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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IX O.tiJL EViEHJING ST All. Pmg rartssne af tha Funeral Veleasnlttra, IN NF.vV.YOHK. BROOKLYN, EVENING STAR East New York, L. I Not. 1 1, JS4.

tht Editor of tkt Stan A few rvenmgt since, through aa invitation tendered us, bad lha pleasure of atteodiag Thartday, the ISia int, having bora selected vVEIMESDir KVKMG, NOT. by ihe special owmilloe of Arrangements at Ihe day for solemnising the funeral olMequiet DRY fHMHM. I lUig.ina Jiioi rminj inw moraing front ana. oin. I.IXr.M IWKVK, Ladt ead Gaois tbrlr than ever.

KLAI.VF.rt and Ca.SIIMI.IIK4, (Paria all .,) lha ehMml tnd rirneal ever UTrrml in ia ally. MIAWlJt, Wool, tuai.aod lung. AlaoHrortM, N. B. If the weather thould prove unfavorable lha i ervnioniof will be potlponrd to Ihe next lair day.

In caaeofpuauunemcal.lhe colon on Iht City lll will be hoisted oa Thursday, rrogramaae ofthe funeral tmleranltlra It) llrouklyu, Mayor'a Olflre (iiy Nevawbar IJ, 1919. tne proeeasioa will move nom iat ran ai ll sowim a. arwinsa, amroa and raoraitToa. Telegraphic Washington, Nor. 13, P.

M. Tut Mr-PiTiaaANKAii Shi apbon Dispatch, have been received hers from the Mediierra. nean squadron to tht 4th of October. The frigates Independence and Cumberland were at quarantine in the Bay of Naples. The al.op of War Jamestown wai at Constantinople on tht 13th ol all well.

The frisate St. Law. clock, A. la lae following order i militia, Honor to the ilrave. We hope that all oar citizena, will join patri the exhibition rxereiaes of tht Public School at New Lots.

The gratification wt exprrltneej the satisfaction it produced, and tht rich enter, tainmtnl ll aflurded, terrptt at to intrude anon your grounda, aad ask Ihe favor of Ihit insertion tne riatr division new voag stati Under eoiniuanJ of roauina nf uam WaatH, Uing at olically, in tbr solemn ceremonies of to-morrow aacvd in Una crijr an fruUf n.1(. iua lull iat and Friday ia honor of the gallant tplrita of the in your columns, believing it dut to tht charac tne wiiiiarr ana tlrw nrganuuliaas nf tbo city ara heroic dead. The sentiment of respect to merit, ranee waa lo sail from Bremerhaven, for tht inviiM to join in ruanai pruceaatoa In Gravnwuud sacrificed In the cause of our country, ia one of (vary iMubl and aallmg lart, I ana MFhl.VlMjljr equal to a 13a rants Manao as apptaraaro. lll a another invoiea of those Gs Silkit I CASK HK II tjj Draaaiog Uuniu, only l'6J peryaid. MORTON oV HOS Wv 6 Ka too sc Mediterranean, about the mid lie of October.

Cvmalary. the noblaat we can cherish. It Is not an empty T1i Ug ut ill hipping and upun tha Public buikl BALTitioaa, Nov. 139 r. M.

Fatal Aocihent at tm Waibinoton Navy inga mil be di.pUyw at uairatut during tha day and hollow ahow that wt are called upoa to bestow, it is something more, it Is a tribute to virtue JI mult guns mil lw Aradand Dm Mis lulled during Tans. While some experiments were being laa marrn ol ma (vucewiuo. made with a cannon, at the Washington Navy and in Us payment warms the germs of true nobility in our own breasts. What a sad price we Ciliiena an requralrd to claaa their placoa of bual ll" itt. v.

Vard, thit afternoon, a thirty-two pounder bunt nana un Fullon and Court alraeta during Ilia aama I.I.N IMIOT, Or Mtdlr.iod Diubrucaliun. eouiumra loatih all have paid for the golden sands of California, can thete make a nation rich, a nation deplor instantly killing Mr. Wm. McLane, the gunner. Several officers had a moit narrow escape with lliua.

ho Tlia Prpamnrnl will fyrm 'on Pr wl atrnrl, ter of Hit tehool, and its excellent anJ worthy teacher. Thit tehool it located in one of tht most beautiful tecliont or Long Island. Tht ttreet upon which il standi it about two miltt in length, aad throughout its whole extent art tetn handsome, elegant and tasteful farm houtet. Tht scenery around it delightful, and the traveller, in patting along through the precincts of the village, it struck with ils preposicsiing appearance, and inspired with tht prospect before him. To lha south, liet old ocean's vatt domain and from ill blue and foaming waters, breriet tpring up on every wave, tnd art wafted along and they commingling with the fragrant fields and enriched toil, form one genial atmosphert which constantly renovates Ihe human frame, develops both the physical aad mental tytleina and insula their livet.

it, lo,, Ms kmnf-. the hair ft a wa. In tooth and nrrooua light uun Pulton airacl at half peal aina o'clurk pracuely. dlMi City Court ing the death as such men as the chivslrous Worth, the sagacious Duncan and the brave Galea I Our Ion has been greater than our gain, at it alwaya is in tha dreadful game of war. What though Adds of falte glory were won, and Civic Huciaiies and eilitaua mounted and in earriag Besoms Hon.

