the year 1832 AUCTION SALE REPOSITORY 288 290 Jefferson Ave DETROIT MICH Wednesday 3 1883 ONE OARLOAD HEAVY DRAUGHT AND General Purpose Horses Direct from Canadian Breeders TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES Phaetons Harness Whips Blankets etc etc AU Horses guaranteed Twenty four trial Sale at 11 Terms cash GRAND LANG Proprietors and Auctioneers CABIPAU KING Auctioneers GREAT CLEARING AUCTION SALE RNITURE! SATURDAY Dec 80 commencing at 10 at our rooms 78 WOODWARD AVE Consisting of Parlor Sets Patent Rockers Easy Chairs Marble und Wood Ton Tables Husk Hair Wool and Sea Grass Mattresses Crown Jewel Stove! Cooking Range and Bedroom Heaters Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Crockery China and Glass ware The above goods removed from aprivate resi dence on Cass ave for convenience of sale and wl 11 be sold without reserve Positively Last Grand Auction Sale Of Season 1332 by JEROME SWEENEY 227 Jefferson Avenue Consisting of Rosewood Pianos Elegant Household urniture Carpets Silver ware and Crockery Saturday Morning December 30 Sale at 10 o'clock sharp Merchants having job lots on which they wish to realize call WINTER RESORTS WINTER RESORTS GRANO EXCURSIONS Atlas Line of Mail Steamers or BAHAMAS TURKS ISLAND JAMAICA HAYTI PORTO RICO ISTHMUS PANAMA and COLOMBIA Bailing every Tourists are avail of these trips which they can make omanv route which the steamers take at the extreme low price of $5 ver day which includes living on board the steamer the whole time and they may transfer to any other steamer of the line they may meet on the voyage or passage apply to P1J1 ORWOOD CO Agents 15 State street New York OLD SORES BLOOD or SKIN DISEASES IN ANT STAGE Disappear before the perfect alterative and tonic effects of the greatest of all Blood Purifiers It so contnleteiy roots out all poison from ther blood and braces the debilitated system that diseases of thia nature disappear like chaff before the wind 'S 8 cured me of Scalp Sores Sores in Nos trils and Ears atter everything known to the medi cal profession bad failed Three mouths have passed since I quit taking 8 there is no symptom of the disease remaining am fx rma nently cured It stands unrivaled for Blood Dis eases" no 8 Salamanca stands without a peer The profession will have to acknowledge it a specific for Blood Dr Gaixoway Monroe Ga four or five weeks ago I was afflicted with a very aggravated type of Blxd Disease I pommeuced using 8 and after taking the first bottle felt so much relieved that! bought five more aud am glad to say after using four ol them that I am entirely cured previously having been under medical advice for several RatciAfji' Richniand Va suffering from the worst Blood Diseases for more than two ears and having been treated by several eminent physicians confined to my room and bed the greater part or the time my body covered with copper colored sores from ths size of a pea to that of a silver "half dollar I was well nigh in despair At last I commenced taking 8 In a short time I began to improve in fiesh all the sores healed and I could feel and know that I was well and to 8 8 8 must ths credit be given of my entire restoration to health I have not taken a dose for more than six mouttu and am as free from sores and blemish as any one Lottie Ross Atlanta Ga Tmproved after taking the first bottle of in two weeks was able to come home finding the waters were no Reid Newport Ark science has pot made known a combination equal to for Skin or Blood Massknbubg Ph Macon Ga SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ILL HEADS LETTER HEADS STATEMENTSD Business Cards and all kinds of Comtn' rcial Printing promptly executed at THE REE PRESS JOB ROOMS I INCj Loping 1.

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