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The Daily Times from New Brunswick, New Jersey • Page 1

The Daily Timesi
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


XLVII, NO. HO SEW BRUNSWICK, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1894 PBICE, TWO CENTS FACT AND FANCY. Subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly would confer a great faror by immediately reporting the fact to this office. Its regular sack Star EBADING matter on fourth page. FOB a good smoke go to Geo.

Kuhn'e, 379 street. d21 GOODWILL Council meets tonight. THE Legislature convenes tomorrow. MATINEE at Monaghan Bros, tomorrow. "THE LIMITED MAIL Friday evening.

Gel. 5. COMMON Council holds monthly meeting tonight. GOOD canton flannel at 4 cents at Downing tomorrow open all day. MATINEE at Monaghan Bros.

Music HalJ at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. THE great attraction, "The Limited Mail," In the Opera House, Tuesday evening, Oct. 5. MTRPHT P. HrNTEH, kine of knockabout comedians, at Monaghan Bros, this wet-k.

$6.00, 00, 00, for men's suits aod cutaway, all wool, thle week. Clothiers, 11 Peace street. Ir you want a nice turnout with a kind, gentle horse and a good roader, go to Atkinson's livery at 16 Drift street. J19 tf HODBBEEEPEKS look at tbejelly glasses, with covers, 2c. each, regular sizes.

Anderson's china store, 50 Hiram street. MKB. NEW, of Church street, and Mrs. Horn, Hamilton street, were two of the lucky women BO lax for flour drawn at ficheuers'. THE deposits in nil the backs In the United States amounted to $75,600,000 in 1834.

This amount IB now exceeded by the banks of a elugle county. CXPTA.IN SWEENEY, D. 8. San Dolge 43al. says Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.

Price 50c. For sale by H-. G. Vac Pelt Co. Go TO P.

8. Atkinson's livery, at 16 Drift street, for your coaches for funerals, parties and weddings. Good and safe drivers assured. KAHL'B CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels anil make your head clear as a bell. x-xi, and fl.OO.

For sale by R. 0. Van Pelt Co. f2 50 for any pair of pante in our window thle week, worth $5. Warranted all wool or money returned.

Star Clothiers, 11 Peace Street. See the stars over the entrance. slO-tf SuiLOH'g CTKE, the greatest Cough and roup Cure, ie in great demand. Pocket etee containing twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love It.

For sale by R. G. Van PtH Co. JOHN LTDWK; )g about to make application (or a license to keep a saloon next Willis' furniture store ou Burnet ttreet He will have all the necessary alterations completed in two weeks. DON'T stand over a red hot fire when you can do all your cooking- with one of our portable gasoline stoves.

The room is always cool. Price from $2.50 up. Wetgel, Peace street. HorsBLL WBELEN, Charles tiutphen, 41 Cburch lettering and decorating notice and moderate terms. tlon given to mall orders.

TIIE ath ushek Sou Piano Company the only house in the piauo trade that at I prices. Call and compare prices. If we don't do better than any other house, don't buy from us. Factory, 542 West Fortieth street, New York. New Brunswick ware rooms, George street, elO 1m SUNDAY HORNING INCENDIARISM.

The Fire Bugs Again at Central Wharf. WON BROS. THE VICTIMS Loss $15,000 in Buildings, Horses, Hay, Seeds, Floor, Feed, Grocery Stock and Other Propertj. While the people of New Brunswick who -were enjoying their soundest sleep during the darkest and stillest hour before the dawn of Sunday morning, their slumber was rudely broken by the cry of Fire" quickly followed by the brazen clangor of the out tbe wild alarm that the treacherous incendiary had been again at bis dastardly work. THB WATCHMAN'S STOBT.

It was just two minutes after o'clock when private watchman George Sbellady die covered that tbe stable connected with P. P. D. F. B.

Rnnyon'e coal yard and hay, feed and flour store was on fire in tbe lower story. The building and those connected with it stood on the alley extending from successors to street. Palnt- doue at short Special atten- apr26-tf IB Tue Lucky timbers. The eight lucky numbers drawn Saturday for flour at Bcbeuers' were, 1,120, 1,172, 144, 328, 479, 67. Those holding ti.e above tickets will please bring them aud we will deliver the flour.

So far ticket No 32b wae turned lu by Mrs. Peter J. Horu, 104 Hamilton street No. 3,068 by Patrick New, 56 Church street. We shall wall until Oct.

10, aud If other numbers don't come In we shall give the flour to Wells Hospital and City Home. Read cut lor this week lu our advertisement. B. 81 beuer SODS. Buy Your Coal ISow.

If you have any money left these hard are positive that you will need coal nexi winter; so do not take any chances but have It all lu and paid for, and you can snap yaur fingers at Jack Frost. While you are about buy the beet, It will not cost you any more. C. W. Russell, corner of Freuch aud ticbuyler streets, cao supply you with the best aod cleanest coal lu the market, at bottom prices.

Try him. Fish and Oyst-erH. All kluds of fish at Jacob Heed's, 62 Irate street, telephone call, 94 a. Con Bluntly ou hand, tbe finest oysters, such Blue Shrewsbury aod Maurice Coves, direct from the bids, sold by the quart, hundred or thousand. Blue Point oysters delivered to all parte of the city on the half shell at the shortest notice.

Bepll-tf Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. The bee' sajve In the world for cute so Ice re, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. Ills guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 85 cents per box. For sale by G. Van Pelt Co.

Imperial Bicycle. Mo wheel is made better, or rune easier, or baa a more beautiful model than the Imperial." The "Imperial" IB sold lower than aoy high grade wheel of the same class. 1. 8. MANNING SONS, 2S4 Borne street.