John Gseenwood, and Aldeehan a ea-ry w(h md very agrraabl. action. (Radford, consisting of THiFistrliaiUADt command by Brigadier-General Stnrmt, composed ol Iht following reyimrnti, vis. i First Hone Aillllery Col. Kyer.

conJ Infaulry CoL Sptorr. Third Cavalry Col. I'uatlry. Tax Second Brigade, commanded br Britiadier-Grnrial Morris, composed of the following, vis.i Fourth Light Artillery Col. Yatet.

Fifth Inlantry Col. Waraer. Sixth Infantry Col. Peert. THtTmao Brioam, commanded by Brigadier General Mall, composed ofthe following reuimentt, vit.i Seventh Infantry Col.

Duryee. Fight Infantry Col. Borden. Ninth Infantry Col. Ferm.

The Fourth Bbioade, commanded by Biigadier General wen, composed ofthe following rrgimenlt, vix I Tenth Infantry Col. llaltey. Eleventh Infantry Col. Morrit. Twelfth Infantry Col.

Stebbint. Barouches containing the Reverend the invited Clergy Orator and Port of Ihe Day. and Pull Reareis. BAND Captain Shum way, Company. National Guard, an, will aaacmhla upon Hicks right ua Fullon at.

at tha aatua hour. Wilson, a.nd Paavr. The People vs. Francis Matterton, who wai milea of golden rocks, our country hat lost Tha military will form oa Fullon tirrot, right on lliowand trial. il i. ia uada. Put up in I butil, and 60 nia each (I and 1 1 per dar a. Fnii street. placed on trial yetterday for keeping a disorderly and gaming house, wat concluded, and re- thousands of her sons, and now wt lament the untimely lota of the very flower of her chil From lh Oiwrfo Timet. Ontar, tba Veutrtlosjalat-Ati Ataualui talc a trro.

It wat taj o4 fortunt 10 witneat on of tht Most miuinf tcenet which I aver beheld, en laat Thursday tvtrinf, it in Of mi Saloon oa Chains! Street. Tom Wilton, ckwleJred tha greatest wag of tat aitr, lo bavt tiut ipurt ub aetrtalaaqighl of the botlkiQ and needle, who a certain occation, tomewhal annoy, ad oar aero by duooint him lor a mil ol broad, cloth which grated the flat proporliont of Turn. Matin, aaeeilained tl. the tailor wai laboring adar a dtpreuion of spirits, caoatd bv tha ap-proachinff epidemic, Tom had invited tome of the eboico tpirili nf bit acquaintance, tha tailor moat tha auaiber, and had employed who had taken a few lettont in venlriloqoiim, to aeeoapanjr then to tha Saloon at above taled. Brandy having been recommended by tome of tha faculty, at a preventive, it brd become the almost universal tpirit of tht agt, and the favorite beverage of the bloods of Philadelphia.

Ton having called lor tha liquor, all the practionen altba bar walked up and portook of the preven live, when, the tailor having imacked hie lipa and troagly eulogized the atrengthener, and waa in the act of placing bia glase on the counter, there tataed from it Ibeae prophetic wordi i am aw specific yoa are doomed mau. It ia impoiaible for wordt to convey even a hint idea of tha woeitricken countenance of the tailor, who ttood leaning upon counter with face and lipa aa color I en aa the bleached li flea which he had ao often cabbaged. Had the tailor'e limbt aot refuted to obey hia will he would have left the room but it waa impoeaible, tor aa toon aa they were about to return to their wonted again would itaue from the glatt the terrific wordt, you art a doomed man Tom and hia party, with were enjoying the plight of the poor terror stricken tailor, when their a port waa auddenly cut ahoit and their couatenaneet aa auddenly elongated in particular, waa heard to iaaue from the vault beneath, in a deep aepulchral You art all doomed mta. Biwart Now comet the cream of the joke. Had the handwriting appeared auddenly upon the wall, at in the day of Belahazzar, there could not there eonld not have been more contternation.

Tom looked at and VV--n gazed upon Tom, aa to teek a solution of the mystery i but in vain. Suddenly was heard again in the same deep tonee, Depart, or ye shall not tee tht mot. row's tun "It ia a judgment a judgment," shouted as he rushed forth into the ttrect, followed by Tom and bit party. Tha readert may well conceive what relief and satisfaction lit up the countenance of the poor half-dead tailor, who had been unable to through fear, when Mr. Getter, the mott perfect ventriloquist of the nge, stepped up to i him and explained the myttery, and thowed him suited in his acquittal, there being no evidence All munibuaaea, barka and eaha, are directed lu keep 1'tT uf Fullon and Court lit, during lha formation and march of tht proceaaioa.

Tha Hack liiaparlur dren. tary complaint haa cc, bean made in lha aalaol 900 000 bo.ll.. and Th, pot. em 530 Pearl 464 Headway, ana door al.nre Grand si, and of lha rruigi.ia and lo sustain the charge. There being no more cau If such reflections do not make us sick of the see ready, the Couit adjourned until to-morrow and Pirtt Marahall willcauea the foregoing 01 Irrubo pomp and glitter of war, tired of the pursuit of observed.

(Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock. such glory, and only ready to array an army in g-narally throughout lha cily and country. cala. rhaumalic and all ollr heal. fere, and mercurial aorea, and all manner of scmfulou.

Tba members of the Common Council will niaai at lha Mayor'a Olnct at nine o'clock A. with their Police Court Daroac Tbcman Smith. defence of our honor and our rights as a nation, the lessont of eipenence have bo moral for us. into tht labrie of Nalure't noblest work, life, health, vigor and animation. The School it under the direction and care of Mr.

