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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 7

Poughkeepsie, New York
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jPVM rw 'i nATrOCr. 5, 1932. ir jJ' rOdnHKEEPSIE EAOLB NEWS. PAgB M5Vm( Produce Market Report Supplied enrtr leased wire of The Associated TPress by the Stale Department of Farms and Markets. STOCK MARKET AIIlavfTTtatinora Amerteaa Sugar "itk Lnr swuaory itioi American.

Cut America TL A TL. Anaconda Mining Baldwin Locomotive IT (I 111 IIH ltlH TiriLOd. ao etata saiUuns war falr redajr Soma of. tne abJa. rnm OrtW Cownty arrived for the Hnr swarm, one.

in had te ow ansa ee, ajei The Hf Jersey ednr it. The JTT! into lottuew new eeenrag or very laJarter aweary asaditloa. Two rfktftB are now eoratas; ftwa Orange ZTjm aad 3ew Jorawy. Tl nsa.1 AotMfaa demand waa oettew for fancy Th nM dM allghUy usder heavy Vo Zk Tork lettuce) rnagea ZTm iM pr crates Falxou. I 'lorfo.

Orange it 0 Romeloe Mid iSfrom II II ereto. Ti were practically MiWrtT from central and west 1, i Torlu Aw JTJJef tb sea ami's bigbeet price te 7Teo sales vara made aa high aa til air bbl. Saeetpt of enatilnowwr fraai the River section were Heat, aat lalpBMBta arrived too hue for early morning" trading. WhlJ aunaad waa moderate tar fancy (Milt. the market cloeiit weak vrV'iwa Uaaftcd Becelpts of rough celery ffron cea Mi and western Wow Tark wan ggOTrtut Lghiar Th demand waa taiud except for fmar larva wan kxaehtd dock.

Moat ajdi it 1 17 i Pr iwo unrai in ana, taacr. U. erOiaaiy. Xf tout ImporU of aaTKnttaral fralacta tsto Canada la lha twatva aaaUu o4te Atta nau 11 J. aaraoat 1 'of tlda tauM aaacu vaiuad af T.llt.M can Ma fh Tnltvd Statas.

la tha ana arwl Canada a tcI acrtcaKnral cz amounted ta HSUIt. at vWch fooda to tha valoa of 141.411. ttt war ah.ppd to CnUad Slataa. fmaa thara aa balanaa of trad rf aaartr tl la taar it Um falud StatM. rrmfca aaat Ttajmaalia TraTork.

Oct vtpplm: Par'capccially from Iwbla haadad bbL Ife lnch aad Maaaaehuaatta. Bnrsllaa UVeral from waat 1 ara saw Tork aactvoaa; daaaaad mod orataly actln only for taacr. laxa wan colorad aoaad atoek. Of aa owa4 wlda raac la eaadl MartK ataady for faacy. aat dan aad waak for roof aad amalL Par aoaaal baakM.

rtDoanr taacr. Ursa. 1 fair atock. 1.TC US 9 U. waatr.

Tt 9 1 1.7S1 aer baa kd. rahoaaarx. Baoattr 1.M; waatr. Tl. par t.

blakata lie. par aalf baalMl baakat. l. 1 1 flaaai: Racaipta modarata tram waatara Naw Tork; damaad Umltad. aaaxkal waak aaeapt far fajacr Of farlaca wara maaUr waatr.

Par bu baakat. Damaoa. baat or dinary. 1U 1 S. Ralna Claud, baat 1J.

ardiaary. Grand Daka. 1 dmary. 1 0 1.11; par 4 at. baakat: Damaona.

It Rain Claud. c. par 1 ot baakata Dam aoaa. 1 Ralna Claada. SnppIVta oulto tloaral from waatara Naw Tark.

Damand Umlled, vxeapt for atrletly faacy. larsa a wan colorad Mock. Uazkat rather dan aad prlcaa allaTbtlT lower. Par doable beaded bbU No. 1.

taacr or aaca. beat. IJ fair. Jl. ardlaarr.

tpar buahel baa bet baa, fancy. ordinary. Drana: Recclpta rery United, damand actlr only for fancy; market ataady Par boahal baakat. all atata aeetloaa Green.

1 wax. 1 I flat sraea. 1 rranberry. til i Uma. 4 Broaklya Rapid Traodt Oethlabam Steel TIM Chic, lint A Bt Paol IIH Chaa.

a Ohio i T4K CaL Pata. Cora Predneta Croclble Btaal Cob. Can Burtr dia Of. Northern ptd OC Nor. Ore.