With the Price. Columbia, model 30, new, $90, Columbia, model 80, second hand, $55 Columbia, mudel So, second hand, wood rime, $60 Columbia, roadster, wood rims, $60. 8i.MfKL E. LUTZ, dealer in bicycles, 88 Albany street mar22-6m fc ledge brings comfort tSorut live better and enjoy better health and life. Cheap, trashy goods are unwholesome, more costly to health and pocketbook.

We tuaranice purity. The Great Atlautk Pacific IVa Co. Wonder. It IB natural for people to wander and other why ou have no reason t) complain, our goods the test mark aud eland the definition of the word good. Tbe Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Com pan) Sprfnkle A udtcloufi forethought and care In buying Penetrate and study our promises.

We couttriu our Inspections to ourselves aud take good care our actions are honest Intentions and truths. The Great Atlantic Paclik Tea Co. We Will Deal liberally and fairly with you, and trust to our honest methods and purity of goods to maintain a reputation which wp justly de- eerve. The Ureat Atlantic Pacific Tea Company. Have lou Tried We have testimonials wLich prove that Oattrodyne has cured dyspepsia of 26 yean Cures all stomach For Burnet street down to the canal at tbe Ci ty Dock.

Mr. Sbellady, who is watchman for Banyon Brothers and also for John Collier, ice oean, whose premises adjoin, tells tbe following regarding tbe discovery of the fire I bad made a tour through the alley from the canal up and through the yard inside, daring which I noticed that the big gate next the stable was locked and I know I had the key in my pocket. "After looking for prowlers in the alley at about 3.02, I went into tbe yard by the gate next the office and walked dawn past the first warehouse and to tbe stable which I saw was all on fire among the straw on the floor and in a moment the whole place was in a blaze. I ran into the stable to try to save the horses, but found it utterly impossible. I then ran out into the alley where I saw two Hebrew butchers who were crying I also gave the alarm.

I kept trying to save the horses until the flre drove me THE FIKST ON HAND. The first persons to arrive on the of the fire were H. Price, William Faulkner, Samuel Gourley, Watchman William Budlnot and another whose name has escaped us. They went down the alley to the gate at the end of tbe stable and finding it locked broke it open with considerable difficulty. The interior of the stable was then entirely in flames.

SPREADING THE ALARM. While this was going on Max Kregloh, who was to go fishing with Bildebrand, started to call the latter and on opening his front door on Burnet street, opposite what Is known aa Central Dock alley, he saw tbe fire and carried tbe alarm to tbe bouse of PhcEolx Engine Company, No. 8. At this time Peter Dunn and Henry Banker, who are employees of Rolfe and whehave Instructions in the event of fire to use their first efforts to save tbe horses got into the lumber yard and after seeing that the horses were not in danger, thejj got oat the hose Saw Mill and got a stream on tbe rear of the old Dunham property occupied by Adam PaullB, cigar manufacturer, tbe roof of which had caught fire from the flying sparks. lu the meantime the flames at Ruoyon's blazing high and tbe sparks were being blown in a southwesterly direction for a long distance down town.

Green's Pottery, Battler's Sash and Blind Works, the National Iron Works and others who had hose got It out and made preparations to fight for their property, should the fire spread. In the meantime, Washington, No 1 and Phoenix, No. had both reached the scene and got streams on. At this point something occurred that seeme to lead to tbe conclusion that it was not only an Incendiary fire, bat that it had been started in two places. William Faulkner, of No.

eaye Our company bad got a stream Into the stable which bad somewhat deadened the blaze, and the prospect looked well for putting it out altogether, when suddenly the flames burst through the roof, not over the fire In the stable, but some distance further up toward the main warehouse, which was quickly all on fire and burned down with the stable." THE POOB HOBSB8. There were seven valuable horses in Run- yoo Brother's stable when tbe fire broke out. Six of them were burned to death at their mangers, and the seventh, by the burn Ing away of big halter, got away into the street, but he was so terribly burned that be had to be killed as an act of mercy. Among the horses burned were two of the finest teams of draught horses in this section, also Peter P. road horse, a fine speedy animal valued at $1,000.

Tbe almost human screams of tbe horses in their fiery torture before slow death mercifully relived them of their misery, were most pitiful to bear. THE PHOPEBTT DESTROYED. The Fire Department was upon the ground promptly and efficiently, and poured water upon the flames like a deluge, but despite ail they could do the stable and tbe large frame warehouse extending op to the brick building containing the offices and sales- were, witb their valuable contents, entirely destroyed. The brick building witb its large stock of flour, seeds and grocery Htock, was saved entire. Tbe old warehouse, extending from the stable down to the dock and filled with hay and grain, was saved, like tbe brick building, by the prompt and well directed ol the firemen.

The buildings destroyed were frame structures two stories high, about 30 feet wide and 150 feet long. They had come through tbe flre which about a year ago destroyed the coal sheds of Runyon Brothers and also the large ice houses of John Collier. The rebuilt coal sbedi only'escaped destruction in this fire because they were corered with corrugated iron. This fact also prevented fie flames from reaching Mr. Collier's property.

TEB NEIGHBORS PREPARE TO FLEE. Mr. Collier and Peter Zimmerman early after the flre started got out all their wagons and took their bones to places of safety. All the people living in tLe houses on Burnet street from Runyon's corner down to the tee house, who suffered severely in the fire last year, made preparations to save their property aa far as possible and some of them removed portions of it. ANOTHER THKOBT.

While tbe theory of incendiarism is the most generally accepted there are some who incline to that of accident. One of the horses was taken sick Saturday a member of the firm was at tbe stables at a late hour that night attending to the animal and arranging for Its care during the night. At 10 SO o'clock he lea. At that time there was no light of any kind in the building. It is understood, however, that an employee was Instructed to come later in the night to give the horse some medicine.

