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The Evening Gazette from Port Jervis, New York • Page 1

Port Jervis, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. XL NO. 35. A SERMON ON JlTOLUrm en ED rx THK CHURCH sux- UA SIGH an. at A ye.

QUOTED ro SUONV WIIAI I TIU.ORY IS "SO BU01I I A3 WQa-C MR. ORANE TUIMC8 MUST BE 'CHE OOSSEQOESOES OF SDOI! BELIEF. Prov 14 2. There 13 a way liteh seen: eth rlilitu'nto'ivman, but tbe end thereof are the dj a ol aei.tu." The text is a warning. It sayfi to us Be oautlo is, especially where greuC Interests are at stake.

Keep your ejes open, and enter no patb, However inviting, 'till you see wHers It comes out. It 13 a wise admonition A petti that looks very Halting may lead astray. Smooth and pleaaitit at the beginning, It may proie, at last, to Be only a branch ot the broad 11 ay which leiasoier-tteop and slippery downward to i uln auO death Wo see t'us exetnpUUed every day In tlie rareei ct the de'oauchee. the gambler, the victim or Intoxication. Evil Habit ot every kind Ui a PORT JERVIS, N.

TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1879. WHOLE NUMBER 1,595., cUngeious way, noweiy, perhaps, at An nlng, Cut thorny, and full ot stinging adders al Clio cud. we s-e this exemplified In meas rensouli gs TVe may assent to a proposition, beiare wi) see how fat It leads. The statement whU we cuve- lesalj- necept as true, uuy after it a tialu infm-euces, and conclusions vhlcli i aa 1 ulnous as they are false. one ot these fatal propositions was boMIr announced in the recent debate There Is," said Mr.

nuclei wood, "no such tiling as tree will. a all governed by rnptHes; ajcl cU-oum- btancis determine oui motives." It 1 thought he said this hastily, without, scc- lu" at the moment Its lull imuoit, I wouLl net deem It lair to hold him accountable the declaration, and all that of necessity follows! Ha adopt 1 OH But the ut teranee was not acclcle Jtal, nor does It lack blgniacance. It uses but a half dozen or so little words to say that thjre no such thing as free will but lebUef dsjc.aia- tlou throws a blacS shadow over the wiwle Held moral conduct and character. That we may see the whole meaning of the principle involved, we will let one o' the lights of ths iDllclel evolutionists exp am It Mr. Huxli'y, la an which he delivered In Belfast la 1874, cllocubed tun quest'on: Are arl- mals automatons?" is, are animals mere an wort, two rolumea, entitles An Imiutry 'Jnncernlng Political Justice," In which ho bases tvls whole systor" 011 tills same notion that man la not tree, but, that e-ery thought, emotion a.ud action Is fixed by Inexorable law.

"Mini 1 sajsllr. Goilw'n, "isanafi-ent in no other so ise than matter is an agent. It opei atea and 13 opeiateU upon; anCi tlie nature, the force, and lino ol direction of tha ttrat Is exactly In pro- ror.iou I the nature, force, and line of direction of the second. Morality In a rational and designing mind is not essentially different from morallt" la an inanimate substance. I this assassin with me re disapprobation than tlie flayer, because he Is more to be feared, and tt is mo difficult, to take from him his power to Injure.

'Ihe ican Is propelled to act by necessary cau ,011, and i relstlMa motives, which having onco ecurrccl, ire likely to occur again. The dagger aas no quality adapted to the contraction of habits. Except In the articles here specified, tlie two cases are exactly parallel. 1'he UHM sim cannot Mf the muiller lie tvmmita MIIJ -more than tJiiiitaffiir." Vol. 2, pg.

2E4. Ileiu we liava Che whole In a nutshell, the Infldcl theory and the Inflilel application ot It to the pm jtlcal affairs of life. Uuxl'Vs theory is tnat the brain secretes ai the llvei secretes bile and as and blnatloi physical machines, tlmir every act, their every tuous'ht and emotion, so far as, are capable of thought or emotion, originating In some physical cause, and governed by llxed laws, so that whatever the emotion or me aCT of the i nlmal may be, It can In each cabe do oulj II, does, and nothing else. An automaton may be made, for example, In the form of a bird, and lilted up with id sprit gs within, to Imitate me. Whs one level moves It turns Its head; when a ceilalu -wheel comes Into play, it flutters Its wlnpfc; when another acts it chu ps a little ong; but it 38 only 03 it Is moved, and Hie cluiaitter of ery action is Jlxed tne machinery Britain.

