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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOK I- ISf EVENING STAR. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Auction Sales. Auction Sales. Auction Sales.

Auction Sales. A Great Reduction In Prices AT THE SEW SCHOOL l'RESBYIERIAN ASSEMBLY. Wabiiinoton, Mo24. After preliminary exercises this morning, a resolution of ILunks was moved by the Hon. Mr.

Unscall, to the Rev. Mr. Burnes for his sermon before the Assembly, and requiring a copy for publication. This led to a spirited debate Di. Wiener, Dr.

Bemen, the Rev. Mr. Pollock, and others JOHN K. OAKLEY, Auctioheer. OAKLIiY MIGHT, 0cs ecAanic's Exehansre, A'o.

299 Pulton (opposite City llall,) Urooxln, Will give their personal attention to th sale of Real Estate at Auction, at the Marrhint's Exchange, New York, al their capacious fain Room, or ia any section of Long Island, also to the Sale of Furniture, Dry Goods, Groceries, Merchandise, al pi irate resilience or al their Bale Room. Heal Eatate of every description at Prirate Sale. Goods receircd on ato age and per consignment. Houses to let and Rente collected. THURSDAY, MAY 27, Al 3 o'clock, P.

M. Al the Comtnodioue Sales Room of Oakley and Wright, No. Pulton street, City Hall,) Brooklyn. Continuation ef large sale of plants, from Ihe Green- huuse nf C. Senders, Fuurih avenue, between Seventh and Ninth atreet, Gowauus removed for con-renieneeof sale.

A large and complete assortment ofplanla in blra consisting of Roses, tieliaihmpe, Arte.neaiaa, Pucb- Bias, Geraniums, Verbenas, iraiseye, fauaey unalias, and llnrhacioua Plants of every variety, on exhibition WEDNESDAY. i SATURDAY. JUNE 6th, At 12 o'clock, At tho City Hal', Urooklyn, Bv order of case C. Smith, Surrogate 0f Kings County, and under the direction of Jeremiah Towle A house and lot on Add phi street, near Park arenue. For particalars, see advertiaemenl la Daily Journal, signed Jeremiah Towle.

PRIVATE SALE. Those 73 lute pleasar.lly aituatrd on Flatbush are nue, Yanrierbi't 1 lace, Uutler, Ualue aad narrea stree a. Terms acroiumudeting. Also, 24 lots ou Rogers avenue, Douglaea and De-grew atrorls, near Perry areuue, wilhiu 6 minute l' walk of a first rate Hue of Ojinibuaaea. Price )S0, tDO and (100 per lot.

A rare chance fur mechanic to buy cheap aud good lote. Terms easy. A Habe opportunity ollered to eapitaiiats. Two and a quarter acrsa of land on Bergen street, between Claaon and Franklin arenuea. Also, 31 acres of woodland desirably located In the Ninth Ward of the city of llruokljn, fronting nn the Railroad aud Reed avenuo, ami adjoining the heauril'ul village of Sackmanrilie, for aale rery cheap.

Also, a greet variety of houisa and lota, and vacant lots iu sections of ihe city. LariM-tiiiii" hikI Oil tlotlit, CHEAP FOR CASH, Wholesale Ware-Rooms, NO. 130 WILLIAM STKEET, (NEAB rwLTON STSEET, HEW-rnaK.) THE Citixens liiooklyn and riciuity are respect fully informed that the Wholesale Carpet and Oil Cloth WARF.ROOMS, 136 WILLIAM Will be thrown open tor the especial accommodation ef those who ere desirous ol" furnishing their houses, sVc, wilh each and ereiy article connected wilh the trade at Reduced Phices roa Cash. Among which uuy bo luund a rery choke and com plele assortment ol' ROYAL TAPESTRY VELVET, DO DO HKUSdELLS. Bruaaclla, 100 p'eces, just recci-ed front euelome, Salterns new aud colors, bright and be.ulilul, from jo to 11,10.

3 PLYS INGRAINS, VENETIANS, OIL CLOTHS, ATJS, RUGS, Ao. 4c. All of which will be sold in oi.autitiea to s'ut euaiooi- ere, rery low, as the auhscribeianraunderaJew rent and Hare unequalled lacilitie lor the constant eupply Irom the rarioua msnufactoriea of Europe, aad the United Slates, and FROM AUCTION. And haring in their employ the brat Upholsterers, will warrant to cut carpets to suit plans of rooms, or have them made to fit, and delivered free of charge to any part of Brooklyn or Wdhaiushurgh, or to any or all the fernea plying to this city. The Fulton Ferry from lirooklyn, and Pock Slip Ferry from Williame-burgh, landing at or near the fool ol Fulton street, will make It the accessable for shoppers In any other Carpet Store of any account in New York.

A call is solicited. II, MAM M'GRORTY, DAVID WEB It, No. 13ft William atreet, mar Fulton at, New York, n.l.iO joii.v s. (Successor to U. P.

Waid,) CELEBRATED Cracker, Cohr, and Large Ilrrnd Ilakery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 6i Tcsspy st. urar GrcenMleli, H. If. 'I'M IK Cracker and Biscuit this establi.hmei.l hare becou.a more popular fn Ihe I'nHed Slate than probably any others, and hnye held thia aame for upwards ol a q'tai ter of a century, and il i. Ihe intention of the present proprietor to niantilaeture en article erery nuy equal to those of former years.

Th Bread and Cake defiarttnents hare alao been added lo the'eea and can be had In all their raricly, enher wholesale or retail, including the celebrated U. P. Ward'a New Yea re' Cake, which ia ollered at 10 ct. per lb. Butler ugar Bcston Uiaham Water Shell Fancy Jenny l.ilid Walnut rs, Graham Biaeuil, do Soda do do Abernethy do do Milk do do Egg do do n.e do do Water do do llosiun do do Pilot de HUMBERT ii KENNY, Auctlobmiu.

SALES ROOMS 172 end 174 Fultoa Building) eorner of Oaaiia M. H- K. will give their personal aUentsoa to. Salca of Household Fuiniutre (al piieatc a sidetMca ia their spacious and convenient Sale Bcome,) Vrj Goods, Grooeries, and out-lor Salsa generally, N. B.

Cast adrancec made oo ait occciiytionl ef properly consigned for sule. AT PRIVATE SALE, SorA Bbdsteads, of the newest and beet construe tion I son Bedsteads, permanently arranged for ate, folding up and rery portable RxraiosaATOas, lilted up wi.h the best anti-radialore ia rue Improved Pablob Swinoo for children Evamblleo CHAMaca Fubnitvbe, tn euile i pure hair mattresses, paiilaiBss and fealheroa hand aad made to order, all at unprecedented low prices. K. J. TODD, AueTioMBw.

xxirg Selti 89 Fulton and 83 Pbplar FRIDAY, MAY 2 Al 10 o'clock, At No. 372 Hutlsrn avenue, near WillongBby street. Ft'BNnvBB Sale. Will be cold al Auction, without reserve, the gentiel parlor, chamber andp kitchen, furniture ef a-fanuly givirr up housekeeping, com- rising a general variety, but one year ueed aad In good nrder Particulara in- hand-billa. CP 1 ai sale wll be well worthy public attention.