It is possible that in doing this he dropped a cigar or cigarette, or some matches, or even left tbe lantern in the stable within reach of the horse's boon. 'The animal stepping upon the matches or knocking over lantern, might thus bare started tbe flre. i hose who were first on the scene say it was very evident that tbe fire had started from the centre of the building, for when it was first discovered tbe entire interior was most intact. If an incendiary set tbe build- Ing on flre be must have been thoroughly acquainted with the structure and tbe means of getting into and out of It. PROMPTNESS OF THE FIREMEN.

Owing to the night before being Saturday night a great many of the saloons in the lower part of the city were stHl open when the alarm came and tbe result was that it was spread very rapidly and responded to very qnickly by the firemen. Under any other circumstances the destruction must have been much greater. FIBEMBN HURT. William Plechner, of Phoenix Engine Company No. was badly injured at the fire He was at the nozz'e with another fireman when the force of the water took the nozzle from their hands.

The full force of tbe water struck Plechner in tbe face and injured both eyes. Dr. Long attended the injured man. The right eye is seriously injured and it is feared that the sight will be impaired. Oscar Bauer, of tbe same company was also badly burned about the face.

and hands while at work at the fire. The Two First RUTftEBS EVENTS. Games of tlie Football Season. LOCATIONS OF 'ENGINES. The various engines were located aa follows No.

1, at Schareman and Burnet street Liberty Hose was attached to No. 1 Tbe game of football with Lehlgh on Sat- urdar resulted in a defeat for Rutgers by, a record of 24 to 0. The Rutgers team played very good game, but Lehigh played so much faster that our boys were put at a disadvantage. The day was so hot that they did not play regulation halves, the first being 25 minutes and tbe second 15. Lehigh did a good deal of fumbling while Rutgers ought to have done better interference.

Oo the whole tbe playing was as good as could be expected so early in the season. Tbe teams lined up as follows Rutgen. Positions. Leliigh. Left end Bert Tates Scudder tackle Houston Oarpender Left Trafton (Oapt.) Oonover Coddingtou iht guard Bocae a A YOUNG MAN IS ASSAULTED By a Scoundrelly W6uld-be Masher.

No. streets; No. 5 and 3, at 4, at 6 on No. 2 was on Collier's dock Richmond and Burnet John and New streets Welah's dock. THE SCENE.

Tbe appearance of the fire when at its leight was as grand in its spectacular beauty as it was terrible in its destructive power, mmediately over the burning buildings there was a dense cloud of black smoke, up through which the bright flames shot like a blazing volcano, lighting up with great brll igncy city and river, rendering the con- lagration visible for many mllea around and bringing out with great effectiveness the scenic beauty of the Highland Park blufis. FIRE IN THE BUINS. Notwithstanding the immense amount of water thrown upon tbe debris the flames broke out again twice. Once at 9 o'clock -Sunday morning and again at 4 40 on Sunday both blazes-were promptly subdued by the fire patrol and firemen with the hose kept on the scene ready attached. AND INSURANCE.

From the most careful estimates we have- been able to gather the loss of Runyon Brothers in buildings, horses, bay, grain, flour and other stock will be about $15,000 The insurance Is as fohows Freight House Liverpool, London Globe, 1,500, N. T. Parker; St. Paul, $1,000, R. G.

Miller Guardian, $1,000, N. T. Parker; Royal, $1,000, N. T. Parker; Ira perial, $1,000, J.

B. Kirkpatrick. Brick $2,000, J. KirkPatrick; $1.000, N. T.

Parker; Guardian, $500, N. T. Parker New Hamp shire, $500, N. T. Parker.

Hay and Flour $500, N. T. Parker; Imperial, $500, J. B. Kirkptttrick.

Salt Fund, $500, R. G. Miller. The following Insurance was held in the agency of N. Ellas Runyon, on Mer- bants', of Newark, $750; Norwich Union, $1,500 total, $2,250.

Runyon Bros on Stock, of 3artford, $500 Royal, of Liverpool, Juardian, of London, $1,000 Liverpool, London Globe, $1,500 total, $4,000. The whole insurance amounts to $16,750. INCIDENTS OF THE FIRE. The old Clancy warehouse which was gutted by tbe fire a year ago still stands there a constant menance to surrounding property. It was on fire on Sunday morning but was extinguished before it could seriously spread the flames.

The old shell should be removed at once. This morning Runyon Brothers had a new and ftne trim gray team of horses on band to replace tbe team that was burned. The team they lost were, also iron grays and were to have drawn Raritan Engine No. 4, In the parade tomorrow. The firemen were caused conslderabe additional trouble as all the companies bad their apparatus cleaned up in readiness for the biennial parade and have had all their work to do over again.

The fire will not be allowed by Runyon to interfere with their business, and as soon as the Insurance adjusters are out of the way the work of rebuilding will begin. Terrance Clancy was employed to take the bodies of the burned horses away and bury them. The digging out of the animals bodies from the debris was a sickening spectacle. The fire patrol left to watch the debris in case of a second breaking out were Alfred Buwee, of No. 5 Conrad Stlliger, of Hook Ladder Company and Alfred Hulse, of No.

4. Tbe firemen desire to express their thanks to Mrs Isaac Elkins, of Macom's Hotel, and to Mr. Charles Paul Is for the generous supply of hofrcoffee furnished by them. The carcasses of the burned horses were 'till In the ruins this morning, but they will be removed as soon as the insurance adjusters have made their inspection. The horse that waf badly burned and escaped to the street was killed by Dr.

