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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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8 SADOWA AND SEDAN STEALING BY WHOLESALE AUCTION SALES The Overthrow of the Republican Party CARRYING Of 150 IMPORTED DORSES POSTPONED SALE are Of DeMann Property PROBLEM TOORHET NO 67 AUCTION SALE 40 Business and Residence SANORD RADICAL CURE On Monday November 13 At 10 o'clock a ra KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 2r P) 9 Work Dene Rapidly and Accurately JAMAICA GINGER White BQ4 KBS 4 Black' 5 Kt Kt 4 PxB KK4 4 130 130 128112 103 92 BLACK 51 Starbuck 1 Kt Kt 2 KtP 3 5 4 BB4t 5 2 6 QR It SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER IL A Gang of Horse Thieves Make a Bold Haul In Illinois Dolling a Meerschaum An up town man a lover of a good meer schaum and who had one that was a particu lar pet with him left it one day on the man tel and when he camo home upon inquiring for it was calmly told by his wife that guessed she had spoiled She presented him with the stem and said that was all there was left of it Horrified at the fate of bis pipe he demanded to know how she came to do such a terrible act Her reply was: my dear hubby I smelt the awfulest smell in the room and coming to investigate it there it was your pipe and I knew you would like it all the better if it was cleaned out so having a pot of boiling water on the stove I put in the pipe intending as soon as the dirt became loose to rub it off but when I went to look for the pipe I could find nothing of it but the stem the rest having all melted 1 reeman The Main 'Question A man advertised for a who shall be a companion of my heart my head my lot A candidate for the situation wrote care to know anything about your head or heart but how big is your lot Monmouth III November The most daring attempt at wholesale horse stealing on record was made at Alexis in the north part of WarreS County early yesterday morning A mile from the village is the stock farm of CoL Robert Holloway one of the most suc cessful and largest importers of Clydesdale horses in America In hie stables among other fine horse stock were 150 head of Clydesdale and of bis last importation An association of individuals including one James Johnson a Scotchman who came ovar a few months ago are interested with Col Holloway in the last importation Johnson and another Scotchman named Buchanan have been at for some time Johnson left last week stating to Holloway that he was going back to Scotland Buchan an remained Early in the morning long be fore daybreak a train of sixteen box cars a caboose and two passenger coaches arrived at the village of Alexis having coma from Chica go vja tne Chicago Burlington Quiqqy ON THE TRAIN WERE 111 MEN Under charge of Johnson who were Scotch men some roughs from Chicago under the apparent leadership of one Potter a former Chicago policeman They went directly to the stables at farm bound and gagged the two hostlers in charge and took them back to the train and confined them under guard in a box car The mob then let out over 150 of the imported horses and led them to the train where they were: loaded The men were assisted by Buchanan whq was at the place and Mr Holloway did not dis cover the affair until about davlight when the last of the horses were taken and led away He immediately alarmed the village and neighborhood THE CITIZENS Attempted to prevent the train from pulling out The town constable arrested the engin eer and conductor of the train and' the citi zens a number of whom were armed with shot guns stood around in bun 1 reds ready to tear up the track in the rear and ahead of the train while Holloway drove across the coun try to Monmouth and got out fl writ of re plevin giving a $150000 bond and in com pany with Sheriff Bond and deputies returned to the scene of action Potter had succeeded in intimidating a number of the citizens by claiming to be a United States marshal When the writ was served the horses were unloaded and led back to'tbe farm and John son Buchanan Potter and two others arrest ed Old Ike and the Comet Old Ike got up at 4 yesterday morn ing and went out into the woodrshed to shoot a chicken thief Looking up into the sky he saw the comet Soon as his eye caught sight of it he threw down his gnn ran into the bouse and woke ole up by yelling: up ole git up say prars quick kase dedebbijs gone to red hot balls fiah at de earf de dun commenced Git up go see den cum back and pray pray Iona ter menShun me as yergwine and the stepped qp (side the door to show the old woman charyot ob when he fell into the 7 cellar and ole fainted