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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 3

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fr gffl'. FRIDAY. OCrOBtt.lf74, orriOTAi. city rAfKu, roiuniri Bmnm tnOm jtm OoOacKi tb Ouu luu, ti aoa ow aAVUMtLtauaCtaQvutfcaiTua ajt otbbb Paraa hnnisn, iimiim Aa taa Omtui Pun a taa Cm fomt omoK Tum tablb. Ottos opea from Ml B.tolOOP.M.

MAOaOLOBk. 1060 a.m. way Jl r. h. taroaga.

TM a. kL through owi a. urawi MM MATUAAIUYA ICO a. a. through way jaur.

a.iarouga t0 a. a. through toor. m. through 40 r.

a. way A BU WtB OhM ddlT tk PlMtkkMB sat bun R. R. i JO sad om wUl bs ready foe delrnry At trU P. M.

AmallwtlleloeeAttJOA. M. dally foe all often tha Dutcheee Oota bUR. nl oee wmbs reedy fur dellTeryea 110 A.B. A.

B. Bam. P.M. Outatda Blatter. FIRST PAQA QuodlibBt Msw KaI OniMA PoBUy CBUOtl si Lirlog Mls csIIassobb.

A prunwi awn Dry Oooda Schools Pjrwmal Property Prufemloaal Reel Ke lu Par Bale, aad Ta Let Furniture Btwlst; MuklAAA MlAMnAMOO. POURTU PAOB. Kalck Kieck How la Pal Chlldrea la bd of tha "Broad Oiin" Keilroed Bretem rUllroed Time Tablet ADYtarrjAKIirTA Letal ud Sty No llCOl DnigA And McdlClaaB IaOBrCBW Hoots AAd ttboee Special Corners Pbolo grapbs Tnrellsf jobPrlatlaaV llE WttATIlKU rOH TO DAY. WAB DtnBTArBBT, I Omca ow mCuv 8 bal Omen, I 1 1 A.M. For the MUdlo Btataa, rlelag barometer, alalloeary temparaure, light Bortaywseterly wlado ud generally deer WMUAC a WW ATrttafeata.

i rollowiBf Admimiait appear li Dellr KAKla for the trot lima. Cook Wuted, Oarpsaler Bros. BlisAtkia WAAlsd la a Grocery tote. Oooda from AoctJoa. Vss Klseck ACo.

Olrl WADtsd, 1 Moa oa at Ataawnto. Yastsrdey Aflsraooa a sua named Purcell ins ArraHsd aad coaimUlad to dl by officer Shields, charged With draak aad disorderly eoaduct XwAVt Arraa rna nluimn, Oa Wedettday srrelsg last soma fleet Odd Fellow, from UlacUf.lotAtkkr wllk ihawtpotlathla fta. traU tot aanylowa, which pleos Ihay tipeettd bt met by artgosttad laaaaf'. n4ntAk Odd PoUtwt Lads rasa was to 'da dawks' Ihetewelag. TL, party raacksd the BsrrylowasspMoa ibaa, bat than wis ao wagoa or ooareTtaosot uykladtOMtt IfcAAv dlstaaca la lam mUm, mom loo tar wkAlts doUay dld'aol kaow.

Flaafry two of Ik party eoocladad Urywoold walk ap Aad auks amatMiaaU lo ban eaaTtyaaeaa aaal ahar Ika raaaladar. Bat it snow ikat aoas eosid ba bad. aad aaasraslaaa) bad to ramala at lbs dannl 101 half paat Iwalra o'clock, whaa It aa AAppoaad IbsMoalraal trala uut aoatk wowaaiopiaribrB. Tba Urns III) that boar was paasad la larloas vaya, bal all wart prsUywaU Uiadoal. Wbaa Ibatraiaap protcksd lbs dtpot aa aotlead tbal It dM sot alaaksa II apasd la Iks UaaL Han waa AaetkcrdUaaMafarlkapArtT.

Tkaywarad a Uatara bat Iks aailaaar old aot appear lo Botles aad oaly by load yalla at bk at toslloa attraotad, Ua ka alAskaotd up saouk foe Iks tVkeapeuu to eat oa board, tks eoadaolot Ikaa atalsd tkal ks kad ra. ctlndBOordan toaiopkte trala tor ikon. uikouikKwatftrrerilly aadatauwd by all baton laaTUf luiaa UU task arrAagtBMala kad aU bou aaada. eailsd ua loalaek op at PUaklll Uadu(, lo a'Jow tks Heuaavaa AMabara a cksass lo barlagaa Ordtra ks ralaaad to bo ao, Bad all kad lo Atop at IVkAtpela. Tks riakkdlan wan raraUkad wllk OAanart for Iks alf kl, aad IBs 10 kaspaUaa dlaparatd lo Ikslr koana, all irtally dlAtoaurdaltbaU AiiasMW lake part la Iks dcdloailoa.

nets tat taaat bt lo blama. tot It wuaa daratood AAdao AaaoBBoad albs Bagla, tkal Iks trala woald atop foe lata, aad law all otksr arraageaMatt aad bass auaadsd lo. Taa Fatai. BiiBmn Aoobbbt. We brkHly twAAd la rAtordAi't papac tkal aa aa kaowa bbab aad beta killad oa Iks Irask ol IkaHBdasa Hint Rallmad.

saar Dob'j't Parry. Buss Ikaa ws ban IsaraAd tbal tks Bua'a bsaas was Ckarlas asorga, wko kae laitly baaa la Iks employ at (ardeasr, of Mr. Pstst Bos, atTirrylowB. It teema Ikai iBtdAAaaaodwai trylsg Wtt oalka for ward platfona of Ike klad ear of tks Tarry. Iowa trala at Dobbt Parry, alt p.