Lob- leln, because it was Impossible to save him. Messier High tackle BuJd Mason Bight end o'Ker -n Van baci Saltzoisn 8. dlow nwd) G. Ludlow Eight Xburstou Parker Full baou Fitzgeiald 0. P.

Dyke, of Btrtgers. Umpire Price; of Princeton. finger, of Yale Oass, Thnr- ston, Trafton Budd. Goals ironi geralcJ; 2. Danner, of Rutgers, was slightly hurt.

Denise took his place. The attendance was about SOO. The game between the second team and Rahway Athletic Association was more successful, as the score was 4 to, 4. No one was hurt, but there was a good deal of fightiog on both siJes. Umpire, Plum; referee, Loud linesman, Manning.

The fall handicap field day will be held Friday, Oct. 12, at Noilson Field The fol lowing are the events and Ooe hundred yards dash, 10 I'M yards hurdle, 19 3-5 sec 1 mile bicycle race, 3 mln. 20 1 mile walk, 7 min. 45 1 mile run, 5 min. 1125 440 yards dash, 220 yards dash, 880 yards run, 2 mlo.

8 throwing hammer, 93 ft. vault, 8 ft. 8 in running high jump, 5 ft. 3 running broad jump, 19 n. 11 putting shot, 34 ft.

10 1 5 in. First and second silver medals will be given to winners. A special class medal will be awarded to that of tbe lower classes which scores the greatest number of points. Entries close Monday, Cvt. 8.

Price of entry, 25 cents for single event and So cents for mon than one event. Committee, Loud, '95, chairman '96 Byram, '96 Van Arsdale, '97 Case, '97. The Senior Class play committee is composed of J. C. Loud, chairman II.

8. and I W. STREET OUTRAGE Another Rascal Who Chases Women on lastou Evil That A dastardly outrage was committed on Albany street last evening by some one of the scoundrels Who make a habit of forcing their attentions upon defenceless young women. The victim was so badly frightened that she was taken with a violent fit ol hysteria, which came very near having serious consequences. The young woman was Walking down Albany street, and when Neilson street was approached by a would be master, who stepped to her side and tried to start a conversation.

Terror stricken at the Insult she stark to run. He pursued her and caoght her-by the arm. She struggled with the fellow and began to shriek iu terror. Her assailant by her cries, released her. Aa she was struggling to get away from him when his hold was released she fell Into the gutter, striking her head against tbe Her shrieks meanwhile had aroused the neighborhood and Mr.

John Greenewald who lives near by, with several neighbors, lifted up the woman who, by this time was wildly hysterical and carried her to Mr. Greenewald's residence. Here she was given every attention and under Mrs. Greenewald's care soon recovered. She refused to give her name or addrcsq, and left, after thanking Mr.

and Mrs. Greenewald for their kindness. She could not give any description of her assailant. H'e was doubtless one of the gang that bangs round this section of the city That a woman should be submitted to the daoger of insult and assault Is outrageous and shows the need of police activity to break up the pernicious habit some alleged men have of accosting young women on the A SEPTUAGENARIAN. Mr.

Samaal Lederer 7Oth Birthday. Mr. Samuel Lederer, one of New jrtck's best known bnslneu men, waft 70 years of ago yesterday and a most enjoyable family reunion was held in honor of tbe carton. The Lederer homestead at tbe corner of Nellson and ficbureman streets, was filled with a joyous assembly of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs.

Lederer. The number; was a goodly one, for besides their sons and daughters were their grandchildren, 17; in all, ranging from the o'deat, a black eyed boy of 14, to a tiny babe who has beefl a resident of this world for only six The reunion was a most delightful one. From half dozen the children and grandchildren of Lederer as aembled to wish him joy and many happy returns of the day. He was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and valuable presents, chief among these being, a magnificent gold watch, presented to him by his six sons. On the case was engraved his name and with the date of bis birth and the date, Sept.

30, 1894 Ihe day "was delightfully spent in conversation by the older people and games and sports by the younger generation. In all 87 relatives were present at the reunion. Desp te his advanced age Mr. Lederer enjoys the best of health and bids fair to live many years to enjoy the autumn of a long and fruitful life. Among the immediate family who came from out-of town points yesterday to the reunion weie the following Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Lederer and family, of St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. M.

Baumann, and children, of New Haven Mr. and Mrs. Jotkis Lederer, and children, Nev Haven Mr. and Mrs. Bayer and family, Mr.

and Mrs. David J. Lederer, George Lederer, and Henry Lederer, of Yonkers, N. T. Mr.

and Mrs. Bardeck and family, of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Max Lederer and child, of this city. TGRAMS, Weddings to Gome, There is every reason to believe that September's record for weddings will be beaten by that of the present month.

Already the announcements are beginning to coihe. Among them are these: On Thursday of this week, Oct-4, Mies Francoise Melanie Duclos and Mr. "William B. Barstow, prominent; electrician, of Brooklyn, will be married at the residence) of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.

M. Duelofl, of Highland Park. On the same evening Miss Jennie Colborn sod Mr. Jerry W. Letson will be married at Metuchen.

Miss Kate Deshler and Dr. Frank L. Hindle, two prominent and papular young people, will be wedded on Thursday, Oct. is. It is rumored that toward the latter end Off-October, Mir.

Howard Hale, paying teller of tbe New Brunswick Savings Institution, will take to himself a bride in the person of Miss Mary Totten, of Mlddlebusb. "The limited Mall." Elmer E. Vance's new play of railroad fife, The Limited Mail," which has successfully presented over 1,000 times in the leading cities of the Union, will be seen in the Opera House Friday evening, The author was a well known i ator. The Limited Mail is constructed jiist right, and the number and variety of characters are calculated to please miscellaneous tastes. There is no class of people regarded I with more interest and admiration than tbe I railroad engineer, the conductor, the graph operator and others actively associated with the great and complex work of transportation.