and fell in on fop of him Courier Journal WHITE Amateur 1 Kt Kt 2 Kx 3 3 4 HP 5 R5 THE REE PRESS OICE Corner of Griswold and Woodbridge ata A Restaurateur on Oysters Half the people that eat raw oysters don't like them They only do it because a nice dish to order and smacks of good living Now when a man orders half a dozen of the largest oysters it certainly be because he likes the flavor as a big oyster has not the choice flavor that epicures pretend to like Big oysters ought only to be cooked and small ones reserved for raws but if you ven ture to serve a dozen small oysters on the shell people think you are cheating them What do I consider the best oyster? Well the Shrewsbury They have a different color and a sweet delicate taste that seems to me better than that of any other But there one man in 500 that can tell the difference between Shrewsburys Long Islands Mill Ponds East Rivers Providence Rivera etc They think they can so all right At a good many eating houses you can get any kind of an oys ter in season or out but they all come from some scrub bed The largest are labeled Sad dle Rocks another size and shape Blue Points and so on Blue Points are perhaps the most in demand now they cost from $4 50 to S6 50 per barrel East Rivers are estimated the best by a good many as they are only placed in the market late They range in price from S4 50 to $9 a thousand according to the de mand and the supply The consumers don't feci the rise and fall It is felt only by the wholesalers Some of the largest oysters come from Old Point ortress Mon roe rom there they reach Baltimore and so travel North Baltimore is the big oyster depot and they' put up immense quantities in cans a great sight to see fifty or 100 darkles shucking oysters as fast as the smacks unload them A smart man ought to open from 4000 to 5000 a day I understand a team of four men have shucked 25000 oysters in a day That would give them about Baltimore prices Oysters are eaten here of course all summer but summer is their breed ing time and they ought to be let alone not up to the mark until the water gets cold This season promises to be a big one for oysters Prices will perhaps be a little Sun 100 YDS BRUSSELS CARPETS Rosewood Piano 2 Small Paintings a Tine Lot or Silver Gas Stove Cook and Heating Stoves etc etc BLACK A Banner 1 Kt KB 3 (a) 2 PK3 3 3 4 KtBS 5 Kt 2 6 PK4 (b) 7 BKtr 8 BxKt 9 Kt QS 10 KKt 3 IE KR4(C) 7 12 R3 13 KK 2 Communications for this department should be addressed to Chess Editor awPoEss Detroit Michigan A Problem No 1S3O 1 to Dr Agnew) By JAMES MURRAY Belfast Ireland 5 PIECES A Tour in a Wagon A few minutes after the noon bells rang Tuesday a gray horse in a collar end har ness and a stout wagon drove to the entrance of one of the hotels at Lewiston Me The buffalo robe was comfortably tucked around a ruddy and downy young man and a plump young woman garnished with a bridal bonnet He helped her out of the wagon and escorted into the parlor with her a round green box After he had driven off and put up the team at the stable of a rival hotel he rejoined his mate and expressed a desire for a confidential interview with the landlord The latter pre sented himself and the young man said: and' Harriet was mar ried this morning We have started bn a lit tle excursion Before we left home marm put us up a little dinner and we brought a coffee pot along Now like to heat the coffee and have a table to eat the dinner on and perhaps a little The landlord led the innocent pair into the dining hall and seated them at a table with other guests and they took the cover off their little green box with celerity They had a glorious time eat ing their doughnuts carrawav seed coolries squash pie and broad slices of cheese If their wedding tour had taken them to Niagara and they were dining ata fashionable hotel with the prospect of paying 50 per plate they could not have eaten or laughed so heartily The gray horse canned home two hearts that rap turously beat as one and as the landlord saw them ri'de off he felt almost as well in the ra diance of their happiness as if they had paid him seventy five cents apiece for dinner and fifty cents for stabling Journal 1 a 3 1 2 3 Two Lots IN HAMTKAMCK Opposite Peninsular Brewery will take place Monday next 1 3th inst at 5 AT GARDEN JORDAN Auctioneer BRIE WORK A SPECIALTY At THE REE PRESS JOB BOOMS SHERI BOND Brought them to Monmouth this evening and confined them in jail The men stated that $12000 had been paid in advance for the special train Hundreds of the neighboring farmers learned of the 'affair rushed into the Village of Alexis and the citizens of the place gave every assistance