The grateful fur past favor during ihe laal 'J years, again tenders hie services to th public as Auctioneer for. the aale oil Furniture, Real K.tate, Groceries, rr any kind of Merchandise la Brooklyn New-York, or any part of kog-Ialaad, and be renews hieasemanccata hi pat son thai lha trust reposed in him elull nut Hie facto. is sale reoins, long expertenec, afwdtwu atteotioa and seal foe ihe inlerest of has employers, modems charges, liberal caali adranoea, and his asual prnnvpt returns, will, he hopes, insure a coutinaaac al publia patronage. jij- Real Eatate, 13,00 a lot commisaion aad larg pnreel still cheaper, ft)) ti" Valuations attended to DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. This and fallowing day commencing at 10, 2 snd Te'elbck, al 131 Pulton atreet, and cosy ti iue till Ih wholo is disio.ed of A large stock ef oeeeonable atsple and fancy Dry Goods, to close a concern, well worthy public attention as the wilt bo unreserved sales.

AT PRIVATE SALE, The La acta bkt ahuutxu, best sea saw aa, most complete, aud though lai not least, the cheapest assortment of Cabinet Kurniture, Opholatery, Oil' Cloth, Carpels, and Huuau Furnishing Article svs exhiiiiej in on buihiiug in lirooklyn. Such a leak ran neither be miauiidoraiojU nor iuireprsenled. Coir and see. AT PRIVATE SALE. Four modem and suusianiiel brick houses, 3 story lesement and sub cellar, wilh 10 room caeh, put up by days' work, lots Ltf feel tf ine ho by 109 feet In-Luqneer street, W.

bciaaeo Court aad Cilnloa, finished with niarblo snantlae, gee kitwree, apeakiag lubes, water closets, With rooms, dre. baa 10 roosna each, including two parlor, and brick piaxaae, marble mantlce, c. Low sat price, 11000 each, and a tart ol the purchase sr-unry may remcin Air a cumber nf yeara. Apply to the Auctioneer, No. 69 Fultoa Street.

tiitocEiiir.s. Ill KS in I'NDERHILL, at tha Old Stand, No. 152 Fultoa trecL eopo- I. ejj sue ii.gri, micro oenaten urn Dereunel (Ir'dL snd woll selected of il' Mi CAutre Family G-ioeeriet, and at a rair price. Our clock is comprised in pert ef tbe following articles! Loaf, Crashed, Pewdered aae) Brawa Nigar of all the various kinds and qualitice OM aad Young Hyson and Black Tea, ol ihe varioua kind and qualities, of iale imwrlallons Old Government' Java and Sumatra Colleea I Haws.

Tonguecv and Smoked Beef) and inlaci allarliotec kept ma Grocery More. liutter received daily fiom Ihe crreieeet dairie in. Orange County. All goods sold at ibis ceUblisbmcot are warranted lo be of ihe best quality. EDWIN J.

IH'KSnS, AARON J. I'NDERHILL. N. Goods sent freeof churge lo all parte of tha city er28 3ui TO IIOllOKEN. FAKE REDUCED TO 4 CENTS Thie, the meet favorite ol Summer resorts, no olTers to visitor greater inducement than ever.

The Perriea hare been utush imprerrd, and the facilities for cruising increased. The beaut iiul walka along the Riverside, that lead lo the Elyaian Fields, are kepi in excellent order. FEr Boat leave roa Hobobes a rouowsi From Barclay street, every quarter of an hour daring Ihe day. Prom Canal erery larler-of an hour during Ihe lay. From Chriatopher alreel, every ha 'f hour, el the even hours, snd iiiterineiiiate hall h.ui, A N.ght B.ait run lo liaiclay lrl erery half hour throughout the night.

my I 5m LXEGAST CARt). NGRAVED and Printed in the meet fashionable- 'j sly Us in old English, Germaa Text, Antique and Writing. bl'LENDlD BRIDAL ENVELOPES Of the lateal and richest pattern, from lb aioct'cef-ebrated manulartonea nf Paris and Lenaloa also. Bridal Wafers and Boxea fur wedding oak and Ingres! rarirly. SILVER DOOR PLATES, nELIi PULLS, These platee are mai.ulartured underthe immediate aupervuion of Ihe cdverliser and arc wcrrcated of rciy quality, lioih as regards ilia

of silver aud atyle of rngravin. CHURCH PEW PLATES The ruUmber having furnished a- number of Churches in New York City, and other part ol the Stale, with bis beautiful name and number Platee for pews, to the great satisfaction of th partiec, eulicile order for the same, being confident lhat he eca con--tinue In give satisfaction, both aa regards style, qua ii ty and price. Geuerat Engrarini? and Prtnting of erery description sxeeuied iu Ihe rineel maimer al aioderet pricce. Orders sent by exp.ess iw any part af the couniry. EVKRDK.I.L'S Engraving Esiahliehaient, No.

'Hl'l Uroadwa jr, corner of Dnane atreet, rhIO New York. II. K. Plrrry'c Aiill-llilloua C'ardUl, AN EPPECriAl. REMEDY for Biunac Ferer Bilious Lung Complsintc, Coughc aa.

Colds, Ferer, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Piles, Feeaa Compfainta, dte. Foraale al the STAR OFFICE. Larg BotHer 1 1 email do SO ct. Dtreciiuocoa taw botileOf-atji tol9 IAST CHILDREN. hHS.

MO YKS A. PAHlUV3i haerag klaoV ntiered le receive inio ber family aad lake care of l3bildrea who way baresins-eedfroox theirheeaeo a-ae to enable Parent, cad tuardiaus oearereedily ta lieovertheaa TlllS 18 TO RLVB NOTtC, To all person, in that the olfer hae beeu aeMuied wilkthanka, aad il ia aarneetly requested that suku. a bctalsea tetbacleca af Mr. Parauna.No. Myitis Avenue, ihattbcy may be take" care of.

By iMalerof the Comaaeat CvuaauL, Ncv. Iff. lawtl I.AIUVtlYANI E. A1 LI. Dieeasea dwovered.

aed cuacd (tf valuaWe, Ut a.t sloleo pruwrty aiecaveeed, LtM fate and wheruahtwu ol ahaaat Irusad bmhI unerring adv.c oa busineae cti Ac, by Mr. S.ymour, the mk ixl-otaud ia. America, at ties lainily moieaoe, Ne. IHrvsieex street, near Cimon, New-Ynrk. gisarsnteed to iki, or uo shares made.