Are animals, then antomatoas i III every act ot the brute fixed by the biute nature and tne out- cli cum stances, so that can do only what It does, whether the ox quietly draws Uie csirt, or ivagely gores the driver Mr. Huxley aigues the question, in his -way, and reaches tlie conclusion; animals are oniy fuitornarons. And then he adds a statiment which has at least the merit of candor: (Jn- uoubiedly 1 do hoid that the-view have taken of fie relations betw een the physical and mental faculties ot brutes, applies In Us fullntsu und ent rety to man." And man also Is an autoumtoii, a mere machine circ'imbtauoeb; a sort o' hand- organ, set to cue nxed, inexoiabli tune, tvhich It grind as, the ciank turns, and whose every note, blgh or low, dirge or ditty, la lust what the pipes and pinions within wake It Henry W. Atkinson, another light ot evo ullon hit dels, reasoning on tills principle, reaches conclusions, which he sets forta tuns: I am what I am; a t-reatuie of necessity." I claim neither merit, nor demerit." I feel am as completely tun result ol my nature, and 1m- pe luci to do wual I do, HE, the ucaille to point to thii north, or the puppet to move as the litilag is pulled." "Iconnotaller my will, or tie other than what I am; and cau not deaei ve either reward or punishment." We begin now to see the meaning of the declaration: "There Is no such thing asi free wll." If the moilvo fixes the action and the circumstances determine tlie motive, then it follow that let a man's action be wliat it may, he ca not do otherwise, aty more than Me hand- 01 gan can play a tune to which sel, lie la as helpiess as a bubble floatlnj on the bosom ol the river, or a thistle-down boine on i he sum- is er wind. He may fancy, Indeed, that he oliooseshlsowucouise; but, eve nU and chcum- Bailees, coming down through tneagea long succession, dtfeimine what bis (holce uliull be.

lie seems to be tree; bnv, his Irsedom in that of trie bubble or the thlstle-dowii, a freedom to move only in one direction. This piinctple, false as It is, weaves Into Its web some tureads of truth, and therefore Is the iDore dangerous A counterfeit coin, which Is partly good sllvpr, will sometimes pans where one hlch la all lead woald be at once detected. Is true that we ieel the force of motii es; and l.hat circumstances, over whlca vs! no con- rol, press upon us, on this bfdt or that, to urge us from oar way. There are forces, and sometimes many and strong, which re-eal lift their pi-esence and their power, Nevertheless, man has tho power of choice, which Is a reality and not a sham and a cheat; he Is invested with a faculty of BelMlrectlon. He Is not as the bubble whirling along the snr- of the brooK, but rather as ie fish In the brook, feeling the force of tha stream, and yet able, at any moment, to tarn against It, mid overcome It.

He Is not as the this He-down, powerless and passive, puffed iltber id thither by every breeze that blows; but rathsr as eagle which feels the sllghtesl pressure of tlie air, and jet has power to fly In the very face ol the stoim. Here, then, Is direct antagonism, not in regard to mere words, or figures ol 1 etorlc, but principles wfcich involve all morality-, all lalw, human and dUine. If there Is no thlqg as free will;" If we are the mere machines thdt Huxley makes us, She miserable hiind-orguns which only grind out Ihe tunes to whKli we are severally set, then all human modes ol thinking, all modes of human speech, njjed revolution, It a man, at acy given moment can' do only the exact thlngl which ho Is doing, he elm not b(i lustly pralsii ov censured, rewarded 01! punished. The words right and wrong, virtue and conscience are for which tue humaii race hftB no ase, Because no such things exist. I feel, however, that IfI ertatfi tc trace the practical bearings ot the principle denies tue freedom of the will, I mat? be obliged with even perversion.