Genera Motor Int. Nickel Iaaptrnttoa Capper International Paper Ktanacott Copper Lack. Steel IIH IIH UM IIH 1H 1H 1TH IU It IIH IIH Loft Candy IIH Middle Stalra Steel IIH Mexican Pelrolejtm 1I1H Mlaaonrl PadBe tl New Tork Central Nerada Con. N. N.

Hartof rd North Pactfle Para Oil Pannaytranla Railroad Presatd Steal Car Readlnc Repnblla Steal Royal Dutch of Sinclair Oil Soatnern Pacific Srodebaker Taxaa Paclfle Cnloa Padflc United Plate 8tel TJ S. Robber Utah Copper Weetlnchonaa IU White Motor II Hudson Rlrer and Loe, lalknd. par 1U II 0 21c Cabbacej Up atata. white domestic, par laa iba. sack, mostly 1 Carrots: Vp tat cot.

tops oS. par bushel basket mostly. Tic per l0 lb sack 1.21. CaaUaoarart Par crate. Badaon River.

Ursa crmtaa beat. I ordinary. 1 1J 1 small crates, beat 2 1 ardiaary. 1 2 0. Locus laland wida ran in quality lew aa 1 and hiih aa S.

mostly IS9 BnppUaa coaUnua libaral Ohio. Indiana and Comparatively Ufht IN 0 111 alclstmh. 4 Israa aS Stat aeetloaa Wealthy. Ill from all np tat aectlons. demand IIH Klnc 1 1 I.

Wolf RIt moderat for atrletly fancy lars stock, rary umltad lor ordinary kt dan and weak. Par 10 lb bac waatara New Tork yellow, mostly L2S. Oratara County, moatly small aired atoak red and yUow, Tt 0 Potatoea: Recalpta oaXC Island balk potatoea quite liberal, demaai Umltad. market dull bat prices ehow ed no material cbaauj. Bulk par lit Iba.

No. 1 Gran Mountain, beat 2 21 9 ordinary. 2 0 2.11 2 Hab kamse. Ill 9 tt: Baldwin, lt a u. asrthara apy.

4 Joaitkaa, 4 enow. IH.vacIaafifld. 2H (nca aad atH rr Taneca mtxad ranetlee. Ua Cf LM per buahel rartova mixed ra rietlaa. T5 IS.

Craaapplee: Recclpta Umltad. demand moderately active, especially tor rood atock market aUshtly flna Far buahel baakat Hyslop. 2.M I IH cherry. 4 per eoobla kesded bbL Hyalop. 0 lit cherry is Iie Crapr Suppllaa ef Conoonl quite aeaVy from western Nw Tark and UcMrnn but comparatlvsty Bxht Iran Hudson River.

Demand leas CCr. especially for small atock and party died pexkaa ea: market aVitbr weaker taCArda aer 12' cUnu basket: Radeon River. IN ITH tH IIH IIH IIH TIH tTH II IIH MH IIH HH It 140 IH ....140 44 IH tTI IH till IH loo" 100 II Lib Bond IH Uh. Bonds 1 Llb. Bond 2 Ub.

Bonds 2 lib. Bonda 4 Vlctory IH Money 4. amounted to tJ.800 "do Other atrons; specialties Included Corn Prod ucts, up four: dnPont. upon IH: In terantlonal Harvester op 2. Kslaey Wheal up.

I May Department Storea. up IH. and Seara Rovbuck. up 2 1 a Xcw U. W.

nirh Delaware. Lacksvranna and Western, which has been boncht heavily of lata on reports of atock or extra dividend distribution, waa poshed up to a new high at lit today bat fan back for a net loss of IH at the dose. Tradlnc In other rain was llrht Steel share were slurxiah durlnr rnoet of tha day althwih Republic, Crucible and Calf States became quit active In the anal hour and realster ed moderate Shippings ware la better demand, Marina preferred belnaT pushed up over points and American International Corporation, 1.. Total sale approximated 1.1I4.000 ahase. CaTJ Money Caere VIiavm vra further asina of th call money rate which opened and re' I A i n.KKX.

rikl Skm inewea it'll i wfor th does. Th time money 14 western New Tork. beat. 1 11 1 11 ordinary. 1 tt, reaches: Recclpta UCMer: demand aderatey active, especially for tan ex.

Market closed atronxvr for cood ns acd prlcaa aluthtly higher. JCevr Tors. Oct. 4 Oouatry Dreaerd Calvea: Receipts about njormaL trade very dull, market weak, choice scarce, the Intermediate trad sold at It lie per pound, too many medium weisht calvea arrivlnr. Choice 21c per small aad common.