Tkonday. Be ttrouk Iks welar pips aad waa Ibrawaba lat track, aad lbs bled wbeala paaatd oar Mm, kllllae kirn klmoat laalanl ly Tks darmiail laana a wfe aad foar cklld raa, wko isaMs la Tarrjlowa. Biabodj waa taksa la ekargs by aa baderlaker aod btoagbl la tkal pUee, abarA Coroasr Baaeat bald aa laqoaat, lbs Jary nadrrlag a Terdlcl la aooprdsass with Iks aboita II wataboAlSOysanof in aad aOcnnAa. Tallow Dowb. A wagoa, loaded wllk Ullow aad kldaa from Iks cooatry broke dowa la Bmltb alreel ycatsrday aboal Boot, apllliog lbs cootcala about Iks atrast.

A Sort Bad Aboat oooa of yeAterday, a mat, tppanatly a auaarsr, lay fast aelsep ua lbs aidswalk la Bmllk las A Kaalcra Depot Nobody dla larbad kbn, aad lay draamlog tks kappy bim aodoobi)koara away. iwi The ckamDioa ooloaAAlar a aaembtr of Ika rnitiaaalebl lores. Usdlmbaaulalds of a asob oeery alibi. rt mm. Wo Ikoogbt oor algkt fores kad tbsboaa la tba oaloa Una bat be eaaact qolw corns nw ibeaboes.

BUII. lor oos maa I eat mora raw oniooa Ibaa any one I bal bal coaM nader oar boiIca for a loog Hue. Lanua Fblt Bata Tbs fait bat wotka ol Ueodcraoa A at MAtleaeAa, an pre parlag to maasfaclafe A large que tlllf of ladksfcll kaufor tkeeastera falllradar DarlDi lbs aaaaoa tbs abort firm ban tsta laralag oat from AMto 173 doeea of AMa'a kali par day. iWi ttua 1IAU. 1 he Btdaoa Rlrar baat bell aloe, of bare beea bealaa bat omcM thlt vfABoa, aad Ibea by Ibt Poogbkerp ale picked aloe.

Tbt B. Ry aaweTAr.woa two of the aenea of tkrss garnet pltyad by. tba two alttca. Tke JuaroAl atyt Mtwburgb will, toolbar aeeaoa, taks kae old poeltloa la ike ball worldi ba V'olaotetn drfetied tbe Uekeowwi ytauudey by tsora tf to a. MuuciL Tha Khlaebtck Ouaiuihoa apaaka of Iks flat Bxglmeat Bind, of tkk) clly i "Tbe tlet Rtglmcel Bud waa at Ibla place oa Toeaday.

and It one of lbs flasM oriiaalulloot sf las. klad la lbs eoualry. We do aot think that ws eeer heard bailer mualc, aad we kaow tkAt bj betur bud eeer eulled Ikle UIaa. Tba loader it Mr. 1.

Boll, of Tit Wiui.t EasLa Tbs aombei for tbU wot coalAlAa mon Ikaa tke oaual Bom ber of uleraatfag artlclea. Luaeiag'a LaltAr, Qooda coBlrlbulloaA, Aeveral colamaa of ebolce mbKtlluy, the aewa of the week from all parts of Ibe world. Tba borne aad vtdaHy newt, Aad AdrertlAemeAta of all our oar aaoat aatorprlAlag boalaaaa mea. Oct a copy. Taa'MABioBnTBt Law Cbabcb Tblt aTlaraooa ud ircnlng, will be lbs Uet op Bonaally la wllaast Iks woaderfal aihlbl tloa low at tbt Open Boaae, ud Iben Abould bt a Urgt lura oal, for aolhlag lo eosa! It kat ever beca ben before.

It le aoalblag tbal will lAtcraetboth old aad yoaag, ud there pot the least objecliooa ble thing coBocdcd with IL By all BMUt go. Itcmember two iisrfarmanfet, Afleraooa sad evening. Raiaiam ad Cokaaoi icvt Tbt Tied Hook Josroal bwru tkal Meeara. Oor sell, Cojkndell, Beaeoa, Ooold aad Meeker, of Uoadout, Bermaace of Rhlaebock, Matlla ud ElttOcr of Red Book, ud Moore of Aacram, paaasd over the entire line of the Ithlnebrck aad Uoan. Railroad to Boetoa Coraert oa Tuesday laat.

Tks Beweogtae aBd paaaenger car carried Ike party At at At Iks highway creating half a mils aouibtrly from Copaka Village. Tks rsmalaiag part of the line, about four mllaa will bt laid Ua aedtaiely ud la aboat a awatk Ibe coooee lioa will be complala with Ibe roeda al Boetoa i OiLBoaa't Babo ooauioto Po'KuniB Oar BMay readen will be more Ibaa pleaa Ad to lean tkal OUmote'l tamoua Mllllarj Bead and Oraad OrckeatrA, tbe full breae band of aft Mr. Ar buckle, tbe grsateel Amerleu eoraet plarar, all aader Ike peraoaa! dlractloa of tbe dU liagulebed leader. Ml. P.

0. Oilmore, will gin a graad bumIcaI ouooart ai ColllBtwood Opet a Boast aeil Filday wulag, Oct. Aa IbU will be tks Brat coaeert or thlt bud la our clly then will ao doubt be aa Immeaet aadloact tittnt aa hear the famoua Ollmore, tke taaa wko orlfttaalod aad carried tbrougb ao aaeoaaafully Ibe great Poaoa Jubilees bald la Boetoa ta 1M0 and 187. No mu except Oilmora coald ban carried through aoch a glgutle aalsrptlsa. The prem ud public pronounce Oilaurtt Bud to bt Ibt beat la Ike world, ud tbey are aowplaylag loom flowing houaet la other cltkA It may be eatery predicted thai lbs character And qual ity of the maala will be of order of et eeUtaestapeilorlauyikleg yet heard la Pjortheepele.