to Mr Holloway who is very popular there The excitement at Alexis was great during the entire day and the crowd in the town was immense The af fair will now be settled in the courts The Scotchman has not been in America long and was under the impression that was A SPECIAL TRAIN "i rom Galesburg via Monmouth arrived on the sceue at 2 with Superintendents Rice and Bessler of the Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad and the attorney' of the road Mr Price the night operator at the station was arrested also for refusing to send telegrams from Holloway to Sheriff Bond this morning by reason of which Mr Holloway was obliged to drive across the country The property is valued at $100000 Game rom the Southern (Australian) Cross Played in the fifth tourney of the Victoria Harbor Australia Chess Club (Remove WHITE Burdon 1 PK4 2 Kt KB 3 3 BB4 4 5 6 ARIZONA'S PRIZE BALL As Told by the Only Survivor An all the boys were gleeful all the gals were happy an all the former oiled their boots their shooters their hair when the bells began to ring Doc Kidder said to Sappy can bet a pail of sausages that Kidder will be You must know the bells begin to ring quite early in tne of the day on which a jubiloo is given in the night Well the bell on ranch just as the day were pealed forth a' invi tation to the bucks of By 10 a the young gazelles an bucks of that young city knew at there were to be a ball that the buck who danced the neatest with a pardner young pretty were to get from hands a shooter a shawl By 10 Doc Kidder were a in the mazy a Tucson senorita was encircled by his arm risao Dick Yankee John both had a lovely daisy old Jubiloo were to a charm By 1 a Doc jug were full of nigger brandy be Dick an' Yankee all were a for a fight Richard said he guessed take the prize if it were handy as his gal an he were kinder tired from all the night said Doc The prize belongs to me and my dear Zephyr an I guess I'll take the shooter my take the by all means Arizona hand to Doo an his old heifer which were about as far as got when took a drop His pardner cry she took it philo soph i cally glode aroun the ball room with a duke called Austin Rip Then the last dance of the came Which liter ally were an eye to the bucks who seen the Boston dip Doc learned the dance a year before up in old Kentucky and him Rip their two gals had to themselves the floor Well the Tucson sen orita the Kidder were the lucky ones to whom old Arizona passed the shawl and shoot er The gentleman from Austin had a crowd of bucks to back him so he felt justified in call ing Arizona JL could see from eye that toe meant to attack him he did sail in au hit the Austin ripper ere he could shoo By all the Greeks of ancient Cork legs of parson 1 Bjr the wit of puuster by William H'S pelf! By the soul of our Quad! ByrheTaones of old Kit Car son it were every daughter for her individual self! Some went through the sky light some went swiftly with the velocity of politics into a spread through 1 the windows of the ranch with with wailin' I reckon about a ton of Western blood that night were shed Arizona were as dead my friend as any of the fifty A stranger would surely think it were the work of Jesse James or John Mor gan or Jim Bowie or Joaquin Mauriety the California Rinaldo Rinaldino of the plains The Kidder shook he Zephyr married Arizona's widder they own a place in St Jose an' are a very pair Yon kin bet your sweet existence the moon that the Kidder! soul conscience that the Kidder were all there Louis Repub lican Schools for the Circus When at the beginning of an exhibition season after passing the inspec tion an athlete of any kind gets into the ring he represents a vast amount of hard and thoughtful labor and instruction He has been in of some kind but he has also been at a end the younger he is the more he has had to endure from exacting and often severe teachers The larger shows and more enterprising showmen often set up of their own connected it may toe with the establishments wherein they keep and train their quadruped performers In everv such school of the circus there is a good deal of machinery as well as an exper ienced professor of the art of doing impossible things There are kept on hand every kind of gymnastic apparatus for the development of activity and muscular strength These latter vary of course with the nature of the lessons the pupil is learning and at last he is con fronted with the very thing he is to employ in the presence of watching crowds But the pitUess severity meted out to all needless failures made in the presence of his exacting trainer the he is made to understand at an early day that be must