H. J. Hamilton, a man whom (from our thort acquaintance with him,) we thould judge well qualified for the station he occupies, and well calculated to instruct those under his charge tnd lo lay the foundation of useful knowledge of good moral government whereby they may bi actuated hereafter. This Court waa entirely barren this morning All that ia now' left, it to do proper honor to glindular allucliona, with diaaaana, it iracla lire and froat iuatamly, al.o lb. hiira ofinaaeta and of drription cula bruit-, and a.rlling..

All I of ttafTa of olTica. WM. Mt 1 Commit V. II. or ihe L.

RST. Common Council. Nov. 14 2l not a single watch prisoner returned, or a solita ry arrest made since our last report. In the Jos those who obeyed the call of duty and ritked their life and health on the field of battle, and in the more deadly regiona of the riTt ticea Courts the same barrenness prevails i ev MA It I KM.

For our defence they lost their livet, and grati and miuti ra of veaarls, il Ihera ara any who ha.a not giv.n it a trinl, if ihey will u. lhair addreaa, we wil. gira thein a trial tree of A. an internal remedy in all r.iuodia eraiupa, bilious ery thing in the way of public business Is at stand still. At RockawaytL.I.

Ezekiol Laugdon lo Mist Of hit system of teaching, and the method he pursues, we do not at this lime intend to dwell upon; but suffice it la say, if the exercises to which we listened were a model, they mutt be tude and patriotism alike demand that their memoriet thould be kept eternally green, Ltuciwia Mmtb. H7 Lady Suffolk, waa the tiiccesstful win At I. William Remsen to Miss liolic.rbolrri, diarrhea, dysmiery, ilea, cVc. it haa never tailed. Dodge.

At Greenporl. L. I. Henrr Fordham to Miss When spring with dewy fin sen cold, Returns to deck their sacred mould Her fool shall prets a brighter sod, Than Fancy's feet hare ever trod." of the highest order. Of Ihe exhibition, we must sny, it wat one of the mott cheerful, happiest and brightest gatheringi we have teen for A a diarrheatic, it eanool be urua.aed I in difBcul ner of the purse, on the Centreville course, on Monday, in the contest with the pacing, horse Dan Miller.

Dan won one heat and the Lady Ann ciiza wens. At HooJbridirr. L.I. llenrv P. Maiha lo tie.

ofih. ki.lneya, and wraknea.ea of all kinds, in male or female, nr. immediately relieved, and a curs elfecied in a few daya. It. in Miss Susan A.

Sills. two. a long tune, we could say mucn in praise oi an the young ladiet and gentlemen who had parts in the exercises i we could speak in high tunes The Election. The latest returns show In New-York. Charlea T.

Crawford In A daughter of Samuel Sloan, No. 168 Green Mary R. Field Adam Plots to Mrs. Melind that the average whig majority on the State tick of commendation of their angulation, emphasis, Caryana I Alfred J. M'Cullough to Mias Elvira et exclusive of the split vote of the Anti-rente and modulation of voice, which are so necessary in conversation aa well as in reading and public wich street, New York, aged 4 yeara, was scalded to death on Sunday by overturning a a.ifuna, 4c, is lo break up Ihe mailer and fountain-head, and produce an entire cure, and daya, aa Ihe varioua noarrun.i generally do.

Weantbe.iila Mr. J.mea Gordon Hen-net on a certain oceaaion, and heard him eoiiirh nlmn.i Shave; David W. Vtiess to Miss Helen W. Ft ling; Henry Bruninglo Mm Anna Gotjen. will be about 2.000.

The election of Washing kettle of boiling water. speaking, and which can be acquired only by constant and judicious training; we could tpeuk ton Hunt, the wtitj candidate for Comptroller, At a Guard of Honor. HKAKSE, Drawn by Three pair ol Hortet, Containing the Remains of MAJOK GENKRAL WORM. Charger of General Worth, Rode by nun at Ihe Bullies of Monterey, Cerro Gordo, 4tc. Relatives of the Deceased, In Carriages.

BAND. Pall Bearers in Barouches. Captain Vincent's Company. Liitht Guard. At a Guard of Honor.

HEARSE. Drawn by Two Pair of Ilurset, Containing the Remains of. COL. DUNCAN. Charger of Col.

Duncan. Rode by him at the Battles of Cerro Gordo. Clierubusco. Relatives ofthe Deceased, in carriages. BAND.

Pall Bearers in Barouches. Captain McArdle't Company, City Guard. As -a Guard of Honor, HE A USE. and Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State of Ihe beautilul and interesting appearance ol Tbavel to California. Yesterday, three inrea.anlly.

1)1 Kl. At Flushing, L. I. Ira Blake, aged 45. the voune ladiet their uncommon self-postet After aome conrenatino in relation to lha mailer ttcam ships, the Crescent City, Ohio and Eudo (he two most important Slate officers, is thus placed beyond a peradventure.

The election of sioni of the manly and intellectual deportment At Greenport, L. I' a child of George F. Dar- wetujpested a trial of our remedy, which, in a ter. row, aged is months. ra.

started with large numbers of passengers on board, bound for California. The Cretent City of the young gentlemen, and of the very appropriate and excellent singing of the scholars, un the four candidate! not adopted by the Anti-rent horl produced an agreeublo change, and in a At Soulhold, L. I. Noah Racket), aged 94 i ers, it extremely dubious, der the management ol Mr. i i-ratt, Wl" be and Ohio took out nearly five hundred patten.

week, lie conenlered hiiu.elf entirely well, for Inch Sir. H. haa on several occa.inns alluded lo tha Nathaniel C. Uverton, aged 7b Airs. Mary Bailey, aged 84.

tight run. gers a-piece, to swell the population of the new fee. But we hope to be pardoned while we refer to some who far excelled any thing of the kind we have ever heard. For instance those AtGutchogue, L. I- Gilbert Cae, aged 70 1 fact in hia daily journal in ihe alronge.1 possible lernn.