Mr. GUaxxe on tela ooca aloa pramata aa aauaaally brllliAatprognm. me, nlecuag kU ekotoatt placet, and glf lag a eerlety lo Iks pragramrat la ordKloiuil aU atavofeuaatim Cscaaty. Aaasl tlatUac aa Moadap Ooi. iu.

uiiwm nxx: a. AA Btat atWAB BaaMaviiAlasuAM wt tAksaopmtof rataUaiuhkAd ba oa lime. JattreoBTAlktpWAdl etxwof faTlaaJ wUmf Joaeph Pebrrt. MalB Dutckeaa Patmee BtUdlag. raaiafas H50 BotloB Oos Prtos Oetklog Fob twaTssLBt rwre.

Imnoiitd Bat A wary twpsrlat ArUcbt at a low prlotat 1 AU al'tka mtiaOutMoaChthhAg Hesse. LA0U8.WS ksrsiom teortreda lotof BXAOBO OlMPw rjml imtari; mnag at UntkurlarrrkSBaaalPrBMu' i Jn. OrWT0ADXB. Maaa Boav Woehkw iVaia Imaim wee Aeoataa vm nw cajnita I Tf, OBtMVam lhaB.B.aemijLS;. Mod aUallk, At W.

MiUCB'8. SiSirta MM UlTW WiM. Wt iTt J. tilt III Ba.wl.may. HwAnijLiur ojnjr.Xaosnt BL.

Flu Bttlatm tsiu toe tia at ew nxn. OuwPrissOolbla, Bstasjj Qold Absaatortmealat lwan White BkhtaXw tIMu uouiag Boom. t. BotDlTIDOrD, KlrchaerBulUlag. Prist DABsaaorjaLT BaBiuie.KowLtooA Tke Kblaebeck Oateltt ttyl that a Tuesday uf lau week, Wlone Crleprll ud Downing Vaui, two youag cbapa from Klngeuo, cams oter lo UhlaediU, la a aall boaL land lag Auwken tear tkt track of Iba Hadaos Ihecaiuilroad, the Udt found vat of tbt luipedoei which art pieced oa tha relit for Ibt purpose of algtallag inlet.

Mtliber oat at tbt boyt had test taaa" oos of Ibeee if ploaleat, to Wlnne, who It ofu uqairltg tare of mlsd, wait lo Itnatlgallag the lm plamut. Duritgihecvarttottht ItTeetl galloa the torpedo waa whet It Immediately foruaataly doing aa Wary beyoad horning wiaaal aaada ao what but two mors rlgkltatd yoaagatart tha taoee, dldal Mead la Dalnhm souty aalatf. Rubaway. Tkaraday evulag about o'clock tkt hont of Mr. Aaroe Deyo, of Blgklasd, iu Slaniag from oppo tltt lbs mill of Banoa Weed oa tbe Pain uraplke, the worse iu dowa ibe hill ta tke ferry boatAoughly, aad to tbrbuh her "narrow" gugway lo the after pari of the boat.

aad waa oaly oared from goiag Ittotht rim by Ibt caaus at tkal end. Tks sMdsal waa eaaaed by aaotbtr wagon eollldlag wltk Mr. Osyoi aad apeeUlag It, aadlalkltwayfrbjklMUigklakone. There Utile dAmags dou aa las bans broke sstinly loose from tbs wagoa tooa aflar he alerted. A aw.

Aocuaurt AT Kbwbv aaa. Tbe Telegraph ttyt' that II btlefly aeetioBad Tburajay aMralag tha a workmAa al tke PeaBeylra aia Ooel Oompaty'a Worka had beta badly Injured Iben oa Wedasaday aad had to ba carried borne Ws have aioce leaned that Ibe Injured mee'e tame la Phillip M. rha rat, a aklp earpcaur, realdlag la South Water Blreet Bear Ruwlck. He waa engaged la Rpelrlag Ike "drum' attached 14 Iks ap paraiat for hauling bp amply can oa the Inclined pUne from oat of lat dockt, whaa be accldcalally allppad or mia stepped, fella dlalasce of about irttea feel, ud enlklag oa Ibt "dram" recelred laterae! Injutlea, which an proaouBoed, wt in told, by Ibe phytlclaila charge, to bad that they will pnbAbly retail fatally. The Accident happened between alas ud o'clock Wed atAdiy.

Iecara or a Taiu. Oa Friday leu officer Robsoa, ot Ralusbeck, arretted oblckeo thief who waa )Aat gultd ovir lo Boadoal as the fstryboal Lark. Tbe thief bad three ehickeaa, which kad beea killed but a lew mlaulet, la hla poaaaaaioB. It ooaeeylag the prkwoer from iRblnecllB to that Tillage ba leaped from the wagoa, Bear the Flat Rock, aod eeceped, although Kob aoa fired ore ehetl at him. Be gan the tame of Stickle and aaid be waa from Handout.

Bt hat a beea aeaa tltce hla ee cepe. RaooBDAB't Coobt. A lad named Id Beaeoa. Ated aboul yeara, iu ar raigned oa Ua chargi of dlaturhlog the Church alreel tchool by halloing through tbt key kols. wklck frlghlusd Ibe lamniaa.

