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Angola Herald from Angola, Indiana • Page 4

Angola Heraldi
Angola, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Phone 347X FOR SALE. ANGOLA, INDIANA. At Fremont every Monday, Wednes day and Friday afternoon. EAST METZ A. Kintner is on the sick list i Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Lash, of Edon, I called on Curtis Lash Sunday after-i noon. Mr; and Mrs. Willie Brandfberry i snont Sunday afternoon with Harry ilranf'eberrj Mr. and Mrs.

James Porter took dinner Sunday with George Lech-I Mr. and Mrs. John Anspaugh were week enl guests of Samuel Ans-I Mrs. V. Tingler, Mrs.

G. Sewel, of Otsego, spent Saturday with Edna HORSES FOR SALE 6 goo 1 work horses for sale cheap All gentle and good to work. F. F. rackson.

202. FOR SALE One Jersey cow. Enquire B. A. Lowther, Angola, Ind 21tf Big' Bankrupt Sale The Shaw Co.

Stock Beginning Ttmrsda Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maugherman and son visited Sunday with John Maugherman and family. Myron Ferrier and family and Sim Ryan and family spent Sunday in the home of Thomas Ricketts, near Edon, O. George Ferrier and family, of near Fremont, visited witr T'hn Ferrier and family Sunday.

Mrs. Ida Marks, of Marshall, spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hart. Mr.

and Mrs. C. H. Thomas, of Fairv'ew, spent Sunday in the home of George Bennett and family. Mrs.

Lucinda Iockwood, George Musser and Daisy Sams, of Alvarado, Mrs. Pearl TrobriCge, of Lagrange, Mrs. Ida Marks, of Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman and B.

H. ELLIOTT, Building Contractor. Galvanized Roofing a Specialty. Through 70S N. Wayne St.

(14tf) Phone 263y FOR SALE One Bay Mare coming 4, weight about 1150 due to foal soon. Price reasonable. II. W. Duguid.

15tf ewers uiiDert Angola, Ind. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice is hereby given that on the FOR SALE One gray Durham Bull, one year old, weighs about 800 pounds and he is a good one. Phone 1S04. Geo. Blass, Angola, Ind.

15tf. Fee. Arthur Haley and family Sunday-v-d with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Haley, of Columbia. Elsie Poulhouber spent Tuesday in Metz with her parents and to visit with her sister, Roxa, and Mr.

HORNING SPECIAL BARGAINS In Ladies' Coats and Tresses All the Newest Spring Styles 2 2d day of May, 1914, at 3 o'clock Miss Hazel Hart, of Scott, were last Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. An p. the townsnip trustee 01 Steuben township, Steuben county, Indiana, will offer for sale by sealed bids at his office in Pleasant Lake. FOR SALE Residence near court house park on S.

Martha St. Phone 115. 9tf. drew Hart. Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Hantz. of near Ellis, visited in the home of their Indiana, an issue of $3,900.00 of FOR SALE Single Comb Black Minorca eggs from exhibition birds weighing from $y2 to 11 lbs. 75c bonds of Steuben township, Steuben county, Indiana.

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hantz, Charles, of Harvard College. Mrs. Lewis Ransburg, of Hudson, has been spending the past week with her daughter, Mrs.

William Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Ingledue, of Angola, Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Ooffman Sundayed with C. O. Slack. Mrs. Mendelson, of Edon, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Enfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Sheline, of Hamilton, Sunday- Said bonds will be six in number, -C. II.

Ram- and $1.50 per fifteen, sey 1S1FB dated June 1, 1914, of each, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per payable annually, and matur 0 Sunday. Mrs. Hansleman is visiting in the home of her grandson, Clyde Eckert and family. W. T.

Bowles was in Mongo one day last week on business. who have the exclusive agency in Steuben County, and Hillsdale Mich. They are also prepared to furnish you with good Farm, City or Lake Property at a REASONABLE PRICE and inexactly the RIGHT location. Try our FREE AUTO SERVICE You will find us fully at your command and ready to assist you either in BUYING OR SELLING your property. Office 201 N.

Wayne Angola, Ind. POWERS GILBERT Phones: powers 466; Gilbert 194x FOR SALE Shorthorn cows and heifers of Scotch breeding. Phone 7709. E. F.