Republic on the Pacific. The Senate stands 17 whigs to 15 locos i and the Astembly, at the wont, givet the whigs a Joseph Terry, aged 74 Erastus Hallock, aged 55. n. I lh Druggiaia and mere ham. generally, ho sell thi.

great remedy aay that they tell hundred. little girls who came out snd discoursed so ad' bow the '-biter had been bitten." It it credibly reported that poor like the cork leg, bat not stopped yet, but keept moving from place 1 to place, tie was last heard from in Canada. We are requested to state that should this meet his eye, Mr. Getter wishes him to be assured of hit good withes and hopes, as the mystery it now explained, he will again return to Philadel-, pbia, and. the bosom of his friend Tom, who it convalescent.

minority of two making a tie on joint ballot In New. York, Elizabeth W. Heidelburg i Mrs A Large Mail. Over 15,000 letters were sent yesterday by the Steamships Crescent City mirably about The Five The Thim. ble." The Killina of a Fly," and The Play.

oflhi. to one of any other in market, aa ererv boitla Eunice Dowlin, aged 80; Mrs. Sarah E. Laird. The Next Congress, The vote in the next ret entire satisfaction in all circlea of eoeieii.

ina of Fox and Geese at School." Those little and Ohio to California. From these the Post ageil 30. Oct 10 3m2p boys, who gave us Rules and Maxims tor the Congress, according to the classification in the Tribune, ttandt about equally divided. The ir office realized over 1 6000 in postage's, a consid. Conduct of Life;" and that little boy who told us about "the Kite:" alto thote who spoke of erablo item towards paying the expenses of a DkU SCIIOX GLAXZ, regulars and free-toilers will unquestionably hold iim.i;i's mxuivAt.

pai.v EXTRACTOR. steam marine. the balance of power in that body. "The Stream of Death; "Ihe flew Hear," Niaht The Groom." and The Conslilu- flr The original and only genuine, that which Ins OR THI JENNY LIND HAIK GLOSS. fjThti i truly the most BpIemJuJ prepararntion for beautifying and preferring the HAIR, that baa California Convention.

This body have Fat Men. The following ia taken from Mr. Giles lectures toon to be published in Boston. Mr. Giles will lie remembered aa having delivered a popular course of lectures on Dan lion." And we cannot refrain from speaking of been tried in more than and proved in- Country Residences.

The high rents chaiged in New York for ten the prompt and forcible expression ot him who, been in session nearly a month and have almost completed the task of forming a constitution foi ever before been presented to the public, in this or any Drawn by Two Pair of Horses, Containing the remains of MAJOR GATES. Charger of Major Gates. Relatives of the Deceased, in Carriages. of the United States Army and Navy. Detachment of U.

S. Infantry. Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Fust Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.

with the eagles, scanned the fields of San Jacinto." or of him who carried us back in glowing ements, and the narrow accommodations and Quixotte. other country. It gives to the hair, when applied to it, the new State. One ofthe provitions will save confined air of that great city, will drive away style to the scenes of the past, and told us of the appearance of a polished urac! giving to hair, Jt really does take a deal of wrong to many mechanics and people of the middle class, even the most harnh and dry, a soil and brilliant tex "The Indian as he was, and as he is;" nor can we past by without alluding to the tolemn and make one actually Date a iat man and if we ell a never rutting remedy for scalda, piles rheumatism, sore and iiiAamcd cyoaj salt rheum, cuu, fever felon, lamenaaa, and all eiternal inflnniroelion, can only be obtained from the proprietor liim.elf. Ctiom to Dealers and Cowsomebs.

-Avoid counterfeit and all iinitatiaiona of my salva, no uiatttr by what name it may be called, aa you would poison, for tliey are aa dangerous in their application For who have families, 10 Brooklyn and its wide cir ture causing the hair toCUitL beautifully, and pre appropriate tonet of the Sorrow for the Dead," cle of suburbs. No man should confine his wife are not always to cordial to a thin man aa we ought to be, Christian charity thould take into account the force of prejudice which we have rents its turning gray. Congress it is to be hoped some trouble, and the pretext for long speeches and personal collisions. Thay have laid down as a leading principle anil by a unanimous vote, that no slavery shall ever be permitted in California." Agricultural. The forth coming report of uadies may use it without the aligbleft fvar of its and children to a oity residence, at the risk of Governor and Lieutenant Governor ofthe State.

the amusing narration ol uood Ulu imes," the touching language of Home," the loiterings among "Field Honors," or the thrilling and pat soiling a hat of the most delicate colours or texture, as to oveicome against bis thinness. A (at man is the nearest to that most perfect of figures, a their health, when a salubrious place can be it alwayt leaves the hair soft and clean. procured for less money, in the pure air of the Officers and Members ofthe Society of Cincinnati. Members of the Press. Mayors mathematical sphere, a thin man to that most riotic speeches or Patrick Henry.

But wo thould do injustice to the occasion if we left unnoticed Ihe humorous Tooth Drawing Expedition," the For the Nursery it is most invaluable. Let Moth the effecte of my own genuine article I hold mysel, responsible. Apply only to H. PALI.EV, General Depot, 416 Hroadwoy, corner Li.penard-al, limited of conceivable dimensions, asunpleJme. country.