M. B. All eteshem. ear-iuWr eeleeeed, pecaarfw raet sa and waseame-l kr ir euerourT ia aay tWsa. Tk.

cases of 'T ekrekeJ ia lw aad eer-4 ia tw.i ir how, asedtsioa Moagb ear aay mm tf Dv.eciwy be cent with chree-tawich. car pn of the ceuerry by iWwauwiag ea lar wbe returaad I all af a as not do what II y. Cars' eva.Mk Liver-a ILiJnef Maplaiaci, S' Atfeciwe. Kemaiea ai VaoUnsa'a ciekaeea and a-eJity suid. Na caiie hsret ssaa ma.

I. krv "7 HKfc. 1NS.CKANC- TH8 NORTH AMEBIC P.AMCK COUPANY, ot CAl'lTiJU VtXV weliaae le uk it nek Fwilua wrest, Bru' Sept, 11 ti" CELEBRATED LARGEST AND CHEAPEST Carpet Establishment IN THE UNITED STATES, No. Oft Bowery, HIRAM ANDERSON'S Eight Spnciom Kali's Rooms, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. at.

i. U.AU v. i CONTAINS the Largest, Handsomest and Cheap est assortment of English and American Floor Oil Uoiha to be fuund in ihe city, Irom TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE to One Dollar the square yard, of one to eight yards wiue. Sales Room, No. Contain! the most beautiful and iegat ed as sort 'inent oi biigiisn and American suierior Inprain Uar peting, at low pricea.

Fire shillings to six shillings and tiapence per yard new and elegant Sales Room. No. 3. la fully stocked with an unriralli-d assortment ol English and American Imperial Three-ply Carpeting, of new and elegant designs, manufactured expressly for Ihe city trade, at a reduction of 23 per com. from fcrraer pricea, 6s td, 7s, and 8a per yard, sua upwarua.

Sales Room, No. 4, Contains one hundred snd fifty nieces of Fine rain Carpeting, new springstyles, at If gd, 2s, 2s Ud at ou, ana roua shilunob peb vabo Sales Boom. No. 6. Displays a great variety of English Druggots, trnm one to four yar la wide, Irom 3s 6d per yard and ji-warda.

Also, an elegant assortment of Rugs, Mats, at rery reuueea prices. Sales Room, No, 6, Is futlv Blocked with errv variety of atai'ra ad Hall Carpeting, at Is 6d, 2s, 2s Cd, 3s 6d, 4s, 6a and Ss per yard. IN MALES KOOM no. 7, Are the Patent Tapratrv Ingrain Uarpete exhibited at me woiid a fair, formerly sold at Vt per yard, now selling at bix shillings and sixpence pea tabd. Sales Room, No.

8. An extensive as. ortmentof Table and Piano Corera, Window Shades from 6a te 110 I ha pair I Table Oil Cloths, Brussels and Tapestry Carpeting, Brussels Stair Carpet, Plated and Braaa Stair Roi's, Parlor Door Mats, sic, all of which are ottered at 4o per cent, less than at anv other establishment in wis city. HIRAM ArVOEKSUN, No. Oi) Bowery, N.

Y. New York Feb. 14, 1852, fe27 9mdoVo CLOTHING. SPRING STYLES FOR 18. POWELL'S CLOTHING DEi'OT, No.

100 Fulton Street THE Subscriber is prepared lo offer a groat variety of Ready Made Clothing, at ihe very lowest New York pricea. Als Clothing made lo order in eveiy style, of the best quality of Goods, at equally moderate piicea. Farmeis and others residing in the country will find every thing they may require in the Clothing way, either lor common use or otherwise, at the moat satisfactory rates. Also, an aasortment of Clothing for Boya, consisting of Krork and Sack Coats, Round Jackets, Pauls, Vesta, aus. A full assortment of Under Garments, Orenills, Hickory Shirts, Hosiery in fact every article pertaining to the Clothing Trade, may always be found at the above establishment.

POWELL, 100 Fulton street, Broiklyn. iVj- J. P. Emmxns, bo long and favorably known to the people of Brooklyn and Long Island, is engaged at the abore establishment, and would be happy to see his irienda, in a professional way. fel)5 GmnHdte WONDERFUL AND MOST INTERESTING EXHIBITION OF Dr.

Charles Spicss' Microscope, INLAEQINQ thbee million times ivebv OBJECT BROUOHT BBFOHB IT. THE Exhibition svill commence on the 24ih day of MAY, 1852, at MONTAGUE HALL, Brooklyn. The astonishing magnifying power of the Instru merit, proved and acknowledged by the most celebrated naluralisie of thia couniry and Europe, makes visible the minutest detaila of every thing examined by it. You see, one prepared white wall, without any exertion of fhe eve, the object, in the brightest colors and in its natural proportions, and you will find thai there are in the most eo union things oferery day life, thousands of secrets and miracles net to be anticipated and detected by Ihe human eye. It ia Amusing aa well aa Instructing to look at the innumerable beings, of monstrous shape and sue, living in a sinsle dron of water, to observe ihe circulation of the aaie in lha tender flower leaf, aa.l to perceive the wise construction and the rrschaniam of the epparently aimpieat and inn neiuerableobject.

brery risiior will be satisfied snd hare for a longtime lo think of the wondera aeen, of the splendor of the feather mosiac of a butterfly's wings, the composition oi a Ay'a eyes, the gigantic proportions of a mosquitin, or any other of the rexing insects. COME AND SEE, so that vou may not raise such a rare eharee to be come acquainted wilh all the jiiraclee and secret, of our LOUD 3 CKkA llUA-Hia wiae and careiul provisions in the minutest details of erery thing he baa made. The owners of this wonderful Instrument hare not spared any exertion or espense to accommoda riai-tors and enable each to see erery object distinctly and to examine it by himself. They hare provided for a great rariety of interesting objuetatobe produced at each exhibition, and Ihe public miy be assured that erery body will be delighted and satisfied in erery re spect, CERTIFICATE. Brooklyn Fbstalb Academy, May lOih.

1862. The undeisined haring witnessed an exhibition of the Solar Microscope, made and owned by ihae. r-piesa, of Germany, take great pleasure in recommending it not only to the hirers of amusement, but especially to the lovers of science, aud lo all who admire the wisdom of God as displayed in his wonder working laws. The instrument is one of rory superior excellence) the images of oljecte are thrown upun theacreen wilh a sharpneaa and distinctness that we hare nerer seen attained by any instrument of the kind. We beg I are to call especial attention loan exhibition of Eleotbial Light, a discovery by Mr.