I 0 12c per IV. hind aaddlea with skins. 21 0 tic. without. 21 tic; No.

1 akina. I to lba. lie per lb. Lire Rabbin: Damand alow. Ic per and Skins: MarkcU and anwhl basket Elberta beat, mostly I extras (it ill 0 1 faacy larr.

weU colored. 1 score). iS 0 1 Tl few small aalaa aich 0 2 21: ordinary. 1. 0 U5S v.

aaty. tt Tic; Crawford, white trait Hudson River. i. rarrier, I 4.M. Ptari Receinta comnaratlvetT Usrht tnunj rroderataty actrra for fancy aartei lhtly nrmar.

for food hard Ml el atock. but rather doll and aak (or poor (rade and amaTL Per bk Mded bbL. all atata aeetloaa tankt s. fancy, a 21 0 U4 a extra fancy hlxh aa I M. erke larsa.

I 44 1 fair. ordinary. 4. aturr. uurfeau, ta 0 4 4: Beurre fa io It; Beurre Boac 5 0 44.

tair atock. idon. 4 1 aOeffer. "I HI per bushel Bartletts, beat aatb 04 extra faacy. few email 'ISO 2 22.

ordinary. Ul i Kied.r. Tl 0 Ul Bklea price aacnanfed. BCTTER EGGS AND CHEESE Xcw Tork, Oct. 4V Butter, steadier.

receipts. 14.441 Creamery, higher than extras; 4tc; creamery 44c. firsts ll to 0 42c. state dairy, fin est. 42 0 41c, packing atock.

current make. No. 2 2THc Eggs: steadier: receipt. H.ITI: fresh gathered extra firata. 44 to 41, do.

flratm. II 0 42c. refrigerator firsts 2tH 0 tic. New Jersey hennery white, uacavndled extras. Tl 0 Tic.

state, nearby aad. nearby western hennery whits, firsts to extras II 0 node, hennery browns, extras. 12 0 lie Cbma, firm, receipt 1.1 1) Stat whole milk, flats, fresh, special. 24 0 lie do. average run, 34c iTjOra, LtUU ASD COsTEE lark.

Oca. Rye firm: No 2 wretera. II He o. b. New Tork and II export.

Lard barely steady: mlddleweet. 11110112 11 Spot coffee easy: No. Rio, tnc. No. I Santo.

14T4011HC Tallow firm, apeclal looaa. IHc extra louae, Tc Heavy Selling Cancels an Early Stock Market Rise tXATT Tork. Oct. 4 Stock up la aplrlted faahlea la the Part of today a atoek market bat heavy reaUxtng aalea at raaaaed ta a material redac mast of the galna. Aa oa, speculative belief receat reacttoa waa aa ad JJ1' a weakened tech aire I po ad had about ran tta rears.

7 at movement waa taflaenoed tt. loaouaced tateaUoa ef the dl r1" the Standard Oil Company. Caiuornia. te declare hundred "rent dividend, easier money od the Uapreved otteaUoo Cast. ttaadard OU Again Teaterea aadard OU aharea again wera the rut featuraa.

rorty thauaand 7 ct Standard CaittoraU 7jd haada ta tha trot aomr. the ZT 'we puahed 114. rr, IH Kant over mat night ot 4 abm that nf 0Jr yielded to 1I1H at ZVI today ea preAt taktag. Btan Kw Jersey touched I1IH. aad ik nataU above gG, lerday a final quotation, bat It fall back malarlelly latrr.

aa did axles and California Petroleum, and Houst tea aad Paclnc Oil, which ware up to I poiata at their high prices. As sociated Oil yielded lee sharply, ehewlag a net gala of 4 point. Max can Seaboard issue were reactionary aader the depressing Influence of fur the decrease In production la the Totaco field Paol Oparailnai Snovra Peel operatlena were manifest la a aamber ef apeclal atock. National Biscuit, which jumped IIH points yterday waa puahed up another II petal today, bat last all bat IH of tta gala before the close. Buying of tola atock waa baaed aa uacaafirmed reports of a spttltlrg up of th pree eat aharea and a proportionately larger dtvldand on the new atock.