never make a failure in the presence of paving spectators The trainer represents the keen eyed public and also tho 5 demands of his employer the manager and he must give a good account of the tune and money expended upon the school If anv boy should be seized with a to distinguish himself in the nothing would be jas likely to cure him as a week or so under a' careful and faithful teacher in winter school for the circus in ninety nine cases out of 100 the scholar would forever afterward be contented to remain out side of the rope circle Citizen Geo rancis Train writes at somelength to explain bow the political managers in Massachusetts declined to accept his aid in the late campaign NOBODY 'WJpULD HAVE THE Train stands square outside of both Parties nobody need complain at his Hot Shot into Each as he declares neither will have anything to do with bim We did not his Proclamation to Michigan but the Grand Victory bears out his prediction! Xhis inside Talk1 on Massachusetts is Exquisite on the old Bay State The rankness with which Citizen Train owns up that neither Party would have any thing to do with him is positively refreshing! lhe Documentary Originals show absolute Truth of his story This Revelation shows wiacians ana "Jt'sycnoiogy" strangers henceforth and forever SADOWA AND SEDAN THE REPUBUCANS Since 'tfty two no Tidal Wave Party shipwrecked in its grave Like tins Cyclone Ko wild Typhoon Ever before so peopled Tomb! 8Uch Upheave tn State dr Town Since Whig and Democrat went down Before the War I No Circumstance Ever produced such Avalanche rench olger orgery and raud Walked Arm in Arm to Maelstrom Upas Tree accord!) Cut off Ring Entail is Wild Cry Of Labor orce that scorn to die! 'Til Holocaust Of Millionaires In Crack of Doom Black riday shares! And then sweat working Labor Host Will see the Right come uppermost! CITIZEN LOVD CHEER OR AMESl Special Why did not Oliver Ames act on your suggestion about Bombarding Butler ism in the Bourbon Camp? Citizen Because Butler (and was opened on Star! Mind you 1 am not attacking Brooks but why did he write me for my Credit Mobilier History if he did not mean to type it? Yes! letter is not marked private! (and if it was I have no Privacy since I became universal!) Pub lish it if you like in ree Press 1 47 Equitable Building I Boston September 23 1882 Citizen Geo rancis Train Your postal is received 1 thank you for the expression of your contempt for dastardly attack I shall be glad to meet you when I am in New York and will trv to see yon lhe editor of the Star was in the Massachu setts Senate with me anti is my personal friend I am sure he woulcfTike to hear from you 1 OLIVER AME3 This Arthur olger raud Debauch Out Cremornes Grant and Conkling Nautch! Out Argyles Mabilles In bursting Dream Out Woodhull Tilton spree In Perjury and orgery (Out Belknap Robeson Knavery I) The shipwreck facts be ignored When craft goes down with all on board! No lotsam Jetsam from lost boat Has Tempest left on Wave to float (No spar in Bight for Ring Scapegoat!) Can Hing pull itself together Breastingysuch Cyclone Weather? place to He shook his Head place to the Cynic said! Party" is Trad!) Ring Practice in this Den of Is tangled web that self deceives (Dishonor fell with Autumn leaves 1) No longer safe at Public Till They keep their merry Xmas still Thanksgiving Day comes round again On Party Disappointed Men 1 GEO RANCIS TRAIN A Cheer for the Turkey us a the housewives said The market stalls a storming While the hungry looks of the crowd unfed Showed similar wishes forming They talked of birds but not of beef orgot was weather murky Each housewife had her own belief But ali said 1 j)' It may perchance be a stalwart rooster not unlikely it is a well conditioned pullet possibly it is a fatted duck but in a score of cases out of twenty it is a proud pugnacious gobbler or some of his near relations who has Gone to the oven but we will not deplore him Though oysters and stuffing have cost us some cash 3 1 i The cook with her big pan has gone in before him A guide to the stove and an earnest of hash The Thanksgiving turkey is one of those insti tutions which are indissolubly linked with the grandest traditions of this young country Whether there would be any Thanksgiving Day if there were no thanksgiving turkeys is a problem which the nearest debating society is respectfully urged to undertake the solution of It is very fitting however that the tur kevs and the day should come together Not only is it very fitting but it is very filling Speaking in a general way the 'turkey is a fowl which tlje people ought to feel proud of The average man if he bad his choice