Spies, called the bunder storm, aa on. of the moat beautiful and wouderful phenemeua we hare ever witnesaed. D. G. EATON, A.

CRITTENDEN, 1. S. SPENCER. Prirate Exhibitions for Family Circles, Academiea, nn the most re.sonthle terme. Reduction in I'licts of Admittance furtbe Pupils nf Public Schools and similar Institutions, undir the Superintendence of Teacher.

The Microscope is In "Deration every day, Sunday excepted, by sun. rruin 1U 1-Z clock, A. in to 4 P. M. Pbice of Admission, 12 cenla.

my2J lru WILLIAM BUKGER, DHL'GGIST, So. 31 Courllaud Street, (OrroaiiE the MaacHAKT a Hotel,) NEW-YORK, Keep constantly oa sale a large assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE WOODS, Dyera', Puller', Blcaehera', Paper Makers', Gunpowder Manufacturers', Hatters', Calico Printers', and Painter' Articles. OILS, GLASS, URUGGISTS' GLASS-WARE PATENT MEDICINES. SURGEONS INSTRUMENTS. Sco.

Also, 80.1 KEGS REFINED SALTPETRE, from the telibrawd Crotna Manufactory, end OTX) GROSS PRICTIO MATCHES. nf ever deaeripiroa, and ef a ejnaltl warraaled to keep ia any climate together wilh every article aaually found ia a Drug Estabiiabaaeat. DEPOT roa hi ials or Da. JAYNE'S cblebbated FAMILY MEDICINES, AYRE'S CHERRY PECTORAL, MEAKIM'S CELEBRATED EXTRACTS, BRISTOL'S SARSAPAR1LLA, EI) Y'd PATENT LAMPBLCK, BAIRVS rglCOPIIEROl'S. MANHATTAN JUJUBE PASTE.

IT COUNTRY MERCHANT'S will be dealt with aa LiaxsAi tebbs, aad their orders are reepect fully SoUited. 4tc UN BISBS. SCST SETS I MOON SErS iUj 3r 7 16 I 12 00 HIGH WATER THIS DAY. 8 Honk, 11 10 Oar bland, 12 00 Hell Gat, 1 41 THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. THE WIND, Sunrlse-S Meridian-S ELUOPJEAN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS.

FRENCH, ENGLISH AND BELGIAN LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Of the latest and mnat oxquisilo deaigai, imported ex-prenly fur Ilia SPRLNG AND SUMMER OF 1852. SMITH NOYES, Hon. 333 nd 339 Tulton Street. Old No. XT 1 and 473, While offering their oew and iplendid Stock of FOREIGN and Domestic Merchandise, Bag lear to tender to their numeroua cuitomera, sin-tare lhanka Tor their patronage, and we promise that kur efforts for the future to (ire eali "faction ahall be aa nrerailling aa they bare bee for the pat.

We offer fur inspection the following ONE HUNDRED Piece Babq DiLainki, nrining the choiceal variety of theae goods now in mar- el, and imported expressly for our trade. ONE HUNDRED ad SEVENTY-FIVE Pu is Pbimted Jaconet and Muslins, of Paris and London eolourings, which wa warrant perfectly fat, nd we recommend them to our customer with perfect confidence. Dress Goods, SANSOUBDS, FOOTABD SlLKS, btLAINES, SlLKS, GbENADINES, BOMBAZINES, Al- Ipacai, Canton Cloths, etc. Shawls, Plain and F.mbboidebed Cbafe, and fancy col- vied Cashmebes. Printed Bbociib Silk, and ere- ether atyle in fashionable use, together with a rery larg lot just puichased at Auction, which wo art offering at little orer half price, to those we call partic- tlir attention we promise a Bargain to all who itnta shawl.

lilack bilks, pro da Rhine and Oil Boiled, the same kinda which kve always keep, which are ao celebrated on account their brilliancy and lustra and grew durability, we I ting the sole agents in the United Slates for the sale If these goods, the same can not be procured at any her store. STurrg for Maws' and BoTs'wear, of every de tcriptiou, 'a Linen and Wools, plaids and plain, of the ost desirable styles. MOURNING QUODS, for dreas and other purpo-el, aa toils de noir Bombasines, and every thing Uesirad for mourning purposes. Ginohahs. Calicos, Checks, Cloths, Cassimebes, Sattinetts, Vesting, Sdmmeb Flannels, Nenkeenb, Ac.

Linen Damasks. Doyles, Napkins, Towelinos, IIosoms, Linens, Drapers, Table Cloths White 8ns Urown Tadl Covers, Embossed and bint' 'a have just received from the Manufactory di- 'wenty Caaes Bleached Shirlinga at 8d, 8-1, lOd id la. Ten Cases Bleached Sheetings, alt widtha, 5-1 4, 8 4, and 12 4. Forty Balea Unbleached Sbeotiags, all il to lOd, worth 20 per cent more. Also 6 easee very auperior pillow ease muslins, Lade expressly lor that use.

Our Haberdashery Department is stocked villi every thing Ulongingtolhii part of the bnsineaa ftnumeraied below. Dbapebies, in Laee, Tambour, and plaid, by tbe yard or in tetls. White goods aaJaconeta, Mulls, oamorice, niia iwn, Swiss, Books, plaid, elrrped and emoroiuereu, Robes, and a eery large stock of Linen Hand- irebiefs. Linen Lawns and Tarchous. IaIsoLacb Veils, Valenohnes Mechlin, snd Thbead, Lace and Insebtinos, Gebman V.rjtm Embboidebies, on Swisa and Jaco- il.appleque, Collars, Cuffs, Sleeve, Rib-L ni-i Waists.

Infants' Robee, ojis, 4.....1 Cravats, and the best quality I gUlOU French Kid Glores, alwaya on hand. AUo-Silk, i i. tie Thread and Cotton Gloves, ciac ice aim. and short, assorted, etc etc. Hosiery, 3ents, Ladies, and children, of erery description Inw bricea.

rnnla to any part of Brooklyn, New York, Willi. freeof eipenae. rcuiuru ui i P.iaona are reaueted to be very particular inoticiug the numters of our store, aa jnany through sjatake get in the wrong atore, and in mis way slroaed upon. SMIIH 01 no Nos. 323 and 323 Fulton Street.

mh9 llurial of tht Dead. JThE Undrbsioned, General Furnishing Un-Irtaker, keeps constantly on hand every thing necee iry for the burial of the dead. Having been in business more than twenty-five i. Ynrk and Brooklyn, he feele aompe lal to discharge all the dutiea of hie profession iuaritee thealiention or those persona epon for the burial of their dead, when nanus peadituree for sickneM have consumed sl er and It is not in their power te Ul. Ml tie a- I Lide for lbs respectable imeimenl of those near dearie them.