We notice two advertisements, one Mr. Ewbnnk the Commissioner of Patcntt, will ers try it, and we guarantee they will ne'er thereaf A Iat man is a being of harmonious volume, and of Mr. Shannon, offering lots of the usual ofthe Cities of Brooklyn, Jersey City, and Hud be the mott full and interesting perhaps of any ter, so long as they may use it, have occasion to com holds relations to the material universe in every or the office 160 Pearl at, up stairai Mra. Haya, 175 sop, and Members of the Common Counci.s at Temperanceville, South Brook document that has heretofore been issued from plain that their children's hair is flying in all direc Fulton at, and E. B.

Spooner, office ofthe Star, Frank thereof. that department. The agricultural statistics i direction a thin man has nothing but length i thin man, in fact, is but the continuation of a point." tions," in consequence of being dry and harsh. Iti lin Buildings, Brooklyn. President of the Villages ot Williamsbargb, lyn, on reasonable terms, the other of Wm Duryea of Fulton street near the ferry, offer effects on the hair is entirely unlike oil- or alcoholic are under the charge of the veteran Mr.

Skin DuLLtr'a Animal Galvanic, (for horsea and cat ing small farming lots ol from cue to ten ner, the able editor of The Plow, the Loom, tle) cures wil evil, mors, soroa, strains, sw llings, preparations, or any other preparation iti the ivorldj, its application is not followed by drynens or cruptices acres near tlie Long Island Kail Koad pavin, gills, (or eale as above. See printed pam recital ofthe "Bear Hunt in Vermont," in which the Down Easter" was delineated in true genuineness and richness or the extempore soliloquy of "Milses Boy," in which wit and genius were well developed in portraying the Irish character and peculiarities. And we cannot pan unheeded the Comic Dialogue of the Conjurer the lively farce entitled Who't the Dupe without noticing the well tustainment of the different characters, and especially the easy manners, the graceful appearances, and good toned expressions of the Misses. No, we will not past thcin by unheeded nor forget them, nor the treat which they all presented lo us. But why should we lengthen our comments By its use a splendid and lasting gloss is imparled to Either of these two classes of situations are pre phlets, oil the hair, which is reproduced with increased effect by ferable to the disadvantages of city residences.

Newburgh, anil Cornwall, and trustees thereof. Committee of Citizens of the Town of Cornwall. Mayor of the City of New York. Committee of Arrangements. Members ofthe Board of Aldermen, and Assistant Aldermen, of his Citv, Preceded by their Presidents, and oilier Officers.

To a vigorous mun with a large and growing new brushing, and which the taking a btrih even, doe not in the least diminish! SKA3IAN Sc MUIIt, 331 Ilroadnay, N. Y. Are daily receiving from the LARGE AUG- and the Anvil," and there can be no doubt ol his ability to present the agricultural condition of the country in the most instructive form. Lectures on Shakesfear. Dana the Poet has been invited to deliver his courts of Leo-turet on Shakespear before the citizens of Philadelphia.

The invitation proceeds from the most distinguished men of Philadelphia and con the farming spot would have many at The proprietors at-k no one to tajfe their word ha to tractions. The labor in a large garden is to the qualities above laid cluim to for their "Jenny Lind flON sales an assortment of Hairdo but respectfully ask any lady or gentle many mechanics in the villages of our land, esteemed a most agreeable relaxation, and the Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, man to call at the principal depot, 71 Ch umbers They are unnecessary, lor all did well their performance! were well executed; they had a Heads of Departments apd other Officers where an npplicHtion will be made to the hnir, with udapted to the beat City Trade, and purchased much below the cost of Importation, which they fruit of these extra hours it partaken of, with a keener relish, than that which is purchased by fers equal honor on them and on the worthy re happy effect, and reflected great credit upon scholars and teachers. Spectator. out charge, so that its qualities rmiy be tented before buying. ire offering ot a very SMALL ADVANCE.

cipient of this high compliment. Among the money. names appended to the invitation are those of To avoid a counterfeit or Fpurioiu article be particu They have also received by the varhus STAMKRt and Packets a very general assortment of The time will come, when persons engaged in many kinds of city business, will be geneially the Rev. Bishop Potter, Hon. Horace Binney, Rev.

William H. Furness, George M. Dallas, lar to observe that every bottle liu the Gcminii title, Der Schan Glanz," as well as "Jenny Lind Hair RICH FJNCY DRY GOODS, enabled to reside in the country during the en- ottheJL-ily government. BAND. The Honornble the Judges ofthe Several Courts ofthe City.

Presidents, Faculty, and Students of Columbia College. Chancellor, Faculty, and students ofthe New York University. Collector, Surveyor, and Naval Officer, of the Port. Sheriff, County Clerk, and Coroner. Societies and Citizens generally.

Robert Hare, Albert Barnes, Clement C. Biddle, to which they invite the attention of purchaser. In their stock, will be found the ire year, and recreate themselves by occasion. (floes," on the wrapper, also, Kly tfc Co." imped in wax over the cork. Fit sale ut Mrs.

Hay a', 175, A. M. 51 Fullon ft, at E. H. Spoon.r', Or and others.

lly delving in their garden, or at all events su NOUVEATJTES OF PARIS AND LONDON. perintcuding its culture. The profits of such a Monumknt toDh. Houston. Mr.

Raymond ange st, and G. D. Ay re, Atlnnltc and Henry Convention or Domestic Fowl Breeders. -This body meets at Boston on the 15th and 16th intt. The following statistics of eggs and chickens are worthy the attention of farmers.