Le 1 an Infidel, therefore, give us the practical oatlona ol the infldel principle- WlUUni an fins'- publlanefl about eight; yeui ago Ideas, Just physical causes determine the quantity tmallty ol the bile, lust so physical causes determine Pie number and the nature of the Ideas which Uu main secrt-tes. Thus physical taws according to this theory, aws which act as unl formlj as the law of gravitation and with the same cai lalnty, determln every thought ot the human mind, every emotion ol the heart, every wordcf the lip, every purpose aud act or th whole life. All ihis follows Inevitably Irom thi principle which Huxley sets foi th In his automatic philosophy, and which Mr. Underwood wa merel' echoing when he nald, There Is no such thin" will." And it is noticeable, also, thatlwlluxley claims that certain great theologians, bt. Augusline.Jolm Calvin and Jon xthan themselves (ljuy free will, so Mr.

Underwood made the same claim and cited the same naoies. I i say, In astonishment, that this wild reasoning up the reots of all law, human and ilivlne, all government, all our idtu3 of morally that 11 this reasoning be sound, no man, no matter what he nay do, Hi a tit subject of either icwartl 01 punishment, praise 01 cen. suie Cicdttin ind Atkinson boldly announce this contusion; and so will Huxley, when 1st has the ccuiage to iollow his logic to the end. speaM ig," says Godwin, thei' Is no suuh thing as debeU. The man who toimeats unocher tor wh xt tie has done lii to b(! censidei ed upon a pa with tlie child who beat!) the table," against whkh he has run and hurt himself He applies tw principle, without ie morse, to all the relatl ous of life.

The Instilu- tion of man iaje," saj Is a and the abolition of it, as It exls In Christian countries "will be attended with no evlla." Certainly no ties ou-ht to be imposed upon either paitj preventing them from quitting tue attachment whenever their Judgment directs them to qul It." in a state ol equillty, it will be a. quell Ion of no im poi tancei to know who Is the pai el ol eaca particular child. Vol 2, pp. 868-8T-2. And l.his stuff, torsoolb, they want us to cal science and philosophy, Let us be c.hai liable an call It lunacy.

This Is the innane dremm, ttu hideous nightmare monstrosity tuey would haV' us put in the place of God's eternal truth. The; llrbt madly try to reason God out of his own ore atlon, und then to reason man Into the belie that h-s has no soul. They labor to show that the world and the whole universe was evolvo into itu present aDape bj the operation of a blind irresistible, unknown force, so that every woll and erj mountain, every tree upon the monn tain, and every blossom upon the tree Is the pro duct of agencies which Mice were wrapped up i the ill e-mlst, bul which moved on through tb ages, iiteadily and Infallibly, to the Joimation i that wot 10, that and that blossom so each human life, with its evil and Its gooi its and Its sonows, its every word and dee thong at and emotion, Is but the unfolding of same blind, irresistible, unknown lorce, movlji stead 1 ly on through the ages, from the flre-ml to this present hour, to the production of ju that liuman lire, every thought and emotlo word and deed, which marks KB history. Audi as a tree is but the result of certain chemical com- JIB GOT BfD Of TilE DOG. HOW ME.

GODEFFltOY A VICIOUS CANINE BY A $50 DOd. Mr A. E. Godeffroy, proprietor ol Nev- ersinck Lodge, Quymard, in a dog iancier of considerable note. lie on hia place many choice canines, forming what be has the Neveroinck Kennel.

This kennel is always represented at bench shows New York and other cuies, on several occasions prizes being awarded bis entries. A. neighbor of Mr. GodefToy's until recently was the owner of i vicious bull- This dog frequently isited the kennel' of Mr. Godeffroy, whet he would attack the dogs belonging tit the latter, in- vairiably leaving one of the valuable animals in a bad condition.

Not wishing to incur tha ill-will of his neighbor by shooting the oflending canine, Mr. Godeffroy finally conceived a novel way of removing the causa of the trouble. Mr Godeffroy went to New York aad purchased a thorough-bred bull-dog, paying for the same. Beturn ng to his place at Guyinard Mr. Godeffroy turned his new acquisition loose and awaited results.

A day or two after tbe neighbor's dog made tin uppeumnce at Neversinc-k Lodge with blood in its eye. HosUlmes were soon opened, but this time it Nets the new dog who took part. The fight is said to have ben a bitter one, resulting in the neighbor's dog being killed, lu.i entire throat being torn away. To subd Je the wrath of EDISON'S NEWTELEPHONE LOUD IT MAY BE HEARD OVEK A LARBK ROOM. AN SXIlIBiriON AT MENLO PARK--HOW THE HKW INSTIUJMBNT WOEKB-- THE MAGNET DISPENSED WITH--A H1VAL OF ER.