Coca Cola also roe la reopen to rumor at extra dleldead dleoureemeala, rag' latartag not gala of I I I potato. Kreex waa pushed up to a a high on the aaaonncamaat that the coeapaity wtQ caQ far. rodoaanttoa Jasnaarr 1 avast, all Ha oulataadlag i net, traam es ixisuij, and commercial paper market ware quiet. The feature of tha foreign exchange market waa the drop of German marks to the new low rate of 4 11 tll cent a hundred. inner exenangi were arm.

damand sterling climbing to 4 41H. a net gala of 2 1 1. with light' Improvement in th continental rate. Canadian dollar were etlil elUcg at a alight premium. EBtECKE IS MADE ASSISTANT JAILOR Deputy Sheriff John Ebbeck.

aa aumed the duties of assistant jailor of th county Jail Wadn4day uo ceedlnr Prank Van Benschoten, 1 signed He ha been connected with th hruT office for severaj year and has a wide experience In the work of policing the county. Girls Debating Club Has Program Meeting Deliao. th g' rls debating and literary society of Poughkepaie High School. held a program meeting at school Wednesday in which fear members of the club apok on various subjects. including Genevieve Cavea.

Jesse Caven. and Theodora Cornell. Mildred Southwick and Ruth Haa brouck. graduate members of the society were present Mis Alio Dear. born, th nw faculty advisor, a also in attendance aad gave a short talk to the girls making various sug restlone about the work during the year There were more than thirty mem' hers present, an unusually high per.

ceatage. The argumentative and lit erary program for th entir semester has been mapped out by th advisory council end will be presented weekly at the regular meetiog. Miss Taylor Heads Reformed Y. P. S.

C. E. Miss Ruth Taylor waa re elected president of tha Teuag People's Socie ty of Christian Endeavor of the Re formed Church, on Wednesday nignt. Other officers chosen are Mia Prance TerwilUg'. vtce preaileat.

Mis Helen OdelL re elected secretary, and Paul reawick. treasurer. CoauaUteea were appointed and Include. Mr. Carl frit, prayer meeting committee: Arthur winma.

lookout committee; Miss Mary Thrall, social committee. The baaiaeaa meatus waa iouowm by eedai. at which games ware play. ad. aad refreeameaU war aerved.

Kales Ths EstfavWtrws yoarl for, EWlSSTJll Mslli I Lnti.i nt MICHIGAN tAFAYETTE BUILDING DETROIT FIRST MORTGAGE 7 SERIAL GOLD BONDS Tax Exenqrtion In Iflchlffxa Nonaal 1 Zneoms a'sx Paid ToVaJ Issue $1,300,000.00 Value of Security $3,100,000.00 Annual Net Income, Estimated Mortgagor Daterj Interest Dates TLfialll4'wlT. T.waaa?tTm VT1i4tw1 99 afw llll4ll5CMt Winjwww eUPIItttlllldT, Wl.y SI Nov. 30. Becurity This bond issue is secured by a direct first mortgage on the fourteen story office and business block now in I the course of erection on the major portion of the blockfaranded by Lafayette Boulevard, Shelby Street and Michigan Avenue, together with the nintey four year leasehold estate of the Michigan Lafayette Building Comp any. The security has been conservatively appraised as worth more than $3400,000.00, or more than double the amount of this indebtedness.

NOTE: (This Mortgage Only About 43 of the Value of This Property) Description The building will be steel frame fire proof construction, of fourteen, stories, with basement and sub base ment It will be of an unusually attractive design, faced with glazed terra otta and brick, and trimmed with ornamental iron. Owing to tho shape of the site, this property has unusual street frontage, as compared with the area of ths premises. fThe total street frontage is 481 feet, providing an abundance of air, daylight and display space for the tenants. The first floor will consist of stores, facing the three streets. An attractive marble arcade will pass through the center of the first floor, linking the Michigan Avenue and Lafayette Boulevard entrances.

CSonveniently adjacent to this arcade will be' a handsome elevator lobby, in which will be located six high speed elevators. PracticallyPractically all the stores will have display space facing on the arcade and elevator, producing an elegant tffect. Second and third floors will have large display windows for retail shops. tv The office space in Jthe upper.stories will be arranged for the convenience of the tenants and equipped with, every modern device usually incidental to an office building of the highest character. The corridors of the upper stories will have marble floors and wainscoting.

The basement space will be arranged for the use of an up to date restaurant, as well as other lines of business. The heating and other mechanical devices, as well as storage space, will be in the sub basement below, Location The property described above is located in the very heart of 'the business section of the City of Detroit, but one half block from the City Hall and diagonally opposite the United States Post Office. 'The junction of Michigan Avenue, LafayetttBoulevafd and Griswold Streets is less than 200 feet from the Michigan LafayetteLafayette Building, and the corner of Michigan and Woodward Avenues is but one short block farther distant. Some idea of the density of this section of the down town district maybe gained from the fact that a recent traffic survey of Michigan and Wooodward, conducted by the Detroit Police Department, recorded 20,919 vehicles and 81,296 pedestrians pass this corner in a single day. Income An unusually strong rental demand always existsin the district, mentioned above, the gross rentals from this property on a conservative basis, andafter making proper allowances for vacancies, taxes," insurance, beating, administration and other annual expenses incidental to such a building, we estimate the average annual net income at $326,000.00.