Tbs Beaalir lied by Uw la a Ott ol which waa Imposed, Ana Boaae thai it abould be raid wltbla tweote dayl, wbereupoa lbs accused was discharged. ThU cset abould prort A warning lo boyt similarly dbpcstdA Uttarttw wm Jaw aBAm liruaeT. mo UBTSBT Wlthialkaaeeon Aaaeiaiaaar If ew burgh Jed an a eoapls of fast asm who aiawtr la lei AogAoaea jOaorgs Wabmw, allm Osorgs Wtsaats, tad Jottpt, Wallace. Aa Kegls reporur Uterrlewsd' Ikem Us other day ssd fouad ikslr' klatorpiiaks'jlla; ertwog. ueorgs Mil lonawl bcatlu uw us nuosoa tor a uriag, which wt bt litre, ltd tcoordlig to reporti bt kit tailed la teetrtl nklek rooklag aloopt wheat earn ban ben eo mack taaayaaot to tha quiet oomet ol the otuuaa along tbt rtrer.

Joaeph rcpcels himself a cater maker of New York city, aad etatee Ikaa Bftriou to kU arret: ks waa sal ot aaid employmest for otcr a moaik. Then two partita laformsd our reporur that they left Jesasy Crrjr aa lbs satk day of August, aad 'wen koaad tot run Jerrla, where Iksy eipaoaad lo obtala amplojrmaat oa tks esaal. ArrlTlag at Tat "era, uey wen pal off las ears oa tor aoa paymul of tkelr taK Around lbs depot aaiil bMO'clsck la lbs seating, wkaa Iksy had aa cataea to proceed uy farther by lbs tan, theyV weal Uto amply freight aw when they alept aoari, wkes getting sold Iksy aron le Bad tavoea C3mfortable place to Heap la, aid Ikey ttv i Him la one corner of Iks. oar. TtkJaclks Arti cle oa lbs hlchway tksytpattd etoeew) wwoa wain ami it, a not aaa eome papers which Iksy left oa ika road.

rruoeeaing la the depot, Iksy IsckedarotM them, eotered a ban atar by aadjilapl tbj(rh mill tight o'clock aa Iba foUswisg awra ug, when two far ksadt aasarsd aad oomtieneed Ihraakmg grtla. Otulai ap from ibt itnw tbey asked taw aa wdas try It they objreled to berlag ikstr ben Bead for a aleeplsg tpartmaal, tad wen told it wai all tight. Pnewtlitg tp law ttteptke road, a quarter ot apalls tm tks prem lasa, bey lotted Ibemaaless eurtauaded. ssd were erreated ud brought bafon lat Baaire, who sommltted themsaa charge ot petit larceay toujabulau. Ai Ule tmUtatloa Jkey re malted tight dtya.

aad wan anla tehee to tbs magkaraia al Tana for ranker lamination, tad wan ao milled back to Ooabea Jail, charged whk graad "Ureaay. Oa the lltb all. tbey broke JaU, wan traced to New York city, arretted aa Oaf fotlowiag day and rtmored bock lo Ooabea lall. Bab atqoeully tbey wen brought dows to Iks Uourt 01 baealoat at Jnwbarga, oa Tbseday, pleaded aot gullly to Ika charge of graad Uuceny, and gullly ot breaklag fail, tbsy wen aeatewaed la three ttaalki at Ikslr former quarter Tatar Irml aa tha tit ma I cbarga will itks plact la Oaoembrr. Three mea gtn a eery gloomy tc couotut ibt IrsakBsal iksy notind la Ooabea (all, aisoa.lkty aaada tWH anaaa hair bauda being fattened to their test lat bent pontoon.

The plan la alleged lobs alin with eermla, tad lat prlaoaart an kspt aim on beau auop. Tke rudder le Ike New burgh Jell la molsasts sad btwal rarbreak laat, at o'clock, aad dleaer MSaUoaf. Krery other day they are aerrsd tU rssapl ud not suOoieBt at Wtlhllk thai Ibe eutborllin both la Ooabea aad New hurib, thould fire their prUotert noagh fodder, such It It, bal 11 aeeme lo be loog time lo feat, from I a'eloek, p. to octuck, a Tbe mau Oeorgt WlaaaU, nfsrrsd lo above, la thoujibl lo bo Iks party wko neb bed Ibu factory of Tilts A Boa, at MaacJhet tcr, euue time tlacs. Omcsff BklalJs weal a MaaBBrttliBtftli nn "rihataieBelmwl tt etAV Bsbab 1 a i or iinnvintf iiim in ibi rir.

nan iMiafl aa LwmnwMiu avnma ranm. badalreadybeeatmuscedtoatsmof laiMAVAB4torm krUoeeaaed Hooaa IwlaoomialleOoaaeslalL Aa aooa aa that I ranlaaitg (Mode, Ao aipiraa, however, lbs offlosr wilt ban him brought bats. Oa Iheotb Xmrnet, Iba famtat Datoh sppssr tars la aUtptcUliy aa Frln. Tba follawUg what the N. Ucreld aayaof him: Wallaca'b Kmmbt At Fant A gssa fida liatcb fMoeailhis Is a leal aenaatloa at tbU teeAtrav Jns Kmmst bsara he palm Is thlt rssiwOLAad the high aad Bal.

tenne repoteiioa BSAaeenwtsa loraresose peat la tbe proTiocet tu Irlampktally cat ricd lu! lAt ulsht ut oas of tks BMSl Slacllsf houice lu America. Wksa eiltel paaeer the ordeal of wallackl without aacralca, sa may accord to kha or bar attrlted prabM. Hocb waa Iba fortBM of Emmet last sight. Uiaaococm was ItdtbtttblstBd atatntf from aatured face, ud danced sad tug bis lalaw lubta aetectloBA Then Is aa aaotaoat ha mor tbont bim tha wits Us way at aaaa, bs play ll ptclilry coastraclsd to ahsw off hla pecuuar laleatt. lfe Lucolii NartoXilMoaraBBT.