between opulence and fame would select roast turkey with cranberry sauce accompaniment played Toronto Mail HOTEL BRUNSWICK ITH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY This fashionable central and convenient home has been greatly enlarged and entirely renovated as a hotel home for permanent guests and the traveling public The sew and superb restaurants are under ex cellent management and have an unrivaled cui sine' The Ball Room Banquet Halls and Private parlors are now ready for WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS BANQUETS ETC or rooms and terms address MITCHELL KIN LEK Castles PQ3 Kt 3 Kt 5 PKR3 Qx QR5 Kt 4 12 KtP 13 (d) 14 QxKtt 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 3 1 4 it REE PRESS Problem No 132 9 PIECE Notice of Limited Partnership Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a limited or special cobartnership pursu ant to the provisions of chapter thirty six of the compiled lafs of the State of Michigan 'l he name of the firm under which the partner ship is to be conducted is Albertson Siau Co The general nature of the business to be trans acted is the manufacture buying and selling of furnishing goods and the maintenance of a steam laundry The names of all the general and special part ners interested therein areas follows: rank Albertson and Charles Sfau are the general partners and Charles Dupont is the special partner all of whom reside at Detroit Michigan The amount of capital which the said Dupont has contributed to the common stock is twenty five hundred dollars The said partnership commenced on the 18th day of September 18S2 and will terminate on the 18th day of September 1885 ALBERTSON CHAS SIAU CHARLES DUPONT These lots are situated between Garfield avenue and Gratiot street on the Jamas Casupau Chene and Joseph Campau farms Sale to commence from the corner of remont street and Grandy avenue half a block from the new proposed Gei man CatholiwChurch Lots will be sold on Chene street Grandy avenue Georgia Superior Ontario ederal Margaret and Pierce streets Bulletin boards are placed on every lot to be sold All the above property will bo sold rain or shine to the highest bidder Titlegoodor no sals Abstracts of taxes and of title furnished Terms easy made known at the time of sale S10 will be re quired at the time of sale or further part ealais see hand bill or call on A PARENT 14 Telegraph Bcck KINSELLA Auctioneer ie Great American Balsamic Distillation of Witch Hazel American Pine Cay nadian Ur Marigold Clover Blossoms Etc irtlie Immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of err form of Catarrh from a simple Head Cold Infiuenza to the Loss of Smell Taste and Hear Cough Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption I'nrsed by Physicians Chemists and Medicaljruals throughout the world as the only com ete external and internal treatment One bottle Radical Cure one box Catarrhal Solv and Inhaler all in one package of all izistsforSt ask tor Sanfora Radical Cure WEEKS POTTER Boston JOB PRINTING EVERY DESCRIPTION ti 1 DONE WITH NEATNESS AND PROMPTNESS NOTES (a) In our estimation this is the best defence in the Pawn move gome (b) A rash advance Black policy shduld be to prevent the enemy breaking through his lines until has A warm reception prepared' for him The manover in the text opens a way for the ingress of the attacking force while yet the defence of the citadel is imperfectly provided for' (c) A fatal slip The garrison must soon surren der if no better generalship than this is available for its defence (d) White should take Rook with Bishop The text move Is not sound because Biack should now take Knight with Queen Saved is Gainzd Workinrmen will 'economize by employing Dr Pierce's Medicines His Purgative and Golden Medical cleanse the blood and system thus preventing fevers and other serious diseases and curing all scrofulous and other biunora Sold by druggists 12 PIECES Black toplay and win SOLUTION JNO RENNIE Salesrooms No 213 Jefferson aveaue will sell Saturday Nov If at IO JEROME SWEENEY AUCTIONEERS 227 Jefferson Ave Have received the largest consignment of PARLOR SUITES Ever sent to any auction house in this city co sisting in psrt of Elegant rames covered in rench Delaines Spun iSilks Raw Silks Silk Plush Vel vet etc To ba sold without reserve to the highest bidder SATURDAY HORSING NOV 11 At 10 sharp Also 1 Taylor arley Or gan a splendid Instrument and Household urni ture of all kinds and quality CAW THEO ISHER Salesman 5 PIECES White to play and mate in four moves End Game No' 1G The following occurred in a gam) between Starbuck and an amateur tui former giv ing the odds of and