The breeding and rearing of poultry is not aecond in importance to scarce any other article of stock in New England. By referring to the Agricultural Statistics of the United States, pub-liahed in 1840, it will be teen that the value of Poultry in the State of New York, was two millions three hundred and seventy-three thousand and twenty-nine dollars I which wits more than the value of all the swine in the same State nearly equal to one half the value of its sheep the entire value of its neat cattle, and nearly five times the value of its horses and mules I The same amount ol talet of Poultry at the Quincy Market, tor the year 1848, waa six hundred and teventy-four thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars; the sales of one dealer alone amounting to twelve hundred dollars per week for the whole year. The amount of tales fur the whole city of Boston lor the same year, was over one million of dollars. The sales of eggs in and aiound the Quincy Market for 1848, wat one million one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, seven hundred and thirty-five dozen, wnicb, at J8 cents per makes the amount paid for eggs to be, two hundred and three thousand and fifty-two dollars and thirty cents while the amount of aales of eggs for the whole city of Boston for the same year, was a Traction short of one million of dollars; the daily consumption of eggs atone of its hotels being 75 dozen daily, and on Saturday, one hundred and fifty dozen. One dealer in the egg trade at Philadelphia sends to the New York market daily, nearly one hundred barrels of eggs, while the value of eggs shipped from Dublin to Liverpool and London, wat more than five millions of dollars fur the year J848." RICHEST amd MOST DESIRABLE SILKS.

MERINO AND THIBET CLOTHS. change in the life of those engaged In active pur of the Courier and Enquirer, Mr. Dana, ofthe Brooklyn. At wholesale and retail by New Music. We have been favored with the following scientific popular pietes, from Mr.

Vanderbeik's Musical Saloon, 479 Broadway; Cournnne Gallop, by Rziha, from the beauties of Sleyermarkische. Amelia Polka do do Laborda do do do Grotto do do do Fliitationdo by Henry Brown. Village Rose Waltz, by J. C. Scherple, Pirate's March do New German Cotillions, arranged brilliantly al at Tribune and Mr.

C. Edwards Lester, have been CLY Sole Proprietors, oil 71 Chamber ft, N. Cashmere, and Housteline dt Laines, not surpassed by any in the Cily. Paria made Cloaks of Velvet, Merino and The route of Procession will be, from suits, will be felt in more wayt than one. The fresh and wholesome products of the garden, the fine milk and butter, the honey, all which appointed an Executive Committee, to locate the lot, collect funds, and erect a monument lo the late Dr.

James A. Houston. the Park through the west gate to Broadway, up Broadway to Bond street, throgh Bond street to the Bowery, down the Bowery and Chatham Satin. JAMIW Auctioneer. can be easily raised, will soon produce a good Bl ALUAKl.K BUOOKIjYN 1 OI'PO- effect on the health of the family, while the Shawls, Plaid, IlaocHa and Crape sows ar TUK VERY BEST OPPBRED.

The Cypress Hills Cemetery have very liber site Washington jHrk, being a ixiitiotl ut the street into Ills east galeol thefarK. Jackson Homeeicait Is.tatc in the 7ili After entering the Park, the bodies will be change of tcene and exposure to the fresh air, Laces and Embroideries, together with a ally offerred a site for the proposed monument in their grounds. placed on Iressels in front of Ihe platform erect- to Christiana A. ksun, (now Peter.) r. k.

rlrv Pll Rearer, anit James Cols will sell nt auction nn jM ON DAY ill harden the conjtiiUtion and nerve the head Of and composed by eminent masters. assortment of Fancy Goods to which they invite thi Songs. Never mind dc white man, by E. P. Mayors and Members ofthe Common Council of nf the family, for the toils and trials of his daily life.

We hope our city friends will think of the Roman Railroads. The cardinals have de change, N. 50 lots f-ituoie on DeKulb and Port ieo this and other cities. Dante Cheer up, my own Jeannette, by M. land avenues, Fullon, Hampden, St, St.

Felix cided that Ihe railway to Naples ia a useless uggestion, and by combined efforts render the and Oxford sts. AN OPE. Glover Dearest Silla, by W. Clifton The Bar scheme, tending only to inundate Rome with These lots are well worth Ihe attention of person8 scheme of a line of suburban villages or rather Written at the requestjof the Common Council, oness, by Madame Roudoneau My Own Star wishing to make investments, aud thoe wanting to worthless foreigners; they have therefore de. by George P.

Morris, Esq. Music by George city of gardens practicable. purchase for a priviie residence, will find no lietr of Love, by do. She is enshrined in my heart, Loder will be tung by the Sacred Music attention of purchasers. Tlicy beg leave to present their thanka for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon their establishment, and to assure the public that they will strive to secure a continuance of confidence and support.

It is their purpose to extend their already large business, and stimulated by their unexampled success, thus far, they are determined to leave no bonorabto efforts untried to accomplish their design. A considerable amount of experience in business has denr strated to their satisfaction that tha only sure uu-lhod opportunity. LleK'ilb ar, is niw being graded and Of finitely suspended the works, and thus thrown thousands of people out of employment now that it is so much needed." Darig Robbery. Last evening about nine Society. AN ORATION.

paved, and other nnrnveiiienle gnin on in the mime diate vicinity, makes this property very desirable. clock at Mra. keeper of a boarding I erms 60 per cent ot the purchase money may re Of i PrenareJ at the' request of the Committee of mnin on bond and mortgage. house in thit city wat returning to her home, will then be delivered by John Mapa aud particulars iiinv be obtained at the office Van Buren. Esri.

of Wm. C. Wetmore, 61 Wall at, N. Y. and at the offices ofthe auctioneer, 43 Fulton st, Brooklyn and 9 At the conclusion of which the Benediction Of! the was attacked by a ruffian in Washington street near Sands, who had emerged from a tree (under which he closely embraced the trunk) by do.