He assure sucn mat taey fiirniehedwilh all things neeeaaary oa ihe most arable terme, and at a large discount on the usual iherebv relieving in a measure the burdea Ity feel when it is aeeeasary to provide for the in- naent of a relative or inend. 0. IV. uvivwuu, Montague Place, eorner Conn street. BrookljB.Jsn.

1851. Ian5 SELLING OFF, BELLING OFF, rmbroUerle. mm MADDEN, Lpeetfully Inform the Ladies that ia annual suatom, they are aow disposing el Lj, rg, and elegant stock from thirty te afty pel ket below tie ordinary prtcee. A.a3ie. win rare chance Hw bergiiae, and aa early sail is sol- (HaelLeUate (or selling re aeeeeeanly limite obiir-d te prepare for.tbe Opnug iraew.

it i nrru rr K7 Bmulwey, N. Between Spf in aad Pnnca el reels. A Card. nr g. DlLUNQHASr, Svrrton Dtniul Va nmand froaa his Uu reaideBee, eorner of Fuller wd.

etreeta, V. Wes Flat, emrmtr tf Otri (eat epl3 iZmm rJNGLEBERT LOTT Auctioneer. tSrooWyn Exchangt, 291 Fulton Brooklyn (Freeman Buildingt.) t7E. LOTT will give hia persona I attention Ihe sale uf Stocks, Roil bstt.te, Househeld Furniture, at the Sa'es Room, and outdoor sales gene' rally. MONDAY, JUNE 29, A 1 12 o'clock, Al he Brooklyn Exchange, No.

291 Fulton street, II order of the Supreme Court, under the direction of ichard Ingrahani, Referee I All that certain lot of ml situated near Fort Hamilton, in the village of Ne vr Utrecht. For further particulara, aeeadvertise-me: a( in the Brooklyn Eagle. Signed, D. C. WINSLOW, i Plaintill' a Attorney, PRIVATE SALE.

8er eral Brown Stuna front Houses between Smith and )nd streets, finished in the most approved atyle, vixi iiluble mantles, ornamental eoruices, sliding doors, Terras liberal. Am 0, three 2 story and attic brick houses situated In Wih'ow Place, finished in the beat manner numbers 31 and 35. Terme liberal. One first class brown stone House, basement and sub cell ar lot 25 by 13'H feet. The bouse built by days' aork, containing 12 rooms, wilh bath room, gaa fin uros, kitchen range, and piasxa enclosed wilh g'aaa, situate on First Place, second door eest of Cou rt street, Brooklyn.

Tt-ru is moderate. One half of the purchase money cau ren lam on bond and mortgage. Auo, one 3 story brick bouse, known as No. Ill Dufficld street. 1 One atory frame hou, known as No.

69 Johnson sue. it, situation very pleaajnt, and moat deairable fcEVEa AL frsme bouse in Livingaton street, Brooklyn. Pri a moderate. Asow Our hundred vacant lots of land in ihe Eighth Ward of the city of Brooklyn. Many of these Iota front upon streets and avenues that are opened, raded and paved, in a locality that ia being cootinua lly improved, which at once renders them desirable to all whoe moans are limited, and who way re quire cheep and pleasant situation for rest-denC'M or otherwise.

Aiiour three hundred vacant lota desirably located in (lie 9ih Ward of the city of Brooklyn, Vacant liOta, and house and lota, pleasantly sit-in ited upon most ol the prinoipal rtr eta of Brooklyn. For particulars, inquire at the Biotklyn Exchange, 2)1 Fulton Brooklyn I L0iniN(J AT RETAIL. The subscriber would invits the attention of ill public to hie superior STOCK OF HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Which he will sell as low as any other honse in the ti ade. Consisting of almost every variety of FROCK, and SACK COATS, PANTS and VES' rS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, UNDER SHIRTS, ani DRAWERS, Made i the rery best manner, and of good materi als. Aa in.

ipeetion would aatiafy erery peraoa lhat it ia the oliea peat and best slock in mirk el. CALIFORNIA BLANKETS Constan lly on hand, for suss very low. HENRY L. FOSTER, (Late Booth ol NO. COURTIiANJJT STKEET, mh31.

6m3lp NEW-YORK. Tbe Nassau Fire Insurance Company of Brooklyn. Capital Paid In. (Office No. 10 Court, comer of Jiemsen Street, opposite the City Hall.

MT'ILr, INSURE againal Loss or Damage by Fire, Houses. Goods, Furniture, feasts and cargoes in port, Vessels building and Inland Trans- Imrlaiion, on terms as liberal aa other aubst 1 DIBBCTOIBI Henry Rorgles, Samuel Smith, Charles Lyiide, William II Cary, James Sheldon, Henry Murphy, Elijth Ijewis, VVm Hunter, Jr. Loomia Ballard, II Hanford, Samuel Ponell, Abiel A Low, E. Buckley, James A Bell, Peter Balen, Leonard Cooper, Thomas Straltou, Johu Martin, William Harris, George I) Mo. gan, Thomaa Gerald, James Wearer, Litchfield, Daniel Van Voorhis, Abm Buy lie, Hariwr, George Hastings, Joseph Johns Ml, John Stu.lweil, Isaac Oarhart, Michael Chauncy, Carson Bruvonrt Dan' I Richards, Stephen Haynee.

VVM. M. HARK IS, Preaident. Chas. O.

Richabdson, Secretary. Jan. 31.1852. ian31 iatf DR. EMSIIA.

IMKER'S 'Celebrated Vegetable Compound, url the cure ol Dysentery, Liiarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint, Camp Distemper, Wind in the Stomach, Constipation oi C'ostivcness, and General Disorganix of the Hotels For salo at G. P. P. Milne's Druggist Store, 217 Fulton street, Brooklyn, who is General Agent for Brooklyn and Long-Island. Price H'tart Hollies, tl.

Pint Bottles, Filly G'eata. This celebrated Compound was discorered in 1830 in Braiil, and was there used aa the popular remedy nf the Naiirea for the above named diseases, bince its introduction into the United States, it has performed thousands of cures, and the proprietor ia in possession of hundtcds of ce.uficitus, witnessing Its excellence. The following voluntary certificate of Judge Murphy, long aud well known in this city, will speak fur elf I Broiklyn, April 29th, 1852 Elisha Bakeb Dear Sib i I hare osed yonr Vegetable Compound 'for llielaal twoy-ur, fur some of the purpose men-ttioncd in your a.lrertisements, and find it a very valuable article, lta agreeable taste make easy to administer lo children iu eases ol Summer Complaint, for which it cannot be excelled, and ae fir ae I hare used il, in eases of Diarrhoea, it stands unequalled. I esteem it a rery raluable medicine and do mo I recommend it ftrlhe purpiee aforesaid. Yours, truly, JUHN G.