BAE- KBTT'S MIOKOPUONB-- THE TRANSMITTER. The New York Sun suys some 30 or 30 friends of Mr. Thomas A. Edison and members of the press visited Menlo Park, New Jersey, Monday afternoon, eind wit- nesiid an exhibition of the new electrochemical telephone which he is about putting on the European market. It is c'aimed that the telephones ni piesentin use do not speak loudly enough or articulate distinctly enough for commercial adoption in Europe, owing to the electrical peculiarities of the old world, that Edison's new telephone answers tbe need.

The chief characteristic of it 'is that it dinpenses entirely with the magnet, which which is covered by the Bell arad Gray patents, and substitutes for it the carbon in the transmitter, and a revolving cylinder of moistened chalk in the receiver, bolh the invention of Edison. This telephone was exhibited Monday. It Hpeaks loud and strong, so that the mes- the neighbor Mr. GodLtEmj presented him with the $00 dog with tlie underrftandmg at it must be tied up and not allowed to Her his possession. All is tranquil at eversmck Lodge and its eurroundinge.

THE ODD FELLOWS. SEMI-ANNUAL ELECTIONS THAT TOOK PLACE LAST A Ob' OFFICERS Nevcrsink lodgo 358 of Carpenters Point Tuesday evening elected as follows Noble Giand--W. H. Rogers Vice Corn well. Secretary--Mark Vim Etten.

Treasurer--J. W. Dowdtng. Representative--John Btghait. Proxy Representative---David Bennet.

The installation will be puuhc and will take place this evening. At Uie election of Miniaick loJge No. 444, I. O. O.

of Westou on Thursday evening of last week the following officers were elected to serve i'or the en mini? term H. 0. Horton: V. F. B.

Secretary, Chauncey ATmfield Permanent Secretary. James A. Datch; Treasurer, William B. Jenks; Grand Representative, Jamea W. Potter; Pioxy Uepresentative W.

Myers. Uutaynntha 143 of this village Wednesday evening elected Noble Grand--John Franiz. Vice Grand--W. Slawson. Secretary--George Waters.

Treasurer--D. Rouiame. Representative--D Honwinfi. Proxy Representative--M. S.

Terwilli Installation to-morrow evening. Altila lodge 209 of this village Thursday DAY. OKAND OBLKBHATION PI1OMISEIJ DISPLAY OF F1HBMBN UNO MILITARY. The arrangements for celebrating the oming fourth of July lire progressing Uisfactorily. A meeting of ladies was eld at the free reading room last evening nd committees appointed I make arrange- 30 nts lor the dinner for those who taku lart in the parade.

It is jped that all our itizenn will liberally encourage this effort. Dikeman hose company of Goshen will ring the Goshen cornet band. Transpor- ation has been furnished fiee by the Erie iompany on account of fie services ren- lered Ihe company at the lire at Otisvillc. 3ikeman is a tine compwrr, and Port Jer- Fis firemen should give the company a jroper welcome. Company of Newb'jrirh will bring the 17th battalion drum corpi instead ot tbe sage is heard over a large room.

By a device added during the last week, 'the voice is wen magnified in passage, so that it is deHvered to the auditor louder than it was received by the instrument. It is also practicable through any distance that can be r-overed by other telephones. The chemical used to moisten the spool ot chalk is caustic noda, which is polarissed, and in this lies its magical power. The machine ia vocal only when the cylinder of chalk is turned on its little shaft by the petrson conversing, the electric current coming up through the pedestal on which it i.urna aad running out on a steel needle winch ruos upon the cylinder to a small mouthpiece two inches distant. Proiessor Johnson, one of Edison's assistants, started to day for England, carrying 50 of the new telephones--all that have been finished.

He will set them up in London and establish telephone exchanges there and on the Continent. evening of last week elected the fallowing Noble Grand -George tlapp. Vice Grand--F. Streiff. Secretary --M.

Vollmer. Treasuier--John Eippus. Representative--F. Sceger. Pproxy Representative--A.