move A 11 PIECES 7 9 PIECES White to play and mate in three moves i LIST Correct solutions have been received from the following named persons up to and including prob lem No 103: Worcester Mass Dr Hagersville Ont Chicago Ill Sandwich Ill Ann Arbor Mich Salt Lake Cir Utah Problem No! 1 33 Motto of my eye 2 PIECES Drspepsia flatulency rising of food distressw ealing cramps and pains diarrhea dysen 1 disestion no appetite or strength ol bv languor debility nervousness and loss of demand an immediate use of sots 'the and only combination of irue Ginger Choice Aromatics and rench of imitations said to be as good tor bAsroRD Ginger and take no other id every where WEEKS POTTER Boston rwi 'te th a reme1'es are rapinly giving ground jhin ad' anee this conquering specific and 'Wot ne ileas in resard to depletion as a lfss orT have been exploded by the sfc i'e renovant which tohes tba ttenur the nerves neutralizes mala nul the blood rouses the jy Ulant and promotes a regular habit 1111 and Dealers generally 9 PIECES White to play and mate in three moves SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS PROBLEM NO Ill Motto Black 1 KxKt i Any move The ather of the Bean Blowen The bean blower with which the modern schdol boy loves to torment the children round about him and his teacher on the platform is only a feeble Imitation of the with which the original Dyaks of Borneo go to war The sumpitan is a blow pipe about five feet long and the arrows which are made of wood or bones are thin and sharp and are generally dipped in rthe poison of the upas tree which though' virulent is not always deadly This singular weapon is used with the greatest accuracy at a range of twenty yards but io will carry a hundred Tlxe Minaesota Px ocees Minnesota millers no longer grind wheat into flour but it anT burr mill stones are things of the past Hungarian steel rollers having taken their glace It takes five sets of steel rollers to finish the flour and each set runs closer than the pre ceding This is' a portion of the cess and enables the miller to separate the germ of the wheat from the other parts tne germ being objectionable on account of the dark color it Imparts to flour the early part of last October I had a severe attack of rheumatism in myright says Mr Connor of the Royal Ouera House Toronto used many so called rheumatic remedies wlthoutre eeiving any apparent benefit Observing that 8t Jacobs Oil was being constantly recom mended by many of the leading members of our profession I decided to give it a trial rom the first application I commenced to im prove and before I had used two thirds of a 1 bottle I was entirely i CUERENCTZ I ork dealers are apt to be pig headed' men The profit on a fashionable New York bon net is from $7 to $41 The Norristown Herald is right when it says that if Khedive ia Khe deeva then bee hive is bee heeve Almost every State in the Union has had an earthquake this year Michigan is behind on the shakes Six hundred and ten Chinamen attend Sun day school in New York in the afternoon and gamble half the night The season is at hand when the nose begins toake on the bloom it prefers for winter wear your color? San rancisco millionaires build themselves palaces live in them for a year and then re move to New York to take comfort A New Jersey girl 18 years old shot 621 rab bits last winter and this season she proposes to knock oyer an even 800 or throw up the sponge Keep your eye on the Howgate case If the government brings him to trial you will hear something drop But the government will let him slip £It makes a difference of at least $250 with an ocean steamer whether she has good or bad weather on tliq trip If bad she saves that much in provisions Bob Ingersoll reckons that Sherman will be the next President There is plenty of time between this and the date of nomination to pick a dozen men to pieces An Illinois livery stable man who bought a horse of a strauger for $2 did not dream that it was stolen He simply supposed that horse flesh had cheapened all of a sudden The New Haven Register showed up a new sort of rooster The bird held a bugle in his moutb and blew some of the sweetest calls ever heard in the old Nutmeg State One Georgia town has voted that saloon keepers must pay a license of $2509 per year It believe in permitting him to pocket all the profits on a business of $5000 a year Years ago some idiot asserted that baldness came from wearing the hat too much' and there are idiots who still cling to the belief The hat has no more to do with it than the coat tails They had snow three feet deep in the Rocky Mountains as early as October 15 and it has been snowing almost