MURPHY, my II 3m XVAV STORK, STYLES, NEW GOODS. STII.WKMj Si MOJiTROSS, 113 Fulton street, (cobneb or ddtch, kew-tobk.) ARE happy lo inform their fnonda and the public generally, that they have just opei-ed their tew end truly magnificent ready made Clothing Eatab. Ilihin nt upon tbe site ef llitir old (tore, whteh was with lie enrre contents lot. lly destroyed by lire in January last. Nut hsviuj saved a single eitirle from the fire, thay bare bora obliged te gat up an entire new Block of goods, and they new ofler to their customers Ihe best selected and most magnlfVent stock of ready made clothing ever offered to the New-York public.

No pains or expense bae been spared in fining up Iheir new estiblisbmenl in a manner corresponding wilh thia great age of improvement, and haring lairly tested lb advantagee ol the Lne priced system, they are determined 'o maintain the reputation, which tbey hare esuolished bv Belling erer article fur eaea oaly, at the ImeeM potutile rates, aadhare bar a ia the business fur many yean, purcrnj.n.and snaaufacluruig their golds lor tbe lowest eaea price, they are eooSdeot that they eaa offer ua great itfdueeoMnU to all wire study economy, clsgance, anddurabiliiy ia their purchases as any eibef house ia the city. We also keep a larg aod varied stock ef CluSha, -Caeeiotere aad Votings in the piece, which will be to order al sbon autice, and interior lo nosy ia style or workmanship, for cash. say II tjrl Atlantic Batik Notice. THE Annuel ktecuoa Thu-teew Dweetnrs and Three Inspector, will be held al the Banking Hub, ea TIKSDAY, r-sj, eeMeung. Tk Poll will Im spaaed at li o'clock, II.

andcloaelet vclock.P. H. By Order the tWl tl Directors, JOHN 8. liOUUUf Chier. Brooklyn, May Il.l, Isil, ay: etd JAMES COLE, Auctioneer.

OfflctNoAl fVfen Street, oorner of front Striti Cr JAMES COLE williive hisnersonal atten- lL.n In In.i..AAW isles generally) also to sales of Heal ticbange, now Vara. TUESDAY, JUNE At 12 o'clock, al the Merchant's Exchange, A rare site for wood, eoal or lumber vard, or man ufacturing purposes A large piece of hind wilh a blook, die. fronting on Smith and running through the block to the Canal, and baring a front of aeremy feet on the Canal, and 31 feet on Smith street, contain ing shout ton Iota ol ground I at the dock is suthcient depth of water for large eloope toeoine up. The location is on ihe eaat side of Smith, between Ninth st (Hank Road) and Huntington street, boutb Brook lyn. Maps are now rra.ty.

Terms A portion of the purchase money may remain on bund and mortgage, il dee rod. Flushing and Washington arenaea 3 Msof ground on Washington arenue, 25 feet front by 100 feel deep and 1 large lot on Flushing arenue, near Wash ington arenue, each lot orer io loel in lion! and nearly 250 feet deep. The man of the propel ty are now readv at the office of the Auctioneer, No. 43 Fulton street, Brooklyn. serins Part of the purchare money may r.main oa bond and mortgage.

SAME DAY, At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant'a Exchange, Ninth Wabd Pbopebtv, in Hudson Areuua and Union street, vix 20 Lots on Hudson av. 6 do on Carroll st. 6 do on President at. 18 do nn Union el. 8 do in roar of the above.

Thia properly is in a rapidly Improving part of the eity, and is rery desirable fur investment aa the increasing population nf tha eity is continually bring ing Hie land. In this Ward into use for building purposes. Terms 60 per cent may remain on bond and mort-gg. Maps of the properly are now ready, and may be obtained at the office of the Auctioneer. TUESDAY, JUNK At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant'a Exchange, Washington Park Propeity, under the direction of Messrs.

I. oil, Murphy oi Vantlerhtlt. 1'omive Auction Sale of 100 Lota on Mvrtle, DeKalb, Cumberland, Carlton, Oif'ord, Portland, limiip.len, Park, and Flushing avenues, in Brooklyn, comprising nearly the entire fronts opposite throe sides of Washington Park. Erery lot ollered will be positirely sold to the highest bidder. Streets graded and pared, and the lots adapted to building lorthwilh.

This sale emb'acea some of the moat rain ble lots in tbe City of Brooklyn, many of I lie in being on Myrtle, DeKulb, and CumberUndarenuee, opposite Washington Park, and othere lying north of Myrtle arenue on Park, Flushing, Cumberland, Oxford, Portland and Hampden avenues. The Ferry from the fo-t of Montague strretto the root ol Wall street, New York, will be in a direct line from thia pioperty along Myrtle arenue and Montague atreet. Washington Park emlaine about 30 acres, and, commanding an utiriralled prospect ol the ife, of nrooxiyn aud rtew-iwit, and ol the harbor i lain lliecentieoi tho property. The grading and planting of ihe Park ie now in re pitl progress, and the lota will be sold free from the assesamenl laid theref r. All the atreela aod avenuea are ffraded and nared.

wilh tha ezceDtion ol llan.oden Btreel, which has recently been graded by pi i vale contract. Maps of the property will be ready on the fir of June, at the nthcea ol Ilia Auctioneer, tin. i rulton street, Brooklyn, anil No. 9 Wall atreet, N. Y.

T. Gilbert' Piano Fortes, (WITH OR WITHOUT THE HAVING had frequent applicationa from pQDilfl and othrs, to select Pianos, I hare concluded to keen at my rooms an assortment of fine Piano Fortes, carelully selected, which ill aot only be confidently recommended by mv tlf, but a full guarantee furnished from the maker. Theso instruments are well known throughout the United States, aril are admired for the luelelul and beautiful finish of care, together with a pure, even snd brilliant quality of toneard touch. They will be so'd upon aa reasonable terms aa in New-York or Boston. Tbe public are invited to call and examine for themselves.

H. E. MATTHEWS, Music. Mutie Room, 106 Orange tired, near apv9 tf opposite Uroohlyn Mmeum, Siiiiiiiu'r ArraiiK'iiii'iil. tJllOCKltlLS, CHEAP FOR CASH, At CIIAMPNEY CAN FIELD'S, Wholesale and Uetsil Grocery and Piorisinn Stun Ti, 74 and 76 Ifcnry street, eorner of fineapple, Brooklyn.