Arabian Love Song, by F. David; I've journeyed over manj lands ballad, by G. Taylor. Mr. Vanderbeek's commodious Mosical Establishment, situated in the central part of that great artery ofthe city, leading to every branch of fashionable life, we have no doubt will command a patronage worthy of hia unqualified endeavors to supply none but the choicest publications of the day to those who may honor him with their favors.

will bo pronounced. nail si, I. IJM) nlU 18ft of obtaining and aecuring a large business, is to have based upon correct principlea, and that while, After the firing of three volleyt by the mili Auctioneer. tary, the bodies will be placed in the Governor a merchant, they consult the interest of their customers knocked down and robbed of $70 which she had collected during the day from her boarders. Report of a large sale of Bank Stocks, at auction, by Cole oV Chilton, yesterdaj, in the Merchants' Exchange, on account of tha estate of the late Darid Clarkson.

Very high'prices were obuiaed, kig'ier than thoae ruliDg at the board of broken, and I he result created considerable con reflation in tlie street. CONTINUATION OF SALE KY OH DER OF the Executors ol ABRAHAM A. REM SEX. Room, until the lolloping day, when they will thay are pursuing the only true method of advancing Statistics of Crime. The number of licenced groceries in the City of New York is said 3779.

An allowance of one rum shop to every hundred inhabitants betides tha irregular places of sale for this mot a I poison. Cows on the Track. The train of cars on the Erie Railroad ran otT the track on Saturday, near Elroira. Fortunately no one was hurt. The cause was cows on the track.

Lacohic Description. One of the Califor-nians thus briefly sums up the noticeable points lie removed to their respective placet ol burial their own. eept dec d. and artic Hos ffi The proprietors of ihe several pubhc build- nvr.R 2nn vaI iiami it rT t.l ha. 1.

an. I tnf A.nsrt nl I a ut mo w. iny oi nrnoKiyn. the various shipping in the port, are requested The subscrioera will sell at a-tetkn. on TUESDAY.

Sha laid insensible upon the side walk and was taken up by Mr. Cary and carried into his house, No. 153 Washington street. Dr. Wade was called to attend her and rendered every assistance.

Mrs. Norton, very improperly carried her pocket book in her hand, which probably Celebrated Cheapest (AH PET ESTABLISHMENT IN THE November 20th, at li o'clock M. at the Merchants' The Weather. to display the Autional ring and other colon -till HI -It, -1141 6000 New York 6's, 1962- 2000 do, 1860 2000 do, 1867- 2000 1S56 8000 8 6'a, 1867 at half-mastllrorn sunrise to sun-set. Exchange, N.

over 200 lota on the fnrin ol'lbe late Itetnsen, lyina: between Bedford Avenue and Persons having charge ol the different church nited Stall-. Ito. 99 Bowery. the VYilliamsbiirifh line, Ihe Int. are among the most and fire alarm bells, are requested to cause the H4t durable in the 7lh Ward nf Brooklyn, and adjoin the ofthe Indians of Terra del Fuego They are same to be tolled, I rum 11 clock A.

M. to 1 o'clock P. M. peat luiprnveu pan oi niianisoorgn, and are all within 5 minutes walk of the Peck Slip Perrv. Ion ol ordinary height, magpies in tongue, baboons The Committee also recommend that the citi HIUAM ANDERSONS Wholesale and Retail-Fire Large Show Rooms Families and Ilonvekeer ers furnhhed at Wholesale Rates.

List of Pricei, viz i 20,000 vda, warrant all wool, INGRAIN CARPETING, 3s to 4a pr yd. in countenance and imps in treachery." templed the ruffian who was waiting for other spoil. E7" A correspondent gives us quite a sketch of an agreeable entertainment, prepared by Mr. Frederick White, ealina aloon, No. 31 Jamea which new and aplendid iniate are n.w running with perfect regularity.) I ua profiles ol II the .1 recta have been made and zens, close their pltees ot business during the procession, and that the residents on the streets adopted ny the Common so that buildinga MW-YOKK CATTLE MARKET.

For the week eudine Nor. 12. south north comp. wirea 13th, A. M.

44 44 42 42 6 ...44 44 42 42 7 "-44 44 42 42 8 ...46 45 43 43 9 4ti 44 45 10 4 46 46 11 51 49 49 1 M. 56 53 55 1 P. 56 2 --59 56 59 3 53 61 59 4 -t 56 54 54 i ...51 54 52 51 6 E3 50 51 7 ...52 49 50 52 49 9 --W 51 43 49 10 -50 51 4S 49 11 4i 49 I4ih 4 A. 4i 46 46 may be located with eenatnly aa in the grade. Division av, from Soulh-btli at.

Williainsburtfh to 25.000 Common, INGRAIN CARPETI.V- Is 6d lo 2a 9d. through which the procession will pass, display mourning drapery from their respective houses. By order ol Mjjor General Sandford, minute gunt will be fired during the procession, under the direction of Brigadier General Storm. AT MARKKT 1,100 Beeves (300 from the Kent av, Brooklyn, ia to be opened at the expanse of fit! Se I Tl i an a Csnti Ifo. i Ser street, to a few select gentlemen of our city on Monday evening.