These characters have been woven into Mr. Vance's play and are prominent throughout Its action, thus explaining its hold the people. In The Ltmitpd ASBTTHT PARX, Oct. storm of the Mall" one can see the wonderful strides I iv which stage craft and stage carpentry bate I past few day8 wound up earl thl mornlD made during the last few years. THE SEACOAST.

i Damage at or Near Long Branch. ATHLETE'SBflCKBROKEN Terrible Accident Student at Eri to MR. CROKER GOING ABROAD. Midnight Bace After the Growler Gang np District Attorney Fellows. THE HURRICANE.

Branch and It Doea Damage at Long Other Places. T. M. A. WORE.

for CLASS DAT OFFJC3KS. The senior class today elected class day officers as follows President, A. S. Parsons vice president, J. 8, Games; secretary, E.

L. Hurley; treasurer, Stout Scarlet Letter Historian, David Cabart class day orator, Frank Parker; poet, F. H. Pierson; class day historian, Frank Eaton presenter of memorial, I Salmon; address to undergraduates, George Ludlow presenter of momentoes, Harry Haroptou ivy orator, F. W.

Ells ivy. planter, C. A. Wlckerly ivy cdist, H. C.

Weber pipe orator, C. E. Conover address to president, Alex. Way mast' orator, J. C.

Loud. The class of '95 today chose George C. Ludlow and J. C. Black to the committee on college government.

Tbe Freshmen elected JohryBlack. The other classes i ave not as yet mawJany selections. streets. SCOUNDREL OR SPOOK. by a PARADF.

The Preparations for Grand IMsplay. Young Girls and Women Chased Middle- Aged Man. Du-ing the past week the corner of Easton avenue and Hamilton street baa been haunted by a middle-aged man, of average height and not badly dressed, who on several occasions has chased girls and young women. This gave rise to a rumor that a spook had appeared In the Sixth ward. The chasing is by something much more substantial; A vigilante committee has been organized to watch for the chaser and If he Is captured he will wish he was a spirit, or think he 'is going to be one.

People's Mission. Rev. Ralph Atkinson, of Chicago, yesterday spoke at the People's Mission. The gentleman's address was highly appreciated. He is an eloquent talker.

His subject was The Life ol Christ." ThegirU choir sang several appropriate selections. A Gay Farmer. William Spruance, a farmer hailing from Middlebush, came to this city yesterday, and by night was feeling very gay. He was arrested at 10 p. on French street, by Officers Bates and Kelly.

He was glvefi 4 days to jail. OTHER PEOPLE. The indications are that parade of the Flre is to come off tomorrow our flre fighters will do themselves full credit and make a display of which their fellow citizens may very proud. The following is the cfflj-ial pro- gramme THE ROUTE. Line form on Livingston avenue 10 a.

right resting on (Jomstock street, move 10.30 sharp: Livingston avenue, to George, to Albany, to Frecch, counter-march to be reviewed by Common Council from Opera House steps, down Albany, to Peace, to Burnet, to Commercial avenue, to George, to Throop avenue, to Suydam. to Remsen avenue, to George, to Bayard, it Kirkpatrick, to New, to French, to James, to Somerset, to Division, to Hamilton, to Union, to Mine, to Easton avenue, to Stone, to College avenue, to Somerset, to to Hamilton, to Neilson, to Church, to Dennis, to Richmond, and dismiss. FOBMATION. The Mayor and Common Council in carnages. Platoon of Police.

Chief Engineer and Assistants. Invited Guests. Ex-Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs. Robiuscm'8 American Band of Paterson. Washington Engine Company, No.

1. Washington Hose Company, No. 1. Plaiufleld Band of Plainfield. Neptune Engine Company, Xo.

2. Neptune Hose Company, No. 2. Band. Lincoln Hose Company, No.

3, of Perth Am boy. Drake's Band, of Elizabeth. PUa'uix Engine Company, No. 3. Phoenix Hose Company, No.

3 Goodwill Band, of New Brunswick. New Brnngwick Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. New Brunswick Drnm and Flute Corps, Liberty Hose Company, No. 1.

Independence Hook and Ladder Company of Rahway Columbia Cornet Band of South River. Raritan Engine Company, No. 4. Raritan Hose Company, No. 4.

Bayne's 6itth Regiment Band of New York. Protection Engine Company, No. 5. Protection Hose Company, No. 5.

Union Cornet Band of-New Brunswick. Ilibernia Engine Company, No. 6. Hioernia Hose Company, No. 6.

A BEAUTJFrjL FEATURE. One of the many pleasing features to the eye of the public on firemen's parade day will be the decorations and trimmings on Neptune No. 2 engine house, in which Misa Ada Allen will appear as the Goddess of Liberty and Miss Sadie Gordon aa a queen on the steamer, while tbe parade is passing the house. Items to Interest You Concerning Friends and itandlnf bj all drnggUU, like a furnace, though tbe weie al, bj carriage load of Mrs C. Began, of Maiden, is visiting her son, Alonzo, in this city.

Frank Bartholmew, of Hazzart street, spent yesterday with friends at New York. Miss Kate Karpen, of Plainfleld, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Bryce, of James street. Inspector McLaughllo, of New York, was in town Saturday engaged iu important business. A.

C. Moorebouse and son, James, both of whom resided In this city, were in town on Sunday. Ex-Freeholder John Elliott, of Jamesburg, is visiting ex Freeholder Jacob Reed, of Bayard street. Mr. and Mrs Kennedy, of Lone Branch, spent with George Naylor, Mrs.