Ifi ao kaowledn receipt of larllatloa fro tat Lincoln National Moeumeat i monlaUnt lo be pmenl at, tbs asnlllsg of tha tbs Monument tX flprtagtsld, Ul, wklck It laukt place oaths Htklsau" Ts men! la impowsg has, Aad tha tctatlns will be one of gsaertt Itlsraat. Liquoa DuLBBt InxOTBB. Tha (raad Jury al.Ne'wburgh hat hroaghl la UdleV mantA. Bight among bVoat an tha atoat gomery liquor dstlsra. Waibuiotob r.

M. Caxacai Preack ing morning and aeaulag; moralag asrmoa by Ret. C. North) oreelag Aaravok by Rev. William Lloyd, BibJed, TM raU er'e bourn left." la Ika areauva tha mualc will bt eoedoslad by the Vsa VM'Ooaatt wqf5w OU lmUlBi Taot.

Tha kalaa, beet tad Bust BaBahae a. marbet, alwtya ulfeem bt aaaBty; will hwra laankBniiiimmpe, Try Ageata tor rVaatpam. WOOD A TtTTAMSB. dsrwamBj UadsrcaMlUagfaiBXIasBu'ai ikalLioviai Oaa Prlct Oothmg Bala Uttmg, Twnesoad hud. No, 1.

UltlaaaM Far Vb.f? awatt seder. X. B. B0LDR1OQK. asakaarBatldlsg.

CklUreBA Built for at ike rm Oat Prist Ootkltg Boaae. fl'. We call a call kftttlun id a new Hat of Brark Cwakmarte Jncmeed Ikladay, at t.00ajd$I.I0ayarsU Thahtatgoodewa kan oBered yet At tbs prlcea. Call aaa aaa jay ftJfcWJBJjnJlTTAOO. paljdrabs Onrooem far tba, al ika Boa ma uu ncs tlothlnr Ta PareaiU aarl rvpHs Can at Wabbi Bherwoodt, awna Boast Blsth, tor Balr Oruakaa.

Combs, ToU jDOaKHaad Mlrrara, Parfsaasry, afedblea, eW, uyoa wUl always lad a large tad wall aalecud atock. BlSllf. i Bulu for young mea for at tbe Bne loa Oae Price Clothing Botn. BaodAwlw. tboaa lawutuf hi of laeabon earn good! will eere moeey by baying ol OtQ.

L. DBNNIB, 'AifdAwtf; taUtit. naUoex Oar bow stock of Boyt', Toulka" tad Mea Ootklag for ell tad Wrtlts karlag arriesd are sow sols to men the doa ads ot ike tables. JOBltfiCniCKLaT. otst New Store mMtmBCfarNXW BBAWLJ.

Tkej kin tt largest stock ot Maw Ooodi la tks amy Ihlag yoa bay of the will Sellw BXTAIL, iSiua BANMJL. aPlTM ETT. iHu.yJ Mil (Gfooda! 'fa. I MH tx4.ttpijBaU 81 Opewm Uaetaa Black HEW FALL, STYLES Laydles lJarkBtraw Mat. RIAL OSTRICH Tl Ill BBABI.I imt FKOB CSBTI CrwAtA, I Fhsj Imnrwak Amtrlmn i ft rraavth rtmrnmn tatm Ulyf PUIn Wlnrfaoi' TImBOo.

wmoh. Fancy rringaxl TIM OOo. 0 Inoli SASH RIBBONS only oocts.pwxm. atoautlrVil ROMARI SASHIS onlfaa.tKaaOiAe BAHBVBOB IDOIHOI BTaWs Vabbj wb rmTwt yphf A Bplaadld TTamUwama jUanat am tb oaiBA ka ls r' UA1H H.Y1TCUK8 aaaaa urn a i A T' it LavdMa' a s) (JhlMraa a BaULmgxaai twdBMaiBnaaauyerTLewrricea. LaetmwaAW LAslt4f aaa jtnlam tint imwvawijwm rem er aaaa or saw (jUXereeAew rerAJ likiUKiill' tar ams Bar utm njcw, a vI, Urn at rtrm ATI W.

U. MAL03EY. 1 KW aJOOIMil iHni Nonr is the Time Bujrl YAK aad ODIPCBJB UkUXa, Uasdad FrtBcea aa Ubafa, TIBS, OOtXABBo BDrTUVOA Orapt aaX UramadU rcitiBfa. UOSIEUY U5DEUWEA1I i COBSETB, HID OLOVtaVf I A aa Tata Plica TO BOr TUBa "CUKAI," It. M.

VAlLy SewStbre, BIT JtAIN BTBBttr, Kw.59Pir OT TBI noUIJww IeATmmm aTALU BUYrtLTIES. RKKT "Aifsguji U. hfitue 'twa'iBweaBwMC artcAiur, tiamAtl' has Tatfti BaBsrajnf aaa 1 li ill ut di aeatAkaav i a aa I JRIrdsr BBdJFsiMiY. Fe4ltier. We'etB'aMClAh'ATTaBrTtBwkrteet' tuu 9it'ovi I Nw Fsahet a.auh lMbbani.