Happ. Installation Thutsday evening next. --Lea's drug store, Port Jurvis, whole- salesale and retail dealer in drugs, patent medicines and other sundries. Lea is the only authorized agent for the Averill Chemical Paint, tlie best leady-mixed paint manufactured. All other ready- mixed paints are boyus, and imitations of the Averilll paint.

Bold by tbe pint, quart or gallon. N.B.--It costs no more to gel tbe geuinc article, so beware of counterfeits. Remember--Lea's druf; Ads Poughkeepsie band. numbers 15 pieces. Tils drum corps THE WEATHER.

The cool, clear weather of the past few OUR NEIGHBORS IN BOW THEY PROPOSE CELKBK 4 77.VS 1XDEPBNDENCR DA Y. 'WO SUDDEN D1EATHS UK8. MABY S. BBASTO --HA 1 TIB lilOH AKDS KST RH OF KBl'KBSENTATIVK SMITH-- WEI.OOM BO BY A LAHGB NUMBET! OF MILFOUD, July A lively fourth at 'the popular summer resort is anticipated. The day will be ushered ia by the ringiDg of bells and firing of canoon.

A parade will taka place, forming on the public square at cine o'clock a.ra. Exercises will be conducted in the Glen, where the oration will be delivered and the Declaration of Independence read. AN BXTKA CPLBBKATION. In order to make the day as enjoyable aa possible an extra celebration will be tfven by George Hooper of the popular Glen house. Tbe Milford cornet band will play there during the day and evening, and the Milford Glee club will furnish vocal music.

The Glen house will be beautifully iJeco- rated during the day with American flaga and countless numbers of Chinese lanlerns. A pavilion hag been erected in l.lse rear of the hotel with seating capacity for all. Erery thing will be conducted in a quiet arid orderly manner, and a day of reil enjoyment for all lovers of American independence is in store. A BtJDDBN DEATH. Mrs.

Mary E. Brastow, mother-in-law of Colonel J. Augustus Page of Ihis Tillage, died very suddenly last Sunday mo'-ning. On Saturday afternoon she returned from New York, where she had been it short time, apparently in her usual health, and retired at a. late hour.

Between two and three o'clock Sunday morning taken suddenly ill, and expired tilmost immediately. The cause of her death was congestion of the lungs. Deceased was aged 07 years, and was wealthy. This body was sent to Providence, R. for buiial.

ANOTHBB DEATH, Eattie Richards, aged 16 years, a Iteauli- ful and promising girl, died last Sai.urday DS and vital forces, and when It dies returns to the soil the which composed It, leaving nothing behind to show what manner of thin" tt was, thus the individual man, with mind, meiiwiy, will and affections, Is bat a similar combination of atoms, and at death perishes an utterly as tbe tree, BOU! Intellect, affections and all. Thus what we call the soul, the the man that which yon cill yonrseU, has no more real permanence ttian the rainbow which paints its glories on the falling drops and fiidea Into nothing when the eloods are gone. Thus tsach lndn Idual man, miserable machine that hi! is, by fate, with every note fixed by wheel ami pinion within, grin-la out hia little tune and then turns to dust and there Is neither music no! machine left, ana Mils they toll sclonce and philosophy. Ami now I ask you tail, question: Is theory good common sense? Would you like to see the laws the land adjusted to It and administered on the supposition that no man can do or be otherwise than exactly what he Is and Is doing Ttie doetrlae ol neeeasity la rei-ognlzad as a logical, direct, inevitable consfr quonce ol the evolution dream, 1 offer the following objections to tills iafldirt reasoning: first. It demes lite very pomlnlity of It teaches that the soul perishes with tic body or rather that what we call soul Is only a pro- pejty ot the body.

If, aa Huxley a-gues, tlie secretes tlionght as the liver secretes bile, then the power of th inking dies with the brain. When tlie liver Is dead no more oils is BeoreteJ; anil so, on this principle, when the bialn to dend inure Is no more thought. Thus deatli Is Bet be- us as the end of memory, Intellect) affection, joy and sorrow, an extinction of thjslndl- viilualman. Thus, as infldel'f volnttoalsts fancy tliat they can account lor all the aetlvitHis and adjustments of the universe without recognizing 1 11 being of a God, so they fancy that they for all that man is, wltnout recojinlilng urn as possessing a soul. Hccend.