Kennedy's father. Hiss Millie Ople conducted the meelng of the Epworth League of tbe Pitman Cburch yesterday morning. John Hickey, of George street, paid a visit to his cousin who is one of tbe officers of the ocean liner Majestic. The sympathy of their friends are with Mr. and Mrs.

Sullivan, of Burnet street, in the loss of their Infant son. Miss Aggie Oates, of Elizabeth, has returned home after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Peter Kenny, of Wyckoff street. Mrs. Joseph Schneider, who has been at Mauch Chunk for some time for her health, Is expected home this evening.

She will return by tbe Lebigb Valley Railroad and will reach Metucben at 5 o'clock and will be FAIR. The Close of a Very Successful Entertainment. Tbe bazaar and entertainment of the Ladles' Auxiliary of Company was concluded on Saturday night. Tbe hand some banquet lamp, for "which every person entering the hall had a chance, was won by Mr Nicholas Martin. The tableaux were well produced and were heartily applauded.

Mr. Edward O'Connor sang Say Au Revoir, but Not Goodby," and in re- spouse to aa encore sang The Fatal Wedding-" Mr. Samuel Dean sang Tbe Little Maid in the Moon atd The Pride of the Ball A mouth organ selection was also played by Mr. 8. A.

Dean. The entertainment and bazaar has been a great social a profitable venture. Company will meet tonight, after which the Ladies' Auxiliary will meet and settle up the final business affairs. Insulting Women on tbe Street. About 9.30 o'clock on Sunday evening a very respectable young woman who lives on( was OB her -way home from St.

John's Reformed Church the Torrence apartment house, she was approached by a man who caught her by the arm saying Come and take a walk over the bridge with me." The young woman sprang away when the fellow followed her up aad said, If you won't go over tbe river, let me walk home with you," to which she replied, I am at home now," and shot into the house where she lives, while the fellow ran off down Albany street. This habit of loafers stopping and insult- Ing women on the street has become BO bold and frequent that respectable women an? becoming afraid to venture out after dark. BON TONS WIN AGAIN. They Capture a Close and Exciting Game from Stelton'a Team. The Bon Tons, of this city, played a close and exciting game of baseball at Stelton Saturday afte noon with a team representing that village.

It was made up, however, of three Steltohites and six players from New Brunswick and Rutgers College. Those from this city who played on the Stelton team were Irving Howell, Clarkson Runyon, Bos well, Sharrott, Scudder and Bogert. McDowell and Scudder.and Bogert were the battery for Stelton, while Truax and Lannon were the Bon Tons' battery. The game was a close and exciting one throughout. Harvey Wilson waa umpire and did very satisfactory work.

A close decision in the ninth inning displeased the Steltonites but disinterested spectators decided that the umpire was right. The Bon Tons won by a siore of 10 to 9. Truax did some splendid pitching, striking out man after man on the Stelton team. The game was full of brilliant plays and good batting. Tbe Bon Ton team was made up as follows: Truax, Lannon, FranK Hard- log, let Koutz, 2nd Staley, s.

Frank Bradley, 3rd Hendricks, T. Conover, c. Acker, f. Committees Appointed to Arrange Special Revival Services. The regular Sunday afternoon service at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms yesterday was a very interesting one.

There was a good with splendid music, especially that rendered by the male quartette of tbe St. James M. E. Church. Rev.

Joseph Homer gave an able address on tbe results of Christian effort. General Secretary Charles E. Head then read a letter from Rev. Professor H. Elliott, the evangelist, with regard to arrangements for the special religious revival meetings to be held in Association Hall, Oct.

to 21, and then announced the following committees to arrange tbe details of those meetings Executive committee, Rev. W. W. D. Rev.

B. C. Lippincott, D. Rev. P.

T. Pockman, Rev. Linn E. Wheeler, Wil. Ham R.

Janeway, W. 8. Campbell, H. fii Zimmtrman finance committee, R. Dj Titus, John A.

Orpen, L. 8. Llndley elation committee, W. N. Osborn, John Er- rtekson.

William Burnes, John Voorhees, Harry Voorhees, H. V. Butler canvassing and invitation com mi Ike, Cornelius Hoag. land, Professor A. A.

Titsworth, Meyers; association committee, D. Morrison, W. H. Pierce, George Dunham William! Reed, M. R.

Drake ushers, M. T. Wheat, Herbert Rastall, M. Mallery, 8. Starkey associate committee, Alex.

Merchant, John; Strassburger, John D. Watson, George Caldwell Harry J. C. Manrlce G. Parker, Dr.

Harvey Iredell, F. E. Kll- patrick music committee, William Sanford, William M. Collins, William P. Foulkes.

There will be a joint meeting of all these committees this evening at the association: rooms at 8 o'clock, and a full attendance is desired. THE WEATHER As recorded at the central office of tie New Jersey Weather Service, State Experiment Station; this city. The following record- shows the highest and lowest temperature recorded yesterday, in comparison with the corresponding date of last year also the amount of precipitation: Sept. 80,1898. Sept SO; 1894.

61.31 Lowest 878 5l.O Rainfall 0.001 Balnfall Trace HONDAS, OCT. 1. Weather at Temperature at cooler Tuesday morning. .1 j- Amusements to Come. Oct.

2, Tuesday Twenty-fifth biennial ball of Protection Engine Company 5, in Zimmerman Hall. Oct. 15, grand ball of Division No. A. B.

of in Zimmerman's Hall. Oct. 20 to grand fair of the New Brunswick Athletic Association in Zimmerman's Hall. The Federation of Labor. The executive board of the New Jersey Federation of Trades and Labor Unions held their first regular meeting recently at the residence of Chairman J.

P. McDonnell, Lakeview. Frank L. Kresge, of Trenton was elected first vice president, and Hugh Clark, of Jersey City, second vice president. A special committee was appointed to attend the October extra session of the Legislature, to assist Chairman J.