VW lUik I aaWskauws aaew.Al LABaW'AA aawwr AtBAflffR TIEAIlT.n Uuttoni And OraamenU LAHi.C i mn Lelmw lilt I A J.I aii at it Wl elahaiaX otter nyobiot Jm taih.1 aks l.l a tTttxrjaHQnKia aiovemln. denrable eyr jit'uaf Fir it jiMlH rrieM I n.iartitttuja ymmtemsm warrant fif eaudrtbaH JBSLW OUViu Mm found FPte e. a ar.i I cannot them todaw todelt tor lem than 82.00 per at7 Bws' an 'I A rllllJf, ua eurai.ij wjm, N. I Ttr UTtnmiitn Ml Al TtVCU a rP'l jJPl f. "HAS OPMZO A LaBrJlAVD ATrRAOTTTB In Great Variety of NEW FMICSfratrvO Cis.

'1 jCOMPRlalNO Surges, Duchess i Cloths," Poplins: 4ai caaes ana coiorea cashmeres i LOW PHIOia. It win terywt to tin at la tell wksa teats. a mSsT AMsMffMA. STA A AfA a. a bLAUK b'UUUS DtPAKIMtNT, Which wm foasdtTArle7cU 3IYT to al(ewH Net to he txtaOad mralde New York Cttr.

Sptmal BArgttat ta BUCK CKHMEg "Lupin's Blactr. Cashmeres. Tory lae atd beery, a LIt yard, worth tl.U. Orihaas Otsda awbsesTw Ike leeej Jriom, TAatBBBi OLOIII, HaTJIBImTTA CVnrrit, ACIIBALUUI CtULTM, We make a Specialty (iTBIack'lfpa'kidPufi "1. flQnair VffgatfOii PaleadU lot at BIOII t.CBTBB ALVAOAB a U.

to me A Hl.iwrwa aysrd has ibaa at yeartpilceA SIUC' rOFUBBa nch htadiBma Ws batata tlsgattsarlafyaf; BLICT' AtaBadacUoaof 'tWCBTY FiYB rtR. CENT from last yeert atwba. BLkVB. Biba KJ OaattlT HEAVY BLACK BILK at ILfJL. trunk tl aaa esea.

tbo atOnoda el tta Besaee, aad we bopsmry Udylba'wBm'w tatd BLACat ml uw filiq n.ll anil aaa lh.qi la LtMSHM Paisley ajiiT'Otoman Shawls New Cloaks ndw Proof Cloaks JU DOHESICfiaaPODS I OIT BOIIOK PtalOBSi Or, 9a. od' Ca Ton Flanncl'ai 12 c'ls." vard. iH Wool Rannej ait 25c Table Linens Very cheap VTOOLBbT BLABKBTs' Camper Ibaa thty ban sata Uyeen. iuv iTl 'e ai ttfaani iim nl. KISWJ UNDERGARMENTS at UnUStially Low Baaaa Ktal nargajas uaasnaaraa, gwama tiatMi.MaATws' MO Ladlee tfl aUk, tt II CIA each.

AatBURO BOO ISO Priced Ornur more hM ben QreaUy lalarea ud Jmproeed UU FalL test teieisg added end wt ana ban ibt Largasi Bton of lbs hlsd rWlaecity. BTWt Oooda, at Skirt All gullemea who wut lobs made hap. ST bv weerlae a Peavari riiiiqa Mmm VlekaaldheTt lhelr ordemwhk E.H..K) Mala Bt I (A M. BreSUt aw 'm AVTmrd tolhaWna. fit tan aad nad utiatotmial utnoml eery, tai caUatloa awla at, Uyoa weal la I Tha largest ud tie) tmnnmit la tbe dry, el Webb A Bherwoud'f AU TreaMI lilted wHkw tain cbarga.

hlale at, Horgu Uoata. hi. aCatTaa Otrew. Jfo Brsakfast la com pbMa Wakoat a rap of Bradley' Cornel Pa Jen temk revcry week, Vt Mala at, oppoahe BlHim ttraTAMraaaaoaa ATtaoaT nqnoaeast fct me iter aaairBm tr ai. araaaBua.J i DASIOM1 SEW FAXli GOODS.

MIliU .738 Bark rUbtmoa, Flasasla, Ooraalt, Ifnaliry. Tks, md Ofcem, OulUie. limrr Abb aa truer Xfttt Jl viojr Fall aad WlaBtar if readWWiy i rooa. al I 1HIA BAHBOaVS. 87 Mala Blr.

(, RABD BDSII (AT OtLTOta Pat BoaT Ara To at YaabHday lbs tlsamboAl "AmeaU" len lbs dock oa Iba oppotua. aide of tbt which ikt hat beta ltylt( for lbs latt iwe oMaika. aad aflat toklat a penloa of Iks crew of Iks Dsawl Urea oa buara, proceeo ad to Mt York for Iba parposs of gtiuag rtady to Ukt Ikt pltot of tbM boat ud Ikt laenlwo boats wnu make their last trlpl to day, (Bator Quartetts. flnrn 'ar' Uadoiao H. K.

Caujacb. Pmachlag la morrow morolag aad arealag, hflaa Bsr. 0. W. C.

Vaa Oaaabsck, of New York. Frlanda and alrugcn are cordially larlled Sunday tchool at 9 delock at. Prayer meetlog it 8 o'clock p. eiesie Tke wiskly meeting st Father Mathaw sViclety will bs held d.y) evenlog, tt T) o'clock, at tat rooam al the Y. M.

O. A Oood Bpeaken will bs la attendance. Pfof. Uuya' Oke Olub will be OS AAAdApd ealeruia Ibe andleace with mualc. W.

C. Albro, wUl delleer addrem at the Temperance Maatbu) al lbs fmaata atreel llelbodlal Cetrch, Baadey atteraooa, at a quarter befon 1 o'clock. Ulreciioot far fsUlag; riamU. Eetry Lady lhai hat Ik care ot House Plan's during tha witter, will ltd that' her wotk will be greatly rewarded by addlag to Ibe toil hi tbe pa It Ibt Fall, a tmaD por tion u( Mapca' odotlas Aaimaajtwd 8 a par phoepbite. Bold osly al HOWARD'S DrugBlort.

dlwOI, A tpitodl taaortmul ot Mm aad ChU. dren't Bcboul Bhots. si rttsre', Mala at, aisais tr 'J Great AUncttoaA Thl. murnlne nl tbtt littbi mAltal Aroaad tbe corner UojlLamh, lAIcAeaa Oa. Pork, iu.ndtd.