This inflAal scheme breaki dawn all moral diatinctfotw. It beaches us that every man, whether wo ohoose to call him virtuous or vicious, Is qrtialt he Hi by virtue of an inexorable law. inclivl- diual man Is only one little wheel In t'te universal enginery, which Is driven t.v blind, restless, dternal force, unknown and Pnre, refined, Jnat, benevolent, or low in mind and morals, foul and woflje than brutish. In all eha lao and conduct, a George Washington or apen- udlct Arnold, a Howiird of of LriK-lty, an apostle or a pirate, a Wejsley j)J ralth lOraPalneof nnbeltef, everj man 18 wnat lie is, becauiie a lengthened procensi extending lihrpugh a million ages, and passing the atom'i whteh compose him through their atsges from Uremia! rand and frem mud to tadpole from tadpole to baboon utod from baboon to husminitv, Ctmlinutd an Secimil Pagt. I MECHANICS.

THE BEMI-ANNUAL BLKtTKHJ OF OFPlOanB OF THE TWO COUNCILS Friday evening of last week Delaware council, junior, O. U. A. elected tbe following officers. Councilor--L.

Battman. Vice K. Beckwith. Recording Peters. Assistant R.

A. Taft. Financial Spencer. Trensurer-C. W.

Warden--W. H. WooilruK. 1 N. Dunlap.

a --S D. Boyce, junior. Junior Past A. Hull. Trustee--C.

H. Representative--C. W. Van Sychle FUNERALS. The funeral of tho young nuiri Sullivan took place Sunday afternoon and waa largely attended.

The remains were interred in St. Mary's cemetery. The funeral of James Goyle, junior, son of Mr. James Coyle, was held at St. Mary's church Monday and was largely attended.

Superintendent Wilbur and wife and a number of the students were present as a tribute of respect to their young friend. Rcqiiium masa was celebrated for the repose ol his soul, the pastor, tne Ref. J. Flynn officiating, after which be paid a glowing tribute to the man, spoke of his many virtues, of his fcmdnefe of heart and said he bad not seen tk person who ever spoke of him disparagingly, remarking Miat during bin last illncsii the young QUID liad often said that he wiis fully prepared and his prayer was, "Thy will, not mine, Hj, trod, be done." CARD 01' We wish, through tbo coluijans of your paper, to return thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their great kindness to us during our recent bereavement. Also to those who showed tlieir kindness to us by floral offerings.

MB. AM MKS JAMEB CO-HE, PVRIFY YOCK BLOOD. Pipsiesewa beer. Read what the (Jniled States dispensary says about Pipsiiisewa. Taken internally, it id tonic, as- tnni'ent, a great blooJ purifier.

Dropsy has 'been cured by making a tea of the leaves. It was drank by the earlier tlers for rheumatism. in the form tiPLTNTS FROM' THE KAIL. SUSPENDED FOR VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS, SAT EEIB Railroad officials inform us thsit the report that railroad men have been suspended on the Jefferson branch for trivial accidents is not true; that the suspensions were for gi'oss violation of regulations; and that the men are given opportunity to rest and sleep, and if they get neither it is their own fault. TRAOK-WALKBB KILLED.

Train Three on Saturday morning struck tund killed a former track waller named Hickey near Great Bend. He was asleep on tlie track. One side of his head was cittt open and both legs were cut off. DBAKEMAN KILLED AT GREAT BEBD. Martin Daly, brakeman on a train running from Binghamton to Sc'aoton, was killed at Great Bend Friday afternoon.

Ha was caught between the bumpers and turtioly crushed. COW BUN OVEH AND KILIltD. Saturday evening the Monllicello train a cow belonging to Mr. Siimon West- tall near this village. The animal was Killed.

faTONE OUrTIiR ISJDRED. A Pond Eddy stone cutter named Thomas Moran, intoxicated Sunday night, was struck by Ihe cam near that place and so badly injured that recovery is doubtful. One leg was broken a skull fractured. REMOVING TO G06HBN. Engineer John Williams has been assigned to the pusher engine at Goshen, and he is now removing his filmily to that days is M.ely to bit succeeded by warmer weather and by a storm by Thursday or Friday.