P. Me DonnelL It was resolved to send a synopsis of the proceedings of the Elizabeth Congress and a brief history of the accomplishments of the Federation to every trades Union in New Jersey. It was also resolved to take immediate steps for the presentation of a testimonial to Justice Leon Abbott, in recognition of his services to labor while Governor. It was decided to demand that all bills passed by the House of Assembly and now in the Senate should be taken up, if other bills are taken up at tbe October session. It was unanimously resolved to introduce a bill at the next session of the Legislature providing that all Pullman cars passing through New Jersey be compelled to pay a license for selling liquor.

Tbe chairman wap authorized to communicate with all political parties In the State, requesting them to have a plank inserted in their favoring Direct Legislation, and also to communicate with all the trade organizations, urging them to take immediate action in this regard. For Disorderly Condnct. Two young men caused considerable turbance on Remseu avenue, near Qeorg4 street yesterday morning just, as church goers were returning from morning Officers Ackerman and Fox arrested the two. They gave the names of John Daw and Harry paw waa two days ln jail "and" McLaughlin' was sent; up for four. Tickets for tbe Y.

Jff. C. L. A. Entertainment.

The diagram of the seats in Columbia Hall for the Y. minlstrel entertainment which takes place on Friday evening, is now open for inspection at R. D. Cuddy Go's, store on Somerset street where tickets can be exchanged lor reserved seats free of extra charge. Road Commissioners.

In tbe matter of the macadamized road in Raritan township from Holly's Corner to Plainfleld Justice Beasley today appointed as commissioners to the costs and expenses, Theodore A. floods, Abner 8. Cor- lell and John Robins. with a severe gale. During the fierce wind storm of yesterday considerable damage was done to the blnfi and bulkhead at Long Branch.

The wind swept along the entire New Jersey coast at a hurricane force, which kept up until an early hour this morning. Where the surf beat up against Long Branch it cut away some 50 feet of the driveway. The famous ocean driveway Is cut off and a new road to Monmouth Beach and Sea Bright has been made through some private property. The pound fishermen along the coast have suffered to a great extent. Nearly in every case these men have lost all their nets, entailing a loss of several thousand dollars.

The Central Rajlroad tracks at Highland Beach are blocked, being covered with tons of the beach sand that washed over them. The storm is working northeast. STUDENT'S BACK BROKEN. Normal Sbhoolboy, Badly Hurt While Wrestling. ERIE, Oct.

Carnahan, of Wealeyville, was brought from the Edinboro State Normal School to the Hamot Hospital last night in a most pitable condition. Carnahan and Winslow Breedy, a fellow student, both athletes, engaged in a catch-as-catch- can wrestling match. Carnahan broke his back trying to throw- bis adversary over his head. Technically, it was a fracture or displacement near the juncture of the cervical and dorsal vertebras. Carnahan fell paralyzed and without sensation from the breastbone down.

Sojdam Street Church. Rev. Alan -Campbell is on his vacation, and yesterday morning the pulpit of the Fourth Reformed Church was occupied by Rev. Dr. Drury, and in the afternoon by Rev.

M. V. McDuffie. Both gentlemen preached able secoions, which greatly pleased the congregation. Justices Appeal Cases.

MONDAI, Oct. the Court of Couji- mon Pleas this morning Judge Rice set down Thursday, Oct. 18, for hearing all Juttices' appeal cases, whether with or out Jury. Tbe Boat Club. A good sized crowd of members visited the Boat House yesterday and enjoyed a sun bath in the parlor which a brisk breeze made much more popular than the veranda.

In tbe mornli some exciting sailing was enjoyed. In ibe afternoon a barge crew vent out aud took a brisk three-mile pull. No date has as yet been fixed for the removal of the house. The keeper is under contract for tbe month of October and unless bad weather makes such a course dangerous the house will doubtless be kept in position during that month. As soon, however, as weather becomes unsettled the house will be taken to a position of safety.

The Fire Alarm System. The representatives of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Company were out of town for two days last week. They returned on Thursday. The work of completing the line is progressing and the boxes will c.r- taiuly be ready for a test at tbe firemen's parade tomorrow. Owing to the non arrival of the necessary mechanism for the tappers to be attached on tbe bells of the Second Reformed and St.

James' Church, the large bell alarm will not be completed ready, for the test. Tbe fact is that the arrangements have not yet been completed for using the bell of St. James' Church fpr alarm at large. hkt evening benefit of the rendered five exti a selections and Miss Addle Dunham sang solo, "There is a Green Hill Far Away." The assemblage was highly pleased with the service and are willing to hear more. Increasing the C.

B. JL. John Enonee yesterday went to Milltown and did some profitable business for the benefit of Rogers' Council, C. B. L.

Heob- tained DO less than fire propositions, which' evidently knew Mr. Konover, will be presented at Meetings and Lectures. In Rutgers College and Rutgers Scientific School. Announcement of public meetings -and lectures during October, 1894: In tbe Fine Arts Building Course of lectures on "The Influence of Protestantism ou State, Society, Art and Science," by Professor Carl Meyer, D. every Thursday at 4 p.

m. Tbe New Brunswick Historical Club. Founded 1870. The third Thursday of each at 8 p. m.

Oct. Paper by Rev. David D. Demar' est, D.D., LLD.j subject, "The Dutch Ecclesiastical Centres in New second paper, "Central New Jersey Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of New Jersey. Established 1869.

The first Monday of each month at 8 p. for members only. Oct. 1, paper hy Charles D. Desbler, esq.

Subject, Some Old-Time Middlesex County Words, Phrases and Colloquialisms." In the Queen's New Brunswick Astronomical Society. Founded 1892. The Second Thursday of each at 8 p. m. Oct.