'I hit avssist IBS I at last plctdld tiuaagt, which all Ilka aad le ell thai ean aaa ai kltde uf fruit ud eHsuwlao, Hamembsr Laulug, Mui 1 Uardu at, 11 Klaatie A Btw tttJoBi la coattructioa, aot jHeblelststoetof or tec, caaapstt aad aaost tear IsTSAlsd. A fall lias, all alrst, )tat opewed A. A UCMPBREYA i. I City Itala Baad XaUca. Tbs asls of UcktU' aa Ika care will be die stsUsasd, after Sept.

I0tk taaC iTBeisasIn prMured al Ika tollo'wiag I TBeiwaawt Wahr tM Mais street. Baeeeor, (oppoaile I MB itTA'M tt JJU.O.y 'UU bbu JtyjKavws nri tal aw I JU UA.a a. a VI V'tAJ. 1 Tt iu how Qr uoMa ni noJnoqnaj asm COP IVetiy Fall PreM fcUsuBl. irjiu auji rue aa Sheteioi Orwe Uelte oae aid all to wtu me Lowew 1 vuyiu toaomatadsetlf wscaaaulollrr Iba ireAtsst tUrtctloaia Prion to bs found "JJ At ihrzCHEAPv STOWL MILLER.

324UMAIIiU5TBEETiu ttam5rtmmmemm aa FOLLOWIMO l3JIU0JCf trisJ): BPECtaXe CTOMAA lllAANKr.Tv, AA WU0LBIU.a BBTalb. nOBBB BBUBlltJa, CTJBKY OONB8, slUCIifaLES. It, A base eeiaaeaim far aale'tr I i II JJ Ota UkJfJJin. I Mala Btrett. ft I hi i ill QOBBTAHT BBS rWU AAlarY XOVBJTIEBibttt 'i WA.MVryi BKUIIY li( UGUTON'i 'in but mn.sMriui:il Mr MMU 8Ult' A rWiyattl: A attrf JUlAck O'J 9, hmere JO UJIiTIll Tl ta ajpwartt.

blU WM BlAwCk Aliiica8T Wfw) wAlbaftBMaJ Wr MDhalr, aif BlrlUlJantlnet, Ilenrlet Cloths, linn Fan am Tb dnt utonaual at A P. Alb A Co, Ot I mn I lo rn'Jiiiyt Mail sots of this, oar Mack ot tnd8boet Itaow mllibimtltTtfy lo tell ud tramlu aaimy AAd prlss. JOMPHFBTBRS.amjMlJBB. i is oomplels, tad hal) Lgai. UMapat amloe wealtle eaA Betas, 117 Malt atreel.

tee sTV i Offloe of tbs Com suy, all Male J. W. Baesaor.asal VaomrCoUeri a. Hitchcock, Bur. FarBltara UpkoWend tad VanUhcd.

Wcrk csllsd fdrud daUrered lo uy part of lasdty wksa aooa, bes efahain, ws are mllUg las beat Repp Loaage latbssUylor $ia CsfludsaUATy yoareelf before parceee ls slstahan. i.j jaijjuitarin uAii, BM BTI htals Btreet. Wawh aearyLadyla tVkeepeia waa tTlnliiilil Aeylng BlsrA Oaakmeraa mlgkl laaBblaam asfon ptrckiauvr; at nine laty aaaaMM sisaueo euaer la pries, asi hTaraoloT i.fcBHAH, imaiirs all MaU Blrsst. Aa IatTacMAaT aw Bwarr patnGonoa to Ikt tassel ttaaasst watch an apt to get lata tba beggaga ot hoaal awaau tad Ireeel Isrs. by boot aad aatl, bibs lailePow tea Oaa told with Katwi aa latan thtlltmia was "aaww bow atlser Iba baggage if their samia to haam aa attiamltaed to ihsU seiabrlaimastB, bal aeseest It by las llsMly tee of ibaahna aamsd pantylag Ataatt The larger ami tarn are mttlfeetly ikt mo Bailable let aba tusirsmuls al a he.

el ai earner. Beat by att PraggloiA sad Oiosarv Dwbct a UniBwTaa. ns M. rETTEUIr CHmAI UKT (OOOD BTORBt N. 144 Main tw iiEt.

TJfl a iJb MB ftrocc or NEW ilttrJS (J00D3 For Fall and Winter: Veift To bs BoU At Low Pr'lcrt. BLACK amahfCOLOttCD1 BBK rBaWOIJOT9tal49ctAhIsM. lilack A Colored A I Werth to Casta a wd. to Bob) ty BLACK 0ff to ts ioU awwiuewcesir. BLACK OABmMERX Vm Vbssp.