Housekeepers are respectfully invited lo ill as abore and make their purchase. FRKSH GOODS, un-surjwssed raiiety, low pricea aud perfect aitisfaction guaranteed to erery one are the inducements ofteied. The senior partner (8. Cha npney) is constantly in the market selecting their goods for CASH, and they give the public all the adranlages this gives them selling at correspondingly low ralea Small pro file, quick sales, a polite and courteous Irealuien! ol their pa rous is their mode of doing busine.s. A eall ia resiiecifully anliritt-d.

(loads delivered in any part of the Ciy, free of cliarge. CtlAMKiNKT UAKIKI.l), N. B. Conttanily on hand and daily receiving freih Goshen Dairy Bultor. Also, Orange County Milk twice ench day.

my 18 6m Cutaneous and Inward Canrer. ANEW and wonderful discovery h. been made In Fa.iro.'a Vegitahle Cancer Erndicatnr, by which the di'casecan be elfectuallr cured, and en tirely eradicated frm the eyatem, without any fear ol a relupse. No aurgical oialion noccssury c-ses guaranteed and attended to by a person, if-the patient res-dee in this eity or riciuity, thould require it, or the mcdiciue can obtained ol'lhe suLaeri-ber. Small 5 large, 110.

Alao, pALBirr'a Vrgetablo Kra.licaling Syrup," for the cure of Inward Cuhcer, Scroluia, S.vplniiaand Scorbutic diaeases likewiie for all iinouiitiee of Ihe blood. It is guaranteed to be entirely tree from mir-eury or any mineral substance, and composed enilicly of vegetable extracts. Price, tl. N. I).

Numermi certificate of cure can can be ahown fro.n hiizhly reepecli ble person. H. II. Jonis, Agent for ih U. i.

aad th No, 17 Ann street, New-York. mh31 3odAe3dp Hliow asea Bhow asra I VLARGK assortment constantly on hand. Also es of every deacrition made in order, of Silver, Kris, Rosewood, Mahogany, Hlaekwalnut, in the beatett atyle and at the -tt hy K. PEFHI.E', No 24 Grans' street, three door east of Uioauway. New-York.

N. B. Old case taken In exchange. mv23 3tn lirooklyn Hank. May V2, H'i2.

'PHE Annual Elee.lion for Director ol this llank, and In-pertors o. th next ensuing will be bald at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, June 8th. The Poll he open Irom 'i lo i o'clock, P. M. My Order of the Br'V my22-itd HECTOR MORI80N, Cashier.

Pearl "ago OP asiiperiorqualtly, i offeree! for el at James W. Smith's lt ug and Chemical, Store Coon l. eorner of Montague dace. Being dl-geaied aad who'ly destitute ol irritating pr.ertiee, it is lartiedlaily adapted at thieliraaia place of richer and I eaainsioeenl had. Aug.

-If llllaua n. HartM-r, BOOKBINDER AND PAPEk Rl'LEEL. fjAS removed Irons Columbi la li H.ghsrtti 11 aeer Pultwi, Brooklyn. Mueic and ParsrWIjaa bound lu pattern i l.ibrarw titled and reiira. lllsnk Books ruled aad newad tearder May Wi.

tf Void aXTtacl Kound. A PAIR tf Gold Htu wae airbed ap ie LMitsueet oa Saturday wbsrb ib ewaef saay bv by proving prop-nr and aayuig ebargee ea appliutioa te Moaugee ttall. r24 3t Wool Galtrra, fJOODS, BusI. CeBBf4tw-s, aad bwks, for sail 1 1 drea's rn, at -A COTTRF.LI.'," decil tf Ti larf. objecting to its being published, as being tihpra cedeuted and as continuing views and expressions to wiucu the Assembly did not detire to be committed The Rev.

Dr. Smith, Rev. Mr. Hawlcy, Rev. Mr.

Woodruff and others, advocating the publications as due to the learned author, and as a remarkably clear and satisfactory, expression of true Preabvterian doctrines. Th resolution was'finally indefinitely postponed with the un dei'stumling that the sermon is to be printed un offlciully. The ud dresses of the delegates from correspond' ing bodies were received- the Rev. Mr. Ames representing Connecticut; Rev.

Carpenter, Massachusetts Rev. A. 1L Clflpp, Vermont; Rev Mr. Dluke, Miune; Uov. Air.

Miles, Wisconsin; and Rev. Mr. Dosirett, New York. These ad- aresses were very traternal, and were handsome ly responded to by the Moderator, who alluded with great force to the ancient relations of these several eocleautstical bodies, and reciprocated all the kind expressions uttered. Rev.

Dr. Beinun introduced a resolution, that the Assembly procure a block of marble for the Washington Monument; to bear tins inscription The General Assembly of the Presbyterian i. I .1 ir 1 a i II liiurcn in me unnea states, met at osiiiugion, 1852. And that each member pf the Assembly give one dollar for the purpose. The resolution enuieu some remni'KR, anil was pnsseu.

ine Rev. Mr. EckharJ, Jacob Gideon and Carter Braston, Eeqs being appointed a Committee to carry it into effect The election of delegates to foreign bodies took place in the afternoon. Rev. Dr.

Hatfield being chosen for the General Association of Connecticut; Rev. Dr. Campbell to Massachusetts Rev. R. A.

Smith to New Hampshire; Rev. Silas Hawlcy to Maine. The report on Church Extension was then ta ken up, und Rev. Mr. Stillmun, of Buflalo.tnoved the adoptiou of the first section relating to the education of the miuietry.

It requires each Presbytery to present the subject to all their churches and obtain an annual contribution, and to find out and sustain suitable young men for education each Presbytery to have a standing committee to be responsible to a standing committee of the General Assembly, which cotiimitteeshull employ a salaried secretary to attend to this work. Each Presbytery to apply its contributions to their own candidates, and pay over the surplus to the Secretary of the Assembly committee the differ ent theological seminaries be requested to send up annual reports to the Assembly. Rev. Mr. Mills defended the report at great length against objections arising from the fear that it would produce collision with other bodies, and that it is sectarian.

Rev. Mr. Hotchkin desired to know how the proposed plan differed from an ecclesiastical board! Rev. Mr. No wished to know whether it was tbe design to reinvigorate an existing system, or to substitute a new one Dr.

Durfield and others sustained the report peuding she discussion, tbe Aeserubly adjourned. Fbederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was in Cleveland the other day, and put up at the Forest City House. The proprietor permitted him to stop, on condition of having his meals sent to his rooms. This Douglass agreed to, but after wards seated himself at the public table, creating considerable disturbance among the boarders.

Whereupon Mr. Douglass was requested to leave the table. Gex. Piebce. The Washington Telegraph of the 22d, says We have seen a letter from a highly respectable gentleman in New Hampshire, who says that Generals Pillow and Cushing are actively engaged in preparing the way for the Domination of Gen.