every day since That is the locality where winter is always at home to all callers The number of desertions from the army last year was equal to one fifth of the number of soldiers in service Must be something wrong to make the boys go back on Uncle Bam like that Very few Mayors of Buffalo have been voted out of office after one term by their fellow citizens votes that makes the Mayor go this time though for sure Advertiser John Mesley used to say that while it might not be exactly wicked to wear good clothes and ride in a carriage he had an idea that those on foot and in home spun goods slipped into Heaven the easiest The wife of the Chinese Minister at Washing ton picked up two English words before she bad been in this country two weeks They were: and she was very proud of them for a day or two If you have in your head an article which any of the magazines would be glad to pay $50 for keep it there A recent statement shows that every leading magazine in Ameri ca has enough copy on hand to last for three years Every lady should be taught to make her own dresses says a Western exchange We indorse the idea Not only would it make female attire cheaper but it might prevent some married men from eloping with pretty seamstresses Chronicle Tlxe Case ot IVbite This paper remarked one day that White was drunk Instead of rushing down here to annihilate some one he waited three long days to let his temper cool and then climbed the stairs one step at a time took it easy along the hall and entered the editorial rooms with a benign expression of countenance When asked if he wanted an agricultural exchange or had an item to leave he calmly replied stated the other day that 1 was have called to demand personal satis propose to maul someone to pulp and grease my boots with the fact to clean out the not not until spring Along about April next you may look for me and when come you had better be prepared to die! Good day Now how much better that was than to come rushing in with a pistol or club mussing up the rooms and disturbing the routine of the office! It is a favor we highly appreciate and every one of the staff will try and live until spring in order that Mr White may not be disapppinted when he calls on business ith Energy upon the Kidneys I TrrAa Liver Boweis of the Skin inc Absorbing and Canceroue Canker humors human ills and curing whin ciGSe and all other methods and iwicians Evil Glandular ardiw Sores Milk Leg Mercurial Tumors Abscesses Car Blood Poisons Diseasencles BoUs Liver Rheumatism SPUeDyspePSi and all Itching and ratal In all newatuu a SAVAGE A Rn JVf STATE MICHIGAN County of Wayn ss In the matter of the estate of Philip Van Dyke deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to uie undersigned administratrix of the estate of the said Pi Hid Van Dyke deceased by the Hon Edgar Durfee Judge of Probate for the County ot Wayne on the 23d day of May 1882 there will be sold at public a ielion or vendue to the highes bidder at the easterly or Woodward avenue entrance ot the City Hall in the City of Detroit Wayne County State of Michigan on Monday the 4th day of December 1882 at 11 in the forenoon of that any the Interests of said deceased in the following described real es tate to wit: Block 27 (fifty seven) and a contract interest in block 60 (sixty) both blocks in the sub division of the Van Dyke farm lying north of Jef ferson avenue in the Township or Hamtramck Wayne County Michigan Dated October 21 1882 SARAH VAN DYKE Administratrix of said Estate WtLLIAMBMORAN Attorney for Administratrix 3475 TATE MICH IOAN County of Wayne in the Superior Court of Detroit in Chan cery Margaret rances Bieck complainant by her next friend George Harden vs Richard Black de At a session of the Superior Court of Detroit in Chancery held at the court room of said court on Monday November 1882 Present Hon Logan Chipman Judge of the Superior Court of Detroit in Chancery On read itig and filing the affidavit of Margaret rances Black the party above named in the above entitled cause setting iortli that the defendant in the said cause the said Richard Black is not a resi dent of the State of Michigan but is a resident of the Province ot Ontario and on motion of Conely Mavbury Lucking solicitors for the complain ant in said cause it is ordered that the defendant Richard Black appear and answer the bill of com plaint filed in this cause within four months from the date of this order and this order be published in The Detroit ree Press a newspaper printed in this county once a week for six successive weeks LOGAN CHIPMAN Judge of the Superior Court of Detroit Conely Maybuby Lucking 7 8723' Solicitors for Complainant White 1 QKt 2 2 Kt 8 1 2 Kt or mates! 