HablUlaa.laM i. tlllA BB TKupBoot of kat yarlctt weem leaaawler AwaAatWaaTle aoel at aw.eaMaaMMaaaeaab. I waa a Cloths and CulitnertM From ti Ceatt ta ItOs. RID FLAaMBJa treat to oratt apw. amira tat raaia tlabbbu Tar cam Sue lsa BB.e le FKLTi BKIUTS, From cm.

to 1 00. C1N ON rXAKRKL ai ceeu apex Tae laiaawtajmet kaaii', uoatea UJiDEit.VKAt. niBtoN gyi AUK1CIIL1 DBAle leaaw bajlBta PAM SAesoutaya. a.fUaOa aaaammbaaWe iimiiIiI ajeMAaiay toa tAeeaae. aBAtm 1 1 1 ea)Aaaea tMaaaem may bt had ai e.

ae Hjoot. lAAf OBAKD CKHTRAt t.a FadCt Good j. EstAbliahin'Bb A1S MAIJI i fl A J. Maa. lj Sir a j.

rKKoiraoN, A AtAAAaJ hS IB) t. CoHas ind Rag CtMl UU. UAI I UD, A JLTO, UUUB. AathAUaS lie7 KBkJiamaB. CtiriTI WUtM TV UaMJatBa.

Ml aMflAlM IrsurbU aUalMlatg I aaw 2 1 atttMaBat lninese VAX KLKE BOO BtAQI CM, nBOBtt'i rrtyaUiTT riVN UORkHS aaa ten BanaBBitaw aji awrrtm, wBaj BRaaj maji an, aBwaa miaU Ill llllWP I IJKRmJB.ALlSfjriLTI va TWImm I aiatehBT fca JgaMBal jafA, fcfc JSMMK I i aaawj PB0F.Iri,lrAILLY A.Aejeeemlhslt.maMB!Si evTl Mtitfw 1 Uh iimiAfc Wee lasta ta tMil'ZAf WliitaJQIMAftD COAL, iAw SaJty frTTt.Tfi" iTOYaV rrHjYB i ToybjoCi How It lbs AABaja TAkltTT or in tKt.llU. Clrcuppr 'Ali'Vi l'f OF Dress VJeAIt. vWi LADIES' VKjra, fct told tor OBtLBBU earra new a aaeU eraaear. Hat CULUBXll BUIItTB at tl'ceaia Awp MmI Whits Bhlrte ssd Unwen. worth eesta, bs sold for ml.

HUtiLUf a 8peelAltjr.u Qreat Iwaaaaaaal lm CAUOOBS, WaareaeMJWltaawa.iaer aaraamf aasame CAUOw oa. owe meer ame aeaarjat a eaam lsama era soosaeir CAMS. M. HlAHtAid Vtulwraa'a AaBOaams raaaat ana Ledletl BOBBma.t tad It W' pafc. ua aeuwoi a.

H.VH mir loTBB tyerseaa newaajrewNiai AWMt i ja wTlar r. "M.fFOTTl9..'llrtTf I waew fj and Chlldrcii'i Usi taf ALLCHOAUtim AMO'MOOT WAiMtOaA' ltal prilaamf TV Fall Vlnter. eHlT saiw mat. la Btl DwseriptlotM. 3Caa lie laiia.nnqaliii eeetatw nafcaaioav 'I Ahew gaaBjaaitBMj at All aTlatrB, Iai a.

aaataABB, ats mate ma 'ywi'1 IU AMU I IVISPT" prtAw on dathbj I ffiaA mO I ati am ajf ttEDICii ELECTBItlAJfJ 1 ktAltaB VAsJtcal Ou at aa Ml kl LaKjaOUtJutFor Dyat Ibmma'sC We Invite special ft lii. Aiv attention we havesomo' of the o'ltKATICSf IUR OAINS (cvcr.iishowi I t.l..f wV "'Mete' In viliifKri bros. IIBUTJ, Tj raOfilMALVST. OUK PYUAH1U. IF TOU iWultllluillva, Waot a aaleemaa, Wul a telTut to rent a itore, Waal io Mil.

a pleao, Wut IS sell is korae, Wsat to pay or a Watt lo Ire oereal a Wut a guJ boarding Wul la ltd or borrow moasy, Wul io boy' a eecond haad carriage. tottd Urajed Want to tad. uytblsg yoa ban lost. Wut to tad owner lor uy'ihlsg jaad. Wsat to accompllah aajthUg aader Iks tea, Yoacu doll easily Ikrougaittcnlamtat Tha DAILY low ram for Cash, Bem'aatrte A4emiBeBta, bt tw erewweaMBABOTB Ba auaabTM esatui.

niuttMsf ta.terwtBamawa,BWl ifcaaimaa aw tt rATAL POWItRir for 1 eoeaa ro i aaawsxuoTT aro. erne Ateam tmw.liIMI,BmiBn aarsa unreat Be Aeie.1 a aunt. Ba BUrBOTUABTO WOAtAB.O ailiirsW i i ire aiaaaii. rwMiiw.f sreia.liirlit.ia) aosae, Beaaaa JBaBBCBTe A lUtOWMbV TOOTH Aamlsaw. Att taaraaaA "JiPTlBaiBlaa, Ats.

arw lajaa mea of aa My VaaartBath ArraaLaeaaaBU I laua tat eewaaeeawwm Are i mi I ima waa at aew ai I.I.H o.aiaeAaaiai. aesj Inter aaZ.awet a.ava.h7.awaieeraieet Set St mrVaamae. OtAtA' Bav Ilawtty rLi VV.mal eeaBW gEYurr) BRILLIANT OIL Tbs asm nattee Trtaotaoamea BeiaawaJMoi oae a.aMa.s.M let a aBatm.S. i 108 i cBBiioa DBn ui jt anaiai miw. eta Baa.

A 'li rawinarUsoiaO Hi icAariiSMuiua mnetlAieiaMiirni OrSot Bolsi treat A. M. to It M. taA 1 1 mP.a1,aBdttolP.m. rfTioa rasa i ttttsAjaa oolti foot Boax.

raxnzt 'Mr tl 0 IkMWAr eawl. tsV.

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