DROWNED WHILE BA THING. NARROWBBUBQH YOUTH MBBIS DBA11I IN A LITTLB POND OP WATER. Thursday of last week a of John Buruher, undertaker, of Nurrowaburgh, aged about eight years, went unto tbe pond at that plaxie bathing in company with about a dozen other lads. The boys amused themselves some time in the water, when they went out they missed the lad Burcher and they then ascertained that he had drowned. DROWNED III THE HUDSON.

Saturday afternoon Thomas Workman, aged 13, was drowned while bathing in the river at Newbnrgh. He was bathing with BRIEF MSNTIO.N. --Independence day occurs next Friday. --Chew Jackson'n Best Sweet Navy --Huckleberries lire retailing for 12 cents a quart in Port Jerris. --Seven men were prostrated by the beat in Brooklyn last Friday.

--Two sons of Charles Rhinehart were drowned in tbe canal at Syracuse last Saturday. --The town assessors met to-day for the purpose of fixing the valuation of town property. --The foreman of Mighogomoek hook ad ladder company a special meeting for to-morrow evening at eight o'clock, --The house of representatives on Monday voted, 125 to 83, to put suits of quinine and sulphate of quinine on the free list. ---Jacob Wesselii, keeper of a toll-gate on the North plank mad, was overcome with beat while in Nev. bur.jh last Saturday.

--Frank Belmunt, William Battersly, Obarlea Walters, and another, escaped from the Queena county jail last Saturday. --Mrs. Jennie fclmiti, convicted of murdering ber husband in Jersey Oity, was bptised in the Hudson county jail Monday. July fourth you can pass an hour pleasantly, afternoon or evening, by at- atlending the entertainment at Lea's opera house. --The fourth of July committee will meet this evening at eight o'clock at the store of Jacob May.

All that gl liters is not gold will be evening at tbe residence of George Quinu her uncle, in Dingman township. The funeral took place from the late residence Monday at 10 o'clock, the Rev. H. Ma- leer delivering the funeral discourse. REPRESENTATIVE SMITH HOWE.

Representative C. A. Smith returned from Burkley Spring, Virginia, to big home in this borough last Thursday even- Ing. He was welcomed by a large number friends. MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD.

BESIGNAHOS OF EXCISE COMMISSIONERS AO- OBPTED--NEW ONES APPOINT BD. A special meeting of the Town of Deerpsrk was held Monday forenoon when the resignations of excise John L. Bonnell Tind Edgar Welln were accepted and filed. On motion Beajumin Van Fleet and Mars Samuels ware appointed to fill the vacancy. Justica Hoi- brook offered tbe following after Iba adoption of which the Town Board adjourned Whereas, the Town of the town of Deerpark desires to know the amount expended by the OvcrSBers of She Peor of said town, therefore be, it Resolved, that the Overseers ot Poor of said town be requested to meet the Town Board at two p.

m. July nth, 187a, at the office of the Town Gla i of satd town, wilh a staUraent of tbeir disbursements to first, 1879. --What you can buy at Lea's drug store for 10 cerjts: a box of 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes to snatch. For Ifl cents played by the Pirt Jervis dramatic club the afternoon and evening of July fourth at Lea's opera bouse. --Lobdell's cough drops have almost a national reputation, and now his ice-cream voucftn buy a nice box of 24 envelopes and 24 nheels of paper, a bottle of best violet ink, a penholder and peo, and a blotting pod.

Try a box, and you will be convinced that we sell cheap. the place--Lea's di-ng SIS RODS SBOSTEtt. The distance from Carpenters Point to Coleville having been in questicm Tor years by the traveling public as well the road turnpike companies--each conipatiy claiming the shortest and best route--William is looming up and on the register in alwaya C- j) ra Cochecton, the Preiiident of quoted as A number one. the Deerpark and Minisink turnjiike road a number of other lads, been recovered. Hid body baa not of beer, it makes a heuUhy, refreshing and life-giving drink.

FO. 1 sale only druir store, five cent! a glass, 10 cents a quart, 35 cents a gallon --Ajte. PERSONAL. I --Horace E. Twichell of lackawaxen to be one of tbe appointees tq'go from Sulli-j van county to tbe Stale Novjtnal school at Albany this year.