7 PROBLEM NO 112 Motto eruptions nd such as Salt Rheum Psorl Itch Scald Head other Disfiguring and Torturing Pilis a serofuiitic ulcer when Gures CUTCURA unchangeable Medicinal Jelly clears off vklenco of Blood Humors eats away itjah instantly allays Itchings and Softens i Soothes and Heals Worth Its gold for all Itching Diseases CUTICURA SOAP ou the great Skin Cure and is in asatle Vibe treatment of Skin and Scalp spensawe restoring preserving and beauti fiKvKwBiziare the only real curatives aariJSh ouu Sloile 15c Sold everywhere principal Depot Weeks Potter Boston mm Ethereal California V7 They tell about girl out in the Western Addition Safi rancisco who is so thin that when her beau tries to hug her he has to wrap a towel around her so as to have something to squeeze rancisco Post If rou are ruined in health from any cause es pecially from the use ot any of the thousand nos trams that promise so largely with long fictitious rewtimbuials nave no fear Resort to Hop Bitters at once and in a short time you will have the meat robust and blooming health lytbrU the nlury trusses method Office His with photo before and after Norembe to D'behort UE NEW HOTEL DAM rSuerofOhtCednWSth PNI0N lIiYk st ant Union Square Laog Heady for the Reception to raost desirable and ac furoishK of 'barest in the city Ele nncl with every xnod sanitary improvement? Su cuLjue nurane alti dining with SON Proprietors kfiOW THYSEL The untold miseries that flesh is heir to may be alleviated and cured Those who doubt this asser tion should purchase and read the new niedi' work published by the Peabody Medical Insti tute Boston entitled the Science of Life: or Self Preservut ion It is not only a complete and perfect treatise on Manhood Exhausted Vi tality Nervous and Physical Debility Premature Decline in Man etc but it contains one hundred and twenty five prescriptions for acute and chronic diseases ench one of which la invaluable so proved by the author whose experience 21 years is such as probably never before fell to th lot of any pbysician It contains 89 pages bound in beautirtil embossed covers full gilt emlmllisbed with the very finest steel engravings guaranteed to be a finer work in every mechanical literary or than any other worir re tailed in this country for $2 50 or the money a IH lie refunded in every Instance Price only Si 2 bv mail Gold Medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association Illustrated sample sent oh receipt of 6 cents Send now PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE or PAHKEll Al 4 Bulfiucli st Boston Alaas Administrator's Sale of Real Estate STATE MICHIGAN County of VVavne ss In the matter ot the estate of Samuel Scott deceased Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned George Rad ford administrator de bonis non with the will an nexed of the estate of said deceased by the Hon Edgar Durfee Judge of Probate for said County of Wayne on the 3d day of October A ls82 1 there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder on the premises No 65 Washington avenue In the City of Detroit in said County of Wayne State ot Michigan on Wednesday the 27th day of December A 1882 at 12 o'clock noon or that day the following described real estate viz orty five (45 feet in width off the south fide of lot numbered twelve (12) in section numbered ten (10) according to the Governor and plan ot the City of Detroit Wayne County Michigan situate on the west side ot Washington avenue In the City of Detroit Nov lltli 1882 GEORGE RADORD 3757 Administrator de bonis non STATE The Superior Cour of Detroit In chancery Suit pending in the Superior Court of Detroit in chancery at Detroit on October 6tt 1882 herein Mary Dierieh is complainant and Charles Dierich is defendant It satisfactorily appearing by affi davit that the defendant resides in the City of Denver Colorado Ordered that the dafoudant appear in said suit and answer the bill of com plaint filed in this esuso before the 14th day of ebruary A 1883 and that a copy of i bis order be published in The Detroit ree Press once a week for six successive weeks LOGAN CHIPMAN Judge of said Court rank Giddev Solicitor for Complainant Dated October 13 1682 few ELECTRICITY Gentle yet effective united yr with Healinir Ralaam render VOLTAIC ELEC TRIO PLASTERS one hun dred times superior to al! 'other plasters for every Pain Weah ness and Inflammation Price 25 cents Sold eve rywhere tc 2or8p nr BW Ha gea a St up Wi a a A 7 'W 'Q sii ms I Ll i A 'TyKj BOJCS 'w kjj? Aj S' vm KS QB Wk aKrw yy JUaTXJLJJLJXV IL' READ!.

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