Pierce as the DemocrsSio candidate for the Presidency, and that these gentlemen are both ambitious of places in the next Cabinet. Peosable Mi'buer in New Jxeskt. The al most lifeless body of Abram Stager, of Franklin, in this couuty, was found in a hay barrack near the place known as 44 the Paint House," in that place, on Friday morning last. After a little time he became sufficiently conscious to any that he had been badly be.teii by a man living near the poor house he refused, however, to give his name, but said that he would make him suffer for it when he got well. Upon Jeing more close ly questioned, lie stated that he had been in com pany wltu this man to llelleville, Where lie naa bought some liquor.

Inquiries proved the individual to have been one James Jenkin, a neighbor. Stager died before night His hat and jug were found in a barn considerably distant from his body, A Coroner's jury returned a verdict of death by blows at the hands of unknown persons. Suspicion rests upon three individuals, all of whom are very iniemperate. Newark Advertiser, Mag 24. jJLAMits Festival.

We learn with much plea sure that the ladies of this village and vicinity have resolved to have a festival on the approach ing 1th of July in order to assist in the eftoit which is now on loot to obtain a public clock. In so laudable an undertaking and in a matter showing so much public spirit we wish them unbounded success. Inquirer. MARRIED, In this eitv on tbe 25th instant, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, by Ihe Rer. VV.

Iewis, nil-ham Cattail to Sarah Ann, daughter of John C. Force, of this city. Un the Ub Instant Dy tne Mar. b. magoor, Dr.

J. W. Coraon to Miss Susan M. Condit, daugh ter of Calrin Condit, Esq. all ef New-York.

In New-York. John A. H.mrer to Mis. Phebe Commidinger I John O'Connor to ss Ann Wogan William McKinnell lo Miss Delia Holland; Washington Valentine to Misa Catharine Rebecca ao John S. Carter, M.

to Martha Almira, the only daughter ol lata Jason Fenn Jamas Carr to Mia. Sarah E. Diekarsen, daughter of the late Rrv. Jonathan Dickeraon Richard Boland to Beda Bolger, eldest daughter of Martin Bolger, Esq. DIED.

In this eitv. oa the S5lh instant, Hcniy Woodman. aged 40. At Bushwick, Long-Island, Cathaiiaw Sarah, wife of Charlea T. He U.

In New-York, illiam Hunter, aged07 Sarah Elisatieib. eldest daughter of William Maedinald, airrd 20 William H. Martine, agrd 46 Miriam, wire ol tne late jscod nurgre, sreu oo i mra. r-nzi- beth Tallick, wife of the late Tbomaa Tallick, dee'd, age1 40. weekly neponoi incur sno crumj oi new York, Irom the loih day of May lo the UA day nf May, 1852 1 Men, 79 Women, 64 Boys 99-Girls.

(4. Total-316. Elegant Spring Itlilliuerr MB. TKlMKlRi'EK, gn NO. 63 DIVISION NEW YORK, ha the pleaaure to apprieeth ladies of New VA York and country milhoere that ahe has evened her store and show rooms their inspection, with the eaoel varied and exteuaire stock ef Flench Millin-wy and Straw Goorla ever besare exhibited in thie As MRS.

TRISDORFER tmpone all her coda diree (Tom Pari, feel eooSdeot she eaa aot only offer a seore choice article, bat srll snore ixvioral terme then any sxber kooee ihe bwinees. Ladiee are sok.tso, whether they amy wi purchase er aot, to eeli at Ne. il b.riuoa street, New-York. ap2 JonrAe WILLIAM BACKUS, ARCHITECT, laanrry Coeirt, .41 Wall Hew Yark STATK STREKT, ruarr Dooa eat or eoarar araxxT, fcRUOKLYN. fcl3 If do Navy do do (finger Snaps do Bread aud ike Pic-lNie Cut) Shipper and others ran hare their Cracker packed in nn, or otherwise lor ae voyage, tnil sent many part oflha woii.l.

declO ttmddt rii; i.oi imci. ALFRED MUNHOE No. 4 11 Hroadway, NeW-YorK. (Hftwies Howabd and Gband Taarr,) HAVE for aale a very extensive 4sortmnl ef beat quality Ready Made Cloth ino and FtramaH-INO Goooa, al low prices, CiLxons and atrangeis areinriied Super Black Cloth Dreas and Frock Cats. Super black and colored Cloth Sack business Super blat and eol red single nulled Chah Coata.

Su- black and colon-d 'ashmeretie Ciwta. fupr-r black and colored Drap D'Ele Cuuia. Siiwr inen and Seersucker 'mis, Sup-ir Pougee snd Pineapple Cloth at. PANTI.O('NX. Black and Colored Caesimere Psnle.

Illaek and dored I Iran D'Kle Paul. Coney and hit Drill Pauls. India Nankeen Pauls. VESTS. Bombasine, Mirk snd Colored Silts and' Satin, whiteand fant-y Mraeiilea, Cash.nere, Ar, BOYS ANO CHILD.

CLOI'IIING, al ev ery description. Also, Linen and Muttin Shirts, Merin and Shirts, Gloves, Hall' Suspenders, Linea Cambria and Sdk Handkerchief, Ac. ONE PRICE FOR GOOD. NO DEVIATION. ALFHLD MUNUOK A No.

ell Broadway. March 1 ftmilAe iVIittlow MiikUs, Cnrliihia, mid CI ltT Cornice, B.nds, cheaper then I al any other place in th. City of New-York. Firs B-ard and Piper Hang.ngi cheaper than ever. Mra.

BER HUN, 1-V B.eery, New-York, has a large asirtiurnt of the abore article, hick will I- sold chaap. Th Window Shade ar of the ntovl beautiful patterns, aod ar up wnb artiaiical skill, aupermr to and much below the Bread- way prH-ea, and cheaper than any ether ple la New York. A lerge stock nf G.I. Corniere, Bands, al half prtc. tl -mi nowery, aiyu las Kull Haul Ie4d ool Shine at te, aasl al WJ gnuoW suld equally a Is by J.

C. COTTRELL, Hueiery lupnriee and Betetlse, eVel 'tii full. Bee-kira. LDWAHU CHOI.Il NO 25 FULTUM staeet, corner ei Wain nod New-York, Hnrnrier ef Hidsr Cnllery, snd dealer ia Xlxness tmd Nails, Serewc, lks Uiegee, Frl, KirrO, Aeguic, PUaac, Cera and C.4ew Mills. H-illow r.

FarwMaf I tea.ius H-weekeepsng ArtklM, Mcba-irV Tel us gresil variely, eYe. etc. ttT Goisauy Deelcr sopad oa the sehl I ra,.

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