He has promise of an appointment 1'rom SchooljCommiasioner Chftrles Batnnm. Thomas Holt, commander, company, last week had the eiary mcoibei' of the Army ured, Messrs. James Post andi 0. -0. ham of Coleville carrying tbe result being in favor of tba jiboje-numed company's road, it being the shortest by --Colonel quests that ei and Navy association be present al mbeling to-moriow evening, 00 KILLED ORBEN.

Jlr. Peter G. Van Ellen of Hugueiootl this town, bought some I'aris green to sprinkle upon his polto TIMS, but put it Intij) the wagon house instead. Tnursday of last week one of his cows the poilsoip and died. I --The oldest established drug store in Port Jervis.

Lea's drug Store is well- known in this village surrounding country as being the cheapest and best place to buy piints, oils, vnrmshes, paint brushes, books and stationery at low figures. Kerosene by tbe barrel. Jewetts lead and Jewell's Unread oil sold at New York prices, and delivered fiee to any part of tne village, Germantown or Carpenters Point. Bemembet--Lea's drug store, near the railroad Ado. TBBEE FINS SARBBfi CBAITiS.

It is now more of a luxury than ever to get shaved in Joseph iLehn's barber saloon. On Monday be pi three very expensive shaving chairs in his place, work like a charm." A customer lias but to seat himself ID one of them and no further movement on hijs part is necessary, the lowering and raisibg of positions being entirely controlled by tbe operator. These chairs are made by George W. Archer of Rochester, and were patented May 21. 1878.

They are the only ones of the'kind in Orange county. Lena's barber --The residence oJ the Hon. George W. Millspangh, near Neeleytown, was struck by lightning during a shower Sunday morning. The damage was but trifling, --The ladies of the Geirman Lutheran church will b.ol',1 a fair and festival in (Jra- This is tue second time the roads have been measured with the same results and should settle the qiwetion beyond doubt.

MISSIONS ASSOCIATION OF LADIBS. Ladies of Presbyterian churchiM in Newham hail July third aud fourth for the 1 tmr Cornwall, Pougbk-sspMe iind King- benefit of the German school. Admission five cents. Saturday Ihe funeral of Frank W. gnt otnPr a ces in the Hudson Ri Presbytery, lately met at Nuwlurgh and orme( a preBbylerial organization for the George of Ponithkeepsie, Grand Keeper of romo tioa of the cause of missions.

This Records and Seals of the Knights of Py- wftg done in COQ or mlty witll reeom- thias, took plaoe aud was largely attended mendal i on the Prssbytenun Synod of by officials of this order, tne Btgle hat such organization be effected --The members of Delaware social club ac Presbytery. The presidents ot the will KO to Cud lebackTille Thursday eren- ladies' associations in ing to attend a hop at the hotel of Lerl Cuddeback. Members ol JJeverslnk and Orion clubs are requested to join them. --When you are celebrating the "ever I dents of Ibis Presbytery KSIOHTS OF BOffOS ASSjeSSUtlfT. The Reporter of Port Jtrv'ut lodge No.

--Jacob Kadel halt just received a assortment of, business svita, fine dials euSlB, aud a noliljy line of Jsoals and which be proposes sell lower than i shop is on Pike street, near TUK GAZBTTB office. Sf'GOHMlCK AS ORATOR. William B. McCormlck has glorious tourlh" do not forget that tbe Knights of Honor receiver! adies of the ermun Lutheran cburc'j will oljce ca ing or assessment on il hold a fair antl festival in 1 Graham nail on 0 had received thu degree the afternoon und eveningi of that day for on or before Mac itewnth, km the benefit of the Lutherati church. ordering assessment No.

67, Tbe --A paragraph in the citart proceedings are from No 764 to 793 being t. published in Hst Saturday's OAZETTB was aa ths, the last that ot 8 an error. The case of Froedman versus Monroe of a Melville J. Wheeler sp error. Nosuit Ubteh with such a tie was tried 1 A case between eu tlie parties involving ilifferent amooni, ft to go Itt than tbe sum named and different Jafob Kadel's for boy'n dolblnt, was on tbe ct Jrndar, but 'ffM put over tin) iu, and ft nloa line ohlWrw's soitt i gmiljr reduced Stner o' from tb- NEWSPAPER to deliver the fourth of July.

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