Smith, Ashley, Ind. 12tf. ing serially as follows: In one, two, three, four, five and sixe years. Misses Ruth Bowles, Mervel Said bonds have been issued in strict compliance with the laws of Maugherman and Mabel Smith called on Miss Clelia Bennett Sundav af the state of Indiana and pursuant 4.1KS 7.98 2.98 4.9S 48c 79c 98c 98c 79c 48c 89c 79c 9Se S14.98 9.98 5.9S ternoon. to an order of the Advisory Board 7.50 Fine Novelty Serge Dresses 1C.00 Fine All Woel Serge Dresses 12.50 and 15 Fine Sheer Crepe Dresses 5.00 Fine Crepe Voile Dresses 8.00 Fine Crepe Voile Dresses 15.00 Beautiful All over Lace Dresses 75c Children's Gingham Dresses $1.00 Children's Gingham Dresses 1.50 Children's Gingham Dresses 1.50 Ladies' Silk Finish Petticoats 1.00 Ladies' Silk Finish Petticoats 75c Ladies' Silk Finish Petticoat 50c Ladies' Cover All Aprons $1.00 Ladies' House Dresses Ladies' House Dresses 25.00 Ladies' Fine Spring Coats 20.00 Ladies' Fine Spring Coats 10.00 Ladies' Fine Spring Coate UHLMAM Kl of said township, made and entered of record on the 16th day of March, FLINT Frank Sousley and family spent FOR SALE A neat seven room cottage.

Price moderate, terms easy. W. H. Sheffer. 14tf.

FOR- ALE LargeS teel Range as new at half price. Two base-burner coal stoves. All good stoves. One big chunk stove. Folding bathtub, with fine plate mirror.

Reason for selling, moving to house with modern improvements where these articles will not be required. Apply at once. H. W. Morlev.

Sunday with Orto Arnold and fam ily. 1914, authorizing said bonds to be issued for the purpose of providing funds for school grounds, building and equipment, etc. Said bonds will be sold according to law to the highest and best bidder for not less than Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orton, of Angola, spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Coleman. Mrs. Ed Luton, of Angola, spent the week end with Mrs. Harley Mer riett.

FOR RENT. en with the Sheline family here. We are very glad to hear that Mrs. Sarah Anspaugh who has been sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Manda Flegal, for the past five months, has so far recovered that she has come back to her own home to spend the summer.

Baptismal service will be conducted under the auspices of the U. B. church at the Creek bridge 2 miles south of the Metz road on Sunday afternoon, May 1 7. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mrs.

Sarah Rummel, of Metz, Sundayed with her niece, Mrs. Mary Snyder. The Mt. Pleasant W. M.

A. requests all who are interested to meet at the V. P. church on Wednesday, May 20. The women are to clean the church and the men the cemetery.

Come and enjoy yourself, A basket dinner will be served in ths grove. Mrs. Sabia Sheline, who has been suffering so the past few months with tuberculosis, passeu away last Sunday afternoon at 4:30. their par value. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.

D. C. RANSBURG, Trustee Steuben Township, 213 Steuben County, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs.

John Pedit and two children spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Closing Out The Bankrupt Shaw Stock Sams. George Shumaker and family vis ited Saturday with Roy Turner's. Old papers for housecleaning on sale at this office.

TRUCKING Wava Phillips visited her grad- mother, Mrs. Nichols, last week. FOR RENT Nine room dwelling; modern improvements, located on S. Darling near the college. Phone 1S9 or 362A.

J. W. McCrory. 14tf. FOR RENT Five room house.

Inquire of H. H. Owen. 21 1p WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LOST One five and one one-dollar bill on the square or the school grounds. Return to Wayne Deller or this office.

STRAYED Mare, light bay, two cocked ankles behind. S. B. Wax- Mrs. Matilda Sams is visiting her DIVORCE YOUR son, Milo Sams.

The O. E. S. will meet May 14, fo special work. By order of W.

M. DUNTLEY VACUUM SWEEPERS. The Goodwin Furniture Co. is Angola agent for the Duntley Vacuum sweeper. Just now they are selling them for Better get one during the special sale.

sw From Dirt, Dust and Dr-aici The Ladies' Aid will meet at the church May 21. Every member is expected to be present for 5 supper. By order of President. Charles Barr's two little girls, of field. i Stroh, have been visiting here.