It will be notedthat this figure is more than three and one half times the greatest annual interest charges. As the bonds of eachmaturity are paid and cancelled, the factor of safety continues to increase, for the annnal interest charges becomeless in amount. Maturities Serial 1924 1937 Protection Through Monthly Deposits An additional safeguard exists in a feature of this bond issue wherein compulsory monthly deposits are' required from the mortgagors. Each month, one twelfth of the annual principal and interest charges shall be deposited with the Trustees. This is an additional strong feature of this issue.

Insurance Fire insurance will be carried by the Trustees for theprotectioaof Union clients, in a sum at least equal to the amount of this bond issue. The placing of such insurance and payment of premiums is guaranteed by the' Union Mortgage Company. Liability and other insurance will be carried by the Mortgagors. Title and Legality On each bond the Union Mortgage Company endorses an unqualified guarantee against any failure of 'title in the mortgagor; that the trust deed securing thesebonds constitutes a direct first lien on the property described' therein. Title and "all legal matters pertainingto this bond issue have been carefully examined and approved by Messrs.

Campbell, Bulkley Ledyard, for theUnion Mortgage Company. i Mat, Price: Par and Accrued interest Yielding 7 Bonda may bo reaerved by telegraph for future delivery. Circular on rtour. BERRY Inc. Thirty eight Market Street, Poughkeepsie.

N. Y. AU Tbi information contain! In this advertisement has bean obtained from sources which consider reliable, ta accepted by us aa accurate. While not guaraaUed. It Dr.

H.L.B. Ryder Buys on Eastman Terrace Dr. H. Ryder purchaaed th building at Eastman Tirrios from Jacob Paulua. today, tor a consideration ef approximately 11,010 and will convert tt lata a kitchenette apartment.

He has also purchased tha three story building at Itl Mill Street for removal, th brlok to be used la Improvement at II Market Street. four offices will built aa an exton slon In ths rear of th present build lar The building to be demolished was once the home of th parent of Reynolds, John and WllUaro Adrtance. Local Man Arrested for Auto Violation Anson Sears, of tl Conklln Street, waa arrested and lodaed In the noun. Ty all Wednesday valng on charges of reckleea driving pending a hearing this morning before Justice 'of th Peace Joseph Lyon. He waa taken Into custody by deputy sheriffs on Southeast Arenu at 10:11 o'clock.

Harold Dedrleh complained that Sear had rammed hi Dodge car. damaging th wheels. Bear's m. ehlni coUldad with a tree and waa haltered conalderably. Garage Property Sold to Horhbeck The garage property at lit Main Street, lately occupied by the reek, ard motor ear agency aod'th Stout Motor Company, waa purchased today from B.

J. Tompkins, of Peek, (kill, by fred CkJtornbock of thU city, for 111.101. itr. Horabeek will haadl hU Hal Una there, the Stout Motor Company having moved to 111 Church Street, The Packard Agency, rtmove to th Cearle Moreohaussr building Church and Academy Street em Uma la November, whan that building wtl oamaiotad, CONTEtCE RCMMACE SALE Because of the damaad for good at the rummage sale being conducted at HI M1U Street by the Women' Oulld of tho First Congregational Church. an appeal baa been made for more good.

Clothing of aU kinds for man, woman and children la needed. Tha opening day, on Wednesday, was a auccssful on, and It will continue through Saturday. anHaUlahed IIH C. D. HALSEY CO.

HKMBeIU jnew TORS errocx xxciiAjras sit majw st. mojrst ties rovanwxxruixt. InyestaeBt Stairies R.W.SPENCER,Mgr. Maha Owtoa. ST WUUeaa, St, Botel varakav Jfew Tork CM Hotel Mario datotaotla.

X. Qty T.I rtatmrg. m.i atarrtekwa. fa. BERRY S3 MARKET BT.

riishkatnaia, H. a. tUgb InYfislRWil Bonds Exdisivtiy W. McLauglitHi Co. Investment Securities BONDS NOTES Local Securities Bank Stocks.

134 Street reughkeeDaia. X. T. Talaphoa IHI Jl vi: SWARTWOUT APPENZELLAR KaTltWTiarlXP ISM Members: tt. T.

STOCK rXCHAXCK It." T. COTXXUt ETCHiXr.K 45 Market Street INanaksrvala.II.'T. Edward B. Ktaraey SSI Seei Tork OnVw tU Wreadwey.

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