He sa)t Mr. White cannot be beat ia the excellence of hit entertainments, South, remainder from this State, 70 Coat aad the estate, aud Dtdlord av, ia about being opened by the Cmnioa Council. I Calve, and 5,000 Sheen and Ijmbs. 1 he drivers and owner ot the vauous Itcenc- Frotu thesa KiU a full view is obtained of nearly all BF.EVF.S market dull, but pneet ratber film. Sales of good retailing qualities at from ed vehicles are directed Id withdraw the tame of Hrooklvn and illiamaburgh, part of New Vurk, and begs that pnilic notice may be given of the fact.

mm est uruauway, ara irom lanai ttreet. tMt mvtr and 8000 do 6000 do 44 ha Manhattaa Bank 100 Baak of America 63 do SO Fulton Bank 60 da 60 do 120 do 60 do 10 do 60 Mechanic Bank tO do 60 do 60 do 60 do JO do 30 do 60 Bank 8iU ST 60 at do 4 Rank of Jft York 10 Janty Bank SO do IM do 90 do 27 Ctic aad ScactMetady I ft (I do do 89 aad Cliea It Now York Una Coanpaav 1144 1041 10-lt 105 I It -1 lv lh. llKl lift -1121 11S IUi -lid lit s- wt 13.., lor -li7 -IUT, lOv I21 -Wit -I2U brauiv of location, hieh arada and easy acre. between Broadway and West Broadway, thev axe hanllv einallrd bv anv lou in or abort to lO.tKiOyd. ENGLISH double auparfine INGRAM 5.

to G. pr yd. SOOOyda VENETIAN and Tape.try Suir Carf'' 2 to 6a pr yd 10,000 yda English ply Carpeting, Ta to 10. 30,000 Floor OIL CLOTHS, 3 to 24 feel 36dtoS. 5009 pairs ELEGANT WINDOW SHAPFS- to 411..

SO 0 Large size Tufted if, 20. each. lOOuO d. Rnrluk bum. 3.

6d to fa pr yd. Accident. A sen of George Hudson, paint lo 7 73, at ui quality. About 10 aeaa re main over. COWS AND CALVF.S Market moreacttee.

Sale, at from .2 lo $.10 a 42 SO. All aolii. tweea the hoursof 10 and 11 o'clock A. ai also from the several streets throaah which Ihe ciliew of New i'ork or Hrnuktyau er, in Fallon street, received a severe woundon the side of bis head by a fall from a ladder, SHEEP AND LAMBS Salea of the former at Iron 1 121 a 2 7Jll, which ia a little procession will pass, Irom 10 1 2 o'clock A. M-, to 1 o'clock V.

M- The Chief of Police is chaired with thaea-lorcrtneal of the last Banned order. No tnetenic shawrra look placa Uat sight. Wcdoradaj, Nov. 14. M.

Evras' Paaoaaatt. Vc went tha other while palatine a bouse in Hicks street yester Ttw tula ia indiapwud. A clauae will inned ia the deed. arain.t aaia-an--. ft-s- Every lot will pmurwly be aold to tbe hu-hea bnl-t-r Tnan- fw ctt ft ih pvrenn aaoaey ana re-aaaiai aai b-d asd PTb a ar brtbra year a nunt payabt k.11 wrarlv day morning.

higher. Lamb VI to 75. Leftover 400. Market brisk. HAY AND STRAW Loose TitnoOir itaell-tnr at the scale tor 50 a 80r rer Id bale Has Bv order of Ihe Comsaitlee of Arraneemeata.

The aight to we taett ttnkiaf views of oar city HIKAM ANDK.R-. No. f) Bowery- Whic Memberi op Coacaraa. A Whig Sapt. li 3o2p i'i.i rv, areaery, and were delighted with tha eihibrtioa.

ALKX A.M'EK H. cCHULIZ, Brnibtr of Concrete hat been elected from the Mmaa law troewty aaay ba bad at tba ntliera JAMtS M. BAKD, Oar citiaent shew Id aot otkil to pay a visit be 37 1-3 to 6V. Straw, 1 15 a I 7 per baadle, y. r.

aa. Wheeling dituict ia Virginia ia place of Alex fore ther ara retnovrd. Tba art iat ia a Op, Ollra lar aW.a Me, taa aa, 1 2niV S3 I- aaua at, aaM at tbe aar linwi 43 P.IM m. ttrolya, aad at IVaa A CauWa, Ka. Waal at, X.

ander Newaaaa deceased. What readert thit JUST RECFJVEH aaat tar at tba Ce Uraswa, aaar ta enraar af Pahaa atnat, a NfJ aa.aia.ias ot ledgers, Da Bonha, Joaraatla, Baoka, aVc, saaaa aa aaaacaally a- taw Aldcrtaea. JON A 9 r. rOXCKLI.V, Coea-ofAr. CHARLES h.CRA.NF, 1 Uagetraata, A.

A. DLNMA.V, I af Loa( lalaad. aad aa ttcjwf caaaot ba tnoia -Has peculiarly a victory, is the close state af parties I LreaLAirra PisrATra. The kde Islaad 40 Now York Lou aad Tram Coaunuj 20 York Manas C.aanaar ratieaally aprat thaa ia viewiaaj aaagait- i hi a r. at i tt, i HI HUUtt ia the twaaeai Coogrn, and ike previous strong Lrf islaiare adjoaraed after a scsana of oolv aay aa taas ar on ---o3 lOOaaaTiiiilt! Sank hriawa, N.

It, Atswttaat Alderann-' Braaklya, 7, lot. 0) a7 Cat raialja(. 1 1 oar daya. A. Y.

HrmU, So. I. loot foco bias of tht distract..

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