Mrs. Lena Sams has returned home from a three weeks' sojourn in LOST Watch Fob, with initials E. L. C. cut on lower part.

Return to this office. 11 9p I have put in service a three-ton AUTO-TRUCK and solicit all kinds of light and heavy trucking. QUICK SERVICE -PRICES RIGHT E. R. Somerlott Archbold, caring for the new grand iaughter.

Combination PneiT.t.lic Swc Release from broom Jjtry or. o.r". ing and lifting furniture ircm the of dust and germs that pre raisc by j. v. ot '-'-and the old fashioned carpet sv.s:,-er, ill the use of the Duntley Cctrrtt Sweeper, which, (.

creates powerful force r-and dust found in your rugs and or i time the revolvir; brush pxks tp i ravelings, etc. THE DUNTIEY SWEEPERS arc ic under a rigid guarantee for one yer.r. o. HELP WANTED. The funeral services of Samuel 'WANTED Girls and women at Watson's.

192p. Hains was held here Sunday morning, he having passed away at the home of his step-son, Lafayette Arnold, at Wauseon, Ohio. The ser Dur.r- i vices were conducted by Eld. Fred ley in your own home for cays -rv For more detailed erick. AY Phones 130x and 114.

ISFtf Herman Baker is visiting at the home of his uncle, George Comp- Wo last Your Eyes Goodwin Furniture Co. ton. WANTED A girl to work at the Greek Palace of Sweets. 211. "WANTED Woman or girPtoT'do housework.

Mrs. John Fifer, phone 3009. 119pd BOY WANTED To learn the printing business. Please bring your father with you when making application. Wages will not amount to much for some time, but an opportunity will be given to use your vacation and other spare time Your vision will not bo very eh Roy Turner has the meat market Angola, Indiana in running order.

DON'T MISS IT. IT'S FOR YOU. Cleo Brown and family visited last. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Allison Smith. I U-1 ires of your Glaeset re pcr f-t; in their refraction. We mM ep- cirt'ty of all kinda of Optical Ooedi of the finest quality, and or Xgwffc 1 cli-s us just the right kia tm lecorriw.d for the yariouB vfaton fa ci to man or wobbmi. Optteal work in sll its branches, tneMHag pairing. Fft-ir prieM.

F. Burt, Ophthalmia Optisiaa, 2 The 38th Annual Convent ion of the Steuben County Sunday School Association in the U. B. Church, Metz, June 2, 1914. Good music, good speakers and a dinner in the Grove.

Come. We are counting on you. JOHN GRIFFIN, Pres. FLORENCE PARSELL, Sec THE HERALD takes subscriptions for all daily papers and prominent magazines. Subscribe with.

ns. Special rates to our subscribers for other publications in connection with ours. THE HERALD WANT C0LTJM NS PAY BIG DIVIDENDS TO THOSE WHO TJSE THEM. THE COST IS MALL, RESULTS SURE. JAMESTOWN.

Misses Mamie and Lois Collins spent Sunday with friends in Jamestown. Miss Mildred Webb spent Sunday with Vera Garn. Doin Barry was in Fort Wayne Sunday. Ted Martin spent Sunday in Ft. Wayne.

Dr. Brown and family moved from York to Jamestown to the Will Mill house. Miss Carrie Davis spent Sunday with her mother. She remained until Sunday afternoon. Mrs.

Jay McCrall and two children came Saturday evening and spent Sunday with her parents. She returned Sunday afternoon. Jessie Brown and Johnnie Blau-ser are working on the road up by the lake. 7 ne water is very high. Anna KnoA came Thursday to visit with George Blauser and family for a shrrt ume.

Lake Gage is very high and so is the mill pond. Lois Collins came home from her year of teaching in Michigan last Saturday. The Misses Birdene and Mildred Collins and Florence Harding spent Sunday with Mrs. George Webb of Nevada. Miss Mildred Webb, who taught the Dewey school this winter, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity.

Don Berry and Ted Martin spent Sunday in Fort Wayne. The Gleaners had a very interesting meeting at the "home of Homer Burlingame Saturday evening. They initiated two new members, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kelso.