11, regular meeting of the Society. In the The New Jersey State Microscopical Society. Founded 1869. The fqurtlTMonday of each month at 7.30 p. m.

Oct. 22, paper by Professor Byron D. HalBted, 8c. D. Subject, "Abnormal Plant Structures Due to Fungus Parasites.

Bold Trenton Highirajmen. Baxter Konover, the well known horseman, and a man named Frank Barton, were driving into Trenton shortly before Sunday night, aad as they reached thei corner of North Clinton a venue and Mead street, three taen jumped out into the street, and one Protection's Ball. Let no one forget that the great attraction in this city tomorrow night will be Protection Engine Company's ball at Zimmerman's Hall. Preparations have made that will Insure pleasure to all who attend. Christian The Christian Endeavor; Society of the First Reformed Church will hold their anniversary in the church on Friday evening.

Several out of town speakers will be present. Grand Jury. The Grand Jury resumed its sessions today. There IB still a great deal of work to be done, and the Jury will probably have to return at a later day. Shepp's World's Fair.

The TIMES baa now on band the whole of the numbers of Shepp'a World's Fair Photographed, which will be supplied to all who need them, on demand for 10 cents each. Those who wish their books handsomely can. have it done for by leaving the hooka and their order at the TUCK office. CROKER GOINti ABROAD. NEW YOBK, Oit.

is said that, new that the Lexow Committee has fairly resumed its inquisition, that Richard Croker is again going to Europe. The first time he went for his health. Now he is going to buy a stallion for his stud. That is, at least, what they say. 1 Firemen take Notice.

On October 3 the biennial parade takes place and everyone- 'toe looking their prettiest. It will then be an appropriate time to have your picturet token; Vai Aman's ground floor studio 826 Barnet street, formerly Dunn's. sep24 tf Look Oref 1 the Boor. f3 00 for boy's short panto suits, double and single breasted, warranted all wool, worth this week. Star Clothiers, II Peace street; SOL the two stars over the 'door.

Three Lbs. Boi of Fair Tea for $1 at the old reliable tea house, the Great Atlantic SB Pacific Tea corner of Church Peace atraeta. lew. THE GROWLER GANG. A midnight Chase After Them by the Police.

NEW YORK, Oct. midnight chase of several members of the "Growler over the roofs of houses, and'across a bridge that extends from the top story window of the tenement, 324 East Twenty second street, to another tenement on Twenty-first street and then along half a dozen during which five shots were fired by the police, created the wildest excitement among tbe residents of that neighborhood. AFTER FELLOWS. NEW Oct. new Grand Jury, sworn In before Judge Cowing today in Part" of the Court of General Sessions, has been instructed to probe the matter of police corruption.

This is in the nature of an implied rebuke to District Attorney Fellows who refused to give a decided answer when asked whether Lexow charges would be considered. RAPID DESTRUCTION. 8 A Brief Flre that Destroys Much Prop-, erty. NBW YOBK, Oct. was a destructive flre in West Thirty-fourth near Twelfth avenue, this morning, that startled: the residents of tbe west side of the city.

In little more than an hour a six story building and $50,000 worth of machinery were destroyed, and over 100 men and women were; thrown out of employment. The flre broke out at 4.15 o'clock, and the blaze lighted up the river front for a long distance. The outbreak narrowly escaped being a far more destructive one than it was, for only 25 feet in the rear of the burned building is situated Decker Company's linseed oil factory, and the huge lard manufactory of the Central Lard Company, formerly Chamberlain Rowe. The buildings are packed from tbe ground Today tbe Hebrewr of this city are cele- I floor to the roof with tbe most inflammable brating theli New Year's Day. STATE NEWS.

Recent From All Over A Song Service. The choir of the First Presbyterian Church; caught the horse's head while the'other two gave a song service for tbe congregation. The quartette proceeded to do the highwayman act. The horse swerved to one side and broke the shaft, bat not to render it useless Hr. Konover used bis whip with such good effect upon tbe would-be robbers that they leased their hold upon the horse and wagon.

He hastily whipped up and drove upXJltn- ton avenue and down Peny street until be met Patrolmen William H. Scbenck and returned with him to the scene of the "bold np" and made an extensive search of the neighborhood, out were unable to find; any trace of the njen. They one of The Democratic Board of Freeholders In Camden Friday awarded Shanley Brothers the contract for constructing three miles of telford road at 79 cento a square yard. The clergy men of Hudson county are attempting the organization of Reform. League, patterned on the lines of Dr.

Parkhurst's society. The Bev. Drs. James Parker, E. A.

McMInnand Robert K. Wick, all of Jersey City, are leading the movement The 11-year-old daughter of James Fierce, living at Clark's Fond, near Fairton, Cumberland county, died of scarietYever on Wednesday, and now file others of Mr. Plerce's family, including his wife, are ill with the malady. Emlle Weller, a wealthy cutter, who had become despondent oa account of a falling off in his business, shot himself at hit home, Tenth ami Hudson material, and it speaks volumes for the hard work of the firemen that neither waa touched. A DRY SUNDAY.

NEW YOBK, Out. was an unusually "dry" Sunday and Superintendent Byrnes is feeling happy over there, suits. The returns, ibis morning show a total of 198 arrests for violation of the Excise law. This number exceeds the total for the previous three days, and makes a grand total of 382 since the crusade began, Dayton. Sept.

12, by M. CbldOT, of Princeton, and Sadie M. tandls, of Mon- montb this city, Bept. 30, John, of Benjamin and Mary Bnllivao, aged ,7 tad respectfully Invited to attend rtuMwl ttoau the next meetiBf. on JUUQQ utp.

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