Mrs, Clara Weicht, of Angola, visited the past week with relatives in West Jamestown. The young men's and young ladies" classes of the Sunday school were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Vern Garn Saturday evening. About sixteen were present. They ail drove to Fremont in autos. Ice cream and cake were served.

HOME FOR GIRL An aged couple at Hudson, with not much work to do, wants a girl 12 or 13 years old to make her home with them. A good home, with board and clothes, is offered. Apply by letter only, to the Herald. 211. George Manahan went to Buffalo Saturday to buy cattle.

The I. O. O. F. have their new regalia.

The eighty grade commencement will be held here Saturday eve, May 23. Tickets are on sale at Arnold's Store next week. The graduates are Wand Abbott, Ona Baker, Ethel Keckler, Violet Iddings, Wava Mun-dy, Vera Monger, Fern Rowley, Homer Coleman, Robert Denman, Arthur Downing, Robert Denman, Maynard Oury and Willie Warring. ANGOLA ATZ DRUG ST KSR Saturday, I Street Parade, 10:30 A. M.

OBITUARY. Benjamin J. Moody, son of Robert and Elizabeth Moody, the youngest of a family of five children, was born in Columbiana Feb. 10, 1S34, and departed this life May 9, 1914, aged SO years, 2 months and 29 days. His early life was spent in his boyhood home.

When a young man he moved to York township, Indiana, and shortly after was married to Lydia M. Welch, Oct. 7, 1860. To this union were born five children, the eldest dying in infancy, the fourth child, Frankie, dying when he was about four years old. The remaining children are James of York township; Linnie McCrory, Is the place to go and get your spring; helps; here you wili find Wall Paper Japalac and Blanche Coleman, both of An We have a large line of Wall Papers from the $2.50 grades to a big' assortment of 10c, 15c and 20c patterns.

We can furnish cut out borders for all grades of papers in 9 and 18 inch widths. gola. He united with the Christian church of Angola under the preach Renews everything of wood or metal about the home. It makes old porch chairs and settees look better than new. The Enamel Eed, Enamel Green and apple Green are especially fine for and lawn furniture.

There are 21 Japalac colors, and natural. SCREEN FAINTS in Black and Green, in Pint and Half-Pint Cans. ing of Victor W. Dorris. He en joyed church fellowship for a time.

For the last six years he has been in failing health and during a greater part of his time has been Our famous Scotch Imported MAXWALTEN plain and striped oatmeals are fadeless and have fancy cnt out borders to match. confined to the house. The severing of earthly ties are always painful. So this one will be greatly missed in the home, where he was a kind husband and father. He leaves to mourn his departure.

Boydell Bradley Vrooman Co. high grade Paints to bright-en up and preserve your premises inside and out. his wife, one son, two daughters, four grandchildren, an aged sister, Mrs. Lv.cretia Lahuray, and other SALEM CENTER On last Sunday Mrs. Geo.

Mills entertained the following as dinner guests: Mrs. Ed Raub and daughter. Marjorie, of Fort Wayne, and Ellsworth DeWitt and family. Mrs. Anna Shaffstall, of Ashley, was a week end guest of Mrs.

Rufus DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.

Kimsey re- iast week from Scottsdate. zona. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shanower, of WoleoitviUo.

were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver. The talk on Hog Cholera by a Purdue expert last Wednesday eve, was extremely interesting. Mrs.

Eva Smith, of Traverse City, was the guest of Mrs. 1. S. Parsell the past week. Messrs.

Fred Haskins and E. B. Parsell and families motored to Hamilton Sunday. Peaches and plums will be a very scarce article this summer. Fred Whysong, of Pleasant Lake, wr.s a Salem visitor Saturday.

relatives and friends. VALSPAR VARNISH for all exterior varnishing, as boats, doors, floors and toilets which come in contact with water. ALABASTINE, the cold water paint in all colors at 50c per package. Funeral at Fairview church at 2:00 p. May 12, C.

C. Griggs, minister. Interment in Circle Hill cemetery. We carry a complete line of al! paints, varnishes, polishes, sponges, chamois skins, wall paper cleaners, and all kinds of dyes. Dr.

IVbryT Ritter Special Attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. KRATZ DRUG STORE Phone 298 208 W. Maumee St. Angola, Indiana. P.

H. Spear. Automobile Livery at Angola Garage. Phone No. 479.


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